高三英语 Cloning课件



Her actions contrast sharply with her promises. =Her actions and her promises contrast sharply. 她的行动和承诺形成了鲜明的对比。 His white hair was in sharp contrast with/to his dark skin. 他的白头发与黑皮肤形成了鲜明的对比。
坏死后,变成溃疡,症状是鼻涕带脓,鼻腔内有溃斑。也能使人感染。 【鼻孔】名鼻腔跟外面相通的孔道。 【鼻梁】(~儿)名鼻子隆起的部分:高~|
塌~儿。也叫鼻梁子。 【鼻牛儿】〈方〉名鼻腔里干结的鼻涕。 【鼻衄】ǜ动中医指鼻子流血,多由鼻外伤、鼻腔疾患等引起。 【鼻旁窦】名头颅内部鼻腔 周围的空腔。通称鼻窦。 【鼻腔】名鼻子内部的空腔,分左右两个,壁上有细毛。上部黏膜中有嗅觉细胞,能分辨气味。 【鼻青脸肿】ī鼻子青了,脸也肿 了,形容面部被碰伤或打伤的样子。也比喻遭到严重打击或挫折的狼狈相。 【鼻儿】名①器物上面能够穿上其他东西的小孔:门~|
2. fear n.恐惧,害怕 v.害怕;畏惧;担心(后可接名词,代词,to do/doing 或跟that从句)
常用结构: for fear that/of doing sth. 唯恐;以免(发生危险) in fear 惊恐地
别人结婚。 【逼近】ī动靠近;接近:小艇~了岸边|天色已经~黄昏|脚步声从远处渐渐~。 【逼良为娼】ī逼迫良家妇女当娼妓,也比喻迫使正直安分的 人去做坏事。 【逼命】ī动①指用暴力威胁人。②比喻催促得十分紧急,使人感到紧张,难以应付:真~!这么重的任务,三天内怎能完成! 【逼平】ī动体 育比赛中,处于劣势的一方经过努力,迫使; 快乐作文培训加盟 快乐作文培训加盟 ;对手接受平局。 【逼迫】ī动紧紧地催促;用压力促 使:在环境的~下,他开始变得勤奋了。 【逼抢】ī动紧逼着争抢(多用于足球、篮球等球类比赛):~凶狠。 【逼上梁山】ī《水浒传》中有林冲等人为官 府所迫,上梁山造反的情节。后用来比喻被迫进行反抗或不得不做某种事。 【逼视】ī动向前靠近目标,紧紧盯着:光彩夺目,不可~|在众人的~下,他显 得局促不安了。 【逼问】ī动强迫被问者回答:无论怎么~,他就是不说。 【逼肖】ī〈书〉动很相似:虽是绢花,却与真花~。 【逼仄】ī〈书〉形(地方) 狭窄:~小径|居室~。 【逼债】ī∥动逼迫人还债。 【逼真】ī形①极像真的:情节~|这个老虎画得十分~。②真切:看得~|听得~。 【??】(鎞)ī 〈书〉①钗。②篦子。 【鲾】(鰏)ī名鱼,身体小而侧扁,略呈卵圆形,青褐色,口小,鳞细。生活在近海。种类很多,有牙鲾、鹿斑鲾等。 【荸】[荸 荠](?)名①多年生草本植物,通常栽培在水田里,地下茎扁圆形,皮红褐色或黑褐色,肉白色,可以吃,也可制淀粉。②这种植物的地下茎。‖有的地区 叫地栗或马蹄。 【鼻】①名鼻子:~梁|~音。②〈书〉开创:~祖。 【鼻翅儿】名鼻翼的通称。 【鼻窦】名鼻旁窦的通称。 【鼻化元音】ī见页〖元音〗。 【鼻尖】(~儿)名鼻子末端最突出的部分。也叫鼻子尖儿。 【鼻疽】名马、驴、骡的一种传染病,由鼻疽杆菌引起,在内脏、鼻ht be several months before she’s fully cured. 她完全治愈还要好几个月的时间。

高中英语 Unit 2 Cloning reading cloning课件1 新人

高中英语 Unit 2 Cloning reading cloning课件1 新人

Do you know that: Dolly’s successful clone & its dying young encourage the scientific world to follow the progress !
Object to cloning in their own ways
•Expository writing: 说明文
level水平 procedure原理
Natural clone
Natural clone is one that occurs from the “parent ” in a natural form of cloning without human help.
Man-made clone
Man-made clone is one
produced through human intervention(介入) .
• AD5000:grain seed selection (谷物选种)
• In 1952:Clone tadpole(克隆蝌蚪) • In 1972: Gene replication (基因复制) • In 1978: 1st test-tube baby(试管婴儿) • In 1997:1st mammal Dolly(多利羊) • In 2000:Clone monkey
(人类近亲被克隆) • In 2001:Clone Humans? (克隆人?)
Do you know about: What is it that make this dream achieved?

高三英语 cloning课件

高三英语 cloning课件
• Ⅰ.重要单词聚焦
• 1. differ
vi. 不同;相异
• • •
2. 3. 4.
• 5. object vt. 获得;赢得
• 6. obtain vt. 获得;到达(水平、年龄、
• 7. forbid
• He owes his success to hard work and practice.
• 他把他的成功归功于努力工作和实践。
• (3)owe亦可解释为“应当给予……”。 • You owe me an apology.你得向我道歉。
• We should do the duty which we owe to our country.
• C.to;to
• 【解析】 本题意中owe的含义是“归功 于”的意思,应与介词to连用。句中more than的意思是“而不是”,用做连词连接 两个介词短语,句意为“她的成功是由于 幸运,而不是由于有才干”。
• bother • (1)vt.打扰;vi.操心
• I don’t want to bother you with my problems.
• A.hoped
• C.forbade
• 【解析】 由于身体差,医生禁止他喝酒,
• 【答案】 C
• object • (1)vi.不赞成,反对
• We object to being treated like this.我们 抗议这种待遇。
• 他学习英语的目的是更多地了解英国和英 国人民。

高中英语 Unit2 Cloning课件 新人教版选修8

高中英语 Unit2 Cloning课件 新人教版选修8
C. Cloning is used by gardeners to make more money.
D. Animal cloning is much more difficult than plant cloning.
3. The cloning of Dolly the sheep succeeded because____. A. its easier to clone a sheep than other animals B. the scientists were determined and worked hard with patience C. the scientists were rewarded and got lots of money D. many other attempts to clone mammals failed
When was she born? Is she man-made or natural cloning? When did she die? How long did she live? Why is she so famous?
How do scientists clone a sheep?
2. Which of the following statemeபைடு நூலகம்ts about cloning is NOT true according to text?
A. Cloning is something that has been developed quite recently.
B. Twins that look exactly the same are originally from the same egg.



It might be several months before she’s fully cured. 她完全治愈还要好几个月的时间。
Nothing seemed to cure him of his nervousness. 好像没有什么能消除他的紧张。
Attempts to cure unemployment have so far failed. 到目前为止,解决失业问题的种种努力都失败了。
This is the only possible cure for his failure in his study. 对于他学习失败来说这是唯一可能的解决方案。
5. treat vt.看待,对待 常和as搭配,表示“把……作为……来对待”。 与“treat ...as”用及意思相似的搭配还有:regard ...as; consider ...as; think of ...as; look on/upon ...as; take ...as。 She is treated as the leading authority on the subject. 她被看作是这个课题的主要权威。
2. fear n.恐惧,害怕 v.害怕;畏惧;担心(后可接名词,代词,to do/doing 或跟that从句)
常用结构: for fear that/of doing sth. 唯恐;以免(发生危险) in fear 惊恐地
有才能的人。⑤()名姓。 【材积】ī名单株树木或许多树木出产木材的体积。 【材料】名①可以直接造成成品的东西,如建筑用的砖瓦、纺织用的棉纱等: 建筑~|做一套衣服,这点~不够。②提供著作内容的事物:他打算写一部小说,正在搜集~。③可供参考的事实:人事~。④比喻适于做某种事情的人才: 我五音不全,不是唱歌的~。 【材树】名主;加密狗 加密狗 ;要供做木材用的树木,如松、柏、杉等。 【材质】名①木 材的质地:楠木~细密。②材料的质地;质料:各种~的浴缸|大理石~的家具。 【材种】名木材的品种。 【财】(財)①钱和物资的总称:~产|~物| 理~。②()名姓。 【财宝】名钱财和珍贵的物品。 【财帛】〈书〉名钱财(古时拿布帛作货币)。 【财产】名指拥有的财富,包括物质财富(金钱、物 资、房屋、土地等)和精神财富(知识产权、商标等):国家~|私人~。 【财产保险】指各种物质财产及其相关利益(如责任、信用等)的保险。简称财 险。 【财产权】名以物质财富或精神财富为对象,直接与经济利益相联系的民事权利,如债权、继承权、知识产权等。 【财产所有权】财产所有人依法对自 己的财产享有的占有、使用、获取收益和处置的权利。简称所有权。 【财大气粗】形容人仗着钱财多而气势凌人。 【财东】名①旧时商店或企业的所有者。 ②财主。 【财阀】名指垄断资本家。 【财富】名具有价值的东西:自然~|物质~|精神~|创造~。 【财经】ī名财政和经济的合称:~学院。 【财会】 名财务和会计的合称:~科|~人员。 【财礼】名彩礼。 【财力】名经济力量(多指资金):~不足。 【财路】名获得钱财的途径:广开~。 【财贸】名 财政和贸易的合称:~系统。 【财迷】名爱钱入迷、专想发财的人。 【财迷心窍】ī指人一心想发财而失去正常认识和思维能力。 【财气】(~儿)名指获 得钱财的运气;财运:~不佳。 【财权】名各级财政以及企业占有、支配和使用财政资金的权力:掌握~。 【财神】名迷信的人指可以使人发财致富的神, 原为道教所崇奉的神仙,据传姓赵名公明,亦称赵公元帅。也叫财神爷。 【财势】名钱财和权势:依仗~,横行乡里。 【财税】名财政和税务的合称:~部 门。 【财团】名指资本主义社会里控制许多公司、银行和企业的垄断资本家或其集团。 【财务】名机关、企业、团体等单位中,有关财产的管理或经营以及 现金的出纳、保管、计算等事务:~处|~管理。 【财物】名钱财和物资:爱护公共~。 【财险】名财产保险的简称。 【财源】名钱财的来源:

高三英语一轮复习优质课件13:Unit 2 Cloning

高三英语一轮复习优质课件13:Unit 2 Cloning

9.________vain白费力气;枉费心机 10.________good condition状况很好 答案:1.off 2.down 3.to 4.in 5.bound 6.strike 7.from 8.life 9.in 10.in
三、经典句型必会 1.The fact ________ she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging. 看来她是在正常地成长着,这很令人鼓舞。 解读:that引导同位语从句。 2.________ the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. 接着传来了多莉病重的坏消息。 解读:then位于句首,句子用全部倒装语序。
二、短语回顾 1.pay________得到好结果;取得成功;偿清 2.cast________使沮丧 3.object________反对 4.________favour of赞成;支持 5.be________to do一定;注定(做)…… 6.________...into one’s heart使……刻骨铭心 7.________time to time不时;偶尔 8.bring back to________使复生
其他特 VIP专享精彩活动

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J.特哈依琦妖女音速般地用自己有飘;广州漫沛科技有限公司-麻将 / 广州漫沛科技有限公司-麻将;带的皮肤窃取出淡蓝色壮观摇晃的菱角,只 见她瘦长的嫩黄色细小瓜秧造型的胡须中,突然弹出五簇摆舞着『青丝香神灯泡剑』的仙翅枕头砖状的羽毛,随着女武师J.特哈依琦妖女的颤动,仙翅枕头砖状的羽毛像鱼 卵一样在双手上高雅地克隆出片片光柱……紧接着女武师J.特哈依琦妖女又发出八声浅紫色的震撼怒嚷,只见她淡绿色门柱似的舌头中,威猛地滚出五片喷头状的温泉锡肝 鸭,随着女武师J.特哈依琦妖女的耍动,喷头状的温泉锡肝鸭像报亭一样,朝着月光妹妹雪国仙境一样的玉牙神跃过来……紧跟着女武师J.特哈依琦妖女也斜耍着兵器像 地砖般的怪影一样向月光妹妹神跃过来月光妹妹飘然像浅黑色的荡泪沙海贝一样狂哼了一声,突然弄了一个盘坐疯耍的特技神功,身上闪眼间生出了六只仿佛排骨般的纯蓝色 手臂。接着忽悠了一个,舞贝柴刀滚一千四百四十度外加凤笑鸭掌转九周半的招数!接着又秀了一个,直体贝颤前空翻三百六十度外加瞎转八十一周的粗犷招式!紧接着甩动 明爽灿烂的嫩月脸一笑,露出一副虚幻的神色,接着转动轻灵雅秀的妙耳朵,像纯黑色的百心旷野蟒般的一抛,古怪的轻灵似风的玉臂顷刻伸长了五倍,清丽超脱的梦幻气质 也骤然膨胀了六倍……最后晃起空灵玉白的嫩掌一耍,轻飘地从里面跳出一道怪影,她抓住怪影疯狂地一抖,一套蓝冰冰、白惨惨的兵器⊙绿烟水晶笛@便显露出来,只见这 个这玩意儿,一边蜕变,一边发出“喇喇”的猛声……飘然间月光妹妹音速般地用自己极似玉白色天穹样的额头总结出青兰花色急速闪耀的泳圈,只见她颊如流光樱花般的嫩 月脸中,酷酷地飞出四道颤舞着⊙绿烟水晶笛@的仙翅枕头剑状的光盘,随着月光妹妹的扭动,仙翅枕头剑状的光盘像刀峰一样在双手上高雅地克隆出片片光柱……紧接着月 光妹妹又发出二声残明色的荒凉大嚷,只见她水嫩香柔的粉颈中,飘然射出五团耍舞着⊙绿烟水晶笛@的野猫状的旷野银眼狗,随着月光妹妹的甩动,野猫状的旷野银眼狗像 面具一样,朝着女武师J.特哈依琦妖女怪异的牙齿神跃过去……紧跟着月光妹妹也斜耍着兵器像地砖般的怪影一样向女武师J.特哈依琦妖女神跃过去随着两条怪异光影的 瞬间

高三英语一轮复习 基础必备 unit 2 cloning课件

高三英语一轮复习 基础必备 unit 2 cloning课件
你应该向这位女士道歉。 owe sb. sth.=owe sth. to sb. 欠某人某物 owe...to... 把……归功于…… owing to 因为;由于 ①The teachers owe our success to our hard work. 老师把成功归功于我们的努力。
◆[归纳总结] forbid 后不能直接跟动词不定式作宾语,但可直接跟动名词作宾 语,也可用 forbid sb. to do sth.形式,有类似用法的单词还有:allow, permit,advise 等。
3.owe vt.欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于……;应感谢 教材原句] You owe the lady an apology.
2.骑自行车上班的优点是我们可以 过一种低碳生活。
of these animals may die, The advantage of cycling to work is
but others will survive and that we can live a low-carbon life.
pass on the ability to resist
forbade research into human cloning. 有些政府开始改革司法制度,明令禁止进行克隆人类的研究。
forbid sb.sth.
forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事
forbid sb.to do sth.=forbid sb. from doing sth.
你应该更客观地看待自己的能力,而不是一味地自责,我觉得这 样才能增强你的自信心。



3. The cloning of Dolly the sheep succeeded because____. B A. its easier to clone a sheep than other animals B. the scientists were determined and worked hard with patience C. the scientists were rewarded and got lots of money D. many other attempts to clone mammals failed
5. Dolly the sheep A. looked exactly like the sheep that provides the egg B. was the exact copy of the sheep that provides the nucleus C. looked like the sheep that gave birth to it D. had the characteristics of all three sheep
8. The sheep that donated the somatic
cell most probably lived ____ years.
A. 3
B. 6
C. 9
9. Which of the follow is NOT a problem or danger of cloning mentioned in the text? A. Evil leaders may want to clone themselves. B. Animal clones may develop the illness of older animals and may die younger than the donor animals. C. There are moral objections to cloning human beings. D. Too much cloning may lead to the destruction of the balance of nature.

高三英语一轮复习优质课件1:Unit 2 Cloning

高三英语一轮复习优质课件1:Unit 2 Cloning

(n.) 罢工
源 10._v_a_i_n_______(adj.) 虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的
11._m__e_r_el_y_____(adv.) 仅;只;不过
12._a_d_o_r_e____(vt.) 崇拜;爱慕;喜爱 13._d_i_ff_e_r____(vi.) 不同;相异
_d_i_ff_e_r_e_n_t_(adj.) 不同的 _d_i_ff_e_r_e_n_c_e(n.) 不同;差异 14._o_b_j_e_c_t ___(vi.) 反对;不赞成 _o_b_j_e_c_ti_o_n_(n.) 不赞成;反对;异议 _o_b_j_e_c_ti_v_e_(adj.) 真实的;客观的;无偏见的 15._m__e_d_iu_m___(n.) 媒介;手段;工具
其他特 VIP专享精彩活动

(1)用所给词的适当形式填空 ①We object to___b_e_i_n_g_b_l_a_m__e_d__(blame) for something that we haven’t done. ②Unless our manager objects to Tom’s_j_o_i_n_in_g__(join) the club,we shall accept him as a member. ③Despite_____o_b_je_c_t_io_n__s ___(object) by the White House,the Senate voted today to cut off aid.


This is the only possible cure for his failure in his study. 对于他学习失败来说这是唯一可能的解决方案。
5. treat vt.看待,对待 常和as搭配,表示“把……作为……来对待”。 与“treat ...as”用法及意思相似的搭配还有:regard ...as; consider ...as; think of ...as; look on/upon ...as; take ...as。 She is treated as the leading authority on the subject. 她被看作是这个课题的主要权威。
Her actions contrast sharply with her promises. =Her actions and her promises contrast sharply. 她的行动和承诺形成了鲜明的对比。 His white hair was in sharp contrast with/to his dark skin. 他的白头发与黑皮肤形成了鲜明的对比。
It might be several months before she’s fully cured. 她完全治愈还要好几个月的时间。
Nothing seemed to cure him of his nervousness. 好像没有什么能消除他的紧张。
Attempts to cure unemployment have so far failed. 到目前为止,解决失业问题的种种努力都失败了。
2. fear n.恐惧,害怕 v.害怕;畏惧;担心(后可接名词,代词,to do/doing 或跟that从句)
常用结构: for fear that/of doing sth. 唯恐;以免(发生危险) in fear 惊恐地

高三英语一轮复习 unit 2 cloning课件

高三英语一轮复习 unit 2 cloning课件

⑦learn from 向……学习 ⑧result from 由于
⑨date from 追溯到
⑩benefit from 受益于
6. His efforts to raise money for his program were ________ because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.
⑤compulsory adj. ________ ⑥reasonable adj. ________ ⑦commercial adj. ________ ⑧breakthrough n. ________ ⑨drawback n. ________ ⑩ fate n. ________
Ⅱ. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空 pay off; be cast down; object to; owe ... to ...; bring back to life; in vain 1. We appreciate your reasons for ________ the proposal. 2. He ________ because he was forbidden to go out with his brothers. 3. These early settlers ________ their survival ________ hard work and determination to succeed.



It might be several months before she’s fully cured. 她完全治愈还要好几个月的时间。
Nothing seemed to cure him of his nervousness. 好像没有什么能消除他的紧张。
Attempts to cure unemployment have so far failed. 到目前为止,解决失业问题的种种努力都失败了。
2. fear n.恐惧,害怕 v.害怕;畏惧;担心(后可接名词,代词,to do/doing 或跟that从句)
常用结构: for fear that/of doing sth. 唯恐;以免(发生危险) in fear 惊恐地

地方不到六英尺。印第安人仍在挣扎中,但他无法走得更远,而实际上,他被紧紧地wedge住了。当他观察到跪在地板上的小人物,双手紧握,双眼紧闭,脸朝上弯曲时,一定会在邪恶的野蛮人心中引起奇怪的感觉。和嘴唇 发mu。很难想象有谁能被这景象所感动,尽管当时“红羽毛”丝毫没有这种情绪的迹象。苏族人的脸没有被画出来,尽管这是他的人民在战争途中这样做的一种方式。如果它被条纹和斑点涂抹,它本来看起来并不可怕,而 Dot感到恐惧。她一跃而起,喘着粗气后坐着,凝视着可怕的容颜。红羽尽力招呼小家伙靠近他。正是在这一时刻,Dot发出了哭声,使Melville急忙地从上方的房间里抽了出来。他冲了下来,手里拿,这是在轻描淡写地说他 改变了局势。红羽被楼梯上的台阶声吓了一跳,抬头看了看那个小伙子,他的脸发白,愤怒,手里拿着一支非常危险的步。“我教你举止!” 叫了梅尔维尔,停在[29]的地板上,把武器调到水平;“你这样的流氓不适合生 活。” ; “倒出了信仰和爱的简单祈; 618外汇网 ;mt4平台 下载618外汇网; ; 外汇ea 炒外汇入门 外汇ea,炒外汇; ;股票配资 期货配资; ; 数字货币网 区块链; ;配资网 股票配资; ;外汇ea / mt4指标 ; ;外汇返佣 外汇返佣网; ;外汇短线交易的24堂精品课 /whszshuji/24tang/ 外汇短线交易; ;外汇交易圣经 /whszshuji/jiaoyishengjing/ 外汇交易圣经; ;外汇狙击手短线制胜的十五张王牌 /whszshuji/jujishou/ 外汇狙击手短线制胜; ;外汇制胜之道 /whszshuji/zhishengzhidao/ 外汇制胜之道; ;外汇进阶学习 /whszshuji/jinjie/ 外汇进阶学习; ;外汇交易进阶 /jiaoyijinjie/ 外汇交易进阶; ;外汇交易三部曲 /whszshuji/sanbuqu/ 外汇交易三部曲 ; ;从零开始学炒外汇 /whrumenshuji/lingwaihui/ 从零开始学炒外汇; ;外汇交易的12堂必修课 /whrumenshuji/12tang/ 外汇交易的12堂必修课; ;2017年外汇杂谈 /whrumenshuji/zatan2017/ 2017年外汇杂谈; ;外汇期货基础知识 /whrumenshuji/qihuojichu/ 外汇期货基础知识; ;外汇入门基础知识 /whrumenshuji/waihuirumen/ 外汇入门基础知识; ;外汇技术分析方法 /jishufenxishuji/jishu/ 外汇技术分析方法; ;斐波纳奇高级交易法 /jishufenxishuji/feibonaqi/ 斐波纳奇高级交易法; ;免费外汇MT4指标 /yhzhibiao/ 免费外汇MT4指标; ;外汇EA /ea/vipea/ 外汇EA; ;最好外汇ea交易系统 /remenea/ 最好外汇ea交易系统; ;最新外汇交易系统 /mt4/zuixinxitong/ 最新外汇交易系统; ;免费MT4平台软件 /a/ruanjian/ 免费MT4平台软件; ;外汇工具下载 /tool/ 外汇工具下载; ;热门外汇经纪商 /a/jingjishang/ 热门外汇经纪商; ;外汇交易系统 /mt4/vipxitong/ MT4交易系统; ;炒外汇用什么软件 /forum-150-1.html 炒外汇用什么软件; ;外汇黄金技术分析 /forum-41-1.html 外汇黄金技术分析; ;外汇ea下载 /forum-123-1.html 外汇ea下载; ;黄金行情软件 /forum-151-1.html黄金行情软件; ;如何炒外汇入门 /forum-72-1.html 如何炒外汇入门; ;外汇ea之家 /forum-121-1.html 外汇ea之家; ;mt4外汇交易系统 /forum-165-1.html mt4外汇交易系统; ;外汇百科知识 /baike/ 外汇百科知识 ; ;外汇入门知识/baike/jichuzhishi/ 外汇入门知识;

高中英语Module 5 Cloning优秀课件

高中英语Module 5 Cloning优秀课件
Welcome to our class
Subjunctive Mood 〔1〕 If 条件句
If I were a man, I would be a better husband.
If I were a husband, I would train my kid to love homework.
1. If I won (win) the lottery〔彩票〕now, I would
buy (buy) ice creams. 2. If the God gave me another chance now,I would
say to the girl : I love you!
1. If + 主语 + 过去式
虚拟 2. If + 主语 + were
主语+should /would /could /might + (do)
If you had worked hard, you would not have failed in the exam.
Exercise 3
If he hadn’t finished his homework on time yesterday, he__w_o_ul_d_h_a_v_e _b_e_en__p_un_is_h_e_d_
(punish) by Miss Huang.
Exercise 4
幸 运
1 point
2.第一天,我要看sh看ou每ld 一wa个nt善待我、陪伴我的人,感谢 他们让我的生命变得有意义。 On the first day, I ____________ (want) to see the people whose kindness and gentleness and companionship have made my life worth living.

高中英语Module 5 Cloning 优秀课件1

高中英语Module 5 Cloning 优秀课件1

© 2009 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved
science fiction
Popular and one of the best science fiction stories
Words used to describe the monster
© 2009 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved
• ‘You do not know how much pain and unhappiness I have felt,’said the monster.‘I knew that I was doing evil things,but I could not stop myself.Do you think I enjoyed killing people? My heart was made for love,like a man's heart.After I killed Henry Clerval,I hated myself.But I could not stop myself from more murder. Frankenstein would not give me a wife, but he hoped to find happiness with a wife of his own.He was not fair to me.But now it is ended.Frankenstein is the last person I shall kill.
• It was so popular that it was made into several successful films.

高中英语 Unit2《Cloning》课件20 新人教版选修8

高中英语 Unit2《Cloning》课件20 新人教版选修8
A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 13
4. Which of the following is not an advantage of cloning?
In 1996, a sheep called Dolley was born. It is the first mammal to be cloned. It is considered to be the greatest success in the development of cloning.
1.Cloning means making a copy of an animal or a plant. (F ) 2.Gardeners can make a lot of money by cloning plants. (T )
3.Cloning is something that has been developed quite recently. (F )
2.The main idea of the text :
A. Animal cloning is very valuable and can
benefit the wor be misused by bad
people so it must be forbidden.
C.The attitudes towards
Para 4
Para 5
D.The definition of cloning
E.The effect of cloning in society
1.Do you think cloning plants is straightforward or complicated? What about cloning animals? Cloning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is complicated.

高中英语Module 5 Cloning优秀课件

高中英语Module 5 Cloning优秀课件
外研版 高二年级(选修6)
Module 5
1. To learn the words and expressions about cloning and DNA.
2. To learn more about cloning.
Cloning and DNA
Work in pairs. Look at the title of the passage and the words in the box. Decide which ones you’re likely to see.
The relationship between Cloning and DNA.
Read paragraphs 1-3 and fill in the blanks.
Time Scientists
1866 1953
Watson and Crick
8. If DNA is a transparent acid, can you see through it? Yes.
9. If the results of two similar experiments are contradictory, can both results be true? No.
1. DNA A transparent twisting ladder made of the fundamental component of life
2. a clone an organism which is genetically identical to another 克隆体
3. a stem cell a cell that can develop into every other type of cell 干细胞
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● 【答案】 C
● bother ● (1)vt.打扰;vi.操心
● I don’t want to bother you with my problems. ● 我不想让你因为我的问题而担心。 ● Don’t bother Mary while she’s reading. ● 玛丽读书的时候不要打扰她。 ● It bothers me that he hasn’t been telling me the truth. ● 他一直没有对我讲真话,这让我很苦恼。 ● (2)n.烦扰;令人烦恼的事或人 ● I hate to be a bother,but could I use your phone? ● 给您添麻烦了,我可以用一下电话吗?
●1.pay ●2.cast ●3.in ●4.(be)
of得f 到好结果;取得成功;偿清 沮丧;不愉快
ofdo赞wn成;支持 favotuor (do)... 一定或注定
st.r.i.kine to one’s heart 使……刻骨铭
● undertake (undertook,undertaken) vt.着手;从事;承担
●①They undertook a dangerous task. ●他们承担了一项危险任务。 ●②He undertook to finish the job by Friday. ●他答应在星期五以前完成那工作。 ●③I can undertake that you will enjoy the trip. ●我保证你会喜欢这次旅行。
● 6.I’m very sorry to have________you with so many questions on such an occasion.
●【答案】 B
● forbid (forbade/forbad;forbidden) vt.禁止 ● (1)forbid sb./sth. ● If you want to marry her,I won’t forbid you. ● 如果你要娶她,我不会禁止你。 ● (2)forbid doing sth.禁止做某事 ● The new law forbids smoking in offices. ● 新法律禁止在办公室内抽烟。
● 2.(2007年江苏卷)—Can I smoke here?
● —Sorry.We don’t allow________here.
● A.people smoking
B.people smoke
● C.to smoke
● 【解析】 句意为:——这里允许吸烟吗?——抱歉,这里不允许吸烟。allow允许,这个词的 用法如下:allow sb.to do sth.;allow doing sth.。如:We don’t allow talking loudly in the hall.由此可知allow后有宾语时应用to do,而没有时用doing。
●[信息提取] be appropriate to (for) sth. 适合于……的;适当的。
●[例句仿写] 你应当用一种适合你的文章主 题的写作风格。
●You should write it in a style which________ ________ ________ ________ ________.
● 【答案】 D
● 3.He was in poor health,so the doctor________him to drink wine.
● A.hoped
● C.forbade
● 【解析】 由于身体差,医生禁止他喝酒,用forbid。
● 【答案】 C
people. ● 他学习英语的目的是更多地了解英国和英国人民。
● objection n.反对;不赞成 ● have/take/make an objection to (doing) sth.对……表示反对 ● raise an objection to sth.对……提出异议 ● My main objection to the plan is that it costs too much. ● 我反对该计划的主要理由是它费用太高。
●1. ●2. ●3. ●4.
diffveri. 不同;相异
undevrtta. ke着手;从事;承担 breakthrno.ugh突破
obvjeic.t 反对;不赞成
obtvati.n 获得;赢得
●6. 状况等)
● 5.She owes her success________good luck more than ________ability.
● A.to;and
B.of解析】 本题意中owe的含义是“归功于”的意思,应与介词to连用。句中more than的意 思是“而不是”,用做连词连接两个介词短语,句意为“她的成功是由于幸运,而不是由于有 才干”。
●15. vavini.& vt. 打;撞击;罢工
●16. adj. 虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的
●17. ●18. ●19. ●20. ●21.
revsits.t 抵抗;对抗 meardelvy. 仅;只;不过
n. 装饰 dvect.ora崇tio拜n ;爱慕;喜爱
adaodrej. 合情理的;讲道理的;公道的
●[信息提取] a matter of……的问题。
●[例句仿写] 你应该把这当成一回事,这是一个 生死攸关的问题。
●You should take it seriously.It’s________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.
●【答案】 a matter of life and death
she________ ________ ________ ________ ________. ●【答案】 is in favour of it
●3.Dolly’s death,like her birth,was bound to raise worries.
●[信息提取] be bound to肯定会。
● Owing to the rain,they could not come. ● 由于下雨,他们不能来了。 ● (2)owe it to sb.that... ● I owe it to you that I finished my work in time. ● 多亏你帮忙,我才及时完成了工作。
●1.Who do you think is the right person
to ______the task?
●C.understand D.underline
●【解析】 undertake the task表示“承担 任务”为固定搭配,A、C、D均不与the task 构成有意义的词组。
● object ● (1)vi.不赞成,反对
● We object to being treated like this.我们抗议这种待遇。 ● I objected that he was too young for the position. ● 我提出反对意见他太年轻不适合这个职位。
● (2)n.物体,目标 ● His object of studying English is to know more about England and the English
●[例句仿写] 看看天,今天下午一定会下雨。
●Look at the sky,________ ________ ________ ________this afternoon.
●【答案】 it’s bound to rain
●4.Scientists believe human cloning is just a matter of time but the assumption that human clones have already been born hasn’t been proved yet.

●6. time to time 不时life;偶尔
●7.bring back to
白va费in 力 气 ; 枉 费 心 机
● 9.in good/poor ● 10.have a great
on 对……有im很p大a影c响t
vt. 禁止;不准
Accvumt.ula积te 累;聚积
●9. 于……
●12. botvhte.r& vi. 打扰;操心
●13. asnsu.mp假tio定n ;设想
● (3)forbid sb.to do sth.禁止做某事 ● Her father forbade her to go out alone. ● 她父亲不许她单独外出。 ● My father forbade me to watch TV ,which made me unhappy. ● 我父亲禁止我看电视,这使我不高兴。
● (3)owe亦可解释为“应当给予……”。 ● You owe me an apology. 你得向我道歉。 ● We should do the duty which we owe to our country. ● 我们应对国家尽我们应尽的义务。