




























C D D 4、面动成体




8、2 3 4 1


9、定点数:4 7 8 10 边数:6 9 12 15 区域数:3 3 5 6

(2)V+F-E=1 (3)20+11-1=30(条)











13、8 8 4分之3



17、-3 2

18、(1)=-1.5+11.5 (2)=4×9+6 (3)=6.7+3.3

=10 =42 =10

(4)-28+3 (5)-4+-8+2+-3 (6)=9×9分之11

=-25 = -7 =11



20、4. 9. 6 . n的平方

21、(1)1.7(万)(2)3日,共有10.5万人(3)1画第五格2画6 3画8 4画4 5画1 6画2 7画半格

22、-7分之1 8分之1 -9分之1


22、-2009分之1 0 23、101分之100






11、6xy 12、0 13、13 22

14、-2x-5y -x

15、1,5 16、BC 18、乙;x+1 丙:x+1×2 丁:x+1×2-1(2)19+1×2-1=39 (3)35-1÷2=17

19、100×7(7+1)+25 100×8(8+1)+25






AC BC CD CD 一点到一条直线上的垂线最短

D A 6 0.5 22.5 44°3′28″


6÷2=3 4÷2-2 3+2=5



13、90 30 45

14、6 15=5+4+3+2+1

7. 21=6+5+4+3+2+1

N+N-1+N-2+N-3……=N 35种




4、26 -2 2 2.88%

8、 2x=2+5 (2)-a×2分之1+3=5 (3)-11x=-7 (4)4x=12+6

X=3.5 a=-4 x=11分之7 x=4.5



















6、> 9 10


10、(1)78÷100=78% 21÷100=21% 0.94÷100=0.94% 0.03÷100=0.03% 0.03÷100=0.03%(2)360°×78%=280.8° 360°×21%=100.8° 360°×0.94%=3.384° 360×0.03%=0.108°360×0.03%=0.108°








P41 1、plane ,an abacus ,ships ,car,handcuffs,purse,ride bike,shoes,astronaut

2、one hundred and fifty-eight

two thousand and one

fourty five percents

zero point twenty five

six point zero three

sixty degress

six point fifty nine

one thousand five hundred and seventy-one

one sixth

three fifths


(1)Spring Festival is also called the Chinese New Year,In thisday everyone wears clothes to celebrate the festival the famlies would get togther.

(2)The Dragon boat day in on the fourth Thursday of November. On thisday in America and Canda,familiea get togther to celebrate the harvest 。

They usually have a turkey for dinner.

(3)On Lantern festival is one of the biggest holidays in China .Several days before Lantern festival ,people begin to make lanterns 。

lanterns are make in the shape of different animals.

(4)Mid-autumn festival is the day which the whole family teunites .the whole family may eat the moon cake togther ,enjoys looking at the moon brightly ,as soon as may also play the lantern。


1、playing football ,wash,play the violin ,to make a phone call ,

especially loudaly,go fishing

2、(1)1.000,120,852 (2)15 79 17 27 (3)10分之3,5分之3,7分

之3 9分之7

(4)50% 75% (5)25° 160°(6)0.78 11.45 21.13 57.22 6.5


3、(1)it is called the Sun。(2) It gives us heat and light (3)the moon is just 380.000km away (4)Because it is very far away (5)It takes four years for light to reach us from Alpha Centauri


1、左边 odd number even number equal 右边 plus/add minus/subtract divide


2、Six oclock (2)eight oclock (3)play computer (4)do my homework

(5)a lot of

(6)Efforts to learn


I'd like to say i have nothing to show himself. but i would not lag behind, don't know why, i have no, not backward nor might this is the natural character,I like so many things with me to feel very well, the students are very lively

I like their


was,were spoke

cooked came

knew gave

swam heard

got sent

taught hurt

left stole

smelt took

drove slept

ran sat

thought met

kept brought

bought flew

began woke

did chose

cost lost

found read

threw rose

stood wore


What is your favourite sports?

A tourist steal a purse from a man

They did catch the thief

Our class 40 students consist of

T aim his eye at the torch


横着的(1)I attend listening the music every day

I attend aconcert yesterday

Iwill go shopping in threeday

(2)He often explains to the guests products

He explainad that he had been cheated two days ago

He will to everyboby explains tomorrow

(3)He often steal something

I saw a thief steal something yesterday

Tomorrow ,Do know will have the thief steal

(4)He often invite his friend

I invite my friend go shopping

I will invite my families go shopping

2、twenty five


40 precent


To go south to the left until you get after Yi Tian Road to go straight and turn a corner and then go straight to the north to the concert hall.


He went to the reception

He at the reception

He from the reception out of

She onto of the table

On the table there is onething

OnE thing that tipped off the ground

Thing black in the car above

Thing black belove in the car

He stood in front of the car

HE stood behind the car

She between the two vehicles

He into home

He in home

He out of from home

Honest friendly hummorous

Because thisfriend Would give people a pleasant sense is very easygoing P53

1、Clean up

2、put on new clothes

3、watching TV

4、Went out to play

5、chat with my friends






The cafeteria

The parrot house




6、listhen music

7、Watching TV


3、Him in bed to see a thief in the next home, then he phone 110. the police and caught the thief. the police are thank him for his cooperation P55

A week in take a shower. in addition to friday and sunday other time

in doing his homework on mondays, wednesdays friday, saturday and i play football, only on friday, saturday and sunday and i watch tv for

a week, i don't go shopping, i have only on wednesdays and sundays

go to bed very early

2、(1)mammals (2)afican elephont (3)white rginoceros (4)

100 feet long

(5)fifty (6)white rhinoceros

3、Hainan is a tourist resort. there are Hainan Island is world-famous for

its unique and charming tropical views, relaxed and happy natural environment, particularly magnificent marine resources and simple and kindhearted people


初一英语寒假作业设计 李卓玉 寒假即将来临,学生在放松娱乐的同时,也不应该忘记对英语的学习。下面就李卓玉为学生们精心计划的寒假英语作业,希望学生们完成作业,巩固所学知识和技能的同时,让学生们度过一个有意义的假期! 为了更好地贯彻减负精神,真正实现轻负高质,优化作业设计是其中的重要内容,然而作业形式单一、枯燥、效率低下等问题一直困扰着我。在新形势和新理念下,我们的假期作业设计该如何优化呢? 传统作业被视为“课堂教学的延伸和补充”,作业内容日趋封闭僵化,仅局限于学科知识范围,远离学生实际生活和社会生活。 作业方法、手段、技术日趋单一,注重作业程式规范统,强调死记硬背和机械训练,既削弱教师的主导作用,又忽视了学生的主体地位,更忽视了学生非智力因素的培养。作业目的与内容越来越注重学生死记硬背、机械训练,注重重复与模仿,而学生的困惑、情感、态度、价值观、创造能力、实践能力则被冷落了。而新课程作业的价值观要求作业应是具有学生鲜明的价值追求、理想、愿望的活动,作业应当成为学生课外、校外的一种生活过程和生活方式,学生对待作业的态度也就应该成为一种生活态度,让学生在作业过程中体验幸福和快乐、苦恼和辛劳。这样作业已不再是强加给学生的负担,而是学生成长的一种自觉的生活需要、人生需要、学习需要。 因此,我经过几天的思索,设计了以下的作业。 尊敬的家长,亲爱的同学们: 经过一个学期紧张的学习生活,同学们终于迎来了盼望已久的寒假。在与家长、朋友欢度寒假新年之际,大家每天也要抽出至少两个小时的时间学习英语,巩固已学,汲取新知。为了使同学们明确自己的任务,下面从听、说、读、写四个方面给大家布置了一些任务。同学们要独立、认真完成,并请家长给与监督和检查。 巩固已学: 七年级人教版上册、和下册前两个单元所学语法:1 一般现在时;2 一般疑问句,特殊疑问句;3 情态动词,be动词,实义动词(助动词do/does);4 词类(名词、冠词、数词、代词);5句子种类(陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句)。 本学期听力:对全英授课有初步的感知与认识。 本学期口语:1.课堂Free Talk,及report等活动有效结合,进行口语训练。2.用英语思维,完整句子回答问题。3.多种阅读材料与教材相配套的阅读材料同步听力并用,并且增强实效性。 本学期写作:加大写作训练根据单词造句, opening sentence, concluding sentence、以及每单元写作训练大量应用注重思维过程。 请利用假期查缺补漏,巩固所学,勿忘汲取新知。 一:听/说


人教版五年级英语寒假作业答案 【人教版五年级英语寒假作业答案(一)】 Page 1(第一页):设计一份假期时间表。(每周从星期一到星期天的作息安排,安排好后请同学们认真执行,也可视情况自行修改) Page 2(第二页):为你喜欢的朋友、长辈或老师做一张 英语新年贺卡,并将样式设计画在本页。 Page 3(第三页):我的抄写和预习。(在这一页上抄写 五年级下册Unit1 并试着背下来;认真预习1”标注是否已朗读Unit1的 所有课文) 小学五年级寒假作业Page 4(第四页):画出自己喜爱 的小动物,涂上颜色,并用英文标出名称及音标。(至少3种,请参考五年级下册Unit1课文插图的动物图案) Page 5(第五页):我的摘抄和朗读。(在这一页上任选 自己喜欢的五年级下册Unit1的一篇单课课文,抄写英文及翻译中文,尽量不要抄全解,并试着背下来) Page 6(第六页):查找世界各地不同的节日,写出中英文。

Page 7(第七页):我的抄写和默写。(1)在这一页上抄写五年级下册Unit1所有双课的红蓝句子2遍,并翻译中文。 (2)家长在本页给孩子默写Unit1单词并签字。 Page 8(第八页):列出一年十二个月份,写出中英文,标出音标。选出自己最喜欢的月份,并说明原因。 Page 9—? (第九— ?页):自行预习五年级下册的剩余单元。 Page ?(最后一页):写一份下学期你的英语学习计划(课上听课表现,课后完成作业等方面的决心),并请家长在结尾附上家长寄语。 注:1. 遇到不认识的单词可以利用点读机、磁带、字等工具查阅其读音及中文意思。课 文的中文尽量自己翻译,实在不明白可以参考全解。 2. 不要急于求成,每周完成1~1.5了!也不要都攒到最后开学 【人教版五年级英语寒假作业答案(二)】 一、Listen and choose(听录音, 选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里 )(每小题1分,共10分) B1、My favourite food is potatoes. A 2、My computer is tall and smart. A 3、My brother can water the flowers.


宜城中学七年级英语寒假作业(4)2020.2 班级______ 姓名______ 学号______ 得分______ 一、单项选择 ( )1. -Is ______ interesting book on the table yours? I want to buy ______. -Yes. I order it online. A. the; it B. the; one C. an; it D. an; one ( )2. -_______ is it from the Children’s Palace to Nanjing South Railway Station, Tom? -About ________. A. How often; 10 minutes’ ride B. How long; 10-minute ride C. How far; 10 minutes’ ride D. How far; 10 minutes ride ( )3. -Why are you so tired? -Drawing the picture ________ me over one and a half hours. A. spends B. costs C. needs D. takes ( )4. ________ great fun they have ________ kites on the grass! A. How; to fly B. What; to fly C. How; flying D. What; flying ( )5. -________ important for him ________ a walk after dinner? -Yes, he needs to do more exercise to keep fit. A. Is it; to take B. Is that; to take C. Is that; takes D. Is it; taking ( )6. ______ a cold winter evening, they made many lanterns _______ oranges. How interesting! A. In; out of B. On; out of C. On; from D. In; with ( )7. _______ are twins. Both of ________ enjoy listening to pop music. A. I and he; we B. I and him; us C. He and I; us D. He and I; we ( )8. -There is ________ bread at home. -Would you please get ________ for us? A. no; some B. not; some C. not some; some D. little; any ( )9. ________ students are becoming the “Heads-down Tribe” (低头族). It’s ________ bad. A. Too many; much too B. Too much; much too C. Much too; too much D. Too many; too much ( )10. Rules (规则) are helpful to us, ________ we have to follow (遵守) them. A. because B. but C. if D. so ( )11. -Where is your brother? I can’t find him. -Maybe he together with his friends ________ flowers in the garden. A. waters B. water C. is watering D. are watering ( )12. ________ of the boy students in my class________ collecting stamps. A. Everyone, is interested in B.Each, is interested in C. All, are interesting in D. Most, is interested in ( )13. You can choose ________, but you can’t take this one. A. any other dress B. any other dresses C. any dress D. other dress ( )14. -How often does your mother walk to work? -________. If it rains, she takes a bus to work. A. Always B. Often C. Seldom D. Never


2019年七年级数学上册寒假作业答案 2019年七年级数学上册寒假作业答案 1、=-0.5 =2 2、略 3、略 4、-1.50062×10^4 5、-0.00203 6、-1/(1+2a) -3/(2ab ²;(x-y) 7、<-2.5 8、扩大5倍 选择题ABC 12、(1)=b/(a+b) (2)=3/(x-1) (3)=【(x-y)²;/xy】×【xy/(x+y)²;】= (x ²;-2xy+y ²;)/(x ²;+2xy+y ²;) (4)=(32x^7)/(9 y^3) 13、x-12=2x+1 x=1 14、(1) x带入原式= (-2/5 &ndash;2k)/-6/5k = 8/5 k=-5 (2)原式=x ²;/(x ²;+x) 当x=-1/2时,原式=-1 15、原式的倒数=3(x ²;+1/x ²;-1)=-9/4 16、原式=(a+ab+abc)÷(a+ab+abc)=1 17、设小李x,小王x+2。60/(x+2)=48/x x=8 x+2=10 1、(1)右4 下5 下5 右4 点A&prime;点B&prime;&ang;C&prime;线段B&prime;C&prime;

(2)相同距离 (3)相等相等相等 (4)形状 (5)距离 (6)略 2、图自己画啊 (1)一个定点这个定点 (2) 旋转中心相等相等相等 (3)大小形状 (4)略 3、图自己画 (1)180°另一个图形两个图形这点两个图形成中心对称对称中心交点 (2)初始旋转中心旋转角0°<α<360° (3)180°初始图形对称中心 (4)略 4、图自己画 (1)成轴对称直线 (2)相等相等相同不变 (3)两对对应点中点的垂线 (4)相互重合轴对称图形直线 (5)过圆心的直线无数边中点的中垂线3 4 2


四年级英语寒假作业答案 (一) I:1.water 2. dress 3. vest 4. apple 5. skirt 6. potato II:1. Canda 2. kite 3. water 4. raincoat 5. fruit III:ABBAB IV:CADCCA V:1. twelve 2. Six, Four 3. four, five, nine 4. nurse 5. Two, Five 6. eight, three, eleven 7. two 8. England VI:1. 8 2. C (二) I:FHGICDEAJB II:PRC: 中华人民共和国 WTO: 世贸组织 CCTV:中央电视台 TJTV: 天津电视台 UK: 联合王国 USA:美国 III:CEADB IV:DGAFBCE V:ABABABAA VI:略 (三) I:DBECA II:nine Four Seven six five eight III:CACBB IV:1. What is that? 2. It’s a cucumber.

3. Are you sure? 4. What’s this in English? 5. Let’s play a game. V:略 VI:1. I , water 2. apples, bananas 3. on, sweater 4. eight , seven (四) I:CCABA II:CDBC III:1. a ,dress 2. cloudy 3. Three, Six 4. bananas 5. twelve IV:ABABBB (五) I:DCEAB II:1. me 2. on 3. you 4. are 5. at 6. a, at 7. the 8. an 9. on 10. rainy III:small, big, big, short small, big tall, short IV:AABCAAAB V:AABA (六) I:BEDCA II:1 长鼻子 2 短尾巴 3 大嘴巴 4 两支长耳朵 5.a fat cat 6. a short girl 7. a small apple 8. a short shirt 9. a new vest 10. two tall boys III:DACEB IV:ACBCC BAAAA


七年级英语寒假综合试卷(四) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分) 一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) ()1.Simon looks smart purple. A.on B. of C. with D. in ()2.Jackie Chan is a Kungfu superstar. He is among the people all over the world. A.modern B. beautiful C. interesting D. popular ()3—Is the man on the left your English teacher? —No, he teaches Biology. His classes are fun. A.we B. our C. us D. ours ()4—_______ do you do at Halloween? —We play games and have lots of fun. A.How B. Where C. What D. When ()5—This pair of shoes looks nice. Can I , madam? A.try them on B. try it on C. try on it D. try on them ()6. —Can you help me when the train leaves? —Sure, Mr Green. A.look for B. look out C. look at D. find out ()7.—What’s your , Jimmy? —I like dancing to music. A. work B. name C. hobby D. age ()8.—The price of a HUAWEI Mate 9 Pro will be more than 4000 yuan. —Yes, good things always much. A.pay B. spend C. take D. cost ()9.—Where’s Lucy? —She volleyball with her friends. A.practises playing B. is practising playing C. practisng playing D. is practisng to play ()10.How many syllables(音节) does the word “lovely” have? A.One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. ()11.Trainers are for a long walk. A. matching B. match C. fit D. fitting ()12.—Mike, let’s go to the zoo now. —OK. Just a . Let me change my shoes. A.second B. minute C. hour D. day


目录一、有理数1-5 二、代数式6-10 三、一元一次方程11-15 四、一元一次的方程的应用16-20 五、图形的认识、数据的收集与统计图21-24

一.选择题(共11小题) 1.如果|a|=a ,那么a 是( ) A .0 B .非负数 C .正数 D .0和1 2.有理数﹣2018的相反数是( ) A .2018 B .﹣2018 C . D .﹣8102 3.下列各数中: ,﹣|﹣2|,0,π,﹣(﹣ ),0. ,正有理数的个数有( )个. A .2 B .3 C .4 D .5 4.有理数﹣ 的倒数是( ) A . B .﹣2 C .2 D .1 5.下列结论中,错误的个数为( ) ﹣(﹣2)2 =4;﹣5÷ =﹣5; ; =﹣3;﹣33 =﹣9. A .2个 B .3个 C .4个 D .5个 6.已知a ,b 为有理数,若a 99?b 100<0,且a ﹣b >0.则下列推断正确的是( ) A .a >0,b >0 B .a >0,b <0 C .a <0,b >0 D .a <0,b <0 7.如图数轴上点A ,B 分别对应有理数a ,b ,则下列结论正确的是( ) A .ab >0 B .﹣a >b B . C .a+b <0 D .|a ﹣b|=b ﹣a 8.把(﹣2)﹣(+3)﹣(﹣5)+(﹣4)统一为加法运算,正确的是( ) A .(﹣2)+(+3)+(﹣5)+(﹣4) B .(﹣2)+(﹣3)+(+5)+(﹣4) C .(﹣2)+(+3)+(+5)+(+4) D .﹣2)+(﹣3)+(﹣5)+(+4) 9.若规定运算:a*b=2a ﹣b ,则(﹣2)*5的值为( ) A .﹣10 B .10 C .﹣9 D .9 10.被誉为“中国天眼”的世界上最大的单口径球面射电望远镜FAST 的反射面总面积相当于35个标准足球场的总面积已知每个标准足 球场的面积为7140m 2,则FAST 的反射面总面积为249900m 2可大约表示为( ) A .7.14×103m 2 B .7.14×104m 2 C .2.5×105m 2 D .2.5×106m 2 11.若|x|=2,|y|=3,则x+y 的绝对值是( ) A .5或﹣5 B .1或﹣1 C .5或1 D .5,﹣5,1,﹣1 二.填空题(共7小题) 12.计算: ①﹣7﹣3= ; ②3﹣(﹣2)×4= ; ③比3小﹣5的数是 . 13.﹣1 的倒数是 , 的平方等于16. 14.若m ,n 互为相反数,则5m+5n+3= . 15.计算:| ﹣ |+| ﹣ |﹣| ﹣ |= . 16.已知数轴上点A 表示的数为﹣3,点B 表示的数为4,若点C 到A 的距离与点C 到B 的距离相等,则点C 表示的有理数是 . 17.已知a ,b ,c 在数轴上的位置如图所示,化简:|a ﹣b|+|b+c|+|c ﹣a|= . 18.有几滴墨水滴在数轴上,根据图中标出的数值,推算墨迹盖住的整数有 个. 三.解答题(共6小题) 19.计算: (1)(﹣5)﹣4÷(﹣2)+(﹣9) (2)﹣12018﹣0.75÷ ×[4﹣(﹣2)3]

2019 英语寒假作业答案

二、阅读理解 21-25 CBDBC 26-30 CACDC 36-35 DADBC 三、单词拼写 1. field 2.period 3.painful 4. northern 5. crying 6.sleepy 7.daily 8. customers 四、语法填空 1. to write 2. more private 3. parents’ 4. safety 5. helpful 6. who 7. getting 8. was pushed 9. were having 10. made 五、完型填空 1.encourage 2. children’s 3. everything 4. deal with 5. among 6. before 7. choices 六、阅读表达 1. Because they go there to read. ` 2.It lasted for two days. 3.It has a theater, a hall for ceremonies, a restaurant and rooms for parties. 4.这个书店的成功为山区带来了一种新的生活。 5.Nbooks Club 七、写作 Dear Jason, Thanks for your e-mail. I’m writing to tell you how my life has been these days. Recently an invention that was designed by me has won a big prize. And my lost coat was also given back to me by a kind person. However, two problems are troubling me these days. I’m always under too much pressure from my parents. And I also wonder if we should be allowed to make our own decisions. Could you give me some advice? Although life is not easy, there is always hope. I’m wishing to take a trip to America and learn more about American history and culture. I believe my dream can come true. Look forward to your reply as soon as possible. Yours, Zhu Fang 二、阅读理解 21-25 DCCDC 26-30 ADBCC 31-35 DDDBC 三、单词拼写 1.down 2. shut 3. wounded 4. reflect 5. wars 6. prefers 7. total 8. performing 四、语法填空 1.the 2. to enjoy 3. and 4.listening 5.shows 6. themselves 7.by 8.truly 9. called 10. will continue 五、完型填空 1.get through 2. nothing 3. taught 4. successful 5. while 6. certain 7.whatever 六、阅读表达 1. To “grow” huge pictures in the fields. 2. Design the pictures on computers to decide where and how to plant the rice. 3. Different colors will appear in the rice fields. 4. 在最初的几年里,农民们用不同品种的水稻创作简单的图案。 5. Tanbo art in Japan 七、写作 Drear Mary, Thanks for your last letter. I’d like to tell you about my favorite kind of music. There’re many kinds of music, but I like classical mu sic best. I think classical music has a lasting value and it’s more attractive than any other kind of music, so it’s worth enjoying. I have been to many concerts for classical music in my free time and I enjoy all of them and feel really great. However, it seems that most young people prefer pop music and they think pop music is cool. Whatever happens, I won’t change my love for classical music. I hope more and more people will love it, too. Yours, Tony


衡水金卷(分科综合卷)模拟二答案 21_23AAD24_27CAAB28_31CCAC 32_35BDCC36_40GBCEF41_45ACDAA 46_50BBCDC51_55BADDA56_60BABCD 61has changed\has been changing62clearly 63were64occurring65where66the 67engineers68to69surprising70to create 改错 第一句to后加the.第二句here改为there.第三句find改为found.第四句another改为other第五句activity改为activities.第六句places后加in或which改为where.第七句importantly改为important.第八句surrounding改为surrounded.第十句but改为and. 作文 Here are some tips about Chinese wedding customs for your request in your last e-mail. Be sure to reach the wedding before the due time in the invitation. It is typical for guests of the wedding to bring a cash gift in the form of“Hong Bao”.The cash amount is not lower than your share of the dinner.Avoid wearing red or it will make you seem like you are trying to take the attention away from the bride.It is often considered polite to stand up and toast with the married couple when


2020年语文七年级上册寒假作业答案P8第四题 1.长江 2.黄河 3.秦淮 4.下雨,天留客,天留,我不留。 下雨天,留客,天留我不留。 下雨天,留客天,留我不留。 因为客人认为朋友说:“下雨天,留客天,留我不?留。”他以为朋友让他留下来,所以一个劲住下去了。 二.把“合”字拆开,为“人一口”,即每人一口,所以意为大伙都吃。 ①.虎(啸)马(嘶 )狼(嚎)狮(吼 )猿(啼 )鹿(咴 ) 犬(吠)蝉(噪 )鸡(鸣 ) ②.喜新厌旧阿谀逢迎新愁旧恨枯树逢春 双喜临门辞旧迎新日新月异寸草春晖 好大喜功来迎去留旧貌新颜阳春白雪 沾沾自喜迎刃而解除旧布新春暖花香 三. 1.鼠目寸光天化日新月异曲同工力悉敌 2.牛鬼蛇神通广大快人心口如一发千钧

3.虎口余生死存亡羊补牢不可破门而入 4.兔死狐悲天悯人定胜天马行空中阁楼 5.龙争虎斗志昂扬粗去精卫填海阔天空 6.马到成功成不居高临下里巴人心所向 7.羊肠小道听途说一不二三其德才兼备 8.猴年马月落星沉鱼落雁过拔毛遂自荐 9.鸡犬升天昏地暗无天日久天长年累月 10.狗苟蝇营私舞弊绝风清尘浊水乳交融 11.猪突然勇往直前所未有气无力争上游 四.黄忠射箭——百发百中 韩信点兵——多多益善 东吴招亲——弄假成真 包公审案——铁面无私 司马昭之心——路人皆知 楚霸王困于垓下——四面楚歌 五. 日月如梭不绝如缕对答如流栩栩如生如火如茶始终如一挥汗如雨依然如故 心急如焚守口如瓶视死如归骨瘦如柴 挥金如土铁证如山胆小如鼠心乱如麻 安然无恙安然入梦庞然大物豁然开朗 跃然纸上肃然起敬浩然正气恍然大悟

轩然大波黯然无声春然置之嫣然一笑怡然自得幡然悔悟诗文漫步 (从五题开始前面的抄书就能够) (5)思而不学则罔,学而不思则殆。 (6)海日生残夜,江春入旧年。 (7)老骥伏枥,志在千里,烈士墓年,壮心不已。 (8)天河何处,远远的海雾模糊。只怕鲛人在岸,对月流珠? (9)何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时。 (10)吹面不寒杨柳风,不错的,像母亲的手抚摸着你。


七年级英语寒假训练(三) Class:_________ Name:_________ Marks:__________ 第一部分听力部分(略) 第二部分基础知识运用(65分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(15分) ( )1.—____ is the cap? —Twenty yuan. A. How much B. How old C. How many D. How heavy ( )2.—Could you ask her ____, please? I have something to tell her. —OK. A. call me back B. to call me back C. call back me D. to call back me ( )3. —I don’t like the green coat. —____ the red one? A. What’s B. Where’s C. What about D. How ( )4. —I like these shoes. Can I ____? —Sure. A. try it on B. try them on C. try on it D. try on them ( )5.—Look! It’s 11:45 now. —Oh. I t’s time lunch. Let’s go. A. have B. has C. having D. to have ( )6.—Could you buy some bread your way ? —Sure. A. on; home B. on; to home C. in; home D. in; to home ( )7. —What time is it? —It’s ____. A. five to a quarter B. a quarter to five C. three quarters past four D. forty-five four ( )8.—Would you like to go to the zoo tomorrow? —Yes, . A. I would B. I like C. I would like D. I’d love to ( )9. —Do you want ____ with me? —Yes, I do. A. to do any shopping B. do any shopping C. to do some shopping D. do some shopping ( )10. I don’t have ____ apple juice, but I have ____ orange juice. A. any; some B. some; some C. any; any D. some; any ( )11.—May I speak to Jim, please? —Sorry, ____ now. A. I’m not Jim B. this is me C. this isn’t me D. he isn’t in ( )12.—____ —I want a pair of shoes for my son.


七年级数学寒假作业答案2020南方出版社 一、选择题(本题共30分,每小题3分) 下面各题均有四个选项,其中只有一个是符合题意的. 1.的绝对值等于(). A.B.C.D. 2.根据北京市公安交通管理局网站的数据显示,截止到2012年2月16日,北京市机动车保有量比十年前增加了辆,将用科学记数法表示应为(). A.B.C.D. 3.下列关于多项式的说法中,正确的是(). A.它是三次三项式 B.它是四次两项式 C.它的最高次项是 D.它的常数项是1 4.已知关于x的方程的解是,则k的值为(). A.B.C.1D. 5.下列说法中,正确的是(). A.任何数都不等于它的相反数 B.互为相反数的两个数的立方相等 C.如果a大于b,那么a的倒数一定大于b的倒数 D.a与b两数和的平方一定是非负数 6.将一副直角三角尺按如图所示的不同方式摆放,则图中锐角与相等的是(). 7.下列关于几何画图的语句正确的是

A.延长射线AB到点C,使BC=2AB B.点P在线段AB上,点Q在直线AB的反向延长线上 C.将射线OA绕点O旋转,终边OB与始边OA的夹角为一个平角 D.已知线段a,b满足,在同一直线上作线段,,那么线段 8.将下列图形画在硬纸片上,剪下并折叠后能围成三棱柱的是 9.已知a,b是有理数,若a在数轴上的对应点的位置如图所示,,有以下 结论:①;②;③;④. 则所有正确的结论是(). A.①,④ B.①,③ C.②,③ D.②,④ 10.右图中的长方体是由三个部分拼接而成的,每一部分都是由四个同样大小的小正方体组成的,那么其中第一部分所对应的几何体应是 二、填空题(本题共20分,11~14题每小题2分,15~18题每小题3分) 11.用四舍五入法将1.8935取近似数并精确到0.001,得到的值是. 12.计算:=. 13.一件童装每件的进价为a元(),商家按进价的3倍定价销售了一段时间后,为了吸引顾客,又在原定价的基础上打六折出售,那么按新的售价销售,每件童装所得的利润用代数式表示应为元. 14.将长方形纸片ABCD折叠并压平,如图所示,点C,点D的对应点分别为点,点,折痕分别交AD,BC边于点E,点F.若,则=°. 15.对于有理数a,b,我们规定.(1)=;


2019七年级上学期寒假作业答案(语文) 寒假即将到来,家长朋友们一定要注意孩子的假期学习问题。查字典语文网初中频道为大家提供了七年级上学期寒假作业答案,希望对大家有所帮助。 1-2页一、略二、泻一泄到一道义一异查一察众一重晦一诲三、我早就想把你抓住了,我早就想剿灭你了(意对即可)。四、1.⑴用出全部力量,一点儿也不保留。 (2)形容思想感情自然而然地产生。 2.D 3.B 4.为了突出春天的绿给人间带来了许多温馨。 5.B 6.⑴绿的谦虚⑵绿的宽容⑶绿的博大和永恒⑷绿的可靠 7.可靠谦虚宽容博大永恒 8.通过对四季的绿的描写,抒发了作者对生活的热爱和赞美。 3-4页一、略二、B 三、如:我们不做山沟里易涨易退的小溪,要做寒暑不变的一望无涯的沧海。四、1.裹,渺,瘪,骤 2.患得患失、垂头丧气到获得殊荣。 3.让他多接受阳光和风雨,多吸收养分,成为最棒的种子玉米。 4.如:但有时候需要再等一下但不要急于求成但成功的过程即是 等待的过程天生我材必有用希望总在前头等。 5.落入平庸,获不了殊荣,成不了种子。 6.人要相信自己,成功需要等待。付出了,并非所有的事情都立竿见影,耐心最为重要。要接受必要的磨炼。不要半途而废。 5-6页一、C 二、1. 兴致勃勃 2. 恐吓 3. 眺望 4. 抱

憾 5. 心有余悸三、D 四、略 五、1.皇帝的新装;丹麦;童话;安徒生;《丑小鸭》、《卖火柴的小女孩》 2. A 3. A 4. 爱新装成癖、虚伪;怕丢官职;教训皇帝、捞钱。 7-8页一、略二、D 四、略五、B 六、1. 。;;;;2.招牌是商店的标志,这里用招牌比喻云是天气变化的标志,这个比喻准确,形象地说明了看云和识天气的密切关系。 3.姿态万千⑤ 4.是该段文字的中心对1234句总结 5. 阴森乌云密布变化无常说明云就像是天气的招牌,天上挂什么云,就将出现什么样的天气 6. 1‖234‖57.总分总 9-10页一、C 二、 B 三、A 四、1.故意造作来掩饰;认为地位低下而自卑。 2.出租车司机出租汽车 3.稳稳地把着方向盘,还不时照应着两侧行人,让车轮由水洼里轻巧地、舒缓地踱了过去,不见一点水花溅起来。那车子驶离水洼,也没有立即加速,却见那小司机一手把了方向盘,一手扶着车窗,探出头,回转过脸来,望了望后面的行人,留下一个含着些歉意的微笑;虽然并没有溅染任何一个行人的裙边裤脚,却仿佛是在为车过水洼那片刻间,可能惊扰了行人其中也包括着我和我的友人而致歉似的 4.A C D F 5. 4 ;1 2 ;3 6.踱是慢步走,这里形容司机车速放得很慢。用踱形象生动地写出小司机行车时不伤害、惊扰行人的文明行为,显示了的士的风度。7.B D 8.把、扶、探、回转、望、留下


杨家坳中学2015—2016学年度第一学期寒假作业七年级英语寒假训练(三) Class:_________ Name:_________ Marks:__________ 第一部分听力部分(略) 第二部分基础知识运用(65分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(15分) ( )1.—____ is the cap? —Twenty yuan. A. How much B. How old C. How many D. How heavy ( )2.—Could you ask her ____, please? I have something to tell her. —OK. A. call me back B. to call me back C. call back me D. to call back me ( )3. —I don’t like the green coat. —____ the red one? A. What’s B. Where’s C. What about D. How ( )4. —I like these shoes. Can I ____? —Sure. A. try it on B. try them on C. try on it D. try on them ( )5.—Look! It’s 11:45 now. —Oh. I t’s time lunch. Let’s go. A. have B. has C. having D. to have ( )6.—Could you buy some bread your way ? —Sure. A. on; home B. on; to home C. in; home D. in; to home ( )7. —What time is it? —It’s ____. A. five to a quarter B. a quarter to five C. three quarters past four D. forty-five four ( )8.—Would you like to go to the zoo tomorrow? —Yes, . A. I would B. I like C. I would like D. I’d love to ( )9. —Do you want ____ with me? —Yes, I do. A. to do any shopping B. do any shopping C. to do some shopping D. do some shopping ( )10. I don’t have ____ apple juice, but I have ____ orange juice. A. any; some B. some; some C. any; any D. some; any ( )11.—May I speak to Jim, please? —Sorry, ____ now. A. I’m not Jim B. this is me C. this isn’t me D. he isn’t in


七年级数学寒假作业练习题及答案 一、填空题(每题2分,共20分) 1、某食品加工厂的冷库能使冷藏的食品每小时降温5℃,如果刚进库的牛肉温度是10℃,进库8小时后温度可达__℃。 2、开学教室时,老师总是先把每一列最前和最后的课桌摆好,然后再依次摆中间的课桌,一会儿一列课桌摆在一条线上,整整齐齐,这是因为__________。 3、计算:-5×(-2)3+(-39)=_____。 4、近似数1.460×105精确到____位,有效数字是______。 5、今年母亲30岁,儿子2岁,______年后,母亲年龄是儿子年龄的5倍。 6、按如下方式摆放餐桌和椅子: 桌子张数1234……n 可坐人数6810…… 7、计算72°35′÷2+18°33′×4=_______。 8、已知点B在线段AC上,AB=8cm,AC=18cm,P、Q分别是AB、AC中点,则=_______。 9、如图,A、O、B是同一直线上的三点,OC、OD、OE是从O点引出的三条射线,且∠1∶∠2∶∠3∶∠4=1∶2∶3∶4则∠ 5=_________。 10、如图,某轮船上午8时在A处,测得灯塔S在北偏东60°的方向上,向东行驶至中午12时,该轮船在B处,测得灯塔S在北

偏西30°的方向上(自己完成图形),已知轮船行驶速度为每小时20千米,则∠ASB=______,AB长为_____。 二、选择题(每题3分,共24分) 11、若a0,则b、b+a、b-a中最大的一个数是() A、a B、b+a C、b-a D、不能确定 12、(-2)100比(-2)99大() A、2 B、-2 C、299 D、3×299 13、已知,+=0,则2m-n=()() A、13 B、11 C、9 D、15 14、某种出租车收费标准是:起步价7元(即行驶距离不超过3千米需付7元车费),超过了3千米以后,每增加1千米加收2.4元(不足1千米按1千米计),某人乘这种出租车从甲地到乙地支付车费19元,设此人从甲地到乙地经过的路程为x千米,则x的最大值是() A、11 B、8 C、7 D、5 15、如图,是一个正方体纸盒的展开图,若在其中三个正方形 A、B、C中分别填入适当的数,使得它们折成正方体后相对的面上两个数互为相反数,则填入正方形A、B、C、中的三个数依次是() A、1、-3、0 B、0、-3、1 C、-3、0、1 D、-3、1、0 16、两个角的大小之比是7∶3,他们的差是72°,则这两个角的关系是() A、相等 B、互余 C、互补 D、无法确定 17、利用一副三角板上已知度数的角,不能画出的角是()
