翻译佳作赏析 论文
【译文】I n a few years’ time, mankind will bid farewell to the 20th c entury, a century full of vic issitudes, and enter into the 21s t c entury, a c entury full of hopes.【赏析】1995年,联合国举办纪念成立50周年庆祝活动,江主席出席并发表演说。
英译汉:佳译赏析之“肚里的墨水”(2)【原文】T heir family had more money, more hors es, more slaves than any one els e in the Country, b ut the boys had less grammar than mos t of their poor C racker neighbors.【译文】他们家里的钱比人家多,马比人家多,奴隶比人家多,都要算全区第一,所缺少的只是他哥儿俩肚里的墨水,少得也是首屈一指的。
【赏析】原文选自Gone With the Wind。
英译汉:佳译赏析之“思前想后”(3)【原文】A nd in these meditations he fell asleep.【译文】他这么思前想后,就睡着了。
英语翻译赏析小论文Title: Appreciation and Analysis of a Short Essay。
The art of writing essays has been a long-standing tradition in literature, providing writers with a platform to express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Essays are a powerful tool for communication, allowing writers to engage with their readers on a personal level. In this article, we will be appreciating and analyzing a short essay to understand the techniques and elements that make it a compelling piece of writing.The essay we will be examining is titled "The Power of Words" by an anonymous author. This essay explores the impact of language and communication on our daily lives, emphasizing the importance of choosing our words carefully. The author begins by setting the tone for the essay, drawing the reader in with a thought-provoking opening statement. The use of a strong opening line is a common technique used to capture the reader's attention and create a sense of intrigue.As we delve deeper into the essay, we are introduced to the author's main argument: the power of words to shape our thoughts and actions. The author presents compelling examples and anecdotes to support this argument, drawing from personal experiences and observations. This personal touch adds authenticity to the essay, making it relatable and engaging for the reader.One of the most striking aspects of this essay is the author's use of vivid and descriptive language. The author paints a vivid picture with words, using imagery and sensory details to create a rich and immersive reading experience. This technique not only captivates the reader's imagination but also reinforces the essay's central message about the impact of words.Additionally, the essay is structured in a clear and logical manner, with each paragraph building upon the previous one to develop the author's argument. The use of transitions and cohesive language ensures a smooth flow of ideas, allowing the reader to follow the author's train of thought easily.Furthermore, the author incorporates persuasive language and rhetorical devices to effectively convey their message. The use of rhetorical questions, emotive language, and appeals to logic and reason all contribute to the essay's persuasive power. This demonstrates the author's skill in crafting a compelling and convincing argument.In conclusion, "The Power of Words" is a well-crafted and thought-provoking essay that effectively communicates its message. The author's use of engaging language, personal anecdotes, and persuasive techniques all contribute to the essay's impact. By appreciating and analyzing this essay, we gain a deeper understanding of the art of writing and the power of words to influence and inspire. It serves as a reminder of the importance of thoughtful and deliberate communication in our daily lives.。
翻译 中英对译 英文散文赏析
译文The LaneKe LingThe lane, in terms of the art of urban architecture, is like a piece of prose of gentle gracefulness or a painting of classic elegance and simplicity①.maiden of ancient times hidden away in a secluded boudoir, is reluctant to make itslong time.③taste of the countryside at all. It is long and deep, so it will take you a long while to walk patiently and quietly through it from end to end. It is also so winding that it⑤when you look far ahead, but if you keep walking until you take a turning, you’ll find it again lying endless and still more quiet. There is nothing but stillness there⑥. At any hour of day, you can even distinctly hear in the, which, moss-covered and hung with clusters of fresh green wisteria, look almost like screens of primitive simplicity. Inside the walls are residents’ gardenswith In spring,beautiful peach and apricot blossoms atop the ⑧waving their red sleeves, will sway hospitably to beckon the pedestrians.The charm of the lane lies in its absolute serenity. No matter who you are, if youin the lane for a while⑨, your mind will become as unruffled as theancient well at the end of the lane. There you a kind of peaceful calmness rather than gloomy sternness⑩. There reigns peace and quiet in the midst of(11)where each family, secluded behind closed doors, has its own(12)The all-pervading and all-purifying atmosphere of water-like placidness makes one forget all cares and worries.评析:1、明喻(simile).中文中"巷,是…"与英文中"like"相对应。
翻译赏析英文作文The English essay I have chosen for translation and analysis is a thought-provoking piece that delves into the complexities of human nature. It explores the concept ofself-identity and the struggle to find one's place in society. The author's use of vivid imagery and poignant language creates a captivating narrative that resonateswith readers.The essay begins with a vivid description of a bustling city, teeming with people from all walks of life. Theauthor paints a picture of a chaotic yet vibrant environment, where individuals are constantly seeking their own unique identities. The use of sensory details, such as the sounds of honking cars and the smell of street food, immerses the reader in the scene and sets the tone for the rest of the essay.As the essay progresses, the author delves into the internal struggle faced by individuals in this diverse city.The author presents a series of vignettes, each depicting a different character grappling with their own sense of self. Through these snapshots, the author explores the universal human desire for acceptance and belonging. The use of dialogue and inner monologue gives the reader insight into the characters' thoughts and emotions, further enhancing their relatability.One particularly powerful moment in the essay is when the author describes a chance encounter between two characters. Despite their differences in background and appearance, they find solace in their shared experiences of feeling like outsiders. This scene serves as a poignant reminder that, beneath the surface, we are allfundamentally the same. The author's use of symbolism, such as a shared glance or a touch, conveys a sense ofconnection that transcends societal barriers.Throughout the essay, the author employs a poeticwriting style that adds depth and richness to the narrative. The use of metaphors and similes creates vivid imagery and evokes strong emotions in the reader. This lyrical qualityof the writing adds a layer of beauty to the essay, making it a pleasure to read.In conclusion, this English essay is a captivating exploration of the complexities of human nature. Through vivid imagery, poignant language, and a poetic writing style, the author takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery and the search for acceptance. The essay serves as a reminder that, despite our differences, we are all united by our shared humanity.。
翻译 美学 是~ 个 翻译 与美 学联 姻 的新学 科 。 古 作者精心选择的 ,通常符合 以下标准 ,也是我们的审 代文 学是 我 国人 民的宝贵 精神 财 富 ,文学 作 品 中所 美依据 ,即准 、美 、精 。“ ”是指用 词表达 了原意 准 蕴含 的美 学 意义 自不 待 言 。翻译 美学 的 出现 和发 展 和适应 了语境 ,“ ”指用词 能给人 身心 以很 大愉悦 美 的品质 ,“ 精”指翻译时用词应该精 练,无拖沓” ( 。( 桃 为 中 国古 代 文学 翻译 的 赏析 开辟 了一 条新 路 ,也 为 花源 记 中有一段 对桃 花林 的描述 ,原 文如 下 : 中国文学 翻译提 供借 鉴 。 忽逢桃花林 ,夹岸数百步 ,中无杂树 ,芳草鲜美 , 陶渊 明 与 桃 花 源 记 》 落英 缤纷 。 陶渊 明 是东晋 著 名诗 人 ,诗 歌 多描 写 自然景 色 方重 和林语堂 的译 文如 下 : 方译 :A fas d e ecmeu o e c U o u d n h a p n a p ah 及其在 农村生活 的情景 ,散 文以 桃花源记 )最有名 。 ) r ve. or nd e s f p c s a o t b nks f 魏 晋南北朝时期 ,战火不断 ,社会十分黑暗 。在这 种 g o F hu r d o a e l ng bo h a o he sr a t e c r e r n f l l o No 社 会环境 下 ,陶渊 明创作 了 桃花 源记) ) ,以这个 幻 t t e m , he p a h-t e s we e i ul b o m .
二 、审 美 主体 翻 译 家方 重 与林 语 堂
to sn u . h ua d h e s
林译 : e s d e l a p n a p ah g o e h u d ny c me u o ec r v
三位大师翻译的《匆匆》都各有千秋,但就本人拙见,更青睐于张培基先生的版本<Transient Days>。
一.选词贴切,富于变化①从题目的翻译来看,Transient Days意为the days passed quickly without being conscious ofthem.与本文所要表达的“匆匆”意义相符。
③第一段中的聪明的,翻译成了you the wise,好像是与读者在对话,显得更为亲切。
④第二段中的逐渐空虚了,用wear away这个词比较贴切,表示时间的慢慢流逝。
散文英译汉佳作赏析散文英译汉佳作赏析汉译英散文佳作赏析:冯骥才《西式幽默》Western Humour冯骥才Feng Jicai学院请来一位洋教师,长得挺怪,红脸,金发,连鬓大胡须,有几根胡子一直逾过面颊,挨近鼻子,他个子足有二米,每迸屋门必须低头,才能躲过门框子的拦击,叫人误以为他进门先鞠躬,这不太讲究礼貌了吗?Our institute employed an English teacher. He looked very strange red-faced, golden-haired, with a thick growth of whiskers that reached all the way to the nose. He was really tall-- no less than six foot five. When he came in through the door, he had to lower his head to avoid banging against the door frame. It looked as though he always bowed to you at the door and that was much too polite.顶怪的是,他每每与中国学生聊天,聊到可笑之处时,他不笑,脸上也没表情,好象他不喜欢玩笑;可是有时毫不可笑的事,他会冷不防放声大笑,笑得翻江倒海,仰面朝天,几平连人带椅子要翻过去,喉结在脖子上乱跳,满脸胡子直抖。
常使中国学生面面相觑,不知这位洋教师的神经是不是有点问题?What was more, he never laughed, when he chatted with his Chinese students on amusing stories, nor did his face show any expression as if he knew no sense of humour. However, when it came to topics of the most dull nature, he would burst into uncontrollable laughter, roaring while rocking in his chair, almost falling flat on his back, his Adam's apple dancing up and down in his throat and his whiskers fluttering all over his face. Thestudents would then look at each other, wondering if he was in his right mind.一天,洋教师出题,考察学生们用洋文作文的水准,题目极简单,随便议论议论校园内的一事一物,褒贬皆可。
下面是为大家带来经典英语美文译文赏析,希望大家喜欢!经典英语美文译文:勇追目标Have you ever found yourself hyped up for a new project or program? You get started with full steam, and about two-thirds the way through, you start lagging. You lose interest, meet some stumbling blocks, and think, “Maybe I should just throw this project out.”你会不会对某件新事物抱以三分热情?开始的时候斗志昂扬,接着半途而废。
”Well, you're not alone. Following through is one of the most challenging tasks, specifically when it comes to something you are doing for yourself. I say this because if you were working at a job for somebody else, I am sure you have no problem completing the task on time, and following through to the end. After all, your job and weekly pay dependon it.其实,不止你有那样的遭遇。
翻译佳作赏析 论文
其中许渊冲先生1984的译文标注为译文1[1],杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇的的译文标注为译文2 [2],许渊冲先生1988年的译文标注为译文3 [3],朱纯深先生的译文标注为译文4[4]。
首联的四种译文如下:译文1The wind so swift and sky so wide, apes wail and cry; Water so clear and beach so white, birds wheel and fly.译文2 Wind blusters high in the sky and monkeys wail; Clear the islet with white sand where birds are wheeling.译文3The wind so swift, the sky so steep, sad gibbons cry; Water so clear and sand so white, backward birds fly.译文4Gusty gorge, lofty sky. Gibbons sadly cry. Clear-cut islets, white sands blown birds fly.首联的译文2把原诗意象“天高”和“沙白”分别译成了“ in the sky”和“with white sand”,我觉得减弱了原诗中意象叠加所带来的视觉的艺术效果,不能深入的将读者带到原诗的氛围中。
优秀英语美文带译文赏析下面是带来的优秀英语美文带译文赏析,欢迎阅读!优秀英语美文带译文赏析篇一坚持不懈,直至成功I Will Persist Until I SucceedThe prizes of life are at the end of each journey, not at the beginning .生活的嘉奖远在旅途的终点而非起点。
Life will not tell me how many steps are necessary to reach my goal, and I may still encounter failure at the thousandth step, but success hides behind the next bend on the road.生活不会告诉我要跋涉多远才能达到目标。
I will never know how close it lies unless I turn the corner. I am like a rain drop that helps wear away the mountain; as tart hat helps bright en the earth; as lave who helps build a pyramid. I will build my castle one brick at a time because small repeated attempts will complete any accomplish ment. I will from my vocabulary such words as quit, impossible, hopeless and failure. I will avoid despair. But if I’m infected with this disease of the mind, then I will work on in despair.我就像冲刷高山的雨滴、照亮大地的星辰、建造金字塔的奴仆. 我要一砖一瓦地建造起自己的城堡,因为我深知水滴石穿的道理,只要持之以恒,什么都可以做到。
一、你的思想,才是世界的主宰You're shut down and frightened, the world seems hostile; when you love what is, everything in the world becomes the beloved. Inside and outside always match -- they're reflections of each other. The world is the mirror image of your mind.当你脑子停滞放空、被恐惧笼罩着,你就会觉得整个世界都不怀好意;当你爱上这个世界本身,你就会觉得世上的每样东西都值得你爱。
Not believing your own thoughts, you're free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realize the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there's no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It's simple, because there really isn't anything. There's only the story appearing now. And not even that.如果你不相信自己的想法,那么你就可以免受原始欲望的驱使:因为你所想的现实往往不是其真实的样子。
下面是店铺带来的中英互译的英语美文赏析,欢迎阅读!中英互译的英语美文赏析篇一“孺子马”An "Obedient Horse"宋连昌Song Lianchang我的邻居老纪,是位消息灵通人士。
My neighbor Lao Ji was well informed. Every day when he got off work, he would bring several pieces of news from big events at home and abroad down to Small strifes between husband and wife, or between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The tune far his news broadcast was usually dinner time, so the best place for it was naturally the shared kitchen.这天,老纪进了厨房就说:“老王,你听说了吗?”“什么事?”“ XXX的儿子被逮了。
“还用说,犯法了呗!……”One day, Lao Ji carte into the kitchen and said, "Lao Wang, haven't you heard the news?" "What?" "So-and-so's son has been arrested." "Oh? Why?" I asked in surprise, putting down the knife. "No doubt for an offense against the law.“其实,那孩子小时候也蛮好,都是家长的过失。
1940年,纽约艾迈拉大学(Elmira College)校长给林语堂先生颁授荣誉文学博士学位时,称赞他:“you have spoken to the people of theEnglish speakingworld in their own language with an artistry that is at once their envy, admiration and despair.”[1](P65)由此可见,林氏英文及汉译英作品,如My Country and My People(《吾国与吾民》), The Importance ofLiving (《生活的艺术》), Six Chapters of a FloatingLife, by Shen Fu, Rendered into English by Lin Y utang (《英译浮生六记》),及The Importance ofUnderstanding: Translations from the Chinese (《中国古文小品选译》)等深受美国人的欢迎和追捧是情理之中的。
郭著章等在《翻译名家研究》一书中曾有注释“《中国古文小品选译》, 1960年美国克利夫兰世界出版公司出版(指的是陶渊明等人著的古文小品)”[2](P101)。
二、对林译《桃花源记》“创造性叛逆”的关注(一)“创造性叛逆”简介“创造性叛逆”( creative treason) ,也称“创造性背离”。
南京工业大学文学翻译赏析试题(A)(学期论文)2015 -2016学年第一学期使用班级英语1301班班级英语1301 学号07 姓名黄琦从“三美”原则看诗歌翻译——以《水调歌头》两译本为例摘要:《水调歌头》是我国北宋诗人苏轼的一首著名的长诗。
本文以许渊冲先生诗歌翻译的“三美”原则为分析框架,对林语堂先生与Burton Watson翻译的《水调歌头》和原文进行对比研究。
Burton Watson(华兹生)是20 世纪英译中国古典文学作品最多产的美国翻译家及汉学家。
本文拟以“三美”原则为框架对林语堂先生和Burton Watson 翻译的宋词《水调歌头》进行对比研究。
英文散文佳作赏析中英对照英文散文佳作赏析:《生命的三分之一》生命的三分之一One Third of Our Lifetime一个人的生命究竟有多大的意义,这有什么标准可以衡量吗?提出一个绝对的标准当然很困难;但是,大体上看一个人对待生命的态度是否严肃认真,看他对待劳动、工作等等的态度如何,也就不难对这个人的存在意义做出适当的估计了。
What is the significance of life? Is there any gauge to measure it? It would be very difficult, of course, trying to advance an absolute standard. However, the significance of one's existence can more or less be rated by examining his attitude toward life and work.古来一切有成就的人,都很严肃的对待自己的生命,当他活着一天,总要尽量多劳动、多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白的浪费掉。
Since ancient times all people of accomplishment are very serious about their lives. While they are alive, even if there is only one day left to live, they try to work as hard as they can and learn as much as possible, never letting a single day slip by without any gain. This is true of the working people as well as of the great statesmen and great thinkers in our history.班固写的《汉书食货志》上有下面的记载:“冬,民既人;妇人同巷相从夜绩,女工一月得四十五日。
佳译赏析As we all know , the purpose of translate is to make people can understand the works , the passages or others which need translation . And at the period we translate , we can use a lot of methods to make the works which we translate easy to understand for reader . The following ,there are some good translations for us .The first is ZHUXI'S " THE BOOK " . In Chinese , it's means after we read a book and we have some thoughts about this book . The translation of "THE BOOK " show a thought that the author of this poem hold . The first part , the author use beautiful word to describe the environment . And the translator use some simple word to reach the same efficient as the poet want to express . The second part , the translator use a interrogative sentence to make reader can easy to know the author want to express . The whole poem that the translator use harmonious rhythm and use some simple and easy to know word convey the same meaning and emotion as the author .The second is some sentences . For example “一切旧的传统观念,一切阻止是社会进步和人性发展的不合理的制度,一切摧残爱的努力,他们都是我最大的敌人” In this sentence , there are three similar structure . We may use same word to translate the sentence , for it is convenient . But can't convey the essentialemotion of this sentence . So the translator use a compound sentence to make the thought of author can clear show to reader . The another sentence is “这仍然是在反对那些无中生有,混淆黑白的花言巧语。
翻译佳作赏析Translation ExercisesTwo Truths to Live by—— Alexander M. SchindlerA: 生活的妙诀在于懂得如何抓紧,何时放松,因为人生就是一对矛盾:它既令我们抓紧人生的多种赐予,同时它又要我们到头来把这些赐予放弃。
B: This is just like what the rabble f old put it this way: “A man comes to this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open.”A: Surely we ought to hold fast of life, for it is wondrous, and full of a beauty that breaks through every pore of God’s own earth. But it is all too often we recognize this truth only in our backward glance when we remember what was and then suddenly realize that it is no more.B: 我们能记起已经凋谢的美,已经消逝的爱。
A: 生命的赐予是宝贵的,可惜对它们太掉以轻心了。
B: Here then is the first po le of life’s paradoxical demands on us: Never too busy for the wonder and the awe of life. Be reverent (respect) before each dawning day. Embrace each hour. Seize each golden minute.A: 紧紧抓住生活——可不要紧得使你不能松手。
2021年49期总第593期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS【摘要】文学是一门艺术,古代至今无数文人墨客毕其一生研究文学,留下了许许多多的佳作,值得我们去品味,赏析行为由此产生。
有些人读到这里的时候会存在疑问,作者主要写大兴安岭,为什么一开始却把重点放在秦岭上?实际上,因为为了突出大兴安岭特点而为之,写出秦岭的高耸险峻,将其与大兴安岭的延绵不绝对比,在品味中更能体会大兴安岭岭的博厚,这里还涉及了以下几项地理内容:1. 众所周知,秦岭是中国南北界分界线,而秦岭这一分界线,不仅使人们区分南方和北方的地域名称,如若深究的话还有更深层含义。
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其中许渊冲先生1984的译文标注为译文1[1],杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇的的译文标注为译文2 [2],许渊冲先生1988年的译文标注为译文3 [3],朱纯深先生的译文标注为译文4[4]。
首联的四种译文如下:译文1The wind so swift and sky so wide, apes wail and cry; Water so clear and beach so white, birds wheel and fly.译文2 Wind blusters high in the sky and monkeys wail; Clear the islet with white sand where birds are wheeling.译文3The wind so swift, the sky so steep, sad gibbons cry; Water so clear and sand so white, backward birds fly.译文4Gusty gorge, lofty sky. Gibbons sadly cry. Clear-cut islets, white sands blown birds fly.首联的译文2把原诗意象“天高”和“沙白”分别译成了“ in the sky”和“with white sand”,我觉得减弱了原诗中意象叠加所带来的视觉的艺术效果,不能深入的将读者带到原诗的氛围中。
但译文1中的“wail and cry”和“wheel and fly”是把两个近义动词简单的连在了一起,不免有累赘之嫌。
再看译文4,《登高》是以巫峡为背景的,因此朱纯深先生就把“风急”直接译成了“Gusty gorge”两者之间构成了联想关系,可谓极具想象力的创造。
译文1The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower;The endless river rolls its waves hour after hour.译文2 Everywhere the leaves fall rusting from the trees;While on for ever rolls the turbulent Yangtze.译文3The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower;The endless River rolls its waves hour by hour.译文4Leaves fall rustling down—boundless the wood;Rolling waters flow on—the Yangtze endless.颔联的译文2句首用了“everywhere”表现不出原诗的组合关系,而且还破坏了原始的句法特点。
而译文1中的第二行仍与首行保持平行,词组“shower by shower”和“hour by hour”不仅对仗工整,还押尾韵,不知不觉中让人体会到落木萧萧下与江水滚滚来中蕴含的时间概念。
[ 5 ]译文4在内容上也趋完美,但译者改变了原诗的形式结构,所以两行之间就没能保持平行关系。
颈联的四种译文如下:译文1 A thousand miles from home, I’m grieved at autumn’s plight; Now and then for years, alone I’m on this height.译文2 All around is autumnal gloom and I, long from home, A prey all my life to ill health, climb the terrace alone.译文3 Far away home in autumn, I’m grieved to see my p light; After my long illness, I climb alone this height.译文4 Away from home, a soul roving in vast autumnal mood, Alone up here, a body haunted by years of illness.颈联的译文2把原诗句中句法独立的两句译成一句,又把“万里悲秋”译成了“all around is autumnal gloom”这样单纯的背景,在形式和内容上均与原诗偏离较远。
译文1和译文3均按原诗的句法结构译为完整的两句,特别是译文3句首用两介词词组“Far away home in autumn”和“After my long illness”,保留了原诗的平行结构,因此译文3较贴近原诗。
另外,“百年”此处意为“暮年”,在四种译文均没有得到很好的体现,译文1 和4 译为“years”,译文2译为“all m y life”。
译文1Living in times so hard, at frosted hair I pine; Cast down by poverty, I have to give up wine.译文2Hating the hardships which have frosted my hair, Sad that illness has made me give up the solace of wine.译文3Living in hard times, at my frosted hair I pine; Pressed by poverty, I give up my cup of wine.译文4In my hair the frost of biting times creeps up, While poverty with holds my humble cup.《登高》的尾联译者们均在第一句中采用倒装以求对句的押韵。
原诗包含了三组平行结构: “艰难”对“潦倒”,“苦恨”对“新停”,“繁霜鬓”对“浊酒杯”。
但“繁”字所包含的意义在四种译文中都没得到很好的处理,可建议“繁霜鬓”译成“much frosted hair”或“increasingly frosted hair”。
还有“浊酒”(英译文“cheap wine”;相对“清酒”,英译文即“quality wine”)的涵义也没体现出来。
参考文献:[ 1 ]许渊冲. 中诗英韵探胜[M ]. 北京: 北京大学出版社,1992: 261 - 262.[ 2 ]杨宪益,戴乃迭. 唐诗[M ]. 北京:外文出版社, 2001: 141.[ 3 ]陆佩弦,吴钧陶. 唐诗三百首新译[M ]. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1988: 185.[ 4 ]朱纯深. 古意新声[M ]. 武汉:湖北教育出版社, 2004:68 - 69.[ 5 ]胡梅红,张栋. 英语方位介词的隐喻意义及其汉译[ J ].山东外语教学, 2005 (2) : 50 - 52.。