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研 修 活 动 品 质
实例1:在不断“看别人,找差距”中确定主 题
商塌中学虽然地处远郊,学校的英语教研组近年来却在 区里小有名气,教学成绩历年来一直稳定在区前列。
科组,全校近20名英语教师中没有一位一级教师,学科成绩 也一直徘徊不前。前任教研组长刚调走,新任组长是刚从学 校毕业出来的大学生,没有经验。学校根据实际情况,向区 教师进修学校外语教研室提出请求要求支援。教研员高老师
【方案二】聪明的结构 清晰的命令链条,良好的分工,丰富的正式(非正式)沟
够了 吗 ?
王 洁 欧益生 王羽左 金继宽 杨玉东 戴加平 严加平
★ 明确的目标与路径 ★ 有目的地去参与 有话可说 有所收获 ★ 在明确目标与过程的关系的基础上设计活动过程 ★ 反映学校教学的方向
3. 准备必要的工具
【学校情况】 我们是一所农村初级中学,外语组有12名英语教师,其中 11位是中学初级教师。教研活动中,大家达成共识:针对农村学生家长无 法给子女提供学习指导,老师在课堂上要加大练习和训练。于是,我们开 始对学生“死缠烂打”,一段时间下来,学生的英语成绩依然止步不前, 出于全区下游水平。我们困惑了,为什么辛苦付出却没有收获?“如何提 高我们的教学水平,有效提高学生的学习成绩”成了我们教研活动讨论的 热点,也是难题。
Athur the new King of England
But the fact is…?
Arthur is the bastard (私生 子)of King Britain Uther and heir to the throne. However , considering his safety, Merlin advised that the baby Arthur should be raised in a secret place and that none should know his true identity.
King Arthur
The Sword of Stone was broke as
violating the spirit of knight , Under the guidance of Merlin, Arthur had obtained a magical sword from The Lady Of The Lake (湖中仙女). This sword was called “Excalibur”。With the sword scabbard(剑鞘),he will not hurt and bleed.
1.Mordred(莫德雷德) The son of King Arthur and his half sister Morgan摩根.The relation between them are not only father and son ,but also uncle and nephew . 2. Camlan(著名的卡姆栏战役) There was a long terrible battle. At the end of the battle, King Arthur took his Excalibur and killed Mordred. But he was also hurt and dying .
Strongly Recommend
TV Series----Merlin
Merlin and The Lady of the Lake
The lady of the Lake
The Lady of the Lake is the name of several related characters who play parts in the Arthurian legend. These characters' roles include giving King Arthur his sword Excalibur, enchanting Merlin, and raising Lancelot after the death of his father. Different writers and copyists give her name variously as Nimue, Viviane, Elaine, Niniane, Nivian, Nyneve, Evienne and other variations.
King Arthu
In the Welsh legend , King Arthur's sword is called the sword of Kings ------Excalibur
The Round Table and The Twelve Knights
Arthur's Tomb----The Last Meeting of Lancelot and Guinevere
They were originally the German people. In the mid fifth century, a large number of Germans invaded the British Isles, including Saxons, Jutes ( Angles ), after a long-term of residence, they gradually became the ancestors of English.
King Arthur presentation资料
![King Arthur presentation资料](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7f8d59a4f524ccbff1218492.png)
King Arthur is the figure at the heart of the Arthurian legends. He is said to be the son of Uther Pendragon and Igraine of Cornwall. Arthur is a mythic figure. In early Latin history book he is presented as a military leader. In later romance he is presented as a king and emperor.NameThe origin of the name Arthur remains a matter of debate. Some suggest it is derived from the Latin family name Artorius, Others propose a derivation from Welsh word, meaning "bear", suggesting art-ur, "bear-man"LifeKing Arthur was the son of Uther and defeated the barbarians in a dozen battles. Subsequently, he conquered a wide empire and eventually went to war with the Romans. He returned home on learning that his nephew Mordred had raised the standard of rebellion(谋反)and taken Guinevere, the queen. After landing, his final battle took place.KnightsEveryone has heard of the Knights of the Round Table. The Knights were men of courage, honor, dignity, courtesy, and nobleness. They protected ladies and damsels, honored and fought for kings, and undertook dangerous quests.The cross in the emblem was to remind them that they were to live pure and stainless lives. The Red Dragon of King Arthur represented their loyalty to the King. The Round Table was illustrative of the Eternity of God, the equality, unity, and comradeship of the Order, and singleness of purpose of all the Knights.Sir Lancelot Du Lac (Launcelot)Lancelot was the son of King Ban of Benwick and Queen Elaine. He was the First Knight of the Round Table, and he never failed in gentleness, courtesy, or courage. Launcelot was also a knight who was very willing to serve others.Sir GawaineGawain is generally said to be the nephew of Arthur. His parents were Lot of Orkney and Morgause (though his mother is said to be Anna in Geoffrey of Monmouth). Upon the death of Lot, he became the head of the Orkney clan, which includes in many sources his brothers Agravain, Gaheris, and Gareth, and his half-brother Mordred.Sir GeraintThe eldest son of King Erbin of Dumnonia who was a Knight of Devon. After the death of his his wife, Prince Geraint spent much time at King Arthur's Court, looking forSi r BedivereSir Bedivere was a trusty supporter of King Arthur from the beginning of his reign, and one of the first knights to join the fellowship of the Round Table. Bedivere had only one hand later in life, having lost one of his hands in a battle. Bedivere was present at the Last Battle, the fateful Battle of Camlan. He and Arthur alone survived the battle.Sir PercivalePercivale was raised by his mother in ignorance of arms and courtesy. Percivale's natural prowess, however, led him to Arthur's court where he immediately set off in pursuit of a knight who had offended Guinevere.Carleon Upon UskAccording to Geoffrey of Monmouth's twelfth-century History of the Kings of Britain, this was Arthur's chief city. It contained two minster churches where choirs sang praises to God non-stop, and a college of 200 scholars skilled in the arts of astrology and prediction. This is where Arthur was crowned and held his first court, presiding over a rich company including liveried knights and their ladies.The Chalice Well GardensIt has long been considered the most sacred of the hills, and it is believed by many to have been the final resting place of the Grail. A spring, rich in iron which turns the water red, rises here, and a peaceful garden has grown up around it in the past decade, owned and looked after by a local trust.The Round TableAccounts differ about the origin of the Round Table, at which Arthur's knights met to tell of their deeds and from which they invariably set forth in search of further adventures. Arthur devised the idea of a round table to prevent quarrels between his barons over the question of precedence.StonehengeAfter a great battle, Merlin conveyed the stones by magic to the shore of the sea, then floated them on rafts across to Britain and set them up on the plain near Salisbury.It was said that those who drink the water in the grail can never die. So Arthur joined some battles to gain the grail.。
King Arthur英语1302 童可After I learned about the history of the United Kingdom, the most impressed part is the story of King Arthur. So now I want to introduce this hero to you.One of the question is that whether or not he is a historical figure. The debate has raged since the renaissance when Arthur’s historicity was vigorously defended. Partly because the Tudor monarchs traced their lineage to Arthur and used that connection as a justification for their reign. Modern scholarship has generally assumed that there was some actual person at the heart of the legends. If there is a historical basis to the character, it is clear that he would have gained fame as a warrior battling the Germanic invaders of the late fifth and early sixth centuries. Since there is no conclusive evidence for or against Arthur’s historicity. the debate will continue. But what can’t be denied is the influence of the figure of king Arthur on literature, art, music and society from the Middle Ages to the present. Though there have been numerous historical novels that try to put Arthur into a six-century setting, it is the legendary figure of the late middle ages who has most captured the imagination. Whether the king Arthur exists is still a problem. So I would like to talk about the historical Arthur and the legendary Arthur.First, the historical basis of King Arthur is a source of considerable debate among historians. If there is a historical basis to the character, it is clear that he would have gained fame as a warrior battling the Germanic invaders of the late fifth and early sixth centuries. King Arthur united the British and drove the Saxons back with his magical sword. In addition, he was presented as a military leader in early Latin history book. Some details ware also pointed out both the location of Camelot and Arthur's final resting place of Avalon which was said near to Hadrian's Wall①.Then, I will talk about the legendary king Arthur. King Arthur is a mythic figure at the heart of the Arthurian legend. According to legendary stories, Arthur was the bastard of the king of England. Arthur was brought up secretly by an ordinary man. When he grew up, he got the supernatural sword from the stone. Since then he was made sure the king of England. Then he defeated the barbarians in a dozen battles and conquered a wide empire. However, once he returned home from a war with the Romans, he found Guinevere, the queen, committed adultery with one of his best knights---Sir Lancelot. What’s more, during this time, his nephew murdered had raised the standard of rebellion.. This led Arthur to crossing the channel and making war on his former knight. While away from Britain, he left Mordred in charge.Mordred rebelled and Arthur returned to quell him. This led to Arthur's last battle on Salisbury Plain, where he slew Mordred, but was himself gravely wounded. Arthur was then carried off in a barge, saying he was heading for the vale of Avalon. Some said he never died, but would one day return. However, his grave was supposedly discovered at Glastonbury in the reign of Henry II (1154-89)②.Here are some stories about the king Arthur. The first story I want to talk about is the meeting of the round table. According to the story, when King Arthur married Queen Guinevere, her father gave him a round table as dowry that can accommodate 150 people which called “The Winchester Round Table”. Every year since then, Arthur’s most trusted knights will be gathered in the castle of Camelot. The round table symbolized love and equality. Therefore, any knights seated at the round table would not find a lower status than other, everyone who sat around it were equals. And they won’t feel aggrieved.Another story about King Arthur is the Knights of the Round Table. King Arthur’s twelve major knights called the Knights of the Round Table. They lived by a code of chivalry built on courage, honor, dignity, courtesy, nobleness and respect. In the fellowship of the round table, all of them were treated equally. Loyalty was owed to the God and king. They protected ladies and damsels, honored and fought for king, and undertook dangerous quests. Truth and love were seen as worth dying for. ③Since there is no conclusive evidence for or against Arthur's historicity, the debate will continue. But what cannot be denied is the influence of the figure of Arthur on literature, art, music, and society from the Middle Ages to the present.References:①Hunt, August. 2010. King Arthur: Shadows in the Mist. London: BM Avalonia Published.②1993, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Arthurian Legends - Claremont Books.③Wikipedia-King Arthur and the knights of the round table.。
亚瑟王亞瑟王(英语:King Arthur)全名為亞瑟·潘德拉剛(Arthur Pendragon)。
最近的考古研究指出,在他的假設的生活時期,撒克遜人出現一次斷代(generation gap)。
He and Knights of the Round Table 圆桌骑士defeated aggressors侵略者 and unified 统一 the British .It the didn't have difference in status 地位差异 in the Arthur and Knights of Round Table were a sign of righteous table,everyone was same.Arthur was the leader of Knights of 义round and hope in Britions'hreat. the Round Table.There were many legends happening in the round table.
But in a duel 决斗with King Pellinore ,caliburn broke because the duel violated(违背) chivalry(骑士精神).
Arthur was regret(后悔 的).With the guide(指引) of Merlin,he came to The sacred lake(圣湖).And the lake fairy(仙女) sent a sword to him.The sword was named Excalibur(王者
Thank you for watching.
King Arthur
I want to tell you a legend about the greatest British king Arthur.
Arthur Pendragon was the son of British's king Uther Pendragon.He grew with the care of magician(魔法师) The king Uther Merlin. died,everyone agreed who could pull The Sword in the Stone(石中剑)out will (caliburn) be the next king.And
亚瑟王(King Arthur),传说中古不列颠最富有传奇色彩的伟大国王。
人们对他感性认识更多的是来自凯尔特神话传说(Celtic mythology)和中世纪的一些文献,没有人大量涉足过亚瑟王的真实生活。
传说他是圆桌骑士(Knights of the Round Table)的首领,一位近乎神话般的传奇人物。
人物传说传说,亚瑟・潘德拉贡(Arthur Pendragon)是前任国王尤瑟(Uther Pendragon)和康沃尔公爵之妻伊格莱因(Igraine)的儿子。
课程论文《亚瑟王》:亚瑟成王记King Arthur:A Knight to A KingAbstract:King Arthur is a legendary British leader who, according to medieval histories and romances, led the defence of Britain against the Saxon invaders in the early 6th century.About Arthurian legend, once popular in numerous literary classics.The movie,King Arthur,put these stories onto the screen,which reappears the great achievements of the European monarch.According to the movie,this paper analyzes the reasons that make the knight Arthur be King Arthur from two main aspects :the historical background and his own characteristics.Key Words:King Arthur;historical background;charactersIntroductionKing Arthur, a film directed by Antoine Fuqua and written by David Franzoni in 2004,tells a story of a legendary warrior champion. Legend of the middle ages of 4,5 century A.D, before and after,King Arthur overthrew the hundreds of years rule of the Roman Empire in the British territory,he dislodged the Saxons invasion successfully, and gradually pushed Britain to an important position in Europe through a series of politicaland military measures.He established a series of great achievements.The film is unusual in reinterpreting Arthur as a Roman officer rather than a medieval knight.Despite these departures from the source material,the Welsh Mabinogion, the producers of the film attempted to market it as a more historically accurate version of the Arthurian legends,supposedly inspired by new archaeological findings. The film was shot in England, Ireland, and Wales.In general,the movie focuses on the radeship between Arthur and his knights,Arthur's concept of freedom, and how Arthur recognized the truth of the Holy See,then determined to fight for British.It is the third epic following Gladiator and Troy.1.The Main PlotArthur, also known as Artorius Castus,is portrayed as a Roman cavalry officer,the son of a Roman father and a Celtic mother, who mands a unit of Sarmatian auxiliary cavalry in Britain at the close of the Roman occupation in 467 A.D.He and his remaining knights Lancelot,Bors,Tristan,Gawain,Galahad and Dagonet are expecting discharge from the service of the Empire after faithfully serving for 15 years.However,on the night they ought to receive their freedom, they are dispatched on a final and possibly suicidal mission by Bishop Germanus in the freezing winter to rescue the important Roman family of Marius Honorius from impending capture by the invading Saxons, led by their chief Cerdic and his son Cynric.At the remote estate,Arthur meets Marius and frees a Woad, Guinevere, and a small boy, Lucan.Finally, Arthur decides to take everyone, along with Marius' family, back to Hadrian's Wall.Along the journey,Guinevere takes Arthur to meet with Merlin, the leader of the Woads and her father.Merlin suggests an alliance between the Woads and the Sarmatian knights against the invading Saxons.However,Arthur do not say anything.In due course, Arthur and his remaining men forsake Roman citizenship and form an alliance with the Woads to fight the Saxons. In the climactic battle, the "Battle of Badon Hill". After fierce fighting,Arthur kills Cerdic, and the Saxons are defeated.Though Arthur is victorious, the events of the film have led to the loss of his faith in Rome as a bastion of justice. After realizing that the Rome of his ideals exists only in his dreams, Arthur also despairs over the deaths of his men. The film ends with Arthur and Guinevere's marriage. Merlin then proclaims him to be their king. King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, and his remaining knights promise to lead the Britons, united with the defeat of the Saxons and retreat of the Romans, against future invaders. The last scene shows the 3 horses belonging to Tristan, Dagonet and Lancelot running free across the landscape as the narrative describes how the fallen knights live on in tales passed from generation to generation.2.Reasons make Knight be KingAt the first beginning,Arthur is a Roman cavalry officer,and has been serving for Rome Empire over 15 years.Most important,he is an idealistic christian soldier who truly believes god has sent him into this world to protect and win in Roman battles.However,hefinally gives up the chance to be a Roman citizen but the British king,so what makes Knight Arthur be King Arthur?2.1Arthur's Historical Background450 A.D,the Roman Empire has been gradually declining,as well as intended to evacuate from the United Kingdom.On the Great Britain island, many of the lords and knights fought over land and castles,war-torn peoples also organized their own partisans actively.At this time,Saxons,people with strong aggressive,also take into Great Britain. The country was teetering.Arthur and his Round Table Knights had withstood the invading Saxons many times, but under the help of Hadrian's Wall and Roman military support.Once Rome evacuated from the United Kingdom,it's not hard to image what would happen.However,Woads stopped fighting with Arthur but cooperated with him,it means Arthur has won respect from local people,he got new military power.It is called human conditions.As a Chinese saying goes:A hero is nothing but a product of his time.In that turbulent era,a man who has ability,intelligence,just heart and powerful army would bee a hero.So Arthur did. The Great Britain needed a king,then Arthur came.2.2Arthur's Love with GuinevereGuinevere is the daughter of Merlin,the leader of Woads.Over Arthur's last mission,he saved Guinevere and gradually fell in love with her.On one hand,Guinevere encouraged Arthur to fight for himself,use his own strength to obtain the forever freedom,but not the permission from Rome.On the other hand,she and her father led their clansman to fightwith Saxons to help Arthur defeating invaders.In other word,Arthur earned the local military power. Eventually, Merlin advocated Arthur be the king of British,that is King Arthur.Therefore,it is totally right that there is always a great woman behind a successful man.2.3Arthur's Characteristics2.3.1Arthur's BraveArthur was trained to be a warrior since he was a child,otherwise,he had been experiencing lots of battles,which made him be brave and intelligent.For example,in the movie,in the climactic battle, the "Battle of Badon Hill",even there was only himself left,he never gave up but prepared to fight.Arthur's brave and battlewise and extraordinary courage impressed some excellent knights,they joined Arthur and organized into the famous "Round Table Knights".Under the leadership of Arthur,these brave soldiers bee gangbusters all the way and achieved proud exploits.2.3.2Arthur's IntelligenceArthur is an absolutely preeminent militarist.In the "Battle of Badon Hill",the Saxons were much more than Arthur's army,as well as the fighting capacity.In this case,Arthur didn't fight as usual.First,he had the gate opened and no one left.Then,he ignited some haystack,and made plenty of smoke which created very mysterious atmosphere and really scared the Saxons.And most importantly,he bined war-horse with bow,which had strong lethality and killed many Saxons.2.3.3Arthur's Sense of ResponsibilityArthur had to separate from their families when he still was a child.He fully understood what wars brought,he had seen lots of death.Consequently,when he saw the country's chaotic situation,he vowed to make the entire British Isles break away from the brutal rule of the Romans through his own efforts,and get rid of the confusion of the war situation.Arthur determined to build a new,peaceful and serene home for people here.It is such sense of responsibility that drove Arthur to fight all the time.2.3.4Arthur's MagnanimityAlong the journey to Hadrian's Wall,one night, Guinevere took Arthur to meet with her father,Merlin,the leader of Woads.The plot was revealed in flashback that Arthur's mother had died in a Woad attack when he was a boy and then Arthur pulled his father's sword from the burial mound in an effort to rescue his mother from a burning building,but he failed.That means,the Woad killed his mother,the only relative left of Arthur.The hatred is too tremendous to make Arthur kill Merlin at their first sight.But Arthur not.He chose to cooperate with his former enemy,for the peace and freedom of his people.What magnanimous he is!2.4Arthur's Pursuit of Equality and FreedomIn the movie,when Bishop Germanus arrived the meeting hall,found that the table was round,which had no particular order.From this scene,we can see that within Arthur's mind,he and his knights are equal,it is unnecessary to make the order.They are more like brothers than soldiers.That's properly why his knights were willing to die for him.On the night they ought to receive their freedom,Arthur and his knights wereextremely exciting,they laughed,drunk,danced and sang.For them,freedom is the most wonderful thing in the whole world.They desired freedom,as if it were air,water and food.Many of them never stopped fighting for freedom until their last time.2.5Arthur's ConsensusA hero always has some magical power.Magician predicted that Arthur would bee the holy British monarch,and Arthur also pulled out of the "Sword in the Stone" ,confirmed his future.So,when Guinevere first met Arthur, she told Arthur of the "fairy tales" she'd heard of him.In their mind,Arthur was destinied to be the King of Britain.That is to say,in the matter of consensus,Arthur had absolutely superiority.ConclusionFrom King Arthur,not hard to find that Arthur is not a legend, he was just a man, a self-sacrifice man to bee a leader and has won the title of king.Among all the knights,Arthur was the most responsible and justice,he hoped that world would be more fair and peaceful.Though his warriors loyal to him, they are more like a war machine.This is also the reason why Arthur will bee the leader, because they are willing to submit to his leadership.So,what makes Knight Arthur be King Arthur?We can e to conclusion now.First of all,the era Arthur lived was very turbulent,Rome evacuated and Saxons invaded. Heroes emerge in trouble times,the era has chosen Arthur.And then,Arthur is a brave,kind,magnanimous and responsible man,he has almost all the characters that a heroshould have.Otherwise,it is essential that his people advocate him,what is called "Conquer the people,conquer the world".What's more,Arthur has been serving here for 15 years,he knows British geography and how to use it to fight.Finally,favorable climate,geographical and human conditions,the road to British King is done.References[1] Lambert, Kym (2004) The Problem of the Woad. Retrieved 1-27-07.[2] Hardy, Thomas (1923), The Famous Tragedy of the Queen of Cornwall at Tintagel in Lyonnesse: A New Version of an Old Story Arranged as a Play for Mummers, in One Act, Requiring No Theatre or Scenery, London: Macmillan[3] Layamon;E.Mason The Brut in Arthurian Chronicle 1962[4]Tennyson,Alfred Idylls of the King 2000[5] Riederer, Chris. King Arthur - Key historical facts.. Retrieved September 9, 2007.[6] Green, Thomas. (1998 [2008]) Notes to "The Historicity and Historicisation of Arthur."[7] N. J. Higham, King Arthur, Myth-Making and History(London: Routledge, 2002), pp.11-37 has a good summary of the debate on Arthur's existence[8] 许凌.任在喻.XU Ling.REN.Zai-yu[期刊论文]-师学院学报2009,11(3) 之光和人文之影——浅探中世纪"亚瑟王圆桌骑士"传奇[9] 苗勇刚.贾宇萍.MIAO Yong-gang.JIA Yu-ping 沉沉夜色寂寂朗星——亚瑟王传奇中女性形象[期刊论文]-理工大学学报(社会科学版)2008,8(4)[10] Anderson, Graham (2004), King Arthur in Antiquity, London: Routledge[11] Bromwich, Rachel; Evans, D. Simon (1992), Culhwch and Olwen. An Edition and Study of the Oldest Arthurian Tale, Cardiff: University of Wales Press[12] Monmouth, Geoffrey of (2009), "A History of the Kings of Britain", in Joseph Black, The Broadview Anthology of British Literature:The Medieval Period(Toronto: Broadview Press): 157–179[13] Haycock, M. (2007), Legendary Poems from the Book of Taliesin, Aberystwyth: CMCS。
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About King Arthur 关于亚瑟王
King Arthur
Is there a real man behind the myth?
Historical Arthur
Literary Arthur
Dark Ages
▪ Arthur as presented in the legends was NOT a real person.
To never do outrage nor murder. 永不暴怒和谋杀。
Always to flee treason. 永不背叛。
To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy. 永不残忍,给予求降者以宽恕。
The story of King Arthur is one that has been told for hundreds of years. There have been poems, books, cartoons and even films made of his life。
The legend of King Arthur
1. About King Arthur
2.The Sword in the Stone
4. Knight of Round Table
5. The Holy Grail
6.The death of King Arthur
▪ There was, however, a chieftain named Arthur.
▪ Historical Arthur lived in the Dark Ages, at the end of the 5th and beginning of the 6th centuries.
▪ Literary Arthur comes from medieval times, during the 12th century.
History of Arthur +
Celtic mythology +
Romantic themes +
Fairylike elements ||
Arthurian Legend
King Arthur亚瑟王
▪ King Arthur is a legendary British leader who lead the defence of Britain against the Saxon in the early 5th century. He is the central figure of many legends.
King Arthur was regret for the lost of the sword of the stone .Then the wizard Merlin leading him to the lake.
He got Sword from the fairy of the lake, named "the sword of the king" ——Excalibur.
To always do ladies,gentlewomen and widows succor. 总是给予女士以援助。
The sword of the stone 石中剑
the sword of the stone
Athur , he pulled out the sword, became the new King of England
➢ The Sword of Stone was broke as violating the spirit of knight, Under the guidance of Merlin, Arthur had obtained a magical sword from The Lady Of The Lake(湖中仙女). This sword was called “Excalibur”。With the sword scabbard(剑鞘),he will not hurt and bleed.
The Winchester Round Table 温切斯特圆桌
Every year since then,
Arthur's most trusted knights will be gathered in the castle of Camelot. The round-table symbolizes love and equality. Therefore, any knights seated at the round table will not find a lower status than other people and feel aggrieved.
Knight of Round Table 圆桌骑士
Soon after,King Arthur married Queen Guenevere, her father gives him a round table as dowry ,that can accommodate 150 people, which called “The Winchester xcalibur 圣剑
Because of violation of the spirit of knight, the sword of the stone was fractured, in the duel between King Arthur and King Pellinore.