未来世界格局将走向无极化(The future world pattern will be no polarization)

二、战后(zhàn hòu)两极格局的形成与 演变
1.雅尔塔体制的建立和两大阵营的对峙 (1)雅尔塔体制的建立 雅尔塔体制的主要制定者是美国总统罗斯福和
苏联领导人斯大林,它是美苏两个大国安排世 界,划分(huà fēn)势力范围的结果。
1.雅尔塔体制的建立和两大阵营的对峙 (2)两大阵营的对峙(冷战) 杜鲁门上台以后,逐步采取了一系列恶化美苏
和上世纪相比,美国的霸权显然日渐 式微。但至少从中短期来看,无法想象中 国可能取代美国行使压倒性霸权。美中一 方面反对对立,反复合作,另一方面不得 不把与七国集团和金砖国家(guójiā)合作协 商的“两超多强”这种“大国治理下的和 平”格局作为国际政治的主调。
法国(fǎ ɡuó)战略研究基金会教授布鲁·泰尔特雷:
❖ “完全有理由认为,几十年内无任何国家能挑战美国的优势地 位。”
❖ 美国社会有“持续的自我再生能力”,“美国的政治机制的稳定 性在世界上也绝无仅有”。
(4)多极格局说 理查德•罗斯克兰斯(Richard Rosecrance) :未来世界将是迅速发展的多 极——四个或五个主要因素在这个体系中居 支配地位(dìwèi)。 郗润昌:两极格局终结至今,以美、欧、日、 中、俄五大力量为主体的世界多极格局的框架 结构已基本形成。
❖ 墨西哥报刊(bàokān)认为,2003年的伊 拉克战争打碎了凯南所预见的多极秩序(苏、 英、德、日、美),催生了一个非常复杂的多 极和多维世界,新生的六极世界看来已经出现: 美、欧盟、巴西、俄、印、中。

After the end of the cold war, with the development of all aspects of the society, various reasons pushing the world political pattern towards multi polarization direction. This paper analyzes the political pattern of the world's content and its presenting features, as well as the world multi polarization of politics is an objective necessity, is the inevitable trend of history. Political situation and future development of the China how to respond to the trend of development。
一、国际政治格局多极化趋势的历史背景二十世纪八十年代的国际风云变化令人目不暇接……东欧剧变、柏林墙倒塌,以及19 91年底的苏联解体,二战后长达40年的冷战似乎在一夜之间便烟消云散,美苏两级对立的格局终结。

1. 引言1.1 全球化与经济极化的背景全球化是当今世界的主题之一,其加速发展和深化已经成为全球经济的主要特征。
1.2 世界格局的演变世界格局的演变是一个复杂而多变的过程,受到历史、政治、经济等多种因素的影响。

关键词:世界格局;单极化;多极化;无极化;国际所有制中图分类号:F290 文献标志码:A文章编号:1673-291X(2010)11-0003-02全球化是推动当今世界变化发展的重要力量。

一、世界格局的演变发展过程(一) 美苏两极对峙格局1943-1945年期间战时盟国领导人在德黑兰、雅尔塔、波茨坦会议上通过一系列的协定、声明、和备忘录等等一致确认对二战后世界秩序做了新的安排,即“雅尔塔体系”。




多 极 化 的 意 义
人民的利益多极化格局使世界各种力 量逐渐形成既相互借重又相互制约与 制衡的关系,有利于避免新的世界大 战的爆发,有利于遏制霸权主义和强 权政治,有利于建立公正合理的国际 政治经济新秩序,有利于实现各国人
美国时间9月29日早晨,美联银行的股价暴挫 90%。当时,花旗银行同意收购美联银行的 大部分资产。出人意料的是,四天后富国银 行竟宣布美联银行已经同意富国117亿美元的 收购请求。10月9日,花旗银行宣称其将终结 与美联银行的收购谈判。
2008年以来的危机表现: Indymac银行的倒闭
2008年9月7日的新闻发布会上,美财长亨利·保尔森以及 联邦住房金融局局长卢卡特(James B.Lockhart)准备宣布
接管房利美、房地美。 “两房”持有或担保的住房抵押贷款债券总额高达近5万 亿美元,而美国政府拯救“两房”的资金也达到了2000亿美
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冷战结束以来,各种力量此消彼 长。虽然世界力量对比严重失衡, 但世界格局走向多极化的趋势越 来越清晰。一个超级大国和多种 力量并存,是多极化格局最终形 成前的较长过渡时期内世界力量 对比的基本态势。
我们必须认识到,苏联仍然是美国的一 个非常强大、有力和咄咄逼人的竞争者。 现在,当我们环顾我们所处的世界时,我们 美国已经不再出于十分突出的地位或者完全 占支配地位了……美国仍然是世界上最强、 最富的国家,但是,现在我们面临着这样一 种局面,另外四个潜在的经济力量……有能 力、有人可以在各个方面向我们挑战──即 使没有可以那样做的政府,至少有可以那样 做的人。
人教版高一历史必修一(教案)第27课 世纪之交的世界格局完美版


一、阅读理解1Some are concerned that AI tools are turning language learning into a weakening pursuit. More and more people are using simple, free tools, not only to decode text but also to speak. With these apps’ conversation mode, you talk into a phone and a spoken translation is heard moments later; the app can also listen for another language and produce a translation in yours.Others are less worried. Most people do not move abroad or have the kind of on-going contact with a foreign culture that requires them to put in the work to become fluent. Nor do most people learn languages for the purpose of humanising themselves or training their brains. On their holiday, they just want a beer and the spaghetti without incident.Douglas Hofstadter, an expert in many languages, has argued that something profound (深刻的) will disappear when people talk through machines. He describes giving a broken, difficult speech in Chinese, which required a lot of work but offered a sense of satisfaction at the end.As AI translation becomes an even more popular labor-saving tool, people can be divided into two groups. There will be those who want to stretch their minds, expose themselves to other cultures or force their thinking into new pathways. This group will still take on language study, often aided by technology. Others will look at learning a new language with a mix of admiration and puzzlement, as they might with extreme endurance (耐力) sports: “Good for you, if that’s your thing, but a bit painful for my taste.”But a focus on the learner alone misses the fundamentally social nature of language. It is a bit like analysing the benefits of close relationships to heart-health but overlooking the inherent (固有的) value of those bondsthemselves. When you try to ask directions in broken Japanese or ruin a joke in broken German, you are making direct contact with someone. And when you speak a language well enough to tell a story with perfect timing or put delicate differences on an argument, that connection is more profound still. The best relationships do not require a medium.1. What is the first two paragraphs mainly about?A. Communicating through apps is simple.B. Apps provide a one-way interactive process.C. Using apps becomes more and more popular.D. AI tools weaken the needs of language learning.2. What is Douglas’ attitude to language learning?A. Favorable.B. Objective.C. Doubtful.D. Unclear3. What do we know about the second group mentioned in paragraph 4?A. They are keen on foreign culture.B. They long to join in endurance sports.C. They find Al tools too complex to operate.D. They lack the motivation to learn language.4. How does the author highlight his argument in the last paragraph?A. By providing examples.B. By explaining concepts.C. By stating reasons.D. By offering advice.【答案】1. D 2. A 3. D 4. A【解析】这是一篇说明文。

Copyright 2004-2009 版权所有 盗版必究
(1)欧洲走向联合的原因: 欧洲走向联合的原因: A.工业生产恢复战前水平 为了摆脱美国控制,进一步发展经济。 工业生产恢复战前水平, A.工业生产恢复战前水平,为了摆脱美国控制,进一步发展经济。 B.重振西欧的国际地位 对抗美苏,重新在国际事务中发挥作用。 重振西欧的国际地位, B.重振西欧的国际地位,对抗美苏,重新在国际事务中发挥作用。 (2)形成过程: 形成过程: 欧洲联合的影响: (3)欧洲联合的影响: 1、促进成员国经济的发展,国际地位的提高; 、促进成员国经济的发展,国际地位的提高; 2、使世界力量对比发生了部分变化,冲击着美苏两极格局; 、使世界力量对比发生了部分变化,冲击着美苏两极格局;
Copyright 2004-2009 版权所有 盗版必究
“冷战”对峙的形成过程: 冷战”对峙的形成过程:
美国的“冷战” 资本主义阵营) 苏联的反击(社会主义阵营) 美国的“冷战”(资本主义阵营) 苏联的反击(社会主义阵营) 揭幕: 丘吉尔”铁幕”演说) ①揭幕: (丘吉尔”铁幕”演说) 政治: ②政治:杜鲁门主义 共产党和工人党情报局成立 1947.3) (1947.3) (1947.9) 1947.9) 经济: ③经济: 马歇尔计划 经济互助委员会成立 1947.6) (1947.6) 1949.1) (1949.1) 军事: ④军事: 北约的成立 华约的成立 1949) (1949) 1955) (1955) 两极对峙局面最终形成 什么是冷战? 什么是冷战? 冷战是指二战后美苏双方以及东西方之间在政治、军事、经济、 冷战是指二战后美苏双方以及东西方之间在政治、军事、经济、 是指二战后美苏双方以及东西方之间在政治 外交、文化、意识形态诸方面除诉诸战争之外的紧张对峙和对抗。 外交、文化、意识形态诸方面除诉诸战争之外的紧张对峙和对抗。
岳麓版必修1练习:第22课 社会主义政治建设的曲折发展 Word版含解析

”)A.20世纪50年代B.20世纪70年代末C.20世纪60年代中后期D.20世纪80年代初【答案】 A【解析】反右派斗争始于1957年。
材料反)①经济文化发展停滞②民主法制遭到破坏③国家法律形同虚设④人权遭到严重践踏A.①②③B.②③④C.①③④D.①②④【答案】 B【解析】材料中没有体现出经济文化发展停滞。
新时期创建的“扩)A.人民代表大会制度B.民族区域自治制度C.基层民主选举制度D.政治协商制度【答案】 C【解析】解答本题的关键是注意题干中的模糊时间限制条件“新时期”,“新时期”指1978年十一届三中全会以后的时期,四项中符合这一条件的只有C项。
在看到这组镜头时,作为对历史有所了解的人,你认为对此应该怎样)①作为小说和影视作品中的内容,这一段内容纯属虚构,毫无根据②根据这样的情节来判断,这组镜头反映的社会背景应该是在“文革”开始后不久③艺术是社会现实的反映,这组镜头反映了当时我国法制建设遭到破坏的情形④冯清明破坏毛主席画像的事实,表明当时中国的确存在大量的反革命分子A.②③B.①④C.②④D.①②③④【答案】 A【解析】小说和影视作品取材于现实生活,并非毫无根据,排除含①的选项,④明显不对,排除C项。

致2050年人们的一封信英语作文英文回答:Dear People of 2050,。
As I sit here in the year 2023, I can only imagine the profound changes that the intervening decades will bring. Technological advancements, societal shifts, and global challenges will undoubtedly reshape your world in ways that we can scarcely fathom today.Yet, amidst the uncertainty, certain fundamental values and questions remain timeless. In this letter, I will attempt to answer some of the questions that you may have about the world we leave behind:What were the greatest challenges facing humanity in 2023?The world of 2023 grappled with a multitude offormidable challenges, including climate change, economic inequality, political polarization, and the threat of nuclear war. These issues demanded urgent attention and collective action.What technological innovations will shape the future?Rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, and biotechnology held the promise of transforming every aspect of human life. However, the verantwortung (responsibility) that comes with these innovations must be carefully considered.What is the future of work and education?The changing nature of work automation and remote work will necessitate new approaches to education and job training. Lifelong learning and adaptability will becrucial to navigate the evolving job market.How will society be organized?The rise of social media and global interconnectedness will continue to shape social norms and political discourse. The boundaries between communities and cultures will become increasingly blurred.What is the role of the individual in the face ofthese changes?In an era of rapid transformation, it is more important than ever to cultivate resilience, critical thinking, and a sense of purpose. Collective action and civic engagementwill be essential to address the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead.What lessons have we learned from the past?As humanity has faced numerous obstacles throughout history, we have also gained valuable lessons. Learningfrom past successes and failures will be vital as you navigate the complexities of your own time.What is the ultimate goal of human existence?This question has been pondered by philosophers and theologians for millennia. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to determine their own purpose and meaning in life.In closing, let me express my hope that you will embrace the challenges and opportunities that the future holds with the same resilience and ingenuity that has characterized humanity throughout our history. May you create a world that is more just, equitable, and sustainable for generations to come.中文回答:2050年的人们,你们好!当我在2023年写下这些文字时,我只能想象在接下来几十年的时间里,世界将会发生怎样的深刻变化。

论冷战后世界格局向多极化转变的具体表现与特点作者:仇晓璐 084264内容提要:从20世纪90年代初起,随着苏联解体,欧、日崛起和第三世界实力的总体上升,世界历史正日益朝着多极化的方向演进。
世 界 多 极 化 趋 势 的 四 个 维 度

形势与政策世 界 多 极 化 趋 势 的 四 个 维 度吕有志 刘 杰(浙江大学思想政治理论教学科研部,浙江杭州 311100)[摘 要]世界多极化是当今世界的重要发展趋势,可以从经济、政治、文化和制度四个维度加以分析。
[关健词]世界多极化;经济;政治;文化;制度[中图分类号]D643 [文献标识码]A [文章编号] 1009-2528(2011)07-0044-003从权力结构的视角论证世界多极化趋势,不失为一种重要的认识维度。
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未来世界格局将走向无极化(The future world pattern will be nopolarization)The future world pattern will be "no polarization"""It should be sent to Pantheon in eighteenth Century."The French Revolution famous politician sanjust (Saint-Just) once wrote that. Sanjust live only a short 28 years old, he did not see the changes after 19, occurred on twentieth Century, but it is impossible to anticipate what happened intwenty-first Century 10 year change head.What has happened to the world in the first 10 years of the past twenty-first Century? The vocabulary is often more than the loud testimony "in the history of the British historian Eric Hobsbawm in accordance with the reduction method, we can write down the words: Hurricane and bubble unilateralism, terrorism and financial leverage rupture, economic recession and debt crisis, globalization and the Middle East situation, backward, rising of BRICs the world, the transfer of power, from the sovereign state to private and social media against the ecological crisis, the polarization of wealth and the middle class, and aggravated the environmental movement as one falls, another rises" the end of history ", as well as the fashion and self correction, the concept of" soft power "after the" smart power "concept highlights...... It can be said that the face of the world showing a hitherto unknown change constantly like cloud and wave.Marked by the replacement of the leaders of major world powers,the world stood on a new starting point in 2013. What will the world and China look like in the next 10 years? We believe that, listen to the history sound pulse trend, helps us to create a new season, for. To this end, this newspaper launched the "Chinese from this period and the world" series of interviews in the next 10 years, invite domestic and foreign well-known scholars to discuss the future of 10 years of power game and global governance, the world economy, Chinese culture and world ecological development and other topics. This period "Wenhui scholar interview" vice president, director of the Institute of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences History Research researcher Huang Renwei interview is opening.Huang Renwei was one of the main participants in the important issue of "China's peaceful rise". As early as 2002, he published a monograph entitled "time and space for the rise of China". Looking forward to the future, Huang Renwei believes that in the next 10 years, China will need a process of adaptation and capacity development, and the outside world needs a process of adapting to China and psychological adjustment. Over the past10 years, China and the international community have come toa more stable view of their own responsibilities, rights and interests in global governance.Multipolarization is an important trend in the development of the world today. Huang Renwei believes that the future of the world is the emergence of a group of more than the polarization of the "pole", will be "no polarization."". There is a large, medium and small power structure in different regions, and different regions are combined into large, medium and small structures around the world. The world rely on such a structureis a step toward a harmonious stable until.Huang Renwei has served as the research center of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office of Shanghai municipal government, distinguished fellow experts, consultation and deputy director of the Shanghai Institute of international relations of the American Economic Association executive director, executive director of the Institute of the history of the United States and other duties, the author of "the American west land system evolution" "independent foreign policy of peace", co-author of "China international status report" "state sovereignty theory".We may overestimate the negative consequences of America's "strategic rebalancing"Wen Wei Po: over the next 10 years, will the process of the rise of the west be truly reversed since the industrial revolution?Huang Renwei: for 10 years, we still can not draw the conclusion of this question. Because the West has been on the stage of the world for three hundred or four hundred years, the real rapid growth of emerging countries is still nearly 20 years. As far as economic aggregate is concerned, the proportion of emerging countries in the world economy is less than 20%, and about 65% in the western countries. Even half and half can't do it in 10 years. Most important of all, for emerging countries, the rules of the international system and the power and the right to speak out the rules, that is, the rise of the so-called "soft power",Longer than the economy's total catch. But Western influenceis on the decline, and non Western influence is on the rise, which is an irreversible direction. This trend can be seen in several ways.First of all, the Western wealth has a negative growth trend, and its own creation of wealth is not enough to support its own consumption, the emergence of a worldwide debt crisis in developed countries. The European Union's debt is equal to 95% of its GDP, the US debt is 100% of its GDP, and Japan's debt is 200% of its GDP. In the medium and long term, the positive forecast is that the debt growth is slowing down, and the bad result is that the debt growth is much faster than the growth of the total amount of the economy.Second, there is likely to be a "zero growth" of the western economy. Whether it is the real economy or the virtual economy, its growth is lack of motivation. To some extent, this is the globalization of the western economy". In the past 20 years, Japan's economy has been characterized by "two zero": zero interest rates and zero growth. If the western economy presents two features in the next 5 to 10 years, the "Japanese disease" after the bursting of the bubble will spread throughout the west.Third, if the first two problems can not be improved, then the whole western social security system is bound to go wrong. The three guarantees of pension insurance, medical insurance and unemployment insurance are the basic conditions for the stability of Western society after World War ii.In my opinion, the three problems will be more serious in thenext 5 to 10 years.Wen Wei Po: will the US hegemony end in the next 10 years? The conservative powers and emerging powers can contribute to a "new powers"?Huang Renwei: "new great power relationship" was put forward by china. Synonymous with so-called "big power" is the hegemony, mastery of world domination power is hegemony.Historically, there are only two countries that can maintain and maintain world hegemony in the capitalist market: Britain and the United states. The forms and contents of the two hegemony are different. The core of British hegemony is its global colonial system. There are two cores of American hegemony, one is military hegemony composed of Allied military base system, the other is world currency system with the dollar as the core. Moreover, military hegemony is supported by the hegemony of the dollar.British hegemony began to decline in the first World War, and ended in the 50s of the last century. The reason lies in the rise of the world liberation movement after World War II, which led to the collapse of the British colonial system and the end of British hegemony.Similarly, the American hegemony depends on whether its allies and the dollar system can be maintained. George W. Bush's unilateralism has shaken American allies. Now, the United States implements "soft power" and "smart power", and unilateralism has little convergence, and the allied system isalso slightly stable. If the United States insists on military unilateralism, its allies will gradually move away from it; if the United States abuses its credit, unlimited quantitative easing will destabilize the dollar system. Obviously, the biggest factor of shaking American hegemony is the policy of the United States itself.Germany and Japan have challenged Britain, and the Soviet Union has challenged the United States without success. Britain, or the United States, is the cause of the rise and fall of its hegemony. If this logic holds, can explain the relationship between the so-called "conservative countries" and "change" state. The main task of the so-called "emerging countries" is not to challenge the United States. Their main strength is not to change the status quo, but to adapt to the international system, and to amend the international system in the process. Whether the system will produce a real mutation depends on the dominant player in the system. When it can not be maintained, the system naturally changes. The United States is worried about China's challenge and replaces it, which is not the core of the problem. The real worry is how America avoids historical mistakes. There are two so-called historical errors, is a mistake makers are unaware of their own cause, once realized that as irreversible, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the British colonial system collapse;Two, the person who makes mistakes is often so powerful that there is no power to stop it.Wen Wei Po: in the next 10 years, how much will the strategic rebalancing of the United States change the global strategy?Huang Renwei: some time ago, we overestimated the negative consequences of "strategic rebalancing" or "return to Asia". In my opinion, the rebalancing strategy of the United States' return to Asia is a strategy of "going forward and retreating". It is also an economic strategy with "military as a coat", or "market strategy under the cloak of security"". These two are ignored by many people.First of all, it is the global balance of American military forces to pull out of the Middle East and get rid of the burden of two wars in Iraq and afghanistan. This has brought about an upward balance of power against China in asia. Thus, this is not the first step against China's balance, but the need to pull out of the middle east. Second, in the whole western Pacific, the United States pushed Asian countries to the front line and retreated to the second line, increasing the frictions within the Asian countries on the front line. Third, when Asian countries have increased their internal friction on the first line, their security needs have risen, and they have become more dependent on American protection. The United States has access to the forefront of Asia at any time. Fourth, when Asian countries are tied to the American defense system, the United States will tie the markets of Asian countries to the economic interests of the United states. The TPP, which the United States dished out, requires Asian countries to be fully open to trade in services, but the United States has imposed barriers to Asian countries on commodity trade. This is obviously American unilateralism in regional integration. If we simply look at it from the surface, it is easy to regard the rebalancing strategy of the United States as a new cold war strategy, and from theabove several points of view, it is more comprehensive.Now the rebalancing strategy in the United States has also had a negative effect. First, the Middle East countries have not solved the problem, the United States can not retreat all over. Israel and the European Union are reluctant to move all of America to East asia. Two, when the conflict between the first Asian countries is fierce, the United States can not really protect these Asian companions. If it is involved in all conflicts in the Western Pacific, it also violates the strategic interests of the United states. Three, TPP has encountered obstacles, including Japan, South Korea, including the Asian countries to join, there are great concerns. Obama said, "TPP in a year.". Now, two or three years have passed, and the more we go, the more we can't do it. Therefore, the United States' strategy to return to Asia has encountered a bottleneck. Now, even within the United States, a lot of insight in the American strategic community has criticized Hilary for turning the United States back into asia. I believe in Obama's new term, he will rethink this question.Wen Wei Po: what are the prospects for the EU integration process in the next 10 years?Huang Renwei: This is a directional problem in the future of the political economy of the world. First of all, the European Union was a typical model of regional integration. If this model is successful, the shape of the country may change very much in the future. But the structural flaws in the European Union have been fully exposed since the global financial crisis. The interests of sovereign states have begun to exceed the commoninterests of the European Union to some extent. Part of the debt state and some creditor countries in the interests of the crack is very large, the EU's prospects have emerged in a very worrying state.The EU cannot afford to return to sovereign states. If we turn back, it will not be the collapse of the European Union, but the collapse of the world economy. If the EU continues to move forward, several major changes will have to take place. First, countries should really pay their financial bills and establish the central finance of the European union. The two is that Germany plays a leading role in the European union. Whether Germany's Europe or Europe's Germany will become clearer. Three is the British withdrawal from the European union. As long as Britain stays in the European Union, the EU can not truly integrate. The pound is not the euro, and its interests do not really blend with the European union. Britain can not give up the pound. It was a legacy of wealth that the colonial system left behind,The British Empire concentrated the colony's wealth in London by the pound. That's the real reason Britain won't put pounds into euros. Therefore, the United Kingdom and the European Union can not really combine into one. If these three can be achieved, the European Union can break through the difficult position, become a higher level of financial integration of the European Union, diplomatic and military integration will follow.The role of non state actors in the global governance system is on the riseWen Wei Po: in the next 10 years, will terrorism be reduced as a counter global governance force?Huang Renwei: the root of terrorism is in the Middle East, and the root causes of instability in the Middle East are palestine. So, the central problem of the Middle East, the Palestinian issue if not a reasonable solution, the Middle East will not eliminate international terrorism. Conditions for the formation of an international terrorist organization as large as Ben Laden are now weakening. Ben Laden's power was bigger than when American troops supported him in Afghanistan against the Soviet union. At the same time, we should also see that Taliban has not been wiped out in Afghanistan, and there is a possibility of a resurgence. Fundamentalist Islamic groups have risen in many countries, from underground to public activities, and even to power. This has given terrorism a certain breeding ground and climate. Therefore, terrorism in the Middle East is not so simple that it can be eliminated.In addition, we now see another kind of terrorism that is emerging, that is, terrorism in developed countries. Shootings in the United States and Europe have become increasingly frequent and combined with extreme nationalism and racial xenophobia. We must not only see terrorism in the Middle East, but also terrorism in the west. As the rifts in the western social and economic systems are growing, terrorism will occur among the desperate. Terrorism in the world is an extreme manifestation of the irrational phenomena in the world order. The total elimination of terrorism depends on the fairness and rationality of the world order. This is difficult to achieve.Wen Wei Po: over the next 10 years, will the Middle East with a conflict still move towards better governance and sustainable economic growth?Huang Renwei: I think it's very difficult. First of all, looking at the whole of the Middle East, whether it is called the "spring of Arabia" or as a social upheaval, this social change is far from complete. It is a huge rupture of Islamic religion and institutions in the process of modernization, rather than a very regular progress. Like the aftermath of the earth's crust changes, it takes a long time to develop a new ecology, and aftershocks and new fractures will continue to occur after the break. The structural breakdown in the modernization of the Arabia world is in fact far from complete, including the countries that have already undergone the "spring of Arabia", including the United States occupied Iraq and afghanistan. The process will be long, and it is possible for decades to one hundred years. Second, this social change is a result of a large number of sectarian struggles and tribal struggles. The characteristic of sectarian struggle and tribal struggle is the vicious circle of retaliation. The church is a political change that spans the country and turns over and over again. Third, the political system of the oil-rich Arabia monarchy is also deeply hidden. It is a secular state of Arabia, where social unrest occurs and it is impossible to predict when a wave of unrest in the Arabia monarchy will occur. Fourth, U.S. oil imports from the Middle East dropped sharply, plus the United States shale gas exploitation, the development of the South China Sea, Central Asia and other new world oil production regions in the world, the importance of the Middle East oilenergy supply system in decline. The fortunes of Arabia's oil producing countries may not be as high as they have been. Fifth, Israel and the Middle East oil were the core of the American Middle East strategy, and the strategic value of Israel was declining as the oil interests of the United States became smaller. In this regard, Israel can do only two: one is the American Jewish group exert enough pressure to grasp the original policy on middle east.Two is the risk of launching a military operation to involve the United States in a partial war. Finally, Iran's nuclear weapons are inevitable. The Iranian nuclear weapon is a powder keg.To sum up, the crisis in the Middle East is far more than that in East Asia, and the probability and dynamics of the crisis are more than that of East asia. We can not be deceived by superficial phenomena and forget structural conflicts and contradictions.Wen Wei Po: what are the new changes in the global governance system in the next 10 years?Huang Renwei: my team is doing a research project on global governance. We divide the global governance system into three categories. The first is the international system, and the main body is the state actor. In this system, the big country is still the starting point. The big powers intervene in the small country, and the western governance is not the west. The second is the "world system", the main body is the various forces in the world plate, such as developed and underdeveloped, the Westand the East, the traditional powers and emerging powers, centers and peripheral. The system is still made up of the state, but not controlled by a single state. The third is the "global system", which has increased a large number of non state actors, involving the common interests and common threats of mankind, and work together to address these common interests and threats. State actors, non state actors and supranational actors form the global system. Global governance is the challenge facing all mankind.In the era of globalization and information, the "global system" has just sprouted, but it has developed rapidly. Because the common interests and threats of mankind have broken the boundaries of the state, the role of non state actors in the global system is on the rise, and the role of the state actors in the global system is declining. However, we should also see that the "international system" and "world system" still exist, and the role of the state actors in the two systems is still very important. So, on the whole, the role of non state actors in the global governance system is on the rise, and this is a long-term trend. However, compared with the state actors, the present role is still very weak. Idealists always take the trend as the present situation, and realists always take the situation as a trend. This is often a miscarriage of justice.Wen Wei Po: in the next 10 years, what are the new features of the multi polarization trend of the world structure?Huang Renwei: I don't think China will be the new strategic flag bearer". First of all, rising international status Chinese speed exceeded their expectations, but also beyond the world'sexpectations, Chinese and the world is very difficult to adapt to the rapidly rising speed, has attracted a lot of trouble we should not meet. Over the next 10 years, China will need a process of adaptation and capacity development, and the outside world needs a process of adapting to China and adjusting its psychology. Over the past 10 years, China and the international community have come to a more stable view of their own responsibilities, rights and interests in global governance.Russia, India, and Brazil are all regional powers, all of which have some sort of world influence. But this influence will not support it as a world leader. In addition, there are a number of regional powers, including the European Union in Germany, France, Britain, in the Middle East and Africa also have some national "soft power" or strong economic strength, such as Canada, Australia and Nordic countries.In the information age, the world is flat, and the state power is flattening. Therefore, I even believe that the future of the world is going to be a number of "poles" that are more polarized than multipolarity, and "no polarization"". There is a large, medium and small power structure in different regions, and different regions are combined into large, medium and small structures around the world. Small is not weak, big is not strong. Small countries like Israel, Singapore and Holland are strong. A great nation is not always strong. The world rely on such a structure is a step toward a harmonious stable until.Wen: the next 10 years, women can play a big role in participating in the process of global governance?Huang Renwei: that's a very interesting question.In the increasingly large group of NGO, there is an interesting phenomenon: whether the organization leader or project officer, either as a choice of occupation or volunteering, women occupy the majority, more and more women than men. In my opinion, as a non state actor, NGO is a new power space that has not been used before. In this new space, especially when the role of culture and the Internet is on the rise, the appeal and attraction of women are often more than that of men. Moreover, the more developed the NGO, the stronger the global system, the greater the role of women.Not long ago, "ice princess" Pu Jinhui was elected president of South korea. People once again noticed that women's participation in politics and administration have become a bright sight in the international political arena. Especially in post modern countries, such as the Nordic countries, there have been heads of state. In some Nordic countries, the "political rose" holds about 40% of the seats in parliament. Despite the absence of a woman president, several American women's secretary of state continued.The overall status of women is on the rise. But the role of women remains small in proportion to the population. Because the post modernization country is not much, the actual strength of NGO is not strong enough, so even though women have achieved a certain position, the proportion of the overall power structure is still very small. This is an emerging force that is rising, but far from being dominant.。