

Module1 Unit1教学设计

课题AWE M1 U1 主备人仇晓荣



课型Welcome & Word power

Learning objectives:

By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. enlarge their own vocabulary by knowing the exact names of all kinds of school facilities and activities;

2. improve their spoken skills by describing their favorite activities at school and showing others ways;

3. be aware of cultural differences by comparing school life in China and in Britain. Focus of the lesson:

1. the names of school facilities

2. different expressions to ask and show ways

Predicted area of difficulties:

using locative prepositions and prepositional phrases properly

Learning aids:

1. PPT

2. blackboard

Learning procedures:


Learning objectives:

By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. know more information about the school life in Britain;

2. learn to use two reading strategies: skimming and scanning;

3. form a reasonable attitude to different ways of education. Focus of the lesson:

1. skimming

2. scanning

Predicted area of difficulties:

When and how to use skimming and scanning?

Learning methods:

1. PPT

2. blackboard Learning procedures:


Learning objectives:

By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. write out the transformation and phrases of the key words correctly;

2. use the key words properly in relevant tasks;

3. use -ing form as subjects;

3. get a basic idea of attributive clause;

4. raise the awareness of learning new words or phrases in a context.

Focus of the lesson:

1. usage of the key words

2. v–ing form as subjects

Predicted area of difficulties:

1. the usage of the phrase ‘devote…to’‘attend’phrases about ‘look’and so on

2. the proper usage of –ing form as subjects

Learning aids:

1. PPT

2. blackboard

Learning procedures:

课型Grammar & Usage

Learning objectives:

By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. understand the grammatical functions of attributive clauses;

2. use relative pronouns ‘that’‘which’‘who’‘whom’‘whose’;

3. enjoy the neatness and beauty of attributive clauses comparing them with simple sentences.

Focus of the lesson:

the usage of relative pronouns

Predicted area of difficulties:

1. the usage of relative pronouns

Learning aids:

1. PPT

2. blackboard Learning procedures:


Learning objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

1. understand the dates, time, places in a program;

2. know how to get the information by comparing;

3. report his or her decision to the whole class. write a notice. Focus of the lesson:

1. notes-taking by reading and listening

2. Writing a notice

Predicted learning difficulties:

1.the understanding of all numbers appearing as time, date or day

2. writing a notice

Learning aids:

1. PPT

2. tape and tape recorder

Learning procedures:


Learning objectives:

By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. know what school clubs are like;

2. work out with group members how to start a school club;

3. learn the importance of teamwork.


高中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 盐城市龙冈中学牛津高中英语模块一测试题 命题人:程永华 第一卷(选择题,共75分) I.听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.How much is the skirt? A.$19.15. B.$9.15. C.$9.50 2.What are the two speakers doing? A.They are having a rest. B.They want to have dinner. C.They are hiking on a hill. 3.What does the man mean? A.He doesn't like Chinese food. B.He doesn't want to eat out. C.He wants to pay for the meal. 4.What did the man do yesterday evening? A.He had dinner with his friend. B.He visited a friend. C.He saw a film. 5.When does Mr Brown have to be at the airport? A.At 8:30. B.At 9:30. C.At 10:30. 第二节(共15小题,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6.What kind of color TV does the woman want to buy? A.A small one. B.A big one. C.A cheap one. 7.What's the man's opinion about buying a TV? A.The woman should buy a small one. B.The woman should buy a big one. C.The woman should buy a cheap one. 8.Why does the man give the woman such a suggestion? A.Because the big one is too expensive. B.Because she will have to change it in a few years. C.Because her sitting room isn't very big. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9.Where is the boy going to spend his holiday? A.In the city. B.In his hometown. C.Abroad. 10.What will he do there? A.Do some farm work. B.Study at home. C.Do some housework. 11.Which of the following is TRUE? A.The girl knows how to farm. B.The boy's grandparents don't live in the city. C.The boy's school is in the country. 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。 12.What are the man and the woman looking for? A.A comfortable hotel. B.A modern hotel. C.A cheap hotel. 13.Where could the man and the woman find the hotel they need? A.Next to the bank. B.A two minutes' drive to the west. C.On the left side of the street.


牛津高中英语模块三第三单元 Back to the past Reading Lost civilizations 江苏省沭阳如东中学张长波 一、教学内容分析: 本案例是牛津高中英语教材模块三第三单元阅读的处理。本节课是以听、说、读为主的课文理解教学课。通过听课文,阅读课文和问答对文章进行初步理解。再通过列表比较和复述课文进一步理解课文,最后通过讨论深化主题。希望通过该课的学习,学生能够对失落的文明有所了解,并对人类文明的发展及如何保护人类的文化遗产做出探讨,同时培养学生综合运用语言及听说读写的能力。 二、学生学情分析: 教学对象为江苏高中一年级下学期学生,学生思维活跃。高一学生已经初步实现从具体思维向抽象思维的过渡。他们不满足于教科书上的知识,更希望能学到知识性和趣味性兼有的内容,从英语学习中获得更多的知识和能力。他们喜欢富有个性化的教学设计,喜欢接受新鲜事物。他们的学习自主性很强,不再认为英语的课堂学习很枯燥,主动参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体。同时他们还主动扩展和利用学习资源(如电脑操作知识),从多渠道获取信息,并能用所获得的信息进行清楚有条理的表达。因此,设计这节课时,我充分考虑到学生的主体性,充分创造机会让学生拥有成功的喜悦,在和谐的氛围中探究并完成教学任务,让学生主动学习,学有所获。 三、设计思想(Thoughts on the design) Reading主要是了解人类历史上两个非常著名的失落的文明——意大利的庞贝合中国的楼兰。本文是一片旅行日志,笔者根据自己对教材的理解,紧扣单元主题设计了导入、头脑风暴、快速阅读、仔细阅读、巩固复述、拓展讨论、作业七个环节。在设计教学的过程中,运用复习‘文明’的定义作为本课的导入,激发学生兴趣。设计的任务由浅入深,环环相扣,并注重各教学环节的衔接。在整个教学过程始终贯穿人类文明这条主线,用图片的形式呈现Part B的词汇——温故知新,设计输入,激活记忆,借助于已学过的词汇建立起新旧知识之间的联系。以话题为中心重组教材。词汇教学离不开语境,设计一个中心话题,使教材为当堂的词汇教学所用,而不是按部就班地教教材。以词汇为主线展开教学,以运用为目标挖掘生成,创造机会促使学生运用目标词汇进行表达。以快乐为原则寓教于乐,促进学生在学习过程中的积极体验,从而达到多维的目标。


模块8综合练习 一、单选 1.___________ in charge of the shopping center has upset him for quite some time. A. Left B. Being left C. Having left D. To leave 2. On March 14, violent crimes of beating, looting and burning in Lhasa of Tibet broke out, _____ 13 innocent people and with more than 300 _____. A.killed; injured B. killing; injured C. killed; injuring D. killing; injuring 3.--- Is there any possible way to help them get rid of such a bad habit? --- To tell the truth, it’s very hard. But we on this problem trying to improve the situation. A.worked B. had worked C. are working D. had been working 4. The computer looks old, but it __ just half a year ago. A.has been bought B. will be bought C. is bought D. was bought 5.“I in the room, watching TV broadcast about the earthquake.” I told the policeman who had driven here to question me. A.was staying B. stay C. stayed D. am staying 6.What impresses me most is _________ he appears in front of others, he wears a sincere and charming smile. A.which B. that C. where D that whenever 7.—What do you think of the blind man? —I’ve never seen a man with sense of touch. A. the better B. a better C. a good D. the best 8.The result was far beyond _____we had expected, ____brought great joy to every one of us. A. that; which B. than; that C. what; what D. what; which 9.Written in a hurry, _________. A.Peter made many mistakes in the paper B.There are many mistakes in the paper C.we found some mistakes in the paper D.the paper is full of mistakes 10. ------Who cleaned the classroom? ------We consider Tom ____ it. A. to clean B. cleaning C. to have cleaned D. to have been cleaning 11. Some wild animal will not attack human beings if they______ undisturbed. A. leave B. are left C. have left D. left 12. .——Why can’t I smoke here? ——At no time________ in the meeting-room A. is smoking permitted B. smoking is permitted C. smoking is it permitted D. does smoking permitted


牛津高中英语模块一(第1讲) 【教学内容与教学要求】 一、教学内容: 牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 (上) 二、教学要求: 1.掌握和校园生活有关的常用单词、词组与句型。 2.学会描述校园生活和学校设施。 High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work!高中是探索、学习和辛勤劳动的时期Huge campus and low-rise building 学校面积大,没有高层建筑。 Twelve laboratories are available for different experiments.12个实验室可供不同试验使用。 Each room comes with its own bothroom and Internet access.每个房间都有自己的卫生间和英特网接口。 3.学习阅读技巧:skimming&scanning。 4.语法:定语从句(一) 【知识重点与学习难点】 一、重要单词: access achieve attend assembly article available average canteen club challenging context donate display experience extra graduate gym heading locker low-rise literature poster relax 二、重点词组: class teacher 班主任at ease with 和….相处不拘束school hours学校作息时间earn respect from 赢得…的尊敬sound like听起来象for free 免费get a general idea 了解大意as well as 除….以外, 也key words 关键词word by word 逐字逐句地find one’s way around 认识路develop an interest in 培养对….的兴趣surf the Internet网上冲浪 【难点讲解】 1.What is your dream school life like? 你理想中的学校生活是什么样子? 这里dream表示心目中最理想的. 如dream team (梦之队)。


模块九 Unit 1 opera house歌剧院 skyscraper摩天大楼 maple枫树 wilderness 未开垦之地荒原 centigrade摄氏的,摄氏度 border国界,边界;边疆 countless无数的,数不清的 freezing极冷的,极冷地 recreation娱乐,消遣 cross-country越野 photographer拍照者,摄影师 hunter猎人 rank属于某个等级,将……归为某个等级;排列multicultural 多元文化的,多种文化融合的Portugal葡萄牙 Lebanon黎巴嫩 historic历史上著名的(或重要的),有历史意义的alley小巷,胡同 concrete混凝土;具体的,有形的 dynamic充满活力的;动态的 cuisine菜肴;烹饪 mall 购物中心 waterfall 瀑布 semicircle半圆形 sheet一大片;一张;床单 traveller旅客,游客 frontier国界;边境 westwards向西 seek one’s fortune外出寻找(成功或发财)机会settlement定居点;定居;(问题的)解决 syrup 糖浆 little more than只是……而已,仅仅 merchant商人 cowboy 牛仔 niece侄女,甥女 oral口头的;口腔的 merry欢乐的,愉快的 occasion 场合 teamwork团队合作 empire 帝国 seaside海边的,海滨的 sidewalk人行道 jungle丛林;危险地带 immigration移民,移居 sporting喜爱运动的;有体育风尚的 ambiguous模棱两可的,不明确的,有歧义的absolute绝对的,完全的 compulsory强制的;义务的 canteen食堂 pub酒馆,酒吧 pint品脱(容量单位) grill(置于火上的)烤架;烧烤,炙烤league联赛;联盟 content满意,满足,甘愿 unfit不健康的;不适合的 owe归因于,归功于;欠……债 surfing 冲浪运动 equip装备,配备 dusk黄昏,傍晚 after-school放学后的,课外的 thrill兴奋,激动;使非常兴奋、激动cricket 板球 originally原来,起初 Pakistan巴勒斯坦 Kenya肯尼亚 South Africa南非 considering考虑到,鉴于 Unit2 Colosseum 古罗马斗兽场 classical 古典的,经典的 Angkor Wat 吴哥窟 Cambodia柬埔寨 cathedral大教堂 politics政治 associate联想,联系 flat平的,平淡的,单调的 sacred神圣的 goddess 女神 marble大理石 partly部分地,局部地 Turk土耳其人 warehouse仓库 gunpowder 火药,弹药 theft偷,盗窃 friction争端,分歧;摩擦 autonomous自治的,自主的 clumsy无技巧的,笨拙的 smog烟雾 acid rain酸雨 appoint任命,委任;指定(时间、地点)heritage 遗产 site 地点,现场,网站 mend修理;解决

牛津译林版高中英语选修模块八 选修模块8Unit1 Reading1学案-新版

牛津版选修8Unit1 Reading1学案 重点讲解 1. received adj. 被承认的;被认可的;公认的 be well received with 很受……欢迎 这位歌手很受学生们的欢迎。 Answer: The singer is well received with the students 练练吧! 1.我昨天收到了李红给我的生日礼物. 2.这个节目很受观众的欢迎. Answers: 1. I received a birthday present from LiHong yesterday. 2. The programme is well received with the audience. 2. have nothing to do with与……无关;与……没来往 这与你无关. 我劝你不要与那人来往. Answers: 1. This has nothing to do with you. 2. I advise you to have nothing with that man.

练练吧! 1.He (不在乎钱). 2.She got the tickets (免费). 3.I could (不了解) what he said. 4.She (只是) a child. 5.The dress is (完全不同) the one they advised. 6.He (认为……不算啥)a twenty-mile walk. 7.------Anything interesting happening? ------No, ______. A.something of B. nothing of C. something much D. nothing of Answers: 1.care nothing for money 2. for nothing 3. make nothing of 4. is nothing but 5. nothing like 6. thinks nothing of 7. B 3. have a place in…在……中占一席之地 练练吧! 1.史密斯先生在公司占有重要地位. 2. The famous scientist has ________ in the world. A. a seat B. a place C. a role D. places Answers: 1. Mr. Smith has an important place in the company. 2. B 4. make…into…= to change sth or sb different from what it/he/she used to be 练练吧! 1.那部电影的成功使她一夜成名. 2.我们可以把这个房间改变成书房. Answers: 1. The success of the film made her into a star overnight. 2 We can make this room into a study. 5. at a time一次;每次


牛津高中英语教学设计 单元:Unit 1 School life 板块:Word Power Thoughts on the design: Word power 该板块设计的目的是引导学生通过以下两种方法学习词汇:一是让学生学习与单元话题相关的分类词汇;二是通过构词法学习单词。该板块设计了图表、对话或短文,用以拓展学生对于话题相关的词语的认识和运用。 Teaching aims: 1.to cultivate students’ ability of reading a map; 2.to develop and practice the way of asking and giving the way; 3.students are expected to gain a more general ideal of school facilities; 4.to enlarge students vocabulary and try to guide them to use correctly. Teaching procedures: Step One—Don’t tell me its name (Guessing game) [设计说明] Describe the features of the given place, but not to mention its name, let others guess)(通过此步骤使得学生充分熟悉有关school facilities的名词,为教学的下一步展开做好铺垫,同时激发学生学习热情。 e.g. (提示词) *Book stand;E-books;Abundant reading materials (library) *Pieces of equipment for specific purposes, as building up one’s body (gym) *Yummy Yummy (Picture Presentation) (students’ canteen) *Second Home (dormitory) Step Two—Drawing a map & looking for destination [设计说明] 学生按照老师口头所给路线画图,可请1-2名学生上黑板演示,充分锻炼学生“ASK AND GIVE THE WAY”的能力。 如: Now, everybody, welcome to our starting point. Try to imagine that you are right now facing the North. I’d like you to go along this road, which is called the Zhong Shan Road, and then turn left; you will find a city library on your right side … Step Three—Welcome our spokesman (Role-acting & Recommendation) [设计说明]角色扮演,学生按自我意愿在所给选择范围内挑选一名运动明星,并向大家推荐由其代言的某一运动项目。


模块一 Unit1 enjoyable adj.有趣的, 愉快的 experience n. 经历, 经验vt. 经历, 体验 assembly n. 集合, 集会, 装配 headmaster n. (中小学的)校长 earn vt. 赚得, 赢得, 生利 respect n. 尊敬, 敬重; 关系, 方面vt. 尊敬, 尊重; 关于, 涉及devote vt. 投入于,献身 literature n. 文学, 文献 average n. 平均数,平均水平 adj. 一般的,通常的,平均的 vt. &vi.平均值,达到平均水平 struggle n. 竞争,努力,奋斗v. 努力,奋斗,挣扎challenging adj.具有挑战性的;引起兴趣的;令人深思的 v.挑战,质疑(challenge的现在分词) encouragement n. 鼓励 cooking adj. 烹饪的 n. 烹饪动词(cook的现在分词) for free adj. 免费 extra adj. 额外的adv. 特别地n. 额外的事物,另外收费的Spanish adj. 西班牙的n. 西班牙语 sculpture n. 雕塑vt. 雕刻,雕塑vi. 当雕刻师 dessert n. 甜食 look back (on) 回忆,回顾 satisfaction n. 赔偿,满意,妥善处理,乐事,确信 surf n. 海浪拍岸,冲浪 vi. 冲浪,浏览vt. 浏览 academic n. 教学人员,学术人adj. 学院的,理论的,学术性的exchange n. 交换,交换物,汇兑,交易所vt. &vi. 交换,交易,兑换former adj. 以前的,在前的, 前任的pron.&n. 前者 n. 模型,样板,构成者,创造者,起形成作用的人,[无线]线圈架 fluent adj. 流利的,流畅的 painting n. 水彩画,油画 donate vt. 捐赠,转移(电子) vi. 捐款


牛津高中英语教学设计 教材:牛津高中英语(模块三)高一下学期 文档内容:教学设计—教案 单元:Unit 2 Language 板块:Project(第一课时) 作者:孙小朵 教案背景:新课改背景下,素质教育的真谛:创新与合作,着重于孩子能力的培养,鼓励在创新中成长。本课时的设计为Project的第一课时,主要是侧重于文本的处理,同时也把文章的重点短语一并完成,学生在课前做好充分的预习准备。对于Project的文本,我们在实际操作中达成了这样的认识:文本是用以阅读的,但是不同于Reading的阅读,Project的文本阅读不是单单以获取信息、了解文本为目的的,它的存在是以阅读为基础,为下一课时的图册文本设计提供信息与蓝本,本文主要是讲述了中国汉字的发展历程:汉字的出现.象形字.会意字.形声字.以及简化字。 Teaching aims: 1.Let the students know the development of Chinese characters. 2.Let students know the formation of Chinese characters. 3.Learn to explain the process of the Chinese character Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in Ask students a question "Can you recognise these Chinese characters?"and Show the students some pictures about developing process of the Chinese characters and introduce the topic “The development of Chinese characters”. 【设计说明】作为文本阅读的导入,首先要找一些关于课文的图片来挑动学生的学习兴趣,激发学生的学习热情,自然而然地引至主题。 Step 2 Skimming Skim the text and think about how many parts we can divide the whole text into,then match the main idea with each part: A The origin of Chinese characters. B Simplified Chinese characters. C. Brief introduction of Chinese characters. D. Form and development of Chinese characters. para.1 C Para.2A Para.3-4 D Para.5 B 【设计说明】通过快速阅读掌握文本的结构划分,对于文本实现整体性的粗线条把握,在文本划分基础上概括每部分的总体大意。 Step 3 Reread the text and answer the following questions Part1


牛津高中英语模块一(第1讲) 【教学容与教学要求】 一、教学容: 牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 (上) 二、教学要求: 1.掌握和校园生活有关的常用单词、词组与句型。 2.学会描述校园生活和学校设施。 High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work!高中是探索、学习和辛勤劳动的时期 Huge campus and low-rise building 学校面积大,没有高层建筑。 Twelve laboratories are available for different experiments.12个实验室可供不同试验使用。Each room comes with its own bothroom and Internet access.每个房间都有自己的卫生间和英特网接口。 3.学习阅读技巧:skimming&scanning。 4.语法:定语从句(一) 【知识重点与学习难点】 一、重要单词: access achieve attend assembly article available average canteen club challenging context donate display experience extra graduate gym heading locker low-rise literature poster relax 二、重点词组: class teacher 班主任at ease with 和….相处不拘束school hours学校作息时间earn respect from 赢得…的尊敬sound like听起来象for free 免费get a general idea 了解大意as well as 除….以外, 也key words 关键词word by word 逐字逐句地find one’s way around 认识路develop an interest in 培养对….的兴趣surf the Internet网上冲浪

牛津译林版高中英语选修模块八 选修模块8Unit2 Grammar教案-新版

牛津版选修8Unit2 Grammar教案 Period Four Grammar and Usage Teaching Aim: Introduce the ellipsis. Teaching Important Point: The basic usage of the ellipsis and learn to use it in different situations. Teaching Difficult Point: How to help the students learn when to use ellipsis and how to use it correctly. Teaching Methods: Teaching and practicing. Individual or pair work. Teaching Aid: Multimedia. Teaching procedures: Step1: Introduction to ellipsis Ellipsis means leaving out words of a sentence when the meaning can still be understood. Ellipsis is used when you do not want to repeat words or phrases that are obvious. You’re to learn when to use ellipsis and how to use it correctly. Step 2: Presentation Sentences on the blackboard — How is your cousin today? ---(She is )Much better. (You) Open the the window, please! (It) Sounds fine to me. (It is a ) Pity our teacher couldn’t come. (Is there) Anything wrong? (Have you) Found your pencil? Read these sentences and point put the words that have been left out in each sentence. Step 3: Instructions 1. Go over Part 1& Part 2 Ellipsis is often used in imperative sentences, in short responses, in infinitive phrases


牛津高中英语模块一词汇表 Unit 1 __________________________ 有乐趣的 _________________________ 经历,体验 _________________________ 集会,会议 _________________________ 校长 _________________________ 获得;赚,挣得 _________________________ 尊敬,敬重 _________________________ 致力于;献身 _________________________文学 _____________________ 一般的,普通的;平均的__________奋斗,努力;挣扎,难事;斗争;努力_________________________具有挑战性的 _________________________ 鼓励 _________________________做饭;烹饪,烹调 _________________________ 免费 _________________________额外的,外加的 _________________________ 喜爱的,喜欢的 _________________________ 喜爱,喜欢 __________________ 西班牙语(的);西班牙人(的)_________________________ 雕像,雕塑 _________________________ 甜点 _________________________ 回忆,回顾 _________________________ 满意 _________________________ 冲浪 _________________________ 学业的,学术的 _________________________ 交换;交流 _________________________ 以前的 _________________________ 毕业生,毕业 _________________________ 流利的 _________________________ 绘画,绘画作品 _________________________ 捐赠 _________________________ 善意 _________________________ 极佳的,非常好的_________________________ 独立的 _________________________利用 __________ (书的)名称;(文章的)题目,篇名_________________________ 朝代,王朝 _____________________ 不知为什么;不知怎么地_________________________ 新近的,最近的 _________________________r 教授 _________________________ 通知,告知 _________________________ 开放时间 _________________________ 管理;操作 _____________________ 主持人;主人,东道主_________________ 批准,通过;赞成,同意 ___________ __ 使承担责任;收费,负责,掌管_________________________ 负责,掌管 _________________________ 同学,校友_________________________ 广播,播放 _________________________n 准备,筹备 ______________ _(重要)事件;社交活动;比赛项目_________________________ 短途旅行,远足_________________________ 毕业 _________________________ 诗人 _________________________ 一代,一代人 _________________________ 文学的 _________________________ 选择,挑选 _________________________ 庭院,院子 _________________________ 作品,成分 Unit 2 _________________________ (戏剧的)一幕 ____________ _ ____ 窗帘;(舞台上的)帷幕_____________ _______ 迫不及待地做某事 _________________________ <美>英式足球,足球_________________________ 受惊的;害怕的_______________ _____ 应该……,应当……___________ _________ (使)弯曲,弯腰,屈身____________ _______ 挨饿;饿死,使挨饿 _________________________ 现金 _________________________ <美>(生活)垃圾_________ ______下沉,沉没,水池,水槽,洗碗池_________________________ <美>垃圾桶 _________________________ 成年人 _________________________ 容忍;允许 _________________________ 行为,举止 ________________ ______ (13-19岁的)青少年_________________________ 过错,错误 __________ ______ (戏剧的)一场;场面;景色_______ _ 使不高兴,使失望,不高兴的,失望的_________________________ 辩解,辩白 ________ _____________ 突发事件;紧急情况 _________________________ 反正;尽管如此_________________________ 值得;应得;应受_________________________ 解释,说明 _________________________ 诊所 _________________________ 苛刻的,严厉的______________ _______ 对……苛刻,对……严厉_________________________ 既然;由于 _________________________ 粗鲁的,无礼的 _________________________ 叹气 _________________________ 自行车 _________________________工作努力的;辛勤的_________________________不睡觉,熬夜 _________________________处理;应付 _________________________错误 _________ _____________混淆,弄乱;搅匀,拌合_________________________ 指导,引导


Lesson Plan on The Honourable Games 学科教学英语谢咪2013020430 背景介绍:高一学生已经有了一定的语言基础,同时有相对较高的学习主动性,所以教学重点在于知识获取和综合运用语言能力的提高。而阅读作为教学载体可以提供给学生文化知识,文体知识,以及在消化这些内容过程中所需要的自学与合作学习的机会,并从中得到精神的提升,因此设计知识,技能,情感三维一体的教学时值得考虑的;同时,高中英语一般是以两节课为一个课时单位,所以,课堂活动应考虑融入听说读写多种活动尽量丰富,克服学生疲惫。教学内容:The Honourable Games 是译林牛津版模块4 Unit 2 Sporting Events的课文(22-23)。本课主要以演讲的形式向大家介绍了奥运会的历史、意义以及国内外的一些著名运动员。同时课后配有练习题来检验和巩固学生对课文理解以及重点词汇掌握(24-25)。 教学目标:通过学习学生能够 1.掌握新单词significance 等等。 1.谈论奥运会的历史,意义以及介绍自己喜欢的运动员。 2.抓住阅读一篇演讲稿的要领以及提高自己聆听演讲的能力。 3.增强自主学习意识以及课堂合作意识。 4.体会到奥运会的意义以及培养爱国精神。 教学重难点: 重点:理解课文内容。 难点:联系上下文理解单词意思。 教学步骤: The first 45 minutes I Pre-reading Step1 ( 3 m ) Greeting and showing pictures to students. T: Who is he? S: Tian Liang. T: What does he do now? S: A TV star. T: How much do you know about him? S:……


牛津高中英语模块一(第 1 讲) 【教学内容与教学要求】 一、教学内容: 牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1(上) 二、教学要求: 1.掌握和校园生活有关的常用单词、词组与句型。 2.学会描述校园生活和学校设施。 High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work!高中是探索、学习和辛勤劳动的时期Huge campus and low-rise building学校面积大,没有高层建筑。 Twelve laboratories are available for different experiments.12个实验室可供不同试验使用。 Each room comes with its own bothroom and Internet access.每个房间都有自己的卫生间和英 特网接口。 3.学习阅读技巧:skimming&scanning 。 4.语法:定语从句(一) 【知识重点与学习难点】 一、重要单词: access achieve attend assemblyarticle available average canteen club challenging context donate display experience extra graduate gym heading locker low-rise literature poster relax 二、重点词组: class teacher 班主任at ease with 和? .相处不拘束school hours 学校作息时间earn respect from 赢得?的尊敬sound like 听起来象for free 免费 get a general idea 了解大意as well as 除? .以外 , 也key words 关键词word by word 逐字逐句 地find one ’s way around 认识路develop an interest in 培养对? .的兴趣 surf the Internet 网上冲浪 【难点讲解】 1. What is your dream school life like? 你理想中的学校生活是什么样子 ?
