
①Beowulf: The national heroic epic of the English people. It has over 3,000 lines. It describes the battles between the two monsters and Beowulf, who won the battle finally and dead for the fatal wound. The poem ends with the funeral of the hero. The most striking feature in its poetical form is the use if alliteration. Other features of it are the use of metaphors(暗喻) and of understatements(含蓄).②Alliteration: In alliterative verse, certain accented(重音) words in a line begin with the same consonant sound(辅音). There are generally 4accents in a line, 3 of which show alliteration, as can be seen from the above quotation.③Romance:The most prevailing(流行的) kind of literature in feudal England was the Romance. It was a long composition, sometimes in verse(诗篇), sometimes in prose(散文), describing the life and adventures of a noble hero, usually a knight, as riding forth to seek adventures, taking part in tournament(竞赛), or fighting for his lord in battle and the swearing of oaths.④Epic:An epic is a lengthy narrative poem, ordinarily concerning a serious subject containing details of heroic deeds and events significantly to a culture or nation. The first epics are known as primacy, or original epics.⑤Ballad: The most important department of English folk literature is the ballad which is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas(诗节), with the second and fourth lines rhymed. The subjects of ballads are various in kind, as the struggle of young lovers against their feudal-minded families, the conflict between love and wealth, the cruelty of jealousy, the criticism of the civil war, and the matters and class struggle. The paramount(卓越的) important ballad is Robin Hood(《绿林好汉》).⑥Geoffrey Chaucer杰弗里▪乔叟: He was an English author, poet, philosopher and diplomat. He is the founder of English poetry. He obtained a good knowledge of Latin, French and Italian. His best remembered narrative is the Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》), which the Prologue(序言) supplies a miniature(缩影) of the English society of Chaucer’s time. That is why Chaucer has been called “the founder of English realism”. Chaucer affirms men and women’s right to pursue their happiness on earth and opposes(反对) the dogma of asceticism(禁欲主义) preached(鼓吹) by the church. As a forerunner of humanism, he praises man’s energy, intellect, quick wit and love of life. Chaucer’s contribution to English poetry lies chiefly in the fact that he introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, especially the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic(抑扬格) meter(the “heroic couplet”) to English poetry, instead of the old Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse.⑦【William Langland威廉▪朗兰: Piers the Plowman《农夫皮尔斯》】The English Bible:The first complete English Bible was translated by John Wycliffe(约翰▪威克里夫). The Authorized Version is King James Bible made in 1611. The result is a monument of English language and English literature.Renaissance:Renaissance or the birth of letters is an intellectual movement. Its two features are a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature and the keen interest in the activities of humanity. Humanism is the key-note of the Renaissance.William Caxton威廉▪卡克斯顿: He is the first English printer and invented in England the profession of publisher.Thomas More托马斯▪莫尔:The greatest of the English humanists was Thomas More, the author of Utopia《乌托邦》. He is also one of such “giants”(巨匠) of the Renaissance. He distinguished himself as a learned scholar, a master of Latin, a witty talker, a lover of music, an honest statesman , and a man of noble character, modest but steadfast(坚定的), to his convictions. He was a far-sighted thinker, aspired for a totally new society with happy, classless, and free from poverty and exploitation. He was one of the forerunners of modern socialist thought.Utopia:It is More’s masterpiece, written in the form of a conservation between More and Hythloday, a returned voyager. It is divided into two books. The first book contains a long discussion on the social conditions of England. In the second book is described in detail an ideal communist society, Utopia. The name “Utopia” comes from Greek words meaning “no place” and was adopted by More as the name of his ideal commonwealth.Philip Sidney菲利普▪锡德尼: He is well-known as a poet and critic of poetry. His collection of love sonnets, Astrophel and Stella《爱星者与星》, was published in 1591.Edmund Spenser埃德蒙▪斯宾塞(莎翁之前最杰出的英国诗人):The poet’s poet of the period was ES who was buried beside Chaucer in Westminster Abbey. ES has held his position as a model of poetical art among the Renaissance English poets, and his influence can be traced in the works of Milton, Shelley, and Keats. ES is the first master to make that language the natural music of his poetic effusions(感情的流露). His sonnets in Amoretti, together with Sidney’s Astrophel and Stella and Shakespeare’s sonnets ,are the most famous sonnet sequences of the Elizabeth Age.【In 1579 he wrote The Shepherd’s Calendar《牧人日记》which marked the budding(萌芽) of the Renaissance flower in the northern island of England. The faerie Queen 《仙后》is his greatest work which was dedicated to Queen Elizabeth.】Francis Bacon: He is the founder of English materialist philosophy and the founder of modern science in England. His New Instrument is called the Inductive Method of reasoning. He is also the first English essayist. To give a few, “Men fear death as children fear to go in the dark..”“Studies serve for delight.”“Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing anexact man.”Drama: The Miracle Play圣迹剧The Morality Play道德剧寓意剧The Interlude幕间节目Christopher Marlowe克里斯托弗·马洛: The most gifted of the “university wits”was Christopher Marlowe. His best work include 3 of his plays, Tamburlaine《帖木儿大帝》(1587), The Jew of Malta《马耳岛的犹太人》(1592), and Doctor Faustus《浮士德博士》(1588). He was the greatest of the pioneers of English drama. His work paved the way for the plays of the greatest English dramatist——Shakespeare——whose achievements were the monument of the English Renaissance. 【His plays show the spirit of the rising bourgeoisie, its eager curiosity for knowledge, its towering pride, its insatiable(不知足的) appetite for power won by military, might, knowledge, or gold. The theme of his plays is the praise of individuality freed from the restraints of medieval dogmas and law, and the conviction of the boundless possibility of human efforts in conquering the universe. The heroes in his plays are merely individualists, their individualistic ambition often brings ruin to the world and sometimes to themselves.】William Shakespeare: Shakespeare is one of the founders of realism in world literature. His dramatic creation often used the method of adaptation. Shakespeare long experience with the stage and his intimate knowledge of dramatic art thus acquired make him a master hand for playwriting. Shakespeare was skilled in many poetic forms: the song, the sonnet, the couplet, and the dramatic blank verse. He was especially at home with the blank verse. Shakespeare was a great master of the English language. Shakespeare has been universally acknowledged to be the summit of the English Renaissance, and one of the greatest writers over the world.①The great comedies:A Midsummer Might’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It,Twelfth Night.②The great tragedies:Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth.The Merchant of V enice:威尼斯富商安东尼奥Antonio为了成全好友巴萨尼奥Bassanio的婚事,向犹太人高利贷者夏洛克Shylock借债。

(Folk songs:Civil popular, rich colors of the national songs, ballads or folk songs called. Youyuan the history of folk songs, the more its author unknown. The rich folk, religion, love, war, work, but also to drink, dance fun, festivals and so on. Performance of folk songs is not only a nation's feelings and still learning, so have their own unique scale and exotic style.)
历史诗:叙述英雄传说或重大历史事件的古代叙事长诗。多以古代英雄歌谣为基础,经集体编创而成,反映人类童年时期的具有重大意义的历史事件或者神话传说。它运用艺术虚构手法,塑造著名英雄形象,结构宏大,充满着幻想和神奇的色彩。(History of poetry: The Legend of Heroes or describes major historical events of ancient narrative shi. Most of the ancient heroes songs based on a provision from the collective, human childhood reflect the significant historical events or myths and legends. It means using the arts fiction, heroic image of well-known shape, structure ambitious, full of fantasy and magic of color.)

英国文学史名词解释1、Romanticism:浪漫主义An artistic and intellectual movement originating in Europe in the late 18th century and characterized by a heightened interest in nature, emphasis on the individual's expression of emotion and imagination, departure from the attitudes and forms of classicism.English literary romanticism is from the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads in 1798 to the death of Sir Walter Scott in 1832.2、Byronic hero: 拜伦式英雄an idealized but flawed character exemplified in the life and writings of Byron:*an exile流亡者, an outcast流浪者or an outlaw 歹徒*being cynical愤世嫉俗的, rebellious反抗的, lonely*against government, religion or moral values singly逐一地*being passionate热情的, energetic积极的, talented多才的3、ottava rima :Italian stanza form established by Boccaccio,An eight-line stanza of poetry in iambic pentameter (a five-foot line in which each foot consists of an unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable), following the abababcc rhyme scheme.4、Critical realism:批判现实主义English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the forties and in the early fifties. The critical realists described with much vividness and artistic skill the chief traits of the English society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint. The representative realists of the time were Charles Dickens, William Thackeray, the Bronte sisters, Mrs. Gaskell, etc.The critical realists not only gave a satirical portrayal of the bourgeoisie and all the ruling class, but also showed profound sympathy for the common people.5、Dramatic monologue:戏剧独白a kind of poem in which a single fictional or historical character other than the poet speaks to a silent ‘audience’of one or mor e persons. Such poems reveal not the poet ‘s own thoughts; this distinguishes a dramatic monologue from a lyric,while the implied presence of an auditor distinguishes it from a soliloquy. Major examples of this form in English are Tennyson,Browning and T. S. Eliot.6、Aestheticism:美学主义the doctrine that regards beauty as an end in itself, and attempts to preserve the arts from subordination to moral, didactic, or political purposes. The term is often used synonymously with the Aesthetic Movement, a literary and artistic tendency of the late 19th century which may be understood as a further phase of Romanticism in reaction against vulgar bourgeois values of practical efficiency and morality.7、Naturalism:自然主义A literary movement taking place from the 1880s to 1940s that used detailed realism to suggest that social conditions,heredity遗传and environment had inescapable force in shaping human character.8、Modernism:现代主义A general term applied to the wide range of experimental and avant-garde trends in literature of the early 20th century. It takes the irrational philosophy and the theory ofpsycho-analysis as its theoretical base. It is a reaction against realism. It rejects rationalism which is the theoretical base ofrealism; by advocating a free experimentation on new forms and new techniques in literary creation, it casts away almost all the traditional elements in literature such as story, plot, character, chronological narration etc. , which are essential to realism.9、Imagism:意象派A literary movement started by British and American poets early in the 20th century that advocated the use of short lyrics, free verse, common speech patterns, and clear concrete images. Greatly under the influence of Symbolism, and was initially led by Ezra Pound.10、Stream of Consciousness:意识流One of the modern literary techniques, which is used to depict the mental and emotional reactions of characters to external events, rather than plot, story themselves. It adopts the psycho-analytic approach in literary creation to explore the existence of sub-conscious and un-conscious elements in the mind. And it neglects totally “fetters of grammar, syntax, and logic”。

英国文学 名词解释


名词解释Renaissance:The Renaissance indicates a revival of classical (Greek and Roman) arts and sciences in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.Sonnet: A fourteen-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter and most often in one of the two rhyme schemes: the Italian(or Petrarchan) or Shakes pearean ( or English ).A sonnet is a 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme and meter .It has two main forms :the shakespearean sonnet and the Italian sonnet.Shakespeare Sonnet: a lyric with three quatrains and one couplet, rhyming ababcdcdefefgg, consisting of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter restricted to a definition rhyme scheme.A Shakespearean sonnet consists of fourteen lines written in iambic pentameter, in which a pattern of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable is repeated five times. The rhyme scheme in a Shakespearean sonnet is a-b-a-b, c-d-c-d, e-f-e-f, g-g; the last two lines are a rhyming couplet.Enlightenment: the movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centries, a progressive intellectual movement, reason (rationality), equality & science (the 18th century)The Age of Enlightenment (also called the Age of Reason) refers to the 18th_ century England.The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement.It celebrated reason (rationality), equality, science and human beings’ ability to perfect themselves and their society and it aimed to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern ,philosophical and artistic ideas.Romanticism: it flourished in literature, philosophy, music, and art in Western culture during most if the nineteenth century, beginning as a revolt against classicism. In it, emotion over reason, spontaneous emotion, a change from the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit, poetry should be free from all rules, imagination, nature, commonplace.Dramatic monologue: A kind of narrative poem in which one character speaks to one or more listeners whose replies are not given in poem. The occasion is a crucial one in the speaker’s life, and the dramatic monologue reveals the speaker’s personality aswell as the incident that is the subject of the poem.Aestheticism: The basic theory of the aesthetic movement----- art for art’s sake. The theorist of aestheticism was Walter Pater. The chief representative of the movement in England was Oscar Wilde, .Aestheticism places art above life.Stream of consciousness: The style of writing that attempts to imitate the natural flow of a character’s thoughts, feelings, reflections, memories and mental images as the character experiences them. (psychol organized by William James) individual conscious experience regarded as continuously moving forward in time in an uneven flow. In creative writing the interior monologue makes use of this to reveal character and comment on life.(由威廉·詹姆士创立的心理学)个人的内心体验以不平衡的方式不断流动着。

1. Beowulf (《贝奥武夫》)《贝奥武夫》是一部古老的英国史诗,被认为是英国文学史上最早的重要文学作品之一。
2. Elizabethan Age (伊丽莎白时代)伊丽莎白时代是英国文学史上一段璀璨的时期,时间跨度大约是1558年到1603年,得名于当时的女王伊丽莎白一世。
3. Restoration (复辟时期)复辟时期是指英国历史上查理二世复辟王朝(1660年至1688年)期间的文学时期。
4. Romanticism (浪漫主义)浪漫主义是18世纪末至19世纪初在英国兴盛的一种文学运动,它强调个人情感和情感共鸣,对自然界、个体感受和非理性有着强烈的兴趣。
5. Victorian Era (维多利亚时代)维多利亚时代是19世纪英国的一个时期,得名于维多利亚女王。
6. Modernism (现代主义)现代主义是20世纪初在英国兴起的一种文学运动,它反对传统形式和传统价值观,并试图通过新颖的写作风格和形式来呈现当时复杂多变的现实。

以下是一些与英国文学相关的名词解释:1. 莎士比亚戏剧(Shakespearean Drama):指威廉·莎士比亚所创作的戏剧作品,包括《哈姆雷特》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》等。
2. 简·奥斯汀小说(Jane Austen Novels):指英国女作家简·奥斯汀所写的一系列小说,主要描写中上层社会的生活,包括《傲慢与偏见》、《理智与情感》等。
3. 浪漫主义(Romanticism):指18世纪末至19世纪初的一种文艺运动,强调情感、个人主义和自然之美,代表作家有威廉·华兹华斯、塞缪尔·柯勒律治等。
4. 维多利亚时期文学(Victorian Literature):指19世纪中后期的英国文学,以女王维多利亚统治时期为背景,作品内容反映了社会变革和道德观念的转变,代表作家有查尔斯·狄更斯、乔治·艾略特等。
5. 符号主义(Symbolism):指19世纪末20世纪初的一种文学流派,强调象征和隐喻的运用,代表作家有奥斯卡·王尔德、D·H·劳伦斯等。
6. 现代主义(Modernism):指20世纪初的一种思潮和文学流派,以对现代社会的批判和对传统形式的挑战为特点,代表作家有弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫、詹姆斯·乔伊斯等。
7. 女性主义文学(Feminist Literature):指关注女性经验和性别平等的文学作品,代表作家有弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫、玛格丽特·阿特伍德等。
8. 后现代主义(Postmodernism):指二战后出现的一种思潮和文学流派,强调对现实的怀疑和对语言的游戏性,代表作家有萨缪尔·贝克特、艾里奥·卡尔维诺等。
9. 科幻文学(Science Fiction):指描写未来社会和科技发展的文学作品,代表作家有霍华德·菲利普斯·洛夫克拉夫特、艾萨克·阿西莫夫等。

名词解释1、Alliteration(头韵) It refers to a repeated initial consonant to successive words and it is the most striking feature in its poetic form. In alliterative verse, certain accented words in a line begin with the same consonant sound。
It usually have a caesura in the middle and two stresses (or accents) in each half. The number of unstressed syllables in the two halves may vary。
Yet,the same consonant is repeated at the beginning of the accented syllables, either twice in the first half of the verse line and once in the second half, or vice versa. Or we can say there are generally 4 accents in a line, three of which show alliteration, and it is the initial sound of the third accented syllable that normally determiners the alliteration. Alliteration makes Anglo—Saxon poetry very musical in sound and acts almost the same part that rhyme plays in later poetry。
(完整word版)英国文学 名词解释

1.(1) Modernism (现代主义)A movement of experiment in new techniques in writing. Modernist fic tion represented a trend drifting away from the tradition of the 19th century realism。
It put emphasis on the description ogoometimes it is called modern psychological fiction. Lawrence is a typical representative of itRealism(现实主义)Realism was a loosely used term meaning truth to the observed facts of life (especially when they are gloomy)。
Realism in literature is an approach that attempts to describe life without idealization or romantic subjectivity。
Realism现实主义: An elastic and ambiguous term with two meanings。
(1) First, it refers generally to any artistic or literary portrayal of life in a faithful, accurate manner, unclouded by false ideals, literary conventions, or misplaced aesthetic glorification and beautification of the world。

1,什么叫文艺复兴The Renaissance (“rebirth” in French) was a cultural and intellectural movement that spanned roughly the 14th through the 17 century, beginning in Italy and later spreading to the rest of Europe 2,Renaissance is considered as the great flowering of art, architecture, politics, and the study of literature, and is also usually seen as the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the modern world.2,什么叫玄学派诗歌the Metaphysical school of poetryI. Definition: A school of highly intellectual(智力的)poetryTime: the early 17th centuryMajor features: mysticism in content and fantasticality in form; peculiar conceit(奇思妙想), unique way of reasoning and comparisonMain themes: life, death, love, religion, universeRepresentatives: John Donne, Andrew Marvell and George HerbertSignificance: greatly influenced the modernists of the 20th centuryII. Metaphysical conceits悬想比喻,奇喻,别出心裁的比喻Conceit: an elaborate metaphor that offers a surprising or unexpected comparison between two seemingly highly dissimilar things. This can involve original images or familiar images used in an unfamiliar way.Literature in This Age: The 18th century marked the beginning of an intellectual movement throughout in Europe known as Enlightenment. It was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century and Russia in the 19th Century.In late 17th and early 18th century England, there was a change of taste, which was part of a general movement in Europe, seen perhaps most impressive in 17th century France. The dominant literary theory of this period was “Neoclassicism”.Literary Genre文学流派Generally speaking, literature of the 18th century was very complex. We may classify it under three general heads: the reign of classicism, the pre-romantic poetry, and the beginning of modern novel.3,什么是启蒙运动Enlightenment (1) a progressive intellectual movement(2) flourished in France and swept through the whole Western Europe(3) aims at enlightening the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas; celebrated reason (4) called for a reference to order, reason and rules4,什么是前浪漫主义Pre-RomanticismWhen did Pre-romanticism appear? in the latter half of the 18th centuryWhat are the major features of Pre-romanticism?1)Romantic Revival;2)Strong protest against the bondage ofClassicism; 3)Claims of passion and emotion;4)Renewed interests in medievalliterature.Who are the representatives? William Blake and Robert BurnsWhat’s the significance?marked the decline of classicismPaved the way for the coming of romanticism in England5,什么叫Byron hero: Byronic hero was created by Byron in the Romantic period of the English literature. Such a hero is a proud, rebellious figure of noble origin. Passionate and powerful, he is to right all the wrongs in a corrupt society, and he would fight single-handedly against all the misdoings. These heroes rise against tyranny and injustice, but they are merely lone fighters striving for personal freedom and some individualistic ends.1. epic 史诗a long narrative poem, grand in style, about heroes and heroic deeds, embodying heroic ideals of a nation or race in the making. Beowulf is the English national epic that was passed from mouth to mouth and written down by many unknown hands.3. alliteration 头韵the repetition of the same sound or sounds at the beginning of two or more words that are close to each other. It is a feature of Beowulf and other Old English poems.4. alliterative verse 头韵诗poetry written in alliteration. Nearly all Old English verse, including Beowulf, is heavily alliterative, and the pattern is fairly standard – with either two or three stressed syllables in each line alliterating.5. kenning 隐喻语a metaphor usually composed of two words and used for description and association. Beowulf is full of kennings, such as ―helmet bearer‖ for ―warrior‖ and ―swan road‖ for ―sea‖.8. romance 传奇a type of literature that was popular in the Middle Ages, usually containing adventures and reflecting the spirit of chivalry. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight was a great verse romance, but its author remains unknown.11. heroic couplet 英雄双韵体two successive lines of rhymed poetry in iambic pentameter. Geoffrey Chaucer’s masterpiece The Canterbury Tale was written in heroic couplet.12. ballad meter 民谣体traditionally a four-line stanza containing alternating four-stress and three-stress lines, usually with a refrain and the rhyme scheme of abcb. Robert Burns’ ―A Red, Red Rose‖ is a great love ballad.14. English Renaissance 英国文艺复兴the literary flowering of England in the late 16th century and early 17th century, with humanism as its keynote. William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is considered the summit of this renaissance. 15. Elizabethan literature 伊丽莎白时代的文学literature written in the Elizabethan Age (1558-1603). William Shakespea re’s Romeo and Juliet was a masterpiece of this period.16. sonnet 十四行诗a fixed form consisting of fourteen lines of 5-foot iambic verse. It first flourished in Italy in the 14th century. William Shakespeare was a great English sonnet writer famous for his 154 sonnets.20. rhyme scheme 押韵格式the pattern of end-thymes in a stanza or poem, generally described by using letters of the alphabet to denote the recurrence of rhyming lines. For example, heroic couplets are ―aabbcc‖ and so on.21. quatrain 四行诗节a stanza of four lines, rhymed or unrhymed. It is the commonest of all stanzaic forms in English poetry. Robert Burns’ ―A Red, Red Rose‖ has four quatrains.24. verse drama 诗剧drama written in the form of verse. It was most widely used in the Elizabethan Age. William Shakespeare’s dramas are all verse dramas, Hamlet being the most famous.25. blank verse 无韵诗,素体诗unrhymed iambic pentameter, the most widely used of English verse forms and usually used in English dramatic and epic poetry. William Shakespea re’s play Hamlet is written in blank verse.27. essay 散文a composition, usually in prose, which may be of only a few hundred words or of book length and which discusses, formally or informally, a topic or a variety of topics. It is one of the most flexib le and adaptable of all literary forms. Francis Bacon is a great essayist; his ―Of Studies‖ isa model of good essay.28. English Romanticism 英国浪漫主义a literary movement that aimed at free expression of the writer’s ideas and feelings and flourished in the early 19th century England. A great representative of this movement is Percy Bysshe Shelley, the author of ―Ode to the West Wind‖.Sonnet 18One of the best known of Shakespeare’s sonnets, Sonnet 18 is memorable for the skillful and varied presentatio n of subject matter, in which the poet’s feelings reach a level of rapture unseen in the previous sonnets. The poet here abandons his quest for the youth to have a child, and instead glories in the youth’s beauty.Initially, the poet poses a question—‖Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?‖—and then reflects on it, remarking that the youth’s beauty far surpasses summer’s delights. The imagery is the very essence of simplicity: ―wind‖ and ―buds.‖ In the fourth line, legal terminology—‖summer’s lease‖—is introduced in contrast to the commonplace images in the first three lines. Note also the poet’s use of extremes in the phrases ―more lovely,‖ ―all too short,‖ and ―too hot‖; these phrases emphasize the young man’s beauty.Although lines 9 through 12 are marked by a more expansive tone and deeper feeling, the poet returns to the simplicity of the opening images. As one expects in Shakespeare’s sonnets, the proposition that the poet sets up in the first eight lines—that all nature is subject to imperfection—is now contrasted in these next four lines beginning with ―But.‖ Although beauty naturally declines at some point—‖And every fair from fair sometime declines‖—the youth’s beauty will not; his unchanging appearance is atypical of nature’s steady progression. Even death is impotent against the youth’s beauty. Note the ambiguity in the phrase ―eternal lines‖: Are these ―lines‖ the poet’s ver ses or the youth’s hoped-for children? Or are they simply wrinkles meant to represent the process of aging? Whatever the answer, the poet is jubilant in this sonnet because nothing threatens the young man’s beautiful appearance.Then follows the concludi ng couplet: ―So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, / So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.‖ The poet is describing not what the youth is but what he will be ages hence, as captured in the poet’s eternal verse—or again, in a hoped-for child. Whatever one may feel about the sentiment expressed in the sonnet and especially in these last two lines, one cannot help but notice an abrupt change in the poet’s own estimate of his poetic writing. Following the poet’s disparaging reference to his ―pupil pen‖ and ―barren rhyme‖ in Sonnet 16, it comes as a surprise in Sonnet 18 to find him boasting that his poetry will be eternal.John Keats认为,夜莺的歌声是美妙绝伦的,是不朽的,是永恒的,将世世代代的唱下去。

1. 文艺复兴(Renaissance)文艺复兴是英国文学历史上的一个重要时期,大约从16世纪初到17世纪中叶。
2. 浑然一体(Organic Unity)浑然一体是英国文学中的一个重要概念,指的是作品的整体结构和主题之间的紧密联系。
3. 寓言(Fable)寓言是一种通过虚构的故事来传达道德教训或智慧的文学形式。
4. 古典主义(Classicism)古典主义是英国文学中的一个重要流派,主要受到希腊罗马古典艺术的影响。
5. 民间传说(Folklore)民间传说是英国文学中丰富多样的一部分,它包括神话、传说、谚语、童话故事等。
6. 女性主义(Feminism)女性主义在英国文学中有着重要的地位,它关注女性在社会中的地位和权益,并试图改变现有的性别关系。

名词解释:1, Humanism: a variety of ethical theory and practice that emphasizes reason, scientific inquiry, and human fulfillment in the natural world and often rejects the importance of belief in God。
It focuses on human values and concerns, attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters。
2, Renaissance: the period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world; a cultural rebirth from the 14th through the middle of the 17th centuries.The renaissance was a cultural movement that profoundly affected European intellectual life in the early modern period. Beginning in Italy, and spreading to the rest of Europe by the 16th century, its influence was felt in literature,philosophy, art, music, politics, science, religion, and other aspects of intellectual inquiry. Renaissance scholars employed the humanist method in study, and searched for realism and human emotion in art.3, Spenserian stanza: a fixed verse form invented by Edmund Spenser for his epic poem The Faerie Queene. Each stanza contains nine lines in total: eight lines in iambic pentameter followed by a single ’Alexandrine' line in iambic hexameter The rhyme scheme of these lines is ”ababbcbcc。

英国文学名词解释(2)英国文学名词解释10.Aestheticism: an art movement supporting the emphasis of aesthetic values more than socio-political themes for literature, fine art, music and other arts.11.Stream-of-Consciousness: it is a literary technique that presents the thoughts and feelings of a character as they occur without any clarification by the author. It is a narrative mode.12.Dramatic Monologue: a kind of narrative poem in which one character speaks to one or more listeners whose replies are not given in the poem.13.Iambic Pentameter: a poetic line consisting of five verse feet, with each foot an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, that is, with each foot an iamb.14.Epic: a long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated.15.Elegy: a poem of mourning, usually over the death of an individual; may also be a lament over the passing of life and beauty or a meditation of the nature of death; a type of lyric poem.16.Canto: a section of a long poem. The cantos can be a great poem17.Ode: a complex and often lengthy lyric poem, written in a dignified formal style on some lofty or serious subjects. Odes are written for a special occasion, to honor a person or a season or to commemorate an event.Spenserian Stanza: a nine-line stanza made up of 8 lines of iambic pentameter ending with an Alexandrine. Its thymescheme is ababbcbcc. This stanza was common to travel literature.18.Metrical Pattern: a lyric poem of five 14-lined stanzas containing four tercets and a closing couplet. The rhyme scheme is aba bcb cdc ded ee.英国文学选读名词解释2017-04-09 11:54 | #2楼1. Byronic hero拜伦式英雄(1)The Byronic hero is an idealized (理想化的`)but flawed (有缺陷的)character exemplified in the life and writings of Lord Byron, characterized by his ex-lover Lady Caroline Lamb as being "mad, bad, and dangerous to know".[1] The Byronic hero first appears in Byron's semi-autobiographical epic narrative poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1812-18).《英国文学名词解释》。

名词解释1.Epic(史诗)(appeared in the the Anglo-Saxon Period )It is a narrative of heroic action, often with a principal hero, usually mythical in its content, grand in its style, offering inspiration and ennoblement within a particular culture or national tradition。
A long narrative poem telling about the deeds of great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated.Epic is an extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, like Homer's Iliad& Odyssey。
It usually celebrates the feats of one or more legendary or traditional heroes。
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名词解释Renaissance:The Renaissance indicates a revival of classical (Greek and Roman) arts and sciences in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.Sonnet: A fourteen-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter and most often in one of the two rhyme schemes: the Italian(or Petrarchan) or Shakes pearean ( or English ).A sonnet is a 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme and meter .It has two main forms :the shakespearean sonnet and the Italian sonnet.Shakespeare Sonnet: a lyric with three quatrains and one couplet, rhyming ababcdcdefefgg, consisting of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter restricted to a definition rhyme scheme.A Shakespearean sonnet consists of fourteen lines written in iambic pentameter, in which a pattern of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable is repeated five times. The rhyme scheme in a Shakespearean sonnet is a-b-a-b, c-d-c-d, e-f-e-f, g-g; the last two lines are a rhyming couplet.Enlightenment: the movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centries, a progressive intellectual movement, reason (rationality), equality & science (the 18th century)The Age of Enlightenment (also called the Age of Reason) refers to the 18th_ century England.The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement.It celebrated reason (rationality), equality, science and human beings’ ability to perfect themselves and their society and it aimed to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern ,philosophical and artistic ideas.Romanticism: it flourished in literature, philosophy, music, and art in Western culture during most if the nineteenth century, beginning as a revolt against classicism. In it, emotion over reason, spontaneous emotion, a change from the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit, poetry should be free from all rules, imagination, nature, commonplace.Dramatic monologue: A kind of narrative poem in which one character speaks to one or more listeners whose replies are not given in poem. The occasion is a crucial one in the speaker’s life, and the dramatic monologue reveals the speaker’s personality aswell as the incident that is the subject of the poem.Aestheticism: The basic theory of the aesthetic movement----- art for art’s sake. The theorist of aestheticism was Walter Pater. The chief representative of the movement in England was Oscar Wilde, .Aestheticism places art above life.Stream of consciousness: The style of writing that attempts to imitate the natural flow of a character’s thoughts, feelings, reflections, memories and mental images as the character experiences them. (psychol organized by William James) individual conscious experience regarded as continuously moving forward in time in an uneven flow. In creative writing the interior monologue makes use of this to reveal character and comment on life.(由威廉·詹姆士创立的心理学)个人的内心体验以不平衡的方式不断流动着。
is a narrative device used in literature "to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind.Epiphany: a sudden spiritual manifestation in which “whatness” of a common object or gesture appears radiant to the observerA sudden revelation of truth about life inspired by a seemingly trivial incidentRealism: The attempt in literature and art to represent life as it really is, without sentimentalising or idealising it. Realistic writing often depicts the everyday life and speech of ordinary people.What, after all, makes people lose their determination to take action? Please explain in relation to the so-called hesitation of Hamlet.It is because of his conscience and over-considerations. He wants to revenge, but doesn’t know how. He wants to kill his uncle, but finds it too risky. He lives in despair and wants to commit suicide. However, he knows if he dies, nobody will comfort his father’s ghost. He is in face of great dilemma. They don’t know the result after their taking the action. Such as Hamlet, he doesn’t know what would happen if he kills his uncle or kills himself . So Hamlet was hesitated.From this excerpt, what do you find admirable in Robinson Crusoe?He is considerate, clever, rational, practical, hardworking, cautious, persevering, creative, observant, patient, civilized, optimistic, strong-minded, careful, capable, self-reliant, energetic, courageous, amiable (kind-hearted).Do you agree with the stateme nt “it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”? What’s the relationship between money and marriage?I think the truth is the opposite: A single woman, especially the one not in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a (wealthy) husband. We see in Jane Austen’s society, eighteenth and nineteenth century, marriage is the status all the women strive to achieve, while money plays a important role in marriage. Marriage was considered to be the only way, for women in particular, to live a comfortable life, free of financial worries.In what way is the West Wind both a destroyer and a preserver?It is a destroyer of the old, decaying and valueless things, blowing over the land, drives away the dead leaves. It is the preserver as it brings life to the dead atmosphere, it spreads the seeds and they lie two inches beneath the ground and eventually sprout into seedlings.As “the trumpet of prophecy”, what does the west wind predict in physical reality? How do you understand it symbolically?The speaker begs the wind to use him as an instrument, inhabit him, distribute his ideas, or prophesy through his mouth. He hopes the wind can even help him to send his ideas all over the world, and his ideas might inspire others. The sad music that the wind will play on him will become a prophecy. If winter comes, spring will come and the revolution will see hope.Magwitch “the convict” takes the risk of being “hanged” when he comes back to London to see Pip. How do you evaluate this meeting?This meeting is of great importance for both Magwitch and Pip. For Magwitch, through this meeting he can see with his own eyes the gentleman whom he works hard for life to create out of the poor boy helps him out of trouble. And this meeting also provides a chance for Pip to discover the truth that it is the convict who has worked hard to make him a gentleman.What can you learn about the character of Pip through his conversations with the unexpected visitor?Pip is arrogant, snobbish and looks down upon the lower class. He also has a sense of sympathy. Later, he changes. After he knew the truth, he felt regretful. He is a "round character" .What’s the significance of Tess resting on altar in the heathen temp le?1. She is a sacrifice of social prejudice.2. In the author's eye, she is just as pure and sacred as sacrifice on an altar.3. She's not accepted by the society and has been despised by the hypocritical morality. At that time she's considered as a heathen.4. Tess considers the altar to be a comfortable place for her to stay because it's justlike home, and she is ready to sacrifice herself there.Comment on this sentence: Justice was done, and the President of the Immortals had ended his sport with Tess. In what sense is Tess’ story tragic?(1)Tess is a typical victim of the society. Poverty of the family, inhumanity, injustice and hypocrisy of the society decide her tragedy. Alec and Angle , though apparent rivals, join their forces in bringing about her final destruction. Hers is a personal tragedy; it can also be a social one.(2)The tragic fate of Tess and her family was not that of an individual family, but it was symbolic of the disintegration of the English peasantry--- a process which had reached its final and tragic stage at the end of 19th centuryWhat is the significance of the title of the story?1. Araby is “a splendid bazaar” where Mangan’s sister recommends the boy to go. Thereafter the boy’s imagination seizes upon the name Ar aby and invests its syllables with “an Eastern enchantment” in which his “soul luxuriates”2. Araby becomes a place where his soul can find the mystical beauty lacking in his own mundane Church.3. The boy feels a summons that has symbolic over-tones of a holy crusade. But when he arrives, Araby , the dream new world for the boy ,turned out to be “darkness” and “silence”. His idealized vision of Araby is destroyed, along with his idealized vision of Mangan’s sister, and of love.Is anything gained by the boy through his frustration and humiliation?The boy is initiated into knowledge through a loss of innocenceThe boy worships and desires Mangan’s sister , and Mangan’s sister is the light that contracts to the gloomy reality. But the quest ends when he arrives at the bazaar and realizes with slow, tortured clarity that Araby is not at all what he has imagined. He feels angry and betrayed and realizes his self-deception. The boy is initiated into knowledge through a loss of innocence and fully realizes the incompatibility between the beautiful and innocent world of the imagination and the very real world of fact. So the “quest” is not fruitless, because it helps the narrator come to self-knowledge.。