
FIGURE 3 - Controllers WITHOUT Sensor Input
Controllers Without Sensor Input – FIG. 3
1. Connect Red and Black leads to the two 24VAC terminals. 2. Disconnect the valve common wire from the common
“SN”) next to the 24VAC terminal. 3. Connect the Brown lead to the same terminal as the Black
wire. 4. Connect the Green lead to the sensor terminal next to the
7 Test Installed Sensor Transmitter
1. Press and hold pin on top of Sensor Transmitter for at least 4 seconds. Be sure to release pin within 10 seconds.
Controllers With Sensor Input – FIG. 2 (Rain Bird ESP-LX+, Rain Bird ESP Modular, Most Other Controllers) 1. Connect the Red and Black leads to the two 24VAC
terminals. 2. Remove jumper wire (if present). 3. Connect Green lead and Brown lead to the sensor

说明: Adress 为 1 个字节,范围为 0-255
例如: 发送 00 20 00 68
返回 00 20 01 A9 C0
发送:Adress 03 00 00 00 01 XX XX
00 00
00 01
A001(1010 0000 0000 0001)进行异或;
5、重复步骤 3 和 4,直到右移 8 次,这样整个 8
6、重复步骤 2 到步骤 5,进行下一步 8 位数据的
7、最后得到的 CRC 寄存器即为 CRC 码;
8、将 CRC 结果放入信息帧时,将高低位交换,低
雨量传感器 V1.0 TR-YL
5、翻斗内壁有脏物,可用水或酒精或洗涤剂水溶 液冲洗,严禁用手指或其它物体擦拭,以免沾 上油污或擦伤翻斗内壁;
6、冬季结冰期间,仪器应停止使用,可将其取回 室内;
7、请保存好检定证书和合格证,维修时随同产品 一同返回。
8、安装雨量筒的时候先拆开雨量筒下边沿 3 颗螺 丝,剪开扎带,再组装好久可以正常使用。
(3)若传感器为 RS485 输出,常规传感器线线序 及功能对应情况如下所示:
红色:电源﹢ 黄色:RS485+ 蓝色:RS485黑色:GND
雨量传感器 V1.0 TR-YL
98 m m
一、串口格式 数据位 8 位 停止位 1 或 2 位 校验位 无 波特率 9600 两次通信间隔至少 1000ms 以上 二、通讯格式 【1】写入设备地址 发送: 00 10 Adress CRC (5 个字节) 返回: 00 10 CRC (4 个字节)
Z38-127 雨量传感器 产品使用手册说明书

Z38-127雨量传感器产品使用手册目录1产品介绍 (1)1.1产品概述 (1)1.2功能特点 (1)1.3适用范围 (2)1.4主要参数 (2)1.4.1技术参数 (2)1.4.2电流信号的阻抗要求 (2)2外形规格和使用方法 (3)2.1外形规格 (3)2.2接线方法 (4)2.3安装和调整 (5)2.4故障现象和排除方法 (8)3通讯协议 (9)3.1基本参数 (9)3.2指令集 (10)3.2.1修改地址 (10)3.2.2查询/设置时间 (10)3.2.3降雨量查询 (11)3.2.4降雨量数据清零设置 (13)4注意事项 (13)5产品保修 (13)1产品介绍1.1产品概述本仪器为降水量测量一次仪表,其性能符合国家标准GB/T11832-2002《翻斗式雨量计》要求。
1.4主要参数1.4.1技术参数产品名称雨量传感器产品型号Z38-127承雨口尺寸φ200mm刃口锐角40°~45°分辨率0.1mm雨强范围0.01mm~4mm/min(允许通过最大雨强8mm/min)测量准确度≤±3%输出信号A:电压信号(0~2V,0~5V,0~10V四者选一)B:4~20mA(电流环)C:RS485(标准Modbus-RTU协议,设备默认地址:01)D:脉冲信号(一个脉冲代表0.1mm降雨量)供电电压5~24V DC(当输出信号为0~2V,RS485时)12~24V DC(当输出信号为0~5V,0~10V,4~20mA时)工作环境温度:-10℃~50℃;湿度:<95%(40℃) 1.4.2电流信号的阻抗要求供电电压9V12V20V24V最大阻抗125Ω250Ω500Ω>500Ω2外形规格和使用方法2.1外形规格2.2接线方法翻斗式雨量计可连接各种载有差分输入的数据采集器,数据采集卡,远程数据采集模块等设备,接线说明如下图:2.3安装和调整(1)开箱检查①认真阅读产品使用说明书,对照装箱单清点设备附件是否齐全。

连接端子5PIN 5.08间距插拔端子其他指标报警输入电阻<200千欧静态电流< 20 mA告警电流< 30 mA 如需要接大电流的告警负载,请外接一DC12V 1A继电器.电导率>5us.cm-1隔离度>2000V误报率0工作环境-40~85℃,10-95%RH信号变换器外壳阻燃工程塑料重量约100g外形结构适配器+电极片适配器+漏水感应线图 1信号变换器接线图图 2一、 1、2接线端为电源输入,1为正,2为负。
二、 4位拨码开关用于设置,前三位设置感应漏水灵敏度,第四位设置蜂鸣器报警功能。
安装方式图 3传感器感应绳安装在容易产生漏水的地方。
信号变换器用DIN35MM 标准导轨槽安装。
搜博 SM2130B-WT RS485 水浸传感器 说明书

SM2130B-WT RS485水浸传感器说明书概述SM2130-WT漏水控制器是一款成本低廉的智能化液体泄漏检测设备,其输出信号包含继电器信号和 485信号。
SM2130-WT漏水控制器可监控长达 200米的双芯漏液传感电缆。
该产品采用标准的 modbus-RTU 通信,方便与监控系统集成。
特点与特色1. 敏感度高2. RS485 远距离通信接口,最远可达 1.2 公里3. 指令简单4. 6-24V 宽电源供电5. 高性价比技术参数及特点使用说明1.接线直接使用设备自带的引线,根据颜色提示进行接线2.安装尺寸3. 通讯协议设备所有操作或回复命令都为16进制数据。
1)读取数据(功能码为0x03 )[设备地址][03][起始地址:2字节][数据长度:2字节][CRC16校验]设备响应:[设备地址][命令号][返回的字节个数][数据1][CRC16校验]响应数据意义如下:A、返回的字节个数:表示数据的字节个数,也就是数据1,2...n中的n的值。

用户可以方便地使用该套件的硬件资源和配套的zigbee stack协议栈源码、示例C51源码及各种评估软件等快速开发自己的应用系统。
1.采用 TI 最新一代 ZIGBEE 芯片 CC25302.支持基于 IEEE802.15.4 的 ZIGBEE2007/PRO 协议3.采用 WXL 标准的 20 芯双排直插模式接入网关主板和感知节点实物图:2、传感器模块传感器介绍:1、传感器采用双面材料,大面积5.0*4.0CM, 并用镀镍处理表面,具有对抗氧化,导电性,及寿命方面更好的性能;2、比较器输出,信号干净,波形好,驱动能力强,过15mA;3、配电位器调节灵敏度;4、工作电压3.3V-5V5、输出形式:数字开关量输出(0和1)和模拟量A0电压输出;6、设有固定螺栓孔,方便安装7、小板PCB尺寸: 3.2cmx 1.4cm8、使用宽电压LM393比较器.原理图:实物图:工作原理:接上5V电源电源灯亮,感应板上没有水滴时,DO输出为高电平,开关指示灯灭,滴上一滴水,DO输出为低电平,开关指示灯亮,刷掉上面的水滴,又恢复到,输出高电平状态。

雨量传感器产品说明书 雨量传感器产品说明书雨量传感器产品说明书目录第1章产品简介 (4)1.1产品概述 (4)1.2功能特点 (4)1.3产品优势 (4)1.4主要参数 (5)第2章硬件连接 (6)2.1设备安装前检查 (6)2.2产品外观尺寸和内部结构 (6)2.2.1外观尺寸 (6)2.2.2内部结构 (7)2.2.3接口说明 (8)2.2.4安装说明 (9)2.2.5注意事项 (10)第3章配置软件安装和使用 (10)3.1传感器接入电脑 (10)3.2传感器监控软件使用 (11)雨量传感器产品说明书 3.3修改波特率和设备地址 (12)第4章通信协议 (12)4.1通讯基本参数 (12)4.2数据帧格式定义 (12)4.3寄存器地址 (13)4.4通讯协议示例以及解释 (14)4.4.1读取设备地址0x01的当前累加雨量值 (14)4.4.2设备地址0x01雨量清除指令 (14)第5章售后 (15)5.1联系方式 (15)5.2质保与售后 (15)5.3免责声明 (16)雨量传感器产品说明书 第1章产品简介1.1产品概述ZZ-RS-ABSB系列雨量传感器,是一款能够自动观测并存储“雨量”参数的仪器,分为ABS材质和不锈钢材质两种。
智泽 雨量传感器产品说明书

雨量传感器产品说明书目录1.产品简介 (4)1.1产品概述 (4)1.2功能特点 (4)2.参数详情 (5)2.1外形尺寸图 (5)2.2基本参数 (5)2.3通讯协议 (6)2.3.1通讯基本参数 (6)2.3.2数据帧格式定义 (6)2.3.3寄存器地址 (7)2.3.4通讯协议示例以及解释 (7)3.安装使用 (11)3.1系统架构图 (11)3.1.1直接接电脑或者PLC (11)3.1.2网络传输使用 (13)3.2接口说明 (13)3.3协议调试(只适用于485输出型) (14)3.3.1使用上位机测试 (14)3.3.2使用串口调试助手调试 (15)4.配置连接透传云平台 (18)4.1485型传感器使用有线DTU连接透传云 (18)4.1.1透传云设置 (18)1.注册透传云 (18)2.新增并配置模板及数据点 (19)3.新增设备 (20)4.1.2硬件连接 (21)4.1.3软件配置 (21)4.2485型传感器使用无线DTU连接透传云 (24)4.2.1硬件连接 (24)4.2.2软件配置 (24)4.3模拟量传感器使用RTU连接透传云平台 (27)4.3.1硬件连接 (27)4.3.2软件配置 (27)4.4设备联调 (32)5.包装售后 (34)5.1产品包装清单 (34)5.2联系方式 (34)5.3质保与售后 (35)5.4免责声明 (35)1.产品简介1.1产品概述雨量传感器,外型小巧轻便,便于携带和组装,用于测量自然界降雨量,同时将降雨量转换为以开关量形式表示的数字信息量输出,以满足信息传输、处理、记录和显示等的需要。
1.2功能特点•感光探头灵敏度高•信号稳定,精度高•测量范围宽、线形度好•防水性能好、使用方便•便于安装、传输距离远等2.参数详情2.1外形尺寸图2.2基本参数参数技术指标测量范围≤30mm/min 测量精度0.2mm供电电源12V-24VDC 工作温度-30℃-80℃工作湿度0%RH-80%RH 响应时间<2s耗电<1W2.3通讯协议2.3.1通讯基本参数参数内容设备地址1通讯协议MODBUS RTU编码8位二进制数据位8位奇偶校验位无停止位1位错误校准CRC冗长循环码波特率出厂默认为9600bps可设置2400bps、4800bps、9600bps 2.3.2数据帧格式定义采用Modbus-RTU通讯规约,格式如下:初始结构≥4字节的时间地址码=1字节功能码=1字节数据区=N字节错误校验=16位CRC码结束结构≥4字节的时间地址码:具体地址,在通讯网络中是唯一的(出厂默认0x01)。
Hunter Mini-Clik 雨量传感器 - 说明手册说明书

住宅和商业灌溉Built on Innovation®了解更多请访问 或联系当地销售经理。
可靠且经济高效的 Mini-Clik 雨量传感器具备先进的湿度检测技术,当它检测到降水量已达到预设水平时,会自动关闭灌溉。
暴风雨过后,Mini-Clik 允许控制器恢复正常灌溉。
无线 Mini-Clik 与所有交流电源 Hunter 控制器兼容,有线 Mini-Clik 与所有 Hunter 控制器兼容。
网站 | 客户支持 +1-760-752-6037 | 技术服务+***********************************MINI-CLIK 性能与参数主要优势• 当传感器检测到降雨量达到 3 毫米至 19 毫米时,会自动关闭灌溉• 抗杂质,运行可靠,以及避免发生不必要的系统关闭• 无线通讯让安装更简单*• Quick Response™ 快速响应技术可加速系统关闭以保护植物*• 内置霜冻感应功能可在 3°C 时停止运行系统,以保护植物并保持道路和人行道不结冰*• 采用免维护设计,集成式电池维护简单,使用寿命长*• 坚固耐用的聚碳酸酯外壳和金属悬臂支架,最大限度减少磨损,防止生锈• 兼容绝大多数常开或常闭型灌溉控制器,在任何环境条件下轻松使用运行参数• Quick Response (快速响应)技术(启用时): –关闭灌溉系统的时间:约 2 到 5 分钟–重置时间:约 4 小时(在干燥、阳光充足的条件下)–完全湿润时的重置时间:约 3 天(在干燥、阳光充足的条件下)• 所有型号开关额定值(24 VAC ):3 A• 有线型号包含 7 米长、UL 认证、带 AWG 护套的 0.5 mm 2 双股导线• 无线型号工作频率:433 MHz• 无线型号覆盖范围:从传感器到接收器直线距离243 米• 单个无线传感器可以控制多个无线接收器• 认证:UL 、cUL 、FCC 、CE 、RCM • 质保期:5 年*仅无线 Mini-Clik 传感器型号MINI-CLIK 有线型 Mini-Clik 传感器MINI-CLIK-NO 有线型 Mini-Clik 传感器,常开开关MINI-CLIK-C 有线型 Mini-Clik 传感器,套管安装SG-MC 有线型 Mini-Clik 传感器,带不锈钢传感器壳体WM-CLIK无线 Mini-Clik 传感器、接收器和屋檐安装配件有线 Mini-Clik 传感器 (带安装支架)高:5 厘米长:15 厘米宽度:2.5 厘米有线 Mini-Clik 传感器 (带不锈钢壳体)高:13.9 厘米长:7.6 厘米宽:10.1 厘米无线 Mini-Clik 传感器(带安装支架)高:7.6厘米长:20 厘米宽度:2.5厘米无线 Mini-Clik 接收器 (带壁挂套件)高度:10 厘米长度:8 厘米宽度:3厘米无线传感器保护罩 (带安装硬件)高度:7 厘米长:9.5 厘米宽:3.2 厘米无线接收器保护罩 (带安装硬件)高度:12.7 厘米长:10.2 厘米宽:3.2 厘米SGM有线型号的可选屋檐安装配件WS 保护罩可用于平整表面或立杆安装的防破坏无线传感器保护罩(传感器单独订购)WR 保护罩适用于基座安装的防破坏无线接收器保护罩(接收器单独订购)。

红外扫描型雨量传感器IFR01简明用户手册目录用户须知 (3)一、产品介绍 (4)1.1功能概述 (4)1.2外观尺寸 (4)1.2基本原理 (5)1.4功能特点 (6)1.6技术指标 (7)二、开始使用 (8)2.1接线定义 (8)2.2通讯协议 (8)MODBUS通讯协议: (8)AABB通讯协议: (8)2.3寄存器定义 (9)2.4数据输出 (10)一、产品介绍尊敬的客户:欢迎您使用IFR01型红外雨量传感器(以下简称“IFR01”或“设备”、“传感器”)!1.1功能概述IFR01型红外雨量传感器是专用于测量降雨量的仪器,采用光学扫描原理,实现雨滴大小及雨滴数量的实时扫描,进而计算出降雨量输出。
RS200 智能雨刮模块说明书

RS200智能雨刮模块(安防类)DS02041301 3.0.01 Date:2020/12/25——————————————概述RS200模块是广州立功科技股份有限公司推出的针对安防摄像头的智能雨刮模块。
————————————————————————————————典型应用修订历史目录1. 产品简介 (1)1.1产品特性 (1)1.2订购信息 (1)2. 功能描述 (2)2.1雨量测试功能 (5)2.2环境测量功能 (5)2.3温度测量功能 (6)2.4系统状态说明 (6)3. 引脚功能 (7)3.1引脚分布 (7)3.2引脚说明 (7)4. 电气特性 (8)4.1电气特性 (8)4.2通信参数 (8)4.3温度参数 (8)4.4功耗参数 (8)5. 机械尺寸 (9)6. 包装信息 (10)7. 生产指导 (11)7.1存储与运输 (11)7.2湿敏等级 (11)8. 免责声明 (12)1. 产品简介RS200模块是广州立功科技股份有限公司推出的专门针对安防摄像头的智能雨刮模块。
Vaisala DRD11A雨量传感器说明书

DRD11A Rain DetectorFeatures/Benefits ▪Fast and accurate precipitation detection (ON/OFF)▪Rain intensity measurement with processing unit ▪Maintenance free ▪Heating element for keeping sensor free of snow and condensed moisture, and for quick dryingRain and snow are quickly and accurately detected with the DRD11A Rain Detector. The DRD11A operates via droplet detection rather than by signal level threshold.A special delay circuitry allows about two-minute interval between raindrops before assuming an OFF (no rain) position. This enables the sensor to accurately distinguish between rain cessation and light rain.The DRD11A also features ananalog Rain Signal for estimating rain intensity. Since this signal is proportional to the percentage of moist or wet area on the sensor plate, rain intensity has a direct impact on the amplitude andvariation of this analog signal. The DRD11A sensor is positioned at a 30° angle. This design,together with the internal heating element, ensures that the surface dries quickly, an essential factor in calculating intensity. The sameheating element also protects thesurface from fog and condensed moisture, and is activated at low temperatures in order to melt snow, thus allowing snow detection. Sensor performance is not affected by reasonable amounts of dirt and dust due todroplet detection.The DRD11L is a low heating power model of the DRD11A. It is intended to be used in areas with only rain or wet/moist snow precipitation.Vaisala DRD11A Rain DetectorTechnical DataRef. B010018EN-B ©Vaisala 2015This material is subject to copyright protection, with allcopyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. Allrights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarksof Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,distribution or storage of information contained in this brochurein any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictlyprohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subjectto change without notice.Please contact us at /requestinfo Scan the code for more information Sensor Capacitive principle, thick layer sensor RainCap™ with a thin glass shield. Integrated heater element.Sensitivity of Rain Detection Minimum wet area 0.05 cm²OFF-delay (active)< 5 min Physical Sensor plate Sensing area Angle 7.2 cm²30°Housing material Polypropylene Windshield and support bracket AluminumMoisture shield PolyurethaneDimensions With wind shield Without wind shield (h × w × l)110 × 80 × 175 mm 90 × 46 × 157 mmWeight 500 gCable length 4 m Output Rain ON/OFF Open collector, active low signal corresponds to rainMaximum voltage Maximum current 15 V50 mAAnalog output 1...3 V (wet...dry)Frequency output 1500...6000 Hz,non-calibrated Input Control to switch heater OFF Open circuit input enables the heater. Connection to GND disables the heater. Contact rating min.15 V, 2 mA Electrical Supply voltage 12 VDC ± 10 %Supply currentTypical less than Maximum Heater OFF 150 mA 260 mA 25 mASensor plateHeating power 0.5 ... 2.3 WGround Wiring Separate ground wires for signal and heater 1. Sensor, RainCap TM2. Polyurethane moisture shield3. Component assembly4. Wind shield5. Mounting plateTemperature RangeOperating -15...+55 °C (+5...+131 °F)Storage -40...+65 °C (-40...+149 °F)MountingBy one screw (M5 x 20 mm) to sensor arm。


Wiper OperationThe windshield wipers and washers can be used when the vehicle is on.n Front WipersMove the wiper lever up or down to the desired position.1.MIST2.OFF3.INT *6/AUTO *74.LO : Low speed wipe5.HI : High speed wipen Headlight Integration with Wipers When the headlights are in the AUTO position, they automatically turn on when the front wipers operate several times within a certain interval. The headlights turn off shortly after the wipers are turned off or if there is enough ambient light.*6 - Without automatic intermittent wipers *7 - With automatic intermittent wipers VEHICLE CONTROLSn Intermittent (INT) Wipers *1When you move the lever to the INT position, the wipers operate based on the delay adjustment.Rotate the adjustment ring to adjust the wiper delay.n Automatic Intermittent Wipers *1When you push the lever down to AUTO, the windshield wipers sweep once, and go into the automatic mode.The wipers operate intermittently, at low speed, or at high speed and stops in accordance with the amount of rainfall the rainfall sensor detects.AUTO should always be turned OFF before the following situations in order to prevent severe damage to the wiper system:•Cleaning the windshield•Driving through a car wash•No rain present*1 - If equipped VEHICLE CONTROLS。

DSC3 型称重式降水传感器用户手册
6.6. 7.
传感器调试...................................................................................... 24
维护 ............................................................................................................ 26 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 重点注意事项和日常维护.............................................................. 26 检定周期.......................................................................................... 28 典型故障排除.................................................................................. 28
图 2.2 DSC3 型称重式降水传感器整体外观图
‐ 2 ‐
DSC3 型称重式降水传感器用户手册
DSC3 型称重式降水传感器内部实物图及各部件名称如图 2.3 所示:
图 2.3 DSC3 型称重式降水传感器内部实物图
2.2. 载荷元件
载荷元件是 DSC3 型称重式降水传感器的核心元件,通过对重量变化的快速 响应测量降水。 载荷元件基于电阻应变技术:敏感梁在外力作用下产生弹性变形,使粘贴在 它表面的电阻应变片也随同产生变形, 电阻应变片变形后, 它的阻值将发生变化, 再经相应的测量电路把这一电阻变化转换为电信号,进而得到重量。如图 2.4 所 示为其实物图:
Vaisala FD70降水传感器说明书

Key benefitsMultipurpose applicationThe FD70 is a factory-calibrated, plug-and-play sensor. It can function as a stand-alone unit, as an integral part of Vaisala systems, or with most third-party systems.Economical operation and maintenanceThe sensor’s rugged, modular design uses no movable or consumable parts and makes for quick repairs. Remote performance monitoring reduces trips into the field, while advanced self-diagnostics further decrease maintenance.Reference-grade performance in all conditionsThe FD70 detects and identifies precipitation types that have historically been challenging for conventional technologies. Vaisala’s pioneering sensor design enables the FD70 to provide constant, reference-grade performance unlike any other forward scatter technology — even for incidents of freezing rain, ice pellets, intense precipitation, or mixed precipitation.Responsiveness to changing weatherThe high sensitivity of the FD70 sensor means it’s able to detect precipitation onset right from the first droplets, and it reacts quickly to meteorological visibility changes from 1m to 100km (3ft to 62mi).Building on years of expertise in optical measurements, the FD70 offers the key features customers rely on from Vaisala, including uncompromised measurement performance over a wide range of parameters, reliability in operation, and ease of maintenance. In addition, the FD70 excels with fast response times and 100% identification even for the smallest precipitation events.The FD70 is fully configurable to meet our customers’ runway condition, Runway Visual Range (RVR) assessment, and visibility determinationneeds. It complies with ICAO, FAA, and WMO requirements, and has been developed around the WMO SYNOP, METAR, and NWS reporting demands for precipitation and obscuration types.Advanced sensing technology provides accurate visibility measurement with proven calibration traceability and a range of up to 100km (62mi). It also allows the FD70 to detect every particle separately, which enables droplet size distribution and reflectivity reporting previously not available from conventional forward scatter sensors. This is also the first sensor on the market that can reliably report a full range of present weather types, including freezing precipitation.The Vaisala Forward Scatter Sensor FD70 is a powerfultechnology that can outperform and potentially replace the functionality of many separate sensors, such as a present weather sensor, rain gauge, disdrometer, and freezing rain sensor. The FD70 helps you make the best decisions for safer runway operations, even in the most challenging weather conditions.Forward Scatter Sensor FD70The leading forward scatter technology for visibility determination,present weather identification, and precipitation accumulationProduct SpotlightFD70 at a glanceApplications• Monitoring present weather for runway condition reporting and synoptic weather observations.• Measuring real-time runway conditions around RVR assessment, visibility, and general safety determination.• Logging precipitation intensity and accumulation for nowcasting and long-term modeling.• Identification of freezing conditions for triggering runway maintenance and safety protocols.Key featuresSingle-particle analysis for improved accuracy and reliable identification of challengingprecipitation types in all conditions, even for low-intensity precipitation.Exceptional data capture that reports precipitation type, droplet size, intensity,accumulation, and visibility range up to 100km (62mi) Meteorological Optical Range (MOR).Reporting of more than 150 weather codes in accordance with the WMO SYNOP, METAR, and NWS code tables.100% detection that registers all events, including extremely light precipitation.Advanced detection and analysis technology that captures particle size and distributions for enhanced precipitation type identification.Look-down geometry and hood heating that protect against external contaminants.Window contaminant compensation for consistent data quality in all conditions.Professional software security enabling encrypted communication and preventing unauthorized access.Why Vaisala?Experiencewith perspectiveHaving launched our first sensor in 1990, Vaisala is a trusted expert in forward scatter systems. Our unique understanding of weather measurement has made us a leader in weather observation solutions. The technologies we offer are the result of our own R&D, and our solutions and services are used in meteorology worldwide. Our extensive expertise and global presence — with more than 20,000 devices in over 120 countries and all seven oceans — makes us yourglobal weather monitoring and reporting expert.Support to count onLook to Vaisala to provide 24/7 service and easy availability of spare parts to keep you up and running. We also offer dependable support, project capabilities, and training so you can get the most from your system. With decades of experience providing the best technologies and the finest support, Vaisala’s philosophy of partnership is unmatched in the industry./FD70Scan the code formore informationRef. B212135EN-C ©Vaisala 2021This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject to change without notice.。
Flood Sensor Model FS-433 产品说明书

The Flood Sensor is designed to alert you when there is water present & potential flooding. Place this sensor along the baseme nt wall, near the water heater, washing machine etc. When the probe of the sensor is covered with water, the sensor will send a signal to one of the Skylink’s receivers (Security Control Panel SC-001, Emergency Dialer AD-433S,Audio Alarm AA-433, Silent Alarm SW-433) and these receivers will perform their tasks. You must program the sensor to these receivers before they can recognize each other.In this package, you should find a Flood Sensor (battery inside), double-sided foam tape and screws.Please follow the instructions below to setup your flood sensor.2 pcs 2.6 x 12 screws 2 pcs 3.5 x 20 screws (Included)Flood Sensor(battery inside)Double-sided foam tape1. Enter the current MPIN (Master Personal Identification Number) on the SC-001.2. Press [B]3. Press the number key to identify which zone to add the Flood Sensor to, zone [1, 2, 3, 4]. It is not recommended to program this sensor to zone 1 or 2 because these zones are intended for Delay Mode.4. The zone light(s) will flash for eight seconds.5. While the zone light(s) are flashing, press [ ].Now both the green and red lights flash for 30seconds.6. While the zone lights are flashing, activate the flood sensor by pressing the learn button on the sensor. The red LED light on the Flood Sensor will turn on. You will hear a long beep from the control panel, the zone lights will stop flashing and the Flood Sensor will now communicateto that zone.*1. With only the “ON” light lit on the Audio Alarm, press and hold the learn button located on the bottom of the Audio Alarm.2. While pressing down on the learn button, activate the Flood Sensor by pressing the learn button on the sensor. The red LED light will flash.3. If a connection has been made, the Audio Alarm will stop beeping and make a continuous tone until the black learn button on the Audio Alarm is released.4. Arm the AA-433 in chime mode. Test the sensor by pressing the button onthe flood sensor again. If the Audio Alarm beeps, they are communicating.1. P ress [L], [5] when in clock mode, the display will show “L5 Id codE”.2. Activate the Flood Sensor within 5 seconds by pressing the learn button on the sensor. The red LED light of the Flood Sensor will be on when the button on the sensor is pressed. The display will return to clock mode once the Flood Sensor has been learned.3. If the Flood Sensor detec ts any water, it will trigger the Emergency Dialer and start dialing preset phone numbers (refer to AD-433S User’sInstruction).1. Each Flood Sensor contains 2 parts. One is the transmitter (with the learn button), the other is the actual sensor, always place the sensor below the transmitter when installing this unit.2. Position the transmitter using either double-sided tape (temporary) or screws (permanent). If you are using screws, first pry off the backplate with a small screwdriver and screw the backplate into position.Then click the transmitter on to the backplatenow mounted on the wall.If, within one year from date of purchase, this product should become defective (except battery), due to faulty workmanship or materials, it will be repaired orreplaced, without charge. Proof of purchase and a Return Authorization are required.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.WARNING:Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.NOTE:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful inter-ference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment dose cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.CUSTOMER SERVICE17 Sheard Avenue, Brampton, Ontario, Canada L6Y 1J3Email:***********************(Replywithin24hrs)P/N. 101A090-001 Rev.1US Patent. 6243000B1©2004 SKYLINK GROUPIf you would like to order Skylink’s products or have difficulty getting them to work, please :1. visit our FAQ section at , or********************************** (reply within 24 hrs), or3. call our toll free at 1-800-304-1187 from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm EST.Fax +800 286-1320Each Flood Sensor operates a 12 volt alkaline battery that is inside the transmitter. This sensor comes with the battery already installed. Check the battery periodically to ensure the sensor is working properly.To replace the battery:1. Push on the clip at the bottom of the trans-mitter case with a sharp object (such as a paper clip or pen) and pull it away from the backplate.2. Pry out the old battery from the end.3. Push the new battery back into place. A diagram beside the battery compartment indicates which end is positive and which is negative.4. Snap the transmitter back onto the backplate.+-3. Position the sensor below the transmitter using either double-sided tape or screws (recommended).4. Test the unit by pressing the learn button on the transmitter. If the red LED light turns on, the unit is ready. Once water is detected by the sensor, the transmitter will transmit a signal to Skylink’s receiver(s).Learn Button。

树莓派(raspberry pi)与雨滴传感器(rain sensor)的使用教程
先看张成功的实图(1 为无雨,0 为有雨滴):
VCC接5v (pin2)
GND接GND (pin6)
AO 不连接
2、接好线之后,启动树莓派,并进入桌面的在LXT 终端(远程登录则直接输入如下代码),
sudo nano yudi.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# BY
# 1 为无雨,0 为有雨
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
GPIO.setup(4, GPIO.IN)
while 1:
按ctrl+x,按y 键,回车,从而退出保存。
(其中time.sleep(0.5) 0.5 表示延迟检测时间,时间越小,检测越频繁)
sudo python yudi.py
当雨板无雨滴时,DO-LED 灯应为灭,有雨滴时应为亮。
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产品名称:雨滴传感器模块 版本:配50*40mm传感器
5、输出形式 :数字开关量输出(0和1)和模拟量AO电压输出;
7、小板PCB尺寸:3.2cm x 1.4cm
接上5V电源,电源指示灯亮,感应板上没有水滴时,DO输出为高电平,开关指示灯灭 ,滴上一滴水,DO输出为低电平,开关指示灯亮,
DO TTL数字输出也可以连接单片机检测是否有雨。