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1 Explain customer satisfaction

It is the result of goods or services meeting or exceeding the buyer's needs and expect ations.

2 what are the basic steps in developing a marketing strategy

1 study and analyse potential target markets and then chosen among them

2 create a marketing mix to satisfy target market

3 define value

The perception that the quality of a good or service in balance with the price charged 4 explain market segmentation

Process of dividing a total market into several relatively homogeneous groups

5 explain marketing research and why it is important

Marketing research involves collecting and using information to support marketing deci sion making

Ø identify problems or opportunities

Ø analyze competition

Ø evaluate or predict customer behavior

Ø measure existing product offerings

Ø Develop price 、distribution and promotion plans

6 explain utility and how it is created

Utility is the ability of a good or service to satisfy the wants and needs of customers

Ø Form utility:when a raw material,parts,other input converted into a finished good

Ø Time utility:making a good or service available when a customer want to purchase it Ø Place utility:making product available in a convenient place

Ø Ownership utility:orderly transfer from seller to buyer

7 define quality

A degree of excellence of a good or service

8 explain how market segmentation works

an imediate segmentation distinction involves whether the firm is offering goods and services to customers for their own use(B2C market)or to purchasers who will use them directly or indirectly in providing other products for resale(B2C market)

common bases for segmenting B2C market:

geograghical; demograhpic;psychographic;product related

B2B market:


9 explain buyer behavior

Series of decision process by individual consumers who buy products for their own use and organizational buyers who purchase business products to be used directly or indire ctly in the sale of other items

10 explain how relationship marketing benefit an organization

By developing longterm connections with customers and organizations can effectively t arget its best customers and create loyalty,which in turn reduces a firm's marketing cos ts

(save time, accomplish business goals,develop skills and experience,improve service t o customers……)

11 what are the steps involved in purchasing decisions?

Ø Problem awareness

Ø Information search

Ø Evaluation of alternatives

Ø Purchase decision

Ø Purchase act

Ø Postpurchase evaluation

12 explain how the history of marketing has changed

The marketing focus has shifted from a seller's market to a buyer's market. The eras i nclude the product era(product-focused),sales era(transaction-focused),marketing era( customer-focused),

relationship era(developing long-term relationships)

13 what is a product?describe the components of a produce

Product is a bundle of physical,service,and symbolic attributes designed to satisfy custo mer wants

Ø Physical product:is the tangible ,actual product,it includes design,packaging,etc

Ø Service product:the non-physical part of the product.it usually consists of lots of add ed value,delivery,warranties,customer service support

Ø Symbolic product:the benefit of the product that makes it valuable to you,convenienc e,status,safety,ect

14 explain how firms identify their products

Products are identified by brands,brand names,trademarks,and packaging

15 how do business products differ from consumer items

Business products are those purchased for use either directly or indirectly in the produc tion of other goods or services for resale.consumer products are those purchased by ult imate consumers for their own use

16 what are some of the strategies for extending the product life cycle Decisions about package design,brand name,trademarks,warranties,product image,new product development,and customer service

17 identify and briefly describe each of the four stages of the product life cyc le

Ø Introduction stage:firm tries to promote demand for its new offerings,inform the mar ket about it,give free samples to entice consumers to make trial purchase,and explain it s features,uses,and benefits

Ø Growth stage:sales climb quickly as new customers join early users who now are rep urchasing the item

Ø Maturity stage:industry sales eventually reach a saturation level at which further exp ansion is difficult

Ø Decline stage:sales fall and profits decline
