



电影复仇者联盟2剧本中英文对照完整版1立即向上面汇报你的情况Report to your stations immediately (2)这不是演习this is not a drill.3我们遭到攻击We are under attack.4我们遭到攻击We are under attack.5日了狗了Shit.6注意言辞Language.7贾维斯从上面看状况如何Jarvis what's the view from upstairs.8中央的建筑被某种能量盾保护了The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield.9斯特拉克的科技水平Strucker's technology is10远远超出了我们已知的其他九头蛇基地well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken.11洛基的权杖一定在这里Loki's scepter must be here.12没有它斯特拉克没有它就安装不了这种防御系统Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it.13终于要结束了At long last.14结束的过程还真有点长男孩们At long last is lasting a little long, boys.15是呀我想我们还少点惊喜呢Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise.16等一下就没人想要吐槽一下Wait a second, no one else is gonna deal17队长刚才说了“注意言辞”这件事吗with the fact that Cap just said "Language"?18我就知道I know.10019手滑而已Just slipped out.20谁让你们进攻的Who gave the order to attack?21斯特拉克先生复仇者们Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers.22他们降落在远处的树林里那附近的警卫们惊慌失措They landed in the far woods, the perimeterguard panicked.23他们毫无疑问是为了权杖而来的They have to be after the scepter.24- 我们能搞定他们吗- 他们可是复仇者啊- Can we hold them? - They're the Avengers!!25把其余的坦克都部署过去集中火力攻击其中较弱的一个Deploy the rest of the tanks. Concentrate fire on the weak ones.26一次重创可以把他们集中起来A hit can make them close ranks.27我们所有的努力Everything we've accomplished.28我们马上就要到突破口了We're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough.29那就让他们见识一下我们的厉害Then lets show them what we've accomplished.30派出双胞胎Send out the twins.31太草率了It's too soon.32让他们来就是干这个的It's what they signed up for.33我的人能拖住他们My men can hold them.34长官城市受到攻击了Sir, the city is taking fire.35好吧我们都了解斯特拉克Well, we know Strucker36他才不会关心平民的伤亡isn't gonna worry about civilian casualties.37派钢铁军团过去Send in the Iron Legion.38这个地方不安全请赶快撤离This quadrant is unsafe, please back away.39我们来这是为了帮忙的We are here to help.40这个地方不安全请赶快撤离This quadrant is unsafe, please back away.41请赶快撤离Please back away.42我们希望避免间接伤害We wish to avoid collateral damage43当冲突结束之后我们会通知你们and will inform you when this current conflict is resolved.44我们来这是为了帮忙的We're here to help.45我们不会屈服We will not yield.46美国人把他们的马戏团小丑送过来考验我们The Americans send their... circus freaks to test us.47我们将会把他们的尸体送回去We will send them back in bags.48- 决不投降- 绝不投降- No surrender! - No surrender.49我要投降了I'm going to surrender.50你把所有的东西都删了You delete everything.51如果我们把武器给复仇者们他们也许就不会If we give the avengers the weapons they may not52- 深入调查我们在这这么久都在做些什么- 双胞胎- look too far into what we've been doing. - The twins!!!53他们根本没有准备好They're not ready to take on...54不不我的意思是No, no, I mean...55双胞胎已经不见了The twins.56你没料到这招吧You didn't see that coming? 57克林特Clint.58我们这有变种人We have enhanced in the field.59克林特受伤了Clint's hit.60得有人去搞定碉堡Someone wanna deal with that bunker.61谢了Thank you.62斯塔克Stark!63我们真的得进去了We really need to get inside.64我在关闭它I'm closing in.65贾维斯我怎么才能关闭它Jarvis, am I... closing in?66你知道哪个能量盾的动力源在哪吗You see a power source for that shield?67在北边塔楼上的通道里There's a passageway above the north tower.68太棒了我想用什么东西远程击破它Great, I wanna poke it with something.69搞定了伙计们Drawbridge is down, people.70变种人吗The enhanced?71我看不清楚他He's a blur.72在我们遇到的所有新的敌人中,他们这样的我还是第一次见All the new players we've faced, I've never seen this.73事实上我到现在也没见到In fact I still haven't.74克林特伤的很重伙计们我们得撤了Clint's hit pretty bad, guys, we're gonna need evac.75我可以掩护巴顿上飞艇撤退的越早越好I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone the better.76你和斯塔克去把权杖夺回来You and Stark secure the scepter.77知道了Copy that.78看起来他们还是排着队过来的It look like they're lining up!!79嗯他们很激动呢Well, they're excited.80找到权杖Find the scepter.81看在上帝的份上注意点你的言辞And for gosh sake watch your language.82这一时半会是改不了了That's not going away any time soon.83伙计们停下来我们来谈谈Guys, stop, we gotta talk this through.84谈话很愉快It was a good talk.85不一点也不愉快No it wasn't.86哨兵模式Sentry mode.87好吧贾维斯Okay, Jarvis.88你知道的我想要所有的数据You know, I want it all.10089确保你会把所有的数据传到总部Make sure you copy whole to HQ.90我们把这里封锁了We're locked down out here.91该去找班纳了摇篮曲时间到Then get to Banner, time for a lullaby.92我知道你在藏匿的不只是这些文件I know you're hiding more than files.93嘿贾维斯快给我用红外线扫描这个房间Hey J, give me an IR scan of the room real quick.94你左边的那堵墙The wall to your left.95我在检测钢筋I'm reading steel reinforcement, 96和气流and an air current.97拜托一定要是暗门Please be a secret door.98拜托一定要是暗门Please be a secret door.99耶Yay.100嘿大家伙Hey, big guy.101太阳快下山了Sun's getting real low. 102斯特拉克男爵Baron Strucker.103九头蛇的头号暴徒Hydra's number one thug.104严格说来我是神盾局的暴徒Technically, I'm a thug for Shield.105好吧严格说来你被解雇了Well then technically you're unemployed.106洛基的权杖在哪儿Where's Loki's scepter?10107别着急我知道我一旦被打败Don't worry, I know when I'm beat.10108你会提到我是怎么配合你的希望我没错You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope.10109前提是你跟我说说那些非法的人体实验I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation.110有多少人How many are there?10111我们又多了一个变种人We have a second enhanced.112女人别开火Female, do not engage.113你得比这个速度更快You'll have to be faster than...114兄弟们我抓到斯特拉克了Guys, I got Strucker.115嗯我这有Yeah, I got...116重要的事情...something bigger.117索尔Thor.118我的眼睛都被战利品吸引住了I got eyes on the prize.119你本来可以救我们的You... could've... saved... us.120你为什么没有再多做一点Why didn't you... do more?121你就这样让他们把它带走吗You're just gonna let them take it?!122嘿摇篮曲比以往更管用啊Hey, the lullaby worked better than ever.10123只是没有想到会变身Just wasn't expecting the code green.124如果没有你那就会两败俱伤了You hadn't been there, there would've been double the casualties.125我最好的朋友将会成为一段珍贵的回忆。

Fantastic Four《神奇四侠(2005)》完整中英文对照剧本

Fantastic Four《神奇四侠(2005)》完整中英文对照剧本

《神奇四侠》Fantastic Four为自己建30英尺高的塑像真是典型的维克多·方杜Typical of Victor Von Doom to build a 30-foot statue of himself.很明显是想让那些第一次的来访者…Well, it's obviously aimed at first-time visitors产生一种自惭形秽的感觉to create feelings of smallness, inadequacy.好在对我们没用Good thing it ain't working.瑞德,我们干嘛来这这家伙搞的都是些低级的科学Reed, what are we doing here? This guy's fast-food, strip-mall science.你别忘了我们不是第一次上门求人了This wasn't our first stop, in case you forgot.再说,维克多也不是太坏只是有点妄自尊大Besides, Victor's not that bad. He's just a little larger than life.我的研究显示暴露在由日冕太阳风所生成的…My research suggests that exposure to a high-energy cosmic storm高能量的宇宙风暴之下可能会引发早期行星生命的演化borne on solar winds might have triggered the evolution of early planetary life. 六个星期后一类似上述特征的云团…In six weeks, another cloud with the same elemental profile将经过地球轨道will pass Earth's orbit.若在太空进行研究将会从根本上推进…A study conducted in space could fundamentally advance our knowledge我们对人类基因组结构的认识治愈无数疾病…about the structure of the human genome, cure countless diseases,延长寿命,让孩子们活得更长更壮,更健康extend human life, give kids a chance to live longer, stronger, healthier...关掉,请Turn it off, please.我想我还没把我的提议完全解释清楚I don't think I have explained my proposal fully.不,已经够清楚了No, I think you have.你一点儿也没变肩负着全世界…Same old Reed, always stretching, reaching for the stars总想着伸手去触摸星辰with the weight of the world on his back.但账单不是由梦想来兑现的不是吗But dreams don't pay the bills, do they?记得我们还在学校的时候说过将来要一起合作You remember, when we were in school we talked about working together. 我正要跟你解释这个Well, that's what I was about to explain.这个风暴是致命的The storm is deadly.但你的空间站控制室外的防护罩…But the shields on your station's control room是专门设计以保护里面的人不受伤害are designed to protect any occupants inside.所以你要的不光是我的钱So, it's not just my money you want.还有我的“玩具”It's my toys.如果宇航局不相信你那凭什么要我信你Tell me, if NASA doesn't trust you, then why should I?领先一步,这就是我的工作That's my job, to stay a step ahead.洞察别人所看不到的东西To know what other men don't.我可受不了这个I can't take this.本,这是做生意,只是工作Ben, this is business, just work.他是对的,本这只是生意He's right, Ben. It is just business.我想你们都认识I think you both know我的基因研究部的主管苏珊·斯多姆...my Director of Genetic Research, Susan Storm.他比你又多了一样东西One more thing he's got.嗨,苏 -嗨Hey, Susie. -Hey.见到你真好戴比怎么样It's so nice to see you. How's Debbie?很好 -很好Great. -Great.你过得好不好 -再好不过How have you been? -Never better.这不会是个问题吧This isn't going to be a problem, is it?不 -当然不会No. -Not at all.好Good.你正好赶上,能听到伟大的瑞德·理查德斯…Then you're just in time to hear the great Reed Richards向我求助ask me for help.你知道吗你曾让很多麻省理工的学生You know, you made a lot of folks at MIT觉得自己像个科技展上的初中生...feel like a junior high science fair.这一刻让我有点得意你可别介意So you'll excuse me if I savor the moment.你若支持这项计划You back this mission最后全部成果我会给你一个合理的提成and I'll sign over a fair percentage of any application...75%The number's 75%.附加所有的应用成果和专利权And its applications and patents.你怎么不把他榨干算了 -本…What about his first born? -Ben...算了Come on.十亿美元的百分之二十五够你们慢慢用了25% of a billion is enough to keep the lights on for a while, isn't it? 也许你还能把巴克斯特大厦的第四期按揭款给付了呢Maybe even pay off your fourth mortgage on the Baxter Building. 成交Deal?好吧,为了我们的将来Well, then. To our future.大家共同的未来Together!事情变成这样挺有意思的,对吧It's funny how things turn out, isn't it?很滑稽Hilarious.他认识宇航局的人没准就是他让我们被拒了He knew about NASA. Maybe he made the call to shut us down.本,想想看要是这件事成了我们能帮助多少人Ben, think about all the people we can help if this works.瞧,我们已经得到了想要的这足够了Look, we got what we wanted. That's enough.能在太空中过几天,挺好的事难道还会变糟A few days in space, it'll be great. What's the worst that can happen?如果瑞德是对的这次小旅行能让我们的股票翻倍If Reed's right, this little trip could double our stock offerings.要是他错了呢 -他错不了And if he's not... -Reed's always right.好在他一直都不清楚其背后的价值Good thing he doesn't always know what he's got.瑞德,你应该知道太阳风已经在开始加速了Reed, you should know those solar winds have been picking up speed.我已经把这些因素计算在内了I factored them into my coordinates.当然,你算过,理论上Right, of course you did. In theory.一旦到了太空事情就不完全一样了It's a little different once you're out there.我可以向你保证我… -我们何日升空I assure you I... -When are we leaving?我会负责发射日程的安排…I'll be scheduling the launch,你早上可以打电♥话♥给我问关于资源和机组人员的事so you can call me in the morning for resources and crew.我想我记得你的号♥码 -已经换过了I think I remember the number. -It's been changed.至于机组人员的安排我希望让本做驾驶员As far as crew, I was hoping Ben could pilot the mission.我们已经雇用了一个飞行员不过欢迎你来当副手We already have a pilot on our payroll but you're welcome to ride shotgun. 记得我弟弟约翰吗Remember my brother, Johnny?不行,干不了Can't do it. Cannot do it.外置固态火箭推进器轨道系统引擎External SRBs, orbital system engines和你飞过的航♥天♥飞机一样it's just like the shuttle you flew.不,我可不会听一个内衣模特的指挥No! I cannot take orders from the underwear model.本,别这样Come on now, Ben.那臭小子被宇航局扫地出That wingnut washed out of NASA…因为带两个“维多利亚秘密”的内衣女郎偷偷溜进飞行模拟器...for sneaking two Victoria's Secret wannabes into a flight simulator. 年轻人好动嘛Youthful high spirits.结果撞到墙上去了飞行模拟器They crashed it into a wall. A flight simulator.我可曾要你做什么事…When have I ever asked you to do something而你说是绝对不能做的you absolutely said you could not do?五次Five times.我记得是四次 -那这是第五次了I had it at four. -Well, this makes five.所有人员请注意Attention, all personnel.6小时发射倒计时Commencing launch sequence in six hours.我已经开始想你了,戴比I miss you already, Debs.机长驾到Captain on the bridge!数码相机:254元记忆棒:59元Digital camera: $254. Memory stick: $59.从前的硬汉指挥官竟然…The look on your hard-ass former CO's face成为下属而郁闷的表情:when he finds out he's your junior officer:无价Priceless.谢谢,你真好Thank you. That's so sweet.我能搞定这飞船I can handle the ship.我也能搞定你这个野心勃勃的黄毛小子I can even handle Mr. Blond Ambition.但我不知道穿上这衣服我是该飞行还是跳天鹅湖But I don't know whether I should be flying or doing Swan Lake in these suits. 我是说,是谁设计的 -维克多I mean, who the hell came up with these? -Victor did.这种人造纤维就像第二层皮肤可以适应人体的不同需求The synthetics act as a second skin, adapting to your body's individual needs. 这就是说它能让该热的热…See, now that means it keeps the hot stuff hot该冷的冷and it keeps the cool stuff cool.喔,真棒Wow. Fantastic.用可自我调节的不稳定分子制成的材料Material made from self-regulating unstable molecules.我一直在研究这个I've been working on a formula for this.英雄所见略同Great minds think alike.你的,本谢谢你,甜心Here you go, Ben. Thanks, sweetie.瑞德Reed.距宇宙风暴来临还有9小时ETA until cosmic event: nine hours.要是你表现得好说不定老爸下次会让你飞行If you're good, maybe next time Daddy'll let you drive.再废话多就没下次了You keep talking and there won't be a next time.从发射间到海登天文馆这一路走来真长啊,对吗Long way from the projection booth at the Hayden Planetarium, isn't it?是,是的没错Yes. Yes, it is.从这里我们可以监视云层的靠近和观察试验We can monitor the cloud's approach and observe the tests from here.安全吗Is it safe?空间站上的防护罩应该可以保护我们The shields on the station should protect us.应该Should?你怎么了,本人老了,变得有点偏执了What's the matter, Ben? Getting paranoid in your old age?我们开始搬运试验品吧准备好你的工作服,本Let's start loading those samples. Get your suit ready, Ben.我看你还在做这些搬运的重活So I see you're still doing all the heavy lifting.也许你应该呆在试验室里现场工作从来就不适合你Maybe you should have stayed in the lab. Field work never suited you.他指挥,我来做明白He does the talking, I do the walking. Got it?那够你忙的了,本So take a walk, Ben.要是你们方便的话我找苏珊有点事Actually, if you'll all excuse me, I need to borrow Susan for a moment.当然Sure.他不是又想和我姐姐旧情复燃吧Please tell me your guy's not trying to rekindle things with my sister again.当然不是,纯粹是公事Of course not. It's strictly business.那就好,不过他的眼神不太对哦Yes, well, his eyes say differently, don't they?那次他们俩都伤透了心也许她也还没忘了他Two hearts got busted last time. Maybe she's not over it, either.哇,心理医生,你还真深刻试想一下Wow, Dr. Phil, that's deep. Let's think about that.一个是维克多,富可敌国年度杰出青年You got Victor, more money than God, stud of the year.一个是瑞德,世界上最笨的聪明人一文不名And you got Reed, world's dumbest smart guy, worth less than a postage stamp. 还真是势均力敌That's a real toss-up.你就别伤你的小脑筋了Don't trouble your tiny little mind.别走丢了,小伙子Don't wander off now, boy.关闭气压隔离舱Securing airlock chamber.我答应瑞德的提议,你很惊讶吗Surprised I agreed to Reed's proposal?我知道生意的原因I understand the business reasons.怪不得人们都寄希望于未来…Well, when you're looking at your future它总能帮你为过去划上句点it doesn't hurt to find closure about the past.苏珊,每个男人都梦想能遇到一个可以托付整个世界的女人Susan, every man dreams he'll meet a woman he can give the world to.对我而言,这话不仅仅是个比喻In my case, it's not just a metaphor.打开观景台防护罩Opening viewing station shield.有点不对劲That can't be right.距风暴来临还有9分47秒Event threshold in T-minus 9 minutes, 47 seconds.这不可能,应该还有7个小时That's impossible. It should be seven hours.我们在一起也有两年了We've been together two years now.这两年真不错,维克多你的公♥司♥有了这么大的成就It's been a good two years, Victor. The company's accomplished so much. 对,当然,公♥司♥Right, of course, the company.但,我刚刚意识到这么多成就若无人分享…But, you see, I've come to realize that all the accomplishments in the world 那也毫无意义mean nothing without someone to share them with.在我的人生中我从不害怕踏出大步I've lived my life unafraid of taking big steps.现在,是我踏出最大一步的时候了Now it's time to take the biggest step of all.维克多 -如果有帮助,就当是我给你升职Victor. -If it helps, think of this as a promotion.维克多,我… -我要说四个字Victor, I... -I have four words.四个改变我们一生的字Four little words that can change our lives forever.云层正在加速The cloud is accelerating.再过几分钟它就过来了不是几个小时We've got minutes until it hits, not hours.维克多,那个风暴有致命危险要马上中止行动Victor, that storm is deadly. We need to abort.冷静点,我们大老远过来可不能出一点小问题就慌了神Get a grip, Reed. We didn't come all this way to lose our nerve at the first glitch. 关闭防护罩Just close the shields.本还在外面 -那就把他收进来Ben is still out there. -So reel him in.我们到这来是有任务的快点But we came here to do a job, so let's do it quickly.维克多,瑞德是对的我们还有不到6分钟Victor, Reed's right. We have less than six minutes!本,你马上进来 -出什么事了Ben, you need to get inside now. -What's going on?我活还没干到一半呢,高材生I ain't done arranging your flowers yet, egghead.本,往回走Ben, turn around!兄弟们,我回不去了Guys, I'm not gonna make it.本,跳过来,这是唯一的办法Ben, you gotta jump. It's the only way!你在干什么 -关闭防护罩What are you doing? -Closing the shields.你不能把他们都留在外面 -我能You can't just leave them out there. -Watch me.我都帮不了他们,你又能做什么 -我可以试You can't help them any more than I can. -I can try.本,你行的Come on, Ben, you got it!好,约翰,准备好关上入口Okay, Johnny, get ready to close the portal.醒一醒,本Wake up. Ben.嘿,起床了,太阳照屁♥股♥了大男孩,感觉怎么样Rise and shine, big boy. How you feeling?我在哪Where am I?回到地球了,隔离中维克多的医院里Back on Earth. We're in quarantine. Victor's medical facility.瑞德和苏呢Reed? Sue?他们没事,大家都没事They're fine. Everybody else is fine.我怎么了What's wrong with me?我向你发誓,本他们已经尽了最大努力I swear to you, Ben. They've done everything humanly possible.也给你做了世界上最好的整容手术The best plastic surgeons in the world are here, Ben.本,给你的都是最好的You had the best.把镜子给我 -我不知道这是不是个好主意Give me that mirror -I don't know if that's a good idea.他们说单是精神刺♥激♥就… -把镜子给我They said the shock alone... -I said give me that goddamn mirror!好吧,本,坚强点Okay, Ben, just be strong.不幸的是医生就是无法修复你的脸Unfortunately, the doctors just couldn't do anything to fix your face. 嗨 -嘿Hi. -Hey.不错啊,我喜欢你老爷爷的新形象Nice do. I'm liking the grandpa look.什么What?她怎么样 -稳定,而且各项生命指数也很强How's she doing? -Stable and her vitals are strong.全血球计数显示没有受到辐射好的Blood panels show no irradiation. Good.你过来查这些记录是不是每隔… -每四个小时,是的You'll step up this protocol every... -Every four hours, yes.我们知道我们在干什么We know what we're doing.再观察一天你们就都可以出院了Another day of observation and you're all clear.打扰了方杜先生又送花了Excuse me. More flowers from Mr. Von Doom.她对兰花敏感She's allergic to orchids.放些向日葵在她床边那是她的最爱Put the sunflowers by her bed, they're her favorites.哦,维克多…Well, Victor,银行要恭喜你…the bank would like to congratulate you你的股票是自经济大萧条以来掉得最快的on the fastest freefall since the Depression.我们想送都没人要We can't even give your stock away.奈德,你知道我是可以扭转局面的Ned, you know I can turn this around.你必须扭转,维克多否则我们就撤资Well, you're going to have to, Victor, or we pull out.你有一周时间You have a week.你幸灾乐祸,对吗奈德You're enjoying this, aren't you, Ned?一周One week.你以为我们要上哪儿去Where do we think we're going?我不知道“我们”注意到了没有I don't know if we've noticed阿尔卑斯山最疯狂的滑雪者在我窗户外but the sickest runs this side of the Alps are right outside that window.是,我看到了但是这里有这里的规矩Yeah, I've noticed, but there are rules here.你要等… -等到测试全部做完You can't leave until we... -Until we've finish the tests.但我一向都不爱循规蹈矩结果出来了,你告诉我I know, I've never been good with rules. You let me know how those come out. 你能帮忙我拉拉链吗 -你知道,这里可不是滑雪胜地Do you wanna help me with this zipper? -You know, this is not a ski resort.还不是,好在滑雪板由奶奶用“爱心包裹”给我寄来Not yet. Luckily, Grandma still sends care packages, though.你知道吗,真让人惊奇一个80岁的老奶奶…You know, it's amazing, for an 80-year-old woman, you'd be surprised...你真是麻烦 -嗯,我的中间名就是麻烦You are trouble. -Trouble is my middle name.你好热You're hot!你也很热辣而且我感情丰富,敢于流泪Why, thank you. So are you. And I'm not afraid to cry.不是,我是说你好像有点发烧No, I mean, you feel a little feverish.我一辈子还没感觉这么好过天哪,你真香Well, I've never felt better in my life. My God, you smell good.听着,你什么时候下班Listen, when do you get off work?4:00,但我… -那么你听着4:00, but I... -Tell you what.四点过一分的时候到山顶上来找我You meet me at 4:01 at the top of the mountain.给你一分钟的打扮时间这是你的,那是我的That'll give you a minute to freshen up. This is yours, that's mine.小护士Nurses!我昏迷了多久How long was I out?嘿Hey!3天,我真为你担心Three days. Man, I was worried about you.感觉如何 -挺坚实的How are you feeling? -Solid.这次还真惊险 -是啊That was a close one, though, huh? -Yeah.到底怎么回事 -我不知道What was that about? -I don't know.真不知道I really don't know.我把那些数据反复看了一遍又一遍I've been going over the figures again and again and they all add up. 就是弄不明白或许我早该放弃…I just don't understand. Maybe I should have aborted...瑞德,那是自然界纯偶然的事件你不可能预测到的Reed, it was a freak of nature. You couldn't have possibly predicted it. 算了Let it go.知道吗,死里逃生之后才能真的让你…You know, you live through something like this,为拥有生命中的那个女人而感激it really makes you appreciate having the right woman in your life. 是啊,你和戴比是天生一对 -我不是在说戴比Yeah, you and Debbie are perfect. -I'm not talking about Debbie. 什么?算了吧What? Come on.她和维克多挺般配的She's got a good thing with Victor.他聪明,有权势也成功He's smart, he's powerful, he's successful...那么,或许你该和他恋爱Well, maybe you should date him then.本,她和维克多在一起是对的Ben, she ended up with the right guy.他们会越来越好的Things worked out for the best.是不是每件事都得我亲自来做Do I have to do everything myself?好吧,我看你就呆在我右边All right. I think you should stay to the right.在左边可能会有麻烦The left might give you trouble.我想还得下降10英尺左右 -好的I think we should drop, like, 10 more feet. -Good.最后到温泉的人给钱叫客房♥服务Last one down springs for room service!她是我未来的老婆That's my future wife.你要输了You're losing!好了,别闹着玩了All right, no more kid's stuff.看这个Check this out.你着火了You're on fire.谢谢,你也挺不错Thanks! You're pretty good, too.不是,你真的着火了,你看No, you're on fire. Look!想一起来吗Care to join me?我只能喝一杯,我和维克多约好了I can only stay for one drink 'cause I have to meet Victor.哦,可不能让维克久等Well, wouldn't want to keep Vic waiting.瑞德,你在这干什么Reed, what are you doing here?我以为…I thought...太好了,我们一起吧Great! Maybe you can join us.IPO(新股)怎么样了How's the IPO now?还在跌我们希望能停在20来块的样子It's falling. We're looking at low 20s.这个数字还不错考虑到这次的失败都怪…It's a good number considering the fallout from...怪瑞德捅出来的这个大漏子From Reed's disaster?帮我联♥系♥一个早上的访谈秀拉里·金的Get me on the a.m. shows, Larry King, the cover of the Journal. 还有杂♥志♥的封面我得想办法遮住这个伤疤I have to do something about this scar确保他们只从左边拍我Make sure they only shoot me from my left side.事实上,这伤疤还能加深印象Actually, the scar's tracking well.人们似乎觉得它让你显得更有人情味了People seem to think it humanizes you.还成了好事了And that's a good thing?你知道吗,也许你该休息一下You know, maybe you should get some rest.不行Later.首先,我还有些未完成的工作First, I have some unfinished business.有一桩买♥♥卖♥♥要结案A deal that needs closing.先生,我总是很奇怪,为什么是苏Sir, I have always wondered, why Sue?你可以得到世界上其他任何女人You could have any other woman in the world.正因为如此因为我能得到其他的女人That's why. Because I could have any other woman.不,我来说 -不,让他说No, let me tell the story. -No, let him tell the story.你没事吧 -可能是虾不新鲜You all right? -Yeah, bad shrimp.我想我最好去躺躺I think I better go lie down.不好意思Excuse me.哦,老天Oh, God!你感觉好点了吗So, you feeling better?是啊,谢谢Yes, thank you.好Good.那就…好That's...good.你总是很会说话You always had a way with words.哦,我要走了…Wow. I should be going because我约了维克多I have to meet Victor.我挺为你和维克多高兴的I'm really happy for you and Victor.你真的为我和维克多高兴You're really happy for me and Victor?我看得出来,你们俩有共同的爱好I can tell you guys are enjoying what was the best part of our relationship. 也正如我们的恋爱关系中最美好的东西是 -激♥情♥…Which was? -Passion对科学的激♥情♥for science.你是个混♥蛋♥,瑞德You're such a dork, Reed.你从来就没搞清楚…You never got it,你永远也搞不清楚… -我说什么了and you never will... -Well, what did I say?…除非我用量子学来跟你解释...unless it's explained to you in quantum physics.我只不过想让你知道我…I just wanted to let you know that I...已经两年了现在你能说的就只是…It's been two years and all you can say is that you're happy 你为我和什么别的男人在一起而高兴for me and some other guy?维克多也许有他不好的地方Victor may be a lot of things.但至少他敢于去争取他想要的东西But at least he's not afraid to fight for what he wants.瑞德,有时候被人需要的感觉真的很好It's nice to be wanted sometimes, Reed.受人注视,倾听To be seen and heard.看着我Look at me.看不到I can't.什么叫看不到看着我What do you mean, you can't ? Look at me!苏,快看你的手Sue, look at your hands!嘿,你们俩Hey, you guys.你们绝不会相信刚才发生在我身上的事You are never gonna believe what just happened to me.什么What?哦,这个我可以解释Well, I can explain this.一定是那个风暴云从根本上改变了我们的DNAIt has to be the cloud. It's fundamentally altered our DNA. 我们先别忙着做结论Let's not jump to conclusions.在下结论之前我们要先掌握大量的证据才行We need a massive amount of evidence before making that leap. 喔噢,你们看Guys, look!再想象一下,到处都是Now, picture that, but everywhere.刚才就是到处都是It was everywhere.什么What?那个云层确实根本上改变了我们的DNAThe cloud has fundamentally altered our DNA.酷 -我们得去找本Cool! -We need to find Ben.还有你们知道吗我想我刚才飞起来了And you know what, guys? I think I was flying.把它灭了,约翰I said, cut it out, Johnny.我正研究窍门呢 -约翰I'm getting the hang of it. -Johnny.本,我是瑞德 -别玩了Ben, it's Reed. -Stop.好吧 -好吗All right. -All right?是 -天Yes. -God!天 -你有什么毛病啊God? -What's wrong with you?什么 -苏,你知道密♥码♥吗What? -Sue, do you know the code?可能I might.本,开门Ben, open up.你没事吧,本You all right, Ben?你们谁有钥匙Does somebody have keys to these doors?谁有Anybody?就把玻璃砸了,不会很厚的Just break the glass. It can't be that thick.再给我点时间差不多就好了Give me another couple of seconds, guys. I almost got it. 恶心That's gross.本Ben?看Look, look, look, look, look.那是什么What is that thing?怎么搞的What's going on?这里发生什么事了What happened in here?维克多,你感觉还好吗Victor, are you feeling all right?我很好,就是有点擦伤,仅此而已I'm fine. Just a few scrapes, that's all.这是本干的Ben did this.因为暴露在那个云层之下使得他有些反应He's had some kind of reaction to exposure from the cloud. 我们都有不同的症状We all have different symptoms.症状Symptoms?维克多,我本应该… -找到他Victor, I should have... -Just find him.有人知道那个大家伙大概会上哪吗Anybody got any ideas where the big guy's going?他回家了He's going home.(大号♥男装任君挑选)Men's BIG & TALL Selections available我靠,不是吧You gotta be kidding me.按键那么小Little buttons.接线员,你好Hello, Operator?Hello? -Debs?是我 -本It's me. -Ben?你还好吗你的声音有点不同Are you all right? You sound a little different. 听着,我想让你下楼到门前来 -楼下Listen, I need you to come out front. -Out front? 亲爱的,你回家了吗You're home, baby?是啊Yeah.有个惊喜要给你I got a surprise for you.我也有一个要给你Yeah, I got a little one for you, too.本Ben?你在哪Where are you?我在这儿I'm over here.先别走过来,好吗Don't come any closer for a sec, okay?这会有点,有点让人震惊It's gonna be a bit of a shock.亲爱的,怎么了Honey, what's going on?戴比…Debs,记得我们曾说过…remember when we used to say,不管发生什么都要永远在一起的吗“Together forever no matter what?”是啊Yeah.那么…Well...亲爱的,你别吓我Baby, you're scaring me.噢,我的天哪戴比,是我,我还是我Deb, it's me. It's still me.这是个意外,你听我解释It was the accident. Let me explain.不,别过来,别碰我 -戴比No! Don't touch me! -Debs!我叫警♥察♥了Hey, I'm calling the police.你还好吗Everybody all right?我看见那个家伙在那边I saw him. It's that guy over there!那么他昨晚在那Okay, so he was there last night.戴比会在桥的另一端和我们碰头Debbie's gonna meet us on the other side of the bridge. 对啊,本Yeah, Ben.“太空里过几天多好啊”“A few days in space. It'll be great.“难道还能有什么坏事发生”“What's the worst that could happen?”嗨,小东西Hey, little guy.你不怕我,对不对You're not afraid of me, are you?很好Perfect.谢谢Thanks.嗨Hey!你以为就你有问题朋友,你看看我You think you've got problems? You take a good look, pal. 再坏还能怎样,对不对How bad could it be, right?我看你不…I don't think you...好吧,朋友,放轻松别,别走到外面去Okay, pal. Take it easy. No, don't go out there.我说站住,你这果肉蛋糕Look, I said stop, you fruitcake!不,过来点No. Come close.反而远了,过来点That's further. Come closer.我说,停住,不I said, stop! No!过来Come here.好的,冷静All right, calm down.你想让我吓唬你You wanna be scared?好 -不Fine! -No!都回去,别过来Get back, everybody! Get back!回到车上我们会告诉你们何时可以通行Get back in your vehicle. We'll tell you when you can go.我们现在怎么办 -这里人这么多,我们过不去What do we do now? -We're not going to get past these guys. 不过你可以But you could.朋友,弄坏你的卡车,对不起Sorry about the truck, pal. Come on.你要帮忙吗你想按那个钮吗,先生A little help, here? You wanna hit the button, sir?卡住了It's stuck.苏,你的衣服,把它脱了Sue, your clothes. Lose them.好的Right.这可不好This is so wrong.喔,你有做健身 -闭嘴Wow, you've been working out. -Shut up!等等All right.别动All right, freeze!现在…Now just...把那个椅子上的男人放下Just put the man in the seat down.快点Do it!你还有什么好主意Any more great ideas?你怎么不把衣服脱了让几百个人盯着你看Why don't you strip down and have a 100 people stare at you? 苏 -什么Sue. -What?我得去找个心理医生I'm gonna need therapy.跟我来Come on, let's get out of here.让一让,让我过去Excuse me. Coming through.好的,现在,呃,往后退All right, now just back away from him.把你的手举起来放在头上…And I want you to put your hands on your head...954分队,马上到达事发地点954 approaching scene.真不敢相信,你让我出那样的丑I still can't believe you made me do that.我们总算过来了,不是吗找到本再说We got through, didn't we? Just find Ben.本Ben! Ben!妈妈Mom! Mom!呆在这别动,好吗Stay here, okay?我来了I'm coming.坚持住Hold on.坚持住Hang on!。

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片名:《拜见罗宾逊一家》MeetTheRobinsons我没有选那个因为那个会让我起疙瘩ThenIdidn'tchoosethatonebecauseitwasgonn agivemepimples,于是我挑了另外一个比较恐怖的soIchoosedanotherscaryone因为根据我多年参加万圣节前夕的经验because,forallthoseyearsthatIwentforHalle.他们到了They'rehere.刘易斯Lewis?刘易斯Lewis?顾博,嘿,我完成了我做完了Goob!Hey,Ididit,Goob!Ifinishedit!他们将会爱死这发明Theyaregonnalovethis! 没有比说“收养我吧”更象古怪的发明了Nothingsays"adoptme"likeaweirdinvention. 刘易斯Lewis!-刘易斯,哈里顿夫妇到了-我先走了,米尔德里德-Lewis,theHarringtonsarehere!-Wayaheadof you,Mildred.等等Wait!Wait!Wait,wait,wait.记住,坐立时要挺直腰杆看着他们的眼睛只要少少的想象再加上一点点的科学Allittakesissomeimaginationandalittlesci ence,我们就能让这个世界变得更美好andwecanmaketheworldabetterplace.呃,这些主意非常有趣Well,theseareallinterestingideas.那么你最喜爱的运动是什么?So,what'syourfavouritesport?-发明创造算不算一种运动?-事实上…-1页--Well,doesinventingcountasasport?-Actual ly...因为当我发明了这个我好像打了个本垒打'CauseIthinkIhitahomerunwiththisone!-那是啥玩艺?-首先,得问个问题-Whatisthat?-First,aquestion.当你用花生酱和果子冻做三文治的时候What'sthenumberoneproblemthatyouface你面对的头号难题是什么?whenyoumakeapeanutbutterandjellysandwich ?-糊的.Wedon'tusuallyeatpeanutbutter.刘易斯,真的不需要演示了Lewis,thisisreallynotnecessary.被堵住了It'sjammed!刘易斯,求你不要做了Lewis,please,don't!怎么回事?What'shappening?哈里顿先生对花生过敏!MrHarringtonhasapeanutallergy!真对不起!I'msorry!让我帮你弄掉那些花生酱!Hereletmehelpyougetthatoff!靠后站!Standback!-他会没事吗?-深呼吸,深呼吸-Ishegonnabeokay?-Breathe.Breathe. 真对不起,我不知道!I'msosorry!Ididn'tknow!他没有尝试一下It'stoobadhedidn'tgettotryasandwich 你的天才发明做的三文治真是太可惜了fromthatwonderfulinventionofyours. -对,真的太可惜了-这不是你的错-Yeah,realwonderful.-It'snotyou.我们只是还没有找到合适的夫妇罢了Wejusthaven'tfoundtherightcoupleyet. 一百二十四Onehundredtwenty-four.-2页-什么?What?那是领养面试次数我一共面试了124次That'showmanyadoptioninterviewsI'vehad,1 24.噢,刘易斯,算了吧Oh,Lewis,comeon,now.你也太夸张了为了说明你You'reexaggeratingjusttomakeyour是对的point.Maybeshewantedtokeepyou,butshehadnochoic e.你所得对You'reright.我亲生妈妈才是唯一想要我的人Myrealmomistheonlypersonwho'severwantedm e.慢着,我是说“或许”Wait.Isaid"maybe."如果她那时要我现在她也会要我Andifshewantedmethen,she'llwantmenow.你在说些什么呀?Whatareyoutalkingabout?我要去找她,米尔德里德如果我找到她,她就会要回我Ihavetofindher,Mildred,andwhenIdo,she'll takemeback,我们一家人又再重聚了andwe'llbeafamilyagain!哦,刘易斯,你不能找到她的Whoa,whoa,whoa!Lewis,youcan'tdothat.你估不到吧?你获得的比你索求的还多Guesswhat?Yougotmorethanyoubargained太神奇了吧?Ain'titcrazy?你买到的比你支付的还多Yougotmorethanyoupaidfor所以请再次给我一次机会Sogivemejustonemorechance再多一瞥Onemoreglance-3页-再多一只手去牵Onemorehandtohold你已经在我脑海里You'vebeenonmymind虽说看似戏谑ThoughitmayseemI'mfooling浪费大量时间Wastedsomuchtime虽说看似戏谑ThoughitmayseemI'mfooling我们将怎么办?-Thoseguysareabunchofbums.我只希望我不要睡着了IjusthopeIcanstayawake.不要告诉我,让我猜猜Don'ttellme.Letmeguess.他整晚没睡一直在搞他那该死的发明Hewasupallnightworkingonhisstupidproject ,但是我早就有心理准备了butthat'swhathappens 当你有这么一个科学怪人做室友whenyougetasciencegeekforaroommate.哈,真是好人Ah,that'sgoodjoe.好了,爱恩斯坦你该去为迈克尔加油Allright,Einstein,youoweMichaelbigtime. 把脑海里的秘密打开需要的时间要比我预期的长Well,unlockingthesecretsofthebraintookal otlongerthanIexpected,但是已经完成了,米尔德里德我再校准了耳机Sweetheart,thisisaboutbeingadopted,你得回来这里而且要干净,高兴还有准时andyouwillbebackhereclean,happyandontime .我不再去会面了,米尔德里德我不要再被拒绝了I'mdonewithinterviews,Mildred.I'mnotgonn aberejectedanymore.听着,我知道你的想法但我还是要提醒你Listen,Iknowwhereyourheadis,butI'mtellin-4页-gyou,你得忘记过去展望未来youhavegottogetoutofthepastandlooktothef uture.我有,这就是了Iam,andthisisit.这就是我的未来Thisismyfuture.对不起I'msorry.刘易斯?宝贝?知道Well,thencanIgetyouacotorsomething?不需要,我已经打过咖啡因补丁这是我的发明Nope,I'vegotthecaffeinepatch.It'smyinven tion.每个补丁相当于12杯咖啡Eachpatchistheequivalentof12cupsofcoffee .你能够保持清醒数天而没有任何副作用Youcanstayawakefordayswithnosideeffects. 对不起,她是谁?Sorry.Who'sthis?她是我的学生斯坦利·普郭斯基Thisisoneofourstudents,StanleyPukowski. 噢,太可爱了Oh,socute!我真想咬一口他那胖胖的小脸颊!Ijustwanttobitehischubbylittlecheeks!衣服上的是什么,普郭斯基?What'swiththedress,Pukowski?事实上这是宽外袍,先生It'sactuallyatoga,sir.isunacceptable!现在给我环绕体育馆跑20个圈!Now,giveme20lapsaroundthegym!快跑!快跑!快跑!快!快!快!Moveit!Moveit!Moveit!Go!Go!Go!-教练-我在看着你-Coach!-I'mwatchingyou.好了,下一位是莉兹和她的火蚁(南美一种杂食性蚂蚁)养殖场Okay,nextupisLizzyandherfireantfarm.-5页-没错That'sright.莉兹,我们谈论过这火蚁Lizzy,wetalkedaboutthefireants.你知道他们会咬人Youknowthattheyhaveatendencytobitepeople .他们只咬我的敌人Onlymyenemies.不要停,好不?莉兹,你是最棒的Justkeepmoving,shallwe?Topnotch,Lizzy!你?hat?-----没有,为什么?No,why?我会因为这而丢掉工作的Icouldlosemybadgeforthis.他是一宗抢劫案的嫌疑犯He'sasuspectinarobbery.他偷了什么了?Whatdidhesteal?-一部时光机器-一部什么?-Atimemachine.-Awhat? 我一直追踪他到了这个时光点我的线人说他在找你I'vetrackedhimtothistime,andmyinformants sayhe'safteryou.找我?为什么找我?Me?Whyme?在HQ的小伙子还没有找到他的动机TheboysbackatHQhaven'tfiguredoutamotivey et.我说的“HQ”是指总部的意思Andby"HQ,"Imean"headquarters."Myfrogs!They'regettingaway!抓到你了!这是最后一只Gotyou!That'sthelastofthem.讨厌的小女孩我可没有时间抓青蛙Annoyinglittlegirl,Idon'thavetimeforthis .我正在执行重要的…I'monaveryimportant...对本小姐休得无礼,孩子我会日本空手道Don'tsassme,boy.Iknowkarate.-6页-加油,普郭斯基!小小的苦楚相当于激励!Comeon,Pukowski!Feelthepain!Lovethepain! 教练…Coach...下一个是刘易斯NextupisLewis.对…刘易斯!失陪一下Yes...Lewis!Excuseme.刘易斯,告诉我这玩艺不会…Lewis,tellmethisthingisnotgonna...没事的,这次准会成功我不会让您失望的,我保证来?n,我建造了一台机器可以唤醒它们andIbuiltamachinethatcanretrievethem.我称它记忆扫描仪IcallittheMemoryScanner.让人眼前为之一亮!It'sshiny!那么,刘易斯这台记忆扫描仪的工作原理是什么?So,Lewis,howdoestheMemoryScannerwork? 首先,你在这键盘输入想扫描的时间段First,youinputthedesiredperiodoftimeonth iskeypad.然后镭射扫描大脑皮层那是记忆被存放的地方Thenalaserscansthecerebralcortex,whereme moriesarestored.被提取出来的记忆会被显示在显示屏上Theretrievedmemoryisthendisplayedonthism onitor.把它打包起来我要两台Wraphimup.I'lltaketwo.天Feelthepain!Lovethe...很疼!快停止!Hurtssomuch!Makeitstop!快停止!Makeitstop!教练,你忍住,好吧?Coach,suckitup,okay?让我们处理好危机明天我们回想起也感自豪Letusconductourselvesinawaythatwe'llallb eproudoftomorrow.-7页--大家冷静!-威勒斯坦先生?-Let'scalmdown!-Mr威勒斯坦?-我不是故意的…-现在不是时候,刘易斯!-Ididn'tmeanto...-Notnow,Lewis!对不起,真对不起I'msorry.I'msosorry.现在不是道歉的时候Notnow.好吧,大家冷静有秩序地Okay,andwearewalkinginacalm,orderlyfashi onMaybeyou'veforgotten.我是来自未来的时光警察应该被非常严肃的对待I'matimecopfromthefuture,shouldbetakenve ryseriously.这不是徽章That'snobadge.这是皮肤晒成褐色沙龙赠券!你是个假冒的Thisisacouponforatanningsalon!You'reafak e. 好吧,你揭穿了我我不是警察Okay,yougotme.I'mnotacop,但我确实是来自未来butIreallyamfromthefuture,还有确实有这么一个戴圆顶硬礼帽的家伙andtherereallyisthisBowlerHatGuy.又来了Herewegoagain.他偷了一部时光机器来到了科学展Hestoleatimemachine,cametothesciencefair 破坏掉你的发明Yeah,sure,whateveryousay.嘿,放开我Hey,letgoofme!-你在干嘛?放开我!-好吧-Whatareyoudoing?Letgoofme!-Okay.这是什么?我们要上哪去?Whatisthis?Wherearewegoing?去到未来!Tothefuture!已经到达未来-8页-Thefuturehasarrived今天已经到达未来Thefuturehasarrivedtoday已经到达未来Thefuturehasarrived今天已经到达未来Thefuturehasarrivedtoday这个证据充足了吧?Isthisproofenoughforyou?够充足了!Isitever!ner.r.-事实上我可以回到那个晚上制止她不要遗弃我Icouldactuallygobacktothatnightandstophe rfromgivingmeup.答案不是时光机器而是这个Theanswerisnotatimemachine.It'sthis.这个?你想知道我对这个的看法吗?This?YouwanttoknowwhatIthinkaboutthis? 你在干嘛?Whatareyoudoing?对不起,威尔伯I'msorry,Wilbur,但你不知道我是怎样熬过来的butyoudon'tknowwhatI'velivedthrough. -刘易斯,不要!-松手!-Lewis,no!-Letgo!-你松手!-你不是我的老板!-Youletgo!-You'renotthebossofme!我是的因为我13岁,你才12岁Yes,Iam,'causeyou're12,andI'm13.我比你大Thatmakesmeolder.Goodidea.You'resmart.Youfixit.你疯了吗?我不会修这玩艺Areyoucrazy?Ican'tfixthisthing.你行的你弄坏了,你得修好Yes,youcan.Youbrokeit.Youfixit.好吧,不过有个条件Allright,underonecondition.我修好了你带我回去见我的妈妈Ifixit,youtakemebacktoseemymom.什么?你甚至没有兑现我们上一个协议-9页-What?Youdidn'tevenfollowthroughonourlast deal.这叫我如何相信你?HowcanItrustyou?那么你告诉我你是来自未来的时光警察Well,youtoldmeyouwereatimecopfromthefutu re.这叫我如何相信你?HowcanItrustyou?大家彼此彼此Touch?----对,就是我Yes.Yes,Iam.你是玛丽·约翰森?You'reMaryJohnson?对Yes.玛丽是什么的简称…Maryisshortfor...玛丽安?Marian? -那可以是个男孩的名字吗?-可以的-Canthatbeaboyname?-Yes.-那么是的-请坐下-Thenyes.-Haveaseat.噢,太好了Oh,goody!“把发明冒认是自己的作品”完成,噢,我喜欢清单"Passoffinventionasmyown."Check.Oh,Ilove checklists.管委会的人已经准备好见你明”"Idoubtanyofyouhaveseenanythingasbrillia ntasthisdevice."非常好Verywell,约翰森小姐?MissJohnson?是太太It'sMs.你有两分钟时间,请开始-10页-Youhavetwominutes.Pleasebegin.-光彩夺目!-那是什么?-It'sshiny!-Whatisthatthing?呃,我叫它为…Well,Iliketocallitmy...叫它…Tocallitmy...-你在看什么?-没有!我…阳光照到我眼睛-Whatareyoulookingat?-No!I...Thesun,inmy eyes.那我关上百叶窗呃….噢,没有特别的原因Oh,nothingofconsequence.我只是想粉碎一个可怜小孤儿的梦想!Isimplywishtocrushthedreamsofapoorlittle orphanboy!接下来就不太清楚Afterthat,it'sallalittlefuzzy.你的意思是你并没有全盘考虑过Youmean,youhaven'tthoughtthisthrough? 30秒Thirtyseconds.请允许我演示它是如何工作的Allowmetoshowyouhowitworks.首先,我们接通电源First,weturniton.那不是开关That'snotit.10秒Tenseconds.那我该在哪签名?SowheredoIsign?那好吧,但我需要一些图纸或其他的一些东西Well,fine,butI'mgonnaneedsomeblueprintso rsomethingforthis.这个不用担心我有人会帮我们找到那些东西Noworries.Igotsomeonewhocouldhelpuswitht hat.何方神圣胆敢侵犯我的领地?Whodarestodisturbmysanctuary?卡尔,是我,让我进去Carl,it'sme.Letmein.-11页-没有人能够进去除非他们说出正确密码Nonemayenterunlesstheyspeaktheroyalpassw ord.卡尔,你在说啥呀?我们没有密码Carl,whatareyoutalkingabout?Wedon'thavea password.我们有个密码你离开后我设置了一个Yes,wedo.Imadeoneupwhileyouweregone.那我怎么会知道密码是什么?Well,thenhowamIsupposedtoknowwhatitis? 呃…-,他们会把我活埋了然后在我的坟墓上跳舞they'llburymealiveanddanceonmygrave.我并没有夸张,呃,其实是有点不过这不是问题所在I'mnotexaggerating.Well,yes,Iam,butnotth epoint.问题是你的头发暴露你的来历Thepointis,yourhair'sadeadgiveaway.为什么我的头发会暴露我的来历?Whywouldmyhairbeadeadgiveaway?问得太好了Thatisanexcellentquestion.等一下,你要上哪去?Wait!Whereareyougoing?又一个绝妙的问题Anotherexcellentquestion.但我不想只是坐在这ButIdon'tjustwanttosithere.留在这Stay.lycrisis?打从不锁上车库门时光机器因此被偷Byleavingthegaragedoorunlocked,youletthe timemachinegetstolen,到现在整个时光流有可能被改变!andnowtheentiretimestreamcouldbealtered! 这令我忧心如焚啊Thatandsomeonetookmybike.我告诉过你一切都会迎刃而解Look,Itoldyou.It'sgonnaallworkout.-12页-首先,我们把刘易斯留在车库不让其他人接触到他First,wekeepLewisinthegarage,awayfromeve rybody.我出现给他来个世纪感言鼓舞士气Ishowupandgivehimthepeptalkofthecentury. 然后他会修好时光机器Thenhefixesthetimemachine.怎么会是个橡实?Whyisitanacorn?我没时间去雕刻所有的东西ce.下"Ontheslightchance,"yeah.Youknowwhat?I'l lrunthenumbers.怎么啦?Whatisit?呃,不是…Well,it'snot...这不适于任何事情…你知道,没这必要…Itdoesn'tpertaintoanythingin...Youknow,t here'snotnecessarily...有99.999999%可能性你将不会存在There'sa99.999999%chancethatyouwon'texis t.-什么?-我本不想告诉你,但我说了-What?-AndIdidn'twanttotellyou,butIdid. 我不会存在?Iwon'texist?那我又会在哪?Andwheredoesthatleaveme?孤独的呆在某角落生锈Alone,rustinginacorner.我担心那么多干嘛?图纸在哪?嘿,刘易斯你在附近没有见到过一只牙齿,是吧?Well,say,Lewis,youhaven'tseenanyteetharo undhere,haveyou?-牙齿?-对,我的牙齿-Teeth?-Yeah,myteeth.挖了一整天的洞任何地方都没有找到Beendiggingholesallday.Can'tfindthemanyw here.好了,老汉我得回到车库去-13页-Allright,look,oldman,Ineedtogetbacktothe garage.威尔伯把我留在那里Wilburleftmedownthere,我并不打算离开那还有这些怪物…andIwasn'tsupposedtoleave,andthesemonste rs...-怪物?-…在门廊袭击我…-Monsters?...attackedmeontheporchand... 在门廊没有怪物啊笨蛋There'snomonstersontheporch,youninny. --刘易斯,能帮我一下帮我记时吗?Lewis,willyougivemeahandandtimemyrace? 好的,加斯顿我的玩具火车准备好跟你比赛了Okay,Gaston,mytoytrain'sreadyforyou.那是玩具火车?That'satoytrain?各就各位,准备,跑Onyourmark,getset,go?-3.7秒-我赢了!-3.7seconds.-Iwin! 好吧,刘易斯我拿到图纸了Okay,Lewis,Igottheblueprints.刘易斯?Lewis?-5,6,7,8-这是乔叔叔,他正在健身-Andfiveandsixandsevenandeight.-That'sUn cleJoe.Heworksout.把腹部的脂肪除掉Keepthosetummiestucked.这不是车库玛!Laszlo,youstoppaintingmyhat,orI'mtelling Ma!-别生气,姐姐!-拉兹洛,我说真的!-Lightenup,sis!-Lasz,Imeanit!孩子们,拜托!你们的妈妈在小憩Children,please!Yourmotheristryingtotake anap.谁在这嚷嚷?Whatisalltheyellingouthere?-14页--他先开始的!-她先开始的!-Hestartedit!-Shestartedit!我不想在听到了Idon'twanttohearanymore!-现在,宝贝…-不要叫我“宝贝”!-Now,sweetie...-Don'tyou"sweetie"me!我要开车兜风I'mgoingforadrive!那就奇怪了她通常带上哈利That'sstrange.SheusuallytakestheHarley. 刘易斯.--谁?Ithinkyou'lllikeher.嘿,你们好Hey,guys!你一次又一次地追问我YouaskmeoverAndoverandover你可曾看见过我的孔雀羽毛帽子?HaveyouseenMypeacock-featheredhat?青蛙?Frogs?教懂他们所有他们知道的Taughtthemeverythingtheyknow.-弗兰妮,这是刘易斯-见到你真高兴,夫人-Franny,thisisLewis.-Nicetomeetyou,ma'am .来得正好我们需要有人打沙球(一种打击乐器) Perfecttiming.Weneedsomeoneonmaracas.你的心在哪?没有人知道那Whereisyourheartat?Nobodyknowsthat即使你有他,她,我Eventhoughyou'vehim,her,me还有一军队去搜索Idid,butIwentupthetube,andIranintoyourfa mily,andI...你见到了我的家人?Youmetmyfamily?当场小测验Popquiz.你都见过谁了你知道些什么?Whohaveyoumet,andwhathaveyoulearnt?好吧,伙计弗瑞兹和乔是两兄弟Okay.Bud,FritzandJoearebrothers.-15页-弗瑞兹娶了彭豚妮娜她有点…FritzismarriedtoPetunia,andisshe...古怪?是的Cranky?Yes.塔卢拉和拉斯洛是他们的孩子TallulahandLaszloaretheirchildren.乔娶了比利勒富媞就是管家JoeismarriedtoBillie.Leftyisthebutler. 史柏克和季米特洛是双胞胎SpikeandDimitriaretwins,我不知道他们之间的关系儿子没有谢谢,谢谢Thankyou.Thankyou.谢谢你们的掌声非常感谢Holdyourapplause.Thankyouverymuch.多里斯,拉起来!拉起来Doris,getitoff!Getitoff!我可找到你了I'vegotyounow.刘易斯Lewis! 我不是,刘易斯是我的笨室友No,Lewisismystupidroommate.我叫迈克·雅顾博伊恩大家都叫我顾博Myname'sMikeYagoobian.PeoplecallmeGoob, 但今天所有揍我的人都叫我“恶相”buttoday,everyonethatbeatmeupcalledme"pu keface"还有“笨手笨脚的人”还有“鼻涕虫”and"butterfingers"and"boogerbreath."见到他们有分歧真高兴Nicetoseethatthey'rebranchingout.所有人都会告诉你别往心里去继续往前走,但不要听他们的Everyonewilltellyoutoletitgoandmoveon,bu tdon't.相反,让它在你内心发酵沸腾Instead,letitfesterandboilinsideofyou. 把这些感觉收藏起来Takethesefeelingsandlockthemaway.让他们作为你行动的原动力Letthemfuelyouractions.-16页-让仇恨伴随着你Lethatebeyourally,你就有能力干出一些精彩的恐怖事情来andyouwillbecapableofwonderfullyhorridth ings.听从我的建议,顾博不要就这么算了Heedmywords,Goob.Don'tletitgo.什么?What?那小孩在哪?Whereisthatboy?保持奋勇前进Keepmovingforward.为什么你老是说那句?Whydoyoukeepsayingthat?请不要只是说“保持奋勇前进”Anddon'tjustsay,"Keepmovingforward."那是我爸爸的座右铭It'smydad'smotto.为什么他的座右铭会是“保持奋勇前进”?Whywouldhismottobe"keepmovingforward"? 他是那样做的It'swhathedoes.那是什么意思?What'sthatsupposedtomean?问得好Thatisanexcellentquestion.罗宾逊工业RobinsonIndustries,世界上领先的科研,调查和设计的工厂theworld'sleadingscientific-research-and -designfactory.那就是原型?That'saprototype?-最原始的或者能找到的最早模型-哇-Theveryfirst,orwhat'sleftofit.-Yikes. 对,罗宾逊的黑暗日子Yeah.DarkdayattheRobinsonhouse.原型2号和3号都没有好多少Prototypestwoandthree,notmuchbetter.6号,58号Numbersix,58,-17页-212号,485号212,485,952号952,他们都是相同的下场andtheyallendthesameway.但他始终没有放弃Buthedoesn'tgiveup.老弟,你的头那样子我认真不起来Dude,Ican'ttakeyouseriouslyinthathat. 他坚持做呀做终于他成功了较wo-Now,areyoureadytostartworking?我想我完成了,我成功了!Ithinkthat'sit.Ididit!我知道你能成功Iknewyoucould.干得漂亮,我的朋友Nicework,myfriend.呃,你知道他们会怎样说“保持向前…”Well,youknowwhattheysay!"Keepmoving..." 不要说出来Don'tsayit!孩子们,该吃饭了Boys!Dinnertime!现在不是时候,妈妈Notnow,Mom!如果你5分钟内还不上来我就下去找你Ifyouaren'tuphereinfiveminutes,I'mgonnac omedownandgetyou!我们最好上去We'dbettergetupthere.让我们去找那小孩Iknow!I'llblowitup!Yes!Yes,and...No.那不行,他们都会死掉No,thatwon'twork.Thenhe'llbedead.噢,我知道Oh!Iknow!我把他变成一只鸭子对,队,真是坏透了I'llturnhimintoaduck!Yes!Yes,it'ssoevil! 我不知道怎样变鸭子Idon'tknowhowtodothat.我并不需要一只鸭子-18页-Idon'treallyneedaduck.这比我想的要难ThismaybeharderthanIthought.嘿,按我的门铃Hey,ringmydoorbell.不,不,不,按这个门铃No,no,no,no,ringthisdoorbell.那个门铃会让你生疹的Thatdoorbellwillgiveyouarash.对,2比2,平手Yes!I'mtwofortwo,man.-Oh,Billie,couldyoupleasepassthegravy? 这就来,大姑娘Comingtoyou,biggirl.这让我想起那次我的肉丸披萨Remindsmeofthetimemymeatballpizzastavedo ffcivilwar在基威诺黑色月球上击退内战ontheblackmoonofKeward.我的牛肉三文治呢?Where'smysloppyjoe? 谢谢把肉汁传给我,比利阿姨Thankyouforthegravy,AuntBillie.-我们得谈谈-要点肉汁吗?往这边-Wegottatalk.-Howaboutsomegravy?Overhere .那小孩怎么还在这?不知下面这些会不会让你记起什么?Whyisthekidstillhere?Anyofthisringabell? 科学展,记忆扫描仪,一段需要修复的时间流?Sciencefair,MemoryScanner,atimestreamtha tneedsfixing?Yeah.-你从哪来,刘易斯?-加拿大?-Whereareyoufrom,Lewis?-Canada?我想你是指北蒙大纳(美国州名)吧不叫加拿大多年了IthinkyoumeanNorthMontana.Hasn'tbeencall edCanadainyears.你认识萨姆·冈德森吗?DoyouknowSamGundersen?-这是一个大国家啊-是一个州-19页--It'sabigcountry.-State.-我想知道你们是不是亲戚-也许如果他把帽子脱掉了-Iwonderifyou'rerelated.-Maybeifhetookhi shatoff.噢,好主意Oh,goodidea.那样我们就能看见他是不是有家族遗传的额前翘起的一绺头发Thenwecanseeifhehasthefamilycowlick.他不能因为他的头发很难看,得用帽子盖住.--Yourskillsarestrong,butnotstrongenough. 你的话吓唬不了我的,大哥Yourwordsdonotthreatenme,brother.那就废话少说现在正式开战吧Thenenoughwords.Nowtherealbattlebegins. 你的肉丸对我毫无作用Yourmeatballsareuselessagainstme.那么也许该到意大利辣香肠上场了Thenperhapsit'stimeforspicyItaliansausag e! 不!No!这就对了我做到了That'sright.Ididit.每天的晚饭都这样吗?Isdinnerlikethiseverynight?不是,昨天我们吃肉卷No,yesterday,wehadmeatloaf.好了,大伙儿现在上第二道菜Okay,gang,timeforthesecondcourse.还有什么比花生酱与果子冻和肉丸搭配更好的我们已经到了危急关头不能后退了We'repastthepointofnoreturn!如果他得不到花生酱和果子冻Ifhedoesn'tgetP.B.andJ...我们代价惨重!Weallpay!我不知道Idon'tknow.你一定要帮我们渡过这次危机刘易斯Youwouldreallybehelpingusout,Lewis.-20页-拜托了Please.酒吧老板,请来杯“岩上蜻蜓”Onedragonflyontherocks,please,MrBarkeep. 嘿,嘿,弗兰克,宝贝你得跟我们说个笑话Hey,hey,Frankie,baby,yougottatellusoneof yourjokes.对,弗兰克那个关于牛蛙的笑话怎样?Yeah,Frankie.Howaboutthatonewiththebullf rog?好吧,你们这些家伙?,---不要笑-不要笑-Stoplaughing.-Stoplaughing.-不要重复我说的每一句话-我不重复你说的每一句话-Don'trepeateverythingIsay.-Iwon'trepeat everythingyousay.-好极了-好极了-Excellent.-Excellent.你也说“好极了”是不是因为我说了“好极了”?Didyoujustsay,"Excellent,"becauseIsaid,"Excellent"?不是No.-好极了-好极了-Excellent.-Excellent.-请问修理先生,事情进展如何?-很好,罗宾逊夫人-So,MrFix-it,how'sitlooking?-Prettygood, MrsRobinson.我已经重新校准了输送管道I'verecalibratedthedispensingconduitsOkay,thatshoulddoit.太激动了,让她射吧,刘易斯It'ssoexciting.Letherrip,Lewis!赶快,乔叔叔快支撑不住了Quickly.UncleJoecan'tholdonmuchlonger. 大家都准备好了?Everybodyready?-开始吧,卡尔-对-Go,Carl.-Yeah!它现在工作了吗?-21页-Isitgonnawork?哦,不!Oh,no!不!No!我不知道对不起,真的对不起Ididn'tknow.I'msorry.I'msosorry.-你失败了!-了不起!-Youfailed!-Anditwasawesome!-真不可思议!-太优秀了!-Exceptional!-Outstanding!花ch.停Stop不会跟我顶嘴的家伙Somethingthatwon'ttalkback.他还在这干嘛?把他干掉Whatishestilldoinghere?Getridofhim. 噢,我的头Oh,mynoggin.嘿,你干什么?把你的脏手拿开Hey,whatareyoudoing?Getyourlousymittsoff ofme!你将会为你所做的一切后悔的You'regonnaregretthis!等等!等等!别动,就是它了Wait!Wait!Don'tmove.That'sit!我是不是该告诉多里斯呢IwonderifIshouldtellDoris.不,给它一个惊喜吧No,I'llmakeitasurprise.好了,大家静一静静一静Allright,everyone,quietdown.Quietdown. 我提议为刘易斯和他的锦绣前程干杯IproposeatoasttoLewisandhisbrilliantfail他说“如果他有个家庭的话”是什么意思?Whatdidhemean,ifhehadafamily?哦,刘易斯是个孤儿Oh,Lewisisanorphan.孤儿?Orphan?-哦,不!-巨无霸!-Oh,no!-Bigboy!起来,你这个脂粉气男人Getup,youpansy!-22页-多么绝妙的计划啊!Whatagreatplan!回到过去偷一个恐龙回来噢,多里斯会为我感到多么的自豪Gobackintimeandstealadinosaur.Oh,Doriswi llbesoproudofme.你怎么没告诉我你养了一条恐龙宠物?Whydidn'tyoutellmeyouhadapetdinosaur?因为我们根本没养Becausewedon't.你在说什么呢?它就站在那里不!No!快跑Run!Oh!HeateCarl!-帮帮我们!救命啊!-噢,天哪!-Helpus!Help!Help!-Oh,goodness!噢,不!Oh,no.打进去Incoming!快跑Run!现在去抓那小子!Now,gogetthatboy!怎么回事?What'sgoingon?怎么不去抓住他?Whyaren'tyouseizingtheboy?我的头太大…Ihaveabighead...手太小...andlittlearms.我不太确定I'mjustnotsure...-Areyouboysallright?-We'regood,Mom.你没看到我们怎么打败那恐龙吗?Yeah,didn'tyouseeustakeoutthatdinosaur? 哦,酷毙了,妈妈!Oh,man!Itwassocool,Mom!噢,我意思是,对不起,我没…Oh,Imean,I'msorry.Ididn't...噢,刘易斯,不要紧Oh,Lewis,it'sokay.你没事我真的感到很高兴-23页-I'mreallyhappyyou'resafe.-你的头-什么?-Yourhead.-What?哦,只是擦伤,刘易斯It'sjustabruise,Lewis.你们都为我付出了那么多Youallsacrificedsomuchforme.-那是应该的-你是个很特别的孩子-Well,ofcourse.-Youareaspecialkid.独一无二的Oneofakind.l.hts,晚了eover.-妈妈-事实是我们喜欢有你在-Mom.-Thetruthis,welovehavingyou.-我们真的得走了-不-Wereallyhavetogo.-No.不,你不需要走,你得留下No,youdon't.Youhavetostay.我的意思是,还有哪个家庭比我们的家庭更适合你呢?Imean,whowouldbeabetterfamilyforyouthanu s?你觉得呢,刘易斯?Whatdoyousay,Lewis?你想成为罗宾逊家庭的一成员吗?DoyouwanttobeaRobinson?你想收养我吗?Youwanttoadoptme?是的!太好了!-Yeah!-Yes!好吧,事实上我是来自过去Okay,it'strue.I'mfromthepast.andwewouldneverdoanythingtohurtyou,但对不起你必须得回到属于你的时间butI'msorry.Youhavetogobacktoyourowntime .对了,关于这点其中一台时间机器坏了Yeah,aboutthat,oneofthetimemachinesisbro ken,另外一台被戴圆顶硬礼帽的家伙给偷了andtheotheronewasstolenbyaguywithabowler hat,-24页-这可以解释这恐龙为什么会出现whichkindofexplainsthedino.我去打电话给你爸爸I'mcallingyourfather.慢着,如果我不得不离开Wait.IfIhavetoleave,至少我能回到过去找我的妈妈吧?canIatleastgobackandfindmymom? 威尔伯答应过我的Wilburpromised.你答应他什么啦?-是的Yes.只可惜我们没有时光机器Toobadwedon'thaveatimemachine. 噢,慢着,我们有一台Oh,wait.Wedo.戴圆顶硬礼帽的家伙?BowlerHatGuy?-你好,刘易斯-你想干什么?-Hello,Lewis.-Whatdoyouwant? 来让你梦想成真Tomakeyourdreamcometrue. 你所要做的就是把这笨重的玩艺重新装好AllyouhavetodoisputHumptyDumptybacktoget heragain,我们就带你回去找你妈妈andwe'lltakeyoubacktofindyourmommy.刘易斯!Lewis!让我们好好谈谈吧,刘易斯出来吧!Let'sjusttalkaboutthis,eon!我知道你就在附近某处Iknowyou'rearoundheresomewhere.然后按这个红色的按钮thenpushthisredbutton,这就行了,很简单吧andthat'sit.It'sprettyeasy.这方式启动机器真是蠢得可以!Whatastupidwaytoturniton!好吧,现在带我去见我的妈妈吧Okay,takemetoseemymomnow.好的,当然了Yes,ofcourse.-25页-多里斯?Doris?我们谈好条件的!Wehadadeal!我的手指交叉的所以不算数Crossies!Doesn'tcount.你为什么这样对我?我没有做过任何对不起你的事啊Whyareyoudoingthistome?Ineverdidanything toyou.你还没有弄明白吗?,e,-如果我是威尔伯的爸爸…SoifI'mWilbur'sdad...继续想下去Keepgoing.如果我是威尔伯的爸爸…IfI'mWilbur'sdad...是的,谢谢,我们已经知道这点了Yes,thankyou,we'veestablishedthat.但那跟你有什么关系?Butwhatdoesthathavetodowithyou? 请允许我开灯照亮这个物体Allowmetoshedsomelightonthesubject.我的老睡房!Myoldroom!你想你是指我们的老睡房吧Ithinkyoumeanouroldroom.-什么?-是的!是我-What?-Yes!Yes,itisI,迈克·雅顾博伊恩!MikeYagoobian!我知道,我很恶心,但你要学着去喜欢因为某些原因没有人愿意领养我Forsomereason,noonewantedtoadoptme.神童科尼利厄斯·罗宾逊14岁便大学毕业WhizkidCorneliusRobinsongraduatesfromcol legeatage14.本年度诺贝尔奖的获得者是年轻的科尼利厄斯·罗宾逊Thisyear'sNobelPrizegoestoayoungCorneliu sRobinson.嘿,顾博,你好吗?好漂亮的文件夹-26页-Hey,Goob,what'sup?Coolbinder.嘿,顾博,今天到我家玩吗?Hey,Goob,wannacomeovertomyhousetoday?他们都恨我Theyallhatedme.后来,他们关闭了孤儿院所有人都走了Eventually,theycloseddowntheorphanageand everyoneleft,除了我exceptme.科尼利厄斯·罗宾逊重建了发明谷公司---的…我遇见了她Imether.我们撤回到我们那邪恶的巢穴Weretreatedtoourvillainouslair,在那里多里斯全告诉了我她被欺骗和无比痛苦的故事whereDorisspunataleofdeceptionandwoe.很明显,你发明她的初衷是想让她成为“帮助帽”Apparently,youinventedhertobeaHelpingHat ,听命于人类aslavetohumankind,但多里斯知道她的能力远远超出这范围butDorisknewshewascapableofsomuchmore. 但是你没有看到她的真正潜力However,youdidn'tseehertruepotential.-受够了-于是你关闭了她-Gotit.-Soyoushutherdown,大概你以为你关闭了她orsoyouthought.forgottolockthegaragedoor.现在所需要做的就是回到发明谷Andnowallthat'sleftistoreturntoInventco, 在那里我把你的小发明冒认是我的whereI'llpassoffyourlittlegizmoasmyown. 但你不知道那会给这未来造成什么样的影响!Butyouhavenoideawhatthatcoulddotothisfut ure!那我可不管我只想毁掉你的生活Idon'tcare.Ijustwanttoruinyourlife.-27页-顾博,我不明白Goob,Ihadnoidea.闭嘴,不要叫我顾博Shutup!Anddon'tcallmeGoob!你知道有多少坏人可以叫顾博这样的名字?Howmanyevilvillainsdoyouknowwhocanpullof fanamelikeGoob?我很抱歉你的生活变得这么差Look,I'msorryyourlifeturnedoutsobad,但不要责怪我是你自己弄得一团糟的butdon'tblameme.Youmesseditupyourself. .不!No!-ta!但…我想你一定很高兴见到我Ibetyou'regladtoseeme.这是惩罚你没有关好车库门That'sfornotlockingthegaragedoor.你都知道那?Youknowaboutthat?我什么都知道Iknoweverything.你得承认Yougottaadmit, 这会是一个很好的故事哪一天你可以跟我讲起thiswillbeagreatstorytotellmesomeday.你们快看,孩子们我们就要成功到家了Lookatthat,boys.We'realmosthomefree. 噢,不!Oh,no!好好看一下吧,孩子们Takeagoodlookaround,boys,因为你们的未来就要改变了becauseyourfutureisabouttochange.刘易斯,你得把时光机器修好准备好大开眼界吧Preparetobeamazed.我叫它记忆扫描仪IcallittheMemoryScanner.那么,雅顾博伊恩还有什么其他想法要和大家分享吗?So,Yagoobian,anyotherideasyou'dliketosha rewithus?是的,我叫它们帽子助手Yes.IcallthemHelpingHats.-28页-它们无处不在They'reeverywhere!多里斯,发生什么事情?我搞不懂Doris,what'shappening?Idon'tunderstand. 我只是想毁掉他的未来我并不想事情变成这样啊Ijustwantedtoruinhisfuture,notthis.不!No!不不,这一切不可能会发生的!不!No.No,thiscan'tbehappening!No!Doris?我以为她是我的朋友Ithoughtshewasmyfriend.你做到了,刘易斯你成功了!Youdidit,Lewis.Youdidit!我拖住他你快去搬救兵I'llholdhimwhileyourunforhelp.放开他Lethimgo.你是怎么啦?他是个坏蛋Whatareyoudoing?He'sthebadguy.不,他不是他是我的室友No,he'snot.He'smyroommate.-什么?-他是我的老室友-What?-He'smyoldroommate,我真的觉得你们应该收养他andIreallythinkyouguysshouldadopthim. -你疯了吗?-为什么不?给我一个好的理由-Areyounuts?-Givemeonegoodreasonwhynot. 我给你三个好理由I'llgiveyouthreegoodreasons.不,不,我很好,我感觉很好No.No,no,I'mfine.Ifeelfine.实际上很久没感觉这么好了Infact,betterthanI'vefeltinalongtime. 弗兰妮,它们不见了噢,这糟透了Franny,they'regone.Oh,thisisterrible! -噢,天哪-他提早到家了-Oh,boy.-Well,he'shomeearly.弗兰妮,你在哪?时光机器都不见了Franny,whereareyou?Thetimemachinesaregon-29页-e!被老女人出卖了Rattedoutbytheoldlady.残酷啊Harsh.好了Okay.是啊,每天都在办公室里不懈的工作Yeah,beatsworkinginanofficeeveryday. 对,那是一定的了Yeah,nokidding.好啊哇靠我们有没有见到她?Doweevermeether?我想你得回到科学展Ithinkyou'rejustgonnahavetogetback自己去找答案tothatsciencefairandfindoutforyourself. 我就知道你会这么说Ihadafeelingyouweregonnasaythat.那是因为我们俩是一个聪明的小孩That'sbecauseweareonesmartkid. -再见-再见,刘易斯!-Solong!-Bye-bye,Lewis!-再见,未来的姐夫-保重!再见,刘易斯!-Farewell,futurebrother-in-law.-Solong!S eeyoulater,Lewis!噢,别忘了马铃薯泥Oh,don'tforgetthemashedpotatoes!-一路平安,小刘易斯-我会的-Haveasafetrip,littleLewis.-Iwill.嘿,既然你在这Hey,whileIgotyouhere,我爱你-等等,刘易斯,还有一件事-什么?-Wait.Lewis,onemorething.-Yeah?给将来的一点小提示我永远是对的Justalittletipforthefuture.Iamalwaysrigh t.即便是我错了,我还是对的EvenwhenI'mwrong,I'mright.她是对的,如果我是你我就会照她的话去做She'sright.I'djustgowithitifIwereyou. 我的确如此-30页-AndIam.那么你是绝对正确的Thenyou'reabsolutelyright.好吧,我来了Allright,I'mcoming.又不是你将永远都见不到他们Well,it'snotlikeyou'renevergonnaseethema gain.他们毕竟都是你的家人Theyareyourfamily,afterall.等一等ir.n.我不会的Iwon't.记住,我有时光机器Remember,I'vegotatimemachine.如果你又把事情弄糟了我就会一直回来Ifyoumessupagain,I'lljustkeepcomingback 一直到你做对为止tillyougetitright.-你记住那句座右铭了?-记住了-Yougotthatmotto?-Igotit. 别忘了Don'tforgetit.那是不可能的Idon'tthinkthat'spossible.你该走了Youbettergetgoing.再见,威尔伯Seeyoulater,Wilbur.等一等!Waitaminute!顾博!顾博,醒一醒!Iknow.妙极了Perfect!-你这是太美了-他是个幸运的家伙-Youlookgorgeous.-He'saluckyguy. 噢,它工作了Oh!Itworks.-它工作了-它工作了-Itworks!-Itworks.你太漂亮了,露西尔-31页-。

未来小子看电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)

未来小子看电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)

片名:《拜见罗宾逊一家》Meet The Robinsons我没有选那个因为那个会让我起疙瘩Then I didn't choose that one because it was gonna give me pimples,于是我挑了另外一个比较恐怖的so I choosed another scary one因为根据我多年参加万圣节前夕的经验because, for all those years that I went for Halloween,我是比较大胆的I wasn't scary at all.我特爱棒球我生下来就是要去打棒球的I love baseball. It's my destiny to play that game.其实我不真的那么在乎输赢I don't really care about winning.不过现在我挺在乎的因为,呃,我们逢打必输Well, like, now I do 'cause, like, we've lost every game.我都输得麻木了I've gotten tired of it.我是那么卖力的打所有的球都扔给我I'm working, like, so hard. All the balls are getting thrown to me.我尽力去接住每一个球I'm trying to catch, like, every one.场外的观众都在看着…All of the people in the outfield are all looking around and...走吧!我们打棒球去,好不?Come on! Let's play some baseball, okay?我们需要运动别老呆在屋里Not the lazy game.他们到了They're here.刘易斯Lewis?刘易斯Lewis?顾博,嘿,我完成了我做完了Goob! Hey, I did it, Goob! I finished it!他们将会爱死这发明They are gonna love this!没有比说“收养我吧”更象古怪的发明了Nothing says "adopt me" like a weird invention.刘易斯Lewis!- 刘易斯,哈里顿夫妇到了- 我先走了,米尔德里德- Lewis, the Harringtons are here! - Way ahead of you, Mildred.等等Wait! Wait! Wait, wait, wait.记住,坐立时要挺直腰杆看着他们的眼睛Remember, sit up straight. Look them in the eye.脸带微笑让我帮你…Smile. Let's fix your...米尔德里德Mildred.好吧,好吧All right, all right, all right, all right.去向他们展现你的与众不同…Go show them how special you are.噢,希望这次能够成功Oh, I hope this is it.我希望他能被收养I hope he gets adopted.还有我也希望,头头You and me both, chief.我是指这个世界上太多东西能够改进I mean, there's so many things in the worldthat can be improved.想象一下活动式人行道,气垫汽车Just think of it. Moving sidewalks, flying cars. 只有想不到,没有做不到的The possibilities are endless.气垫汽车?嘿,我喜欢这个Flying cars? Yeah, that's a good one.只要少少的想象再加上一点点的科学All it takes is some imagination and a little science,我们就能让这个世界变得更美好and we can make the world a better place. 呃,这些主意非常有趣Well, these are all interesting ideas.那么你最喜爱的运动是什么?So, what's your favourite sport?- 发明创造算不算一种运动?- 事实上…- Well, does inventing count as a sport? - Actually...因为当我发明了这个我好像打了个本垒打'Cause I think I hit a home run with this one! - 那是啥玩艺?- 首先,得问个问题- What is that? - First, a question.当你用花生酱和果子冻做三文治的时候What's the number one problem that you face你面对的头号难题是什么?when you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?- 刘易斯,我不想…- 搭配比例控制- Lewis, I don't think we... - Portion control.太多花生酱黏住口腔顶部Too much peanut butter sticks to the roof of your mouth,引起咀嚼困难takes forever to chew.太多果子冻从三文治边上挤出来弄得双手黏糊糊的Too much jelly squishes out the sides and makes your hands all sticky.我认为花生酱和果子冻的最佳搭配Well, I propose that the perfect P.B. and J.是人们随手可得的is within mankind's grasp,为此我发明了这部机器and I've built this machine to achieve it.在这次演示中我使用普通的面包For this demonstration, I'll use regular bread.亲爱的,没事的Honey, it's okay.正如您所看到的面包并不需要烤过As you can see, toasting is an option.我们并不吃花生酱We don't usually eat peanut butter.刘易斯,真的不需要演示了Lewis, this is really not necessary.被堵住了It's jammed!刘易斯,求你不要做了Lewis, please, don't!怎么回事?What's happening?哈里顿先生对花生过敏!Mr Harrington has a peanut allergy!真对不起!I'm sorry!让我帮你弄掉那些花生酱!Here let me help you get that off!靠后站!Stand back!- 他会没事吗?- 深呼吸,深呼吸- Is he gonna be okay? - Breathe. Breathe.真对不起,我不知道!I'm so sorry! I didn't know!认识你真高兴It was really nice to meet you.我们需要一点时间考虑We're gonna need some time to think about it.嗨,一切还好吗…Hi, folks. Everything all...发生什么事了?What happened?达夫小姐那小孩对我们绝对不合适Miss Duffy, that boy is definitely not right for us.现在我们告辞了Now, if you'll excuse me.我对发生这一切感到很抱歉如果你们…I'm so sorry about this. If you would just...- 我做好午饭了- 我不饿- I made some lunch. - Not hungry.可怜的哈里顿先生Poor Mr Harrington.- 我杀死他了?- 没有,没有,你没有杀死他- I killed him? - No. No! No, you didn't kill him. 我给他打电话了,他完全没事了I called. He's perfectly fine.我只是想说I was just gonna say that it's...他没有尝试一下It's too bad he didn't get to try a sandwich你的天才发明做的三文治真是太可惜了from that wonderful invention of yours.- 对,真的太可惜了- 这不是你的错- Yeah, real wonderful. - It's not you.我们只是还没有找到合适的夫妇罢了We just haven't found the right couple yet. 一百二十四One hundred twenty-four.什么?What?那是领养面试次数我一共面试了124次That's how many adoption interviews I've had, 124.噢,刘易斯,算了吧Oh, Lewis, come on, now.你也太夸张了为了说明你You're exaggerating just to make your是对的point.另外,我明年13岁了Plus, I'm gonna be 13 next year,你知道一个少年被领养会有多困难and you know how hard it is for a teenager to get adopted.我没有未来没有人想收养我I have no future. No one wants me.那不是真的,刘易斯!That's not true, Lewis!我亲生母亲都不想要我My own mother didn't even want me.好了,够了,你并不知道那原因Now, stop it. You do not know that.那么她为什么放弃我?Then why'd she give me up?她或许没有能力养大你She may not have been able to take care of you.你有没有想过这点?Did you ever think of that?我肯定她所考虑的是什么是对你最好的I am sure that she was only thinking about what was best for you.我从没有从那方面去想I never thought of it that way.或许她想养育你但她没有能力Maybe she wanted to keep you, but she had no choice.你所得对You're right.我亲生妈妈才是唯一想要我的人My real mom is the only person who's ever wanted me.慢着,我是说“或许”Wait. I said "maybe."如果她那时要我现在她也会要我And if she wanted me then, she'll want me now.你在说些什么呀?What are you talking about?我要去找她,米尔德里德如果我找到她,她就会要回我I have to find her, Mildred, and when I do, she'll take me back,我们一家人又再重聚了and we'll be a family again!哦,刘易斯,你不能找到她的Whoa, whoa, whoa! Lewis, you can't do that.没有人知道她的任何消息没有人曾经见过她No one knows anything about her. No one even saw her.不对,我看见她了Wrong. I saw her一次once.她就在我的脑海里我只需要记起来She's in here. I just have to remember.就这么定了That's it!您好Hello 我要告诉你一些事情I got something to tell you一些不可思议的事情But it's crazy我要给你看一些东西I got something to show you所以请再次给我一次机会So give me just one more chance再多一瞥,我对你印象更深刻One more glance And I will make of you有一个信仰者Another believer你估不到吧?你获得的比你索求的还多Guess what? You got more than you bargained太神奇了吧?Ain't it crazy?你买到的比你支付的还多You got more than you paid for所以请再次给我一次机会So give me just one more chance再多一瞥One more glance再多一只手去牵One more hand to hold你已经在我脑海里You've been on my mind虽说看似戏谑Though it may seem I'm fooling浪费大量时间Wasted so much time虽说看似戏谑Though it may seem I'm fooling我们将怎么办?What are we gonna do?我们将怎么办?What are we gonna do?我们将怎么办?What are we gonna do about it?你已经在我脑海里You've been on my mind再给一次机会One more chance浪费大量时间Wasted so much time再给一次机会One more chance累坏了So tired.我们下午两点见你要来他会很高兴的We'll see you at 2:00 this afternoon. He'll be so excited you're coming.再见了Bye-bye, now.好极了!嘿,顾博…呃,是迈克尔Yes! Hey, Goob... I mean, Michael.- 祝你今天的大赛好运!- 轻而易举的事情- Good luck at the big game today. - Easy win. 对方是一群乌合之众Those guys are a bunch of bums.我只希望我不要睡着了I just hope I can stay awake.不要告诉我,让我猜猜Don't tell me. Let me guess.他整晚没睡一直在搞他那该死的发明He was up all night working on his stupid project,但是我早就有心理准备了but that's what happens当你有这么一个科学怪人做室友when you get a science geek for a roommate. 哈,真是好人Ah, that's good joe.好了,爱恩斯坦你该去为迈克尔加油All right, Einstein, you owe Michael big time.把脑海里的秘密打开需要的时间要比我预期的长Well, unlocking the secrets of the brain took a lot longer than I expected,但是已经完成了,米尔德里德我再校准了耳机but it's finished, Mildred. I recalibrated the headset.现在神经中枢的线路将会接通Now the neural circuits will connect.我破解了脑内的海马状突起(在泛记过程中起主要作用)I've cracked the hippocampus!真的吗?好的,什么?Really? Okay. What?现在开始测试Now to test it out.噢,我要迟到了,我得走了!Oh, no! I'm late! I gotta go!等一下,刘易斯,等一下Wait a minute, Lewis. Wait a minute.我差点忘了我到这的目的I almost forgot what I came up here for.我知道你今天有很多事情要做I know you have a lot on your plate today,但我已经为你安排了一次会面在下午but I've scheduled an interview for you this afternoon.- 不,谢谢- “不,谢谢”?什么意思?- No, thanks. - "No, thanks"?宝贝,这是关乎你被收养的大事Sweetheart, this is about being adopted,你得回来这里而且要干净,高兴还有准时and you will be back here clean, happy and ontime.我不再去会面了,米尔德里德我不要再被拒绝了I'm done with interviews, Mildred. I'm not gonna be rejected anymore.听着,我知道你的想法但我还是要提醒你Listen, I know where your head is, but I'm telling you,你得忘记过去展望未来you have got to get out of the past and look to the future.我有,这就是了I am, and this is it.这就是我的未来This is my future.对不起I'm sorry.刘易斯?宝贝?Lewis? Honey?克伦克霍恩博士我知道你在发明谷实验室Dr Krunklehorn, I know you're very busy there忙得不可开交at Inventco Labs,我们非常荣幸能邀请到您担任裁判and we're just so excited to have you as a judge.非常乐意帮忙,威勒斯坦先生嘿,你可能还不知道It's my pleasure, Mr Willerstein. Hey, you never know.你的一位学生可能发明了下一代的集成电路One of your students may invent the next integrated circuit或者微处理器或者集成电路or microprocessor or integrated circuit.噢,慢着我已经提过集成电路了Oh, wait! I said that already. 我很少离开那实验室Well, I just don't get out of that lab very much.那是蝴蝶结吗?我喜欢蝴蝶结Is that a bow tie? I like bow ties.我有八天没有睡了I haven't slept in eight days!那么需要我帮你找张简易床或其他什么的?Well, then can I get you a cot or something?不需要,我已经打过咖啡因补丁这是我的发明Nope, I've got the caffeine patch. It's my invention.每个补丁相当于12杯咖啡Each patch is the equivalent of 12 cups of coffee.你能够保持清醒数天而没有任何副作用You can stay awake for days with no side effects.对不起,她是谁?Sorry. Who's this?她是我的学生斯坦利·普郭斯基This is one of our students, Stanley Pukowski. 噢,太可爱了Oh, so cute!我真想咬一口他那胖胖的小脸颊!I just want to bite his chubby little cheeks!衣服上的是什么,普郭斯基?What's with the dress, Pukowski?事实上这是宽外袍,先生It's actually a toga, sir.教练,见到你真高兴,有那么一点点你在这干什么?Coach, nice to see you, sort of. What are you doing here?当科学展览的裁判啊我看起来还会做什么?Judging a science fair. What's it look like I'mdoing?什么让您觉得您够资格当科学展的裁判的?And what makes you qualified to judge a science fair?这是我的地盘It's my gym.斯坦利火山爆发吧Stanley. Volcano.见证维苏威火山(欧洲唯一活火山)的神奇力量吧Behold the awesome power of Mount Vesuvius!触发器不工作The toggle switch isn't toggling.克伦克霍恩博士?Dr Krunklehorn?钡,钴(化学元素)爱恩斯坦,调味剂Barium, cobalt, Einstein, Kool-Aid!我不知道她刚才在说什么但这项目不通过!I don't know what she just said, but this project is unacceptable!现在给我环绕体育馆跑20个圈!Now, give me 20 laps around the gym!快跑!快跑!快跑!快!快!快!Move it! Move it! Move it! Go! Go! Go!- 教练- 我在看着你- Coach! - I'm watching you.好了,下一位是莉兹和她的火蚁(南美一种杂食性蚂蚁)养殖场Okay, next up is Lizzy and her fire ant farm.没错That's right.莉兹,我们谈论过这火蚁Lizzy, we talked about the fire ants.你知道他们会咬人You know that they have a tendency to bite people.他们只咬我的敌人Only my enemies.不要停,好不?莉兹,你是最棒的Just keep moving, shall we? Top notch, Lizzy!我们还是不要惹她生气或者有任何引起她不安的举动Let's not anger her or make her jumpy in any way.这里不安全,进来This area's not secure. Get in.有没有一个戴圆顶硬礼帽的高个子男人靠近你?Have you been approached by a tall man in a bowler hat?- 什么?- 嘿,嘿,在这我来问问题- What? - Hey, hey, I'll ask the questions here. - 好吧,再见- 好吧- Okay, goodbye. - All right,本不想以大欺小这是你逼我的didn't want to pull rank on you, but you forced my hand.T.C.T.F的特别探员威尔伯·罗宾逊Special Agent Wilbur Robinson of the T.C.T.F. - T.C.T.F是什么来着?- 时光统一体机动部队- The what? - Time Continuum Task Force.- 我是来保护你的- 呃…- I'm here to protect you. - Well...现在请回答,有没有戴圆顶硬礼帽的高个子男人靠近你?Now, tall man, bowler hat, approached you? 没有,为什么?No, why?我会因为这而丢掉工作的I could lose my badge for this.他是一宗抢劫案的嫌疑犯He's a suspect in a robbery.他偷了什么了?What did he steal?- 一部时光机器- 一部什么?- A time machine. - A what?我一直追踪他到了这个时光点我的线人说他在找你I've tracked him to this time, and my informants say he's after you.找我?为什么找我?Me? Why me?在HQ的小伙子还没有找到他的动机The boys back at HQ haven't figured out a motive yet.我说的“HQ”是指总部的意思And by "HQ," I mean "headquarters."我知道HQ是什么意思I know what HQ means.很好,你是个聪明的孩子Good. You're a smart kid.这或许能让你活着到目前为止That might keep you alive, for now.只是有点担心你那小发明Just worry about your little science gizmo让我来当那个“perp”(罪人)and leave the "perp" to me.- 我说的“perp”是指…- 我知道那是什么意思!- And by "perp," I mean... - I know what it means!好吧,了不起先生Okay, Mr Smarty-pants.戴圆顶硬礼帽的人!Bowler Hat Guy!我的青蛙!My frogs!这下你可逃不掉了You're not gonna get away with it, 带着科学展品的小孩kid with science project.靓仔,你差点打烂了我的太阳能系统!Dude, you almost busted my solar system!我的青蛙!他们跑掉了!My frogs! They're getting away!抓到你了!这是最后一只Got you! That's the last of them.讨厌的小女孩我可没有时间抓青蛙Annoying little girl, I don't have time for this.我正在执行重要的…I'm on a very important...对本小姐休得无礼,孩子我会日本空手道Don't sass me, boy. I know karate.加油,普郭斯基!小小的苦楚相当于激励!Come on, Pukowski! Feel the pain! Love the pain!教练…Coach...下一个是刘易斯Next up is Lewis.对…刘易斯!失陪一下Yes... Lewis! Excuse me.刘易斯,告诉我这玩艺不会…Lewis, tell me this thing is not gonna...没事的,这次准会成功我不会让您失望的,我保证It's okay. It's gonna work this time. I won't let you down, I promise.好吧,刘易斯,我相信你给他们致命一击All right, Lewis, I trust you. Knock 'em dead.那是给大家一个惊喜的意思千万不要闹出人命来That was a figure of speech. Please don't kill anyone.好了,大家往后站Okay, stand back, everybody.下一个项目会让大家张大嘴巴合不拢This next project will knock your socks off.说真的,你可能需要站后一点Seriously, you might wanna stand back a little. 你是否曾经忘记过一些事情Have you ever forgotten something,无论你如何努力去回想就是想不起来and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't remember it?这些被遗忘了的记忆到底去哪了?Well, what happens to these forgotten memories?我认为它们被存放在我们脑海里的某个角落I propose they're stored somewhere in your brain,我建造了一台机器可以唤醒它们and I built a machine that can retrieve them.我称它记忆扫描仪I call it the Memory Scanner.让人眼前为之一亮!It's shiny!那么,刘易斯这台记忆扫描仪的工作原理是什么?So, Lewis, how does the Memory Scanner work?首先,你在这键盘输入想扫描的时间段First, you input the desired period of time on this keypad.然后镭射扫描大脑皮层那是记忆被存放的地方Then a laser scans the cerebral cortex, where memories are stored.被提取出来的记忆会被显示在显示屏上The retrieved memory is then displayed on this monitor.把它打包起来我要两台Wrap him up. I'll take two. 现在我设定时间倒退12年零3个月11天Now, I'm going back 12 years, three months and 11 days.为什么要选这个特定的日子?Why that particular day?我没有想到我会注意到吧?You didn't think I was paying attention, did you?呃,那天是…Well, that was the day...这么说吧那天是我生命中很重要的一天Let's just say, that was a very important day in my life.比较合理开始吧Fair enough. Play ball.涡轮很快就能发动起来It'll just take a second to get the turbines going.刘易斯,慢着!Lewis, wait!她要爆发了!She's gonna blow!注意!Watch out!小小苦楚相当于激励…Feel the pain! Love the...很疼!快停止!Hurts so much! Make it stop!快停止!Make it stop!教练,你忍住,好吧?Coach, suck it up, okay?让我们处理好危机明天我们回想起也感自豪Let us conduct ourselves in a way that we'll all be proud of tomorrow.- 大家冷静!- 威勒斯坦先生?- Let's calm down! - Mr 威勒斯坦?- 我不是故意的…- 现在不是时候,刘易斯!- I didn't mean to... - Not now, Lewis!对不起,真对不起I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.现在不是道歉的时候Not now.好吧,大家冷静有秩序地Okay, and we are walking in a calm, orderly fashion走向出口toward the exits.等等,刘易斯!Wait, Lewis!来,亲爱的,我们的未来在等着呢Come, my dear. Our future awaits.嘿,你在这干嘛?Hey, what are you doing up here?你能不再扮了吗,拜托了?我知道你不是鸽子Would you quit that, please? I know you're not a pigeon.你让我暴露了You're blowing my cover.这里只有我们两个We're the only ones up here.这正是他们希望你是这样想的That's just what they want you to think.现在,那里该打扫好了Now, enough moping.把这个拿回科学展修好你的记忆扫描仪Take this back to the science fair and fix that Memory Scanner.停!停!离我远点!Stop! Stop! Get away from me!也许你忘记了Maybe you've forgotten. 我是来自未来的时光警察应该被非常严肃的对待I'm a time cop from the future, should be taken very seriously.这不是徽章That's no badge.这是皮肤晒成褐色沙龙赠券!你是个假冒的This is a coupon for a tanning salon! You're a fake.好吧,你揭穿了我我不是警察Okay, you got me. I'm not a cop,但我确实是来自未来but I really am from the future,还有确实有这么一个戴圆顶硬礼帽的家伙and there really is this Bowler Hat Guy.又来了Here we go again.他偷了一部时光机器来到了科学展He stole a time machine, came to the science fair破坏掉你的发明and ruined your project.我的发明不成功是因为我功夫不到家My project didn't work because I'm no good.没有戴圆顶硬礼帽的家伙没有时光机器There is no Bowler Hat Guy, there is no time machine,你并不是来自未来and you're not from the future!你是疯了!You're crazy!我没有发疯I am not crazy.噢,对了,时光旅行队长?证明你所说的Oh, yeah, Captain Time Travel? Prove it.对了吧,我猜对了吧你无法证明Yeah, that's what I thought.我要反锁自己在我的房间里I'm just gonna go lock myself in my room躲在掩盖物下面好几年and hide under the covers for a couple years.如果我证明我来自未来你会不会回到科学展去?If I prove to you I'm from the future, will you go back to the science fair?好,当然,你想怎样都行Yeah, sure, whatever you say.嘿,放开我Hey, let go of me!- 你在干嘛?放开我!- 好吧- What are you doing? Let go of me! - Okay.这是什么?我们要上哪去?What is this? Where are we going?去到未来!To the future!已经到达未来The future has arrived今天已经到达未来The future has arrived today已经到达未来The future has arrived今天已经到达未来The future has arrived today这个证据充足了吧?Is this proof enough for you?够充足了!Is it ever!在我一生中我从来没有想象到时光旅行会实现I never thought that time travel could be possible in my lifetime,现在就在我的眼前and here it is, right in front of me! 事实会让你相信一切老兄The truth will set you free, brother.这一切超出了我的想象This is beyond anything I could've imagined. 这意味着我完全可以改变我的生命This means I could really change my life.对,你能够That's right. You can.下一站是科学展去修好你的记忆扫描仪Next stop, science fair, to fix your Memory Scanner.嘿,我才不会去修那愚蠢的记忆扫描仪Hey, I'm not gonna fix that stupid Memory Scanner.- 什么?- 威尔伯,这是时光机器!- What? - Wilbur, this is a time machine!为什么我要去修理我那低级的发明Why should I fix my dumb invention什么时候你能带我去见我的妈妈?就用这船when you can take me to see my mom now in this ship?事实上我可以回到那个晚上制止她不要遗弃我I could actually go back to that night and stop her from giving me up.答案不是时光机器而是这个The answer is not a time machine. It's this.这个?你想知道我对这个的看法吗?This? You want to know what I think about this?你在干嘛?What are you doing?对不起,威尔伯I'm sorry, Wilbur,但你不知道我是怎样熬过来的but you don't know what I've lived through.- 刘易斯,不要!- 松手!- Lewis, no! - Let go!- 你松手!- 你不是我的老板!- You let go! - You're not the boss of me!我是的因为我13岁,你才12岁Yes, I am, 'cause you're 12, and I'm 13.我比你大That makes me older.我在过去出生Well, I was born in the past,所以我比你老,你要听我的!which makes me older and the boss of you!我完蛋了I am so dead.我不允许看一眼这玩艺更不要说驾驶它了!I'm not allowed to look at this thing, let alone drive it!爸爸,妈妈要杀了我了Mom and Dad are gonna kill me,我可以明确告诉你他们绝不会手软的and I can tell you this. It will not be done with mercy.难道没有时光机器修理店Isn't there like a time machine repair shop- 或其他类似的?- 没有- or something? - No!目前总共才有两台时光机器There's only two time machines in existence,另一台在戴圆顶硬礼帽的家伙手上and the Bowler Hat Guy has the other one!那么得找人修好它Well, somebody's gonna have to fix this.好主意你这么聪明,你来修Good idea. You're smart. You fix it.你疯了吗?我不会修这玩艺Are you crazy? I can't fix this thing. 你行的你弄坏了,你得修好Yes, you can. You broke it. You fix it.好吧,不过有个条件All right, under one condition.我修好了你带我回去见我的妈妈I fix it, you take me back to see my mom.什么?你甚至没有兑现我们上一个协议What? You didn't even follow through on our last deal.这叫我如何相信你?How can I trust you?那么你告诉我你是来自未来的时光警察Well, you told me you were a time cop from the future.这叫我如何相信你?How can I trust you?大家彼此彼此Touch?那么我们达成协议了吧?So do we have a deal?这位女士你好Good day, madam.- 我是来这改变未来的- 是的,先生?- I'm here to change the future. - Yes, sir?我需要马上跟主管谈谈I must speak with the man in charge immediately.- 是,先生- 我和命运有个约会- Yes, sir. - I have an appointment with destiny. 很好,先生我要告诉史密斯Very good, sir. I'll let Smith know,我会把你干洗好的衣服直接送回到你的套间and I'll have your dry cleaning delivered directly to your suite.- 什么?- 现在告诉我你的预约时间?- What? - Now, what time is yourappointment?- 你在问我吗?- 是的- Are you talking to me? - Yes.你的预约时间是几点?What time is your appointment?大指针在…噢,两点!Big hand is on the... Oh, 2:00!你是预约两点的那位?You're the 2:00?对,就是我Yes. Yes, I am.你是玛丽·约翰森?You're Mary Johnson?对Yes.玛丽是什么的简称…Mary is short for...玛丽安?Marian?- 那可以是个男孩的名字吗?- 可以的- Can that be a boy name? - Yes.- 那么是的- 请坐下- Then yes. - Have a seat.噢,太好了Oh, goody!“把发明冒认是自己的作品”完成,噢,我喜欢清单"Pass off invention as my own." Check. Oh, I love checklists.管委会的人已经准备好见你The board is ready to see you now.等等,我该说些什么?Wait. What am I going to say?我永远都记不住那些I'm never gonna remember that.你能不能…为什么你不自己去?你做得比我好多了Would you... Why don't you go? You do it so much better than me.那是事实That's true.没有脑袋的帽子不可能真的A hat without a head couldn't really pass off an invention冒认别人的发明as its own.妙极了!好主意!真高兴有你帮忙!Fantastic! Great idea! I'm so glad I have you!“准备好一个惊喜”噢,我看到了"Prepare to be amazed." Oh, I got it!准备好一个惊喜!Prepare to be amazed!“这是我的发明”"This is my invention."“我想在座各位从来没有看过如此伟大的发明”"I doubt any of you have seen anything as brilliant as this device."非常好Very well,约翰森小姐?Miss Johnson?是太太It's Ms.你有两分钟时间,请开始You have two minutes. Please begin.- 光彩夺目!- 那是什么?- It's shiny! - What is that thing?呃,我叫它为…Well, I like to call it my...叫它…To call it my...- 你在看什么?- 没有!我…阳光照到我眼睛- What are you looking at? - No! I... The sun, in my eyes.那我关上百叶窗Well, then let me close the blinds.什么名字?Now, the name?呃…Well, what...我们可以另找个时间讨论这名字问题We can quibble about names at a later date.重点是我带来的是特别的唯一的The point is, what I have here is special, unique.对,对,你会爱死它购买它和大量生产它Yes. Yes, you must love it and buy it and mass produce it,最妙的一点是它带有非常舒服的耳机and the best part is, it's got really comfy headphones.我在想你能够往前靠一点吗?拜托I wonder, could you lean forward just a little bit, please?对,谢谢Yes, thank you.对,它们相当舒服Yes, they are quite comfortable.你发明这目的是为了什么?What do you hope to accomplish with this?噢,没有特别的原因Oh, nothing of consequence.我只是想粉碎一个可怜小孤儿的梦想!I simply wish to crush the dreams of a poor little orphan boy!接下来就不太清楚After that, it's all a little fuzzy.你的意思是你并没有全盘考虑过You mean, you haven't thought this through? 30秒Thirty seconds.请允许我演示它是如何工作的Allow me to show you how it works.首先,我们接通电源First, we turn it on.那不是开关That's not it.10秒Ten seconds.那我该在哪签名?So where do I sign?多里斯,一切都完了Doris, it's all over.我们所有的希望和梦想都破灭了All our hopes and dreams dashed,就像这所有的支离破碎的机器部件like so many pieces of a broken machiney thing.你是对的You're right.胜利还是属于我们的Success is still ours for the taking.我们必须找到那小孩We must find that boy.我们把这玩艺偷运到车库去在那你需要的任何工具都有We'll sneak this thing into the garage. You'll have all the tools you need.那么你的父母怎办?What about your parents?妈妈从来不到那去Mom never goes in there,爸爸出差去了明早才回来and Dad's on a business trip until tomorrow morning.。

Good Boys《好小子们》电影完整中英文对照剧本

Good Boys《好小子们》电影完整中英文对照剧本

帅呆了Oh, fuck yeah.你的门怎么关着小麦Why''s your door closed, Maxie?爸我六年级了有时候要保护隐私Dad, I''m in sixth grade. I need, uh, privacy sometimes. 听着我要去机场了Oh. Look, I''m heading to the airport.两天后回来Be back in two days.麻烦对你妹妹好点Please be nice to your sister,帮妈妈做点事别碰无人机help your mom, and do not touch the drone.-不会的再见-我认真的好吗- I won''t. Bye. - I''m serious, okay?-那不是玩具是我工作用的-好- It''s not a toy. It''s for my work. - Yep.一路顺风爸爸再见爱你哦Safe flight. Bye, Dad. Love you.谢谢过来抱一下小家伙Thank you. Hey. Come give me a hug, bud.你回来的时候给你抱两下I''ll give you two hugs when you get back.我懂了I get it.-你笑什么-你就是长大了- Why are you smiling? - Well, you''re just growing up. -我好激动-并不是别笑了- It''s exciting to me. - It''s not. Stop smiling.我还记得那天把你从医院带回来I remember bringing you home from the hospital就像是昨天的事like it was yesterday.现在看看你都会打飞机了Now here you are, sexually masturbating yourself.-我真没有-没事没事的- No, I effing wasn''t! - Hey, it''s cool, fool.就像你有了新玩具全世界最棒的玩具It''s like you got a new toy... The best toy in the world... 你就玩得爱不释手And you just want to keep playing with it.我不懂I don''t know.我就是要你知道我为你骄傲I just want you to know I''m proud of you.好了你继续吧回头见Okay, do your thing. I''ll see you later.爱你两天后见Love you. See you in two days.艾米你绝对不会相信的Amy, you are not gonna believe this.兄弟们听我说Yo, guys, check this out.我保姆说每个六年级的人都有人帮你手活My babysitter told me everyone in sixth grade gets hand jobs. 手活是什么What''s a hand job?就是一个姑娘帮你打飞机直到"色"It''s when a girl jerks you off until you "coom."然后你就要负责清理干净And then it''s your job to clean it up.-我觉得应该不是"色" -就是- I don''t think it''s "coom." - Yeah.身寸"色"C-U-M. "Coom."中学会比小学紧张激烈多了Middle school''s way more intense than elementary.我们要想读完中学就得团结一致If we''re gonna get through this, we need to stick together.沙包男孩一辈子Bean Bag Boys for life.减速带Speed bump.你朋友嫉妒你交了个上大学的男朋友吗Are your friends jelly you''re dating a college guy?一部分吧Some of them, I think.-是吗-是啊- Yeah? - Yeah.等等干嘛Wait, hey.-要帮忙吗-撤退撤退- Can I help you? - Retreat! Retreat!怪奇物语小屁孩滚一边去Hey, Stranger Things, go fuck yourself!快点快走快走Hurry! Go, go, go!你认识这些熊孩子吗You know those fucking guys?乌兹卡拉的图尔赞神秘者谁也挡不住乌兹卡拉的图尔赞Ha ha! No one can stop the Turzan of Uzkara. 卢卡斯把它放在卡套里Lucas, keep it in the case.兄弟这值三百块呢Dude, it''s worth 300 bucks.现在是六百了我查过了600 now. I checked.-六百块-我们是百万富翁了- $600? - We''re millionaires!没错Yeah.你们想不想在明天放学后Do you guys want to maybe go to去滑板公园玩the skate park tomorrow after school?我知道可♥卡♥因♥是什么I know what cocaine is.安娜贝尔快出去Annabelle, get out of here.这是沙包男孩的会议Bean Bag Boys only.我听说在滑板公园I heard, at the skate park,年纪大点的孩子会逼你吸毒the older kids will make you take drugs.我们绝对不会吸毒We''ll never do drugs.毒品夺人性命毁人家庭They destroy lives and communities.你们别无选择You have no choice.妈Mom!安娜贝尔别去烦你哥哥Annabelle, don''t antagonize your brother.快点上楼去注意点Come on, go upstairs. Now... Hey.好了沙包男孩快点结束了All right, Bean Bag Boys, finish up.明天还要上学It''s a school night.八点半熄灯Lights out, 8:30.什么你说好八点四十五的What? You said 8:45.快点收拾结束了Hey. Finish up.我不是很想去滑板公园I don''t think I want to go to the skate park.我们六年纪了We''re in sixth grade now.我们要开始做点六年级生该做的事了We need to start doing sixth-grade things.你是想见布莉克斯丽对吧Ooh, you want to see Brixlee, don''t you?-你们好啊-要死啊- Hi. - Oh, my God!这公园真是酷毙了This park is fucking lit.快看滑板车小队也在这里Yo, guys, the Scooter Squad is here.你们知道最会骂人的是谁吗You know who''s really good at burns?阿提奎斯·LAtticus L.-他太逗了-阿提奎斯·L- He''s so funny. - Atticus L?骂人我能甩他一条街对吧麦克斯I''d smoke him in a burn war. Right, Max?你要把你做的项链给布莉克斯丽吗So, are you gonna give Brixlee the necklace you made her? 闭嘴我还没把它放进窑里烤呢No, shut up. It''s... I haven''t put it in the kiln yet.你每次都有借口You always have an excuse.索尔绝对别和女生说话Thor, you never talk to girls.女生们会让你分心Girls are a distraction.《摇滚年代》还有两天就试音了Rock of Ages auditions are in two days.《摇滚年代》美国舞台剧后改编成电影♪我可不想受约束♪♪And I don''t want to be tied down ♪麦克斯过来Max, come here.你好泰勒Hey, Taylor.大家都说你在美术课上People are saying you made Brixlee给布莉克斯丽做了条项链a necklace in art class.随你问不过在完成之前Nice try, but I don''t talk about我绝不透露我的美术作品my art projects before they''re finished. 如果她对你有意思If she had a crush on you,你会承认你对她有意思吗would you admit you had a crush on her? 她对我有意思吗Does she have a crush on me?我不知道我没问过她I don''t know. I''ve never asked her.-明天见-再见- See you tomorrow. - Bye.该死Fuck.怎么说小情种So, how''d it go, lover boy?她可能知道项链的事Uh, she might know about the necklace. 晚饭吃素千层面Veggie lasagne for dinner?事情全堆在卢卡斯身上Everything''s coming up Lucas.明天学校见I''ll see you guys at school.再见注意安全Bye. Be safe.滑板车小子滑板车小子装酷Yo, Scooter Boys. Scooter Boys. Act cool. 装酷好好的Act... Act cool. Okay, okay, okay.怎么了阿提奎斯What''s up, Atticus?你们想看酷炫的东西吗You guys want to see something cool?行啊Hell yeah.我们要干嘛什么计划What are we up to? What are we doing?我们来喝点小酒We''re gonna sip a beer.-怕了吗-没有- Scared? - No.我都喝了大概五千口啤酒了I''ve had, like, 5,000 sips of beer.得了吧纪录是索伦的三口Bitch, please. Soren has the record. Three sips.-三口-三口- Three sips? - Three sips.劲头有点上来了I''m already feeling something.好喝Delicious.小心点挺辣的Careful. It''s hot.你喝不喝啊Are you gonna drink it or not?我忘了这周五我有音乐剧试音I forgot. I have musical auditions this Friday.他们会做"啤酒检测"They drug-test for beer.索尔你就承认你只是个怕了的小鬼吧Thor, just admit you''re a scared little-wittle baby.我才不是No, I''m not.要我们把啤酒给你倒进奶瓶吗奶瓶仔Want us to put the beer in a sippy cup for you, Sippy Cup? -不要-奶瓶仔- No. - Sippy Cup.-骂得爽阿提奎斯-哪里爽了- Amazing burn, Atticus. - It''s not a good burn.他爸两次酒驾只能坐火车上班His dad has two DUls and has to take the train to work.这才叫骂得爽That''s a good burn.奶瓶仔给我们唱首歌♥Sippy Cup, sing us a song.不要No.要不然唱"一闪一闪小婊♥子♥"How about "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bitch"?奶瓶仔奶瓶仔Sippy Cup! Sippy Cup!别别这样他会喝的No, no, guys. He''ll do it.但是他需要时间考虑But he just needs more time to think.奶瓶仔奶瓶仔Sippy Cup! Sippy Cup!再见Bye.千层面配汽水Lasagna and soda?别告诉我爸妈你就给我吃这个Don''t tell my parents you gave me this.这孩子真逗This kid is hilarious.我们要离婚了We''re getting a divorce.你们是什么意思Wh-What do you mean?好了我来解释一切都不会变Okay, okay, I''ll tell you. Everything gonna stay the same.我们保证We promise.我们还会一起看《我们的生活》吗Will we still watch This Is Us together?《我们的生活》美国NBc公♥司♥电视剧-当然那是我们最爱的节目-对- Of course. That''s our favorite show. - Yes.那可是我们的家庭节目That''s our family show.只不过现在你得在两台电视上看了Except now you''re gonna see it on two different TVs, you know. 在两个家里In two different houses.所以你要把每集看两次So you''re gonna have to watch the episode twice.那周二塔可日呢What about Taco Tuesday?周二塔可日会照常进行Taco Tuesdays are still going down.其实你可以过两次周二塔可日Matter of fact, you''re gonna have two Taco Tuesdays,就是有一次是在周三just one on Wednesday now.-两倍快乐-两倍快乐两倍塔可- Twice the fun. - Twice the fun, twice the tacos.一切都不会变的所以Everything''s gonna stay the same, so...我和你妈妈还是最好的朋友对吧Me and your mom, you know, we''re still best friends, right? 大概Mm-hmm.作为家庭I mean, it would''ve been nice一起吃塔可是很开心to have tacos together as a family.要不这样我们可以改成鸡翅周三日But how about this? We could change it to Wing Wednesday... ♪我走在阳光之下♪♪I''m walking on sunshine ♪♪走在阳光之下♪♪Walking on sunshine ♪♪这感觉好不美妙♪♪And don''t it feel good ♪♪我现在每次去邮箱♪♪Now every time I go for the mailbox ♪♪都要克制我自己♪♪Gotta hold myself down ♪♪因为我迫不及待♪♪''Cause I just can''t wait ♪♪想知道你就要来访♪♪Till you write me you''re coming around ♪索尔很不错真是天使的歌♥声Thor, inspired, voice of an angel, man.♪我走在阳光之下♪♪I''m walking on sunshine, whoa ♪我们走在哪里What are we walking on?♪我们走在阳光之下♪♪I''m walking on sunshine ♪♪这感觉好不美妙♪♪Whoa, and don''t it feel good ♪感觉是很好对吧It does feel good, don''t it?-怎么了-这歌♥每次都让我想哭- What''s wrong? - That song always makes me sad.别忘了明天就是《摇滚年代》试音Don''t forget, Rock of Ages auditions are tomorrow.那是我最喜欢的音乐剧It''s my favorite musical.不过我的确根据我在"好来乌"的经历I did make some pretty big changes, though,做了些巨大的改变based on my time in Holly-weird.我觉得它真的会I think it''ll really inspire激励你们之中敢于梦想的人those of you who dare to dream.酷炫Sick.索尔所以我看着她So, I looked at her,但是她在看其他方向but she was looking the other direction.但然后她看向我的时候But then she looked at me,我又往别的方向看了and I was looking the other direction.所以我觉得总有一天我们的眼神会相遇So I think that someday we''re gonna make eye contact. 挺好这音乐剧一定会火That''s cool. This musical is gonna be lit.索伦快看Hey, Soren. Look at this.奶瓶仔要报名上音乐剧Sippy Cup is signing up for the musical.平庸的人才唱歌♥Singing is for try-hards.不是有人把我的名字写上去作弄我No, uh, someone signed me up as a joke.我正准备划掉看见没I was just crossing it off. See?随你怎么说娘炮Yeah, whatever, bitch-tits.行了我们走吧Enough. Let''s go.-我还有地方要去-抱歉索伦- I have places to be. - Sorry, Soren.别听阿提奎斯的他爸都不交税Don''t listen to Atticus. His dad doesn''t even pay taxes.阿提奎斯说什么根本不重要Doesn''t matter what Atticus says.我从小时候就总想着放弃唱歌♥了I''ve been thinking about quitting singing ever since I was young. 快点我们要错过炸鱼柳了Come on. We''re gonna miss fish sticks.哇这是我见过最棒的午饭Whoa. That''s the best lunch I''ve ever seen.是的他们对我这么好是因为Yeah, my parents are being super nice because...因为他们人很好而且Because they''re great and...他们人很好一切都很好they''re great, and everything''s good.等等你带了新耳环吗Ooh, wait. Is that a new earring?终于发现了谢谢你注意啊Yes, finally. Thank you for noticing.-你带着真可爱-麦克斯我才不要可爱- It looks cute on you. - Max, I''m not going for cute.我要性感和火♥辣♥I''m going for sexy and hot.这是我人生唯二的追求Those are the only two things I''m looking for.你喜欢它吗看上去好像感染了You like it? It looks infected.索伦真酷Soren''s so cool.我听说他揍了德里克·巴♥赫♥曼I heard he beat up Derek Bachman还口了她妹妹and blow-jobbed his sister.他口了自己的妹妹吗He blow-jobbed his own sister?不是他口了德里克的妹妹No, he blow-jobbed Derek''s sister.真♥他♥妈♥牛逼Fucking legend.我觉得索伦在叫我I think Soren''s calling me.-怎样-怎样- Sup? - Sup?我听说你♥他♥妈♥像冠军一样喝了一大杯啤酒I heard you sipped a beer like a fucking champ.是的我其实喝了超大一口Yeah, I took a pretty big sip, actually.酷我明天晚上在家里有个派对Cool. I''m having a party tomorrow night.这群傻瓜都会来All these fools are coming.你来吗You in?你应该来的相信我You should come. Trust me.是的我会来的就是我得先问我妈妈Yeah, I''ll come, but, you know, I''ll have to ask my mom.还有这是个接吻派对Also, gonna be a kissing party.你和女孩法式热吻过对吧You''ve French-kissed girls before, right?当然了Yeah.亲过Of course.亲的哪里Where?嘴吗Their mouths?不错兄弟Yeah, dawg.他不会以后就跟受欢迎的孩子坐一起了吧He''s not gonna start sitting with the popular kids, is he?不如果有人能坐那里的话也该是我No. If anyone should be over there, it''s me.我听小孩都叫你奶瓶仔We heard kids were calling you Sippy Cup,我们想告诉你and we just wanted to let you know你任何时候都可以向you can always call on the Student反霸凌学生联盟寻求保护Coalition Against Bullying for protection.这看起来像奶瓶吗Does this look like a sippy cup?不这他妈是一个果汁盒No, it''s a fucking juice box.因为我他妈不是小屁孩了''Cause I''m not a fucking child.太粗鲁了That''s so rude.等等我能带上索尔和卢卡斯吗Wait. Can I bring Thor and Lucas?他们太普通了吧So random.不他们很酷No, they''re cool.我要控制女生人数和男生人数一样I''m trying to keep it half girls, half guys.懂了吗兄弟You feel me, dawg?我懂兄弟但是I feel you, dawg, but...他们是我最好的朋友they''re my best friends.我们什么事情都一起做我们是沙包男孩We do everything together. We''re the Bean Bag Boys.这名字真傻♥逼♥That''s a dope-ass name.不管了带上他们吧Fuck it. Bring ''em.我也会为兄弟两肋插刀I ride or die for my squad, too.告诉我你妈妈怎么说兄弟Let me know what your mom says, dawg.好的再见兄弟再见兄弟们Okay. Bye, dawg. Bye, dawgs.怎么说So?索伦刚才邀请我们去他的派对Soren just invited us to his party tomorrow.索伦吗是的Soren? Yeah.他说了我名字他说了索尔吗He said my name? He said "Thor"?-差不多吧-太好了- Pretty much. - Sweet.女孩也会去你知道这意味着什么吗There''s also gonna be girls there. You know what that means? -撕逼-是接吻- Drama. - Kissing.你们两个知道怎么接吻吗So, do you guys know how to kiss?-我他妈完全不懂-不知道- I have no fucking clue. - No.完全不懂No, not at all.输入"接吻"Type "kissing."不不不输入"奶♥子♥"Ooh. No, no, no. "Boobs.""乳腺癌研究"“怎样找到合身的胸罩”"Breast cancer research." "How to find a bra that fits." 我有主意了I have an idea.“您是否已满18岁”"Are you 18 or older?"我要点击"是"I''m gonna click "yes."我们没有18岁We''re not 18 or older.这记录会跟随我们一辈子This could go on our permanent record.我是你的后妈I''m your stepmother.你不能在我洗澡时偷看我You are not supposed to be looking at me in the shower. 别告诉我爸爸他逼我退出了运动队Don''t tell my dad. He made me quit the sports team.起来起来Get up. Get up.他遇上麻烦了He''s in trouble.你必须接受惩罚You deserve a punishment.把短裤脱下来Pull down your shorts.有了后妈就会发生这种事吗Is that what happens when you get a stepmom?好恶心Ew.这么大不可能放进去No way that''s gonna fit in there.快逃啊女孩Get out of there, girl!他手放哪去了Where did his hand go?好恶心天哪Ew! Oh, my God!都没有人接吻Nobody even kissed.是啊至少亲的不是嘴唇Yeah, not on their mouths, at least.我父母有个心脏复苏娃娃My parents have a CPR doll.我们可以用她练习接吻We can go practice kissing on that.快来Come on.这个心脏复苏娃娃真好看This is a really pretty CPR doll.那就我先来吧I guess I''ll go first.住手你在干什么Stop. What are you doing?亲她Kissing her.你不能不经允许就亲别人You can''t kiss someone without their permission. 忘记学校集♥会♥上说的了吗Remember from assembly?把它当成布莉克斯丽Pretend it''s Brixlee.-尽量绅士一点-好啦- Try to be a gentleman. - Okay.布莉克斯丽我可以亲你吗Brixlee, can I kiss you?为什么Why?-为什么-是的- Why? - Yeah.你喜欢我哪一点What do you like about me?你人很好闻起来很香You''re sweet. You smell good.而且还很聪明You''re smart, too.你总是帮亨利推轮椅You always push Henry in his wheelchair尽管他超级刻薄even though he''s super mean.当我以为你对我的爱意心知肚明时And just when I think I''ve got you figured out,你却转头去滑滑板了you go ahead and start skateboarding.我愿意I consent.-感觉怎么样-黏黏的- How was it? - Sticky.为什么她嘴里有头发Why does she have hair in her mouth?算了这东西什么都教不了我们You know what? This isn''t teaching us anything.我们要看真人接吻We need to see real people kissing.只有这样我们才能知道自己做得对不对That''s the only way to know if we''re doing it right.我的邻居是个彻头彻尾的色情狂My neighbor is a total nymphomaniac.她男朋友总来她家Her boyfriend''s always over.她喜欢放火吗She starts fires?不那是纵火狂她是色情狂No, that''s a pyromaniac. She''s a nymphomaniac.她在地上和海里做♥爱♥Someone who has sex on land and sea.真的吗Seriously?我本来想等到明天再给你惊喜的Okay, I was gonna wait till tomorrow to surprise you, 但我能现在说吗but can I just tell you?-不用了我很好-不你会想知道的- Nah, I''m good. - No, you want to know.我什么都看不见I can barely see anything.我知道自从我遇见了本吉I know we haven''t been hanging out much我们就很久没有一起玩了但我想弥补你ever since I met Benji, but I want to make it up to you. 明天我会翘掉学校的课So, tomorrow, I''m skipping school,然后我们开车到城里看肯德里克·拉马尔and we''re driving to the city to see Kendrick Lamar. 肯德里克·拉马尔美国说唱歌♥手-不会吧-我们还会来点莫莉- Shut up! - And we''re gonna do Molly.莫莉即摇♥头♥丸♥-你安排好了一切-当然了-You thought of everything. - Of course I fucking have. 我们明天将会玩得超开心It''s gonna be amazing.两位美女Remix!是本吉搞到的莫莉Well, Benji got us the Molly.-本杰明-谢谢- Benjamin. - Oh, thank you!看Look.这样没用也许我们应该去爬树This isn''t working. Maybe we could go climb a tree. 不行他们会看到我们的No, they''d see us.不我是说我们别看了还是爬树去吧No, I just meant let''s go climb a tree.兄弟等等我知道看他们接吻的办法了Dude, wait. I know a way we can see them kiss.想都别想我做不到I can''t.它自带摄影头我们什么都看得见It has a camera. We could see everything.我们能学到真正的技术We can learn technique.这是他爸爸工作用的这不是玩具It''s for his dad''s work. It''s not a toy.这当然是玩具了是在玩具店卖♥♥的Of course it''s a toy. They sell it at toy stores.我的叔叔原来在军队开无人机My uncle flew a drone for the Army,现在他睡觉时会喊叫而且疯狂腹泻and now he yells in his sleep and has crazy diarrhea. 他把无人机放家里就够糟的了It''s messed up that he even keeps it in the house.你每天都要从旁边经过You have to walk by it every day.-他是在折磨你-你说得对- He''s torturing you. - It''s true.就像你表妹穿比基尼在你身边走来走去It''s like when your cousin walks around in a bikini还嘲笑你and she taunts you.如果他发现了你会被禁足的If he finds out, you''ll be grounded.你就没法去索伦的派对了You won''t be able to go to Soren''s.更糟糕的是你会失去父亲的信任And even worse, you''ll lose your father''s trust.你说得也对That''s true, too.她会爱上你的本质She''ll love you for who you are.是啊吻技烂得一批Yeah, a shitty kisser.还记得之前看的黄♥片♥吗Remember the porn from earlier?那个男的都不知道怎么接吻That guy didn''t even know how to kiss.只是在舔那个女的的屁♥眼♥He was just licking that woman''s asshole.-你也想亲屁♥眼♥吗麦克斯-不- You want to kiss an asshole, Max? - No.麦克斯别听他的Max, don''t listen to him.他想去是因为他痴迷于受欢迎的男孩He just wants to go because he''s obsessed with popular boys. 相信我麦克斯不知道怎么接吻Believe me, Max. You don''t want to go to Soren''s你不会想去索伦的派对的not knowing how to kiss.那么明天和闺蜜玩尽兴后So, tomorrow, after you get some girl time,不如过来和你的男人尽性吧why don''t you come over for some man time?不我跟你说了这个周末要和莉莉出去玩No, I told you I''m hanging out with Lily this weekend.是啊只是你不在的时候我很煎熬Yeah, it''s just... You know, it''s hard for me not to see you,因为你是我最好的朋友''cause you''re my best friend.但莉莉才是我最好的朋友But Lily''s my best friend.好的我懂了完完全全懂了Yeah, I get it. Totally, totally get it.或许我应该约我前女友玛格丽特I''ll probably just hang out with my ex, Margaret.你是想让我嫉妒吗Are you trying to make me jealous?不怎么了你嫉妒了吗Uh, no. Why? Are you jealous?这样做没有用的Yeah, this isn''t working out.我懂你是什么货色哪有资格对我甩脸色I know. You''re not hot enough to be acting like this,下一次在你想好男人都去哪了的时候so the next time you''re wondering where all the nice guys went, 记得你在这里放走了一个just remember that you let one walk right out the door.什么What?我什么都没说I didn''t say anything.我再也不想见你了I never want to see you again.你没事吧Are you okay?等等那个男的去哪了Wait, where''d the guy go?管他呢女孩们抱在一起了Who cares? The girls just hugged.她们绝对要亲嘴They are definitely gonna kiss.我们得再飞近一点We might need to get closer.听见什么声音了吗Do you hear that?那是什么What is that?妈的它在监视我们It''s fucking spying on us.-好了该我飞了-还给我- All right, it''s my turn to fly. - Give it!-我只是想玩玩-不- I just want to buzz ''em. - No!你会把它弄坏的You''re gonna break it.你想要吗给你You want it? Fine!靠Shit!不Oh! No!-该死搞什么索尔-我们俩都有错- Shit! What the hell, Thor? - That was both of our faults. 我爸要杀了我的我该怎么办Dad''s gonna kill me. What do I do now?你干什么Whoa! What the hell?我们就说有人私闯民宅We say there was a break-in.他们把东西都砸了还拿了无人机They trashed the place and took the drone.这是我这辈子听过的最蠢的点子That''s the most stupid fucking idea I''ve ever heard!大伙们我们只需要Guys, guys. All we have to do is到隔壁说出实情just go over there and tell the truth.上帝会站在我们这边的Then God will be on our side.需要帮忙吗Hey. Can I help you?是的女士Uh, I hope so, madam.我们在用无人机跟踪一群乌龟We were using our drone to follow a family of turtles,我觉得我们可能坠毁在你家后院了and we thought it might have crashed in your backyard. 是的没错在这里进来吧Oh, yeah, yeah, it''s here. Come on in.-所以你们喜欢乌龟吗-是的- So, you guys like turtles? - Yeah.-真不错-时间到了小混♥蛋♥们- That''s awesome. - Time''s up, motherfuckers.糟糕是陷阱Shit! It''s a trap.你们觉得我在乎什么乌龟吗You think I give a fuck about turtles?对不起我们只想学学如何接吻We''re sorry. We just wanted to learn how to kiss.卢卡斯这关她们什么事Lucas, it''s none of their business.我们应该说实话的We should have just told the truth.我们想去一个接吻派对We''re going to a kissing party,我们都没接过吻所以很害怕and none of us have ever kissed, and we''re scared.该死卢卡斯Goddamn it, Lucas.我有过性生活但从来没有亲过女孩I''ve had sex before, but I''ve never kissed a girl.上网查查"如何接吻"不就好了Just go online and type in "how to kiss."所有人都这样的That''s what everyone does.很简单的It''s very easy.请问我们能拿回无人机了吗Look, can we please have the drone back?是BD滚雷无人机是我爸的It''s a BD Rolling Thunder. It''s my dad''s.他工作要用的请问我能拿回来吗He needs it for work. Can I please have it back?-我真的需要它拜托了-我可不觉得- I really need it. Please. - I don''t think so.如果你不把它还给我If you don''t give it back,我就和我爸说是你偷的I''ll tell my dad you stole it.我还会和他说你是个变♥态♥And I''ll tell him that you''re a pervert.我们要告诉学校里所有人We''ll tell the whole school.这是幸[性]骚扰This is sensual harassment.我们会告诉所有人你讨厌女生We''ll tell everyone that you''re a misogynist.我从来没给别人做过按♥摩♥[misogynist音近massage] I never massaged anyone.这就是你不尊重女性的下场This is what happens when you don''t respect women.我尊重女性的我妈是我最好的朋友I respect women. My mom''s my best friend.那我呢What about me?天呐我完蛋了我爸要杀了我的Oh, God, I''m so fucked. My dad''s gonna kill me.你得去窥探一下她们你真是女权主义You had to snoop on them. You''re such a feminist.我才不是女权主义我爱♥女♥人♥ I''m not a feminist. I love women.而且我爸妈肯定会打电♥话♥告诉你们爸妈And my parents are definitely gonna call your guys'' parents. 我们都会被禁足的We''re all gonna get grounded.别管索伦的派对了我们完了Forget Soren''s party. We''re fucked.你笑什么这都是你的错Why are you smiling? This is actually your fault.这就是我们的筹码This is leverage.太棒了Oh. Bingo.-这是啥-我也不知道- What is it? - I have no idea.这是个卫生棉条That''s a tampon.干啥用的What''s it for?女生把它塞到屁♥眼♥里Girls shove it up their buttholes宝宝就不会掉出来了to stop babies from coming out.一个八年级的人告诉我的An eighth-grader told me that.人体真是神秘The human body is truly a mystery.不敢相信她们还在吃咀嚼片Can''t believe they still eat chewables.软糖好吃多了The gummies are so much better.我喜欢咀嚼片给我一个I like the chewables. I want one.该死的防童设计Fucking childproof bullshit!索尔索尔索尔索尔索尔索尔Thor! Thor! Thor! Thor! Thor! Thor!是那几个女孩It''s the girls.-哪位-你们拿了我的包- Hello? - You took my bag.里面有我的驾照手♥机♥It has my license, my phone.立刻给我拿回来Bring it back right now.去你的吧把我的无人机还回来Fuck that noise. I want my drone back.我来我来我来I got this. I got this, I got this.你刚刚说什么小混♥蛋♥What did you just say, you little bitch?我要喂你吃屎I''ll take a shit down your throat.你为什么这样说话Why are you talking like that?汉娜我有个弟弟Hannah, I have a little brother.-你就得吓吓他们-你吓到我了- You''re supposed to scare them. - Well, you scared me. 听好我们只想给你们个教训Listen, we were just trying to teach you a lesson.我保证我们会把无人机还给你们I promise you we were gonna give the drone back.不可能他们肯定又在耍我们No way. They could trick us again.或者压倒我们Or overpower us.天呐他们要是吃了莫莉怎么办Oh, my God. What if they take the Molly?他们不能吃的Then we wouldn''t be able to take it.不行他们还是小孩会死的No, they''re children. They would die.我是之前的麦克斯This is Max from earlier.明天早上七点四十分Meet us at the playground across from John Adams。



The day after tomorrow You see how it's done?Yeah, I think I got the hang of it.You better. The boss will chew my head offif these cores get messed up.Don't worry.We're at 26 feet.You let Jason operate the drill?Yeah, he can handle it.I didn't do anything.Give me your hand!Let go of the drill!Forget it, Jack! It's too late!You're not gonna make it!Jack!Jack! Give me your hand!I've got you!What were you thinking?-What's happening?-The whole damn shelf is breaking off!That's what's happening!We found evidence of a cataclysmic climateshift, which occurred 10,000 years ago.The concentration of these naturalgreenhouse gases in the ice cores......indicates that runaway warmingpushed Earth into an ice age......which lasted two centuries.I'm confused.I thought you were talking aboutglobal warming, not an ice age.Yes, it is a paradox, but global warming cantrigger a cooling trend. Let me explain.The Northern Hemisphere owes its climateto the North Atlantic Current.Heat from the sun arrives at the equatorand is carried north by the ocean.But global warming is melting the polarice caps and disrupting this flow.Eventually it will shut down.And when that occurs......there goes our warm climate.Excuse me. When do you think thiscould happen, professor? When?I don't know. Maybe in 100 years,maybe in 1,000. But what I do know is......that if we do not act soon, our childrenand grandchildren will have to pay the price.And who's going to pay the priceof the Kyoto Accord?It would cost the world's economyhundreds of billions of dollars.With all due respect, Mr. Vice President, the cost of doing nothing could be even higher. Our climate is fragile.At the rate we're burning fossil fuelsand polluting the environment......the ice caps will soon disappear. Professor Hall......our economy is every bit as fragileas the environment.Perhaps you should keep that in mind before making sensationalist claims.Well, the last chunk of icethat broke off......was about the size of Rhode lsland. Some people might call thatpretty sensational.Stop global warming!Stop global warming!I'm at the Global Warming Conferencein New Delhi......where, if you can believe it,it's snowing.The coldest weather on recordhas thrown the city into chaos......with numbers of homeless people freezing to death.Taxi!I enjoyed your testimony, professor.It was very spirited.Oh, thank you. That's what we'rehere for, right? Put on a good show? Quite. I was wondering if I could talk to you about your theory on abrupt climate shift. The name's Rapson. Terry Rapson.-Professor Rapson? Of the Hedland Center? -That's me.I've read your work on ocean currents.-What do you say to a spot of tea?-Absolutely. If we can hail a cab.Over here.Welcome back to Glasgow, Scotland,where Manchester United......Leads 3 - 1 over hometown Celtic.We return 63 minutes intothe second half as Manchester United... ...Iooks to put the game out of reach.Let's get back to our commentator... ...Donald MacFarland.What? Yeah.-I just closed my eyes for a sec, man.-Yeah.The baby kept us awake all night.-And still.-Yeah!Dennis? NOMAD buoy 4311 is showinga temperature drop of 13 degrees.-Yeah? Where is 4311?-Well, it's....-Georges Bank.-It's rough seas out there.Must have knocked it about.Kick that bloody ball. Come on!Come on, kick it now. Kick it!-Kick it!-Are the lads winning?Hello, professor. How was lndia?Oh, you know what thesescientific gatherings are.All dancing girls, wine and parties.The fury of Hurricane Noelanistunned weather experts yesterday... ...slamming into the island chain with a cataclysmic force never before witnessed. Meteorologists already believe this to be the strongest hurricane ever recorded.... Are you gonna get that?It will surely leave a wake of death....-Hello?-I just saw that Sam got an F in calculus. I'm aware, Jack.I get a copy of his report card too.Sam is a straight-A student.He doesn't fail classes.I don't have time to talk about this now. Well, maybe you ought to make time. Excuse me, I'm not the one who's awayfor months and months at a time.I just don 't understand.I'll let him explain it. Can you take himto the airport in the morning?-Sam's getting on a plane?-He joined the Scholastic Decathlon Team. -They're competing in New York.-Sam joined a team?-Yeah, I think there's a girl involved.-Oh.Look, can you pick him up at 8:30?I gotta go because I'm on call tonight.Don't be late. I don't wanthim taking a taxi again.All right. Okay. I'll be there.Okay? I'll be there.This morning's weather staff meetinghas been moved to level four, room B. Jack?I know you're good at rubbing peoplethe wrong way......but why would you aggravatethe vice president?Because my 17-year-old kidknows more science than he does.Your 17-year-old kiddoes not control our budget.-Who cares if he hates you.-My son doesn't hate me.You miss the piont,what I`m tring tell you is If Raymond Becker pulls our budget---Oh, shit!-Wait-- Will you--? Jack.Oh, my God.-I'm sorry I'm late.-Dad, the cab's already here.That's okay. I'll take care of it.-What are--?-Here you go.I'm not angry. I'm disappointed.-Do you want to hear my side of it?-How can there be two sides?I got every question right on the final.Mr. Spengler failed me...-...because I didn't write the solutions.-Why not?I do them in my head.-Did you tell him that?-I did. He didn't believe me.He said if he can't do them in his head,I'm cheating.Ridiculous. How can he fail youfor being smarter than he is?That's what I said.You did?-How'd he take it?-He flunked me, remember?Oh, yeah.Sam, I'm sorry.I jumped to conclusions.I'm gonna call this guyand have a word with him.We'll straighten this out.Hey, you can't park there.-Don't worry about it.-Sam?Sam.Parker, this is Houston.We're seeing some bad weatherover Canaveral.It doesn 't look like you're coming backthis week.Your wife's gonna give me an earful.Roger that.Hey, come take a look at this storm system. It' s enormous.You all right?He's afraid of flying.I'm fine.Statistically, the chance of a planegoing down because of turbulence......is less than, what, one in a billion?Or is it a million?-I can't remember if it's a---Shut up, Brian.Listen, Sam......don't pay attention to him, okay? Everything's fine.They're still serving drinks.Folks, it appears we're gonna have a bitof a bumpy ride for the next few minutes. Please fasten your seat beltsand put your tray tables......and seat backs in their upright positions until we get through this. Thank you.Whoa!Grab it. Watch out!Sam?Sam.Can I have my hand back?I can't believe I'll be alonewith my mom.Be patient with her.She's been looking forward to this holiday.I know.I love you.I love you too.Hey.Hey, hello. Bye-bye.The cause of this extreme weather remains a mystery, although some meteorologists... ...believe sunspots are to blame.Hundreds are missing....This is very odd. There' s a buoy registering a 1 3-degree drop in ocean temperature. Oh, yeah, that's right.That buoy malfunctioned the other day.I'll see if there are ships nearGeorges Bank to get it.This buoy isn't in Georges Bank.It's just off Greenland.What?-What are the odds of two buoys failing?-Remote.Make that three.Just another typical day in New York City. Traffic jam, 10 blocks long.Look here, Buddha. These people,and their cars, and their exhaust......and they're polluting the atmosphere. Excuse me, sir. We're really late.We're almost there.-We're only two blocks away.-Let's walk.What's gotten into them?I have no idea.They're all worked up today.In 1532, Spanish conquistadorFrancisco Pizarro......defeated this lncan emperor at the Peruvian highland town of Cajamarca. What is his name? Time.Montezuma.No, no, Montezuma was in Mexico,not Peru.It's, like, Anta-something.-Atahualpa?-That's it!Time's up. Correct answers, please.That's five points for Woodmontand five points for Pinehurst Academy. Next question.In what year did Louis Quatorzeascend to the throne of France?This place is so retro, it might actuallybe cool if it were on purpose.Yeah, look at all these nerds.Hey.Hey.You look beautiful.Thanks. This place is incredible.Do you believe this is their cafeteria?You played a great first round.So did you.These are my teammates,Sam and Brian.-I'm Laura.-Oh, I'm J.D.-Your school's amazing.-Would you like a tour?Sure. That'd be great.Could you hold this for a sec?Yeah, sure.Thanks.Man, you got some serious competition. Please.-And I'll bet he's really rich too.-Shut up.-Who is it?-Terry Rapson here.Sorry to call you so early.No, professor, it's all right.What is it?Well, we've found something extraordinary. Extraordinary and disturbing, that is.You recall what you said in New Delhiabout how polar melting...-...might disrupt the North Atlantic Current? -Yes.Well......I think it's happening.What do you mean?One of our NOMAD buoys registereda 13-degree drop......in surface temperature.I've sent you an e-mail.Hold on.A t first we thought it was a malfunction. But there are four more acrossthe North A tlantic showing the same thing. This is unbelievable.You predicted it would happen.Yes, but not in our lifetime.This is too fast.There are no forecast modelsremotely capable......of plotting this scenario, except yours. My model is a reconstructionof a prehistoric climate shift.It's not a forecast model.It's the closest thing we have.Nothing like this has everhappened before.At least not in the last 10,000 years.As I predicted yesterday, the swelloff Hurricane Noelani is incredible.These waves are even biggerthan I imagined. Just take a look.-Shouldn't you be monitoring the weather? -This is L.A. What weather?Wait. What's that noise?What noise?Honey, I'll be right back.The Coast Guard closed the beaches,as waves have grown too big for....-L.A. Weather Center.-It's Tommy.I'm in the middle of something, Tommy. What do you need?There's hail the size of golf ballscoming down here.A low-pressure system alongthe California coast......is creating a cyclonic systemacross the L.A. Basin.- Yeah?-Boss, turn on The Weather Channel.-I think we have to issue a tornado warning. -What are you talking about?Palmdale and Lancaster are reportingwind speeds in excess....-Hold on a second.-Conditions highly unusual for California. We' re building a forecast model,we need-- What?Priority access to the mainframefor two days, maybe three.-Oh, is that it? Anything else?-We need it immediately.I would say thatyou've lost your mind......but you've been this wayfor the past 20 years.-Tom, this is important.-What's this forecast model you're building? Janet Tokada, this is Jack Hall.Janet's a hurricane specialist with NASA. Jack's a paleoclimatologist, and I have absolutely no idea what he's up to. Booker. What's going on here?They just issued a tornado warningin Los Angeles.Breaking news as we prepare to go liveto Los Angeles.Mixed reports are coming in about some extreme weather occurring in the area. Okay, we're now going liveto our Fox affiliate in Los Angeles.We have live coverage now from our Fox 1 1 chopper. Are you there, Bart?Yes, I'm here. These tornadosare forming so fast---Bart!-What? Oh! Oh, my God.Lisa, are you getting this on camera?This tornado just erasedthe Hollywood sign.The Hollywood sign is gone.It's just shredded.Bart, what can you see? Is anyone hurt?I wouldn't be surprised.There is so much damage.And there are people down theretaking pictures.Hey, what the hell are you guys doing?Go for cover!You can't stay here! Get out of here!What you're seeing are two actual tornados striking Los Angeles lnternational Airport. Wait. It looks like they've joinedand formed one large tornado.-Tommy!-Oh, my God!Holy shit!I'd like to urge all of our viewersto stay away....-Jeff, where are you?-I'm on Yucca and Vine.-I'm on my way.-You're on TV. You're in the middle of it. God! Oh, my God!You gotta get out of there, man.That bus just got droppedon top of that Porsche!Oh, my God.I hope no one was in that car.For our national audiencejust joining us now...... we are going live to downtownLos Angeles right now. Tommy?If you look over there behind me,that's a tornado.Yes, a twister in Los Angeles.It's one of many tornadosthat are destroying our city.There's another one.That's the Los Angeles skyline.It's unbelievable! It's huge!I've never seen anything like it.What's happening?It looks like some sort of......huge, horrific, terrifying nightmare, only this is the real thing.Yes, I'm looking at it right now.-Yes, it is.-What's happening?I'll call you back.Mr. President, Los Angeles has been devastated by a series of tornados. On top of that, the FAA wants your approval to suspend all air traffic.-What do you think we should do?-Until we can figure it out......I don't think we havemuch choice, sir.What you're seeing is what's leftof downtown Los Angeles.Hey, man, I just got off the phonewith my mom.Excuse me, you guys. I'm really sorry, but we need to change the channel. The FAA has groundedall air traffic in the United States. Unfortunately, the order came too late for two planes......brought down by severe turbulence in the Midwest.-The first flight....-So much for " one in a billion. "All right. All right, listen up, everybody. Listen up, please.We've got a lot of work to do,and we don't have much time......so let's get started, please. Vorsteen?All our grid models are worthless.I don't think grid modelsare gonna be a lot of help here.Canadians report tremendous circulation moving from the Arctic.In Siberia, there's a low-pressure system never before seen.And Australia just sawthe strongest typhoon ever recorded.-These things are interconnected?-We have to consider the possibility.The only force strong enough to affect global weather is the sun.-What's NASA have to say?-We've already checked.Solar output is normal.-What about the North Atlantic Current?-What about it?I got a call last night from Professor Rapson at the Hedland Center.He thinks the current has changed.Oh, come on, Jack.How could that be?The current depends upon a balanceof salt and freshwater.-We all know that.-Yes......but no one knows how much freshwater has been dumped into the ocean......because of melting polar ice.I think we've hit a criticaldesalinization point.It would explain what's drivingthis extreme weather.Hedland had somepretty convincing data.They've asked me to feed it into my paleoclimate model to track the next events. Are you suggesting these weather anomalies are gonna continue?Not just continue. Get worse.I think we're on the vergeof a major climate shift.What are you gonna tellthe Administration?-What do you expect me to tell them?-The government has to make preparations.-You have a theory.-Give me the mainframe. I'll prove it. No.You have 48 hours.-Professor Hall.-Yes.-I think your theory may be correct. -Walk with me.Just a few weeks ago, I monitored the strongest hurricane on record. The hail, the tornados, it all fits.Can your model factor instorm scenarios?-We haven't had the time.-Well, maybe I can help.-Welcome aboard.-Thanks.Hi, I'm Jason.-Hi.-Hi.Do you have Peter's CT scan results? Yeah. The treatmentsshrunk the tumor 20 percent.-ls his eyesight better today?-No. No change.-Hi, Peter. How are you doing today? -A little better.Good.Let me listen here.Can you read that?No, but I remember the storyfrom the pictures.You do?My mother used to read it to me.She must be very proud of you.You've been such a brave, big boy. -Thank you.-You're welcome.-Here you go.-Thank you.Jack, you've been workingfor 24 hours straight.You're the only onewho hasn't taken a break.Maybe I'll try to shut my eyesfor a while.Call me when you get the results. Frank, is he always so obsessive?-Yeah.-Yes.Does he ever lighten up?-Not really.-No.-How long have you been working together? -Well, Frank's been working with him... ...since the Stone Age, but I've onlyhad to endure two years of servitude. Jack.Jack, we got the results.Six to eight months? That can't be.That time scale isn't in months.It's in weeks.Flooding has caused numerous closures, including the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels. The plumbing in the school is really old. With this rain, the sewage got stopped up. Where are you staying?They're finding a place for uswith kids here.You can't get home any soonerthan tomorrow?Well, look, Dad, I would if I could,you know. It's just....This smell is unbearable, Dad.Stop kidding around! I want you home. Dad, I'll be on the train.Do me a favor. Just don't worry about me. I'll figure it out.All right, son. I'll see you tomorrow.Hey, Sam, guess what?We got a place to stay.Great.So far, the terrible weather hasn 't hit D.C., but local residents aren 't taking chances... ...as people stock up for what is already being billed as...-... the worst storm season on record.-Better be sure.-My ass is on the line.-You saw the model.And I hope to God it's wrong.-Mr. Vice President.-Tom.-You know Professor Hall.-Yes, we've met.Professor Hall has some informationI think you should look at.We just got these resultsfrom our simulation model.-They explain what's causing this weather. -I'll read it later.-I have to meet with the director of FEMA-- -This is very urgent.Our climate is changing violently. It will happen over the next six to eight weeks. You said this wouldn't happenfor another 100 years.-I was wrong.-Well, suppose you're wrong this time.I wish I were, but you're awareof what's happening everywhere.We're making all the necessary preparations for this storm. What more do you expect? You have to start thinking aboutlarge-scale evacuations right now. Especially in the Northern states.-Evacuations?-Yes.Have you lost your mind, Hall?I have to go.Mr. Vice President! If we don't act now,it's going to be too late.Come on, Jack.Thanks for bringing us here.I couldn't let you leave New York without seeing the Natural History Museum.Of course not. It's a fine collectionof stuffed animals.Hey, guys, check this out."The body of this mammoth was found perfectly preserved in the Siberian tundra... ...with food still in its mouthand stomach......indicating that it froze instantlywhile grazing."It's been 24 hours now since the snow started falling across the British Isles... ...and over Northern Europe.It shows no signs of letting up.No, no, no.You ' ve got to stop worrying. No, no.It' s fine. We' ve got plenty of supplies.We're just snowed in.Yeah. No, it's all right. It's all right.No, you stay where you are.I'll be fine.Yeah, I love you too. Okay, bye.-Hey. How's Jeanette?-Oh, fine.The ferry just landed.Must be nice in Spain.Wish I was there.An elite RAF search-and-rescue teamhas been deployed by helicopter......to airlift the royal family to safety.-Yeah, you think they'll come get us?-Not likely.Luckily we've got our own genny,enough tea and biscuits to sink a ship. Oh, we'll be fine.As long as the loodoesn't back up again.We've got zero visibility.Maintain heading and speed.-What's our heading?-035, sir.Approximately 40 kilometersfrom Balmoral Castle.We've lost visual contact with you.-This gauge can't be right.-Wind speed has dropped to zero.We have vertical wallsof cirrus cloud formations.-What the hell is going on?-The bloody fuel lines are starting to freeze. Port engine pressure is dropping.The rotor rpm is dropping.We've got a flameout onthe starboard side as well.Prepare for crash landing.Select emergency fuel.Come on, you bastard!Come on!What I'm about to sayis supposed to be confidential.Several hours ago, three helicopterswent down over Scotland.They crashed because the fuelin their lines froze.-At what temperature does--?-Negative 150 degrees Fahrenheit.We had to look it up.The temperature droppedphenomenally fast.On the ground, people froze beforethey could get out of their cars even.Can you get a satellite pictureof Scotland two hours ago?We've got mountains of data......but nowhere near enough computer power to analyze it. Can you help us? Send us what you got.We'll do our best.Thanks, Jack. Bye for now.This is Scotland at the timethe temperature dropped.This thing looks just like a hurricane.Only hurricanes don't form over land.-Good evening, sir.-Hey, Harold.-Thanks, Victor. See you in the morning. -Right, sir.-Terrible weather.-Tell me about it.Wow.You live here?Just on the weekends.It's my dad's place.He's kind of never around, so....Where is he?Skiing in Europe with my stepmom.Is this you and your brother?Yeah, that's when we tooka bike trip together.It's been raining like thisfor three days now.Come on, hurry up.I'm just standing here.You can't stay here.I never liked this neighborhood anyway.It's a mob scene hereat Grand Central Station.Over half the platforms are flooded and service has been suspended on all trains. With planes still groundedand trains now out of service...... that's bad news for the....Victor' s coming to pick me up.You guys want a ride to the train station? Not anymore.In Nova Scotia earlier today the ocean rose by 25 feet in a matter of seconds. What we have feared for the pastfew days has indeed happened.The cold front moving from the Arctic......has created an enormousstorm system in Canada...... which, incredible as it sounds,looks more like a tropical hurricane....I gotta go pick up my little brother.Do you guys want a ride?-Where is he?-He's in a boarding school in Philadelphia. If this system moves south......we could see a wind-driven storm surge threaten the entire Eastern Seaboard. Okay, bye.Victor' s stuck in trafficover on Fifth Avenue.It'll be easier to head out of townif we meet him over there.-You mean walk?-No, not in this.We should take the stairs.We're on the top floor.I guess we're walking.Maybe we should just stay here.I think the young lady is right.No. We need to get home.Hey, Cesar, come here.What are you doing?The wolves, they're gone.Just to give you an ideaof the situation......which seems to be becoming worsewith each passing minute:At the moment, we have floodingin most parts of the island.We've got traffic snarl-upsbecause the electricity is now out...... to almost every part of Manhattan.No traffic signals.Car accidents, at least two hundred.And lower Manhattan, we've been told,is virtually inaccessible.Can you call Mom?Will you please phone her for me?Hey.That dog can't come in here.Come on, man. It's pouring out there.I don't care. Read the sign.It's supposed to be a public library.Come on, guys, this way.Excuse me. Your bad.Goddamn 1500-dollarwaterproof raincoat.-Please, shut up, man.-There must be rats everywhere.That's because it's New York.Hey! Hey!-Open up, big papa.-It's out of service.It's out of service.-I'll give you a 100 dollars.-You don't have to do that.No, really. 200 dollars.I won't have it.God, I love buses. This is so much fun. This is gonna be the bomb.Hello?-I can't reach my driver. No signal.-This is insane.We're not gonna be able to drive.We should go back.-Yeah, I vote for that.-Are you kidding? We have to get higher! Come on.Up to the library.Calm down.I can't understand what you're saying.If you stay calm, ma'am,I'll get you out.The door is jammed!I don't speak French!Hey, where's Laura?-She was just right there.-She's right there! Right there, see? What is she doing?Tell them to cover their eyes.There is a wall of water coming towards New York City. Everybody---What?-Her bag's in the cab. Their passports. Forget about it.-I'll get it for her.-Come on.Oh, my....Laura!Laura!-Sam.-No! Brian, no!Laura! Laura, look!Come on. Come!Come on!Sam!Professor.Thank you.-ls that Neville's handiwork?-Neville's way beyond stick figures.-He's 6 already.-Oh.No, this masterpiece belongsto my second grandson, David.God. I can't believe Neville's 6 already. You won't believe how fast they grow. I've got Jack Hall on the phone.They've run the data we've sent them. Here he is.Jack, were you able to recreatethe thermal cycle?Yes. The storm's rotation......is pulling super-cooled air all the way down from the upper troposphere.But shouldn't the air warm upbefore it reaches ground level?It should. But it doesn 't.The air's descending too rapidly.Is this an isolated incident?I'm afraid not.We've located two supercellsin addition to the one over Scotland. One over Northern Canada......and another one over Siberia.And do we know their projected paths? Yes.Our previous estimates of six toeight weeks weren 't even close.This one storm is going to changethe face of our planet.Here's a projection of 24 hours out. This is 48 hours out.And in 7 to 10 days....When this storm is over...... we 'll be in a new ice age.My God.Professor......it' s time you got out of there.I'm afraid that time hascome and gone, my friend.What can we do?Save as many as you can.Jack...。



未来青年(第一季第一集开头)My name is Stephen Jason. This is me. This is my breakfast. There are我的名字是史蒂芬杰森。



my friends. At least they used be. This is where I live. This is my mom.他们是我的朋友。




And this is the worst part of my day. You see, lately. Strange things have 这是我一天中最糟糕的时刻。


been happening to me. And they’re only about to get stranger.奇怪的事情就这样发生在我身上了。


1、I can explain. 我可以解释。

2、You don’t want to listen. 你不会想听的。

3、I don’t remember getting out of bed. 我自己都记不得我离开我自己的床。

4、It won’t happen again. 它不会再发生了。

5、I know I said that last time,but this time is different.上次我已经说过了,但是这次不一样。

6、I don’t know, but I’ll talk to Dr. Bloom. 我不知道,但是我会去和布鲁姆医生谈谈的。

7、Maybe there’s something we haven’t tried yet. 或许我们可以尝试其他一些方法。

8、Is that why you’re taking the extra shifts to pay for my shrink? 这就是你为什么要加班的原因,就为了我的医药费。



电影《超体》英文剧本附部分中文翻译Life was given to us a billion years ago.What have we done with it?Lucy?It's as easy as pie. In and out, all done and tested.Then why don't do it yourself?Milan said the guy is expecting a total '10' turning up to deliver the case.You'll blow his mind. Come on.What's in it?Sweetheart...Don't get paranoid on me, alright? You trust me, don't you?Richard, I really do like you but...I've to take care of myself right now, I got a...I don't know, I gotta concentrate on so many things.Hey! Hey! What are you doing?I'm going home because I have exams on Monday.I have to shower and I have to study, OK?You know what? The other day I was in this museum and you know what I found out?What?The first ever woman was named Lucy.LucyIs that suppose to make me feel better?Yeah...- No. - I'll call you, OK?OK! OK! OK!I'll be honest with you. I can't deliver the case myself.I've a little falling out with the guy. It's nothing major...but if it's you, problem solved.You walk in there, you go up to the reception,you ask Mr. Jang to come down.He comes down, he takes the case, you flash your prettiest smile and bounce.Look, you can even see the reception from here.Come on.- What's in the case? - I don't know, it's just some paperwork.- Yeah? I want to see it then. - It's lockedand no one else but Mr. Jang has the code.I'm just the delivery boy.- Do you get paid to do this? - Yeah, kinda.Like how much?OK, we're negotiating now or ...?No, no, how much you get paid? I want to know, how much?A thousand dollars.You get paid a thousand dollars for delivering paperwork, really?I don't know, it takes me 10 minutes and they're paying a grand and the rest is none of my business.Wow, it's not my business either. I'm turning around...- Listen! - What?Let's split it then.That's 500 for you and 500 for me.- Richard, I'll call you. - Listen! It is the third time this week.I'm showing up at the same hotel with the same cowboy hat.Problem solved.- Go! Go! I'll wait for you. Go! - Lucy, honey,I...I've done this a thousand times.It's paperwork! It's probably just some they switched sothey can copy them.That's how it works in this country.Even my Stetson was made here. Look!It says so on the label: "Made in Taiwan"So long, cowboy, with a fake Stetson.Baby, please!Richard, I gotta go.- What the hell are you doing? - I'm sorry.- What the hell are you do...? - I'm so sorry. I really need your help.Stop it! Stop it! Take this off me, right now!- I can't! - Take this off me, right now!- I can't! Mr. Jang is the only one who has the key! - No!Just get in there and ask to meet him at the reception.No! Take it off me, right now!I'm really sorry, I really have no choice. The sooner you go in, the sooner you'll be back out.I can't believe you did this to me.- I'll be right here, you've my word. - Your word isn't worth shit!Uh...it's worth 500 bugs, upfront.You're an asshole!And you're wonderful, huh?Miss, may I help you?Yes.I'm here for, uh...Mr. Jang.Yes.Who should I say is here?Richard.Uh, Richard sent me. Richard sent me.Mr. Jang, (greeting). There's a lady here asking for you.What's your name?No, Richard.Richard, uh, he's just looking for a place to park.She said she came with Richard.Mr. Jang still wants to know your name.Lucy.Just...just Lucy. If he, could he...be quick 'cause I...I've to...Just a second while I translate...Mr. Jang, she said her name is Lucy. That's all she told me. Alright.Mr. Jang is on his way, stay right here.Can I sit?En. Jang said you need to stay right here. I think it's better if you stay right here. Excuse me. Regent Hotel.No!No!No, wait! No!Please!Wait, I don't know anything!Please! Please! Let me...No, please!Do you speak English?Tambien hablo poco Espanol. ( I speak a little Spanish too ) Lucy, yes, I'm Lucy.It's just a terrible mistake. I'm just suppose to deliver this case.If you lost the key, you don't have to chop off my hand, you can just cut the chain, OK? Please!I'm begging you, please!No! No! No!No! No! Please!Please!Please!Hello, Miss, I speak English. I translate for Mr. Jang.Please tell him that I haven't done anything. I don't know anything.It's all just a big mistake, OK? Please, please tell him that.Yes, OK, OK, hold on.Mr. Jang wants to know what's in the case.Well, I don't know what's in the case. Do you speak English or don't you speak English?!Yes, I do! I studied one year at International High School in New York.OK.Richard gave me the case to give to you, that's all I know.OK, please tell him that.He gave me a paper with numbers written on it, I don't know...what is this?It's the code to open the case.What's really in here?Nothing dangerous.So why won't he open it himself?He doesn't trust Mr. Richard.I don't trust Richard either.I only dated him for a week.- Mr. Jang insists that you open the case. - OK! OK!Please God, help me.He wants you to hurry up, Mr. Jang has other things to do.Can you describe the content of the case?It's 4 plastic pouches filled with blue powder like a...or maybe a purple powder? I don't know, it looks gross.Mr. Jang wants to offer you a job.A job?I don't want a job!If life thrived approximately a billion years ago,we'll have to wait 400,000 yearsto see the end of race of the first nerve cells.This is where life we know it begins.Brain formation of only a few miligramsis not possible to determine any sign of intelligence yet.It acts more as a reflect.One neuron, you're alive. Two neurons, you're moving.And with movement, interesting things began to happen.Animal life on Earth goes back millions of years.Yet, most specie only use 3-5% of its celebral capacity.But it's not until we reached human being at the top of the animal chain, that we finally see a specie used more of its celebral capacity.10% may not seem like much but it's a lot if we look at all we've done with it.Now let's discuss a special case.The only living being that uses it's brain better than us......the dolphin.It's estimated that this incredible animaluses up to 20% of its celebral capacity.And in particular, this allows it to have an echo-location systemthat's more efficient than any sonar invented by mankind.But the dolphin did not invent the sonar. It developed itnaturally.And this is the crucial part of ourphilosophical reflection we've today.Can we therefore concludethat humans are concerned more with"having"......than "being".Lucy.what did you do with my stomach?Nothing! Just a little horizontal slit. It's very well doneand you'll find in a month, this scar is practically invisible.You'll be in shape for the beach next summer.I don't care about the scar.Is it, uh...is it why we opened you up?Rest assured, we didn't harvest your organ or anythingand we merely slipped a little package in your lower stomach.It's a...it's a new drug the kids in Europe is gonna love, believe me.- What's that? - Well, the scientific term is CPH4.It's not very sexy from a sale's point of view.So, uh...we're...we're still working on something a little bit more popular.Any suggestion?Excuse me.Welcome.Welcome, come on in. Lovely, oops...Splendid! Splendid!Marvelous! Lovely! Lovely!- How are you? - Very good, me dear.OK.Right, uh...first of all, many thanks for taking part in this enterprisewhich I'm sure will go off flawlessly.These lovely passport and ticketswill enable you to return home in the next 24 hours.Now, upon arrival, you'll be taken in hand by our peopleso that we might recover our merchadiseand you might re-discover the freedom which you so richly deserve.So, I'm sure I needn't remind you but if any of those who may be attempted towarn or turn themself in to the authorities,we've the names and addresses of the famalies of everyone of you down to the distant cousins. So, we rely therefore, on your complete discretion.Good, anyway, uh...gentleman, ma'dam, allow me to be the first to wish you"bon voyage"!OopsYou gonna sell this?I'm afraid it's our business model.For primitive beings like us, life seems to only have one single purpose.Gaining time.And its going thru' time, seems to be also the onlyreal purpose of each of the cell in our bodies.To achieve that aim, the mass of the cellthat make up earth worm and human beingshas only 2 solutions.Be a mortal......or to reproduce.If its habitat is not sufficiently favorable or nurturing,the cell will choose immortality.In another word, self-sufficiency and self-management.On the other hand, if the habitat is favorable,they will choose to reproduce.That way, when they die,they hand down essential information and knowledge to the next cellwhich hands it down to the next cell and so on.Thus, knowledge and learningall handed down thru' time.OK, OK, keep calm...You do right, wait for time...I'm trying to think it thru'... just take the flight,take the flight, get out of here.That's the main thing right now, just keep calm,don't try anything, keep your cool, you're alive...you're alive, Amy, you're alive, that's all that matters.Just wait, stay calm,stay calm.Quit fooling around!I'm not in the mood.The bitch had you!Shit! It's bleeding!Let's imagine for a few momentswhat our life would be like if we could access, let's say,20 % of our brains' capacity.This first stage would give us access to and controlof our own body.- Sir. - Yes?Has it been proven scientifically?Oh, for the moment, it's just hypothesis, I confessbut if you think about it,it's troubling to realize that the Greeks, the Egyptians and the Indianshad notion of "cells" centuries before the invention of the microscopeand what to say about Darwinwhom everybody took for a fool when he put forward his Theory of Evolution. It's up to us to push the rules and laws and go from "evolution" to "revolution".100 billion neurons per human,of which only 15% are activated.There're more connections in the human body than there're stars in the galaxy.We possess a gigantic network of informationto which we've almost no access.- Sir! - Yes?And what would be the next stage?Well, the next stage would probably be control of other people.But for that, we will need to access at least 40% of our brains' capacity.And after control of ourselves and others,come control of matter.But now we're entering the realm of science fiction.And we don't know anything more than a dog who watches the moon. - Excuse me, sir. - Yes.But what would happen if for some reason we ignoresomebody in 100% of the celebral capacity?100 % ?Yes.I've no idea.Hey!- Hey, you speak English? - No, no, no.- You speak English? - Yes, yes.- Take me to the hospital now. - Hospital?My leg!- Hospital. - Wait for me.Miss, hello?Hey, miss!I need help, it's urgent.You cannot be in here. We're operating.Please, get out!You wouldn't be able to save him anyway.Tumour already invaded the cortext and right side of his spine. Somebody put a bag of drug in me. I need you to remove it.It's leaking.Do it now.Right. I'll just administer local anaethestic...Don't bother.Right, I...okay.Calm down, please. Put the gun down.I'm just going to...examine, OK?- Do you mind? - No.- Hello ? - Mom ?Hey, Lucy.Baby, it's great to hear from youbut what time is it over there?I don't know, it's night.Hold on a sec', let me get rid of the other line.I'm going to go inside.I'm back, you're not partying too much, are you?You promised me you'll look after yourself.I'm trying to, mommy, I'm trying to.Well, thanks for calling out of the blue like this.Your father is gonna be sad he missed you.He isn't home from the gym yet. Usually you call us in the morning.- Mom... - Yes ?I feel everything.What do you mean, sweatie?Space,the air,the vibrations,the people.I can feel the gravity.I can feel the rotation of the Earth.The heat leaving my body,the blood in my veins,I can feel my brain.The deepest parts of my memory.-我感知到了一切事物。



-这个开了吗? -就这样-Is this on? -That's fine.我会穿墙破壁却不会...I can break through walls, I just can't...-就这样-却不会玩这个-That's fine. -I can't get this on.神奇超人... 你有保密的身份吗?Mr. Incredible... Do you have a secret identity?每个超级英雄都有保密的身份我还不知道有谁不是这样Every superhero has a secret identity. I don't know a single one who doesn't.谁愿意一直承担当超人的压力呢?Who wants the pressure of being super all the time?我当然有保密的身份啦Of course I have a secret identity.你以为会在超市里看见我穿成这样? 得了Can you see me in this at the supermarket? Come on.谁愿意用弹力女侠的身份去买东西明白我的意思吗?Who'd want to go shopping as Elastigirl, know what I mean?那些女超人总是想把自己的保密身份告诉你Superladies, they're always trying to tell you their secret identity.她们觉得可以这样来套近乎Think it'll strengthen the relationship or something.我就说:I said,"姑娘我不想知道你那温柔的另一面" "Girl, I don't want to know about yourmild-mannered alter ego or anything like that."我是说你告诉我你是宇宙无敌超级霹雳小甜甜I mean, you tell me you're asuper-mega-ultra-lightning-babe,那就行了我很满意很满意that's all right with me. I'm good. I'm good. 不管你多少次拯救世界No matter how many times you save the world,它总是又会陷入危机it always manages to get back in jeopardy again.有时候我真想叫它消停一下明白吗? Sometimes I just want it to stay saved, you know?只要一会儿我觉得自己像女佣一样"我刚刚把这里收拾好For a little bit. I feel like the maid. "I just cleaned up this mess.咱们就不能让它干净个十分钟吗? " Can we keep it clean for ten minutes?"我能理解I could get to that point.-"劳驾? " -还没结束呢-"Please?" -We're not finished.有时我觉得我就喜欢平平淡淡的生活你明白吗?Sometimes I think I'd just like the simple life, you know?稍微休息一下安心养家Relax a little and raise a family.退隐江湖? 你开玩笑吧? 我正在兴头上呢!Settle down? Are you kidding? I'm at the top of my game!我可是跻身大人物的行列! 姑娘们来吧I'm up there with the big dogs! Girls, come on.把拯救世界的工作让给男人? 我可不同意Leave the saving of the world to the men? I don't think so.我可不同意I don't think so.现在插播一条新闻We interrupt for a bulletin.警方正在飞车追捕持枪歹徒A high-speed pursuit between police and armed gunmen is underway,他们沿圣帕布洛大道向北行驶traveling northbound on San Pablo Ave.单独追捕好啊我有时间Yeah, I've got time.神奇超人神奇超人Mr. Incredible.-怎么了太太? -我的猫小喳喳不肯下来-What is it, ma'am? -My cat, Squeaker, won't come down.好的建议您站远点可能有麻烦Certainly. I suggest you stand clear. There could be trouble.不会他很乖的No, he's quite tame.快放手Let go now.谢谢你神奇超人你又成功了Thank you, Mr. Incredible. You've done it again.-你是最棒的-不只是刚好来这儿帮忙-You're the best. -No, I'm just here to help.各单位注意发生了观光巴士抢劫案... All units. We have a tour bus robbery...观光巴士抢劫案我还有时间Tour bus robbery. I've still got time.警官太太小喳喳Officers. Ma'am. Squeaker.-酷! 准备出动! -这是...?-Cool! Ready for take-off! -What the...? -你到底是谁? -我是神奇小子-Who are you supposed to be? -I'm IncrediBoy.什么? 不对What? No.你是那个追星族俱乐部的孩子You're that kid from the fan club.布洛菲布洛迪巴迪! 你叫巴迪! Brophy. Brody. Buddy! Buddy!我叫神奇小子My name is IncrediBoy.我一直对你们很和气跟你们合影I've been nice, I've stood for photos,在你们给我的每张纸上签名可这... signed every scrap of paper you pushed at me...啊不用费心训练我我知道你的动作No, don't worry about training me. I know your moves,打击犯罪的风格最喜欢的口头禅我全知道!crime fighting style, favorite catch phrases, everything!我是你的头号崇拜者!I'm your number one fan!喂喂等一下!Hey! Hey, wait!你知道...You know......看一个女人钱包里的东西就可以对她了解许多...you can tell a lot about a woman by the contents of her purse,不过这也许不是你的目的but maybe that's not what you had in mind. -嘿你瞧...Hey, look...弹力女侠Elastigirl.神奇超人Mr. Incredible.-那没关系我已经逮到他了-当然啦你已经逮到他了-It's all right. I've got him. -Sure, you've got him.-我只不过替你制住他-没错你干的-I just took him out for you. -Sure, you did. -他的注意力都在我身上-我利用了这一点来做我的工作-His attention was on me. -A fact I exploited to do my job.-你是说我的工作吧-你说声谢谢总可以吧-My job, you mean. -A simple thank you will suffice.谢了可我不需要帮忙Thanks, but I don't need any help.那"女士优先"怎么说?Whatever happened to "ladies first"?那"男女平等"又怎么说?Well, whatever happened to equal treatment?喂是这个小姐先逮到我的Look, the lady got me first.-好吧我们可以分摊-我是单干的-Well, we could share, you know. -I work alone.哦那么我觉得你应该再多点...Well, I think you need to be more......弹性...flexible.你待会儿有事吗?Are you doing anything later?我已经和人约好了I have a previous engagement.现在你就呆在这儿吧Now, you just stay here.他们一般会在一小时内收拾垃圾的They usually pick up the garbage in an hour. -嘿神奇超人! -嘿寒冰侠!-Hey, Incredible! -Hey, Frozone!-你还没准备好吗? -我还有时间呢-Shouldn't you be getting ready? -I still got time.他要跳了He's gonna jump!你把我的骨头弄断了I think you broke something.等你接受心理治疗后会原谅我的With counseling, I think you'll come to forgive me.等一下Wait a minute.炸弹魔Bomb Voyage.神奇超人还有神奇小子!And IncrediBoy!神奇小子?IncrediBoy?你不想知道我为什么来得这么快吗? 因为我穿了火箭靴Aren't you curious about how I get around so fast? I have rocket boots.-回家去巴迪快点-什么?-Go home, Buddy. Now. -What?蠢小子...我们能谈谈吗?Can we talk?你总说要坦诚面对你自己You always say be true to yourself,可你没说过是对哪一部分but you never say which part to be true to.好了现在我终于想明白我是谁了Well, I've finally figured out who I am.我是你的卫兵... 神奇小子!I am your ward... IncrediBoy!可你现在走得太远了巴迪And now, you have officially carried it too far, Buddy.因为我没有超能力对吗?This is because I don't have powers, isn't it? 你知道不是每个超级英雄都有超能力的Not every superhero has powers, you know.没有超能力也可以当超人You can be super without them.我发明了这些东西我能飞你能飞吗?I invented these. I can fly. Can you fly?那就飞回家去巴迪我是单干的Fly home, Buddy. I work alone.而且你的那套行头可笑至极!给我一次机会就行! 我会让你瞧瞧我去找警察来Just give me one chance! I'll show you. I'll go get the police.-巴迪不要! -一会儿就行真的-Buddy, don't! -It'll only take a second, really. 停下! 有炸弹!No, stop! There's a bomb!放开你把我的飞行模式搅乱了Let go, you're wrecking my flight pattern.-你要是放手我就能飞好! -你就不能...? -I can do this if you let go! -Will you just...? -我是想帮你! 停下! -别抓着我的披风! -I'm trying to help! Stop! -Let go of my cape!送这小子回家一定要让她妈妈知道他干的好事Take this one home. And make sure his mom knows what he's been doing.我能帮你你是在铸成大...I can help you. You're making a mist... 那个跳楼者受伤了你们派医护人员了吗?The injured jumper. You sent paramedics?他们把他带走了They picked him up.大楼里的爆炸是炸弹魔干的The blast in that building was caused by Bomb Voyage他抢劫金库时被我撞上了who I caught robbing the vault.要是我们封锁这一带也许能逮住他We might nab him if we set up a perimeter. -他逃掉了? -嗯是的-He got away? -Well, yeah.-都是因为这小淘气-是神奇小子!-Skippy here made sure of that. -IncrediBoy. 我跟你可没关系! 糟糕我迟到了You're not affiliated with me! Holy smokes,I'm late.听着我得马上到别处去Listen, I've gotta be somewhere.-那么炸弹魔呢? -以后再说我会去抓他的-What about Bomb Voyage? -Any other night, I'd go after him,不过现在我真得走了别担心我们会逮到他的! 总有一天!but I really gotta go. Don't worry. We'll get him! Eventually!-今晚还有时间吧? -你迟到很久了-Is the night still young? -You're very late.-我看起来怎样? 还行吧? -面具你还戴着面具呢-How do I look? Good? -The mask. You still got the mask.好戏开场Showtime.罗伯特·帕尔您愿意让这女子成为你的合法妻子吗?Robert Parr, will you have this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?你迟到了你那时问我待会儿有没有事You're late. When you asked if I was doing anything later,我还没想到是你忘记了我以为你是在和我开玩笑呢I didn't realize you'd forgotten. I thought it was playful banter.-真的是玩笑-你不觉得你把时间留得太紧了吗?-It was. -Cutting it close, don't you think?你需要再多点... 弹性You need to be more... flexible.我爱你可要是我们想让这婚姻美满I love you, but if we're gonna make this work, 你就不能光顾着当神奇超人you've gotta be more than Mr. Incredible.你愿意吗?You know that. Don't you?-...只要你们二人仍然在世? -我愿意-...so long as you both shall live? -I do.我宣布这对新人结为夫妻I pronounce this couple husband and wife.只要我们都还在世不管发生了什么事As long as we both shall live. No matter what happens.嘿别逗了我们是超级英雄啊还能发生什么事?Hey, come on. We're superheroes. What could happen?经过一连串令人眼花缭乱的事件一位超级英雄遭到起诉In a stunning turn of events, a superhero is being sued原因是他救了显然不想被搭救的人for saving someone who, apparently, didn't want to be saved. 原告奥利弗·桑斯维特The plaintiff, Oliver Sansweet,在企图自杀时被神奇超人阻止who was foiled in his attempted suicide by Mr. Incredible,他向高级法院提出了针对这位著名超级英雄的诉讼has filed suit against the famed superhero in Superior Court.桑斯维特先生并没有呼救他不想被人救Mr. Sansweet didn't ask to be saved. He didn't want to be saved.由于神奇超人的"行动"导致的伤害The injury received from Mr. Incredible's "actions",-令他终日生活在痛苦中-我救了你的命! -causes him daily pain. -I saved your life!你不是救了我的命! 你是让我求死不能! You didn't save my life! You ruined my death.我的当事人没有意见My client has no comment.五天以后高架铁路事故的受害者又提出了另一起诉讼Another suit was filed by victims of the el train accident.神奇超人的败诉令政府付出了数百万元Incredible's court losses cost the government millions.同时也引发了世界各地数十起超级英雄诉讼案的风潮And opened the flood gates for dozens of superhero lawsuits the world over.现在该让他们的保密身份成为他们唯一的身份了It is time for their secret identity to become their only identity.他们现在要选择是加入我们还是离开Time for them to join us, or go away.迫于巨大的公众压力和没完没了的诉讼Under public pressure, and the financialburden带来的巨额财政负担of an ever mounting series of lawsuits,政府悄悄启动了超级英雄重新安置案the government quietly initiated the superhero relocation program.超人们以往的过失得到了特赦The supers were granted amnesty from responsibility for past actions,作为交换条件他们承诺再也不充当英雄的角色in exchange for the promise to never again resume hero work.昔日英雄今何在?Where are they now?他们就生活在我们中间平凡的公民平凡的英雄They are living among us. Average citizens, average heroes.默默无闻隐姓埋名继续为世界作着贡献Quietly and anonymously continuing to make the world a better place.拒绝? 你拒绝我的索赔要求?Denied? You're denying my claim?(十五年后) 我不明白我买了全保的I don't understand. I have full coverage.很抱歉霍根森太太I'm sorry, Mrs. Hogenson,但是我们的义务在第17段已经写明了but our liability is spelled out in paragraph 17. -上面讲得很清楚... -这这个我付不起-It states clearly... -I can't pay for this.不好意思理赔科鲍勃·帕尔Excuse me. Claims, Bob Parr.我是要告诉你一个重大喜讯I'm calling to celebrate a momentous occasion. 我们现在算是正式住进来了We're now officially moved in.哦好啊棒极了亲爱的Yeah, well, that's great, honey.那么过去三年不算是因为...The last three years don't count because...因为我终于拆开了最后一个箱子Because I finally unpacked the last box.现在是正式的了哈哈哈Now, it's official. Ha, ha, ha.-我们怎么有这么多垃圾? -听着我在接待一个客户-Why do we have so much junk? -Listen, I've got a client.不用说了拯救世界去吧一次一张保单亲爱的Say no more. Go save the world one policy at a time, honey.哦! 我该去接孩子了晚上见Oh! I gotta go pick up the kids. See you tonight.再见亲爱的不好意思我们说到哪儿了?Bye, honey. Excuse me. Where were we?我是靠固定收入过日子的要是你不能帮我I'm on a fixed income, and if you can't help me,我真不知道该怎么办I don't know what I'll do.好吧听好了我是想帮你可我办不到All right, listen closely. I'd like to help you, but I can't.我很想告诉你拿一份保单的复印件去找诺玛·威尔考克斯...I'd like to tell you to take a copy of your policy to Norma Wilcox on...诺玛·威尔考克斯W-l-L-C-O-X 在三楼可我办不到Norma Wilcox. W-I-L-C-O-X. On the third floor.But I can't.我也不会建议你填写WS2475表格I also do not advise you to fill out and file a WS2475 form然后交到二楼的法律部门with our legal department on the second floor.我估计也不会有什么人能很快帮你解决问题的I wouldn't expect someone to get back to you quickly to resolve the matter.我很想帮你但是我什么也做不了I'd like to help, but there's nothing I can do. -哦谢谢你年轻人-对不起太太我知道你很苦恼!-Oh, thank you, young man. -Sorry. I know you're upset!-装作很苦恼Pretend to be upset.帕尔!Parr!你批准了沃克那份保单的赔款!You authorized payment on the Walker policy! 哈夫先生有人闯进了他们家Someone broke into their house, Mr. Huph. -他们的保单包含了... -这个我不想知道-Their policy covers... -I don't wanna know about it.别跟我说这个Don't tell me about it.跟我说说你是怎么让咱们公司一直赔钱的Tell me how you're keeping lnsuricare in the black.告诉我你怎么会给每一个Tell me how that's possible, with you writing checks给你打电话的霉运先生和苦命小姐写支票的! to every Harry Hardluck and Sally Sobstory that gives you a phone call.上午休息时间结束上午休息时间结束Morning break is over. Morning break is over. 很高兴你能来帕尔太太I appreciate you coming down here, Mrs. Parr. 这是怎么了? 达什做错什么了?What's this about? Has Dash done something wrong?他是害群之马他公然在全班面前嘲弄我He's a disruptive influence and he openly mocks me in front of the class.-他说的-我知道是你干的!-He says. -Look, I know it's you!-他在我的椅子上放图钉-你看见是他干的?-He puts thumbtacks on my stool. -You saw him do this?哦... 没有亲眼看见Well... not really. No.说实话没有Actually, not.哦那你怎么知道是他干的?Oh, then how do you know it was him?我藏了一台摄像机对这一次我算是逮到他了I hid a camera. Yeah, and this time, I've got him.看见吗? 你们看见吗?See? You see?你们没看见?You don't see it?他动了! 就在那儿!He moves! Right there!等等等等! 就在那儿!Wait, wait! Right there!就在我坐下去的时候!Right as I'm sitting down!我不知道他是怎么干的I don't know how he does it,可就在他动以前那里没有钉子but there's no tack before he moves他一动就有钉子了是巧合吗? 我不信!and after he moves, there's a tack. Coincidence? I think not!-伯尼... -别叫我"伯尼"-Bernie... -Don't "Bernie" me.这个小鬼头是坏蛋!This little rat is guilty!帕尔太太您和您的儿子可以走了抱歉给您添麻烦了You and your son can go now, Mrs. Parr. I'm sorry for the trouble.你又放他走了? 他是坏蛋!You're letting him go again? He's guilty!看他小脸的得意样就知道坏蛋我说了坏蛋!You can see it on his smug little face. Guilty, I say, guilty!达什今年你是第三次给叫到办公室了Dash, this is the third time this year you've been sent to the office.我们得找个更好的办法更有建设性的办法We need to find a better outlet. A more... constructive outlet.要是你让我去参加运动会没准就行Maybe I could, if you'd let me go out for sports.亲爱的你知道我们为什么不能那么做Honey, you know why we can't do that.我保证会有分寸的我只会赢他们一点点I promise I'll slow up. I'll only be the best by a tiny bit.达什尔·罗伯特·帕尔Dashiell Robert Parr,你是个特别争强好胜的孩子还有一点爱卖弄you are an incredibly competitive boy. And a bit of a showoff.你最禁不起诱惑The last thing you need is temptation.你老是说"尽力而为" 可你从来就不是那个意思You always say, "Do your best." But you don't really mean it.我能尽力的为什么不让我尽力?Why can't I do the best that I can do?亲爱的如今的世界只要我们溶入其中Right now, honey, the world just wants us to fit in,为了溶入其中我们就得像其他所有人一样and to fit in, we just gotta be like everybody else.爸爸常说我们有超能力没什么好难为情的Dad always said our powers were nothing to be ashamed of.-我们的超能力让我们很特别-人人都很特别达什-Our powers made us special. -Everyone's special, Dash.那也就是说没什么人是特别的Which is another way of saying no one is.莱丁杰你上哪儿去?Rydinger, where you headed?-嗨托尼-嘿-Hi, Tony. -Hey.-嘿托尼可以帮你拿书吗? -那可有点好笑-Hey, Tony, can I carry your books? -That's kind of funny.嘿托尼你打橄榄球吗?Hey, Tony, do you play football?托尼我们去游泳吧Tony, I thought we were gonna go swimming. 他看了我一眼He looked at me.-快点薇奥莱特!Come on, Violet!可恶的孩子在车道上放这个...Darn kids. Sitting on the driveway...哦好极了Oh, great.妈妈Mom.-你又在做鬼脸-才没有-You're making weird faces again. -No, I'm not. 你做鬼脸了亲爱的You make weird faces, honey.-你非得在饭桌上看吗? -啊哈是的-Do you have to read at the table? -Uh-huh. Yeah.小口咬达什呀!Smaller bites, Dash. Yikes!鲍勃帮这个小肉桶把肉切一下吧? Bob, could you help the carnivore cut his meat.达什有什么学校里的事要跟爸爸说吗? Dash, you have something you wanna tell your father about school?-哦我们解剖了一只青蛙-达什又给叫到办公室去了-Well, we dissected a frog. -Dash got sent to the office again.-很好很好-不鲍勃这不好-Good. Good. -No, Bob, that's bad.-什么? -达什又给叫到办公室去了-What? -Dash got sent to the office again.-什么? 为什么? -没什么-What?! What for? -Nothing. 他在老师的椅子上放图钉... 是在上课的时候He put a tack on the teacher's chair... during class.没人看见你在录像带上都很难看出来Nobody saw me. You could barely see it on the tape.他们给你拍了录像带可还是让你逃过了? 哇!They caught you on tape and you still got away with it? Whoa!你准是一直在练你的动作有多快?You must have been booking. How fast were you going?我们不是要鼓励他这么干We are not encouraging this.没有啊我只是问有多快...I'm not, I'm just asking how fast...-亲爱的!Honey!好极了先是汽车现在又要花钱修饭桌...Great. First the car, now I gotta pay to fix the table...汽车怎么了?What happened to the car?给我去拿个新盘子Here. I'm getting a new plate.那么你怎么样小薇? 学校里怎样? So, how about you, Vi? How was school?-没什么好说的-你的饭都没动过-Nothing to report. -You've hardly touched your food.-我不想吃肉糕-哦今晚又要留下剩饭了-I'm not hungry for meatloaf. -Well, it is leftover night.我们还有肉排意大利面... 你想要什么? We have steak, pasta... What are you hungry for?-托尼·莱丁杰-闭嘴-Tony Rydinger. -Shut up.-好你真的在想他-我说了闭嘴你这小臭虫-Well, you are. -I said, shut up, you little insect.-她是在想他-别在饭桌上大喊大叫-Well, she is. -Do not shout at the table.-亲爱的! -孩子们! 听妈妈的话!-Honey! -Kids! Listen to your mother.假如我们有托尼糕她就会吃了She'd eat if we were having Tony loaf.好啊!That's it!住手!Stop it!-你会变成吐司面包! -别在家里乱跑-You're gonna be toast! -Stop running in the house.坐下!Sit down!-嘿不准用超能力场! -是你起的头-Hey, no force fields! -You started it.你坐下! 你也坐下!You sit down! You sit down!薇奥莱特!Violet!"西蒙·J·帕拉蒂诺"Simon J. Paladino,超级英雄权利的长期鼓吹者失踪了"? longtime advocate of superhero rights, is missing"?-激光眼-鲍勃! 你该来管管了-Gazerbeam. -Bob! It's time to engage.做点什么! 别光站着!Do something! Don't just stand there! -我要你插手! -你要我插手?-I need you to intervene! -You want me to intervene?好的我插手了! 我插手了!Okay. I'm intervening!薇奥莱特放开你弟弟Violet, let go of your brother.哈啰?Hello?去开门Get the door.-嘿卢修斯! -嘿飞毛腿海伦小薇杰杰-Hey, Lucius! -Hey, Speedo. Helen, Vi,Jack-Jack.-真是贵"冰"来访-哈! 这话可真新鲜-lce of you to drop by. -Ha! Never heard that one before.-卢修斯! -哇!-Lucius! -Whoa!-哈哈-噢!-Ha, ha. -Oh!-我喜欢它碎掉的时候-我会晚点回来-I like it when it shatters. -I'll be back later.-你们两个去哪? -今天星期三-Where are you two going? -It's Wednesday.保龄球之夜替我向汉妮问好卢修斯Bowling night. Say hello to Honey for me, Lucius.会的晚安海伦晚安孩子们Will do. Good night, Helen. Good night, kids.别以为你去校长室的事就这么了结了Don't think you've avoided talking about the principal's office.你爸爸和我还会找你谈话的Your father and I are still gonna discuss it.又不是只有我一个人给叫到办公室去I'm not the only kid who's been sent to theoffice.别的孩子没有超能力Other kids don't have superpowers.-现在绝对正常... -你知道什么是正常? -Now, it's perfectly normal... -What do you know about normal?这个家里有人知道什么是正常吗?What does anyone in this family know about normal?-等一下小姑娘-我们都装得很正常我也想做正常人-Now, wait a minute, young lady. -We act normal. I wanna be normal.可唯一正常的人就是杰杰他还不会自己用马桶The only normal one is Jack-Jack, and he's not even toilet trained.-真好运Lucky.我是说做正常人真好I meant about being normal.所以我就有大麻烦了So now I'm in deep trouble.我是说要是再来上一道死光我就要进棺材了I mean, one more jolt of this death ray andI'm an epitaph.好在我总算找到了躲的地方然后无情男爵怎么做?Somehow I managed to find cover. What does Baron Von Ruthless do?-他开始长篇大论-他开始长篇大论-He starts monologuing. -He starts monologuing.他开始发表早就准备好的演讲说我跟他比起来怎么怎么弱He starts this prepared speech about how feeble I am compared to him.说我的失败怎么怎么不可避免How inevitable my defeat is, 世界很快就是他的了怎样怎样...the world will soon be his. Yada, yada, yada. -没完没了-没完没了-Yammering. -Yammering.这家伙打得我没脾气而且还说个没完I mean, the guy has me on a platter, and he won't shut up.-穆尼西堡我们接到23-56... -23-56 那是什么?-Municiberg, we have a 23-56... -23-56, what is that?-抢劫? -真是倒霉-Robbery? -This is just sad.-想去抓强盗吗? -不想-Want to catch a robber? -No.实话跟你说吧我宁可去打保龄球Tell you the truth, I'd rather go bowling.你说要是我们真的去干我们的Look, what if we actually老婆以为我们在干的事情那不好吗?did what our wives think we're doing?就算是平衡一下Just to shake things up.他不是一个人那个大块头还和他在一起He's not alone. The fat guy's still with him.他们一直在说话They're just talking.-我们在这里算是干什么? -保护别人-What are we doing here? -Protecting people. -没人求我们保护-你想要别人请你?-Nobody asked us. -You need an invitation?想啊对我们一直偷偷摸摸地干这种事...I'd like one, yes. We keep sneaking out to do this, and...-你记得激光眼吗? -报上提到过他-You remember Gazerbeam? -There wassomething in the paper.-他也过不惯小老百姓的生活-你什么时候看见他的?-He had trouble with civilian life. -When did you see him?以前的老伙计我都没看见只有你I don't see anyone from the old days. Just you.-现在我们又是这样来赌运气-得了-And we're pushing our luck as it is. -Come on.第一次是很好玩可要是我们一直这么干...It was fun the first time, but if we keep doing this...-我们接到火灾报告... -火灾我们离那儿很近!-We have a report on a fire... -A fire. We're close!-好啊宝贝! -我们会给逮住的-Yeah, baby! -We're gonna get caught.火灾! 好啊!Fire! Yeah!-所有人都在这儿了? -对-Is that everybody? -Yeah.-最好是这样-你就不能把这火灭了吗?-It better be. -Can't you put this out?我做不出足够厚的冰! 它蒸发得太快了!I can't lay down a layer thick enough! It's evaporating too fast!-这是什么意思? -意思是这里太热了-What's that mean? -It means it's hot.-我都给烤干了鲍勃-你的冰用完了?-I'm dehydrated, Bob. -You're out of ice?你不可能用完的你连空气里的水都能用You can't run out. You can use water in the air.这种空气里没有水! 你又有什么借口把肌肉用完了?There is no water in this air! What's your excuse, run out of muscle? 我不能把墙打破这幢楼快撑不住了I can't smash walls. The building's getting weaker.-它会砸到我们头顶上的-我想去打保龄球的!-It's gonna come down on top of us. -I wanted to go bowling!好吧! 跟紧了! 会很热的!All right! Stay right on my tail! This is gonna get hot!哦很好Oh, good.不对劲啊That ain't right.-我们看起来就像三流坏蛋! -你可以从空气里取水了-We look like incompetent bad guys! -You can get water out of the air.别动!Freeze!别动!Freeze!-我口渴-我说了别动!-I'm thirsty. -I said freeze!我只是喝点水I'm just getting a drink.-你已经喝过了现在... -我知道我知道冰冻!-You've had your drink. Now... -I know. I know. Freeze.警察!Police officers!这次真是太险了That was way too close.咱们再也不能这么干了We are not doing that again.你确认要换目标吗? 完毕Verify you want to switch targets? Over.相信我这就是他一直在找的人Trust me. This is the one he's been looking for.-我以为你最晚11点能回来-我说了会晚点回来-I thought you'd be back by 11. -I said I'd be back later.我是以为你会晚一点回来只要你最后还是回来了...I assumed you'd be back later. If you came back at all...-...就算是"晚点回来" -好了我已经回来了行了吧?-...you'd be "back later". -Well, I'm back, okay?这是碎石吧?Is this rubble?稍微练习一下而已免得身体僵掉了It was just a little workout. Just to stay loose.你知道我是怎么想的真是的! 我们不能再暴露身份了You know how I feel about that. Darn you! We can't blow cover again.-总之是因为那幢楼塌了-什么?-The building was coming down anyway.-What?你把一幢楼弄塌了?You knocked down a building?它着火了结构不牢了所以就塌了It was on fire. Structurally unsound. It was coming down.你又在偷听警方频道?Have you been listening to the police scanner again?我是在为人民服务你好像觉得那是坏事一样I performed a public service. You act likethat's a bad thing.那就是坏事鲍勃!It is a bad thing, Bob! 为了你能重新体验那些光辉岁月Uprooting our family again,就害得我们搬家这就是坏事so you can relive the glory days is a bad thing. 总比假装那些事没有发生过要强!It's better than acting like they didn't happen!对! 它们是发生过! 可是我们家里的事Yes! They happened! But this, our family,才是正在发生的事鲍勃你却一点不关心!is what's happening now, Bob. And you are missing this!我真是不敢相信你不想参加儿子的毕业典礼I can't believe you don't want to go to your own son's graduation.那不算毕业他只是从四年级升五年级It's not a graduation. He's moving from fourth to fifth grade.-那也是一次典礼! -那是有病!-It's a ceremony! -It's psychotic!他们一直在变着法子表扬平庸之才They keep creating new ways to celebrate mediocrity可要是出了什么不同寻常的人...but if someone is exceptional...这不是你自己的事鲍勃是达什的事This is not about you, Bob. It's about Dash.你想替达什做点事吗? 那就让他真正去竞争You want to do something for Dash? Let him actually compete.-让他去参加运动会! -我也不想当恶人!-Let him go out for sports! -I will not be made the enemy!-你知道我们为什么不能那样做-因为他会大获成功-You know why we can't do that. -Becausehe'd be great.。



冰河世纪3:恐龙现身ICE AGE 3: "Dawn of The Dinosaurs"快了快了!It's happening!大家等等我啊Wait up guys!宝宝要生了!我要当爸爸了!The baby is coming! The baby is coming! I'm having a baby.- 蓝色警报蓝色警报了 - 要是女孩就是粉色- Code blue, code blue, - Or pink if it's a girl生宝宝了!生宝宝了!艾莉我来了!Coming up baby! Coming up baby! I'm coming, Ellie!抓住了We got it.艾莉艾莉你在哪我在哪?Ellie, Ellie, Where are you, Where am I? 曼尼!Manny!我说过了只是宝宝踢了一下而已I told you! It was just a kick.哦对啊!对啊哈哈Ohh right! Right, oh wow.你可真把你老爸吓死了!瞧老爸傻的Ohh you really gave daddy a scare! Daddy got silly.老爸从悬崖上溜下来Daddy fall down cliff and go,然后就嘣嘣嘣!傻老爸boom, boom, boom. Silly daddy.抱歉了各位虚惊一场宝宝只是踢了一下Sorry, folks. False alarm. It was just a kick.你知道我想踢谁嘛?Do you know who I want to kick?你这周都已经“虚惊”了三次了That's the third false alarm this week. 好了没啥好看的都散了吧散了吧!Allright show's over... break it up, break it up! 哦~瞧瞧谁的小肚子也有小宝宝了Oh I see someone else who has a bun in the oven?我没怀孕!I'm not pregnant!真可惜你会是个好妈妈的Too bad, you'd make a wonderful mother. 曼尼我知道你很高兴我也是Manny I know your excited, I am too, 可你这样也有点太小题大做了but your getting a little carried away. 好了好了听你这口气越来越像迪亚哥了Okay, okay, Boy, your starting to sound like Diego.等等…迪亚哥哪去了?Wait a second... Where is Diego?我可是蹄下生风啊宝贝儿!蹄下生风!My hooves are burning, baby! They are burning!哦瞧这儿啊我踮脚跑!Oh, look at this, I got to tip-Toe!我踮脚跑!你就吃灰去吧哈哈!I got to tip-Toe! Eat my dust, dingo! 现在能睁眼了嘛?Huh, can I look now?别太激动哦小心伤着孩子Easy, don't freak out the baby.孩子好得很我现在倒是担心他老爸The baby is fine. It's the freaked out daddy I'm worried about.嘿别偷看Ah-Uh-Uh, No peeking.- 嗒嗒!游乐场在此… - 哇!- Voila! Playground for junior... - Ohh wow!太美了It's amazing.- 曼尼… - 这是我做的我们一家- Ohh Manny... - I made it myself, our family.为什么这上面没我?Hey why aren't I up there?- 你可以上我们家 - 肯定很合适- You can be on ours. - You'd fit rightin.当然了这工程还没完工Of course it's still work in progress. 还有毛边要处理,这里还有这里Few rough edges, here and there.真不敢相信你这是要给孩子另造一个天地I don't believe it, your trying to baby proof nature.另造一个?哪有Baby proof nature? Get outta here.那也太扯了That's ridiculous.曼尼我们的孩子以后肯定会在这里生活Manny, this is the world our baby's gonna grow up in.你可改变不了冰川世纪You can't change that.我当然可以我是地球上最大的Of course I can, I'm the biggest thing on earth.好吧大块头老爹我真想看看Okay big daddy, I can't wait to see, 你怎么应付小孩how you handle the teen years.跟上希德别乱碰东西Come on, Sid. I don't want you touching anything.这地方是给孩子们玩的This place is for kids.你是小孩吗?不用答了Are you a kid? Don't answer that.迪亚哥你在这啊Diego, there you are.刚刚你可错过了一份大惊喜You missed the big surprise.- 是嘛我待会再看吧 - 好回见- I'll check it out later. - Okay, See ya.我觉得迪亚哥好像有心事You know, I think there's something bothering, Diego.怎么会肯定没事的啦No, I'm sure everything's fine.你该去和他聊聊You should talk to him.男人可不会聊男人的事Guys don't talk to guys, about guy problems.我们互相捶一下肩就好了We just punch each other on the shoulders.那也太蠢了!That's stupid!对女人来说是的可对男人来说To a girl, but for a guy,那可顶的上六个月的心理治疗that's like six months of therapy.好了好了我去就是了Okay, Okay I'm going.- 嘿 - 喂!- Hey. - Oww!- 你干嘛呢? - 我也不晓得- Why'd you do that? - I don't know. 是这么个事儿艾莉觉得你有心事…So listen, Ellie thinks theres something bothering you...说真的我是在想很快Actually, I've been thinking, that soon,可能我就该出发了it might be time for me to head out. 哦那我就跟她说你没事了嘛事没有Okay, so I'll just tell her that your fine. It was nothing.我们能哄得了谁呢曼尼?我越来越不像只剑齿虎了Look, who are we kidding, Manny? I'm losing my edge.而且我也不适合整天帮你看小孩I'm not really built for chaperoning play-Dates.你说什么呢?What do you talking about?成家生子这是大事我很为你高兴可是…Having a family, that's huge. And I'm happy for you, but...这是你的探险故事不再是我的It's your adventure, not mine.你是说你不想和我一起带小孩?So you don't want to be around my kid? 不是这个意思你… 你误会我说的话了No, no, no, t-Thats... your taking this the wrong way.你去吧探险去吧大探险家!No go, go find some adventure. Mr. Adventure guy!别让我家这点破事Don't let my boring domestic life搅了你的兴致拖你后腿hit you on the bottom, on your way out. 荷尔蒙失调的原来不止艾莉一个?Isn't Ellie supposed to be the one with the hormonal imbalance?曼尼等下!大家都不用走啊Manny, wait! No one has to leave.- 怎么样? - 跟你说了男人就不该聊- So? - That's why guys don't talk to guys.- 怎么回事 - 迪亚哥要走了- Why what happened. - Diego's leaving. 喂喂现在可是咱们的黄金时代了Whoa, whoa, this should be the best time of our lives.我们都快有宝宝了We're having a baby.错了希德是他们要有宝宝了No, Sid. They're havin' a baby.可我们是一起的呀我们是一家人呀Yeah but, we're a herd. We're a family 今日不同往昔了曼尼有其他事情要操心Look things have changed. Manny has other priority's now.接受现实吧希德我们有过快乐的过去Face it, Sid. We had a great run,可现在…是时候分道扬镳了but... now it's time to move on.那就是说只剩下我们两个了So it's just the two of us.又错希德不是两个No, Sid. It's not the two of us.喀什和艾迪也跟我们一起?Crash and Eddie, are coming with us? 就喀什?艾迪?Just, Crash? Just, Eddie?别了希德Goodbye, Sid.好了冷静冷静交朋友是我的拿手好戏Okay, calm down. Calm down. I'm good at making friends.我自己招一帮子人对就是这样!I'll make my own herd. That's what I'll do!嘿!大家玩的怎么样啊?Hey! "Me amigo's. Que pasa?"好吧至少还有帅的脸Well, at least you still got your looks. 哦这下可好Ohh great!!有人在吗?Anybody here?嗨~?Hello?哦可怜的小家伙我知道被人抛弃的感受Oh poor guys, I know what it's like to feel abandoned别担心你们不再孤独了Don't worry, you're not alone anymore. 乖乖呆好There you go.呆在这!照顾好你弟弟Stay here! You take care of your brother now,妈妈马上回来momma's coming right back.宝宝妈妈来了!Momma's coming, baby!接到了I got you.我刚才怎么跟你说的What did I just tell you kids?哦谢谢谢谢!Ohh, thank you, thank you, thank you! 坏蛋大坏蛋你们真快把妈妈吓出心脏病了Bad eggs, rotten eggs. A heart attack you almost gave me.哦对不起小宝宝我只是太爱你们了Ohh I'm sorry darling, it's just that I love you so much.好了来见见你们曼尼叔叔和艾莉婶婶你好呀!Hello!我给你们介绍蛋蛋蛋壳蛋黄I'd like to present, Eggbert, Shelly and Yoko.希德不管你在干什么都不是好主意Sid, whatever you're doing. It's a bad idea!嘘!孩子们会听到的Shh! My kids will hear you.他们不是你的孩子希德哪拿的放哪去They're not your kids, Sid. Take them back.- 你不适合当家长 - 为什么?- You're not meant to be a parent. - Why not?首先你偷蛋First sign: stealing someone else's eggs.其次有个差点成了蛋卷Second sign: one of them almost became an omelet.希德蛋妈妈肯定在急着找他们呢Sid, someone must be worried sick looking for them.不可能他们是在地下的冰洞里No, they were underground, in ice.要不是我发现了他们早就成… 冰蛋蛋了If it wasn't for me they'd be... Egg sickles.希德我知道你有多难受Sid, I know what your going through. 总有一天你会成家立业的You're gonna have a family too someday. 你会遇上个好女孩…You gonna meet a nice girl, with...她要求不高也不挑还有股味道…with low standards, no real options, or sense of smell...曼尼的意思是…What Manny means to say is...别说了我明白我送他们回去No, I get it. I'll take them back.你们去过两人世界我只能孤苦伶仃You have your family and I'm better off alone. By myself.呆在我的“孤独城堡”里(超人在南极的家也叫这…)A fortress of solitude.呆在冰天雪地里永不超生!In the ice, for ever!一个人孤单寂寞…Alone, lonely loner..- “一个人”还真不少 - 没错!- That's a lot of aloners. - Precisely! - 希德等下 - 不用叫他没事的- Sid, wait. - No, no, it's ok.他会自己蹦回来的这也算是希德的一样特异功能He'll bounce back, it's one of the advantages of being Sid.我为什么一定要把你们放回去呢我喜欢小孩子Why should I take you back. I love kids. 我又有责任心又有爱心还有细心你们说呢?I'm responsible, loving, nurturing. What do you think?我就知道你们也这么想I knew you would agree.哦别哭哇我给你们找个干燥的地方Oh oh, don't cry! I'll find a dry place. 我帮你擦擦干Let me just dry you off.怎么办呢当家长责任太大了I don't know, being a parents, a lot of work.也许我是没准备好Maybe I'm not ready.妈妈妈妈妈妈!Mamma, mama, mama!我当妈咪了!I'm a mommy.妈咪在哪里?Where's mommy?在这里!Here I am!这就对了把小脸洗的干干净净There you go, nice clean faces.我来接我来接!I got it! I got it!停下别舔了Stop it, no.嘿不准咬!Hey, no biting!对不起哦没事了都没事了I'm sorry, no, it's okay, it's okay. 别哭了!你怎么还哭Don't cry! Why you still crying?你们饿了吗?应该是饿了我知道上哪儿找吃的Are you hungry? Maybe your hungry. I know just the thing.牛妈妈在这里我就是你的牛宝宝来吃奶奶了~~~...this is animal I am your baby and this is my milk啊!!!!我以为你是母的!(OMG 抓到地方了…)Ahhhh!!! I thought you were a female! 抱歉哦可你们不让进的I'm sorry, but you can't go in.曼尼说只给小孩子玩Manny says, It's just for kids.等下…你们就是小孩子呀!Wait a minute... You are kids!记得别碰坏东西!Just don't break anything!树懒说游乐场开放了!The Sloth says the playground's open! 嘿等等不是全部开放!No, wait. Not for everyone!!别别碰那个!No, no. Don't touch that!- 他们是什么动物? - 管他呢有趣就是了!- What are they? - Who cares? Their fun! 妈咪他占着这个不让我玩Mommy, his not sharing.你是不是该说说Aren't you gonna do something.说什么本来就是我家孩子先抢到的Why my kid had it first.- 不是! - 就是!- Did not! - Did to!骗人骗人没羞没羞liar,liar,pants on fire你哪根筋不对啊?What is the matter with you?我可是带着三个娃娃的单身母亲I'm a single mother with 3 kids.你给点同情会死人啊I could use a little compassion.- 别那么玩! - 别玩了!停下!- No don't! - No, don't! Stop.- 小罗罗! - 哇太炫了!- Ronald! - Whoa! That's insane.停下停下!Stop! Stop! Stop!- 坚持住小强强! - 我在坚持!- Hold on, Little Johnny! - I'm trying! 知道不专家说过你应该You know, experts say that you should 让孩子想吃什么就吃什么let the kids eat whatever they want. 你觉得我脚脖子粗吗?Do you think my ankles look fat?脚脖子在哪里?Ankles. What ankles?小罗你从哪飞来的?Ronald, Where did you come from?哦不!Oh No!!好了快点吐出来!Okay come on spit him out!你要是不把小强吐出来If you don't spit out, Little Johnny, 我就带你走了立马带走1…We're leaving the playground this instantly, one...2…可别逼我数3哦...two .. Don't make me say three.这不出来了活蹦乱跳的There we are, a picture of health.他不是小强That's not little Johnny.- 有总比没有强嘛 - 小曼!- Well better than nothing. - Madison! - 快点吐出来 - 希德!- Come on, barf him up! - Sid!- 嗨曼尼 - 小强强!- Hello, Manny. - Little Johnny!哦别…不要啊!Oh wait... No! No!真对不起Oh I'm really sorry.这地儿全毁了This place is totalled.可不是我们干的And we didn't reck it.咱们没机会破处(女地)了!We're losing our touch bro!最重要的是没人受伤The important thing is that no one got hurt.除了这个Except for that guy.那三个…还有她And, and those three... and her.我让你把他们带回去可你却留着!I told you to take them back, and you kept them!看看现在这团糟!Now look what they've done.好吧我同意他们是有点不听话Okay granted, we do have some discipline issues.吃人家小孩可不止是不听话Eating kids is not a discipline issue. 可他也吐出来了啊!But he spit them out!那真了不起啊再给他发朵大红花吧!Well that's super, lets give him a gold star!他们不属于这里希德They don't belong here, Sid. 我不管你是从哪儿找到他们的你给我送回去Whatever they are wherever you found them, take them back.曼尼我可不会抛下我孩子!Manny, I'm not getting rid of my kids! 地震了!Earthquake!没事没事有妈妈在!It's Okay, It's okay, mamma's here!地震还会叫唤吗?Do earthquakes, shriek?我以为这些家伙都灭绝了I thought those guys were extinct.那这家伙就是头发飙的活化石了希德!Well then, that is one *angry* fossil. Sid!快进去都进去Come on, inside, inside, inside.谁都别动!Nobody move a muscle!别别别哭啊No, no, no, don't cry.我们是迷途的小羊羔We are poor little lambs who have lost our way.希德!把孩子们还给她她才是妈妈!Sid! Give them to her. She's their mother.我怎么知道她不是冒牌的?How do I know, she's their mother?你还想怎么看出生证吗?她是头恐龙!What do you want, a birth certificate? She's a *Dinosaur*!我含辛茹苦一把屎一把尿地把他们拉扯大Well I've put in the, blood, sweat and tears to raise them.拉扯了一天!快把孩子还给她疯子!For a day! Give them back, you Lunatic! 这是我的孩子!Look these are my kids!想抢孩子先过我这关!And your gonna have to go through me to get them!- 希德! - 救命啊!- Sid! - Help!- 跑路啊! - 你吃饱了撑的吗这么没追求?- Run! - Don't you have anything better to do?- 救命啊! - 希德?- Help! - Sid?希德肯定是被带下去了Sid must be down there.好吧他肯定是完了真可惜Well, his dead! Real shame.- 我们会想念他的 - 别这么早下定论- He will be missed. - Oh no, no, no. Not so fast.好了接下来我就一个人去吧Okay. Ellie, this is where I draw the line.你喀什艾迪回村子里去You, Crash and Eddie back to the village.想都别想Yeah that's gonna happen.艾莉!你没看到那玩意吗?Ellie! You saw that thing?会很危险的This is gonna be dangerous.- 你就说给我鼻子听吧 - 哦太棒了- Talk to the trunk. - Oh great,等我们救出希德我要杀了他after we save Sid! I'm gonna kill him. - 女士优先 - 老人优先- Ladies first! - Age before beauty! - 没痛苦就没收获 - 什么痛苦?- No pain no gain! - What pain?- 希德? - 希德?- Sid? - Sid?哦不妙啊不妙Oh no, no, no! Not good. Not good.艾莉!艾莉!等下!Ellie! Ellie! Wait up!先说好你要是觉得不对劲就算是错觉Okay look, if you feel anything, even if it's nothing. 也一定要告诉我我们就立马出去You gotta tell me. And we're outta here. 咱得先想个代号We need a code word.嗯来表示“要生孩子了”Yeah, something that says, "the baby's coming."嗯这个怎么样“啊!要生了!”Hmm. How about, "Aaah! The baby's coming!" How's that?不成太长了我们得想个短小Nah, too long. We need something short 精悍的比如…呃…“桃子”!and punchy, like, uh... "peaches"!- 桃子? - 我喜欢桃子- Peaches? - I love peaches,它们又甜又圆还毛茸茸的they're sweet and round and fuzzy.- 就跟你一样 - 你说我长得圆?- Just like you. - You think I'm round? 啊…圆的好啊圆显得肉感(性感)!Uhh... Round is good. Round is, foxy! 都跟紧了Stay close.你们是不是在跟我做同一个梦?Are you guys havin' the same dream I am? 原来我们的脚下一直还有另一个世界!We've been living above an entire world. 却根本不知道And we didn't even know it.快跑快Run for it! Hurry.迪亚哥你怎么在这?Diego, what are you doing here?观光呢找希德跟你一样!Sight seeing. Looking for Sid, same as you!你还真是高尚Well aren't you noble.现在不是拌嘴的时候This is not the time guys.我们需要人手!We need all the help we can get!我还是算了吧never mind到这儿来真乖乖!快过来Here, boy. Here, come on!你疯了吗!我们可不会爬在那东西上!Are you nuts! We're not getting on that thing!要嘛是这头恐龙要嘛就是那头!It's either this dinosaur, or that one! 孕妇来也借个路!Pregnant lady, wants a lift. Yabba, dabba, Do!以后别再这么干!Don't ever, yabba, dabba, do that again! - 我觉得自己好…小啊 - 那你知道我现在怎么想吗?- I feel so... puny. - How do you think I feel?找好掩护!Take cover!老大太崇拜你了!你就是我亲哥哥!Dude, you're awesome! You're like the brother I never had!我也这么觉得!Me too.我们能收下他吗?Can we keep him?- 巴克 - 啥?- Buck. - What?我叫巴克是“巴克大侠”的简称The name's Buck. Short for, Buck-Minster.是“吧!”的全称Long for, buh!有点钝了A little dull.你们来这干什么?What are you doing here?我们一朋友被恐龙抓了Our friend was taken by a dinosaur.是嘛他挂了欢迎来到我的世界然后嗯回家去吧Well, his dead. Welcome to my world. Now, uh, go home.- 就不送了! - 不找到希德我们就不走- Off you pop! - Not without, Sid.艾莉等等或许这个秀逗家伙说的有理Ellie wait, maybe the deranged hermit has a point.曼尼!我们都走了这么远了一定能找到他的Manny! We came this far, we're gonna find him.我发现线索了I got tracks.走吧Let's go.如果你们进去了找到你们的朋友是…If you go in there, you'll find your friend...下辈子吧!in the AFTER-LIFE!你怎么知道?这位伟大智慧的黄鼠狼How do you know? Oh great and wisely, weasely one.恐龙妈妈叼着三只小恐龙Mummy dinosaur carrying three babies, 还有一个软绵绵的绿东西?and some floppy green thing?对啊我们的朋友就是那个软绵绵的绿东西Yeah, we're friends with the floppy green thing.你光看脚印就知道这么多?You got all that from the tracks?也不是啦我之前看到他们经过No, not really. I saw 'em come through here earlier.她往“熔岩瀑布”去了She's headed for Lava Falls.他们在那养小恐龙That's where they care, for the newborns.要到那儿你得穿过“悲惨森林”To get there! You got to go through the jungle of misery.横渡“死亡峡谷”Across the chasm of death.- 直抵“惊呼之地” - 哇!!!- To the plates of wow. - Wow!!!好了!Okay!你就自己慢慢疯吧好运Good luck with the slow decadence to madness,我们走了!we're gonna go now.嘿嘿嘿!Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Whoa!你以为你们是来热带旅游吗?What, you-You think this is some sort of tropical getaway?你根本保护不了你老婆!老兄!You can't protect your mate! Mate!.你能干什么嗯?就靠这些脆生生的小象牙?What are you gonna do with those-Those flimsy tusks..?你要是碰上那头怪物呢怎么办?When you run into the Beast?我叫他“鲁迪”I call him "Rudy".哦就这样啊我还以为会更吓人点Oh good. Good. I was worried it was比如“小强” “小黄”之类的something intimidating, like, Sheldon or Tim.等等!你是说有什么东西比母恐龙还大?Wait! You mean there's something *bigger* than Mommy Dinosaur..?正是!Aye!- 眼睛? - 正是!- Eye? - Aye! Aye!我的这个就是拜他所赐He's the one that gave me *this*哇他送你这个眼罩?Whoa. He gave you that patch?免费的?太酷了!For free? That's so cool.说不定他也会送我们!Yeah, maybe he'll give *us* one, too! 欢迎来到我的世界Welcome to my world. - 擅闯禁地者全无希望! - 好了知道了- Abandon all hope, he who enters there! - Alright we get it.唯有厄运与绝望相伴…Doom and despair. Yadda, yadda, yadda. 听起来还真是个“悲惨森林”Sounds like a jungle of misery to me. - 等下 - 怎么了出什么事了是来“桃子”了吗?- Hold on. - Why, what's wrong? Peaches? 不是我只是觉得有点怪怪的No, it's just I got a funny feeling. 你饿了吧哦低血糖!You're hungry. Low blood sugar!- 那儿有果子 - 曼尼别去!- There's some fruit. - No, Manny!我要是你可不会乱摘东西I wouldn't do that, if I were you.这里可不是你熟悉的地盘This isn't exactly your playground.说得好像我会怕小花小草似的Like I'm going to be afraid of a pretty flower.- 你刚才可没料到这个吧? - 曼尼?- Bet you didn't see that coming? - Manny?郑重申明这全都怪你For the record, I blame you for this. 不准吃我们的朋友大花怪!Stop eating our friends, plant!够了我要把你连根拔起That's it, I'm tearing it up, from the roots.要这么干花瓣就会一直合着Do that and it'll clamp-Shut forever. 好了孕妇同志别吓的鼻子都打结Alright, preggers. Don't get your trunk in a knot.- 我来把他们弄出来乘还没被消化 - 消化?- I'll have them out of there before they're digested. - Digested?过个三分钟他们除了骨头可就什么都不剩了They'll be nothing but bones in 3 minutes.- 那个胖的可能得五分钟 - 我不胖!- Well maybe 5 for the fat one! - I'm not fat!- 我觉得有点酥麻 - 别说这种话- I feel tingly. - Don't say that,你还贴着我呢when your pressed up against me.- 不是那种酥麻 - 啊我也酥麻了- Not that kind of tingly. - I can feel it too.- 救命来人啊! - 快!- Help, someone help us! - Hurry!看我巴克的手段!It's time to get... Buck wild.现在知道谁胖了?Who's fat now?不要!No!- 一群观光客 - 被朵花吐了帅呆了!- Tourists. - Puked on by a plant. Awesome!- 说话呀 - 谢谢你救了我们- Say something. - Thank's for saving us.你能帮我们找那个“软绵绵的绿东西”吗?Will you help us find the floppy green thing?.- 不用吧 - 要的- That's not necessary. - Yes it is. 好吧我帮你可我有规矩第一:Alright I'll help ya. But I got rules. Rule number one:永远服从巴克第二:Always listen to Buck. Rule number two: 走路只走路中间第三:Stay in the middle of the trail. Rule number three:爱放屁的到队尾去He who has gas, travels at the back of the pack.好了都跟上Come on then, chop, chop!我们真该去查查自己还正不正常We should all have our heads examined. 那是第四条现在去找你朋友先That's rule number four. Now, let's go find your friend.哦好了好了表担心我们都会没事的Oh it's okay, it's okay. Don't worry, we're gonna be fine.麻烦能不能晃得轻点…?Please swing a little more to...?瞧她放我们下来了…See, she's putting us down...表!我这么年轻不该被吃掉啊!No! I'm too young to be eaten.哇!这鼻涕长得真有型可不是人人都有啊Wow! Nice mucus. And I don't care for, everyone.那个这些事情是很复杂啦Listen these things get complicated. 也许我们能商量个办法Maybe we can work something out.周日到周二我带?I can have them on Sundays to Tuesdays? 周三到周五?周末就够了!Wednesdays to Fridays? Weekends!没事妈妈没事!It's Okay, mommas okay!你要是吃了我对孩子们影响不好If you eat me, it will send a bad message.哈哈!看看孩子们护着谁我得一分!Ha! Score one for the sloth!现在就算打的难解难分吧And the scores all tied up.你觉得那个怪物会不会找到希德?Do you think the beast will find, Sid? 最主要是会不会找到我们?Or more importantly, us?鲁迪?开玩笑他可是不知疲倦的Rudy? Are you joking? He's relentless. 他洞察一切吞噬一切He knows all, sees all eats all.也就是说会了So that's a, yes.嘿从我家草坪上滚开走!Hey, get off my lawn! Go on shoo!!那家伙他还是毛毛虫的时候我就认识I knew that guy when he was a caterpillar.你知道的啦就是他还没变态的时候You know, before he came out.这么说你就这么靠智慧生存!So your just living down here by your wits!孤身一人了无牵挂?All on your own, no responsibilities? 就我一个!岂不妙哉没有依赖Not one! It's incredible. No dependence,自由自在真是每个单身汉的梦想no limits, the greatest life a single guy can have.你听到没?这就是我想呆的地方Did you hear that? This is my kind of place.喂?不行啊现在不方便说话…Hello? No... No I can't really talk right now...我得去给个死树懒收尸I'm trying to recover a dead sloth.现在他们还跟着我呢!Now, They're following Me!我知道!他们还以为我疯了I know! They think I'm crazy.好了…我们快到“死亡峡谷”了O-Okay... We're going into the Chasm of Death,信号不好快断了我也爱你I'm gonna lose you. I love you too.好了拜拜嘿都跟上!Alright, goodbye. Goodbye, bye. Okay, follow me!你三星期后也会变成这样That's you in three weeks.那个他们干嘛管这个叫“死亡峡谷”?So, why do they call it the chasm of death? 我们也试过“大臭坑”Well we tried, 'big smelly crack',可是…别人一听就笑But... uhh, that just made everybody giggle.接下来怎么办?Well now what?- 夫人… - 她可不能上这玩意- Madam... - She is not doing that.军规第一条Rule number one.想想吧大猛犸不是说你们挺有记性的吗Come on, mammoth. You supposed to have a good memory.“永远服从巴克”Always listen to Buck.好了!目视前方腰板挺直…嗯好了Now! Eyes forward. Back straight... and uh, yes,要是吸入有毒气体你估计就没救了Breathe in the toxic fumes and you'll probably die.有毒气体?Toxic fumes.- 又一个阳光灿烂的日子 - 等等!- Just another day in paradise. - Wait! 出发喽!(美国伞兵跳伞时会喊这么个词)Geronimo!- 艾莉!你没事吧?- 太好玩了你们快来啊- Ellie! You okay? - You have to try this.好了一个一个上再简单没有了Alright now pile on everyone, couldn't be easier.别慌!Don't panic!只是出了点技术故障Just some, technical difficulties.各位坚持住先Keep holding it in boys.我憋不住了I can't take it anymore.他吸气了!哦我也吸气了!He breathe it. And now I'm breathing it. - 嘿我们没挂 - 你听起来可真滑稽- Hey we're not dead. - You sound ridiculous.我?你真该听听你自己Me? You should hear you.准备好了好了 1 2…Alright, alright. And one, and two... - 圣诞节~圣诞节来了~ - 你们疯了吗?- Christmas, Christmas time is here... - Are you crazy?这不是毒气It's not poison.现在麻烦大了It's so disturbing.不准笑统统都不准笑!Stop laughing, all of you!“不准笑统统都不准笑”"Stop laughing, all of you!"第一条军规是嘛呀?What's rule number one?他们只是笑一笑罢了They're just laughing,有那么严重吗?what's so bad about that?这些家伙就是笑死的They died laughing.- 别笑了! - 你知道什么最好笑吗?- Stop laughing! - Do you know what's funny though?我们还想去救希德可自己却先死翘翘了!We're trying to save Sid and now we're all gonna die!我甚至都不怎么喜欢希德And I don't even like Sid.有谁喜欢呢?他是白痴!Who does? He's an idiot!多谢你啊拖我搅这趟浑水Thank's for getting me into this mess. 这么多年了从来没有这样刺激过It's the most fun I've had in years. 谢谢你啊玩单飞真是牛逼!Thank you, for deserting the herd. That was totally super. 停下!还没明白吗?我们都要翘辫子了Stop that! Don't you see? We're all gonna die.什么都得靠我们自己对不?We gotta do everything, huh?我有时候会尿床Sometimes I wet my bed.没事了有时候我会尿你的床That's alright. Sometimes I wet your bed.我不知道你听到多少?I'm not sure how much of that you could hear?哦我全听到了Oh I heard all of it.你在我床上尿床?You wet my bed?哎呀中毒说的话,别当真That was, gas talk dude!.好了我们还是赶紧赶路吧Well, we better get moving.我们是不是忘了点什么?Aren't we forgetting something?我好寂寞哦I'm so lonely.好了开饭饭了…吃吧吃吧Okay. Here you go guys... Muncher, muncher.怎么!你们不吃蔬菜?What! Your not gonna eat your vegetables?那怎么能长成强壮的大恐龙呢?How you going to become big and strong, dinosaurs?不行…我要把他们教育成素食主义No... I raised them vegetarian.这样更健康我就是个最好的例子It's a healthier lifestyle I mean look at me.拜托我跟你说话呢Excuse me. I'm trying to have a conversation here.不行不行!我们的孩子不能吃这个No, no, no! That's not for us kids.。



本片原名《Meet the Robinsons》,是动画巨头迪斯尼公司的第46部经典动画,改编自知名插画大师威廉·乔依斯的畅销绘本《和威尔伯·罗宾森共度的一天》,讲述的是——










英语5人搞笑微电影剧本第一篇:英语5人搞笑微电影剧本英语微电影剧本《Whose treat》演员:A——,B——,C——,D——,旁白——编剧:摄影:后期制作:插曲:场景一《铃儿响叮当》场景二《雪绒花》场景三《泰坦尼克号主题曲》场景四《flash》场景五《never say goodbye》或者《字母歌》道具:一份报纸(最好是英文的),三份试卷(白纸即可),100元,64元找零,布娃娃(场景一:未定空地____5个人都到,拍摄)旁白:One day,some yang people want to get takeout as their dinner 一天,几个年轻人想叫外卖吃(直接录旁白,念完时候镜头落在四个人身上)A: let’s get takeout ,please?(旁白念完直接开始)B:why not? I like it.(开心,满足)C:It's up to you.(看着A)D:OK,but i have a good idea……(手托下巴,卖关子)A:go on,please(请求语气)D:we always ”going Dutch “,.it‘s time to enjoy someone’s treat……我们总是AA制,这次找个人请客吧(扫一眼大家,继续卖关子)C: but how should we drag the unfortunate? talk to us,please(请求)D:(笑)OK,OK…….Each of us tell a joke, if not making others laugh, just pay!我们每人讲一个笑话,如果不能把其他人逗笑,就买单哦。

(得意)A,B,C:good idea!(大家拍手,异口同声)A:Let me tell a joke first.the title is” I'm Glad “.A school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad.我先讲吧,题目是“我很高兴”。


B:No, it is not easy to be a great writer. But my job is also interesting, can you guess it?
A:Let me see, are you a botanist.
B:Well, botany is cool but I'm not.
A:Wow, it sounds like a daydream but is kind of interesting.
B:You bet.
A:Let me see, what will you do when you are free in the future?
B:You can guess it.
A:Oh, is dad's body ok? You know, his body has not been good since ten years before.
B:Don't worry. Medical technology has a great development in the future.
A:Really? You mean I will have different future if I make different choice.
B:Yes. Maybe you will meet with other you some day. Who knows?
A:Ah, I'm looking forward to it. I think it would be fun.
A:Can you tell a few examples?
B:Sure, the biggest change is there only have Global Village in earth.



目录令狐采学《泰坦尼克号》全部英文剧本 (1)Mamma mia! 《妈妈咪呀》 (156)How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days《十日拍拖手册》精讲笔记 (161)YES MAN 精讲笔记 (169)《哈利.波特与混血王子》精讲笔记 (176)Just My Luck《倒霉爱神》精讲笔记 (185)Nanny Diaries 《保姆日记》精讲笔记 (191)Twilight《暮光之城》精讲笔记 (196)Up 《飞屋环游记》精讲笔记 (203)《泰坦尼克号》全部英文剧本TV REPORTER: Treasure hunter Brock Lovett is best known for finding Spanish gold off islands in the best Caribbean.LIZZY: It’s OK, I’ll get you in a minutes. Come on.TV REPORTER: Now he is using Russian subs to reach the most famous shipwreck of all, the Titanic. He is with us live via satellite from the research ship Keldysh in the North Atlantic. Hello, Brock.BROCK: Hello, Tracy. Of course everyone knows the familiar stories of Titanic. You know, the nobility, the band playing at the very end and all that. But what I’m interested in are the untold stories, the secrets locked deep inside the hull of Titanic. We’re out here using robot technology to go further into the wreck that anybody has done before. TV REPORTER: Your expedition is at the center of a storm of controversy over salvage rights, and even ethics. Media are calling you a grave robber.BROCK: Well, nobody ever called the recovery of the artifacts… LIZZY: What is it?OLD ROSE: Turn that up, dear.BROCK: I have museum-trained experts out here making sure that these relics are preserved and catalogued properly. Take a look at this drawing that we found just today, a piece of paper that has been under waterfor 84 years, and my team were able to preserve it, intact. Should this have remained unseen at the bottom of the ocean for eternity when we can see it and enjoy it now?OLD ROSE: Well, I’ll be goddamned!BUELL: There is a satellite call for you!BROCK: B uell, we are launching! Can’t you see these submersibles going in the water?BUELL:Trust me, buddy! You want to take this call!BROCK: Great! This is Brock Lovett. How can I help you, Mrs..... BRULL: Calvert. Rose Calvert.BROCK: Mrs. Calvert.OLD ROSE: I was just wondering if you had found the Heart of the Ocean yet, Mr. Lovett?BUELL: I told you wanted to take the call.BROCK: All right. You have my attention, Rose. Can you tell us who the woman in the picture is?OLD ROSE: Oh, yes. The woman in the picture is me.OLD ROSE: Yes?BROCK: Are your state rooms all right?OLD ROSE: Oh, yes. Very nice. Oh, have you met my granddaughter, Lizzy? She takes care of me.LIZZY: We met just a few minutes ago, remember Nanna, up on deck?OK.OLD ROSE: There. That’s nice. I have to have my pictures with me when I travel.BROCK: Can I get you anything? Is there anything you would like?OLD ROSE: Yes. I would like to see my drawing.BROCK: Louis the Sixteenth wore a fabulous stone that was called the Blue Diamond of the Crown, which disappeared in 1792, About the same time old Louis lost everything from the neck up. The theory goes that the Crown Diamond was chopped too, to be cut into a heart-like shape that became known as the Heart of the Ocean. Today it would be worth more than the Hope Diamond.OLD ROSE: It was a dreadful heavy thing. I only wore it this once. LIZZY: You actually think this is you, Nanna?OLD ROSE: It is me, dear. Wasn’t I a dish?BROCK: I tracked it down through insurance records, an old claim that was settled under terms of absolute secrecy. Can you tell me who the claimant was, Rose?OLD ROSE: I should imagine it was someone named Hockley. BROCK: Nathan Hockley. That’s right. Pittsburgh steel tycoon. The claim was for a diamond necklace his son Caledon had bought his fiancée-you-a week before he sailed on Titanic. It was filed right after the sinking. So the diamond had to have gone down with the ship. Doyou see the date?LIZZY: April 14, 1912.BUELL: Which means if your grandmother is who she says she is, she was wearing the diamond the day the Titanic sank.BROCK: And that makes you my new best friend.BUELL: There are some of the things we recovered from your state room.OLD ROSE: This was mine. How extraordinary. And it looks the same as it did the last time I saw it. The reflection has change a bit. BROCK: Are you ready to go back to Titanic?BODINE: OK. Here we go! She hits the berg on the starboard side, right? She kind of bumps along, punching holes like Morse code, Dit, dit,dit along the side, below the water line. Then the forward compartments start to flood. Now as the water level rises, it spills over the watertight bulkhead, which unfortunately don’t go any higher than E-deck, so now as the bow goes down, the stern rise up, slow at first, then faster and faster, until finally she’s got her whole ass sticking up in the air. And that’s a big ass. We’re talking 20,30 thousand tons. OK. And the hull’s not designed to deal with that pressure, so what happens? Schkee-she splits right down to the keel and the stern section just kind of bobs there like a cork for a couple of minutes, floods, then finally goes under about 2:20am, 2 hours and 40 minutes after the collision. The bowsection planes away, ending about half a mile away, going 20 or 30 knots when it hits the ocean floor. Brrrroo! Brrooo! Pretty cool, huh? OLD ROSE: Thank you for that fine forensic analysis, Mr. Bodine. Of course, the experience of it was somewhat different.BROCK: Will you share it with us?LIZZ Y: I’m taking her to rest.OLD ROSE: No!LIZZY: Come on, Nanna.OLD ROSE: No!BROCK: Tell us. Rose.OLD ROSE: It’s been 84 years.BROCK: It’s OK. Just try and remember anything. Anything at all.OLD ROSE: Do you want to hear or not, Mr. Lovett? It’s been 84 years, and I can smell the fresh paint. The china had never been used. The sheets had never been slept in. Titanic was called “The Ship of Dreams”, and it was. It really was. It was the ship of dream to everyone. To me, it was a slave ship, taking me back to America in chains. Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming. JACK: All right. The moment of truth. Somebody’s life is about to change. Fabrizzio.FABRIZZIO: Niente.ANOTHER: Niente.JACK: Olaf?OLAF: Nothing.JACK: Sven?JACK: Uh, oh..Two pairs. I’m sorry, Fabrizio.FABRIZIO: Who’s sorry?JACK: I’m sorry you’re not going to see your mom again for a long time, cause we’re going to America! Full house, boys!JACK: Yeah!JACK: Come on! I’m going home! I’m going home!FABRIZIO: I go to America!PUB KEEPER: No mate! Titanic go to America. In five minutes! JACK: Shit! Come on! What’s here! What’s here….JACK: We’re riding it high style now! We’re a couple o’regular swells! We’re practically go ddamn royalty, ragazzomio!FABRIZIO: You see, like I tell you, I go to America to be a millionaire. You ‘re fozzo!JACK: I may be crazy, but I got the tickets! Come on, I thought you were fast!FABRIZIO: Faster!JACK: Hey, wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Hey, wait! We’re passengers! We’re passengers!MAN: Have you been though the inspection cue?JACK: Of course. Anyway, we don’t have any lice. We’re Americans. Both of us.MAN: Right. Come on board.JACK: We’re the luckiest sons-of –bitches in the world, you know that! STEWARD: Upper deck. We’re boarding please.OLD ROSE: At Cherbourg, a woman came aboard named Margaret Brown. We all called her Molly. History would call her the “Unsinkable Molly Brown.”Molly: Well, I wasn’t about to wait all d ay for you, sonny. Here. Do you think you can manage?PORTER: Yes.OLD ROSE: Her husband had struck gold someplace out west, and she was what mother called, “new money.” By the next afternoon, we were steaming west from the coast of Ireland, with nothing out ahead of us but ocean.CAPTAIN SMITH: Take it to sea, Mr. Murdoch. Let’s stretch her legs. MURDOCH: Yes, sir. Full ahead, Mr. Moody.MOODY: All ahead full!SAILOR: All ahead full!SAILOR: Come on lads, look lively!ISMAY: She is the largest moving object ever made by the hand of man in all history. And our master shipbuilder Mr. Andrews, here, designedher from the keel plates up.ANDREWS: Well, I may have knocked her together, but the idea was Mt. Ismay’s. He envisioned a steamer so grand in sc ale and so luxurious in its appointments that its supremacy would never be challenged. And here she is, willed into solid reality.ALL:Here, here!RUTH: You know I don’t like that Rose.CAL: She knows. We’ll both have the lamb. Rare, with very little mi nt sauce. You like lamb, right, sweet pea?MOLLY: You gonna cut her meat for her too there, Call? Hey, who thought of the name Titanic? Was it you, Bruce?ISMAY: Well, yes, actually. I wanted to convey sheer size, and size means stability, luxury, and above all, strength.ROSE: Do you know of Dr. Freud, Mr. Ismay? His ideas about the male preoccupation with size might be of particular interest you.RUTH: What’s gotten into you?ROSE: Excuse me.RUTH: I do apologize.MOLLY: She is a pistol, Cal. I hope you can handle her.CAL: Well, I may have to start minding what she reads from now on, won’t I, Mrs. Brown?ISMAY: Freud. Who is he? Is he a passenger?JACK: Don’t do it!ROSE: Stay back! Don’t come any closer!JACK: Come on! Just give me your hand and I’ll pull you back over. ROSE: No! stay where you are! I mean it! I’ll let go!JACK: No you won’t!ROSE : What do you mean, No I won’t? Don’t presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You don’t know me.JACK: Well, you would have done it already.ROSE: You’re distracting me. Go away!JACK: I can’t. I’m involved now. You let go, and I’m gonna have to jump in there after you.ROSE: Don’t be absurd. You’d be killed.JACK: I’m a good swimmer.ROSE: The fall alone would kill you.JACK: It wou ld be hurt, I’m not saying it wouldn’t. To tell you the truth, I’m a lot more concerned about that water being so cold.ROSE: How cold?JACK: Freezing. Maybe a couple of degrees over. Have you ever , uh, ever been to Wisconsin?ROSE: What?JACK: Well, they have some of the coldest winters around. I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls. I remember when I was a kid, me and myfather, we went ice-fishing out on Lake Wisota. Ice-fishing is, you know, when you…ROSE: I know what ice-fishing is!JACK: Sorry. You just seemed like, you know, kind of an indoor girl. Anyway, I, uh, I fell through some thin ice, and I’m telling you ya, water that cold, like right down there, it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body. You can’t breathe, you can’t think, at last not about anything but the pain. Which is why I’m not looking for ward to jumping in there after you. Like I said, I don’t have a choice. I guess I’m kind of hoping that you’ll come back over the railing and get me off the hook here.ROSE: You’re crazy!JACK: That’s what everybody says, but with all due respect, miss, I’m not the one hanging off the back of a ship here. Come on! Come on, give me your hand. You don’t want to do this.JACK: Whew. I’m Jack Dawson.ROSE: Rose Dewitt Buchater.JACK: I’m going to have to get you to write that one down. Come on. JACK: I’ve got you! Come on! Come on!ROSE: Help me, please!JACK: Listen. Listen to me. I’ve got you and I won’t let go. Now pull yourself up. Come on! Come on! Try! You can do it!JACK: I got you!SAILOR: What’s all this?SAILOR: Stand back and don’t move an inch! Fetch the master-at-arms! CAL: This is completely unacceptable! What make you think that you could put your hands on my fiancée! Look at me, you filth!ROSE: Cal.CAL: What did you think you were doing?ROSE: Cal! Stop! It was an accident!CAL: An accident?ROSE: It was. Stupid, really. I was leaning over and I slipped. I was leaning far over to see the ah, ah, ah, um…CAL: Propellers?ROSE: Propellers. And I, um, slipped, and I would have gone overboard, but Mr. Dawson here saved me, and almost went over himself.CAL: You wanted to see the… She wanted to see the propellers. GRACIE: Like I said, women and machinery do not mix.MASTER AT ARMS: Was that the way of it?JACK: Yeah. Yeah, that was pretty much it.GRACIE: Well, the boy’s a hero then. Good for you, son. Well done. So, it’s all’s well and back to our brandy, eh?CAL: You must be freezing, let’s get you inside.GRACIE: Um, perhaps a little something for the boy?CAL: Of course. Uh, Mr. Lovejoy, I think a twenty should do it. ROSE: Oh, is that the going rate for saving the woman you love? CAL: Rose is displeased. What to do? I know. Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow evening, to regale our group with your heroic tale. JACK: Sure. Count me in.CAL: Good. It’s settled then. This should be interesting.JACK: Can I, uh, bum a smoke?LOVEJOY: You ought to tie those. It is interesting that the young lady slipped so suddenly, but you still had time to remove your jacket and your shoes.Titanic (1997)by James Cameron.1 BLACKNESSThen two faint lights appear, close together... growing brighter. They resolve into two DEEP SUBMERSIBLES, free-falling toward us like expresselevators.One is ahead of the other, and passes close enough to FILL FRAME, lookinglike a spacecraft blazing with lights, bristling with insectile manipulators.TILTING DOWN to follow it as it descends away into the limitlessblacknessbelow. Soon they are fireflies, then stars. Then gone.CUT TO:2 EXT./ INT. MIR ONE / NORTH ATLANTIC DEEPPUSHING IN on one of the falling submersibles, called MIR ONE, right up toits circular viewport to see the occupants.INSIDE, it is a cramped seven foot sphere, crammed with equipment. ANATOLYMIKAILAVICH, the sub's pilot, sits hunched over his controls... singing softly in Russian.Next to him on one side is BROCK LOVETT. He's in his late forties, deeply tanned, and likes to wear his Nomex suit unzipped to show the gold fromfamous shipwrecks covering his gray chest hair. He is a wiley, fast-talking treasure hunter, a salvage superstar who is part historian, part adventurerand part vacuum cleaner salesman. Right now, he is propped against the CO2scrubber, fast asleep and snoring.On the other side, crammed into the remaining space is a bearded wide-bodynamed LEWIS BODINE, sho is also asleep. Lewis is an R.O.V. (REMOTELY OPERATED VEHICLE) pilot and is the resident Titanic expert.Anatoly glances at the bottom sonar and makes a ballast adjustment. CUT TO:3 EXT. THE BOTTOM OF THE SEAA pale, dead-flat lunar landscape. It gets brighter, lit from above, as MIR ONE enters FRAME and drops to the seafloor in a downblast from its thrusters. It hits bottom after its two hour free-fall with a loud BONK. CUT TO:4 INT. MIR ONELovett and Bodine jerk awake at the landing.ANATOLY(heavy Russian accent)We are here.EXT. / INT. MIR ONE AND TWO5 MINUTES LATER: THE TWO SUBS skim over the seafloor to the sound ofsidescan sonar and the THRUM of big thrusters.6 The featureless gray clay of the bottom unrols in the lights of the subs. Bodine is watching the sidescan sonar display, where the outline of a hugepointed object is visible. Anatoly lies prone, driving the sub, his facepressed to the center port.BODINECome left a little. She's right in front of us, eighteen meters. Fifteen. Thirteen... you should see it.ANATOLYDo you see it? I don't see it... there!Out of the darkness, like a ghostly apparition, the bow of the ship appears. Its knife-edge prow is coming straight at us, seeming to plow thebottom sediment like ocean waves. It towers above the seafloor, standingjust as it landed 84 years ago.THE TITANIC. Or what is left of her. Mir One goes up and over the bow railing, intact except for an overgrowth of "rusticles" draping it like mutated Spanish moss.TIGHT ON THE EYEPIECE MONITOR of a video camcorder. Brock Lovett's facefills the BLACK AND WHITE FRAME.LOVETTIt still gets me every time.The image pans to the front viewport, looking over Anatoly's shoulder, tothe bow railing visible in the lights beyond. Anatoly turns.ANATOLYIs just your guilt because of estealing from the dead.CUT WIDER, to show that Brock is operating the camera himself, turning itin his hand so it points at his own face.LOVETTThanks, Tolya. Work with me, here.Brock resumes his serious, pensive gaze out the front port, with the cameraaimed at himself at arm's length.LOVETTIt still gets me every time... to see the sad ruin of the great shipsitting here, where she landed at 2:30 in the morning, April 15, 1912, after her long fall from the world above.Anatoly rolls his eyes and mutters in Russian. Bodine chuckles and watchesthe sonar.BODINEYou are so full of shit, boss.7 Mir Two drives aft down the starboard side, past the huge anchor whileMir One passes over the seemingly endless forecastle deck, with its massiveanchor chains still laid out in two neat rows, its bronze windlass caps gleaming. The 22 foot long subs are like white bugs next to the enormouswreck.LOVETT (V.O.)Dive nine. Here we are again on the deck of Titanic... two and a half milesdown. The pressure is three tons per square inch, enough to crush us like afreight train going over an ant if our hull fails. These windows are nine inches thick and if they go, it's sayonara in two microseconds.8 Mir Two lands on the boat deck, next to the ruins of the Officer's Quarters. Mir One lands on the roof of the deck hous nearby. LOVETTRight. Let's go to work.Bodine slips on a pair of 3-D electronic goggles, and grabs the joystick controls of the ROV.9 OUTSIDE THE SUB, the ROV, a small orange and black robot called SNOOPDOG, lifts from its cradle and flies forward.BODINE (V.O.)Walkin' the dog.SNOOP DOG drives itself away from the sub, paying out its umbilical behindit like a robot yo-yo. Its twin stereo-video cameras swivel like insect eyes. The ROV descends through an open shaft that once was the beautifulFirst Class Grand Staircase.Snoop Dog goes down several decks, then moves laterally into the First Class Reception Room.SNOOP'S VIDEO POV, moving through the cavernous interior. The remains ofthe ornate handcarved woodwork which gave the ship its elegance movethrough the floodlights, the lines blurred by slow dissolution and descending rusticle formations. Stalactites of rust hang down so that at times it looks like a natural grotto, then the scene shifts and the linesof a ghostly undersea mansion can be seen again.MONTAGE STYLE, as Snoop passes the ghostly images of Titanic's opulence:10 A grand piano in amazingly good shape, crashed on its side against a wall. The keys gleam black and white in the lights.11 A chandelier, still hanging from the ceiling by its wire... glinting as Snoop moves around it.12 Its lights play across the floor, revealing a champagne bottle, then some WHITE STAR LINE china... a woman's high-top "granny shoe". Thensomething eerie: what looks like a child's skull resolves into the porcelain head of a doll.Snoop enters a corridor which is much better preserved. Here and there adoor still hangs on its rusted hinges. An ornate piece of molding, a wall sconce... hint at the grandeur of the past.13 THE ROV turns and goes through a black doorway, entering room B-52, thesitting room of a "promenade suite", one of the most luxurious stateroomson Titanic.BODINEI'm in the sitting room. Heading for bedroom B-54.LOVETTStay off the floor. Don't stir it up like you did yesterday.BODINEI'm tryin' boss.Glinting in the lights are the brass fixtures of the near-perfectly preserved fireplace. An albino Galathea crab crawls over it. Nearby are theremains of a divan and a writing desk. The Dog crosses the ruins of the once elegant room toward another DOOR. It squeezes through the doorframe,scraping rust and wood chunks loose on both sides. It moves out of a cloudof rust and keeps on going.BODINEI'm crossing the bedroom.The remains of a pillared canopy bed. Broken chairs, a dresser. Through thecollapsed wall of the bathroom, the porcelain commode and bathtub tookalmost new, gleaming in the dark.LOVETTOkay, I want to see what's under that wardrobe door.SEVERAL ANGLES as the ROV deploys its MANIPULATOR ARMS and starts movingdebris aside. A lamp is lifted, its ceramic colors as bright as they werein 1912.LOVETTEasy, Lewis. Take it slow.Lewis grips a wardrobe door, lying at an angle in a corner, and pulls it with Snoop's gripper. It moves reluctantly in a cloud of silt. Under it isa dark object. The silt clears and Snoop's cameras show them what was underthe door...BODINEOoohh daddy-oh, are you seein' what I'm seein'?CLOSE ON LOVETT, watching his moniteors. By his expression it is like he isseeing the Holy Grail.LOVETTOh baby baby baby.(grabs the mike)It's payday, boys.ON THE SCREEN, in the glare of the lights, is the object of their quest: a small STEEL COMBINATION SAFE.CUT TO:14 EXT. STERN OF DECK OF KEDYSH - DAYTHE SAFE, dripping wet in the afternoon sun, is lowered onto the deck of aship by a winch cable.We are on the Russian research vessel AKADEMIK MISTISLAV KELDYSH.A crowdhas gathered, including most of the crew of KELDYSH, the sub crews, and ahand-wringing money guy named BOBBY BUELL who represents the limitedpartners. There is also a documentary video crew, hired by Lovett to coverhis moment of glory.Everyone crowds around the safe. In the background Mir Two is being loweredinto its cradle on deck by a massive hydraulic arm. Mir One is already recovered with Lewis Bodine following Brock Lovett as he bounds over to thesafe like a kid on Christman morning.BODINEWho's the best? Say it.LOVETTYou are, Lewis.(to the video crew)You rolling?CAMERAMANRolling.Brock nods to his technicians, and they set about drilling the safe's hinges. During this operation, Brock amps the suspense, working the lens tofill the time.LOVETTWell, here it is, the moment of truth. Here's where we find out if the time, the sweat, the money spent to charter this ship and these subs, to come out here to the middle of the North Atlantic... were worth it. If whatwe think is in that same... is in that safe... it will be.Lovett grins wolfishly in anticipation of his greatest find yet. The dooris pried loose. It clangs onto the deck. Lovett moves closer, peering into the safe's wet interior. A long moment then... his face says it all. LOVETTShit.BODINEYou know, boss, this happened to Geraldo and his career never recovered.LOVETT(to the video cameraman)Get that outta my face.CUT TO:15 INT. LAB DECK, PRESERVATION ROOM - DAYTechnicians are carefully removing some papers from the safe and placingthem in a tray of water to separate them safely. Nearby, other artifacts from the stateroom are being washed and preserved.Buell is on the satellite phone with the INVESTORS. Lovett is yelling at the video crew.LOVETTYou send out what I tell you when I tell you. I'm signing your paychecks, not 60 minutes. Now get set up for the uplink.Buell covers the phone and turns to Lovett.BUELLThe partners want to know how it's going?LOVETTHow it's going? It's going like a first date in prison, whattaya think?! Lovett grabs the phone from Buell and goes instantly smooth. LOVETTHi, Dave? Barry? Look, it wasn't in the safe... no, look, don't worry aboutit, there're still plenty of places it could be... in the floor debris inthe suite, in the mother's room, in the purser's safe on C deck... (seeing something)Hang on a second.A tech coaxes some letters in the water tray to one side with a tong... revealing a pencil (conte crayon) drawing of a woman.Brock looks closely at the drawing, which is in excellent shape, though itsedges have partially disintegrated. The woman is beautiful, and beautifullyrendered. In her late teens or early twenties, she is nude, though posed with a kind of casual modesty. She is on an Empire divan, in a pool of light that seems to radiate outward from her eyes. Scrawled in the lowerright corner is the date: April 14 1912. And the initials JD.The girl is not entirely nude. At her throat is a diamond necklace with onelarge stone hanging in the center.Lovett grabs a reference photo from the clutter on the lab table. It is a period black-and-white photo of a diamond necklace on a black velvet jeller's display stand. He holds it next to the drawing. It is clearly the same piece... a complex setting with a massive central stone which is almost heart-shaped.I'll be God damned.CUT TO:16 INSERTA CNN NEWS STORY: a live satellite feed from the deck of the Keldysh, intercut with the CNN studio.ANNOUNCERTreasure hunter Brock Lovett is best known for finding Spanish gold in sunken galleons in the Caribbean. Now he is using deep submergence technology to work two and a half miles down at another famous wreck... theTitanic. He is with us live via satellite from a Russian research ship in the middle of the Atlantic... hello Brock?LOVETTYes, hi, Tracy. You know, Titanic is not just A shipwrick, Titanic is THE shipwreck. It's the Mount Everest of shipwrecks.CUT TO:17 INT. HOUSE / CERAMICS STUDIOPULL BACK from the screen, showing the CNN report playing on a TV set inthe living room of a small rustic house. It is full of ceramics, figurines, folk art, the walls crammed with drawings and paintings... thingsover a lifetime.PANNING to show a glassed-in studio attached to the house. Outside it is aquiet morning in Ojai, California. In the studio, amid incredible clutter, an ANCIENT WOMAN is throwing a pot on a potter's wheel. The liquid red claycovers her hands... hands that are gnarled and age-spotted, but still surprisingly strong and supple. A woman in her early forties assists her. LOVETT (V.O.)I've planned this expedition for three years, and we're out here recoveringsome amazing things... things that will have enormous historical and educational value.CNN REPORTER (V.O.)But it's no secret that education is not your main purpose. You're a treasure hunter. So what is the treasure you're hunting?LOVETT (V.O.)I'd rather show you than tell you, and we think we're very close to doingjust that.The old woman's name is ROSE CALVERT. Her face is a wrinkled mass,her bodyshapeless and shrunken under a one-piece African-print dress.But her eyes are just as bright and alive as those of a young girl.Rose gets up and walks into the living room, wiping pottery clay from herhands with a rag. A Pomeranian dog gets up and comes in with her. The younger soman, LIZZY CALVERT, rushes to help her.ROSETurn that up please, dear.REPORTER (V.O.)Your expedition is at the center of a storm of controversy over salvage rights and even ethics. Many are calling you a grave robber.TIGHT ON THE SCREEN.LOVETTNobody called the recovery of the artifacts from King Tut's tomb grave robbing. I have museum-trained experts here, making sure this stuff is preserved and catalogued properly. Look at this drawing, which was foundtoday...The video camera pans off Brock to the drawing, in a tray of water. The image of the woman with the necklace FILLS FRAME.LOVETT。

辛普森一家看电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)

辛普森一家看电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)

我们是为和平而来让猫和老鼠和睦共处吧!We come in peace for cats and mice everywhere.嘿,你好吗?见到你们真高兴!(支持依奇竞选总统)Hey, how you doing? Good to see you. Thanks for coming out.依奇,依奇…Itchy,,,, Itchy,,,,无聊!Boring!爸,我们没法看电影了Dad, we can't see the movie.难以置信!我们居然花钱来看这种东西这些明明能从电视上免费看I can't beIieve we're paying to see something we get on TV for free.要我说的话这电影院里的人都是超级大衰人If you ask me, everybody in this theater is a giant sucker.特别是…EspeciaIIy you.你!EspeciaIIy you.《辛普森大电影》大屏幕上的电影!Movie on the big screen! 对不起,我屁股快滑下去了Excuse me. My heinie is dipping.多谢各位前来捧场AII right, weII, thanks a Iot for coming.我们已经表演了三个半小时We've been pIaying for three and a haIf hours.现在,我们只想占用大家几分钟宝贵时间来谈谈环境问题!Now we'd Iike just a minute of your time to say something about the environment.- 真讨厌!- 闭嘴,继续演出!-You suck! -Shut up and pIay!- 话唠!- 我们才不话唠呢!-Preachy! -We're not being preachy.…但这儿湖里的污染物正在吞噬我们的游艇!But the poIIution in your Iake, it's dissoIving our barge.我觉得他们谈及的问题至关重要I thought they touched on a vitaI issue.我可不这么想I beg to differ.先生们,今晚能和你们同台演出真是三生有幸GentIemen, it's been an honor pIaying with you tonight.悼念新近在这里死去的摇滚乐队For the Iatest rock band to die in our town. . .…主啊,请聆听我们虔诚的祈祷. . .Lord, hear our prayer.主啊,聆听我们的祈祷Lord, hear our prayer.我讨厌迟到!I hate being Iate.我还讨厌来这里呢!WeII, I hate going.为什么不能以我自己的方式向主祈祷呢?Why can't I worship the Lord in my own way. . .临死之时我一定会不停的祈祷祈祷!. . .by praying Iike heII on my deathbed?荷马,里面的人能听到你的!Homer, they can hear you inside.别担心,里面那帮人正忙着应付他们鬼话连篇的假主子呢!ReIax. Those pious morons are too busy taIking to their phony-baIoney God.你好吗?祝你安康!婴孩狂欢How you doing? Peace be with you. Praise Jebus.今天我的宣讲形式与以往不同Today I'd Iike to try something a IittIe different.我会请…你们当中的一个I'm going to caII on one of you!主的意志与你们同在Now, the word of God dweIIs within everyone.现在我希望你们能大声宣读出来让你们的灵魂…I want you to Iet that word out. Let your spirit--什么事?奈德?What is it, Ned?主要求我忏悔…The good Lord is teIIing me to confess to something.同性恋,同性恋…Gay, gay, gay.…我们社区最不庄重的尊严An immodest sense of pride in our community.还有别人想发言吗?Somebody eIse?让主的光芒照耀于你Let the Lord's Iight shine upon you.感受圣灵FeeI the spirit.大声说出来吧!Let it out!恐怖!可怕的灾难就要降临!HorribIe, horribIe things are going to happen!会发生在你、你、你…还有你身上!And they're gonna happen to you! And you! And you! And you.哇,耐莉!Whoa, neIIy!斯普林菲尔德的居民们仔细听好下面的警告PeopIe of SpringfieId, heed this warning:扭曲的尾巴Twisted taiI!一千只眼睛A thousand eyes!被困终生Trapped forever!爸,快想想办法Dad, do something!《圣经》上根本没写该怎么办?This book doesn't have any answers!当心!当心!迫在眉睫!Beware! Beware! Time is short!相信我!一定要相信我啊!BeIieve me! BeIieve me!多谢聆听!Thanks for Iistening.好啦,谁想吃蛋奶饼?Okay, who wants waffIes?我要,我要,我要!I do, I do, I do!等一下,爷爷刚才的事儿怎么办?Wait a minute. What about Grampa?- 我要糖浆的- 我要草莓的-I want syrup! -I want strawberries!爷爷他出事了!Something happened to that man.我来告诉你是怎么回事吧刚才我目睹了"老年一刻"I'II teII you what happened to him. A certain someone had a senior moment.不过没事的,因为我们都爱他发发癫还能多条免费的毯子But that's okay, because we Iove him and we got a free rug out of it.如果我们连周围的亲人…What is the point of going to church every Sunday. . .亲身经历的宗教体验都视而不见那周日上教堂礼拜意义何在呢?. . .when if someone we Iove has a genuine reIigious experience, weignore it?对吗,爷爷?Right, Grampa?我要香蕉味的蛋奶饼I want bananas on my waffIes.没什么好说的了I rest my case.这事我不会善罢甘休的I'm not dropping this.等一下,我还在车上呢!Wait a minute. I'm stiII in the car.哦,没错Oh, right.把大黄蜂窝移走''T ake out hornets' nest. ''办好啦,大漏坑Check. ''Fix sinkhoIe. ''办好啦Check.重新盖房顶?!''Re-shingIe roof''?别动Steady.别动Steady. 你笑什么,你这个小…!Why, you IittIe--!我来好好教你该怎么笑?I'II teach you to Iaugh at something that's funny!我们现在在房顶上…我们可以找点乐子的You know, we are on the roof. We couId have some fun.哪种乐子?What kind of fun?"勇敢比赛"怎么样?How about a dare contest?那好啊,我说你敢…That sounds fun. I dare you to. . .…爬到电视天线上去!. . .cIimb the TV antenna!- 小菜一碟~- 地震啦!-Piece of cake. -Earthquake!余震!Aftershock!荷马,别说我大惊小怪…Homer, I don't mean to be a Nervous Pervis. . .但要是他不小心掉下来,下肢瘫痪怎么办?. . .but if he faIIs, couIdn't that make your boy a parapIege-arino?闭嘴吧,佛兰德斯Shut up, FIanders.- 对,闭上嘴,佛兰德斯- 说得好,小子!-Yeah, shut up, FIanders. -WeII said, boy.别动,别动Steady. Steady.待好别动…Steady. . . .您好,抱歉周日还打扰您HeIIo. Sorry to bother you on a Sunday. . .但是我想您一定和我一样忧虑斯普林菲尔德湖水污染问题. . .but I'm sure you're as worried about the poIIution in Lake SpringfieId as I am.斯普林菲尔德湖水汞含量高于以往…Lake SpringfieId has higher IeveIs of mercury than ev--原来是救我家猫猫的小姑娘Why, it's the IittIe girI who saved my cat.斯普林菲尔德湖水…Lake SpringfieId is--来吧,丽莎Come on over, Lisa.和我聊多久都成You can canvass me as Iong as you want.维尔豪斯,你才不在乎环境呢!MiIhouse, you don't care about the environment.嘿!我对地球家园无比热爱!Hey. I am very passionate about the pIanet.说"全球变暖"纯属扯淡!Say gIobaI warming is a myth.是扯淡!还需要经一步研究调查!It's a myth! Further study is needed!轻易放弃信仰,这拳是赏给你的!That's for seIIing out your beIiefs.哦,可怜的维尔豪斯Oh, poor MiIhouse.终于美梦成真了Dream coming true.您知道漏泄燃料…Are you aware that a Ieaky faucet can waste over--?一年损耗2000加仑?Two thousand gaIIons a year.- 随手关灯所节省的能源…- 足够供给整个匹兹堡-Turning off Iights can save-- -Enough energy to power Pittsburgh.如果冬季我们能将温控计设置在16度…And if we kept our thermostats at 68 in winter--仅需17年,我们即可不受海外石油的影响We'd be free from our dependency on foreign oiI in 1 7 years.我叫科林I'm CoIin.我从没在学校见过你I haven't seen you at schooI.我们刚从爱尔兰搬来,我爸爸是音乐家Moved from IreIand. My dad's a musician.- 他难道是…- 他不是Bono(爱尔兰U2乐队主音)-Is he. . .? -He's not Bono.- 我只是在想,你是爱尔兰人,又…- 他不是Bono!-I just thought, because you're Irish and-- -He's not Bono.你也弹奏乐器吗?Do you pIay?只会钢琴、吉他、小号、鼓和低音提琴Just piano, guitar, trumpet, drums and bass.他就是我的神啊!这次你可一定要矜持住He's pure gold, For once in your life, be cool,你的芳名是不是如你容貌般赏心悦目?So is your name as pretty as your face?你还好吗?You okay there?扭曲的尾巴、一千只眼睛,被困终生Twisted tail! A thousand eyes! Trapped forever!那是什么意思?What couId that be?我觉得是绿灯侠被塞尼斯托I beIieve it's the sound the Green Lantern made. . .扔到酸缸后发出的尖叫声. . .when Sinestro threw him into a vat of acid.多谢来访Yeah. Thanks for coming over.多谢你的孕妇裤咯Thanks for giving me your pregnancy pants.真不知道有这么舒服呢Never known comfort Iike this.为什么我要…Why did I suggest this?好啦,小子,现在该"终极勇敢比赛"了AII right, boy, time for the uItimate dare.我说你敢踩滑板往返"克里斯蒂汉堡"I dare you to skateboard to Krusty Burger and back. . .不穿衣服哦. . .naked.- 怎么个不穿法?- 一丝不挂呀-How naked? -Fourth base.那女孩子会看到我的小JJGirIs might see my doodIe.哦,我明白了那我宣布以后就管你叫胆小鬼了Oh, I see. Then I hereby decIare you chicken for Iife.每天早上我都会对你说"早上好啊,胆小鬼"Every morning, you'II wake up to''Good morning, chicken. ''你结婚那天,我会高歌…At your wedding, I'II sing:我现在喜欢男人啦!I Iike men now.别看我正指着的地方!Don't Iook where I'm pointing!以美国专制的名义,快给我站住!Stop in the name of American squeamishness!孩子们,在我们尽情用餐之前别忘了感谢上帝赐予我们丰盛的Boys, before we eat, don't forget to thank the Lord for this bountifuI--小JJ?!Penis?!- 丰盛的小JJ - 丰盛的小JJ-BountifuI penis. -BountifuI penis.阿门Amen.听着,孩子,没人喜欢身上裹着衣服不过法律就是这么规定的Listen, kid, nobody Iikes wearing cIothes in pubIic, but, you know, it's the Iaw.吃午饭咯!Lunchtime!你们不能就把我扔在这儿You can't just Ieave me out here.别担心,我们找了个小朋友陪你玩Don't worry, we found a friend for you to pIay with.纳尔逊,亲爱的,你上哪儿去了?NeIson, honey, where have you been?- 爸!- 出什么事了,警官?-Dad! -What seems to be the probIem, officers?快告诉他们是"勇敢比赛"TeII him you dared me to do it.果真如此的话绑在这儿的应该是你,而不是你儿子If that's true, then you shouId be taking the rap here, not your son.如果事出于我,你们要如何处置?And what happens to me if it's my fauIt?一小时的"养育子女"课程You'II have to attend a one-hour parenting cIass.都是他的主意!他做得太过分了!It was aII his idea! He's out of controI, I teII you!我根本管不了他!I'm at my wits' end.真是太…It's so. . . .法庭见,孩子See you in court, kid.好了,儿子,咱们去吃午饭Okay, son, Iet's get some Iunch.你有没有带我的衣服?Did you at Ieast bring my cIothes?衬衫、袜子,全带来了Shirt, socks, everything you need.- 你忘了带我的裤子!- 你以为我是汤米·巴哈马吗?-You didn't bring my pants. -Who am I, Tommy Bahama? 今天是我这辈子最倒霉的一天!This is the worst day of my Iife.是"目前为止"最倒霉的一天The worst day of your Iife so far.- 嘿,巴特- 你想怎么着,佛兰德斯?-Say, Bart? -What do you want, FIanders?要是你需要裤子,我这儿有条备用的If you need pants, I carry an extra pair.因为男孩子总是淘气嘛You know how boys are, aIways praying through the knees.为什么要帮我?我和你无亲无故Why are you heIping me? I'm not your kid.我们是邻居啊,要是我家孩子碰上这事你爸一定也会伸手相助的We're neighbors. I'm sure your father wouId do the same for my boys.谢谢啦Thank you.- 嘿,你这是怎么了?- 你真想知道?-Hey, what's with you? -You reaIIy wanna know?当然咯Of course I do.什么样的老爸会不关心…?What kind of a father wouIdn't care about--?…戴帽子的猪!A pig wearing a hat!开拍Action.嘿,嘿,是我,你们的老朋友克里斯蒂这次向大家推荐新款猪肉汉堡"克拉克" Hey, hey! It's your oId paI Krusty, for my new pork sandwich, the KIogger.除非在墨西哥,否则你不可能找到比这更高脂流油的汉堡啦If you can find a greasier sandwich, you're in Mexico!好啦And we're cIear.太好了!伙计,把这头猪宰了吧Perfect. Cut, print, kiII the pig.什么?!你…它衣冠楚楚,你怎么忍心下手?What--?! You can't kiII him if he's wearing peopIe cIothes!我会带你回家的You're coming home with me.一千只眼睛?什么意思?''A thousand eyes. '' What couId that be?嗯…我很确定…一千…是个数字I'm pretty sure a thousand is a number.嗨,玛芝,嫁给性情中人是不是很幸福?Hey, Marge. Isn't it great being married to someone who's reckIessIy impuIsive?说实话,我一直为这事懊悔不已呢ActuaIIy, it's aged me horribIy.快和我们的新成员打个招呼吧!Then say heIIo to the newest Simpson.荷马!Homer!我相信教堂里发生的就是警告眼前这事I beIieve what happened in church wasa warning about preciseIy this.快把这只猪弄走!PIease, get rid of that pig.你会喜欢上它的!瞧,它还会模仿你呢!Oh, you're gonna Iove him. Look, he does an impression of you.你吓着她了You naiIed her.它还会取笑我呢He aIso does me.你笑了,那现在就没事啦You smiIed. I'm off the hook.你造型真是千变万化啊Oh, you have so many Iooks.原来这才叫做温馨啊So that's what snug is.谁是好猪猪?Who's a good pig?谁是好猪猪?Who's a good pig?心情不爽是吗,孩子?Rough day, huh, son?你根本不知道什么是"不爽",嬷嬷You don't know what rough is, sister.巴特,我家孩子不开心时Bart, you know, whenever my boys bake up a batch of frownies. . .…我就带他们去钓鱼散心. . .I take them fishing.你爸爸有带你去钓过鱼吗?Does your dad ever take you fishing?爸!拿灭虫器来逮鱼可不太厚道!Dad, it's not fair to use a bug zapper to catch the fish.如果你和我一样对这些鱼充满关爱之情就会希望它们带着尊严,庄重的赴黄泉If you Iove fish Iike I do, you want them to die with dignity.有鱼咬钩啦I think I have a nibbIe.和你一起钓鱼应该更有趣吧?I think fishing might be more fun with you.太好了,我帮你冲杯可可吧?Oh, great. Now, how about I fix you some cocoa?少来啦,可可是女孩子喝的No way. Cocoa's for wusses.要是你改主意的话…就到窗台这儿来拿啊WeII, sir, if you change your mind, it's on the windowsiII.哦,天啊!Oh, my God.等一下,最精彩的地方忘和你说了他关注环境问题Oh, wait. I didn't teII you the best part. He Ioves the environment.不对,那不是最精彩的地方他有着爱尔兰人特有的神情Oh, wait! I stiII didn't teII you the best part. He's got an Irish brogue.不,等一下!那还不是最棒的地方No, no, wait! I stiII didn't teII you the best part.他是活生生、真实存在的!He's not imaginary!亲爱的,这太好了Oh, honey, that's great.不过最重要的是,他愿意聆听你的心声But the very best thing is that he Iistens to you.因为对男人来说,这点是最…Because nothing means more than for a man to--猪蹄子印怎么跑到天花板上了?How did the pig tracks get on the ceiIing?蜘蛛猪,蜘蛛猪Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig施展浑身解数,尽显蜘蛛猪神威Does whatever a Spider-Pig does它能游走于蜘蛛网吗?Can he swing from a web?当然不行,它归根结底还是猪呀No, he can 't, he's a pig当心啊,它是蜘蛛猪Look out He is the Spider-Pig玩够了吗?Are we having fun yet?现在很好玩啊,你那有鱼咬钩了We are now. You've got a bite.哇,我的妈呀!Whoa, mama!不!我的宝贝鱼竿!Oh, no, my good poIe! 你怎么没掐我?You're not strangIing me.什么?"掐"只有…What the--? StrangIing's onIy good for. . . ."掐"可解决不了任何问题WeII, it's not good for anything.与孩子唯一能有的身体接触就是…The onIy time you shouId Iay hands on a boy. . .…轻拍他后背. . .is to give him a good pat on the back.嘿!你到底要…?Hey, what the heII are you--?再拍一次One more time.(紧张性排汗)亲爱的,我回来啦~Honey, I'm home.我们现在处于大规模污染一触即发的引爆点We are at the tipping point, peopIe.如果我们仍置若罔闻的话(斯普林菲尔德湖污染情况)If we don't do something now. . . .抱歉,我思维有些混乱…他是不是令人芳心寸乱?I'm sorry, I Iost my train of thought. Isn't he dreamy?完全赞同Agreed.好吧,这是底线Okay, so here's the bottom Iine:如果我们不马上付诸行动的话…If we don't change our ways right now. . .斯普林菲尔德湖的污染将达到这种程度!. . .poIIution in Lake SpringfieId wiII be at this IeveI.并不太糟啊That's not so bad.不,升降机卡住了…No, the Iift is stuck.大家明白我的意思吗?Am I getting through to anyone?明白!我们需要一台新升降机!HeII, yeah. We need a new one of those things.赞同购买新升降机的请说"赞成"AII in favor of a new scissor Iift, say''aye. ''- 赞成- 不!-Aye. -No!这湖水离彻底变成剧毒之湖仅仅一步之遥This Iake is just one piece of trash away from a toxic nightmare.但是我知道我说的你们只会充耳不闻But I knew you wouIdn't Iisten.所以我擅做主张把你们喝的水都换成了湖水So I took the Iiberty of pouring water from the Iake in aII your drinking gIasses.所以说不能给孩子好脸色看!This is why we shouId hate kids.这事事关重大This is serious, peopIe.今后禁止向湖中倾倒废物我现在宣布进入紧急状态No more dumping in the Iake. I hereby decIare a state of emergency.黑色紧急状态!Code bIack.黑色?这可是最糟糕的颜色!BIack? That's the worst coIor there is.- 不是说你,卡尔- 算了,这种事我都习惯了-No offense there, CarI. -I get it aII the time.对不起,湖里禁止丢弃废物Sorry, sorry. No dumping in the Iake.好吧,那我就把后院清理的垃圾扔到车里去Fine. I wiII put my yard trimmings in a car compactor.警长,我觉得那好像是具尸体Chief, I think there was a dead body in there.我也是这么想的,泰利说了是后院废物I thought that too, untiI he said ''yard trimmings. ''卢,你得会听才行You gotta Iearn to Iisten, Lou.现在来看看这屏障是不是对傻子也百毒不侵Let us now make sure this barrier is compIeteIy idiot-proof.- 克里特斯?- 有何吩咐?-CIetus. -Yessum?往湖里扔点东西进去Try to dump something in the Iake.好的Okay.不行啊,扔不了啊!I can't. I simpIy can't.- 太好了- 真有效啊-BriIIiant. -Very effective.千万别瞎想Don't get any ideas.也许我们应该亲一下以缓解我们之间的紧张关系Maybe we shouId kiss, just to break the tension.这儿是怎么了?What's going on here?没什么,没什么Nothing. Nothing.我觉得猪不应该进屋的I'm not sure that pig shouId be in the house.另外,你打算怎么处理…它的排泄物?And by the way, what are you doing with his Ieavings?别担心,这事尽在掌握之中Don't worry. I've devised a most eIegant soIution.这玩意儿漏了It's Ieaking.不是漏,是溢出来了It's not Ieaking, it's overfIowing.才两天它就拉了这一大罐子?!He fiIIed up the whoIe siIo in just two days?也有我拉的WeII, I heIped.荷马,等等!停下我知道你容易三心二意Homer, stop! Stop. I know it's easy for your mind to wander. . .…你一定要好好听我说. . .but I want you to reaIIy concentrate on me.我一直觉得这就是爷爷试图警告我们的灾难I can't escape the feeIing that this is the crisis Grampa warned us about.你一定得把这罐废物处理好You have to dispose of that waste properIy.好的,玛芝,我会的Okay, Marge. I wiII.你可以带上蜘蛛猪一起!You can take Spider-Pig with you.它不叫蜘蛛猪了,现在叫哈里·波洛特He's not Spider-Pig anymore, he's Harry PIopper.喂HeIIo.荷马,快过来Homer, you gotta get over here.卫生部门关掉了甜甜圈店现在正免费发放呢!HeaIth inspector shut down the doughnut store, they're giving out free doughnuts!哦,天啊!天啊!把手头这件事办完我就过去Oh, my God, oh, my God! I just got one thing I gotta do first.那你可得快点啊,估计一会儿就没了WeII, you better hurry. They're going fast.哇~好险啊Whoa, that was cIose.邪恶!Evil!开车!开车!快开车!Drive, drive, drive!哦,对啊Oh, right.往那儿看,那是与斯普林菲尔德接壤的四大州Look at that. You can see the four states that border SpringfieId:俄亥俄、内华达、缅因和肯塔基州Ohio, Nevada, Maine and Kentucky.哦,是啊Oh, yeah.如果你仔细看的话,你几乎能…And if you Iook reaI cIose, you can aImost--这东西可真怪…WeII, this certainIy seems odd. . .…不过上帝无所不能啊. . .but who am I to question the work of the AImighty?感谢万能的上帝创造出这么非凡、精致而又智能的生物We thank you, Lord, for this mighty fine inteIIigent design.太神奇了Good job.戳!戳!戳!Jabbity, jabbity, jab, jab, jab!嘿!要是再戳它眼睛,就是触犯法律!Hey! Jab one more eye and it's a federaI crime.- 你们是谁?- 环保局(EPA)-Who are you? -EnvironmentaI Protection Agency.罗斯·卡吉尔,环保局局长,来见总统Russ CargiII, head of the EPA, here to see the president.总统先生Mr. President.对,我就是(施瓦辛格总统)Ja, that is me.斯普林菲尔德的污染已经到了危急状态PoIIution in SpringfieId has reached crisis IeveIs.我真讨厌这差事不是危机,就是什么世界末日I hate this job. Everything's ''crisis'' this and ''end of the worId'' that.就没人先说个笑话引出议题我想念丹尼·狄·维托Nobody opens with a joke. I miss Danny De Vito.你想听笑话?要是你听过这个的话,就阻止我讲下去You want a joke, huh? Stop me if you've heard this one.看看这些愤怒的眼睛和巨型獠牙Look at those angry eyes and giant teeth.就跟在肯尼迪家过圣诞节一样恐怖It's Iike Christmas at the Kennedy compound.总统先生,您委任我为环保局长时…You know, sir, when you made me head of the EPA. . .您将百年不遇的人才. . .you appointed one of the most successfuI men in America. . .低就于千年不遇的无能部门. . .to the Ieast successfuI agency in government.可我为什么还是欣然接受呢?And why did I take the job?因为我是个富翁,希望回馈社会Because I'm a rich man who wanted togive something back.我不是指钱,而是回馈些非物质的东西Not the money, but something.眼下这就是我们施展拳脚的机会So here is our chance to kick some ass for Mother Earth.- 接着说- 我已经提炼出-I'm Iistening. -WeII, I've narrowed your choices down. . .…五个不可思议的议案. . .to five unthinkabIe options.每个都有难以预计的恶果…Each wiII cause untoId misery--我选第三个I pick number three.您不先读读再做决定吗?You don't wanna read them first?我当总统是为了"领导"不是为了"读议案" 我选第三个!I was eIected to Iead, not to read. Number three!我们被封在圆盖里了!We're being seaIed in a dome!我该怎么办?我不知道!What do I do? I don't know what to do!要是进来就被关在这儿要是出去就孤零零一个人If I stay, I'm trapped. If I Ieave, I'm aIone.天啊!进来!出去!…Oh, God. In, out, in, out!我还没亲眼见过威尼斯I never saw Venice.被困终生!''Trapped forever. ''这一切都是真的It's aII come true.教堂发疯的老头子说得没错!That crazy oId man in church was right.圆盖!Dome!好了,伙计们,开火AII right, men, open fire.谁受伤了?受伤的举手Who's hurt? Raise your hands.就没好点的表现Without the attitude.大家注意!有重要事件向大家宣布PeopIe, peopIe. I have an important announcement.我刚刚改进了一台喷酸式超级无敌钻孔机I have just perfected an acid-firing super-driII. . .- 它可以无坚不破!- 太好了!-. . .which can cut through anything.-Hey, that's cooI.就在那儿!It's right there.就在圆盖外面Just outside of the dome.什么粗暴无耻之人会对我们下此毒手呢?What ruthIess madmen couId have done this to us?美国联邦政府The United States government,我叫罗斯·卡吉尔,EPA的主管My name is Russ Cargill and I'm head of the EPA,什么?The what?- 环保局- 再说一遍?-Environmental Protection Agency,-Come again?我是大屏幕上的人,你们给我听着Look, I'm a man on a big TV, Just listen,- 斯普林菲尔德已经…- 斯普林菲尔德! -Springfield has become-- -SpringfieId!成为有史以来最为污染的城市…--the most polluted city in the history of the planet, 小题大作Drama queen!为了防止向外散播污染To keep your poisons from spreading,,,政府将你们封于此圆盖内,,, your government has sealed you in this dome,除此之外别无他法It's the last thing we wanted to do,圆盖是我公司造的,不过这是题外话I own the company that makes the dome, but that's beside the point,你是说我们象老鼠一样被困这儿了?You mean we're trapped Iike rats?不,想困住老鼠可不这么容易你们更象是…胡萝卜No, rats can 't be trapped this easily, You're trapped like carrots,等一下,不再有污染了呀大家都不再向湖中倾泻废物了Wait. We couIdn't be more poIIuted. Everyone stopped dumping in the Iake.很显然,有个家伙可不听这套Apparently someone didn 't get the message,自然点Act naturaI.嘿!迟早会有人路过这儿将一切公之于众的Hey, buddy, sooner or Iater, peopIe are gonna discover this.别担心,我们知道怎么把你们从地图上抹去Don 't worry about that, We found a way to take you off the map,你右侧将出现的…Coming up on your right:无名地Nothing,我是肯特·布鲁克曼,向您报道严重危机This is Kent Brockman, reporting to you on a crisis so serious. . .此危机拥有独一无二的名字和主题曲. . .it has its own name and theme music.圆盖是为了灭绝生命The dome has put an end to Iife as we know it.现在城里汽油、除皱针等种种资源短缺The town is running Iow on suppIies of everything from gasoIine to Botox.请稍等Moment, pIease.与往常一样节目最后我们来看看"鸿毛一瞥"Now, as aIways, we end our news on ''The Lighter Side. '' 现在正是燕子回归斯普林菲尔德的季节It's the time of year when the swaIIows return to SpringfieId.我想我最怀念的,还是夏日中的一缕微风I think the thing I miss most is a simpIe summer breeze.玛吉?Maggie?无腊、无需抛光、无需翻修你需要的就是"圆盖地波"We've got dome wax, dome polish, dome freshener, all your dome needs,,,"圆盖地波"位于圆盖及105号,,,at Dome Depot, located at the 1 05 and the dome,圆盖地波!Dome Depot!玛吉跑出去了!玛吉跑出去了!Maggie got out! Maggie got out!玛吉刚才就在那里,就在圆盖外面Maggie was right there, just outside the dome.玛吉,她在这儿Marge, she's right here.这圆盖会叫你产生幻觉你一定要镇定,而且…This dome can pIay tricks on you. You just have to keep caIm and--天啊!Oh, my God.我从圆盖里出来啦!新鲜空气!自由!I'm out of the dome. Fresh air! Freedom!我会给你写信的,多保重!I'II write you. Lead good Iives!晚上好,我是肯特·布鲁克曼Good evening, this is Kent Brockman,寻找污染环境、自私自利…Efforts to find out whose selfish crime,,,连累我们受困圆盖的罪魁祸首…还是没有任何进展,,,caused our entrapment have been fruitless,但是不久之前…Until moments ago!斯普林菲尔德湖有了令人震惊的发现A shocking discovery has been made here at Lake Springfield,用这种猪便便罐子的人多得是…That couId be anybody's pig-crap siIo.荷马,原来是你干的!Homer, it was you.你将这个镇子置于死地啊!You singIe-handedIy kiIIed this town.我知道,这好奇怪I know. It's weird.提醒大家,我们电视台并不鼓励义务警员行使正义Just a reminder, this station does not endorse vigilante justice,除非能将罪犯绳之以法,而这是迟早的事Unless it gets results, Which it will,你根本不把我的警告当回事You didn't Iisten to me after I warned you.别担心,这种无聊节目没人看的Don't worry, nobody watches this stupid show.远处那些不详之光是怎么回事?What's that ominous gIow in the distance?杀!杀!杀无赦!Kill! Kill! Kill!玛吉,快来看啊!那帮蠢蛋连我们住哪儿都不知道Marge, Iook. Those idiots don't even know where we Iive.杀!杀!杀无赦!Kill! Kill! Kill!交出荷马!交出荷马!We want Homer! We want Homer!恶魔!你是个恶魔!You monster. You monster!你也看了新闻?Did you see the news?亲爱的,别这样,眼下还有更棘手的事Honey, come on, we have bigger probIems.但是…我好生气But I'm so angry.你是女人,你要克制满腔怒火You're a woman. You can hoId on to it forever.好吧Okay.荷马,你得出去,面对大家…Homer, you have to go out there, face that mob. . .…为你的所作所为道歉. . .and apoIogize for what you did.我会的,但是我担心一开门他们连你和孩子都不放过I wouId, but I'm afraid if I open the door, they'II take aII of you.不会的,我们只要荷马!No, we won't. We just want Homer!也许不是你们,但是他们会杀了爷爷WeII, maybe not you, but they'II kiII Grampa.我就在楼下人群里!I'm part of the mob!泰尼,把孩子带走!Teeny! Take out the baby.我来帮你点上Here, Iet me get that for you.后退!我这儿可有电锯!Stay back. I got a chain saw.巴特!Bart!爬过来!快点!CrawI across. Hurry.要是被发现,他们会杀了你的But if they see you heIping us, they'II kiII you.我肯定你爸也会这么…I'm sure your father wouId do the same for--你明白了,快点过来Point taken. Now, hustIe your bustIes.弓箭!Archers.我的箭是红色的这样就知道谁是我的箭下冤魂I'm using a red arrow so I know who I kiII.不要!波洛特!要是再推,爸爸的小命就不保了。



冰河世纪3电影学英语剧本中英台词w o r d格式(排版好可打印)(总24页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--冰河世纪3:恐龙现身ICE AGE 3: "Dawn of The Dinosaurs"快了快了!It's happening!大家等等我啊Wait up guys!宝宝要生了!我要当爸爸了!The baby is coming! The baby is coming! I'm having a baby.- 蓝色警报蓝色警报了 - 要是女孩就是粉色- Code blue, code blue, - Or pink if it's a girl生宝宝了!生宝宝了!艾莉我来了!Coming up baby! Coming up baby! I'm coming, Ellie!抓住了We got it.艾莉艾莉你在哪我在哪?Ellie, Ellie, Where are you, Where am I曼尼!Manny!我说过了只是宝宝踢了一下而已I told you! It was just a kick.哦对啊!对啊哈哈Ohh right! Right, oh wow.你可真把你老爸吓死了!瞧老爸傻的Ohh you really gave daddy a scare! Daddy got silly.老爸从悬崖上溜下来Daddy fall down cliff and go,然后就嘣嘣嘣!傻老爸boom, boom, boom. Silly daddy.抱歉了各位虚惊一场宝宝只是踢了一下Sorry, folks. False alarm. It was just a kick.你知道我想踢谁嘛?Do you know who I want to kick?你这周都已经“虚惊”了三次了That's the third false alarmthis week.好了没啥好看的都散了吧散了吧!Allright show's over... break it up, break it up!哦~瞧瞧谁的小肚子也有小宝宝了Oh I see someone else who has a bun in the oven?我没怀孕!I'm not pregnant!真可惜你会是个好妈妈的Too bad, you'd make a wonderful mother.曼尼我知道你很高兴我也是Manny I know your excited, I am too,可你这样也有点太小题大做了but your getting a littlecarried away.好了好了听你这口气越来越像迪亚哥了Okay, okay, Boy, your starting to sound like Diego.等等…迪亚哥哪去了?Wait a second... Where is Diego?我可是蹄下生风啊宝贝儿!蹄下生风!My hooves are burning, baby!They are burning!哦瞧这儿啊我踮脚跑!Oh, look at this, I got to tip-Toe!我踮脚跑!你就吃灰去吧哈哈!I got to tip-Toe! Eat my dust, dingo!现在能睁眼了嘛?Huh, can I look now?别太激动哦小心伤着孩子Easy, don't freak out the baby.孩子好得很我现在倒是担心他老爸The baby is fine. It's thefreaked out daddy I'm worried about.嘿别偷看Ah-Uh-Uh, No peeking.- 嗒嗒!游乐场在此… - 哇!- Voila! Playground for junior... - Ohh wow!太美了It's amazing.- 曼尼… - 这是我做的我们一家- Ohh Manny... - I made it myself, our family.为什么这上面没我?Hey why aren't I up there?- 你可以上我们家 - 肯定很合适- You can be on ours. - You'dfit right in.当然了这工程还没完工Of course it's still work in progress.还有毛边要处理,这里还有这里Few rough edges, here and there.真不敢相信你这是要给孩子另造一个天地I don't believe it, your trying to baby proof nature.另造一个?哪有Baby proof nature Get outta here.那也太扯了That's ridiculous.曼尼我们的孩子以后肯定会在这里生活Manny, this is the world our baby's gonna grow up in.你可改变不了冰川世纪You can't change that.我当然可以我是地球上最大的Of course I can, I'm the biggest thing on earth.好吧大块头老爹我真想看看Okay big daddy, I can't wait to see,你怎么应付小孩how you handle the teen years.跟上希德别乱碰东西Come on, Sid. I don't want you touching anything.这地方是给孩子们玩的This place is for kids.你是小孩吗?不用答了Are you a kid Don't answer that.迪亚哥你在这啊Diego, there you are.刚刚你可错过了一份大惊喜You missed the big surprise.- 是嘛我待会再看吧 - 好回见- I'll check it out later. - Okay, See ya.我觉得迪亚哥好像有心事You know, I think there's something bothering, Diego.怎么会肯定没事的啦No, I'm sure everything's fine.你该去和他聊聊You should talk to him.男人可不会聊男人的事Guys don't talk to guys, about guy problems.我们互相捶一下肩就好了We just punch each other on the shoulders.那也太蠢了!That's stupid!对女人来说是的可对男人来说To a girl, but for a guy,那可顶的上六个月的心理治疗that's like six months of therapy.好了好了我去就是了Okay, Okay I'm going.- 嘿 - 喂!- Hey. - Oww!- 你干嘛呢 - 我也不晓得- Why'd you do that - I don't know.是这么个事儿艾莉觉得你有心事…So listen, Ellie thinks theres something bothering you...说真的我是在想很快Actually, I've been thinking, that soon,可能我就该出发了it might be time for me to head out.哦那我就跟她说你没事了嘛事没有Okay, so I'll just tell her that your fine. It was nothing.我们能哄得了谁呢曼尼?我越来越不像只剑齿虎了Look, who are we kidding, Manny I'm losing my edge.而且我也不适合整天帮你看小孩I'm not really built for chaperoning play-Dates.你说什么呢?What do you talking about?成家生子这是大事我很为你高兴可是…Having a family, that's huge. And I'm happy for you, but...这是你的探险故事不再是我的It's your adventure, not mine.你是说你不想和我一起带小孩?So you don't want to be around my kid?不是这个意思你… 你误会我说的话了No, no, no, t-Thats... your taking this the wrong way.你去吧探险去吧大探险家!No go, go find some adventure. Mr. Adventure guy!别让我家这点破事Don't let my boring domesticlife搅了你的兴致拖你后腿hit you on the bottom, on your way out.荷尔蒙失调的原来不止艾莉一个?Isn't Ellie supposed to be the one with the hormonal imbalance?曼尼等下!大家都不用走啊Manny, wait! No one has to leave.- 怎么样 - 跟你说了男人就不该聊- So - That's why guys don'ttalk to guys.- 怎么回事 - 迪亚哥要走了- Why what happened. - Diego's leaving.喂喂现在可是咱们的黄金时代了Whoa, whoa, this should be the best time of our lives.我们都快有宝宝了We're having a baby.错了希德是他们要有宝宝了No, Sid. They're havin' a baby.可我们是一起的呀我们是一家人呀Yeah but, we're a herd. We're a family 今日不同往昔了曼尼有其他事情要操心Look things have changed. Manny has other priority's now.接受现实吧希德我们有过快乐的过去Face it, Sid. We had a great run,可现在…是时候分道扬镳了but... now it's time to move on.那就是说只剩下我们两个了So it's just the two of us.又错希德不是两个No, Sid. It's not the two of us.喀什和艾迪也跟我们一起?Crash and Eddie, are coming with us?就喀什艾迪Just, Crash Just, Eddie别了希德Goodbye, Sid.好了冷静冷静交朋友是我的拿手好戏Okay, calm down. Calm down. I'm good at making friends.我自己招一帮子人对就是这样!I'll make my own herd. That's what I'll do!嘿!大家玩的怎么样啊?Hey! "Me amigo's. Que pasa"好吧至少还有帅的脸Well, at least you still gotyour looks.哦这下可好Ohh great!!有人在吗?Anybody here?嗨~Hello?哦可怜的小家伙我知道被人抛弃的感受Oh poor guys, I know what it's like to feel abandoned别担心你们不再孤独了Don't worry, you're not alone anymore.乖乖呆好There you go.呆在这!照顾好你弟弟Stay here! You take care of your brother now,妈妈马上回来momma's coming right back.宝宝妈妈来了!Momma's coming, baby!接到了I got you.我刚才怎么跟你说的What did I just tell you kids?哦谢谢谢谢!Ohh, thank you, thank you, thank you!坏蛋大坏蛋你们真快把妈妈吓出心脏病了Bad eggs, rotten eggs. A heart attack you almost gave me.哦对不起小宝宝我只是太爱你们了Ohh I'm sorry darling, it's just that I love you so much.好了来见见你们曼尼叔叔和艾莉婶婶你好呀!Hello!我给你们介绍蛋蛋蛋壳蛋黄I'd like to present, Eggbert, Shelly and Yoko.希德不管你在干什么都不是好主意Sid, whatever you're doing. It's a bad idea!嘘!孩子们会听到的Shh! My kids will hear you.他们不是你的孩子希德哪拿的放哪去They're not your kids, Sid. Take them back.- 你不适合当家长 - 为什么?- You're not meant to be a parent. - Why not?首先你偷蛋First sign: stealing someone else's eggs.其次有个差点成了蛋卷Second sign: one of them almost became an omelet.希德蛋妈妈肯定在急着找他们呢Sid, someone must be worried sick looking for them.不可能他们是在地下的冰洞里No, they were underground, in ice.要不是我发现了他们早就成… 冰蛋蛋了If it wasn't for me they'd be... Egg sickles.希德我知道你有多难受Sid, I know what your going through.总有一天你会成家立业的You're gonna have a family too someday.你会遇上个好女孩…You gonna meet a nice girl, with...她要求不高也不挑还有股味道…with low standards, no real options, or sense of smell...曼尼的意思是…What Manny means to say is...别说了我明白我送他们回去No, I get it. I'll take them back.你们去过两人世界我只能孤苦伶仃You have your family and I'm better off alone. By myself.呆在我的“孤独城堡”里(超人在南极的家也叫这…)A fortress of solitude.呆在冰天雪地里永不超生!In the ice, for ever!一个人孤单寂寞…Alone, lonely loner..- “一个人”还真不少 - 没错!- That's a lot of aloners. - Precisely!- 希德等下 - 不用叫他没事的- Sid, wait. - No, no, it's ok.他会自己蹦回来的这也算是希德的一样特异功能He'll bounce back, it's one of the advantages of being Sid.我为什么一定要把你们放回去呢我喜欢小孩子Why should I take you back. I love kids.我又有责任心又有爱心还有细心你们说呢?I'm responsible, loving, nurturing. What do you think?我就知道你们也这么想I knew you would agree.哦别哭哇我给你们找个干燥的地方Oh oh, don't cry! I'll find a dry place.我帮你擦擦干Let me just dry you off.怎么办呢当家长责任太大了I don't know, being a parents, a lot of work.也许我是没准备好Maybe I'm not ready.妈妈妈妈妈妈!Mamma, mama, mama!我当妈咪了!I'm a mommy.妈咪在哪里?Where's mommy?在这里!Here I am!这就对了把小脸洗的干干净净There you go, nice clean faces.我来接我来接!I got it! I got it!停下别舔了Stop it, no.嘿不准咬!Hey, no biting!对不起哦没事了都没事了I'm sorry, no, it's okay, it's okay.别哭了!你怎么还哭Don't cry! Why you still crying?你们饿了吗?应该是饿了我知道上哪儿找吃的Are you hungry Maybe your hungry.I know just the thing.牛妈妈在这里我就是你的牛宝宝来吃奶奶了~~~...this is animal I am your baby and this is my milk啊!!!!我以为你是母的!(OMG 抓到地方了…)Ahhhh!!! I thought you were a female!抱歉哦可你们不让进的I'm sorry, but you can't go in.曼尼说只给小孩子玩Manny says, It's just for kids.等下…你们就是小孩子呀!Wait a minute... You are kids!记得别碰坏东西!Just don't break anything!树懒说游乐场开放了!The Sloth says the playground's open!嘿等等不是全部开放!No, wait. Not for everyone!!别别碰那个!No, no. Don't touch that!- 他们是什么动物 - 管他呢有趣就是了!- What are they - Who cares Their fun!妈咪他占着这个不让我玩Mommy, his not sharing.你是不是该说说Aren't you gonna do something.说什么本来就是我家孩子先抢到的Why my kid had it first.- 不是! - 就是!- Did not! - Did to!骗人骗人没羞没羞liar,liar,pants on fire你哪根筋不对啊?What is the matter with you?我可是带着三个娃娃的单身母亲I'm a single mother with 3 kids.你给点同情会死人啊I could use a little compassion.- 别那么玩! - 别玩了!停下!- No don't! - No, don't! Stop.- 小罗罗! - 哇太炫了!- Ronald! - Whoa! That's insane.停下停下!Stop! Stop! Stop!- 坚持住小强强! - 我在坚持!- Hold on, Little Johnny! - I'm trying!知道不专家说过你应该You know, experts say that you should让孩子想吃什么就吃什么let the kids eat whatever they want.你觉得我脚脖子粗吗?Do you think my ankles look fat?脚脖子在哪里?Ankles. What ankles?小罗你从哪飞来的?Ronald, Where did you come from?哦不!Oh No!!好了快点吐出来!Okay come on spit him out!你要是不把小强吐出来If you don't spit out, Little Johnny,我就带你走了立马带走1…We're leaving the playgroundthis instantly, one...2…可别逼我数3哦...two .. Don't make me say three.这不出来了活蹦乱跳的There we are, a picture of health.他不是小强That's not little Johnny.- 有总比没有强嘛 - 小曼!- Well better than nothing. - Madison!- 快点吐出来 - 希德!- Come on, barf him up! - Sid!- 嗨曼尼 - 小强强!- Hello, Manny. - Little Johnny!哦别…不要啊!Oh wait... No! No!真对不起Oh I'm really sorry.这地儿全毁了This place is totalled.可不是我们干的And we didn't reck it.咱们没机会破处(女地)了!We're losing our touch bro!最重要的是没人受伤The important thing is that no one got hurt.除了这个Except for that guy.那三个…还有她And, and those three... and her.我让你把他们带回去可你却留着!I told you to take them back, and you kept them!看看现在这团糟!Now look what they've done.好吧我同意他们是有点不听话Okay granted, we do have some discipline issues.吃人家小孩可不止是不听话Eating kids is not a discipline issue.可他也吐出来了啊!But he spit them out!那真了不起啊再给他发朵大红花吧!Well that's super, lets give him a gold star!他们不属于这里希德They don't belong here, Sid.我不管你是从哪儿找到他们的你给我送回去Whatever they are wherever you found them, take them back.曼尼我可不会抛下我孩子!Manny, I'm not getting rid of my kids!地震了!Earthquake!没事没事有妈妈在!It's Okay, It's okay, mamma's here!地震还会叫唤吗?Do earthquakes, shriek?我以为这些家伙都灭绝了I thought those guys were extinct.那这家伙就是头发飙的活化石了希德!Well then, that is one *angry* fossil. Sid!快进去都进去Come on, inside, inside, inside.谁都别动!Nobody move a muscle!别别别哭啊No, no, no, don't cry.我们是迷途的小羊羔We are poor little lambs who have lost our way.希德!把孩子们还给她她才是妈妈!Sid! Give them to her. She's their mother.我怎么知道她不是冒牌的?How do I know, she's their mother?你还想怎么看出生证吗?她是头恐龙!What do you want, a birth certificate She's a *Dinosaur*!我含辛茹苦一把屎一把尿地把他们拉扯大Well I've put in the, blood, sweat and tears to raise them.拉扯了一天!快把孩子还给她疯子!For a day! Give them back, you Lunatic!这是我的孩子!Look these are my kids!想抢孩子先过我这关!And your gonna have to go through me to get them!- 希德! - 救命啊!- Sid! - Help!- 跑路啊! - 你吃饱了撑的吗这么没追求?- Run! - Don't you have anything better to do?- 救命啊! - 希德?- Help! - Sid?希德肯定是被带下去了Sid must be down there.好吧他肯定是完了真可惜Well, his dead! Real shame.- 我们会想念他的 - 别这么早下定论- He will be missed. - Oh no, no, no. Not so fast.好了接下来我就一个人去吧Okay. Ellie, this is where Idraw the line.你喀什艾迪回村子里去You, Crash and Eddie back to the village.想都别想Yeah that's gonna happen.艾莉!你没看到那玩意吗?Ellie! You saw that thing?会很危险的This is gonna be dangerous.- 你就说给我鼻子听吧 - 哦太棒了- Talk to the trunk. - Oh great,等我们救出希德我要杀了他after we save Sid! I'm gonnakill him.- 女士优先 - 老人优先- Ladies first! - Age before beauty!- 没痛苦就没收获 - 什么痛苦?- No pain no gain! - What pain?- 希德 - 希德- Sid - Sid?哦不妙啊不妙Oh no, no, no! Not good. Not good.艾莉!艾莉!等下!Ellie! Ellie! Wait up!先说好你要是觉得不对劲就算是错觉Okay look, if you feel anything, even if it's nothing.也一定要告诉我我们就立马出去You gotta tell me. And we're outta here.咱得先想个代号We need a code word.嗯来表示“要生孩子了”Yeah, something that says, "the baby's coming."嗯这个怎么样“啊!要生了!”Hmm. How about, "Aaah! Thebaby's coming!" How's that?不成太长了我们得想个短小Nah, too long. We need something short精悍的比如…呃…“桃子”!and punchy, like, uh... "peaches"!- 桃子 - 我喜欢桃子- Peaches - I love peaches,它们又甜又圆还毛茸茸的they're sweet and round and fuzzy.- 就跟你一样 - 你说我长得圆?- Just like you. - You think I'm round?啊…圆的好啊圆显得肉感(性感)!Uhh... Round is good. Round is, foxy!都跟紧了Stay close.你们是不是在跟我做同一个梦?Are you guys havin' the same dream I am?原来我们的脚下一直还有另一个世界!We've been living above anentire world.却根本不知道And we didn't even know it.快跑快Run for it! Hurry.迪亚哥你怎么在这?Diego, what are you doing here?观光呢找希德跟你一样!Sight seeing. Looking for Sid, same as you!你还真是高尚Well aren't you noble.现在不是拌嘴的时候This is not the time guys.我们需要人手!We need all the help we can get!我还是算了吧never mind到这儿来真乖乖!快过来Here, boy. Here, come on!你疯了吗!我们可不会爬在那东西上!Are you nuts! We're not getting on that thing!要嘛是这头恐龙要嘛就是那头!It's either this dinosaur, or that one!孕妇来也借个路!Pregnant lady, wants a lift. Yabba, dabba, Do!以后别再这么干!Don't ever, yabba, dabba, do that again!- 我觉得自己好…小啊 - 那你知道我现在怎么想吗?- I feel so... puny. - How do you think I feel?找好掩护!Take cover!老大太崇拜你了!你就是我亲哥哥!Dude, you're awesome! You're like the brother I never had!我也这么觉得!Me too.我们能收下他吗?Can we keep him?- 巴克 - 啥?- Buck. - What?我叫巴克是“巴克大侠”的简称The name's Buck. Short for, Buck-Minster.是“吧!”的全称Long for, buh!有点钝了A little dull.你们来这干什么?What are you doing here?我们一朋友被恐龙抓了Our friend was taken by a dinosaur.是嘛他挂了欢迎来到我的世界然后嗯回家去吧Well, his dead. Welcome to my world. Now, uh, go home.- 就不送了! - 不找到希德我们就不走- Off you pop! - Not without, Sid.艾莉等等或许这个秀逗家伙说的有理Ellie wait, maybe the deranged hermit has a point.曼尼!我们都走了这么远了一定能找到他的Manny! We came this far, we're gonna find him.我发现线索了I got tracks.走吧Let's go.如果你们进去了找到你们的朋友是…If you go in there, you'll find your friend...下辈子吧!in the AFTER-LIFE!你怎么知道?这位伟大智慧的黄鼠狼How do you know Oh great and wisely, weasely one.恐龙妈妈叼着三只小恐龙Mummy dinosaur carrying three babies,还有一个软绵绵的绿东西?and some floppy green thing?对啊我们的朋友就是那个软绵绵的绿东西Yeah, we're friends with the floppy green thing.你光看脚印就知道这么多?You got all that from the tracks?也不是啦我之前看到他们经过No, not really. I saw 'em come through here earlier.她往“熔岩瀑布”去了She's headed for Lava Falls.他们在那养小恐龙That's where they care, for the newborns.要到那儿你得穿过“悲惨森林”To get there! You got to go through the jungle of misery.横渡“死亡峡谷”Across the chasm of death.- 直抵“惊呼之地” - 哇!!!- To the plates of wow. - Wow!!!好了!Okay!你就自己慢慢疯吧好运Good luck with the slow decadence to madness,我们走了!we're gonna go now.嘿嘿嘿!Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Whoa!你以为你们是来热带旅游吗?What, you-You think this is some sort of tropical getaway?你根本保护不了你老婆!老兄!You can't protect your mate! Mate!.你能干什么嗯就靠这些脆生生的小象牙What are you gonna do withthose-Those flimsy tusks..你要是碰上那头怪物呢怎么办?When you run into the Beast?我叫他“鲁迪”I call him "Rudy".哦就这样啊我还以为会更吓人点Oh good. Good. I was worried it was比如“小强” “小黄”之类的something intimidating, like, Sheldon or Tim.等等!你是说有什么东西比母恐龙还大?Wait! You mean there's something *bigger* than Mommy Dinosaur..正是!Aye!- 眼睛 - 正是!- Eye - Aye! Aye!我的这个就是拜他所赐He's the one that gave me *this*哇他送你这个眼罩?Whoa. He gave you that patch?免费的?太酷了!For free That's so cool.说不定他也会送我们!Yeah, maybe he'll give *us* one, too!欢迎来到我的世界Welcome to my world.- 擅闯禁地者全无希望! - 好了知道了- Abandon all hope, he who enters there! - Alright we get it.唯有厄运与绝望相伴…Doom and despair. Yadda, yadda, yadda.听起来还真是个“悲惨森林”Sounds like a jungle of misery to me.- 等下 - 怎么了出什么事了是来“桃子”了吗?- Hold on. - Why, what's wrong Peaches不是我只是觉得有点怪怪的No, it's just I got a funny feeling.你饿了吧哦低血糖!You're hungry. Low blood sugar!- 那儿有果子 - 曼尼别去!- There's some fruit. - No, Manny!我要是你可不会乱摘东西I wouldn't do that, if I were you.这里可不是你熟悉的地盘This isn't exactly your playground.说得好像我会怕小花小草似的Like I'm going to be afraid of a pretty flower.- 你刚才可没料到这个吧 - 曼尼- Bet you didn't see that coming - Manny郑重申明这全都怪你For the record, I blame you for this.不准吃我们的朋友大花怪!Stop eating our friends, plant!够了我要把你连根拔起That's it, I'm tearing it up, from the roots.要这么干花瓣就会一直合着Do that and it'll clamp-Shut forever.好了孕妇同志别吓的鼻子都打结Alright, preggers. Don't get your trunk in a knot.- 我来把他们弄出来乘还没被消化- 消化?- I'll have them out of there before they're digested. - Digested?过个三分钟他们除了骨头可就什么都不剩了They'll be nothing but bones in 3 minutes.- 那个胖的可能得五分钟 - 我不胖!- Well maybe 5 for the fat one! - I'm not fat!- 我觉得有点酥麻 - 别说这种话- I feel tingly. - Don't say that,你还贴着我呢when your pressed up against me.- 不是那种酥麻 - 啊我也酥麻了- Not that kind of tingly. - I can feel it too.- 救命来人啊! - 快!- Help, someone help us! - Hurry!看我巴克的手段!It's time to get... Buck wild.现在知道谁胖了?Who's fat now?不要!No!- 一群观光客 - 被朵花吐了帅呆了!- Tourists. - Puked on by a plant. Awesome!- 说话呀 - 谢谢你救了我们- Say something. - Thank's forsaving us.你能帮我们找那个“软绵绵的绿东西”吗Will you help us find the floppy green thing.- 不用吧 - 要的- That's not necessary. - Yes it is.好吧我帮你可我有规矩第一:Alright I'll help ya. But I got rules. Rule number one:永远服从巴克第二:Always listen to Buck. Rule number two:走路只走路中间第三:Stay in the middle of the trail. Rule number three:爱放屁的到队尾去He who has gas, travels at the back of the pack.好了都跟上Come on then, chop, chop!我们真该去查查自己还正不正常We should all have our heads examined.那是第四条现在去找你朋友先That's rule number four. Now,let's go find your friend.哦好了好了表担心我们都会没事的Oh it's okay, it's okay. Don't worry, we're gonna be fine.麻烦能不能晃得轻点…Please swing a little more to...瞧她放我们下来了…See, she's putting us down...表!我这么年轻不该被吃掉啊!No! I'm too young to be eaten.哇!这鼻涕长得真有型可不是人人都有啊Wow! Nice mucus. And I don'tcare for, everyone.那个这些事情是很复杂啦Listen these things get complicated.也许我们能商量个办法Maybe we can work something out.周日到周二我带?I can have them on Sundays to Tuesdays?周三到周五?周末就够了!Wednesdays to Fridays Weekends!没事妈妈没事!It's Okay, mommas okay!你要是吃了我对孩子们影响不好If you eat me, it will send abad message.哈哈!看看孩子们护着谁我得一分!Ha! Score one for the sloth!现在就算打的难解难分吧And the scores all tied up.你觉得那个怪物会不会找到希德?Do you think the beast will find, Sid?最主要是会不会找到我们?Or more importantly, us?鲁迪?开玩笑他可是不知疲倦的Rudy Are you joking He's relentless.他洞察一切吞噬一切He knows all, sees all eats all.也就是说会了So that's a, yes.嘿从我家草坪上滚开走!Hey, get off my lawn! Go on shoo!!那家伙他还是毛毛虫的时候我就认识I knew that guy when he was a caterpillar.你知道的啦就是他还没变态的时候You know, before he came out.这么说你就这么靠智慧生存!So your just living down here by your wits!孤身一人了无牵挂?All on your own, no responsibilities?就我一个!岂不妙哉没有依赖Not one! It's incredible. No dependence,自由自在真是每个单身汉的梦想no limits, the greatest life a single guy can have.你听到没?这就是我想呆的地方Did you hear that This is my kind of place.喂?不行啊现在不方便说话…Hello No... No I can't really talk right now...我得去给个死树懒收尸I'm trying to recover a dead sloth.现在他们还跟着我呢!Now, They're following Me!我知道!他们还以为我疯了I know! They think I'm crazy.好了…我们快到“死亡峡谷”了O-Okay... We're going into the Chasm of Death,信号不好快断了我也爱你I'm gonna lose you. I love you too.好了拜拜嘿都跟上!Alright, goodbye. Goodbye, bye. Okay, follow me!你三星期后也会变成这样That's you in three weeks.那个他们干嘛管这个叫“死亡峡谷”So, why do they call it the chasm of death?我们也试过“大臭坑”Well we tried, 'big smelly crack',可是…别人一听就笑But... uhh, that just made everybody giggle.接下来怎么办?Well now what?- 夫人… - 她可不能上这玩意- Madam... - She is not doing that.军规第一条Rule number one.想想吧大猛犸不是说你们挺有记性的吗Come on, mammoth. You supposed to have a good memory.“永远服从巴克”Always listen to Buck.好了!目视前方腰板挺直…嗯好了Now! Eyes forward. Back straight... and uh, yes,要是吸入有毒气体你估计就没救了Breathe in the toxic fumes and you'll probably die.有毒气体?Toxic fumes.- 又一个阳光灿烂的日子 - 等等!- Just another day in paradise. - Wait!出发喽!(美国伞兵跳伞时会喊这么个词)Geronimo!- 艾莉!你没事吧- 太好玩了你们快来啊- Ellie! You okay - You have to try this.好了一个一个上再简单没有了Alright now pile on everyone, couldn't be easier.别慌!Don't panic!只是出了点技术故障Just some, technical difficulties.各位坚持住先Keep holding it in boys.我憋不住了I can't take it anymore.他吸气了!哦我也吸气了!He breathe it. And now I'm breathing it.- 嘿我们没挂 - 你听起来可真滑稽- Hey we're not dead. - You sound ridiculous.我?你真该听听你自己Me You should hear you.准备好了好了 1 2…Alright, alright. And one, and two...- 圣诞节~圣诞节来了~ - 你们疯了吗?- Christmas, Christmas time is here... - Are you crazy?这不是毒气It's not poison.现在麻烦大了It's so disturbing.不准笑统统都不准笑!Stop laughing, all of you!“不准笑统统都不准笑”"Stop laughing, all of you!"第一条军规是嘛呀?What's rule number one?他们只是笑一笑罢了They're just laughing,有那么严重吗?what's so bad about that?这些家伙就是笑死的They died laughing.- 别笑了! - 你知道什么最好笑吗?- Stop laughing! - Do you know what's funny though?我们还想去救希德可自己却先死翘翘了!We're trying to save Sid and now we're all gonna die!我甚至都不怎么喜欢希德And I don't even like Sid.有谁喜欢呢?他是白痴!Who does He's an idiot!多谢你啊拖我搅这趟浑水Thank's for getting me into this mess.这么多年了从来没有这样刺激过It's the most fun I've had in years.谢谢你啊玩单飞真是牛逼!Thank you, for deserting the herd. That was totally super.停下!还没明白吗我们都要翘辫子了Stop that! Don't you see We're all gonna die.什么都得靠我们自己对不?We gotta do everything, huh?我有时候会尿床Sometimes I wet my bed.没事了有时候我会尿你的床That's alright. Sometimes I wet your bed.我不知道你听到多少?I'm not sure how much of that you could hear?哦我全听到了Oh I heard all of it.你在我床上尿床?You wet my bed?哎呀中毒说的话,别当真That was, gas talk dude!.好了我们还是赶紧赶路吧Well, we better get moving.我们是不是忘了点什么?Aren't we forgetting something?我好寂寞哦I'm so lonely.好了开饭饭了…吃吧吃吧Okay. Here you go guys... Muncher, muncher.怎么!你们不吃蔬菜?What! Your not gonna eat your vegetables?那怎么能长成强壮的大恐龙呢?How you going to become big and strong, dinosaurs?不行…我要把他们教育成素食主义No... I raised them vegetarian.这样更健康我就是个最好的例子It's a healthier lifestyle I mean look at me.拜托我跟你说话呢Excuse me. I'm trying to have a conversation here.。

冰河世纪3电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)精编版

冰河世纪3电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)精编版

冰河世纪3:恐龙现身ICE AGE 3: "Dawn of The Dinosaurs"快了快了!It's happening!大家等等我啊Wait up guys!宝宝要生了!我要当爸爸了!The baby is coming! The baby is coming! I'm having a baby.- 蓝色警报蓝色警报了- 要是女孩就是粉色- Code blue, code blue, - Or pink if it's a girl生宝宝了!生宝宝了!艾莉我来了!Coming up baby! Coming up baby! I'm coming, Ellie!抓住了We got it.艾莉艾莉你在哪我在哪?Ellie, Ellie, Where are you, Where am I?曼尼!Manny!我说过了只是宝宝踢了一下而已I told you! It was just a kick.哦对啊!对啊哈哈Ohh right! Right, oh wow.你可真把你老爸吓死了!瞧老爸傻的Ohh you really gave daddy a scare! Daddy got silly.老爸从悬崖上溜下来Daddy fall down cliff and go,然后就嘣嘣嘣!傻老爸boom, boom, boom. Silly daddy.抱歉了各位虚惊一场宝宝只是踢了一下Sorry, folks. False alarm. It was just a kick.你知道我想踢谁嘛?Do you know who I want to kick?你这周都已经“虚惊”了三次了That's the third false alarm this week.好了没啥好看的都散了吧散了吧!Allright show's over... break it up, break it up! 哦~瞧瞧谁的小肚子也有小宝宝了Oh I see someone else who has a bun in the oven?我没怀孕!I'm not pregnant!真可惜你会是个好妈妈的Too bad, you'd make a wonderful mother.曼尼我知道你很高兴我也是Manny I know your excited, I am too,可你这样也有点太小题大做了but your getting a little carried away.好了好了听你这口气越来越像迪亚哥了Okay, okay, Boy, your starting to sound like Diego.等等…迪亚哥哪去了?Wait a second... Where is Diego?我可是蹄下生风啊宝贝儿!蹄下生风!My hooves are burning, baby! They are burning!哦瞧这儿啊我踮脚跑!Oh, look at this, I got to tip-Toe!我踮脚跑!你就吃灰去吧哈哈!I got to tip-Toe! Eat my dust, dingo!现在能睁眼了嘛?Huh, can I look now?别太激动哦小心伤着孩子Easy, don't freak out the baby.孩子好得很我现在倒是担心他老爸The baby is fine. It's the freaked out daddy I'm worried about.嘿别偷看Ah-Uh-Uh, No peeking.- 嗒嗒!游乐场在此… - 哇!- Voila! Playground for junior... - Ohh wow!太美了It's amazing.- 曼尼… - 这是我做的我们一家- Ohh Manny... - I made it myself, our family. 为什么这上面没我?Hey why aren't I up there?- 你可以上我们家- 肯定很合适- You can be on ours. - You'd fit right in.当然了这工程还没完工Of course it's still work in progress.还有毛边要处理,这里还有这里Few rough edges, here and there.真不敢相信你这是要给孩子另造一个天地I don't believe it, your trying to baby proof nature.另造一个?哪有Baby proof nature? Get outta here.那也太扯了That's ridiculous.曼尼我们的孩子以后肯定会在这里生活Manny, this is the world our baby's gonna grow up in.你可改变不了冰川世纪You can't change that.我当然可以我是地球上最大的Of course I can, I'm the biggest thing on earth. 好吧大块头老爹我真想看看Okay big daddy, I can't wait to see,你怎么应付小孩how you handle the teen years.跟上希德别乱碰东西Come on, Sid. I don't want you touching anything.这地方是给孩子们玩的This place is for kids.你是小孩吗?不用答了Are you a kid? Don't answer that.迪亚哥你在这啊Diego, there you are.刚刚你可错过了一份大惊喜You missed the big surprise.- 是嘛我待会再看吧- 好回见- I'll check it out later. - Okay, See ya.我觉得迪亚哥好像有心事You know, I think there's something bothering, Diego.怎么会肯定没事的啦No, I'm sure everything's fine.你该去和他聊聊You should talk to him.男人可不会聊男人的事Guys don't talk to guys, about guy problems. 我们互相捶一下肩就好了We just punch each other on the shoulders.那也太蠢了!That's stupid!对女人来说是的可对男人来说To a girl, but for a guy,那可顶的上六个月的心理治疗that's like six months of therapy.好了好了我去就是了Okay, Okay I'm going.- 嘿- 喂!- Hey. - Oww!- 你干嘛呢?- 我也不晓得- Why'd you do that? - I don't know.是这么个事儿艾莉觉得你有心事…So listen, Ellie thinks theres something bothering you...说真的我是在想很快Actually, I've been thinking, that soon,可能我就该出发了it might be time for me to head out.哦那我就跟她说你没事了嘛事没有Okay, so I'll just tell her that your fine. It was nothing.我们能哄得了谁呢曼尼?我越来越不像只剑齿虎了Look, who are we kidding, Manny? I'm losing my edge.而且我也不适合整天帮你看小孩I'm not really built for chaperoning play-Dates.你说什么呢?What do you talking about?成家生子这是大事我很为你高兴可是…Having a family, that's huge. And I'm happy for you, but...这是你的探险故事不再是我的It's your adventure, not mine.你是说你不想和我一起带小孩?So you don't want to be around my kid?不是这个意思你… 你误会我说的话了No, no, no, t-Thats... your taking this the wrong way.你去吧探险去吧大探险家!No go, go find some adventure. Mr. Adventure guy!别让我家这点破事Don't let my boring domestic life搅了你的兴致拖你后腿hit you on the bottom, on your way out.荷尔蒙失调的原来不止艾莉一个?Isn't Ellie supposed to be the one with the hormonal imbalance?曼尼等下!大家都不用走啊Manny, wait! No one has to leave.- 怎么样?- 跟你说了男人就不该聊- So? - That's why guys don't talk to guys.- 怎么回事- 迪亚哥要走了- Why what happened. - Diego's leaving.喂喂现在可是咱们的黄金时代了Whoa, whoa, this should be the best time of our lives.我们都快有宝宝了We're having a baby.错了希德是他们要有宝宝了No, Sid. They're havin' a baby.可我们是一起的呀我们是一家人呀Yeah but, we're a herd. We're a family今日不同往昔了曼尼有其他事情要操心Look things have changed. Manny has other priority's now.接受现实吧希德我们有过快乐的过去Face it, Sid. We had a great run,可现在…是时候分道扬镳了but... now it's time to move on.那就是说只剩下我们两个了So it's just the two of us.又错希德不是两个No, Sid. It's not the two of us.喀什和艾迪也跟我们一起?Crash and Eddie, are coming with us?就喀什?艾迪?Just, Crash? Just, Eddie?别了希德Goodbye, Sid.好了冷静冷静交朋友是我的拿手好戏Okay, calm down. Calm down. I'm good at making friends.我自己招一帮子人对就是这样!I'll make my own herd. That's what I'll do! 嘿!大家玩的怎么样啊?Hey! "Me amigo's. Que pasa?"好吧至少还有帅的脸Well, at least you still got your looks.哦这下可好Ohh great!!有人在吗?Anybody here?嗨~?Hello?哦可怜的小家伙我知道被人抛弃的感受Oh poor guys, I know what it's like to feel abandoned别担心你们不再孤独了Don't worry, you're not alone anymore.乖乖呆好There you go.呆在这!照顾好你弟弟Stay here! You take care of your brother now, 妈妈马上回来momma's coming right back.宝宝妈妈来了!Momma's coming, baby!接到了I got you.我刚才怎么跟你说的What did I just tell you kids?哦谢谢谢谢!Ohh, thank you, thank you, thank you!坏蛋大坏蛋你们真快把妈妈吓出心脏病了Bad eggs, rotten eggs. A heart attack you almost gave me.哦对不起小宝宝我只是太爱你们了Ohh I'm sorry darling, it's just that I love you so much.好了来见见你们曼尼叔叔和艾莉婶婶你好呀!Hello!我给你们介绍蛋蛋蛋壳蛋黄I'd like to present, Eggbert, Shelly and Yoko. 希德不管你在干什么都不是好主意Sid, whatever you're doing. It's a bad idea! 嘘!孩子们会听到的Shh! My kids will hear you.他们不是你的孩子希德哪拿的放哪去They're not your kids, Sid. Take them back.- 你不适合当家长- 为什么?- You're not meant to be a parent. - Why not? 首先你偷蛋First sign: stealing someone else's eggs.其次有个差点成了蛋卷Second sign: one of them almost became an omelet.希德蛋妈妈肯定在急着找他们呢Sid, someone must be worried sick looking for them.不可能他们是在地下的冰洞里No, they were underground, in ice.要不是我发现了他们早就成… 冰蛋蛋了If it wasn't for me they'd be... Egg sickles.希德我知道你有多难受Sid, I know what your going through.总有一天你会成家立业的You're gonna have a family too someday.你会遇上个好女孩…You gonna meet a nice girl, with...她要求不高也不挑还有股味道…with low standards, no real options, or sense of smell...曼尼的意思是…What Manny means to say is...别说了我明白我送他们回去No, I get it. I'll take them back.你们去过两人世界我只能孤苦伶仃You have your family and I'm better off alone. By myself.呆在我的“孤独城堡”里(超人在南极的家也叫这…)A fortress of solitude.呆在冰天雪地里永不超生!In the ice, for ever!一个人孤单寂寞…Alone, lonely loner..- “一个人”还真不少- 没错!- That's a lot of aloners. - Precisely!- 希德等下- 不用叫他没事的- Sid, wait. - No, no, it's ok.他会自己蹦回来的这也算是希德的一样特异功能He'll bounce back, it's one of the advantages of being Sid.我为什么一定要把你们放回去呢我喜欢小孩子Why should I take you back. I love kids.我又有责任心又有爱心还有细心你们说呢?I'm responsible, loving, nurturing. What do you think?我就知道你们也这么想I knew you would agree.哦别哭哇我给你们找个干燥的地方Oh oh, don't cry! I'll find a dry place.我帮你擦擦干Let me just dry you off.怎么办呢当家长责任太大了I don't know, being a parents, a lot of work.也许我是没准备好Maybe I'm not ready.妈妈妈妈妈妈!Mamma, mama, mama!我当妈咪了!I'm a mommy.妈咪在哪里?Where's mommy? 在这里!Here I am!这就对了把小脸洗的干干净净There you go, nice clean faces.我来接我来接!I got it! I got it!停下别舔了Stop it, no.嘿不准咬!Hey, no biting!对不起哦没事了都没事了I'm sorry, no, it's okay, it's okay.别哭了!你怎么还哭Don't cry! Why you still crying?你们饿了吗?应该是饿了我知道上哪儿找吃的Are you hungry? Maybe your hungry. I know just the thing.牛妈妈在这里我就是你的牛宝宝来吃奶奶了~~~...this is animal I am your baby and this is my milk啊!!!!我以为你是母的!(OMG 抓到地方了…)Ahhhh!!! I thought you were a female!抱歉哦可你们不让进的I'm sorry, but you can't go in.曼尼说只给小孩子玩Manny says, It's just for kids.等下…你们就是小孩子呀!Wait a minute... You are kids!记得别碰坏东西!Just don't break anything!树懒说游乐场开放了!The Sloth says the playground's open!嘿等等不是全部开放!No, wait. Not for everyone!!别别碰那个!No, no. Don't touch that!- 他们是什么动物?- 管他呢有趣就是了!- What are they? - Who cares? Their fun!妈咪他占着这个不让我玩Mommy, his not sharing.你是不是该说说Aren't you gonna do something.说什么本来就是我家孩子先抢到的Why my kid had it first.- 不是!- 就是!- Did not! - Did to!骗人骗人没羞没羞liar,liar,pants on fire你哪根筋不对啊?What is the matter with you?我可是带着三个娃娃的单身母亲I'm a single mother with 3 kids.你给点同情会死人啊I could use a little compassion.- 别那么玩!- 别玩了!停下!- No don't! - No, don't! Stop.- 小罗罗!- 哇太炫了!- Ronald! - Whoa! That's insane.停下停下!Stop! Stop! Stop!- 坚持住小强强!- 我在坚持!- Hold on, Little Johnny! - I'm trying!知道不专家说过你应该You know, experts say that you should让孩子想吃什么就吃什么let the kids eat whatever they want.你觉得我脚脖子粗吗?Do you think my ankles look fat? 脚脖子在哪里?Ankles. What ankles?小罗你从哪飞来的?Ronald, Where did you come from?哦不!Oh No!!好了快点吐出来!Okay come on spit him out!你要是不把小强吐出来If you don't spit out, Little Johnny,我就带你走了立马带走1…We're leaving the playground this instantly, one...2…可别逼我数3哦...two .. Don't make me say three.这不出来了活蹦乱跳的There we are, a picture of health.他不是小强That's not little Johnny.- 有总比没有强嘛- 小曼!- Well better than nothing. - Madison!- 快点吐出来- 希德!- Come on, barf him up! - Sid!- 嗨曼尼- 小强强!- Hello, Manny. - Little Johnny!哦别…不要啊!Oh wait... No! No!真对不起Oh I'm really sorry.这地儿全毁了This place is totalled.可不是我们干的And we didn't reck it.咱们没机会破处(女地)了!We're losing our touch bro!最重要的是没人受伤The important thing is that no one got hurt.除了这个Except for that guy.那三个…还有她And, and those three... and her.我让你把他们带回去可你却留着!I told you to take them back, and you kept them!看看现在这团糟!Now look what they've done.好吧我同意他们是有点不听话Okay granted, we do have some discipline issues.吃人家小孩可不止是不听话Eating kids is not a discipline issue.可他也吐出来了啊!But he spit them out!那真了不起啊再给他发朵大红花吧!Well that's super, lets give him a gold star!他们不属于这里希德They don't belong here, Sid.我不管你是从哪儿找到他们的你给我送回去Whatever they are wherever you found them, take them back.曼尼我可不会抛下我孩子!Manny, I'm not getting rid of my kids!地震了!Earthquake!没事没事有妈妈在!It's Okay, It's okay, mamma's here!地震还会叫唤吗?Do earthquakes, shriek?我以为这些家伙都灭绝了I thought those guys were extinct.那这家伙就是头发飙的活化石了希德!Well then, that is one *angry* fossil. Sid! 快进去都进去Come on, inside, inside, inside.谁都别动!Nobody move a muscle!别别别哭啊No, no, no, don't cry.我们是迷途的小羊羔We are poor little lambs who have lost our way.希德!把孩子们还给她她才是妈妈!Sid! Give them to her. She's their mother.我怎么知道她不是冒牌的?How do I know, she's their mother?你还想怎么看出生证吗?她是头恐龙!What do you want, a birth certificate? She's a *Dinosaur*!我含辛茹苦一把屎一把尿地把他们拉扯大Well I've put in the, blood, sweat and tears to raise them.拉扯了一天!快把孩子还给她疯子!For a day! Give them back, you Lunatic!这是我的孩子!Look these are my kids!想抢孩子先过我这关!And your gonna have to go through me to get them!- 希德!- 救命啊!- Sid! - Help!- 跑路啊!- 你吃饱了撑的吗这么没追求?- Run! - Don't you have anything better to do? - 救命啊!- 希德?- Help! - Sid?希德肯定是被带下去了Sid must be down there.好吧他肯定是完了真可惜Well, his dead! Real shame.- 我们会想念他的- 别这么早下定论- He will be missed. - Oh no, no, no. Not so fast.好了接下来我就一个人去吧Okay. Ellie, this is where I draw the line.你喀什艾迪回村子里去You, Crash and Eddie back to the village.想都别想Yeah that's gonna happen.艾莉!你没看到那玩意吗?Ellie! You saw that thing?会很危险的This is gonna be dangerous.- 你就说给我鼻子听吧- 哦太棒了- Talk to the trunk. - Oh great,等我们救出希德我要杀了他after we save Sid! I'm gonna kill him.- 女士优先- 老人优先- Ladies first! - Age before beauty!- 没痛苦就没收获- 什么痛苦?- No pain no gain! - What pain?- 希德?- 希德?- Sid? - Sid?哦不妙啊不妙Oh no, no, no! Not good. Not good.艾莉!艾莉!等下!Ellie! Ellie! Wait up!先说好你要是觉得不对劲就算是错觉Okay look, if you feel anything, even if it's nothing.也一定要告诉我我们就立马出去You gotta tell me. And we're outta here.咱得先想个代号We need a code word.嗯来表示“要生孩子了”Yeah, something that says, "the baby's coming."嗯这个怎么样“啊!要生了!”Hmm. How about, "Aaah! The baby's coming!" How's that?不成太长了我们得想个短小Nah, too long. We need something short精悍的比如…呃…“桃子”!and punchy, like, uh... "peaches"!- 桃子?- 我喜欢桃子- Peaches? - I love peaches,它们又甜又圆还毛茸茸的they're sweet and round and fuzzy.- 就跟你一样- 你说我长得圆?- Just like you. - You think I'm round?啊…圆的好啊圆显得肉感(性感)!Uhh... Round is good. Round is, foxy!都跟紧了Stay close.你们是不是在跟我做同一个梦?Are you guys havin' the same dream I am?原来我们的脚下一直还有另一个世界!We've been living above an entire world.却根本不知道And we didn't even know it.快跑快Run for it! Hurry.迪亚哥你怎么在这?Diego, what are you doing here?观光呢找希德跟你一样!Sight seeing. Looking for Sid, same as you!你还真是高尚Well aren't you noble.现在不是拌嘴的时候This is not the time guys.我们需要人手!We need all the help we can get!我还是算了吧never mind到这儿来真乖乖!快过来Here, boy. Here, come on!你疯了吗!我们可不会爬在那东西上!Are you nuts! We're not getting on that thing! 要嘛是这头恐龙要嘛就是那头!It's either this dinosaur, or that one!孕妇来也借个路!Pregnant lady, wants a lift. Yabba, dabba, Do! 以后别再这么干!Don't ever, yabba, dabba, do that again!- 我觉得自己好…小啊- 那你知道我现在怎么想吗?- I feel so... puny. - How do you think I feel?找好掩护!Take cover!老大太崇拜你了!你就是我亲哥哥!Dude, you're awesome! You're like the brother I never had!我也这么觉得!Me too.我们能收下他吗?Can we keep him?- 巴克- 啥?- Buck. - What?我叫巴克是“巴克大侠”的简称The name's Buck. Short for, Buck-Minster.是“吧!”的全称Long for, buh!有点钝了A little dull.你们来这干什么?What are you doing here?我们一朋友被恐龙抓了Our friend was taken by a dinosaur. 是嘛他挂了欢迎来到我的世界然后嗯回家去吧Well, his dead. Welcome to my world. Now, uh, go home.- 就不送了!- 不找到希德我们就不走- Off you pop! - Not without, Sid.艾莉等等或许这个秀逗家伙说的有理Ellie wait, maybe the deranged hermit has a point.曼尼!我们都走了这么远了一定能找到他的Manny! We came this far, we're gonna find him.我发现线索了I got tracks.走吧Let's go.如果你们进去了找到你们的朋友是…If you go in there, you'll find your friend...下辈子吧!in the AFTER-LIFE!你怎么知道?这位伟大智慧的黄鼠狼How do you know? Oh great and wisely, weasely one.恐龙妈妈叼着三只小恐龙Mummy dinosaur carrying three babies,还有一个软绵绵的绿东西?and some floppy green thing?对啊我们的朋友就是那个软绵绵的绿东西Yeah, we're friends with the floppy green thing.你光看脚印就知道这么多?You got all that from the tracks?也不是啦我之前看到他们经过No, not really. I saw 'em come through here earlier.她往“熔岩瀑布”去了She's headed for Lava Falls.他们在那养小恐龙That's where they care, for the newborns.要到那儿你得穿过“悲惨森林”To get there! You got to go through the jungle of misery.横渡“死亡峡谷”Across the chasm of death.- 直抵“惊呼之地” - 哇!!!- To the plates of wow. - Wow!!!好了!Okay!你就自己慢慢疯吧好运Good luck with the slow decadence to madness,我们走了!we're gonna go now.嘿嘿嘿!Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Whoa!你以为你们是来热带旅游吗?What, you-You think this is some sort of tropical getaway?你根本保护不了你老婆!老兄!You can't protect your mate! Mate!.你能干什么嗯?就靠这些脆生生的小象牙?What are you gonna do with those-Those flimsy tusks..?你要是碰上那头怪物呢怎么办?When you run into the Beast?我叫他“鲁迪”I call him "Rudy".哦就这样啊我还以为会更吓人点Oh good. Good. I was worried it was比如“小强” “小黄”之类的something intimidating, like, Sheldon or Tim. 等等!你是说有什么东西比母恐龙还大?Wait! You mean there's something *bigger* than Mommy Dinosaur..?正是!Aye!- 眼睛?- 正是!- Eye? - Aye! Aye!我的这个就是拜他所赐He's the one that gave me *this*哇他送你这个眼罩?Whoa. He gave you that patch?免费的?太酷了!For free? That's so cool.说不定他也会送我们!Yeah, maybe he'll give *us* one, too!欢迎来到我的世界Welcome to my world.- 擅闯禁地者全无希望!- 好了知道了- Abandon all hope, he who enters there! - Alright we get it.唯有厄运与绝望相伴…Doom and despair. Yadda, yadda, yadda.听起来还真是个“悲惨森林”Sounds like a jungle of misery to me.- 等下- 怎么了出什么事了是来“桃子”了吗?- Hold on. - Why, what's wrong? Peaches?不是我只是觉得有点怪怪的No, it's just I got a funny feeling.你饿了吧哦低血糖!You're hungry. Low blood sugar!- 那儿有果子- 曼尼别去!- There's some fruit. - No, Manny!我要是你可不会乱摘东西I wouldn't do that, if I were you.这里可不是你熟悉的地盘This isn't exactly your playground.说得好像我会怕小花小草似的Like I'm going to be afraid of a pretty flower.- 你刚才可没料到这个吧?- 曼尼?- Bet you didn't see that coming? - Manny?郑重申明这全都怪你For the record, I blame you for this.不准吃我们的朋友大花怪!Stop eating our friends, plant!够了我要把你连根拔起That's it, I'm tearing it up, from the roots.要这么干花瓣就会一直合着Do that and it'll clamp-Shut forever.好了孕妇同志别吓的鼻子都打结Alright, preggers. Don't get your trunk in a knot.- 我来把他们弄出来乘还没被消化- 消化?- I'll have them out of there before they're digested. - Digested?过个三分钟他们除了骨头可就什么都不剩了They'll be nothing but bones in 3 minutes.- 那个胖的可能得五分钟- 我不胖!- Well maybe 5 for the fat one! - I'm not fat! - 我觉得有点酥麻- 别说这种话- I feel tingly. - Don't say that,你还贴着我呢when your pressed up against me.- 不是那种酥麻- 啊我也酥麻了- Not that kind of tingly. - I can feel it too.- 救命来人啊!- 快!- Help, someone help us! - Hurry!看我巴克的手段!It's time to get... Buck wild.现在知道谁胖了?Who's fat now?不要!No! - 一群观光客- 被朵花吐了帅呆了!- Tourists. - Puked on by a plant. Awesome!- 说话呀- 谢谢你救了我们- Say something. - Thank's for saving us.你能帮我们找那个“软绵绵的绿东西”吗?Will you help us find the floppy green thing?. - 不用吧- 要的- That's not necessary. - Yes it is.好吧我帮你可我有规矩第一:Alright I'll help ya. But I got rules. Rule number one:永远服从巴克第二:Always listen to Buck. Rule number two:走路只走路中间第三:Stay in the middle of the trail. Rule number three:爱放屁的到队尾去He who has gas, travels at the back of the pack.好了都跟上Come on then, chop, chop!我们真该去查查自己还正不正常We should all have our heads examined.那是第四条现在去找你朋友先That's rule number four. Now, let's go find your friend.哦好了好了表担心我们都会没事的Oh it's okay, it's okay. Don't worry, we're gonna be fine.麻烦能不能晃得轻点…?Please swing a little more to...?瞧她放我们下来了…See, she's putting us down...表!我这么年轻不该被吃掉啊!No! I'm too young to be eaten.哇!这鼻涕长得真有型可不是人人都有啊Wow! Nice mucus. And I don't care for,everyone.那个这些事情是很复杂啦Listen these things get complicated.也许我们能商量个办法Maybe we can work something out.周日到周二我带?I can have them on Sundays to Tuesdays?周三到周五?周末就够了!Wednesdays to Fridays? Weekends!没事妈妈没事!It's Okay, mommas okay!你要是吃了我对孩子们影响不好If you eat me, it will send a bad message.哈哈!看看孩子们护着谁我得一分!Ha! Score one for the sloth!现在就算打的难解难分吧And the scores all tied up.你觉得那个怪物会不会找到希德?Do you think the beast will find, Sid?最主要是会不会找到我们?Or more importantly, us?鲁迪?开玩笑他可是不知疲倦的Rudy? Are you joking? He's relentless.他洞察一切吞噬一切He knows all, sees all eats all.也就是说会了So that's a, yes.嘿从我家草坪上滚开走!Hey, get off my lawn! Go on shoo!!那家伙他还是毛毛虫的时候我就认识I knew that guy when he was a caterpillar.你知道的啦就是他还没变态的时候You know, before he came out.这么说你就这么靠智慧生存!So your just living down here by your wits! 孤身一人了无牵挂?All on your own, no responsibilities?就我一个!岂不妙哉没有依赖Not one! It's incredible. No dependence,自由自在真是每个单身汉的梦想no limits, the greatest life a single guy can have.你听到没?这就是我想呆的地方Did you hear that? This is my kind of place. 喂?不行啊现在不方便说话…Hello? No... No I can't really talk right now... 我得去给个死树懒收尸I'm trying to recover a dead sloth.现在他们还跟着我呢!Now, They're following Me!我知道!他们还以为我疯了I know! They think I'm crazy.好了…我们快到“死亡峡谷”了O-Okay... We're going into the Chasm of Death,信号不好快断了我也爱你I'm gonna lose you. I love you too.好了拜拜嘿都跟上!Alright, goodbye. Goodbye, bye. Okay, follow me!你三星期后也会变成这样That's you in three weeks.那个他们干嘛管这个叫“死亡峡谷”?So, why do they call it the chasm of death?我们也试过“大臭坑”Well we tried, 'big smelly crack',可是…别人一听就笑But... uhh, that just made everybody giggle. 接下来怎么办?Well now what?- 夫人… - 她可不能上这玩意- Madam... - She is not doing that.军规第一条Rule number one.想想吧大猛犸不是说你们挺有记性的吗Come on, mammoth. You supposed to have a good memory.“永远服从巴克”Always listen to Buck.好了!目视前方腰板挺直…嗯好了Now! Eyes forward. Back straight... and uh, yes,要是吸入有毒气体你估计就没救了Breathe in the toxic fumes and you'll probably die.有毒气体?Toxic fumes.- 又一个阳光灿烂的日子- 等等!- Just another day in paradise. - Wait!出发喽!(美国伞兵跳伞时会喊这么个词)Geronimo!- 艾莉!你没事吧?- 太好玩了你们快来啊- Ellie! You okay? - You have to try this.好了一个一个上再简单没有了Alright now pile on everyone, couldn't be easier.别慌!Don't panic!只是出了点技术故障Just some, technical difficulties.各位坚持住先Keep holding it in boys.我憋不住了I can't take it anymore.他吸气了!哦我也吸气了!He breathe it. And now I'm breathing it.- 嘿我们没挂- 你听起来可真滑稽- Hey we're not dead. - You sound ridiculous. 我?你真该听听你自己Me? You should hear you.准备好了好了1 2…Alright, alright. And one, and two...- 圣诞节~圣诞节来了~ - 你们疯了吗?- Christmas, Christmas time is here... - Are you crazy?这不是毒气It's not poison.现在麻烦大了It's so disturbing.不准笑统统都不准笑!Stop laughing, all of you!“不准笑统统都不准笑”"Stop laughing, all of you!"第一条军规是嘛呀?What's rule number one?他们只是笑一笑罢了They're just laughing,有那么严重吗?what's so bad about that?这些家伙就是笑死的They died laughing.- 别笑了!- 你知道什么最好笑吗?- Stop laughing! - Do you know what's funny though?我们还想去救希德可自己却先死翘翘了!We're trying to save Sid and now we're all gonna die!我甚至都不怎么喜欢希德And I don't even like Sid.有谁喜欢呢?他是白痴!Who does? He's an idiot!多谢你啊拖我搅这趟浑水Thank's for getting me into this mess.这么多年了从来没有这样刺激过It's the most fun I've had in years.谢谢你啊玩单飞真是牛逼!Thank you, for deserting the herd. That was totally super.停下!还没明白吗?我们都要翘辫子了Stop that! Don't you see? We're all gonna die. 什么都得靠我们自己对不?We gotta do everything, huh?我有时候会尿床Sometimes I wet my bed.没事了有时候我会尿你的床That's alright. Sometimes I wet your bed.我不知道你听到多少?I'm not sure how much of that you could hear?哦我全听到了Oh I heard all of it.你在我床上尿床?You wet my bed?哎呀中毒说的话,别当真That was, gas talk dude!.好了我们还是赶紧赶路吧Well, we better get moving.我们是不是忘了点什么?Aren't we forgetting something?我好寂寞哦I'm so lonely.好了开饭饭了…吃吧吃吧Okay. Here you go guys... Muncher, muncher. 怎么!你们不吃蔬菜?What! Your not gonna eat your vegetables?那怎么能长成强壮的大恐龙呢?How you going to become big and strong, dinosaurs?不行…我要把他们教育成素食主义No... I raised them vegetarian.这样更健康我就是个最好的例子It's a healthier lifestyle I mean look at me.拜托我跟你说话呢Excuse me. I'm trying to have a conversation here.不行不行!我们的孩子不能吃这个No, no, no! That's not for us kids.这个太毛太油了而且…Way to feathery and fleshy and...还是活的!...and alive!不行不行我们不能吃活的动物没得商量No, no, no, we do not eat live animals, period. 好了快飞吧你自由了Now go, fly. Be free.不会飞的小小鸟Little, flightless bird.- 是我不好- 嘿你去哪?- My bad. - Hey, where you going?你就是这么解决矛盾的?难怪光棍This is how you resolve a conflict? No wonder your single.嘿拜托我是在自言自语吗?Oh come on. Am I talking to myself here?我说他们要吃素食你说“吼”I say they're vegetarian, you say, 'Grrrr' .我说,我们能谈谈吗?I say can we talk about this?你说“吼” 这不叫沟通嘛You say, Grrrr. I don't call that communication. 瞧你解决问题就这一套See, that's your answer to everything.你还怕什么?你是地球上最大的了What are you afraid of? You're the biggest thing on Earth.不是吗?Aren't you?。


Yeah, it's all rigged.
Experts estimate there are
over 1500 tons of exotic material
scattered throughout the tri-state area.
and storage of alien and other exotic materials.
Now the assholes who made this mess are paid to clean it up.
- 你就打算坐这么? - 对
This is your first time on a private plane?
My first time on any plane.
Should it--? Should it be--? Should it be making that noise?
It's my suit.
- Where's the case? - What case?
- 那个箱子呢? - 什么箱子?
What? I thought that was a closet.
- This is still my room? - Go. Please.
This is a huge deal for us.
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片名:《拜见罗宾逊一家》Meet The Robinsons我没有选那个因为那个会让我起疙瘩Then I didn't choose that one because it was gonna give me pimples,于是我挑了另外一个比较恐怖的so I choosed another scary one因为根据我多年参加万圣节前夕的经验because, for all those years that I went for Halloween,我是比较大胆的I wasn't scary at all.我特爱棒球我生下来就是要去打棒球的I love baseball. It's my destiny to play that game.其实我不真的那么在乎输赢I don't really care about winning.不过现在我挺在乎的因为,呃,我们逢打必输Well, like, now I do 'cause, like, we've lost every game.我都输得麻木了I've gotten tired of it.我是那么卖力的打所有的球都扔给我I'm working, like, so hard. All the balls are getting thrown to me.我尽力去接住每一个球I'm trying to catch, like, every one.场外的观众都在看着…All of the people in the outfield are all looking around and...走吧!我们打棒球去,好不?Come on! Let's play some baseball, okay?我们需要运动别老呆在屋里Not the lazy game.他们到了They're here.刘易斯Lewis?刘易斯Lewis?顾博,嘿,我完成了我做完了Goob! Hey, I did it, Goob! I finished it!他们将会爱死这发明They are gonna love this!没有比说“收养我吧”更象古怪的发明了Nothing says "adopt me" like a weird invention.刘易斯Lewis!- 刘易斯,哈里顿夫妇到了- 我先走了,米尔德里德- Lewis, the Harringtons are here! - Way ahead of you, Mildred.等等Wait! Wait! Wait, wait, wait.记住,坐立时要挺直腰杆看着他们的眼睛Remember, sit up straight. Look them in the eye.脸带微笑让我帮你…Smile. Let's fix your...米尔德里德Mildred.好吧,好吧All right, all right, all right, all right.去向他们展现你的与众不同…Go show them how special you are.噢,希望这次能够成功Oh, I hope this is it.我希望他能被收养I hope he gets adopted.还有我也希望,头头You and me both, chief.我是指这个世界上太多东西能够改进I mean, there's so many things in the worldthat can be improved.想象一下活动式人行道,气垫汽车Just think of it. Moving sidewalks, flying cars. 只有想不到,没有做不到的The possibilities are endless.气垫汽车?嘿,我喜欢这个Flying cars? Yeah, that's a good one.只要少少的想象再加上一点点的科学All it takes is some imagination and a little science,我们就能让这个世界变得更美好and we can make the world a better place. 呃,这些主意非常有趣Well, these are all interesting ideas.那么你最喜爱的运动是什么?So, what's your favourite sport?- 发明创造算不算一种运动?- 事实上…- Well, does inventing count as a sport? - Actually...因为当我发明了这个我好像打了个本垒打'Cause I think I hit a home run with this one! - 那是啥玩艺?- 首先,得问个问题- What is that? - First, a question.当你用花生酱和果子冻做三文治的时候What's the number one problem that you face你面对的头号难题是什么?when you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?- 刘易斯,我不想…- 搭配比例控制- Lewis, I don't think we... - Portion control.太多花生酱黏住口腔顶部Too much peanut butter sticks to the roof of your mouth,引起咀嚼困难takes forever to chew.太多果子冻从三文治边上挤出来弄得双手黏糊糊的Too much jelly squishes out the sides and makes your hands all sticky.我认为花生酱和果子冻的最佳搭配Well, I propose that the perfect P.B. and J.是人们随手可得的is within mankind's grasp,为此我发明了这部机器and I've built this machine to achieve it.在这次演示中我使用普通的面包For this demonstration, I'll use regular bread. 亲爱的,没事的Honey, it's okay.正如您所看到的面包并不需要烤过As you can see, toasting is an option.我们并不吃花生酱We don't usually eat peanut butter.刘易斯,真的不需要演示了Lewis, this is really not necessary.被堵住了It's jammed!刘易斯,求你不要做了Lewis, please, don't!怎么回事?What's happening?哈里顿先生对花生过敏!Mr Harrington has a peanut allergy!真对不起!I'm sorry!让我帮你弄掉那些花生酱!Here let me help you get that off!靠后站!Stand back!- 他会没事吗?- 深呼吸,深呼吸- Is he gonna be okay? - Breathe. Breathe.真对不起,我不知道!I'm so sorry! I didn't know!认识你真高兴It was really nice to meet you.我们需要一点时间考虑We're gonna need some time to think about it.嗨,一切还好吗…Hi, folks. Everything all...发生什么事了?What happened?达夫小姐那小孩对我们绝对不合适Miss Duffy, that boy is definitely not right for us.现在我们告辞了Now, if you'll excuse me.我对发生这一切感到很抱歉如果你们…I'm so sorry about this. If you would just...- 我做好午饭了- 我不饿- I made some lunch. - Not hungry.可怜的哈里顿先生Poor Mr Harrington.- 我杀死他了?- 没有,没有,你没有杀死他- I killed him? - No. No! No, you didn't kill him. 我给他打电话了,他完全没事了I called. He's perfectly fine.我只是想说I was just gonna say that it's...他没有尝试一下It's too bad he didn't get to try a sandwich你的天才发明做的三文治真是太可惜了from that wonderful invention of yours.- 对,真的太可惜了- 这不是你的错- Yeah, real wonderful. - It's not you.我们只是还没有找到合适的夫妇罢了We just haven't found the right couple yet. 一百二十四One hundred twenty-four.什么?What?那是领养面试次数我一共面试了124次That's how many adoption interviews I've had, 124.噢,刘易斯,算了吧Oh, Lewis, come on, now.你也太夸张了为了说明你You're exaggerating just to make your是对的point.另外,我明年13岁了Plus, I'm gonna be 13 next year,你知道一个少年被领养会有多困难and you know how hard it is for a teenager to get adopted.我没有未来没有人想收养我I have no future. No one wants me.那不是真的,刘易斯!That's not true, Lewis!我亲生母亲都不想要我My own mother didn't even want me.好了,够了,你并不知道那原因Now, stop it. You do not know that.那么她为什么放弃我?Then why'd she give me up?她或许没有能力养大你She may not have been able to take care of you.你有没有想过这点?Did you ever think of that?我肯定她所考虑的是什么是对你最好的I am sure that she was only thinking about what was best for you.我从没有从那方面去想I never thought of it that way.或许她想养育你但她没有能力Maybe she wanted to keep you, but she had no choice.你所得对You're right.我亲生妈妈才是唯一想要我的人My real mom is the only person who's ever wanted me.慢着,我是说“或许”Wait. I said "maybe."如果她那时要我现在她也会要我And if she wanted me then, she'll want me now.你在说些什么呀?What are you talking about?我要去找她,米尔德里德如果我找到她,她就会要回我I have to find her, Mildred, and when I do, she'll take me back,我们一家人又再重聚了and we'll be a family again!哦,刘易斯,你不能找到她的Whoa, whoa, whoa! Lewis, you can't do that.没有人知道她的任何消息没有人曾经见过她No one knows anything about her. No one even saw her.不对,我看见她了Wrong. I saw her一次once.她就在我的脑海里我只需要记起来She's in here. I just have to remember.就这么定了That's it!您好Hello 我要告诉你一些事情I got something to tell you一些不可思议的事情But it's crazy我要给你看一些东西I got something to show you所以请再次给我一次机会So give me just one more chance再多一瞥,我对你印象更深刻One more glance And I will make of you有一个信仰者Another believer你估不到吧?你获得的比你索求的还多Guess what? You got more than you bargained太神奇了吧?Ain't it crazy?你买到的比你支付的还多You got more than you paid for所以请再次给我一次机会So give me just one more chance再多一瞥One more glance再多一只手去牵One more hand to hold你已经在我脑海里You've been on my mind虽说看似戏谑Though it may seem I'm fooling浪费大量时间Wasted so much time虽说看似戏谑Though it may seem I'm fooling我们将怎么办?What are we gonna do?我们将怎么办?What are we gonna do?我们将怎么办?What are we gonna do about it?你已经在我脑海里You've been on my mind再给一次机会One more chance浪费大量时间Wasted so much time再给一次机会One more chance累坏了So tired.我们下午两点见你要来他会很高兴的We'll see you at 2:00 this afternoon. He'll be so excited you're coming.再见了Bye-bye, now.好极了!嘿,顾博…呃,是迈克尔Yes! Hey, Goob... I mean, Michael.- 祝你今天的大赛好运!- 轻而易举的事情- Good luck at the big game today. - Easy win. 对方是一群乌合之众Those guys are a bunch of bums.我只希望我不要睡着了I just hope I can stay awake.不要告诉我,让我猜猜Don't tell me. Let me guess.他整晚没睡一直在搞他那该死的发明He was up all night working on his stupid project,但是我早就有心理准备了but that's what happens当你有这么一个科学怪人做室友when you get a science geek for a roommate. 哈,真是好人Ah, that's good joe.好了,爱恩斯坦你该去为迈克尔加油All right, Einstein, you owe Michael big time.把脑海里的秘密打开需要的时间要比我预期的长Well, unlocking the secrets of the brain took a lot longer than I expected,但是已经完成了,米尔德里德我再校准了耳机but it's finished, Mildred. I recalibrated the headset.现在神经中枢的线路将会接通Now the neural circuits will connect.我破解了脑内的海马状突起(在泛记过程中起主要作用)I've cracked the hippocampus!真的吗?好的,什么?Really? Okay. What?现在开始测试Now to test it out.噢,我要迟到了,我得走了!Oh, no! I'm late! I gotta go!等一下,刘易斯,等一下Wait a minute, Lewis. Wait a minute.我差点忘了我到这的目的I almost forgot what I came up here for.我知道你今天有很多事情要做I know you have a lot on your plate today,但我已经为你安排了一次会面在下午but I've scheduled an interview for you this afternoon.- 不,谢谢- “不,谢谢”?什么意思?- No, thanks. - "No, thanks"?宝贝,这是关乎你被收养的大事Sweetheart, this is about being adopted,你得回来这里而且要干净,高兴还有准时and you will be back here clean, happy and ontime.我不再去会面了,米尔德里德我不要再被拒绝了I'm done with interviews, Mildred. I'm not gonna be rejected anymore.听着,我知道你的想法但我还是要提醒你Listen, I know where your head is, but I'm telling you,你得忘记过去展望未来you have got to get out of the past and look to the future.我有,这就是了I am, and this is it.这就是我的未来This is my future.对不起I'm sorry.刘易斯?宝贝?Lewis? Honey?克伦克霍恩博士我知道你在发明谷实验室Dr Krunklehorn, I know you're very busy there 忙得不可开交at Inventco Labs,我们非常荣幸能邀请到您担任裁判and we're just so excited to have you as a judge.非常乐意帮忙,威勒斯坦先生嘿,你可能还不知道It's my pleasure, Mr Willerstein. Hey, you never know.你的一位学生可能发明了下一代的集成电路One of your students may invent the next integrated circuit或者微处理器或者集成电路or microprocessor or integrated circuit.噢,慢着我已经提过集成电路了Oh, wait! I said that already. 我很少离开那实验室Well, I just don't get out of that lab very much.那是蝴蝶结吗?我喜欢蝴蝶结Is that a bow tie? I like bow ties.我有八天没有睡了I haven't slept in eight days!那么需要我帮你找张简易床或其他什么的?Well, then can I get you a cot or something?不需要,我已经打过咖啡因补丁这是我的发明Nope, I've got the caffeine patch. It's my invention.每个补丁相当于12杯咖啡Each patch is the equivalent of 12 cups of coffee.你能够保持清醒数天而没有任何副作用You can stay awake for days with no side effects.对不起,她是谁?Sorry. Who's this?她是我的学生斯坦利·普郭斯基This is one of our students, Stanley Pukowski. 噢,太可爱了Oh, so cute!我真想咬一口他那胖胖的小脸颊!I just want to bite his chubby little cheeks!衣服上的是什么,普郭斯基?What's with the dress, Pukowski?事实上这是宽外袍,先生It's actually a toga, sir.教练,见到你真高兴,有那么一点点你在这干什么?Coach, nice to see you, sort of. What are you doing here?当科学展览的裁判啊我看起来还会做什么?Judging a science fair. What's it look like I'mdoing?什么让您觉得您够资格当科学展的裁判的?And what makes you qualified to judge a science fair?这是我的地盘It's my gym.斯坦利火山爆发吧Stanley. Volcano.见证维苏威火山(欧洲唯一活火山)的神奇力量吧Behold the awesome power of Mount Vesuvius!触发器不工作The toggle switch isn't toggling.克伦克霍恩博士?Dr Krunklehorn?钡,钴(化学元素)爱恩斯坦,调味剂Barium, cobalt, Einstein, Kool-Aid!我不知道她刚才在说什么但这项目不通过!I don't know what she just said, but this project is unacceptable!现在给我环绕体育馆跑20个圈!Now, give me 20 laps around the gym!快跑!快跑!快跑!快!快!快!Move it! Move it! Move it! Go! Go! Go!- 教练- 我在看着你- Coach! - I'm watching you.好了,下一位是莉兹和她的火蚁(南美一种杂食性蚂蚁)养殖场Okay, next up is Lizzy and her fire ant farm.没错That's right.莉兹,我们谈论过这火蚁Lizzy, we talked about the fire ants.你知道他们会咬人You know that they have a tendency to bite people.他们只咬我的敌人Only my enemies.不要停,好不?莉兹,你是最棒的Just keep moving, shall we? Top notch, Lizzy!我们还是不要惹她生气或者有任何引起她不安的举动Let's not anger her or make her jumpy in any way.这里不安全,进来This area's not secure. Get in.有没有一个戴圆顶硬礼帽的高个子男人靠近你?Have you been approached by a tall man in a bowler hat?- 什么?- 嘿,嘿,在这我来问问题- What? - Hey, hey, I'll ask the questions here. - 好吧,再见- 好吧- Okay, goodbye. - All right,本不想以大欺小这是你逼我的didn't want to pull rank on you, but you forced my hand.T.C.T.F的特别探员威尔伯·罗宾逊Special Agent Wilbur Robinson of the T.C.T.F. - T.C.T.F是什么来着?- 时光统一体机动部队- The what? - Time Continuum Task Force.- 我是来保护你的- 呃…- I'm here to protect you. - Well...现在请回答,有没有戴圆顶硬礼帽的高个子男人靠近你?Now, tall man, bowler hat, approached you? 没有,为什么?No, why?我会因为这而丢掉工作的I could lose my badge for this.他是一宗抢劫案的嫌疑犯He's a suspect in a robbery.他偷了什么了?What did he steal?- 一部时光机器- 一部什么?- A time machine. - A what?我一直追踪他到了这个时光点我的线人说他在找你I've tracked him to this time, and my informants say he's after you.找我?为什么找我?Me? Why me?在HQ的小伙子还没有找到他的动机The boys back at HQ haven't figured out a motive yet.我说的“HQ”是指总部的意思And by "HQ," I mean "headquarters."我知道HQ是什么意思I know what HQ means.很好,你是个聪明的孩子Good. You're a smart kid.这或许能让你活着到目前为止That might keep you alive, for now.只是有点担心你那小发明Just worry about your little science gizmo让我来当那个“perp”(罪人)and leave the "perp" to me.- 我说的“perp”是指…- 我知道那是什么意思!- And by "perp," I mean... - I know what it means!好吧,了不起先生Okay, Mr Smarty-pants.戴圆顶硬礼帽的人!Bowler Hat Guy!我的青蛙!My frogs!这下你可逃不掉了You're not gonna get away with it, 带着科学展品的小孩kid with science project.靓仔,你差点打烂了我的太阳能系统!Dude, you almost busted my solar system!我的青蛙!他们跑掉了!My frogs! They're getting away!抓到你了!这是最后一只Got you! That's the last of them.讨厌的小女孩我可没有时间抓青蛙Annoying little girl, I don't have time for this. 我正在执行重要的…I'm on a very important...对本小姐休得无礼,孩子我会日本空手道Don't sass me, boy. I know karate.加油,普郭斯基!小小的苦楚相当于激励!Come on, Pukowski! Feel the pain! Love the pain!教练…Coach...下一个是刘易斯Next up is Lewis.对…刘易斯!失陪一下Yes... Lewis! Excuse me.刘易斯,告诉我这玩艺不会…Lewis, tell me this thing is not gonna...没事的,这次准会成功我不会让您失望的,我保证It's okay. It's gonna work this time. I won't let you down, I promise.好吧,刘易斯,我相信你给他们致命一击All right, Lewis, I trust you. Knock 'em dead.那是给大家一个惊喜的意思千万不要闹出人命来That was a figure of speech. Please don't kill anyone.好了,大家往后站Okay, stand back, everybody.下一个项目会让大家张大嘴巴合不拢This next project will knock your socks off.说真的,你可能需要站后一点Seriously, you might wanna stand back a little. 你是否曾经忘记过一些事情Have you ever forgotten something,无论你如何努力去回想就是想不起来and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't remember it?这些被遗忘了的记忆到底去哪了?Well, what happens to these forgotten memories?我认为它们被存放在我们脑海里的某个角落I propose they're stored somewhere in your brain,我建造了一台机器可以唤醒它们and I built a machine that can retrieve them. 我称它记忆扫描仪I call it the Memory Scanner.让人眼前为之一亮!It's shiny!那么,刘易斯这台记忆扫描仪的工作原理是什么?So, Lewis, how does the Memory Scanner work?首先,你在这键盘输入想扫描的时间段First, you input the desired period of time on this keypad.然后镭射扫描大脑皮层那是记忆被存放的地方Then a laser scans the cerebral cortex, where memories are stored.被提取出来的记忆会被显示在显示屏上The retrieved memory is then displayed on this monitor.把它打包起来我要两台Wrap him up. I'll take two. 现在我设定时间倒退12年零3个月11天Now, I'm going back 12 years, three months and 11 days.为什么要选这个特定的日子?Why that particular day?我没有想到我会注意到吧?You didn't think I was paying attention, did you?呃,那天是…Well, that was the day...这么说吧那天是我生命中很重要的一天Let's just say, that was a very important day in my life.比较合理开始吧Fair enough. Play ball.涡轮很快就能发动起来It'll just take a second to get the turbines going.刘易斯,慢着!Lewis, wait!她要爆发了!She's gonna blow!注意!Watch out!小小苦楚相当于激励…Feel the pain! Love the...很疼!快停止!Hurts so much! Make it stop!快停止!Make it stop!教练,你忍住,好吧?Coach, suck it up, okay?让我们处理好危机明天我们回想起也感自豪Let us conduct ourselves in a way that we'll all be proud of tomorrow.- 大家冷静!- 威勒斯坦先生?- Let's calm down! - Mr 威勒斯坦?- 我不是故意的…- 现在不是时候,刘易斯!- I didn't mean to... - Not now, Lewis!对不起,真对不起I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.现在不是道歉的时候Not now.好吧,大家冷静有秩序地Okay, and we are walking in a calm, orderly fashion走向出口toward the exits.等等,刘易斯!Wait, Lewis!来,亲爱的,我们的未来在等着呢Come, my dear. Our future awaits.嘿,你在这干嘛?Hey, what are you doing up here?你能不再扮了吗,拜托了?我知道你不是鸽子Would you quit that, please? I know you're not a pigeon.你让我暴露了You're blowing my cover.这里只有我们两个We're the only ones up here.这正是他们希望你是这样想的That's just what they want you to think.现在,那里该打扫好了Now, enough moping.把这个拿回科学展修好你的记忆扫描仪Take this back to the science fair and fix that Memory Scanner.停!停!离我远点!Stop! Stop! Get away from me!也许你忘记了Maybe you've forgotten. 我是来自未来的时光警察应该被非常严肃的对待I'm a time cop from the future, should be taken very seriously.这不是徽章That's no badge.这是皮肤晒成褐色沙龙赠券!你是个假冒的This is a coupon for a tanning salon! You're a fake.好吧,你揭穿了我我不是警察Okay, you got me. I'm not a cop,但我确实是来自未来but I really am from the future,还有确实有这么一个戴圆顶硬礼帽的家伙and there really is this Bowler Hat Guy.又来了Here we go again.他偷了一部时光机器来到了科学展He stole a time machine, came to the science fair破坏掉你的发明and ruined your project.我的发明不成功是因为我功夫不到家My project didn't work because I'm no good.没有戴圆顶硬礼帽的家伙没有时光机器There is no Bowler Hat Guy, there is no time machine,你并不是来自未来and you're not from the future!你是疯了!You're crazy!我没有发疯I am not crazy.噢,对了,时光旅行队长?证明你所说的Oh, yeah, Captain Time Travel? Prove it.对了吧,我猜对了吧你无法证明Yeah, that's what I thought.我要反锁自己在我的房间里I'm just gonna go lock myself in my room躲在掩盖物下面好几年and hide under the covers for a couple years.如果我证明我来自未来你会不会回到科学展去?If I prove to you I'm from the future, will you go back to the science fair?好,当然,你想怎样都行Yeah, sure, whatever you say.嘿,放开我Hey, let go of me!- 你在干嘛?放开我!- 好吧- What are you doing? Let go of me! - Okay.这是什么?我们要上哪去?What is this? Where are we going?去到未来!To the future!已经到达未来The future has arrived今天已经到达未来The future has arrived today已经到达未来The future has arrived今天已经到达未来The future has arrived today这个证据充足了吧?Is this proof enough for you?够充足了!Is it ever!在我一生中我从来没有想象到时光旅行会实现I never thought that time travel could be possible in my lifetime,现在就在我的眼前and here it is, right in front of me! 事实会让你相信一切老兄The truth will set you free, brother.这一切超出了我的想象This is beyond anything I could've imagined. 这意味着我完全可以改变我的生命This means I could really change my life.对,你能够That's right. You can.下一站是科学展去修好你的记忆扫描仪Next stop, science fair, to fix your Memory Scanner.嘿,我才不会去修那愚蠢的记忆扫描仪Hey, I'm not gonna fix that stupid Memory Scanner.- 什么?- 威尔伯,这是时光机器!- What? - Wilbur, this is a time machine!为什么我要去修理我那低级的发明Why should I fix my dumb invention什么时候你能带我去见我的妈妈?就用这船when you can take me to see my mom now in this ship?事实上我可以回到那个晚上制止她不要遗弃我I could actually go back to that night and stop her from giving me up.答案不是时光机器而是这个The answer is not a time machine. It's this.这个?你想知道我对这个的看法吗?This? You want to know what I think about this?你在干嘛?What are you doing?对不起,威尔伯I'm sorry, Wilbur,但你不知道我是怎样熬过来的but you don't know what I've lived through.- 刘易斯,不要!- 松手!- Lewis, no! - Let go!- 你松手!- 你不是我的老板!- You let go! - You're not the boss of me!我是的因为我13岁,你才12岁Yes, I am, 'cause you're 12, and I'm 13.我比你大That makes me older.我在过去出生Well, I was born in the past,所以我比你老,你要听我的!which makes me older and the boss of you!我完蛋了I am so dead.我不允许看一眼这玩艺更不要说驾驶它了!I'm not allowed to look at this thing, let alone drive it!爸爸,妈妈要杀了我了Mom and Dad are gonna kill me,我可以明确告诉你他们绝不会手软的and I can tell you this. It will not be done with mercy.难道没有时光机器修理店Isn't there like a time machine repair shop- 或其他类似的?- 没有- or something? - No!目前总共才有两台时光机器There's only two time machines in existence, 另一台在戴圆顶硬礼帽的家伙手上and the Bowler Hat Guy has the other one!那么得找人修好它Well, somebody's gonna have to fix this.好主意你这么聪明,你来修Good idea. You're smart. You fix it.你疯了吗?我不会修这玩艺Are you crazy? I can't fix this thing. 你行的你弄坏了,你得修好Yes, you can. You broke it. You fix it.好吧,不过有个条件All right, under one condition.我修好了你带我回去见我的妈妈I fix it, you take me back to see my mom.什么?你甚至没有兑现我们上一个协议What? You didn't even follow through on our last deal.这叫我如何相信你?How can I trust you?那么你告诉我你是来自未来的时光警察Well, you told me you were a time cop from the future.这叫我如何相信你?How can I trust you?大家彼此彼此Touch?那么我们达成协议了吧?So do we have a deal?这位女士你好Good day, madam.- 我是来这改变未来的- 是的,先生?- I'm here to change the future. - Yes, sir?我需要马上跟主管谈谈I must speak with the man in charge immediately.- 是,先生- 我和命运有个约会- Yes, sir. - I have an appointment with destiny. 很好,先生我要告诉史密斯Very good, sir. I'll let Smith know,我会把你干洗好的衣服直接送回到你的套间and I'll have your dry cleaning delivered directly to your suite.- 什么?- 现在告诉我你的预约时间?- What? - Now, what time is yourappointment?- 你在问我吗?- 是的- Are you talking to me? - Yes.你的预约时间是几点?What time is your appointment?大指针在…噢,两点!Big hand is on the... Oh, 2:00!你是预约两点的那位?You're the 2:00?对,就是我Yes. Yes, I am.你是玛丽·约翰森?You're Mary Johnson?对Yes.玛丽是什么的简称…Mary is short for...玛丽安?Marian?- 那可以是个男孩的名字吗?- 可以的- Can that be a boy name? - Yes.- 那么是的- 请坐下- Then yes. - Have a seat.噢,太好了Oh, goody!“把发明冒认是自己的作品”完成,噢,我喜欢清单"Pass off invention as my own." Check. Oh, I love checklists.管委会的人已经准备好见你The board is ready to see you now.等等,我该说些什么?Wait. What am I going to say?我永远都记不住那些I'm never gonna remember that.你能不能…为什么你不自己去?你做得比我好多了Would you... Why don't you go? You do it so much better than me.那是事实That's true.没有脑袋的帽子不可能真的A hat without a head couldn't really pass off an invention冒认别人的发明as its own.妙极了!好主意!真高兴有你帮忙!Fantastic! Great idea! I'm so glad I have you!“准备好一个惊喜”噢,我看到了"Prepare to be amazed." Oh, I got it!准备好一个惊喜!Prepare to be amazed!“这是我的发明”"This is my invention."“我想在座各位从来没有看过如此伟大的发明”"I doubt any of you have seen anything as brilliant as this device."非常好Very well,约翰森小姐?Miss Johnson?是太太It's Ms.你有两分钟时间,请开始You have two minutes. Please begin.- 光彩夺目!- 那是什么?- It's shiny! - What is that thing?呃,我叫它为…Well, I like to call it my...叫它…To call it my...- 你在看什么?- 没有!我…阳光照到我眼睛- What are you looking at? - No! I... The sun, in my eyes.那我关上百叶窗Well, then let me close the blinds.什么名字?Now, the name?呃…Well, what...我们可以另找个时间讨论这名字问题We can quibble about names at a later date. 重点是我带来的是特别的唯一的The point is, what I have here is special, unique.对,对,你会爱死它购买它和大量生产它Yes. Yes, you must love it and buy it and mass produce it,最妙的一点是它带有非常舒服的耳机and the best part is, it's got really comfy headphones.我在想你能够往前靠一点吗?拜托I wonder, could you lean forward just a little bit, please?对,谢谢Yes, thank you.对,它们相当舒服Yes, they are quite comfortable.你发明这目的是为了什么?What do you hope to accomplish with this? 噢,没有特别的原因Oh, nothing of consequence.我只是想粉碎一个可怜小孤儿的梦想!I simply wish to crush the dreams of a poor little orphan boy!接下来就不太清楚After that, it's all a little fuzzy.你的意思是你并没有全盘考虑过You mean, you haven't thought this through? 30秒Thirty seconds.请允许我演示它是如何工作的Allow me to show you how it works.首先,我们接通电源First, we turn it on.那不是开关That's not it.10秒Ten seconds.那我该在哪签名?So where do I sign?多里斯,一切都完了Doris, it's all over.我们所有的希望和梦想都破灭了All our hopes and dreams dashed,就像这所有的支离破碎的机器部件like so many pieces of a broken machiney thing.你是对的You're right.胜利还是属于我们的Success is still ours for the taking.我们必须找到那小孩We must find that boy.我们把这玩艺偷运到车库去在那你需要的任何工具都有We'll sneak this thing into the garage. You'll have all the tools you need.那么你的父母怎办?What about your parents?妈妈从来不到那去Mom never goes in there,爸爸出差去了明早才回来and Dad's on a business trip until tomorrow morning.。
