外教英语PPT启蒙运动the enlightenment教学文案
最新外教英语PPT启蒙运动the enlightenment教学文稿
Roots of the Enlightenment
The Enlightenment grew out of the Renaissance, Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution.
What’s the same?: Like all of these other movements, much Enlightenment thinking challenged accepted beliefs.
Light out of the Darkness
A Frenchman, Bernard de Fontenelle, expressed this optimistic faith in reason and progress. In 1702, he wrote that the new century “will become more enlightened day by day, so that all previous centuries will be lost in darkness by comparison.”
Key Vocabulary
Enlightenment: a period during the 1600s and 1700s in which educated Europeans changed their outlook on life by seeing reason as the key to human progress.
外教英语PPT启蒙运动the enlightenment
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
What Was the Enlightenment?
The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement in Europe during the 17th and 18th century that led to
“为了对真理和正义的热诚 而献出了整个生命”
《百科全书》是当时启蒙思 想和自然科学成果的汇编, 全书共35卷,1751-1772, 历时20余年完成。参与撰稿 的多达160人,包括了当时各 思想流派的观点,沉重打击 了封建制度和教会。参与编 撰的人被称为“百科全书
批判封建专制和中世纪封建神学,主张建立 合乎理性的社会和国家。
国王是上帝派到世间的最高权威, 因为国王不仅是上帝在人间的副手,坐
反对君——权詹姆神士一授世,1610年对议会训词 “在国家支出持现天之赋前,人人权类处于“自然
孟德斯鸠 使法这庭三 种 权 力 , … … 则 一 切机便关首都脑完
(1689—1755年) 了…… ”
三权分立,相互制约; 倡导自由平等
主张建立依照“多数人意志行动”的政 府
分权制衡:国家权力分为立法权、 行政权和对外权,并主张立法权与 行政权的分立,行政权与对外权的 统一;立法权是国家最高权力。
(1632 --- 1704)
1689年发表 《关于政府的两篇论文》
“泰斗”伏尔 泰
“诗人、哲学家、历史学 家。……引导人们走向自由”
外教英语启蒙运动the enlightenment(课堂PPT)
What’s new?: Enlightenment philosophers wanted to use the ideas and reason of the Scientific Revolution for problems in government and society.
The Scientific Revolution
• Scientific and academic thought should bIn France, thinkers called philosophes (French for “philosophers”) championed the idea of reason in government.
The Enlightenment grew largely out of the new methods and discoveries achieved in the Scientific Revolution
The equatorial armillary, used for navigation on ships
Roots of the Enlightenment
The Enlightenment grew out of the Renaissance, Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution.
What’s the same?: Like all of these other movements, much Enlightenment thinking challenged accepted beliefs.
Enlightenment Principles
A meeting of French Enlightenment thinkers
The Scientific Revolution
• Scientific and academic thought should bIn France, thinkers called philosophes (French for “philosophers”) championed the idea of reason in government.
The Enlightenment grew largely out of the new methods and discoveries achieved in the Scientific Revolution
The equatorial armillary, used for navigation on ships
Roots of the Enlightenment
The Enlightenment grew out of the Renaissance, Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution.
What’s the same?: Like all of these other movements, much Enlightenment thinking challenged accepted beliefs.
Enlightenment Principles
A meeting of French Enlightenment thinkers
启蒙运动【英文】 The enlightenment
Key Vocabulary
► Enlightenment:
a period during the 1600s and 1700s in which educated Europeans changed their outlook on life by seeing reason as the key to human progress. ► Age of Reason: another name for the Enlightenment ► Salons: in France, a simple meeting of philosophers to discuss ideas during the Enlightenment ► Philosopher: a scholar or thinker ► Reason: Using logical thinking, not superstition
• In what new areas did Enlightenment philosophers want to use reason? • B’s share with A’s • A’s share with B’s • I will now choose someone to explain to the class. • Ans: They wanted to use reason for problems in government and society.
• In what ways are the periods of the Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution similar to the Enlightenment? • A’s share with B’s • B’s share with A’s • I will now choose someone to explain to the class. • Ans: They are similar because they all challenged accepted beliefs.
② With the development of modern science, rationalism, as an asset Anti-feudal class provides the ideological and theoretical weapon.
Representative figures
The Enlightenment usually refers to a period between the early 18th century and the French Revolution in1789, in which new thougts were emerging . The Age of Enlightenment (or Age of Reason) was an elite cultural movement of intellectuals in 18th century Europe that sought to use the power of reason in order to reform society and advance knowledge. It promoted intellectual interchange and opposed intolerance and abuses in Church and state.
He was famous for his wit and for his advocacy (提倡) of civil liberties (公民自由), including freedom of religion, free trade, and separation of church and state. Voltaire was a prolific(多产的) writer, producing works in almost every literary form, including plays, poetry, novels, essays, and historical and scientific works. He wrote more than 20,000 letters and more than 2,000 books and pamphlets.
背景 性质
原因: 资本主义发展较快,适应革命的需要 代表人物: 霍布斯、洛克
兴起 17 世纪的英国 发展 18 世纪后发展到法、德等欧洲国家,
中心 法国
原因 代表人物及主张
伏尔泰、孟德斯鸡 卢梭、狄德罗
主要 思想
反君主专制 宣扬自由平等
原因:君主专制阻碍了人的自然权利 理论:天赋人权和自然权利学说 新制度: 原因: 关系:
提倡自由平等,反对封建专制, 主权在民,
人人享有自由平等的权利而不论其出身。人们 应自由订立社会契约,组成国家。社会中应有“共 同意志”,人人遵守。社会契约就是共同意志的体 现。代表所有人的权利与自由。这是至高无上的人 民主权,不可侵犯……当统治者要撕毁契约时,人 民有权推翻他。” ------《社会契约论》
政治上的自由是公共自由,要保障公共自由, 就应该避免把权力委托给一个人、几个人,因为 一切有权力的人都容易滥用权力,这是万古不易 的一条经验。 为此,提出一条原则,要防止滥用权力,就必 须用权力来约束权力,形成一种能联合各种权力 的政体,其各种权力既调节配合,又相互制约, 即权力要分开掌握和使用。 -----盂德斯鸠《罗马盛衰原因论》
教会制定的法律,非经政府明白批准,不应有丝 毫效力。 ——伏尔泰《简明哲学辞典》 教皇是“魔鬼一样的骗子”,是“两足禽兽”, 教士和主教是“卑鄙的流氓”。天主教的历史就是 反人类的犯罪史,是人类理性的敌人,历史前进的 障碍,“罪恶的根源”。 ——据《哲学书 简》 不过伏尔泰并不反对宗教,而是一个自然神论者。 他认为要统治人民,宗教是不可缺少的。他说“即 使没有上帝,也要造出一个上帝来”。
思考: 材料反映了思想家的什么观点?
外教英语启蒙运动the enlightenment课件
Light out of the Darkness
• A Frenchman, Bernard de Fontenelle, expressed this optimistic faith in reason and progress. In 1702, he wrote that the new century “will become more enlightened day by day, so that all previous centuries will be lost in darkness by comparison.”
The Enlightenment
What Was the Enlightenment?
The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement
in Europe during the 17th and 18th century that led
• Philosophers often gathered in informal meetings, called salons. There they exchanged and debated ideas for hours.
• Many salons were organized by women. Gatherings like these helped to shape and spread the ideas of the Enlightenment.
The Scientific Revolution
The Enlightenment grew largely out of the new methods and discoveries achieved in the Scientific Revolution
教 版
高 中
运ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
历 史
第 二 单 元
第 七 课
启 蒙 运 动
Enlightenment campaign
Designed by pipike
康德 Kant
用理性的阳光 驱散现实的黑暗
•思想上:文艺复兴和宗教改革运动的深入发展 •经济上:资本主义经济的发展 •文化上:近代科学的兴起,科学与知识的进步 •外交上:新航路开辟 •政治上:英法等中央集权民族国家的形成
•主要内容是呼唤用理性的阳光驱散现实的黑 暗,努力构建一个民主和科学的美好时代。
谢 谢 大 家
孟德斯鸠突破“君权神授”的观点。认为人 民应享有宗教和政治自由。认为决定法的精 神和法的内容是每个国家至关重要的。
运 动 概 况
•性质:17、18世纪欧洲爆发的一场,资产阶级 的思想解放运动 •过程:开始于英法,随后扩展到德国、荷兰等 国 •思想:理性 •斗争:批判封建专制主义和宗教迷信,提倡理 性与科学
这个时期的启蒙运动,覆盖了各个知识领域,启蒙运动同时为美国独立战争与法 国大革命提供了框架,与音乐史上的巴洛克时期以及艺术史上的新古典主义时期 是同一时期。
理 性 之 光
孟德斯鸠,法国启蒙时期思想家、律师,西方国 家学说以及法学理论的奠基人,与伏尔泰、卢梭 合称“法兰西启蒙运动三剑侠”。
启蒙运动 背景
The background of the enlightenment
卢梭 Roussea(u1712-1778)
教 版
高 中
运ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
历 史
第 二 单 元
第 七 课
启 蒙 运 动
Enlightenment campaign
Designed by pipike
康德 Kant
用理性的阳光 驱散现实的黑暗
•思想上:文艺复兴和宗教改革运动的深入发展 •经济上:资本主义经济的发展 •文化上:近代科学的兴起,科学与知识的进步 •外交上:新航路开辟 •政治上:英法等中央集权民族国家的形成
•主要内容是呼唤用理性的阳光驱散现实的黑 暗,努力构建一个民主和科学的美好时代。
谢 谢 大 家
孟德斯鸠突破“君权神授”的观点。认为人 民应享有宗教和政治自由。认为决定法的精 神和法的内容是每个国家至关重要的。
运 动 概 况
•性质:17、18世纪欧洲爆发的一场,资产阶级 的思想解放运动 •过程:开始于英法,随后扩展到德国、荷兰等 国 •思想:理性 •斗争:批判封建专制主义和宗教迷信,提倡理 性与科学
这个时期的启蒙运动,覆盖了各个知识领域,启蒙运动同时为美国独立战争与法 国大革命提供了框架,与音乐史上的巴洛克时期以及艺术史上的新古典主义时期 是同一时期。
理 性 之 光
孟德斯鸠,法国启蒙时期思想家、律师,西方国 家学说以及法学理论的奠基人,与伏尔泰、卢梭 合称“法兰西启蒙运动三剑侠”。
启蒙运动 背景
The background of the enlightenment
卢梭 Roussea(u1712-1778)
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• Scientific and academic thought should be secular
The Salons
In France, thinkers called philosophes (French for “philosophers”) championed the idea of reason in government.
Many Enlightenment thinkers stressed individual rights that governments must respect.
Enlightenment thinkers also felt that people should have a say in their government.
Roots of the Enlightenment
The Enlightenment grew out of the Renaissance, Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution.
What’s the same?: Like all of these other movements, much Enlightenment thinking challenged acceptey
Enlightenment: a period during the 1600s and 1700s in which educated Europeans changed their outlook on life by seeing reason as the key to human progress.
Enlightenment and Government
Enlightenment thinkers criticized accepted ideas about government. Some questioned the medieval belief in the divine right of kings [the idea that God chose a country’s king, and that the king got his authority from God.]
Age of Reason: another name for the Enlightenment Salons: in France, a simple meeting of philosophers
to discuss ideas during the Enlightenment Philosopher: a scholar or thinker Reason: Using logical thinking, not superstition
Light out of the Darkness
A Frenchman, Bernard de Fontenelle, expressed this optimistic faith in reason and progress. In 1702, he wrote that the new century “will become more enlightened day by day, so that all previous centuries will be lost in darkness by comparison.”
Philosophers often gathered in informal meetings, called salons. There they exchanged and debated ideas for hours.
Many salons were organized by women. Gatherings like these helped to shape and spread the ideas of the Enlightenment.
Enlightenment and Religion
外教英语PPT启蒙运动the enlightenment
Immanuel Kant
According to the 18thcentury philosopher Immanuel Kant, the “motto” of the Enlightenment was “Sapere aude! Have courage to use your own intelligence!” (Kant, “What Is Enlightenment?” 1784)
The Enlightenment grew largely out of the new methods and discoveries achieved in the Scientific Revolution
The equatorial armillary, used for navigation on ships
What’s new?: Enlightenment philosophers wanted to use the ideas and reason of the Scientific Revolution for problems in government and society.
The Scientific Revolution
Enlightenment Principles
A meeting of French Enlightenment thinkers
• Religion, tradition, and superstition limited independent thought
• Accept knowledge based on observation, logic, and reason, not on faith
The Salons
In France, thinkers called philosophes (French for “philosophers”) championed the idea of reason in government.
Many Enlightenment thinkers stressed individual rights that governments must respect.
Enlightenment thinkers also felt that people should have a say in their government.
Roots of the Enlightenment
The Enlightenment grew out of the Renaissance, Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution.
What’s the same?: Like all of these other movements, much Enlightenment thinking challenged acceptey
Enlightenment: a period during the 1600s and 1700s in which educated Europeans changed their outlook on life by seeing reason as the key to human progress.
Enlightenment and Government
Enlightenment thinkers criticized accepted ideas about government. Some questioned the medieval belief in the divine right of kings [the idea that God chose a country’s king, and that the king got his authority from God.]
Age of Reason: another name for the Enlightenment Salons: in France, a simple meeting of philosophers
to discuss ideas during the Enlightenment Philosopher: a scholar or thinker Reason: Using logical thinking, not superstition
Light out of the Darkness
A Frenchman, Bernard de Fontenelle, expressed this optimistic faith in reason and progress. In 1702, he wrote that the new century “will become more enlightened day by day, so that all previous centuries will be lost in darkness by comparison.”
Philosophers often gathered in informal meetings, called salons. There they exchanged and debated ideas for hours.
Many salons were organized by women. Gatherings like these helped to shape and spread the ideas of the Enlightenment.
Enlightenment and Religion
外教英语PPT启蒙运动the enlightenment
Immanuel Kant
According to the 18thcentury philosopher Immanuel Kant, the “motto” of the Enlightenment was “Sapere aude! Have courage to use your own intelligence!” (Kant, “What Is Enlightenment?” 1784)
The Enlightenment grew largely out of the new methods and discoveries achieved in the Scientific Revolution
The equatorial armillary, used for navigation on ships
What’s new?: Enlightenment philosophers wanted to use the ideas and reason of the Scientific Revolution for problems in government and society.
The Scientific Revolution
Enlightenment Principles
A meeting of French Enlightenment thinkers
• Religion, tradition, and superstition limited independent thought
• Accept knowledge based on observation, logic, and reason, not on faith