



《报刊选读》教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程编号:1511213英文名称:English Newspaper Reading教材:最新英美报刊选读授课对象:英语本科专业三年级学生开课学期:第六学期学分/学时:3/64先修课程:《英语泛读1、2》,《综合英语1/2》等教学方式:讲授课程简介:该书综合了国内外同类教材的优点,兼顾了不同层次学生的需求,既体现了新闻报刊的实效性,又满足了实用性英语教学的客观需要。





三、教学内容与学时分配1.Unit 1 Passage 1 Golden Globes: Argo Surprises, and So Does the Jodie Foster Speech(4学时)重点内容:1. Background Information about News lead and Golden GlobeAward---it is an accolade bestowed by the 93 members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) recognizing excellence in film and television, both domestic and foreign.2. To grasp the main structure and main idea of the passage:Para.1 IntroductionPara.2-16 Motion Picture AwardsPara.17-23 Television Awards3. To master the following language points:Juggernaut doom slots off-colorAbout the introduction of several movies教学方法:语言自然学习法,兴趣引导法课后作业:1.How much do you know about the Golden Globes and the Academy Award? Write them down.2.Passage 2 The Age of Obama (4学时)重点内容:1. Background Information about forms of news report: The chronological form, the suspend interest form, the interpretative reporting form2. To grasp the main structure of the passage:Para.1 Time roughs up PresidentsPara.2-5 Why presidents age quicklyPara.6-9 The only known cure3. To let students make a speech教学方法:兴趣引导法课后作业:Finish the reading comprehension part3. Unit 2 Passage 1 The Magician—Steve Jobs(4学时)重点内容:1. Background Information about Steve Jobs2. To grasp the main structure of the passage:Para.1-2 Jobs’ AchievementPara.3-5 Rich Experience of JobsPara.6-8 Factors accounting for Jobs’ Success3.To master the following language points:Conjure up give sb the edge turn out a range ofLet students imitate Jobs’speech in Stanford.教学方法:倒插柳教学法,兴趣引导法课后作业:Compare the similarities and differences between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.4. Passage3 Whitney Houston重点内容:1. Background Information about Whitney Houston2. To discuss and debate the life of Whitney Houston3. To master the following language points:String-lush come along an instant sensation launch intoGod-daughter Billboard教学方法:案例式教学法课后作业:let students learn an English song5.Unit 3 Passage 1 Round Up the Gu ns! Or Don’t(4学时)重点内容:1. Background Information about President Obama’s Gun Control2. To grasp the main structure of the passage:Para.1-2 Introduction the background of gun controlPara.3-6 Analysis why Obama pushed forward the gun controlPara.7 Conclusion3. To master the following language points:倒装语序中有完全倒装(full inversion )和部分倒装(partial inversion )。



一、课程基本信息课程编号:120450100课程名称:英语报刊选读(Selected Readings of English Newspapers)课程属性:专业方向课总学分:2总学时:32周学时:2先修课程:综合英语、英语泛读考试形式:考试适用专业:英语专业二、课程教学目的本课程旨在提高学生阅读和理解英语报刊的能力,使学生学到英语新闻学的基本知识,对英语报刊的语言风格与特点有所了解,了解英美历史、文化传统和当今社会的热点问题以及科技的最新发展状况等,以阅读和评论为主要训练的手段,注重阅读内容的理解和评论以及报刊文章、新闻的标题、导语以及结构分析。






四、课程基本内容及学时分配Unit One China Watch (4学时)Lesson OneText China opens doors of state-run companies to world's top talent (中国国企为世界高端人才敞开大门)(The Washington Post, November 16, 2011)新闻写作何谓NewsLesson TwoText An American in Beijing(中国经济迅猛发展,留学生蜂拥而至)(Time, April 4,2008)语言解说 PresenceLesson ThreeText Tiger Mom ... Meet Panda Dad(熊猫爸爸挑战虎妈育儿经)(The Wall Street Journal, March 29,2011)新闻写作新闻体裁Unit Two United States (Ⅰ)(4学时)Lesson FourText Is an Ivy League Diploma Worth It?(上常春藤名校,值吗?)(The Wall Street Journal, November 8,2011)读报知识 Ivy League & Seven Sisters CollegesLesson FiveText Debt Burden Alters Outlook for US Graduates(求学负债:美国毕业生前景堪忧)(The Financial Times, June 1,2012)学习方法读懂标题(I)Lesson SixText The Evolution Wars(进化论与上帝造人说之争)(Time, August 15, 2005)读报知识宗教Unit Three United States (Ⅱ)(4学时)Lesson SevenText Obama Wins a Second Term as U.S. President(奥巴马连任总统:任重道远)(The Washington Post, November 7,2012)读报知识美国总统选举Lesson EightText The Economy Sucks. But Is It' 92 Redux?(经济不振,难道08年大选是92年的翻版吗?)(Newsweek, January 21, 2008)语言解说 Stupid和Technical(ly)Lesson NineText Five myths about the American dream(对美国梦的种种困感)(The Washington Post, Jan 6,2012)新闻写作导语(Lead)Lesson TenText Is America-s new declinism for real?(美国是真的衰落了吗?)(Financial Times, November 24, 2008)语言解说 EstablishmentUnit Four United States(Ⅲ)(4学时)Unit Five Britain (4学时)Unit Six The World (4学时)Unit Seven Society (4学时)Unit Eight Business and Science (2学时)Unit Nine Sports and Entertainment(2学时)五、教材及主要参考书目郭影平《最新报刊英语阅读》东南大学出版社 2010马建国《英文报刊导读》,外语教学与研究出版社,2002周学艺《英美报刊文章选读(精选本)》,北京大学出版社1997周学艺《英美报刊文章选读(精选本)学习辅导》,北京大学出版社1997端木义万,《英美报刊阅读教程》南京大学出版社,1997。


























《英美报刊选读》课程教学大纲课程英文名称:English Newspaper Reading课程编码:050220046总学时:32 实验学时:0 学分:2适用对象:专业英语四年级学生先修课程:无一课程性质、目的和任务1. 课程性质:本课程为英语专业大学本科生必修的一门基础课程。

2. 教学目标与要求:培养学生阅读英美报刊杂志的能力。




二、教学内容及要求导论:英语报刊新闻知识综述授课学时:2基本要求:1-1 新闻的定义。

1-2 新闻的结构。

1-3 新闻的分类。

1-4 新闻的语言特点。

1-5 新闻的来源。



Chapter 1 Politics授课学时:4基本要求:1-1 Analysis of Text A: Clinton Falls into the Inspirational Gap1-2 Analysis of Text B: Ahead of 3 Primaries, a Dash about Chesapeake1-3 Exercises重点:The structure of political news reports; the common devices for the purpose of objectivity 难点:Writing techniques and devices to achieve the goal of objectivityChapter 2 Education授课学时:4基本要求:1-1 Analysis of Text A: Freshers’ guide, How to balance the books1-2 Analysis of Text B: Mindless Maths’ Turns Students Off1-3 Exercises重点:Imperative sentences, modal verbs难点:How to grasp the attitude of the authorChapter 3 Science and Technology授课学时:4基本要求:1-1 Analysis of Text A: Nicholas Wade1-2 Analysis of Text B: Ben Webster1-3 Exercises重点:How to write the lead paragraph of news report, how to express different attitudes难点:Grasp the common pattern of technical articles: Description-Response-Evaluation Chapter 4 Economy授课学时:4基本要求:1-1 Analysis of Text A: The leading crisis as crack epidemic1-2 Analysis of Text B: No sympathy for jobless bankers1-3 Exercises重点:Analysis of “high status” and “low status” source, individual or institutional source难点:How to find clues in articlesChapter 5 Sports授课学时:4基本要求:1-1 Analysis of Text A: Spectacular opening ceremony kicks off Beijing Olympic Games1-2 Analysis of Text B: All eyes on opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics1-3 Exercises重点:Common writing sequence in sports news, e.g. Chronological order; functions of pictures enclosed难点:How to write coherentlyChapter 6 Law授课学时:4基本要求:1-1 Analysis of Text: Laws limit options when a student is mentally ill1-2 Exercises重点:How to propose and ground an argument in an exposition, e.g. figures, instances, and quotations难点:Linguistic devices on legal issues for the sake of objectivity, how to unveil the writer’s implied attitudeChapter 7 Disasters授课学时:4基本要求:1-1 Analysis of Text A: At least 8,600 people are killed in China earthquake1-2 Analysis of Text B: Bridges collapse in Minneapolis kills at least 71-3 Exercises重点:The evaluation function of news report, general structure of disaster reports: description, response and consequence难点:The evaluation function of news reportChapter 8 Comments and Opinions授课学时:4基本要求:1-1 Analysis of Text A: “9.11” investigation report discloses inside stories1-2 Exercises重点:Features of comments and opinions; writing devices including direct quotes, indirect reporting, intensifying addictives and adverbs, model verbs难点:Features of comments and opinions;Chapter 9 Approaches to attitudes in English news texts授课学时:4基本要求:1-1 Analysis of Text A: Virginia Tech gunman ‘worked alone’1-2 Exercises重点:Definition and classification of attitude, the features and sources of attitude, ways of how to approach attitude难点:How to construct a piece of news meaningfullyChapter 10 Approaches to the Texture of English News Texts授课学时:4基本要求:1-1 Analysis of Text A: Simpson Guilty in Robbery Trial1-2 Exercises重点:Understanding of writing devices including texture, conjunction, identification and periodicity难点:Text types, types of text structure三、学时分配四、推荐教材及参考书教材:《英语报刊选读》王振华主编高等教育出版社2009年参考书:《英美报刊文章阅读》周学艺主编北京大学出版社2008年《英汉英美报刊词典》周学艺主编外语教学与研究出版社2002年《英文报刊导读》马建国主编外语教学与研究出版社2002《报刊英语》苗普敬主编河南大学出版社2003年《报刊英语研究》张健主编上海外语教育出版社2006年五、课程考核课程成绩中期末考试成绩占70%,平时成绩占30%。










二、选读的内容和技巧1. 选读内容英美报刊选读的内容应该包括各个领域的文章,如政治、经济、科技、文化等。



2. 阅读技巧(1)预读:在阅读文章之前,先浏览标题、副标题和段落开头,了解文章的大致内容和结构。















英美报刊选读教学大纲课程英文名称: Journalistic Reading Course学分:2总学时:36授课对象:大学英语四级学生开课学期:2011年9月一.课程的性质、目的与任务本课程是大学英语选修课.在通识教育理念和以内容依托教学的指导下,把学生从枯燥乏味的以语言形式为主体的学习中解放了出来,实现了以语言形式为主体向以内容为主体教学的转化,把英语学习融入了现实的生活之中,实现了以教师为主体向以学生为主体的转化,使学生学有生活,学有内容,学有意义,学有兴趣,学有动力,学有所思,学有话说,学有深度,学有所获的教学效果。








“英美报刊选读课"目的和全球化人才培养目标(通识教育,内容依托,英语是工具,全球化第三阶段,国际化人才)for information;for enjoyment;for reading ability目的:获得多种多样、多方位多角度的信息;扩大知识面,了解文化,获得乐趣;培养学生用英语进行思维的能力;通过读报,让学生获得更多与人沟通的能力。








(二)课程内容第一节 Who We Are Now?第二节 The Lost Generation第三节 The Year of the (Business) Woman第四节Think Again: Global Aging(三)考核知识点1.美国移民状况2.美国内战后几代人3.美国妇女地位4.全球人口老龄化5.报刊英语特色6.美国社会群体相关词语7.《美国新闻与世界报导》8.委婉语(四)考核要求1.美国移民状况识记:美国移民的基本状况。







《英美报刊选读》课程教学大纲名称:英美报刊选读一、课程说明1. 课程类别专业选修课程2. 适应专业及课程性质商务英语选修3. 课程目的1)拓宽学生英语阅读面2)提高学生英语阅读能力3)了解报刊英语的主要特点4. 学分与学时学分2 学时325.教学重点和难点(1)教学重点训练学生阅读信息定位和归纳总结文章内容的能力;扩充学生的英语词汇量;理解报刊英语的词汇、篇章特点。


6. 推荐教材或参考书目使用教材:《英美报刊选读教程》张文鹏主编重庆大学出版社2010年3月7. 教学方法与手段(1)课堂讲授法通过生动的实例和丰富的背景知识介绍,激活学生的已知信息,帮助学生理解新的知识内容,并鼓励学生结合自己的语言知识理解和运用新的语言知识。




8. 考核及成绩评定考核方式:考查成绩评定:(1)平时成绩占x%,包括平出勤、听课状态和作业完成情况。

(2)新闻PPT展示成绩占x%(3)新闻读书报告成绩占x%9. 课外自学要求(1)到网上查找相关的资料进一步理解课堂难点问题,或扩充课堂内容的相关背景知识。






一、教学目标1. 培养学生阅读英美报刊文章的能力,提高英语阅读水平。

2. 增强学生对英美社会、文化、政治等方面的了解。

3. 培养学生批判性思维和思辨能力。

二、教学内容1. 英美报刊概述2. 报刊阅读技巧3. 报刊文章分析4. 报刊专题阅读三、教学过程第一课时:英美报刊概述1. 导入- 引导学生思考:为什么学习英美报刊?- 提出问题:英美报刊有哪些特点?2. 课堂讲解- 介绍英美报刊的发展历程、分类、特点等。

- 分析英美报刊的读者群体、发行范围、影响力等。

3. 案例分析- 以《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《泰晤士报》等为例,分析其特点、风格和读者定位。

4. 小组讨论- 学生分组讨论:英美报刊与我国报刊的异同。

第二课时:报刊阅读技巧1. 导入- 提问:如何提高报刊阅读速度?2. 课堂讲解- 介绍报刊阅读的基本技巧,如快速浏览、寻找关键词、理解段落大意等。

- 强调报刊阅读的重要性,培养学生的阅读兴趣。

3. 案例分析- 以一篇英文报刊文章为例,指导学生运用阅读技巧进行阅读。

4. 练习- 学生自主阅读一篇英文报刊文章,并运用所学技巧进行分析。

第三课时:报刊文章分析1. 导入- 提问:如何分析报刊文章?2. 课堂讲解- 介绍报刊文章的结构、语言特点、写作手法等。

- 分析报刊文章的标题、导语、正文、结语等部分。

3. 案例分析- 以一篇英文报刊文章为例,指导学生分析其结构、语言特点、写作手法等。

4. 小组讨论- 学生分组讨论:如何分析一篇报刊文章?第四课时:报刊专题阅读1. 导入- 提问:如何选择报刊专题?2. 课堂讲解- 介绍报刊专题的类型、特点等。

- 指导学生如何选择感兴趣的报刊专题。

3. 案例分析- 以一个报刊专题为例,分析其背景、内容、发展趋势等。

4. 练习- 学生自主选择一个感兴趣的报刊专题,进行阅读和分析。

四、教学评价1. 学生在课堂上的参与度和积极性。

2. 学生对报刊阅读技巧的掌握程度。

3. 学生对报刊文章的分析能力。











2.课时安排:a) 学员自学:2学时/周,共30学时学完15课。





在上课时,可要求学生先回答每课后的练习题—— Questions,使他们基本了解课文的主要内容。






















15课必学内容为:15课必学内容为:Lessons Lessons1,2,4,5,6,9,11,14,15,16,17,21,1,2,4,5,6,9,11,14,15,16,17,21,26,29,30。















Answer key for Lesson 10V.CABDCVI.1.Richard Atkinson investigated the problems by personally reading the manuals and sampletests to review and assess the verbal and mathematical questions. Besides, he visited schools to find students’ responses to SAT exams.2.After the investigation, he proposed that SAT I should be scrapped. His proposal has caused ahuge stir on campuses nationwide and rekindled long-standing arguments about the test.3.The College Board argues that SAT measures the sort of higher-order math andliterary-reasoning skills that students need to succeed in college and later in life and that the test correlates well with freshman-year college grades.4.They have adopted college admission systems based in part on class is automatically admittedto state universities.5.Their worry is that it is only a matter of time before there is pressure to scrap subject-areatests and getting rid of the SAT is the first step in a wretched direction.6.SAT I refers to the tests on higher-order math and literary-reasoning skills. Many critics thinkthe questions are confusing and verbal analogies too obscure. SAT II refers to the subject-specific achievement tests which measure knowledge in such areas as writing, math, physics, history and foreign language.7.The test debate will not die down anytime soon.Answer key for Lesson 11V.B C B A DVI.1.The insurance company has refused Lorraine Hiskey’s medical bill, because the companyclaimed that her treatment was “experimental”.2.Politicians have focused attention on the 35 million Americans who have no health coverage.3.The kind of medical care deemed experimental, unproven, unnecessery or to inappropriate isdenied coverage。



英美报刊选读考到的课本问题及答案Lesson ElevenIs America’s new declinism for real1. What is the difference between the latest global trends report and the one issued four years ago?The latest report foresees world in which the US plays a prominent role in global events,butthe US is seen as one among many global actors". The report issued four years ago had projected "continuing US dominance".2. What does "new declinism" mean?It means that Americans,especially theintellectuals,think that America is in decline. They have lost the aggressive confidence of the Bush years and the "unipolar moment". It is new because there were times in US history when people had similar thoughts.3. What are the reasons of the new declinism?There are three reasons:First,the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have made it clear that US military supremacy does not automatically translate into political victory. Second,the rise of China and India suggests that America’s days as the world’s largest economy are numbered. Third, the financial crisis has fed the notion that the US is living beyond its means and that something is badly wrong with the American model.4. What does William Wohlforth of Dartmouth College think of the new declinism?He pointed out that America may recover from the new declinism just like before and there may be a resurgence of American confidence.5. Why does the writer think that the new declinism may bemore soundly based than the previous ones?Because he thinks that China may pose more challenge to the US than the Soviet Union and Japan since it has a large size and a record of sustained and dynamic economic growth..6. What do you think of America’s decline? And China’s rise?OpenLesson FifteenLibby Defense Portrays Client as a Scapegoat1. For what was I. Lewis Libby charged?Mr. Libby was charged for perjury and obstruction of justice because he was considered to have lied to investigators. He was charged with five felony accounts of lying to the grand jury and to officials of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who were investigating the leak of Ms. Wilson's name to Mr. Novak.2. How did Libby defend himself on the charges of perjury and obstruction of justice?Mr. Libby said that he believed he first learned about Ms. Wilson in a conversation with Tim Russert of NBC. He also told the grand jury that he had been taken aback by Mr. Russert’s information. He had testified that he did not discuss Ms. Wilson’s identity with Judith Miller,a former reporter for The Times,or with Matthew Cooper of Time magazine.3. How did Mr. Wells defend Mr. Libby?Trying to present the case as hopelessly complicated as possible, Mr. Wells spoke for nearly two and a half hours to leave the jurors in doubt about the validity of the charges. And he asserted that Mr. Libby had become enmeshed in legal difficulty because of White House efforts to protect Mr. Rove.4. Why did the White House intend to protect Mr. Rove?Because Mr. Rove was Mr. Bush’s right-hand man and "was most responsible for seeing the Republican Party stayed in office.”And he had a major role in guiding Mr. Bush's re-election campaign.5. Do you think the Bush administration had distorted intelligence about Iraqi efforts to obtain uranium? Why or why not?Yes,I think so. Because the weapons of mass destruction have not been found up to now.6. How do you understand Mr. Cheney’s words that "Not going to protect one staffer and sacrifice the guy who was asked to stick his neck in the meat grinder because of the incompetence of others?"Mr. Cheney means that he is not going to sacrifice Libby just for the purpose of protecting Mr. Rove.Mr. Cheney means that he is not going tosacrifice Libby just for the purpose ofprotecting Mr. Rove.Lesson EighteenA Race We Can All Win1. What are the different views between the author and some other American politicians on China? Why does he think so?Many American politicians have played tovoters’ economic insecurities by scapegoating China,while the author believes that China is not a threat to America,but an incredible opportunity. Since the author has worked 35 years in the private sector, and has run the nation's largest city for 6 years.2. What does the author see behind the growing Chinese economy?Although China emerges as an economic dynamo,theauthor has also seen the frailties underpinning its system. The increasingly congested roads and polluted air choke its economy and its people. The growth of cities is also exposing other fundamental long-term economic challenges,for instance,the education system is simply not producing enough skilled workers--- engineers,doctors,scientists and mangers. At the same time,health-care costs are skyrocketing.3. What common problems do both China and America meet? Give an example to illustrate how China is solving these problems.Both China and America have congestion,pollution,education, and rising health-care costs.4. Compared with China,what are the advantages for America to solve these problems? Do you agree with the author?The author advocates that America has a system of government that is far less corrupt and far more stable,owing to American democratic politics,free press and open, transparent markets.5. In the author's opinion, how can America meet the challenge?The Americans should prevent themselves from slowing down, which means overcoming the political inertia that has stopped them from investing in the 21st-century infrastructure that they need.6. Do you agree with the author’s opinions about China and the US? Please illustrate your own views with some examples.Open.Lesson NineteenWhy the Monarchy Must Stay1.What was Mr. Churchill’s view on Britain’s system of government? Do you agree withhim?a.he thought it was the best that man had yet devisedthough it was imperfect.b. Open.2. What role does Queen Elizabeth II play? Can she play a better role than an American president in a sense? Explain.a. she, as head of state, carries out ceremonial duties, and takes the political accountability while remaining above politics and taking no sides in any political debate.b. In the author’s view, she can. An American president is also the leader of a political party, so he can’t remain above politics.3. What power does Queen Elizabeth II have/ does Her Majesty have the real power to choose a prime minister? Why or why not?a. she can choose a prime minister, dissolve Parliament and declare war.b. No. she is a figurehead bound by the tradition, constitution and laws of the nation. She does it on the advice of Parliament.4. If the monarchy were abolished, what would things in Britain be like?The government, Parliament, nation, and Commonwealth would be turned upside down. Every nut and bolt of every one of Britain’s major institutions would have to be altered to make way for change.5. Do you know any scandals about some members of the royal family? Be specific.There are a couple of scandals involving the Queen’s sister and children. Apart from Camillagate 卡米拉门and Squidgygate鱿鱼门事件, it was reported that Princess Michael ofKent had an affair with oil tycoon John Ward Hunt, a relative of the fabulously wealthy Bunker Hunt of Houston, U. S. A.6. Why must the monarchy stay? Can it keep a politician from holding all the powers? Do you think the monarchy must go? State the reasons.a. In the author’s view , it has served both the British Empire and the Commonwealth with great distinction. Besides, it is legitimate and accords with traditions.b. Yes, it can, but it is not the monarchy but the parliamentary democracy that can keep a politician from holding all the powers and becoming a dictator.c. It depends. It is the British people that can decide its future.Lesson TwentyThe Coming Conflict in the Arctic1.What issues would the two heads of states discuss at the Lobster Summit atKennebunkport?Putin and Bush spent most of their time at the “lobster summit” discussing how to prevent the growing tensions between their two countries caused by missile defense in Europe and the final status of Kosovo.2. What’s the real purpose of Russia’s claim to the vast area of the ice covered Arctic seabed?The claim is not really about territory, but rather about the huge hydrocarbon reserves that are hidden on the seabed under the Arctic ice cap. Since these newly discovered energy reserves will play a crucial role in the global energy balance as the existing reserves of oil and gas will be depleted over the next 20 years. And the Russian government wants to secure Russia’s long-term dominance over global energy markets.3. Why are the Arctic reserves so attractive to Arctic-rim countries?Because the whole world is in danger of depleting natural resources, and scientists estimate that the Arctic territory contains more than 10 billion tons of gas and oil deposits. That’s why the Arctic reserves will be of such crucial importance to the world’s energy future, though they are still largely unexplored.4. Why doesn’t international Law recognize Russia’s right to the entire Arctic seabed north of the Russian coastline?The U.S. government has b een jealous of Russia’s attempts to project its dominance in the energy sector and has sought to limit opportunities for Russia to control export routes and energy deposits outside Russia’s territory. As a result, it refused to recognize Russia’s claim to the entire Arctic seabed and blocked the anticipated Russian bid.5. What is the viable scientific evidence supporting Russia's claim? What has boosted Russia's claim over the oil- and gas-rich triangle?After a group of Russian geologists taking a six-week voyage to the Lomonosov Ridge, they claimed the ridge was linked to Russian Federation territory. Their research boosted Russia’s claim over the oil-and gas-rich triangle. The latest findings are likely to prompt Russia to lodge another bid at the UN to secure its rights over the Arctic sea shelf.6. What is the US government’s attitude to the Russian claim? Why did President Bush urge the Senate to ratify the Law of the Sea Convention?The US government refused to recognize Russia’s claim and blocks the bid. President Bush urge the Senate to ratify the Lawof the Sea Convention because , if the Senate ratified the Law of the Sea Convention, U. S. would have the same right to claim a 12 mile zone for territorial waters and a larger 200 mile economic zone in the Arctic territory.7. Why did the author say that it promises to be a tough fight?If the Russian government wants to get its Arctic claim approved, it should have a tough diplomatic fight with other countries, especially the U. S. government.。



课程英文名称:Selected Readings from British & American Press
课程编号:0401330 学分:2 学时:32



英美国家主要报刊及国内出版的主要英文报刊,如:21st Century、China Daily 、Shanghai Star、China Today 等

英美报刊选读(辅修) 校本

英美报刊选读(辅修) 校本

英美报刊选读(辅修)校本一、介绍1.1 任务概述英美报刊选读(辅修)是一门研究英美报刊的课程,旨在帮助学生了解英美报刊的特点、发展历程和内容特点。


1.2 任务要求本次任务要求根据课程的主题,撰写一篇不少于2000字的文章,全面、详细、完整且深入地探讨英美报刊的发展历程、特点和选读方法。


二、英美报刊的发展历程2.1 英美报刊的起源英美报刊的起源可以追溯到17世纪。




2.2 英美报刊的发展特点英美报刊在发展过程中形成了自己的特点。




三、英美报刊的选读方法3.1 确定阅读目标在阅读英美报刊之前,我们需要明确自己的阅读目标。



3.2 选择适合的报刊根据阅读目标,选择适合的英美报刊是非常重要的。



3.3 浏览和筛选文章在报刊中浏览和筛选文章是提高阅读效果的关键步骤。


  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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2.课时安排:a) 学员自学:2学时/周,共30学时学完15课。





在上课时,可要求学生先回答每课后的练习题—— Questions,使他们基本了解课文的主要内容。













六.课程辅导《英美报刊选读》辅导一Newspapers and HeadlinesDo you have the habit of reading newspapers in English?What newspapers do you like to read?The following is a list of the major newspapers in Britain and the United States.●The major newspapers in BritainDailies SundaysThe Times News of the WorldThe Guardian The ObserverFinancial Times The Sunday PeopleThe Daily Telegraph Sunday MirrorDaily Express The Sunday TelegraphDaily Mail The Sunday TimesDaily Mirror●The major daily newspapers in the United StatesNew York Times USA TodayWashington Post Chicago Daily TribuneLos Angeles Times Detrolt NewsWall Street Journal New York Daily NewsChristian Science MonitorNewspapers ,along with reporting the news ,instruct ,entertain, and give opinions. A newspaper has separate sections: world news, national and local news, sports, business ,entertainment, opinions, comics, classified ads,etc.You can be a better reader if you know what to expect in a newspaper.For example, when you read a newspaper you usually look quickly at headlines first. Newspaper headlines have a language of their own and it is necessary to learn about it.Please read the following headlines:Moscow official wounded by gunmenEarthquake rocks TurkeyHusband to sue wifeBoy on cliff rescuedYoung Sudanese refugees endured famine, separations from familyFrom above we can see two prominent features of English newspaper headlines:☆ Headlines are almost always in the present tense and even future events are put in the present tense。

☆Headlines generally omit unnecessary words, especially articles and the verb to be.And is often replaced by a comma.Newspaper headlines can be classified into several types:☆ Straight headlines give you the main topic of the story.They are the most common type of headline and are the easiest to understand.Snow has chilling effects on SouthClinton offers Bush advice.☆ Headlines that ask a question,report a future possibility or offer some doubt about the truth or accuracy of the story.Can technology fix ballot woes?Do market analysts have bad aim or bad intentions?☆ Headlines that contain a quotation which is important or which shows that a statement is not proven.Mother:Let my baby go“We won’t quit”☆ Double headlines are two-part headlines for the same story and are often used for major events.How Express broke diplomatic silenceHUSH-UP ON “SPY” ENVOYS☆ Feature headlines are used for stories that are either highly unusual or amusing.Headlines for such stories try to be as clever as possible to catch the reader's interest.Teletubbles maker seeks funds for expansionDead student fell under the crush during clashes《英美报刊选读》辅导二Understanding Headline VocabularyEnglish newspaper headlines use a special vocabulary.A headline contracts a lot of information into a short space and hence in headlines we often see● Short words used instead of long onese.g. aid=assist bare=expose or reveal;blast=explode probe=investigationwoo=seek to win● Abbreviations such as short names which can be used when they are likely to be identified by the reader.Also initials are used whenever possible.e.g. Close-up on WILL(WILL=Willam Shakespeare)Yard smash airport gang(Yard=Scotland Yard)MP slams hospital delay(MP=member of Parliament)● shortened words and slange.g. Weekly mag for stamp lovers to be launched(mag=magazine)Br fly into stormover plgeon ban(Br=Britain)Olivier denies “blackmail” jibe(jibe=an insulting attack)The following is a list of words with their common headline meanings.Try to be famillar with these words.Word Common headline meaning ExamplAccord agreement Accord possible todayAir to make known TV a irs “facts” on arms deliveryAssail to criticize strongly Russ assails US on A-testsAxe to dismiss from a job Governor to axe aide?Back to support Algeria backs decision to ignore dollarBalk to refuse to accept Union balks at court orderBar not to allow Club faces shutdown for barring women Bid attempt Bid to open borderoffer Union rejects latest bidBilk to cheat Clerk bilks company of $1mBlast(noun) explosion;strong criticism Tanker blast near Manila (verb) criticize strongly MP blasts democratsstrike with explosivesblaze fire Blaze kills threecite mention Management cites labor unrest forshutdownclaim to declare to be true Man claims ghost sighting claim(claim to kill Bombs claim40the life of)clash(noun) battle; dispute Marine dies in clash(verb) disagree strongly;fight Mayor clashes with city council cool uninterested; unfriendly Moscow cool to aid offercurb limit; control Sunday driving curbs planned deadlock a disagreement that Jury deadlock in kidnap trial cannot be settleddrive a strong well-planned effort Cancer drive exceeds goalby a group for a particularpurposedue expected Greek FM due todayeye to watch with interest Women's groups eye court vote ease to reduce or loosen Rome eases martial laweve the day before Violence on eve of independence fault to find in the wrong Study faults policefeud dispute; Border feud danger to regional peace strong disagreementflay accuse;criticize strongly US flays Russiafoe opponent; enemy Clinton talks with congressional foesfoil to prevent from succeeding FBI folls bid to hijack plane toIrangrip to take hold of Cholera fear grips Japangut to destroy completely by fire Year's biggest fire guts 178homeshead off to prevent President heads off rail strikeheist theft Jewel heist foiledhold keep in police control; 7 held for smugglingarrestink to sign Thailand,Malaysia ink sea treaty key very important Gov't.wins key votekick off to begin Fiery speech kicks off campaign lash out criticize strongly; College heads lash out at NUS accuselaud to praise PM lauds community spiritline position;demand Israel softens linelaunch to begin Police launch anti-drug drivelink connected to Fungus linked to mystery diseas loom expected in the near Treaty dispute loomingfutureloot(noun) stolen money or goods Police recover loot(verb) unlawful taking away of Rioters loot stores goods valuablenab to capture Gang leader nabbednet to take possession of; Customs check nets over $2m capturenod approval Minister seeks nod for oil saving plan office an important government Minister quits,tired of officepositionopt choose;decide Swiss opt to back tax for churches oust to take power away from Voters'oust incumbentspact a solemn agreement Peace pact today?Plea deeply felt request Mother's plea;Let me see my baby a statement in court indicating Guilty pleas expectedguilt or innocence Guilty pleas expectedpledge promise IOC pledges supportpoised ready for action Workers poised to strikepoll election October poll?Voting station Voters go to the polls in JapanPost position in government, Unknown gets key Cabinet postBusinessProbe investigation Governor orders fire probePrompt to cause Court decision prompts public anger Rage to burn out of control Forest fire rages]Rap(noun) accusation charge Corruption rap unfair says senator(verb) criticize Safety commission raps auto companies rock to shock;to surprise Gov't.report rocks stock market rout defeat completely Rebels routed,leave 70 deadrow a quarrel Oil price row may bring down gov't. rule decide Court rules out PLO talkssack dismiss from a job Jail chief sackedsack(from to search thoroughly and rob 14 held for US embassysacking “ransack”)set decided on;ready IMF talks set for Aprilslay to kill or murder 2 slain in family rowsnag problem;difficulty Last minute snag hits arms talkssnub to pay no attention to Protestants snub Ulster peace bid soar to rise rapidly Inflation rate soarsspark to cause;to lead to action Frontier feuding sparks attack stalemate a disagreement that cannot be settledNew bid to break hostage stalematestall making no progress Peace effort in Lebanon stalledstance attitude;way of thinking New stance toward power cutsstem to prevent or stop Rainy season stems refugee exitsway to influence or persuade President fails to sway union-strike setswindle an unlawful way of getting money Stock swindle in NY thwart prevent from being successful Honduras attack thwarted ties relations Vietnam ties soon?Trim to cut Senate trims budgetTrigger to cause Killing triggers riotVie to compete Irish top ranks vie for officeVoid to determine to be invalid Voting law voides by court Vow a solemn promise Police chief vows to catch kidnappers Weigh to consider Bush weights tax increase《英美报刊选读》辅导三The Newspaper LeadThe first paragraph of a news story is called the lead. It almost always gives you the story's main topic and most important facts. When you read a newspaper lead sentence, try to find the subject and main verb and note how the rest of the sentence adds information to the subject and main verb.Anwar Sadat Assassinated at Cairo Military ReviewCAIRO,October7-Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, a modern-day pharaoh who attempted to lead the Arab world toward a permanent Mideast peace with Isreal, was assassinated yesterday by a band of soldiers who attacked a military parade reviewing stand with automatic rifles and hand grenades.Note that a great deal of information is included in a single sentence.The writer has organized the sentence around thesubject(Egyptian President Anwar Sadat)and main verb(was assassinate) very carefully.The lead sentence usually does the following:● Answers questions such as “who?”“what?”“where?” “when?”“result?”● Adds background to help you better understand the story orState where the source of the story comes from.《英美报刊选读》辅导四Read the News StoryIn most news stories the most important facts will be found near the beginning-usually within the first two or three paragraphs.The remainder of the story will give details explaining and clarifying the main points,or introducing new,but less important information.The following is a formula for a typical news story;● Paragraph OneThe story's subject and most important facts.● Paragraph TwoImportant facts that the writer was unable to include in the lead;Information to clarify the facts in the lead;A particularly important quote.●The rest of the storySpecific details to answer readers' questions;Statements and opinions by people involved in the story or by outside observers;Background information;New,but less important facts.Accordingly, when you read a news story, you are to:● Read the beginning of the story very carefully because itcontains the most important fact.●Try to look for more facts than those given in the lead.● If you don't understand something at the beginning of a story, keep reading for a second(and perhaps a third) chance to understand.《英美报刊选读》辅导五Reading the Feature Story in a NewspaperIn most news stories the main points come very early and less impotant information comes later.There is another kind of story_the feature story which follows a different format,the feature format.Popular Magazines and Magazine ArticlesReading popular magazines is a good way to enlarge our vocabulary and learn a little bit about many topics in English.The following is a list of major magazines in Britain and the United States.● Magazines in BritainThe Economist Britain TodayThe Spectator Contemporary ReviewNew Statesman London MagazineNew Scientist Observer ReviewThe Listener PunchBritish Weekly● Magazines in the United StatesTime US News & World ReportNewsweek Reader's DigestLife Business WeeklyFortune Harper'sPeople American ReviewThe New YorkerVery often we read magazines while traveling or relaxing anywhere.Writers of magazine articles do not expect their audience to spend too much time reading and try to make the main ideas stand out clearly. The task for the reader is to locate these main ideas quickly.Popular magazine writers use various devices to capture a reader's attention:clever titles,short paragraphs and compound nouns to economize on words.Articles in magazine often have characteristics similar to those found in news stories or articles found in newspapers.Here are some feautures of magazine articles:● An introductory paragraph summarize the main idea;● The details are given in the rest of the articles;● The author's view of the subject is directed to a particularaudience but may interest readers in general.《英美报刊选读》辅导六Reading AdvertisementsMost magazines and newspapers contain advertisements that are designed to make us want the product.Advertisers want us to believe that their product is important for a good life. Some advertisements even present viewpoints on timely subjects.Like newspaper editorials.Such ads try to influence the reader's opinions.The language of advertising must be a language of immediate impact and rapid persuasion. No one is likely to spend much time deciding whether to read a printed advertisement or listen to aspoken one:If their attention is not attracted immediately and held firmly for the short amount of time necessary to absorb what is being said. Then the advertisement will have miserably. So the advertising language uses a basically simple grammatical structure and a richly suggestive and descriptive vocabulary.Read the following ad.Only the cream of the crop filesOur chefs buy only the freshest and most expensive ingredients for our kitchens.Anywhere.Because they believe that good food really is the way to a person's heart.Obviously, there are many who would agree.In fact, experienced travelers have rewarded Swissair with the greatest percentage of repeat business.Which is not something we take lightly.Because travelers who fly more, expect more.So our chefs prepare five gourmet selections for every flight. Plus any one of 15 different special meals on request:Hindu,Kosher,Moslem,diabetic,slat-free,vegetarian,dietetic…you name it.Only the best will please Swissair passengers.The cream of the crop.Swissair has worldwide departures from New York, Boston, Chicago, Montreal and Toronto.Call Swissair of your travel expertSWISSAIRIn the above ad, a great deal is said in a few words. We see short sentences, vivid language, and many informal, popular expressions. They appeal to all of the senses.When you read an advertisement, you may:● Look for the hidden message; the way in which an advertiser uses words and pictures to influence readers opinions and attitudes.● Read between the lines for meanings implied rather than clearly stated.● Find the source of its appeal to the senses.。
