
【关键字】托福托福强化班阅读讲义范琛Samuel100VSPStrategy /skills反衬凡塵Mortaldust10028 26 23 23Input vs outputOutputinput30考试报名:送一套OG 3Delta-Blue 4Delta-Red 6TPO 13InputOutput一、词汇题:1.题型概括:近义2.解题思路i.“生僻”词汇ii.熟词僻义iii.上下文理解5%Context3.备考提示数量词源词性i.背诵词汇的优先顺序a)通用的V & Adj,特别是已经学过的简单词汇的升级版(书面语b)常用的名词c)专有名词jargonii.背单词的方法:词根词缀iii. B. Delta p63-p66Vocabulary Builder4.例题OG 43-11,B.Delta 72-8, 73-9, 73-1, 74-3*, 75-8/9, 76-2, 79-,Dis-banded band dismissSophisticatedUniqueBan brandSophisticatedDis-band-edUniqueThis custom is unique to the southwestern aboriginal tribes.=only found inXXXXX (风俗) is unique to XXX Tribe.二、指代题1.题型概述i.基本原则:a)代词指名词b)代词通常指前(相邻句子)没有歧义:同一句相邻句子:两句话c)单复数一致代词指后When he returned to homeland, the ambassador embarked on anew course.主从句/主句+状语从句/状语在前,主句在后,则名词完整形式放主句中,代词放从句/状语中2.解题思路代入检查i.主语同指主1 xxxxxxxx. 主2(代词)xxxxx ii.上下文理解112-43.例题OG 42-5 62-9 71-5 92-2Delta 48-1/2 49-4 51-1 52-6三、插入题:1.题型概述2.解题思路i.代词(指代)黑体句句首:代词+名词→原文(重复/同义替换)黑体句首有This→段落最开头的方格必错ii.总分/隐含先后关系a)明显标记词(之后的名词) Both, also, again, another; a third, finalb)先抽象后具体●在抽象句子开头有结论性词语,则颠倒顺序Thus, in conclusion, consequently…c)A of B = B’s Ad)要比较先介绍A: xxx, B: xxx A>B三转折13ChaosSalonUltimate clue: Cohesion between ‘Repeated’ nouns3.例题OG: 43-12 52-12 63-12 84-11 107-11 114-12 指代73-11 95-11 121-11*Delta:143-7/9(先抽象后具体)144-10 (both) 145-3(AofB) 146-6(要比较先描述) 147-8(先整体后个体)486-39* ,514-38*,538-24,红Delta:36-2444-49 210-24四、句子改写(简化)1.题型概述Essential Infoi.主谓宾ii.逻辑关系条件/因果/转折/对比/比较级2.解题思路i.简单句筛选主’谓’提示:竖读选项排除具有相同错误的选项看上文:◆句首代词◆主语内涵不明◆呼应结构(also)ii.并列句筛选主谓宾小心:并列句原句前短后长,答案将对原句进行缩减,要把握句子重心And ;➢原句隐含关系在选项表面化分词→结果/原因/目的/伴随iii.复杂句抓住原句逻辑关系词筛选选项3.例题Delta:一124例题131-7 135-7;128-2* 129-4*(看上文)二126-7 128-1 130-6* (错项)130-5*(分词/隐含关系)三127例题131-8 133-3 135-10OG:一93-7二81-2*(句子重心的把握)三43-10 51-10 60-3 72-8*(whereas)106-10 112-6* 120-9 Respectively五、细节题纯粹细节Infer否定(先看选项,观察共性) EXCEPT NOT细节题重大出题点:i.相似性/差异性描述As …as比较级The same, similar, different, like/unlike关系/内容ii.否定信息/强调信息否定/最高级、绝对化表达、each /every,强调语气、强调句iii.逻辑关系改变转折iv.从结构看细节2.错项特征i.新概念ii.新逻辑(小心隐含)iii.绝对化表达only all 最高级never always(原文没有)3.例题OG 41-1*/2* 61-6* 81-1* 51-11 105-9**(逻辑关系转变)OG 43-9* 92-5* 42-7/8红Delta 213-26*蓝Delta449-10*六、修辞目的Why/in order to1.答案特征功能&对象(同义替换)2.解题思路i.例证关系:a)标记词such as, for example,e.g. –PrevailPrevailb)对称/相似结构描述同类现象,往前找答案ii.相似性/差异性:判断关系确定内容A VS B:为啥提到A: 为了B (互为目的)为啥提到A:为了告诉你B是XXX(= / 不= A)Delta:108-1 112-2 OG 92-3 60-3 iii.逻辑关系的另外一半A 细节与B细节用逻辑关系词相联,两者互为目的。

Listening1.开头——复习+主旨例外:①课堂复习——不考标志过去时态开始标志:now,today, OK, while②老师道歉③归纳法的开头,先给出例子,再给出结论--记例子的主体&论点2.结尾——推断+细节3.注意重复的细节与观点4.举例——记例子主体,注意提示词5.定义解释——其中的关系6.注意可以的停顿7.注意课堂引导词——remember now OK while imagine today8.讲课中的问答9.因果关系10.听清层次——firstly secondly...11.注意转折12.Listen again 专业术语不变避免原词重复Speaking notesQ1&Q2To start with I believe most of people would choose... However i would like to choose...today i have two arguments to supports to support my idea.Today i mainly have one important argument to back up my ideaTake me for example... For instance... For exampleFurthermore what's moreTo summarize to conclude all in allBased on the two points i have already mentioned ...will always be my choice...Q31.The school wants/plans to doThe school policy is...The school wants to carry out a policy which is...2.sb suggests/advises that the university should stop do...3.In the conversation, the man disagrees, and he has two pointsIn the listening material, the man agree with the policy because of the following reasons...4.First, the school think, however the man think...Second...Based on the two points the man disagree.Q4In this set of material, the reading passage introduce a theory/principle/definition...which meanssuggests that...In the lecture, the professor uses/gives us/provides us/offers us one/two examples to explain/illustrate/demonstrate/clarify this theory.The first is about...The second is ...Q51.time conflict①to find sb else to replace/take place of youto find sb to help him②drop, give up,cancel one of the plans③reschedulePut off, delay, postpone,to find another day to do.Do/finish...before...④ask for extension/extra days/putting off the dead line2.course is not available①to take the same/similar course next semester②take it in another school③choose the graduate lessonQ6The lecture is about/the topic is about...The professor mainly talked about ...According to the lecture...In this listening material the professor explain...All in all/in conclusion...Tips1.DefinitionThe term ...is defined as..The definition of the term is...2.ResultThe/it result turn out to be...pareIn the experiment, students are divided into two groups.The first group is... In the second group the situation is totally different/is on the contrary.Writing一、Heading一方案1凸显主题引述观点我的立场1.凸显主题①As is often the case, Under many circumstances,Currently / In contemporary society, +X/ the issue of X+is widely discussed.is so much concerned that it has aroused a wide discussion.is much concerned to a point where a wide discussion has been aroused. is much concerned at such a degree that a wide discussion has beenaroused.is much/ widely discussed to a point where a deep contemplation has been aroused.②so…that…He is so 2 that he is used to running outside at cold winter mid-night with nothing on.= subj+ v. + adj. / ved. + to a / the point whereHe is 2 to a point where he is used to running outside at cold winter mid-night with nothing on.= subj+ v. + adj. /ved. + at such a degree that…He is 2 at such a degree that…2.引述观点againstSome people maintain/ hold that it is …that…A few people hold the opinion that…One point is that…One perspective is that…One conventional idea/ acceptance / view / notion is that…forA common belief is that…A prevailing notion/ acceptance is that…题目核心名词不动题目中观点的方向不动3.我的立场程度+ 态度①程度to large extent,at large degree,on large scale,②态度I agree with this opinion.I am on the side of this claim / assumption / assertionI side with this claim.I stand with this claim.I would nod in agreement with this claim.I lean toward this claim.I disagree with this opinion.I am on the opposite side of this claim.I side on the opposite.I stand against this claim.I would cast doubt on this claim.I would frown on this claim.全局Currently, the issue of X is much concerned to a point where a wide discussion has been aroused. Some people maintain that it is … that…. To large extent, however, I am on the opposite side of this claim. 二方案2一分钟快捷法:Some people hold / maintain that…I reckon/ deem thatagainstSome people maintain that…. To large extent, however, I am on the opposite side of this claim and reckon that it assumes a distorted and narrow view.forA prevailing acceptance is that…. To large extent, I am on theside of this claim and reckon that it sensible and rational. Body structureBody+support+strong二、基本思路框架:一1.让步Concede:客观性—题目观点有点道理To begin with, I have to concede that…2.主旨段1:分析—题目观点/言论谬误NeverthelessNonethelessthe claim—problematicAttention: 探讨论点 > 议论话题3.主旨段2:推理—后果严重,危害巨大At last, the influence—negative4.其他备选思路Optional 1: 可行性欠佳not feasibleOptional 2: 效用差ineffectiveOptional 3: 当A>B时,支持弱者B is also significantOptional 4:当题目中X is the …est,质疑“最”X is not the …est. Optional 5:因果关系不合理No direct relation between A and B二中心句:1 .让步To begin with, I have to admit that…To begin with, it is undisputable that…First of all, I have to concede that X, at some / certain degree, is/ can…First of all, I have to concede that doing some writing, at certain degree,is beneficial与题目立场一致.限制级让步—避免喧宾夺主…, to some / certain extent,……, at some/ certain degree,……, on some/ specific occasions,….…, in particular / certain cases, ……, under some / particular circumstances,……, theoretically speaking,……, in short-terms,…… is/ can somewhat…… is/ can relatively…2. against1—分析:题目观点谬误本质使然驳斥言论>质疑话题Nevertheless, X/ the assumption that…is not immune to several defects, which makes this claim / assertion open to question.Nevertheless, X/ the assumption that… is not immune to several defects, which degrades this claim as problematic / misrepresentative. Nevertheless, the assumption that… is also contaminated with several defects/ irrationalities, which degrades this claim as problematic / misrepresentative.Do—undertake Be engaged inTip:下定义A isB B=n. –A functionA serves asB / A functions as BFriends serve as companionships.media serve as sources of influence.作判断A is B B=adj. / n.A is accepted / acknowledged as BThis proposal is accepted as beneficial.This proposal, to large extent, is accepted as beneficial.3. against2—推理:后果很严重/危害巨大effect vs influenceNegative influence—destructive consequencesdisastrous consequencesAt last, the consequences/ misleading of…would be negative / destructive / pernicious.At last, the consequences/ misleading that … is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive.4.其他备选思路中心句Option1: 这样做不可行 feasible = viable--It is not feasible the feasibility of … is open to question.--It is not viable the viability of… is open to question.The feasibility/ viability of … is vulnerable to any question or challenge.… can hardly be converted from blueprint into reality.… can merely rest on the blueprint.Option1 效果欠佳--切断联系Step1 It can not solve this problemStep2 It fails to offer solutions to this problem.Step3For 建议This proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….For 结论This definition/ conclusion/ X is awkward in serving as a reference for...PracticeThis proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….Option2: B重要 for A>B 话题B is of great significance for …Great significance for…is closely attached to B--Great significance for the rise of a nation is closely attached to the promotion of education.--Great significance for leading a healthy life is closely attached to the preservation of environment.--Great significance for the duty of celebrities is closely attached to the participation of social services.Option4: X并非最佳There is no point to claim that X serves as the best/ ultimate/ the most approved solution / definition.It is groundless to assert that…serve as—function asOption5: 因果关系不合理There is no direct causal relation between A and BThis claim suffers from a fallacy of causal oversimplification.This assumption/ assertion fails to establish a causal relation betweenA and B.三、Body一1.让步First of all/ to begin with, I have to concede that X, at certain degree, is beneficial / is effective.2.观点谬误Nevertheless, the assumption that… is not immune to several defects, which makes this claim/ assumption / assertion open to question. Nevertheless, the assumption that… is also contaminated with several irrationalities, which degrades this claim as problematic / misrepresentative.3 .后果严重At last, the consequences / the misleading that X is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive. / disastrous/ pernicious.4.可行性欠佳The feasibility / viability of X is vulnerable to any question or challenge.5. Ineffective即使有结果,也很难达到目的for 建议类话题To carry the idea further, this proposal / solution/ approach is awkward in serving as a key that guarantees the effectiveness and efficiency.for 定义/结论类话题To carry the idea further, this definition/ conclusion is awkward in serving as a convincing reference that can offer objective and accurate / reliable / trustworthy guidance.6. not the best/ --est for 最…话题There is no point to claim that... serves as the best/ ultimate/ the most approved solution / definition.7. 挽救B—B重要 for A>B 话题Great significance is also supposed to be attached to B.8. 因果关系不能建立This claim suffers from a fallacy of causal oversimplification.First of all, I have to concede that…, at some / certain degree, is/ can…For one thing, X, on some occasions, is/ can…For the other, it is/ can also somewhat/ relatively…, on the ground that…, for the reason that…, for the sake that…First of all, I have to concede that doing some writing, at certain degree, is beneficial. For one thing, such exercises, on some occasions, contribute to promoting writing skills. For the other, writing can somewhat sharpen the mind.二方案1—双论据论点First of all, I have to concede that X, on certain occasions, is beneficial. 论据1For one thing, X serves as 是什么 through which 作用/效果论据2For the other, X also contributes to/ X is also effective in人例case of/ the case concerning … serves as an example/ evidence / an evident example which, to large extent, can support / solidify /consolidate my claim that it is… that…事例the personal experience of … serves as an example / evidence that/ which can largely consolidate/lend credible support to my claim that…方案2—单论据论点First of all, I have to concede that X, on certain occasions, is beneficial, CS2. against1—本质不好i Nevertheless, the inherited/intrinsic /inborn defect of X can largelyundermine the claim/ assumption that….ii Nevertheless, X/ the conclusion that…/ the proposal that… is not immune to several defects, which makes this claim/ assumption / assertion open to question.Nevertheless, X/ the conclusion that…/ the proposal that… is not immune to several defects, which degrades this claim as problematic /misrepresentative.For 建议类话题:复杂任务简单化As is often the case, / Under many circumstances,/ As a matter of fact, 待解决之问题/达成之目标 is acknowledged as a complicated task/ project/ cause whose solution involves/ requires a combination/ joint of efforts on both the internal and external layers and cannot possibly be tackled/ accomplished by XAs is often the case, 待介定之事物 is acknowledged as a complicated phenomenon / concept/ existence whose definition involves/ requires/ concerns a combination of elements / factors on both the subjective and objective layers and cannot possibly be defined by highlighting X.数据With reference for a survey by International …, % of the people / respondents between and in European countries / . claimed that…With reference for a survey by International …, % of the people / respondents between 15 and 65 in European countries / . claimed that X is the last option employed to…With reference for a survey by International …, %of the people / respondents between 15 and 65 in European countries / . had gloomy views over the effectiveness / the prospect of XAccording to a survey by International Deserts , the deserts all over the world are extending at a rate of 250 football fields every 3 hours.实事—caseThe case concerning … serves as an example/ evidence / an evident example which can, to large extent, support/ solidify/ justify / reinforce / bolster / consolidate my claim that…人例—personal experienceThe personal experience concerning … serves as an evident example which can largely consolidate my claim that…Optional结论/建议未必适用于所有情形无视个案差异… is not unexceptionally acceptable… is not undisputable all the time / under any circumstances The other flaw is that the validation of the view presented in this topic is not universally self evident. On occasions that…,/ On conditions that… , the utmost significance is supposed to be attached to X, whereas when this prerequisite/ the condition removes, the emphasis/ focus would also be switched to other….Tip: 本段质疑言论的组织架构:言论谬误The assumption/ assertion that… is problematic.谬误/漏洞1—复杂的事物被简化X复杂,解决/定义需要诸多 a combination of 努力 efforts/ 因素elements谬误/漏洞2—观点的合理性是有条件的X 不总正确not universally self-evident, 只有在…条件下,on conditions that…, 才合理,否则就不行X has been proved to be the most effective …/ the best …Any other efforts / possibilities have been proved to be vain attempts X has been proved to be the most effective …/ the best … that can ruleout any other …X enjoys the widest preference后果很严重At last, the consequences/ influence of… is negative / destructive / pernicious.At last, the consequences that X is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive.子论据1:负面影响+小的个体 individual 大到整体 society/ system/ industry One point that is worth of mentioning is that…The negative influence of X would be infectious.The negative influence of X would result in a series of chain reaction. The negative influence of X would give rise to Domino Effect/ Butterfly Effect.it can inevitably endanger/ jeopardize both the individual… and the whole society/ industry/ system.The negative influence of X would be infectious, which can inevitably jeopardize / endanger both the individual… and the whole…子论据2:弊大于利To carry the idea further,Other than that,In addition, advantages vs. disadvantagesthe disadvantages outweigh the advantages.= the advantages are outweighed by the disadvantages.the disadvantages overshadow the advantages.= the advantages are overshadowed by the disadvantages.Advantages:The expected/ the foreseeable benefits and opportunities / solutions…can offerFor conclusion The expected reference and guidance … can offer Disadvantages:the potential risks and uncertainties … can incurFor conclusion--the potential confusions and misleading … can incurDisadvantage > advantage--the potential risks and uncertainties … incurs far outweigh the expected benefits and opportunities it can offer.--the potential confusions and misleading … incurs can rule out any reference and guidance it can offer.To be exact, it is tantamount to an act of trading A for Btrade long-term … for short term…trade … in the long run for … at presenttrade the possibility of sustainable development for the reality of present interests.trade the unique… for common…trade the cherished… for common / ordinary …trade the invaluable … for the valueless …trade everything for nothing子论据3影响负面且深远Even worse, It runs the risk of driving …to a dead end.This proposal / conclusion is acknowledged as an illogical and irrational assumption/ assertion which indicates / reveals / mirrors a set of misplaced values that run the risk of driving … to a dead end.三思路框架:1.让步To begin with, I have to concede that knowing how to use money effectively, at certain degree, is beneficial. For one thing, it somewhat minimizes the risk of financial problems in the future. For the other, the acquisition of such knowledge and skills, at certain degree, contributes to relatively sensible consuming habits.2.因素分析Nevertheless, the claim of emphasizing the role that learning money management at young age plays in making a financially responsible adult is contaminated with several intrinsic irrationalities. As is often the case, implanting a sense of financial responsibility into an individual is acknowledged as a complicated task whose solution involves a combination of efforts on both the internal and external respects and cannot possibly be tackled/ accomplished by simply making children learn management. The personal experience of Madoff serves as an evident example which can largely consolidate my claim. Although Madoof received good education for money management since he was young, he did not have any sense of responsibility and was labeled as a cheater in 2008. The other flaw this assumption suffers from is that it ignores the differentials among cases. On conditions that that the learning of managing money is combined with the instillation of conscience and moral, or that this proposal has been proved as the most effective measure which can rule out any other solutions, making children learn to manage money is acceptable, whereas when this prerequisite removes, the things would be otherwise.3. 演绎推理At last, the consequences that this proposal is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive. One point that is worth of mentioning is that the misleading and confusion that relating managing money to financial responsibility can incur far outweigh the expected benefits and solutions it can offer. Other than this, learning money management on early stage bears the possibility of bringing in materialism into our education and misplacing the values, which runs the risk of driving the healthy growth of our next generation to a dead end.EndingTo sum up, at large degree, I would cast doubt on this assumption. What is more, it is essential for us to have circumspection over all the factors before any critical decision-makings.Tip:其他备用思路:Option1--可行性欠佳What is more, the feasibility of X is vulnerable to any question or challenge.A host of impediments that are expected to encounter like A, B, C andD are acknowledged as significant factors that play decisive rolesin minimizing the viability.In this sense, it is almost a mission impossible to…重要因素表达—用于论点+论据… serves as a significant factor that plays decisive role in….… serves as an indispensable element that is not supposed to be overlooked.Tip :不可行的障碍--show no respect the legal principles--overlook the basic laws of nature--violate the ethical bottom line--the unsatisfactory voices from the public--limited budgets or financial problemsOption2--即使有结果,也很难达到目的个性化方案—选配--牵强的联系For 建议This proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….For 结论This definition/ conclusion/ X is awkward in serving as a convincing/ credible reference for...教师是否应该根据他们的表现而支付薪水Paying teachers in accordance with their performance is awkwardin serving as a key to enhancing / improving/ promoting /upgrading the education.This proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….+切断联系 For 建议As a matter of fact/ In effect, A/ the former does not function as the exclusive prerequisite for B/ the latter.+冲淡联系1 原因多样Under many circumstances, a host of solutions/ possibilities such as A1, A2, A3 and A4 are also indispensable/ significant approaches that are not supposed to be overlooked....is a significant factor that plays a decisive role in…… is also an indispensable element that is not supposed to be overlooked.+冲淡联系2 结果无效On the other hand, such oversimplified strategy would be doomed/ deemed as counterproductive.+阶段性结论In this sense, there exists no direct causal relation between A andB the result and the proposal.For 结论This definition/ conclusion/ X is awkward in serving as a convincing/ credible reference for...+切断联系For 结论A does not serve as an exclusive prerequisite for gaining a betterunderstanding about B+冲淡联系1可能性多样Under certain circumstances, B can be concluded as A1, whereas under others, the definition/ conclusion like A2, A3, A4 are also sensible/ acceptable/ rational.+冲淡联系2 定义/概括无效GeneralOn the other hand, such over generalized conclusion fails to be representative.+阶段性结论In this sense, there exists no direct relation between the conclusion/ definition and the phenomenon.In this sense, A can tell just part of the story.Option 3-- ... is not the ..estThere is no point to claim that A serves as the best/ ultimate/ the most approved solution / definition.A multitude of other options/ elements/ possibilities / solutions such as B, C, and D are also significant factors that are not supposed to be overlooked.In this sense, it is groundless to put ultimate premium on A.Option 4--挽救B-B重要 for A>B 话题Great significance is also supposed to be attached to B.Option5—因果无法建立:Furthermore, the claim that… suffers from a fallacy of causal oversimplification.Furthermore, the claim that … rests on a gratuities causal relationship which is in short of legitimacy.In effect, the former does not serve as the exclusive prerequisite for the latter.Under many circumstances, a host of approaches / solutions/ reasons/ possibilities as A, B, C and D are also acknowledged as significant factors that are not supposed to be overlooked.In addition, this conclusion runs the risk of misleading the understanding / the definition of…In addition, this proposal bears the possibility of driving the result to quite different paths.In this sense, there exists no direct causal relation between A and B.Topics:Because we are busy, we can do few things well.Because we are busy, politeness has become unnecessary and out of fashion. In order to make ourselves happy, we should learn how to make others happy first.For这样很好本性使然… is blessed/ gifted withadvantagemerit in …./thatgeniusX is blessed with a multitude of merits.As it stands, X enjoys many advantages like A, B, C and D.According to a survey by…, X% of the respondents …这是不可避免的 indispensable / 重要部分A is a part of B= A is included in B= A serves as / functions as an indispensable episode in composing B the absence of… would result in…Families serve as indispensable episode in composing our society.Failures in every segment of our life serve as indispensable episodes in composing our growth.Competition serves as indispensable episode in composing our market. The multimedia and the internet serve as indispensable episodes in composing our modern life.The quantum leaps in science and technology serve as indispensable episode in composing our civilization.这样做可行且运转良好What is more, the feasibility of X can withstand question or challenge.A host of factors such as A, B, C and D are acknowledged as significantelements that play decisive roles in maximizing the viability.Not only does it enjoy feasibility, but also it can operate in a smooth way.如果这样,结果诱人Other than this, the positive consequences of X would turn out to be profound.it will benefit both the individual and the whole systemit contributes to promoting …., boosting …..and …will thereafter beenhancedIt contributes to promoting the advance of economy, boosting the communication among cultures and the reputation of a city is thereafter enhanced.It contributes to promoting the efficiency, boosting the effectiveness and our self-confidence is thereafter enhanced.It contributes to promoting our skills in getting along with others, boosting our abilities in thinking over things and our minds are thereafter sharpened.Advantage> Disadvantage应该这样,因为这样做不仅有益,而且无害;A andB can co-exist harmoniouslyA andB are not 2 mutually exclusive matters.A andB are compatibleA andB are 2 mutually exclusive matters. As a matter of fact, the former andthe latter can co-exist harmoniously.The existence/ advance of A does not act/ serve as a terminator forBThe existence / advance of A does not bring negative influence / consequenceon BTo sum up, I side on the opposite of the claim that… What is more, it is essential for us to pay more attention to …/ What is more, special attention is called for to四、Tip1.若要/为了X目的, 就得YX and Y are closely relatedthere is a direct causal relation between X and YY serves as the exclusive prerequisite for Xcreate—creativity,advent,reckon,doomed to be,the sin revelation 2.这样不好/不应该本性/本质使然be born with / to be inherit intrinsic natureinborn problematiclast, the consequences/ influence of… is negative / destructive / pernicious.At last, the consequences that X is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive.and more--an/ the increasing number of +可数名词--the increasing + 不可数名词--the increasingly + adj. + n.Give rise toof great significance for…great significance for… is closely attached to…great significance for your future career is closely attached to your study.great significance for the effectiveness of leadership is closely attached to the respect from the public.7.可能…, to large extent, …… bears the possibilities that…… runs the risk of…--This measure runs the risk of triggering disasters.switch alter convertDo undertake be engaged in estimate assess9.10.没有上过大学Lyndon Johnson AbrahamLincolnGrover Cleveland—honest + independent Andrew Jackson—the incarnation of courageMike Dell Stephen Jobs Zuckburge接受过优秀教育OxfordMargaret Hilda Thatcher David Cameron Bill ClintonStephen Hawking Mr. BeanHarvardFranklin Roosevelt Obama John F. KennedyGeorge W. Bush Gary Faye Locke素材accumulate the knowledge train the skills broaden the horizon experience the defeats/ failures strengthen the willsharpen the mind develop personalities shape valuespurify the soul detach the view12.媒体books:magazine; text book; bibliography; encyclopedia; novelTV programs; TV networksvideo; audience; display; screenread—reading—reader words; lines; passages重要影响力杂志New Yorker;the Times—实事评论性杂--through which we can extract insightful thoughts.Vogue;ELLE;—时尚杂志--let us breathe fashionable airReader’s Digest—综合性期刊National Geography—人文景观the Palace museumthe Louver Palacethe Expos—有必要出现暴力内容的娱乐the western movies—pioneering spiritGone with Wind--setting Atlanta on fire—chaosSchindler's List--Whoever saves one life, saves the world entireSaving Private Ryan-- the value of lifeBrave Heart-- shedding blood and sacrificing for just one chance for freedom Negative—过分暴力的娱乐-- Transformer 3-- justice do not have to be exchanged by extreme violencenor at the price of the whole Chicago City with thousandsof innocent lives.small step though it is for young people, a giant leap for the future life.That's one small step for me, one giant leap for mankind.Achilles’ Heelthe absence of innovation/ sympathy is acknowledged as the Achilles’Heel of our education.the absence of creditability is acknowledged as the Achilles’ Heel of political leadership.significant五、综合写作一HeadingThelecturerefutesobjects tosides on the opposite ofthepointsillustratedinthereadingmaterial.In accordance with With reference forAccordingto the listening,theprofessorthe lecturerclaims /asserts that。

新东方名师李辉—高考英语15天基础速成班讲义高考英语15天基础速成班目录开班介绍 (2)第一天单词的秘密 (3)第二天&第三天:“介词”和“介词短语”的秘密——45个基本介词的用法 (7)第四天:句子的秘密 (59)第五天:谓语动词的秘密 (65)第六天:三大从句之——名词性从句 (74)第七天:三大从句之——定语从句 (80)第八天:三大从句之——状语从句 (84)第九天非谓语动词 (89)第十天特殊句型的秘密 (94)第十一天:读懂句子之“组件分析法” (102)(括号法) (102)第十二天: 读懂段落之——段落的十个秘密 (107)第十三天:“括号法+主题法”综合练习 (112)&阅读理解内功提升三步法 (112)第十四天: 书面表达基础之“五步造句法” (116)第十五天: 书面表达基础之“天龙八步作文法” (118)开班介绍“考试成绩”的秘密《高考英语15天快速提分班》考试成绩=基础知识X解题能力《高考英语15天基础速成班》课后题0.1 考试成绩由哪两方面决定?答:1、基础知识2、解题能力课程安排【第一部分】词汇方法突破第1天:单词的秘密不择手段背单词遇到生词怎么办第2天:玩转“固定搭配”(上)第3天:玩转“固定搭配”(下)【第二部分】语法系统复习第4天:句子的秘密“语法的精神”(英语逆袭心法)快速扫盲:十大词类/七大成分/五大基本句型?第5天:谓语动词的秘密“谓语动词”之时态/被动“谓语动词”之虚拟/情态【第三部分】阅读能力提升第11天:读懂句子之“组件分析法”高分内功特训之“同步视译”高分内功特训之“断句朗读”第12天:读懂段落之“段落的十个秘密”高分内功特训之“主题阅读”第13天:阅读理解“内功提升”三步法【第四部分】写作能力提升第14天:微观雕琢五步造句法(最核心提分技术)造句魔鬼特训第15天:宏观打造书面表达标准段落结构及写法天龙八“步”作文法课后题0.2不论是学霸冲刺高分还是学渣完美逆袭,都需要哪四方面基础知识?答:1、_词汇_____知识2、_语法_____知识3、_阅读_____高分技能4、_写作_____高分技能第一天单词的秘密一、单词需要学多少?GRE/GMAT/LSAT:16000TOEFL/IELTS:8000-12000考研:6500六级:6750四级:4500高考:3000-3500中考:1600~1800二、背单词的有效方法1、死磕法2、联想法①口诀联想法lie lied lied 规则的是说谎lie lay lain 不规则是“躺”lay laid laid 躺过就下蛋,下蛋不规则。

新东方GRE强化班第一讲笔记整理主要内容:GRE写作基本情况介绍和英文写作基础,以及对Academic Writing的简要介绍。
第一部分,Introduction to Analytical Writing1.Analytical Writing。
从字面上理解,Analytical Writing译为“分析性写作”。
GRE 作文考试既不是考语言,也不是考察回答问题的能力,而是分析问题的能力,逻辑思维的能力。
考试分为Analyze an Issue task和Analyze an argument task。
所有题目都从question pool 中选出,且一般各大网站总结的高频题都会出现。
不使用e-rator,但会使用similarity detection software。
3.analytical,logical and critical writing vs. language skills。
第二部分,Analytical Writing Score Level Description(讲义29页,GRE考试评分标准)1.Sustains insightful, indepth analysis of complex ideas.观点复杂,论证深入。

高中英语作文书新东方1. I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window, a gentle reminder that a new day had begun. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over everything it touched.2. As I got ready for school, I couldn't help but feela sense of excitement bubbling inside me. Today was the day of the big basketball game, and I was determined to give it my all on the court.3. Walking to school, I passed by the park where children were playing and laughing. Their carefree spirits lifted my mood, and I found myself smiling without even realizing it.4. In English class, we were assigned a creativewriting task. I let my imagination run wild as I crafted a story about a young explorer venturing into the depths of the Amazon rainforest.5. During lunch break, my friends and I gathered in the cafeteria to discuss our plans for the upcoming weekend. We were thinking of going camping in the mountains, a perfect way to unwind and reconnect with nature.6. The final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. I hurried to the gymnasium, eager to join my teammates for the basketball game. The cheers of the crowd filled the air, adding to the excitement of the moment.7. The game was intense, with both teams giving their all on the court. In the end, we emerged victorious, celebrating our hard-earned win with high-fives and cheers of triumph.8. As I walked home, the setting sun painted the sky in hues of pink and orange. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the wonderful day I had experienced, filled with laughter, friendship, and the thrill of competition.。

有的学校采用一篇300-500 词的文章,要求考生写英文摘要。
1 命题式作文也叫提纲式作文,即给出英文作文题目和中文或英文的提纲,要求考生根据提纲用恰当的文体写出符合要求的文章。
2 情景式作文这种作文的命题一般是用中文或英文给出一个特定的情景,即时间、地点和人物,要求考生根据所给情景,对其进行详细描述,或以所给情景为背景,写叙述事件的作文,还可以简述一种现象,要求考生运用事实、具体事例及个人经验等进行分析、论证和说明。
3 图表式作文对所给图表进行分析、归纳和总结,然后用简洁、生动和准确的语言将图表中所提供的信息完整地表达出来,并对图表中的信息作出自己的评论。

新东方的英文作文英文:When it comes to writing English essays, many students, including myself, often feel overwhelmed and unsure about where to start. However, with the right approach and some helpful tips, writing a great English essay can be much easier than you think.First and foremost, it's important to have a clear understanding of the essay prompt and what is expected of you. Take the time to read the prompt carefully and make sure you fully understand what you are being asked to write about. If you're unsure, don't hesitate to ask your teacher or professor for clarification.Next, it's important to do some research and gather information on the topic you will be writing about. This can include reading books, articles, and other sources of information that are relevant to your topic. Take notes asyou read, and make sure to keep track of your sources so you can properly cite them later on.Once you have gathered your information, it's time to start organizing your thoughts and ideas. This can be done through outlining, brainstorming, or any other method that works best for you. The key is to have a clear structure and flow to your essay, so that your ideas are presented in a logical and coherent manner.When it comes to actually writing the essay, it's important to remember to stay focused and on topic. Avoid going off on tangents or including irrelevant information. Instead, stick to your main points and support them with evidence and examples.Finally, don't forget to proofread and edit your essay before submitting it. This can help catch any errors or mistakes, and ensure that your essay is polished and professional.中文:谈到写英语作文,许多学生,包括我自己,经常感到不知所措,不知道从哪里开始。
新东方 考研英语作文

新东方考研英语作文Studying for the postgraduate entrance examination is really tough, but it's also a great opportunity for personal growth and development. It's a chance to challenge yourself and see how much you can achieve. 。
The key to success in the exam is to be well-prepared. You need to study hard and make sure you understand all the material. It's also important to practice your writing and speaking skills, as these are often tested in the exam.One of the biggest challenges of preparing for the exam is managing your time effectively. You need to find a balance between studying, working, and taking care of yourself. It's important to set realistic goals and make a schedule that works for you.It's also important to stay motivated and focused. It's easy to get discouraged when you're studying for such a difficult exam, but it's important to stay positive andkeep pushing forward. Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you and your abilities.Finally, it's important to take care of yourself during this stressful time. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat well, and take breaks when you need them. It's important to take care of your physical and mental health so that you can perform your best on the exam.In conclusion, preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination is a difficult but rewarding process. It's important to study hard, manage your time effectively, stay motivated, and take care of yourself. With the right approach, you can achieve success in the exam and open up new opportunities for your future.。

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start you essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on the kid’s understanding of going to school. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 150 words.命题解析本题要求首先简要描述图画,然后评论这个孩子对上学的理解。

a million
a billion(美)
a thousand million(英)
a trillion(美)
a billion(英)
16 sixteen
17 seventeen
18 eighteen
19 nineteen 20 twenty
30 thirty
40 forty
50 fifty
60 sixty
70 seventy
80 eighty
90 ninety 100 a (one) hundred
1,000 a thousand
①主句中添加情态动词否定式can't、mustn't、wouldn't等的情况,例如:I can't believe that they are not married.
②从句中由no、never、nothing、nobody等否定词表否定或者由not just...but、just not...enough、not much、not quite等固定搭配进行否定,不便把否定转移到主句中去的情况,例如:I thought it explained nothing.
表示数量的名词dozen(n.一打, 十二个)和score(n.二十)的用法可以同基数词的用法类比。
阿拉伯数字 基数词 序数词 序数词缩写形式 阿拉伯数字 基数词 序数词 序数词缩写形式
新东方 2011考研 写作完全版王江涛讲义

大作文15分钟,小作文8分钟(三)仿写:考研写作六大必考话题:1、健康:96、972、两代关系:92、03、053、爱心:95、01、06小4、环境:99、00、09小5、青年面对社会:03、04、07、086、文化:1)流行文化:06、09、09MBA、10英语二2)文化交流/文化融合:02、10三、告示类应用文:1. 2010英语一真题:招募启事Directions:You are supposed to write for the postgraduate association a notice to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization. The notice should include the basic qualification of applicant and the other information you think relative.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the notice. Use " postgraduate association " instead.(10 points)全国第一范文:NOTICEVolunteers are needed for the International Conference on Globalziation to be held on this campus in early July. Basic requirements are familarity with the theme of the conference and proficiency of English. Other requirements include interpersonal communication ability, familarity with our city in terms of its tourist attractions and its history, proper manners, and sense of responsibility. Priority and preference will be given to those experienced, either in international conference or in other similar activities.Call 86754321 or send messages to postgr_ass@ for an application and for information on the interview. Enquiries are encouraged but visists declined.(97words)The Postgraduate’s Association1、小作文十大必背范文之一:Volunteers NeededJanuary 9, 2010 To improve students’ability and enrich extracurricular activities, the Postgraduate Association i s recruiting volunteers for an international conference on globalization to be held on December 9, 2010 in Beijing. To begin with, applicants should have Chinese nationality, a strong professional spirit, cheerful personality and be aged under 35. In addition, candidates must have outstanding skills at English listening comprehension and the ability to speak Chinese and English fluently. Finally, students with relevant professional experience are preferred. Those graduate students who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before February 1, 2010. Everybody is welcome to join in it. (107 words)Postgraduate Association2.小作文十大必背范文之二:2007年6月四级真题:招新启事Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an announcement to welcome students to join to a club. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:1.本社团的主要活动内容2.参加本社团的好处3.如何加入本社团Welcome to English ClubJanuary 15, 2011 Welcome to English Club! It could serve as a platform to show your outstanding abilities and help you develop a range of great skills.You can be involved in a variety of activities including staging musical dramas, holding group discussions, watching Oscar-winning movies, and so on. These after-class activities could offer you ample opportunities. First, your active participation is helpful to strengthening the sense of responsibility and managing interpersonal relations. Second, various activities organized by us could raise your level of proficiency in English. A good command of English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers.You can file a written application to our staff office or email us viaenglishclub@. The deadline for entries is January 22. Come on, join us now! (127 words)English Club3.小作文十大必背范文之三:个人简历RESUMELi MingP. O. Box 237, Beijing University5, Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100871Tel: 62768888 Email: Liming@Career Objective: A position with management potential in the banking businessspecializing in international corporate financingEducational Background:Sept 2007 to Beijing UniversityJuly 2011 Major in International Business ManagementMain courses include English, Computer, Business Management,Accounting, International Commercial LawWork Experience:July 2010 to Bank of ChinaJune 2011 Internship, Secretary to Deputy Manager of MarketingDraft business correspondenceSchedule deputy manager’s appointmentsQualifications:University graduation certificate and bachelor degree to be conferredupon graduation (2011)College English Test Band 4 June 2008Honors & Awards:Twice awarded scholarship by Beijing University 2009 & 2010 Special Skills:Familiarity with Microsoft Word, ExcelAbility to work independentlyOutstanding Organizational skillsExperience:President of Student Union 2009-presentPersonal Data: Date of Birth: 9/17/1988Gender: FemaleMarital Status: Unmarried (148 words)四、书信类应用文:书信格式:(关系亲密即私人书信,关系不亲密即公务书信)(一)称呼:1、写给机构:Dear Sir or Madam, (06、07)2、写给个人:(05)Dear Mr. Wang, (08)Dear Bob, (09)Dear Editors,(二)正文:3段,7句左右,100-130词,3-5个关联词(适可而止),3-5个从句(多多益善)1、第一段:2句左右1)自我介绍(私人书信除外):(1)工作人员:05年:I am a staff member from your company/corporation.06年:I am a staff member from Motorola(China)Electronics Ltd.(2)学生:I am a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior/undergraduate/graduate from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Beijing University.2)写作目的:书信的中心思想,改写提纲一(1)05年:I am writing the letter for purpose of resigning from my current post/position.(2)06年:I am writing to inform you that I wish to request if you could help me find a potential beneficiary of Project Hope.2、第二段:3句左右,改写提纲二1)主题句:1句2)分论点一:1句3)分论点二:1句3、第三段:2句左右,改写提纲三或表示感谢+期待回信+写作目的1)表示感谢(私人建议信除外):(1)My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond words.(2)Words fail me when I wish to express my sincere gratitude to you.(3)I take this opportunity to show my heartfelt appreciation for the kind assistance you render me.2)期待回信:(1)I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.(2)I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.(3)Your prompt attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.(三)落款:1)结尾客套:Yours sincerely,或Sincerely yours,2)签名:Li Ming(英语一)/Zhang Wei(英语二)最新真题:2010年英语二真题:感谢信Directions:You have just come back from the U.S as a member of Sino-American cultural exchange program. Write a letter to your American colleague to1)express your thanks to his/her warm reception,2)welcome him/her to visit China in due course.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Zhang Wei” instead.Do not write the address.(10 points)全国第一范文:Dear Bob,I have just arrived at my home from the airport. As I sit behind the desk, I just want to write a letter to you. I am grateful for your warm reception in this cultural exchange program. You and your family gave me a deep impression. The program is one of the most wonderful memories in my life.Once you said you want to travel in China. Well, you will be welcomed and it will be my pleasure to be your guide. By the way, send me a list and write down the places where you would like to visit.Please give my best regards to your family. (108 words)Sincerely yours,Zhang Wei1、小作文十大必背范文之四:2005年真题:辞职信+道歉信Directions:Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Designs&Fashions. But now you find that the work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Wang, telling him your decision, stating your reason(s), and making an apology.Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.You do not need to write the address. (10 points)Dear Mr. Wang,I am much grateful to be employed by you two months ago as an editor for your magazine Design & Fashions. I appreciate the opportunity of having worked here with you and other colleagues. The experiences will be unforgettable throughout my life.However, as a young man whose primary interest is in computer science rather than fashion designing, I find my present job doesn't fall in with my previous training and strength. I therefore decide to quit this job for something else that may conform to my former preparation.Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience my leaving may cause.Yours truly,Li Ming2、小作文十大必背范文之五:2006年真题:请求信Directions:You want to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area. Write a letter to the department concerned, asking them to help find a candidate. You should specify what kind of child you want to help and how you will carry out your plan.Dear Sir or Madam,Moved by the noble cause of Project Hope and encouraged by what has been achieved so far, I would like to contribute my bit to the project by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area of your province.I would be much grateful if you could help me seek out a girl who has just started schooling but whose family cannot afford her education. My plan is to pay for her tuition on an annual basis till she finishes her secondary education. I would like to remit my donation directly to a bank account opened by her family in her local area.Yours truly,Li Ming3. 小作文十大必背范文之六:2007年真题:建议信Directions:Write a letter to your university library, making suggestions for improving its service.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your name at the end of the letter. Use“Li Ming”instead.Do not write the address. (10 points)Dear Sir/Madam,I am a student in this university who regularly comes to the library to spend my spare time. Generally speaking, the services you offer here are quite good; however, I have some suggestions for you to adopt. And I would like to extend my greatest appreciation if you are so kind as to take my suggestions into consideration.To begin with, will you please prolong the time for reading? In the daytime, most of the students are having class, so they can’t come to the library. Moreover, some of the books on shelves are out of date. If you are so kind as to provide us some books such as the latest magazines, we will be very pleased.I really wish to have a more comfortable library. Thank you for your time and consideration.Sincerely yours,Li Ming4. 小作文十大必背范文之七:2008年真题:私人道歉信+建议信Directions:You have just come back from Canada and found a music CD in your luggage that you forgotto return to Bob, your landlord there. Write him a letter to1) make an apology,2) suggest a solution.Dear Bob,I am writing to make an apology to you for I forgot to return the music CD which I borrowed from you last week. Yesterday I have come back from Canada and I found it in my luggage. I am so sorry that you cannot listen to it at present.The CD which I borrowed from you is made in Canada, so I believe you can find another one in your local store. How about your buying another CD by yourself and I will pay for it? If you cannot find the similar one, I would send it back to you through a post office. And if there are any other solutions you like, please let me know.I am sorry again for my carelessness. Looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming5. 小作文十大必背范文之之八:2009年真题:建议信Directions:Restrictions on the use of plastic bags have not been so successful in some regions. “White pollution” is still going on.Write a letter to the editor(s) of your local newspaper to1)give your opinions briefly, and2)make two or three suggestions.Dear Editor,I’m a sincere reader of your newspaper and I like your discussion of the social problems. Now I would like to give some opinions of myself about the“White Pollution”.As we know, regulation was made to solve the problem in June 1st of 2008. The use of plastic bags for free was restricted in the supermarket and many other shops. At the beginning, it was carried on well, but now I find plastic bags are used in some small shops for free or with no pay.I am writing to inform you that we should solve this problem soon with the help of your newspaper. You could make some investigations about it and write some reports of it, so as to appeal to all the people’s attention of our society.Sincerely,Li Ming6. 小作文十大必背范文之九:备忘录/报告Directions:You are the president of a company. Write a memo to George Gordon Byron, the vice-president on the employee’s training on computer, telling him the need to train the employees, detailed information, and ask him to write a plan.Date:January 15, 2011To:George Gordon Byron, Vice PresidentFrom:Li Ming, PresidentSubject:Computer Training of the StaffAs we discussed earlier this week, I agree with you that our firm is faced up with problem of the high rate of computer illiteracy of the staff. We need to make up a plan for training our employees in the new field.I would like you to design our own in-house computer-training program. We had better classify the employees and put them through the program in turn.Write up a brief proposal, describing what you think the program should cover.Assume the class runs four hours a week for ten weeks. Also, assume people have no prior computer knowledge or any formal course work in computer science.五、摘要:英语一及英语二最新大纲样题:Directions: Read the following Chinese text and write an abstract of it in 80-100 English words on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)经济全球化的主要原因20世纪50年代初以来,经济全球化获得迅猛发展。

新东方英语作文范文英文回答:In the realm of human endeavors, the pursuit of excellence has been a constant aspiration throughout history. From the ancient Greek philosophers who sought to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos to the modern-day scientists pushing the boundaries of our technological horizons, the desire to achieve the highest levels of accomplishment has fueled countless achievements.In the context of language learning, the paramount goal of achieving fluency is a testament to the transformative power of human perseverance and dedication. While the path to fluency can be arduous and filled with challenges, the rewards it offers are immeasurable.First and foremost, fluency grants learners the ability to communicate effectively in a foreign language. This empowers them to engage in meaningful conversations, forgeconnections with people from diverse cultures, and immerse themselves in new and enriching experiences. It opens up a world of opportunities for travel, cultural exchange, and professional advancement.Moreover, fluency transcends mere communication. It fosters a profound understanding and appreciation of a foreign culture. By immersing oneself in the nuances of language, learners gain insights into the customs, traditions, and values of the people who speak it. This cultural immersion fosters empathy, tolerance, and a broader worldview.Additionally, the pursuit of fluency strengthens cognitive abilities. Language learning has been shown to enhance memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills. It also improves creativity and flexibility of thought. These cognitive benefits extend beyond language proficiency and can positively impact other areas of life.Furthermore, fluency in a foreign language can have significant economic implications. In an increasinglyinterconnected global economy, multilingual individuals are highly sought after by employers. Fluency in multiple languages expands employment opportunities, enhances career prospects, and opens doors to lucrative international assignments.However, achieving fluency requires dedication, consistency, and a willingness to embrace the challenges along the way. It entails countless hours of study, practice, and immersion. Learners must be persistent in their efforts, even when faced with setbacks or discouragement. They must also seek out opportunities to use the language in real-world contexts, such as through conversation partners, language exchange programs, or extended stays abroad.In conclusion, the pursuit of fluency in a foreign language is an endeavor that promises boundless rewards. It empowers learners with effective communication skills, fosters cultural understanding, strengthens cognitive abilities, and enhances economic opportunities. While the path to fluency may be demanding, it is one that isultimately fulfilling and transformative. With perseverance, dedication, and a passion for language learning,individuals can unlock the transformative power of fluency and reap its myriad benefits.中文回答:追求卓越是人类在历史长河中的不懈努力。

2 英文先结论 后叙事
经历了多年的努力,我们终于解决了这个难题 We have solved the problem after many years’ hard work
3 英语先表态 后叙事
是什么导致了人的犯罪,我们还不能确定 We are still not sure what causes people to commit a crime
英语多替换 中文多重复
• 他讨厌失败,他一生曾经战胜失败,超越失败,并且蔑视别人的失败 • 中式:he hated failure, he had conquered the failure all his life, risen above the failure, despised the failure in others. • 英式:he hated failure, he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, despisos
Demos 写作讲堂
任务一 中国人写作的误区
词汇堆积 语法背诵 句型死记 模板万能
“Learning a language is not a matter of acquiring a set of rules and building a large vocabulary. ”
“A student’s mastery of a language is ultimately
measured by how well he can use it not by how much he knows about it”
acquire : to get sth by one’s own efforts Mastery: Full command of a subject of study Ultimately: finally;eventually

新东方 fc 讲解,背 20 局就够了写作模板(一)段首句1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。
一些人认为……There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.2.俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。
There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。
Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______.4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。
Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides ,______.5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。
Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages.6.关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____.7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。

根据directions 部分交代:假设你不得不取消你的旅行计划,也不会去拜访Smith教授。
作答100字,写信人使用“Li Ming”。
收信人为Smith教授,所以称谓部分为主流的:Dear Smith,注意:首字母大写和标点符号问题。
题干中交代的Smith并不清楚他与写信人Li Ming是否认识,所以寒暄介绍均可,可以用How are things going with you?也可以用I am Li Ming,a visitor from China. 第二句在表明写信目的前,还可以适当的铺垫一下心情,因为是悲观负面的事情,所以要用Much to my regret, 这句话来交代了一下自己写信时候的心情。


新东方环境保护英语作文英文回答:Environmental protection is of paramount importance for the preservation of our planet and the sustainability of life on Earth. As individuals, we have a collective responsibility to adopt eco-friendly practices, reduce our carbon footprint, and conserve natural resources for future generations.One of the most pressing environmental issues facing our society is climate change. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing global temperatures to rise. This phenomenon has far-reaching consequences, including more frequent and intense natural disasters, rising sea levels, and the loss of biodiversity.To mitigate the effects of climate change, we must transition to renewable energy sources, promote energyefficiency, and invest in sustainable technologies. Governments, businesses, and individuals alike must work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment for present and future generations.Another major environmental concern is pollution. Air pollution, water pollution, and soil contamination pose significant risks to human health and ecosystems. Vehicles, factories, and agricultural activities release harmful pollutants into the environment, which can causerespiratory problems, waterborne diseases, and long-term health issues.To address pollution, we must implement stricter emissions regulations, promote sustainable transportation practices, and reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. Advanced wastewater treatment technologies and innovative waste management solutions can also help to reduce water and soil pollution.Moreover, the conservation of natural resources is essential for environmental sustainability. Deforestation,overfishing, and mining activities have depleted ourplanet's natural resources and disrupted delicate ecosystems. We must protect forests, oceans, and other natural habitats to ensure the survival of countless species and preserve the balance of our planet.Sustainable agriculture practices, such as organic farming and crop rotation, can help to protect soil health, reduce water consumption, and minimize chemical pollution. By supporting local farmers and consuming food produced in an environmentally responsible manner, we can contribute to the sustainability of our food system and reduce our ecological impact.In conclusion, environmental protection requires a multifaceted approach that involves individual actions, government initiatives, and technological advancements. By adopting eco-friendly practices, reducing our carbon footprint, conserving natural resources, and addressing pollution, we can create a sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come.中文回答:环境保护。

关于新东方教育英语作文Introduction:New Oriental Education & Technology Group, a renowned educational institution, has been at the forefront of providing comprehensive English language training, including essay writing. This essay will delve into the strategies and techniques that students can employ to excel in English composition as taught by New Oriental Education.Body:1. Understanding the Essay Structure:- New Oriental emphasizes the importance of a clear and logical structure in an essay. Students are taught to organize their thoughts around a well-defined introduction, body, and conclusion.2. Expanding Vocabulary:- A rich vocabulary is essential for expressive writing. New Oriental offers extensive vocabulary building exercises and encourages students to read widely to enhance their word bank.3. Improving Grammar:- Strong grammatical skills are crucial for writing coherent and error-free essays. New Oriental's courses include intensive grammar lessons that cover various tenses, sentence structures, and usage of parts of speech.4. Practicing Coherence and Cohesion:- The ability to link ideas effectively is a hallmark of a good essay. New Oriental's teaching methods include exercises that help students use transitional words and phrases to create smooth flow in their writing.5. Developing Critical Thinking:- Writing an analytical or argumentative essay requires critical thinking. New Oriental guides students to formulate logical arguments, evaluate evidence, and present a clear perspective.6. Enhancing Creativity:- For narrative and descriptive essays, creativity is key. New Oriental provides creative writing prompts and workshops to stimulate students' imagination and encourage originality.7. Learning from Feedback:- New Oriental places a strong emphasis on providing constructive feedback. Students are encouraged to learn from their mistakes and refine their writing skills accordingly.8. Utilizing Technology:- The institution also integrates technology into the learning process, using online platforms and software to facilitate writing, editing, and peer review.Conclusion:New Oriental Education's approach to English composition is holistic, focusing on not just the mechanics of writing butalso on fostering a deep understanding of the language and the ability to express complex ideas effectively. By following the structured guidelines and engaging in the comprehensive learning activities provided by New Oriental, students can significantly improve their English essay writing skills and achieve academic success.。

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• 考研大作文(20 分)的要求是很好地完成了试题规定的任务:包含 所有内容要点;使用丰富的语法结构和词汇;语言自然流畅,语法错 误极少;有效地采用了多种衔接手段,文字连贯,层次清晰。字数: 160—200 词。从这个要求可以看出考生需要把重点放在英语的表达 上,至于内容是否“立论新颖”或“论证充分”等并不是考察的重点。 我们认为,同学们需要从以下四个方面对英语的表达能力加以提高: 单词要尽可能用正式的书面英语,一些口语中的用语需要避免, 如要表达“我认为” ,我们最好不要用“I think”,而应该选用丰富多 样的表达方法,如 I believe/ argue/ insist…等。这样在考试中适当得 用上,就可以给阅卷老师留下更好的第一印象。 要尽可能多得使用丰富多样的句型结构,如主语从句,定语从句, 状语从句等,因为英语的作者在进行学术性文章写作时这些句型是必 不可少的。 段落展开时要非常严谨。因为英语是一门逻辑性非常强的语言, 所以在写每一个段落时首先需要确定使用什么样的展开方法。 整个文 章展开的时候一定要注意三个段落的有机联系。一般来说我们在第一 段介绍漫画的画内和画外意思,在第二段中进行展开,然后在第三段 做出结论,提出解决问题的方法。
• 考研小作文(10 分)的写作同学们重点要注意语域、格 式、思想性三个问题。 所谓语域是指我们在跟其他人交流时,因为交际对象 的不同,我们需要用正式、一般和非正式的不同交际方式, 这样就需要不同的表达。 另外应用文的写作,尤其是书信的写作要注意内容的 格式安排,如称呼要左边顶格写,正文要每段开头空四个 字符,写完三段后空两行写结尾谦辞并且在下一行署名, 而谦辞和署名都要右边顶格写。 思想性要求有自己的观点,结合题意要求适度发挥。 (辞职信、一模救助儿童、二模)
my... when I... • 2)寻找失物信结尾常用句式和套话 • I would really appreciate it if you could... • I would be grateful if you could...
• 4.建议信 • 1)建议信开头段常用句式和套话
• I am writing in reply to…
• 1.感谢信 1)感谢信开头段常用句式和套话 I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for... I am writing to express my thanks for... 2)感谢信结尾段常用句式和套话 I must thank you again for your generous help. I am most grateful for your selfless donation.
• I would like to suggest that… • 2)表达建议常用句式和套话
• I feel that it would be beneficial if…
• I would like to suggest that… • 3)建议信结尾常用句式和套话
• I hope you will find these suggestions/proposals/recommendations helpful/practical/ useful.
第一章 考研作文综述
• 1、上次模拟考试的问题 • 2、考研大作文 • 3、考研小作文
• 1、书写规范问题 • 2、卷面问题
Maybe I would be too old to be a volunteer in 2008, but I will start studying English, and two of three of other foreign languages if possible, to be able to communicate with friends from all corners of the world. We could have been making Beijing an international city in the proper sense of the word. Apart from that I will try to understand modern concepts about making a city, and a country, more beautiful, for example, environmental protection, community construction, city planning, and above all, the quality of being a citizen in the modern metropolis, and make positive efforts to put them into practice.
caused. • Please allow me to say sorry again.
• 3.寻找失物信 • 1)寻找失物信开头常用句式和套话 • I am sorry to disturb you, but I have to... • I am writing this letter to report the loss of
Actually, we will not be making preparation for preparation’s sake. After 2008, I have all the reasons to be optimistic that Beijing, and our country, will be taking a strong position in the powers of the world.
• I trust you will take my suggestion into account.
• 5.倡导信 • 1)范文
• A Letter to Citizens of Beijing as to Improving Involvement in Preparation for the 2008 Olympic Games.
Dear Countrymen
I am writing the letter to call on all people in Beijing to perk up and do more work for the coming 2008 Olympic Games. As a common citizen here in the capital of our great motherland, I jumped over joy when news came saying we won the competition for hosting the great games, the first in our history.
Please join me in the action and extend our excitement into a spirit that dares any possible difficulties!Thank you!
Best wishes to Beijing and our country,
But after a month-long excitement, I started to think about the question: What can I do for the huge project? I had been left with helplessness for all the past months, like many people did. But now I came up with some ideas that might attract you and equip us all with sufficient confidence.
Zhong Guan
(A common citizen of Beijing)
第二章 写作中的词汇
1、 易拼错的常用同语一览 2、 容易混淆的常用词 3、 同义词 4、 图表类型作文中的常用词汇 5、 句子中的连接性词语 6、 时事专有词汇
• 2.道歉信 • 1)道歉信中开头段常用句式和套话 • I am writing this letter to express my regret… • I am writing to apologize for… • 2)道歉信中结尾段常用句式和套话 • Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience