鉴于条款:1. 项目名称: [项目名称]2. 项目地点: [项目地点]3. 工程内容: [详细描述工程内容]4. 工程期限: [开始日期] 至 [结束日期]5. 合同价款: [金额] [货币单位]第一条工程范围和内容1.1 乙方应按照甲方提供的工程图纸和规范要求完成工程。
1.2 工程的具体内容和要求详见附件一。
第二条工程期限2.1 乙方应确保工程在合同规定的期限内完成。
2.2 如遇不可抗力或其他甲方认可的情况,工程期限可适当延长。
第三条质量要求3.1 工程质量应达到国家或行业规定的标准。
3.2 乙方应对工程质量负责,并在工程完成后提供相应的质量保证文件。
第四条合同价款和支付方式4.1 本合同的总价款为 [金额] [货币单位]。
4.2 甲方应按照以下方式支付合同价款:- 预付款:合同签订后 [百分比]%- 进度款:根据工程进度按阶段支付- 最终付款:工程验收合格后 [百分比]%第五条双方权利和义务5.1 甲方的权利和义务:- 提供工程所需的图纸和规范- 按合同约定支付工程款- 协调工程现场的关系5.2 乙方的权利和义务:- 按照合同要求完成工程- 保证工程质量- 遵守工程现场的安全规定第六条违约责任6.1 如一方违反合同约定,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。
6.2 违约责任的具体内容和计算方式详见附件二。
第七条争议解决7.1 合同执行过程中发生的争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。
7.2 如果协商不成,可提交至 [仲裁机构名称] 进行仲裁。
第八条其他8.1 本合同的修改和补充应以书面形式进行。
8.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
建设工程施工合同中英文对照版中英文建设工程施工合同Contract for Construction Project本合同是由承包人(以下简称“甲方”)和业主(以下简称“乙方”)共同订立,旨在规定双方在建设工程项目中的权益和义务。
This contract is entered into by and between the Contractor (hereinafter referred to as "Party A") and the Owner (hereinafter referred to as "Party B") to regulate the rights and obligations of both parties in the construction project.总则 General Provisions第一条项目名称及工程地点:本工程名称为_________,位于_________。
Article 1: Project Name and Location: The name of the project is__________, located in __________.第二条总承包范围:甲方应按照乙方的要求,完成工程项目的设计、施工、验收等工作。
Article 2: Scope of General Contracting: Party A shall complete the design, construction, and acceptance of the project in accordance with PartyB's requirements.第三条施工期限:本工程的施工期限为_________,甲方必须按时完成工程,并交付乙方使用。
Article 3: Construction Period: The construction period of this project is __________. Party A must complete the project on time and deliver it to Party B for use.义务与责任 Obligations and Responsibilities第四条甲方责任:甲方应根据乙方的要求,制定合理的工程施工方案,并保证工程按照合同和法律法规的要求进行。
xxx engineering contract xxx工程合同Contract No.:合同编号:Party A: xxxCompany Limited甲方:xxx有限公司Party B:xxx Company Limited乙方:xxx有限公司This contract is made and entered into on the day of , 2014 by the following Parties in .本合同于2014年月日由以下当事方在签署。
Party A: xxx Company Limited,甲方:xxx有限公司,xxx经营的公司,住所地为xxx,(下称“甲方”),法定代表人:xxxParty B:xxx Company Limited,乙方:xxx有限公司,一家xxx经营的公司,注册地址是:xxx,(下称“乙方”),法定代表人:xxxParty A and Party B are called by a joint name of Both Parties under this contract, each of which is called as A Party.甲方和乙方在本合同项下统称为“双方”,单独称为“一方”。
1. Work Content and Requirements1. 工作内容、要求1.1 In accordance with the items stipulated in this Contract, Party B shall conduct the project as per the Projectstandard and quality standard stipulated by Ministry of Engineering of the Union of xx.1.1 依据本合同所限定的条款,乙方应以xx工程部规定的建筑标准和质量要求执行本工程。
工程合同模板(双语版)Contract for Engineering Project (Bilingual Version)甲方(以下简称“甲方”):Party A (hereinafter referred to as "Party A"):乙方(以下简称“乙方”):Party B (hereinafter referred to as "Party B"):根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则基础上,就甲方委托乙方承担 engineering project (以下简称“项目”)的相关事宜,经充分协商,达成以下协议:According to the "Contract Law of the People's Republic of China" and relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement in accordance with the principles of equality, voluntariness, fairness, and good faith, regarding the matters entrusted by Party A to Party B to assume the engineering project (hereinafter referred to as the "Project"):一、项目概述1. Overview of the Project1.1 项目名称:____________Project Name: ____________________1.2 项目地点:____________Project Location: ____________________1.3 项目内容:____________Project Content: ____________________1.4 项目预算:____________Project Budget: ____________________二、乙方的义务和责任2. Obligations and Responsibilities of Party B2.1 乙方应按照甲方的要求,按时完成项目。
二、工程概况1. 工程名称:________2. 工程地点:________3. 工程规模:________4. 工程标准:按照国家及行业相关标准执行。
六、付款方式1. 预付款:甲方需在合同签订后____天内支付合同金额的____%作为预付款。
2. 进度款:根据工程进度分阶段支付,每阶段完成后甲方应在____天内支付该阶段对应的款项。
3. 竣工款:工程竣工并经验收合格后,甲方应在____天内支付剩余的合同款项。
九、其他事项1. 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。
2. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
3. 未尽事宜,双方可另行签订补充协议。
甲方(签字):________________________ 日期:____年____月____日乙方(签字):________________________ 日期:____年____月____日Contract for Construction rojectarty A (Owner): ________arty (Contractor): ________Whereas arty A and arty have reached the following agreement on the construction roject, this contract is herey signed:I. urose of the ContractThe urose of this contract is to secify the cooeration terms etween arty A and arty in the construction roject, including ut not limited to design, construction, suervision, accetance, ayment, and other related matters.II. roject Overview1. roject Name: ________2. roject Location: ________3. roject Scale: ________4. roject Standards: To e carried out in accordance with national and industry standards. III. Contract AmountThe total contract amount is in Renmini (caitalized) ________ Yuan only (¥_______).IV. roject DurationThe commencement date of the roject is ________ and the comletion date is ________.V. Quality Requirementsarty must ensure that the quality of the roject meets national standards and arty A's requirements. For any sustandard work, arty shall e resonsile for rectifying it without charge until it meets the required standards.VI. ayment Method1. Advance ayment: arty A shall ay __% of the contract amount as an advance ayment within __ days after signing the contract.2. rogress ayment: aid in stages according to the rogress of the roject, with each stage's corresonding ayment to e made y arty A within __ days after comletion.3. Comletion ayment: Uon comletion and assing accetance of the roject, arty A shall ay the remaining contract funds within __ days.VII. Liaility for reachIf one arty reaches the contract, they shall ear the liaility for reach and comensate the other arty for any resulting losses.VIII. Disute ResolutionAny disute arising from this contract shall firstly e resolved through friendly negotiation; if negotiation fails, the disute may e sumitted to the eole's Court at arty A's location for resolution.IX. Miscellaneous1. This contract shall ecome effective uon signature and seal y oth arties.2. This contract is made in dulicate, with each arty holding one coy, oth having equal legal effect.3. For matters not covered herein, oth arties may sign additional sulementary agreements. arty A (Signature): _____________________ Date: __ Year __ Month __ Dayarty (Signature): _____________________ Date: __ Year __ Month __ Day。
工程协议合同中英文版一、合同基本信息- 甲方(Client):[甲方名称]- 乙方(Contractor):[乙方名称]- 签订日期(Date):[签订日期]- 项目名称(roject Name):[项目名称]- 项目地点(roject Location):[项目地点]二、合同目的和范围本合同旨在明确甲乙双方就[项目名称]项目的建设、管理、维护等方面的责任、权利和义务。
三、合同金额和支付方式- 合同总金额(Total Contract rice):[合同总金额]- 付款条件(ayment Terms):根据项目进度分阶段支付,具体支付比例和时间点详见附件。
---Contract asic Information- arty A (Client): [Name of arty A]- arty (Contractor): [Name of arty ]- Date of Signing: [Date]- roject Name: [roject Name]- roject Location: [roject Location]urose and Scoe of the ContractThis contract aims to clarify the resonsiilities, rights, and oligations of oth arties regarding the construction, management, and maintenance of the [roject Name] roject. The scoe includes ut is not limited to design, construction, material suly, and roject management.Contract Amount and ayment Method- Total Contract rice: [Total Contract rice]- ayment Terms: ayment shall e made in stages according to the rogress of the roject, with secific ayment ratios and time oints detailed in the annex.Work lan and Timetalearty shall sumit a detailed work lan and timetale within [secific numer of days] after the signing of the contract. arty A shall rovide comments or confirmation within [secific numerof days] uon receit.Quality Assurance and Accetance Criteriaarty shall ensure that all work meets industry standards and arty A's secific requirements. Uon comletion, arty A has the right to conduct accetance and roose necessary modifications efore accetance.Changes and AdjustmentsAny changes or adjustments to the original contract contents require written consent from oth arties. Changes may lead to adjustments in the contract amount and/or timetale. Liaility for reach of ContractThe arty reaching the contract terms shall ear the corresonding liaility for reach, including ut not limited to comensation for losses suffered y the other arty.Disute ResolutionAny disutes arising during the execution of the contract shall e resolved through friendly consultation etween the arties. If consultation fails, the disute may e sumitted to [secified aritration institution] for aritration.Other TermsIncluding ut not limited to confidentiality agreements, intellectual roerty rotection, force majeure clauses, etc., which may e determined through negotiation ased on secific circumstances.Effectiveness and Termination。
中英工程合同范本合同编号(Contract Number):[具体编号]甲方(Party A):名称(Name):[甲方公司名称]法定代表人(Legal Representative):[甲方代表姓名]地址(Address):[甲方地址]联系电话(Telephone Number):[甲方电话]乙方(Party B):名称(Name):[乙方公司名称]法定代表人(Legal Representative):[乙方代表姓名]地址(Address):[乙方地址]联系电话(Telephone Number):[乙方电话]一、工程概况1. 工程名称(Project Name):[工程的具体名称]2. 工程地点(Project Location):[工程的具体地点]3. 工程内容和范围(Project Content and Scope):[详细描述工程的具体内容和涵盖的范围]二、工程期限1. 开工日期(Commencement Date):[预计开工的日期]2. 竣工日期(Completion Date):[预计竣工的日期]3. 总工期(Total Project Duration):[工期的总时长]三、工程质量和标准1. 工程质量标准(Project Quality Standard):[明确工程应达到的质量标准,如国家标准、行业标准等]2. 质量验收(Quality Inspection and Acceptance):[约定质量验收的程序、时间和方式]四、工程价款及支付方式1. 工程总价(Total Project Price):人民币[具体金额]元(大写:[大写金额])2. 支付方式(Payment Method):预付款(Advance Payment):合同签订后[具体时间]内,甲方向乙方支付工程总价的[百分比]作为预付款。
进度款(Progress Payment):根据工程进度,甲方分[具体次数]向乙方支付工程总价的[百分比]。
工程合同中英双语【合同名称】Contract Name: 建设工程合同Construction Contract【甲方(发包方)】arty A (Emloyer): ______________________【乙方(承包方)】arty (Contractor): ______________________鉴于甲乙双方根据平等自愿的原则,就以下工程项目的施工达成如下协议:Whereas arty A and arty have reached the following agreement ased on the rincile of equality and voluntariness regarding the construction of the roject elow:第一条合同项目及范围Article 1 Scoe of the Contract roject1.1 本合同项目为[具体项目名称],位于[具体地点]。
The contract roject is [secific roject name], located at [secific location].1.2 工程范围包括[详细描述工程内容和范围]。
The scoe of the roject includes [detailed descrition of the roject content and scoe].第二条合同金额Article 2 Contract Amount2.1 本合同总金额为[金额数额]人民币/美元。
The total amount of this contract is [amount in RM/USD].2.2 合同金额包含所有施工成本及乙方预期利润。
The contract amount covers all construction costs and arty 's exected rofits.第三条工期要求Article 3 Construction eriod Requirements3.1 工程开工日期为[具体日期],竣工日期为[具体日期]。
二、工程概况1. 工程地点:[详细地址]2. 工程规模:[具体规模描述]3. 工程内容:[详细内容描述]4. 工程质量:应符合国家相关标准及甲方要求。
四、支付方式1. 预付款:合同签订后,甲方需支付总金额的[百分比]%作为预付款。
2. 进度款:根据工程进度,甲方应按合同约定支付相应款项。
3. 竣工款:工程完工并通过验收后,甲方应在规定时间内支付剩余款项。
八、其他条款1. 保密条款:双方应对合同内容及合作过程中获知的信息保密。
2. 变更和解除:任何一方提出变更或解除合同,应及时通知对方,并经双方协商一致。
3. 附件:本合同的附件是合同不可分割的一部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。
甲方代表(签字):_____________ 日期:____年__月__日乙方代表(签字):_____________ 日期:____年__月__日。
This Term Sheet ("TS") is entered into on [DD MMM YYYY] between Party A and Party B (as respectively defined below) and sets out the key terms relating to the Proposed Transaction (as defined below). The key terms set out herein shall form the basis of the definitive agreements("Definitive Agreements') to be negotiated and entered into between the Parties in relation to the Proposed Transaction此协议(以下称“本协议“)于【】年【】月【】日,由甲方与乙方签署 (”甲方”与“乙方”的定义在以下的协议内容明细),明确相关单位就本协议的具体投资条款清单。
xxx engineering contractxxx工程合同Contract No.:合同编号:Party A: xxxCompany Limited甲方:xxx有限公司Party B:xxx Company Limited乙方:xxx有限公司This contract is made and entered into on the day of , 2014 by the following Parties in . 本合同于2014年月日由以下当事方在签署。
中英文版施工合同-xxx工程合同中英文版甲方(业主): [Party A (Owner)]乙方(承包商): [Party B (Contractor)]第一部分:合同条款第一条工程概况1.1 工程名称:[Name of the Project]1.2 工程地点:[Location of the Project]1.3 工程范围:[Scope of the Project]1.4 工程内容:[Content of the Project]第二条合同价格2.1 合同总价:[Total Contract Price]2.2 价格调整:[Price Adjustment]第三条工程质量3.1 质量标准:[Quality Standards]3.2 质量保证:[Quality Assurance]第四条工程进度4.1 开工日期:[Commencement Date]4.2 竣工日期:[Completion Date]4.3 进度计划:[Progress Schedule]第五条工程变更5.1 变更通知:[Change Notification]5.2 变更费用:[Change Costs]第六条工程验收6.1 验收标准:[Acceptance Standards]6.2 验收程序:[Acceptance Procedures]第七条付款方式7.1 预付款:[Advance Payment]7.2 进度款:[Progress Payment]7.3 最终结算:[Final Settlement]第八条违约责任8.1 违约定义:[Definition of Breach]8.2 违约赔偿:[Compensation for Breach]第九条争议解决9.1 争议解决方式:[Dispute Resolution Method]9.2 适用法律:[Applicable Law]第十条其他条款10.1 保密协议:[Confidentiality Agreement]10.2 合同变更:[Contract Modification]10.3 合同终止:[Contract Termination]第二部分:附加条款[Additional Clauses as per the specific requirements of the project]第三部分:签字页甲方(业主)代表签字:[Signature of Party A's Representative]乙方(承包商)代表签字:[Signature of Party B's Representative]日期:[Date]Construction ContractContract No.: [Contract No.]Date of Contract: [Date of Contract]Party A (Owner): [Party A (Owner)]Party B (Contractor): [Party B (Contractor)] Part I: Contract TermsArticle 1: Project Overview1.1 Project Name: [Name of the Project]1.2 Project Location: [Location of the Project] 1.3 Project Scope: [Scope of the Project]1.4 Project Content: [Content of the Project]Article 2: Contract Price2.1 Total Contract Price: [Total Contract Price] 2.2 Price Adjustment: [Price Adjustment]Article 3: Project Quality3.1 Quality Standards: [Quality Standards]3.2 Quality Assurance: [Quality Assurance]Article 4: Project Schedule4.1 Commencement Date: [Commencement Date]4.2 Completion Date: [Completion Date]4.3 Progress Schedule: [Progress Schedule]Article 5: Project Changes5.1 Change Notification: [Change Notification]5.2 Change Costs: [Change Costs]Article 6: Project Acceptance6.1 Acceptance Standards: [Acceptance Standards]6.2 Acceptance Procedures: [Acceptance Procedures]Article 7: Payment Method7.1 Advance Payment: [Advance Payment]7.2 Progress Payment: [Progress Payment]7.3 Final Settlement: [Final Settlement]Article 8: Liability for Breach of Contract8.1 Definition of Breach: [Definition of Breach]8.2 Compensation for Breach: [Compensation for Breach]Article 9: Dispute Resolution9.1 Dispute Resolution Method: [Dispute Resolution Method] 9.2 Applicable Law: [Applicable Law]Article 10: Other Terms10.1 Confidentiality Agreement: [Confidentiality Agreement] 10.2 Contract Modification: [Contract Modification]10.3 Contract Termination: [Contract Termination]Part II: Additional Terms[Additional terms as per the specific requirements of the project]Part III: Signature PageSignature of Party A's Representative: [Signature of Party A's Representative]Signature of Party B's Representative: [。
xxx工程合同中英文版 (2)
![xxx工程合同中英文版 (2)](
xxx engineering contract xxx工程合同Contract No.:合同编号:Party A: xxxCompany Limited甲方:xxx有限公司Party B:xxx Company Limited乙方:xxx有限公司This contract is made and entered into on the day of , 2014 by the following Parties in .本合同于2014年月日由以下当事方在签署。
Party A: xxx Company Limited,甲方:xxx有限公司,xxx经营的公司,住所地为xxx,(下称“甲方”),法定代表人:xxxParty B:xxx Company Limited,乙方:xxx有限公司,一家xxx经营的公司,注册地址是:xxx,(下称“乙方”),法定代表人:xxxParty A and Party B are called by a joint name of Both Parties under this contract, each of which is called as A Party.甲方和乙方在本合同项下统称为“双方”,单独称为“一方”。
1. Work Content and Requirements1. 工作内容、要求1.1 In accordance with the items stipulated in this Contract, Party B shall conduct the project as per the Projectstandard and quality standard stipulated by Ministry of Engineering of the Union of xx.1.1 依据本合同所限定的条款,乙方应以xx工程部规定的建筑标准和质量要求执行本工程。
中英文工程合同模板---工程合同(中英文对照)Engineering Contract (Chinese-English ilingual)甲方(客户):___________arty A (Client): ___________乙方(承包商):___________arty (Contractor): ___________鉴于甲乙双方同意按照以下条款和条件进行合作,特此签订本合同:Whereas arty A and arty agree to collaorate under the terms and conditions set forth elow, this contract is herey estalished:第一条:合同目的Article 1: urose of the Contract本合同旨在规定甲乙双方就_________工程项目(以下简称“本工程”)的权利、义务与责任。
This contract is made for the urose of stiulating the rights, oligations, and liailities of oth arties concerning the engineering roject named _________ (hereinafter referred to as "the roject").第二条:工程描述Article 2: Descrition of the roject乙方应按照甲方提供的技术规格和要求,完成本工程的设计、施工及相关服务。
arty shall comlete the design, construction, and related services for the roject in accordance with the technical secifications and requirements rovided y arty A.第三条:合同价格Article 3: Contract rice本工程的总合同价为___________元人民币(或美元),具体支付方式如下所述。
xxx engineering contract xxx工程合同Contract No.:合同编号:Party A: xxxCompany Limited甲方:xxx有限公司Party B:xxx Company Limited乙方:xxx有限公司This contract is made and entered into on the day of , 2014 by the following Parties in .本合同于2014年月日由以下当事方在签署。
Party A: xxx Company Limited,甲方:xxx有限公司,xxx经营的公司,住所地为xxx,(下称“甲方”),法定代表人:xxxParty B:xxx Company Limited,乙方:xxx有限公司,一家xxx经营的公司,注册地址是:xxx,(下称“乙方”),法定代表人:xxxParty A and Party B are called by a joint name of Both Parties under this contract, each of which is called as A Party.甲方和乙方在本合同项下统称为“双方”,单独称为“一方”。
1. Work Content and Requirements1. 工作内容、要求1.1 In accordance with the items stipulated in this Contract, Party B shall conduct the project as per the Projectstandard and quality standard stipulated by Ministry of Engineering of the Union of xx.1.1 依据本合同所限定的条款,乙方应以xx工程部规定的建筑标准和质量要求执行本工程。
xxx engineering contract xxx工程合同Contract No.:合同编号:Party A: xxxCompany Limited甲方:xxx有限公司Party B:xxx Company Limited乙方:xxx有限公司This contract is made and entered into on the day of , 2014 by the following Parties in .本合同于2014年月日由以下当事方在签署。
Party A: xxx Company Limited,甲方:xxx有限公司,xxx经营的公司,住所地为xxx,(下称“甲方”),法定代表人:xxxParty B:xxx Company Limited,乙方:xxx有限公司,一家xxx经营的公司,注册地址是:xxx,(下称“乙方”),法定代表人:xxxParty A and Party B are called by a joint name of Both Parties under this contract, each of which is called as A Party.甲方和乙方在本合同项下统称为“双方”,单独称为“一方”。
1. Work Content and Requirements1. 工作内容、要求1.1 In accordance with the items stipulated in this Contract, Party B shall conduct the project as per the Projectstandard and quality standard stipulated by Ministry of Engineering of the Union of xx.1.1 依据本合同所限定的条款,乙方应以xx工程部规定的建筑标准和质量要求执行本工程。
xxx engineering contract xxx工程合同Contract No.:合同编号:Party A: xxxCompany Limited甲方:xxx有限公司Party B:xxx Company Limited乙方:xxx有限公司This contract is made and entered into on the day of , 2014 by the following Parties in .本合同于2014年月日由以下当事方在签署。
Party A: xxx Company Limited,甲方:xxx有限公司,xxx经营的公司,住所地为xxx,(下称“甲方”),法定代表人:xxxParty B:xxx Company Limited,乙方:xxx有限公司,一家xxx经营的公司,注册地址是:xxx,(下称“乙方”),法定代表人:xxxParty A and Party B are called by a joint name of Both Parties under this contract, each of which is called as A Party.甲方和乙方在本合同项下统称为“双方”,单独称为“一方”。
1. Work Content and Requirements1. 工作内容、要求1.1 In accordance with the items stipulated in this Contract, Party B shall conduct the project as per the Projectstandard and quality standard stipulated by Ministry of Engineering of the Union of xx.1.1 依据本合同所限定的条款,乙方应以xx工程部规定的建筑标准和质量要求执行本工程。
xxx engineering contract xxx工程合同Contract No.:合同编号:Party A: xxxCompany Limited甲方:xxx有限公司Party B:xxx Company Limited乙方:xxx有限公司This contract is made and entered into on the day of , 2014 by the following Parties in .本合同于2014年月日由以下当事方在签署。
Party A: xxx Company Limited,甲方:xxx有限公司,xxx经营的公司,住所地为xxx,(下称“甲方”),法定代表人:xxxParty B:xxx Company Limited,乙方:xxx有限公司,一家xxx经营的公司,注册地址是:xxx,(下称“乙方”),法定代表人:xxxParty A and Party B are called by a joint name of Both Parties under this contract, each of which is called as A Party.甲方和乙方在本合同项下统称为“双方”,单独称为“一方”。
1. Work Content and Requirements1. 工作内容、要求1.1 In accordance with the items stipulated in this Contract, Party B shall conduct the project as per the Projectstandard and quality standard stipulated by Ministry of Engineering of the Union of xx.1.1 依据本合同所限定的条款,乙方应以xx工程部规定的建筑标准和质量要求执行本工程。
This roject is located at [roject Location], including [Secific roject Content].二、合同价款合同总价为人民币[金额]元/美元[金额]。
The total contract rice is [Amount] RM/USD [Amount].三、工期要求工程开工日期为[开始日期],竣工日期为[结束日期]。
The construction start date is [Start Date], and the comletion date is [End Date].四、质量标准工程质量必须符合[相关质量标准或规范]。
The quality of the roject must comly with [Relevant Quality Standards or Secifications]. 五、付款方式付款将根据以下时间表进行:[详细付款计划]。
ayments will e made according to the following schedule: [Detailed ayment lan].六、违约责任如一方未能履行合同约定,应承担违约责任。
If one arty fails to fulfill the oligations stiulated in the contract, it shall ear the liaility for reach of contract.七、争议解决任何争议首先应通过友好协商解决,协商不成时,可提交至[指定的仲裁机构]进行仲裁。
第一条合同范围1.1 项目描述:甲方委托乙方按照约定的项目描述执行工程项目。
1.2 工程位置:乙方将在工程位置进行施工,并保证其合法权益。
1.3 工程期限:甲、乙双方同意按照约定的工程期限完成工程项目。
第二条价格和支付条款2.1 价格:甲方应根据合同约定支付给乙方的金额为[金额]。
2.2 付款方式:支付方式、时间和地点应按合同约定执行。
2.3 变更费用:如工程项目需要变更,甲、乙双方应就价格和支付条款进行妥善协商。
第三条保证和验收3.1 甲方保证:甲方保证提供合理的支持,提供工程所需的必要条件及时间。
3.2 乙方保证:乙方保证按照合同要求,以高质量和良好的工艺进行施工。
3.3 验收标准:工程项目完成后,甲方有权对工程进行合理的验收,并提出合理的修改要求。
第四条违约和终止4.1 违约:如一方违反本合同的任何规定,另一方有权采取法律手段追究其责任。
4.2 终止:在符合法律要求和合同约定的情况下,双方可协商终止合同。
第五条不可抗力5.1 不可抗力:对于因不可抗力(如地震、火灾等)导致的工程项目耽误或失败,双方对此不承担责任。
5.2 通知:一方若受到不可抗力事件的影响,应及时通知另一方,并提供证明文件。
第六条争议解决6.1 解决方式:对于因本合同引起的争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。
6.2 仲裁:如果无法通过协商解决争议,双方同意将争议提交到指定的仲裁机构进行仲裁。
第七条适用法律和管辖权7.1 适用法律:本合同适用[适用法律]的有关法律条款和规定。
7.2 管辖权:对于本合同引起的任何争议,相关法院具有管辖权。
第八条其他条款8.1 本合同自双方签署之日起生效,并在工程项目完成后终止。
8.2 本合同的附件和补充协议与本合同具有同等效力,应作为本合同不可分割的一部分。
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xxx engineering contract xxx工程合同Contract No.:合同编号:Party A: xxxCompany Limited甲方:xxx有限公司Party B:xxx Company Limited乙方:xxx有限公司This contract is made and entered into on the day of , 2014 by the following Parties in .本合同于2014年月日由以下当事方在签署。
Party A: xxx Company Limited,甲方:xxx有限公司,xxx经营的公司,住所地为xxx,(下称“甲方”),法定代表人:xxxParty B:xxx Company Limited,乙方:xxx有限公司,一家xxx经营的公司,注册地址是:xxx,(下称“乙方”),法定代表人:xxxParty A and Party B are called by a joint name of Both Parties under this contract, each of which is called as A Party.甲方和乙方在本合同项下统称为“双方”,单独称为“一方”。
1. Work Content and Requirements1. 工作内容、要求1.1 In accordance with the items stipulated in this Contract, Party B shall conduct the project as per the Projectstandard and quality standard stipulated by Ministry of Engineering of the Union of xx.1.1 依据本合同所限定的条款,乙方应以xx工程部规定的建筑标准和质量要求执行本工程。
2. Contract Period2. 合同期限2.1 Work period for the Road Construction Project: the work shall be completed within 2 month upon signingthe Contract. The condition of handover is that the Project Inspection & Acceptance Team constituted by Party A, shall issue the Inspection & Acceptance Sheet after onsite inspection.2.1 本次工程时间周期:合同签订后14个工作日内完成,并以甲方组成的竣工验收小组现场检验并出具验收单为竣工交接条件。
2.2 This contract shall be implementedafter this is duly signed by the legal representatives or authorizedrepresentatives of the Parties and stamped with the seals of the Parties, and closed after the onsite acceptance of the Project and Contract payment.2.2 本合同自双方法定代表人或授权代表人签字盖章后生效,现场验收合格、款项支付完毕后关闭。
3. Health, Safety and Environment Principles (HSE)3. 健康、安全和环境原则(HSE)3.1 The staff from Party B shall follow the arrangement of Local government and Party A (or itsrepresentatives), and comply with the laws and regulations of Myanmar as well as rules and regulations on Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) of Party A.3.1 乙方工作人员必须听从地方政府、甲方人员(或代表)的安排,遵守缅甸法律、法规和甲方的安全环境健康规章制度等。
3.2 Before or during the implementation of this Project, Party B shall acknowledge, avoid and prevent thepossible damage of the Project to the surrounding environment and other affiliatedfacilities, and the resulting losses shall be borne by Party B.3.2 在工程实施之前或进行当中,乙方应识别工程可能对周边环境及原有设施造成的危害,应进行规避和防护,对由此带来的损失,应由乙方承担。
3.3 During the performance of this Contract, Party B shall bear the personal and property losses of Party B orParty B’s personnel injury by itself, if the losses are not caused by Party A.3.3 在合同履行过程中,若发生非甲方原因导致的乙方或乙方人员人身或财产损失的,由乙方自行承担。
4. Contract Price, Payment and Taxes4. 合同价格、付款事宜及税费4.1 As per the stipulated construction contents, both Parties agree that this Contract is a lump sum contract. Thecontract payment includes all construction costs and related cost for construction preparation and construction implementation.Please refer to the following table for the details4.1 按照本合同所确定的工程内容,甲方与乙方确定本次马德岛岗亭工程为费用总包合同,合同费用包含全部工程施工费用及其他与工程准备、工程执行相关的费用。
详见下表The total amount:费用合计:xxx美金4.2 The Contract shall be valued in USD, and the payment shall be settled in equivalent value of KYAT. Theexchange rate shall be at the spot exchange rate from USD to KYATon the day of payment by the handling bank of Party A. Unless otherwise specified by Party B and agreed by Party A, Party A shall only conduct payment in accordance with the bank account of Party B agreed in this contract.Party B shall be responsible for the authenticity, safety and accuracy of its designated account information. If Party A fails to pay or delays payment due to the causes of Party B’s account, all responsibilities and consequences hereof shall be undertaken by Party B itself. The account information assigned by Party B is as follows:4.2 本合同以美金计价,以美元或等值缅币结算。
乙方指定的账户信息如下:4.3 Both Parties shall perform their respective taxation obligations in accordance with the tax laws andregulations of the Union of Myanmar. The Contract Price includes withholding tax and other taxes of PartyB. .4.3 本合同签约双方应依照缅甸国家的相关税收法律法规,履行纳税义务,乙方在合同总价中包含有预扣所得税和其他税费部分。
4.4 The payment of this Contract shall be conducted in three instalments:4.4 本合同付款一次付清,付款方式为电汇:Within 10 working days after signing this Contract, Party A shall make the first payment equals to 30% of the total Contract Price..验收合格后,甲方向乙方支付全部合同金额。
5. Alterations5. 变更事宜5.1 Party A shall have the right to require increasing the work scope (hereinafter referred to as “Alterations”) onthe basis of this Contract.5.1 甲方有权在此合同的基础上,要求增加工作范围(以下称之为“变更”)。