




电阻Rs用来防止晶振被过分驱动,如果晶体过驱动,这时就需要用电阻RS 来防止晶振被过分驱动。


若采用一个大于C1 的C2值,这使得在上电时,对通过晶体的振荡信号会产生较大的相移,加速振荡器的起振,从而可以缩短晶振的起振时间。











12C508A的复位矢量是程序的最高字0x1FF,这个字节生产商已经固定的烧写为MOV LW 0xXX,指令执行后,W寄存器中即为校准值XX,当我们需要校准时,那么,在紧接着的地址0x0应该是一条这样的指令:MOVWF OSCCAL。


12F629的校准值也存放在最高字--0x3FF中,内容是RETLW 0xXX,但它的复位矢量却是0x0。

这样,在我们需要校准RC振荡器时,在初始化过程中要加上下面两句:CALL 0x3ffMOV WF OSCCAL当然,你还要注意寄存器的块选择位。


它会在程序的0x0处自动加一条MOV WF OSCCAL。



因此,需要另外编写用于校正的语句,我用了两种方法来实现这个目的:1、用内嵌汇编的形式#asm //此段汇编程序用于将位于程序段3FFH的call 3ffh //内部RC振荡器的校准值放入校准寄存器,bsf _STATUS,5 //在进行C语言调试时应屏蔽这段程序MOV wf _OSCCAL#endasm2、用C语言标准形式const unsigned char cs @ 0x3ff; //在函数体外...OSCCAL=cs; //仿真时屏蔽此句用这两种方法都有一个小缺陷--仿真时,程序无法运行,这是由于C编译器并没有为我们在0x3FF 放置一条RETLW 0xXX的语句。



主振荡器和 FRC 源可以选择使用内部 4x PLL。 FRC 时钟源的频率可以通过可编程时钟分频器降 低。选定的时钟源将产生处理器和外设时钟源。 处理器时钟源需进行二分频,以产生内部指令周期时钟 FCY。在本文档中,指令周期时钟也表示 为 FOSC/2。图 6-2 中的时序图显示了处理器时钟源和指令执行之间的关系。内部指令周期时钟 FOSC/2 可以在 OSC2 I/O 引脚提供,用于主振荡器的一些工作模式。 图 6-2: 时钟 / 指令周期时序
1: OSC2 引脚功能由 OSCIOFCN 配置位决定。 2:未编程 (已擦除)器件的默认振荡模式。
FCKSM 配置位(配置字 2<7:6>)用于联合配置器件时钟切换和故障保护时钟监视器(FSCM) 。 只有将 FCKSM1 编程 (0)时,才会使能时钟切换。只有同时将 FCKSM1:FCKSM0 编程 (00) 时,才会使能 FSCM。
DS39700A_CN 第 6-4 页
© 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
第 6 章 振荡器
6.4 控制寄存器
振荡器的操作由 3 个特殊功能寄存器控制:
振荡器பைடு நூலகம்
振荡器控制寄存器 (OSCCON)
OSCCON 寄存器(寄存器 6-1)是振荡器的主要控制寄存器。它控制时钟源切换和时钟源监控。 COSC 状态位是只读位,指示器件当前工作所使用的振荡器源。在上电复位和主清零复位时, COSC 位默认为选择内部快速 RC 振荡器和预分频器 (FRCDIV) ,配置的频率为 4 MHz。器件 将自动执行时钟切换,将时钟源切换为由 FNOSC 配置位 (配置字 2<10:8>)选择的新振荡器 源。 COSC 位将发生改变,在时钟切换操作结束时指示新的振荡器源。 NOSC 状态位选择下一个时钟切换操作的时钟源。在上电复位和主清零复位时,这些位将自动选 择 FNOSC 配置位指定的振荡器源。这些位可以由软件修改。 注: 必须先执行解锁序列,之后才能写 OSCCON。更多信息,请参见第 6.11.2 节 “振 荡器切换序列” 。



在正常情况下:OSC2段输出的波形应当是一个平滑的正 在正常情况下:OSC2段输出的波形应当是一个平滑的正 弦波,其峰峰值应当在4 5V之间(V =5V)。 弦波,其峰峰值应当在4~5V之间(VDD=5V)。 检验方法:在最高电压和最低温度下测量输出波形应最大。 如果在VDD和VSS附近波形出现限幅或失真,而电容过大 如果在VDD和VSS附近波形出现限幅或失真,而电容过大 又影响频率时可以通过增加RS的方法。但是RS过大又会造 又影响频率时可以通过增加RS的方法。但是RS过大又会造 成电路易受干扰。所以RS应当在10K左右,当RS过大可以 成电路易受干扰。所以RS应当在10K左右,当RS过大可以 适当增加C2的方法协调。总之RS、C2的值尽可能的接近 适当增加C2的方法协调。总之RS、C2的值尽可能的接近 厂家的要求(RS<10K、C2=20~32pf)。 厂家的要求(RS<10K、C2=20~32pf)。 与系统上电起振相比:处于睡眠状态下的起振是最困难的。 这是因为电容在睡眠状态下都充有一定电压,不利于起振 所要求的信号相位移动,因此会需要更多的时间建立稳定 的振荡频率。
OSC反相器增 OSC反相器增 OSC2/CLKO 益 引脚功能
无增益、关闭振 荡器节省电流
注 释 低成本振荡模式 频率不稳定 高频应用,三种 晶振模式中功耗 最大 标准的晶振/ 标准的晶振/谐振 器频率 低频/ 低频/低功耗应用 场合
要想将系统的时钟由主振荡器切换到TIMR1振荡器,必须 要想将系统的时钟由主振荡器切换到TIMR1振荡器,必须 事先使能TIMR1振荡器; 事先使能TIMR1振荡器; 对TIMR1的使能是通过TIMR1控制寄存器T1CON中的 TIMR1的使能是通过TIMR1控制寄存器T1CON中的 T1OSCEN的置一来实现的; T1OSCEN的置一来实现的; 如果TIMR1没有被使能,则对CSC的置一将会被忽视,且 如果TIMR1没有被使能,则对CSC的置一将会被忽视,且 CSC被强制清零,系统继续使用主振荡器工作; CSC被强制清零,系统继续使用主振荡器工作;

微芯片技术1996年BASIC PIC16 17振荡器设计说明书

微芯片技术1996年BASIC PIC16 17振荡器设计说明书

1996 Microchip Technology Inc.FACT001-page 1®BASIC PIC16/17 OSCILLATOR DESIGNBy:Dan MatthewsThe oscillator circuit is one of the most overlooked areas of microprocessor circuit design. Components are usually selected based on the manufacturers' tables. If the circuit starts up and works, fine, no other thought need be given to it, right? Wrong. Many conditions can negatively affect the performance of your design. Higher temperatures and lower supply voltages can lower the loop gain in the oscillator circuit, causing poor, slow, or no startup. Colder temperatures and higher supply voltages can increase the loop gain of the oscillator circuit, causing the crystal to be overdriven, and potentially damaged; or the circuit can be forced to another harmonic and throw off the timing or cease functioning altogether. It is also possible to waste power through the improper selection of components or clock modes.Most of the time using the values given in the manufacturers' databook tables will work fine. However,most manufacturers' processors run in a limited voltage range and across a limited frequency, so table values can be given for C1 and C2 with little concern for the designer's environment. Microchip parts, however, can be asked to run with clocks from 0 to 25 MHz, supply voltages from 2.0VDC to 6.25VDC, and temperatures from -40 ° C to 125 ° C,depending on the part and version ordered. This must also be done with crystals of varying quality and manufacture.These factors create many chances for exceptions to the values given in the databook.Function of the Oscillator CircuitThe circuit (Figure 1) is a typical Pierce parallel resonant oscillator circuit as used with the Microchip PIC16/17 family of devices. The output of an inverting amplifier is fed back to its input creating an "unstable" loop. When the inverter output is high and fed back to the input, output goes low,reversing the process. Stable oscillation is achieved when the circuit components attached achieve this feedback with "unity gain" only at the desired frequency.FIGURE 1:TYPICAL PIERCE PARALLEL RESONANT OSCILLATORCIRCUITPurpose of Components and Clock ModesA good place to begin is with the purpose of each external component. Because this is a loop circuit a change in one component can change the affect of other components in the circuit. Therefore, a strict definition of purpose is a simplification for clarity only.The Crystal has its lowest impedance near the desired frequency. This is placed in the path between the output and the input of the inverting amplifier. This permits feedback,and therefore oscillation, which occurs at the desired resonant frequency.The diagrams shown below illustrate an equivalent circuit for a crystal (Figure 2), and the impedance/reactance versus frequency of the crystal (Figure 3). Cc represents the case capacitance across the terminals of the crystal. R,Cp, and Lp are known as the motional arm of the crystal. In parallel resonant mode (Anti-resonance) the crystal will look inductive to the circuit. The impedance will reache its peak at fa. The load capacity should be selected to operate the crystal at a stable point on the fs-fa reactive curve (as close to fs as possible). FIGURE 2:EQUIVALENT CRYSTAL CIRCUITFIGURE 3:IMPEDANCE/REACTANCE vs CRYSTAL FREQUENCYNote:Even parallel resonant crystals have a seriesresonant frequency fs.FACT001-page 2 1996 Microchip Technology Inc.®C1 of Figure 1 is a "phase adjusting" capacitor. It also contributes slightly to start up time and is part of the load capacitance for a parallel resonant circuit. Phase is affected since C1 is at the clock input pin and charged through the impedance of the crystal.C2 is a "gain adjusting" capacitor. Selected for best sinusoidal output voltage peak to peak. It is also part of the load capacitance for a parallel resonant circuit.Load capacitance for a parallel resonant circuit can be calculated by:and should be selected per the data supplied by the crystal manufacture.Cstray in the above equation can be pin capacitance and board/trace related capacitance. This is often seen in the ballpark of 5-15 pF. If the Microchip databook shows 15 pF capacitors for C1 and C2, and your board and device have 12.5 pF Cstray, then the resulting load capacitance in pF is [(15 * 15)/(15 + 15)] + 12.5 = 20 pF. If the crystal manufacturer suggests a load capacitance of 20 pF, then voila, you're there. If you decide to increase C2 to 33 pF (see "Selecting Best Values..." and "Start Up"), the resulting load capacitance is still 22.8 pF. In most cases deviations greater than this will not "pull" the resulting resonant frequency appreciably.Rs is a series resistor that is selected to prevent overdriving the crystal. It is often not needed if gain (clock mode), C1and C2 are selected properly.Clock Mode is the programmable gain of the inverting amplifier. The lower frequency modes have lower gain, the gain increases for higher frequency modes. For instance,in the PIC16CXXX family, the clock mode gain from lowest to highest is LP (lowest gain), XT (middle), and HS (highest gain).Selection of ComponentsThere are several factors that go into the selection and arrangement of these external components. Some of these are amplifier gain, desired frequency and the resonant frequency(s) of the crystal, temperature of operation, supply voltage and its range, start up time, stability, crystal life,power consumption, simplification of the circuit and use of standard components (as few as possible). To say that there are a lot of factors, and that there are trade-offs with each, is an understatement.C 1C 2×C 1C 2+--------------------Cstray + Determining Best Values for Clock Mode, C1, C2 and RsThe best method for selecting components is a little knowledge and a lot of trial, measurement and testing. Crystals are usually selected by their parallel resonant frequency only, however, other parameters may be important to your design such as temperature or frequency tolerance. Application Note 588 is an excellent reference if you would like to know more about crystal operation and their ordering information.The Microchip devices utilize a parallel oscillator circuit which requires that a parallel resonant crystal be selected.The load capacitance is usually specified in the 20 pF to 32 pF range. The crystal will oscillate closest to the desired frequency when this load capacitance is used. It is necessary sometimes to juggle these values a bit, as I will describe later, in order to achieve other benefits.Clock modeis primarily chosen by using the table found in the Microchip databook based on frequency. Clock modes (except RC) are simply gain selections: lower gain for lower frequencies and higher gain for higher frequencies. It is possible to select a higher or lower gain if desired based on the specific needs of the oscillator circuit. In circuits where low power consumption is critical, a lower gain clock mode can help. The trade-offs are that lower gain can increase start up time and it is difficult to get the needed loop gain at higher frequencies if a lower gain clock mode is chosen.Higher gain clock modes are normally chosen for higher frequencies and improved start up time. The trade offs for higher gain are increased power consumption and the potential to design an unstable circuit, or overdrive the crystal, especially at low frequencies.It is possible for a crystal to oscillate in a higher overtone frequency if the loop gain of the oscillator circuit is greater than one at that frequency. Depending on whether they are mechanical or electrical, overtones can come at 2X, 3X and odd multiples of the resonant frequency. Overdriving the crystal can cause break down or frequency drift (usually drifts up) over time. This can be handled through proper selection of C1, C2 and Rs.Again, the mode listed in the databook for the desired frequency is the obvious starting point until you have some special reason to deviate from it. While clock mode can affect power consumption somewhat (higher gain / higher consumption), it is the frequency that the processor is running at that has by far the greatest impact on power consumption. Some designers have made the mistake of trying to run a part at high frequencies, say 8 MHz, while using the LP (low power) clock mode. Then they wonder why the processor doesn't start up sometimes. Running outside the recommended range for the clock mode should be avoided unless you understand the ramifications.1996 Microchip Technology Inc.FACT001-page 3®C1 and C2 should also be initially selected based on the load capacitance, as suggested by the crystal manufacturer, and the tables supplied in the Microchip databook. The values given in the Microchip databook can only be used as a starting point since the manufacturer of the crystal, supply voltage and other factors already mentioned may cause your circuit to differ from the one used in the factory characterization process.Ideally, the lowest capacitance is chosen (within the range of the recommended crystal load preferably) that will oscillate at the highest temperature and lowest V DD that the circuit will be expected to perform under. High temperature and low V DD both have a limiting affect on the loop gain,such that if the circuit functions at these extremes the designer can be more assured of proper operation at other temperatures and supply voltages. Another method for improving start up is to use a value of C2 greater than C1.This causes a greater phase shift across the crystal at power up which speeds oscillator start up.Besides loading the crystal for proper frequency response,these capacitors can also have the affect of lowering loop gain if their value is increased. C2 can be selected to affect the overall gain of the circuit. A higher C2 can lower the gain if the crystal is being over driven. (See also discussion on Rs.) C values that are too high can store and dump too much current through the crystal so C1 and C2 should not become excessively large. Unfortunately, measuring the wattage through a crystal is tricky business, but if you do not stray too far from the suggested values you should not have to be concerned with this.Rs is selected if, after all other devices are selected to satisfaction, the crystal is still being overdriven. This can be determined by looking at the osc-out pin, which is the driven pin, with an oscilloscope. Connecting the probe to the osc-in pin will load the pin too much and negatively affect performance. Remember that a scope probe adds its own capacitance to the circuit so this may have to be accounted for in your design (i.e., if the circuit worked best with a C2 of 20 pF and scope probe was 10 pF, a 30 pF capacitor may actually be called for). The output signal should not be clipping or squashed. Overdriving the crystal can also lead to the circuit jumping to a higher harmonic.The osc-out signal should be a nice clean sine wave that easily spans the input minimum and maximum of the clock input pin (4.25V to 5.0V peak to peak for a 5.0V V DD is usually good). An easy way to set this is to again test the circuit at minimum temperature and maximum V DD that the design will be expected to perform in, then look at the output. This should be the maximum amplitude of the clock output. If there is clipping or the sine wave is squashing near V DD and V SS at the top and bottom, and increasing load capacitors will risk too much current through the crystal or push the value too far from the manufacturer's load specification, then add a trimpot between the output pin and C2 and adjust it until the sine wave is clean. Keeping it fairly close to maximum amplitude at this low temperature and high V DD combination will assure that this is the maximum amplitude the crystal will see and prevent overdriving. An Rs of the closest standard value can now be inserted in place of the trimpot. If Rs is too high, perhaps more than 5 kW, the input will be too isolated from the output, making the clock more susceptible to noise. If you find a value this high is needed to prevent overdriving the crystal, try increasing C2 to compensate. Try to get a combination where Rs is around 1K or less, and load capacitance is not too far from the 20 pF or 32 pF manufacturer specification.Start UpThe most difficult time for the oscillator to start up is waking up from sleep. This is because the load capacitors have partially charged to some quiescent value and phase differ-ential at wake up is minimal. Thus, more time is required for stable oscillation. Remember also that low voltage, high temperatures and lower frequency clock modes also impose limitations on loop gain which in turn affects start up.The worst possible case is a low frequency design (with its low gain clock mode), in a quiet environment (like a battery operated device), operating outside noisy RF area of the city (or in a shielded box), with a low battery, on a hot day,waking up from sleep.There is an old designer's tip, though I have not proven it for myself, that a cheap Rs resistor, such as a carbon film or carbon composition resistor, can actually help start oscilla-tion. An oscillator circuit depends on some stray noise to start up. Usually the power up process will provide this, but if the processor is put to sleep, the oscillator will have to start up on wake up without the power up ramp (although some noise is created internally by the wake up logic).Cheap carbon resistors generate some amount of white noise which when placed in the crystal oscillator path can assist start up.FACT001-page 4 1996 Microchip Technology Inc.®Remember that C2 can be increased over C1 to increase phase shift and help start up, especially at lower frequencies. Another possibility is to select a higher gain clock mode. For instance, if start up is a concern for a device running at a frequency that would normally be the LP mode range, XT mode can be selected. Usually this is a last resort since the other suggestions already mentioned have been proven to work and using a higher gain mode introduces increased potential for overdriving the crystal.The higher gain creates a faster higher drive start up edge that can help reduce start up time. C2 may have to be increased, and/or a Rs added to prevent overdriving the crystal.It is also possible for a circuit with too much gain to not start up. This usually happens when using a low frequency crystal, like 32 kHz, since at high frequencies the high gain is dissipated more easily by the load capacitance. Because of great customer demand for a fast start up processor,even at low frequencies, Microchip has increased the gain of the LP mode for newer devices. This may require higher capacitance values or a Rs. For instance, for the PIC16C71,the capacitance values of 15 pF on each pin, as suggested by the databook for 32 kHz, is not always sufficient.Increasing the values to 22 pF or 33 pF for C1 and 33 pF or 47 pF for C2 usually fixes this. Again, if you desire that the circuit oscillate at the resonant frequency to be as accurate as possible, you may be better served by adding a Rs to the circuit as needed and keep the capacitor values closer to the load capacitance suggested by the crystal manufacturer. Refer to the Rs section of this article for details on determining the Rs value.The Final CheckRemember, check that the output sine wave is not clipping in the highest gain environment of highest V DD and lowest temperature. Also make sure that the sine output amplitude is great enough, in the lowest gain environment of lowest V DD and highest temperature, to cover the logic input requirements of the clock as listed in the device datasheet.4.25V peak to peak is usually fine. Then at the highest temperature with the lowest V DD it will have to run at,running from a quiet battery if possible and in as quiet an environment as your board will see (RF and electrically speaking), test the part to make sure it wakes up from sleep.If all this checks out and your capacitance values are low enough, within range to prevent unnecessary power consumption, then you should have a clean trouble free oscillator design.A Note on External ClocksIf the PIC16/17 internal oscillator is not being used, and the device will be driven from an external clock, be sure to set the clock mode to something other than RC mode (RC mode will fight with the injected input). Ideally you would select the mode that corresponds to the frequency injected.This is of less importance here since the clock is only driving its internal logic and not a crystal loop circuit. It may be possible to select a clock mode lower than would be needed by an oscillator circuit, thereby saving some of the power that would beused to exercise the inverting amplifier. Make sure the osc-out signal amplitude covers the needed logic thresholds of the device.For really power stingy applications, with high speed external clocks approaching 20 MHz, the device will draw less power if the clock is injected at the osc-out pin. This can only be done with devices where the internal logic is driven from osc-out. A diagram of the clock circuitry is provided in the databook for each device. If the frequency is high enough, the internal capacitance and impedances will serve to isolate the internal inverter output from the signal enough so that it will not challenge the injected signal. The internal feedback resistor is weak enough to allow the inverter to find a quiescent point. Since the inverter is not being exercised, less power is drawn. Again, this is operating outside the normal design criteria so you should be extremely thorough in testing and proving your design before calling it complete.September 19937Philips Semiconductors Product specificationHex inverter 74HCU04OPTIMUM VALUE FOR R 2EXTERNAL COMPONENTS FOR RESONATOR (f <1MHz)Note1.All values given are typical and must be used as aninitial set-up.FREQUENCY(MHz)R 2(k Ω)OPTIMUM FOR328minimum required I CCminimum influence due to change in V CC614.7minimum I CCminimum influence by V CC 100.52minimum I CCminimum influence by V CC 140.51minimum I CCminimum influence by V CC>14replace R 2 by C 3 with a typical value of 35pFFREQUENCY(kHz)R 1(M Ω)R 2(k Ω)C 1(pF)C 2(pF)10 to 15.922220562016 to 24.922220561025 to 54.922100561055 to 129.922100475130 to 199.92247475200 to 349.91047475350 to 6001047475Fig.13 Crystal oscillator configuration.C 1=47pF (typ.)C 2=33pF (typ.)R 1=1 to 10M Ω (typ.)R 2 optimum value depends on the frequency and required stability against changes in V CC or average minimum I CC (I CC is typically 5mA at V CC =5V and f =10MHz).Note to Application informationAll values given are typical unless otherwise specified.PACKAGE OUTLINESSee “74HC/HCT/HCU/HCMOS Logic Package Outlines”.Fig.14 HCU04 used as an astable multivibratorR S ≈2×R.The average I CC (mA) is approximately3.5 +0.05×f (MHz)×C (pF) at V CC =5.0V(for more information refer to “DESIGNERS GUIDE”).f 1T ---12.2RC ------------------≈=Fig.15Typical input capacitance as a function ofinput voltage.(1)V CC =2.0V.(2)V CC =3.0V.(3)V CC =4.0V.(4)V CC =5.0V.(5)V CC =6.0V.。





//配置寄存器:CONFIG1LXINST://扩展指令集使能位1=指令集扩展和变址寻址模式被启用0=指令集扩展和变址寻址模式被禁用(传统模式)#define XINST_ON0xFFFF#define XINST_OFF0xFFBFSOSCSEL<1:0>:SOSC电源选择和模式配置位11=选择的高功率电路SOSC10=数字(SCLKI)模式;I/O端口RC0和RC1的功能启用01=选择低功耗SOSC电路00=保留#define SOSCSEL_HIGH0xFFFF#define SOSCSEL_LOW0xFFEF#define SOSCSEL_DIG0xFFF7INTOSCSEL:LF-INTOSC低功耗使能位1=休眠期间LF-INTOSC在高功率模式下0=休眠期间LF-INTOSC在低功耗模式下#define INTOSCSEL_HIGH0xFFFF#define INTOSCSEL_LOW0xFFFB______________RETEN:Vreg休眠使能位1=在休眠模式下超低功耗稳压电源关闭,由REGSLP(WDTCON<7>)控制0=在休眠模式下超低功耗稳压电源使能,由SRETEN(WDTCON<4>)控制,超低功耗调节器被启用#define RETEN_ON0xFFFE#define RETEN_OFF0xFFFF//配置寄存器:CONFIG1HIESO:内部/外部振荡器切换位1=双速启动时启用0=双速启动时禁用#define IESO_OFF0xFFFF#define IESO_ON0x7FFFFCMEN:故障保护时钟监视器使能位1=故障保护时钟监视器使能0=故障保护时钟监视器被禁用#define FCMEN_OFF0xFFFF#define FCMEN_ON0xBFFFPLLCFG:4X PLL使能位1=振荡器乘以40=振荡器直接使用#define PLLCFG_ON0xEFFF#define PLLCFG_OFF0xFFFFFOSC<3:0>:振荡器选择位1101=EC1,EC振荡器(低功耗,DC-160KHZ)1100=EC1IO,EC振荡器,RA6上CLKOUT功能(低功耗,DC-160KHZ)1011=EC2,EC振荡器(中功率,160KHZ-16MHZ)1010=EC2IO,EC振荡器,RA6上CLKOUT功能(中功率,160KHZ-16MHZ)1001=INTIO1,内部RC振荡器,RA6上CLKOUT功能1000=INTIO2,内部RC振荡器0111=RC,外部RC振荡器0110=RCIO,外部RC振荡器,在RA6CKLOUT功能0101=EC3,EC振荡器(高功率,16MHZ-64MHZ)0100=EC3IO,EC振荡器,RA6上CLKOUT功能(高功率,16MHZ-64MHZ)0011=HS1,HS振荡器(中功率,4MHZ-16MHZ)0010=HS2,HS振荡器(高功率,16MHZ-25MHZ)0001=XT振荡器0000=LP振荡器#define FOSC_RCIO0xF0FF#define FOSC_RC0xF1FF#define FOSC_EC10xFAFF#define FOSC_EC1IO0xFBFF#define FOSC_EC20xFCFF#define FOSC_EC2IO0xFDFF#define FOSC_INTIO10xFEFF#define FOSC_INTIO20xFFFF#define FOSC_EC30xF2FF#define FOSC_EC3IO0xF3FF#define FOSC_HS10xF4FF#define FOSC_HS20xF5FF#define FOSC_XT0xF6FF#define FOSC_LP0xF7FF注:该处发现PIC18F25K80.h与datasheet说明不一致,具体可以参照实验效果。

MICROCHIP PIC16F627A 628A 648A单片机 数据手册

MICROCHIP PIC16F627A 628A 648A单片机 数据手册

深圳市粤原点科技有限公司(Microchip Authorized Design Partner)指定授权总部地址:深圳市福田区福虹路世贸广场C座1103座Add: Room 1103,Block C,World Trade Plaza,9Fuhong Road,Futian District Shen Zhen City电话(tel) :86-755-83666321,83666320,83666325传真(fax) :86-755-83666329Web: E-mail:********************@联系人:马先生,王小姐,汤小姐在线咨询:QQ:42513912MSN:***********************7x24小时在线产品咨询:135******** 137********PIC16F627A/628A/648A数据手册采用纳瓦技术的8位CMOS闪存单片机 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.DS40044D_CNDS40044D_CN 第ii 页 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.提供本文档的中文版本仅为了便于理解。

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建议参考Microchip Technology Inc.的英文原版文档。



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2.7 切换到低功耗时钟源

1. 2.

该功能可以实现系统从默认的时钟源(由器件配置中的 FOSC2:FOSC0来设定)转换到TIMR1振荡器的时钟源。 转换的方法: 清零震荡系统时钟切换时能(/OSCEN)配置位,使能该 功能。将TIMR1配置一个低频的晶体(32.768K); 通过OSCCON寄存器中的SCS位置一使能TIMR1 振荡器为 系统振荡器(此时TIMR1 必须被使能否则SCS的作用将被 忽略)。 当SCS=0时,系统时钟源由FOSC2:FOSC0选定。当出现 任何形式的复位操作时,SCS都将会被清零。 与振荡的8种模式设定不同,时钟系统的切换时由软件实 现的,而模式的设定是一次性设定、不能动态修改。
到其它芯片 4.7K PIC16 OSC1


4.7K电阻提供负反馈、决定着电路的增益; 10K可调电阻用以降低电路增益,避免过驱动。
2.5 外部RC振荡器
C>20pf C

尽管在一些模式中,通过单片机的OSC2 引脚可以向外输 出信号作为整个系统的时钟,但是 microchip 还是不推荐 这种方式。 在整个系统中如果需要一个时钟源,最好的方法是设计一 个外部晶体振荡电路,一方面为PIC提供时钟信号,同时 也满足其它电路、部件的需求。

第二章 振荡器



是 串联 一个5 或 l k k O 的微调 电阻 ,从0 始慢 开 慢 调 高 ,一 直 到 正 弦 波 不 再 被 削 平 为 止 。 通
过 此 办 法 就 可 以找 到 最 接 近 的 电阻 R 值 。 S 二 、晶 振 与 电容 的选 择 晶体 具 有 两 种 谐 振 模 式 : 串联 ( 个 频 率 两
・ ・

低 电 压
一 …- l t _~
’ ’ … … … ●

高温 从 休眠 状 态 唤 醒 实 际 上 , 噪 声 有 助 于激 励 振 荡 器 , 而 有
・ ・
晶 振 的 负 载 电 容 选 择 方 面 , 晶 振 的 负 载 电容=[ C * g /( d C ) + i + 式 中 ( d C ) C + g ] c C Ac : XX* 女 C d,C 为分 别 接 在 晶 振 的两 个 脚上 和 对 地 g 的 电容 ,a Ci 集成 电路 内部 电容 )+ = C( △C 图1 ( C 上 电容 ) 。 如 果 负 载 电 容 为 l p 的 , 两 PB 5F 注l :对 于A 条 形 切 割 (T S r p C t T A t i u ) 边 的匹配 电容 接2 p 的差 不 多 了 ( 般 a 7F 一 为 的 晶体 可 能 需要 一 串联 电 阻R ; 个 s 6 5 1 . p ) 。在 P B 上 ,外 接 晶 体 的 引 . ~ 35 F C板 2 :反 馈 电 阻 R , 典 型 值 为 2 1 MQ F — 0 线 越 短 越 好 ( 量 减 少 P B 上 的 电容 ) , 且 尽 C板 3 :根 据 器 件 不 同 ,内 部 逻 辑 的 缓 冲 器 晶 体 下 面 要 有 对 地 覆 铜 且 不 走 信 号 线 , 当 晶 可置于反相器 的输入端 或输 出端。 电 阻R 用 来 防 止 晶 振 被 过 分 驱 动 , 过 分 体 频 率 较 高 时 ,尽 量 使 晶 体 的 引 线 长 度 相 同 S 且 对称 。 驱 动 晶振会渐 渐损耗 减少 晶振 的接触 电镀 , P C中 档 单 片 机 负 载 电容 一 般 取 值 为 I 这 将 引起 频 率 的 上 升 如 果 晶 体 过 驱 动 , 这 时 5 0F 1 2 就 需 要 用 电 阻 R 来 防 止 晶 振 被 过 分 驱 动 。 可 1 ~3 p 。若采 用一个 大于C 的c 值 ,这使 s 用 示波器检测O c 出脚 ,如果 检测一非常清 得在上 电时 ,对通 过 晶体 的振 荡信 号会 产生 S输 晰 的 正 弦 波 , 且 正 弦 波 的 上 限 值 和 下 限 值 都 较 大 的相移 ,加速 振荡 器 的起 振 ,从而可 以 缩 短 晶振 的起 振时 间。C 和C 如采 用较 大的 1 2 符 合时钟输 入 需要 ,则晶振 未被 过分 驱动 ; 相 反 , 如 果 正 弦 波 形 的 波 峰 , 波 谷 两 端 被 电 容 值 有 利 于 提 高 晶 体 振 荡 器 的 稳 定 性 , 但 削平 ,而使 波 形成为方 形 ,则 晶振 被过 分驱 同时延 长 了起 振时 间 ,对 于 晶体负载 电容 容 1C 电容选 择上至 动 。 这 时 就 需 要 用 电阻 R 来 防 止 晶 振 被 过 分 值 的确 定要综合考 虑 。在c , 2 s 谐振 器起 振 驱动 。判 断电阻R 值 大小 的最简单 的方 法就 少 因考虑如下 一些因素 。振 荡器/ s



PIC 单片机的晶振接法详解
PIC 单片机有4 种振荡模式:
Blocked Ad

Crystal Oscillator:晶体振荡器,简称晶振



以PIC16F877 为例,常用的是这种接法。

dspic33f振荡器 参考手册

dspic33f振荡器 参考手册

1: OSC2 引脚功能由 OSCIOFNC 配置位决定。 2: 未编程 (已擦除)器件的默认振荡器模式。
DS70216C_CN 第 39-4 页
© 2010 Microchip Technology Inc.
第 39 章 振荡器 (第 III 部分)
寄存器 39-1: U — bit 15 R/P IESO bit 7 图注: R = 可读位 -n = POR 时的值 bit 15-8 bit 7 未实现:读为 1 IESO:内部 / 外部启动选项位 1 = 使用内部 FRC 振荡器启动器件,然后自动切换为就绪的用户选择的振荡器源 0 = 使用用户选择的振荡器源启动器件 bit 6-3 bit 2-0 未实现:读为 1 FNOSC<2:0>:初始振荡器源选择位 111 = 带 N 分频的快速 RC (FRC)振荡器 (FRCDIVN) 110 = 带 16 分频的快速 RC 振荡器 (FRCDIV16) 101 = 低功耗 RC (LPRC)振荡器 100 = 辅助振荡器 (SOSC) 011 = 带 PLL 的主振荡器 (XTPLL、 HSPLL 和 ECPLL) 010 = 主振荡器 (XT、 HS 和 EC) 001 = 带 PLL 的快速 RC 振荡器 (FRCPLL) 000 = 快速 RC 振荡器 (FRC) P = 可编程位 1=置1 U = 未实现位,读为 1 0 = 清零 x = 未知 U — U — U — U — R/P R/P FNOSC<2:0> bit 0 R/P FOSCSEL:振荡器源选择寄存器 U — U — U — U — U — U — U — bit 8
DS70216C_CN 第 39-3 页
dsPIC33F/PIC24H 系列参考手册



在 FCKSM1 配置位置 1 时,将 CLKLOCK 位 (OSCCON<7>)置 1 可防止发生时钟切换。如果 FCKSM1 位清零,则 CLKLOCK 位状态会被忽略,器件可以发生时钟切换。 LOCK 状态位 (OSCCON<5>)是只读位,指示 PLL 电路的状态。在 PLL 实现频率锁定时该位 置 1,在产生有效的时钟切换序列时该位复位。每当 PLL 不与振荡器配合用作当前时钟源时,它 读为 0。 CF 状态位 (OSCCON<3>)是可读 / 可清零状态位,指示发生时钟故障。每当发生有效的时钟 切换时,该位复位。 SOSCEN 控制位 (OSCCON<1>)用于使能或禁止 32 kHz SOSC 晶体振荡器。 OSWEN 控制位(OSCCON<0>)用于启动时钟切换操作。OSWEN 在成功进行时钟切换或任何 冗余时钟切换后自动清零,并在切换到 FRC 后由 FSCM 清零。
© 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
第 6 章 振荡器
6.2 CPU 时钟分配
系统时钟源可以由以下 4 种之一提供:
• • • •
OSC1 和 OSC2 引脚上的主振荡器 (POSC) SOSCI 和 SOSCO 引脚上的辅助振荡器 内部快速 RC 振荡器 (FRC) 内部低功耗 RC 振荡器 (LPRC)
DS39700A_CN 第 6-4 页
© 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
第 6 章 振荡器
6.4 控制寄存器
振荡器的操作由 3 个特殊功能寄存器控制:








1?内部晶体振荡器/陶瓷振荡器在LP、XT和HS这三种方式下,需要在单片机引脚OSC1/CLKIN和OSC2/CLKOUT 的两端接一石英晶体或陶瓷谐振器。







厂家推荐电阻Rext 取值在5kΩ~100kΩ之间。



振荡器的使用步骤 振荡器如何操作

振荡器的使用步骤 振荡器如何操作


































1. 设置晶振频率STC系列单片机内部振荡器默认的晶振频率为12MHz,如果需要改变振荡器的频率,首先需要设置晶振频率。

```cunsigned char CLK_SEL = 0x10; // 晶振频率设置为12MHz```2. 设置时钟分频单片机内部振荡器的频率一般比外部晶振频率高,需要通过时钟分频来控制内部振荡器的输出频率。


```cunsigned char CLK_CFG = CLK_SEL | FREQ_DIV; // 合并设置CLK_REG = CLK_CFG; // 将设置写入时钟寄存器中```通过以上步骤,就可以实现STC系列单片机内部振荡器频率的设置。




我们把这个单元叫做器件配置字(Configuration Bits)。




对配置字的各位的解释如下:CP1-CP0:代码保护位,说明如下:11 = 代码保护关;10 = 参见器件数据手册;01 = 参见器件数据手册;00 = 所有存储器均受代码保护。


目前就一些只使用一位(CP0) 的器件,保护位的说明如下:1 = 代码保护关;0 = 代码保护开。

DP:数据EEPROM 存储器的代码保护位,说明如下:1 = 代码保护关;0 = 数据EEPROM 存储器受代码保护。

注:对于具有数据EEPROM 存储器的ROM 程序存储器器件,使用该位。

BODEN:欠压复位(BOR) 使能位,说明如下:1 = BOR 使能;0 = BOR 禁止。

PWRTE:上电定时器(PWRT) 使能位,说明如下:1 = PWRT 禁止;0 = PWRT 使能。

注1:无论PWRTE 位的值为何,使能欠压复位即自动使能了上电定时器(PWRT)。


注2:在一些早期的PICmicro® 单片机中,该位的极性被保留。

MCLRE:MCLR 引脚功能选择位,说明如下:1 = 引脚功能为MCLR;0 = 引脚功能为数字I/O,MCLR 在内部连接到VDD 上。

WDTE:看门狗定时器(WDT) 使能位,说明如下:1 = WDT 使能;0 = WDT 禁止。

FOSC1-FOSC0:振荡器选择位,说明如下:11 = RC 振荡器;10 = HS 振荡器;01 = XT 振荡器;00 = LP 振荡器。


上电时,PORTB 端口被初始化为模拟端口,不能工作在数字模式(进行 I/O 端口读取)。 AD1PCFG 寄存器为 PORTB 端口模拟输入引脚配置控制位,AD1PCFG 寄存器的位为 1 时 PORTB 对应的引脚被配置为数字模式,此时 PORTB 端口对应的位可以进行 I/O 端口读取。
下篇 第 3 章 单元接口实验
(1)、外部主晶振与 RC12/RC15 管脚复用,使用主晶振时,RC12/RC15 管脚不能用作 I/O 端口。当单片机不使用主晶振时,将 JP3A 和 JP3B 跳线的 2-3 短路,RC12/RC15 可以 用作 I/O 端口。
(2)、外部辅助晶振与 RC13/RC14 管脚复用,使用辅助晶振时,RC13/RC14 管脚不能 用作 I/O 端口。当单片机不使用辅助晶振时,将 JP4A 和 JP4B 跳线的 2-3 短路,RC13/RC14 可以用作 I/O 端口。
1、 Primary Oscillator Select (主振荡器选择位) 此处选择 HS Oscillator Enabled
厦门大学信息科学与技术学院——单片机原理与接口技术实验室——海韵园实验楼 305#
第 230 页
PIC24F 系列十六位单片机原理与实验(试用版)
3、操作顺序 为保证 ICD2 能正常工作,调试目标板时按如下步骤进行: (1)、电脑开机; (2)、MPLAB ICD2 的 USB 端口连接到电脑 PC 机的 USB 口(如果已经连接则可跳过此
步); (3)、MPLAB ICD2 的 6 芯水晶头接入用户目标板(如果已经连接则可跳过此步),之
后目标板接通电源。 (4)、启动 MPLAB IDE 工作环境; (5)、MPLAB IDE 中建立项目,编写程序并进行硬件调试。 其中,(2)与(4)步骤不能颠倒。



























一.中断设置步骤:1. 设置外设中断优先级及子优先级,触发方式等配置2. 设置为系统向量模式并使能中断常用函数如下INTSetVectorPriority(); 设置优先级INTSetVectorSubPriority(); 设置子优先级INTClearFlag(); 清除中断标志位INTEnable(); 使能中断系统INTEnableSystemMultiVectoredInt();//多向量中断允许INTEnableSystemSingleVectoredInt();//单向量中断允许所谓多向量模式即中断向量都有自己的入口,从自己的入口进入ISR。


例如控制时钟中断INTSetVectorPriority(INT_TIMER_1_VECTOR,INT_PRIORITY_LEVEL_2);INTEnable(INT_T1,INT_ENABLED);//ConfigIntTimer1(T1_INT_ON | T1_INT_PRIOR_3 |T1_INT_SUB_PRIOR_0);INTConfigureSystem(INT_SYSTEM_CONFIG_MULT_VECTOR); INTEnableInterrupts();//INTEnableSystemMultiVectoredInt();先设置时钟的中断优先级和子优先级并允许中断ConfigIntTimer1(T1_INT_ON|T1_INT_PRIOR_3|TI_INT_S UB_PRIOR_0);//T1中断优先级为3,子优先级为0, 并允许T1_INT_ON 时钟源1中断。


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PIC 系列单片机可工作于不同的振荡器方式。

用户可以根据其系统设计的需要,选择下述四种振荡方式中的一种,其振荡的频率范围在DC~20/25MHz 之间。

用户可以根据不同的应用场合,从表1 所示的四种振荡方式中选择一种(使用PIC 编程器时也需作这种选择的操作),以获得最佳的性能价格比。

其中,LP 振荡器方式可以降低系统功耗,RC 振荡器方式可节省成本。

建立PIC 单片机源程序时,其振荡器方式由配置寄存器CONFIG 的D1 位和D0 位来决定,如表2 所示。

在LP、XT 和HS 这三种方式下,需要在单片机引脚OSC1/CLKIN 和OSC2/CLKOUT 的两端接一石英晶体或陶瓷谐振器。

如图1 中,只有在HS 方式下才需要在振荡回路中加入电阻Rs(100&Omega;
在LP、XT 和HS 这三种振荡器方式下,各种PIC 单片机芯片既可以用集成在内部的振荡器,也可以接受外部输入的时钟源或外接晶体振荡器。

若用外部时钟源或外接晶体振荡器,可把外部振荡器输出接芯片的OSC1/CLKIN 引脚,此时OSC2/CLKOUT 引脚开路即可。

图2 是外接时钟源的形式,外部晶体独立的振荡器与图2 相似。

3?外部RC 振荡器
RC 振荡器主要应用于对时间精度要求不太高的场合。

RC 振荡器是在OSC1/CLKIN 引脚接一串联电阻电容,如图3 所示。

厂家推荐电阻Rext 取值在5k&Omega;~100k&Omega;之间。

当Rext 小于。
