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Design of kitchen waste processor

Abstract: According to statistics,the harmless treatment of kitchen waste, although in recent years has greatly improved, but compared with other developed countries, harmless treatment rate is still low. And at present our country kitchen waste are mostly in hybrid form, which bring huge pressure to city garbage view of this phenomenon,this paper will design a house hold kitchen product has the following several points: technological,convenient,safe and specific form of this design does not rigidly adhere to the existing kitchen waste processor,and from the green environmental protection and recycling point of view,to provide a new way of kitchen waste treatment,in the reduction of city living garbage disposal pressure at the same time to the urban life more is not only the innovation of appearance,cultural level,it is to predict and guide the rational for the future way of life;secondly,the design is suitable for families and small restaurants,which need more consideration is the direction of the beautiful degree and small amount of processing convenience,the appearance of operation,and not takes over the pursuit of excess functions and too large volume,avoid because of unreasonable allocation of resources idle and waste;in addition,this product specially consider the matter out processing,;finally,this paper will focus on the design and operation,to create a product that can be integrated into the life rather than a cold machine.

Keywords:kitchen waste processor;technology;small;recycling


1 前言……………………………………………………………………………………………




2 研究方法和技术路线 (4)

研究方法 (4)

概念形成 (4)

工程图与三维建模 (4)

模型制作 (5)

后期整理 (5)

技术路线 (5)

3 设计调研和设计分析 (7)

设计前期调研分析 (7)

厨余处理器的发展历程 (7)

厨余处理器的主要结构 (7)

市场上现有产品分析 (8)

调研分析 (10)

分析归纳厨余处理器的特点 (10)

归纳确定设计方向 (11)

4 设计构思 (14)

设计定位 (14)

设计构思 (16)

构思草图 (17)

5 设计方案和分析 (19)

设计方案 (19)

效果图 (19)

实物模型 (21)

方案分析 (21)

功能分析 (21)

造型和材质分析 (22)

色彩分析 (22)

尺寸说明和依据 (22)

总结与展望 (23)

后记 (24)

参考文献 (25)

附录 (26)

附录一:毕业设计展板 (26)

附录二:CAD图纸 (30)
