国际航班用语1. “Check - in”(值机)- 嘿,要坐国际航班可别忘了值机呀。
2. “Boarding pass”(登机牌)- 登机牌可是你登机的“入场券”呢。
3. “Luggage allowance”(行李限额)- 国际航班的行李限额就像一个框框,你得把自己的东西都放在这个框里才行。
4. “Security check”(安检)- 安检就像过一道关卡,那些工作人员就像超级严格的守门员。
5. “Departure lounge”(候机室)- 候机室就是出发前休息的小港湾啦。
6. “Flight attendant”(空乘人员)- 空乘人员就像空中的天使呀。
7. “In - flight meal”(机上餐食)- 机上餐食有时候就像开盲盒一样,你不知道会吃到什么。
如此热的天气,在家孵空调吃西瓜也无趣,不如外出避暑涨见识啊!既然要游世界,练好口语当然是第一步!今天小U为大家整理了详细的出国旅游之机场必备口语,满满的都是干货!机场必备机场托运这次班机是在这个柜台办理登机手续吗?Is this the right counter to check in for this flight?展开剩余88%我想托运这三件行李。
I want to check these three luggage.我一共三件行李,超重吗?I've got three pieces altogether. Are they overweight?我可以随身带手提包上飞机吗?Can I carry this carry-on bag with me on board?这没超出免费行李限额吧?Is that inside the free allowance?不需要超重费。
There's no excess to pay.这是我的护照,我准备坐中国民航班机去纽约。
Here's my passport, I'm going on the CAAC Flight to New York.这是我们的机票及登机牌。
Here is our tickets and your boarding pass.询问登机口请问我的登机口是几号?Excuse me. What's the gate number?/Where is the boarding gate for this flight?您的登机口是6号。
B: Your gate number is 6.询问飞机信息北京和伦敦的时差是多少?What's the time difference between Beijng and London?你能告诉我一下我们什么时候到达伦敦吗?Could you please tell me what time we'll arrive in London?飞机到伦敦要多久?How long is the flight to London ?飞机会准时起飞吗?Is the flight on schedule/on time?询问机舱服务我的座位在那里?Where is my seat?我能将手提行李放在这儿吗?Can I put my baggage here ?是否可替我更换座位?Could you change my seat, please?现在可以解开安全带了吗?Is it all right to loosen my seat belt?请给我一个枕头和毛毯。
下面是对登机过程中常见名词的解释:1. 登机口(Boarding Gate):指乘客进入飞机起飞口或降落口的入口。
2. 登机牌(Boarding Pass):登机牌是标识乘客登机的证件,上面有乘客的姓名、座位号、航班号等信息,乘客持有登机牌进入飞机。
3. 托运行李(Checked Baggage):指超出乘客随身携带或手提行李规定限制的行李,需要在办理登机手续时交给航空公司工作人员进行托运。
4. 注册行李(Registered Baggage):与托运行李类似,需要在办理登机手续时交给航空公司工作人员进行登记,但不需要进行托运,乘客可自行携带。
5. 随身携带行李(Carry-On Baggage):乘客可以携带的手提行李,一般要求行李尺寸、重量符合航空公司规定,以便放在机舱内的行李舱。
6. 安全检查(Security Check):乘客在登机前需要经过安检,包括通过金属探测器、X光机等设备检查行李和个人身体,以确保没有违禁品或危险物品。
7. 机舱(Cabin):指乘客乘坐的飞机舱内的空间,包括经济舱、商务舱和头等舱等不同等级的舱位。
8. 頭等艙(First Class):飛機上舒適度最高、服務最優良的舱位,一般設有座椅可以完全躺平,提供高品质的食物和饮料,服务人员专人负责。
9. 商务舱(Business Class):次于头等舱的高级舱位,提供更宽敞座椅和更好的服务,有些商务舱也提供座椅可完全躺平的功能。
10. 经济舱(Economy Class):最基本的经济舱,座位紧凑,服务和舒适度相对较低,适合价格较为敏感的乘客。
11. 登机廊桥(Aero Bridge):是指用于将机舱与登机口相连的设备,方便乘客从机舱步行到登机口或反之。
12. 登机时间(Boarding Time):航班起飞前一段时间内,乘客可以进入飞机开始登机手续的时间点。
民航专业英语词汇插Fra bibliotek:Electric Outlet 饮水机:Water Fountain 靠过道的座位:Aisle Seat 靠窗口的座位:Window Seat
传送带:Conveyor [kənˈveɚ]Belt 行李认领区:Baggage Claim Area 确认订座:Confirmation 航空公司之间:Interline
买票:Purchase a ticket 取票:Pick up a ticket 现金支付或信用卡支付:Pay in cash or with credit card
机票改签:Change Ticket 机票改期:Change the Date 头等舱:First class 经济舱:Economy class
他在打电话呢: He’s on the phone. 她在电话里跟我分手了: She broke up with me over the phone. 你有iPhone6 的充电器吗?: Do you have a charger for iphone6? 我得给我的手机充电: I need to charge my phone. 注:充电的英文是charge 或 recharge,
日期和时间的英文表达 ②逆读 如所表述时间在半小时之内,可以
用“分钟+past+小时”表示 6:10 ten past six 4:20 twenty past four 10:25 twenty-five past ten
如所表述时间超过半小时,可以用“相 差的分钟+to+下一小时”表示
行李托运和超重英文表达1 这次班机是在这个柜台办理登机手续吗?Is this the right counter to check in for this flight?2 夫人,有手提行李吗?Any hand luggage, madam?/Do you have any hand luggage, Madam?3 我有一只背包。
I have one shoulder bag.4 您准备把那小包作为手提行李吗?Are you keeping that small bag as hand-luggage?5 手提行李不用称重。
Hand-baggage is not to be weighed.6 手提行李不包括在内。
Hand-baggage is not included.7 那么我把它们拿出来作手提行李。
Well, I'll take them out as carry-on baggage.8 请您把行李标签系上可以吗?Could you put on the luggage label, please?9 请把这些标签系在手提行李上。
Please fasten these tags on your hand-carried luggage.10 您的行李都系好标签了吗?Is your luggage properly labeled?11 把您的行李放在柜台上好吗?Will you put your luggage on the counter?12 请您把行李放在机器上好吗?Would you put your baggage on the machine, please?13 请您把行李全部放在磅秤上好吗?Would you please put all your luggage on the scales?14 你看我的手提包要过磅吗?Do you think my hand bag should be weighed?15 嚅,就是这些要不要把我们的全部行李一起过磅?Here they are, will you weigh all our luggage together?16 我的行李必须全部过磅吗?May all my luggage be weighed?【注意】办理登机手续:check in柜台:counter手提行李:hand-baggage(较小)/hand-carried luggage(较大)行李过磅/行李称重:to weigh the luggage17 我一共三件行李超重吗?I've got three pieces altogether. Are they overweight?18 先生,您有多少件行李要托运?How many pieces of luggage do you want to check, sir?19 我想托运这三件行李。
出国旅游必背英语日常口语机场换登机牌:Your passport and your e-ticket (paper-ticket), please! 请出示您的护照和电子机票。
(我们通常都是网上订票打印出来的电子票叫electronic ticket or paper ticket).How many pieces of baggage/ luggage do you have? 你有几件行李?I have a huge suitcase, a carry-on bag and a backsack. 我有一个大箱子,一个手提拧包和一个背包。
(小背包一般用Rucksack)Are you checking the backsack or carrying on? –你的背包要托运吗?Sorry, your luggage is 2 kilos overweight! 对不起,您的行李超重2公斤。
How much is the excess baggage charge? 超额行李费多少钱?It’s 50 ringgits. 50马币。
Can I change my aisle seat to window seat? 我能把靠走廊的位置换到靠窗位吗?Here's your boarding pass. 请拿好您的登机牌。
(上有座位号和登机信息)After thesecurity check, board your flight at gate B17,please! 通过安检后请在B17登机口登机!I have to transit from Kuala Lumpur. 我得在吉隆坡转机。
The flight is never on time these days because of the rainstorm in KL, it’s delayed an hour again!这些天有于吉隆坡暴雨,飞机总不准时。
出国机场单词 -回复
1. 护照(Passport)护照是国际旅行时标识个人身份的重要文件。
2. 登机牌(Boarding pass)登机牌是乘客通过机场安检和登机口进入飞机的凭证。
3. 托运行李(Checked baggage)托运行李是指乘客在登机前将需要随飞机运输的行李交给机场的行李托运柜台。
4. 手提行李(Carry-on baggage)手提行李是指旅客可以随身携带进入机舱的行李。
5. 安检(Security check)安检是在旅客进入登机口前必须经过的程序。
6. 边检(Immigration control)边检是国际旅行时的一个重要环节,旨在确认并登记旅客的身份和护照信息。
7. 登机口(Boarding gate)登机口是旅客乘坐飞机之前需要到达的地方。
办理登机实用英语口语怎么说办理登机实用英语口语:登机手续1.Id ike to check in, please.我想办理登机手续。
2.I want to check in for my flight to New York.我想办理飞往纽约的航班的登机手续。
3.You must check in at the airport an hour before your plane leaves.您必须在飞机起飞前一小时到机场办理登机手续。
办理登机实用英语口语:行李1.Youre permittBd two carry-on items.您只能带两件行李。
2. lve this baggage onfy.我只有这一件行李。
3. YouII have to check that item of luggage.您的这件行李必须托运。
4. ld like to have th ese checked through to L A..我想把这些行李直接托运到洛杉矶。
办理登机实用英语口语:登机1.May I see your ticket and passport, please 我可以看一下您的机票和护照吗2.Please put your mobile ph one, keys and coins on this tray and go through the detectorr请把手机、钥匙、硬币放到这个盘子里,然后通过检测器。
3.When will the flight b egin boarding这班飞机什么时候开始登机4.Here is your boarding pass.这是您的登机牌。
5.The flight will begin boarding around 6:40 p.m. at Gate 23.本次航班6:40左右在23号登机口开始登机。
关于登机的英语对话阅读ANext, please.麻烦下一位。
登机手续托运行李(Checked luggage)这是您需要把行李交给机场工作人员,由他们帮助您把行李装上飞机货舱的过程。
以下是一些与托运行李相关的词汇:•托运行李柜台(Checked luggage counter)•行李牌(Luggage tag)•行李领取区(Baggage clm area)值机(Check-in)值机是在您登机之前必须完成的手续。
以下是一些与值机相关的词汇:•值机柜台(Check-in counter)•登机牌(Boarding pass)•行李收据(Luggage receipt)安全检查(Security check)这是乘坐飞机前的重要程序,目的是确保乘客不携带任何违禁品上飞机。
以下是一些与安全检查相关的词汇:•安检通道(Security checkpoint)•行李X光机(Baggage X-ray machine)•金属探测器(Metal detector)寻找登机口和航班登机口(Gate)登机口是乘客前往登机和离开飞机的地方。
以下是一些与登机口相关的词汇:•登机口通道(Gate area)•登机口号码(Gate number)•登机口开放(Gate open)航班(Flight)航班是您要乘坐的飞机班次。
以下是一些与航班相关的词汇:•航班号(Flight number)•登机时间(Boarding time)•出发时间(Departure time)•到达时间(Arrival time)目的地(Destination)目的地是您计划到达的地方。
A: Is this the right counter to check in for this flight?A:这次班机是在这个柜台办理登记手续吗?B: Yes,it is. Please put your luggage on the scale.B:是的。
A: You luggage is overweight. The free allowance for luggage is 20 kilos.A:您的行李超重了。
B: Oh, can I keep this little suitcase as hand-luggage?B:哦,那我可以把这个小手提箱随身携带吗?A: Ok, in this way it’s just below the limit.A:好的,这样您的行李刚好低于限额。
A: Here’s your ticket and your boarding card.A:这是您的机票和登记牌。
B: All right. I will begin boarding soon.B:好的,我马上要登机了。
A: What would you like to drink?(您想喝点儿什么?)B: Coffee, please.(请来一杯咖啡。
)A: With sugar and cream?(要加牛奶和糖吗?)B: No, thanks.(不,谢谢。
)A: For lunch we have chicken, beef and Chinese noodles. Which one would you like?(午餐我们提供鸡肉、牛肉和中国面条。
请问您要那样?)B: Chinese noodles, please.(请来中国面条。
)A: Would you care for some red wine?(您想喝点儿红酒吗?)B: No, thanks.(不,谢谢。
人物:旅客(Tourist)和值机员(Check-in Clerk)
Tourist: 你好,我要办理登机手续。
Check-in Clerk: 您好,请问您的航班号和姓名是什么?
Tourist: 我的航班号是CA981,姓名是John Smith。
Check-in Clerk: 好的,请稍等一下。
Tourist: 是的,我有一个行李箱和一个手提包。
Check-in Clerk: 好的,请把您的行李放在秤上。
Tourist: 哦,好的,我了解了。
Check-in Clerk: 超重费用是每公斤50元。
Tourist: 好的,这是超重费用。
Check-in Clerk: 您的座位是32B,这是您的登机牌和行李牌,请妥善保管好。
Tourist: 谢谢,请问登机口在哪里?
Check-in Clerk: 您的登机口是C3,过安检后直走就能看到。
Tourist: 谢谢你的帮助。
Check-in Clerk: 再见,祝您一路平安!(目送旅客离开)。
机场登机常用英语 1
机场登机1. How many luggages are you checking in? 有多少件托运行李?2. Do you have a carry-on? 有手提行李没?3. Can you place your baggage up here? 请把行李放上来(传送带上)。
4. Your luggage is overweight。
5. Single or return? 您想要单程的还是往返的票?6. Do you prefer window or aisle? 您想要靠窗还是靠走廊的座位?7. We do not have any aisle seats remaining. Is awindow seat ok with you or would you prefer a middle seat? 靠走廊的座位卖完了,您想要靠窗的还是中间的座位?8. Do you have a seat next to the emergency exit? 有靠近紧急出口的座位吗?9. Here are your tickets. The gate number is on thebottom of the ticket。
10. They will start boarding 20 minutes before thedeparture time. You should report to gate C2 by then。
RoomReservations 预订房间1.I'dlike to book a double room for Tuesday next week.下周二我想订一个双人房间。
2.What'sthe price difference?两种房间的价格有什么不同?3.Adouble room with a front view is 140 dollars per night,onewith a rear view is 115 dollars per night.一间双人房朝阳面的每晚140美元,背阴面的每晚115美元。
1 这次班机是在这个柜台办理登机手续吗?Is this the right counter to check in for this flight?2 夫人,有手提行李吗?Any hand luggage, madam?Do you have any hand luggage, Madam?3 我有一只背包。
I have one shoulder bag.4 您准备把那小包作为手提行李吗?Are you keeping that small bag as hand-luggage?5 手提行李不用称重。
Hand-baggage is not to be weighed.6 手提行李不包括在内。
Hand-baggage is not included.7 那么我把它们拿出来作手提行李。
Well, I'll take them out as carry-on baggage.8 请您把行李标签系上可以吗?Could you put on the luggage label, please?9 请把这些标签系在手提行李上。
Please fasten these tags on your hand-carried luggage.10 您的行李都系好标签了吗?Is your luggage properly labeled?11 把您的行李放在柜台上好吗?Will you put your luggage on the counter?12 请您把行李放在机器上好吗?Would you put your baggage on the machine, please?13 请您把行李全部放在磅秤上好吗?Would you please put all your luggage on the scales?14 你看我的手提包要过磅吗?Do you think my hand bag should be weighed?15 嚅,就是这些要不要把我们的全部行李一起过磅?Here they are, will you weigh all our luggage together?16 我的行李必须全部过磅吗?May all my luggage be weighed?注意:办理登机手续:check in柜台:counter手提行李:hand-baggage(较小)/hand-carried luggage(较大) 行李过磅/行李称重:to weigh the luggage17 我一共三件行李超重吗?I've got three pieces altogether. Are they overweight?18 先生,您有多少件行李要托运?How many pieces of luggage do you want to check, sir?19 我想托运这三件行李。
出国旅行必备!在机场、签证类、行李常用英文表达,助你出行无阻签证类常用词汇失效日期expiry date国籍nationality签证visa签发地issuing city签发日期issue date签证种类visa type/class行李类常用词汇行李baggage, luggage托运的行李checked baggage行李领取处baggage claim area随身行李carry-on baggage行李牌baggage tag行李推车baggage cart行李暂存箱baggage locker机场常用词汇入境大厅arrival lobby出境大厅departure lobby过境transit行程itinerary中转transfers中转旅客transfer passengers中转处transfer correspondence 紧急出口Emergency Exit只限工作人员进入Employee Only 勿进No Entry进站(进港、到达) arrivals出站(出港、离开) departures机场常用词汇预计时间scheduled time前往departure to终点站terminal登机boarding登机牌boarding card/ boarding pass 登机手续办理处check-in counter登机口departure gate候机室departure lounge机门号码gate number转机服务台connecting flights counter 国际机场international airport国内机场domestic airport国内航班出站domestic departure机场候机楼airport terminal国际候机楼international terminal机场常用词汇国际航班出港international departure 国际航班旅客international passengers 海关customs航班号flight number (FLT No.)问讯处information center购票处ticket office迎宾处greeting arriving租车处car hire计价器taxi meter订旅馆hotel reservation机场小巴shuttle出租车乘车点taxi pick-up point大轿车乘车点coach pick-up point航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service由此乘电梯前往登机stairs and lifts to departures想出国旅游?签证、乘机、出入境....处处都要用到英语。
民航英语口语 第三章 行李托运服务
B: How much should I pay? A: Eighty dollars. And you can pay it here. B: OK. Here you are. A: There are the luggage labels. Please fasten them on your luggage,
请系好您的安全带。 Please fasten your seat belt. unfasten v.解开,放松
allowance /əˈlaʊəns/ n. 限额; 津贴,补助
baggage allowance
excess / ɪkˈses / adj.过多的,超额的 kilogram / ˈkɪləɡræm /n.千克,公斤 kilometer / kɪˈlɑːmɪtər /n.千米,公里
else / els / adj. 其他的,另外的
你还想要别的什么东西吗? Do you want anything else ? 其他所有人都在那儿。 Everyone else is there.
A: May I have your passport and ticket, please? B: Here they are. A: How many luggage do you have? B: Two pieces of luggage, one big and one small. A: Anything else? B: Yes, a handbag. A: Handbag is free, which can be brought on board with you. B: I see. Is my luggage overweight? A: Will you please put all your luggage on the scale? It’s eight kilos overweight the baggage allowance, which will be charged for excess luggage fee.
1. How many luggages are you checking in?
2. Do you have a carry-on?
3. Can you place your baggage up here?
4. Your luggage is overweight。
5. Single or return?
6. Do you prefer window or aisle?
7. We do not have any aisle seats remaining. Is a window seat ok with you or would you prefer a middle seat? 靠⾛廊的座位卖完了,您想要靠窗的还是中间的座位?
8. Do you have a seat next to the emergency exit?
9. Here are your tickets. The gate number is on the bottom of the ticket。
10. They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. You should report to gate C2 by then。
一名乘客想托运一件行李,但其行李超重5公里编写英语对话A:It's 25 kilograms altogether. 5 kilos of excess luggage.A:一共25公斤,超重5公斤。
B:Could you let me have some idea of the allowance for luggage?B:你能告诉我旅客携带行李的限量是多少吗?A:On international flights, the luggage allowance is 20 kilos for a first class passenger and 30 kilos for economy class.A:在国际航线上,一等舱旅客可以携带30公斤行李,经济舱可带20公斤行李。
B:So my luggage is overweight. How much do I have to pay?B:这样我的行李超重了。
应该付多少行李费?A:Here's the bill. Would you pay at the desk over there?A:这是单据,请你到那边办公桌付款。
B:I have been charged 20 dollars for excess luggage. I think I'm allowed to take this briefcase with me into the cabin.B:我付了20美元的行李超重费。
我想我可以随身携带这个公文包上机舱吧?A:Yes, hand luggage may be carried on board without charge.Here's your boarding card. Please leave from Gate 2.A:是的,各舱旅客都可以携带手提行李上飞机。
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1 这次班机是在这个柜台办理登机手续吗?
Is this the right counter to check in for this flight?
2 夫人,有手提行李吗?
Any hand luggage, madam?/Do you have any hand luggage, Madam?
3 我有一只背包。
I have one shoulder bag.
4 您准备把那小包作为手提行李吗?
Are you keeping that small bag as hand-luggage?
5 手提行李不用称重。
Hand-baggage is not to be weighed.
6 手提行李不包括在内。
Hand-baggage is not included.
7 那么我把它们拿出来作手提行李。
Well, I'll take them out as carry-on baggage.
8 请您把行李标签系上可以吗?
Could you put on the luggage label, please?
9 请把这些标签系在手提行李上。
Please fasten these tags on your hand-carried luggage.
10 您的行李都系好标签了吗?
Is your luggage properly labeled?
11 把您的行李放在柜台上好吗?
Will you put your luggage on the counter?
12 请您把行李放在机器上好吗?
Would you put your baggage on the machine, please?
13 请您把行李全部放在磅秤上好吗?
Would you please put all your luggage on the scales?
14 你看我的手提包要过磅吗?
Do you think my hand bag should be weighed?
15 嚅,就是这些要不要把我们的全部行李一起过磅?
Here they are, will you weigh all our luggage together?
16 我的行李必须全部过磅吗?
May all my luggage be weighed?
办理登机手续:check in
手提行李:hand-baggage(较小)/hand-carried luggage(较大)行李过磅/行李称重:to weigh the luggage
17 我一共三件行李超重吗?
I've got three pieces altogether. Are they overweight?
18 先生,您有多少件行李要托运?
How many pieces of luggage do you want to check, sir?
19 我想托运这三件行李。
I want to check these three pieces.
20 这只短途旅行包我自己随身带。
Carry this over-weight bag by myself.
21 您的行李箱要托运。
Your suitcase should be registered and the other things you may take with you.
22 我可以随身带手提包上机吗?
Can I carry this carry-on bag with me on board?
23 您可以免费带手提行李上机。
You can carry your hand-baggage on board without charge.
24 免费行李限额是25千克。
The free allowance for luggage is 25 kilos.
25 是的,每人限25千克。
Yes, you're allowed twenty-five kilos each.
26 您只能带24磅行李。
You're allowed only 24 pounds of luggage.
27 这没超出免费行李限额吧。
Is that inside the free allowance?
28 刚好低于限额。
It's just below the limit.
29 它们重5磅,所以我正好在重量限额之内。
They weigh 5 pounds. So I'll be just under the weight.
30 不需要超重费。
There's no excess to pay.
31 对不起,先生,您的行李超重5千克。
I'm sorry, sir, you're five kilos overweight.
32 超重5千克。
It's five kilos overweight.
33 超过两磅。
It's two pounds over.
34 您的行李超重6千克。
You've got 6 kilos of excess baggage.
35 我不得不留下几本商品目录册。
I'll have to leave a couple of our catalogs behind.
36 我得收您超重费。
I'll have to charge you for overweight.
37 恐怕您要付超重行李费,先生。
I'm afraid there'll be an excess baggage charge, sir.
38 您得付超重行李费。
You'll have to pay for the excess luggage.
39 那么我该付您多少钱?
Well, how much do I owe you?
40 超重费是每公斤5美元。
The charge for overweight is $5 per kilo.
41 把您的机票给我好吗?
Will you give me your ticket?
42 请把您的机票和护照给我好吗?
May I have your tickets and passports, please?
43 这是我的护照,我准备坐中国民航班机去纽约。
Here's my passport, I'm going on the CAAC Flight to New York.
44 这是您的行李单。
Here's your luggage bill.
45 这是一张机舱行李标签。
Here's a cabin luggage label.
46 这是您的机票及登机牌。
Here are your tickets and your boarding pass.
47 可以走了夫人。
Here you go, madam. This is your boarding card.
登机牌:boarding pass/boarding card
行李标签:luggage label。