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p3how to keep friendship?how do you think about the reunion of the old fir nds or classmates?/关于如何遇到新的朋友 ?朋友的特质 ?人们成为朋友的原因

2 an intelligent person


3 a comic actor (a famous person( in your country)


4 A stranger who helped you / a person you helped/a person who made you happy

/a person who is very polite /


5 an old person you admire/ a teenager or child you know

Part3现在的老人比以前的老人活的更好,你同不同意,你有什么看法?在中国多大岁数算是老年人?what are the difference between grandparents and parents on children risin g? 老人的退休年龄是否应该延长?老人退休后对他们有何影响?老人退休后是否容易再就业?

6 a person who taught you something usful

P3 小孩教育,会不会随父母来决定,小孩与青少年如何区别教育。


7 something you can’t live without (except your computer and mobilephone)/sth made in y our country (from your region)

part3 new tech product’s benefits andn drawbacks in work place, should the work place b an social websites?do u think people are gonna be happy about this??为什么很多人要上网?科技发展对人的好处?那这些电器对人们有什么disadvantage? 对老人来说使用这些eq uipment easy or difficult?他们用什么比较容易?什么比较难?

8 something you bought by the money you saved

P3 about saving money,how to spend money in the right way?

9 a work of art (such as painting or sculpture)

part3人们都在墙上挂什么东西,是否所有人都喜欢去博物馆看艺术品?Compare the Chi nese art and western art works. Do you like go to the art gallery? Do you thin k artists are being well-paid nowadays?

10 an inetersting old thing in your family

P3:what kind of old things should be kept?do you think old things are better?should we k eep all of them?

11 a clothes you wear on special occasion/ your favourite clothes

part3 女士和男士买衣服的不同?你怎样看待中国的“杀价”/ bargaining?你喜欢大商场还是小商店?你怎样看待那些注重名牌的人? How do you think about shopping online?

12 A photo someone took for you

part3 Is photography popular in your country?照相是不是艺术,好照片要有什么标准,你喜不喜欢照相,为什么有的人不喜欢他们的照片?photo 的意义? 为什么有人喜欢拍照? 你觉得现代人通过什么途径照相?你觉得人们是爱互相照还是去照风景?

13 a gift you received in your childhood

P3 大人和孩子花钱的观念有什么不同?孩子会用这些钱干什么?怎么帮助孩子省钱。大人用钱做什么?do you often give gift? Money or gift which is better? Do you change gift wi th others? Do Chinese often change gifts? Is it difficult to choose right gift?

14a toy you played in your childhood

Part 3 Do you still keep this toy?Why children like a certain toy instead of others? Do yo u think children have too many toys? How can parents avoid the situation? What kind o f toys are popular in your country? Do you think toys can develop children's intelligence?


15 a tourism attraction/ a seaside city// a perfect holiday/ a place which is far awa y from your hometown

PART3 旅游景点的分类?老人和年轻人喜欢的景点类型一样吗? nature and city which is be tter?what the good sides of going to natural place?why natural beauty can give artists ins piration?你喜欢用什么交通工具去旅行,。What is the difference between business trip a nd tour trip?是问你喜欢一人旅游还是和朋友,各有什么好处?然后旅游当中最重要的是什么? /activities with water. Should Government establish some facilities with or near wate r?

16 an interesting country /a place you learn a foreign culture

part3difference between travel abroad and live abroad? international tourism(why?好处?坏处?) ,一个国家最吸引年轻人的是什么?为什么这么多人移居国外?
