英语专业八级阅读理解高分特训100篇【命题分析+答题攻略+强化训练】(第3章 英语专业八级标准阅读篇

英语专业八级阅读理解高分特训100篇【命题分析+答题攻略+强化训练】(第3章 英语专业八级标准阅读篇
英语专业八级阅读理解高分特训100篇【命题分析+答题攻略+强化训练】(第3章 英语专业八级标准阅读篇




From a hillside,Kamal Saadat looked forlornly at hundreds of potential customers,knowing he could not take them for trips in his boat to enjoy a spring weekend on picturesque Oroumieh Lake,the third largest saltwater lake on earth, which now lay encased by solidifying salt.Saadat lamented that he could not understand why the lake was fading away.

The long popular lake,home to migrating flamingos,pelicans and gulls,has shrunken by60percent and could disappear entirely in just a few years—drained by drought,misguided irrigation policies,development and the damming of rivers that feed it.

Until two years ago,Saadat supplemented his income from almond-and grape-growing by taking tourists on boat tours.But as the lake receded and its salinity rose,he found he had to stop the boat every10minutes to unfoul the propeller—and finally,he had to give up this second job that he'd used to support a five-member family.The visitors were not enjoying such a boring trip,for they had to cross hundreds of meters of salty lakebed just to reach the boat from the wharf.

Other boatmen,too,have parked their vessels by their houses,where they stand as sad reminders of the deep-water days.And the lake's ebbing affects an ever-widening circle.

The receding water has also weakened hotel business and tourism activities in the area,and planned hotel projects remain idle since investors are reluctant to continue.

Beyond tourism,the salt-saturated lake threatens agriculture nearby in northwest Iran,as storms sometimes carry the salt far afield.Many farmers worry about the future of their lands,which for centuries have been famous for apples, grapes,walnuts,almonds,onions,potatoes,as well as aromatic herbal drinks, candies and tasty sweet pastes.

Official reports blame the drying mainly on a decade-long drought,and peripherally on consumption of water of the feeding rivers for fanning.They put5 percent of the blame on construction of dams and3percent on other factors.

The first alarm over the lake's shrinking came in lain1990s amid a nagging drought.Nonetheless,the government continued construction of35dams on the rivers which feed the lake;10more dams are on the drawing boards for the next few years.Also completed was a lake-crossing roadway.No environmental feasibility study was done in the planning for the road,and environmentalists believe the project worsened the lake's health by acting as a barrier to water circulation.

In April,the Iranian government announced a three-prong effort to save the lake:a cloud-seeding program to increase rainfall in the area,a lowering of water consumption by irrigation systems,and supplying the lake with remote sources of water.

Some experts termed the weather control portion of the program as only a “symbolic action”by government,saying the best answer would be to release more water currently being held back by dams.The evaporation rate has been three times the rainfall rate,making the rivers'historic role vital to sustaining the lake.

In the green and beautiful city of Oroumieh,famous for peaceful coexistence between Azeri people,Kurds,Armenians,Assyrians as well as Muslims and Christians,talk about the fate of the lake is common among ordinary people in teahouses and on the streets.Some express happiness with the government decision to manipulate clouds in hopes of increasing rainfall.However,many locals called the cloud-seeding plan“a show”,and the water held back by those dams was the solution.

Beyond the debates by national and local authorities some folks here suggest another way Oroumieh could be saved.A local legend says wild purple gladiolas have had a miraculous role in doing just that.The flowers have grown every year for a thousand years in the spot where a princess of Oroumieh was killed as she warned the people of the city about an invading enemy.As a recent sunset turned the lake golden,Kamal the boatman tried to find some hope in the returning blossoms.

“You see,still wild purple gladiolas are appearing in the spring,”he said.“The city and its lake can eventually survive.”

1.The ebbing of the Oroumieh Lake does NOT affect_____.

A.the locals'second job


C.the salt production

D.hotel business and tourism activities

2.The author's attitude towards the three-prong effort announced by the Iranian

government is_____.





3.Kamal's words at the end of the passage imply that_____

A.purple gladiolas were found around the lake

B.purple gladiolas could save the lake

C.the locals hoped the lake would not diminish

D.the locals were sure of the lake's survival

4.The message the author attempts to convey throughout the passage is that_____.

A.the Oroumieh Lake is in danger

B.the home to migrating animals is vanishing

C.humans'behavior is harmful to nature

D.local tourism business has been hurt

5.In the eyes of many locals,what is the best way to save the Oroumieh Lake?【答案及解析】




众的赞成看法,同时又阐述了一些不赞成的看法,所以作者所持的是保留态度,选D 最为恰当。




害,A、B、D虽然文中有提及,但并不是作者想表达的主要观点,所以C正确。5.To release more water currently being held back by dams.根据文中the best

answer would be to release more water currently being held back by dams.和many locals called...,and the water held back by those dams was the solution.




"I had no idea this was here!"This is a common reaction when I introduce urban friends to Ladner's Delta Street,with its shops so cute they bring to mind Main Street Disneyland rather than suburban Lotusland.I had the same reaction five years ago,when we moved our sailboat to one of Ladner's docks. Tying up the boat next to a waterfront thick with reeds and crowded with birds,

I felt as though we'd unexpectedly acquired a country home.

Tucked off the Fraser River,less than20kilometres from the dense urban centre of Vancouver,the Village of Ladner has been around since1873,when a wharf was built so farmers could snip produce to urban markets.The waterfront stayed the centrepiece as the village grew,and even today the harbour isn't touristy It's jam-packed with fishing boats and tumbledown(摇摇欲坠的)boathouses.The wharf seems almost reluctant to join the21st century.

This hesitation to move forward is what makes Ladner such a nice place to live and such a surprising place to visit.Its quaintness(离奇有趣)isn't something a tourist board dreamt up.Instead,the village feels like a charming secret.

Ladner's dykes,as the best place for harhour watching,protect the river delta from floods and double as uncrowded foot paths through forests and wetlands.My favouritu is one that heads into Ladner Harbour Park.Continue along Swenson Walk,past the pretty Wharfinger office,until you end up at a viewpoint looking out over Ladner's busy waterfront.

As a connoisseur of small-town museums,I've visited a few gems over the years,but also taken in some pretty dull exhibits.The Delta Museum and Archives,housed in a1912Tudor-style heritage building,is one of the best.We always head to the top floor,where the waterfront is depicted,then walk our way down through informative displays that highlight the village's history.

There are not many places left where you can dance around a maypole


2017年湖北普通专升本英语阅读理解题型及满分攻略 2017年湖北普通专升本阅读理解全面考查考生的理解、分析、比较、概括和解决问题的能力。阅读理解的语篇选材覆盖面广,保持了题材、体裁的多样性。选材语言地道,文体特征鲜明。试题难易适当,有合理的梯度,将细节判断、理解判断和推理判断融会贯通。遇见这几种题型,该怎么办呢? 1、主旨大意题 任何一篇文章都有自己的中心思想,所以,文章通常是围绕该中心思想展开的。要领悟文章的中心思想,就要具备归纳和概括方面的能力,而这种能力又常是要考查的重点。很多文章在全文或各段的开头便展示出文章的中心思想,它主要通过主题句(Topic Sentence)来体现。一般来说,文章的主题或中心都在第一段或最后一段表明。某一段的主题句也常出现在段首或段尾,而且常有一些表归纳关系的信号词,如in short, In a word, in brief, to sum up, to conclude等。其常用提问方式主要有:What is the main idea/topic of the passage? The central point of the se-lection is that. The author is mainly concerned wi th. The passages mainly about...等。 2、语义猜测题 该题型主要测试考生利用上下文判断单词、词组或句子在特定语言环境中确切含义的能力。常见的提问方式有:The word“…”in the context means...;The word“…”could be b est replaced by...; Which of the following is nearest meaning to? The word“…”probably refers to...这不仅需要学生准确理解上下文,还要掌握或认识较多的课外词汇。并通过构词、语法等线索确定词义。 3、细节理解题 该题型主要测试学生对文章(或某一段落)中某一些特定细节或文章的重要事实的辨认能力,分直接辨认和间接辨认两种。直接辨认细节型一般只要求学生能从阅读材料中直接获取、记住信息,然后能快速地将他们回忆出来;而间接辨认型不仅要求读者能从阅读材料中直接获取信息,还要将获得的信息进行各种转换,为阅读材料中某些词汇、短语及句型等找到正确的英语释义。如排序、图文转换、数字转换、同义(反义)转换等。常见的提问方式有:Which of the following is NOT included(mentioned)in the passage? Which of the followi ng sentences is NOT true? 4、推理判断题 这种题型主要考查考生根据已知信息做出合理的推断或判断的逻辑思维能力,包括要求考生体会作者的态度、观点、意图等。常用提问方式有:We can infer/learn from the(last)




阅读40分高分研究(较长但务必认真读完收获一定良多以后做到阅读就不怕) 本人花万元报名参加北京一内部考研辅导班,该辅导班考前会发布押题,押题命中率百分之90左右,去年该培训班考生全部高分过线。如果需要发布的押题可以联系我QQ673351717免费索取来者不拒一一发布希望大家都能顺利高分通过研考 考研与高考、各类出国考试(TOEFL、GRE、GMA T等)被认为是改变中国学生人生命运的三大考试。英语一直是筛选学生人选硕士研究生的最权威尺度,考研外语录取最低分数线(50~60分)的通过率被严格地控制在15~18%,一个的命运与其外语能力,在这里更确切地说是与考研英语能力(注意,有人的外语水平不低,但考研英语成绩却不理想)息息相关。阅读理解与考研英语 长期以来考研英语阅读理解部分的教与学总是处于一种尴尬状态之中。 一方面,人人知道它的重要性:阅读理解占研究生入学考试英语总分的50%,每道阅读题分值为2分,往往因一念之差,选错一题,就会痛失2分,需要提醒大家注意的是,有的时候半分就能决定成败。 站在更深的层次,考研英语虽然从形式上分为词汇、语法、改错、完形填空、阅读理解、翻译和作文等几部分,但归根结底都是在变相地考阅读理解。所谓完形填空无非是把阅读理解的文章去掉若干个词,要求您在阅读理解的基础上补缺;翻译就是把阅读理解文章选出几句话来,同样需要您在阅读理解的前提下,用通顺甚至是华丽的汉语表达一下而已;词汇和语法都要求在对题干句阅读理解的基础上,再结合词汇及语法的具体特点才能作出最佳选择,而我们许多同学做词汇、语法题目时,非常重视词汇和语法的自身特点,却忽视了对于题干句语义的理解,这是非常简单而又常见的错误,当然也是这类题目准确率不高的一个主要原因;阅读理解不过关,作文也受到直接影响。阅读是别人写的文章让您读,而作文是自己写文章让别人看,别人写的文章您看不懂,头脑里没有素材、没有模型,自己笔下何来好文章。对于广大考生而言,阅读理解部分完成的好坏关系研究生入学考试的成败,阅读理解过关等于研究生入学考试轻松了一大半。 但另一方面,考生大量背诵篇章,拼命作题,外加分析、总结,经过长期不懈的努力后,结果收效甚微。通常情况下,有很多考生阅读理解分数可以达到20至25分,但超过35分的同学却廖廖无几。 新与旧 我认为一本书的新旧不在于其形式、不在于是否在其封面上打上2000年版或3000年版的标志,而在于其内容,在于其思想是否领先于那个时代,一个伟大思想辉煌时代的到来往往是在这个思想的创造者死后的半个或一个世纪——这就是人类的历史! 本书力排对着答案讲题、将阅读当成翻译来讲解的传统弊端,从分析应试高手心得出发,精研历年考研阅读理解试题,深入体会和理解真题的题型与思路;充分考虑到中国学生的实际水平和常见错误,针对各类题型为考生提供一套实用操作性很强的技巧和方法,提高考生临场实战能力,为未来的考试做好准备,这是同类书籍中的独家做法!同时也避免了考研讲解传统上的事后明白——“马后炮”的缺陷。要知道看了答案,再查词典,人人都会讲考研。 考生难点分析 根据考生水平的水同,一般存在如下三种问题: *部分考生读不懂文章,对于复杂句尤其是长句、多义词及难词理解有误。这些考生的英语阅读的基本功还有待提高。


高一英语阅读理解满分攻略 阅读理解概述: 阅读理解全面考查考生的理解、分析、比较、概括和解决问题的能力。阅读理解的语篇选材覆盖面广,保持了题材、体裁的多样性。选材语言地道,文体特征鲜明。试题难易适当,有合理的梯度,将细节判断、理解判断和推理判断融会贯通。 阅读理解举足轻重,占用时间长,分值大,失分多。高考150满分,阅读理解占40分。总共5篇阅读,每篇阅读设题数量不一,共20道题,每题2分。如何能够在35分钟内读完长达2000-2200词的五篇文章,并且能够正确回答所有的问题,从而得到满意的分数是一个关键却也较难的问题。要想解决这个问题就必须下决心抓阅读,提高阅读能力和阅读理解题的应试能力。 距离期中考试还剩几天如何突击复习得高分: 今天距离北京市期中考试还有一个多星期,我们就学生们提出的几个关于阅读理解的问题做一个解答,希望对高一的学生有些帮助。 1、如何应对高中英语阅读中的长难句? 影响阅读速度,降低了解题的信心。 近年来,英语阅读解题加强了对长,难句的考察,阅读材料中出现了不少省略句,复合句和特长句,给正确理解全文造成了很大困难。实际上,一般情况下,不在长难句中设题。文章难,题不难。一旦考到长,难句,大家也不要心慌。 应对长难句的解题技巧: 1利用还原法恢复句型的原貌。例如:Betty shrugs. Talk? We're friends.(2001全国,C) 该句为省略句,根据上文Harold对妻子长时间跟女友谈话而感到纳闷的情况,该剧课补充还原为:Betty shrugs. Why are we talking so long? We're friends. 2 利用结构引导词进行结构和功能分析及单句重拍,准确理解复合句。 3 成分分析法。这是较常用的方法。以上两种方法较难,这里暂不做举例说明。 2、高中期中考试考前如何进行实战操练才最有效: 临考一周: 做到每天五篇,养成考场习惯。每天保证阅读量,最好是一天一套5篇阅读。并根据自己的情况,设定时间完成,逐渐缩短阅读时间。可以按照,50分钟,45分钟,40分钟,35分钟的规律递减。摸索阅读速度,确定阅读方法,保持做题惯性。考前模拟,创造黑马。 临考一天: 完成五篇一天任务,总结一周阅读技巧。当你拿出一周的35篇阅读文章时,相信你的内心一定是充满了喜悦感,成就感。好!保持这种感觉!你便可突出重围!、


英语专业八级阅读理解长难句解析 2018英语专业八级阅读理解长难句解析 英语专业八级阅读理解难点为词汇及长难句的理解,希望大家通过一段时间的坚持提升拆分解读长难句的能力,争取攻克专八阅读30分。 Ifambitionistobewellregarded,therewardsofambition—wealth,distinction,controloverone'sdestiny—mustbedeemedworthyofthesacrificesmadeonambition'sbehalf. 译文:如果雄心壮志得到人们足够重视的话,那么它的回报——财富、声誉、对命运的掌握——则都使人们认为是值得去为之付出代价的。 分析:此句包含一个if引导的条件状语从句Ifambitionistobewellregarded,主句的主语是therewardsofambition,谓语是mustbedeemed,而 wealth,distinction,controloverone'sdestiny既是插入语,又是therewards的同位语。madeonambition'sbehalf是thesacrifices 的补语。 【词汇指南】 well[wel](adv.)很好地;相当地,很(n.)水井()(该词与汉语“完好”发音极其接近——即“很好地;相当地”。而该词之所以还表示“水井”,是因为“水”就是最好的东西、乃生命之源。因此从某种程度上来说,“well-水井”演变自“water-水”。) 考点搭配: aswell也 wellregarded受欢迎的,受好评的

lesswelleducated未受过良好教育的. well-orchestrated精心策划 reward[ri'w?:d](n.)报酬,奖金(vt.)报偿,酬谢;奖励(re-回,ward=award-奖品→企业为“回”报工人而“奖给”的东西——即 “报酬,奖金”,引申为“报偿,酬谢;奖励”。) 1个派生词: ●rewarding[ri'w?:di?](adj.)有报酬的,有益的(inɡ-形容词后缀) 4个扩展词: ●award[?'w?:d](vt.)授予,给予(n.)奖品;奖状(a-加强语气,表 示“一”,ward-保护→奖励那些在战场中“保护”领袖、一直坚守 作战的勇士——即“授予,给予”,引申为“奖品;奖状”。) ●steward['stju:?d](n.)(轮船、飞机等的)服务员,乘务员;管 家(高考词汇)(2005年-阅读2)(ste=sta-词根,站立,ward-守卫→ 站立、守卫在客人身边的人——即“服务员,乘务员”,引申为“管家”。) ●wardrobe['w?:dr?ub](n.)衣柜;行头;剧装(ward-保护;收容所,robe-长袍→最初“衣柜”就是用来“收容”和存储长袍的。) ●ward[w?:d](n.)保护,看护;病房;收容所(wa=wall-围墙, rd=round-围绕→“城墙”围绕——即“保护,看护”,引申为“病房;收容所”。) deem[di:m](v.)深信,认为(有学者认为,“deem-深信、认为” 由“doom-劫数、命定”演变而来(oo-ee元音变化)→源于古人看到 天体陨落、于是“深信”将有惨祸发生;后来,根据“深信”引申为“认为”。) 1个形近词:


阅读理解高分攻略 .阅读理解的能力要求: 1. 能根据上下文和构词法推断, 理解生词的词义。 2. 能理解段落中各句 子的 逻辑关系。 3. 能找出文章中的主题, 理解故事的情节, 预测故事情节的发 生和可能的结局。 4. 能读懂常见题材的阅读材料。 5. 能根据不同的阅读目的的 运 用简单的阅读策略获取信息。 6. 除教材外,课外阅读量应累计在 15 万 以 上(上 海要求更高一些, 30 万词以上) . 所谓阅读理解能力是指视读能力,理解能力和对所读材料的评价能力。 .中 考英语阅读理解命题透视。 (一)中考阅读理解的考查方式 1. 四大题型 1) 细节理解题 where ,when,why. Which ) 和 “H ”( how ) 问题。有时出题者为了增加试题的难度, 会将 试题理解部分与原句进行转化。 ( 2) 主旨大意题 要求在理解全文后归纳短文大意, out main point / main idea / best title 文 章一开头便展示出文章的意或主题 开头的一句充当主题句, 来概括该短文的中心思想。但是有的文章没有主题句, 如大部分 记叙文, 在这中情况下, 就需要考生通过分析全文, 区分文章的主要信息与次要信息, 进 而 总结归纳出文章的大意或中心思想。 ( 3) 推理判断题 主要测试考生利用文章所给的信息进行推理判断的能力。一般是根据文章 的有关事实, 对作者意图,态度以及作者言外之意,进行符合逻辑的推理判断。它要求纵观全 文,在汇集 全文提供的各项信息的 ,基础上, 进行正确的逻辑推理: 推理作者的意向; 推理 人物的动机, 目的,性格等特征;推理事件的前因后果;推理语言中的语态,语气等。解答这类 题一定要 以全文所叙述的事实为依据,一层层剖析,一步步推导,仔细体会其因果关系和事情发 展的 始末, 依据作者的思路来进行推理, 千万不能脱离原文内容, 依据自己的意愿乱推理。 ( 3) 词义推断题 主要测试考生是否理解了文章的词义,一般情况下, 正确答案就是对所询问的词,词 组 或句子的复述或解释。考生要利用上下文的关联性来确定其确切含义。此外,作者通常 运用下 定义,解释,举例,同义词,反义词等来说明其一词或词组的意义,有时考生也可 以凭常识来 判断。 2. 1) 具体形式 丄口 丄口 Ur*、+—、[八根据所读文章内容判断正误。 2) 根据所读文章内容选择正确答 (二 ) 中考阅读理解命题特点。 试题的选材贴近考生的生活,时代气息浓郁。所选文章的体裁多样化。记叙文,说议论文, 应 用文,对话,图表 广告,小品等。 1. 题材具有广泛性。 涉及日常生活,社会,政治, 经济,文化,科技,地理,历史,人物传记, 风土人情,实用文体等。 主要测试考生是否读懂了文章所描述的内容, 即平时我们所说的 “ W ”( who, what 概括中心思想或选择短文的标题。命题方式常为 find 等, 这些内容大多数都隐含在文章中。 不少 。 尤其是新闻报道类文章, 在文章的段落中则往往由


TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2015) GRADE EIGHT TIME LIMIT:195 MIN PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN) SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture.You will hear the lecture ONCE ONL Y. While listening, take notes on the important points.Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE, using no more than three words in each gap.Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are)both grammatically and semantically acceptable.You may refer to your notes while completing the task.Use the blank sheet for note-taking.Now, listen to the mini-lecture. Understanding Academic Lectures Listening to academic lectures is an important task fro university students. Then, how can we comprehend a lecture efficiently? I.Understand all (1) ______________ A.words B.(2) ______________ -stress -intonation -(3) ______________ II. Adding information A.lecturers: sharing information with audience B.listeners: (4) ______________ C.sources of information -knowledge of (5) ______________ -(6) ______________ of the world D. listening involving three steps: -hearing -(7) ______________ -adding III. (8) ______________ A.reasons: -overcome noise -save time B. (9) ______________

英语专业八级阅读理解高分特训100篇【命题分析+答题攻略+强化训练】(第3章 英语专业八级标准阅读篇

社会生活类(Passage63~70) Passage63 题材:社会生活类字数:686建议用时:6分钟 From a hillside,Kamal Saadat looked forlornly at hundreds of potential customers,knowing he could not take them for trips in his boat to enjoy a spring weekend on picturesque Oroumieh Lake,the third largest saltwater lake on earth, which now lay encased by solidifying salt.Saadat lamented that he could not understand why the lake was fading away. The long popular lake,home to migrating flamingos,pelicans and gulls,has shrunken by60percent and could disappear entirely in just a few years—drained by drought,misguided irrigation policies,development and the damming of rivers that feed it. Until two years ago,Saadat supplemented his income from almond-and grape-growing by taking tourists on boat tours.But as the lake receded and its salinity rose,he found he had to stop the boat every10minutes to unfoul the propeller—and finally,he had to give up this second job that he'd used to support a five-member family.The visitors were not enjoying such a boring trip,for they had to cross hundreds of meters of salty lakebed just to reach the boat from the wharf. Other boatmen,too,have parked their vessels by their houses,where they stand as sad reminders of the deep-water days.And the lake's ebbing affects an ever-widening circle.


考研英语英译汉高分攻略 1.近年英译汉考题内容 英译汉短文内容大体上涉及当前人们普遍关注的社会生活、政治、经济、历史、文化、科普等方面的一般常识或社会、自然科学与技术常识的题材。体裁多为议论文。科学常识性的题材占了相当大的比重。 平均值:短文词数:370词;要求翻译的词数:160词 从英译汉试题内容分析,考生就应明确认识到,要想在英语考试中取得成功,必须在基本训练上狠下工夫。首先要扩大知识面,提高自身文化素质。考生如果熟悉试题内容,将有助于对短文的深入理解,增强信心,提高翻译水平。考生应利用各种渠道,特别是通过大量浏览中、英文报纸杂志,扩大相关的知识面。 2.近年英译汉考题的特点 从题型改革后、特别是2018年以后的试题分析,命题组更侧重考生综合运用语言的能力,题难度加大,形成一种趋势。考题要求考生在理解全句、全段或全文的基础上,把语法、词汇的意思和上下文结合起来理解,表面看上去画线的句子语法不很复杂,词汇似乎也不陌生,但翻译时很多考生觉得难以动笔,难度增大体现在?不能采用就词论词、就句论句的简单直译方法,而要求把词和句子放在篇章里去理解,还可强调英语习惯用法、语感和翻译技巧的掌

握。这样仅靠熟悉语法规则和孤立地背单词已远远不够了。这也是考生得分普遍不高的主要原因。近年来英译汉试题主要特点如下? (1) 反映自然科学、社会科学的常识性、科学类和报刊评论文章占很大比例;? (2)考题难度加大; (3)语法现象难度有所降低;? (4)突出简单翻译技巧,如:词、词组的省略及补译,译出it,they,this,that等代词的真正代表的含义,词义选择、引申、词性转换,长句的拆句与逆序翻译法等。考生应针对这些特点认真做好适当的准备。 3. 在翻译过程中常见的症结 有的考生英语阅读能力比较强,能正确理解句子。但是,一翻译就往往有一种想说说不出来的感觉。或者即使翻译出来了,总觉得自己的译文没有把事情说清楚,找不到贴切的词来表达。 4.理解是翻译的前提 只有在准确理解的基础上,才能开始翻译。英语是用大量的关系词、连接词和引导词等连接起来的结构清楚、层次分明、逻辑严密的“形态语”,所以理解的时候就必须理清句子的语法结构,分清句子中各成分之间的语法关系,即找出句子的主干,弄清句子的各个修饰成分以及修饰关系。 5.根据汉语习惯适当调整 如上所述,必须在准确理解的基础上,寻找贴切的汉语来表达。如何展开


初中英语100道必刷题——单项选择题满分 攻略 1.The teachers told us ___ the classroom. A.Clean B. to clean C.cleans D cleaning 2.She got ____“A” in final exam. A.an B.a C.the D./ 3.John is ___ friend of ___. A.a||,Sherlock Holmes B.the ||,Sherlock Holmes’s C. a||,Sherlock Holmes’ C.a||,Sherlock Holmes’s 4.Miss Xu teaches _____ English||,and she ____ when she was a student. https://www.360docs.net/doc/1814594849.html,||,taught herself B. our||,taught herself B.our||,taught her D. us||,taught her 5.Mary ||,help ______ to some fish ! A you B your C yourself D yourselves 6.It is ____ for us ___ face every day. A necessary||,wash B necessary||,of washing C necessary ||,to washing D necessary||,to wash 7.You ____ improve your English ___ you work hard. A.Won’t ||,or B will if C will unless D won’t unless 8.___of the twins has been there. A All B Both C Either D.Neither 9.I don't like this one. Please show me___ one. A the other B another C others D other 10.The text is easy for you.There are __ words in it.


英语专业八级阅读真题分类解析 类别:阅读来源:美联英语学习网 专八真题测试中如果碰到阅读理解的话,大家会怎么办呢?难不成就是一口气的读下去,哪怕头脑发晕也要继续下去?这里就为大家介绍一些阅读理解习题的小技巧。 虽然考生的阅读能力明显高于其他的能力,但也存在一定的问题,主要是: (1) 部分考生的单词、词组以及语法的基本功还不过关,对阅读理解做成不应该的影响;(2) 考生的衔接能力不强; (3) 没有足够的推理和判断能力; (4) 阅读技能掌握不够,运用上下文解决问题能力不强,整体理解力有待提高。为了解决这些问题我们有必要了解一下阅读的一些基本层面。目前比较公认的将阅读理解的过程分为四个层次: (1) 字面理解(literal comprehension) ,主要是指读者可以理解文章的单词和句型,回想文章大意、细节、事件发生的时间、地点、顺序和人物之间的关系、对比、人物特性和因果关系等等。 (2)推断性理解(inferential comprehension) ,主要是指读者根据字面意思推断出字里行间的隐含意思,包括作者的意图和观点等。 (3) 评价性理解(evaluative comprehension) ,主要是指读者根据 自己的原则和观点对文章进行分析和评价。(4) 欣赏性理解 (appreciative comprehension) ,指读者最终对文章的写作技巧、思 想水平等做出评价。 以2007年真题中的TEXT A 为例:本文主要阐释了威尔士在英联邦中的地位的逐渐改善。该篇文章第一题为细节题。 According to the passage, devolution was mainly meant to A. maintain the present status among the nations.


考研英语(一)小作文高分秘籍 ?题目 虽然大纲规定小作文包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、通知、报告等,但备忘录和报告从来未曾考过,除了两次通知(2006年与2016年)以外,其余所有年份皆为信件。细心观察可以发现,甚至那两年的通知也有着一颗“信件心”——募捐通知其实相当于邀请+招募;给新生通知无非就是介绍+建议。 因此信件的写法应成为我们复习的重中之重。其中,推荐和建议又是考研的常客,值得格外重视。 归纳起来,小作文可能的考查形式有:申请信、求职信、拒绝信、邀请信、录取/录用通知、感谢信、道歉信、回复信、投诉信、订购信、慰问信、推荐信、建议信、咨询信、介绍信、解释信、祝贺信、通知、备忘录等。 ?审题 小作文体裁固定,题目却是多种多样。因此为了避免跑题,审题时应着重把握关键词。以下是申请信、求职信、拒绝信、邀请信、感谢信、道歉信、回复信、投诉信、订购信、慰问信、推荐信、建议信、咨询信、介绍信、祝贺信、告示、备忘录等的关键词汇总。

格式 应用文在长期发展过程中逐渐形成了许多约定俗成的惯例,甚至

各种固定的句式和缩写。比如,“随信附上”应写为“Enclosed please find xx/Attached please find xx”等。 1.信件框架 ·信头 ·引言——2句……表明身份/立场—表明来意 ·主体——3句……主题句—分论点1,2,3 ·结尾——2句……总结句—套话 ·信尾 信头左顶格,通常是“Dear/Esteemed XX”,其后接逗号(不同于汉语的冒号)。称谓可以是头衔(如editor,manager),名(如Tom,Michael),或Mr./Ms./Miss/Mrs.+姓(如Mr.Wang,Mrs.Clinton)。对象不明时,可用尊称(Sir or Madam)或泛指(To Whom It May Concern)。 信尾左/右顶格分两行,第一行为客套话,第二行为签名。客套话可用Yous sincerely/faithfully(后跟逗号)。签名位于客套话下方,需使用题目中给出的名字(切不可写真实名字)。 2.备忘录框架 To:收阅人 From:写信人 Date:写信时间 Subject:写信主题 ·引言——2句……交代背景—表明事由


中考英语阅读题满分全攻略 对阅读题产生畏惧心理,主要是有以下原因:学生对阅读材料缺乏兴趣,在阅读中没有体验到快乐;学生自身的心理素质欠佳,缺乏自信心,遇到阅读文章篇幅相对较长,生词相对较多时,产生畏难情绪;缺乏正确的阅读方法和技巧,存在不良习惯,从而产生阅读障碍,影响阅读效果。这样一来,在学习中便对英语阅读理解有一种本能的排斥、失去兴趣,做题过程中注意力分散,记忆力下降。 有趣味的记叙文,是学生最喜欢读的 我们要选择题材广泛、篇幅短小、知识充实、内容新颖的阅读材料。同时,在阅读材料的选择上,有目的地进行。要选择一些饶有趣味的篇章,以引起学生的阅读兴致。据调查,学生最喜欢阅读的是有故事情节的记叙文,有趣味才能保持学习的劲头,在选择的内容上要涉及日常生活方方面面的知识,这样才能扩展知识,了解文化,开阔视野。 猜词、一词多意、课外阅读,都是积累词汇的好办法 在实际阅读过程中,碰到生词是无可避免的,这就要求学生掌握一些猜词技巧与方法,提高对文章的阅读理解能力。我们在日常的阅读教学中教给学生如下几种猜词技巧:利用定义、解释说明或同位语来推测;运用构词法知识来推测;根据上下文的提示来推测。 像中文一样,英文词汇也存在一词多意的现象。要结合具体的语境,根据上下文的意思正确理解单词,而不是单凭对词汇某一意义的记忆就胡乱翻译句子的意思。英文单词的多种词性也是非常普遍的,正确分析句子结构,掌握单词的词性分析名词的可数与否,有助于对句子尤其是长句的理解,从而提高对整篇文章的理解。 词汇学习的最终目的是为了运用,而不是储存。学生在掌握一定的词汇后,就要积极运用,培养其产出意识。实践表明,已学的单词只有通过反复的语言实践才会掌握得更加牢固,才会成为实际运用的语言材料。尽管学生在课内外学习了大量的词汇,但在实际的表达和写作中还是只会使用那些较为初级的词汇和表达方式。因此,要将阅读文章中学到的重点词汇、短语或句式运用到平时的写作中。 课文的篇幅毕竟有限,要想巩固所学词汇,做到熟记活用、熟悉生词,就需要利用多种资源扩大知识面,增加词汇量。有意识加强复习记忆,将生词变成常见词,将消极词汇变成积极词汇。鼓励学生阅读中英文对照浅显的名著,让学生了解一些词汇的地道用法,经常在课外阅读中接触所学的单词,才会加深印象。长期这样坚持下去,就会自然而然地记住许多单词了。 朗读与默读结合,养成好的阅读习惯 根据读的心理机制,适当处理朗读与默读,能增强阅读效果,提高独立阅读的能力。对情节比较生动的阅读材料,利用早自习时间带感情朗读,引导学生在朗读中表达自己的理解,


第3章英语专业八级标准阅读篇 人物记述类(Passage 31~38) Passage 31 题材:人物记述类字数:711 建议用时:7分钟 Not long ago, Ted Gup opened a battered old suitcase from his mother's attic and discovered a family secret. Inside was a thick sheaf of letters addressed to "B. Virdot," all dated December 1933, all asking for help. Also inside: 150 canceled checks signed by the mysterious Virdot. Gup, a journalism professor at Boston's Emerson College, quickly got to the bottom of the story: His grandfather Samuel Stone had used the pseudonym to slip money to impoverished people. "At the time, he caused quite a stir," says Gup, who chronicles the story in A Secret Gift: How One Man's Kindness--And A Trove of Letters--Revealed the Hidden History of the Great Depression. Stone wasn't a mogul, but as the owner of a chain of clothing stores, he was fairly well off. Just before Christmas, 1933, he placed an ad in his local Canton, Ohio, newspaper, offering money to 75 people who wrote to "B. Virdot" explaining their need. The letters poured in and were so heartrending (心碎的) that he ended up giving 150 people $5--close to $84 in today's money. "I read all the letters multiple times," says Gup, who was astonished by the raw anguish of the Depression. Then he tracked down the recipients" descendants. "Most people I contacted wept when


考研阅读技巧 一、考研阅读的整体解题思路与步骤 时间分配:每篇16分钟最佳,最多可延长至20分钟左右。 第一步:快速划出段落序号以及各段首句0.5分钟 第二步:阅读首段,了解文章主题(Theme)1-2分钟 宏观把握,随机应变,根据第一段内容,才能更好的给定位打下基础。 第三步:扫描题干,尽量找出题干能够提供的信息(Key Words)1分钟 定位词的优先考虑顺序: 1、首先标出明确告诉位置的题目所在(某段某行) 2、专有名词优先,包括人名、地名、书名以及带引号的词等 3、数字、时间、时段(包括某些介词短语) 4、较长、较复杂的词组(名词动词词组优先) 5、重要的动词、形容词或副词等实词 6、条件词、因果词、比较词等虚词(往往起到辅助作用) 第四步:变速浏览原文,抓住中心7-8分钟 注意把握三个阅读原则: 原则一:首段原则(文章的第一段逐字读明白,可以反复和回读) 原则二:首末句原则(其余各段的首尾句要细读,其他各句正常阅读即可) 原则三:“路标”原则。所谓路标词,就是表示作者思想衔接和转折的功能词汇。 1、中心词 2、转折词 3、态度词 4、例证词 5、列举词 (具体请见第四部分)

第五步:仔细审题,定位原文3-5分钟 原则一:关键词定位原则 原则二:自然段定位原则 原则三:长难句定位原则 注意一:关键词在原文可能是原词本身,也可能是关键词的同义词。 注意二:问原因的问题,一般问主要原因(major reason) 注意三:“邪恶的眼睛”(in the eyes of),注意问的是谁的观点和态度。 第六步:重叠选项,斟酌答案。3-5分钟 原则:不能仅凭借印象做题,考研阅读的干扰项干扰性巨大,除了理解原文,分辨正确和错误的选项也是一种重要的基本功。一般对原文进行同义替换的是答案: 同义替换的手段有:a)关键词替换b)句型替换c)正话反说d)语言简化(总之,换汤不换药!) 原则一:选最佳答案而不是正确答案(四个选项都要认真看,不能偏心)。 原则二:不放过任何一个选项,仔细读每个选项,鉴于强干扰性,要求必须记住:选一个选项应有选的理由,不选一个选项也应有不选的理由。 原则三:每个选项都当成生命中最重要的句子,其中每个单词哪怕是时态、冠词都有可能引起错误。 二、考研阅读的猜题技巧及救命法则 1、“体现中心思想的选项往往是答案” 考研文章中所有的细节、例子、引语都是为了说明文章主旨、段落主旨,所以考细节的题目,虽然不是主旨题,但能体现中心思想的选项是答案的可能性要远远大于其他选项。 2、“不看文章时,看似极其合理的选项不是答案;看似不太合理的选项往往是答案”


2014高考英语阅读理解冲刺满分训练 阅读理解 Brian arrived at the San Francisco airport two hours before the flight to Paris. He was wearing three shirts, a jacket, two pairs of socks, a pair of shorts, and two pairs of jeans. He was carrying one small backpack, which was very full, but he didn’t have any other luggage. Brian needed to meet a man named Tony before he checked in for his flight. He found Tony near the Air France counter. Tony gave him a round-trip ticket and a small package. “Give this package to Jean-Paul at the airport in Paris. He will have a sign with your name on it. I think you can find him easily, “Tony said.” You don’t have any luggage, right?” “Only this backpack,” Brian answered. “You said I could bring one carry-on bag.” “That’s right, one carry-on bag is fine. Have a good trip.” “Thanks.” Is Brian a criminal(犯罪)? Not at all. He is an air courier. And he paid only $110 for the round-trip ticket to Paris. Air couriers get cheap airline tickets because they take important packag es and papers to foreign countries. Businesses sometimes need to get packages and papers to people in foreign countries by the next day. Often, the only way they can do this is to use an air-courier company. It is not cheap for a business to send a package with an air courier, but it is quick. Every year about 80, 000 people worldwide travel as air couriers. The number of tickets for courier travel is growing by about 10 percent a year. However, air-courier travel isn’t for everyone, But if you have very little money, can be fl exible(灵活的)about your travel plans, and don’t mind wearing the same clothes for a week, it can be a great way to take a vacation! ( ) 1. Why was Brian wearing so many clothes for his travel? A. Because they were the uniform for air couriers, B. Because that made him easier to be recognized.
