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executive is away?
• What should a secretary do with different documents
• What recommendations can a secretary make?
Reading A: Homework
• Finish all the exercises in Reading A. • Preview Reading B.
• 机密文件 • 万事通/多面手 • 管理职责 • 协调工作 • 下属 • 整理文件 • 建立档案 • 招聘人员/员工 • 采取积极主动的措

• confidential files • jack of all trades • management functions • coordinate work • tidy up documents • establish records • recruit personnel/employee • take active measures
Leabharlann Baiduart II Business Letters
• 英语商务公函是公务活动中一种常见的交际形式 。写信人不必使用华丽的词句,只需将自己的意 图表达清楚即可。
• 英语公务信函一般由以下几个部分组成: • 1 信头 (Letterhead——The Writer’s Name,
Address) • 2 日期(Date) • 3 收信人姓名、地址(The Receiver’s Name
• 和谐的工作关系 • 有效的办公程序 • 高效的工作流程 • 速记 • 安排会议 • 会议记录员 • 账目记录 • 财务记录
• harmonious working relationships • effective office procedures • efficient work flow • take shorthand • coordinate conferences and
and Address/ The Inside Name and Address)
Part II Business Letters
• 4 称呼 (Salutation) • 5 正文(Letter Body) • 6 客套结束语(Complimentary Close) • 7 签名( Signature)
English for Secretary
Email: Mobile:
Unit 1 Professional Secretary
• Reading A: 2 Periods • Reading B: 2 Periods • Simulated Writing & Listening and
Speaking: 2 Periods
Reading A: Reading Activities
Answer the following questions:
• What are the major jobs of a professional secretary according to paragraph 1?
• How can a secretary help visitors • What should a secretary do when the
Reading A: US Professional Secretarial
Job Description
• Pre-reading Activities: Before
reading the following passage, answer these questions:
• 1. What do you think should be the duties of a secretary
good manners in the office?
• Have you ever encountered anything uncomfortable in the classroom?
Reading A: Reading Activities
New words and Expressions: Try to find out
Speaking: 2 Periods
Reading A Observing Proper Office Etiquette
• Pre-reading Activities: Before
reading the following passage, answer these questions:
• Do manners matter in the office? Why? • In your opinion, what are the major
the corresponding English equivalents.
meetings • recorder of minutes • account records • financial records
Reading A: Reading Activities
New words and Expressions: Try to find out
the corresponding English equivalents.
• 2. What skills should a secretary possess?
Reading A: Reading Activities
New words and Expressions: Try to find out
the corresponding English equivalents.
• 英语公务信函的书写格式有三种:缩进式( Indented Style)、齐头式(Blocked Style)、混 合式(Modified Style)
Unit 2 Observing Proper Office Etiquette
• Reading A: 2 Periods • Reading B: 2 Periods • Simulated Writing & Listening and