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1.1M OTIV A TION [选题缘由] (2)

1.2P URPOSE [目的] (2)

1.3M ETHODS [方法] (2)

1.4S IGNIFICANCE [意义] (2)




2.3S UMMARY (4)



Part 1 Introduction

1.1Motivation [选题缘由]

Chinese calligraphy is an ancient art, It`s accompanied by the development of Chinese civilization, and it is also our national pride forever. Now it is gradually popular. So we take it as the presention. It means the law of writing. Usually, Calligraphy refers to all kinds of writing works, but the ‘Calligraphy’ which we are talking about is a kind of traditional Chinese art.

1.2Purpose [目的]

In this highly developed science and technology society. The calligraphy as a way of ancient writing has been gradually fade out people's field of vision. But as a traditional art it is not only a kind of writing tools, but also a kind of culture. So, we hope that through this presention to improve people's interest in calligraphy.

1.3 Methods [方法]

Looking up relevant information on the Internet and sorting out useful data in order to give a splendid speech.

1.4 Significance[意义]

To introduce calligraphy in detail and make everyone understand it clearly. In the same time, we also hope to be able to live on this ancient culture and art.

Part 2: Research Backgrounds

2.1The History of calligraphy[书法的历史]

Chinese calligraphy has a long history in a different style reflects the spirit of The Times, youth often in art Browsing all previous dynasties calligraphy, "Jin Ren is rhyme, tang dynasty, poets in shang, yuan, Ming shang,state". Pursuit of trajectory, the development of calligraphy in three thousand it clearer to see he synchronization with the method of development of Chinese society, strongly reflect the spirit of every age. The treasure of Chinese calligraphy art is unique in the world, the splendid flower of Chinese culture. Calligraphy art is the most typical embodies the good, the beauty of the Oriental art and the Oriental culture is always proud of our nation art treasures. It has any art in the world is unparalleled deep mass base and artistic characteristics. Calligraphy art more and more get the favor of people.

Stages in the history of Chinese calligraphy, from the general division, in the c of the tang dynasty as a cut-off point, previously known as the "style evolution period", later known as the "style rheological period". Style evolution period, the development of calligraphy style main tendency for evolution, calligrapher's artistic style is often associated with the period. Style of rheological period had been reached, do not need to create a new font. The calligrapher, then put forward the idea of "is meaning", "style" has been fixed, and the "meaning" is alive, it is to further strengthen the author's main body role.

Chinese calligraphy is the art of Chinese handwriting. It is not only the cultural treasure of the Chinese nation, but in the world culture art treasure put different mining alone. The evolution of Chinese characters in the long history of development, on the one hand plays an ideas, cultural inheritance, and other important social role, on the other hand it itself and formed a unique plastic arts. Modern after textual research, about the origin of Chinese characters, it is generally believed in about 5000, 6000 years or so ago China's "AngShao culture period" in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, has created the word. AngShao culture by 1921 in the first place in henan rope shan you yang shao village found and named .In recent 40 years, and there are many found in succession.
