Vocabulary on Power Generation(Thermal Power Plant)火电厂常用专业词汇(本人根据自身工作经验总结、归纳,希望对您有所帮助)1. stop valve/non-return valve(NRV)/check valve 截止阀;逆止阀, 单向阀2. reverse valve 倒流阀3. cylinder holding 闷缸4. (cylinder)heat soaking 暖缸5. boiler hot boxup 闷炉6. boiler warm-up 暖炉7. axial thrust/stress 轴向推力8. axial shift/displacement 轴向位移9. radial displacement 径向位移10. emergency stop valve(ESV) 危急遮断阀11. steam lead pipe 导汽管12. valve body/casing 阀体,阀壳13. synchronization (with power grid) 并网14. inlet shut-off valve 进油关断阀15. flame scanner/detector 火检16. scanner fan 火检风机17. BCP: Boiler Circulation Pump 炉水循环泵18. slag remover 除渣机19. slag conveyor 捞渣机20. rotary vane feeder(RVF) 螺旋输送机(除灰站)21. ECS:electric control system 电气控制系统22. ETS: emergency trip system 汽机紧急跳闸系统23. hydraulic station 液压油站24. vent/ventilation valve(V.V) 排气阀、通风阀25. ESP : Electro-Static Precipitator 静电除尘器;电除尘26. dedust transformer 电除尘变27. control valve 调阀、调门28. pilot/slide valve 滑阀29. steam header 集汽联箱30. water filling (锅炉等)上水31. bearing pillow 瓦枕32. bush 轴瓦33. forward/positive reverse/negative thrust bearing 正/负向推力轴承(瓦块)34. atmospheric/top relief valve 对空排气阀35. exhaust(gas) fan, oil vapor exhaust fan OVEF 排烟风机36. operating transformer/O.X/OPER._.FMR 工作边37. FGD: Flue Gas Desulphurization(desulfurize/ desulphurize) 烟气脱硫38. anion 阴离子39. cation 阳离子40. anion/cation bed/exchanger 阴、阳离子交换器;阴床、阳床41. cathode阴极42. anode 阳极43. cathode axis 阴极磁轴44. caustic/acid storage tank 碱储存罐,酸储存罐45. resin dosing hopper 树脂加装斗46. CRT, cation resin regeneration tank and water storage tank阳塔, 阴(树脂)再生罐兼储水罐ART, anion resin regeneration tank 阴塔,阴(树脂)再生罐SPT, resin separation tank(树脂再生)分离塔47. MEH: micro-hydraulic control 微机电液控制48. TSI: turbine supervision instrument 汽机监视仪表49. chemical dosing 化学加药50. back wash 反洗51. AGC: Automatic Gain Control 自动增益控制Automatic Generation Control 自动发电控制(一般取此义)52. ATC: Automatic Turbine Startup or Shutdown Control System 汽机自启停系统53. BPS: Bypass Control System 旁路控制系统54. CCS: Coordination Control System 单元机组协调控制系统55. DAS : Data Acquisition System 数据采集系统56. DCS: Distributed Control System 分散控制系统57. DEH: Digital Electro-Hydraulic Control (汽机)数字电液控制系统58. ETS: Emergency Trip System (汽机)事故跳闸系统59. FSSS: Furnace Safety Supervisory System 锅炉炉膛安全监控系统60. MCS: Modulation Control System 模拟量控制系统61. MFT: Master Fuel Trip 主燃料跳闸62. OFT: Oil Fuel Trip 油燃料跳闸63. OPC: Over-Speed Control (汽机)超速保护控制64. SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition 监控与数据采集系统65. SCS: Sequence Control System 顺序控制系统66. TSI: Turbine Supervisory Instrument (汽机)监视仪表67. jacking oil pump 顶轴油泵68. OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer 设备原产商;厂代、工代69. installed capacity 装机容量70. thermal stress 热应力71. main valve of desuperheating/spray water 减温水总门72. TD-BFP/MD-BFP: Turbine-Driven/Motor-Driven Boiler Feedwater Pump汽动给水泵、汽泵;电动给水泵、电泵73. emergency governor 危急保安器74. auxiliary power system 厂用电系统75. PCV: pressure control valve 压力控制阀76. MCC: motor control center 电机控制中心77. walkie-talkie 对讲机;步话机78. mis-operation 误操作79. shift-in-charge/shift chief-operator 值长80. SCE: shift chief engineer 当值总工程师81. meet/satisfy a condition 满足条件82. supervisor 运行监护人员83. field operator 巡操84. operation/operating floor 运转层85. operation log 运行日志86. force(certain value) 强制(某个数值,如温度、压力等)87. take/put into/in service/operation 投运、投用88. reading (仪表等的)读数89. signal is extended/connected to DCS 信号传至DCS90. work permit/permit to work 工作票91. operation checklist 操作票92. bearing burnt-out 轴承烧坏93. emulsion 乳化94. anti-emulsification time 破乳化时间95. servo valve/motor 伺服阀;伺服电机96. hydraulic servomotor; oil relay 油动机97. HP/LP bypass 高压旁路、低压旁路98. PAC 临时完工证书99. EPC: engineering-procurement-construction “设计-采购-安装”总承包工程100. d efect maintenance/rectification;rectifying defect/remove defect 消缺101. a ttend 处理故障、缺陷等102. d efect register 缺陷登记/统计103. periodic maintenance 定期维修104. preventive maintenance(PM)预防性维修105. coupling/coupler 联轴器,耦合器106. hydraulic coupler 液耦107. speed reducer 减速器108. dismantle 拆除109. install, installation; erect, erection 安装110. boxup 在印度TPCIL常用来表示某项工作已经完成,封闭111. operator console 控制台112. AHP: ash handling plant 除灰站,输灰站113. GIS: gas insulated switchgear 气体绝缘开关设备;升压站114. CHP:coal handling plant 输煤站115. WTP:water treatment plant 制水站116. rubber ball circulating pump 胶球(再循环)泵117. ball cleaning system; condenser online tube cleaning system 凝汽器胶球清洗系统118. ball screen 收球网119. ball collector 收球器120. condenser online tube leakage system 凝汽器检漏系统121. clarifying basin 澄清池122. settled water 澄清水123. blow-down flash tank 排污扩容器124. condensate extraction pump(CEP) 凝结水泵,凝泵125. VFD: Variable-Frequency Drive 变频器126. valve opening 阀门开度127. (water)intake pipe 进水管128. skilled worker 熟练工人;技工129. inter-lock/open/close 联锁、开、关130. Interlock protection 联锁保护131. air/steam supply 气源,汽源132. power(supply) 电源,供电133. grease n. 油脂;润滑脂v.给……上油脂134. calcium complex grease 复合钙基脂135. operating mode 运行方式136. screw pump 螺旋泵137. oil return 回油138. ash/oil deposits/accumulation 积灰;积油139. gland steam condenser 轴封加热器140. ash hopper heater 灰斗加热器141. collecting electrode rapping mechanism(CERM) 阳极振打装置142. emitting electrode rapping mechanism (EERM) 阴极振打装置143. booster pump 前置泵;增压泵144. minimum flow valve 最小流量控制阀145. drain flash tank 疏水扩容器146. vacuum pulling 抽真空147. valve block 阀组148. valve seat 阀座149. valve stem 阀杆150. valve wide open condition(VWO) (condition) 阀门全开工况151. valve packing 阀门盘根152. valve travel 阀门行程153. governing/control stage 调节级154. primary/final reheater; CRH/HRH 冷再;热再155. rolling(up) 冲转156. swinging value 晃动值157. eccentricity 偏心率,晃动度158. vibration amplitude 振动值159. high vibration 振动大160. differential expansion 胀差161. cylinder expansion 缸胀162. MSP(汽机)启动油泵163. EOP(汽机)事故油泵164. TOP(汽机)辅助润滑油泵165. motor-operated valve(MOV) 电动阀,电动门166. increased/decreased load ratio 升/降负荷率167. loading rate 升负荷速度,升荷率168. pressure rise; raise/increase pressure 升压169. runup rate 升速率170. speed up/accelerate 升速171. run up(RU); run down(RD) 升负荷;降负荷172. fast cut back(FCB)快速切负荷173. run back(RB)快速减负荷174. block increase/decrease 闭锁增BI;闭锁减BD175. idle running 惰走,空转176. carbon brush 碳刷177. latch (汽机手动)打闸(停机),挂闸178. full speed 全速179. tightness/leakage test 严密性试验180. worm wheel 涡轮181. neutral earthing/ground neutral system 中性点接地系统182. grounding switch; earthing blade 接地刀闸183. auto quasi-synchronization 自动准同期184. AVR: automatic voltage regulator 自动电压调节器185. raising voltage from zero 零起升压(试验)186. no-load 空载187. negative phase sequence 负(相)序188. temperature rise test 温升试验189. water discharge pipe/pump 排水管/泵190. superheat degree 过热度191. AVT: all volatile treatment 全挥发性处理192. NWT: neutral water treatment 中性处理193. CWT: combined water treatment 综合处理194. sliding pressure 滑压195. self-sealing 自密封196. vacuum leakage test 真空严密性试验197. permissible/allowable error 允许误差198. deviation 误差,偏差199. tolerance 公差200. cleanrance间隙201. standard deviation STDV标准差202. hysterisis error 回程误差203. discontinuous running 间断运行204. hydraulic shock 水击205. auxiliary steam header/tank 辅汽联箱206. isolate/isolating valve 隔离阀207. be below standard; unqualified 不合格208. television camera of furnace flame 炉膛火焰电视摄像头209. flue gas duct 烟道210. air duct风道211. slagging, slag 结焦212. fouling 结垢213. clinker; slag 结渣214. clinker grinder 碎渣机215. feed gate 排渣门216. closed-circuit television(CCTV) 闭路电视217. 交流电AC 火线live,红色R;零线neutral ,蓝色B;接地线earthing,黄色Y或绿色直流电DC 正极positive + 红色线;负极negative - 黑色线218. Boiler Feedwater Pump Turbine(BFPT)219. screwdriver 螺丝刀,起子; slot type screwdriver一字/平口螺丝刀;Philips/cross screwdriver 十字螺丝刀220. screw 螺丝221. screw rod 螺杆222. bolts and nuts 螺栓螺帽223. pincers;vise, vice 老虎钳224. wrench 扳手225. anti-static 防静电226. megger 摇表,兆欧表227. meggering 绝缘测量228. redundancy 冗余229. banking fire 锅炉压火230. full arc admission 全周进汽231. welding seam 焊缝232. coagulant凝聚剂,混凝剂233. target load 目标负荷234. enthalpy 焓,音含;物理学上指单位质量的物质所含的全部热能。
学习一大波化工设备类英语词汇来袭(三),是学霸还是学渣,马上就知道!小7说:从周五开始,小7便为大家开始刊登化工企业生产过程当中的英语词汇,今天小7整理了部分化工设备的英语词汇,送给大家!至于为何要学英语嘛,上面那张图片已经说过了!作为一个高尚的中国人,聪明且高尚的中国化工人,如果再学会了英语,那就是聪明且高尚还勤奋的中国化工人!同意的赶紧学习吧~~~泵 pump轴流泵 axial flow pump真空泵 vacuum pump屏蔽泵 canned pump柱塞泵 plunger pump涡轮泵 turbine pump涡流泵 vortex pump离心泵 centrifugal pump喷射泵 jet pump转子泵 rotary pump管道泵 inline pump双作用往复泵 double action reciprocating pump计量泵 metering pump深井泵 deep well pump齿轮泵 gear pump手摇泵 hand(wobble) pump螺杆泵 screw (spiral) pump潜水泵 submersible pump斜转子泵 inclined rotor pump封闭式电磁泵 hermetically sealed magnetic drive pump 气升泵 air-lift-pump轴承 bearing叶轮 impeller虹吸管 siphon高压容器 high pressure vessel 焚化炉 incinerator火焰清除器 flame arrester工业炉 furnace烧嘴 burner锅炉 boiler回转窑 rotary kiln加热器 heater电加热器 electric heater冷却器 cooler冷凝器 condenser换热器 heat exchanger反应器 reactor蒸馏釜 still搅拌器 agitator混合器 mixer静态混合器 static mixers 管道混合器 line mixers 混合槽 mixing tanks破碎机 crusher磨碎机 grinder研磨机 pulverizer球磨机 ballmill过滤器 filter分离器 separator干燥器 drier翅片 fins烟囱 stack火炬 flare筛子 screen煅烧窑 calciner倾析器 decanter蒸发器 evaporator再沸器 reboiler萃取器 extractor离心机 centrifuger吸附(收)器 adsorber结晶器 crystallizer电解槽 electrolyzer电除尘器 electric precipitator 洗涤器 scrubber消石灰器 slaker料仓 bin料斗 hopper加料器 feeder增稠器 thickener澄清器 clarifier分级器 classifier浮洗器 flocculator废液池 sump喷射器 ejector喷头 sprayer成套设备 package unit仪器设备 apparatus附属设备 accessory旋转式压缩机 rotary compressor往复式压缩机 reciprocating compressor 水环式压缩机 nash compressor螺杆式压缩机 helical screw compressor 离心式压缩机 centrifugal compressor多级压缩机 mutiple stages compressor固定床反应器 fixed bed reactor流化床反应器 fluidized bed reactor管式反应器 tubular reactor列管式换热器 tubular heat exchanger螺旋板式换热器 spiral plate heat exchanger 萃取塔 extraction column板式塔 plate column填料塔 packed column洗涤塔 scrubber吸收塔 absorber冷却塔 cooling tower精馏塔 fractionating tower汽提塔 stripper再生塔 regenerator造粒塔 prill tower塔附件 tower accessories液体分配(布)器 liquid distributor 填料支持板 support plate定距管 spacer降液管 downcomer升气管 chimney顶(底)层塔盘 top (bottom) tray挡板 baffle抽出口 draw nozzle溢流堰 weir泡罩 bubble cap筛板 sieve plate浮阀 float valve除沫器 demister pad塔裙座 skirt椭圆封头 elliptical head高位槽 head tank中间槽 intermediate tank 加料槽 feed tank补给槽 make-up tank计量槽 measuring tank电解槽 cell溜槽 chute收集槽 collecting tank液滴分离器 knockout drum 稀释罐 thinning tank缓冲罐 surge drum回流罐 reflux drum闪蒸罐 flash drum浮顶罐 floating roof tank内浮顶罐 covered floating roof tank 球罐 spheroid气柜 gas holder湿式气柜 wet gas-holder干式气柜 dry gas-holder螺旋式气柜 helical gas-holder星型放料器,旋转阀 rotary valve抽滤器 mutche filter压滤器 filter press压滤机 pressure filter板框压滤器 plate-and-fram filter press 转鼓过滤器 rotary drum filter带式过滤器 belt filter袋滤器 bag filter旋风分离器 cyclone separator盘式干燥箱 compartment tray drier真空干燥器 vacuum drier隧道式干燥器 tunnel drier回转干燥器 rotary drier穿流循环干燥器 through circulation drier 喷雾干燥器 spray drier气流干燥器 pneumatic conveyor drier 圆盘式加料器 dish feeder螺旋式加料器 screw feeder颚式破碎机 jaw crusher回转破碎机 gyratory crusher滚洞破碎机 roll crusher锤式破碎机 hammer crusher冲击破碎机 rotor impact breaker气流喷射粉碎机 jet pulverizer 棍磨机 rod mill雷蒙机 raymond mill锤磨机 hammer mill辊磨机 roller mill振动筛 vibrating screen回转筛 rotary screen风机 fan罗茨鼓风机 root's blower起重机 crane桥式起重机 bridge crane电动葫芦 motor hoist发电机 generator电动机 motor汽轮机 steam turbine。
冶金专业英语词汇(I)i bar 工字铁i beam 工字钢i iron 工字铁i steel 工字铁ice point 冰点ideal diameter 理想直径ideal fluid 理想铃ideal gas 理想气体ideal lattice 理想晶格ideal quenching 理想淬火ideal solution 理想溶液idiomorphic crystal 自形结晶idle roll 空转辊ignitability 可燃性igniter 点火器ignition 点火ignition alloy 发火合金ignition furnace 点火炉ignition loss 灼烧损失ignition point 着火点ignition temperature 着火温度ignitron 水银整淋ilmenite 钛铁矿ilmenorutile 黑金红石ilvaite 黑柱石immersed arc 埋弧immersion coating 浸镀immersion plating 浸入电镀immersion test 浸没试验immersion type thermocouple 浸入式热电偶immiscibility 不溶混性immovable bed 固定层impact 冲击impact bend test 冲讳曲试验impact extrusion 冲环压impact load 冲缓载impact resistance 冲昏力impact screen 冲桓impact sintering 冲徽结impact strength 冲豢度impact stress 冲沪力impact test 冲辉验impact test piece 冲辉件impact testing machine 冲辉验机impact toughness 冲煌性impact value 冲坏impeller agitator 桨叶式搅拌机imperfect combustion 不完全燃烧imperfect dislocation 不完全位错imperfection 缺陷impermeability 不渗透性impregnated skeleton 浸渍骨架impression 压痕impulse forming 脉冲成形impulse hardening 冲徊化impulsive load 冲缓载impurity 杂质impurity atom 杂质原子impurity element 杂质元素inactive gas 惰性气体incidental element 杂质元素incipient crack 初裂inclined grate 斜炉栅inclined roll straightening machine 斜辊矫直机inclined throat shears 斜口剪切机inclusion 夹杂物inclusion cleanliness 夹杂物清结度inclusion line 夹杂物线inclusion morphology 夹杂物形态学inclusion stringer 线状夹杂物inclusions floating 夹杂物浮游inclusions source 夹杂物源incoherent boundary 非共格边界incoherent precipitate 非共格沉淀incombustibility 不燃性incomplete annealing 局部退火incomplete austenitizing 部分奥氏体化incomplete combustion 不完全燃烧incomplete fusion 不完全焊透incomplete penetration 不完全焊透incomplete quenching 不完全淬火incompressibility 不可压缩性incompressible fluid 不可压缩铃inconel 因科内尔镍铬铁耐热耐蚀合金incubation period 孕育期incubation time 孕育时间indentation 压痕indentation hardness 压痕硬度indentation method 压痕法independent component 独立组分indianite 埃洛石indicator element 指示元素indicolite 蓝电气石indigolite 蓝电气石indirect analysis 间接分析indirect arc furnace 间接电弧炉indirect reduction 间接还原indirect sintering 间接烧结indirect spot welding 单面点焊indissolubility 不溶性indium 铟indium chloride 氯化铟individual drive 单独传动individual particle 单颗粒individually driven roller 单独传动辊induced draught 吸入通风induction 感应induction brazing 感应钎接induction coil 感应线圈induction furnace 感应炉induction hardening 高频率淬火induction heating 感应加热induction quenching 高频率淬火induction stirring 电磁搅拌induction welding 感应焊接induction welding mill 感应焊管机inductor 感应器industrial alloy 工业合金industrial furnace 工业炉industrial iron 工业铁industrial waste water 工业污水industrial water 工业用水inert arc welding 惰性气体保护电焊inert atmosphere 惰性气氛inert electrode 惰性电极inert gas 惰性气体inertia 惯性inertia moment 惯性矩inertial force 惯性力infection 腐蚀影响infeed accumulator 入口贮料坑infiltrated composite material 溶浸复合材料infiltration 渗透;溶浸infiltration alloy 溶浸合金infiltration by overlay 叠置熔浸infiltration material 熔浸材料infinite fiber 连续纤维inflammability 可燃性inflammation 发火inflection 弯曲inflexion 弯曲inflexion point 回折点infrared pyrometer 红外线高温计infrared radiation 红外线辐射infrared rays 红外线infrared thermometry 红外线测温infusibility 不熔性infusorial earth 硅藻土ingate 浇口ingot 钢锭ingot bleeding 漏钢ingot bogie 送锭车ingot buggy 送锭车ingot butt 钢锭尾部ingot carrier 送锭车ingot casting 铸锭ingot corner segregation 钢锭角偏析ingot dogs 夹锭钳ingot head 钢锭头部ingot mold 锭模ingot pit 均热炉ingot pouring 铸锭ingot pusher 钢锭推出机ingot scalping 钢锭扒皮ingot shell 锭壳ingot stool 底盘ingot stripper 脱模机ingot stripping 脱模ingot structure 钢锭组织ingot tilting device 翻锭机ingot tipper 翻锭机ingot tongs 夹锭钳ingot tumbler 翻锭机ingot turner 钢锭转盘ingot turning device 钢锭转盘ingot yard 钢锭堆场ingotism 师状巨晶ingotting 铸块inherent grain size 固有晶粒度inhibitor 抑制剂;抗氧化剂inhomogeneity 不均质性inhomogeneity of structure 组织不均匀性inhomogeneous system 非均匀系initial creep 初蠕变initial hardness 初始硬度initial permeability 起始磁导率initial section 初始轧断面initial temperature of rolling 初始轧制温度initiation of crack 裂化开始injection 喷射injection burner 喷射烧嘴injection metallurgy 喷吹冶金injection molding 射压造型injection nozzle 喷嘴injector 喷射器inlet guide 进口导板inlet pipe 进气管inlet roll cone 进口辊圆锥inlet valve 进气阀inner cover 内罩inoculant 变质孕育剂inoculant alloy 球化剂合金inoculated cast iron 孕育铸铁inoculation 变质处理inoperative pass 闭口式孔型inorganic salt 无机盐inred process inred 加速还原法insert 垫insert die 插入模inside flash 内焊瘤inside weld 内焊缝insolubility 不溶性insoluble anode 不溶性阳极insoluble residue 不溶残渣insoluble salt 不溶性盐inspection 检查inspection hole 检查孔inspection skid 检查台inspissation 蒸浓instability 不稳定性installation 设备instantaneous cooling rate 瞬时冷却速度instantaneous heating rate 瞬时加热速度instantaneous strain 瞬间应变instrumental analysis 仪浦析instrumental error 仪企差insulating brick 隔热砖insulating layer 绝缘层insulating material 绝缘材料insulating refractory 隔热耐火材料insulation 绝缘insulator 绝缘体intake valve 进气阀integral quantity 积分热力学量integrated iron and steel works 钢铁联合工厂intensity 强度intensive quantity 强度量intensive reduction process inred 加速还原法interaction 相互酌interaction parameter 相互酌参数interannealed wire 中间退火线材interatomic distance 原子间距离interatomic spacing 原子间距离interchangeability 互换性interchangeable converter 可换转炉interchangeable vessel 可换转炉intercommunicating porosity 连通孔隙度intercooler 中间冷却器intercritical annealing 临界区退火intercrystalline brittleness 晶间脆性intercrystalline corrosion 晶间腐蚀intercrystalline crack 晶间裂纹intercrystalline failure 晶间破裂intercrystalline fracture 晶间断裂intercrystalline slip 晶界滑动interdendritic attack 枝晶间腐蚀interdendritic segregation 枝晶间偏析interdiffusion 相互扩散interelectrode distance 电极间距离interface 界面interface reaction 界面反应interfacial energy 界面自由能interfacial friction 边界摩擦interfacial tension 界面张力interfacial zone 界面区interference 干涉interference microscopy 干涉显微方法intergranular corrosion 晶间腐蚀intergranular crack 晶间裂纹intergranular failure 晶间破裂intergranular fracture 晶间断裂;晶间断口intergranular oxidation 晶间氧化intergranular structure 晶间组织intergrowth of crystals 结晶共生interlamellar spacing 层间距intermediate annealing 中间退火intermediate compound 中间化合物intermediate group 中间轧机组intermediate heating 中间加热intermediate layer 中间层intermediate mill 中间轧机intermediate phase 中间相intermediate product 中间产物intermediate reaction 中间反应intermediate roll 中间辊intermediate softening 中间退火intermediate stand 中间机架intermediate table 中间辊道intermediate train 中间轧机组intermetallic compound 金属间化合物intermittent arc 断续电弧intermittent fillet welding 间歇式角焊intermittent seam welding 断续滚焊intermittent weld 间断焊缝intermittent welding 间断焊internal chill 内冷铁internal coat 内部涂覆internal crack 内裂internal defect 内部缺陷internal displacement 内部位移internal energy 内能internal friction 内摩擦internal oxidation 内部氧化internal pressure 内压力internal resistance 内电阻internal strain 内应变internal stress 内应力interparticle spacing 粒子间距interphase 中间相;界面interphase boundary 相间边界interplanar spacing 晶面间距interrupted aging 阶段时效interrupted cooling 断续冷却interrupted quenching 断续淬火interstage annealing 中间退火interstand space 机座间距离interstand tension 机座间张力interstice 晶格原子间隙interstitial 间隙原子interstitial atom 间隙原子interstitial diffusion 间隙扩散interstitial element 间隙元素interstitial impurity 间隙杂质interstitial phase 间隙相interstitial site 间隙位置interstitial solid solution 间隙固溶体interval 区间intracrystalline rupture 穿晶断裂intrinsic energy 内藏能量intrinsic stacking fault 内巽错introduction of dummy bar 引锭杆插入invar 因瓦合金invariant system 不变系inverse annealing 倒逆退火inverse chill 反白口inverse segregation 反偏析inverted extrusion 反挤压investment casting 熔模铸造;熔模铸件investment molding 蜡模造型investment pattern 蜡模iodide 碘化物iodide refining 碘化物精炼iodine 碘ion activity 离子活度ion association 离子缔合ion bombardment 离子轰击ion concentration 离子浓度ion density 离子密度ion exchange 离子交换ion exchange capacity 离子交换能力ion exchange chromatography 离子交换色层法ion exchange column 离子交换柱ion exchange method 离子交换法ion exchange reaction 离子交换反应ion exchange resin 离子交换尸ion exchange separation 离子交换分离ion exchanger 离子交换剂ion implantation 离子注入ion mobility 离子迁移率ion nitriding 离子氮化ion pair 离子偶ion product 离子积ion radius 离子半径ionic bond 离子键ionic compound 离子化合物ionic conduction 离子传导ionic conductivity 离子传导性ionic crystal 离子晶体ionic lattice 离子晶格ionic linkage 离子键ionic migration 离子迁移ionic theory 离子学说ionic valency 离子价ionite membrane 离子交换膜ionization 电离ionization constant 电离常数ionization energy 电离能ionization equilibrium 电离平衡ionization heat 电离热ionization potential 电离势ionization state 电离状态ionization voltage 电离电压ionized atmosphere 离子气氛ionized layer 电离层iridium 铱iridium oxide 氧化铱iridosmine 铱锇合金iron 铁iron and steel industry 黑色冶金iron and steel scrap 废钢铁iron carbide 碳化铁iron carbon alloy 铁碳合金iron carbon diagram 铁碳状态图iron carbonate ore 铁碳酸盐矿石iron constantan thermocouple 铁铜镍热电偶iron foundry 铸适厂iron glance 镜铁矿iron loss 铁氧化损失;铁损iron manufacture 炼铁iron meteorites 铁陨石iron mine 铁矿山iron notch 出铁口iron ore 铁矿石iron ore briquette 铁矿石团块iron ore concentrate 铁精矿iron ore prereduction 铁矿石预还原iron ore sinter 铁矿石烧结矿iron pattern 铁模iron pipe 铁管iron powder 铁粉iron powder electrode 铁粉焊条iron protoxide 氧化亚铁iron runner 龙沟iron rust 铁锈iron sand 铁砂iron shot 铁丸iron wire 铁丝iron yield 铁收得率ironing 展薄拉伸ironmaking 炼铁ironstone 铁矿石ironworks 钢铁冶金工厂irradiation creep 辐照蠕变irradiation damageing 辐照损伤irradiation defect 辐照缺陷irradiation embrittlement 辐照脆化irradiation hardening 辐照硬化irregular powder 不规则状粉irregular section 变截面型材irregularity 不规则性irreversibility 不可逆性irreversible adsorption 不可逆吸着irreversible change 不可逆变化irreversible process 不可逆过程irreversible reaction 不可逆反应irrigated precipitator 湿式电收尘器ishikawaite 铁铌钇矿isobar 等压线isobaric change 等压变化isobaric line 等压线isochoric process 等容过程isochronal annealing 等时退火isolation 隔离isolator 绝缘体isomer 异构体isomerism 异构性isomorphism 同晶型isopotential surface 等位面isostatic mold 等静压模isostatic pressing 等静压制isothermal 等温线isothermal annealing 等温退火isothermal bath 等温浴isothermal change 等温变化isothermal curve 等温线isothermal extrusion 等温挤压isothermal forging 等温锻造isothermal growth 等温生长isothermal hardening 等温淬火isothermal heat treatment 等温热处理isothermal process 等温过程isothermal quenching 等温淬火isothermal section 等温截面isothermal sintering 等温烧结isothermal tempering 等温回火isothermal transformation 等温转变isothermal transformation curve 等温转变曲线isotope 同位素isotopic indicator 同位素指示剂isotopic tracer 同位素指示剂isotropic body 蛤同性体isotropy 蛤同性ixiolite 锰钽矿izod test 艾氏冲辉验。
操作说明书 opera ng instruc on 操作说明书标准操作程序 standard opera ng procedure 标准操作程序开车 start-up 开车试车 running-in 试车在操作中(在运转中)on stream 装载 load up 装载装罐(产品) run-down 装罐(产品)停车 shut-down 停车预防修理(小修) turn-around 预防修理(小修)正常停车 normal shutdown 正常停车运转周期 run length 运转周期冲洗 flushing 冲洗喷射清洗 jet cleaning 喷射清洗化学清洗 chemical cleaning 化学清洗大修 overhaul 大修盘车 barring 盘车研磨 lapping 研磨干燥 dry out 干燥电干燥 electric drying 电干燥运转中检查(在线检查) on-stream inspec on 运转中检查(在线检查)在线维修 on-stream maintenance 在线维修生产保全 produc ve maintenance 生产保全间歇操作 batch opera on 间歇操作半间歇操作 semi-batch opera on 半间歇操作连续操作 con nuous opera on 连续操作制备 prepara on 制备补充 make-up 补充回收 recovery 回收再生 regenera on 再生循环 recycle 循环再循环 recycle 再循环除焦 decoking 除焦放空 vent 放空蒸汽吹扫 steaming out 蒸汽吹扫吹扫 purge 吹扫抽真空 evacua on 抽真空吹出 blow-off 吹出排污 blowdown 排污息火 blow-out 息火事故排放 emergency vent 事故排放安全放空 conserva on vent 安全放空阻火器 flame arrester 阻火器防爆膜(爆破片) rupture disc 防爆膜(爆破片)安全泄气阀 safety valve 安全泄气阀事故切断阀 emergency valve 事故切断阀过流防止阀 excess flow valve 过流防止阀排放阀 discharge valve 排放阀破真空 vacuum breaker 破真空大气腿 barometric leg 大气腿锁开 locked open 锁开锁关 locked close 锁关铅封开(未经允许不得关闭) car sealed open 铅封开(未经允许不得关闭)旁路 by-pass 旁路操作管线 on-stream line 操作管线备用 stand-by 备用15.2 操作状态操作状态污染 containa on 污染波动 fluctua on 波动操作稳定性 opera ng stability 操作稳定性溢流、液泛 flooding 溢流、液泛沟流 channeling 沟流停留时间 (1) residence me 停留时间(2) reten on me 滞留量 hold up 滞留量界面 interface 界面飞沫 priming 飞沫物沫夹带 entrainment 物沫夹带漏液 weeping 漏液发泡 foaming 发泡回火 back-fire 回火净正吸入压头 NPSH 净正吸入压头回流 reflux 回流转化率 conversion 转化率进料 feed 进料输入 intake 输入冷凝液 condensate 冷凝液放净 drain 放净塔顶流出物 overhead 塔顶流出物釜液 bo oms 釜液饱和蒸汽 saturated steam 饱和蒸汽过热蒸汽 superheated steam 过热蒸汽直接蒸汽 live steam 直接蒸汽窒息蒸汽 smothering steam 窒息蒸汽鼻烟蒸汽 snuffing steam 鼻烟蒸汽雾化蒸汽 atomizing steam 雾化蒸汽16. 防火和环保防火和环保16.1 消防设备消防设备水龙带 fire hose 水龙带水管接口 water nozzle 水管接口消防栓 hydrant 消防栓供水口 siamese connec on 供水口泡沫灭火剂 foam 泡沫灭火剂空气泡沫发生器 air foam chamber 空气泡沫发生器上升管过滤器 riser strainer 上升管过滤器消防软管接口 fire hose connec on 消防软管接口泡沫接口 foam nozzle 泡沫接口水枪 monitor 水枪喷头 head 喷头喷头、喷嘴 spray 喷头、喷嘴水喷淋(罐顶) deluge 水喷淋(罐顶)水喷淋(罐壁) drencher 水喷淋(罐壁)洒水器 sprinkler 洒水器雾化 fog 雾化水喷淋 watering 水喷淋CO2 灭火系统灭火系统 CO2ex nguishing system 灭火器 fire ex nguisher 灭火器干粉灭火器 dry chemical powder 干粉灭火器消防水泵 fire pump 消防水泵稳压泵 jockey pump 稳压泵消防车 fire figh ng trunk 消防车急救车、救护车 ambulance car 急救车、救护车16.2 火灾报警设备火灾报警设备自动火灾报警系统 automa c fire alarm system 自动火灾报警系统监视器 detector 监视器发送器、变送器 transmi er 发送器、变送器接收器 receiver 接收器转送器 (1) translater 转送器(2) repeater 火灾监视区 fire watching zone 火灾监视区火灾检测区 fire sensing zone 火灾检测区漏电报警器 leak alarm device 漏电报警器16.3 其它防火设备其它防火设备阻火器 flame arrester 阻火器紧急切断阀 emergency isola on valve 紧急切断阀安全(泄气)阀 safety valve 安全(泄气)阀爆破片(膜) rupture disc 爆破片(膜)联锁 interlock 联锁防护堤 dike 防护堤防爆墙 explosion proofing wall 防爆墙避雷器 lightning arrester 避雷器避难指示灯 emergency direc onal light 避难指示灯避难路标 emergency direc onal indica on 避难路标航空标识灯 (1) aircra warning light 航空标识灯(2) aircra obstruc on light 静电保护 protec on of sta c electricity 静电保护线桥 bonding 线桥地耳 earth lug 地耳气体检测器 gas detector 气体检测器噪音累积器 noise exposure meter 噪音累积器16.4 电气防爆电气防爆防爆结构explosion-protected construc on 增安型 increased safety type 增安型隔爆型 flameproof type 隔爆型本质安全型 (1) intrinsically safe type 本质安全型(2) intrinsic safety type 正压通风型 pressurized type 正压通风型浸油型 oil-immersed type 浸油型特殊型 special type 特殊型允许温升时间 permissible locked-rotor me 允许温升时间本安回路 intrisically safe circuit 本安回路本安连接回路 associated circuit of intrinsically safe system 本安连接回路非本安回路 non-intrinsically-safe circuit 非本安回路本安电器设备 intrincally safe appratus 本安电器设备安全栅 barrier 安全栅正压通风室 pressurized room 正压通风室密封 sealing 密封防爆容器 enclosure vessel 防爆容器16.5 危险场所、火灾、爆炸危险场所、火灾、爆炸危险区 (1) hazardous area 危险区(2) hazardous loca on 爆炸气体环境危险区 hazardous areas for explosive gas at6mosphere 爆炸气体环境危险区粉尘危险区 hazardous area for dust 粉尘危险区爆炸气体 explosive gas 爆炸气体粉尘 dust 粉尘危险源 source of hazard 危险源爆炸等级 explosion class 爆炸等级引燃温度组别 igni on group 引燃温度组别引燃点 (1) igni on point 引燃点(2) fire point 闪点 flash point 闪点爆炸极限 (1) limit of explosion 爆炸极限(2) explosive limits 蒸汽密度 vapor density 蒸汽密度点火源 igni on source 点火源静电 sta c electrifica on 静电爆炸 explosion 爆炸气体爆炸气体爆炸 gas explosion 粉尘爆炸粉尘爆炸 dust explosion 蒸汽爆炸蒸汽爆炸 vapor explosion 最小点火能最小点火能 minimum igni on energy 自燃自燃 spontaneous igni on 燃烧热燃烧热 heat of combus on 燃烧波燃烧波 combus on wave 火球火球 fire ball 一次灾害一次灾害 primary disaster 二次灾害二次灾害 secondary disaster 16.6 化学设备、危险物、有害物化学设备、危险物、有害物允许浓度允许浓度 acceptable concentra ons 缺氧缺氧 want of oxygen 听力下降听力下降 hearing loss 16.7 安全安全安全工程安全工程 safety engineering 人类工程学人类工程学 human engineering 人机系统人机系统 man-machine system 定期维修定期维修 preven ve maintenance 维修率维修率 maintainability 利用率利用率 avaiability 可靠性可靠性 reliability 持续性持续性 redundancy 故障率故障率 failure rate 故障分类故障分类 failure mode 故障间隔平均时间故障间隔平均时间 mean me between failures 故障分类及影响分析故障分类及影响分析 failure mode and effect analysis 故障树分析故障树分析 fault tree analysis 安全性安全性 fault tree analysis 减灾对策 fail-safe 防止误差操作 fool-proof 安全评价 safety assessment 工业事故 industrial industrial accident accident 工业安全工业安全 industrial industrial safety safety 安全管理安全管理 safety safety management management 生产事故生产事故 labor accident 人身伤害人身伤害 personal injury 事故统计事故统计 accident sta s cs 事故费事故费 accident cost 伤害原因 injury source 人生防护用具人生防护用具 personal protec ve equipment 急救急救急救 first aid 劳动环境劳动环境 labor environment 16.8 公害公害环境评估环境评估 environmental assessment 环境标准环境标准 environmental standard 大气污染大气污染 air pollu on 水污染water pollu on 噪音噪音 noise 土壤污染土壤污染 (1) soil containment (2) soil pollu on 地基下沉地基下沉 land subsidence 。
操作说明书operating instruction标准操作程序standard operating procedure开车start-up试车running-in在操作中(在运转中)on stream装载load up装罐(产品)run-down停车shut-down预防修理(小修)turn-around正常停车normal shutdown运转周期run length冲洗flushing喷射清洗jet cleaning化学清洗chemical cleaning大修overhaul盘车barring研磨lapping干燥dry out电干燥electric drying运转中检查(在线检查)on-stream inspection 在线维修on-stream maintenance生产保全productive maintenance间歇操作batch operation半间歇操作semi-batch operation连续操作continuous operation制备preparation补充make-up回收recovery再生regeneration循环recycle再循环recycle除焦decoking放空vent蒸汽吹扫steaming out吹扫purge抽真空evacuation吹出blow-off排污blowdown息火blow-out事故排放emergency vent安全放空conservation vent阻火器flame arrester防爆膜(爆破片)rupture disc安全泄气阀safety valve事故切断阀emergency valve过流防止阀excess flow valve排放阀discharge valve破真空vacuum breaker大气腿barometric leg锁开locked open锁关locked close铅封开(未经允许不得关闭)car sealed open 旁路by-pass操作管线on-stream line备用stand-by15.2 操作状态污染containation波动fluctuation操作稳定性operating stability溢流、液泛flooding沟流channeling停留时间(1) residence time(2) retention time滞留量hold up界面interface飞沫priming物沫夹带entrainment漏液weeping发泡foaming回火back-fire净正吸入压头NPSH回流reflux转化率conversion进料feed输入intake冷凝液condensate放净drain塔顶流出物overhead釜液bottoms饱和蒸汽saturated steam过热蒸汽superheated steam直接蒸汽live steam窒息蒸汽smothering steam鼻烟蒸汽snuffing steam雾化蒸汽atomizing steam16. 防火和环保16.1 消防设备水龙带fire hose水管接口water nozzle消防栓hydrant供水口siamese connection泡沫灭火剂foam空气泡沫发生器air foam chamber上升管过滤器riser strainer消防软管接口fire hose connection泡沫接口foam nozzle水枪monitor喷头head喷头、喷嘴spray水喷淋(罐顶)deluge水喷淋(罐壁)drencher洒水器sprinkler雾化fog水喷淋wateringCO2 灭火系统CO2extinguishing system灭火器fire extinguisher干粉灭火器dry chemical powder消防水泵fire pump稳压泵jockey pump消防车fire fighting trunk急救车、救护车ambulance car16.2 火灾报警设备自动火灾报警系统automatic fire alarm system 监视器detector发送器、变送器transmitter接收器receiver转送器(1) translater(2) repeater火灾监视区fire watching zone火灾检测区fire sensing zone漏电报警器leak alarm device16.3 其它防火设备阻火器flame arrester紧急切断阀emergency isolation valve安全(泄气)阀safety valve爆破片(膜)rupture disc联锁interlock防护堤dike防爆墙explosion proofing wall避雷器lightning arrester避难指示灯emergency directional light避难路标emergency directional indication航空标识灯(1) aircraft warning light(2) aircraft obstruction light静电保护protection of static electricity线桥bonding地耳earth lug气体检测器gas detector噪音累积器noise exposure meter16.4 电气防爆防爆结构explosion-protected construction增安型increased safety type隔爆型flameproof type本质安全型(1) intrinsically safe type(2) intrinsic safety type正压通风型pressurized type浸油型oil-immersed type特殊型special type允许温升时间permissible locked-rotor time本安回路intrisically safe circuit本安连接回路associated circuit of intrinsically safe system非本安回路non-intrinsically-safe circuit本安电器设备intrincally safe appratus安全栅barrier正压通风室pressurized room密封sealing防爆容器enclosure vessel16.5 危险场所、火灾、爆炸危险区(1) hazardous area(2) hazardous location爆炸气体环境危险区hazardous areas for explosive gas at6mosphere 粉尘危险区hazardous area for dust爆炸气体explosive gas粉尘dust危险源source of hazard爆炸等级explosion class引燃温度组别ignition group引燃点(1) ignition point(2) fire point闪点flash point爆炸极限(1) limit of explosion(2) explosive limits蒸汽密度vapor density点火源ignition source静电static electrification爆炸explosion气体爆炸gas explosion粉尘爆炸dust explosion蒸汽爆炸vapor explosion最小点火能minimum ignition energy自燃spontaneous ignition燃烧热heat of combustion燃烧波combustion wave火球fire ball一次灾害primary disaster二次灾害secondary disaster16.6 化学设备、危险物、有害物允许浓度acceptable concentrations缺氧want of oxygen听力下降hearing loss16.7 安全安全工程safety engineering人类工程学human engineering人机系统man-machine system定期维修preventive maintenance维修率maintainability利用率avaiability可靠性reliability持续性redundancy故障率failure rate故障分类failure mode故障间隔平均时间mean time between failures故障分类及影响分析failure mode and effect analysis故障树分析fault tree analysis安全性fault tree analysis减灾对策fail-safe 防止误差操作fool-proof 安全评价safety assessment 工业事故industrial accident 工业安全industrial safety 安全管理safety management 生产事故labor accident 人身伤害personal injury 事故统计accident statistics 事故费accident cost 伤害原因injury source 人生防护用具personal protective equipment 急救first aid 劳动环境labor environment 16.8 公害环境评估environmental assessment环境标准environmental standard大气污染air pollution水污染water pollution噪音noise土壤污染(1) soil containment(2) soil pollution地基下沉land subsidence。
火力发电厂专业英语A abort 中断,停止abnormal 异常abrader 研磨,磨石,研磨工具absence 失去Absence of brush 无(碳)刷Absolute ABS 绝对的Absolute atmosphere ATA 绝对大气压AC Lub oil pump 交流润滑油泵absorptance 吸收比,吸收率acceleration 加速accelerator 加速器accept 接受access 存取accomplish 完成,达到accumulator 蓄电池,累加器Accumulator battery 蓄电池组accuracy 准确,精确acid 酸性,酸的Acid washing 酸洗acknowledge 确认,响应acquisition 发现,取得action 动作Active power 有功功率actuator 执行机构address 地址adequate 适当的,充分的adjust 调整,校正Admission mode 进汽方式Aerial line 天线after 以后air 风,空气Air compressor 空压机Air duct pressure 风管压力Air ejector 抽气器Air exhaust fan 排气扇Air heater 空气加热器Air preheater 空气预热器Air receiver 空气罐Alarm 报警algorithm 算法alphanumeric 字母数字Alternating current 交流电Altitude 高度,海拔Ambient 周围的,环境的Ambient temp 环境温度ammeter 电流表,安培计Ammonia tank 氨水箱Ampere 安培amplifier 放大器Analog 模拟Analog input 模拟输入Analog-to-digital A/D 模拟转换Analysis 分析Angle 角度Angle valve 角伐Angle of lag 滞后角Angle of lead 超前角anthracite 无烟煤Anion 阴离子Anionic exchanger 阴离子交换器Anode 阳极,正极announce 通知,宣布Annual 年的,年报Annual energy output 年发电量anticipate 预期,期望Aph slow motion motor 空预器低速马达Application program 应用程序approach 近似值,接近Arc 电弧,弧光architecture 建筑物结构Area 面积,区域armature 电枢,转子衔铁Arrester 避雷器Ash 灰烬,废墟Ash handling 除灰Ash settling pond 沉渣池Ash slurry pump 灰浆泵assemble 安装,组装Assume 假定,采取,担任Asynchronous motor 异步马达atmosphere 大气,大气压Atomizing 雾化Attempt 企图Attemperater 减温器,调温器Attention 注意Attenuation 衰減,减少,降低Auto reclose 自动重合闸Auto transfer 自动转移Autoformer 自耦变压器Automatic AUTO 自动Automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器Auxiliary AUX 辅助的Auxiliary power 厂用电Available 有效的,可用的Avoid 避免,回避Avometer 万用表,安伏欧表计Axial 轴向的Axis 轴,轴线Axis disp protection 轴向位移,保护Axle 轴,车轴,心捧B Back 背后,反向的Back pressure 背压Back wash 反冲洗Back up 支持,备用Back ward 向后Baffle 隔板Bag filter 除尘布袋Balance 平衡Ball 球Ball valve 球阀Bar 巴,条杆Bar screen material classifier 栅形滤网base 基础、根据Base load 基本负荷Base mode 基本方式Batch processing unit 批处理单元Battery 电池Bearing BRG 轴承before 在…之前bell 铃Belt 带,皮带Bend 挠度,弯曲Besel 监视孔BLAS 偏置,偏压Binary 二进制,双Black 黑色Black out 大停电,全厂停电blade 叶片Bleed 放气,放水Blocking signal 闭锁信号Blow 吹Blow down 排污Blowlamp 喷灯blue 蓝色Bms watchdog Bms看门狗,bms监视器boiler BLR 锅炉Boiler feedwater pump BFP 锅炉给水泵Boil-off 蒸发汽化bolt 螺栓bore 孔,腔boost BST 增压,提高Boost centrifugal pump BST CEP 凝升泵Boost pump BP 升压泵Boot strap 模拟线路,辅助程序bottom 底部Bowl mill 碗式磨brash 脆性,易脆的bracket 支架,托架,括号breadth 宽度break 断开,断路breaker 断路器,隔离开关Breaker coil 跳闸线路breeze 微风,煤粉Brens-chluss 熄火,燃烧终结bridge 电桥,跨接,桥形网络brigade 班,组,队,大队broadcast 广播brownout 节约用电brush 电刷,刷子Brush rocker 电刷摇环Brown coal 褐煤Buchholtz protecter 瓦斯保护bucket 斗,吊斗Buffer tank 缓冲箱built 建立bulletin 公告,公报bump 碰,撞击bunker 煤仓burner 燃烧器Burner management system 燃烧器管理系统Bus section 母线段busbar 母线Busbar frame 母线支架buscouple 母联button 按钮Bypass/by pass BYP 旁路Bypass valve 旁路阀C cabinet 柜cable 电缆calculator 计算器caliber 管径、尺寸、大小calorie 卡caloric 热的、热量Caloric value 发热量、热值calorific 发热的、热量的Calorific efficiency 热效率cancel 取消、省略capacitance CAPAC 电容Capacitive reactance 容抗capacity 容量、出力、能量card (电子)板、卡carrier 搬运机、载波、带电粒子Carrier protection 高频保护cascade CAS 串级Case pipe 套管casine 壳、箱casual 偶然的、临时、不规则的Casual inspection 不定期检查、临时检查casualty 人身事故、伤亡、故障catastrophe 灾祸、事故Catastrophe failure 重大事故Cat-pad 猫爪cathode 阴板、负极Cathode ray tube CRT 显示器Cation exchanger 阳离子交换器caution 注意Center 中心centigrade 摄氏温标Central control room 中控室Central processing unit CPU 中央处理器Centrifugal 离心的Certificate 证明书、执照Centrifugal fan 离心风机Certification of fitness 合格证书、质量证书Chamber 办公室、会议室Change 改变Channel 通道、频道Character 字符Characteristics 特性、特性曲线Charge 负荷、充电、加注Charge indicator 验电器、带电指示器Chart 图、图线图chassis 底座、机壳Chassis earth 机壳接地Check 检查Check valve CK VLV 截止线、止回线Chemical 化学Chemical dosing 化学加药Chest 室Chief 主要的、首长、首领Chief engineer 总工程师Chief operator 值班长Chimney 烟囱、烟道Chlorine 氯Circuit 电路Circuit breaker 电路断路器Circuit diagram 电路图Circular current 环流Circulating 循环Circulating water pump 循环水泵Circulating cooling water 循环冷却水Clamp 夹具、钳Clarification 澄清Class 类、等级、程度Class of insulation 绝缘等级Clean 清洁的、纯净的Cleanse 净化、洗净、消毒Clear 清除CLEARING OF FAULT 故障清除Clock interface unit CIU 时钟接口单元Clockwise 顺时针、右旋的Close 关闭Closed cooling water 闭式冷却水Closed-loop 闭环Cluster 电池组、组、群Coal 煤Coal ash 煤灰Coal breaker 碎煤机Coal consumption 耗煤量、煤耗Coal crusher 碎煤机Coal handling 输煤设备、输煤装置Coal dust 煤粉Coal-fired power plant 燃煤发电厂Coal hopper 煤斗Coal yard 煤场Coarse 粗的、不精确的Coaxial cable 同轴电缆Code 代号、密码Coil 线圈Coil pipe 蛇形管Cold 冷Cold air 冷风Cold reheater CRH 再热器冷段Cold reserve 冷备用(锅炉)Cold start 冷态启动Cold test 冷态试验Collect 收集Collecting pipe 集水管Collector 收集器Colour 颜色Colour library 颜色库Combin 合并、联合Combustion 燃烧Command 命令、指挥Commission 使投入、使投产Common 共同的、普通的Communication 联系、通讯Commutator 换向器Compensation 补偿Company CO 公司Company limited CO LTD 有限公司Complexity 复杂Complete 完成Component 元件Compress 压缩Compress air 压缩空气Compresser 压缩机Computer 计算机Concrete 混凝土制的Concurrent 同时发生的、一致的Concurrent boiler 直流锅炉Cond press 凝结器压力Condensate 冷凝、使凝结Condensate extraction pump CEP 凝结水泵Condenser COND/CNDER 凝结器Condensive reactance 容抗Condition 条件、状况Conduct 传导Conductivity 导电率Conference 会议、商讨、谈判Congealer 冷却器、冷冻器Configure 组态Connection 联接Connector 联接器、接线盒Console 控制台Consult 商量、咨询、参考Consumption 消费、消耗Consumption steam 汽耗Constant 恒定的Contact 触点Contactor 接触器、触头Contact to earth 接地、触地、碰地Content 目录,. Contin blwdwn 连排Continuous 连续的Contract 合同Control CNTR/CNTPL 控制Control & instrument 仪控Control loop 控制环Control oil 控制油Control panel 控制盘Controller 控制器Control stage 调节级、控制级Control valve 调节阀Conve cton sh 低温过热器Convection 对流Convertor 运输机、传输机Cool 冷的Cooler 冷却器Cooling 冷却Cooling fan 冷却风机Cooling water pump 冷却水泵Cooling tower 冷却塔Coordinate COORD 协调Coordinate boiler follow mode 协调的锅炉跟随方式Coordinate control system 协调控制系统Coordinate turbine follow mode 协调的汽机跟随方式Copy 拷贝Core 铁心、核心、磁心Core loss 铁(芯损)耗Corner 角落Correction 修正、改正Corrosion 腐蚀Cost 价格、成本、费用Cost of fuel 燃料费用Cost of upkeep 日常费用、维护费用Coupler 联轴器Coupling 耦合、联轴Couple CPL 联轴器Crane 起重机Critical 临界的Critical speed 临界速度Crusher 碎渣机Current transformer CT 电流互感器Cube 立方(体)Cubicle illumination 箱内照明Curdle 凝固Current 电流、当前Cursor 光标Curve 曲线Custom 习惯、海关Custom keys 用户键Cutter 切削工具Cyanic 青色、深蓝色Cycle 循环、周期、周波Cymometer 频率表Cyclome classifier 旋风分离器Cylinder C YL 汽缸D Daily load curve 日负荷曲线Daily load 日负荷Damage 损坏、破坏Damper DMPR 阻尼器、挡板Danger 危险、危险物Dank 潮湿Danger zone 危险区Data 数据Data base 数据库Data acquisition system DAS 数据采集系统Data highway 数据高速公路Date 日期Data pool 数据库Dc lub oil pump 直流润滑油泵Dead band 死区Deaerator DEA/DEAE/DEAER 除氧器Decimeter 分米Decrease DEC 减少Deep 深度、深的、深Default 默认、缺席Degree 度、等级Demand 要求、查问Delay 延迟Delay time 延时Delete 删除Demineralized water 除盐水Demineralizer 除盐装置Deposit 沉积结垢Desalt 除盐设备Description 说明、描述Destination 目标、目的地。
热处理常用词汇术语1.indication 缺陷2.test specimen 试样3.bar 棒材4.stock 原料5.billet 方钢,钢方坯6.bloom 钢坯,钢锭7.section 型材8.steel ingot 钢锭9.blank 坯料,半成品10.cast steel 铸钢11.nodular cast iron 球墨铸铁12.ductile cast iron 球墨铸铁13.bronze 青铜14.brass 黄铜15.copper 合金16.stainless steel不锈钢17.decarburization 脱碳18.scale 氧化皮19.anneal 退火20.process anneal 进行退火21.quenching 淬火22.normalizing 正火23.Charpy impact text 夏比冲击试验24.fatigue 疲劳25.tensile testing 拉伸试验26.solution 固溶处理27.aging 时效处理28.Vickers hardness维氏硬度29.Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度30.Brinell hardness 布氏硬度31.hardness tester硬度计32.descale 除污,除氧化皮等33.ferrite 铁素体34.austenite 奥氏体35.martensite马氏体36.cementite 渗碳体37.iron carbide 渗碳体38.solid solution 固溶体39.sorbite 索氏体40.bainite 贝氏体41.pearlite 珠光体42.nodular fine pearlite/ troostite屈氏体43.black oxide coating 发黑44.grain 晶粒45.chromium 铬46.cadmium 镉47.tungsten 钨48.molybdenum 钼49.manganese 锰50.vanadium 钒51.molybdenum 钼52.silicon 硅53.sulfer/sulphur 硫54.phosphor/ phosphorus 磷55.nitrided 氮化的56.case hardening 表面硬化,表面淬硬57.air cooling 空冷58.furnace cooling 炉冷59.oil cooling 油冷60.electrocladding /plating 电镀61.brittleness 脆性62.strength 强度63.rigidity 刚性,刚度64.creep 蠕变65.deflection 挠度66.elongation 延伸率67.yield strength 屈服强度68.elastoplasticity 弹塑性69.metallographic structure 金相组织70.metallographic test 金相试验71.carbon content 含碳量72.induction hardening 感应淬火73.impedance matching 感应淬火74.hardening and tempering 调质75.crack 裂纹76.shrinkage 缩孔,疏松77.forging 锻(件)78.casting 铸(件)79.rolling 轧(件)80.drawing 拉(件)81.shot blasting 喷丸(处理)82.grit blasting 喷钢砂(处理)83.sand blasting 喷砂(处理)84.carburizing 渗碳85.nitriding 渗氮86.ageing/aging 时效87.grain size 晶粒度88.pore 气孔89.sonim 夹砂90.cinder inclusion 夹渣ttice晶格92.abrasion/abrasive/rub/wear/wearing resistance (p roperty) 耐磨性93.spectrum analysis光谱分析94.heat/thermal treatment 热处理95.inclusion 夹杂物96.segregation 偏析97.picking 酸洗,酸浸98.residual stress 残余应力99.remaining stress 残余应力100.relaxation of residual stress 消除残余应力101.stress relief 应力释放。
cast iron 铸铁
cast iron ingot 铸铁锭
slag 炉渣
soft iron 软铁
pig iron 生铁
wrought iron 熟铁
iron ingot 铁锭
puddled iron 搅炼熟铁
round iron 圆铁
blowlamp 吹炬(美作:blowtorch)
crusher 破碎机
irxite 铁钒土
alumina 铝
cryolite 冰晶石
flux 熔剂
limestone flux 石灰石溶剂
haematite 赤铁矿(美作:hematite)
hearth 炉底
charger 装料机
ladle 铁水包,钢水包
dust catcher 除尘器
washer 洗涤塔
converter 转炉
hoist 卷扬机
compressor 压缩机
tilting mixer 可倾式混铁炉
regenerator 蓄热室
scrap iron 废铁
steel 钢
crude steel 粗钢
mild steel, soft steel 软钢,低碳钢
hard steel 硬钢
cast steel 坩埚钢,铸钢
stainless steel 不锈钢
electric steel 电工钢,电炉钢
finished product 成品,产品
semifinished product 半成品,中间产品
ferrous products 铁制品
coking plant 炼焦厂
消防英语专业词汇(F3)flameproof apparatus 防爆装置flameproof battery loco 防爆蓄电池机车flameproof bulkhead 防火壁flameproof canister 耐燃罐flameproof circuit breaker 防爆断路器flameproof compound 耐燃剂flameproof fabric 防燃织物flameproof fiber 防燃纤维flameproof fluorescent lamp fitting 防爆荧光灯具flameproof glass 防火玻璃flameproof lamp 防爆灯flameproof machine 防爆电动机flameproof mining transformer 矿用隔爆变压器flameproof paint 耐火漆flameproof starter 防爆型起动器flameproof textile 防火布flameproof ware 耐热器皿flameproof wire 耐火绝缘导线flameproofness 防燃flamer 空中被击中起火的飞机flameretardant grade 阻燃剂等级flaming arc 焰弧flaming coal 火焰煤flaming combustion 有焰燃烧flaming front 火头flaming phase 有焰燃烧阶段flaming surface combustion 有焰表面燃烧flaming time 燃烧时间flaming 有焰燃烧flammability classification 易燃性分级flammability fabric 易燃性织物flammability hazard 易燃性危险flammability index 易燃性指数flammability indexing test 易燃性指数试验flammability limit 易燃极限flammability of a dust cloud 煤尘易燃性flammability peak 发火峰值flammability point 燃点flammability range 发火范围flammability rating 易燃性等级flammability resistance 抗着火性flammability standard 易燃性标准flammability temperature limit 发火温度极限flammability test 易燃性试验flammability tester 易燃测定仪flammability testing 易燃性试验flammability 易燃性flammable aerosol 易燃烟雾剂flammable anesthetic atmosphere 易燃麻醉空气flammable anesthetic 易燃麻醉剂flammable cargo 易燃货物flammable compressed gas 易燃压缩气体flammable fabric 易燃性织物flammable fabrics act 易燃织物条例flammable fluid 易燃液体flammable fringe 燃烧态区域flammable gas detector 易燃气体探测器flammable gas fire 易燃气体火灾flammable gas 易燃性气体flammable inhibitor 发火抑制剂flammable limit 易燃极限<有最稀flammable liquid hazard 危险易燃液体flammable liquid 易燃液体<闪点在37.8 0c以下flammable liquids training 易燃液训练flammable material 易燃材料flammable mixture 易燃混合物flammable range 可燃范围flammable roof covering 易燃屋面覆盖层flammable solid 易燃固体flammable solvent 易燃溶剂flammable space 易燃物资储存区flammable storage space 易燃物储藏区flammable storage tank 易燃物贮槽flammable storage warehouse 易燃品储存仓库flammable vapor 易燃性蒸气flammable 易燃的flammation 燃烧flanged fitting 法兰式接头flank fire 侧风火<沿火灾控制线点燃的火允许与风成直角flank of a fire 火灾侧翼flank 侧翼flanking attack 侧击灭火flap 火拍flare back 回火flare point 燃烧点flare stack 废气燃烧烟道flare up fire 火焰信号flare up 骤燃flare 火舌flare-up lamp 闪光灯flare-up light 应急灯flaring 骤燃flash and fire point test 引燃及燃点试验flash and flare triangulation 闪燃光三角测量flash and ground protecting relay 闪燃和接地保护继电器flash arc 火花弧flash area 闪光区flash arrester 火焰消除装置flash burn 电弧灼伤flash burning 闪燃flash compound 起火剂flash cup 闪点杯flash drying 急骤干燥flash fire extinguisher 暴燃灭火器flash fire propensity 闪光倾向flash fire retardant-type flame arrester 阻暴燃型阻火器flash fire 急骤燃烧flash freezing 闪冻flash fuel 轻燃料flash gas 闪蒸气体flash gasoline 闪蒸气体flash heat 加速加热flash hide 消焰器;灭火帽flash point apparatus 闪点测定仪flash point in closed cup 闭杯闪点flash point in open cup 开杯闪点flash point test 闪点试验flash point tester 闪点测定仪flash process 闪蒸过程flash proof suit 防闪燃服flash propagation 火舌回闪传播<越过泡沫表面全部或大部分的火舌回闪flash resistance 耐着火性flash suppressor 环火抑制器flash temperature 闪蒸温度flash test 瞬间高压试验flash tester 闪点测试器flash testing equipment 瞬时试验机flash time 闪光时间flash vaporization 闪蒸flash wall 隔墙flash welding 火花〔电弧flash 闪燃<在液体表面上能产生足够的可燃气flash-back chamber 回火水封室flash-back fire 反闪火焰flash-light 手电筒flash-over = flash over 轰燃<在一限定空间内flash-over capacity 飞弧能力flash-over characteristic 轰燃特性flash-over tendency 诱爆性flash-point 闪点<在规定的试验条件下flash-suppressing agent 火焰抑制剂flashback = flash-back 火舌回闪;逆燃;反闪flashback arrester 回火制止器;回火保险器flashback performance 耐烧性能<阻火器耐受表面火flashback voltage 逆弧电压flashbulb 闪光灯flashing beacon 闪光标灯flashing indication 闪光信号flashing indicator light 闪烁指示灯flashing indicator 闪光指示器flashing lamp 闪光灯flashing light alarm 闪光报警flashing light 闪光灯flashing over of spark 火花飞弧flashing pill 起火剂flashing point 闪点flashing signal 闪光信号flashing test 闪点测定flashing unit 闪光标灯flashing warning lamp 闪光警报灯flashover potential 轰燃可能性flashover probability 轰燃概率flashover strength 轰燃强度flashover voltage 击穿电压flat flame 平焰flat hose load 平叠的水带flat raise 平竖梯flat root 平屋顶flat spray sprinkler 齐平型洒水喷头flat truck 平板车flat weave casing 平织水带外层flat 楼房的一层flatcar 平板车flathead ax 消防斧flaw detection 探伤检验flaw detector 探伤仪flaw 裂缝fleet management 车队管理flexible cord 软线flexible coupling 挠性管接头flexible shaft 软轴flexion method 折射法flexor 屈肌flexural strength 抗弯强度flexure 弯曲flick 容易扑灭的小火flicker effect 闪烁效应flicker frequency 闪烁频率flicker rate 闪烁率flicker 闪烁〔变flight accident 飞行事故flight chart 航空地图flight raise 梯段步高flight run 梯段步距flight 楼梯段flir = forward looking infrared 前视红外仪floatation reagent 浮选剂floatation 浮floating barrage 浮式水坝floating dust 浮游尘末floating fire fighting pump 浮式消防泵floating roof tank 浮顶储罐floating roof 浮顶floating suction header 浮动的吸水集水器floating-point computer 浮点计算机floc 蓬松物质flocculation 絮凝flood light 探照灯flood 淹灭<用大量的水淹火灾flooding time 淹没时间flooding volume 淹没体积floodlight apparatus 照明车floodlight truck 照明车floodlight unit 照明车floor area of building 建筑楼层面积floor area 建筑楼层面积floor beam 楼板梁floor board 地板floor boarding 铺地板floor burst 底板瓦斯喷发floor ceiling assembly 楼板平顶组合构件floor collapse 楼板倒塌floor construction 楼板结构floor covering chamber test 楼面覆盖面层燃烧试验floor covering 楼面覆盖层floor current 沿地板面气流floor drain 楼面排水floor exit 楼层出口floor finish 地板装修floor flock 地板上絮状沉淀floor framing system 楼板结构系统floor furnace 地板炉floor girder 楼板主梁floor heating 楼板暖气floor hole 楼板孔洞floor indicator 楼层显示器floor joist 楼板搁栅floor joists spacing 楼板搁栅间距floor lining 楼板衬料floor load 楼面荷重floor opening 楼板洞孔floor plan 楼层平面图floor plug 地板电门插座floor register 楼面通风板floor saw 消防锯floor sill 地面门坎floor stop 门挡floor temperature 楼面温度floor ventilation 地板通风floor 楼层flooring radiant panel test 楼面材料辐射板试验flooring 铺地面floppy disc cartridge 软磁盘floppy disc operating system 软盘操作系统floppy disc 软磁盘floppy disk 软磁盘floppy driver 软盘驱动器floppy formatting 软盘信息安排floppy 软磁盘flotsam 飘浮的残骸flow alarm 水流警报装置flow analysis 流程分析flow back valve 单向阀flow board = shifting board 泄水控制盘flow capacity 泄水能力flow characteristic 流动特性flow chart 流程图flow coated machine 流涂机flow coating 流涂flow coefficient 流量系数flow detector 水流指示器flow direction vane 风向仪flow field 流场flow formula 流量公式flow measurement 流量测量flow point 流动点flow rate 流速flow separation 流动分离flow switch 流量开关flow test 流量试验flow 流动flp drill transformer 隔爆变压器flp lighting transformer 隔爆照明变压器flpis = flameproof intrinsically safe 隔爆安全火花flpr = flame proof 防火的flpt = fl.pt. = flash point 闪点fluctuation 波动flue effect 烟囱效应<建筑物内热空气上升flue gas 烟道气flue lining 烟道衬里flue 烟道fluid breakdown 流体分离fluid combustion 流体燃烧fluid dynamics 流体力学fluid extinguisher 液体灭火器fluid flow 流体流量fluid friction 流体摩擦fluid gage 液位计fluid insulation 泡沫绝缘层fluid level gage 液位计fluid mechanics 流体力学fluid meter 流度计fluid power system 液压驱动系统fluid pump 液压泵fluid seal 液封fluid statics 流体静力学fluid 液体fluidic 液体的fluidity 流动性fluidized bed coal system 流化床燃煤系统fluidized bed firing 流化床点燃fluidized bed 流化床fluidized combustion 流化床焚烧flume 风洞fluor alkaline 氟化烷烃fluorescence lamp 荧火灯fluorescence paint 荧光漆fluorescence radiation 荧光发光fluorescence screen 荧光屏fluorescence x-ray 荧光x射线fluorescence 荧光fluorescent lamp 荧光灯fluorescent retroreflective marking 荧光性反光标志fluorescent screen 荧光屏fluoride 氟化物fluorine cylinder 氟钢瓶fluorine poisoning 氟中毒fluorine 氟fluorobenzene 氟代苯fluorocarbon gas 氟碳气体fluorocarbon surfactant 氟碳表面活性剂fluorocarbon 碳氟化合物fluorochemical foam concentrate 含氟化合物泡沫液fluorochemical 含氟化合物fluoroplastic 氟塑料fluoroprotein foam concentrate 氟蛋白泡沫液fluoroprotein foam 氟蛋白泡沫fluoroprotein foaming agent 氟蛋白发泡剂fluoroprotein 氟蛋白fluoroscope 荧光屏fluorosurfactant 含氟表面活化剂fluroxene 三氟乙基乙烯醚flush closedown 奔流关闭flush hydrant 地下式消火栓flush sprinkler 平齐型洒水喷头flush type sprinkler 平齐型洒水喷头flush type 嵌入式s平齐型flush-type sprinkler system 平齐型喷水灭火系统flushing test 冲洗试验flushing 冲洗flutter 扑动flux cored arc welding 管状焊条电弧焊flux curve 磁通曲线flux density 通量密度flux leakage 磁漏flux meter 磁通计flux 助熔剂焊剂fly ash 飞灰<火灾散发的特殊物质fly camp 消防营地fly gallery 布景长廊fly rope 升降索fly section 接梯的拉节fly 上节梯flying accident = flight accident 飞行事故flying brand test 飞火试验flying saucer 飞碟flying spark 飞散火花flying squad 战术人员增援队flying wheel 飞轮;惯性轮fm = factory mutual 工厂相互保险组织fm = frequency modulation 调频fma = fire marshals' association of north america 北美防火长官员联合会fmea = failure modes and effects analysis 故障型式与效应分析fmrc = factory mutual research corporation 工厂相互保险研究所fo = oxidizing flame 氧化焰foam ability 发泡性foam agent 发泡剂foam agents fire fighting 泡沫灭火foam analysis 泡沫分析foam annihilator 泡沫灭火器foam application rate 泡沫应用率foam application 泡沫应用foam applicator 泡沫喷口foam away 成泡沫消失foam beater 发泡剂起泡剂foam blanket 泡沫覆盖层foam branch pipe 空气泡沫枪foam breakdown 泡沫破裂foam breaker 消泡剂foam bubble 泡沫泡foam can 泡沫灭火器foam cannon 泡沫炮foam carpet 泡沫毯foam cart 泡沫手推车foam chamber 泡沫室foam characteristic 泡沫特性foam chemical 化学泡沫foam chute 泡沫斜槽foam classification 泡沫<灭火剂foam column 泡沫发生塔foam compatibility 泡沫相容性foam compound 泡沫液foam concentrate proportioner 泡沫比例混合器foam concentrate 泡沫液foam deflector 泡沫导流片foam delivery device 泡沫供给装置foam density 泡沫密度foam depressant 抑泡剂foam depth 泡沫深度foam discharge pattern 泡沫射流落地图型foam discharging vehicle 泡沫消防车foam drainage time 泡沫析水时间<从泡沫中析出水分的时间foam drainage 泡沫析水foam expansion ratio 泡沫膨胀比foam expansion 泡沫膨胀foam extinguisher 泡沫灭火器foam extinguishing agent 泡沫灭火剂<与水混溶foam extinguishing installation 泡沫灭火设施foam extinguishing system 泡沫灭火系统foam fire extinguisher 泡沫灭火器foam fire truck 泡沫车foam fire-fighting equipment 泡沫灭火设备foam floating roof 泡沫浮顶foam flow 泡沫流foam formation 泡沫组分foam generating system 泡沫发生系统foam generator 泡沫发生器foam head 泡沫喷雾头foam hopper 泡沫粉剂加料斗foam hose stream 泡沫射流foam house 泡沫发生室foam hydrant 泡沫消火栓foam induction system 泡沫吸入系统foam inductor 管线式泡沫比例混合器foam injection 泡沫液下喷射foam inlet adapter 泡沫输入连接器foam inlet 泡沫输入口foam layer 泡沫层foam life 泡沫寿命foam line 泡沫管路foam liquid 泡沫液foam maker 泡沫发生器foam making equipment 泡沫发生器foam mixing chamber 泡沫混合室foam monitor 泡沫炮foam nozzle 泡沫枪foam number 泡沫值foam off = foam away 成泡沫消失foam output 泡沫量foam pattern 泡沫射流形式<泡沫从泡沫发生器喷出后foam plastic insulation 泡沫塑料隔热材料foam pourer system 泡沫喷淋系统foam pourer 泡沫喷放设施foam powder 化学泡沫粉剂foam premix 预混泡沫溶液foam producing machine 泡沫发生器foam promoter 泡沫促进剂foam proportioner 泡沫比例混合器foam proportioning system 泡沫比例混合系统foam pump proportioner 等压式泡沫比例混合器foam pump 泡沫泵foam quality 泡沫质量foam quarter life 泡沫的四分之一寿命foam reel station 固定泡沫软管卷盘装置foam release station 泡沫施入站foam retention 泡沫保持能力foam return line 泡沫回流管foam rubber 泡沫橡胶foam sample collector 泡沫样品收集器foam sampling apparatus 泡沫取样装置foam screen 发泡网foam seal 泡沫密封foam solution transit time 泡沫溶液运送时间foam solution 泡沫溶液<水和泡沫液以适当的比例混合的均质混合物foam spreader 泡沫流淌板foam stability 泡沫稳定性foam stabilizer 泡沫液foam station 泡沫站foam stream 泡沫射流foam supply capacity 泡沫供给强度foam suppression 泡沫灭火foam system 泡沫系统foam tender 泡沫车foam test 泡沫试验foam tower 泡沫塔foam transit tube 导泡筒foam triangle 泡沫三要素foam trough 泡沫降落槽foam truck 泡沫车foam tube 泡沫管foam type fire extinguisher 泡沫灭火器foam type 泡沫式foam unit mobile 移动式泡沫喷射装置foam unit 泡沫喷洒装置foam valve 泡沫阀foam vehicle 泡沫车foam viscosity 泡沫粘度foam volume 泡沫体积foam water cannon 泡沫消防炮泡沫-水两用消防炮foam water monitor 泡沫-水两用消防炮foam weep 洒落泡沫foam 泡沫foam-dispensing trailer 泡沫喷洒拖车foam-forming liquid 泡沫生成液foam-generating equipment 泡沫发生设备foam-generating method 泡沫发生方法foam-generating unit 泡沫发生器foam-making apparatus 泡沫发生装置foam-making branch=foam making branch 空气泡沫枪foam-remover 跑道灭火泡沫层清除机foam-water spray head 泡沫-水两用喷雾头foam-water spray nozzle 泡沫-水两用喷嘴foam-water sprinkler system 泡沫-水喷洒灭火系统foamable composition 泡沫剂foamable polymer 发泡聚合物foamable 发泡的foamed concrete 泡沫混凝土foamed plastic insulation 泡沫塑料绝热材料foamed plastic 泡沫塑料foamer 起泡剂foaminess 发泡性foaming ability 发泡能力foaming agent 发泡剂foaming capacity 发泡能力foaming machine 发泡机foaming power 发泡能力foaming the runway 在跑道上应用泡沫foaming 起泡foamite extinguisher = foam extinguisher 泡沫灭火剂foamite extinguishing method 泡沫灭火法foamite system 泡沫装置foamite 泡沫灭火剂foampowder tender 泡沫干粉消防车fobfo = federation of british fire organization 英国消防组织联合会foc = fire office committee 火灾保险公司委员会focal distance 焦距focal length 焦距focus 焦点focused ray 聚焦光线foehn wind 焚风fog attack 雾状水灭火fog cone 喷锥fog foam nozzle 雾状泡沫枪fog foam 雾状泡沫fog gun 喷雾水枪fog head 喷雾头fog jet 喷雾射流fog nozzle of adjustable type 可调型喷雾水枪fog nozzle 喷雾水枪fog pattern 喷雾型式fog stream 喷雾射流fog 雾fog-foam unit 雾状泡沫设备fogging 成雾fold away door 折叠门fold emergency ladder 折叠式紧急疏散梯fold 折叠folded hose 折叠水带folding ladder=collapsible ladder 折叠梯folding 可折叠的foliage 叶子follow up 增援follow-up service 跟踪服务fool proof device 保险装置fool proof 十分安全foot candle 英尺烛光foot head 英尺压头<水柱底部的压力foot of ladder 梯脚foot pedal 脚蹬foot protection 足保护foot 梯子的底座foot-lambert 英尺-朗伯foot-operated switch 脚动开关footwear 鞋类<鞋for = forestry 林业force development 力量部署force-pump 压力泵forced ventilation 强制通风forced air system 压力热风供暖系统forced air blower 排烟扇forced air cooling 强制空气冷却forced burning 强制燃烧forced convection 强制对流forced draft 强制通风forced draught 强制〔压力forced ventilation 强制通风forced vibration 强制震动forceful application 强力应用forcible entry tool 破拆工具forcible entry training facility 破拆训练设施forcible entry 破拆forcing pump 压力泵ford 非禾草植物fording 涉渡fore pump 预抽空泵forecast area 对火险天气作预报的地区foreman 中队长forensic chemistry 法医化学forensic medicine 法医学forensic 法庭的forepoling 矢板forest administration 森林管理forest assistant 森林助理员forest association 森林协会forest belt 森林带forest chemistry 森林化学forest class 森林类别forest climate 森林气候forest combustion 森林燃烧forest concession 森林特许权forest conservancy 森林保护forest conservation 森林保护forest cooperative society 林业合作社forest cover 森林覆盖forest depot 集材场forest description 森林调查forest district 森林地区forest division 森林区划分forest fire appealing 林火蔓延forest fire classes 森林火灾等级forest fire control equipment 森林灭火设备forest fire control 森林消防forest fire danger class 森林火险等级forest fire detection 林火探测forest fire distribution 森林火灾分布forest fire ecology 林火生态forest fire observation tower 森林防火了望塔forest fire prevention and control 森林消防forest fire prognosis and prediction 森林火灾预测预报forest fire research institute 森林消防研究所forest fire suppression 林火扑灭forest fire truck 森林消防车forest fire 森林火灾forest fire-fighting appliance 森林消防车forest firefighting hq =forest firefighting head- quarters 森林灭火总部forest floor 森林地面forest fuel factor 森林的可燃物因素forest guard 护林员forest inflammable 森林易燃物forest infrared scanning 森林红外扫描forest inspection bureau 森林监督局forest insurance 森林保险forest inventory control 森林资源管理forest inventory investigation 森林资源调查forest land 林地<面积在一英苗以上forest limit temperature 森林极限温度forest management 森林经济学forest map 森林图forest meteorology 森林气象学forest offence 森林犯规forest officer 森林管理员forest policy 林政学forest protection 森林保护forest range 护林区forest ranger 护林员forest research officer 森林研究员forest reservation 保留林地forest reserve 保护林forest residue 森林残留物<因人们的伐木、植物栽培和清地等活动而导致的活的或死的forest resource 森林资源forest supervisor 林务署长forest supervisor's headquarters 林务署forest utilization fire 森林利用火灾forest weather station 森林气象观测所forest zone 森林forest 森林forest-deterioration 森林破坏forest-devastation 森林荒废forest-fire insurance 森林火灾保险forest-fire meteorology 森林火灾气象学forest-fire prevention 森林防火forest-guard system 森林巡视制度forest-law 森林法forest-management office 森林经营局forest-police 森林警察forest-region 森林带forest-road 森道forest-science 林业科学forest-staff 森林职员forest-survey 森林调查forest-warden 森林巡视forestair 露明楼梯forestall trouble 防止事故forested area 林荫面积forested region 森林区forested terrain 森林区forester 林务官forestry act 森林法案forestry association 林学会forestry commission 林业委员会forestry congress 林业会议forestry 林地fork truck 叉式起重车fork-lift truck 铲车form advanced 造型先进的form drag 形阻力form work 模板form 形式formaldehyde gas 甲醛气体formaldehyde 甲醛formation heat 生成热formic acid 甲酸formula 式forward command post 前沿指挥所forward engine 前方泵浦forward lay 正铺设forward looking infrared 前视红外仪forward scattering 正向散射fossil fuel 矿物燃料foul air 污浊空气foul mine 瓦斯矿fouling air 污浊空气fouling 烬渣foundation 基础foundry flux 铸造助熔剂four alarm blaze 四级火警火灾four minutes response 四分钟接警出动four wire circuit 四线制线路four wire distribution 四线制配线four-company box 四二火警箱<首次警报就要求出动四个泵浦消防车中队four-eleven 四级火警的代码four-hour run-in test 四小时运转试验four-section ladder 四节梯four-to-one ratio 四与一之比four-way gate 四通阀four-way valve 四通阀four-wheel drive 四轮驱动fourier law 傅里叶定律fourier number 傅里叶数fovea 小窝fox lock 保险锁foyer 休息室fp = fire policy 火险保险单fp = fire pump 消防泵 fp = fireplacefpe = fire protection engineer 消防工程师fpe = fire protection engineering 防火工程fpe software 消防工程软件fpetools 美国建筑与火灾研究所编制的一套计算建筑火灾问题的专家程序fpf = fluoroprotein foam 氟蛋白泡沫fpl = forest products loboratory 森林产品实验所fpl tunnel test 森林产品实验所风洞试验<用于确定在对流通风装置中燃烧的八英尺试样表面的火焰蔓延率fprf = fire-proof 防火的fpt = fire police trunk 消防警察中继线fpw = fire prevention week 防火周fr = fire fighter 消防战斗员fr = fire resistant 防火的fr-number 弗劳德数fr. = fahrenheit 华氏fra = federal railroad administration 联邦铁路管理局fraction 百分率fractional combustion 部份燃烧fractional distillation 分馏fractional effective dose 有效剂量百分数fractionation column 分馏塔fractionation tower 分馏塔fractionation 分馏fracture front 破裂前锋fracture mechanics 断裂力学fracture strength 断裂强度fracture test 断口试验fracture 骨折fractus 碎云fragmentation 碎裂frame casing 框式水带外层frame construction 框架结构frame of reference 参考系(统frame spacing 框架间距frame 框架frand - kamenetskii model 弗兰克-卡米涅茨基模型<一种描述气相预混火焰传播的热力理论frangible bulb 易碎玻璃球frangible disc 安全隔膜frangible sprinkler 易熔元件洒水喷头frar = fire research abstracts and review 《消防研究文摘与评论》fraud fire 诈骗纵火frazilice 水内小冰块frc = fire research center 火灾研究中心frca = fire retardant chemical association 阻燃化学协会free air capacity = free air displacement 大气置换量free air displacement = free air capacity 大气置换量free burning fire = free-burning fire 自由燃烧的火free burning phase 自由燃烧阶段free burning 易燃的free chain reaction 自由链式反应free charge 自由电荷free convection 自然对流free egress 自由出路free electron 自由电子free energy 自由能free flame 活火;自由火焰free gas 自由气体free lancing 自由行动free network 自由网络free of ullage space 气瓶满液free path 自由程free radical quenchant 自由基消除剂free radical 游离基free standing fire wall 自立防火墙free vibration 自然振动free-burn rate 自由蔓延率free-burning coal 易燃煤free-flowing ammonium nitrate explosive 易流动硝铵炸药free-flowing dynamite 粉末炸药free-pouring mining explosive 自由灌注的矿用炸药free-standing ladder 自立式梯子free-standing siamese fire department connection 自立集水水泵接合器freeair 大气的freeboard 超高freeing port 放水闸freely burning fire 自由燃烧的火灾freeze drying 冰干freezing point depressant 冰点降低剂freezing point 凝固点<在一定压力下freezing protected foam concentrate 防冻泡沫原液freezing rain 冻雨freezing temperature 冰点freezing weather 结冰气候freight car 货车freight 货物freon 氟利昂frequency agility 频率捷变frequency aliasing 频率混淆frequency allocation 频率配置frequency analysis 频谱分析frequency analyzer 频率分析仪frequency band 频带frequency bandwidth 频带宽度frequency channel 频道frequency characteristic 频率特性frequency coding 频率编码frequency converter 频率转换器frequency counter 频率计数器frequency demodulation 频率解调frequency departure 频率偏差frequency discrimination 频率鉴别frequency discriminator 鉴频器frequency distribution 频率分布frequency divider 分频器frequency domain 频域frequency meter 频率计frequency modulation 调频frequency multiplier 倍频器frequency offset 频率偏置frequency polygon 频率多边形frequency resolution 频率分解frequency response characteristic 频率响应特性frequency response test 频率响应试验frequency response 频率响应frequency reuse 频率复用frequency shift data 频移数据frequency shift modulation 频移调制frequency shift modulator 频移调制器frequency shift system 频移制frequency shift transmission 移频传输frequency shift 频移frequency spectrum 频谱frequency standard 频率标准frequency swing 频移范围frequency synchronism 频率同步frequency synthesizer 频率合成器frequency transient response 频率瞬态响应frequency translation 频率变换frequency 频率fresh air intake 新鲜空气入口fresh air 新鲜空气fresh breeze 五级风fresh gale 八级风fresh hand 生手fresh lake 淡水湖fresh water 淡水fresh-air breathing apparatus 新鲜空气呼吸器<通过吸入或压力提供新鲜空气的呼吸器fresh-air mask 新鲜空气呼吸面具frf =fire-resistant fuel 防火燃料friction drag 摩擦阻力friction factor 摩擦因数friction flow 摩擦流friction heat 摩擦热friction layer 摩擦层friction loss coefficient 摩擦损失系数friction loss 摩擦损失friction sentivity of explosive 炸药的摩擦感应度friction spark 摩擦火花friction 摩擦friction-reducing additive 减阻剂frictional heat source 摩擦热源frictional heat 摩擦热frictional resistance 摩擦阻力frictional sparking 摩擦打火friendly fire 益火fringe benefit 附加津贴fringe 边front axle 前轴front elevation 正面图front gaw 前桥总重front 焰烽front-mounted pump 前置泵frontal fire attack 正面扑救火灾frost hydrant 防冻消火栓frost line 霜冻线frost valve 防冻阀frost (霜frost-proof hydrant 防冻栓frothing 起沫frothover 突沸froude modeling 突出体现浮力影响的模拟方法froude number 弗劳德数frpf =fireproof 防火的frpipe =fire-retardant pipe 阻燃管frpp =flame retardant phosphonitratic polymer 阻燃磷酸硝酸酯聚合物frpt =flooring radiant panel test 楼面材料辐射板试验frs =fire research station 消防研究所fs =fire ship 消防艇fs =fire station 消防站fs =forest service 林业局fsc =flame-spread classification 火灾蔓延分级fse =fire safety engineering 消防安全工程fslp =fire service location package 消防机构位置软件包fsnbf = fire service national benevolent fundfsp =fiber saturation point 纤维饱和点fsrs =fire suppression rating schedule 灭火条件分级制fss =fire safety science 消防安全科学fss =flight service station 飞行服务站ft= firing temperature 燃烧温度ftep =fixed temperature 定温fuel acid 燃料酸fuel agent 燃烧剂fuel and air mixture 燃料和空气混合物fuel arrangement 可燃物分布fuel atomization 燃料雾化fuel bed combustion 燃料层着火燃烧fuel bed 燃料层fuel break 防火线fuel burn rate 燃料燃烧速率fuel burner 燃料喷嘴fuel cell 燃料电池fuel class 可燃物类别fuel combination 混合燃料fuel compactness 可燃物密度fuel concentration 燃料浓缩fuel consumption 耗油量fuel content 燃料含量fuel continuity 可燃物的连续性fuel control 燃料控制fuel dispensing system 燃料分配系统fuel dispersion 可燃物分散性fuel element 燃料组分fuel emergency shut-off cock 燃料应急关断开关fuel fire 燃料火灾fuel fired equipment 燃油设备fuel fume 燃料蒸气fuel gas analyzer 燃料气体分析器fuel gas 可燃气体fuel handling system 燃料储运系统fuel injector 燃料喷射器fuel leak 漏油fuel limitation 限制燃料fuel load 可燃物负荷<指某建筑物内或火场内的全部可燃物fuel loading 加注燃料fuel management 可燃物管理<通过机械fuel material 燃料;燃料组分fuel mixture 燃料混合物fuel model 可燃物模型fuel moisture analog 燃料湿度模拟物fuel moisture content 可燃物含水量fuel moisture indicator stick 可燃物含水量指示棒fuel occupied space 燃料所占空间fuel oil atomization 燃油的雾化fuel oil 燃料油fuel pressure 燃油压力fuel pump 燃油泵fuel rack 燃料架fuel removal extinguishment 去除燃料fuel safety 燃料安全性fuel shedding quality 疏油特性fuel shedding 疏油性fuel spill 燃料溢出fuel storage tank 燃料贮槽fuel system 燃料供应系统fuel tank 燃料箱fuel tender 燃料输送车fuel tolerance capability 耐油能力fuel treatment 可燃物处理fuel trip 油路自动切断装置fuel type classification 可燃物类型分类fuel type 可燃物类型fuel value 燃料值fuel vapor 燃油蒸气fuel vaporization 燃料蒸发fuel volatility 燃料挥发性fuel wood 薪材fuel 可燃物fuel-air explosive 燃料空气炸药fuel-air mixture=fuel air mixture 燃料空气混合气fuel-burning equipment 燃烧设备fuel-burning lamp 燃油灯fuel-lean combustion 贫燃料燃烧fuel-poor 燃料不足fuel-rich combustion 富油燃烧fuel-rich gas 富油混合气fuel-sensitizer 燃料敏化剂fuel-tank fire warning light 燃油箱火警信号灯fueling facility 加油设施fueling operation 加油作业fueling 加燃料fugacity 有效压力fugitive air 漏风full assignment 全部消防力量full capability 全功率full combustion 完全燃烧full cone nozzle 密实锥形喷嘴full evacuation 全部疏散full face mask 全面罩full fire alarm 明确的火灾警报full frame 全帧的full load 满载full paid company 付全薪的消防队full protection clothing 全保护服装full registration meter 全自动记录水表full scale test 全尺寸试验full scale 实物大小的full screen mode 全屏模full screen processing 全屏处理full screen 全屏full size 实物尺寸full speed 全速full sprinkler system 全部安装的喷水灭火系统full time fire fighter 职业消防员full-lean combustion 全贫燃烧full-scale scenario 全尺寸场景full-scale sensitivity 最高灵敏度fully addressable analogue system 全部可寻址模拟系统fully comprehensive sprinkler system 全智能喷水灭火系统fully developed fire 全燃火fully involved 全部燃烧fully sprinkler space 全部有洒水喷头保护的空间fully-enclosed motor 全封闭马达fulminate of mercury 雷酸汞fulminate of silver 雷酸银fulminate 雷汞fulminate-chorate 雷汞氯酸钾混合起爆药fulminating explosive 雷汞炸药fulminic 爆炸性的fumarole 喷气孔fume extractor 排烟设备fume fever 铸工热fume hood 通风橱fume incinerator 微粒污染物焚烧炉fume respirator 过滤式呼吸器fume 爆炸烟雾fume-off 冒烟fumigant (消毒fumigation 熏烟fuming 熏烟function button 功能按钮function code 功能码function command 功能指令function control switch 功能控制开关function control 功能控制function design 功能设计function key 功能键function 功能functional deafness 功能性耳聋functional group 官能团functional method 单行渐进式建立火灾控制线法functional sector 功能性战斗段fund 国家消防机构福利基金会fundamental frequency 基频fungicide 杀菌剂fungus 真菌furan 呋喃furnace block 炉砖furnace brick 耐火砖furnace heater 炉子加热器furnace liner 炉衬furnace 炉子furnishing test 家具试验further explosion 再次爆炸fuse alloy 易熔合金fuse block 熔丝盒fuse box 保险盒fuse failure 熔丝熔断fuse opening 熔丝烧断fuse primer 导火管fuse rating 熔丝额定值fuse 引信fused head 易熔元件熔化的洒水喷头fusee 引信fuselage compartment 机身舱fusible alloy 易熔合金fusible alloy-type fixed temperature detector 易熔合金定温探测器fusible element sprinkler 易熔元件洒水喷头fusible link 易熔元件fusible plug 易熔栓fusible solder type sprinkler head 易熔元件fusible sprinkler 易熔喷头fusible-element-type fixed temperature detector 易熔合金温度探测器fusion heat 熔化热fusion 熔化fustat 组合熔断器fuze 引信fuzzy expert system 模糊判断专家系统fuzzy set 模糊判断fw = fire wall 防火墙fz = fire zone 防火区fzn model 中国科技大学火灾科学国家重点实验室编制的一套综合场模拟。
工厂专业英语术语Assem bly line组装线Layout布置图Conveyer流水线物料板Rivet table拉钉机Rivet gun拉钉枪Screw driver起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子worktable 工作桌O OBA开箱检查fit together组装在一起fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板barcode条码barcode scanner条码扫描器fuse together熔合fuse m achine热熔机repair修理operator作业员QC品管supervisor 课长ME制造工程师MT制造生技cos metic inspect外观检查inner parts inspect内部检查thumb screw大头螺丝lbs. inch 镑、英寸EMI gasket导电条front plate前板rear plate后板chassis 基座bezel panel面板power button电源按键reset button重置键Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键sheet m etal parts 冲件plastic parts塑胶件SOP制造作业程序material check list物料检查表work cell工作间trolley台车carton纸箱sub-line支线left fork叉车personnel resource depart m en t 人力资源部production depart ment生产部门planning depart m ent企划部QC Secti on品管科stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂common e quipment常用设备uncoiler and straightener整平机punching machine 冲床robot机械手hydraulic m achine油压机lathe车床planer |'plein?|刨床miller铣床grinder磨床linear cutting线切割electrical sparkle电火花welder电焊机staker=reviting m achine铆合机position职务president董事长general manager总经理special assistant m anager特助factory director厂长depart m ent director部长deputy m anager | =vice m anager副理section supervisor课长deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长group leader/supervisor组长line supervisor线长assistant m anager助理to m ove, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库pack packing包装to apply oil擦油to file burr 锉毛刺final inspection终检to connect m aterial接料to reverse m aterial 翻料wet station沾湿台Tiana天那水cleaning cloth抹布to load m aterial上料to unload m aterial卸料to return m aterial/stock to退料scraped |'skr?pid|报废scrape ..v.刮;削deficient purchase来料不良manufacture procedure制程deficient m anufacturing procedure制程不良oxidation |' ksi'dei?n|氧化scratch刮伤dents压痕defective upsiding down抽芽不良defective to staking铆合不良em bedded lump镶块feeding is not in place送料不到位stamping-missing漏冲production capacity生产力education and training教育与训练proposal improvement提案改善spare parts=buffer备件forklift叉车trailer=long vehicle拖板车com pound die合模die locker锁模器pressure plate=plate pinch压板bolt螺栓administration/general affairs dept总务部autom atic screwdriver电动启子thicknes s gauge厚薄规gauge(or jig)治具power wire电源线buzzle蜂鸣器defective product label不良标签identifying sheet list标示单location地点present m embers出席人员subject主题conclusion结论decision item s决议事项responsible depart m ent负责单位pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE组装厂生产排配表model机锺work order工令revision版次remark备注production control confirmation生产确认checked by初审approved by核准depart ment部门stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表on-hand inventory现有库存available material良品可使用obsolete m aterial良品已呆滞to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工total合计cause description原因说明part number/ P/N 料号type形态item/group/class类别quality品质prepared by制表notes说明year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年终盘点差异分析表physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity帐面数量difference quantity差异量cause analysis原因分析raw m aterials原料materials物料finished product成品semi-finished product半成品packing materials包材good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库on way location在途仓oversea location海外仓spare parts physical inventory list 备品盘点清单spare molds location模具备品仓skid/pallet栈板tox machine自铆机wire EDM线割EDM放电机coil stock卷料sheet stock片料tolerance工差score=groove压线cam block滑块pilot导正筒trim剪外边pierce剪内边drag form压锻差pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔feature die公母模expansion dwg展开图radius半径shim(wedge)楔子torch-flam e cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀stop pin定位销round pierce punch=die butto n圆冲子shape punch=die insert异形子stock locater block定位块under cut=scrap chopp er清角active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板m ale die公模fem ale die母模groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套insert 入块club car高尔夫球车capability能力parameter参数factor系数phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉bezel斜视规blanking穿落模dejecting顶固模demagnetizat ion去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传rack上料degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmut剥黑膜 D.I. rinse纯水次Chromate铬酸处理Anodize阳性处理seal封孔revision版次part number/P/N料号good products良品scraped products 报放心品defective products不良品finished products成品disposed products处理品barcode 条码flow chart流程表单assembly组装stamping冲压molding成型spare parts=buffer 备品coordinate座标dismantle the die折模auxiliary fuction辅助功能poly-line多义线heater band 加热片thermocouple热电偶sand blasting喷沙grit 砂砾derusting m achine除锈机degate打浇口dryer烘干机induction感应induction light感应光response=reaction =interaction感应ram连杆edge finder巡边器concave凸convex凹short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕?? shine 亮班splay 银纹gas mark焦痕delamination起鳞cold slug冷块blush 导色gouge沟槽;凿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line证示线patent专利grit沙砾granule=peuet=grai n细粒grit m aker抽粒机cushion缓冲magnalium镁铝合金m agnesium镁金metal plate钣金lathe车mill锉plane刨grind磨drill铝boring镗blinster气泡fillet镶;嵌边through-hole form通孔形式voller pin formality滚针形式cam driver铡楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄轴augular offset角度偏差velocity速度production tem po生产进度现状torque扭矩spline=t he multiple keys花键quenchi ng淬火tem pering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化tungsten high speed steel钨高速的moly high speed steel钼高速的organic solvent有机溶剂bracket小磁导liaison联络单volatile挥发性resistance电阻ion离子titrator滴定仪beacon警示灯coolant冷却液crusher破碎机。
《金属工艺学》常用英语术语金工学部2009年2月乙炔发生器acetylene generator 二次淬火double hardening二次硬化secondary hardening 二氧化碳气体保护焊carbon-dioxideshieled arc welding 人工时效artificial-aging人字齿轮double helical spur gear,herringbone gear刀具寿命cutter life刀尖角nose angle刀座tool rest刀架tool carrier干型铸造dry sand casting下模bottom die上模top die下箱drag flask上箱cope flask工件working piece工序operating sequence 工作特性operating characteristics 工字钢girder steel飞边flash or fin飞边槽flash channel or gutter 飞溅spatter六角车床turrent lathe无心磨床centerless grinder无级调速stepless speed regulating 不熔化电级inconsumable electrode 车床lathe车削turning切削性cutability切削cutting principle切削运动cutting movement 切削要素cutting factors切削速度cutting speed切削深度cutting depth切削表面cutting surface切削平面cutting plane切削面积cutting area切削刀具cutting tool切削力cutting force切削液cutting fluid切削刃cutting edge切削角cutting angle切屑chips,swarf切槽grooving切齿gear cutting切螺纹threading切割cutting-off比重specific gravity 比重偏析gravity segregation 中心架steady rest内应力internal stress 内浇口ingate内聚力cohesive force 内园磨床internal grinder 手工造型hand moulding 手工锻造hand forging手工电弧焊hand arc welding 反极性,反接reversed polarity,negative polarity 反极性焊条reversed electrode 分模split pattern分模面parting surface 分级筛size screen分模两箱造型two-part mouldingwith a split pattern 气焊gas welding气压焊gas pressure welding 气体保护焊gas shieldedarc welding气焊设备gas welding equipment 气孔cavity,blow hole 气密试验air tight test引弧电压ignition voltage双面焊welding by both sides水压机hydraulic press立焊vertical position立柱vertical column立式车床vertical lathe闪光对焊flash butt welding 半熔化区incomplete fusion zone 自动电弧焊automatic arc welding 永久型铸造permanent mold casting 永久变形permanentdeformation出铁口spout浇不足misrun未焊透incomplete fusion 正火区normalized正级性,正接normal polarity,straight polarity节点node,point of joint 溃散性collapsibility石英quartz石墨graphite龙门刨床double-housing plane 平焊flat position welding 平口钳flat nose pliers平炉钢opening-hearth steel 平面磨床surface grinder轧制rolling process轧辊rolling mill卡盘chuck卡盘爪chuck jaw凸模冲头punch电源electric sources 电弧arc电弧焊arc welding电弧电压arc voltage电弧长度arc length电弧特性arc characteristic 电渣焊electroslang welding 电子束焊electro-bombardment 电焊机welding machine 电焊变压器welding transformer 电蚀加工electric corrosionprocess 电解液electrolyte电炉钢electric steel凹模die block四爪卡盘four-jaw clamp 白口铸铁white coat iron外园磨床plain grindingmachine外特性external characteristic 外焰out flame主运动principle motion 主剖面principle section 主轴箱main spindle box 主偏角end cutting edge angle 出气孔vent hole出渣slag off加工性能workability加工硬化work handening 加工余量allowance for finish 加工面finish surface对接接头butt joint台式钻床bench-type drillingmachine母材base metal丝杠lead screw冲裁blanking冲天炉cupola冲天炉炉底cupola shell冲天炉炉身cupola body,cupola shaft冲天炉前炉cupola receiver 冲天炉炉缸cupola well冲床punching machine 冲压pressing冲孔punching交流电alternating current 机床machine tool机器锻造machine forging 机器造型machine moulding 压缩compression压力焊pressure welding 压力铸造die casting灰口铸铁grey cast iron夹渣enclosed slag夹角included angle 夹具fixture扩孔钻头reaming bit划伤scotching划线scribing过热区overheated zone过渡锥transition cone光亮退火bright annealing光亮淬火bright quenching 光车刀finishing tool回程return motion刚玉corundum传动比speed ratio仰焊overhead positionwelding仿形法from copying method 延伸模膛fullering-impression 延伸,拔长drawing-out自由锻造free forging自动车床automatic lathe自动电弧焊automatic welding 后面flank后角relief angle全位置焊条all-position electrode 铸造性能casting property多孔的porous多箱造型multiple-part moulding 多层焊multi-layer welding 收缩shrinkage收缩量shrinkage收缩余量contraction allowance 收缩裂纹contraction crack 纤维组织fiber冷焊cold welding冷态cold state冷拉cold drawing冷裂cold crack冷处理subzero treatment,cold treatment床身lathe bed床头lathe head应力stress应力状态stressed state汽化vaporization汽锤steam hammer进给量feed变速齿轮change speed gear 芯头core print.芯铁core iron芯盒core box 芯砂core sand极性polarity两相区two-phase field找正adjust扭曲,翘曲distortion光杠feed rod时效aging抛光polishing连续浇铸continuous casting 折皱wrinkles低氢型焊条low-hydrogenelectrode角接接头corner joint角变形angular distortion 刨削planning刨齿gear shaping宏观裂纹macro-crack尾架tail stock附件accessory鸡心夹头carrier纯金属pure metal纵向变形linear deformation 变质铸铁inoculated cast iron 变形程度degree of deformation 变速装置speed transformation 实际应力actual stress空气锤pneumatic forging 空载电压open circuit voltage 空心主轴hollow spindle直浇口sprue,down sprue 直流direct current板料冲压press working ofsheet metal拉伸试验tensile test拉伸tension拉拔drawing拉丝wire drawing拉丝模wire drawing die 拉刀broach拉削broaching拉床broaching machine 坡口grooveV型坡口V- grooveU型坡口U- grooveX型坡口double groove拔模斜度tapper of pattern draw 拨盘rotating disc转炉钢converter steel软点soft spots齿条gear rack齿轮磨床gear grinder刮板造型sweep moulding 金属工艺学technology of metals 金属材料metallic materials 金属锻造forge of metals金属压力加工press workingof metals金属的焊接与切割welding and cutting metals 金属切削加工metal-cutting process 弧柱arc stream弧长arc length弧坑crater降落特性drooping characteristic 组织结构constitution始锻温度initial forging temperature 终锻温度final forging temperature 弯曲bending弯曲模膛bending impression 进给运动feed motion前刀面rake face前角rake angle逆向分段焊back step sequencewelding 剃齿gear shaving浇注pouring浇包laddle浇注速度pouring speed浇注系统gating system型芯molding core型钢shape steel型砂molding sand型砂强度sand strength研磨lapping研磨剂lapping compound,abrasive砂轮grinding wheel砂型铸造sand coasting耐火性refractoriness挤压extrusion点焊spot welding冒口feeder head,rising head 咬边undercut分型面tap face,parting face 胎模unattached die消除应力stress relief涂料coating material焊条electrode流动性fluidity部分相变区incomplete recrystallization珩磨honing珩磨头honing tool起模stripping pattern draw 热影响区heat-affected zone红硬性red-hardness热稳定性thermal stability 钻(孔)drilling钻头drill钻套drill bushing钻模drill plate钻夹drill chuck钻尾drill tail钻颈drill neck氩弧焊argon arc welding 氧-乙炔焰oxy-acetylene welding 氧化焰oxidizing flame缺陷defect 造型材料moulding material 造型机moulding machine 造渣slagging透气性air permeability陶瓷结合剂vitrified bond预锻模膛blocking impression 粘结binding粘渣dry slag粘度viscosity粘土结合剂clay clad粗糙度roughness剪切shear焊接设备welding equipment焊接规范welding rules,welding instruction 焊接速度welding speed焊接电流welding current焊接检验welding inspection 焊接试验welding testing焊接接头welding joint焊接缺陷welding defect焊接应力stress in welding 焊接变形deformation in welding 焊接顺序welding sequence 焊接金属weld metal焊接性weldability焊接钢welding steel焊条芯core wire焊条electrode焊丝welding wire焊剂flux焊炬welding torch焊嘴welding tip焊瘤overlap清理cleaning基面base plane堆焊pile-up welding副偏角side cutting edge angle 副前角side rake angle副后角side relief angle副截面side section副切削刃side cutting edge 连续焊缝continuous welding seam 接触焊contact welding铣削milling铣齿gear milling铰孔reaming矫正机arbor press敏感性susceptibility偏析segregation脱氧deoxidize脱碳decarburization普通铸件common quality coasting 湿型铸造green sand coasting 割嘴cutting tip割炬cutting torch超级光磨super-smooth grinding 超声波焊ultrasonic welding 超声波探伤ultrasonic inspection 落砂shakeout裂缝crack搭接接头lap joint插齿gear slotting翘曲warping铸铁cast iron铸造性castability铸造生产casting production 铸造用缩尺contraction rule铸件缺陷casting defect等离子焊plasma welding焦比coke radio溜板箱apron滚齿gear hobbing滚压模镗edging impression 蓝脆区blue-shortness zone 填平fill up蒸汽-空气锤steam and air hammer 楔铁wedge iron摇杆机构rock lever mechanism 摇臂钻床radial drilling machine 跳焊skip welding跟刀架follower rest锥度,锥体taper,cone惚孔spot facing微观裂缝micro-crack缝焊(滚焊)seam welding敲击法knocking method 端面end surface精密铸造precision methodcasting精度accuracy熄弧breaking the arc 熔点melting point熔滴fused drop,globul 熔池molten pool溶解dissolve熔化焊fusion melding熔化电级consumable electrode 熔模铸造investment casting,lost wax casting静特性static characteristic模压die pressing模膛impression磁性探伤magnetic inspection 锻造性forgeability锻造温度范围forgingtemperature range 锻造比forging radio锻造毛坯slug锻造图forging drawing锻造公差forging tolerance 锻造余量forging allowance 锻造压机forging press锻焊forge welding锻铝aluminium forging 鼻子时间nose time缩孔shrinkage cavity缩松shrinkage porosity 缩裂contraction crack 摩擦法friction method摩擦焊friction welding摩擦压力机friction press横向变形lateral deformation 横浇口cross gate runner 横焊horizontal positionwelding横向焊缝cross welding seam 横刃chisel edge震动落砂knock-out by jolting 磨grinding磨齿gear grinding磨料grinding material 激光焊laser welding激光加工laser process薄板卷曲warping of thin plate 镗床borer,boring lathe,boring machine镗孔boring镗杆boring rod螺旋角spiral angle螺纹磨床thread grinder螺旋槽spiral chute镦粗upseting镦粗比upset radio 爆炸焊explosive spark爆炸成型explosive pressing。
工学专业名称英语力学Mechanics一般力学与力学基础General and Fundamental Mechanics固体力学Solid Mechanics流体力学Fluid Mechanics工程力学Engineering Mechanics机械工程Mechanical Engineering机械制造及其自动化Mechanical Manufacture and Automation机械电子工程Mechatronic Engineering机械设计与理论Mechanical Design and Theory车辆工程Vehicle Engineering光学工程Optical Engineering仪器科学与技术Instrument Science and Technology精密仪器及机械Precision Instrument and Machinery测试计量技术及仪器Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments材料科学与工程Materials Science and Engineering材料物理与化学Materials Physics and Chemistry材料学Materialogy材料加工工程Materials Processing Engineering冶金工程Metallurgical Engineering冶金物理化学Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy钢铁冶金Ferrous Metallurgy有色金属冶金Non-ferrous Metallurgy动力工程及工程热物理Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics工程热物理Engineering Thermophysics热能工程Thermal Power Engineering动力机械及工程Power Machinery and Engineering流体机械及工程Fluid Machinery and Engineering制冷及低温工程Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering化工过程机械Chemical Process Equipment电气工程Electrical Engineering电机与电器Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus电力系统及其自动化Power System and its Automation高电压与绝缘技术High V oltage and Insulation Technology电力电子与电力传动Power Electronics and Power Drives电工理论与新技术Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering电子科学与技术Electronics Science and Technology物理电子学Physical Electronics电路与系统Circuits and Systems微电子学与固体电子学Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics电磁场与微波技术Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology信息与通信工程Information and Communication Engineering通信与信息系统Communication and Information Systems信号与信息处理Signal and Information Processing945控制科学与工程Control Science and Engineering控制理论与控制工程Control Theory and Control Engineering检测技术与自动化装置Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment系统工程Systems Engineering模式识别与智能系统Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems导航、制导与控制Navigation, Guidance and Control计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology计算机软件与理论Computer Software and Theory计算机系统结构Computer Systems Organization计算机应用技术Computer Applied Technology建筑学Architecture建筑历史与理论Architectural History and Theory建筑设计及其理论Architectural Design and Theory城市规划与设计(含风景园林规划与设计) Urban Planning and Design (includingLandscape Planning and Design)建筑技术科学Building Technology Science土木工程Civil Engineering岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering结构工程Structural Engineering市政工程Municipal Engineering供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilating and AirConditioning Engineering防灾减灾工程及防护工程Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering andProtective Engineering桥梁与隧道工程Bridge and Tunnel Engineering水利工程Hydraulic Engineering水文学及水资源Hydrology and Water Resources水力学及河流动力学Hydraulics and River Dynamics水工结构工程Hydraulic Structure Engineering水利水电工程Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering港口、海岸及近海工程Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering测绘科学与技术Surveying and Mapping大地测量学与测量工程Geodesy and Survey Engineering摄影测量与遥感Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing地图制图学与地理信息工程Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering化学工程与技术Chemical Engineering and Technology化学工程Chemical Engineering化学工艺Chemical Technology生物化工Biochemical Engineering应用化学Applied Chemistry工业催化Industrial Catalysis地质资源与地质工程Geological Resources and Geological Engineering矿产普查与勘探Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration地球探测与信息技术Geodetection and Information Technology946矿业工程Mineral Engineering采矿工程Mining Engineering矿物加工工程Mineral Processing Engineering安全技术及工程Safety Technology and Engineering石油与天然气工程Oil and Natural Gas Engineering油气井工程Oil-Gas Well Engineering油气田开发工程Oil-Gas Field Development Engineering油气储运工程Oil-Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering纺织科学与工程Textile Science and Engineering纺织工程Textile Engineering纺织材料与纺织品设计Textile Material and Textiles Design纺织化学与染整工程Textile Chemistry and Dyeing and Finishing Engineering服装设计与工程Clothing Design and Engineering轻工技术与工程The Light Industry Technology and Engineering制浆造纸工程Pulp and Paper Engineering制糖工程Sugar Engineering发酵工程Fermentation Engineering皮革化学与工程Leather Chemistry and Engineering交通运输工程Communication and Transportation Engineering道路与铁道工程Highway and Railway Engineering交通信息工程及控制Traffic Information Engineering Control交通运输规划与管理Transportation Planning and Management载运工具运用工程Vehicle Operation Engineering船舶与海洋工程Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering船舶与海洋结构物设计制造Design and Construction of Naval Architecture andOcean Structure轮机工程Marine Engine Engineering水声工程Underwater Acoustics Engineering航空宇航科学与技术Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology飞行器设计Flight Vehicle Design航空宇航推进理论与工程Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering航空宇航器制造工程Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vehicle人机与环境工程Man-Machine and Environmental Engineering兵器科学与技术Armament Science and Technology武器系统与运用工程Weapon Systems and Utilization Engineering兵器发射理论与技术Armament Launch Theory and Technology火炮、自动武器与弹药工程Artillery, Automatic Gun and Ammunition军事化学与烟火技术Military Chemistry and Pyrotechnics核科学与技术Nuclear Science and Technology核能科学与工程Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering核燃料循环与材料Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials核技术及应用Nuclear Technology and Applications辐射防护及环境保护Radiation and Environmental Protection947农业机械化工程Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农业水土工程Agricultural Water-Soil Engineering农业生物环境与能源工程Agricultural Biological Environmental and Energy农业电气化与自动化Agricultural Electrification and Automation林业工程Forestry Engineering森林工程Forest Engineering木材科学与技术Wood Science and Technology林产化学加工工程Chemical Processing Engineering of Forest Products环境科学与工程Environmental Science and Engineering环境科学Environmental Science环境工程Environmental Engineering生物医学工程Biomedical Engineering食品科学与工程Food Science and Engineering食品科学Food Science粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程Cereals, Oils and Vegetable Protein Engineering农产品加工及贮藏工程Processing and Storage of Agriculture Products水产品加工及贮藏工程Processing and Storage of Aquatic Products948。
常用工业英语词汇常用工业英语词汇(个人整理资料)BOX 组件Plastic 塑胶cabinet 壳cover 上盖support 下盖top 上部 bottom 底部cap (帽,杯) housing 壳insert(型,芯) Box 组件holder 支座 roller 转子belt 皮带impeller风扇case 箱 filter 滤网flex hose 软管metal 金属shaft 轴 gear 齿轮washer 垫片 die cast 铸件nut 螺母bush 轴套chuck 锁头screw 螺丝ring 垫圈 spring 弹弓bit 铁嘴 plate 片bar 杆spindle轴芯pin 小轴bearing 轴承thread 螺纹powder metal 粉末冶金key 锁匙pinion 小齿轮electric 电气件 nameplate 铭牌cord 电线 cable 电缆motor 电机switch 开关plug插头 fuse 保险丝battery电池 button 按钮cell电池 adaptor 火牛socket插座P.C.B 电路板charger 充电座/器HI-POT高压测试timer定时器Power pack 电池组resistor电阻 IC集成电路terms 术语toque 扭矩 force 力speed 速度rating 额定值sampling 抽样fitting 装配futtonal 功能part line分型线aperance 外观testure 纹理vibration 振动finished 表面处理cavity 模腔model 型号part 零件assembly 部件accessory附件remark 注释mark 标记 approve 认可defect 缺陷 nonconformity 不合格comformity 合格sinkage 缩水burr 毛刺flash 披锋sharp edge 尖缘scratch刮花flow mark 流痕weld line 夹水纹rusty 铸跡hardness 硬度treatment 热处理cycle 循环freouency频数description名称inspection 检验check 检查dispose 处理 injection注射revise 更改 material 材料purchasing 采购 gate 水口current 电流voltage电压power功率 I.N.T接触不良rework 加工 sort 拣货A.O.D 有偏差接收reject 退货Sketch 简图urgent 紧急Tolerance 公差 fit配合Run-out跳动 dimention 尺寸AQL 允收水准Packing 包装Label 标签sheet 纸Gift box 彩盒 carton 箱Poly bag 塑料袋 tape 带BMC 工具盒silk screen 丝印Card 卡片 bar code 条形码Instruction manual 说明书 M.O 订单B.O.M 物料清单R.O. 接收单I.R 检查报告Drill 电钻driver 电批vacuum cleaner 吸尘器Oven 烤炉trimmer 剪草机Instrument 仪器Gauge 量规pin gauge 芯棒Hole test 内径千分尺projector 投影仪Blocks 量块go-no go 通尺规Caliper 卡尺micpo meter 千分尺Dial indication 百分表miltimeter 万用表Calibration校正torque meter 扭力表QA 质量保证 QC 质量控制PMC 物料控制R&D 工程研发PIE 生产工业工程 P&A 人事SER 样本评估报告 SDS来货检验资料ACCOUNTING 会计Accessory 附件Accounting 会计Actuate switch 启动开关Adapter 火牛Adhesive tape 胶粘带Adjustor调节器Agitator 搅拌器Air intel进气口Aluminum foil tape 铝箔带Anchor锚Appearance外观Approve认可Assembly装配Armature电枢/转子Ball holder铜珠套筒Bar棒Bar code 条形码Barbed connector 有倒扣的连接片Battery电池Battery cave电池底壳Battery cave cover电池盒/盖Battery tag电池片Bearing轴承Bearing-lock轴承-锁Belt皮带Bit铁嘴Bit guard防护罩Bit storage批嘴储存件Block量块Bottle connector瓶口连接Bottom底部Bottom cabinet-charger充电座底壳Box 箱Charger bracket充电座支架Bracket固定架/支架Brand label商标贴纸Bristle brush毛刷Bristle holder毛刷(柄)Brush roller 毛刷巻轴Bubble lever 水平珠Bucket箱Bulb reflector 电灯反射器Bulb support电灯泡支撑座Bundle捆/扎Burr毛刺Bush轴套Bushing-bearing lock轴套锁製Bushing-case adaptor轴套外套适配器Bush-output shaft带轴套的输出轴Button按钮Brush刷子/碳刷Cabinet壳Cabinet-cover面壳Cabinet-support底壳Cable电缆Cable clamp plate电线夹片Calibration校正Caliper卡尺Cam凸轮Cam plate偏心片Cap杯帽Carbon film resistor碳膜电阻Card卡片Carrying strip手带Carton箱Case箱Cavity模腔Cell电池Charger充电器Circuit ass’y循环装置Fasten-knob钮扣状旋钮Felt seal毛毡封Ferrite bead磁珠Fibre glass sleeve玻纤套Filler填空件Filter过滤器Filter bag bracker 过滤袋支架Filter frame过滤栏架Finished完成的First layer internal gear第一层内齿轮圈First layer sun gear第一层行星齿轮Fit配合Fitting装置Flash闪光Flex hose弯管Flow mark流痕Foam holder泡沫支架Force力Frequency频率Front cover cabinet 前面壳Front grill前脚架Front housing-gear box牙箱前壳Front support cabinet前底壳Function功能Fuse保险丝Fuse clip保险管夹Fuse P.C.B ass’y 保险丝底板组件Field 定子线圈Gasket 垫片/圈Gate水口Gauge量规Gear齿轮Gear box adaptor牙箱调整装置Gear housing cover牙箱盖Inverted retaining ring 反向保持介子Go-no go gauge通止规Gear box housing 牙箱壳Grease油脂Grease leak 漏油Handle catch手柄扣Handle grip手柄Hardness硬度Heat sink散热器Hex nut六角螺帽Hi-pot高压测试Holder支座Holder cover支座盖Hose elbow弯管Hose wrap plate软管扎带Housing壳Housing cover机壳上盖Housing handle机壳手柄Housing support机壳底座Idler gear-A变速齿轮“A”Idler gear-B变速齿轮“B”Idler shaftImpact drill(cap)冲击钻(杯)Impeller风扇叶Indicator cover指示器盖Indicator switch knob指示开关旋钮Injection注射Insert型芯/插入Insert refill bottle插入式替换瓶Inspection检验Instruction manual说明书Instrument仪器Insultator绝缘体Motor fixity-external马达外定位件Motor fixity-internal马达内定位件Key锁匙Key holder锁匙支架Label标签Lanyard手带Latch锁扣/门锁Led发光二极管Left head screw左牙螺丝Lens透镜Leveler accessory水平珠组件Leveler body水平珠本体Leveler cover水平珠盖Lever控制杆Lever oil水平珠油Lever-speed change调速杆Location spacer定位隔离器Louver 天窗Lubricant润滑油Machine screw机器螺丝Mark 标记Massage ring按摩环Material材料Metal金属Metal washer ring 金属介子Micrometer千分尺Motor pulley 马达滑轮Model型号Motor accessory马达组件Motor bracket 马达支架Poly bag 塑料袋Project management项目管理Motor mounting马达定位Motor mounting bracket马达定位架Mounting plate杯片Multimeter 万用表Nameplate 铭牌Nonconformity不合格/不一致Nut 螺母o-ring 胶圈output shaft 轴芯,输出轴oven 烤炉p/p cover电池盒上座p/p support 电池盒底座packing包装part 零件part line 分型线pedestal台座,基座,垫座pin销pin gauge芯棒pinion小齿轮pinion-motor马达牙仔Pivot tube 转轴套plain washer-motor平面介子plant gear 行星齿轮plastic塑料plastic gear塑胶齿轮plastic tape胶纸plastic washer胶介子plate片plug插头run out摆动/跳动rusty生锈的powder metal粉末冶金power功率power pack电池组projector 投影仪Pulley flange 滑轮法兰pulley flange泵翼pump vane采购purchasing按钮push rod推杆PVC tubePVC sleeveRotor转子Ratchet 转轮Ratchet plate转轮片Rating额定值Rear cover cabinet后面盖Rear housing-gear box牙箱后壳Rear support cabinet后底盖Receptacle 插座Rectifier整流器Recycling label环保标签Reflector cap反光杯Reject退货Remark备注/注释Resistor电阻Reverse反向Revise更改Rework加工Ring垫圈Ring bolt有环螺钉Ring gear内齿轮圈Rocker switch摇杆开关Roller滚筒/辊子Rotary cap旋转杯Spring弹弓Spring clip弹性夹子Safety switch安全开关Sampling抽样Sander base磨沙机底座Scrap报废Scratch刮花Screw螺丝Screwdriver电批Screwdriver bit批嘴Second layer internal gear第二层内齿轮圈Second layer planet gear第二层行星齿轮Second layer run gear第二层恒星齿轮Secondary blower flangeSelf-tapping screw自攻螺丝Shaft轴芯Sharp edge锐边Sheet 纸/表格Shrinkable sleeve热缩管Silkscreen 丝印Sinkage缩水Sketch简图Sleeve套子Sliding rod滑动杆Socket (jack)插座Solution tank溶解槽Sort分类Spacer隔离件Speed速度Speed change knob变速钮Spindle轴芯Spindle gear-A转动齿轮“A”Spindle gear-B转动齿轮“B”Spine-ball刺珠Sponge海绵Spotter nozzle定心喷嘴Spring plate弹弓片Spring washer弹性介子Spring-torque control扭力控制弹簧Steel roller钢辊子Stopper-motor马达制动Stopper-right右制动Sun gear恒星/太阳齿轮Support下盖Support cabinet下壳Switch 开关Switch button (knob)开关按钮Switch lock锁掣Stator定子Tape带Tapping type攻牙形式Terminal接触片Terminal holder接触片支座Term术语/期间Thermal protector热保护器Thermal-fuse热感应保险丝Thermostat热敏开关Third layer internal gear第三层内齿轮圈Third layer planet gear第三层行星齿轮Third layer sun gear 第三层恒星齿轮Thread 螺纹Timer定时器Tolerance 公差Top cabinet-charger 充电座面壳T orque 扭矩Top上部Torque control knob 扭力调节器T orque meter扭力表Transformer变压器Heat treatment 热处理Grass trimmer剪草机Twisting screwdriver螺旋形电批UL approvel power cord UL认可的电线UL wire AWG 16 red UL16号红色电线UL wire AWG 16 black UL16号黑色电线Unit & accessory主机及附件Urgent紧急U-spring U型弹弓Vacuum cleaner真空吸尘器Variable speed switch变速开关Vibration振动V oltage电压W/o battery paper sleeve 无纸套电池Wall anchors挂墙胶条Washer垫片Washer ring-motor马达介子Washer-ball cover玻璃盖处的介子Washer-clutch扭力杯处的介子Washer-ring环形介子Zener diode齐纳二极管。
机械制造1.Machine - 机器2.Assembly - 装配3.Maintenance - 维护4.Fabrication - 制造5.Inspection - 检查6.Welding - 焊接7.Machining - 加工8.Casting - 铸造9.Plating - 镀层10.Weld - 焊缝电子工程1.Circuit - 电路2.Capacitor - 电容器3.Diode - 二极管4.Transistor - 晶体管5.Resistor - 电阻器6.Conductor - 导体7.Insulator - 绝缘体8.Transformer - 变压器9.Inductor - 电感器10.IC - 集成电路建筑工程1.Foundation - 基础2.Concrete - 混凝土3.Brick - 砖头4.Plaster - 石膏5.Roof - 屋顶6.Ceiling - 天花板7.Plumbing - 水暖工程8.Electrical - 电气工程9.Carpentry - 木工10.Masonry - 石工化学工程1.Chemical - 化学的pound - 化合物3.Catalysis - 催化4.Reaction - 反应5.Distillation - 蒸馏6.Extraction - 提取7.Polymerization - 聚合8.Corrosion - 腐蚀9.Solvent - 溶剂10.Emulsion - 乳液航空航天1.Aviation - 飞行2.Aerospace - 航空航天3.Aircraft - 航空器4.Rocket - 火箭5.Satellite - 卫星6.Navigation - 导航7.Instrument - 仪器8.Propulsion - 推进力9.Aerodynamics - 空气动力学10.Flight - 飞行总结本文列举了一些常用的工业英语单词,但是仍然覆盖面比较有限。
Abel’s heat test 阿贝尔加热试验Accepting behavior 受爆性能Acceptor charge 受爆装药,被发药包Accordion fold Z形折叠Adjacent hole blasting 相邻孔爆破Advance 进尺After damp 炮烟,爆后气体After gases 炮烟,爆后气体Aging 老化Agricultural blasting 农业爆破Air blast 爆风,爆炸气浪Air bubble curtain 气泡帷幕Air dox 压气爆破筒,艾尔道克斯筒Air-operated blasting device 压气爆破落媒器Aluminum detonator 铝壳雷管Ammonia gelatine dynamite 硝铵胶质代那买特Ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵Ammonium nitrate dynamite 硝铵代那买特Ammonium nitrate explosives 硝铵类炸药Ammonium nitrate prill 多孔粒状硝铵ANFO explosives 铵油炸药ANFO loader 铵油炸药装药器Angle shot mortar test 角射臼炮试验Angle(d) cut 斜孔掏槽,楔形掏槽Anti-static electric detonator 抗静电雷管Area blasting 多排孔爆破,面爆破Auger rock drill 螺旋钻机Baby cut 空孔掏槽,小型掏槽,子掏槽Back 顶板Back break 超挖,超爆Back explosive 退库炸药Back flash 逆向爆风Ball charge 球形药包Ballistic mortar test 弹道臼炮试验Ballistic pendulum test 弹道摆试验Base charge 底部装药,孔底装药Bedding 层理Bench cut 梯段采掘,台阶采掘Bench cut blasting 梯段爆破,台阶爆破bench round cut 交替摆式掏槽(双侧水窝掏槽)Black blasting powder 黑火药Black damp 窒息气体Blast 爆破,爆炸Blast pressure 爆风压Blasters’ permit 爆破员许可证Blasting 爆破,放炮Blasting accessories 爆破辅助器材Blasting agent 爆破剂Blasting cap 雷管Blasting equipment 爆破辅助器材Blasting explosives 爆破炸药Blasting fume 炮烟Blasting machine 起爆器,发爆器,放炮器Blasting mat 爆破帘,爆破覆盖材料Blasting supplies 爆破器材,爆破火工品Bleed of gas 瓦斯喷出Blind shot 闷炮,盲炮Blister shooting 覆土爆破,湖炮Block caving 矿块崩落法Blow of gas 瓦斯喷出Blow pipe 吹管Blown out 瞎火Blown out shot 空炮,空爆Blown through 漏气,贯通,穿透Boom 钻臂Booster 传爆药,助爆药Bootleg 炮根,残炮,炮窝Borehole 炮孔,钻孔Borehole diameter 炮孔直径Boring 炮孔,钻孔boring cut 大孔掏槽Bottom charge 底部装药,孔底装药Bottom heading tunneling 下导硐超前掘进Bottom hole 底板炮孔,拉底炮孔Bottom priming 孔底起爆,反向起爆Bottom priming mortar test 臼炮反向起爆试验Boulder blasting 二次爆破,解炮,巨石爆破box cut 箱形掏槽Break 断路Break away of detonation 爆轰中断Breakage 破碎程度,块度Breast stoping 全面回采法,水平推进回采法Bringing the coal down by hinged bar 前伸梁采煤,铰接顶梁采煤Brisance 猛度Buffer blasting 缓冲爆破,压碴爆破Bulk explosives 散装炸药Bulk loading 散装Bullet impact test 射击感度试验Bump 岩石突出,岩爆Burden 抵抗线,荷载Burn cut 直孔掏槽,线形掏槽,直眼掏槽Burn hole 中空孔,空炮眼Burn out cut 直孔掏槽,线形掏槽Burning time 燃烧时间Burning velocity 燃烧速度Butt 炮根,炮窝Butt level 盘区平巷,顺槽Caking 结块Cap and fuse blasting 雷管导火索起爆,导火索起爆Cap crimper 雷管卡口器,雷管钳Cap insensitivity 雷管不起爆性,雷管钝感Cap sensitivity 雷管起爆性,雷管感度Capacity tester of condenser type blasting machine 电容式起爆器的起爆能力试验器Capped cartridge 起爆药卷Capped fuse 导火索雷管,装有导火索雷管Card gap test 隔板殉爆试验Cartridge 药卷Cartridge coupler 药卷联结筒Cartridge diameter 药卷直径Cartridge for power actuated fastening tool 射钉枪弹药筒Cartridge length 药卷长度Cartridge weight 药卷重量Caved stopes 崩落回采法Cementation 烧结,硬化center cut 中心掏槽center priming 中心起爆certificate for operating explosives 炸药作业员合格证书chamber 药室,硐室chamber blasting 药室爆破,硐室爆破channel effect 沟槽效应,管道效应characteristics of explosives 炸药特征charge 装药charge limit 临界药量,极限装药量charge quantity 药量,装药量charging 装药choke damp 窒息性气体chute 溜井chute blasting 溜井爆破,消除溜井堵塞爆破circuit 导通,电路circuit test 电路检测,通断试验circuit tester 电路检测仪,爆破电桥cleaning 清理浮石,刷帮clearance blasting 空隙爆破cleat 割理,石纹cleavage 劈理,解理clover leaf cut 苜宿叶式掏槽,三叶草形掏槽coal blasting 采煤爆破,爆破落煤coal cutter 采煤机coal dust 煤尘coal dust explosion 煤尘爆炸coal dust test 煤尘试验coal face 煤层开挖面coal mining ammonium nitrate explosives 煤矿硝铵炸药coal pick 采煤风镐coal planer 刨煤机coal plough 刨煤机coefficient for counting charge quantity 药量计算系数coefficient of blasting 爆破系数coefficient of detonation transmission 殉爆度,爆轰传递系数coefficient of explosive 炸药(换算)系数coefficient of rock resistance 岩石抗力系数coefficient of temping 填塞系数collar priming 正向起爆,孔口起爆collaring a hole 开孔,开钻column charge 柱状装药,柱状药包combustible 可燃物combustion 燃烧combustion limit 燃烧界限combustion of explosive 炸药燃烧complete detonation 完全爆轰concentrated charge 集中装药concrete breaker 混凝土破碎器concussion of blasting 爆破震动condenser type blasting machine 电容式起爆器confined blasting 约束爆破confined detonation velocity 约束爆轰度confined gap test 约束殉爆试验confining effect 约束效应connecting wire 辅助母线,支线,区域线connection 卡口,联结connection of wire 联线,接线consumption of explosives 炸药消耗contour (perimeter) blasting 周边爆破,光面爆破contour (perimeter) hole 周边炮孔controlled blasting 控制爆破cooling agent 冷却剂,消焰剂coromant cut 克罗曼特掏槽,双空孔掏槽coupling effect 偶合效应coyote blasting 硐室爆破,药室爆破crack 裂隙,裂缝crater 爆破漏斗crater cut 漏斗掏槽crater index 爆破作用指数crater radius 爆破漏斗半径crater test 爆破漏斗试验crawler drill 履带式钻车crevice blow 打横炮,爆炸气体从裂隙中喷出crimping 卡口,将雷管夹紧在导火索上critical current 临界电流critical decouping 临界不偶合系数critical diameter 临界直径critical distance 临界距离critical point of explosion 临界爆点cross cut 石门cross section of heading 巷道断面crushed region 破坏范围cushion blasting 缓冲爆破,空气间隔装药爆破cushion effect 缓冲效应cushion piece 间隔物,垫层cut 掏槽cut and fill method 充填回采法cut hole 掏槽孔cut spreader hole 辅助掏槽孔,扩槽孔cut-off 切断cut-off hole 炮孔切断,炮孔拒爆cutter coal getting 截煤机采煤cuttings 钻屑,岩屑cylinder cut 筒形掏槽cylindrical charge 柱状装药damp 瓦斯,沼气Dautriche detonation velocity test method 道特里什爆速测定法Dead pressure 压死Debris 弃碴,矿碴Decimal-second delay electric denotator 分秒延期电雷管Deck charge 分段装药,间隔装药Deck loading 分段装药,间隔装药Decoupling effect 不偶合效应Decupling index 不偶合系数Deflagration 爆燃Delay blasting 延期爆破,迟发爆破Delay electric detonator 延期电雷管,迟发电雷管Delay irregularity 延期串段,串段Delay number 段号,段数Detonability limit 爆轰界限Detonating cord 导爆索Detonating fuse blasting 导爆索起爆Detonating relay 继爆管Detonation 爆轰Detonation fuse 导爆索Detonation pressure 爆轰压力Detonation velocity 爆速Detonation velocity test 爆速试验Detonation wave 爆轰波Detonator 雷管Development blasting 井巷掘井爆破Digging blasting 掘井爆破,土石方爆破Direct priming 正向起爆,孔口起爆Dirt 弃碴Disposal cap 废弃雷管Disposal of explosives 炸药销毁Disruptive explosives 烈性炸药Ditch blasting 挖沟爆破,堑沟爆破Donor charge 主发药包,主爆装药Double clover leaf cut 双苜宿叶(三叶草)形掏槽Double spiral cut 双螺旋掏槽Down-the-hole drill 潜孔钻机Drag 耙斗装岩机,掏勺Draw cut 拉槽,底部掏槽Drift 巷道Drift round 巷道掘进炮孔组Drifter 重型凿岩机,架式凿岩机Drifting blasting 巷道掘进爆破Drill bit 钻头Drill carriage 钻孔台车,凿岩台车Drill cuttings 钻屑Drill jumbo 钻孔台车Drill rod 钻杆Drilling 凿岩,钻眼Drilling and blasting 钻孔爆破Drilling machine 钻机Drilling pattern 钻孔布置,炮孔排列Drilling speed 钻孔速度Drop ball 落锤Drop hammer test 落锤试验Drum cutter 滚筒截煤机Druse 空穴,岩洞,药壶DS blasting 分秒爆破Dust explosion 粉尘爆炸Dynamic effect 动效应Dynamite 代那买特Dynamite punch 药包戳孔棒Easer shot 扩槽,辅助爆破Efficiency of borehole 炮孔利用率Effluence of gas 瓦斯溢流Elastic wave exploration 弹性波勘探Electric blasting cap 电雷管Electric detonator 电雷管Electric firing 电点火,电力起爆Electrical blasting 电力起爆Emission of gas 瓦斯散出Emulsion explosives 乳化炸药EqS explosives EqS炸药,当量被筒炸药Excavation method 开挖方法Excitation time 激发时间,激励时间Exciting behavior 激爆性能Exciting energy 点火能量Exploder 起爆器,发爆器,放炮器Exploitation blasting 井巷掘进爆破,采掘爆破Explosion 爆炸Explosion door 防护门,爆炸安全门Explosion effect 爆炸效应Explosion flash 爆焰Explosion gas 爆生气体Explosion temperature 爆温Explosive casting 爆炸铸造Explosive cladding 爆炸压合,爆炸复合Explosive compaction 爆炸压缩,爆炸压实Explosive cutting 爆炸切割Explosive expanding 爆炸扩管Explosive factory 爆炸加工房Explosive forming 爆炸成形Explosive hardening 爆炸硬化Explosive jointing 爆炸压接,爆炸连接Explosive lining 爆炸镶衬Explosive reserve station 炸药存放站Explosive substances 爆炸物,爆炸材料Explosive welding 爆炸焊接Explosive working 爆炸加工Explosives 炸药,爆炸物Explosives Control Law 炸药管理法规Explosives for geophysical exploration 物探用爆炸器材Explosives for underwater blasting 水下爆破用爆炸器材Explosives staff 炸药保管员Extended charge 延长药包,柱状药包External charge blasting 外部装药爆破Extinguish 熄火Extraneous electricity 外来电Exudation 渗油Face 工作面,开挖面Failed hole 残孔,失效炮孔Failure theory of principal tensile stress 主拉应力破坏理论Fall hammer test 落锤试验Falling rock 落石Falling weight test 落锤试验Fan cut 扇形掏槽Fast shot 空炮,爆破效果不良的炮孔Fault 断层Figure-8-fold 8字形折叠Filled stopes 充填回采法Fire damp 瓦斯,沼气Fire-damp explosion 瓦斯爆炸Firing 发火,爆破,放炮Firing circuit 爆破网络,点火电路Firing current 发火电流Fix 紧固Flame 火焰,火舌Flame coolant 消焰剂Flame of shot 爆焰Flash-over capability 殉爆感度,殉爆能力Floor hole 底板水平炮孔Floor ripping blasting 落底爆破,卧底爆破Flue coal dust 浮游煤尘Fly rock 飞石Fold 褶皱Force of explosives 炸药力,比能Fragmentation 破碎Fragmented rock 浮石,爆破松动的岩石Free acid test 游离酸试验Free flowing 流散性,自由流动性Free running 流散性,自由流动性Free surface 自由面Friction sensitivity 摩擦感度Full face round 全断面掘进炮孔组Full-size tunneling shot 全断面掘进,全断面隧道爆破Fume 炮烟Function of crater index 爆破作用指数函数Fuse cutter 导火索剪断器,导火索割刀Fuse lighter 导火索点火管Gallery test 巷道试验Gangue mineral 脉石,废石Gap sensitivity 殉爆感度Gap test 殉爆试验Gap test on sand 沙上殉爆试验Gas colliery 瓦斯煤矿Gas detect 瓦斯检测Gas detector 瓦斯检测仪Gas detector for mine gas 井下瓦斯检测仪Gas drainage 瓦斯抽放Gas outburst 瓦斯突出Gas test 瓦斯试验Geizzly blasting 溜井爆破,格筛爆破Gelatine dynamite 胶质代那买特Gelignite 吉里那特(炸药)Geophysical exploration 地球物理探矿Geophysical prospecting 地球物理探矿Getting coal by link bar 前伸梁采煤,铰接顶梁采煤Glory-hole method 漏斗采矿法Gripper 掘进机Guide hole 导向孔,超前孔Half cartridge test 半药卷试验Half second delay electric detonator 半秒延期电雷管Hand hammer 手持式风钻Hang fire 迟爆,迟炮Harmful gas 有害气体Hauser’s equation of blasting 豪泽爆破公式Heading 掘进工作面Heading blasting 掘进爆破,硐室爆破Heading excavation method of lower part of upper half cross-section 上半断面下部导坑掘进法heat of explosion 爆热heat sensitivity test 热感度试验heating test 加热试验heat-proof explosives 耐热炸药Hess brisance test 赫斯猛度试验High explosives 烈性炸药,高级炸药High safety explosives 高安全度炸药High sensitive 敏感Hole depth 炮孔深度,孔深Hole placement 钻孔布置,布孔horizonatal swing cut 水平摆式掏槽Horse 夹石,岩石夹层Hot holes blasting 高温炮孔爆破Hydraulic mining 水力开采法Hydraulic rock drill 液压凿岩机Ice jams blasting 冰凌爆破Igniter 点火器材Ignition 点火,起爆Ignition capacity 点燃性能,喷火性能Ignition delay period 点火滞后时间Ignition energy 点火能量Ignition impulse 点火冲量Ignition order 点火顺序,起爆顺序Ignition point 点火温度,发火点Ignition temperature 点火温度,发火点Impact sensitivity 撞击感度Inclined shaft 斜井Inclined stoping 斜坡开采法Indirect priming 反向起爆,孔底起爆Induction blasting 诱导爆破,感应爆破Industrial explosives 工业炸药Infusion blasting 注水爆破Infusion tube 注水管Initiating 起爆,放炮Initiation 起爆,放炮Insensitive explosive test 钝感炸药试验Instantaneous blasting 瞬发爆破,即发爆破Instantaneous electric detonator 瞬发电雷管,即发电雷管Instantaneous shot 瞬发爆破,即发爆破Inverse initiation 反向起爆,孔底起爆Inverted steps stoping 倒台阶式回采Ion exchanged explosives 离子交换型炸药Jack hammer 手持式凿岩机,轻型凿岩机Jet piercing 喷焰穿孔,热力穿孔Joint 节理Jumbo 钻孔台车Jumper 钢钎,钎子,冲击钻杆Kast brisance test 卡斯特猛度试验Kerf 掏槽,拉槽Kerf blasting 拉槽爆破Kink 纽结Lamination 层理Lance bar method 熔棒钻孔法Land development blasting 土地开发爆破Lateral burning 侧向喷火燃烧Leaching 溶浸法,浸析法Lead block expansion test 铅块(土寿)扩大试验Lead cylinder compression test 铅柱压缩试验Lead plate test 铅板试验Leading wire 爆破母线,爆破主线Leakage current 杂散电流,泄漏电流Leakage current detector 杂散电流测定仪Ledge blasting 突岩爆破,根底爆破Leg drill 支腿钻机Leg wire 脚线Level 水平线道,主巷道Licenser of explosives handling 合格炸药管理员Lifter 底板水平炮眼Lifter cut 拉底掏槽Light dynamite 低密度代那买特Light loading 低密度装药Lighting 引燃,点火Line blasting 单排孔爆破,线爆破Line drilling 线形钻孔,单派钻孔Line of the least resistance 最小抵抗线Loader 装药器Loading 装药Loading density 装药密度Long hole blasting 深孔爆破Long hole type blasting 深孔爆破Long wall coal mining 长壁采煤法Look-out 钻孔超线Loose part of rock 浮石,爆破松动的岩石,Low explosives 火药,低级炸药Low sensitive 钝感Low velocity detonation 低速爆轰Lump coal 块煤Magazine 炸药库Making-up a primer 装雷管,做炮头Maximum charge 最大装药量Measurement of fume 炮焰测定Methane gas 沼气,甲烷Michigan cut 密执安掏槽Millisecond delay electric blasting cap 毫秒延期电雷管Mine explosion 矿井爆炸Mine explosives 矿山炸药Mine gas 矿井瓦斯Mine Safety Law 矿山安全法Mineral dust explosion 矿尘爆炸Minimum burden 最小抵抗线Minimum firing current 最小发火电流Minimum firing energy 最小发火能量Misconnection 漏接,误接Misfire 不爆,拒爆,瞎火Misfired cap 拒爆雷管Mist blasting 喷水爆破Mixing truck 混装车Mortar test 臼炮试验MS blasting 毫秒爆破,微差爆破MS connector 毫秒继爆管Muck 弃碴,爆堆Muck pile 弃碴,爆堆Mucking 清碴,出碴Mudcap blasting 覆土爆破,湖炮Multiple row shot 多排孔爆破Munroe effect 门罗效应NATM method 新奥法Neumann effect 诺曼效应Nitrogel 胶质硝基化合物No cut 漏斗掏槽Noise of blasting 爆破噪音Non-cap sensitivity 雷管不起爆性,雷管钝感Non-confined detonation velocity 非约束爆速Non-electric initiation system 非电起爆系统Non-freezing dynamite 抗冻代那买特Non-permissible explosives 非许用炸药,非安全炸药Non-permitted explosives 非许用炸药,非安全炸药Normal charge 标准装药Number of delay 段数Number of holes 炮孔数Oblique cut 斜孔掏槽Oil well 油井,井孔On-site mixing 现场混制Open (face) blasting 露天爆破,明挖爆破Open overhand stopes 无支护向上台阶法Open stopes 无支护采矿法Open stopes with pillar supports 留矿柱空房采矿法,矿房矿柱法Open underhand stopes 无支柱向下台阶法Optimum charge 最佳装药量Ordinary delay electric detonator 普通延期电雷管Out break 超挖,超爆Outside blast 露天爆破Overbreak 超挖,超爆Overburden 覆盖层,剥离物Overburden drilling method 覆盖层钻孔法Overcharge 过量装药Overhand stoping 上向台阶式回采Overhang 悬垂状态,倒悬Overload 过量装药Oxidizer 氧化剂Oxidizing agent 氧化剂Oxygen balance 氧平衡Oxygen carrier 氧载体Packe 注水管Parallel connection 并联Parallel cut 平行掏槽Parallel-series connection 并串联Parting 夹石,夹层Peak current 峰值电流Perchlorate explosives 高氯酸盐炸药Percussion drill 冲击式凿岩机Perimeter blasting 光面爆破,周边爆破Permissible equipments 许用器材,安全器材Permissible explosives 许用炸药,安全炸药,检定炸药Permissible gelatin dynamite 安全胶质代那买特Permitted explosives 许用炸药,安全炸药,检定炸药Permitted store amount of explosive 炸药储存量Pick coal mining 分镐采煤Pilot excavation of upper half cross-section 上半断面超前开挖Pilot fuse 信号导火索Pilot hole 导向孔,中空孔,超前钻孔Pilot tunnel 导洞,超前导洞Pipe effect 管道效应Plain detonator 火雷管,普通雷管Plaster shooting 覆土爆破,湖炮Pocket 空穴,岩洞,药壶Pocket shot 药壶爆破Poisonous gas 有毒气体Porousprilled ammonium nitrate 多孔粒状硝铵Powder 火药Powder tube 药筒Powdery dynamite 粉状代那买特Powdery explosives 粉状炸药Power of explosion 炸药威力Power shovel 电铲,挖掘机Premature explosion 早爆Preshearing 预裂爆破Preslotting 预裂爆破Presplitting 预裂爆破Pressure resistant explosive 耐压炸药Pricke 药包戳孔棒Primary blasting 初次爆破Primed cartridge 起爆药卷,装有雷管的药卷Primer 起爆具,引爆药Primer cartridge 起爆药卷Priming charge 起爆装药Priming composition 起爆药,起爆剂Priming sensitivity 起爆感度Priming sensitivity by cap 雷管起爆感度Prism cut 棱形掏槽Protective dust 防爆岩粉Pulse infusion shot-firing 高压注水爆破,脉冲注水爆破Pump truck 泵入式装药车Pyramid cut 锥形掏槽,对称角柱掏槽Qualified blaster 合格爆破员Quantity of explosives 药量Quarry blasting 采石爆破,Quick burning 速燃Radial hole blasting 放射状炮孔爆破Raise round 向上掘进炮孔组,天井炮孔组Raker hole 辅助炮孔Rapid excavation & mining 高速射弹掘进法Rate of burning 燃烧速度Rating workers 定员Ravelly hole 不规则炮孔Reaction time 起爆反应时间Recepting behavior 受爆性能Receptor charge 被发药包Reduced distance 比例距离Reducer 消焰剂,还原剂Reflection method 反射法Refraction method 折射法Refuse 弃碴Relief blasting 辅助爆破Remainder of the charge 无雷管药包,殉爆药包Remained hole neck 残留孔口Remaining charge 残药Residual explosives 剩余炸药resistability of rock 岩石强调retreat 躲炮,躲避ring cut method 环状隧道开挖法rip blasting 落底爆破,卧底爆破ripping 挑顶rock bit 钻头rock burst 岩石突出,岩爆,冲击地压rock drill 凿岩机rock dust 岩粉rock dust barrier 岩粉棚rock dusting 岩粉撒布rock dusting method 岩粉撒布法rock pile 弃碴rod steel 钻杆roof 顶板roof hole 顶板炮孔,上向炮孔roof spreader hole 顶板辅助炮孔room and pillar method 房柱式开采法rotary drill 旋转式钻机rotary percussion drill 旋转冲击式钻机round 炮孔组rubbish 弃碴rules for the carriage and storage of dangerous goods in ship 危险品船舶运输及其储存规定safety 安全度safety distance 安全距离safety explosives 安全炸药,许用炸药safety foreman 安全员,安全班长safety fuse 安全导火索,导火索safety handbook for explosive management 炸药管理安全手册safety test 安全试验safety thing 安全设施sand blow-gun 填沙喷枪sand stemming 沙炮泥scaling 清理浮石,刷帮scattering stone 飞石schistosity 片理Scraper 耙斗装岩机,掏勺seam cut 缝式掏槽,龟裂掏槽seam road blasting 煤巷爆破secondary blasting 二次爆破,解炮seismic exploration 地震探矿seismic prospecting 地震探矿seismograph electric detonator 地震探矿用电雷管seismograph explosives 地震探矿用炸药sensitiveness 感度,敏感度sensitivity 感度,敏感度sensitizer 敏化剂separation distance 安全距离,间距series connection 串联series-in parallel connection 串并联shaft sinking round 凿井炮孔组shaped charge 聚能炸药,成形炸药sharp inclined coal cutting method 急倾斜采煤法shatter cut 粉碎性掏槽shear failure theory 剪切破坏理论shear shooting 竖切槽爆破sheathed explosives 被筒炸药shock effect 冲击效应shock in water 水中冲击波shock wave 冲击波shock wave failure theory 冲击波破坏理论shooting 爆破,放炮shooting test 射击感度试验shooting-off the solid 不掏槽爆破,整体爆破short bench cut method 短台阶开挖法short circuit 短路short delay detonator 毫秒延期电雷管,微差电雷管short hole type blasting 短孔爆破,浅孔爆破short wall mining 短壁采煤法shot 爆破,放爆shot firer 爆破员,放炮工shot firing cable 爆破母线,爆破主线shot hole 装药炮孔,爆破孔shovel loader 装载机,铲装机shower blasting 喷雾洒水爆破shrinkage stoping 留矿回采法shute 溜井,格筛side blow 打横炮,爆炸气体喷出裂缝side drift 横硐,分支巷道side heading 侧导坑超前掘进silent crusher 静态破碎剂,无声破碎剂silicified wood 硅化木夹石simultaneous blasting 齐发爆破,同时爆破single row shot 单排孔爆破sinking round 向下掘进炮孔组,凿井炮孔组skull breaker 炉瘤破碎,炉瘤爆破sleeve 套筒,接头slip 断层slope 倾斜巷道,斜井sludge 钻屑slurry explosives 浆状炸药smooth blasting 光面爆破snake hole blasting 蛇穴爆破snow slide blasting 崩雪爆破socket 炮根,炮窝solid shooting 不掏槽爆破,整体爆破spacer 间隔物,惰性隔离炮塞spacing 炮孔间距specially permitted operation zone 特许区域specific energy 比能,炸药力specific volume 比容spent shot 无效爆破spiral cut 螺旋掏槽split blasting 劈裂爆破,碎裂爆破spontaneous decomposition 自然分解spontaneous explosion 自然爆炸spray application of concrete 喷射混凝土spread blasting 辅助爆破springing shot 药壶爆破square-set stoping 方框支架回采法stability 安定性stability test 安定性试验stage blasting 分段爆破staggered drilling 交错排列钻孔stand-off 炸高,聚能炸药安置高度static effect 静效应stationary detonation velocity 稳定爆速steel mill furnace tapper 爆炸开口器,平炉射孔弹stemmer 炮棍stemming 炮泥,填炮泥stemming materials 炮泥,填塞物step cut 分步拉槽stone dust 岩粉stone dust barrier 岩粉棚stone dusting 岩粉撒布stone dusting method 岩粉撒布法stope back 采场顶板stoping hole 扩槽炮孔,回采炮孔stopper 向上伸缩式凿岩机storage of explosives 炸药储存stray current 杂散电流stray current detector 杂散电流测定仪strength 威力strength of rock 岩石强度stress relieving 预裂爆破stress wave 应力波structure 构造stulled stoping 横撑支柱回采法stump blasting 拔树桩爆破subdrilling 超钻,钻孔加深subgrade drilling 超钻,钻孔加深sublevel caving 分段崩落采矿法sublevel stoping 分段平巷开采法,中段采掘法submarine blasting 水下爆破sudden spontaneous firing 误爆,意外自爆sumping cut 槽式掏槽(单侧水窝掏槽)supported stopes 支护开采法surface blasting 露天爆破,表面爆破surplus lining 超量衬砌surveying reference point 测量参考点,测量基准点suspending coal dust 浮游煤尘suspending coal dust test 浮游煤尘试验swing cut 摆式掏槽,扇形掏槽sympathetic detonation 殉爆tamper 炮泥充填器tamping 填塞,炮泥tamping pole 炮棍,装药棒tamping rod 炮棍,装药棒tamping stick 炮棍,装药棒tamplate 模板test blasting 试验爆破testing gallery 试验巷道theory of blasting 爆破理论thirl 联络巷道thirling 联络巷道through –cut 明挖tight loading 密实装药timber blasting 伐树爆破,木材爆破timbered stoping 支护开采法time lag 段差,延时to blast 放炮,爆破to break 落煤,崩矿,破碎to charge 装药to fire 放炮,起爆to form circuit 导通to load 装填to stem 填塞,堵炮泥to tamp 填塞,堵炮泥toe blasting 拉底爆破toe cut 拉底槽toe hole 拉底炮孔top charge 上部装药top cut 拉顶槽top slicing 分层崩落toxic gas 有毒气体trangle born cut 三角直孔掏槽transient cut 过渡性掏槽transportation of explosives 炸药运输Trauzl’s lead block (expansion) test 特劳茨铅块(土寿)扩大试验Trenching shot 挖沟爆破Triangle cut 三角掏槽Trim blast 修边爆破Trimming 切口Trimming hole 修边炮孔TS system 毫秒起爆器Tunnel boring machine TBM隧道掘进机Tunneling blasting 隧道掘进爆破Ultrasonic vibration drilling 超声频振动钻孔Uncomplete explosion 不完全爆炸Unconfined blasting 外部装药爆破Unconfined gap test 非约束殉爆试验Underbreak 墙挖Underdrilling 超钻Underground blasting 地下爆破,井下爆破Underhand stoping 下向回采法Underload 弱装药,欠装Underwater blasting 水下爆破Uplift blasting 上向爆破,抬炮Upover bench stoping 仰挖台阶式回采,倒台阶式回采Urbane civil engineering blasting 城市土木工程爆破V cut V形掏槽Vater-gel explosives 水胶炸药Vein stuff 脉石,废石Ventilating air 通风,通气Ventilation 通风,通气vertical swing cut 垂直向上摆式掏槽Vibration blasting 震动爆破Vibration of blasting 爆破震动Wagon drill 轮胎钻车Wall 侧壁,侧墙Wall hole 侧墙炮孔,帮眼Warehouse of explosives except magazine 库外炸药存放站Warning fuse 警告导火索Waster 矸石,尾矿,废石Waster rock 弃碴,石碴Water hole blasting 水孔爆破Water infusion 注水Water jet method 水射流法Water-cooled blasting 水冷爆破Water-proof charge 防水药包Wedge cut 楔形掏槽,斜孔掏槽Well 井孔,大直径炮孔Well shooting 油井射孔Whole cartridge test 全药卷试验Wide space blasting 宽孔距爆破Wing 横硐Wire blasting 有线起爆Wireless blasting 无线起爆Wiring 联线,接线Withdrawal blasting 排除盲炮爆破Without timbering 无支护Working effect 作功效应Working face 工作面,开挖面Working place 工作面,开挖面中国公安部-爆炸物名称一、炸药类硝基胍Nitroguanidine, NQ硝基脲Nitrourea二硝基苯Dinitrobenzene, DNB二硝基萘Dinitronaphthalene二硝基甲苯Dinitrotoluene, DNT三硝基苯Trinitrobenzene, TNB三硝基甲苯(梯恩梯)Trinitrotoluene, TNT三硝基苯酚(苦味酸)Picric acib三硝基苯甲醚Trinitroanisole三硝基二甲苯(克西里尔)Trinitroxylene, TNX三硝基苯甲硝胺Tetryl, CE四硝基苯胺Tetranitroaniline, TNA六硝基二苯胺(海西尔)Hexyl, HNDP环三亚甲基三硝胺(黑索金,硝宇)Hexogen, RDX环四亚甲基四硝胺(奥克托金)Octogen, HMX硝化甘油(丙三醇三硝酸脂)Nitroglycerine, NG二硝化乙二醇(乙二醇二硝酸脂)Ethyleneglycol dinirate, EGDN季戊四醇四硝酸脂(泰安,喷特儿)Pentaerythrol tetranirate, PETN 硝化纤维素(含氮量在12.5%以上的)Nitrocellulose, NC胶质炸药(代那买特)Dynammites光面爆破专用炸药Smooth blasting explosives铵梯炸药Ammonium nitrate explosives浆状炸药Slurries explosives水胶炸药Water gel explosives乳化炸药(乳胶炸药)Emulsion explosives铵油炸药Ammoium nitrate fuel oil, ANFO塑性炸药Plastic explosives橡皮炸药Rubber explosives石油射孔弹Perforation of oil wells shell硝化甘油炸药Gelignite二、雷管火雷管Blasting cap, plain detonator瞬发电雷管Instantaneous electric detonator秒延期电雷管Delay detonator毫秒延期电雷管Millisecond delay detonator传爆管Booster三、导火索Safety fuse四、导爆索Detonating cord五、起爆药雷汞Mercury fulminate雷银Silver fulminate迭氮化铅Lead azide三硝基间苯二酚铅(斯蒂芬酸铅)Lead styphnate二硝基重氮酚Diazodinitrophenol, DDNP眯基亚硝胺眯基四氮烯(基特拉辛,泽四氮烯)Tetrazene爆破同义词拉槽爆破=竖块爆破梅花形钻孔=交错排列钻孔破碎程度=快度齐发爆破=同时爆破=瞬时爆破起爆器=发爆器=放爆器梯段爆破=台阶爆破填塞=堵孔殉爆感度=殉爆能力殉爆=诱爆约束效应=密闭效应正向起爆=孔口起爆周边孔=轮廓孔=修边孔=外帮孔主发药包=诱爆药爆=励爆药包自由面=临空面。
boiler house 锅炉房coal conveyor 输煤装置coal bunker 煤仓coal mill 磨煤机steam boiler,water boiler tube 蒸汽锅炉,管式锅炉furnace(combustion chamber) 炉膛(燃烧室) water tube 水管ash pit 灰坑superheater 过热器water preheater 水预热器air preheater 空气预热器gas duct(flue) 烟气管,烟道dust collecting plant 集尘室electrical precipitation plant 电气除尘室induced draught fan 引风机chimney 烟囱deaerator 除氧器feed water tank 供水箱boiler feed pump 给水泵switchgear 开关设备cable tunnel 电缆通道cable cellar 电缆槽turbine room 汽轮机室steam turbine with alternator 蒸汽汽轮发电机组economizer 省煤器steam drum 汽包surface condenser 表面凝汽low-pressure preheater 低压预热器circulating water pipe(pump) 循环水管control room 控制室electrostatic dust remover(precipitator) 静电除尘器pulverizer 磨煤机slag pump 灰渣泵thermal cycle 热力循环(net)heat rate (净)热耗率Assemblie 集合,集结,组装comment 注释,评论module 模块standby 备用proximity 相近,接近,亲近detector 探测器bracket 支架interlocks 互锁,联锁axial 轴向的surge conditions 喘振accessory 附件pulsation 有节奏的跳动,跳动fossil fired 燃煤intent 意图,目的,意向intend 意指,想要,打算consistent 一致的,调和的practice 惯例,实习,实践intrinsic 固有的,内在的procurement 获得,获取fabrication 制作,构成,伪造物vent 通风孔,出烟孔,出口,放出,排出,noncondensible gas 不凝结气体intermittent 间歇的,断断续续的blowdown 排污tank 桶,箱,罐diagram 图表deaerator 除氧器corrosion 侵蚀,腐蚀状态concentration 集中,集合,浓缩,浓度recommend 推荐,介绍,托付,劝告abnormal and normal conditions 变工况和额定工况warm up 暖机acid wash 酸洗scale 范围,水垢,水锈,比例,刻度sludge 污泥,淤泥foreign matter 不相关的物质facilitate 推动,促进,使简化multistage 多级的remote control 遥控safety relief valve 安全卸压阀gauge 量规,量表,测量manhole 人孔,检修孔equivalent 等价物,相等的forging 锻造seat 部位,座socket welding 管座焊接R clear=all>enthalpy 焓estimate 评价,评估,估价parameters 参数,参量nominal 名义上的,额定的,标称的MS—Main Steam 主蒸汽Cycle 循环Intercept 截止Fetting 附件Gage 规,表,压力计Taps 接头test wells 测点插孔stress-relieved 应力消除thermometer 恒温计steam purge system 蒸汽吹扫系统centrifugal type pumps 离心式泵friction losses 磨擦损失solenoid 螺线管modulat 调整,调节criteria 标准wrenches 扳手pipe taps 管接头A List of Abbreviations and Symbols in English-ChineseA Ash Handling System 除灰系统AH Air Heater 空气预热器AAh Analyzer, Alarm High 分析器,高值报警AIV Air Intake V alve 进气阀ALIGN Alignment 校正ALKF Airlock Feeder 锁气器AP Ash Slurry Pump 灰浆泵ATM Atmosphere 大气AC Air Conditioner 空气调节器AFT Atmosphere Flash Tank 大气扩容器AC Alternating Current 交流电ALM Alarm 报警AMP Ampere 安培AX THR BRG Axis Thrust Bearing 轴向推力,轴承ATMZ Atomizing 雾化AUTO Automation 自动AUX Auxiliary 辅助的BA Bottom Ash 底灰BAH Bottom Ash Hopper 底灰斗BLR Boiler 锅炉BSD Boiler Shut Down 停炉BUSH Bushing 衬套BYPS Bypass 旁路BVD Boiler Vents and Drains 锅炉疏水放气BFP Boiler FeedwaterPump 锅炉给水泵BFPT Boiler Feedwater Pump Turbine 锅炉给水泵汽机BFW Boiler Feedwater 锅炉给水BM Boiler Master 锅炉主控<a name=0></a> style='color:black;background-color:BMCR Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating 锅炉最大连续出力BFBP Boiler Feed Booster Pump 锅炉给水增压泵BNR Burner 燃烧器BOP Balance Of Plant 电厂辅机设备BPC Blade Pitch Control 叶片节距控制BT Boiler Tube 炉管CH Crusher House 碎煤房COMB Combustion 燃烧COMP Compressed Air 压缩空气CONV Conveyer 输送机CPL Control Pannel Local 就地控制盘CPM Control Pannel Main 主控盘CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管CT Current Transformer 变流器CYCL Cyclone 旋风分离器CAS Casing 缸、壳CB Circuit Breaker 断路器COMP Complete 完成CCCW Closed Circulating Cooling Water 闭式循环冷却水CCW Cycle Cooling Water 循环水CCWHF Closed Cooling Water Heater 闭式冷却水冷却器CCWP Closed Cooling WaterPump 闭式冷却水泵CS Closed Cooling Water System 闭式冷却水系统CH Coal Handling 煤的装卸CHK VLV Check Valve 逆止阀CIRC Circulation 循环CLR Cooler 冷却器CLOW Cooling Water 冷却水CMPR Compressor 压缩机CNTL Control 控制CNTLE Controller 控制器COND Condensate 凝结水CONDTY Conductivity 导电率CP Condensate Pump 凝结泵CIR Circuit 回路COUPI Coupling 联轴器CP Condensate Polisher 除盐装置CS Control Switch 控制开关CRSV Cold Reheat Safety Valve 再热器冷段安全阀CV Control Valve 控制阀CWP Circulation Water Pump 循环水泵DMPR Damper 挡板DP Difference Pressure 差压DPIC Differential Pressure Indicating Controller 压差指示控制器DPT Differential Pressure Transmitter 压差变送器DRN Drain 疏水DV Drain Valve 疏水阀DC Direct Current 直流电DSH Desuperheater 减温器DCA Drain Cooler Approach 疏水冷却器通道DEAER Deaerator 除氧器DEV Deviation 偏差DIFFRL Y Differential Relay 差动继电器DISCH VLV Discharge Valve 排放阀DIST Disturbance 故障、扰动DSCH Discharge 排出ECON Economizer 省煤器EP Electrical Static Precipitator 静电除尘器ECC Eccentricity 偏心EFF Efficiency <a name=3></a> style='color:black;background-color:#ff9999'>效率EHC Electric Hydraulic Control 电液控制EO Electric Operate 电气操作EQ Equipment 设备ER Error 误差ES Extraction System 抽气系统ESC Escape 逃逸、超出ESS Engineering Safety System 保安系统EU Engineering Unit工程单位EXH Exhaust 排汽EXT Extract 抽出FA Fine Ash 细灰FDR Feeder 给料机FE Flow Element 流量元件FI Flow Indicator 流量指示件FDBK Feedback 反馈FITG Fitting 连接件FLW Flow 流量FO Fail Open 故障时自动打开FT Flow Totalizer 流量累加器FT Flow transmitter 流量变送器FV Flow Control Valve 流量控制阀FY Flow Relay or Valve 流量传送器FA Failure Alarm 故障报警FD Forced Draft 强制通风FDF Forced Draft Fan 送风机FIC Flow Indicate Controller 流量指示控制器FLT Flash Tank 扩容箱FLD Field 磁场FLG Flange 法兰FLM Flame 火焰FWH Feed Water Heater 给水加热器FO Fuel Oil 燃油FREQ Frequency 频率FURN Furnace 炉膛GLD Gland 密封GRDR Grinder 碎渣机GND Grounding 接地GC Generator Cooling 发电机冷却GESE Gland Steam Condenser Exhauster 轴加风机GMT Generator Main Trandformer 发电机变压器GRAD Grandient 梯度GS Gland Steam 轴封蒸汽GSC Gland Steam Condenser 轴封加热器GV Governor Valve 高压调门H Heat Conservation 保温HS Hand Switch 手动开关HTR Heater 加热器HV Hand Control Valve 手动控制器HY Hand Relay or Transducer 手动继电器(转换器)H Hand 手动的HB Heat Balance 热平衡HD Heater Drain 加热器疏水HDR Header 联箱HL Heat Loss 热损失HMDY Humidity 湿度HPH High Pressure Heater 高压加热器HPR Hooper 漏斗HPT High Pressure Turbine 高压汽机HR Hot Reheat 再热器热段HR Heat Rate 热耗率HSV Hot Reheat Safety Valve 再热器热段安全阀HV AC Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning 暖通HW Hotwell 热井HV Hand Control Valve 手动控制器HYD Hydraulic 液力的INTLK Interlock 联锁IC Instrument and Control 仪表与控制(热工)ICV Inrtermediate Control V alve 中压控制阀ID Induced Draft 抽风,引风IDF Induced Draft Fan 引风机IGN Ignition 点火装置INLT Inlet 入口IPR Initial Pressure 初压INST Instrument 仪表INVR Inverter 逆变器I /O Input/Output 输入/输出IP Intermediate Pressure 中压ISV Intermediate Pressure Turbine Steam Valve 中压缸进汽阀JP Jet Pump 喷射器LG Level Gauge 液位计LVL Level 水位,液位LA Level Alarm 液位报警LIM(LMIR) Limiter 限制器LKG Leakage 泄漏LP Low Pressure 低压L.P Low Point 低位LPH Low Pressure Heater 低压加热器LSH Local Switch Hand 就地开关LUB Lubricating Oil 润滑油M Mechanical 机械M Motor 马达MAG Magnetic 磁性MOD Mode 方式M/A Manual/Automatic 手动/自动MAN Manual 手动MARG Margin 裕量MAX Maximum 最大的,最大值的MCR Maximum Continuous Rating 最大连续出力MCV Main Control Valve 主控制阀MD Modulation Damper 调节挡板MDBFP Motor Driven Boiler Feedwater Pump 电动给水泵MEAS Measure 测量MFT Master Fuel Trip 主燃料跳闸MIN Minimum 最小的MKUP (MU) Make-up 补充ML Mill 磨煤机MN Main 主要的M.O. Manual Operation 手操MPT Main Power Transformer 主变压器MS Main Steam 主蒸汽MSV Main Steam Valve 主汽阀NOZ Nozzle 喷嘴NPSH Net Pump Suction Head 泵的静吸压头OL Overload 过载OLR Overload Relay 过载继电器OPER Operation 运行OSC Oscillograph 示波器OTLT Outlet 出口PA Primary Air 一次风PAF Primary Air Fan 一次风机PAH Pressure Alarm High 高压报警PAL Pressure Alarm Low 低压报警PB Push Button 按钮PC Power Centre 动力中心PC Pressure Controller 压力控制器P.C. Pressure Control 压力控制PCP Precipitator 除尘器PCV Pressure Control Valve 压力控制阀PDI Pressure Differential Indication 差压指示PDT Pressure Differential Trandsmitter 差压变送器PED Pdestal 轴承座PERF CALC Performance Calculation 性能计算PF Power Factor 功率因数PHTR Preheater 预热器PMP Pump 泵PNEU Pneumatic 气动的PR Pressure Recorder 压力记录计PRG Purge 吹扫PRV Pressure Relief Valve 泄压阀PRO Protection 保护PROGR Program 程序PT Pressure Transmitter 压力变送器PULV Pulverizer 磨煤机PVSV Pressure Vacuum Safety Valve压力真空安全阀PW Plant Water 厂用水PY Pressure Relay 压力继电器QA Quality 质量,性能RB Run Back 快速降负荷RCV Recovering 回收RECIRC Recirculation 再循环RECT Rectifier 整流器RET Return 返回RH Reheater 再热器RO Restriction Orifice 节流孔板ROT Rotor 转子RTU Remote Telemetry Unit 遥测装置SA Secondary Air 二次风SAT Saturate 饱和的SC Steam Coil Air Heater 暖风器SCAV Scavenge 吹扫SD Shut-off Damper 关断挡板Shut-Down 停机SEP Separator 分离器SG Switchgear 开关装置SH Superheater 过热器SLS Seals 密封SO Shut Off 关闭SPD Speed 转速SPRA Spray 喷水SPT Support 支持ST Start 启动,开始STD-BY Stand By 备用ST System 系统STM Steam 蒸汽STR Stator 定子STRNR Strainer 滤器SU Start Up 启动SV Solenoid Valve 电磁阀SUCT Suction 吸入SW Switch 开关Steam Water 汽水SBLWR Soot Blower 吹灰器TBFP Turbine Drive Boiler Feedwater Pump 汽泵TCV Temperature Control Valve 温度控制T.B. Transfer Damper 转换挡板TE Temperature Element 温度元件TG Turbine-generator 汽轮发电机Turbine-gear Turbine-gear 汽机盘车THERM Thermal 热力的TMS Turbine Master System 汽机主控系统TRANS Transfer 转换TRBL Trouble 故障TRKG Tracking 跟踪TT Temperature Transmitter 温度变送器TTD Terminal Temperature Difference 温度端差TW Thermowell 热电偶套管UAM Unit Automatic Master 机组自动系统V AC Vacuum 真空V AL Value 数值VB Vibration 振动VLV Valve 阀门WH Watthour 瓦小时WP Working Point 工作点WW Water Wall 水冷壁WX Watt Transducer 功率转换器COVER Crossover 切换管CV Control Valve 控制阀<P align=center>英汉对照表ON开(状态)OFF关(状态)OPEN 开(状态,常指阀门)CLOSE关(状态,常指阀门)START 启动STOP 停止STARTUP起动;启动SHUTDOWN停机STAND BY 备用ALARM报警OPERA TE 运行;操作TRIP 跳闸TEST 试验INDICATION;DISPLAY指示;显示INLET入口OUTLET 出口INPUT输入OUTPUT 输出SIDE(某)侧,边A/M:AUTOMATION/MANUAL 自动/手动AUX:AUXILIARY辅助A/H:AUTOMA TION/HAND自动/手动<H1><FONT size=2>LOC:LOCAL就地</FONT> </H1>REM:REMOTE摇控P:PRESSURE 压力T:TEMPERATURE 温度F:FLOW 流量S:SPEED 速度R:RATE比率,速率L:LOAD 负荷,负载R:RESISTANCE 电阻POWER 功率,电源RPM 转/分R clear=all>MW:MEGAWATT 兆瓦PARAMETER参数KW:KILOWATT 千瓦HIGH 高INTERMEDIATE 中LOW 低SILENCER 消音器ZOOM 摄像机镜头SYSTEM 系统BYPASS旁路PIPE;TUBE 管道,管子V ALVE 阀门MCS:MANAGMENT COMMAND SYSTEM 管理命令系统UNIT单元、机组PRINT 打印SYMBOL 符号CURVE,LINE 曲线,线PANEL盘DESK 台,桌ROOM室STATION 站PLANT 厂,站I&C:INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL 仪表与控制MODE方式,模式SET POINT设定点TRANSMITTIER;TRANSDUCER 变送器;传感器COMPUTER计算机KEYBOARD 键盘CODE 代码;编码DATA 数据;文件;资料DISK 磁盘DIGIT 数字FIGURE 图示STATIC静态DYNAMIC;DYNAMICAL 动态TRIP ACKNOW 跳闸确认COLD START—UP 冷态启动WARM START—UP 温态启动HOT START—UP 热态启动RESET复位SELECT选择UNA V AIL 不允许(不能投用的)FAST 快SLOW慢NORMAL 正常INCREAS 增加DECREAS减少二.锅炉部分BOILER 锅炉FURNACE 炉膛BURNNER 燃烧器SH;SUPERHEATER 过热器RH;REHEATER 再热器PLATEN SUPERHEATER 屏过PENDANT 悬吊管WATERWALL 水冷壁DOWM COMER 下降管HEADER 联箱、母管STEAM DRUM 汽包ATTEMPERATOR 减温器SPRAY 喷水ECONOMIZER 省煤器AIR PREHEATER 空预器ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR 静电除尘器INDUCED DRAFT FAN 引风机FORCED DRAFT FAN 送风机PRIMARY AIR FAN 一次风机SECONDARY AIR 二次风SEAL AIR FAN 密封风机PULVERIZER 磨煤机COAL FEEDER 给煤机IGNITOR 点火器,油枪INITIATE 启动、引燃、激发、触发CLEAN 清扫ISOLATION 隔离;绝缘LIGHT OIL 轻油CHIMNEY;STACK 烟囱COMBUSTION 燃烧FLUE GAS 烟气WATER 水STEAM 蒸汽SOOT BLOWER 吹灰器CRUSHER 破碎机SAFETY V ALVE 安全阀PURGE 吹扫BOILER EFFLUENT STORAGE POOL 锅炉废水池SPARK 火花,点火花DRAIN&VENT 疏水和排气ASH—HOPPER 灰斗COAL BANKER 煤仓STONE COAL 无烟煤GAS COAL 烟煤UNLOADER 卸煤机STACKER RECLAIMER 堆取料机CONVEYOR 皮带机MMMC=MILLIMETER MERCURY;MMH2O 毫米汞柱;毫米水柱ALARM LIMITS 报警限制PRESSURE DIFFERENCE 压差LFO.DISCH.PRESS 轻油出口压力AUX.ST SPL Y FOR ATOMIZ辅助蒸汽供雾化蒸汽AIR SVCE SUPPL Y 服务空气SEAL AIR FAN PRESS 密封风机压力MAINTAINED IGNITORS PULVERIZER A磨煤机A油枪操作LIGHT OIL SEL GRP 1 第一组轻油枪选择STOP IGNITORS GRP 1 第一组油枪停止PULVERIZER SELECTION A磨煤机A选择FEEDER LOCAL SELECT 给煤机就地控制选择FEEDER REMOTE SELECT 给煤机遥控选择PULVERIZER M/A SELECT磨煤机手/自动选择PULVERIZER INERT MODE SELECT 磨煤机惰性方式选择PULVERIZER NORMAL MODE SELECT 磨煤机正常方式选择LUB OIL PUMP 润滑油泵START IGNITOR GRP 1 第一组油枪点火STOP/START SEQUENCE PULVERIZER A 磨煤机A程序停止/启动STOP/START PULVERIZER 磨煤机停止/启动STOP/START IGNITORS 油枪停止/启动STOP/START FEEDER 给煤机停止/启动STOP/START MILL 磨组停止/启动STOP/START PA FLOW 一次风停止/启动OPEN/CLOSE SWING VLVS 摆阀开/关PULVERIZER EMERGENCE TRIP 磨煤机紧急跳闸BOILER TRIP RESET 锅炉跳闸复位ALL AIR HTRS RUNNING 各空预器运行EITHER ID FAN RUNNING 任一吸风机运行EITHER FAN RUNNING 任一风机运行BOILER AIR REQUIRED 锅炉风量需求(>30%)ALL PULV GRP SHUTDOWN 所有磨组停运OPERA TE MODE SELECT 运行方式选择MANUAL MODE 手动方式TURBINE FOLLOW MODE 机跟随方式BOILER FOLLOW MODE 炉跟随方式COORDINATE MODE 协调方式SLIDING PRESS MODE 滑压运行方式DECR/INCR PRESS AT FIX LOAD 固定负荷方式增减压力SECONDARY SH INLET TEMP 二级过热器进口温度SEC SH OUT STEAM TEM二级过热器出口蒸汽温度MAIN STEAM TEMP/PRESSURE/FLOW 主汽温度/压力/流量FEED WATER FLOW 给水流量ACTUAL MEGAW ATT 有功THROTTLE PRESS 节流压力TURB FIRST STAGE PRESS汽机第一级(调节级)压力PRI AIR DUCT PRESS 一次风管压力SEC AIR DUCT PRESS 二次风管压力PRI/SEC AIR FLOW MILL A A磨组一次/二次风流量FURNACE PRESS 炉膛压力SH/RH SPRAY CONTROL VLVS SELECT 过热器/再热器减温水控制阀选择PLATEN SPARY CONTROL VLVS SIDE A屏过减温水A侧控制阀SEC SH SPARY CONT VLVS SIDE A 二级过热器减温水A侧控制阀SH/RH SPARY WA TER STOP VLVS 过热器/再热器减温水截止阀MAIN STEAM STOP VLV 主蒸汽截止阀SH STEAM ELECTR VLV 过热器电磁阀AIR DRAFT SEQUENCE 风机程序控制(顺控)TRANSPORT AIR SEQUENCE 风量程序控制(顺控)PRIMARY AIR SEQUENCE 一次风控制AIR HEATER A MOTER 空预器马达AAIR HEATER MOTOR LEAD 空预器马达选择AIR HEATER LOC/REM SELECT 空预器就地/遥控选择SCANNER BLOWERS 火检吹扫器INDUCED&FORCED DRAFTS 吸送风机SPEED CHANGE (NOT) PERMISSIVE 速度切换(不)允许MILL A GROUP MASTER A 磨组主控器PRI AIR FLOW MILL A CONT DAMPER 磨组一次风控制挡板MILL A OUT TEMP CONT DAMPER A磨组出口温度控制挡板BOIL MILL A GR1 WDBOX PR炉A磨组第一组风箱压力BOIL MILL A BNR MET TEMP炉A磨组喷燃器金属温度MILL A LOAD A磨组负荷SEC AIR FLOW MILL A CONT DAMPER A磨组二次风流量控制挡板TWIN FLOW AIR HTR A CONT VLV 双流式空预器控制阀PRI AIR FAN A CONT DAMPER A侧一次风机控制挡板FD FAN/ID FAN A CONT DAMPER A送/吸风机控制挡板FD FAN A FLOW A送风机流量O2 IN THE FUEL GAS 烟气含氧量FUEL GAS ID FAN A OUTLET PRESS A吸风机出口压力PRI AIR FAN A OUTLET PRESS A一次风机出口压力AIR HTR A SEC AIR OUT TEM空预器A二次风出口温度MANUAL LOAD SET/RA TE 手动负荷设定/负荷率MIN MAX LOAD(LIMITS)最大最小负荷(限制)MANUAL THROTTEL PRESS SET POINT手动节流压力设定值BOILER MASTER 锅炉主控器TURBINE MASTER 汽机主控器SH STEAM TEMP SET POINT 过热温度设定点SH STEAM FINAL TEMP过热汽出口温度三汽机部分STEAM TURBINE 汽轮机TURBINE GENERATOR 汽轮发电机组CYLINDER 、CASING 汽缸STATOR 定子ROTOR 转子BEARING 轴承SHAFT 轴BLADE 叶片GEARING 盘车NOZZLE 喷嘴FLANGE 法兰SEAL 密封BEARING BRASS 轴瓦PILOT V ALVE 错油门MOP:MAIN OIL PUMP 主油泵MSV:MAIN STOP V ALVE 主汽阀CV:CONTROL V ALVE 高压调门IV:INTERMEDIATE V ALVE 中压联合汽门EMERGENCY GOVERNOR 危急保安器SPEED INDICATOR OR SPEED METER 转速表JACKING OIL PUMP 顶轴油泵COOLER 冷却器FILTER 滤网SILENCER 消音器SUCTION PUMP 抽吸泵SYNCHRONIZER 同步器THROTTLE ORIFICE 节流孔板GOVERNOR 调速器BOOSTER FEED PUMP 前置给水泵HPH:HIGH PRESSURE HEATER 高加LPH:LOW PRESSURE HEATER 低加CIRCULATING PUMP 循环泵CONDENSATE PUMP 凝泵CONDENSER HOT WELL 热井LUBE OIL PUMP 润滑油泵MAKE-UP WA TER 补给水MOTOR DRIVEN FEED W ATER PUMP 电动给水泵OIL PURIFIER 净油器TURBINE DRIVEN FEED WATER PUMP 汽动给水泵OIL STORAGE TANK 储油箱DEMI WATER 除盐水CLOSED COOLING WATER 闭式冷却水EXTRACTION STEAM抽汽DEAERATOR 除氧器CONDENSER 凝汽器EXHAUST 排汽AUX STEAM HEADER 辅汽联箱V ACUUM BROKEN V ALVE 真空破坏门EJECTOR 喷射器,抽气器V ACCUM 真空EXPANSION 膨胀VIBRATION 振动CIRCULATING 循环AMS :ADMISSION MODE SELECTION 进汽方式选择SURGE APPROACH 喘振TURBINE MASTER 汽机主控器1ST STAGE PRESS 第一级压力RH STEAM TEMP OUTLET 再热器出口温度RH STEAM ATTEM FLOW 再热喷水流量DISPATCH PARTICIPA TION 调度(参与)指令CMPTR 计数器MEASURE SELECTION 测量选择站PLATEN SH INLET TEMP SIDE A A侧屏过入口温度OPERA TE MODE SELECT 运行方式选择OPERA TE MANUAL MODE 手动方式TURBING FOLLOW MODE 汽机跟随方式BOILER FOLLOW MODE 锅炉跟随方式BALANCE 平衡COORDINATE MODE 协调方式SLIDING PRESS MODE 滑压方式DECR PRESS AT FIX LOAD 在负荷不变下减压ACTUAL MEGA WA TT 实际负荷数INCR PRESS AT FIX LOAD 在负荷不变下增压INT POS 中间状态RH SPRAY WTR STOP VLVS 再热器喷水截止阀PRIMARY SH STOP VALVE 一级过热器截止阀RH SPRAY BLOCK VLVSTRIP INIT 再热器喷水闭锁阀跳闸启动MANUAL LOAD SET手动负荷设定MANUAL LOAD RA TE 手动负荷率MANUAL THROTTLE PRESS SET POINT 手动节流压力设定值DURM PRESSURE 汽包压力PUMP A DISCH PRESS A泵出口压力ST-UP BOIL FDW PUMP 启动给水泵EMERG OIL PUMP 事故油泵TURBINE FW PUMP AUX&VLV 小机给水泵辅汽及阀门TFW PUMP MAIN OIL PMP 汽动给水泵的主油泵TFW PMP DISCHARGE VLV 汽动泵出口阀FW VLV 给水阀门FW CONTROL V ALVE’S BYPASS VLV 给水控制阀的旁路阀FW FLOW 30% CONTROL VLV30% 给水控制阀FW FLOW MASTER CONTROL 给水流量主控FW PUMP RECIRCUL CONTROL VLV 给水泵循环控制阀TURBINE INLET PRESS 汽机入口压力LP&HP BYPASS PRESS SIDE A低压或高压旁路A侧压力LP&HP BYPASS TEMP SIDE A低压或高压旁路A侧温度HP BYPASS&HP A TTEMP VLVS 高压旁路及减温水阀HP&LP BYPASS COMMAND 高压及低压旁路指令HP ATTEMP BLOCK VLV 高旁减温水闭锁阀HP ATTEM PRESS CONTROL VLV 高旁减温水压力控制阀HP BYPASS PRESS SET POINT 高旁压力设定值HP BYPASS PRESS CONTROL VLV 高旁压力控制阀HP BYPASS TEMP CONTROL V ALVE 高旁温度控制阀FW HP HTR DISCH TEMP 给水高加出口温度EXTR ST TO HP HTR抽汽至高加CONDS EXTR PUMP DISCH凝结水抽吸泵出口CONDS STOR TANK LEVEL 凝结水储水箱水位LP HTR STOP VLV 低加截止阀CLOSED COOLING WTR PUMP 闭式冷却水泵AUX STM HEADER PRESS CONTROL VLV 辅汽联箱压力控制阀AUX STEAM TEMP CONTROL 辅汽温度控制DEAERATOR LEVEL CONTROL VLV 除氧器水位控制阀CONDENSER LEVEL CONTROL VLV 凝汽器水位控制阀CICR WTR PUMP 循环泵HYDRAULIC OIL STATION PUMP 液压油站泵COOLNG WTR PUMP 水冷泵FUNCTION GROUP 功能组V ACUUM SEQ真空程控CONDENSER AIR SUCTION VLV 凝汽器抽空气阀CICR PMP DISCHARGE VLV 循环泵出口阀四、电液调节及控制部分EHC:ELECTRO-HYDRA CONTROL SYSTEM 电液调节控制系统FRF:FIRE RESISTANT FLUID 抗燃油ETS:EMERGENCY TRIP SYSTEM 危急跳闸系统FAST-ACTING SOLENOID 快动电磁阀INTERCEPT V ALVE 中间截流阀SHUT-OFF VALVE 切断阀VV:VENTILATING V ALVE通风阀BDV:BLOWDOWN VLV 泄放阀OPC:OVERSPEED PROTECTION CONTROL 超速保护控制AST:AUTO SHUT-DOWN TRIP 自动停机遮断LVDT:线性位移差动变送器ORSV:OIL RESET SOLENOID VLV 油复位电磁阀ORP:OIL RESET PISTON 油复位活塞OTSV:OIL TRIP SOLENOID VLV 油跳闸电磁阀RSM:ROTOR STRESS MONITORING 转子热应力监视ATC:AUTO TURBINE CONTROL 自动汽轮机控制OPER AUTO 操作员自动TURBINE LATCHED 汽机挂闸BOOSTER PUMP 前置泵PERMANENT MAGNETIC GENERATORDF 永磁发电机OIL GAUGE 油位表SEAL OIL 密封油CONTROL OIL 控制油SAFEL Y OIL安全油BARRING OIL PUMP 盘车油泵MAIN OIL PUMP 主油泵EMERGENCY OIL PUMP 事故油泵SUCTION PUMP 抽吸泵V ALVE POSITION 阀位置INTERCEPT V ALVES 中间截止阀COMBINED REHEAT V ALVES 中压联合阀MSV 主蒸汽阀CV 控制阀RSV 再热汽截止阀POWER LOAD UNBALANCE 功载不平衡TEST SELECT 试验选择(联锁)LOSS OF PWR 失去电源THRUST BEARING WEAR DETECTOR TEST 推力轴承磨擦检测试验BACK-UP OVERSPEED TRIP TEST备用超速跳闸试验ELECTRICAL TRIP TEST 电气跳闸试验LOCKED OUT 闭锁FIRST STAGE PRESS 调节级压力MAIN STEAM PRESS 主蒸汽压力REHEAT PRESS 再热汽压力SPEED MONITORING 速度监视PRI SPD SIG LOST 一次速度信号失去BACK-UP SPDSIG LOST 后备速度信号失去AT SET SPEED 在设定速度位置SPEED INCREASING 速度增LOAD SET 负荷设定SLOW MEDIUM FAST 慢、中、快OPERA TING MODE 操作方式IN STANDBY 在备用状态MANUAL 手动REMOTE AUTO 远方自动REMOTE OPERATION远操LOAD LIMITING SET 负荷极限设定SPEED SET RPM 转速设定转/分CLOSED V ALVES OVERSPEED TEST关闭阀超速DECREASING LOAD RATE 减负荷率LOAD MONITORING 负荷监视LOAD INCREASING 负荷增LOAD DECREASING;AT SET LOAD 负荷减;在设定负荷LOADING RATE LIMIT负荷(增、减)率限定EHC STATUS 电液调节系统状态HYDRAULIC FLUID PRESS 抗燃油压力ELECTRICAL MALFUNCTION SYSTEM FAULT电气失灵系统故障LOAD SELECT 负荷选择V ACUUM TRIP 真空跳闸WARMING RA TE 暖机速率CHEST/ROTOR W ARMING 腔室/转子预暖FA/PA POSITION全周/部分(进汽)位置ADMISSION MODE 进汽方式FULL ARC全周进汽PART ARC部分进汽HOLD 保持INHIBITED 停止进行、禁止1STAGE PRESSURE FEEDBACK 第一级压力反馈MSPL:MAIN STEAM PRESSURE LIMITER 主汽压力限制器ACCELERATION 加速度TRANSFER AND FILTER PUMP 输送和过滤油SUCTION PMP A/M SEL 抽吸泵手/自动选择TURN GEAR CONTROL SEQUENCE 盘车控制程序TURN GEAR PIGGY BACK MOTOR 盘车啮合电机TURN GEAR MOTOR 盘车主电机GEN.SHAFT SEAL&STATOR WIND 发电机密封及静子绕组MAIN SEAL OIL PMP 主密封油泵EMERGENCY SEAL OIL PUMP 事故密封油泵STATOR WIND COOLING W ATER PUMP 定子绕组冷却水泵TURBIN DRAIN V ALVES 汽机疏水阀STEAM SEAL SYS 蒸汽密封系统STEAM SEAL BY-PASS UNLOAD VLV 蒸汽密封旁路泄放阀STEAM SEAL DIVERING V ALV 密封汽分流阀TURB LUBE OIL TEMP CONTROL V汽机润滑油温度控制阀H2TEMP CONT V 氢气温度控制阀CURRENT 电流VOLTAGE 电压RESISTANCE 电阻REACTANCE 电抗INDUCTANCE 电感CAPACITANCE 电容AMPERE 安培VOLT(V) 伏特OHM 欧姆WATT 瓦特KILOWATT 千瓦MEGAWATT 兆瓦POWER 功率FREQUENCY 频率SPEED 速度,转速ACTIVE POWER 有功功率REACTIVE POWER 无功功率LOAD 负荷POWER FACTOR 功率因数LOSS损耗DIRECT CURRENT(DC) 直流ALTERNATING CURRENT(AC) 交流OVER CURRENT 过流OVER VOLTAGE过压OVERLOAD 过载EXCITE 励磁LOAD FLOW负荷潮流分布TRANSMISSION 传输BASE LOAD 基荷PEAK LOAD 峰荷CARRIER 载波COMMUNICATION 通讯TELEPHONE 电话LIGHT 照明SIGNAL 信号MAGNETIC FIELD 磁场LINE线路GENERATOR发电机AERIAL LINE 架空线BUS 母线EXCITOR 励磁机BUSBAR FRAME 母线架MOTOR 电动机BUSCOUPLER 母联ASYNCHRONOUS MOTOR 异步电动机INSULATOR 绝缘子BUSHING套管ARMA TURE 电枢TRANSFORMER 变压器COIL 线圈MAIN TRANSFORMER STEP-UP TRANSFORMER 主变WINDING 绕组UNIT TRANSFORMER 单元变CORE 铁芯START UP TRANSFORMER 启动变POLE 电极BACK UP TRANSFORMER 备用变PHASE 相POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER 电压互感器PHASE ANGLE相角CURRENT TRANSFORMER 电流互感器CONDUCTOR导体CABLE电缆ANGLE OF LEAD 超前角ANGLE OF LAG 滞后角SWITCH 开关NEUTRAL POINT 中性点AUTOFORMER 自藕变GROUNDING(EARTHING)接地DISCONNECTOR隔离开关DIESEL GENERATOR柴油发电机AUXI TRANSFORMER厂用变SWITCHGEAR配电盘、开关装置BULB灯泡CLOSE合闸BATTERY 电池TRIP跳闸CATHODE阴极RECLOSING重合闸ANODE 阳极AUTORECLOSING自动重合闸CHARGING EQUIPMENT充电设备COMBINED RECLOSING综合重合闸BUS SECTION母线分段GAS瓦斯PLUG插头ARC 电弧PLUG SOCKET 插座HARDW ARE 硬件CLOSED-LOOP闭环OPEN-LOOP开环CPU(CENTARL PROCESSING UNIT 中心处理单元ABNORMAL CONDITION 异常状态CONFIGURATION 结构,布置,外形SUPERVISORS DESK 值长台UNIT CONTROL DESK 机组控制台EHV MIMIC PANEL电气高压模拟屏COMMON SERVICES LOGIC SUITE 公用系统逻辑柜CRT 显示屏ADS(ALARM DISPLAY SELECT PANELS) 报警显示选择屏CIU计算机接口单元BATTERY BACKED CLOCK 电池备用时钟INTERFACE 接口E.W.S. 工程师工作站DAS 数据采集系统CCR 中控室MCC 马达控制中心PC 动力中心I.C.S 数字控制站终端模件TSI 汽机监视仪表MFP多功能控制器EXCEPTION REPORT 例外报告THREE ELEMENTS LEVEL CONTROLLER 三冲量水位控制器TIME DELAY 时间延迟SCR CONTROLLER 可控硅整流控制器DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEM 分散控制系统UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPL Y 不间断电源THERMO-COUPLE 热电偶IND 指示器FIS流量显示开关PDIS压差显示开关PP:PREESSURE POINT 压力检测点PS 压力开关TI温度显示器TIC温度指示控制TP 温度检测点TS 温度开关TT 温度变送器VI阀位置指示VT 阀位置变送器LC 液位控制器LK 液位控制站LI 液位显示PG 压力计PIC 压力显示控制器PK 压力控制站PT 压力变送器。
常用术语中英文词典常用术语中英文词典Raw materials:alumina 铝土bauxite 铝矿土log 大圆棒billet 小圆棒(铝棒)butt 废料(挤压切头)Magnesium 镁Silicon 硅Iron 铁Copper 铜Manganese 锰Chromium 铬extruability 可挤压性strength-to-weight ratio 强度重量比quenching 淬火conductivity 可导电性,导电率Equipment: 设备:log conveyor 大圆棒运输机log furnace 大圆棒加热炉billet furnace 铝棒加热炉solvus tempreture 溶线温度solidus tempreture 固线温度log shear 圆棒剪billet transveyor 铝棒运输机press loader 挤压机托料架机械手ram 挤压杆dummy block 压饼(挤压垫)container 盛锭筒container liner 盛锭筒内衬(内套)runout table 输出台front platen 前板main cylinder 主缸Die: 模具:die ring 模套die 模具backer 模垫bolster 前垫shim (sub-bolster) 后垫feeder 导流板pocket(cavity of feeder) 袋式平模hollow die 空心模semi-hollow die 半空心模solid die 平模aperture (pocket) 孔隙die cap 下模(母模)mandrel 上模(公模)porthole 孔式分流模pancake 园盘式模bridge 桥式模spider 蜘蛛模horse shoe 马蹄形止口tool carrier 模座die bearing 工作带relief 空刀die oven 模具加热炉radiant oven 辐射炉infrared oven 红处线炉lead-out table 导出台quench box 淬火槽standing-wave cooling 过水槽冷却mist cooling 水雾冷却air cooling 风冷web 桥port 进料孔puller 牵引机transfer belts 传送台cooling belt 冷却带(台)stretcher 拉直机(调直机)tail head 固定端power head 活动端clamps 夹头crossover belts (拉直机)传送带staging and saw: 锯切工作台和锯staging area 锯切工作台saw 锯batching belt 配置传送带saw gauge 锯切定尺台supervisory control system(SCS) 监视控制系统programmable logic controller(PLC) 可编过程控制器aging oven 时效炉Processtemperature rise 挤压时的上升温度exit temperature 出口温度tearing 扯裂container wall 挤压筒筒壁shear zoneexit temp. measurement 出口温度测量temp. stick 测温笔thermocouple temp. probe 热电偶探测针pyrometer 高温计atomic structure 原子结构quench rate 淬火率precipitate 沉淀Magnesium Silicide crystals 硅化镁晶体intersperse(dispersion) 分散preserve 保持temper 状态critical quench rate 临界淬火率temper designations 状态定义recovery 成品率aluminum oxide 氧化铝scrap 费料productivity measurement 生产效率的评估press efficiency 挤压机效率weight per person-hour 单位时间人均成品率internal scrap produced 费品率rejected and returned material ratio 退货率production and maintenance downtime 停机时间OEE (overall equipment effectiveness) 整个设备效率quality rate 可销售产品率performance rate 实际出品率availability rate 挤压机利用率Quality 质量defects 缺陷vernier(calipers) 千分尺feeler gauge 塞尺go-no-go gauges 专用测型仪protractor 角规square 矩尺,丁字尺Webster hardness tester 韦氏硬度钳back end condition 挤压尾部条件blister 气泡,沙眼bow 弯曲broken die 模具损坏saw burr 锯毛刺chatter 振痕corrosion-pitting 腐蚀点corrosion water stain 水迹die line 模痕faltness deviation 不平(不平淬火,拉伸过分,模具错误)hook 侧面弯曲inclusion 因模具内售杂质而型材含杂质kink 因搬运造成的严重变形lamination 迭层(因铸锭有裂痕,或模具含杂质)flow line 模痕carbon mark 石墨痕handling mark 碰伤roll mark 滚动痕stop mark 断痕stretcher jam mark 拉抻机夹痕traffic mark 碰伤orange peel 桔皮pickup 粘铝。
化工厂常用术语英文表达1 管道组成件Piping component1.1 管子Pipe管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube钢管steel pipe铸铁管cast iron pipe衬里管lined pipe复合管clad pipe碳钢管carbon steel pipe合金钢管alloy steel pipe不锈钢stainless steel pipe奥氏体不锈钢管austenitic stainless steel pipe铁合金钢管ferritic alloy steel pipe轧制钢管wrought-steel pipe锻铁管wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管seamless (SMLS) steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管electric-resistance welded steel pipe电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel-plate pipe螺旋焊接钢管spiral welded steel pipe镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe热轧无缝钢管hot-rolling seamless pipe冷拔无缝钢管cold-drawing seamless pipe水煤气钢管water-gas steel pipe塑料管plastic pipe玻璃管glass tube橡胶管rubber tube直管run pipe; straight pipe1.2 管件Fitting弯头elbow异径弯头reducing elbow带支座弯头base elbowk半径弯头long radius elbow短半径弯头short radius elbow长半径180°弯头long radius return短半径180°弯头short radius return带侧向口的弯头(右向或左向)side outlet elbow (right hand or left hand) 双支管弯头(形)double branch elbow三通tee异径三通reducing tee等径三通straight tee带侧向口的三通(右向或左向)side outlet tee (right hand or 1eft hand)异径三通(分支口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on outlet)异径三通(一个直通口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on one run)带支座三通base tee异径三通(一个直通口及分支口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on one run and outlet)异径三通(两个直通口为异径,双头式)reducing tee (reducing on both runs, bull head) 45°斜三通45° lateral45°斜三通(支管为异径)45° lateral (reducing on branch)45°斜三通(一个直通口为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run)45°斜三通(一个直通口及支管为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run and branch)Y型三通(俗称裤衩)true “Y”四通cross等径四通straight cross异径四通reducing cross异径四通(一个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one outlet)异径四通(一个直通口及分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one run and outlet)异径四通(两个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on both outlet)异径四通(一个直通口及两个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one run and both outlet)异径管reducer同心异径管concentric reducer偏心异径管eccentric reducer锻制异径管reducing swage螺纹支管台threadolet焊接支管台weldolet承插支管台sockolet弯头支管台elbolet斜接支管台latrolet镶入式支管嘴sweepolet短管支管台nipolet支管台,插入式支管台boss管接头coupling, full coupling半管接头half coupling异径管接头reducing coupling活接头union内外螺纹缩接(俗称补芯)bushing管帽cap (C)堵头plug短节nipple异径短节reducing nipple; swage nipple1.3 弯管Bend预制弯管fabricated pipe bend跨越弯管(^ 形)cross-over bend偏置弯管(~ 形)offset bend90°弯管quarter bend环形弯管cirele bend单侧偏置90°弯管(? 形)single offset quarter bendS形弯管“S” bend单侧偏置U形膨胀弯管(| ?形)single offset “U” bendU形弯管“U” bend双偏置U膨胀弯管double offset expansion “U” bend斜接弯管mitre bend三节斜接弯管3-piece mitre bend折皱弯管corrugated bend圆度roundness1.4 法兰Flange (FLG)整体管法兰integral pipe flange钢管法兰steel pipe flange螺纹法兰threaded flange滑套法兰(包括平焊法兰)slip-on flange (SO); slip-on welding flange 承插焊法兰socket welding flange松套法兰lap joint flange (LJF)对焊法兰welding neckflange (WNF)法兰盖blind flange, blind孔板法兰orifice flange异径法兰reducing flange盘座式法兰pad type flange松套带颈法兰loose hubbed flange焊接板式法兰welding plate flange对焊环welding neck collar (与stub end相似)平焊环welding-on collar突缘短节stub end, lap翻边端lapped pipe end松套板式法兰loose plate flange压力级pressure rating, pressure rating class压力—温度等级pressure-temperature rating法兰密封面,法兰面flange facing突面raised face (RF)凸面male face (MF)凹面female face (FMF)榫面tongue face槽面groove face环连接面ring joint face全平面;满平面flat face; full face (FF)光滑突面smooth raised face (SRF)法兰面加工facing finish粗糙度roughness光滑的smooth齿形serrated均方根root mean square (RMS)算术平均粗糙高度arithmetical average roughness height (AARH)配对法兰companion-flange螺栓圆bolt circle (B.C.)1.5 垫片Gasket (GSKT)垫片的型式type of gasket平垫片flat gasket环形平垫片flat ring gasket平金属垫片flat metal gasket夹棉织物的橡胶elastomer with cotton fabric insertion夹石棉织物的橡胶elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion夹石棉织物及金属丝加强的橡胶elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion and with wire reinforcement无石墨压缩白石棉垫片non graphited compressed white asbestos gasket天然白橡胶垫片natural white rubber gasket压缩石棉垫片compressed asbestos class gasket浸聚四氟乙烯的石棉垫片PTFE impregnated asbestos gasket夹石棉的缠绕金属垫片spiral-wound metal gasket with asbestos filler内环inner ring外环,外定位环outer ring波纹金属垫片corrugated metal gasket波纹金属包嵌石棉垫片corrugated metal gasket with asbestos inserted双夹套波纹金属包石棉垫片corrugated metal double jacketed asbestos filled gasket双夹套垫片double jacketed gasket金属包石棉平垫片flat metal jacketed asbestos filled gasket整体金属齿形垫片solid metal serrated gasket槽形金属垫片grooved metal gasket环形连接金属垫片ring joint metal gasket八角环形垫片octagonal ring gasket椭圆环形垫片oval ring gasket透镜式垫片lens gasket非金属垫片non-metallic gasket1.6 Valve1.6.1 结构、零件阀轭yoke外螺纹阀杆及阀轭outside screw and yoke (OS & Y)阀杆stem内螺纹inside screw (IS)阀轭套yoke sleeve阀杆环stem ring阀座valve seat (body seat)阀座环、密封圈seat ring整体(阀)座integral seat堆焊(阀)座deposited seat阀芯(包括密封圈、杆等内件)trim阀盘disc阀盘密封圈disc seat阀体body阀盖bonnet阀盖衬套bonnet bush螺纹阀帽screw cap螺纹阀盖screw bonnet螺栓连接的阀盖bolted bonnet (BB)活接阀盖(帽)union bonnet (cap)螺栓连接的阀帽bolted cap (BC)焊接阀盖welded bonnet (WB)本体阀杆密封body stem seal石棉安全密封asbestos emenen seal倒密封back seal压力密封的阀盖pressure-tight bonnet动力操纵器powered operator电动操纵器electric motor operator气动操纵器pneumatic operator液压操纵器hydraulic operator快速操纵器quick-acting operator滑动阀杆sliding stem正齿轮传动spur gear operated伞齿轮传动bevel gear operated扳手操作wrench operated链轮chain wheel手轮hand wheel手柄hand lever (handle)气缸(或液压缸)操纵的cylinder operated链条操纵的chain operated等径孔道full bore; full port异径孔道reducing bore, reduced port,venturi port 短型short pattern紧凑型(小型)compact type笼式环lantern ring压盖gland阀杆填料stem packing阀盖垫片bonnet gasket升杆式(明杆)rising stem (RS)非升杆式(暗杆)non-rising stem (NRS)指示器/限位器indicator/stopper注油器grease injector可更换的阀座环renewable seat ring1.6.2 常用阀(1)gate valve平行双闸板double disc parallel seat开口楔形闸板split wedge挠性整体楔形闸扳flexible solid wedge整体楔形闸板solid wedge塞型plug gate valve直通型through conduit gate valve(2) globe valve球心型阀盘globe type disc塞型阀盘plug type disc可转动的阀盘swivel disc(3) 节流闪阀throttle valve针阀needle valve(4) 角阀angle valve(5) Y型阀(Y 型阀体)Y-valve (Y-body globe valve)(6) ball valve三通3-way ball valve装有底轴的trunnion mounted耐火型fire safe type浮动球型floating ball type防脱出阀杆blowout proof stem(7) butterfly valve对夹式(薄片型)wafer type凸耳式lug type偏心阀板offset disc burerfly valve; eccentric butterfly valve 斜阀盘canted disc butterfly valve连杆式link butterfly valve8) piston type valve(9) plug valve三通three-way plug valve四通four-way plug valve旋塞cock衬套旋塞sleeve cock(10) 隔膜阀diaphragm valve橡胶衬里隔膜阀rubber lined diaphragm valve直通式隔膜阀straight way diaphragm valve堰式隔膜阀weir diaphragm valve(11) 夹紧式胶管阀pinch valve(用于泥浆、粉尘等)(12) check valve升降式lift check valve旋启式swing check valve, flap check valve落球式ball check valve弹簧球式spring ball check valve双板对夹式dual plate wafer type check valve无撞击声non-slam cheek valve底阀foot valve切断式stop check valve; non-return valve活塞式piston check valve斜翻盘tilting disc check valve蝶式butterfly check valve1.6.3 其它用途的阀安全泄气阀safety valve (SV)安全泄液阀relief valve (RV)安全泄压阀safety relief valve杠杆重锤式lever and weight type引导阀操纵的安全泄气阀pilot operated safety valve复式安全泄气阀twin type safety valve罐底排污阀flush-bottom tank valvesolenoid valve, solenoid operated valve电动阀electrically operated valve, electric-motor operated valve气动阀pneumatic operated valve低温用阀cryogenic service valve蒸汽steam trap机械式疏水阎mechanical trap浮桶式open bucket trap, open top bucket trap浮球式float trap倒吊桶式inverted bucket trap自由浮球式loose float trap恒温式thermostatic trap金属膨胀式蒸汽metal expansion steam trap液体膨胀式蒸汽liquid expansion steam trap双金属膨胀式蒸汽bimetallic expansion steam trap压力平衡式恒温balanced pressure thermostatic trap热动力式thermodynamic trap脉冲式蒸汽impulse steam trap放气阀(自动放气阀)air vent valve (automatic air vent valve) (用)平板式滑动slab type sliding gate valve盖阀flat valve换向阀diverting valve, reversing valve热膨胀阀thermo expansion valve自动关闭阀self-closing gate valve自动排液阀self-draining valve管道盲板阀line-blind valve挤压阀squeeze valve(用于泥浆及粉尘等)呼吸阀breather valve风门、挡板damperpressure reducing valve, reducing valve控制阀control valve膜式控制阀diaphragm operated control valve执行机构actuator背压back pressure regulating valve差压differential pressure regulating valve压力比例pressure ratio regulating valve1.6.4 未指明结构(或阀型)的阀切断阀block valve; shut-off valve; stop valve regulating valve快开阀quick opening valve快闭阀quick closing valve隔断阀isolating valve三通阀three way valve夹套阔jacketed valve非旋转式阀non-rotary valve排污阀blowdown valve集液排放阀drip valve排液阀drain valve放空阀vent valve卸载阀unloading valve排出阀discharge valve吸入阀suction valve多通路阀multiport valve取样阀sampling valve手动阀hand-operated valve; manually operated valve 锻造阀forged valve铸造阀cast valve(水)龙头bibb; bib; faucet抽出液阀(小阀)bleed valve旁路阀by-pass valve软管阀hose valve混合阀mixing valve破真空阀vacuum breaker冲洗阀flush valve第一道阀;根部阀primary valve根部阀root valve总管阀header valve事故切断阀emergency valve1.7 管道特殊件Piping Specialty1.7.1 管道特殊件(组件)粗滤器strainerfilter临时粗滤器(锥型)temporary strainer (cone type)y 型粗滤器y-type strainerT型粗滤器T-type strainer永久permanent filter丝网粗滤器gauze strainer洗眼器及淋浴器eye washer and shower视镜sight glass阻火器flame arrester喷嘴;喷头spray nozzle取样冷却器sample cooler消声器silencer膨胀节expansion joint波纹膨胀节bellow expansion joint单波single bellow双波double bellow多波multiple bellow压力平衡式膨胀节pressure balanced expansion带铰链膨胀节hinged expansion joint轴向位移型膨胀节axial movement type expansion joint 自均衡膨胀节(外加强环)self-equalizing expansion joint 带接杆膨胀节tied expansion joint万向型膨胀节universal type expansion joint球形补偿器ball type expansion joint填函式补偿器slip type (packed type) expansion joint单向滑动填料函补偿器single actionpacked slip joint1.7.2 管道特殊元件Piping Special Element软管接头hose connection (HC)快速接头quick coupling金属软管metal hose橡胶管rubber hose挠性管flexible tube鞍形补强板reinforcing saddles补强板reinforcement pad特殊法兰special flange漏斗funnel排液环drip ring排液漏斗drain funnel插板blank垫环spacer8字盲板spectacle blind; figure 8 blind限流孔板restriction orifice爆破片rupture disk法兰盖贴面protective disc费托立克接头victaulic coupling1.8 端部连接End Connection法兰端flanged end坡口端beveled end (BE)对焊端butt welded end平端plain end (PE)承插焊端socket welding end螺纹端threaded end (TE)承口bell end焊接端welding end法兰连接(接头)flanged joint对焊连接(接头)butt welded joint螺纹连接,管螺纹连接threaded joint, pipe threaded joint 锥管螺纹密封焊连接seal-welded taper pipe threaded joint 承插焊连接(接头)socket welded joint承插连接(接头)bell and spigot joint环垫接头ring joint (RJ)万向接头universal joint软钎焊连接(接头)soldered joint搭接接头,松套连接lapped joint外侧厚度切斜角bevel for outside thickncss内侧厚度切斜角bevel for inside thickness内外侧厚度切斜角bevel for combined thickness法兰式的flanged (FLGD)对焊的butt welded (BW)螺纹的threaded (THD)承插焊的socket welded (SW)小端为平的small end plain (SEP)大端为平的large end plain (LEP)两端平both ends plain (BEP)小端带螺纹small end thread (SET)大端带螺纹large end thread (LET)两端带螺纹both end thread (BET)一端带螺纹one end thread (OET)支管连接branch connection焊接支管branch pipe welded directly to the run pipe2 管道用紧固件及螺纹2.1 紧固件螺栓bolt六角头螺栓hexagonal head bolt方头螺栓square head bolt螺柱,双头螺栓stud bolt环头螺检eye bolt沉头螺栓countersunk (head) screw 地脚螺栓anchor bolt; foundation bolt 松紧螺旋扣(花篮螺丝)turnbuckle U形螺栓U-boltT形螺栓T-bolt圆头螺钉round head bolt机螺栓,机螺钉maehine bolt顶开螺栓,顶起螺栓Jack screw自攻螺钉self tapping screw膨胀螺栓expansion bolt粗制的coarse精制的finished, fine螺母nut六角螺母hexagonal nut方螺母square nut蝶形螺母wing nut扁螺母flat nut锁紧螺母lock nut垫圈washer平垫圈plain washer球面垫圈spherical washer弹簧垫圈spring washer方垫圈square washer斜垫圈slant washer销轴pinned shan销pin开口销cotter pin定位销dowel pin带孔销pin with hole圆锥销taper pin铆钉rivet键key2.2 螺纹左螺纹left hand thread右螺纹right hand thread管螺纹pipe thread锥管螺纹taper pipe thread直管螺纹straight pipe thread梯形螺纹trapezoid thread螺距pitch of thread粗牙螺纹coarse thread细牙螺纹fine thread特细牙螺纹extra fine thread通长螺纹full thread惠氏螺纹whitworth thread公制螺纹metric ibread美国标准锥管螺纹American standard taper pipe thread (NPT) 螺孔tap3 材料、型钢及填料3.1 金属材料3.1.1 黑色金属Ferrous Metal碳素钢carbon steel (CS)低碳钢low-carbon steel中碳钢medium-carbon steel高碳钢high-carbon steel普通碳素钢general carbon steel优质碳素钢high-quality carbon steel普通低合金结构钢general structure low-alloy steel合金结构钢structural alloy steel合金钢alloy steel低合金钢low alloy steel中合金钢medium alloy steel高合金钢high alloy steel耐热钢heat resisting steel高强度钢high strength steel复合钢clad steel工具钢tool steel弹簧钢spring steel钼钢molybdenum steel镍钢nickel steel铬钢chromium steel铬钼钢chrome-molybdenum steel铬镍钢chromium-nickel steel,chrome-nickel steel不锈钢stainless steel (S.S.)奥氏体不锈钢Austenitic stainless steel马氏体不锈钢Martensitic stainless steel司特来合金(钨铬钴台金)Stellite耐蚀耐热镍基合金Hastelloy铬镍铁合金inconel耐热铬镍铁合金incoloy20合金20 alloy平炉钢(马丁钢)Martin steel镇静钢killed steel半镇静钢semi-killed steel沸腾钢rimmed steel; rimming steel; open-steel锻钢forged steel铸钢cast steel铸铁cast iron (C.I.)灰铸铁grey cast iron可锻铸铁malleable iron (MI)球墨铸铁nodular cast iron; nodular graphite iron 生铁pig iron熟铁,锻铁wrought iron铸件casting高硅铸铁high silicon cast iron3.1.2 镀层及制造方法渗铬钢,镀铬钢chromized steel镀铬的chromium-plated, chrome-plated镀层plating锻造,型钢swage锻造的,锻造forging轧制rolling热轧hot rolling冷轧cold rolling挤压extruding冷加工cold working热加工hot working拔制drawing3.1.3 有色金属Non-ferrous Metal铝aluminum铜,紫铜copper黄铜brass青铜bronze铝青铜aluminum bronze磷青铜phosphor bronze铝镁合金aluminum magnesium锰青铜manganese bronze蒙乃尔(注:镍及铜合金)Monel镍铜台金nickel copper alloy非铁合金nonferrous alloy钛titanium铅lead硬铅hard lead3.1.4 材料性能极限强度ultimate strength抗拉强度tensile strength屈服极限yield limit屈服点yield point延伸率percentage elongation抗压强度compressive strength抗弯强度bending strength弹性极限elastic limit冲击值impact value疲劳极限fatigue limit蠕变极限creep limit持久极限endurance limit布氏硬度Brinell hardness洛氏硬度Rockwell hardness维氏硬度Vickers diamond hardness, diamond penetrator hardness 蠕变断裂强度creep rupture strength断面收缩率reduction of area韧性toughess脆性brittleness延性ductility冷脆cold shortness冷流cold flow3.2 非金属材料Non-metallic Material塑料plastic丙烯腈—丁二烯—苯乙烯acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) 聚乙烯polyethylene (PE)聚氯乙烯polyvinyl chloride (PVC)苯乙烯橡胶styrene-rubber (SR)聚丁烯polybutylene (PB)聚丙烯polypropylene (PP)聚苯乙烯polystyrene (PS)氯化聚醚chlorinated polyether (CPE)聚酰胺polyamide (PA)聚碳酸酯polycarbonate (PC)聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)醋酸丁酸纤维素cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB)氯化聚氯乙烯chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC)聚偏二氟乙烯polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)缩醛塑料acetal plastic尼龙塑料nylon plastic聚烯烃polyolefin (PO)石墨酚醛塑料graphite phenolic plastics聚四氟乙烯polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)纤维增强热塑性塑料fiber reinforced thermoplastics热塑性塑料thermoplastic热固性塑料thermosetting plastics胶粘剂adhesive溶剂胶接剂solvent cement树脂resin环氧树脂epoxy, epoxy resin聚酯树脂polyester resin聚酯纤维polyester fibers氟塑料fluoroplastics聚氨基甲酸酯polyurethane丙烯酸树脂acrylic resin脲醛树脂urea resin呋哺树脂furan resin乙烯丙烯二烃单体ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM)合成橡胶synthetic rubber橡胶rubber丁腈橡胶nitrile butadiene rubber氯丁橡胶neoprene天然橡胶natural rubber乙丙橡胶ethylene propylene rubber (EPR)玻璃glass硼硅玻璃borosilicate glass耐火砖fire brick陶瓷ceramic搪瓷porcelain enamel木材wood3.3 型材型钢shaped steel, section steel, swage角钢angle steel槽钢channel工字钢I-beam宽缘工字钢或H钢wide flanged beamT型钢T-bar方钢square bar扁钢flat bar角钢hexagonal steel bar圆钢round steel; rod钢带strap steel钢板plate网纹钢板checkered plate腹板(指型钢的立板)web翼缘(指型钢的缘)wing3.4 填料及填料函填料packing石棉绳asbestos rope, asbestos cord.O形环O-ring自密封self-sealing四氟带Teflon tap带铬镍合金丝的石棉绳asbestos rope with inconel wire, inconel wire asbestos 浸聚四氟乙烯的石棉填料Teflon impregnated asbestos packing金属填料metallic stuffing填料箱,填料函packing box, stuffing box填料函压盖stuffing box gland4 管道等级及材料统计4.1 管道材料规定Piping Material Specification管道等级piping class; piping classification管道等级号class designation公称直径nominal diameter (DN); nominal (pipe) size公称压力nominal pressure (PN)压力级,等级,类别class (CL)低压low pressure (L.P.)中压medium pressure (M.P.)高压high pressure (H.P.)大气压atmosphere (ATM)真空vacuum工作压力operating pressure; working pressure设计压力design pressure工作温度operating temperature设计温度design temperature环境温度ambient temperature腐蚀裕量corrosion allowance管道附件piping attachment管道元件piping element壁厚wall thickness (WT)壁厚系列号schedule number (SCH. No.)加厚的,加强的extra heavy, extra strong双倍加厚的,双倍加强的double extra heavy, double extra strong通用连接组typieal installation分组(类)形式(如管道等级表)block form数据库data base文件file4.2 材料统计Material Take-off (MTO)汇总表summary sheet材料表bill of material (BM)综合管道材料表consolidated piping material summary sheet (CPMSS) 统计材料准确度accuracy of take-off材料情况报告material status report (MSR)散装材料bulk material编位号的itemized代码code number短代码short code数量quantity (QTY)重力weight净重net weight毛重gross weight5 设备布置及管道布置Plot Plan and Piping Layout,Equipment and Piping Arrangement 5.1 设备名称Equipment Name5.1.1 容器Vessel(1) 塔tower, column洗涤塔scrubber吸收塔absorber冷却塔cooling tower精馏塔fractionating tower蒸馏塔distillation tower再生塔regenering tower造粒塔prflling tower汽提塔stripper脱气塔degasifier合成塔synthesis tower(2) 反应器reactor聚台釜polymerizer转化器,变换器converter脱硫反应器desulphurization reactor甲烷化器methanator(3) 气柜gas-holder螺旋式气柜helical gas-holder湿式气柜wet gas-holder干式气柜dry gas-holder(4) 槽罐贮罐tank; storage tank缓冲罐knock out drum球罐spheroid, spherical tank罐drum接受槽receiver计量槽measuring tank加料槽feed tank排污罐blow down tank闪蒸罐flash drum汽包steam drum溶液贮槽solution storage tank地下槽sloptank(5) 其它设备分离器separator旋风分离器cyclone分子筛molecular sieve脱氧器deaerator搅拌器agitator干燥器dryer混合器mixer萃取器extractor结晶器crystallizer澄清器gravity settler净化器purifier气化器vaporizer吸附器adsorber融解槽melter减温器desuperheater升压器booster喷射器ejector喷头sprayer火炬flare消声器silencer(6) 换热器、加热器、冷却器换热器heat exchanger空冷器air cooler水冷却器water cooler冷凝器condenser螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger 蒸发器evaporator再沸器reboiler急冷器quencher深冷器chiller预热器preheater再热器reheater加热器heater电加热器electric heater过热器super heater给水加热器feed water heater中间冷却器inter cooler后冷却器after cooler5.1.2 工业炉及锅炉炉子furnace烧嘴burner锅炉boiler烟囱stack废热锅炉waste heat boiler辅助锅炉auxiliary boiler省煤器economizer回热炉direct-fired heater辐射段radiant section对流段convection section裂化炉reformer焚烧炉incinerator回转窑rotary kiln炉管furnace tube吹灰器soot blower观察孔observation door, peep door防爆门explosion doo5.2 辅助用房名称5.2.1 生产用房分析室analyzer room变压器室transformer room配电室,变电所substation, switch room蓄电池室battery room控制室control room通风室ventilating room贮藏室storage room维修间maintenance room办公室office5.2.2 生活用房更农室locker room盥洗室,厕所closet, lavatory, toilet5.3 图名管道布置平面piping arrangement plan (PAP)管道布置piping layout轴测图isometric drawing分区索引图key plan初版设备布置图(“A”版)preliminary plot plan ( “A” issue)内部审查版设备布置图(“B”版)inrernal approval plot plan ( “B” issue)用户审查版设备布置图(“C”版) owner approval plot plan ( “C” issue)确认版设备布置图(“D”版)confirm plot plan ( “D” issue)研究版设备布置图(“e”版)planning plot plan ( “E” issue)设计版设备布置图(“F”)designing plot plan ( “F” issue)施工版设备布置图(“G”版)construction plot plan ( “G” issue)5.4 厂房、站、单元压缩机房compressor house (room)泵房pump house (room)洗眼站eye washer station泡沫站foam station软管站,公用工程站hose station (HS), utility station成套设备package unit设施facilities罐区tank yard空分装置air separation facility5.5 设备布置设备位号equipment item number工厂plant工厂区界plant limit项目区界内侧inside battery limit (I.S.B.L.) 项目区界batterylimit (BL)区界area limit区域边界zone iimit界外off site东east (E)西west (W)南south (S)北north (N)上up下down工厂北向plant north真实北向true north道路road小过道cat walk, cat way走道,过道walk way, gangway, access way 污水坑(井)sump pit集水池catch basin沟槽through预留区trough场地future area铺砌区paving area非铺砌区unpaved area碎石铺面gravel paving橡皮铺面rubber paving面积,区域area体积,容积volume (VOL)5.6 管道布置管道设计piping design管道研究piping study走向研究routing study重要管道critical piping地上管道above ground piping地下管道under ground piping管网network of pipes管廊pipe rack管沟piping trench管间距line spacing管道跨距line span总管header, manifold旁路by pass排液drain放空vent上升管,垂直管riser导管canduit裸管bare iine管件直接fitting to fitting (FTF)管段,接口spool piece, spool取样接口sampling connection集液包drip leg伴热管tracing pipe蒸汽伴热steam tracing热水伴热hot-water tracing电伴热electrical tracing夹套管jacketed line, jacketed piping全夹套的full jacketed平面plan详图detail“ ”视图X view “X”“ ”剖视A-A section “A-A”连接图hook up drawing接续图continue on drawing (COD)接续线match line (M.L.)比例scale图例legend符号symbol管口表list of nozzles方位orientation管口方位nozzle orientation定位location相交intersection水平的horizontal垂直的,立式的vertical垂直,正交,垂直的perpendicular平行,平行的parallel水平安装horizontal installation垂直安装vertical installafion对称的symmetric相反(的),对面(的)opposite顺时针方向clock wise逆时针方向counter clock wise计算机辅助设计computer aided design (CAD)5.7 图面标注绝对标高abselute elevation海平面标高over-sea mean level (OSL)标高,立面elevation (EL)混凝土顶面top of concrete架顶面top of support (TOS)钢结构顶面top of steel梁项面top of beam (TOB)支撑点point of suppon (POS)管顶top of pipe (TOP)管底bouom of pipe (BOP)沟底boaom of trench管子内底invert (inside bottom of pipe)底平flat on bottom (FOB)顶平flat on top (FOT)工作点working point (W.P.)面至面face to face (F-F)中心至端面center to end (C-E)中心至面center to face (C-F)中心至中心,中至中center to center (C-C) 坐标coordinate坐标原点origin of coordinate出口中心线center line of discharge入口中心线center line of suction中心线centerline (CL)入口inlet, suction出口outlet, discharge排出口exhaust距离distance5.8 相关专业的专业词汇5.8.1 工艺(1) 图及表流程图flow diagram工艺流程图process flow diagram (PFD)管道及仪表流程图piping and instrument flow diagram (PID)公用工程流程图utility flow diagram (UFD) 管线表line list; line schedule命名表;管道表nomenclature设备表equipment list (schedule)(2) 流体fluid空气air仪表空气instrument air工艺空气process air低压蒸汽low pressure steam中压蒸汽medium pressure steam高压蒸汽high pressure steam伴热蒸汽tracing steam饱和蒸汽saturated steam过热蒸汽superheated steam氧气oxygen氢气hydrogen氮气nitrogen燃料气fuel gas天然气natural gas火炬气flare gas酸性气sour gas液化石油气liquefired petroleum gas (LPG) 氨气ammonia gas冷却水cooling循环水circulating water锅炉给水boiler feed water热水hot water蒸汽冷凝水steam condensate盐水brine工艺水process water化学污水chemical sewage防腐剂corrosion inhibitor重油heavy oil石脑油naphtha燃料油fuel oil润滑油lubricating oil密封油sealing oil冷冻剂refrigerant载热体heating medium溶剂solvent溶液solution母液mother liquor单体monomer聚合物polymer均聚物homopolymer共聚物copolymer工艺液体process liquid工艺气体process gas硫酸sulphuric acid盐酸chlorhydric acid硝酸nitric acid烧碱caustic soda(3) 流体特性fluid characteristics蒸汽压vapor pressure临界温度critical temperature临界点critical point临界压力critical pressure比热specific heat湿度humidity密度density比重specific gravity粘度viscosity闪点flash point融点melting point凝固点freezing point浓度concentration爆炸极限limit of explosion有毒的toxic可燃的;易燃的flammable(4) 其它回收recovery再生regeneration循环cireulatlon再循环;再生recycle补充make-up制备preparation蒸汽吹扫steaming out吹扫purge抽空;排空evacuation吹出blow-off排污blow down破真空vacuum breaker大气腿barometric leg备用stand-by化学清洗chemical cleaning净正吸入压头net positive suction head (NPSH) 进料feed成品product污染contamination大气污染atmospheric pollution环境温度ambient temperature5.8.2 建筑、结构建筑物building钢结构steel structure已有钢结构existing steel structure钢筋混凝土结构reinforced concrete construction楼面floor平台platform (PF)地面ground level栏杆handrail楼梯stair; stair way直梯ladder柱column; post; stanchion基础foundation; footing粱beam斜撑;支撑bracing桁架;主粱girder构件member隔墙partition wall墙wall篦子板grate; grating吊装孔erection opening吊梁hoisting beam棚shelter窗window天窗skylight门door防火门fire door地漏floor drain防火层fire-proofing总图general plot plan路肩shoulder桩pile灌浆grouting风荷载wind load雪荷载snow load动力荷载dynamic load静荷载dead load活荷载live load风速wind velocity主导风向most frequent wind direction5.8.3 仪表盘(操作盘)panel就地盘local panel仪表盘instrument panel常开normally open常闭normally closed电缆槽(架)cable tray (channel); cable rack 仪表电缆槽(架)instrument cable tray (duct) 压力计manometer; pressure gauge热电偶thermocouple温度计thermometer液位计level gauge玻璃液位计gage glass温度计保护管thermowell流量计flow meter孔板orifice变送器transmitter联锁interlock仪器;设备apparatus仪器分析instrumental analysis自动分析automatic analysis气体分析gas analysis化学分析chemical analysis气相色谱仪gas chromatograph液相色谱仪liquid chromatograph质谱分析mass spectrometric analysis 5.8.4 电气危险区划分hazardous area classification 危险区平面图hazardous area plan电气盘electrical panel配电盘switch board电缆沟cable trench电流current直流direct current交流alternating current频率frequency相位phase功率因数power factor电压voltage电阻resistance电容capacitance静电static electricity接地grounding; easthing照明lighting; illumination避雷针lightning preventer电话telephone电线wire接线箱(盒)junction box导线管conduit tube5.8.5 设备固定鞍座fixed saddle滑动鞍座sliding saddle管口nozzle人孔manhole (MH)手孔handhole (HH)检查孔inspection hole吊柱davit切线tangent line焊接线weldingiine件号part humbet椭圆形封头ellipsoidal head加强圈reinforcing ring接地板earth lug吊耳lifting lug气缸cylinder轴shaft轴承bearing附件,附属设备accessory编位号设备itemized equipment无位号设备non-itemized equipment 5.8.6 水道(1) 流体原水raw water硬水hard water软水soft water饮用水potable water循环冷却水给水cooling water supply 循环冷却水回水cooling water return 脱盐水demineralized water苦咸水(碱性水)brackish water生活污水sanitary sewer工业废水industrial waste water雨水rain water污染雨水contaminated rain water消防水fire water(2) 装置、设施软化装置softener沉淀器settler沉淀池clarifier脱盐装置demineralizer水处理water traatment冷却塔cooling tower中和池neutralization tank化粪池septic tank渗滤井soak-away pit井well阀井valve pit清扫口clean out(3)消防消火栓hydrant水炮water monitor洒水器sprinkler水喷淋watering灭火器fire extinguisher消防水泵fire pump消防车fire fighting truck泡沫消防foam fire-fighting泡沫栓foam hydrant泡沫炮foam monitor消防软管接头fire hose connection6 管道支吊架Pipe Supports and Hangers 6.1 管架零部件Attachment of Support 管托shoe管卡clampU形夹(卡)clevis锻制U形夹forged steel clevis支耳;吊耳lug; ear耳轴trunnion止动挡块shear lug托座stool托架cradle带状卡strap clamp夹板,导向板cleat可调夹板adjustable cleat角板;连接板gusset筋;肋rib支承环ring加强板stiffiener底板base plate顶板top plate翅片式导向板fin预埋件embedded part; inserted plate垫板(安装垫平用)shim锚固件;生根件clip预焊件(设备上) clip (on equipment)聚四氟乙烯滑动板PTFE sliding plate连接板tie plate连接杆tie rod限制杆limit rod带环头拉杆eye rod。
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一般术语001 爆破辅助器材 blasting accessories除炸药外,用于爆破的仪器和材料,如雷管、导火索、导爆索、塑料导爆管、中继起爆药柱、堵塞包、起爆器、爆破导通器、打孔器具等。
002 辅助器材和工具 accessories and tools参见“爆破辅助器材blasting accessories”。
003 爆破设备 blasting equipment用于装药、爆破作业的器具、装备或机械,如雷管探针、炮孔深度测试仪、振动测试仪、贮存箱、阻抗测试仪、炸药装药机(车)等。
004 爆破开关 blasting switch将起爆电源联在爆破网路上的开关。
005 起爆电路 blasting circuit用于引爆一个或多个电雷管的电线网路。
006 爆破检流计 blasting galvanometer用来测量爆破网路电阻的仪器。
007 回路 circuit传送电流的闭合网路。
008 电容放电起爆器 condensor-discharge blasting machine用电池或磁性体对一个或几个电容器充电,其储备的能量可释放到一个爆破网路的一种起爆器上。
009 连接套管 connection sleeve刚性管装药的一头,它的外直径比另一头要小,直径较大的那头装药可以推后20~30mm。
010 限流装置 current-limiting device通过限制电流流量来防止电雷管被击穿的装置。
011 起爆器 exploder这一术语有两个含义:1)一个可移动的激发引爆雷管的能量的装置(起爆装置),主要在现场使用。
012 初始冲能 initial impulse施加于火工药剂和火工品的最初外界冲能。
013 发火 fire火工品受到一定的初始冲能作用发生燃烧或爆炸的现象。
014 不发火 no-fire火工品受到一定的初始冲能的作用未能燃烧或爆炸的现象。
015 瞎火 dud火工品受到预定发火的初始冲能作用而未能发生燃烧或爆炸的现象。
016 断火 disruption in combustion导火索或延期元件在燃烧过程中燃烧中断的现象。
017 透火 fire-transmitting through outer sheath 0f the fuse导火索燃烧时,外壳有火花喷出的现象。
018 可靠性 reliability火工品在规定条件下、规定时间内完成其预定功能的能力。
019 静电感度 sensitivity to initiation by electrostatic discharge电雷管在静电放电冲能作用下,发生爆炸的难易程度。
020 最小发火电流 minimum firing current电雷管在规定的通电时间内达到规定的发火概率所需施加的最小电流。
021 发火电流 firing current根据电雷管的最小发火电流和设计要求,在规定的通电时间内发火的额定电流。
022 最大不发火电流 maximum non-firing current电雷管在规定的通电时间内达到规定的不发火概率所能施加的最大电流。
023 安全电流 safsty current在一定的安全条件下,保证电火工品在规定的施加电流时间内不发火的恒定直流电流。
024 串联起爆电流 series firing current能使规定发数串联的电雷管全部起爆的额定恒定直流电流。
025 测量电流 rated measuring current测量电火工品电阻或检查发火电路时允许的最大电流。
026 爆发时间(作用时间) bursting time在起爆雷管时,从通电开始至雷管爆炸之间的时间。
027 激发时间 excitation time在起爆电雷管时,从通电开始至电引火头发火的时间。
028 桥丝断裂时间(滞后时间) lag time在起爆电雷管时,从通电开始至桥丝断裂(电路切断)之间的时间。
029 感应时间 induction time在起爆电雷管时,从桥丝断裂至雷管爆炸之间的时间。
030 激发反应时间 reaction time从电引火头发火至雷管爆炸之间的时间。
031 传导时间 propagation time反应时间与感应时间之差。
032 延期时间 delay time延期元件或延期装药自燃烧开始至燃烧完毕的时间;或自向雷管输入激发冲能始至爆炸止的时间。
033 百毫秒发火电流 1OOms firing current电雷管对应于通电时间为lOOms的最小发火电流。
034 电感度 electricity sensitivity在发火冲能作用下,电火工品发火的难易程度,用发火冲能的倒数表示。
035 发火冲能 activation impuls energy表征工业电雷管电感度的特征参数。
通常用两倍百毫秒发火电流的平方与在此电流作用下规定发火概率时的通电时间的乘积(A2?ms)表示;或用达到要求发火概率时单位电阻所需最小能量(J/ )表示。
036 串联丢炮 no-fire in series shot电雷管在串联起爆试验时未能发火,但用最小发火电流单独通电仍能发火的现象。
037 外壳燃烧 crust burning导火索点燃时,外壳发生燃烧的现象。
038 燃烧性 combustibility导火索以一定燃速稳定传递火焰而不发生危及使用的现象(如透火、外壳燃烧、爆炸声响及断火)的能力。
039 导火索燃烧时间 burning time of safety fuse规定长度的导火索从点燃开始至燃烧完毕的时间。
040 批燃烧时间差 batch burning time difference同批工业导火索燃烧时间测定数值中最大值与最小值之差。
041 抗拉性能 tensile strength火工品在一定条件下承受一定的拉力后,不损坏结构并保持其爆轰性能的能力。
042 起爆能力 ignition power火工药剂或火工品,爆炸时引爆其它火工品或装药的能力。
043 极限起爆药量 minimum initiating charge在规定条件下,起爆药能引爆猛炸药所需的最小药量。
044 雷管作功能力 initiating efficiency;initiating power;initiating strength of detonator 雷管爆炸时爆炸产物对周围介质作功的能力。
045 耐压性 pressure durability起爆药的燃烧爆轰不受其自身所承受压药压力影响的能力。
046 桥丝效应 arching当通过雷管的电流过高时,导火索头上的电阻丝被熔断,而不是加热,形成了破坏爆炸雷管作用的轻桥丝,这就是桥丝效应。
047 准爆电流 burst current能使桥丝或箔片断裂的电流值。
048 起爆桥线 exploding bridge wire通过电流起爆的导线。
049 最大(建议)点火电流 maximum (recommended) firing current安全有效点燃电雷管所需的最大建议电流,单位为A(安[培])。
050 最小(建议)点火电流 minmum (recommended) firing current使电雷管在设定时间间隔引爆所需的最小点火电流,用A(安[培])表示。
051 延期索 delay cord装药为延期药的、起延期作用的索类火工品。
052 雷管脚线 cap wires由电雷管引出的两只单独导线或双股导线。
053 迟发间隔 delay interval迟发爆破中相邻延滞期之间的名义时间间隔,也可以是一次爆破中的连续引爆之间的名义时间间隔。
054 迟发延滞期 delay period表示迟发雷管在给定系列中的相对或绝对时间的一种设置。
055 迟发标识 delay tag迟发电雷管或非电迟发雷管上表示迟发顺序以及实际延迟起爆时间的一种标签、镶边或者记号。
056 迟发系列 delay series用来满足特定爆破要求的一个迟发雷管系列。
057 电磁起爆 electromagnetic initiation使用电磁能起爆雷管。
058 烟火延时 pyrotechnic delay用烟火制成的起爆剂的延时间隔。
059 射频能 radio-frequency energy由电磁波通过空气、液体或固体传递的电频谱内的能(3×105~3×1012Hz)。
工业雷管060 电火工品 electric initiating explosive device以电能激发的火工品,又称电爆装置(electric explosive device)。
061 工业火雷管 flash detonator;plain detonator;fuse detonator用导火索的火焰冲能激发的工业雷管。
062 工业电雷管 electric detonator通过桥丝的电冲能激发的工业雷管。
063 普通电雷管 common electric detonator用于一般工程爆破的工业电雷管。
064 特种电雷管 special electric detonator具有特种性能与用途的工业电雷管。
065 煤矿许用电雷管 permissible electric detonator允许在有瓦斯和煤尘爆炸危险的矿井中使用的特种电雷管。
066 地震勘探用电雷管 seismograph electric blasting cap用于地震勘探的特种电雷管。
067 耐温电雷管 high temperature resistant electric detonator具有耐高温性能的特种电雷管。
068 耐压电雷管 high pressure resistant electric detonator具有耐高压性能的特种电雷管。