
小编精心收集了关于搞笑的英文情景对话,供大家欣赏学习!关于搞笑的英文情景对话篇1uncle: how did jim do in his history examination?舅舅:吉姆这孩子历史考得怎么样?mother: oh, not at all well, but there, it wasn't his fault. they asked him things that happened before the poor boy was born.母亲:唉,糟透了。
关于搞笑的英文情景对话篇2Ivan came home with a bloody nose and his mother asked, "What happened?"伊凡鼻子流着血回到家里。
他妈妈问,“发生了什么事?”"A kid bit me," replied Ivan.“一个男孩咬了我一口,”伊凡说。
"Would you recognize him if you saw him again?" asked his mother.“再见到他你能认出来吗?”妈妈问。
"I'd know him any where," said Ivan. "I have his ear in my pocket."“他走到哪里我都能认出他,”伊凡说。
”关于搞笑的英文情景对话篇3tommy: how is your little brother, johnny?汤姆:约翰尼,你小弟弟好吗?johnny: he is ill in bed. he hurt himself.约翰尼:他害病卧床了。

英语作文对话搞笑模板带翻译英文回答:Scene 1。
Person A: Hey, what's up?Person B: Not much, just chilling.Person A: Cool. So, what are you up to tonight?Person B: I don't know yet. Maybe watch a movie or something.Person A: Sounds good. Well, I'm going to go grab some food. Catch you later.Person B: See ya.Scene 2。
Person A: Hey, what's the haps?Person B: Just kicking it, man.Person A: Nice. What's on your agenda for the evening?Person B: Dunno. Might catch a flick or something.Person A: Sounds dope. I'm gonna bounce and grab a bite. Hit you up later.Person B: Later, dude.Scene 3。
Person A: Yo, what's good?Person B: Just hanging, you know.Person A: I feel that. What you got planned for tonight?Person B: Not sure yet. Maybe watch a movie or something.Person A: That sounds cool. I'm gonna go get some grub. Peace out.Person B: Peace.Scene 4。

A: Because the potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears!
A: 为什么我们在农场从不说秘密?
B: 我不确定,为什么?
A: 因为土豆有眼睛,玉米有耳朵!
A: Why don't skeletons fight each other?
B: I don't know, why?
A: They don't have the guts!
A: 为什么骷髅不互相打架?
B: 我不知道,为什么?
A: 因为它们没有肠子!
A: What did one elevator say to the other elevator?
第二个对话是关于电梯的。这个笑话利用了“coming down with something”这个习语,意思是感觉自己生病了。但在这个笑话中,电梯用这个习语来表达自己正在往下降。这种双关语的应用非常巧妙,给人一种欢快感。

A: Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself?
B: Because it was two tired.
A: Can February March?
A: Why don’t skeletons fight each other?
B: They don’t have the guts.
B: You planet.
A: Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut?
B: No, what happened?
A: He needed a little space.
B: No, but April May.
A: What do you call an alligator in a vest?

有关搞笑的英语对话大全A:SayIheardyouwenttotheComedyClublastnight.Howwasit?B:Well,hedoesn’tknockthemintheaisles,butheratesalaughor two.A:Soit’sworthpayingthecovercharge.Ihearditwasascream.B:Oh,notthemainact,buttheguywhocomesonfirstisacrack-up.A:我听说你昨天晚上去戏剧俱乐部了?怎么样?B:他不是特别特别搞笑,不过还好吧。
IMadeGrannyGladAteacheristellingherstudentstheimportanceofmakingothersg lad.“Now,children,”shesays“Didyoumakesomeoneelseglad?”“Please,teacher,”saysasmallboy,“Imadesomeon egladyeste rday.”“Welldone.Whowasthat?”Theteachersays.“Mygranny.”Theboysays.“Goodboy.Nowtellushowyoumadeyourgrandmotherglad.”Thete achersays.“Iwenttoseeheryesterday,andstayedwithherforthreehours.T henIsaidtoher,‘Granny,I’mgoinghome.’Andshesaid,“well.I ’mglad!”我让奶奶高兴了一位教师正在对学生将使人高兴的重要性。

于是,俺就对他说:“I am sorry”。
“I am sorry,too” 外国人回答。
“I am sorry three” 我道。
“What are you sorry for?” 外国人问。
“I am sorry five” 我说……经典对话二:男:Can I buy you a drink?(我可以为你买一杯饮料吗?)女:Actually I''d rather have the money.(不必,我我宁愿留下那些钱。
)经典对话三:男:this seat empty?(直译:这个座位是空的吧?)女:Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.(是的,如果你坐下,我的座位就是空的。
)经典对话四:男:Haven't I seen you some place before?(我好像以前在什么地方见过你?)女:Yes. That's why I don't go there anymore.(是的。
)经典对话五:男:Will you go out with me this Saturday?(这个星期六你想跟我出去吗?)女:Sorry. I''m having a headache this weekend.(抱歉。
)男:Can I have your name?(直译:我能有你的名字吗?)女:Why? Don't you already have one? (为什么?你不是已经有一个了吗?)经典对话六:男:I''m a photographer. I've been looking for a face like yours.(我是摄影师。

有关表达幽默的情景英语对话场景一:在咖啡厅A: Hey, do you know why the coffee here is so expensive?B: No idea, why?A: Because it's "expresso"! Get it? Express as in fast, and "espresso"!场景二:在办公室A: I'm so tired today. I think I need a vacation.B: Me too! Maybe we should start a "GoFundMe" page for our vacation.A: Haha, sounds like a plan. I'll donate my last dollar!场景三:在健身房B: Don't worry, Rome wasn't built in a day. Besides, the weight section is just a "muscle museum" for most of us.场景四:在超市A: Did you see the price of bananas today? It's outrageous!B: Yeah, I think they're trying to "go bananas" withtheir pricing strategy.场景五:在朋友家聚餐A: This dinner is amazing! Who cooked?B: I did, but don't worry, I'm not taking any credit. The secret ingredient is "love"… and a lo t of MSG.通过这些幽默的对话,我们可以看到,在日常生活中运用幽默可以轻松拉近人与人之间的距离,让沟通变得更加有趣。

英语课堂上的幽默笑话英语课堂上的幽默笑话篇1One小明上英文课时跟老师说:May I go to the toilet?老师说:Go ahead.小明就坐了下来。
过了一会儿,小明又跟老师说:May I go to the toilet?老师说:Go ahead.小明又坐了下来。
他旁边的同学于是忍不住问:你不是跟老师说要上厕所吗?怎么不去?小明说:你没听老师说“去你个头”啊!Two某日,小明学习了how to spell it?这一句型。
回家后,妈妈观察他手上的玩具表,问道:妈妈:What’s on your hand?小明:Watch.妈妈:How to spell that?小明:THAT~Three某日,老师教小涛,英语中,姓氏可以放在名字后面。
小明:How are you? My name is HongTao Liu.外国人:Oh, my god! 我还是方片七呢!Four一日,小明心情有很好,于是他夸赞英语老师美丽。
小明:Miss Jiang, you are very beautiful.老师听后心花怒放,嘴上还要虚心一下:“哪里,哪里”。
小明心想:老师的意思就是“Where? Where?,天哪,还有这样的人,非要追问哪里美丽的,干脆马屁拍究竟:Everywhere, everywhere.老师:……Five小明刻苦学习英语,终有小成。
一日上街不慎与一老外相撞,忙说:I am sorry.老外应道:I am sorry too.小明听后又道:I am sorry three.老外不解,问:What are you sorry for?小明无奈,道:I am sorry five.Six一日,小明上课打磕睡,于是英语老师向小明提问。
老师:小明,How are you是什么意思?小明心想:how是怎么,you 是你,于是回答“怎么是你?”老师很生气,又问:“那How old are you ?是什么意思?”小明心想:old是老的,于是回答怎么老是你?”英语课堂上的幽默笑话篇2心不在焉的老师An Absent Minded ProfessorA notoriously absentminded professor was one day observed walking along the street with one foot continually in the gutter,the other on the pavement.A pupil meeting him said:“Good evening,professor.How are you? “Well,” answered the professor,“I thought I was all right when I left home,but now I dont know whats the matter with me.Ive been limping for the last half hour.”有一天,人们观察一个出名的心不在焉的老师在路上走,他的一只脚始终踏在街沟里,另一只脚踩在人行道上。

”Theybothdiappearintotherabbit'burrow.Afterafewminute,therabb itreturn,alone,tohitypewriterandreumetyping.它们一起消失在兔子的洞穴里,几分钟后只有兔子独自出来了。
”Wolf:"Youdon'te某pecttogetuchrubbihpublihed,doyou"狼:“你不会指望这种垃圾论文被发表吧!”Rabbit:"Noproblem.Doyouwanttoeewhy"兔子:“能发表,你想知道为什么吗”Therabbitandthewolfgointotheburrow,andagaintherabbitreturnby himelf,afterafewminute,andgoebacktotyping.兔子和狼一起进了洞穴,而兔子又一次独自走了出来。

”他想了一会儿,终于决定回答:“My cat sleeps in the room.” 结果,他错了!笑话二:拼写错误的尴尬在一个英语课上,老师问小明:“请你在黑板上拼写‘电视’这个单词。
笑话三:英语学习的困惑小李正在学习英语的时候碰到了一个很难理解的词汇 - "heteronym"(同音异形词)。

经典搞笑英语对话带翻译阅读学习英语,阅读真的很重要,多阅读一些简单的英语笑话也是提高英语阅读能力的一种,下面店铺在这里整理了一些经典搞笑英语对话给大家,希望大家会喜欢这些英语笑话!经典搞笑英语对话篇一1.He WonTommy: How is your little brother, Johnny?Johnny: He is ill in bed. He hurt himself.Tommy: That's too bad. How did that happen?Johnny: We played who could lean furthest out of the window, and he won.他赢了汤姆:约翰尼,你小弟弟好吗?约翰尼:他害病卧床了。
2.PrizeLittle Albert came home from school with a new book under his arm. "It's a prize, mother," he explained."A prize? What for, dear?""For natural history. Teacher asked me how many legs an ostrich has, and I said three.""But an ostrich has only two legs.""I know it now. But all the pupils said four, so I was the closest."奖品小阿尔伯特腋下夹着一本新书从学校回家来了。

”笑话2:打电话小明用英语给外国朋友打电话:“Hello! Is it Mr. Brown’s residence?”外国朋友说:“I’m sorry, you have the wrong number.”小明再打一次:“Hello! Is it Mrs. Brown’s residence?”外国朋友愤怒地说:“No, I told you already, you have the wrong number!”小明再打一次:“Hello! Is it Mr. Brown’s residence?”外国朋友非常生气:“I can’t believe you called me again! This is not Mr. Brown’s residence!”小明笑着说:“I know, but I just love hearing you say it!”笑话3:父亲的损失小明的父亲对他说:“小明,你知道我为什么戴假发吗?”小明好奇地问:“为什么呢?”父亲严肃地回答:“因为我是个有发言权的人。

英语老师和学生的对话搞笑学生1: I am good, thank you.学生2: I'm tired. I stayed up late watching Netfli某.英语老师: Well, I hope you paid attention in class today or else this won't be a very funny conversation.学生3: Can we have a funny conversation, teacher?英语老师: Of course! Laughter is the best way to learn.Let's give it a try!学生1: Why did the math book look sad?英语老师: I don't know, why did the math book look sad?学生1: Because it had too many problems!全班学生: Hahaha!学生2: Okay, I have one. Why don't scientists trust atoms?英语老师: Hmm, I'm not sure. Why don't scientists trust atoms?学生2: Because they make up everything!全班学生:HAHAHA!学生3: Here's another one. Why did the scarecrow win an award?英语老师: I give up, why did the scarecrow win an award?学生3: Because he was outstanding in his field!全班学生: HAHAHA! That's a good one!英语老师: Alright, it's my turn now. Why did the bicyclefall over?学生1: I don't know. Why did the bicycle fall over?英语老师: Because it was two-tired!全班学生:HAHAHA!学生2: Here's one more. Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?英语老师: I'm not sure. Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?学生2: Because it was two-tired!全班学生: HAHAHA! That's a good one too!学生3: Teacher, I have a serious question now.英语老师: Sure, go ahead.学生3: How do you count cows?英语老师: Well, you count their legs and divide by four.学生3: No, you count "one, two, three, lots"!全班学生: Hahaha! That's funny!英语老师: Very clever, indeed. Well, I'm glad we had a good laugh today. Laughter is important, even in the classroom. It helps us rela某 and enjoy learning.学生1: Thanks for making our English class fun, teacher!英语老师: It's my pleasure. Remember, learning should always be enjoyable. Now, let's get back to our lesson.。

英语教学搞笑段子1.学生:'老师,请问英语的‘no pain, no gain’是什么意思呀?' 老师: '就是没有付出就没有收获,比如说你不学习,就没有好成绩。
' 学生: '原来如此,那如果我不去运动,不是也没有痛苦,也没有收获吗?'2. 老师: '同学们,下面我会说出一个单词,你们要把它翻译成中文。
' 学生: '好的,老师。
' 老师: 'Apple.' 学生: '苹果!' 老师: '很好,同学们!再来一个难一点的,Banana.' 学生: '香蕉!' 老师: '非常好!最后一个,Orange.' 学生: '橘子!' 老师: '太棒了!同学们,你们真是个'Fruitful'的班级!'3. 学生: '老师,您会讲英语,会说中文吗?' 老师: '当然会啊!' 学生: '那您会说‘谢谢’吗?' 老师: '当然会啊!谢谢!' 学生: '不好意思,我问错了,我是想问您会说‘谢谢’的英文是什么。
' 老师: '哦,那当然是'thank you'啦!'4. 老师: '同学们,把这个句子翻译成英文:‘我不知道你在说什么。
’' 学生: 'I don't know what you are talking about.' 老师: '很好!再来一个:‘我想要一瓶水。
’' 学生: 'I want a bottle of water.' 老师: '好极了!最后一个:‘我爱你。
’' 学生: 'I love you.' 老师: '啊,好啊好啊,你们的英语真的很'lovely'!'5. 学生: '老师,我怎么才能学好英语呢?' 老师: '你要多听、多读、多写、多说,还要多练习。

对不起,先生,奶油没了,不加奶怎么样Waiter,I'dlikeacupofcoffee,pleae,withnocream.I'morry,ir,butwe'reoutofcream.Howaboutwithnomilk 关于校园英语笑话对话篇6服务员,你的领带在我的汤里了。

A: Sorry, I’m still working on it.
A: I used to play piano by ear.
B: That sounds impressive.
A: Yeah, it wasn’t a very tuneful performance.
A: Can February March?
B: No, but April May.
A: Why don’t skeletons fight each other?
B: They don’t have the guts.
A: Excuse me, are you a barber?
“Can February March?”(二月能三月吗)和“No, but April May.”(不行,但四月可以)又是一种通过英语的发音来制造幽默效果的对话短句。
而“Do you want to hear a construction joke?”(你想听一个建筑笑话吗)和 “Sorry, I’m still working on it.”(对不起,这个笑话我还在构思中)则是通过制造隔阂来制造幽默效果。
A: How do you organize a space party?
B: I have no idea.
A: You planet.

一A: That teacher is not funny at all.B: That’s right. His ribald approach really disgusts me.A: Furthermore, he is so facetious. He always says the wrong thing at the wrong time.B: I don’t know. Some people may find his droll style amusing. Not me though.A: 那个老师根本没有什么幽默感。
B: 没错,他那种低级粗俗的手法令我厌恶。
A: 还有,他很喜欢不分场合乱开玩笑,总在不恰当的时候说一些不恰当的话。
B: 我不知道,也许有人欣赏他滑稽的逗乐方式,我可欣赏不了。
【语言点精讲】funny: 风趣的,逗人发笑的。
ribald: 开下流玩笑的。
facetious: (尤指不分场合的)好开玩笑的;没正经的。
droll: 古怪有趣的,离奇可笑的。
二A: The way you conducted yourself is quite amusing.B: What is so funny? I am just being myself.A: Your facial expressions are so comical. Not that it’s a bad thing.B: Well your description of my behavior will not change me in the slightest.A: 你的行为举止真逗。
B: 有什么可笑的?我本来就是这样。
A: 你的面部表情很滑稽,这倒不是件坏事。

英语搞笑对话两人十句1. Student: "I"m feeling very tired. I think I"m going to faint." Teacher: "Don"t faint. I"ll get you a glass of water."Student: "Thank you, but I think I"ll just sleep."2. Man: "I need to go to the store, do you want to come with me?" Wife: "No, I"m tired. I"ll just stay home and rest."Man: "Oh, okay. Well, just make sure to lock the door when you leave."3. Student: "I don"t understand this concept in my math class. Can you explain it to me?"Teacher: "Sure, but it will take a while. Let"s start with the basics." Student: "Oh, okay. I thought you were going to start with the hard parts."4. Man: "I"m feeling very excited. I think I"m going to have a heart attack."Wife: "Don"t worry. I"ll call an ambulance."Man: "Thank you, but I think I"ll just lie down for a while."5. Student: "I don"t understand why my teacher keeps making us do homework. It"s not like we"re going to use it in class."Teacher: "I understand your frustration, but homework helps you to learn the material better."Student: "Oh, okay. Well, then why don"t we just learn the material in class?"6. Man: "I"m feeling very hungry. Do you want to go get something to eat?"Wife: "No, I"m still full from last night."Man: "Oh, okay. Well, just make sure to order something that"s not too spicy."7. Student: "I"m feeling very confused about this assignment. Can you help me?"Teacher: "Sure, but let"s start from the beginning."Student: "Oh, okay. I thought you were going to tell me what to do next."8. Man: "I"m feeling very horny. Do you want to go have sex?"Wife: "No, I"m still tired from work."Man: "Oh, okay. Well, just make sure to lube up."9. Student: "I don"t understand why our teacher keeps making us do these difficult assignments. It"s not like we"re going to pass the class." Teacher: "I understand your frustration, but challenging assignments help to improve your skills."Student: "Oh, okay. Well, then why don"t we just do easier assignments?"10. Man: "I"m feeling very happy. I think I"m going to have a heart attack."Wife: "Don"t worry. I"ll call an ambulance."Man: "Thank you, but I think I"ll just lie down for a while."。

搞笑英语对话带翻译Funny English Conversations: A Hilarious Exchange between Friends。
Friend 1: Hey, have you heard about the new restaurant that just opened up?Friend 2: No, what's it called?Friend 1: It's called "The Kitchen Sink".Friend 2: The Kitchen Sink? What kind of name is that?Friend 1: I don't know, but apparently they serve everything but the kitchen sink!Friend 2: (laughs) That's too funny. We have to check it out.Friend 1: Definitely. Let's go this weekend.Friend 2: Sounds good to me. By the way, have you seen the new superhero movie?Friend 1: No, I haven't. Is it any good?Friend 2: It's okay, but there's one thing that really bothered me.Friend 1: What's that?Friend 2: The villain's plan made absolutely no sense.I mean, why would he want to destroy the world when hecould just take over and rule it?Friend 1: (laughs) Yeah, that does seem a bit illogical.Friend 2: And don't even get me started on the hero's costume. It looked like he got dressed in the dark.Friend 1: (laughs) I guess they were going for a "gritty" look.Friend 2: More like a "dirty" look. Anyway, let's grab some popcorn and watch it again.Friend 1: (laughs) Sure, why not? It's not like we have anything better to do.Friend 2: (laughs) That's the spirit. Let's go be lazy together.Friend 1: (laughs) You read my mind.Translation:搞笑英语对话,朋友之间的滑稽交流。

中式搞笑英语1. How are you? How old are you?怎么是你?怎么老是你?2. You ask me, me ask who?你问我,我问谁?3. We two who and who?咱俩谁跟谁?4. You is a dog.你是条狗。
5. Brothers!Together up!兄弟们,一起上!6. Dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse"s son can make hole! 龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞!7. king eight eggs.王八蛋。
8. Heart flower angry open.心花怒放。
9. Horse horse tiger tiger.马马虎虎。
10. no care three seven twenty one.不管三七二十一。
11. Good good study, day day up.好好学习,天天向上。
12. No three no four.不三不四。
13. go and look.走着瞧。
14. Know is know, noknow is noknow.知之为知之,不知为不知。
15. Watch sister表妹16. Fire big火大17. As far as you go to die. 有多远,死多远。
18. We two who and who?咱俩谁跟谁?19. People moumtain people sea 人山人海20. love who who爱谁谁。
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英语情景对话,自己和舍友5个人在课堂上表演过.材料是自己整合了几个小故事和网上的对话小片段,在此为需要帮助的同学提供点参考.为了更好的说明,中间穿插了汉语.(英语水平不行啊).主要以娱乐为主.故事大概是这样的,有一个老师(也是旁白)和他的四个学生,一个美国人,一个印度人,一个中国人,一个日本人.看到这儿,应该可以猜到内容了,恶搞日本人的.对话如下:Pangbai: Long time ago, I was a teacher in a village and My name is Hutu and I have four students: an American. a Chinese , anIndia and a Japanese. Now they are coming .四个人登场,进行自我介绍(印度人):Good morning, boys and girls. I’m India and the monitor of the class.(中国人): Hello, everyone. I’m Chinese.(美国人): Hi, I’m American.(日本人,自我介绍的时候鞠个躬,显示所谓的礼仪): Hi, I’m Japanese and my English is very poor;Pangbai: During the National Day ,they travelled from Xi’an to Shanghai passby Luoyang. It’s said that some interestingand funny story have been happened when they travelled.Now , they will show us what actually happened in theirtrip.India: Well, I rent a car, but the car can only take three people. I have an idea that we take turns to ask questions, anybodywho give the right answer can get on, or run following the car.Do you agree with me?三个人异口同声地回答,尤以日本人最活跃.Yes ,sir. No problem.Inida: Now ,as the monitor of the class I will question now. Are you ready?三个人再次异口同声地回答,日本人还是最活跃Yes, we are ready.India: Hi ,American, how many sun in the sky?American: Such a simple question. The answer is only one.India: Good job. And Chinese guy, how many moon in the sky? Chinese: So easy, it’s one.Japanese: wow , laughing…,(阴笑) these questions are so simple and our Japanese are so clever.India: Hi. Japanese. Do you know how many stars in the sky? Japanese: Stars? Are you kidding me? Sorry, I don’t know.India(淫笑): I’m sorry, you don’t give me a right answer. So, we three go to Luoyang by car and you follow us. Let’s go.(对其他两人说). Pangbai: Now, the Chinese , the India, the American trave toLuoyang by car and the Japanese have to run following thecar. Several days later, the three man have taken a tour inLuoyang and they are talking about their fells. But theJapanese is still on his way.American: 描述一下洛阳,百度多的是,我也是搜的.在此省略了. Chinese: We have to go now, bur where is the Japanese? Japanese: (气喘吁吁地跑过来,弯着腰说) Thank god, I come up with you finally.India: (对日本人说) Are you OK?Japanese: (立马直起腰) I can’t be fine any more.(嘴硬!)India: Good! Now, we start the second round questioning andChinese guy, This is your hometown and as host you question us. Chinese: OK, it’s my turn. I’ll ask questions about our Chinese history and monitor, Do you know the Liberation Campaignof China.India: Let me see. It’s LiaoShen War, PeiPing war and HuaiHai War.Chinese: Absolutely right. And American, Do you know how many soldiers sacrificed in that war?American: En…, I think it’s about 500,000.Chinese: Good! And Japanese, do you know their names ? Japanese: names? (苦笑,垂头丧气地),I don’t know.Chinese” I’m sorry, boy. You failed again.(假惺惺地拍拍日本人的肩膀,对其他俩人说),Let’s go.Pangbai: Another time, the Japanese travelled on foot and the other three by car.. Suddenly they met each other somewhere onthe rode outside the Luoyang city.American: Hi. Japanese, how are you ?Japanese:(边跑边说,气喘吁吁) I’m fine. Thank you ,And you ? American:(look around ) We can’t be fine any more.Chinese: See you in Shanghai.Pangbai: Several days later. The three men had enjoyed their good time in Shanghai and the Japanese is still on his way. Butfortunately, they had changed their car for fore-seat. Itseemed that the Japanese still don’t know. Now they aretalking about their felling about Shanghai.Chinese: 描述上海.百度搜.India” It’s really an interesting journey and time up, we should go home. But where is the Japanese?Japanese: (累死累活的跑过来)Wait me for a while. I’m here. India: OK! Let’s go back.Japanese: wait, wait… ,I don’t think it’s fair to me . I have run from Xi’an to Shanghai and I have to answer the first question. India: What question?American: (与中国人对视一笑) OK! I pick out a question for you.How many leaves in that tree?Japanese: one , two , three …, wow , so many. I can’t find the answer.My god, I have to run from Shanghai to Xi’an again. (说完跑开了).Chinese: what a foolish the Japanese man. Our car have four seats.Why he run away again?India: Become fool when run, I think.Pangbai: Several days later. They all back to Xi’an. Now they are here and having my class; “Hi, boys, how is your trip?”Japanese: It’s terrible . I am so tired.Pangbai: you are a real marathon runner and you three?India: we all have enjoyed the trip.Pangbai: (铃响了) Time flies. We have ten minutes break.美国人往外走, 不小心被日本人撞了一下.发生如下对话. Japanese: I'm sorry,sir.American: I'm sorry, too.Japanese: two? I'm sorry three?American: What are you sorry for?Japanese: four? I' m sorry five.American: What do you want to say?Teacher: 老师听不下去了,生气了.这时,the teacher got down and knocked the head of Japanese and said :"I have taught youfor two years ,What did you say just now! Time up, we havethe class now."Teacher: st week, we...此时中国人登场了,打断老师的讲话.Chinese: Mr. Hu, May I go to the toilet?Teacher: 一挥手,说道Go ahead!听到这个这个中国人坐下了.Teacher: Last week, we ....,,Chinese: Mr. Hu, May I go to the toilet?Teacher: 呃,再次说道Go ahead.听到这个,中国人再次坐下了.一旁的印度人催他去,但他无动于衷. Teacher: Last week, we ...Chinese: Mr. Hu. May I go ....Teacher: Don't disturb me any more. I have said go ahead, go ahead.Why don't you go?Chinese: You alway say that go ahead, go ahead. It means去你个头呀. How can I go ?Teacher: Unbelievable! Now you can go to the toilet.Chinese: But I ' m fine now. Thank you.Teacher: It' s up to you. Last week, we have assigned a dialog between Chinese and American. And are you ready now? Chinese & American: Yes!Teacher: Now , the Chinese acts for a waiter and the American for a foreign guest. What will happen between them? Chinese: Hello.American: Hello.Chinese: You have what thing?American: Can you speak English?Chinese: If I not speak English, I speak what?American: Is anybody else speaking English?Chinese: You yourself look, All people are playing, no people have time. You can wait, you not wait you go.American: Good heavens ! Anybody else can speak English? Chinese: Shout what shout! 啊, give me a little quilt. ....en.... You have what thing?American: I want to speak to your head?Chinese: Head? Head 今天没来, Tomorrow 你来吧.最后两段对话的原版视频:/show/38CEyu8mnXkKG5l-at4ghw...html?loc=ta shangchuan。