一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,字形、字音都正确的一项是()A. 沉鱼落雁恣意妄为B. 谦逊有礼融会贯通C. 鸡鸣狗盗妙手偶得D. 风驰电掣呼啸山林2. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是()A. 他不仅在学术上有很高的成就,而且是一位优秀的演讲家。
B. 这个计划不仅受到了大家的支持,还得到了上级领导的批准。
C. 他的研究成果在国际上产生了广泛的影响,被誉为我国植物学领域的领军人物。
D. 由于连续加班,他的身体状况急剧恶化,不得不请假休息。
3. 下列各句中,没有错别字的一项是()A. 翠色欲流,碧波荡漾。
B. 气壮山河,意气风发。
C. 雕梁画栋,金碧辉煌。
D. 翠色欲滴,碧波荡漾。
4. 下列各句中,没有使用比喻修辞手法的一项是()A. 月亮像一面银盘,静静地挂在天空中。
B. 他的笑容像阳光一样温暖。
C. 她的声音像夜莺一样动听。
D. 那座山就像一位守卫边疆的战士。
5. 下列各句中,没有使用夸张修辞手法的一项是()A. 他跑得像风一样快。
B. 这本书厚得像一座山。
C. 她的歌声如天籁之音。
D. 这场雨下得像瀑布一样。
6. 下列各句中,没有使用拟人修辞手法的一项是()A. 风儿轻轻地拂过脸庞。
B. 雨滴在窗户上跳舞。
C. 树叶在风中沙沙作响。
D. 花儿在阳光下绽放。
7. 下列各句中,没有使用排比修辞手法的一项是()A. 春天来了,万物复苏,草木生长,花开满园。
B. 那是一座座高耸的山峰,一片片广阔的草原,一条条蜿蜒的河流。
C. 她是美丽的,是聪明的,是善良的。
D. 我们要努力学习,要积极向上,要勇于创新。
8. 下列各句中,没有使用设问修辞手法的一项是()A. 什么是真正的友谊?B. 这本书的价值在哪里?C. 为什么他会取得这样的成绩?D. 这句话是什么意思?二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)9. 下列诗句出自哪位诗人?()千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。
10. 下列词语出自哪部作品?()草长莺飞二月天,拂堤杨柳醉春烟。
浙江省湖州市第二中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考数学试题一、单选题 1.计算()221i -的结果是( )A .2iB .2i -C .iD .i -2.已知a r ,b r 为单位向量,则“a r ,b r 的夹角为23π”是“a b -=r r 的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件3.已知事件A 、B 相互独立,()0.4,()0.3P A P B ==,则()P A B +=( ) A .0.58B .0.9C .0.7D .0.724.从3名男老师和4名女老师中任选3名老师,那么互斥而不对立的事件是( ) A .至少有一名男老师与都是男老师 B .至少有一名男老师与都是女老师 C .恰有一名男老师与恰有两名男老师 D .至少有一名男老师与至少有一名女老师5.若甲、乙两个圆柱的体积相等,底面积分别为S 甲和S 乙,侧面积分别为1S 和2S .若2SS=甲乙,则12S S =( ) ABC.D6.已知圆锥的高为8,底面圆的半径为4,顶点与底面的圆周在同一个球的球面上,则该球的表面积为( ) A .100πB .68πC .52πD .50π7.某测量爱好者在城市CBD 核心区测量一座国际金融中心摩天大楼时,过国际金融中心摩天大楼底部(当作点Q )一直线上位于Q 同侧两点A ,B 分别测得摩天大楼顶部点P 的仰角依次为30°,45°,已知AB 的长度为330米,则金融中心的高度约为( )A .350米B .400米C .450米D .500米8.在平行四边形ABCD 中,E 为CD 的中点,13BF BC =u u u r u u u r,AF 与BE 交于点G ,过点G 的直线分别与射线BA ,BC 交于点M ,N ,BM BA λ=u u u u r u u u r ,BN BC μ=u u ur u u u r ,则2λμ+的最小值为( ) A .1B .87C .97D .95二、多选题9.下列关于向量的说法正确的是( )A .若a b r r P ,b c r r∥,则a c r r ∥B .若单位向量,a b rr 夹角为θ,则向量a r 在向量b r 上的投影向量为cos b θrC .若a r 与b r 不共线,且0sa tb +=r r r ,那么0s t ==D .若a c b c ⋅=⋅r r r r 且0c ≠r r ,则a b =r r10.在ABC V 中,下列说法正确的是( )A .若ABC >>,则sin sin sin A B C >> B .若A B C >>,则sin 2sin 2sin 2A B C >> C .若A B C >>,则cos cos cos A B C <<D .若A B C >>,则cos2cos2cos2A B C << 11.如图,在长方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,4AB =,12BC BB ==,,EF 分别为棱11AB,A D 的中点,则下列说法中正确的有( )A .直线CF 与1AB 为相交直线 B .异面直线1DB 与CE 所成角为90︒C .若P 是棱11CD 上一点,且11D P =,则E C PF 、、、四点共面 D .平面CEF 截该长方体所得的截面可能为六边形三、填空题12.若复数()()222i z m m m =--+-为纯虚数,则实数m =.13.某人上楼梯,每步上1阶的概率为34,每步上2阶的概率为14,设该人从第1阶台阶出发,到达第3阶台阶的概率为.14.在一次高三年级统一考试中,数学试卷有两道满分均为10分的选做题,学生可以从A ,B 两道题目中任选一题作答,某校有900名高三学生参加了本次考试,为了了解该校学生解答该选做题的得分情况,计划从900名学生的选做题成绩中随机抽取一个容量为10的样本,为此将900名学生的选做题成绩随机编号为001,002,,900L .若采用分层随机抽样,按照学生选择A 题目或B 题目,将成绩分为两层,且样本中选择A 题目的成绩有8个,平均数为7,方差为4;样本中选择B 题目的成绩有2个,平均数为8,方差为1,则估计该校900名学生的选做题得分的平均数为,方差为.四、解答题15.已知ABC V 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别是a ,b ,c ,ABC V 的面积为S ,且满足()4tan 0S bc B C +⋅+=.(1)求角A 的大小;(2)若4a =,求ABC V 周长的最大值.16.我国是世界上严重缺水的国家之一,为提倡节约用水,我市为了制定合理的节水方案,对家庭用水情况进行了调查,通过抽样,获得了2021年 100个家庭的月均用水量(单位:t ),将数据按照[0,2),[2,4),[4,6),[6,8),[8,10]分成5组,制成了如图所示的频率分布直方图.(1)求全市家庭月均用水量不低于 6t 的频率;(2)假设同组中的每个数据都用该组区间的中点值代替,求全市家庭月均用水量平均数的估计值;(3)求全市家庭月均用水量的75%分位数的估计值(精确到0.01).17.如图所示,在正三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,12,1AB AA ==,点D 是AB 的中点.(1)证明:1AC ∥平面1CDB ;(2)求异面直线1AC 和BC 所成角的余弦值.18.如图1,在矩形ABCD 中,已知2AB BC ==,E 为AB 的中点.将ADE V 沿DE 向上翻折,进而得到多面体1A BCDE -(如图2).(1)当平面1A DE ⊥平面BED ,求直线1AC 与平面BCD 所成角的正切值; (2)在翻折过程中,求二面角1A DC B --的最大值. 19.已知函数()23,f x x a a a =-+∈R . (1)若函数()f x 为偶函数, 求a 的值; (2)设函数()()[]()81,4g x f x x x=-∈,已知当[]2,8a ∈时,()g x 存在最大值,记为()M a . (i )求()M a 的表达式; (ii )求()M a 的最大值.。
1.设双曲线22221y x a b-=(0a >,0b >)的一条渐近线与抛物线213y x =+有且只有一个公共点,且椭圆22221x y a b +=的焦距为2,则双曲线的标准方程为( )A .22143x y -= B .22143y x -= C .22123x y -= D .22132y x -= 2.设函数()f x 的定义域为R ,满足(2)2()f x f x +=,且当2(]0,x ∈时,()(2)f x x x =--.若对任意(,]x m ∈-∞,都有40()9f x ≤,则m 的取值范围是( ). A .9,4⎛⎤-∞ ⎥⎝⎦ B .19,3⎛⎤-∞ ⎥⎝⎦ C .(,7]-∞ D .23,3⎛⎤-∞ ⎥⎝⎦3.下列函数中,在区间(0,)+∞上单调递减的是( )A .12y x =B .2x y =C .12log y = xD .1y x=- 4.在关于x 的不等式2210ax x ++>中,“1a >”是“2210ax x ++>恒成立”的( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件5.ABC 中,角,,A B C 的对边分别为,,a b c ,若1a =,30B =︒,cos C =ABC 的面积为( )A B C D 6.设集合{}2A x x a =-<<,{}0,2,4B =,若集合A B 中有且仅有2个元素,则实数a 的取值范围为 A .()0,2B .(]2,4C .[)4,+∞ D .(),0-∞7.已知,a b ∈R ,3(21)ai b a i +=--,则|3|a bi +=( )A .10B .23C .3D .48.若复数z 满足()112i z i -=-+,则||Z =( )A .22B .32C .102D .129.设集合{}1,2,3A =,{}220B x x x m =-+=,若{3}A B ⋂=,则B =( ) A .{}1,3- B .{}2,3- C .{}1,2,3-- D .{}310.在ABC ∆中,内角,,A B C 所对的边分别为,,a b c ,若111,,tan tan tan A B C 依次成等差数列,则( ) A .,,a b c 依次成等差数列B .,,a b c 依次成等差数列C .222,,a b c 依次成等差数列D .333,,a b c 依次成等差数列11.若干年前,某教师刚退休的月退休金为6000元,月退休金各种用途占比统计图如下面的条形图.该教师退休后加强了体育锻炼,目前月退休金的各种用途占比统计图如下面的折线图.已知目前的月就医费比刚退休时少100元,则目前该教师的月退休金为( ).A .6500元B .7000元C .7500元D .8000元12.单位正方体ABCD -1111D C B A ,黑、白两蚂蚁从点A 出发沿棱向前爬行,每走完一条棱称为“走完一段”.白蚂蚁爬地的路线是AA 1→A 1D 1→‥,黑蚂蚁爬行的路线是AB →BB 1→‥,它们都遵循如下规则:所爬行的第i +2段与第i 段所在直线必须是异面直线(i ∈N *).设白、黑蚂蚁都走完2020段后各自停止在正方体的某个顶点处,这时黑、白两蚂蚁的距离是( )A .1B 2C 3D .0二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
选择题必须用2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。
1.如图,在平面四边形ABCD 中,满足,AB BC CD AD ==,且10,8AB AD BD +==,沿着BD 把ABD 折起,使点A 到达点P 的位置,且使2PC =,则三棱锥P BCD -体积的最大值为( )A .12B .122C 162D .1632.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若23S =,410S =,则6S =( ) A .21B .22C .11D .123.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知椭圆2222:1(0)x y E a b a b+=>>的右焦点为(),0F c ,若F 到直线20bx ay -=的2,则E 的离心率为( ) A 3B .12C 2D 2 4.若样本1231,1,1,,1n x x x x ++++的平均数是10,方差为2,则对于样本12322,22,22,,22n x x x x ++++,下列结论正确的是( ) A .平均数为20,方差为4 B .平均数为11,方差为4 C .平均数为21,方差为8D .平均数为20,方差为85.下列函数中,既是奇函数,又在(0,1)上是增函数的是( ). A .()ln f x x x = B .()x x f x e e -=- C .()sin 2f x x =D .3()f x x x =-6.各项都是正数的等比数列{}n a 的公比1q ≠,且2311,,2a a a 成等差数列,则3445a a a a ++的值为( )A .152- B .512+ C .512- D .512+或512- 7.已知非零向量a ,b 满足()2a b a -⊥,()2b a b -⊥,则a 与b 的夹角为( ) A .6πB .4π C .3π D .2π 8.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,锐角θ顶点在坐标原点,始边为x 轴正半轴,终边与单位圆交于点5,5P m ⎛⎫⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,则sin 24πθ⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭( )A .210B .1010C .7210D .310109.已知复数为纯虚数(为虚数单位),则实数( )A .-1B .1C .0D .210.若01a b <<<,则b a , a b , log b a ,1log ab 的大小关系为( )A .1log log b a b aa b a b >>> B .1log log a bb ab a b a >>> C .1log log b a b aa ab b >>> D .1log log a b b aa b a b >>> 11.设全集,U R =集合{}{}1,||2M x x N x x =<=>,则()UM N ⋂=( )A .{}|2x x >B .{}|1x x ≥C .{}|12x x <<D .{}|2x x ≥12.复数z 满足()11z z i -=+ (i 为虚数单位),则z 的值是( ) A .1i +B .1i -C .iD .i -二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
2.请按题号顺序在答题卡上各题目的答题区域内作答,写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效,3.选择题用2B 铅笔在答题卡上把所选答案的标号涂黑;非选择题用黑色签字笔在答题卡上作答;字体工整,笔迹清楚。
一、选择题:本题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.关于麦克斯韦电磁场理论,下列说法正确的是( )A.变化的磁场只能在其周围的闭合线圈中产生电场B.只有带电平行板间的变化电场才能在板间产生磁场C.变化的磁场与变化的电场沿同一方向,且与电磁波的传播方向垂直D.电磁波是横波,而且是一种真正的物质2.2024年4月25日,神舟十八号飞船在酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射,神舟十八号飞船在执行任务时可视为在距地面400km 轨道上做匀速圆周运动,每天绕地球约转15圈,已知地球半径约为6400km.下列说法正确的是()A.神舟十八号飞船绕地球运动的线速度小于7.9km/sB.神舟十八号飞船绕地球运动的角速度比地球同步卫星的角速度小C.神舟十八号飞船的向心加速度比地球同步卫星的小D.从飞船发射到绕地稳定运行,宇航员在飞船中始终处于完全失重状态3.物理老师举行技巧挑战赛,要求用一根最大能承受拉力为75N 的细绳,尽可能沿水平地面拉动更重的物体,如图所示.已知物体与水平面间的动摩擦因数为0.75,最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力,物体可视为质点,,,则理论上利用这根细绳能拉动物体的最大重量是( )A.150NB.125NC.100ND.75N4.如图所示的虚线1和实线2分别描述了两个物理量随分子之间的距离变化的规律,为平衡位置,下列说法正确的是()sin 530.8︒=cos530.6︒=0rA.虚线1表示分子间斥力随分子间距离的变化规律B.实线2表示分子间合力随分子间距离的变化规律C.当分子间的距离从接近零时逐渐增大,实线2表示的物理量先减小后增大再减小D.当分子间的距离从接近零时逐渐增大,实线2表示的物理量先增大后减小5.对如图所示的含光敏电阻(阻值随光照强度的增大而减小)的闭合电路,、是定值电阻,电源的电动势和内阻分别为、,电流表是理想电流表,闭合开关S ,增大光敏电阻的光照强度,下列说法正确的是()A.电源的内电压减小B.两端的电压增大C.电流表的示数增大D.光敏电阻的功率一定增大6.一列沿轴正方向传播的简谐横波,在某时刻的波形图如图所示,由于某种原因,中间有一部分波形无法看到,已知该波的频率为2Hz ,根据图像所提供信息,下列说法正确的是()A.波长为2mB.波速为1m/sC.波源的起振方向向下D.从该时刻起经过3s ,平衡位置在4.5m 处质点通过的路程为480cm7.某同学设计了一个电磁推动的火箭发射装置,如图所示.竖直固定在绝缘底座上的两根长直光滑导轨,间距为.导轨间加有垂直于导轨平面向里的匀强磁场,绝缘火箭支撑在导轨间,总质量为,金属棒的电阻为,并通过电刷与电阻可忽略的导轨良好接触.引燃火箭下方的推进剂,迅速推动刚性金属棒(电阻可忽略且和导轨接触良好)向上运动,回路的面积减小,感应出强电流,产生电磁推力推动火箭加2R 0R 1R E r 0R x l B m EF R CD CEFDC EF速运动,重力加速度为,下列说法正确的是()A.火箭开始加速运动时,回路中感应电流的方向沿逆时针B.若在火箭运动前上升的高度为,则流过某一横截面的电荷量为C.若刚要启动时的加速度大小为,则此时回路中的感应电流为D.若火箭上升高度时的速度为,则安培力对做的功为二、选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分.8.如图所示,、是测量高压交流电的两种互感器(均视为理想变压器),假设、都接在交流高压输电线的前端,原、副线圈的匝数比为,原、副线圈的匝数比为,电表的示数与电表的示数之积为,则下列说法正确的是()A.是电流互感器,且为升压变压器B.是电流互感器,且为降压变压器C.若的示数为,则交流高压输电线的输送电流为g CEFDC CD h EF Blh REF a ma BlH v EF 212mv mgH 1T 2T 1T 2T 1T 1:n 2T :1n a b N 1T 2T a M MnD.交流高压输电线的输送功率为9.一定质量的理想气体由状态开始,经历过程,其图像如图,的延长线过坐标原点,与纵轴平行.已知状态下气体的压强为.下列说法正确的是()A.过程气体做等压变化B.状态时气体的压强为C.过程气体一定从外界吸热D.整个过程中气体一定从外界吸热10.质量分别为、的甲、乙两物块(视为质点)用轻质弹簧连接放置在光滑的水平面上,计时开始时,让甲获得一个水平初速度,甲、乙运动的速度—时间图像如图所示,已知阴影部分的面积为,弹簧的弹性势能与弹簧的形变量以及弹簧的劲度系数之间的关系式为,再根据图像所给的信息分析,下列说法正确的是()A.甲获得的初速度为B.0至时间间隔内甲所受冲量的大小为C.弹簧的劲度系数为D.时刻甲、乙的总动能大于三、非选择题:本题共5小题,共54分.11.(6分)某同学用如图所示的实验装置来测量当地的重力加速度和摆球的直径.摆球为磁性摆球,下方放置2Nna abc a →→→T V -ab O bc a 0p a b →c 04p c a →a b c a →→→2m m 0S p E x k 2p 12E kx =043v 1t 023mv 22023mv S 2t 2mv一磁性传感器,引出端连接到数据采集器上.(1)传感器的轴线竖直,其延长线指向悬点;使单摆做小角度摆动,当小球运动到最低点,传感器测量的磁感应强度达____________(填“最大值”或“最小值”),若测得连续(从0开始计数)个磁感应强度极值间的时间间隔为,则单摆的周期__________;(2)由于小球的直径未知,可以让单摆在不同摆线长度的情况下做简谐运动,多次测量,用测得的摆线长度和相应的周期,作出的关系图像是一条倾斜直线,图像的斜率为,纵截距为,则当地的重力加速度_________,摆球的直径_________.12.(9分)有两节完全一样的干电池,某实验小组设计了如图甲所示的电路图,来测量一节干电池的电动势和内阻,设电压表(阻值极大)的示数为,电阻箱的接入阻值为,回答下列问题:(1)根据甲图,在图乙中用笔画线代替导线连接实物图;(2)闭合开关S 1、S 2,改变电阻箱的接入阻值,画出图像是图丙的“1”或“2”其中一条,写出这条线的表达式________(用、、、来表示);断开开关S 2,闭合S 1,改变电阻箱的接入阻值,画出图像是图丙的________(填“1”或“2”);(3)根据图丙所给的已知条件可得,一节干电池的内阻________,电动势_________,图丙两条图线的斜率均为________.(均用“”或“”来表示)13.(10分)如图所示,半径为的半圆柱形玻璃砖放置在水平面上,与水平面的接触点为顶点,一单色细n n t T =l T 2l T -k b -g =d =E r U R R 11R U ---1R -=E r U R R 11RU ---r =E =k =a b R P光束从圆心点射入玻璃砖,延长线与水平面的交点为,折射光线与水平面的交点为,已知折射光线与水平面之间的夹角,、两点间的距离与、,光在真空中的速度为,求:(1)的大小以及玻璃砖对此光的折射率;(2)此光在玻璃砖中的传播时间.(不考虑光在玻璃中的反射)14.(13分)运动员高山滑雪的运动模型简化如下,质量为的运动员乙静止在水平面上的点,运动员甲沿着倾角为37°的斜面以速度从点匀速运动到转折点,当甲运动到处与乙发生弹性碰撞,碰后瞬间,甲乙的速度大小相等,已知甲从到重力冲量的大小为,甲与斜面和水平面间的动摩擦因数相等,、两点间的距离与、两点间的距离相等,甲、乙均视为质点,不计甲经过转折点时的能量损失,重力加速度为,、,求:(1)甲与接触面间的动摩擦因数以及甲的质量;(2)若规定水平向右为正方向,则甲、乙碰撞前、后瞬间甲的速度.15.(16分)如图所示的平面直角坐标系,第Ⅰ、Ⅳ象限存在垂直纸面向里磁感应强度大小为的匀强磁场,第Ⅱ象限存在垂直纸面向外的匀强磁场,第Ⅲ象限存在沿轴负方向电场强度为的匀强电场,四分之一圆弧轨道固定放置在第Ⅲ象限,圆心在轴负半轴上,半径在轴上.一质量为、带电量为的粒子(不计重力)从轴负半轴上的点以速度(与轴的负方向成53°夹角)垂直磁场进入第Ⅳ象限,从轴正半轴上的点进入第Ⅱ象限,然后从点沿轴负方向进入匀强电场,最后粒子运动到圆弧上的某点是的中点,、,求:O N M 60OMP ∠=︒O N O M c PON ∠3m C 03v A B C A B 0109mv I =A B B C B g sin 370.6︒=cos370.8︒=μxOy B y E JK P x PJ x m q y M 0v y y N P x Q O MN sin 530.8︒=cos530.6︒=(1)、两点间的距离;(2)第Ⅱ象限匀强磁场的磁感应强度大小以及粒子从到的运动时间;(3)若改变粒子在点的入射速度的大小以及两个匀强磁场的磁感应强度大小,使粒子从到的运动轨迹不变,同时粒子运动到圆弧轨道上某点的位置不同,速度的大小也不同,当粒子落到点的速度最小时,则粒子从到的运动时间.(结果保留根号)2023~2024学年度5月质量检测·高二物理参考答案、提示及评分细则题号12345678910答案DABACDBACDADBC一、选择题:本题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.【答案】D【解析】变化的磁场能够在周围的空间产生电场,变化的电场能够在周围的空间产生磁场,不需要闭合线圈与电容器,不需要介质,这种现象可以在真空中发生,A 、B 错误;变化的磁场与变化的电场互相垂直,且与电磁波的传播方向垂直,C 错误;电磁波是横波,而且是一种真正的物质,D 正确.2.【答案】A【解析】根据万有引力提供向心力可得,可得,,由于神舟十八号飞船的轨道半径小于地球同步卫星的轨道半径,则神舟十八号飞船的角速度比地球同步卫星的角速度大,向心加速度比地球同步卫星的大;地球第一宇宙速度7.9km/s 是卫星绕地球做匀速圆周运动的最大线速度,则神舟十八号飞船的运行速度小于7.9km/s ,A 正确,BC 错误;飞船加速发射阶段宇航员处于超重状态,D错误.O N M P M 0v M P Q Q P Q 222224GMm mv m r m r ma r T r πω====ω=2GM a r =v =3.【答案】B【解析】设绳子与水平方向的夹角为时,能拉动物体的重量为,根据平衡条件得竖直方向有,水平方向有,又,联立可得,可知当时,重物的重量最大为125N ,故B 正确.4.【答案】A【解析】虚线1表示分子间斥力随分子间距离的变化规律,A 正确;实线2表示分子势能随分子间距离的变化规律,当分子间的距离增大,实线2表示的物理量即分子势能由正变为0再变成最小值(负值)然后再增大接近0,即实线2表示的物理量先减小后增大,B 、C 、D 错误.5.【答案】C【解析】增大光敏电阻的光照强度,光敏电阻的电阻减小,总电阻减小,由闭合电路欧姆定律可得通过内阻的电流增大,由欧姆定律可得,电源的内电压增大,A 错误;由闭合电路欧姆定律可得,的电压即外电压减小,B 错误;的电流减小,则、以及电流表的电流均增大,C 正确;减小,电流增大,则功率不一定增大,D 错误.6.【答案】D【解析】由图像可知,A 错误;波速,B 错误;在时刻,平衡位置在5m 处的质点正向上振动,则波源的起振方向向上,C 错误;再经过3s ,平衡位置在4.5m 处质点通过的路程为,D 正确.7.【答案】B【解析】由右手定则可得,在上升的过程中,产生的电流由到,则火箭开始加速运动时,回路中感应电流的方向沿顺时针,A 错误;由、、,综合可得,结合,可得,B 正确;对进行受力分析,由牛顿第二定理可得,解得,C 错误;当火箭上升的高度为时获得的速度为,由动能定理可得,解得,D 错误.二、选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分.8.【答案】ACD【解析】串联在高压电线上测量电流,是电流互感器,且是升压变压器,A 正确;并联在高压电线上测量电压,是电压互感器,且是降压变压器,B 错误;若的示数为,根据理想变压器的原理,交流高压输电线的输送电流为,C 正确;设交流高压输电线的输送电流、输送电压分别为、,则输送功率为θG max sin G T N θ=+max cos T f θ=f N μ=()100cos 75sin 125sin 53N G θθθ=+=+︒37θ=︒2R r 0R 0R 1R 2R 2R 4m λ=8m/s v f λ==0t =32420cm 480cm s =⨯⨯⨯=CD D C CEFDC E t ∆Φ=∆E I R =q I t =∆q R∆Φ=Blh ∆Φ=Blhq R=EF BIl mg ma -=mg ma I Bl +=H v 212W mgH mv -=安212W mgH mv =+安1T 2T a M Mn 1I 1U,设电表、的示数分别为、,由理想变压器的原理可得、,由题意可得,综合可得,D 正确,9.【答案】AD【解析】的延长线过坐标原点,过程气体做等压变化,A 正确;过程由气体状态方程,可得,B 错误;过程气体体积增大,对外做功,温度降低,内能减小,无法判断气体是吸热还是放热,C 错误;整个过程中,过程中外界对气体做功,,过程不做功,过程中气体对外界做功大于,根据可知,气体一定从外界吸热,D 正确.10.【答案】BC【解析】分析图可知时刻甲、乙达到共同速度,设甲获得的初速度为,由系统的动量守恒定律可得,解得,A 错误;0至时间间隔内,对甲应用动量定理可得,计算可得,B 正确;分析题意可得0时刻弹簧处于原长,设时刻弹簧的形变量为,已知阴影部分的面积为,则有,设弹簧的劲度系数为,则有,由系统的机械能守恒定律可得,综合解得,C 正确;时刻弹簧恢复原长,弹性势能为0,由系统的总机械能守恒可得时刻甲、乙的总动能等于0时刻甲的动能,D 错误.三、非选择题:本题共5小题,共54分.11.【答案】(6分)(1)最大值(2)【解析】(1)传感器的轴线位于悬点的正下方,使单摆做小角度摆动,当小球运动到最低点,传感器测量的磁感应强度达最大值,若测得连续(从0开始计数)个磁感应强度极值间的时间间隔为,则有,解得;(2)由单摆的周期公式可得,整理可得,则关系图像的斜率,纵截距,综合解得,.11P U I =a b 2I 2U 12I n I =12Un U =22N U I =2P Nn =ab O a b →c a →0000044c p V p V T T =016c p p =c a →a b c a →→→a b →003p V ⨯b c →c a →003p V ⨯U Q W ∆=+1t 023v v ()02223mv m m v =+0v v =1t 002223I mv m v =-023I mv =1t 0x 0S 00x S =k 2p 012E kx =()22p 0011222223E mv m m v ⎛⎫=⨯-+ ⎪⎝⎭202023mv k S =2t 2t 20mv 2tn24k π2bn n t 2nT t =2t T n=2T =220.54g l T d π=-2l T -24k g π=0.5b d -=-24g k π=2d b =12.【答案】(9分)(1)如图所示(2)1(3)【解析】(1)用笔划线代替导线连接实物图如图所示;(2)闭合开关S 1、S 2有,变形可得;同理断开开关S 2,闭合开关S 1,由闭合电路欧姆定律可得,变形可得,由截距大小可知断开开关S 2,闭合开关S 1,对应的图像为1,闭合开关S 1、S 2对应的图像为2;(3)由图乙的1可得,解得,由图乙的2可得,解得,图丙两条图线的斜率为.13.【答案】(1)45°(2【解析】(1)设光线在点的入射角、折射角分别为、,则有,又综合解得,玻璃砖对此光的折射率(2)光在玻璃砖中的传播速度为传播时间为11E U r r --12b 1a 2b a()U E R r R =+111E R U r r --=-()22UE R r R =+1112E R U r r--=-12b r -=-12r b =10E a r r =-1E a=2E b k r a==O i r 9030r OMP =︒-∠=︒sin 60ROM =︒ON OM -=ON =45i PON =∠=︒sin sin in r==cv n=Rt v=综合可得14.【答案】(1)0.75 (2)【解析】(1)甲沿斜面下滑,把重力分别沿着斜面和垂直斜面分解,由二力平衡可得、结合综合解得甲、乙发生弹性碰撞,若碰撞刚结束时甲与乙的速度大小相等方向相同,则两者达共速,是完全非弹性碰撞,所以碰撞刚结束后甲的速度与乙的速度等大反向设甲、乙刚要碰撞前甲的速度为,碰撞刚结束时,设甲的速度为,乙的速度为由弹性碰撞规律可得解得,可得(2)设甲从到的运动时间为,则有、与、两点间的距离均为甲从到,由匀减速直线运动规律可得结合综合解得,则有15.【答案】(1)(2) (3【解析】(1)设粒子在第Ⅰ、Ⅳ象限运动的轨迹半径为,圆心为,由洛伦兹力充当向心力可得粒子在点的速度与轴的负方向成53°夹角,连接、,由圆周运动的对称性与几何关系可得综合解得、t =m0v -sin 37f mg =︒N cos37F mg =︒N f F μ=0.75μ=1v 2v -2v ()1223m v m v mv =-+甲甲2221221113222m v m v mv =+⨯甲甲2133m m v v m m --=+甲甲2123m v v m m=+甲甲m m=甲A B t I m gt=甲A B B C 03d v t=B C ()220123gd v v μ=-0109mv I =102v v =20v v -=-045mv Bq 0.25B 6730m Bq πr 1O 200v Bqv m r=M y 1O M 1O N sin 53ON OM r ==︒0mv r Bq =045mv ON Bq=(2)设粒子在第Ⅱ象限运动的轨迹半径为,圆心为,第Ⅱ象限匀强磁场的磁感应强度为,由洛伦兹力充当向心力可得连接、,同理可得综合解得、由匀速圆周运动规律可得粒子从到的运动时间为解得(3)粒子从到做类平抛运动,设运动时间为,到达点的速度为,则有,,综合可得由数学知识可得当时,结合、综合解得R 2O 2B 2020v B qv m R =2O N 2O P sin 53R R ON-︒=04mv R Bq=20.25B B =M P ()0003602532372360360r Rt v v ππ︒-⨯︒︒⨯=+︒︒06730qt mB π=P Q t Q v v =0x v t =212y at =)222x y +=v =22224R a t t =v =Eq a m =04mv R Bq=t =。
河南省许昌2023-2024学年高三下学期5月月考试题 地理含答案
2024学年成都市双流区高三下学期5月月考数学试题文试题注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置.3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.5.如需作图,须用2B 铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。
1.设{1,0,1,2}U =-,集合2{|1,}A x x x U =<∈,则U C A =( )A .{0,1,2}B .{1,1,2}-C .{1,0,2}-D .{1,0,1}- 2.已知抛物线22(0)y px p =>上一点(5,)t 到焦点的距离为6,P Q 、分别为抛物线与圆22(6)1x y -+=上的动点,则PQ 的最小值为( ) A .211- B .525- C .25 D .251-3.()()()cos 0,0f x A x A ωϕω=+>>的图象如图所示,()()sin g x A x ωϕ=--,若将()y f x =的图象向左平移()0a a >个单位长度后所得图象与()y g x =的图象重合,则a 可取的值的是( )A .112πB .512πC .712πD .11π124.已知函数()ln f x x =,()()23g x m x n =++,若()0,x ∀∈+∞总有()()f x g x ≤恒成立.记()23m n +的最小值为(),F m n ,则(),F m n 的最大值为( )A .1B .1eC .21eD .31e5.已知棱锥的三视图如图所示,其中俯视图是等腰直角三角形,则该三棱锥的四个面中,最大面积为( )A .22B .23C .4D .266.网格纸上小正方形边长为1单位长度,粗线画出的是某几何体的三视图,则此几何体的体积为( )A .1B .43C .3D .4 7.2-31i i=+( ) A .15-22i B .15--22i C .15+22i D .15-+22i 8.设函数()f x 在R 上可导,其导函数为()f x ',若函数()f x 在1x =处取得极大值,则函数()y xf x =-'的图象可能是( ) A . B .C .D .9.已知下列命题:①“2,56x R x x ∀∈+>”的否定是“2,56x R x x ∃∈+≤”;②已知,p q 为两个命题,若“p q ∨”为假命题,则“()()p q ⌝∧⌝”为真命题;③“2019a >”是“2020a >”的充分不必要条件;④“若0xy =,则0x =且0y =”的逆否命题为真命题.其中真命题的序号为( )A .③④B .①②C .①③D .②④ 10.已知双曲线),其右焦点F 的坐标为,点是第一象限内双曲线渐近线上的一点,为坐标原点,满足,线段交双曲线于点.若为的中点,则双曲线的离心率为( )A .B .2C .D .11.已知函数31()sin ln 1x f x x x x +⎛⎫=++ ⎪-⎝⎭,若(21)(0)f a f ->,则a 的取值范围为( ) A .1,2⎛⎫+∞ ⎪⎝⎭ B .()0,1 C .1,12⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ D .10,2⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭12.复数1i i +=( )A .2i -B .12iC .0D .2i二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
四川省成都市2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考试题 数学含答案
成都2023~2024学年度下期高2025届五月月考数学试题(答案在最后)(满分150分,考试时间120分钟)一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.在等差数列{}n a 中,已知2810a a +=,则9S =()A .90B .60C .30D .452.端午节即将来临,小李妈妈做了5个粽子放在盘子中,其中两个为鲜肉馅,三个为红豆馅,现在小李从盘中随机取出两个粽子,若已知小李取到的两个粽子为同一种馅,则小李取到的两个粽子都是红豆馅的概率为()A .15B .35C .34D .143.已知随机变量X 的分布列如下表所示,且满足()0E X =,则()21D X +=()A .1B .2C .3D .44.2233除以5的余数是()A .1B .2C .3D .45.已知各项为正数的等比数列{}n a 的首项11a =,且213,6,a a a 成等差数列,若2,,n nn b a n -⎧=⎨⎩为偶数为奇数,且{}n b 的前n 项和为n S ,则满足280n S >的最小正整数n 的值为()A.1B.2C.3D.46.如图是函数32()f x x bx cx d =+++的大致图象,则21x x -=()A .33B .233C .2D .437.某单位组织团建活动,6位员工从,,,A B C D 这4个项目中选择3个项目参与,其中每个人都只参与一个项目,若A 项目必须有人参加,且参加人数为偶数,则不同的参与方式有()种A .720B .360C .480D .1080X1-02Pa12b8.若1,,22m n ⎡⎤∀∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,都有2ln 3(1)am m n n m++≥-成立,则实数a 的取值范围是()A .(]0,1B .()1,3C .[)1,+∞D .(),1-∞二、选择题:本大题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9.已知二项式(3nx -的展开式中各项系数和为64,则下列说法正确的有()A .展开式中共有6项B .展开式中的第5项为4135x C .二项式系数的最大值为20D .展开式中存在常数项10.已知各项为正数的数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,11a =,11(2)n n n a n S S -=≥+,则下列结论正确的是()A .12a a >B .数列{}n S 是等差数列C .数列11{}n nS S ++的前101-D .1ln n nS n S -≥11.已知()()()()1ln ,e 1xf x x xg x x =+=+(其中e 2.71828= 为自然对数的底数),则下列结论正确的是()A.()f x '为函数()f x 的导函数,则方程()()2680f x f x ⎡⎤-''+=⎣⎦有3个不等的实数解B.()()()0,,x f x g x ∃∈+∞=C.若()()12(0)f x g x t t ==>,则21(1)x x t +=D.若关于x 的不等式()(121)f x axg b x x x+≤+≤+-恒成立,则实数a 的取值范围是[]1,e 三、填空题:本大题共3小题,每小题5分,共计15分.12.6人站成一排,其中甲、乙不相邻的站法有种.13.定义在R 上的函数()f x 满足:()()0,(1),f x f x f e '-<=则不等式1(ln )2f x ________.14.甲、乙、丙三人投篮,每次由其中一人投篮,第1次由甲投篮,规则如下:若命中则此人继续投篮,若未命中则随机在另外两人中等可能地指定一人投篮.无论之前投篮情况如何,甲、乙、丙三人每次投篮的命中率均为0.5.则第4次投篮的人是甲的概率为______.四、解答题:本大题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15.(本小题13分)如图,多面体ABCDEF 中,四边形ABCD 为菱形,π3BAD ∠=,22BD DE BF ===,DE AC ⊥,//BF DE .(1)求证:平面ACF ⊥平面BDEF ;(2)当BF CD ⊥时,求平面ACE 与平面ACF 所成角的余弦值.16.(本小题15分)盒子中装有大小形状相同的5个小球,其中3个白色,2个红色.(1)现从中任取3个球,求取出的球中有红球的概率;(2)每次取一球,若取出的是白球,则不放回;若取出的是红球,则取后放回.①取两次,求恰好一个红球和一个白球的概率;②取两次,记取到白球的个数为随机变量X ,求随机变量X 的分布列及均值.17.(本小题15分)函数()*()2ln 1n f x x x n =++∈N 在点(1,(1))f 处的切线l 经过点(),1n a .(1)证明:数列11n a ⎧⎫-⎨⎬⎩⎭是等比数列.(2)数列21n n na a ⎧⎫⎨⎬-⎩⎭的前n 项和n T ,求证:4n T <.18.(本小题17分)已知F 为抛物线2:2x y Γ=的焦点,过F 的直线交Γ于,A B 两点(点A 在第一象限),直线AO 交Γ的准线于点E ,设Γ在B 点处的切线l 与x 轴的交点为M .(1)求证:点M 为EF 的中点;(2)过点B 作l 的垂线与直线AO 交于点G ,求2)(ABE ABO ABGS S S ⋅ .19.(本小题17分)(1)证明:当120x x <<时,211221ln ln 2x x x xx x -+<-;(2)已知函数()2ln f x x x ax bx =-+,其中,R a b ∈.①证明:对任意两个不相等的正数12,x x ,曲线()y f x =在()()11,x f x 和()()22,x f x 处的切线均不重合;②当2b a =时,若1a >,函数()()f x g x x =有两个零点12,x x ,是否存在1221x x a a+>+-的关系?若存在,请证明;若不存在,请说明理由.成都2023~2024学年度下期高2025届五月月考数学答案一、选择题1-4DCDD 5-8CBAC二、选择题9.BC 10.ACD 11.ACD 三、填空题12.48013.2(,)e +∞14.1132四、解答题15.(1)因为//BF DE ,所以点,,,B D E F 四点共面,又四边形ABCD 为菱形,所以AC BD ⊥,因为DE AC ⊥,BD DE D ⋂=,,BD DE ⊂平面BDEF ,所以AC ⊥平面BDEF ,又AC ⊂平面ACF ,所以平面ACF ⊥平面BDEF ............................6分(2)因为//BF DE ,BF CD ⊥,所以DE CD ⊥,又因为,DE AC CD AC C ⊥= ,所以DE ⊥平面ABCD ,............................7分设BD 交AC 于O ,则以OA 为x 轴,OB 为y 轴,过点O 且平行于DE 的方向为z 轴,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系O xyz -,因为1BF =,四边形ABCD 为菱形,π3BAD ∠=,则2,AB AD BD DE AC =====)()()(),0,1,1,0,1,2,AF E C -,则())(),,1,2AC CF AE =-==-...........................9分不妨设平面ACF 的法向量为(),,m x y z =,则0m AC m CF y z ⎧⋅=-=⎪⎨⋅=++=⎪⎩ ,取1y =,得()0,1,1m =- ,...........................10分设平面ACE 的法向量为(),,n x y z =,020AE n AC n y z ⎧⋅=-=⎪⎨⋅=-+=⎪⎩,所以()0,2,1n = ...........................11分设平面ACE 与平面ACF 所成角为θ,则cos 10m n m nθ⋅===⋅ ,...........................12分故平面ACE 与平面ACF 所成角的余弦值为1010 (13)分16.(1)取出的球中有红球的概率为122132323333559110C C C C C P C C ⋅+⋅==-=............................3分(2)①记事件A :第一次取到是红球,事件B :第二次取到是红球,则()()()()()()223275455350P P AB P AB P A P B A P A P B A =+=+=⨯+⨯=;..........................7分②随机变量X 可取0,1,2,..........................8分()40525252P X ==⨯=,()27150P X ==,()32325410P X ==⨯=,..........................11分随机变量X 分布列如下:X012P4252750310..........................13分所以()42701225535750010E X =⨯+⨯+⨯=;..........................15分17.(1)1()2nf x x'=+,则(1)21n f '=+,因为1(1)2n f =+,所以l 的方程为()()21211n n y x --=+-,即()21ny x =+,..........................3分令()211nn a +=,得121n n a =+,..........................4分所以112nna -=,所以111211+-=-n na a ,所以数列11n a ⎧⎫-⎨⎬⎩⎭是首项为2,公比为2的等比数列..........................7分(2)由(2)知1221121n n nnna n na a -==--,..........................9分则01211232222n n n T -=++++ ,则123112322222n n nT =++++ ,..........................11分所以0112111111122212222222212nn n n n n nn n n T T -⎛⎫- ⎪+⎝⎭-=++++-=-=-- ,故1242n n n T -+=-,..........................14分120,2n n -+>4n T ∴<...........................15分18.(1)易知抛物线焦点10,2F ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,准线方程为12y =-;..........................1分设直线AB 的方程为()()112211,,,,0,()2y kx A x y B x y x =>+联立2122y kx x y ⎧=+⎪⎨⎪=⎩得2210x kx --=,可得21212Δ44021k x x kx x ⎧=+>⎪+=⎨⎪=-⎩,所以211x x -=;..........................4分对于21,2y x y x ='=;可得l 的斜率为2x ,所以l 的方程为()222y y x x x -=-,即为2222x y x x =-,令0y =得2,02x M ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭;..........................6分直线OA 的方程为1112y x y x x x ==,令12y =-得111,2E x ⎛⎫-- ⎪⎝⎭,即21,2E x ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭...........................7分又10,2F ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,因为22110,()0222x x +=-+=,所以M 为EF 的中点...........................9分(2)22(||||||||||||)ABE A E ABO ABG A A G S x x AE S S AO AG x x x -==⋅⋅⋅- ,........................11分由(1)中l 的斜率为2x 可得过点B 的l 的垂线斜率为21x -,所以过点B 的l 的垂线的方程为()2221y y x x x -=--,即222112x y x x =-++,........................12分联立22211122x y x x x y x ⎧=-++⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩,解得G 的纵坐标为()2222G x x x =+,2(0)x <........................14分由(1)知2E x x =,121A x x x =-=,所以()2222222222222222211()2||1111||||([2]2A E A A G x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x --++-===⋅--⋅--+++.........................17分19.【详解】(1)令21x t x =,则1t >.........................1分令2(1)()ln ,(1)1t F t t t t -=->+,(1)0F =,则22(1)()0(1)t F t t t -'=>+,()F t ∴在(1,)t ∈+∞单调递增;()(1)0F t F ∴>=,2(1)ln 1t t t -∴>+,........................3分2212112(1)ln1x x x x x x -∴>+,2121212()ln ln x x x x x x -∴->+,120x x << ,211221ln ln 2x x x xx x -+∴<-.........................5分(2)①由函数()2ln f x ax bx x x =++,可得()2ln 1f x ax x b =+++',不妨设120x x <<,曲线()y f x =在()()11,x f x 处的切线方程为()()()1111:l y f x f x x x -=-',即()()()1111y f x x f x x f x +-''=........................7分同理曲线()y f x =在()()22,x f x 处的切线方程为()()()22222:l y f x x f x x f x =+'-',假设1l 与2l 重合,则()()()()()()12111222f x f x f x x f x f x x f x ''''⎧=⎪⎨-=-⎪⎩,代入化简可得()()212121ln ln 201(0)x x a x x a x x a ⎧-+-=⎪⎨+=-<⎪⎩,........................9分两式消去a ,可得212121ln ln 20x x x x x x ---=+,整理得212121ln ln 2x x x xx x -+=-,由(1)的结论知212121ln ln 2x x x x x x -+<-,与上式矛盾即对任意实数,a b 及任意不相等的正数121,,x x l 与2l 均不重合.........................11分②因为2()ln g x x ax a =-+,0x >,1a >,所以11()axg x a x x'-=-=,当10x a<<时,()0g x '>,()g x 单调递增,当1x a>时,()0g x '<,()g x 单调递减,........................12分又当1a >时,2211(1)ln1024a g a a ⎛⎫=-- ⎪⎝⎭-+>=恒成立,当x 趋于0时,()g x 趋于无穷小;当x 趋于无穷大时,()g x 趋于无穷小;所以()g x 在()()0,1,1,+∞上各有一个零点,........................13分不妨设1201x x <<<,则211ln x ax a =-,222ln x ax a =-.由(1)知,函数2(1)()ln 1x F x x x -=-+在()0,∞+上单调递增,(1)0F =,故当(0,1)x ∈时,()0<F x ,即2(1)ln 1x x x -<+,当(1,)x ∈+∞时,()0F x >,即2(1)ln 1x x x ->+,所以()1211211x ax a x --<+,()2222211x ax a x -->+,........................15分所以()()()()()()221112221210121ax ax x axa x x -+--<<-+--,整理可得:()()()222121220a x x a a x x -+---<,即()2122a x x a a +>-+,所以1221x x a a+>+-.........................17分。
广东省广州市执信中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考试卷一、单项选择1.I ran ______ a famous western cook the other day, whose receipt of Ramen took me ______ surprise.A.against; to B.across; for C.after; as D.into; by2.His lecture as well as his several presentations ______ with photos _______ during the expedition.A.was illustrated; shot B.were illustrated; were shotC.were illustrated; shot D.illustrated; were shot.3.Recent studies have borne out claims that certain perfumes can _______ profound psychological changes.A.carry out B.attach to C.bring about D.result from4.______ of water make Death Valley a desert, but it is by no means devoid.A.Lacking B.being lack C.because of lack D.lack5.– Are you satisfied with Christopher’s present for you?–You bet! He couldn’t give me _______.A.a worse one B.a better one C.the worst one D.the best one 6.You’ve probably heard that most Canadians want the government to do more on climate. That’s what two-thirds of the public tell pollsters when _______.A.asking B.asked C.having been asked D.being asked 7.—Jim is expert at playing badminton. What about his good friend Eric?—Eric plays badminton as well as, if ______ than, Jim.A.not better B.so bad C.no better D.not worse 8.While building a tunnel through the mountain, _______A.an underground lake was discovered.B.there was a lake discovered underground.C.the workers discovered an underground lake.D.there were some workers discovered an underground lake.9.______so many times didn’t make him lose heart, ______ in turn, helped him become strong and be a real man.A.Rejected; it B.Rejecting; as C.Being rejected; which D.Havingrejected; which10.It was due to the destructive rainstorm during the May Day holiday ______ hundreds of thousands of holidaymakers remained ______ in the airport.A.when; sticking B.when; to be stuckC.that; to be stuck D.that; stuck11.Dogs have a far wider hearing range than humans, according to a study conducted in the last few months, thus ______ them to detect sounds far above a human’s hearing limit.A.enabling B.having enabled C.to enable D.enables12.She was too nervous _______ with so many eyes ______ on her.A.to speak; fixing B.to speak; fixedC.not to speak; fixing D.not to speak; fixed13.Only when she received the invitation to kiss birthday party______ the old dress out of the wardrobe and tried it on, only ______ it didn’t fit.A.she has taken; to be found B.did she take; to findC.she had taken; finding D.had she taken; to find14.Everyone in our class was working hard and doing what we could ______ to a key university.A.being admitted B.be admitted C.to be admitted D.admitting 15.The puppies barking merrily, the leaves smiling warmly and the wind ______ softly, why not enjoy a bit of fun in this very moments?A.whispering B.whispered C.to whisper D.whispers二、阅读理解There’s almost always something special happening at Disneyland in southern California. Here’s what guests should know about visiting Disneyland for 2024.● EventsLunar New Year CelebrationMushu, a character from Disney’s animated film Mulan,will help guide in the Year of the Dragon by leading Mulan’s Lunar New Year Procession.Visitors,especially children,candress up as characters from Mulan to join it.Dates:Jan.23—Feb.18Pixar FestIt is back with a new daytime parade(游行): A Pixar Pals Celebration! New characters like Red Panda Mei from Turning Red will arrive in the parks. Dining options will be available, allowing guests a bite of Pixar-themed treats at a newly opened cafe.Dates:Feb.26—Aug.4Fantasy land MelodiesThe headliners for this year’s concerts are Marvin Sapp and Tasha Cobbs Leonard. The award-winning musicians will be joined by local community choirs at Disneyland’s Fantasy land Theatre. Musical workshops highlighting various types of music will be a feast for ears.Dates:Feb.17—Apr.24Season of the ForceNew adventures will take guests on a thrilling journey through space travel aboard a spacecraft. Visitors will view the park’s fireworks and hear special galactic music. Buying limited-edition souvenirs enables fans to take a piece of space back home with them.Dates:Apr.5—Sep.216.Which event appeals to foodies most?A.Lunar New Year Celebration.B.Pixar Fest.C.Fantasy land Melodies.D.Season of the Force.17.What do Fantasy land Melodies and Season of the Force have in common?A.They sell rare souvenirs.B.They have firework shows.C.They feature cartoon heroes.D.They include musical elements.18.What is the minimum cost for a couple with a 5-year-old to pay a visit on Feb.28?A.$208.B.$264.C.$288.D.$312.I’m always cautious of the tired saying, “If it doesn’t kill you, it’ll make you stronger.” I mean, what about polio (小儿麻痹症)? Or loads of other horrible things that if you survive, you’re left scarred in one way or another.For many years I worked in a specialist NHS clinic for people with eating disorders, which are greatly misunderstood and connected with vanity (虚荣) when instead it’s usually about control or even profound trauma (精神创伤). Eating disorders have the highest mortality of any mental illness, with one in five of those with an eating disorder dying from it. Treatment for it is long, tough and tiring. So, it’s fair to say it’s not something to be taken lightly.Yet I was often surprised by how many patients-patients with all sorts of other conditions too, from depression to cancer -would tell me how the experience had changed them for the better after receiving treatment. It’s not so much that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger; more, it might make you more understanding of yourself and more sensitive to the battles and struggles of others. It can also give people a sense of determination and perseverance they never had before.I had one patient who was an addict and alcoholic besides suffering eating disorder. She was frequently rushed into hospital and was sometimes at a real risk of dying. However, after years of hard work, she stopped drinking, stopped using drugs and her eating disorder improved. She got back into work and started doing several courses to get promoted. Actually, she had gone through numerous intense and exhausting interviews before landing a job, but she said whenever she felt she couldn’t handle it or doubted her capabilities, she reminded herself that nothing would ever be worse or harder than what she had already gone through. She managed to make the mostof her life and turn her life around.19.What does the author think of the old mantra?A.Always applicable.B.Totally absurd.C.Partially right.D.Quite misleading.20.What does the underlined word in paragraph 2 possibly mean?A.The number of deaths.B.The possibility of being cured.C.The rate of getting mentally hurt.D.The chance of having mental illness.21.How does the experience influence patients according to paragraph 3?A.It leads to a changeable attitude.B.It makes no noticeable difference.C.It builds up their physical strength.D.It fosters self-awareness and sympathy.22.What can we learn about the patient mentioned in the last paragraph?A.She continued harmful habits.B.She relied only on medication.C.She always believed in herself.D.She became stronger and tougher.Many economists predict 2024 will be the time shoppers tighten their belts. That doesn’t mean people will stop spending, say retail(零售) analysts. But it will change what they choose to buy. With a slowing job market global consumers are likely to move away from high-priced purchases and focus instead on smaller, less expensive treats.The economic uncertainty means that consumers are becoming more discriminating about their purchases, says Ethan Chernofsky, senior vice president of marketing at intelligence platform Placer.ai. “There are the things we decide are necessary, and then there’s another category of things that aren’t necessary but that we consider affordable luxuries, ” he says. This desire for these “affordable luxuries” is common in difficult economic times. Some economists refer to the phenomenon as the “lipstick index”. When economic times are tough people tend to, people tend to choose affordable splurges (挥霍)-like cosmetics (化妆品) to treat themselves. Commentators speculate that these purchases are driven by their relative affordability and the consumer’s desirefor escapism. Sales of lipsticks, perfumes and other cosmetics are indeed up.Over six months. We asked consumers in 23 countries if they were making purchases to treat themselves. We created a database with nearly 150,000 consumer descriptions of their splurge purchases, including what they bought, how much they spent and why they bought it. Efforts revealed that consumers are treating themselves much more than expected. Analysts at Deloitte say consumers will spend on little luxuries like specialty coffees and snacks as well. Additionally, stressed-out shoppers are prioritizing small splurge purchases for wellness and personal care.As retailers see shoppers turning to little luxuries, many companies orient their marketing efforts around “occasions” and “life events”. The “splurge occasion” could open up the opportunity for retailers to capture new sales from consumers buying to treat themselves. Target has staked a flag in what they refer to as “affordable joy”. For example, focusing marketing efforts on a scarf’s fashionable attributes may be tempting. Still, under US$100, it may be more effective to lure customers by also tying in the practicality of the purchase.Ethan says not every shopper will shift their spending to little luxuries-but even those who are still longing for the “must-haves” of social media will also look to get a deal. They want the feeling of purchasing lower-priced affordable treats. To get these goods, shoppers are likely to tap into the re-sale market for designer items at a more reasonable price. They want things that make them feel good about themselves-they just want to do it without breaking the bank.23.What can affordable luxuries be?A.Moderate-priced designer items.B.High-end technological products.C.Reasonably-cost daily necessities.D.Economically-preferred large deals.24.What is paragraph 4 mainly about?A.The competition stores face.B.The strategies retailers adopt.C.The products consumers buy.D.The pleasure businesses offer.25.What do most shoppers seek according to Ethan?A.World-luxry brands.B.Second-hand bargains.C.Social-media purchases.D.Budget-friendly pleasures.26.Which of the following is the best title for the text?A.Lipstick Index: Where Does It Lead UsB.Must-have Treats: A Future Spending TrendC.Little Luxuries: A Driving Force Behind ConsumptionD.Affordable Joy: Will We Fall Into The TrapSuggestion that people should aim for dietary diversity by trying to eat a variety of foods has been a basic public health recommendation for decades in the United States everywhere. Now, however, experts are warning that aiming for a diverse diet may actually lead to just eating more calories, and, thus, to obesity. One issue is that people may not interpret “variety” the way nutritionists intend. This problem is highlighted by new research conducted by the American Heart Association. Researchers reviewed all the evidence published related to dietary diversity and saw a correlation between dietary diversity and a greater intake of both healthy and unhealthy foods. This had implications for obesity, as researchers found a greater prevalence of obesity amongst people with a greater dietary diversity.One author of the new study explained that their findings contradict standard dietary advice, as most dietary guidelines around the world include a statement of eating a variety of foods. But this advice does not seem to be supported by science, possibly because there is little agreement about the meaning of “dietary diversity,” which is not clearly and consistently defined. Some experts measure dietary diversity by counting the number of food groups eaten, while others look at the distribution of calories across individual foods, and still others measure how different the foods eaten are from each other.Although the findings of this new study contradict standard dietary advice, they do not come as a surprise to all of the researchers involved. Dr. Rao, one of the study authors, noted that, after 20 years of experience in the field of obesity, he has observed that people who have a regimented lifestyle and diet tend to be thinner and healthier than people with a wide variety of consumption. This anecdotal evidence matches the conclusions of the study, which found no evidence that dietary diversity promotes healthy body weight or optimal eating patterns, andlimited evidence shows that eating a variety of foods is actually associated with consuming more calories, poor eating patterns and weight gain. Further, there is some evidence that a greater variety of food options in a single meal may delay people’s feeling of fullness and actually increase how much they eat.Based on their findings, the researchers endorse a diet consisting of a limited number of healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, and poultry. They also recommend that people simultaneously endeavor to restrict consumption of sweets, sugar and red meat. The researchers stress, however, that their dietary recommendations do not imply dietary diversity is never positive, and that, in the past, diversity in diets of whole, unprocessed food may have actually been very beneficial.27.What did the new research by the American Heart Association find?A.Big eaters are more likely to become overweight.B.People seeking dietary diversity tend to eat more.C.Dietary diversity is positively related to good health.D.Unhealthy food makes people gain weight more easily.28.What could help to explain the contradiction between the new findings and the common public health recommendation?A.There is little consensus on the definition of dietary diversity.B.The methods researchers use to measure nutrition vary greatly.C.Conventional wisdom about diet is seldom supported by science.D.Most dietary guidelines around the world contradict one another.29.What did the doctor find after 20 years of research on a big city?A.Dietary diversity promote healthy body weight.B.Eating patterns and weight gain go hand in hand.C.Diversified food intake may not contribute to health.D.There is no clear definition of optional eating patterns.30.What does the passage say about people who eat a great variety of food?A.They tend to consume more sweets, sugar and red meat.B.They don’t feel they have had enough until they overeat.C.They don’t have any problems getting sufficient nutrition.D.They are more likely to eat foods beneficial to their health.Happier Babies Have an EdgeParents and teachers want children to grow up to be happy and successful.31 A wide range of research, however, indicates happiness brings success in adults, and achievements do not always make adults happier.Recently in new study, John K. Coffey II, assistant professor of psychology at Sewanee, the University of the South, found that happiness during infancy (婴儿期) predicted childhood IQ and adult educational success.In his 29-year study, Coffey used the Fullerton Longitudinal Study (FLS). In 1978 the FLS research team recruited 130 parents with babies for a study that now has run for more than 30 years. 32 When each baby was 18 months old, one parent reported how often his or her baby expressed positive and negative emotions and researchers measured the infant’s IQ. When babies were children (ages 6 to 8), they completed IQ tests. When babies had grown into 29-year-old adults, they reported how many years of education they had completed and their life satisfaction.As expected, Coffey found that regardless of intelligence during infancy or parents’ wealth, happier babies were more likely to graduate from high school and college. 33 It suggests that happier babies learn more between infancy and childhood.34 Parents wishing to help their children enjoy greater happiness can focus on small changes they can make in their day-to-day lives to create more positive moments. Parents do not need to aim for intense experiences or “best day ever” for their children. Although peak experiences can be fun, they also tend to be tiring for both children and their parents, which can lead to anxiety and conflict.Currently, Coffey and other researchers are exploring when and why some children are happier than others or whether we can increase it. Happiness during infancy and childhood is predicted by relationships with caregivers and teachers or by learning new skills. Inexpensive and easy-to-do activities like practising acts of kindness or appreciation can boost happiness. 35 A.We often think that achieving success will ultimately make us happy.B.We can use these activities to help children grow into happy and successful adults.C.To test his theory, Coffey looked at how intensely children’s emotions are experienced. D.These happy babies aren’t just growing up to be successful, but they are also happy adults. E.Further, happier babies had more growth in their IQ scores between infancy and childhood. F.Another important clarification is that happiness is about how often emotions are experienced. G.Early on, parents reported on their background, for instance, education level and employment.三、完形填空My son had just gotten his driving license. On the way home, I 36 the car to a side road, unfastened my seat belt, and 37 places with him. “Okay,” I said. “I want you to drive home.”Sitting behind the steering wheel, his body looked tense and 38 . “Mom,” he said quietly, “I can’t do this. I’m not ready.”“It’s okay,” I said. “You’re 39 going to feel ready. At some point, you just have to go for it.”“No,” he took a deep breath and 40 my father’s words. “Don’t ever apologize for knowing your limits. You told me that!”For a brief moment, time 41 . I saw the very old photograph forever 42 in my memory. It shows my family standing arm in arm and 43 for the camera, with the then tallest roller coaster(过山车) we decided to ride together in the background. No one knew I was 44 terrified. I just didn’t want to be the one to stay behind. We 45 our way up the line and finally reached the end. Suddenly, my body was stiff with 46 , and I knew: I just couldn’t do it.Too 47 to face my family, I simply called over my shoulder to Dad that I was leaving. Dad asked me what happened. “I guess I was too chicken. Sorry.” What Dad said next 48 surprised me. “Don’t ever apologize for knowing your limits,” he said. “And don’t let someone make you do something you’re not comfortable with. I’m proud of you for the choice you made.” This was the exact 49 of what I expected him to say.Instantly, I understood exactly how my son felt. Knowing the limits isn’t an 50 of weakness. It’s actually a sign of strength.36.A.plugged in B.pulled over C.stepped in D.swung over 37.A.traded B.provided C.shared D.refreshed 38.A.immature B.indifferent C.uncomfortable D.irrelevant 39.A.always B.surely C.forever D.never 40.A.expected B.wondered C.recalled D.imagined 41.A.passed B.faded C.froze D.flew 42.A.pressed B.drafted C.polished D.carved 43.A.looking B.applying C.smiling D.inquiring 44.A.scarcely B.secretly C.similarly D.still 45.A.inched B.found C.led D.bounced 46.A.regret B.fear C.sadness D.dizziness 47.A.embarrassed B.disappointed C.discouraged D.pessimistic 48.A.hardly B.completely C.normally D.rarely 49.A.remark B.comment C.comfort D.opposite 50.A.assumption B.introduction C.anticipation D.indication四、单词拼写51.Instead of constantly c (to say that something is wrong or not satisfactory), she focus on finding solutions and taking action to improve the situation.(根据首字母单词拼写) 52.Practicing the v (general quality of goodness in a person) of integrity, compassion, and humility can lead to a more can lead to a more fulfilling personal life and foster a harmonious community. (根据首字母单词拼写)53.A strict training program prepared the a ( a person who has been trained for traveling in space) for the physical and mental challenges of space exploration. (根据首字母单词拼写) 54.The thrilling novel took me on a captivating e (something that helps you to forget about your usual life or problems) from reality, immersing me in the world of adventure. (根据首字母单词拼写)五、语法填空55.It is no use crying over (spill) milk; instead, it is wiser to learn from the experience, adapt, and focus on prevent similar mishaps in the future. (所给词的适当形式填空)56.Do you just want to be physically fit, able to move with strength and (flexible)? (所给词的适当形式填空)57.One by one,the applicants left the interviewer's office with (disappoint) looks on their faces. (所给词的适当形式填空)六、单词拼写58.Chinese subway trains are now (出口) to developed countries including the United States. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)59.If you want to include additional content in your email, you can consider (附上) a fire to enhance your message. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)60.The community center provides various (设施) where residents can participate in different recreational activities, from swimming and fitness classes to art workshops and community events. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)七、完成句子61.The novel presented a thought-provoking (道德困境) that challenged readers to question their values and consider the consequences of their choices. (根据汉语提示完成句子) 62.The man who crashed into the stone (跌倒后爬起来) and angrily went away. (根据汉语提示完成句子)63.After a rigorous selection process, Jane (被任命为) the new director of the company, bringing her extensive and leadership skills to the role. (根据汉语提示完成句子) 64.The organization’s mission was (坚持,继续) the legacy of its founder by continuing to provide support and resources to underprivileged communities. (根据汉语提示完成句子)65.The snow lasted a week, (导致,造成) serious traffic confusion in the whole area. (根据汉语提示完成句子)66.The purpose of education should not (局限于) the mere acquisition ofknowledge and attainment of grades. (根据汉语提示完成句子)67.As long as they can unite and work together, it is possible for them to (弄清楚) how to stand out in a highly competitive market. (根据汉语提示完成句子)68.With his money (用尽),he could have all his parents for help but he didn’t. (根据汉语提示完成句子)69.Moving to a different country opened my eyes to a whole new world of life, and I found myself (感受文化冲击) as I navigated it through Armenian customs and traditions. (根据汉语提示完成句子)70.To enter the party undetected, the detective (伪装自己成为) an upper class gentleman, perfectly imitating their appearance and behavior. (根据汉语提示完成句子)八、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
河南省名校5月联考2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题一、阅读理解Four Places to Listen to Free Music OnlinePandoraPandora is a popular Internet radio service that lets users create personalized stations and listen to music. To use Pandora, you will have to create an account using your email address and a password. As you find music you like, you can save songs to your collection. However, you can’t download any specific tracks to your computer or phone.LiveOneOn LiveOne, you’ll mostly find big artists, bands and songs along with interviews and news. While you won’t be able to stream all songs on demand for free due to licensing restrictions (限制), you will be able to create a station of similar tracks/artists from nearly any song. There’s a tab (标签) named “My Library” where you can save and share your favourite music.iHeartRadioiHeartRadio is a great website or app for listening to live radio stations. You can find local stations or check out stations from around the country. You won’t have to create an account to begin listening on iHeartRadio. but you can make one for free to save stations and playlists. Whether you decide to create an account or not. you won’t be able to download music from iHeartRadio.SpotifyIf you’re looking for free music online, you’ve most likely come across Spotify already. This resource is great for streaming popular hits while discovering new favourites. You can keep track of what you’ve recently played, and “favourite” songs. In addition to music. Spotify offers playlists of its most-played songs and information on local upcoming concerts.1.Which is a must before using Pandora?A.Saving some songs.B.Creating an account.C.Calling other users.D.Sending a private email.2.What can you do on “My Library” of LiveOne?A.Download popular songs.B.Make new friends online.C.Share your favourite music.D.Discover radio stations.3.What is special about Spotify?A.It offers news on local upcoming concerts.B.It requires no membership card.C.It allows users to download music for free.D.It features a station of similar artists.Today I headed into town for a job interview. The weather was awful, for it was pouring with rain, and I would’ve loved to buy umbrellas for people. I decided to think of free or really cheap ways to make people smile. I knew I’d also have to deal with my shyness, or just create acts of kindness, but it was a challenge that I was willing to accept!When I was on the bus, the seat I sat on next to the window was wet; somehow the rain had gotten in. I left a note on the seat, with the Smile Card, saying, “This seat is wet: sit with caution (谨慎) !” Later, while waiting at the road crossing, I held my card over the woman standing in front of me. She didn’t notice but obviously those extra moments of dryness would help!After the interview, I’d devised a few more ways to create smiles. I checked my purse for change and put 50 pence and a Smile Card on top of a child’s automatic ride. I allowed an elderly gentleman to go in front of me as he was having trouble standing. At this point, I was really beginning to accept my day of kindness!Before getting on the bus home. I had one more idea: I went and bought a small bag of chocolates and attached a Smile Card. When I got back to my street, I left the sweets and the Smile Card at a neighbour’s door. This neighbour had taken in a parcel (包裹) for me last week, so he deserved a treat.After all this, my day of giving wasn’t yet over! I was so pleased that I managed to do all these little things for others today. It didn’t take much effort on my part, but I definitely had to push myself to overcome (克服) my lack of confidence, and I’m proud of myself.4.What difficulty does the writer have to overcome?A.The job interview.B.The terrible weather.C.Poor ability to pay.D.The shyness character.5.What does the underlined word “devised” mean in Paragraph 3?A.Thought up.B.Focused on.C.Cut out.D.Looked forward to. 6.Why did the writer give the sweets and the Smile Card to the neighbour?A.To please the neighbour’s children.B.To thank the neighbour for the help last week.C.To receive a welcome treat from the neighbour.D.To try to trouble the neighbour to take in his parcel.7.What message does the writer convey?A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.B.Any act of kindness matters.C.Shyness makes it difficult to succeed.D.Believe in yourself first, then others will believe you.The African continent has seen its average monthly temperatures rise by 0.5 — 2 degrees Celsius over the past century, with up to another two degrees of warming projected for the next 100 years. The changing climate will break historical rainfall patterns, but which of these, temperature or rainfall, will have the most impact on a species, like rhinos (犀牛) ?“Generally speaking, most, if not all, species will. in one way or another, be affected by the changing climate,” says lead author Hlelowenkhosi S. Mamba, who completed this research. It is therefore important to catch tendency (趋势) and model futures for some of the world’s weakest species. It can help prepare to reduce climate change’s effects, hence reducing global biodiversity losses.To understand how our changing climate will affect rhino populations, Mamba and Timothy Randhir, professor of environmental protection, focused their efforts on the five large national parks that are home to most of the rhinos.Mamba and Randhir then modeled two scenes for each of the parks: the IPCC’s high-emissions (排放) scenes and a more moderate (适度的) emissions scenes. They projected temperature and rainfall for each of the scenes out to 2055 and 2085 to arrive at a possibility that each park would remain suitable for the rhinos.Nearly every park will become increasingly drier as emissions increase. This is all very bad news for the rhinos, because the team also found that, though the change in rainfall will not bemost suitable for the rhinos, the changes in temperature are greater than what the species can bear.“The temperature conditions in all study parks will become increasingly unsuitable for the species. And under the high-emissions scenes, the possibility of occurrence of the species falls to zero by 2085,” the authors write.But to be forewarned is to be prepared in advance. “We propose that park managers think now about increasing water supplies, tree cover, watching for stress and planning to allow rhinos to move from one place to another place as the world warms,” says Randhir.8.Why does the author ask a question in Paragraph 1?A.To show an evidence.B.To stress the main idea.C.To lead in the topic.D.To offer some background.9.What does the second paragraph mainly focus on?A.The means of the research.B.The content of the research.C.The process of the research.D.The significance of the research. 10.What can we know about the research from the text?A.Changes in rainfall have a greater effect on rhinos.B.Each park will have no rhinos in 2055.C.Changes in temperature affect rhinos more.D.Each park will be warmer by 4. 5℃ in 2085.11.What does Randhir mean in the last paragraph?A.Rhinos are better suited to natural growth.B.Rhinos are in great danger in the five parks.C.Park managers should plan to protect rhinos.D.Park managers must pay more attention to nature.Researchers have developed a new soft robot design that conducts itself with three behaviours at the same time: rolling (翻滚) forward. turning like a record and following a path that goes around a central point. The equipment, which operates without human or computer control, holds promise for developing soft robots that can be used to AA-head and map unknown environments.The new soft robots are called twisted ring-bots (扭曲环机器人) . They are made ofsomething like the ribbon (缎带) and then joined together at the end to form a ring.When the robots are placed on a surface that is at least 55 degrees Celsius, which is hotter than the surrounding air, one part of the ribbon touching the surface becomes smaller, while one part in the air does not. This induces a rolling movement: the warmer the surface, the faster the robot rolls. “The ribbon rolls on its horizontal axis (横轴) , giving the ring forward strength,” says Jie Yin, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.The twisted ring-bot also turns along its central axis. And as the twisted ring-bot moves forward it travels in a path around a central point, basically moving in a large circle. However, if the twisted ring-bot meets a boundary- like the wall of a box-it will travel along the boundary.The twisted ring-bots are examples of equipment whose behaviour is governed by physical intelligence, meaning their actions are determined by their structural design and the materials they are made of, rather than being directed by a computer or human.“Soft robotics is still a relatively new field.” Yin says. “Finding new ways to control the movement of soft robots in a repeatable and engineered way moves the field forward. And advancing our understanding of what is possible is exciting.”12.What makes the robot roll faster and faster?A.The ribbon.B.The central axis.C.The shape and material.D.The higher surface temperature.13.How does the author introduce the new soft robots?A.By explaining the robot’s working ways.B.By quoting experts’ opinions.C.By making some comparisons.D.By offering reasons and results.14.What is Yin’s attitude towards twisted ring-bots?A.Unclear.B.Favourable.C.Negative.D.Doubtful. 15.What is the best title for the text?A.The New Soft Robots B.Ribbons and Their RollingC.Three Creative Movements D.Twisted Rings and the Axis4 Reasons Why Wild Animals Are So ImportantAs we know, the earth gives us food, medicines and materials, often through wild animals. These wild animals are important to our existence. Sadly, they are becoming extinct at an alarmingrate. We need to change this loss of nature and create a future where wildlife and people thrive (蓬勃发展) again. 16 Here are some reasons why wild animals are so important to the world at large.Wild animals keep balance in ecosystems.17 If any part is threatened or becomes extinct, this has a knock-on effect on the whole ecosystem. sending shock waves through the environment. For ecosystems to survive and perhaps even thrive, we must protect all of our wildlife.Diversity (多样性) means healthier ecosystems and healthier wild animals.When there is a wildlife issue, you’ll often hear the term biodiversity, which refers to the number of species in an ecosystem. 18 Why do we consider this important? A wide variety of animals means greater productivity and better health. If there are fewer animal species, a disease that affects any species spreads faster and more effectively.19All of the food that we eat comes from an animal or plant. Living without various food sources causes our nutrition (营养) to suffer. Protecting wildlife and its natural habitats strengthens food safety for humans around the world.Wildlife helps medical research.Wild animals have helped us find important medicines that help with many diseases. 20 Many medical systems like Chinese traditional medicines still rely on herbs and spices, but even Western medicine have made great progress with wildlife research.A.All living things are interconnected.B.Healthy ecosystems mean a lot of diversity.C.Or we will lose these animals to future generations.D.People worldwide depend on wildlife for their snack.E.Wildlife provides important nutrients for the human race.F.The human race has always turned to nature for medicine.G.We should notice the influence caused by wildlife on culture.二、完形填空The caring employees at a Costco store near Cleveland, Ohio, are being honoured as heroes. It was because of their quick thinking and being sympathy (同情) , which 21 saved the life of a fellow co-worker.The story 22 one morning when the employee failed to show up for his scheduled shift (换班) at 5 a. m. 23 for his colleague, the manager, Jesse Orsborn, decided to 24 and make sure everything was okay.“In situations where someone might oversleep for the early shift, we usually give them a 25 wake-up call, checking if they’re on their way. However, this daily check-in took an unexpected 26 ,” shared Orsborn. When the employee answered the call, his speech wasn’t understandable, and the connection suddenly 27 .Alarmed by the unusual conversation, Dave Mackin, the assistant general manager at Costco’s Mayfield Heights location, 28 , “We started calling several times, and each time, it became more 29 that something was seriously wrong. There was mumbling and groaning (喃喃自语, 呻吟着) , and it was evident ha he was experiencing a medical emergency.”As events 30 it turned out that the co-worker was in the midst of a stroke (中风) . Without wasting any time, the quick-thinking workmates kept the man on the 31 while others dialed emergency services. Thanks to their quick 32 , the man was quickly transported to the hospital and, fortunately, later went out of the hospital. 33 , it was noted that he faces a challenging road to recovery.34 on the incident, Mackin stressed the strong sense of community within the Costco family. “We take care of our members. We take care of our employees. They mean the 35 to us,” he stated proudly.21.A.gradually B.finally C.possibly D.equally 22.A.ended B.developed C.happened D.continued 23.A.Sorry B.Mistaken C.Prepared D.Concerned 24.A.reach out B.set off C.think over D.take up 25.A.former B.friendly C.convenient D.serious 26.A.error B.chance C.turn D.step 27.A.mattered B.worked C.completed D.dropped28.A.demanded B.wondered C.judged D.explained 29.A.special B.common C.obvious D.similar 30.A.progressed B.stopped C.worsened D.changed 31.A.way B.line C.team D.radio 32.A.drive B.action C.memory D.guard 33.A.Thus B.Therefore C.However D.Instead 34.A.Reflecting B.Depending C.Looking D.Basing 35.A.hero B.road C.leader D.family三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
1.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What will the man do?A.Drink coffee.B.Add some water.C.Wash cups.【答案】B【解析】【原文】M:Hey,did you fill up the coffee machine recently?Nothing’s coming out even though I put in coffee beans.W:Yes,it’s definitely empty.It needs some water—at least10cups.M:OK,I will add some.2.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】When will the man finish studying?A.At1:00a.m.B.At9:00p.m.C.At11:00p.m.【答案】A【解析】【原文】W:You’re still here?You’ve been studying almost around the clock.It’s11:00p.m.You need to get some sleep.M:No,just12hours.I’ll work for two more hours,and then I’ll go.Good night.3.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What will the woman probably do next?A.Go to check on her mother.B.Send her mother to hospital.C.Answer her mother’s phone.【答案】A【解析】【原文】M:Where are you going?You look worried.W:My mom didn’t answer the phone.I need to go check what’s wrong.She never ignores my calls,and she’s not young anymore.M:I’m sure she’s fine.She’s always in good condition.4.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Co-workers.B.Husband and wife.C.Sales clerk and customer.【答案】B【解析】【原文】W:Which color do you think looks best on me,honey?M:I think the first suit you tried matches your shoes.It looks very professional.W:All right.Let me try one more suit from the other side of the store.5.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What food has been sold out?A.Chips.B.Nuts.C.Chocolate.【答案】A【解析】【原文】W:Good morning,I’d like two bags of chips,that large chocolate bar and some fruit for my little boy please.M:I’m afraid we’ve run out of chips.Would you like a bag of nuts instead?W:Oh,yes please.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。
2.下列各组词语中,汉字书写全都正确项是 ( )A.宽宥游弋顷家荡产黯然失色B.惊骇劫掠言简意赅人迹罕至C.漫延惺忪矫揉造作眼花瞭乱D.殒落缄默富丽堂皇好意难确3.下列各句标点符号使用不规范...的一项是A.中华文化是尚群的文化。
八年级(下)语文练习卷面总分:100分考试时间:100分钟第一部分文言文阅读(23分)一、(8分)1. 默写。
【答案】①. 两鬓苍苍十指黑②. 手把文书口称敕③. 生物之以息相吹也④. 教学相长【解析】(1)——(3)本题考查名句默写。
听下面一段对话,回答第 14 至第 16 三个小题。
14. What did the man ask the woman to do at first?
A. Prepare something for him to eat.
B. Have dinner with him.
C. Confirm a meeting for him.
A. Cool.
B. Hot.
3. What would the woman mainly do in Africa?
C. Wet.
A. Take a tour.
B. See-relatives.
C. Start a business.
4. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
B. His coach.
9. How is the man feeling?
A Much relieved.
B. Very tired.
10. What caused the injury to the man’s shoulder?
A. Doing too much housework. B. Playing tennis.
C. German.
A. Introduce a chef to him.
B. Call a cab for him.
C. Book a hotel for him.
听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。
17. Who is the speaker probably?
A. An artist.
Session 1 Thursdays 1/11,1/18, 1/25, 2/1
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可能用到的原子量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16
C.CHCl3只有一种 D.CCl4的4个C-Cl键完全相同
A.硝酸 B.无水乙醇 C.石灰水 D.盐酸
C.可能有己烷 D.一定无乙烷
6、能够证明乙醇分子(C2H6O)结构组成的最充分的理由是( )。
A.23 g乙醇与足量的金属钠反应,可以放出0.25 mol 氢气
B.1 mol 乙醇充分燃烧生成2 mol CO2和3 mol H2O ,消耗3 mol O2
D.1 mol 乙醇氧化后生成1 mol 乙醛
A.乙酸 B.乙酸甲酯C.油酸甘油酯 D.苯甲酸
A.1种 B.2种C.3种 D.4种
A.苯 B.乙稀 C.酒精 D.油酸甘油酯
A.油脂类物质 B.凝固和变性的蛋白质 C.淀粉D.聚氯乙烯
A.C2H2 C2H6 B. CH4 C3H8 C 、C3H6 C3H8 D. C2H4 C4H8
15、设N A为阿伏伽德罗常数的数值,则下列说法正确的是
A.1mol甲基(CH3)所含有的电子总数为10N A
B.1L物质的量浓度为0.1mol/L的醋酸溶液中含有醋酸根离子数为0.1N A
C.淀粉相对分子质量为5.8×105,则淀粉分子中葡萄糖单元数为3.2×103 D.一定条件下,26g乙炔(C2H2)和苯的混合物中含有的碳原子数为2N A
16、将乙醇1mol(其中的羟基氧用18O 标记)在浓硫酸存在并加热下与足量乙
A.生成的乙酸乙酯中含有18O B.生成的水分子中一定含有18O C.反应物乙酸中也可检测出18O D.生成了90g 乙酸乙酯
(1)氢氧化钠溶液_________________ ▲ _______________________。
(2)溴水_________________________▲____ ____________________。
(3)乙醇___________________ _____▲_________________________。
__▲________ _____▲_____
H2O(g) ,按气流的方向,各装置的连接顺序是:④__________▲______。
(1) (2)
(1) (2)