
A Good LawDescribe a good law in your country.You should saywhat the law ishow you first learned about this lawwho benefits from this lawand explain why you think this is a good law.Part31.What role does law play in society?2.If there were no laws, what do you think society (or life) would be like?3.Can you give any examples of what is illegal in China?4.Many people think that an occasional, minor breach of the law is ok. What doyou think?Your First CellphoneDescribe your first mobile phone.You should say:when you got ithow you got itwhat you used it forand explain how you felt when you got it.Part31.Are mobile phones very common in your country?2.Do all types of people use mobile phones or is it mostly a case of certain typesof people using them?3.Do many old people use mobile phones?4.Do you think old people find it easy to use a cell-phone?5.At what age do people in your country usually get their first cell-phone? Another CultureDescribe a place where you enjoyed learning about another culture.You should say:what place it waswhy you went therewhat you learnedand explain why you enjoyed learning about this culture.Part31.Do you think international sports events are necessary?2.Do such event improve relations between countries?3.How do people learn about other cultures?4.Do you think the ways people learn about other cultures today are different tothe ways people used to get knowledge decades ago?5.What do you think is the best way to become familiar with another culture? An Old Thing in Your FamilyDescribe an antique or an old object in your family.You should say:what thing it ishow your family first got this thinghow long your family has kept itand explain why this thing is important to your family.Part31.Which do you think are better, old things or new things?2.Do you think it's important to (sometimes) keep old things?3.what are some other things that people keep in their family for a long time?4.Why do you think people keep these things?A Film You DislikeDescribe a film you didn't like.You should say:when you saw itwhere you saw itwhat it was aboutand explain why you didn't like it.Part31.Do people prefer to watch films in the cinema or at home?2.Do different types of people all like to watch the same kinds of films?3.In what ways does watching films influence people?4.Has the way that people watch films changed much, compared to the way theywatched films in the past?5.Do you want to be a film star?6.In general, what are the qualities of a good-quality film and those of abad-quality film?Your Favourite SeasonDescribe your favourite season or time of the year.You should say:what season (or time of the year) it iswhat the weather is like at this timewhat you usually do at this timeand explain why you enjoy that season or time of the year.Part31.Is there anything you don't like about that season? (What? Why?)2.What's the difference between 'season' and 'weather'?3.What are the differences between the different seasons in China?4.Please briefly describe the different seasons in China.5.What are the signs that the season is changing (for example, from summer toautumn)?6.Please compare the two seasons, spring and autumn.7.Which season would you say is the best for tourism?8.Which season do you like best for sport?9.In general, how do you think climate of a place effects the people who livethere?A Useful WebsiteDescribe a useful website that you like to visit.You should say:what the website helps you to dowhat the contents of the website are (or, were)how often you go to this websiteand explain how(or, why) this website helps you.Part 3pared to several decades ago, do you think the internet has changed people’s lives?2.What impact has the internet had on modern people’s lives?3.What are the pros and cons of children using the internet?4.How do you think children could be encouraged to (or, taught to) use the internet inpositive ways?5.Do you think online education is good?6.Do you think the internet (or, computers) will ever replace teachers?7.In what ways is the internet used for entertainment?8.Do different age groups use it for entertainment in different ways?A Meal You LikeDescribe a meal (or dish) that you like to eat.You should say:what it iswhere you usually eat itwhat the meal is made ofand explain why you like it.Part31.Do you like cooking? (Why?/Why not?)2.What kinds of food do Chinese people like to eat?3.Would you say that eating a healthy diet is important? (Why?)4.Describe what you think is a healthy diet.5.Are there many vegetarians in China?6.Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?7.Is the food that people eat today in China different to the food that people used to eat8.in the past? (If yes, in what ways has it changed?)9.How do you think the way we eat will change in the future?10.Is American-style 'fast food' popular in China? (Why? Popular with whom?)11.What do you think of this popularity –is it as good thing?A PhotographDescribe a photograph.You should say:who took the photowhen it was takenwhere it was takenand explain why you like it.Part 3The Purposes of Photographs1.Do you like taking photographs?2.Why do so many people like to take photographs (as a hobby)?3.Some people don't like taking photographs. Can you make any guesses aboutwhy?4.What are the occasions when people take photographs?5.Why do some people invade the privacy of celebrities by taking photographs ofthese celebrities?6.Do you think news photographs are an important part of newspaper stories?7.Do you think photographs are important in understanding (or representing orrecording) history?Technology and Photographspare old cameras with those in use today.2.How has photography (or, photographic technology) changed over the past fewdecades?pare the photos that you take with those that professional photographerstake.4.Some people prefer to take still photographs while others prefer to take videos.Why?Photographs as Artpare a typical family photograph and an artistic photograph.2.Do many Chinese people visit photograph exhibitions?pare painting pictures and taking photographs (as art forms).4.Which leaves a deeper impression on people, a picture or a written descriptionof some event or sceneAn Important Letter You ReceivedDescribe an important letter (that) you receivedYou should say:who wrote itwhat the letter was abouthow you felt about the letterand explain why it was important.Part 31.What are the different kinds of things that the post office delivers topeople's letter boxes?2.Why do some people write letters to newspapers?3.What can people do if they receive unwanted advertising in the mail?4.Do you think it is better to apply for a job by letter or by email? (Why?/Whynot?)5.What is the most difficult kind of letter or email to write?6. How has modern science and technology changed letter writing?An AdvertisementDescribe an advertisement that you think is successful.You should say:what is advertisedwhat the advertisement containswhat kinds of people would be (or, are) interested inand explain why you think this advertisement works well.Part 3The Nature of Advertising1.What are some examples of places where we often see advertisements?2.Why do you think many (most) advertisements use good-looking people (topromote the product or service)?3.The influence of advertisements4.What are the different kinds of advertising?5.What kind of advertising is most common in China?6.What are the ways in which advertisements catch the attention of viewers?7.Is advertising on the internet very influential?8.How do advertisements attract the attention of people?9.What is the purpose (= the function) of advertising? = Why do companiesspend money on advertising?10.What kinds of advertisements are most attractive to children (or, youngpeople)?11.Do you think advertisements are a good or bad influence on children?12.Do you think advertisements actually influence people to buy things (perhapsthings they don't really need)?13.Do overseas advertisements used in, or adapted for use in China affect Chineseculture and values?Controls on Advertisements1.Does the Chinese government control advertisements in any way?2.What should happen to those people or companies who engage in falseadvertising?3.Do you think there should be controls on (= laws concerning) advertising, forexample cigarette and alcohol advertising?An Indoor GameDescribe an indoor game that you played when you were a child.You should say:what the game waswho you played it withhow you played itand explain why you played that game.Part31.Do you think outdoor activities are important for children?2.Why do children usually enjoy playing outside?3.Why do many children today not play outside very much?4.What are some of the benefits and possible bad points of children playingoutdoors?5.In general, how is outside play for children different to playing inside?6.Do you think the indoor activities and outdoor activities develop children'sabilities the same way?A Photo of YouDescribe a time when a photo was taken for you.You should say:when the photo was takenwhere the photo was takenwho took the photoand explain why the photo was taken.Part31.Would you say photographs are important?2.How important are news photographs?3.In what ways are news photographs different to other photographs?4.What do you think is the role of photographs in newspapers?5.Why do you think photos are often used in newspaper, magazine and televisionadvertising?Sth Helped You Learn LanguageDescribe something that helped you learn another language (besides your own language).You should say:what it waswhere you used itwho you used it withand explain how this thing helped you.Part31.Is learning foreign languages popular in your country?2.Why do people want to learn another language?3.How do people in your country learn these languages?4.What do you think are the benefits of knowing another language?5.Do you think it's better to start learning another language as an adult or as achild?6.What are the differences between old and young people learning a language?7.Who do you think learns a language easier (or, faster), children or adults?A Product From Your CountryDescribe something that is produced in your country.You should say:what the product iswhat it is used forhow it is madeand explain why your country produces this thing.Part31.What are some of the main food products ("foods") that your countryproduces?2.What widely consumed food products are mainly imported into your country?3.Do you think it's important that a country is self-sufficient in food?4.Besides food and the product you mentioned in Part 2, what else is made inyour country?A GroupDescribe a group that you would like to be part of, (such as a club)You should say:what group it iswho the members of this group arewhat this group doesand explain why you would like to belong to this group.Part31.What are some examples of organizations and groups that people join?2.Is there much difference between the groups that women join and those thatmen join?3.What are the benefits that people, both men and women, get from joining agroup?4.What kinds of online groups are there that people join?A Disliked High School SubjectDescribe a high school subject you do not (or did not) like very much.You should say:what subject it is (or was)who your teacher is (or was)how difficult it is (or was)and explain why you don't (or didn't) like studying this subject very much.Part31.How do you think students could be (or, should be) encouraged to study?2.What do you think teachers could (or should) do to help (or, encourage)students who are having difficulty with a subject?3.Do you think students should be given more homework than they have now?4.In general, what type of lesson (or class) is most popular with students?5.Which subjects do you think should be, and should not be taught in highschool.6.What high school subjects are the most unpopular among students? (Why?)A Foreign LanguageDescribe another language that you would learn if you wanted.You should say:the name of this languagehow you would learn itwhat equipment of facilities you would need to study this languageand explain what difficulties you think you would have when learning this language.Part 31.Do many people in China study a second foreign language? (Why?/Why not?)2.Why do you think some people are better than others at learning a foreign language?3.How would you assess your own language ability?4.Do you think children can learn a foreign language faster than adults? (Why?/Why not?)5.Who do you think is better at learning a foreign language, boys or girls?6.If you were an English teacher, how would you try to make lessons (more) interesting?7.How does studying a foreign language help people to understand the culture of thepeople who speak thatlanguage?8.Do you think it is important (or, a good idea) to have one mian world language?9.What would the advantages or disadvantages to have a global language?A Foreign LanguageDescribe another language that you would learn if you wanted.You should say:the name of this languagehow you would learn itwhat equipment of facilities you would need to study this languageand explain what difficulties you think you would have when learning this language.Part 31.Do many people in China study a second foreign language? (Why?/Why not?)2.Why do you think some people are better than others at learning a foreign language?3.How would you assess your own language ability?4.Do you think children can learn a foreign language faster than adults? (Why?/Why not?)5.Who do you think is better at learning a foreign language, boys or girls?6.If you were an English teacher, how would you try to make lessons (more) interesting?7.How does studying a foreign language help people to understand the culture of thepeople who speak thatlanguage?8.Do you think it is important (or, a good idea) to have one mian world language?9.What would the advantages or disadvantages to have a global language?A DecisionDescribe a decision you took a long time to make.You should say:what decision it waswhat difficulties you facedhow you made the decisionand explain why it took you a long time to make the decision.Part31.What do you think are the most important decisions that people make in theirlives?2.What skills are necessary when making decisions?3.How can people improve their decision-making skills?4.How do you think computers will change the way people make decisions?5.Do parents in China allow their children to make important decisions about thefuture?6.Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?7.How can older people (parents) help young people (their children) make theirown decisions wisely?A Family BusinessDescribe a family business that you are familiar with.You should say:what business it ishow you know this businesswho the customers of the business areand explain why you think this business is successful.Part 31.Do you think business is important?2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a family business?3.Do you think the early stage of running a small business is generally easy, ordifficult?4.Many small businesses fail after just a year or two. Can you suggest why that is?5.What do you think is the most important factor that determines the success of abusiness?6.What qualities does a successful businessperson need to have?Your Future Work PlansDescribe a job you would like to have in the future.You should say:what this job would involvewhat study you would need to do to prepare for this workwhy you would like to have this joband explain what skills you would need for this work.Part 3Changing Jobs1.Why do people need to work?2.Do most people work for job satisfaction or just for money?3.Do people in China change their jobs very often?4.Do you think it is good to change your job frequently?5.How often do you think people should change their jobs?6.In China, how do most people feel about people who often change their job?7.Do you think that people who often change their jobs have more jobsatisfaction and better incomes than other people?8.If you had a well paid job but didn't like your work, what would you do? Something You BoughtDescribe something you bought but don't often use.You should say:what it iswhen and where you bought itwhat it is used forand explain why you don't often use it.Part31.Do people in your country like to go shopping?2.Do many people buy things in street markets?3.What do you think are the pros and cons of shopping in a large departmentstore?4.What are the differences between buying something in a shopping mall andbuying something online?5.For you or, for most people, which is more important when you buy something,the price or the quality?A MagazineDescribe a magazine or newspaper that you like to read.You should say:what magazine or newspaper it iswhat the magazine or newspaper is abouthow often you read itand explain why you like to read it.Part31.What kinds of things do people in your country like to read?2.Do you think people's reading habits today are different to people's readinghabits in the past?3.Do young people and old people like to read the same types of things?4.What do you think are the differences between reading for pleasure andreading for other purposes?5.How do you think people's reading habits might change in the future?Sth You Saved Money ForDescribe something that you saved money to buy.You should say:what it washow long it took you to save enough money to buy itwhy you wanted to buy this thingand explain how you felt when you bought it.Part31.Which is better for saving money, using a credit card or using cash?2.What do young people in your country save money for?3.Who do you think saves money easier, men or women?4.You do some people find it hard to save?5.How can young people learn to manage their financial affairs?A Gift You Would Like To GiveDescribe a gift you would like to give to one of your friends.You should say:who you would like to give this gift towhat the gift would behow much it would costand explain why you would like to give this gift to this person.Part31.Why do people give gifts to others?2.When do people in your country give gifts?3.What should people consider when choosing a gift?4.Do you think some parents give too many things to their children?5.Can you suggest any ways to improve that situation?Sth You Cannot Live WithoutDescribe a thing you cannot live without, (besides a mobile phone and a computer). You should say:what it iswhat it looks likewhat you use it forand explain why you think you cannot live without this thing.Part31.Why do young people like to use high-tech products?2.Are there any features on your mobile phone that you don't need?3.Sometimes we see a young child constantly holding a toy. What kinds of toysare these usually?4.Why do you think these children constantly hold on to that toy?An Interesting SpeechDescribe an interesting (and impressive) talk (or speech) that you heard.You should say:who gave the talkwhat the talk was aboutwhere you heard itand explain why the talk was interesting/ what you learned from this talk.Part 31.What different kinds of speeches or lectures have you attended in your life?2.What qualities (attributes) should these visiting speakers have?3.Why do many people find it hard to give a talk to young people?4.Why do you think many people are nervous before they give a speech?5.Why do people give speech to children?6.Who make people to do so?7.How media relate to the speech to children in school?8.What kind of people can give speech to children?9.How about people on normal jobs?10.What's the aim of the speeches to children?An Item of ClothingDescribe an item of clothing that was bought for you.You should say:what it iswhat it looks likewhy it was bought for youand explain how you feel (or felt) about this item of clothing.Part 31.Does everyone like to go shopping for clothes?2.Why do you think some people don't like shopping for clothes?3.Do you think it's important to follow the current fashions in the clothes you wear?4.Why do you think many people feel it's important to wear clothes that are "in fashion"?5.Do you think people tend to judge others by the clothes they wear?(Why?)6.Do you think these differences in clothes reflect differences in personality?7.Do you (Did you) like wearing school uniform?8.Do you think it's good for people (such as school students) to wear school uniform?9.What impact do you think the fashion industry has on the economy of your country?A Work of ArtDescribe a painting or work of art that you have seen.You should say:when you saw this work of artwhere you saw itwhat it looked likeand explain your impression of it.Part 31.Do schools in China have art classes?2.Do you think art classes are necessary? (Why?)3.How do you think art classes affect children’s development?4.What kind of paintings do Chinese people like?5.What can you learn from western paintings?6.Some paintings are very expensive, but people still want to buy them. Why doyou think they think this way?7.What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?A Television ProgramDescribe an educational TV program that you like to watch.You should say:the name of the programwhat type of program it iswhat contents it hasand explain what you learn from this program.Part 3Television Tastes1.What types of TV programs do you like?2.In general, what types of TV programs are most popular in China?3.Have TV programs changed in the past few years? (If yes, how?)Educational Television1.Do you think there should be more educational TV programs?2.How do you think television will develop (or change) in the future?3.In your opinion, how does watching TV influence people?4.What do you think are the benefits, and the drawbacks, of watching television?5.What do you think can be the result if a person watches too much TV?6.Do you want to be a TV celebrity (or, "star")?7.Do you think it's good that TV celebrities are often role models for young people?8.In your opinion, what qualities does someone need to have to become a TV celebrity?9.Many TV stars have an income that is very high. Do you think this is reasonable?A Wild AnimalDescribe a time when you saw a wild animal.You should say:what animal it waswhere you saw itwhat happened when you saw itand explain how do people in your country feel about this animal.Part 3Zoos1.Do you think zoos are good or bad?2.Do you think it's cruel to keep wild animals in zoos?3.Why do you think so many cities have zoos?4.In your opinion, what features should a good zoo have?5.Do you think zoos might disappear in the future?6.What future developments do you think we will see concerning zoos?The Protection of Wild Animals1.Why do you think wild animals should be protected?2.In what ways does human activity result in the extinction (or near extinction) of someanimal species?3.At present, many animals are already facing extinction. How do you think averagecitizens could (help) protect wild animals?4.Why do you think films or books for children so often include animals?A Family CelebrationDescribe a family celebration that you attended.You should say:when & where this celebration was heldwhat you did in this celebrationwho was thereand explain why this celebration was held.Part31.Are weddings considered very important in your country?2.Where are weddings held?3.Who officiates weddings in your country?4.Do you think it's important to marry someone who has the same level ofeducation as you do?A Busy TimeDescribe a time when you are very busy.You should say:when this time iswhat you do at this timehow you arrange your timeand explain how you feel after this busy time is over.Part31.Do you think it's necessary for everyone to spend some time in a relaxed, quietplace?2.Do you think it's good to be busy?3.How do people relax themselves in your country?4.Why do you think some people are much busier than others?A Friend You Haven't SeenDescribe a friend you haven't been in contact with for a long time.You should say:how long you have not been in contactwhen you would like to meet him or herwhat you would like to do togetherand explain why you haven't been in contact for a long time.Part31.What are the differences between new friends and old friends?2.Why do people make new friends?3.What are some of the reasons why people lose contact with old friends?4.What are some reasons why some friendships end?A Positive ChangeDescribe a positive change in your life.You should say:when it happenedwhere it happenedwhat the change wasand explain how you have benefited from this change.Part31.Do you like change(s)?2.Do you think change is good?3.Do old people like change?4.What do you think are the benefits and disadvantages (or, pros and cons) ofchange?A Time You Were HelpedDescribe a time when someone who you didn't know helped you.You should say:who helped youwhere this happenedhow he or she helped youand explain how you felt after they helped you.Part31.How can communities be improved?2.Have you ever been helped by a neighbour?3.How can neighbours help each other?4.How can people help old people in their communities?A Time You Forgot SomethingDescribe something you once forgot to do.You should say:what you forgot to dowhen this happenedwhere it happenedand explain why you forgot to do this.Part31.Do you think memory is important?2.What are some reasons why people forget things?3.What sorts of things are easiest to remember?4.Can you suggest any methods or skills people could use to improve theirmemory?A Move to a New School or HomeDescribe a time when you moved to a new school or home.You should say:when you movedwhere you moved from and to。

雅思口语part1新题预测及范文分享我今日给大家整理了雅思口语part1新题猜测及参考范文,盼望能关心到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧雅思口语part1新题猜测及参考范文:高中1. What was your favourite subject in secondary school (=high school)?In my secondary school, English was my favourite subject because I found it very easy to remember the new word, and the sentences I learned were not hard at all. Besides, thanks to my English teacher, he taught me and corrected my pronunciation so that I could speak quite influent English.在我的中学里,英语是我最喜爱的科目,由于我发觉它很简单记住新单词,而我所学到的句子一点也不难。
2. And which subject did you like the least? (Why?)As my unfavourable subject, I guess the politics was the most disgusting subject because I had to remember endless and meaningless essays in order to pass the exams by rote. It was really a waste of my time.作为我最不喜爱的课,我想政治课是最令人厌恶的,由于我必需记住那些长篇大论文章,以便通过死记硬背来通过考试。

雅思口语预测9-12月份测试版Robin基于9月5日6日7日数据,有急用的同学可以先用这个准备,以后还会更新Part 1Study/Work 超级高频What's your major/job ?How do you like your major/job ?What subjects do you study at school ?Which one do you like most ?Is your major/work difficult ?What do you usually do after class ?What is the best time in your day ?NameIs there any special meaning of your name?How do you like your name?Apartment/house 高频Do you live in an apartment or a house ?What is your favorite room?What do you do in that room ?Do you want to change it ?What kind of house do you want to live in the future ?HometownWhere are you from?Where do you live in China?What are some advantages of living in your hometown?Do you want to live there in the future ?Sunshine 超级高频Do you like sunshine ?what do you do under the sunshine ?what is difficult for people to do under the sunshine ?BirthdayWhat do you do on your birthday ?How did you spend your birthday when you were a child ?Do you think birthday is important ?Which birthday is most important ? why ?PhotographyDo you like taking pohots ?When do you usually take photos ?Where did you take those photos ?What kind of pictures do you like to keep ?Walking 高频Do you like walking ?How often do you walk ?Do you prefer to walk in the city or in the countryside ?Do you think young people like to walk or old people ?Why ? Bicycles 高频Do you have a bicycle ?How often do you ride it ?Do you think riding a bicycle is popular ?Will it be popular in the future ?Relatives 高频Do you often visit your relatives ?What do you do when you visit them ?Do you prefer to visiting realtives or friends ?Forest/trees 高频Should we protect trees ?Should we grow trees in the city ?Do you like trees ?Did you climb trees when you were a child ?Do you think a place with many trees can attract more people ?Present /giftDo you like to send presents ?What kind of present do you like ?What kind of present do you dislike ?Who will send you presents ?NewsDo you read news ?Where do you usually get to know the news ,from Internet or newspaper ? When do you read news ?Do you read international news or local newsAdvertisementDo you like advertisement ?Do you buy sth after you watch some advertisement ?How does advertisement influence your country ?PartyDo you like parties ?How often do you have a party ?What do you do in a party ?Do you think young people or old people like ?ToysWhat is your favorite toy?How useful is toy to children?What can you learn from playing toys?Do you prefer playing them alone or with other people?CookingCan you cook ? What can you cook ?Who usually cooks in your family ?Do you want to learn cooking ? Why ?Clothes 高频What is your favorite style of clothes?Who chose your clothes when you were young ?How to choose clothes ? What do you care most ?Where do you buy clothes ?Painting/DrawingDo you like painting /drawing ?Did you learn drawing ?Why do people like buy painting/drawing ?Do you buy paintings to put on the wall ? Why ?Do you think children should learn it?E-mails / lettersDo you prefer to send E-mails or letters ?How often do you send E-mails / letters ?What do you write in your E-mails / letters ?MusicDo you like to listen to music ?What kind of music do you like ?Have you learned musical instrument ? Why ?TV programDo you watch TV ?What is your favourite TV program ?What kind of TV program is popular in china now ? What can you get from watching TV ?BusyAre you busy now ?Do you feel stressed when you are busy ?Do you like being busy ?When are you busy ?Do you like to be busy in the future ?Friends 高频Do you often make friends ?How do you keep in touch with each other ?What kind of quality should a good friend have ?PlantsDo you grow plants ?Do you prefer to grow plants indoors or outdoors ? Why do people grow plants?SportsDo you like sports ?How often do you do sports ?What kind of sports do you like ?Part 2事件类(10个)Describe a recent happy eventDescribe a trip by public transportationDescribe a long time to make decisionsDescribea competition you like to particpateDescribe a special mealDescribe a sports event you watch or you participatedDescribe a historical eventDescribe a partyDescribe a time people came to visit youDescribe an outdoor picnic人物类(3个)Describe a famous person important to our countryDescribe an old person you respectDescribe an interesting person you know地点类(6个)Describe an interesting countryDescribe a seaside placeDescribe a tourist attractionDescribe a place you go to listen to musicDescribe a cafeDescribe a shopping street物体类(6个)Describe something very important you can't live without (except PC or mobile phone) Describe a piece of clothes you wear on special occasionsDescribe a statue ,a painting or a work of artDescribe a book you like to recommend to othersDescribe an important plantDescribe an electronic equipment you bought for your family抽象概念类(14个)Describe a conversation you have with someone you don't knowDescribe a childhood storyDescribe a subject you hateDescribe a family businessDescribe a language you want to learnDescribe a web siteDescribe a school rule you agree or disagreeDescribe a TV program or film that makes you laughDescribe a job you liek to do in the futureDescribe an important message you receivedDescribe a science subjectDescribe a future planDescribe a group you enjoy inDescribe weather you likePart3 指示句型(signposting)归纳1.Expressing an opinion(1)I think 的不同讲法:If you ask me ,In my view,I would argue that ,I would say ,(2)在对于一些具有争议的话题中表达自己的观点的时候可以用:I (strongly) believe that ....I am strongly in favour of....As far as I am concerned,...I am convinced that...I must admit , I think....I am sceptical of the idea that....I am strongly against ....2. Comparison & Contrast(1)表达区别常用句型The biggest difference between....... and ....... is that.......One large way that .......... differs from ..........is that...............Yes, there are quite a few differences between ...... and ........A good example is ......There are a range of potential distinctions, for instance ......(2)用于转折的“然而”,英文不同表达方法HoweverWhereasNeverthelessDespite = In spite ofOn the contraryIn oppositeAlthoughOn one hand ……on the other hand .......(3)总结(conclusion):This is what I think about this topic.That is the reason why I think ......That is all.3. Changes and Speculating改变常用句型:(1) He used to do.......but now....(2) These days...... have /has become very ......(3) Great changes have taken place on .....in the past few years(4) ..... is getting more and more........than before/it used to be.(5) Previously ,he thought he would ......but now .......预测常用句型:Of course, there would be a number of changes related to this.Initially , we might begin to see......Primarily , it is quite probable that we are going to have ......On top of this, it is quite likely that .........3. Preference表示偏爱的常用句型I like A better than BI have a preference for…I prefer A to BI’d rather do sth——动词原形I tend to choose...I like... more4.Reasons回答原因类问题应该熟悉的句型。

雅思口语Part1新题猜测及范文示例:房子/公寓【题目】A house or a flat/apartment公寓/房子【口语范文】1. Do you currently live in a house or a flat/ apartment?I live in a flat not far from the town center.I currently live in a300-square-meter house in the southern suburb of the town.1. 你现在住的是房子还是公寓?我住在离市中心不远的一套公寓里。
2. Can you describe your house/flat?Sure. The flat has 6 rooms-one living room, one kitchen, one bathroom and three bedrooms for my parents, my brother and myself. The extra one is for the guest who would come to stay with us.2. 你能描述一下你的房子/公寓吗?确定。
3. What kind of house or flat do you want to live in in the future?Well, I would prefer a new flat in the town center. It doesnt have to be very big, but definitely has to be nice and cozy.Id like to have a big house with a beautiful garden in front for myself. You see, I always wanted to live in a house, to enjoy the big space and privacy it provides. But, of course, I also have to think in terms of my affordability before I make my final decision.3.你将来想住什么样的房子或公寓?嗯,我更喜爱市中心的一套新公寓。

口语Task 1plan 1 Advantage and disadvantage of eating in class.plan 2 是说有些大学把paper books或者magazines给卖掉了,取而代之的是electronic books,你觉得可行不可行。
plan 3 如果学校得到一笔大投资,打算改建图书馆、健身房、科学实验室,你建议学校建哪一个,WHY? If your university got a large sum of money and the plans of rebuilding the library, Gym and Scientific Laboratories were made, which do you think should get the investment? Why?plan 4Which of the three occupations do you think is the most hard? Civil servant, Doctor, Police officer; Explain with specific details and examples.plan 5你住的国家面临的问题… 翻译的不知道对不对,原题似乎是:Explain your country's problem or OOXX" Describe the problems your country is facing now.Task 2plan 1 Some people like collecting old things such as newspaper. How about you, explain.plan 2 Government该不该spend money on encouraging citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle.plan 3 你觉得学生应该focus on study或应该在求学期间做兼职part-time job? plan 4 Do you agree or disagree with school's arrangement for out-door curriculums like visiting museums and zoos? Why?plan 5你喜欢早做完事情还是等到快到deadline在做,为什么,你的意见是什么Do you prefer finishing your work once you got them (as quick as possible) or to wait until the due time(deadline). Why?Task 3plan 1 【公开信】the university is offering new internship opportunity to journalism student. And 【观点】the woman think it is great. 【理由】First, student will gain professional skills through this experience, and also this experience looks good on resume. Second, final course doesn't have regular schedule for student to attend. 补充:学校有一个通知,提供大四记者专业的学生到真正的报社实习,可以抵一个大四的课程,女生同意,自己也想去,因为可以写文章,和real editor一起工作,还可以不用去上课plan 2 读短文,然后听听力总结:短文内容是说现在的Modern literature课越来越popular,有些大学就采取了两个方法让更多的同学enroll。

雅思口语Part1新题猜测及范文示例:烹饪cooking【题目】烹饪cooking【口语范文】1. Do you like cooking?Yes, but Im not anexpert. I can cook simpleChinese dishes liketomato or cucumbersoup, tofu and potatoslices. However, most of my friends who tried my cooking said they didnt want to try again.1. 你喜爱烹饪吗?是的,但我不是专家。
2. When did you start cooking?About two years ago. Cooking is a basic survival skill. If one can cook well, he could balance the nutrition and calories intake, and its also essential to enhance the life quality. But if one cant cook, he might have to eat out or have much take-away food.2. 你什么时候开头做饭的?大约两年前。
3. Who usually cook in your family?That would be my mom and my grandma. They can make various kinds of delicious food.Even if you give them only a bag of potatoes, they can make several different dishes. Sometimes, my father would try to cook but, they are not good.3.你家通常谁做饭?那就是我的妈妈和奶奶。

Part 1House or apartment/livingWhat kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?Who do you live with?Do you plan to live there for a long time?Can you describe the place where you live?Which room does your family spend most of the time in?What do you usually do in your house/flat/roomAre the transport facilities to your home very good?Studies and WorkWhat subject(s) are you studyingWhy did you choose to study that subject/ Why did you choose to study those subjects?Do you like your subject? (Why?/ Why not?)Is it very interestingAre you looking forward to workingDo you prefer to study in the mornings or in the evenings?FamilyHow often do you meet with your family?How do you spend the time with your family? Do you want to live with your family in the future? Are you close to all of your family members?How has your family influenced you?HometownWhat’s your hometown?Is that a big city or a small place?Please describe your hometown a little.How long have you been living there?Do you like your hometown?What do you like about your hometown?Is there anything you dislike about it?Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?Future plan (future job)What is your ideal job in the future?What possible changes in the future might affect your job(or, your work)?What are you planning to do in the next ten years?Handwriting &TypingDo you like writing?Do you often write things?When do you need to write?What do you usually write?Do you think writing is important?Do you like write letters very often?Museum/Art GalleryAre there many museums in your hometown?Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown?Do you often visit a museum?Did you go to any museums when you were a child?Do you think museums are important?When was the last time you visited a museum.Books/ReadingDo you like reading books? Why or why not?What (kinds of) books do you like to read?Did you read much when you were a child?What (kinds of) books did you like reading when you were a child?Do (young) children like reading books?For children, what do you think are the benefits of reading?Taking photos/photographyDo you like to take photographs?(Why?)Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? (why?)How long have you liked taking photographs?How did you become interested in photography?How often do you take photographs?In what situations do you take photographs?How do you keep your photos?Are there any photos on the walls of your home?ChocolateHow often do you eat chocolate?What’s your favorite flavor?Is chocolate expensive in China?When was the first time you ate chocolate?Is chocolate popular in China?BagDo you like bags?What types of bags do you like?Do you usually carry a bag(when you go out)?What types of bags do you use(in your everyday life)Do you have different bags for different occasions(or, different purposes)?What do you put in these bags?Activity near water(sea/river)What activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean? Why do some people like water sportsDo you think the government should invest money in developing facilities for water sports?Do you think that human activity is posing a threat to the oceans of the world?CelebrityWho is your favorite celebrity in China?Do you like any foreign celebrities?Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?How do celebrities influence their fans in China?TeacherWhat kinds of teachers do you like best?Who was your favorite teacher when you were young?Would you want to be a teacher in the future?Have you ever had bad teachers before?VisitorsDo you like visitors coming to your home?How often do you have visitors to your home?When someone visits you, how do you usually show hospitality?Do you often invite friends to visit your home?Do people often visit you at your home?When do visitors come to your homeDo you prefer to have friends visit you, or relatives?GiftHow often do you buy others gifts?Do you like to send expensive gifts?What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?Why do people send gifts?HatDo you like to wear hats?What kinds of hats do you have?Where do you like to buy hats?Is wearing hats popular in your country?Weekend& relaxation/Leisure time/HolidayHow do you usually spend your weekends?In your country, do men and women usually do the same kinds of things on weekends? When do you usually do on weekends?What did you do last weekend?What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?Is there anything new that you would like to do on weekends?Do you like working on weekends?SingingDo you often like to sing?When do you like to sing?What kinds of music do you like to sing?Is it difficult to sing well?Do you want to be a singer?MusicDo you often like to listen to music?When do you listen to music?How much time do you spend listening to music every day?What kinds of music do you like to listen to?What’s your favorite kind of music?Where did you start listening to this type of music?How do you fell when you listen to this music?Have you ever been to a concert before?Do you like to listen to live music?Is music an important subject at school in China?Bus or TaxiHow often do you take the bus?When was the first time you took a taxi?What are the disadvantages of taking a taxi compared with buses?Is it convenient to take the bus/taxi in your city?Outdoor activitiesWhat do you do in your spare time?Do you like outdoor activities?What outdoor activities do you most like to do?How often do you do that?How much time do you spend outdoors every week?What types of outdoor activities are popular in your country?ColorWhat is your favorite color?What color do you prefer when you buy a new car?If you were to paint the walls of your room, what color would you choose?Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?Is color very important to you when you buy clothes?Do you prefer light or dark or bright colors?What’s the most popular colors in China?What’s the difference between men and women’s preference on colors?BirthdaysHow do children celebrate birthdays in your country?How did you celebrate your last birthday?What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?Is there a difference between the way you celebrated your birthday in the past or in the present?FlowersDo you like flowers>Do you think flowers are important?Are flowers important in your culture?On what occasions are flowers important?Do people in your country ever use flowers for special occasions?NoiseDo you mind noises?What types of noise do you come across in your daily life?Are there any sounds that you like?Where can you hear loud noise?Do you think there’s too much noise in modern society?Are cities becoming nosier?Group/Team work VS working aloneDo you prefer group-work or working alone?What are the benefits of group work?Did you have any experience of group working when you were young? How about now? What is the most difficult part of group working?What kind of people would like to work in groups?WalkingDo you like to walk?Do you like to walk on your own or with others?Would you say that your city is a good place for walking?Sunny daysDo you like sunny days?What do you like to do when it’s a sunny day?Would you like to stay at home or go outside when the weather is great?Are there many sunny days in your hometown?Newspaper and magazineDo you often read newspapers?Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?What kinds of newspaper do you usually read?Do you think it’s important to read newspapers?What different types of newspaper are there in China?What kinds of news do Chinese people read in newspapers?Art and paintingDo you like art?Do you think art classes are necessary? Why?How do you think art classes affect children’s development?What kind of paintings do Chinese people like?What can you learn from western paintingsWhat benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?Do you like to watch films?Do you prefer foreign films or Chinese films?How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?Do Chinese people like to go to a cinema to watch a film?What kinds of movies do you like best?What was the first film that you watched?AdvertisementAre there many advertisements in your country?Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?What are the various places where we see advertisements?How do you feel about advertisements?What kinds of advertisement do you like most?Do advertisements influence your choice about what to buy?Where can we see advertisements?Do you prefer advertisements on TV or those in magazines?What do you think about the developments in advertising in China today?SportDo you like to watch sports on TV?Do you play any sports?Do you have a favorite sports star?What are the most popular sports in China?What do you think are the benefits of doing sports for children?What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?Have you ever tried any dangerous sports?Do you like riding bicycles?Why do you think children enjoy riding bicycles?SeasonWhat season do you like best?What do you do in that season?What season do you think is most suitable for work or study?HandwritingDo you often write things?Do you write every day?When do you need to write?Do you like writing?What do you usually write?How many hours a day do you spend writing?Do you think writing is important?Computer/mobile phoneHow often do you use computers?What kinds of computers are popular in China?What do you usually use your computers for?Who taught you how to use a computer?Park/gardenAre public gardens very important in China?Are there many public gardens in China?Do you think there are enough public gardens in your hometown?What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?Why do people who live in cities like public gardens?Do you think government should provide public gardens for people to visit?Do you think gardens play the same role for old people and young people?SnackWhat kinds of snacks do you like to eat?Is it healthy to eat snack?Do your parents allow you to eat snacks?What was the most popular snack when you were young?What kind of snacks do children in your country like to eat nowadays?HandcraftDo you like collect things made by hand?Did you ever take handcrafts lessons at school?Are handcrafts popular in China?Do you think children should earn more about handcrafts?Do you think handcrafts are meaningful activities?Part2PlacesA place that is open to the publicA place you like most in your living city (open space)A public place in your city you like to visitA tall building you like or dislikeA park or garden you like most in your cityA place where you can be relaxedA stadium in townA foreign country where you’d like to work for a short timeObjectsDescribe a photo of yourself that you likeA gift you gave to someoneA piece of equipment (in your home) you always use/An important machine/A product that you bought & made you happyAn important thing you or your family have kept for a long timeSomething you at once/An occasion when you ate something for the first timePersonal Attachment & MediaAn advertisement you saw/read recentlyA sport which is good for people’s health./ A sport which you prefer to do (that is expensive)An interesting song you likeYour favorite movieA useful website you often visit/An article/A magazine or newspaperA course/subject that you want to have in the futureA science subject that you are interested in(eg. Medicine, psychology and mathematics, etc.)ExperienceA time when you were really busy/ A time when you were the busiestA big company you are interested inAn interesting tradition in your countryA positive change in your lifeAn activity you did after schoolSomething you learned from your mistake/ A mistake you madeSomething important for you to keep fitA piece of good news you got recentlyA time when you got up earlyA(car/motorbike/bike)trip/journey you would like to go onA happy family event/An outdoor activityA person/ something/ an experience that made you laughA time when you missed an appointmentA good personality you haveA method that helps you save moneyA time you shared something with othersAn unusual activity you have done recently/currently in the free timeAn event when you prepared/organized somethingSomething you plannedSomething interesting you recently did in your free time.A time when you needed to use imaginationA team project you participated inDescribe a small business that you want to have in the future.A special meal you would haveA time you felt a little bit angryA wedding you enjoyedA short trip that you dislike but often takeA skill you learned during your childhoodDescribe a goal that you would like to achieve in the future.Person/ AnimalA celebrity/ A famous person you likeA person who you only met recently but you want to know more about/become a friend of his/hers A person who you spend/like to spend much time withA creative person(you’ve worked with)(musician, inventor or a leader)A person who just moved to live with you/ to a new placeA leader you admire/ A person you admire who is much older than youYour best friend/ A person that has influenced youDescribe a family that you like(not your own)A wild animal that you saw(which was close to you)。

12 月 21 日托福考试小范围机经预测-口语很多同学拿到口语机经之后,就开始按照刷题的方式进行练习,每道题做的非常精细,反复录音,反复充实内容,结果花了不少时间。
这里给大家总结了独立口语机经的正确使用方式,以便让大家更高效的利用考前有限的时间来进行独立口语练习:1.按照机经话题的分类,把每道题目逐一过一遍,了解具体内容;2.在脑海中构思每道独立题目的答题逻辑,建议按照“观点+理由 1+例子 1+理由 2+例子2”的结构进行构思;(如果想不到合适的例子,先想出 2 个理由即可)3.尝试以句子为单位,按照之前的构思,输出独立口语答案,不要求例子等细节内容丰富,但要求结构完整。
独立口语参考思路题目:Do you agree or disagree that celebrities such as artists and athletes should be the role model for people?结构:Structure:Topic sentenceReason + examples and detailsConclusion思路:Choosing agree : Set up examples for young peopleAchievement realize our dreams : hard work and efforts ; never give up Examples:famous pianist Langlang : practice playing for over 8 hours everydaygained international fame at 17Kobe Bryant: outstanding basketball player, got up at 4:30, practicing piano for 9hours everyday and never gave upContribution to societySample AnswerYes,I do agree with the following statement.First, many successful celebrities have demonstrated that if young people want to realize their dreams and achieve their goals, they have to pay great efforts.Like the famous pianist Lang lang, who started to learn to play the piano since three years old. He practiced playing for over eight hours every day before he gained international fame. Kobe Bryant, one of the most successful Basketball players, practiced playing basketball for twelve hours, and seven days a week. Second, many celebrities have made great contribution to society, especially they made donations to charity, or to people who are in need. Through the examples,young people can learn the importance of saving money and realize they should have responsibility for society.附 1:考前独立口语小范围预测:➢教育类:1.Some people prefer to go to college right after the graduation of high school whileothers prefer to take some time off before college. Which do you prefer and why.2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is never too late to get adegree in university.3.Which one do you prefer? Review your notes after class and keep doing this throughoutthe whole semester or just review at the end of the semester?4.Some people prefer to prepare for assignments long before the due date while othersprefer to do it just before the deadline, which do you prefer and why?5.Agree or disagree that students should take some additional courses so that they canget their credits more quickly?6.Some people think that those children who do not want to keep learning a musicalinstrument course should be required to keep learning the course; While others thinkthat those children should be allowed to make decisions by themselves(they can still do exercises by themselves).➢生活类:7.There are two invitations. One is from a party with your friends and the other is thathaving a dinner party with your parents. Which one would you prefer and why?8.Some people prefer to buy new books while some people would like to buy used books,what is your opinion?9.Do you agree or disagree: Government should not allow violence and bad language intelevision programs.10.Some people go to take exercise outside or go to gym each day, while others takeexercise or go to gym when they have free time. Which opinion would you prefer to and give your reasons.11.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s impolite to make calls orsend text messages on a diner table. Explain in details.12.Is it better to use your extra money to buy some objects like clothes or electronicproducts, or is it better to use the extra money to increase your experience like going for a vacation or a concert?13.Some people prefer to make a schedule with friends about social activities in advance,however others prefer to figure out what to do when the time comes. What do you prefer and explain why?➢工作类:14.In order to be successful, one has to make enemies? Do you agree and disagree?15.Some are willing to own and manage their own company, and some prefer to work inothers’ company. Which do you prefer and why?16.Some students think it is good to choose the future career before entering theuniversity. Others think it is good to take a few university classes before choosing the future career. Which do you think is better and explain why.17.Some people prefer take a job with a single task, others prefer to do multiple tasks ona job. Which do you prefer?18.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: a boss or a manager should notform close friendship with their employees.19.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is acceptable that someoneuses other’s influence to get a job.20.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All workers should be requiredto stop working and retire by age 65. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.附 2:2019 年 8 月托福考试改革后独立口语题目汇总1.To enrich their after-school lives and covering living expenses, many collage students tend to seek part-time jobs. Some universities worry that work might cut into students' study time. Therefore, they set a limit on the numbers of hours per week that students spend on part-time jobs. Do you agree or disagree with this policy? Why or why not? (2019.08.03)2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: children at an early age should learn independent living skills.(2019.08.10)3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Employees shouldn’t send personal text or emails during work hours. explain why.(2019.08.24 下午)4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is disrespectful for tourists to take photos of strangers without their permission.(2019.08.24 上午)5.Some people prefer to do shopping in large grocery stores or department stores. Others prefer to do shopping in small specialty stores. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reason and example to support your response. (2019.08.25)6.Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities. One is well-known for its excellent academic program, but it’s expensive, while the other one is less well- known, but can offer you scholarship. Which university would you prefer to go and explain why. (2019.09.01)7.Some people think historical sites should be open to the general public, but some people think historical sites should only be open to experts and researchers. Which do you think is better? (2019.09.07 上午)8.Some people think parents should allow their kids to make mistakes, but other people think parents shouldn’t do that. Which do you agree?(2019.09.07 下午)9.Do you agree or disagree. Nowadays many students have laptop. Do you think it is necessary to close the computer lab. Tell the reasons and details(2019.09.21 上午)10.Which one do you prefer when you have a disagreement with your friends: speaking directly face to face or sending an email and a text message? (2019.09.21 下午)11.When travelling outside, some people prefer to keep connection with their family members or friends, other people do not prefer to do this, which do you prefer? (2019.09.22)12.Some people spend their vacation visiting just one place. Others prefer to spend their vacation visiting several different places and spending a shorter amount of time in each. Which do you prefer and why. (2019.10.12 上午)13.Some companies are controversial and criticized by their business practices. Is it acceptable to get a job in those companies in spite of a good pay? (2019.10.12 下午) 14.Some people want to change their appearance, by surgery. Do you agree or disagree? (2019.10.13 上午)15.Some people like to work independently an enjoy more freedom, while others like to have a supervisor to tell them what to do. Which do you prefer? Why? (2019.10.19)16.Some people think that risk-taking activities such as rock-climbing and skydiving require a lot of bravery. While others think this is not brave, but simply foolish. Which view do you agree with and explain why. (2019.10.26)17.Your community has received money from the government to build a building in an open area. Which would you prefer, a company offering more jobs or a park? Use specific examples and details to support your answer. (2019.10.27)18.Some schools teach students world history, as much as teach students history of their own country. Which do you agree? (2019.11.02)19.Do you agree or disagree that school should record large lectures and upload it to the school website (for students to watch)? (2019.11.03)20.Do you prefer to read positive news or negative news?(2019.11.09 上午)21.Do you prefer experienced teachers or new teachers?(2019.11.09 下午)22.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Good luck is as important as working hard in achieving success.(2019.11.10)23.Do you think we should learn about the news overseas? Why or why not, please use details and example to explain.(2019.11.16)24.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that it is a great idea to select government leaders from the ordinary people?(2019.11.17)25.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement.?Parents should have control over their children on using social media. (2019.12.01)26.Should post graduates teach some basic courses, or should they be professor’s assistants and not teach courses? (2019.12.07)27.Which kind of movie do you prefer to watch, exciting and entertaining movies or serious and informative movies? (2019.12.08)28.Which one do you prefer?go to the museum alone or with colleges and friends to talk? (2019.12.14)12 月 21 日托福考试小范围机经预测-写作有过托福学习经历的同学都知道,托福独立写作的文章逻辑,大部分都是按照“中心论点+分论点+举例”的行文模式来展开。

口语Task 1plan 1 【名词解释】planning fallacy.(“planning fallacy”讲的是人很难预测到潜在的问题)Fail to consider all the possible factors that affect the project and lead to the inaccuracy in estimate the time that cost to complete then lead to bad consequences. 【讲座例予】教授在大学时是好学生,有一天他的教授布置了10 pages的paper,他认为他很快可以写完,所以提前一天开始写,到了图书馆,借了书,回去发现材料不够,再去图书馆时,已经关门了,所以只能迟交作文,最后得了很低的分,虽然他教师觉得他的内容很好plan 2 讲了一个叫:反映( response)难易度(effort)的名词。
plan 3 阅读:说明sociology中的diversion技术。
Task 2plan 1【1个问题】the man can't find his camera before his trip to Spain.男生在spring break要去西班牙玩,准备拍照,但是数码相机丢了【2个建议】he can either buy a new one,or borrow one from his friend Jake.女生让他买,但是他说没有enough money,他自己说他朋友(貌似说了具体的名字)可以借给他,但是他不想用,女生说:对,万一 broken或者stolen就不好了plan 2 一男一女的对话,女的说她的父母weekend要来visit她,她很激动,但是她的apartment很脏乱。

2019年5-8月雅思口语Part1新题预测:运动1.What’s your favourite sport?I’m not much of a sporty person but I do love table tennis. It’s the only sport I’m good at and I’ve been playing since I was a child.虽然我并不擅长运动但是我很喜欢打乒乓球。
2.What sports do Chinese people like?It depends. People’s interests are varied. But I think table tennis is quite well-liked among people in my country.It is so popular that it earned itself a nickname “the national ball”.这要看情况。
3.What game did you watch last time?The last game I watched was a football match. It wasyears ago, I had to stay up late to watch the Premiere League because of the time difference. But it was worth the wait.我上一次看的球赛是一场足球赛。
4.Do you prefer to watch sport on TV or live?I’d love to watch live matches but I don’t think I can afford the priced tickets. Besides, the cheering audience canbe too loud for me. So I’ll enjoy the comfort of sitting in my couch for now.虽然我喜欢看现场的球赛,但是我买不起这么贵的门票。

Part 1:(general Q's about your life)Do you live in a house or a flat? Which is your favourite room in your house / flat? What would you like to change about your home?Do you like the area you live in? Is it noisy? What would you like to be improved about the area?How do you think neighbours can help each other? Do you prefer to have elderly neighbours or young neighbours?How do you feel when you're in a crowded place? When was the last time you were in a crowded place?How often do you take public transport? Which do you prefer, public transport or a private car? When was the last time you took a taxi? Do you think everyone should have a driving license?Who do you usually spend holidays with? What's your favourite public holiday? Do you think there should be more public holidays?Do you like cooking? Would you like to take cookery lessons? Why do so many people like cooking?Do you prefer home-cooked food or food from restaurants? When was the last time you had a special meal at home?What's your favourite foreign food? Is foreign food popular in your country?Which is more popular in your country, coffee or tea? When was the last time you drank coffee or tea? What do you usually prepare for your guests, coffee or tea?Do you like sharing things with friends? What do you share with them? Is there anything you don't want to share with them? Do you think parents should encourage their children to share things with others?Do you keep pets? What are the most popular pets in your country? Why do people keep pets?How many hours do you sleep at night? How many hours did you sleep at night as a child? Do you often take a nap during the day? What are some good ways to help people study more efficiently?What's your morning routine? Do you think having breakfast is important?What do you usually do at weekends?Do you often get bored? What do you usually do when you feel bored?Do you have patience? Do you feel impatient when someone is late for an appointment with you?Do you have plants at home? Is it common to give plants as gifts in your country?Do you like going to parks? Do you think parks and public gardens are important to a city?Do you like looking at the sky? Do you like looking at the sky in the morning or in the afternoon? What are the best places for stargazing? Did you learn about stars and planets at school?Do you like fashion? Which would you choose, shoes that look good or shoes that are comfortable?How often do you wear sunglasses? Do you think sunglasses are good gifts for friends? Have you ever lost a pair of sunglasses?Do you like painting? Are there any paintings on your bedroom walls?Do you prefer to take photos with a mobile phone or with a camera? Where do you keep your photos?Do you prefer to use email or text messages? Do you like to reply to emails immediately? Do you think email will replace letter writing in the future?Do you think typing skills are more important than handwriting skills? Do you think we can tell someone's personality from his / her handwriting?What's your favourite season? Would you prefer four distinct seasons or the same kind of weather all year round?What are the most popular sports in your country? Do you prefer indoor sports or outdoor sports? Do you prefer individual sports or team sports?Who's your favourite sports star? Would you like to participate in the Olympic Games?What are your favourite kinds of music? Are there any kinds of music that you don't like? Do you prefer listening to CDs or listening to music you downloaded from the Internet? Can you play any musical instruments? Have you ever been to a live concert?Do you prefer watching films at the cinema or at home? Do you prefer watching films alone or with someone else?Who's your favourite film star? Have you ever met any film stars in person? Do people in your country like international film stars?(Pat's Note: The following Part-1 questions were extensively used from September to December. I'm not entirely sure if they will be used again. Please feel free to skip them if you're really strapped for time.)Do you think it's important to be punctual? What do you usually do while you are waiting for someone?Did you save money as a child? Do you think parents should teach their children to save money?How often do you drink water? Do you prefer tap water or bottled water?Do you prefer bright colours or dark colours? What color would you paint yourbedroom walls?Do you like swimming? Do you think children should be taught to swim at school? What's your favourite weather? Have you ever changed your plan because of the weather?Part 2:(Don't forget you can reuse the same ideas for MANY different topic cards.)建筑与自然Describe an ideal house.Describe a building you like.Describe a quiet place.Describe a place where you like to study.Describe a newly-built public facility (e.g. a library, a museum, a stadium, a hospital, a railway station or a community center) in your city.Describe a place you'd like to travel to which is far away from your home.Describe a place you'd like to go to in the future.Describe a beautiful city you visited.Describe an interesting part of your country.Describe a trip by public transport.Describe a time when you enjoyed a free day off work or school.Describe an important plant in your country.个人与组织Describe an interesting elderly person.Describe a job your grandfather / grandmother had.Describe an intelligent person.Describe a person you'd like to work with (or study with).Describe a childhood friend of yours.Describe a handsome man / a beautiful woman you met.Describe someone you met recently and would like to know more about.Describe an interesting person you'd like to meet.Describe a person who you would like to be similar to.Describe a famous person you like.Describe a person who helps to protect the environment.Describe a big company you're interested in.Describe a family business you know.Describe a good law.休闲娱乐Describe an outdoor activity you like.Describe a sport you watched on TV and would like to try.Describe a healthy lifestyle.Describe an activity you like doing in your free time.Describe something you want to do but do not have time for.Describe an activity you like doing when you are alone.Describe a childhood game.Describe an interesting speech or lecture.Describe a book that you read recently.Describe a book you'd like to write.Describe a film that made you laugh.Describe a TV programme that made you laugh.Describe a historical period you are interested in.事件和经历Describe a skill that took you a long time to learn.Describe another foreign language you'd like to learn (NOT English).Describe a subject you weren't interested in but now you think is very important. Describe a time when you taught a younger person about something new.Describe something you borrowed.Describe an occasion when you helped someone find something he/she lost. Describe a time when you looked for information on the Internet.Describe a piece of good advice you received.Describe a decision you made with the help from other people.Describe a piece of good news you heard.Describe something that happened recently and made you happy.Describe a competition that you'd like to take part in.Describe something a friend of yours did that was a success.Describe a complaint that you made when you felt unsatisfied with something. Describe an occasion when someone did not tell you the complete truth about something.Describe a time when you received bad service in a restaurant or a shop.Describe a time when you went shopping in a street market.Describe a time when you changed your mind.Describe a time when you took medicine.Describe a party you went to.Describe an occasion when you wore special clothing.Describe a kind of food people eat during a traditional festival.物品Describe something important that you lost.Describe a piece of technology that you like (NOT a computer).(Pat's Note: A piece of technology is an item of technology such as a mobile phone, a camera, a speaker, a headset, a fitness wristband or a smartwatch.)Describe your first mobile phone.Describe a piece of equipment that was broken.Describe something you bought but you rarely use.Describe something you have but you want to replace.Describe something that can help you concentrate when you work / study.Describe a time when you received money as a gift.Describe a gift you made by hand for a friend.Describe a toy you had as a child.作文预测:1 Some people believe that the purpose of education is to produce good citizens and workers for society. Others, however, think that the purpose of education is to help young people achieve their personal ambitions. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.2 Some people think that government funding for schools should be spent on science subjects rather than on other subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?3 Today, students are taught to try hard to be better than their classmates instead of working together. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?4 Some people think that parents should read or tell stories to their children, while others argue that other sources of stories, such as books, televisions and films, are better for children. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.5 Today, more and more people choose to live by themselves. What are the causes of this? Is this a positive or negative development?6 The range and quality of food that we can buy has changed because of technological advances. Some people think this change is an improvement. Others, however, believe this change is harmful. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.7 Some people think that governments of developing countries should introduce new technology to people to improve their quality of life, while others believe that they should provide free education. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.8 Advertising discourages people from being different individuals by making them want to be or look the same. To what extent do you agree or disagree?9 Society today pays less attention to women's sports than to men's sports. Why is this the case? Is this a positive or negative trend?10 Some people think that governments should provide care and financial support for elderly people. Others, however, believe that it is the responsibility of each person to prepare for retirement. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.11 More and more people are moving from rural areas to cities in search of a better life, but city life has its own problems. What are these problems? Suggest some solutions.12 Job interviews are not a reliable tool for employers who want to recruit new staff. To what extent do you agree or disagree?13 Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned, while others believe that people should have the freedom to choose the sports activities that they want to do. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.14 Young offenders should be made to do community service rather than be sent to prison. Do you agree or disagree?15 Governments should spend money on the repairs and maintenance of old buildings. To what extent do you agree or disagree?16 Some people think that public art should be funded by governments, while others believe that it should be funded by other sources. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.17 International travel is cheaper and more convenient than ever. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?18 In many countries, fossil fuels, such as oil, natural gas and coal, have been the main sources of energy. Some people think that governments should encourage the use of alternative sources of energy,such as wind power and solar energy. To what extent do you agree or disagree?19 The development of technology has caused many environmental problems. Some people think that we should lead a simpler way of life, while others believe that we should use technology to solve these problems. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.20 It is no longer necessary to use animals for food, clothing or medical research. To what extent do you agree or disagree?。

雅思口语Part2新题预测我今日给大家整理了雅思口语Part 2新题猜测,盼望能关心到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧雅思口语Part 2新题猜测:想学的课程雅思口语part2话题:想学的学科Describe a subject you would study that you never had the opportunity to study.You should say:· what is it· what this subject deals with· what benefits you would getand explain why you want to study this subject.雅思口语part2范文:In my childhood, my aim was to become a renowned doctor but due to the rise in merit list for admission I could not enter into a medical college. I got admission in Bachelor in Pharmacy and now I am working as a Pharmacist. I would love to study Medical books, more specifically Psychiatry, if I get an opportunity.我的童年时代,我的目标是成为一名闻名的医生,但由于入学考试成果的提高,我无法进入医学院。
Psychiatry is very vast subject. It is not only the knowledge of mental illness, it highlights how we can enhance our intellectual capabilities. Variation in mood put a strong impact on personality and business. In my opinion, in the modern age, every person has some symptoms of psychiatric illness. If we have a brief knowledge of these attitudes we can manage the people who are having bad attitudes and they are working in our surroundings. A new subject of psychiatry is Emotion control, it emphasises who we can make ourselves happy and relaxed by just keeping our brain cool.精神病学是一个特别广泛的主题。

下面我给大家带来雅思口语Part1新题预测及(范文)示例:植物 plant。
雅思口语Part1新题预测及范文示例:植物 plantPlant植物1, Do you like to have plant in your home?2, Who takes care of the plant at your home?3, Do you know how to take care of the plant?4, Do you want to receive plant as a present?你喜欢在家里(种植)物吗?你家的植物是谁照顾的?你知道如何照顾这棵植物吗?你想收到植物作为礼物吗?【口语范文】1, Do you like to have plant in your home?I really 1ove that. But to be honest, I dont have the big yard or balcony to keep the plants due to the limited space in the city. However, I have bought small cactus as the decoration in my study. Someone told me it can help reduce radiation from electronic devices.你喜欢在家里种植物吗?我真的很喜欢。
2. Who takes care of the plant atyour home?My mother takes that job. In the morning, she wil water the flowers and move them to the warm place with much sunshine2. 谁照顾你家的植物?我妈妈采纳了那份工作。
5. 雅思口语预测题

Decsribe the oldest person you know.You should say:who this person ishow you know this personwhat kind of person he or she isand explain what you think about this person._________________________________________ Senior citizens in China1. What do Chinese people do in their retirement years?2. How have the lives of senior citizens in China changed inrecent years?3. Who should take responsibility for looking after the elderly? Old and Young1. What are some of the differences between young and oldpeople in China?2. What are some of the main problems facing the elderly inChina today?3. What role do the elderly play in the family?Describe a child you know.You should say:how you know him or herwhat he or she likes to dowhat kind of person he or she isand explain how you feel about this child.__________________________________________Children, education and play1. How do you think children benefit from playing w ith toys?2. What do you think about children playing video games?3. Do you think the education system in China should bereformed?Children and families1. Who usually disciplines children in chinese families?2. Do you think its important for children to spend a lot of timewith their family?3. If you have children in the future, which special skills do youthink are important to teach them?Describe a famous person (sports star, film star, etc.)whom you admire.You should say:Who the person isWhat the person doesWhy the person is famousAnd explain why you admire this person.___________________________________________Celebrities in China1. What kind of people become famous in China these days?2. What are the good things about being famous? Are there anydisadvantages?3. Are ordinary people interested in the lives of celebrities? Doyou think this is a good thing?Celebrities and money1. Do you think celebrities should appear in advertisements?2. Some professional athletes are very well-paid. Do theydeserve it?3. Now adays people can become famous in many w ays. How do you think people w ill achieve fame in the future?Describe an important building in your hometown. You should say:what it iswhat it looks likewhat it is used forand explain why it is important.___________________________________________Old Buildings1. How do Chinese people feel about protecting old buildings?2. Do you think an area can benefit from having an interestinghistoric attraction?3. What will happen to historic buildings in the future? Housing1. Compare old and modern houses. Which do people prefer?2. How has housing changed, compared to your parents’ time?3. What factors do people consider w hen deciding w here tolive?4. How will housing change in the future?Describe a room you lived in when you were a child.You should say:what it looked likewhat was in itwhat you did in the roomexplain what you liked about the room.Rooms and individuality1. Do you think its important for children to have their o wnroom?2. How do children benefit from sharing a room with others?3. Do you think people have enough privacy today?Public places1. What kinds of public places does your hometown have?2. Do you think its important to have facilities such as parks andplaygrounds?3. Compare modern public facilities to those of the past.4. In your opinion, how will public facilities change in the future?Describe a leisure centre you often go to.You should say:what it is and when you go therewhat facilities it haswhat you do thereand explain why you like this place.___________________________________________Healthy lifestyle1. How do chinese people like to relax?2. Do you think most people lead a healthy lifestyle these days?3. What so chinese people think about daily exercise?Leisure and work1. Do you think employers should provide recreational activitiesfor their employees?2. Should employees be paid overtime for working during theweekend?3. How do you think a person can find a balance between workand leisure?Describe a film that you have recently seen.You should say :what the film waswhen and where you saw itwhat the film was aboutand explain how you felt about this film.___________________________________________Films1. What kind of films are most popular in China?2. Why do people watch films? Do you think films are just forentertainment?3. To what extent do you think films reflect real life?4. Compare the experience of watching films at home towatching at a cinema.5. What do you think about foreign films?6. Do you think its right to download films from the internet?Describe an outdoor activity that you like doing. You should say :what this activity iswhen you do itwhere you do itand explain why you like it.___________________________________________Outdoor Activities1. Would you say people spend more time outdoors today thanthey did 20 years ago?2. Are there any outdoor activities that were popular in the pastbut are n’t as popular now?3. What are the most popular outdoor activities in China today? Working Outdoors1. What do think are some of the differences bewteen workingoutdoors and working in an office?2. If you had to choose an outdoors job which one would youchoose?Outdoor environment1. How do you think climate and environment affect whatactivites people do outdoors?2. Do you think the air quality in your hometown had impoved orworsened in recent years?3. How do you think the environment in your hometown shouldbe changed?4. What can the government do to solve the problems of globalwarming and climate change?Describe your favourite season or time of year. You should say :when this time iswhat the weather is like at this timewhat you usually do at this timeand explain why it is your favourite time of year.___________________________________________Seasons and climate1. How do the different seasons affect the lifestyles of chinesepeople?2. How do different seasons affect the way people feel?3. How does the climate of a place affect the kind of bulidingthat are built there?4. Do you think fighting global climate change is theresponsibility of the government or individuals?Holidays and Tourism1. What are the major public holidays in China?2. What do most people in China do when they have holidays?3. How can people benefit from visiting new places?4. If many people visit a particular place, what positive and negative effects can that have on this place?Describe a sporting event that you enjoyed watching.You should say:what the event waswhere you watched itwho watched this event with youand explain why you enjoyed watching this event.___________________________________________Sports1. What are the benefits of sport and exercise?2. What kinds of sports facilities exist in your community?3. Do you think children should be encouraged to take part incompetitive sport from a young age?4. Do men and w omen play the same kind of sports?5. How can the government encourgae more people toparticipate in sport and exercise?Live sporting events1. Do you prefer to watch sports events at home on TV or towatch them live?2. Do you think its expensive to watch live sporting events inChina? Is this a big factor in deciding whether to attend?3. What was your opinion about the 2008 Olymipcs in Beijing?Would you like to be in London to watch the next Olympics?Describe a foreign culture that you are interested in. You should say:what this culture ishow you learned about this culturewhat you know about this cultureand explain why you think this culture is interesting.___________________________________________Learning about other cultures1. How can people benefit from learning about foreign cultures?2. What’s the best way to learn about another culture?3. Is it better to go overseas to study a foreign language or tostudy it in your home country?Globalization1. Wha t’s the meaning of the term ‘globalization’?2. Do you think globalization is a good thing?3. Do you think its easier to learn about other cultures todaythan it was in the past?Describe a wild animal in China.You should say :what the animal iswhat it looks likewhere it livesand explain how you feel about this animal.___________________________________________ Pets1. Which pets are popular in China?2. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages ofhaving a pet in China?3. If you were to have a pet, which one would you choose andwhy?Protection of w ild animals1. How do Chinese people feel about protecting wild animals?2. What do you think are the benefits to humans of protectingwild animals?3. What is the purpose of having zoos?4. How do you think zoos could be improved?Describe a book that you enjoyed reading.You should say:what the title iswhat it is aboutwhy you read itand explain what effect the book had on you.___________________________________________Reading1. Do Chinese people like to read?2. Do young and old people like to read the same books?3. What kinds of book are most popular in China?4. Do you think that new technology w ill replace paper books inthe future?Children and reading1. Do you think it’s a good idea to teach children to read whenthey are very young?2. What do children like to read?3. Do parents read stories to their children in China?4. How do you think these stories influence children?5. Why do people sometimes idealize characters in stories?Describe an item of furniture that you use often. You should say :what it iswhere it iswhat it looks likeand explain how to use it, and why you use it.___________________________________________Buying furniture1. In what situations do people in China usually buy furniture?2. What factors do people consider w hen buying furniture?3. In chinese families, w ho usually decides which furniture tobuy for the home?4. Have there been any recent changes in the kinds of furnitureChinese people use?Furniture design1. What are the qualities of a good furniture designer?2. Compare the style of modern furniture to that of the past.3. What factors should a furniture designer consider when designing a piece of furniture?Describe an unforgettable advertisement you saw or heard.You should say :where you heard or saw itwhat kind of advertisement it waswhat the contents of the advertisement wereand explain why this advertisement is so unforgettable. ___________________________________________The influence of adverts1. How do adverts attract attention?2. Do you think adverts actually influence people to buy things?How?3. Do you think adverts are a good or bad influence on children? Government influence1. Does the chinese goverenment control adverts in any way?2. Do you think that adverts for harmful products, such ascigarettes, should be allowed?3. Can you think of any examples of false advertsing?4. What kinds of products are most often promoted by falseadvertsining?Describe a present you received when you were a child.You should say :what the present waswho gave it to youhow the present was usedand explain how you felt when you got this present.___________________________________________Giving gifts in China1. Do Chinese people often give gifts?2. What kinds of presents do Chinese people usually give?3. On which ocassions do Chinese people usually send gifts?4. If you were going to give a gift to a child, which would youchoose and why?Importance of gifts1. Are expensive gifts always better than cheap gifts?2. Do you think its necessary for friends to give each otherpresents?Describe a news report that you have recently heard or read about.You should say :what the story washow you heard about this storywhen you heard the newsand explain your reaction when you heard the news. ___________________________________________Media1. How do most people in China find out about news?2. Are Chinese people more interested in local or internationalnews?3. Compare newspapers and TV as sources of news.4. How do you think Chinese people will find out about news inthe future?New trends1. Do you think blogs are a useful source of information?2. Do you think the internet will influence the way people read in the future? How?3. Some people say that newspapers are dying. How cannewspapers survive in today’s technological world?Describe a local event you have attended.You should say:what this event waswhen and where it waswhat happened in the eventand explain what you liked about the event.___________________________________________Community life1. Do you think it’s important to take part in local activities?2. Do you think its important to have a sense of local communityspirit?3. In what ways do neighbours cooperate and help each otherin China?4. Do you think community spirit in strong in your hometown?5. Should local businesses support local events?6. Do you think its important to have a good relationship withyour neighbours?Describe a positive change in your life.You should say:when it happenedwhere it happenedwhat the change wasand explain how you have benefitted from this change. ___________________________________________Life Changes1. What kind of events may be life-changing events?2. Do Chinese people change jobs often? Is that a good thing?3. How do you think employers could encouage employees notto change jobs?4. Why do so many Chinese people move to a different city tostudy or work?5. What do think are the major challenges of studying orworking in a foreign country?Changes in China1. Do you think China has gone through a lot of changes inrecent years?2. Which changes are the most positive?3. Do you think there’ll be more changes in the future? Whatkind of changes?Describe an unforgettable class activity that you have taken part in as part of your english study.You should say :what this activity waswhen and where you did this activityhow you did itand explain how you benefitted from this activity.___________________________________________Learning English1. Why do people learn English in China?2. Some people say that if you are going to w ork in a Chinesecompany in China, then learning English is a w aste of time?Do you agree?3. What do you think is the best age for children to beginlearning English?4. Do adults have more difficulties than children in learning aforeign language?5. Would you say it’s better to study English overseas than inChina?Languages1. Why do people prefer to study English over other languages?2. English is now used as a international language. Which otherlanguages might become ‘international’ in the future?3. Which other languages are popular to study in China?4. Do you think studying foreign languages can benefit w orldpeace?5. What difficulties might foreign students have w hen studying Chinese?Describe an important occasion you were late for. You should say :when this happenedwhat occasion you were late forwhy you were lateand explain what happened as a result of your lateness.___________________________________________Being late1. Do you think it’s important to be on time?2. Are there any situations where being on time is not veryimportant?3. Do you think Chinese people are usually punctual?4. What are some of the excuses that people make w hen theyare late?Time1. Do you think modern technology gives us more or lessfree-time?2. Did people in the past lead a faster-paced life or aslow er-paced life than today?3. Do you think that the current working hours of most peopleare reasonable?4. Do you think its important to find a balance between work and free time?Describe a time when you helped someone.You should say :who you helpedhow you helped themhow you felt when you helped themand explain how this person benefitted from your help. ___________________________________________Helping others1. In general, why do people help others?2. Do you think it’s important to help people in need?3. How do you feel after you’ve helped someone?4. Do you think that countries should help other countries inneed?Helping people in Society1. What kinds of people need help in China?2. How does the government try to help these people?3. Are there any charities in China? How are these charities funded?Describe a time when you are very busy.You should say :when this time iswhat you do at this timehow you arrange your timeand explain how you feel after this busy time is over. ___________________________________________Time management1. Do you like to make detailed plans?2. What are the advanatges of making plans?3. Do you keep a diary?4. Do you use any special tools, such as a computer, to help you draw up plans?Leisure time1. Compare the w ay young people and old people spend theirleisure time.2. Do you think that leisure time is important? Why?3. How have leisure activities changed in China in recent years?4. How do you think leisure activituies w ill change in the future?Describe something you would like to succeed in doing in the near future.You should say :what it ishow difficult you think it will bewhat you should do to prepare for thisand explain why you want to succeed in doing this.___________________________________________Success1. How would you define success?2. When do people w ant to be most successful?3. What kinds of success is most important to Chinese people?4. Do you think that successful people are always happier thanunsuccessful people?Success and reward1. How should parents re ward their children for beingsuccessful at school?2. Do teachers in China reward students for doing w ell?3. Which is a better attitude for children to have: a strong spiritof competition or a strong spirit of cooperation?4. Some people say that success means being no.1 and that being no.2 is worth nothing. What do you think?Describe an adventurous person you know.You should say:who the person ishow you know this personwhat this person does that is adventurousand explain how you feel about the risks this person takes.__________________________________________Challenging activities1. Are adventurous activities popular in China?2. Why do you think people like adventurous activities?3. If you have children in the future, would you encourage themto take part in adventurous activities?Life Challenges1. How do you think parents could bring up their children to bemore independent?2. Do you think Chinese children have more freedom to do whatthey want nowadays?3. Do children today face more challenges than in the past?Decsribe an item you bought that you were unsatisfied with.You should say:what the item waswhen and where you bought itwhy you were not happy with this productand explain what you did after you found that it was unsatisfactory.___________________________________________Shopping in China1. What is more important in a shop; customer service or qualityof goods?2. What services should shops provide?3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of largesupermarkets?4. How can supermarkets attract and retain customers? Products1. Which products are most popular in China now?2 .Do people prefer machine-made or hand-made products?3. Which traditional hand-made products do you think will stillbe popular in the future?4. What rights do you think consumers have?。

请重点准备带星号的考题September,2012思路请参考《十天口语》Day 2 & Day 7,蹲点儿和“网蹲”的注意事项请参考Day 1与附录D☆What‟s your favorite subject/course? Do you think people who major in your field can find a job easily when they graduate? Did your parents choose a secondary school for you? What are your goals for the future?☆What‟s your hometown fam ous for? Is it good for young people? What kinds of public place are popular with young people in your hometown? Why are they popular? Can you tell me about some recent changes in your hometown? Whatwill your hometown be like in the future? Can you tell me something about the public transport system in your hometown? Is the traffic heavy in your city? What's your favorite means of transport?☆Do you live in a house or a flat? Which is your favorite room in your house/ flat? Do you think there is anything that should be improved in your house/flat? What kind of house do you wish to have?☆Do you think punctuality is important? Are there any occasions when punctuality is not so important? Have you ever been late for appointments? What would be good excuses for being late?☆What do you usually do at night? Do you prefer to relax at home alone or hang out with friends? What do you usuallydo when you‟re alone? Why is it important to relax sometimes?☆Do you like taking photos? Do you like to take photos outdoors or indoors? Is photography popular in China?☆Who attend a couple‟s wedding ceremony in China? What are typical activitie s for a Chinese wedding ceremony? What are the differences between traditional Chinese weddings and modern Chinese weddings?☆Do you like fashionable clothes? What‟s your favorite type of clothing? Do you think fashion is an important part of our lives?☆What're your favorite flowers? Do you think flowers are important to Chinese people? How about plastic flowers? Do you often give others flowers as gifts? Do flowers have any special meanings in China?☆Do you like drawing and painting? What were your favorite kinds of drawings or paintings when you were a child? Do you think children can benefit from drawing and painting?☆What‟r e your favorite colours? Do you think colours have any specialmeanings?(/groups/iad/lessons/middle/color2.htm) What were your favorite colours when you were a child? Are colours important to you when you choose clothing? Is there anything that has dark colours in your house? Are there any colours that you would avoid when decorating your flat / house?☆Do you often buy things online? Why are things so expensive today? Do you think clothing is less expensive in China than in other countries?☆Are comedies popular in China? Why?☆Which birthday left you with the deepest impression? What did your friends do for that birthday? Do you prefer to celebrate your birthday with your family members or your friends? How do children celebrate their birthday in China? What age is the most valued age in China?☆Do you have a driving license? Do you have a car? What‟s your favori te kind of car? Do you prefer to be the driver or a passenger?☆Does your Chinese name have any special meanings? Do you think you‟ll change your name in the future? Are there any important traditioans about giving children their names in China? Who give children their names in Chinese families? ☆What‟re your favorite outdoor activities?☆What games did you play when you were a child? What games do children play these days?☆What, in your opinion, is a healthy diet? Will you make changes to your diet? Which do you like better, lunch or dinner? What‟s your favorite food? What‟s the most popular food in China?☆Did you like reading books when you were little? What were your favorite kinds of books? What kind of books do you like these days? Why do you like reading such books? Do you borrow books from libraries? Do you give your friends books as gifts?☆Do you have any difficulty learning English? How important is English compared with other foreign languages?☆Do you like writing letters? Do you prefer to write letters or emails? Do you keep letters that you have received?What do you collect? Why do people collect things? What kind of things do kids like to collect? Is it good for kids to collec t things?Why do people prefer to stay away from noise? (Noise distracts us from our work. And when it gets too loud it makes us really uncomfortable and upset.) What‟s your favorite kind of sound? What kind of sound do you try to avoid?What're your favorite public holidays? Are public holidays important to us? What do you usually do on public holidays? Who do you usually spend holidays with? How do you spend weekends?☆What‟s your favorite kind of weather? What kind of weather feels the best when people work? Do you prefer cold weather to hot weather?Do you like parties? Do you like dancing? Have you learned how to dance? Why do so many young people like dancing today? Where do people dance in your country?☆What were your favorite toys when you were a child? What kinds of toys do Chinese children play with today?Wh at sports did you play when you were a child? What‟re the differ ences between sports played by boys and sports played by girls? What‟re your favorite sports now? Are there any sports you want to learn to play?☆Why are gardens and parks important to us? Do you often go to gardens and parks?☆Do you exercise every day? Do you think it‟s important to exercise every day? What‟s the importance of keeping fit?☆Do you like swimming? What‟re the benefits of swimming? Do you prefer to swim in the sea or in a sw imming pool? (Day 8: D)Do you like travelling? Why? Where do you want to travel?☆Do you like to travel long distances?How often do you use your computer? Is Internet important to our lives? What do you think of online shopping? Do you think we should trust information on the Internet? Do you prefer to store information on your computer or to write it on a piece of paper?☆Do you wish to learn another foreign language? What‟s the most difficult thing in learning a foreign language?What are the differences between the children now and the children in the past? (Now children are taller and probably much heavier, you know, because they eat so much greasy fast food … And I would say the children today know a whole lot more than the kids did ten years ago, but play video games too often and watch too much TV, which I believe is not healthy atall …)☆Do you have a mobile phone? Which is more important to us, a mobile phone or a fax machine? Do you prefer to send text messages or to make phone calls?Do you often read newspapers? Why?☆Where do you meet new people? Where did people meet new people in the past?Where do you usually buy clothing? What is your favorite kind of clothing?Have you ever been to a concert? Did you like it? What kind of music do you like? What are the differences between going to a concert and listening to CDs? (We can hear singers or bands perform live in concerts. / We sing along and dance and scream with people who love the same music / But CDs give us far more choices. These days, concert ticket prices can be sky-high so it‟s unlikely we can go to all the concerts we wish we could go to…)What‟s your favorite type of TV show?☆Did you watch much TV when you were a kid?What are the most important character traits for success? (self-discipline,confidence, perseverance, determination,optimism,patience and sincerity)If you visit another city, will you buy some postcards or take photos there?☆What do you like to do in your free time / spare time? Do you think time management is important to our lives? (helps us to do things more efficiently / reduces our stress level / achieve more in less time)What do you think is happiness? (It‟s an emotion. / Basically, it means enjoyment of life. / Some people believe wealth can lead to happiness. / But actually happiness is more about being emotionally rewarded than about just being wealthy. / That‟swhy many super rich people are actually very unhappy.) What makes people feel unhappy? (I guess … the loss of something we truly value, like good grades, friendship, trust or stuff that‟s very useful in our daily li fe, like keys or a wallet…)What kind of song do you like best?What are the differences in men‟s and women‟s favorite leisure activities? Who have more free time, men or women?Do you think families should eat dinner together? (more communication between family members / better nutrition, especially for children / pleasant exchange of ideas during the meals)☆How often do you go to restaurants with your family members? Why are family and friends important to us?☆What‟re your favorite wild animals?☆Do birds have any special meanings in China? (Day 7: Topic 19 ) Do you think it is important to protect birds?What kind of food is most popular in your country?Is it easy for you to remember numbers? Do numbers have any special meanings in your country?Do you think science is important to our lives? Why? (Possible Answers: Physics helps us figure out how things work. / Chemistry shows us the structure of the world and how materials interact with each other. / Biology teaches us where living things come from and what living things need to survive…) ☆Which kind of technology are you most interested in? (biotech / digital technology / space technology/ AI or artificial intelligence…)Do you often do housework at home? Do you often make things by yourself? Is it important for kids to be skilled in handicrafts?Do you like making things by yourself? What did you make when you were a child? ☆What was your favorite type of movie when you were a child? Do you still like this type of movie now? Do you prefer to watch movies in movie theaters/ cinemas or to watch DVDs at home?Do you often visit museums? Do you think museums are important to our lives? When was the last time you visited a museum? Is it a good idea for museums to sell goods to visitors? (A Sample Answer: It may be a nice idea if museums can‟t get enough funding and need extra money to support themselves. And some souvenirs sold at museum gift shops are neat! But museums won‟t be able to serve visitors well if they simply focus on doing business.)How should young people treat elderly people? (treat them with respect / pay our grandparents a visit from time to time / learn from them / help elderly neighboursWho are better decision-makers, men or women? (Men tend to act alone and make decisions based on our (their if you are a lady) own knowledge, information or judgment. / Ladies tend to ask their (their if you are a guy) friends or family members for advice. / Women are generally better at using intuition for decision-making. / Men tend to pay more attention to the long-term effects of the decisions …)Did you give or receive any gifts recently? What were they? Do you prefer to give gifts or to receive gifts?Why is money important to our lives?☆How do you get news? Do you read newspapers or magazines?☆What kinds of pets do Chinese people like to keep? Why do some people keep pets? Do people of different ages prefer different pets?Do you think air travel is important to us? (It sure is. It‟s convenient, comfortable and … fun. Some people are concerned about its safety but according to statistics air travel is actually safer than car rides.)Have your neighbors help you with anything? Do you prefer to have old people or young people as your neighbors?Do you prefer to use emails or letters?☆Do you like watching advertisements? (Some ads are pretty fun and entertaining. But sometimes they may interrupt the TV shows. Now television stations in China are not allowed to interrupt TV shows that are more than 45 minutes long with ad breaks. I believe it's the right move...)Why do we need advertisements? What‟s your favorite kind of advertisement? (I tend to be attracted to the creative ones. They are fun to watch even if they can't really give you the info you need.)September, 2012Part 2:注意有少量新增加的考题。

雅思口语话题预测配答案雅思口语该如何备考呢?我为大家整理了雅思雅思口语Part 2新题范文,盼望能够关心到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。
雅思口语话题猜测配答案:Arts(艺术)5-8月雅思口语话题猜测之Arts(艺术)范文1.Do you like art?你喜爱艺术么I have a lifelong passion for art since I was a child. Beside official art class in school, I also joined a drawing class in The Children’ House and my teachers were very pleased with my drawings. I also participated in some drawing competitions back then. Until now I still draw in my free time, although not as often as I used to do.2.Do you think art classes are necessary?你认为学校的艺术类课程是必需的么Yes, definitely. Learning arts, especially at a young age, can help stimulate children’s cognitive development and encourage them to think outside the box. Because they’re still little, their ideas are very fresh and lovely, which is worth appreciating.3.What kind of paintings do people like?人们一般喜爱何种类型的绘画In my opinion, people love hanging landscape paintings at home.Bringing in the beauty of Mother Nature somehow ease people’s mind after a long day at work. Another style of drawing that most people also like is portrait. It could be portraits of someone important to them or even their lovely pets.4.What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?作为爱好,画画能给你带来什么?I think the mediation efficiency worth mentioning first. Colors in some ways reflect our thoughts and emotions very well and somehow stimulate our body to defense against our negativity inside. For me, in particular, I think what’s so interesting about painting is that you have no idea how harmonized colors can become until you actually try.5.How often do you visit art galleries?你多久去一次艺术馆?To tell you the truth, I have never visited art galleries before. Unless I have a guide to acknowledge me, art galleries would be quite boring for me.6. What kinds of things do you like to draw?你喜爱画什么My main inspiration is Japanese manga. The drawing topic is extremely varied, however only manga seems to show great potency for my level. I have a big collection at home and as I sometimes go through it again, I can see how much I’ve improved.7.Is it easy to learn how to draw?学习画画简单么?I think I must say it’s even challenging for a lot of people. I absolutely failed when it comes to drawing still life paintings like fruit and flowers. I think for those who succeed in drawing or arts in general, they first must have God-gifted talent, then comes to the long-term commitment to arts that requires extreme practice and high patience.8.Have you ever been to an art gallery?你去过艺术馆么I am not particularly an art fan. So, I have never visited any art gallery, although I do like watching the paintings made by my friends.雅思口语Part 2新题猜测:搞笑节目搞笑节目Describe a comedy TV series that you watch.Please say– What TV series is it?– Who are the main characters there?– Describe an interesting event from the series.雅思口语part 2 话题参考范文:搞笑节目主题:欢乐大本营雅思口语part2内容:“欢乐大本营”是湖南广播电视台制作的一个消遣节目,每周六晚上播出。

一、托福口语考试题目预测1.Should students who major in maths or science be required to take humanities courses?2.Do you think graduate students should teach some basic courses, or only be the assistants to the professor?3.Which do you prefer: a job with high pay but fewer vacations, even no weekends, or a job with normal vacations but lower pay?4.When traveling, do you prefer to stay at one place for a long time, or spend less time but visit more places?5.Your school is planning to ban library computers from accessing social media websites. Do you agree or disagree with such a plan?6.When watching movies and television shows with friends and family, some people prefer that everyone remains quiet until the end. Other people enjoy talking and sharing opinions during the movies and shows. Which do you prefer?7.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People with simple and ordinary background are more suitable for government leaders.8.Some managers tend to supervise worker's task closely or frequently; while others tend to check them rarely or causally. Which is better for the management?9.Should people be allowed to take photos when visiting a museum?10.A company plans to interview you. You can go to their company for the interview, but the company is far from where you live. Or youcan have a telephone interview. Which do you prefer? Why?11.Some students enjoy decorating their surroundings; other choose to keep their surroundings simple and free of any decorations. Which do you prefer and why?12.Since students now all have laptops, the school decides to cancel the computer lab. Do you think this is a good idea or not?13.Some people prefer to organize activities. Others prefer to only attend activities. Which do you prefer?14.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important lesson can't be learned in the classroom.15.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 18-year-olds are not mature enough to vote.二、托福口语评分标准1. 中心是否切题:解释:考察考生所表达的口语内容是否完整、准确地回答了题目的要求。

一、口语考试预测1. Some students prefer to make friends with people who are about the same age. Other students prefer to make friends with people of different ages. Which way do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.2. When traveling outside, some people prefer to keep connections with their family members and friends; other people do not prefer to do so?Which way do you prefer and why?3. A company introduced a new policy that employees will have more free time to relax and do other activities on workdays. Do you agree or disagree with this policy? Why or why not?you agree or disagree with the following statement? Employees shouldn’t send personal text or emails during work ain why.5. You are going to have an interview but the location is far from your place. Which do you prefer, travel the long distance to have the interview face- to-face or have the interview on the phone?二、托福口语考试注意事项人称she/he是很多同学没有办法保持统一的,有一个小办法就是在准备的时间里,在草稿纸上写下一个大大的she/he,提示自己整个task的回答都是这个人称。

2021年4月14日场雅思口语机经猜测(A+G)雅思口语part1 基础话题(4)雅思口语基础话题Names1. Do you like your name?2. Does your name have any special meaning?3. What kinds of names are popular in China?4. Are there many Chinese people who have the same name as you?5. Is there any tradition about naming babies?雅思口语基础话题Work or study1. Why did you choose to study that subject?2. Is it interesting?3. What subjects are you studying?4. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?5. Are you looking forward to working?6. Do you like your subject?7. What work do you do?8. Why did you choose to do that type of work?9. Do you miss being a student?雅思口语基础话题Home (Your Accommodation)1. Can you describe the place where you live?2. How long have you lived there?3. Who do you live with?4. Do you plan to live there for a long time?5. What is the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?6. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?7. In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?8. What kind of neighborhood/environment/surroundings/home would you like to live in?9. What do you usually do in your house/ flat/room?10. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?11. What part of your home do you like the most?12. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?雅思口语基础话题Hometown1. Whats (the name of) your hometown (again)?2. Is that a big city or a small place?3. Please describe your hometown a little.4. How long have you lived there?5. Do you like it?7. What do you like (most) about your hometown?8. Is there anything you dislike about it?9. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?10. Do you plan to continue living there?11. Where would you like to live?雅思口语part 1新题Transportation(新题)1. Why did you choose that form of transport?2. What form of transport do you usually use?3. What vehicles (or, what means of transport) do people in China most often choose to use?4. What will become the most popular means of transportation in China?5. What do you think of the transport situation in your hometown?6. Would you say transport costs are high in your hometown?7. How has the transport system in your hometown changed in the past few decades?Advertisements (新题)1. Are there many advertisements in your country?2. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?3. How do you feel about advertisements?4. Do you like advertisements?5. What kind of advertisement do you like the most?6. Do advertisements (ever) influence your choice about what to buy?7. Where can we see advertisements?8. What are the various places where we see advertisements?9. Do you prefer advertisements on TV or those in magazines?10. What do you think is the purpose of advertisements)?11. What do you think about the developments in advertising in China today?Animal (新题)1. Why do some people keep pets at home?2. What kinds of animals do you like?3. Have you ever had a pet before?4. Do you like to see animals in the zoo?5. What is the most popular animal in China?Sleep (新题)1. How many hours are you asleep for every day?2. Is it necessary to take a nap every day?3. Do old people sleep a lot? Why?4. What time do you usually go to bed?5. Do you always have a good sleep?雅思口语Part23口语猜测Part23根据人物、物品、地点、大事和媒体五大类分类,标蓝话题表示已更新范文,点击可入,后续范文会加速更新,请保持关注小站官网论坛。

正文内容:1. 口语题型预测1.1 对比题型- 2023年可能会出现更多的对比题型,要求考生在两个或多个选项之间进行比较,如比较两种观点、两个事件或两个人物。
- 考生需要掌握用于对比的常用词汇和句型,如"on the one hand, on the other hand"、"similarly"、"in contrast"等。
1.2 观点题型- 观点题型是美森口语考试的常见题型,2023年可能会继续出现。
- 考生需要学会表达自己的观点,并且能够用具体的例子和理由来支持自己的观点。
- 在备考过程中,可以多练习针对不同话题的观点表达,提高自己的口语表达能力。
2. 常见话题预测2.1 教育话题- 教育话题一直是美森口语考试的热门话题之一,2023年可能会继续出现。
- 考生需要了解教育系统、教育方法以及教育问题,并能够就这些话题进行流利的口语表达。
- 在备考过程中,可以多阅读相关教育方面的文章,扩大自己的知识面。
2.2 环境保护话题- 环境保护是当前全球关注的重要议题,2023年美森口语考试可能会涉及到这个话题。
- 考生需要了解环境问题,掌握相关的词汇和表达方式,并能够就环境保护问题进行深入的讨论。
- 在备考过程中,可以多关注环境保护方面的新闻和报道,积累相关的知识。
3. 口语技巧预测3.1 表达观点的技巧- 在口语考试中,表达观点是一个重要的考点,考生需要掌握一些表达观点的技巧。
- 可以使用一些连接词和词组,如"from my perspective"、"in my opinion"等,来引出自己的观点。
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p3how to keep friendship?how do you think about the reunion of the old fir nds or classmates?/关于如何遇到新的朋友 ?朋友的特质 ?人们成为朋友的原因2 an intelligent personP3觉得老师如何影响学生的intelligence?教师的素质?在孩子的成长中,老师还是家长重要?你觉得高智商的人快乐么?有智慧的人自私吗?和别人不一样吗?有智慧是件好事吗?3 a comic actor (a famous person( in your country)P3孩子们模仿明星的看法?明星成名的付出?现在孩子们的娱乐方式?小孩的娱乐是否应用教育意义?中国什么样的人能成为名人,和过去有什么区别,应该公开名人隐私吗?4 A stranger who helped you / a person you helped/a person who made you happy/a person who is very polite /p3交流的好处?为什么有人免费帮助人?怎么鼓励与老人交流?5 an old person you admire/ a teenager or child you knowPart3现在的老人比以前的老人活的更好,你同不同意,你有什么看法?在中国多大岁数算是老年人?what are the difference between grandparents and parents on children risin g? 老人的退休年龄是否应该延长?老人退休后对他们有何影响?老人退休后是否容易再就业?6 a person who taught you something usfulP3 小孩教育,会不会随父母来决定,小孩与青少年如何区别教育。
物品类7 something you can’t live without (except your computer and mobilephone)/sth made in y our country (from your region)part3 new tech product’s benefits andn drawbacks in work place, should the work place b an social websites?do u think people are gonna be happy about this??为什么很多人要上网?科技发展对人的好处?那这些电器对人们有什么disadvantage? 对老人来说使用这些eq uipment easy or difficult?他们用什么比较容易?什么比较难?8 something you bought by the money you savedP3 about saving money,how to spend money in the right way?9 a work of art (such as painting or sculpture)part3人们都在墙上挂什么东西,是否所有人都喜欢去博物馆看艺术品?Compare the Chi nese art and western art works. Do you like go to the art gallery? Do you thin k artists are being well-paid nowadays?10 an inetersting old thing in your familyP3:what kind of old things should be kept?do you think old things are better?should we k eep all of them?11 a clothes you wear on special occasion/ your favourite clothespart3 女士和男士买衣服的不同?你怎样看待中国的“杀价”/ bargaining?你喜欢大商场还是小商店?你怎样看待那些注重名牌的人? How do you think about shopping online?12 A photo someone took for youpart3 Is photography popular in your country?照相是不是艺术,好照片要有什么标准,你喜不喜欢照相,为什么有的人不喜欢他们的照片?photo 的意义? 为什么有人喜欢拍照? 你觉得现代人通过什么途径照相?你觉得人们是爱互相照还是去照风景?13 a gift you received in your childhoodP3 大人和孩子花钱的观念有什么不同?孩子会用这些钱干什么?怎么帮助孩子省钱。
大人用钱做什么?do you often give gift? Money or gift which is better? Do you change gift wi th others? Do Chinese often change gifts? Is it difficult to choose right gift?14a toy you played in your childhoodPart 3 Do you still keep this toy?Why children like a certain toy instead of others? Do yo u think children have too many toys? How can parents avoid the situation? What kind o f toys are popular in your country? Do you think toys can develop children's intelligence?地点类15 a tourism attraction/ a seaside city// a perfect holiday/ a place which is far awa y from your hometownPART3 旅游景点的分类?老人和年轻人喜欢的景点类型一样吗? nature and city which is be tter?what the good sides of going to natural place?why natural beauty can give artists ins piration?你喜欢用什么交通工具去旅行,。
What is the difference between business trip a nd tour trip?是问你喜欢一人旅游还是和朋友,各有什么好处?然后旅游当中最重要的是什么? /activities with water. Should Government establish some facilities with or near wate r?16 an interesting country /a place you learn a foreign culturepart3difference between travel abroad and live abroad? international tourism(why?好处?坏处?) ,一个国家最吸引年轻人的是什么?为什么这么多人移居国外?17 a (historical) or (important) building in your hometownp3人们如何对待historic building? 保护的话怎样保护? historic building重要吗?能够代表一个国家和城市吗?18 an perfect house or apartment you visited (or want to own) /a special room/part3人们对于房子的选择倾向,人们选择居住地的原因,为什么要自己设计自己的房子,传统建筑的意义?有些人认为要很多很多room 你怎样认为?人们是不是越来越倾向住城里?你觉得城市化会造成问题吗?房子,装修以后会怎么发展?/why it is so crowded in your c ountry? 小孩各放一个房间睡好, 还是二个孩子在一个房间睡好?怎么让房间个性化? 房子的过去和现在?19 a garden/ or park /a leisure centerpart3你是否喜欢公共花园?什么人喜欢花园?城市是否都有了花园?政府是否应该投资兴建花园或是把钱花在其他建设上?政府是否应该对公共花园收费? /人们休闲方式和以前的不同?20 a restaurantp3人们为什么在外面吃饭,local restauran和international restaurant,在外吃饭的坏处?21 a shopping mall/ a shopping street (in your hometown)PART3 问网上购物的利弊,对经济是否有好处等购物话题? Difference between shoppi ng mall and local shops?媒体类22 a movie you dislike / a funny story or movie/a movie about the futurepart3 what made you laugh ? Are children easier to laugh than adults? why ? Do.you thi nk modern people laugh more than people in the past?/ /从电影中可以学到什么?中外电影的区别?外国电影在中国流行么? 一个好演员要具备的素质? 成为一个电影明星的好处和坏处?喜欢在家看还是去电影院?大多数年轻人喜欢什么类型的电影? 喜欢悲剧还是喜剧?乡村需要加强娱乐设施建设吗?23 a website./ a magazineP3:website在中国流行么?different age use website24 A TV program( which made you laugh)/a radio programpart3:电视好还是广播好?/ 电视节目的质量?电视节目有什么改变?小孩应该看电视吗?人们都用多长时间看电视?商家做广告有好处吗?人们会更容易受广告影响吗?小孩子容易受广告影响吗?看电视时间太长会怎么样? 国外的电视节目的引入对年轻人的影响?你认为中国最受欢迎的什么节目?你认为明星是否挣钱过多?25 an advertisement you like(which makes you want to buy something)P3:有些广告专门针对孩子好不好?现在的一些广告手段有哪些?怎么样?有些广告里面有音乐会不会使人们更多关注音乐而不是产品本身?在哪能看到广告?人们更喜欢在哪看到广告?你觉得名人做广告怎么样?小孩做广告怎么样?26 a letter you receivedP3 difference between email and letter?27 a book you want to read again(or someone recommended to you)/( a story you heard in y our childhood)p3 will you recommend this book to your friends?why people read books?do you think the internet is a good way to get information? do you think books or newspaper/magazine will be repl aced by e-book in the future? /P3: 故事该不该有happy ending ,为什么故事里有good gu y bad guy?经历/社会类28 a sport you want to try for the first time/ a sport event you watched/a way to keep healthyP3 do children always do sport activities in China? What are the benefits for doing sport? What is the most popular sports in China? What are the differe nces between individual sports and team sports?男孩和女孩各自喜爱的运动?体育竞赛中你个人对胜负的看法?你的朋友或家人喜欢运动吗?do you think athlets are m aking too much money?29 a different culturePart3how to learn a culture ? can olympic games bring athletes together?30 a course you learned in college or evening class/ a subject you dislike/p3:你认为上课一定要funny吗?31 an occasion you forgot somethingP3你觉得你的记忆力怎么样?你觉得医生、老师的记忆力重要吗?还有谁是你知道的记忆力好的人?你觉得弹钢琴这些对记忆力有帮助吗.?你有什么好的方法记东西? 通过自身怎么提高记忆力?32 an occasion when you moved to a new home or new schoolpart3:人们一般为什么搬家?搬家会遇到什么困难?搬家的利弊?为什么有些人不愿意搬家?有什么办法可以让人们不切断与邻居的联系?33 sth you enjoyed doing with old people/a positive experience/ an event tha t changed your life34 a family bissinesspart3:家族企业的成功原因与问题?进大企业还是小企业就职?35 a future planP3 人们怎样做计划学校是否可以教为什么有的人没计划36 a conversation with a strangerP3 communicate face to face or through electronic devices,which one is more important?advantages of face to face communication?why some people think it’s easier to talk with strangers?37 local food / a special mealpart3 about meal,north China south China is the same?,meal for children和adult区别,meal家好还是restaurant好,meal的price还是quality重要。