
The price for the holiday includes flights and accommodation.
3. opposite
site n. 地方,地点,
⑴ 作形容词,意为: _对__立__的__,__截__然__相__反__的_ ⑵ 作介词,意为: _在__…__…__的__对__面_____
1. witness 2. accommodation 3. opposite 4. pause 5. flee 6. yell
7. drag 8. abandon 9. target 10. urge 11. scare 12. shallow
1. witness wit n. 机智
1. _找__出__,__查__明______________ find out 2. _整__理__,__清__理______________ sort out 3. _大__声__说__出__,__下__令__出__动______ call out 4. _在__…__…__之__前______________ ahead of 5. _对__…__…__明__白__;__意__识__到______
1. shore n. 岸;海滨 →_o_f_fs_h_o_r_e_ adv./ adj. 近海(的); 离岸(的) 2. _p_a_u_s_e__ vi. / n.暂停;中止 ←→ cause n. 原因; v. 引起 3. cope v.处理,对待 → scope n. 范围
→_t_e_le_s_c_o_p_e__ n. 望远镜 4. steamship n.汽船 ←steam v. 蒸发; n.蒸汽
人教课标 高二 选修 7

1. It was a time __w_h_e_n__the killer whales,or “killers” as they were then called,helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.当时被人们称作“虎鲸” 的鲸鱼帮助人在须鲸每年洄游的季节将它们捕 获。
n.细胞;(蜂房的)巢室 n.一片嘴唇; (容器的)边, 口 n.网;网状物;网络 n.轶事;奇闻 adj.陡峭的 n.住所;住宿 n.界限;分界线 n.保存;保护 n.维数;方面;侧面 adj.使人敬畏的; 令人畏惧的
1. _a_n_n_u__a_l _ adj. 每年的;按年度计算的 n.年刊;年鉴→
adj.锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的 adj.生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的
11. steep 12. cell 13. lip 14. net 15. anecdote 16. conservation 17. boundary 18. accommodation 19. awesome 20. dimension
vt. 反映;反射;(镜、水等)映出
派 生 reflection n.反射;倒影;沉思
reflect on回忆(remind oneself of); 思考(consider); 沉思(think deeply about)
⑴ 他的行为反映他的思想。 His actions _r_e_fl_e_c_t_h_is__t_h_o_u_g_h_t_s_.
8. _s_u_c_k__ milk through a straw 用吸管吸牛奶喝 9. __y_e_ll_/s_h_o__u_t_ at him to stop向他大喊要他停下 10. o_p__p_o_s_it_e__ the bank在银行对面 11. meet/achieve/reach a _ta_r_g_e_t_/g_o__a_l/_a_im_ 达到目标 12. an _a_n_n_u_a__l income of $80,000年收入8万美元 13. have a _n_e_a_t_ figure身材匀称 14. go _jo__g_g_in__g_去跑步;慢跑

逃跑, 消失 打包, 收拾行李 遗弃, 抛弃
Task 1 : Read the text and then fill in the blanks with their names.
1._C_l_a_n_c_y_ was 16 years of age when he went to work at the whaling station.
传统捕鲸方法:6名捕鲸者离开大船,乘小艇追 逐鲸鱼,小艇通常长8.5公尺,装备有具倒钩 的捕鲸铦和长索。鲸一旦被铦刺中,便带着绳 索逃遁,直到筋疲力尽浮出水面,人们在那儿 用捕鲸枪(一种更长的捕鲸铦)将它杀死,用绳 索拖到大船边,用有刃的长枪割取油脂,并把 尸体抛弃。
现代捕鲸业肇: 挪威人福伊恩发明了一种 捕鲸炮,用来发射内充炸药的标枪。后来又使 用了动力船,与捕鲸炮相得益彰,这些方法使 用至今几乎没有什么变化。
Anemone (海葵)
anemone fish sea star
sea horse
killer whales (虎鲸)
baleen whales (须鲸)
Do you know about whales? such as
• sharks
• the killer whales
Tom was helping the whalers out?
Evidence of helping the whalers
throw itself out of the water and crash down again.
Let the whalers know that there was a baleen whale nearby.
选修 7 unit 3 under the sea 单词识记课件 - 副本(1)

scary 14. scare v. ______(adj.害怕的) __________ (adj.令人害怕的 scared
• 二、根据所给词性和汉语意义写出英语单词
flee _ vi.逃避;逃跑 vt.逃离→______ fled (过 • 1.____ fled (过去分词) 去式)→_______ dragged (过去式 • 2._drag ___ vt.拖;拉;扯→________ dragging (现在分词) )→____________ deep depth • 3.______ n.深(度);深处→_______ adj.深 deepen vt.使加深 的→______ urgent • 4._____ urge vt.催促;极力主张;驱策→_______ adj.紧急的 annual adj.每年的;按年度计算的 n.年 • 5.________ anniversary 刊;年鉴→_______________ n. 周年纪念日
upside down the Antarcticpure
The process of competition • 1. 全班总动员(必答题) • 2. 我们选哪个(选答题)
Group Show
• • • • • • • •
witness opposite flee annual pause drag target neat
• • • • • • • • Group9 drag • vt.拖;拉;扯 urge • vt.催促;极力主张;驱策; abandon • vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃 upside down • 上下翻转 (be) scared to • 吓死了 death the Antarctic • 南极洲 conservation • n.保存;保护

narrow the generation gap. 5.The team lost narrowly.
答案:1. adj. 狭窄的 2. adj. 狭隘的 3. adj. 九死一生 4. vt. 缩短, 使变窄 5. adv. 勉强地
Ⅲ. 探究总结重点词的用法:(小组活动,5分钟) 第一组: 1. Her family urged her to find another job. 2. The report urged that all children be taught to swim. 3. We strongly urge on\upon you the importance of this
【巧记】ba-leen 谐音:我们班的一名叫“柏林”的同 学胡须特多,可惜不是鲸须。
4. annual ['ænjʊəl] adj. = yearly 每年的;按年度计算
n. 年刊;年鉴 【巧记】an-nu-al 谐音:阿牛 联想:阿牛每年都到大陆开个人演唱 会。
5. witness ['wɪtnɪs] vt. 当场见到;目击 n.目击者;证人;证据
4. Walking in the forest, he felt __a_b_a_n_d_o_n_e_d(abandon) by the world.
5. The final score of the basketball match was 93:94. We were only __n_a_rr_o_w__ly_ (narrow) beaten.
答案:1. adj. 2. adv. 3. prep. 4. n.
第二组: 1. He witnessed the accident. 2. Neither witness told the truth. 3.She gave witness on behalf of the accused person. 4.These facts are a witness to his carelessness.
答案:1. adj. 狭窄的 2. adj. 狭隘的 3. adj. 九死一生 4. vt. 缩短, 使变窄 5. adv. 勉强地
Ⅲ. 探究总结重点词的用法:(小组活动,5分钟) 第一组: 1. Her family urged her to find another job. 2. The report urged that all children be taught to swim. 3. We strongly urge on\upon you the importance of this
【巧记】ba-leen 谐音:我们班的一名叫“柏林”的同 学胡须特多,可惜不是鲸须。
4. annual ['ænjʊəl] adj. = yearly 每年的;按年度计算
n. 年刊;年鉴 【巧记】an-nu-al 谐音:阿牛 联想:阿牛每年都到大陆开个人演唱 会。
5. witness ['wɪtnɪs] vt. 当场见到;目击 n.目击者;证人;证据
4. Walking in the forest, he felt __a_b_a_n_d_o_n_e_d(abandon) by the world.
5. The final score of the basketball match was 93:94. We were only __n_a_rr_o_w__ly_ (narrow) beaten.
答案:1. adj. 2. adv. 3. prep. 4. n.
第二组: 1. He witnessed the accident. 2. Neither witness told the truth. 3.She gave witness on behalf of the accused person. 4.These facts are a witness to his carelessness.

language Points
1. witness 1) (vt ) to see sth happen, esp, a crime or
accident(当场看到;目击) 你亲眼看到那场事故了吗? Did youw_i_t_n_e_ss__ the accident? 我最好的朋友见证了我的婚礼。 My best friends witnessed my wedding.
The train doesn’t leave for a hour, in the meantime , I’m going to take a nap.
Jack ran for a doctor, in the meantime, we stayed with the patient.
I’ll call you when he comes. In the meantime I must give you something to do.
2) (vi) if a time or place witnesses an event, the event happens during that time or in that place (经历;发生)
Great changes have taken place in my hometown. My hometown has witnessed great changes. There has been a crime increase in recent years. Recent years has witnessed a crime increase. 3(n) someone who sees a crime or an accident
2) vi. flee to/from/into somewhere The prisoner attempted to_fl_e_e_f_r_o_m__t_h_e_p_r_i_so_n The alarmed people _f_le_d__fr_o_m__t_h_e__fi_r_e_._ He killed the enemy and _f_le_d__th_e__c_o_u_n_t_ry__.__ Many German artists f_l_ed__t_o_A__m_e_r_i_ca__ at the
1. witness 1) (vt ) to see sth happen, esp, a crime or
accident(当场看到;目击) 你亲眼看到那场事故了吗? Did youw_i_t_n_e_ss__ the accident? 我最好的朋友见证了我的婚礼。 My best friends witnessed my wedding.
The train doesn’t leave for a hour, in the meantime , I’m going to take a nap.
Jack ran for a doctor, in the meantime, we stayed with the patient.
I’ll call you when he comes. In the meantime I must give you something to do.
2) (vi) if a time or place witnesses an event, the event happens during that time or in that place (经历;发生)
Great changes have taken place in my hometown. My hometown has witnessed great changes. There has been a crime increase in recent years. Recent years has witnessed a crime increase. 3(n) someone who sees a crime or an accident
2) vi. flee to/from/into somewhere The prisoner attempted to_fl_e_e_f_r_o_m__t_h_e_p_r_i_so_n The alarmed people _f_le_d__fr_o_m__t_h_e__fi_r_e_._ He killed the enemy and _f_le_d__th_e__c_o_u_n_t_ry__.__ Many German artists f_l_ed__t_o_A__m_e_r_i_ca__ at the
新人教英语词汇句型复习选修7 Unit 3 Under the seaPPT课件

共 105 页
7.upside down 上下翻转 8.sort out 整理;分类;收拾 9.aim at 瞄准 10.be about to do sth. 正要做某事
共 105 页
1.This was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt. 这是宣告捕鲸行动马上就要开始的声音。 2.“Come on,_Clancy. To the boat,”... 快点,克兰西。 快到船上去,”……
共 105 页
4.opposite prep.在……对面 adj.相对的;相反的 5.pause vi. & n.暂停;中止 6.telescope n.望远镜 7.flee vi.逃避;逃跑 vt.逃离→fled/fled (过去式/过去分词) 8.drag vt.拖;拉;扯 9.depth n.深(度);深处 10.urge vt.催促;极力主张;驱策
共 105 页
Maybe that was another gift for Father. I also realized how much sweeter the journey would be if you make it smoother for others!
共 105 页
考 点 探 究 互动探究·能力备考
共 105 页
3.I‘m sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day—a day of pure magic! 我坐在温暖的夜色中,手持一杯冷饮回忆着这一天——这奇 妙至极的一天!

用 sort 的相关短语填空。 My daughter had ________ ( 各 种 各 样 的 ) toys when she was young.One day,when I entered her room, she _______ (正在分类) her toys.I saw her ____________ (把她的玩具分成) several piles. 答案:all sorts of was sorting out sorting her toys into
•11、凡为教者必期于达到不须教。对人以诚信,人不欺我;对事以诚信,事无不成。 •12、首先是教师品格的陶冶,行为的教育,然后才是专门知识和技能的训练。 •13、在教师手里操着幼年人的命运,便操着民族和人类的命运。2021/11/72021/11/7November 7, 2021 •14、孩子在快乐的时候,他学习任何东西都比较容易。 •15、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音,集体的动作,集体的表情,集体的信念。 •16、一个人所受的教育超过了自己的智力,这样的人才有学问。 •17、好奇是儿童的原始本性,感知会使儿童心灵升华,为其为了探究事物藏下本源。2021年11月2021/11/72021/11/72021/11/711/7/2021 •18、人自身有一种力量,用许多方式按照本人意愿控制和影响这种力量,一旦他这样做,就会影响到对他的教育和对他发生作用的环境。 2021/11/72021/11/7
有天下午,我来到捕鲸站,正在整理住所的时候, 听到从海湾那边传来的一阵喧闹声。
归纳拓展 sort sth into sth 整理;把……分类 all sorts of 各种各样的 a sort of 一种 sort of=kind of 有那么一点,有几分 sort out...from 从……中区分出来
高二选修7 Unit 3 Under the sea词汇知识点讲解[课件]共26页文档
![高二选修7 Unit 3 Under the sea词汇知识点讲解[课件]共26页文档](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e9ecb73779563c1ec5da7191.png)
a. 狭窄的v. 使...狭窄
• 7. We must sort out the good apples
from the bad ones. (1)分类(2)整理(3)解决
• 8. The dog's tongue was hanging out • 9. Our dining-hall is trying it(s1b)e舌st头t(o2)语言
• 4。奥运会期间,旅馆房间很难找。
• Hotel a_cc_o_m__m_o_d_a_t_i_o_n_ will be scarce缺乏
的during the Olympic Games.
• 5.从高楼的最高层往下看我感到很害怕。
• I'm s_c_a_r_e_d___to look down from the top of a
2.Guess the meaning according to the context
• 1. His yearly income is about 50,000. In
other words, his annual income is not
• 2. There are many anecdotes about
Anemone fish
vivid colors
Word study
Unit 3 Under the sea
1.Match the words with their meaning
① yell
A. utter (发出)a sudden loud cry
② witness ③ flee ④ drag
cater 满足each student’s taste.口味
Unit 3 Under the sea人教版高中英语选修7课件 (共26张PPT)

whale with the help of the killers.
( 5 ) The killer whale guided the team to the
Discuss the following questions in groups of four and choose the best answers to them.
A. They just did the hunting for fun.
B. They left it eaten up by the killers. C. It was dragged to the depths of the sea. D. They just waited for it to float up.
1. What is Clancy?
Clancy is a young whaler who works at a whaling station.
2. What did he see and experience at his working place?
He saw killers help whalers catch huge whales.
MSkaiimn midienags of the two anecdotes
The first anecdote describes a hunting experience about how the ___________ hkeillperedwthhaele_s______ to hunt awwhahlaelres.
( 4 )The men went to the boat and headed out
( 5 ) The killer whale guided the team to the
Discuss the following questions in groups of four and choose the best answers to them.
A. They just did the hunting for fun.
B. They left it eaten up by the killers. C. It was dragged to the depths of the sea. D. They just waited for it to float up.
1. What is Clancy?
Clancy is a young whaler who works at a whaling station.
2. What did he see and experience at his working place?
He saw killers help whalers catch huge whales.
MSkaiimn midienags of the two anecdotes
The first anecdote describes a hunting experience about how the ___________ hkeillperedwthhaele_s______ to hunt awwhahlaelres.
( 4 )The men went to the boat and headed out
高中英语 Unit 3 The world online 课件 译林版选修7

to your
帮你归纳 disadvantage n.(反义词)不利条件;损害;损失 have/gain the advantage over与……相比有优势, 胜过…… to one’s advantage/disadvantage=to the advantage/disadvantage of sb. 对某人有利/不利 take advantage of sb./sth.利用…… put sb.at a disadvantage使某人处于不利地位 have the advantage of具有……的有利条件
It never occurred to me that I would
accept his help.
帮你归纳 It occurs to sb.that...=It occurs to sb.to do sth.某人突然想到…… occur to sb.浮现在某人的脑海中;被某人想到 即学活练 (5)我突然想去看看20年未见过的老同学。
(4)那船被吹离航线。 The ship was blown off course.
帮你归纳 of course当然 in/during the course of在……的过程中,在……期 间 即学活练 (5)在讨论期间,学生们充分地表达了他们的观点。
In the course of discussion,the students expressed themselves freely.
(2)不要以貌取人。 Don’t judge a man by his looks.
(3)我们认为缺乏耐心是不明智的。 We judge it unwise to be impatient.
帮你归纳 judge+wh-clause judge+that-clause 认为/断定…… judge...to be... judging by...从……来判断 judging from...根据……可以看出

relationship between ... and ... have relationship with relationship to relation n. in / with relation to 与…有关/联系 relative n. & adj.
12.dimension n. 维(数),空间;(问题的)方面,部分 There is another dimension to this problem which you haven’t considered. Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。 dimensional adj. 有维的,空间的 A square is two-dimensional and a cube is threedimensional. 正方形是二维的(平面的), 而立方体则是三维的 (立体的).
give witness on behalf of sb be a witness to sth….
替…作证 是…的目击者
witness to sth /doing sth
bear / give witness to sth
作证支持某人 证人席
witness box ( BRE )= witness stand
7.depth n.深度,深处 Its body was dragged by the killers down into the depths of the sea. 它的身体被捕猎者拖着进入深海。 What's the depth of this lake? 这个湖有多深? They underestimated the depth of public feeling on this issue. 他们低估了公众对这个问题的敏感程度。

sharp:adj. 尖锐的,锋利的,敏捷的
反义词:dull blunt
sharp eyes(ears)敏锐的目光(灵敏的嗅觉)
a sharp wind 凛冽的寒风
Eg: The food is tasty
shallow: adj. 浅的,肤浅的,明显的
The shallow end of the swimming pool
Eg: a shallow man 浅薄的人
shallow talk 肤浅的谈话
shallow handed 头脑简单,知识浅薄
shallowly adv. shallowness n.
短语:be scare to death
Eg: when I heard the bed news ,I am scare to death. the Antarctic 南极洲
hit(miss) the target 靶
Hale Waihona Puke awful 令人敬畏的,极坏的,极度的,威严,庄严的,可拍的
awe stricken awestruck 敬畏的畏惧的
sharp:adj. 尖锐的,锋利的,敏捷的
反义词:dull blunt
sharp eyes(ears)敏锐的目光(灵敏的嗅觉)
a sharp wind 凛冽的寒风
Eg: The food is tasty
shallow: adj. 浅的,肤浅的,明显的
The shallow end of the swimming pool
Eg: a shallow man 浅薄的人
shallow talk 肤浅的谈话
shallow handed 头脑简单,知识浅薄
shallowly adv. shallowness n.
短语:be scare to death
Eg: when I heard the bed news ,I am scare to death. the Antarctic 南极洲
hit(miss) the target 靶
Hale Waihona Puke awful 令人敬畏的,极坏的,极度的,威严,庄严的,可拍的
awe stricken awestruck 敬畏的畏惧的
高二英语人教版选修7unit3 Section Ⅲ精品课件

栏目 导引
Unit 3 Under the sea
2.What was hanging upside down in the sea according to the
text? A.The orange and white fish.
B.The yellow-spotted red sea-slug.
5. _____u_p_s_i_d_e_d_o_w__n_____ 6. _____g_e_t_c_lo_s_e__to_______ 7. _s_to_p__s_b_._f_r_o_m__d_o_in_g__s_th_. 8. __(b__e)__sc_a_r_e_d__to__d_e_a_th___
慢跑 轻推;轻撞 目标;靶;受批评的对象 纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的
栏目 导引
Unit 3 Under the sea
4. ___n_e_a_t___ adj. 5. ___g_r_e_y___ adj.& n. 6. __sh__a_ll_o_w__ adj. 7. ___s_te_e_p___ adj.
栏目 导引
Unit 3 Under the sea
Read the text carefully and choose the best answer. 1.In the diary,the author mainly wants to tell us ________. A.what he saw in the sea B.how the fish eat in the sea C.the vivid colours in the sea D.all the plants in the sea are poisonous
〈口〉好的;整齐的;匀称的 灰色(的) 浅的;肤浅的;浅显的 陡峭的
Unit 3 Under the sea
2.What was hanging upside down in the sea according to the
text? A.The orange and white fish.
B.The yellow-spotted red sea-slug.
5. _____u_p_s_i_d_e_d_o_w__n_____ 6. _____g_e_t_c_lo_s_e__to_______ 7. _s_to_p__s_b_._f_r_o_m__d_o_in_g__s_th_. 8. __(b__e)__sc_a_r_e_d__to__d_e_a_th___
慢跑 轻推;轻撞 目标;靶;受批评的对象 纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的
栏目 导引
Unit 3 Under the sea
4. ___n_e_a_t___ adj. 5. ___g_r_e_y___ adj.& n. 6. __sh__a_ll_o_w__ adj. 7. ___s_te_e_p___ adj.
栏目 导引
Unit 3 Under the sea
Read the text carefully and choose the best answer. 1.In the diary,the author mainly wants to tell us ________. A.what he saw in the sea B.how the fish eat in the sea C.the vivid colours in the sea D.all the plants in the sea are poisonous
〈口〉好的;整齐的;匀称的 灰色(的) 浅的;肤浅的;浅显的 陡峭的
高中英语选修7 Unit3 under the sea 课件

6.why did the whalers return home without the whale’s body?
Because the body would not float to the surface until about 24 hours later
Why are the animals under the sea becoming fewer and fewer? What can we do to protect them?
Bye bye !
Unit3 Under the sea
Words and expressions
1. 学生能够了解本单元单词的基本用法。 2. 学生能够辨析易混淆词的用法,并能熟练运用。 3. 学生能够掌握重点难点词的拓展及其用法。
本节课为unit3 的单词和短语教学,单词本来是零散的, 易混的,但是本节课运用了从点到线,从线到面的词汇教学 方法,使重点难点单词成了容易掌握的单词块,单词串,从 而实现了知识即词汇的重新组合,这一点也符合新的英语教 学大纲的要求。
The first anecdote describes a hunting experience about how the killer whales helped the whalers to hunt a whale.
The second one tells about how a killer whale protected and saved James, a whaler.
1. 培养学生阅读能力和技巧,skimming, scanning, summarizing等,并能快速的锁定所需的信息范围。
2. 使学生更好的了解海底生物,热爱生物,保护海洋环境。
Because the body would not float to the surface until about 24 hours later
Why are the animals under the sea becoming fewer and fewer? What can we do to protect them?
Bye bye !
Unit3 Under the sea
Words and expressions
1. 学生能够了解本单元单词的基本用法。 2. 学生能够辨析易混淆词的用法,并能熟练运用。 3. 学生能够掌握重点难点词的拓展及其用法。
本节课为unit3 的单词和短语教学,单词本来是零散的, 易混的,但是本节课运用了从点到线,从线到面的词汇教学 方法,使重点难点单词成了容易掌握的单词块,单词串,从 而实现了知识即词汇的重新组合,这一点也符合新的英语教 学大纲的要求。
The first anecdote describes a hunting experience about how the killer whales helped the whalers to hunt a whale.
The second one tells about how a killer whale protected and saved James, a whaler.
1. 培养学生阅读能力和技巧,skimming, scanning, summarizing等,并能快速的锁定所需的信息范围。
2. 使学生更好的了解海底生物,热爱生物,保护海洋环境。
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depth n.深度 深处
eg.What’s the depth of the lake? It is 3,000 meters in depth.
1. deep (adj.) → depth (n) →deepen (v.)
拓 展
2. high (adj.) → height (n) →heighten (v.)
reflect (vi. / vt.)
vi.思考 reflect on / upon sth Take time to reflect on important things. vt. 映射;反射; reflect sth./ sb. in sth. His face was reflected in the mirror. reflection (n) 显示;反射;映像
sharp (adj.)
①锐利的;锋利的 a sharp knife ②敏捷的 Though he is old, he has a sharp mind. ③急剧的;激烈的; There is a sharp fall/ rise in the price of eggs. There is a sharp bend(急转弯) in the road. ④(人)厉害;严厉;尖刻 拓展:sharply (adv) sharpen (vt)
abandon vt. 抛弃, 遗弃; 中止, 放弃 abandon one’s country/friends/post/hope/ plan/one’s bad habit 背叛祖国/朋友/职位/ 希望/恶习
The man abandoned his wife and children. 那个男人抛弃了他的妻儿.
2)The taxi driver hurried away in the
opposite direction. 相反的
3)He is honest and hardworking, but his
twin brother is the complete opposite. 对 立的人或物(多与the连用)
urge sb. to do sth./that sb (should)… urge sh. into doing sth.催促某人做某事 have an urge to do sth. 渴望做某事
eg. She urged him to stay. 她力劝他留下
eg.The report urged that all children (should) be taught to swim.
be/ become aware of 对…知道; 明白;意识到…… eg. He was not aware of having done wrong. be aware that… eg. Everyone was aware that they were in conflict.
raise awareness about sth 提高对…..的认识 arouse one’s awareness towards sth 引起某人对的认识 awareness (n.) 意识;觉悟
eg. He dragged the
table into the corner. 他把那张桌子拖到
drag behind 落在后面 drag in 扯进来 drag sb down 使某人沮丧 drag on 拖延 drag down 把人拖垮 drag one’s feet 故意拖延
词性: abandoned adj. 遗弃的. abandoner n. 放弃者. abandonee n. 被放弃者.
help out 帮助某人摆脱(困境)
help sb. with sth 帮助某人做某事 help sb (to) do sth. can’t help doing sth. 禁不住做某事 =can’t help but do sth with the help of 在……的帮助下
2)v. 驱赶,鞭策 He urged his horse forward. 他策马前行。
3) n.强烈的欲望,冲动
I had a sudden urge to hit him.
urgency n. 紧急,急切,强求,坚持 urgent adj. 急迫的,紧要的,紧急的
It is urgent that sb (should) …
3. accommodation n. 住处,住所
give accommodation for sb make accommodation for sb
为(某人)提供住宿 为某人提供膳宿
opposite (prep/ adj./ n)相反的; 在...对面;
1)He sat down opposite me.在……对面
Unit 3 Under the sea
(1)annual adj
an annual meeting 一年一次的会议
daily (adj./ adv./ n)
weekly (adj./ adv./ n)
monthly (adj./ adv./ n)
3. wide (adj.) → width (n) →widen (v.)
4. long (adj.) → length (n) →lengthen (v.)
5. strong (adj.) → strength (n) →strengthen (v.)
10. urge (v/ n)1)v. 敦促,催促,力劝
5. opposite (prep/ adj./ n)
1 be opposite to
2 His home is opposite to mine.
be opposed to
3 反对;与……对立
eg. I am opposed to your view.
Drag: vt ① 拖;拉; 拽 ② 劝说某人勉为 其难地来(去)某 处③(指乏味的东
quarterly (adj./ adv./ n)
yearly (adj./ adv.)
Witness n. 证人,目击者,证词
He was a witnessHale Waihona Puke to/of the accident.
vt & vi. ①目击, 为...作证
他亲眼看见那个事故。 He witnessed the accident. ②作为…的见证;作为…发生的地点(年代等):
the years that witnessed the war 战争年代
give/bear witness to sth 为……作证
witness to sth/doing sth 为···作证;目睹
She abandoned the chance to enter the university. 她放弃了进大学的机会.
常用短语: abandon oneself to 放纵, 沉湎于 他们沉湎于饮酒。 They abandon themselves to drinking. 不要悲观失望。 Do not abandon yourself to despair.