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咸阳市是周、秦、汉、隋、唐等11个朝代的都城和军事重地。有着辉煌的历史,有中华民族始祖轩辕黄帝陵,中国第一位黄帝就在这里建都, 统一了中国,他就是著名的秦始皇,中国最初的黄帝,整个咸阳是中国的重心,在古代属于风水宝地,有各朝代帝王皇陵1135座, 其中有著名的汉武大帝陵园、他得大将卫青和霍去病大将军陵园,霍去病陵园的石刻用自然的石头形体来创造设计,是中国雕塑的出色代表,他们构成了中华民族几千年文明历史的天然博物馆,使咸阳成为著名的历史文化名城和旅游胜地。


Today I want to introduce my hometown , Xianyang, which is a very i mportant historic city in China.

XianYang city was as the capital of ZHOU, QIN, HAN, SUI ,TANG and other 6 dynasties 。

It has the splendid history. The Chinese first ancestor,emperor Xuany uan’s mausoleum is set in here, and China's first emperor QIN SHI HU ANG unified China and set up capital in our Xianyang City,

and at that time, Xianyang is the center of the whole China.

In ancient-times, Xianyang is the feng shui treasure-house, there a re more than One thousand one hundred and

thirty-five mausoleums of emperors seat in here ,including the famous w est-han emperor and his generals ,WeiQing and Huo Qubing’s tomb are also seat in here. And the stone carving in HuoQuBing’s mausoleum us e in a natural stone form to create design ,

they constituted Chinese nation thousands of years history of civiliz ation, natural museum, make Xianyang become a famous historical and c ultural city and a tourist resort.

In dietary respect mainly has: beef and mutton bubble, the meat clip, part part at surface, liangpi and so on, I hope everyone can have th e chance to xianyang to taste our delicious food. Thank you that;s all
