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初中毕业英语考试试卷姓名班级学号 _____________________________________________


A) 词语释义选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的解释。

( )1. Lucy went home for holiday by pla ne last mon th. _________

A. by bus

B. by air

C. by train

D. by sea

( )2. Joh n, would you please take care of my little dog before I come back? -----------------

A. look at

B. look for

C. look over

D. look after

( )3. More tha n twohun dred stude nts willtakepart in the competiti on n ext week. -------------------

A. About

B. Less than

C. Over

D. Almost

( )4. When my un cle gotto Zhe njia ng yesterday,it was raining hard. -----------

A. left

B. arrived in

C. visited

D. stayed in

( )5.—— When are you going to do this after noon?

——I've no idea. -------------------

A. I don't know

B. I'm sorry

C. I'm sure

D. I'm OK

B) .词形变换根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. I live on the _____ (five) floor in that tall buildi ng.

7. He put several ______ (box) of old books un der his bed.

8. There are four people in my family. I'm the _______ (young) of all.

9. If you do your homework as __________ (careful) as you can, you'll make fewer


10. They have in vited three of _____ (we) to their En glish party.



20 ( )11. Hello, could I speak to Lily King, please?

A. He's a doctor -------------------

( )12. Excuse me, what's the time?

B. On foot

( )13. What's your father's job?

C. Speaking. Who's that?

( )14. How do you usually come to school?

D. OK, let's (

)15. Shall we go out to play games? E. It's ten o'clock

B).对话匹配 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话,将其序号填入题前括号内。

A: Excuse me, sir. Where's the n earest hotel?



16 You may ask that policema n over there _______________

(The man goes to the policeman )

A. Thank you very much. ( ) A: Excuse me. 17 -------------------

B. I'm sorry I don't know.

C. How can I get there?

D. Is there a hotel n ear here?

E. How far is it from here?

C: No, there isn't hotel n ear there

But there is one n ear the Bank of China


)A: Oh, I see. 18


C: It's about two kilometers away.





C: You'd better take a taxi. Because it's so late, there aren't any buses now.





C: You're welcome

三、单项选择 选择最佳答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。 (10分)

( )21. Don't read bed. It's bad your eyes.

A. on ; of

B. on ; to

C in ; for

D. at ; to (

)22. Be quick,

you'll miss the early bus.

A. and

B. so

C. but

D. or


)23. Miss Hyde

20 dollars buy ing a new han dbag last week.

A. paid

B. spe nt

C. cost D .took


)24. The childre n enio yed

very much last ni ght.

A. they

B. them

C. themselves

D. theirs (

)25. _

is Mike?

---I think he's at school.

A. Who

B. Where

C. What

D. How (


exciting film it is!

A. What an

B. What

C. How an

D. How


)27. ——Who taught her Fren ch?

_____ ! She lear ned it by herself
