高二英语 选修7 Unit 2 Robots 定稿 学生版

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高二英语 选7 Unit 2 Robots 主题与素养 (学生版) 2020.6.1 (机器人) 设计:贾卫宽 审核:文新颖


☜考点热度:2019全国卷1阅读C :新科技键盘;

2019全国卷ⅡD:学校教育与太空科技 ;



:激发科技探索兴趣;培养 科技创新精神。

☜Reading (1) on Page 11

一、主题语篇与阅读—故事线索(读“Satisfaction guaranteed”后填空)

1.Explore the main idea(探究中心大意):

It is mainly about how a household ______ was _______ ______ in a family.

2. Explore the main characters(探究主要人物):

①Larry Belmont ——employed in a _______ that made robots

②Claire ——Larry’s ________, a housewife

③Tony —— a household __________ ④Gladys Claffern —— a _________ that Claire envied

Because “you ” are the future .


1. __________________________ 家用机器人(科技相关)

2. __________________________ 感到尴尬(心理描写)

3. __________________________ 让她不高兴(心理描写)

4. __________________________ 陪某人去商店(事件描写)

5. by her ______________________________________ on her face.


6. She _________________________________ to her room for the rest of the day. 她尖叫着,把他推开,然后跑回了自己的房间。(连续动作句)

7. __________Claire realized that Tony________ the curtains of the front window. 就在这时,克莱尔意识到托尼打开了前窗的窗帘。(亮点句之强调句)

8. ___________________________________by those women! (亮点句之感叹句) 那些妇女所羡慕的是多么甜蜜的胜利啊!

9. He was __________________________________________ although his facial expression never changed. (人物外貌细节描写句) 他高大英俊,头发光滑,声音低沉,尽管他脸上的表情僵硬。

10. You cannot _______________________________________ machines.


Learn with me. I'll have you driving in three days. (熟词生义:___________) (2) 探究话题词汇与表达——检测反馈

1. 先进的科学与技术

____________________________ 2.人工智能机器人竞赛

_____________________________ 3. ①让我们觉得酷______________

___________________________ ②使手机更加实用


4. ①高科技____________________


__________________________ 5. 设计了一个3D自行车模型

____________________________ 6. 二十一世纪最伟大的发明之一______________________________ ______________________________ 7. 科技带来的便利和好处给我留下了深刻的印象。


☜Reading (2) on Page 16

一、主题语篇与阅读——组织架构(读“A Biography of Isaac Asimov”后填空) ☜考点热度:2017浙江高考卷阅读A(Benjamin West传记) 。



☜ (1) Explore the words and expressions in the passage——先填后背

1.________________ 科幻小说

2. ______________________ 人工智能

3. ________________在他的一生中

4. _____________________目的是呈现

5. the ability _____________________________ 探索未来世界的能力

6. _______________________________________ his talent for writing became obvious. 就在阿西莫夫11岁的时候,他的写作天赋开始显现。(人物介绍)☜ (2)真题回顾

Wei Yuan wrote a book _______ Haiguo Tuzhi, ___________________________ ____________________________China. (使用分词作定语和定语从句填空)


(3) Explore the words and expressions of the topic——有“背”无患

1. big data大数据

2. futurist n.未来学家

3.wearable devices可穿戴设备

4. automation 自动化6. virtual reality 虚拟现实7. robocalls 自动语音电话

5. it was loosely based on 基本素材取于8. talking moonshine 空谈

9. scarce resources 稀缺资源10. technological progress 技术进步

11.fingerprint scans指纹扫描12. identity theft 身份盗窃

13. insecure nature 不安全性质14. armed with this knowledge 有了这种知识

15.in a more humanized way 以一种更加人性化的方式

16. the potential to change our transportation systems


17. Technologies can be double-edged. 技术可能是一把双刃剑。
