
购置和使用成本更低高端型8680i提供了可定制的视距屏幕、Wi-Fi以及用于应用开发的SDK,一台设备即可同时代替扫描器 +移动数据终端,大幅简化工作流程。
坚固耐用可承受从0.5 m(1.6英尺)滚落2,000次,满足严苛工作环境的要求。
8680i佩戴式迷你移动数据终端8680i是一款紧凑型高性能佩戴式迷你移动数据终端,能大幅提高业务的 工作流程效率。
标准型设备是一款轻巧、符合人体工学设计,带蓝牙功能的可穿戴扫描 器,在与其他设备配对后可以实现无线通信并传输电池状态和扫描结果等 数据。
蜂巢智能温湿度传感器 SCT 系列数据手册说明书

Datasheet2Humidity and Temperature Wall Mount Transducers,SCT SeriesHoneywell Humidity and Temperature Wall Mount Transducers, SCT Series, are an ideal environmental solution for indoor applications such as building automation and HVAC systems in residential and office buildings. The SCT Series utilizesHoneywell HumidIcon™ humidity/temperature sensors to accurately and reliably sense humidity and temperature in the area to enhance user comfort.The SCT Series offers a variety of options and features. The transducers can be equipped with or without a legible LCDdisplay that shows the ambient temperature along with the relative humidity or dew point. The stylish cover trim is available in either silver or gold.Standard output of humidity and temperature is either 4 mA to 20 mA or 0 V to 10 V . The temperature output signal may also be configured with an NTC 10 kOhm, 20 kOhm or PT1000 sensor.INDUSTRY-STANDARD ACCURACY • STABILITY • RELIABILITYP otential ApplicationsINDUSTRIALClimate monitoring and control for: • Residential and office buildings• Production and manufacturing plants • Storerooms• Equipment cabinets • Testing environmentsFeatures•Enhanced accuracy:- ±4 %RH (10 %RH to 90 %RH at 25 °C),±5 %RH (10 %RH to 90 %RH at 5 °C to 50 °C)- Enables the customer to potentially reduce/eliminatetransmitter recalibration cost and supports and optimizes system accuracy and uptime• Long-term stability:- Humidity: ±0.05 %RH typ. and ±1.2 %RH max. drift overfive years- True temperature-compensated humidity elementenables customers to potentially reduce/eliminate the transmitter recalibration cost with enhanced stability over next best alternatives• Enhanced reliability: The humidity sensor element’s multilayerconstruction provides resistance to most applicationhazards such as dust, dirt, condensation, oils and common environmental chemicals, enhancing reliability• Standard humidity output: 4 mA to 20 mA or 0 V to 10 V • Cost-effective• Choice of cover trim color (silver or gold)• Full 0 %RH to 100 %RH measurement range • Available with or without LCD display3SCT SeriesTable 1. Humidity and Temperature PerformanceTable 2. Electrical SpecificationsTable 3. Environmental SpecificationsTable 4. Mechanical SpecificationsHumidity and Temperature Wall Mount TransducersFor example, SCTHWA43SDS de nes an SCT Series humidity and temperature transducer, wall mount, 4 mA to 20 mA output, 4 %RH humidity accuracy, 0.3 °C temperature accuracy/output type, -5 °C to 55 °C temperature range, LCD display, silver cover trim.Wall Mount T SeriesSCTTable 6. Order Guide for No Humidity (Temperature Only) Accuracy Figure 1. Nomenclature Tree 15 SCT SeriesFigure 2. Mounting Dimensions (For reference only: mm/in])With LCD DisplayWithout LCD Display4Humidity and Temperature Wall Mount Transducers Figure 3. DIP Switch Settings1, 22New setting with SW switch will be active once the unit is powered up..Sensing and Productivity Solutions Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 55422 Find out moreHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of thenearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office.To learn more about Honeywell’s sensing and control products, call +1-815-235-6847 or 1-800-537-6945, visit , or e-mail inquiries to *********************32302444-A-EN IL50September 2015© 2015 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.WARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell website, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThe following associated literature is available at : • Application Note• Installation Instructions。
Honeywell MICRO SWITCH SM Series产品说明书

MICRO SWITCH Premium Subminiature Basic SwitchesSM SeriesDESCRIPTIONThe industry-defining name in snap-action switches,Honeywell MICRO SWITCH premium subminiature switches are designed for repeatability and enhanced product life. The MICRO SWITCH SM Series delivers consistent performance within a range of conditions.The MICRO SWITCH SM Series’ small size and light weight are combined with ample electrical capacity, precision operation, and extended life. Featuring high precision and repeatability, the SM Series offers gold contacts for low-energy switching and gold bifurcated contacts for maximum reliability.Bifurcated contacts provide parallel redundancy within the SM switch.The SM switch is available for power-duty switching up to 11 A (Vac) or 1/4 HP (Vac).DIFFERENTIATION• Very wide temperature range allows for years of reliable performance in the harshest of conditions • MIL-PRF-8805 qualified listings• Operating forces as low as 0,06 N [6 g] and differential travel as low as 0,025 mm [0.001 in] delivers consistent, precise switch characteristicsFEATURES• Industry-leading mechanical life of up to 10,000,000 operations• Selection of actuation, electrical termination, and operating characteristics along with high-temperature construction options• Wide temperature range of -54°C to 204°C [-65°F to 400°F]• MIL-PRF-8805 qualified listings in a lightweight, small package• FAA-PMA approvals for commercial aircraft• Choice of silver or gold-plated, or gold bifurcated contacts to handle a variety of electrical load requirements • UL/CSA, cUL, ENEC, and CE approvalsVALUE TO CUSTOMERS• Industry-leading life cycle rating reduces the need to replace switches over life in an OEM platform – reducing total system cost • Low operating forces • Mil-qualified listings• Life of up to 10,000,000 cyclesPOTENTIAL APPLICATIONS• Precision switch assemblies for commercial aircraft to monitor doors for “closed” and “locked” position • Landing gear monitor• Precision switch assemblies for commercial cockpitapplications for pushbuttons, toggle, or joystick assemblies • Precision switch assemblies in military applications• Assemblies for industrial pressure switches and temperature switches• Power generation fuel level (gas and oil)PORTFOLIOThe SM Series of premium subminiature basic switches are a part of a strong offering of submins including SX Series (premium) and ZM, ZM1, ZD, ZX, and ZW Series (standard) switches.Sensing and Internet of Things004959Issue 3Electrical data and UL codes2 * except where stated ±0,38 mm [±0.015 in]Sensing and Internet of Things 34 Sensing and Internet of Things 5Table 5. Numeric Designations for MICRO SWITCH SM Series/Order Guide6 Table 6. SM Series • Standard Actuator Options, Screw Terminals, and Dimensions (mm/in)Pin plunger, T terminalsPin plunger, Solder terminalsIntegral leaf leverIntegral roller leverIntegral leversNOTE: The two mounting holes accept pins or screws of 2,21 mm (0.087 in) maximum diameterMounting torque:0,26 Nm [2.3 in-lb] max.MICRO SWITCH SM SERIES AVAILABLE TERMINALSSensing and Internet of Things 7MICRO SWITCH JS SERIES AUXILIARY ACTUATORS FOR THE MICRO SWITCH SM SERIES SWITCH-ES (stainless steel actuator and hardware)** Travel characteristics on tandem actuators vary with actual basic switch characteristics NOTE: Above actuators should be used below 300°F* “A” measurement is from pivot point of lever to the point indicated on drawing DPlated steel machine screwsWarranty/RemedyHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the appli-cable warranty period. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warrantedgoods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole discretion, finds defec-tive. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this writing. However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility for its use.004959-3-EN IL50 GLO December 2016© 2016 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.m WARNINGPERSONAL INJURYDO NOT USE these products as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.m WARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATION• The information presented in this product sheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide.•Complete installation, operation, and maintenanceinformation is provided in the instructions supplied with each product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.Find out moreHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices and distributors. For application assistance, cur-rent specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office.To learn more about Honey-well’s sensing and switching products,call +1-815-235-6847 or 1-800-537-6945,visit , or e-mail inquiries to *********************ADDITIONAL MATERIALSThe following associated literature is available at :• Product installation instructions • Product range guide • Aerospace range guide • Applying basic switches • Low energy switching guide• Product application-specific information – A pplication Note: Central Vacuum System – A pplication Note: Electronic Taping Machine– Application Note: Sensors and Switches in Sanitary Valves – Application Note: Sensors and Switches in Oil Rig Applications– Application Note: Sensors and Switches for Potential Medical ApplicationsHoneywell Sensing and Internet of Things 9680 Old Bailes Road Fort Mill, SC 29707 。
霍尼韦尔 伏卡安全系统 B208 八路输入模块操作指南说明书

Callout Description1Heartbeat LED (blue)2SDI2 interconnect wiring connectors(to control panel or additional modules) 3SDI2 terminal strip(to control panel or additional modules) 4Tamper switch connector5Terminal connector (point inputs)6Address switches 1 OverviewThe B208 Octo-input Module is an 8 point supervised expansion device that connectsto control panels through the SDI2 bus. This module communicates back to the controlpanel all point status changes. The inputs are accessed through on-board screw terminalconnections. The on-board switches are used to specify module addresses.2 SDI2 address settingsTwo address switches determine the address for the B208 Octo-input Module. The controlpanel uses the address for communications. The address also determines the pointnumbers. Use a slotted screwdriver to set the two address switches.2.1 Valid addresses and point numbers per control panelValid B208 addresses are dependent on the number of points allowed by a particularcontrol panel.3 InstallationAfter you set the address switches for the proper address, install the B208 in theenclosure and then wire the module to the control panel and to the inputs.Control panel Valid B208 addresses Corresponding point numbersB551201 - 0411 - 18, 21 - 28, 31 - 38, 41 - 48B451201 - 0211 - 18, 21 - 28D9412GV401 - 2411 - 18, 21 - 28, 31 - 38, 41 - 48, 51 - 58,61 - 68, 71 - 78, 81 - 88, 91 - 98, 101 - 108,111 - 118, 121 - 127, 131 - 138, 141 - 148,151 - 158, 161 - 168, 171 - 178, 181 - 188,191 - 198, 201 - 208, 211 - 218, 221 - 228,231 - 238, 241 - 247D7412GV401 - 0711 - 18, 21 - 28, 31 - 38, 41 - 48, 51 - 58,61 - 68, 71 - 75D7212GV401 - 0311 - 18, 21 - 28, 31 - 38Figure 2.1: Address switchesTo determine the point numbers for each address, multiply the address numberby 10 for the base number, and then use numbers 1 through 8 in the ones place for the pointnumbers.ExamplesFor B208 address 01the point numbers for the input devices are 11 through 18:Terminal numbers12345678Point numbers1112131415161718For B208 address 11 the point numbers for the input devices are 111 through 118:Terminal numbers12345678Point numbers111112113114115116117118= Inputs 11 to 18= Inputs 111 to 118Set the address switches per the control panel confi guration. If multiple B208 modulesreside on the same system, each B208 module must have a unique address.NOTICE!The module reads the address switch setting only during power up. If youchange the switches after you apply power to the module, you must cyclethe power to the module in order for the new setting to be enabled.The B208 address switches provide a tens and ones value for the module’s address. Forsingle-digit address numbers 1 through 9, set the tens switch to 0 and the ones digit to theappropriate number. Figure 2.1 shows the address switches setting for addresses 9 and 11.3.1 Mount the module in the enclosureMount the B208 into the enclosure’s 3-hole mounting pattern using the suppliedmounting screws and mounting bracket. Refer to Figure Mount and wire the tamper switch (optional)You can connect an enclosure door tamper switch for one module in an enclosure.Installing the optional tamper switch for use with a B208:1. Mount the ICP-EZTS Tamper Switch (P/N: F01U009269) into the enclosure’stamper switch mounting location. For complete instructions, refer to EZTS Coverand Wall Tamper Switch Installation Guide (P/N: F01U003734).2. Plug the tamper switch wire onto the module’s tamper switch connector. Refer toFigure Wire to the control panelWhen you wire a B208 to a control panel, you can use either the module’s terminal striplabeled with PWR, A, B, and COM, or the module’s interconnect wiring connectors (wireincluded). Interconnect wiring parallels the PWR, A, B, and COM terminals on the terminalstrip. Figure 1.1 indicates the location of both the terminal strip and the interconnectconnectors on the module. Refer to Figures 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4.NOTICE!Use either the terminal strip wiring or interconnect wiring connector tothe control panel. Do not use both. When connecting multiple modules,you can combine terminal strip and interconnect wiring connectors inseries.Callout Description1B208 with mounting bracket installed2Enclosure3Mounting screws (3)Figure 1.1: B208 Octo-input Module NOTICE!Remove all power (AC and Battery) before making any connections. Failure to do so may result in personal injury and/or equipment damage.Callout Description1B208 Octo-input Module 2B208 sensor loops31 k Ω EOL resistor (ICP-1K22AWG-10)4Wiring to additional sensor loops3.4 Sensor Loop WiringWire resistance on each sensor loop must be less than 100 Ω with the detection devices connected. The terminal strip supports 12 to 22 AWG (0.65 to 2 mm) wires.The B208 detects open, short, normal, and ground fault circuit conditions on its sensor loops and transmits the conditions to the control panel. Each sensor loop is assigned a point number and transmits to the control panel individually. Run wires away from the premises telephone and AC wiring. Refer to Figure 3.5.4 LED descriptionsThe B208 Octo-input Module includes one blue heartbeat LED to indicate that the module has power and to indicate the module’s current state. Refer(GV4 Series control panel shown)Callout Description1Bosch control panel 2B208 Octo-input ModulesCallout Description1Bosch control panel 2B208 Octo-input Modules(GV4 Series control panel shown)(GV4 Series control panel shown)Callout Description1Terminal strip wiring (SDI2)2Interconnect cable (P/N: F01U079745) (included)Dimensions 2.5 in x 3.8 in x 0.60 in (63.75 mm x 96 mm x 15.25 mm)Voltage (operating)12 V nominal Current (maximum)35 mAOperating temperature +32°F to +122°F (0°C to +50°C)Relative humidity 5% to 93% at +90°F (+32°C) non-condensingLoop inputsUp to eight inputs. Input contacts may be Normally Open (NO) orNormally Closed (NC) with 1k Ω EOL resistor(s) for supervision. NOTICE: Normally Closed (NC) is not permitted in Fire installations.Loop End-of-Line (EOL) resistance1k ΩLoop wiring resistance 100 Ω maximum Loop statesShort: 0 - 1.1 VDCNormal: 1.25 - 1.9 VDC Open: 2.25 - 5 VDCTerminal wire size 12 AWG to 22 AWG (2 mm to 0.65 mm)SDI2 wiringMaximum distance - Wire size (Unshielded wire only): 1000 ft (305 m) - 22 AWG (0.65 mm)1000 ft (305 m) - 18 AWG (2 mm)CompatibilityB5512 (Up to 4 modules)B4512 (Up to 2 modules)D9412GV4 (Up to 24 modules)D7412GV4 (Up to 7 modules)D7212GV4 (Up to 3 modules)7 Speci fi cationsCopyrightThis document is the intellectual property of Bosch Security Systems, Inc. and is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.TrademarksAll hardware and software product names used in this document are likely to be registered trademarks and must be treated accordingly.Determine Bosch Security Systems, Inc. product manufacturing datesUse the serial number located on the product label and refer to the Bosch Security Systems, Inc. web site at /datecodes/.RegionUSUL 365 - Police Station Connected Burglar Alarm Units and Systems UL 609 - Local Burglar Alarm Units and Systems UL 985 - Household Fire Warning System Units UL 1076 - Proprietary Burglar Alarm Units and Systems UL 1023 - Household Burglar-Alarm System Units UL 1610 - Central-Station Burglar-Alarm UnitsUL 864 - Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems CSFM - California Of fi ce of The State Fire Marshal FCC Part 15 Class B FM Approval 3010CanadaCAN/ULC-S304 Central and Monitoring Station Burglar Alarm Units ULC/ORD-C1023 Household Burglar Alarm System Units CAN/ULC-S303 Local Burglar Alarm Units and Systems ULC/ORD-C1076 Proprietary Burglar Alarm Units and Systems6 Certi fi cationsFlashing patterns do not start until the tamper is open (short is removed). The following is an example: The version 1.4.3 would be shown as LED fl ashes:[3 second pause] *___****___*** [3 second pause, then normal operation].When the tamper switch is activated (closed to open), the heartbeat LED stays OFF for 3 sec before indicating the fi rmware version. The LED pulses the major, minor, and micro digits of the fi rmware version, with a 1 sec pause after each digit.5 Show the fi rmware versionTo show the fi rmware version using an LED fl ash pattern: - If the optional tamper switch is installed:With the enclosure door open, activate the tamper switch (push and release the switch).- If the optional tamper switch is NOT installed: Momentarily short the tamper pins.。

同类最佳的特性: ● 校验量程的精确度高达0.0375% ● 每年的稳定性高达0.01%/满量程,保持10年 ● 自动静压和温度补偿 ● 高达400:1的量程比 ● 响应时间快达90ms ● 多种本地显示功能 ● 外部零位、量程和组态功能 ● 电源极性任意连接 ● 完善的自诊断功能 ● 基于ANSI/NFPA 70-202和ANSI/ISA 12.27.0集成双重密
bar、mbar、inH2O、inHG、FTH2O、mmH2O、mmHG 和psi测量单位 ● 2 行16个字符(高4.13mm x 宽1.83mm) ● 平方根输出指示
高级型图形 LCD 显示表头特性 ● 模块化(可现场增加或拆卸) ● 0、90、180和270度位置调整 ● 提供标准和自定义测量单位 ● 可有3种格式的最多8个显示屏,带棒状图的大PV值或带
封设计,可确保最高安全性 ● 世界一流的耐静压能力:31.5MPa/42MPa ● 标准配置完全符合SIL2/3要求。 ● 全模块设计 ● 最长可提供15年保修
量程上限URL 量程下限LRL 最大量程 最小量程
STD820 STD830 STD870
集成的三按钮组态选项 SmartLine变送器适合所有的电气和环境要求,无论选
择哪种显示表头,都可以通过三个外部按钮进行变送器和显 示表头的组态。无论是否选择显示表头,零位和量程的调整 功能均可通过这些按钮来实现。
手持组态工具 SmartLine变送器在操作员和变送器之间采用双向的通
讯和组态功能。这是通过霍尼韦尔的适用于各种现场需求的 多协议通讯器(MCT202)实现的。MCT202能够现场组态DE 和HART变送器,它还可以在本质安全的环境下使用。所有 霍尼韦尔变送器经设计和测试符合所提供的通讯协议,并且 可与任何经过验证的手持组态设备配合使用。
霍尼韦尔Scorcher Pro 车载电子设备说明书

SECTION 3:READING THE VEHICLE INFORMATIONPOWERING UP THE SCORCHER PRO1.Using the provided HDMI/OBDII Cable from Section 1, plug the device into the vehicle’s OBDII Port commonly found within 24”of the steering column under the driver’s side dash.READING THE VEHICLE’S INFORMATION1.At this point, the key should be in the ignition, but in the OFF position until prompted to turn key ON/RUN position.2.From the Main Menu , select Program Vehicle .3.Processing Data : The Scorcher Pro is now reading your vehicle information.4.Updates: Internet Required . Inorder to install the most up-to-date files the Scorcher Pronow requires internet access. You can access these files via twomethods found in Section 4.SECTION 4:METHODS FOR UPDATING THE SCORCHER PROMETHOD #1: UPDATING VIA WIFI INSIDE THE VEHICLE1.Select Continue from the Internet Required screen.2.Select the WiFi network you would like to connect to. Use the middle button to confirm your selection.3. Enter the network pass code using the arrow keys and the middle button to select.4. Confirm the Wifi settings and select Continue.METHOD #2: UPDATING VIA WIFI USING USB POWER1.Plug the Scorcher Pro into a computer or wall charger using the provided Micro USB Cable.2.Select “Program Vehicle” from the main menu .3. “Vehicle Updates” select “Confirm”.4.“Device Updates” select “Continue”.5.“Internet Required” select “Continue”.6.Follow on screen instruction to set up WiFi.7.Follow on screen prompts until the “Up-To-Date” screen.8.Unplug and return to the vehicle .SECTION 1:PARTS & CHECKLISTSCORCHER PROMICRO USB ™ CABLEMICRO USB™ CABLEHDMI/OBD II CABLEQUICK START GUIDEFuse Puller | Voltage Tester | Battery Charger | PliersTOOLS NEEDED:SECTION 2:PRE-INSTALL CHECKLISTINTERNET ACCESSDuring the installation process you will need to connect the Scorcher Pro to the internet.ALLOW TIME FOR INITIAL SETUPMake sure you have at least an hour to complete the initial setup, update, and installation process.This device is not legal for sale or use in California on pollution controlled vehicles.SECTION 5:TUNING THE VEHICLE1.Cloud Check – If your dealer has sent you a custom tune using the cloud select “continue” to download the custom tune. If not select “Skip” and follow prompts. 2.Select your tune from the following menu items:Pre-Loaded Tune FilesPreloaded aFe Power tunes for use on stock vehicles only.Custom TuneCustom Tuning Dealer files, if there are any on the device.Return to StockRestore original factory file to vehicle.3.Highlight the tune you wish to use and select confirm.4. Read and acknowledge the street use notice.5.Depending on your vehicle there may be further parameters you can change under "Additional Tune Option". Select "Change" to view the available options or "Skip" to continue with downloading the tune only. 6.The Tune and any Additional Tune Options will now beinstalled. Follow the on-screen directions to finish the process.MAIN MENU PROGRAM VEHICLEGAUGES / DATA LOG VEHICLE FUNCTIONSVEHICLE INFO DEVICE INFO DEVICE SETTINGSPROGRAM VEHICLE UPDATE REQUIREDU P for updatesEXIT CONTINUEPROGRAM VEHICLESTREET USE NOTICE This device is NOT LEGAL for sale or use in California on any pollution controlled motor vehicles.Press CONTINUE to start programming.EXITCONTINUEPROGRAM VEHICLECLOUD CHECK Press CONTINUE to query Cloud for available custom tunes.SKIPCONTINUEPROGRAM VEHICLECONNECT TO WIFI SSID (NETWORK NAME)aFePASSCODE (SECURITY KEY)XXXXXEXIT CONTINUENOTE: Please make sure that all stock electronics are turned off and disconnect any aftermarket electronics as well.SECTION 6:LOADING CUSTOM TUNESThe Scorcher Pro is capable of having custom tune files sent over the Cloud straight to the device from aFe. If aFe has chosen to email your file, you can load them onto the device using the Device Updater software. 1.From your e-mail, save your Custom Tunes (.cef files) to your computer’s Desktop.2.Open the Updater software and click the Load Custom Tune File button.3.Click Browse and locate your custom tunes on your Desktop. Alternatively, you can also click Locate Custom Tunes .4.Highlight the Tune you wish to load. The tune you selected should move to the Available Tunes section .5.Select the listed tune in the Available Tunes section, then click the >> button to move the selected tune to the On Device section.6.Highlight the tune under the On Device section , then click program. Tunes can only be loaded one at a time. Repeat steps 3-7 for each tune, the device can hold up to ten custom tunes. During the installation the Scorcher Pro will be married to your (One) vehicle. Once married there is an unlock fee to un-marry the device from your vehicle in or-der to install it on another vehicle.NOTE: Make sure the "Updater Software" from Section 4 Has been completed before proceeding with Section 6.NOTE: To edit the name of the file as it appears on your device, you must highlight the file after transferring the file to the On Device section of Updater. Next to Edit Name , change the name of the file here. Select Save , then Program .EXIT CONFIRMVEHICLE LICENSEYour device is not paired.Select CONFIRM to pair your device with this vehicle.SECTION 8: ADJUSTABLE OPTIONS EXPLAINEDDIESEL VEHICLE SPECIFIC OPTIONS Performance/ExtremeThe most aggressive preloaded diesel tune. Good for everyday use, racing, or economy but not recommended for any type of towing. Street/PerformanceThe Street tune has less power than Performance with a moderate gain over stock, safe for light towing, under 5,000 lbs.Towing/TowThis tune should be used when towing any significant load as the shifting is specific for towing.Trans OnlyFor heavy loads, the engine and boost are left stock and only the transmission shift points are tuned.Jake BrakeHelps to increase engine braking while coasting to help lower braking temperatures.Locked at CTKeeps the torque converter locked during deceleration to aid in engine braking.Lock In 1-2-3Locks the torque converter in 1st, 2nd and 3rd gear.Agg. Tow HaulMore aggressive shift schedule keeping the engine in its power band longer.DIESEL & GAS VEHICLE OPTIONS:Axle RatioCorrects shift patterns / speedometer for aftermarket axles /parts. (Not available on all vehicles)Tire SizeSets tire size to correct shift patterns/speedometer. (Not availableon all vehicles)Idle SpeedSets idle speed in RPM.Traction ControlOn/Off setting disables traction control without using theTCS button.WOT ShiftIncrease or Decrease the WOT shift points of each gear individuallyby MPH.Shift Pressure% change in transmission pressure during shifts. (+ equals firmer,- equals softer)GAS VEHICLE SPECIFIC OPTIONS:Tune TypePerformance levels vary by the octane you select. Higher octanewill provide higher performance increase.Towing TuneAdjusts the octane based tunes to focus more on towingover performance.Global SparkAdd or remove timing advance to the entire RPM range.Spark by RPMAdd or remove timing by RPM range. (0-2000) (2000-4000)(4000-8000)WOT FuelAdd or remove fuel at wide open throttle. (WOT)Fuel InjectorsAllows you to adjust for different sized injectors. (Not available onall vehicles)CMCV DeletesUpdates tune to handle the CMCV/IMRC delete plates modification.Fan ControlLowers the temperature at which the fan turns on.Rev Limiter DriveSets rev limit in RPM while in drive.Rev Limiter NeutralSets rev limit in RPM while in neutral.Speed LimitRemove, increase, or decrease the vehicle speed limiter.(AKA Governor)SECTION 9:FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSQ: When I try to update my tuner, it says “Please connect device” but it’s already plugged in.A: This is an issue with your PC’s driver software.Q: When I connect the tuner to the vehicle, it doesn’t power on.A: Check for blown fuses specific to the OBDII Port/Cigarette Lighter for your vehicle.Q: Does the tuner have to stay plugged in to keep the vehicle tuned?A: No, after tuning the vehicle you can disconnect the programmer and store it.Q: Can I stack/combine the Scorcher Pro with another chip or tuning module?A: All chips/tuning products must be removed prior to tuning with any device.Q: Can the vehicle be tuned while the engine is running?A: We do not recommend tuning the vehicle while the engine is running as this can cause severedamage to the vehicle and the PCM.Q: Should I return to stock before taking my car to the dealer?A: We recommend that you always return your vehicle to stock before returning to the dealershipas this prevents the tuner from becoming locked if the dealer updates the PCM.Q: My device is telling me my car is a Shelby GT500 when I go to program vehicle or My devicesays Demo Mode when I read Device Info.A: Check device settings and look for Demo Mode. If it is on disable it by turning it to off.This will cause the device to stop identifying your vehicle as a Shelby GT500 and will nowoperate as needed.Q: My vehicle is modified and I loaded a preloaded tune. Now it won’t run as expected.A: In most cases a modified vehicle requires a custom tune. There are set ups in the preloadedtune options to adapt to certain cold air intakes, however this is per vehicle and what works forone vehicle may not work on another.Q: Can I tune more than one vehicle with this programmer?A: No,during the installation the Scorcher Pro will be married to your vehicle. Once married there isan unlock fee to un-marry the device from your vehicle in order to install it on another vehicle. SECTION 7:ON–DEVICE DATA LOGGING1. Connect the Scorcher Pro to the OBDII port.2. From the Main Menu, scroll toGauges/Datalog and press thecenter button on the ScorcherPro.3. On initial setup, you will need to select Configuration press thecenter button, and select yourvehicle from a list of data logfiles. In the future, you cancontinue without going throughthe vehicle selection.4. Once you select your vehicle, the default gauges will show up andcan now be monitored.5.The items being monitored can be adjusted by pressing up ordown on the device to highlight and then pressing the centerbutton on the Scorcher Pro to select which reading you’d liketo change. Within this menu, you can change the item you’remonitoring, and the units in which it will be displaying. You canalso change the layout of the gauges within this menu.6.To start or stop data logging, press the center button on theScorcher Pro while monitoring the gauges.7.While monitoring, press right or left on the device to go tothe Gauges/Datalog menu. From this menu, you may startrecording, select a data log file with which to log, change thegauge layout, and reset the min/max values on the monitor.CONFIGURATIONFORD DIESEL 6.4LFORD DIESEL 6.7LFORD DIESEL 6.0L & 7.3LFORD GAS ʻ07 & PRIOR YEARSFORD GAS ʻ08 & NEWERFORD NON-US ʼ11 & PRIOREXIT CONTINUEMAIN MENUPROGRAM VEHICLEGAUGES / DATA LOGVEHICLE FUNCTIONSVEHICLE INFODEVICE INFODEVICE SETTINGSNOTE: Gauges are defaulted tometric units of measurement.NOTE: Adjustable Options vary for each vehicle and arenot available on all vehicles.BATTERY VOLTAGE12.80MIN:12.20MAX:13.10VBOOSTPSI11.00MIN: 0.00MAX: 12.06COOLANTF202.0MIN: 83.0MAX: 206.0RECLearn more about performance chips and programmers we have.。
Honeywell MICRO SWITCH HS Series 蜂巢封闭大型基本开关数据表说明书

Hermetically Sealed Premium Large Basic SwitchesHS SeriesDESCRIPTIONWhen hermetically sealed switches (metal-to-metal and glass-to-metal sealing) are a requirement for demanding applications, Honeywell MICRO SWITCH™ HS Series premium large basic switches fulfill the need. The HS Series design incorporates a MIL-PRF-8805 symbol 5 hermetic seal to comply with hermetic seal requirements. HS Series switches are capable of controlling logic level/low energy applications, as well as power-dutyswitching to solve many applications. With a compact package size, HS Series switches have overall dimensions of 1.96 inch length, 1.18 inch height, and 0.67 inch wide and are suitable for applications where space is limited.In addition to MIL-PRF-8805 qualified HS Series switches, UL and CSA certified HS Series basic switches are available for a wide variety of applications.VALUE TO CUSTOMERS• Hermetic seal protects the switch mechanism from harmful particle (sand/dust), liquid (water), and gas (corrosive gas and atmospheric pressures) environmentsFEATURES• Select HS catalog listings qualified to MIL-PRF-8805 and/or UL, CSA certified• Hermetic sealing to MIL-PRF-8805 symbol 5 requirements • Similar package size as Honeywell MICRO SWITCH™premium large basic switches with 25,4 mm [1.00 in] mounting centers• Mounting holes of switch are outside of hermetically sealed switch chamber• Several different styles of integral actuators and auxiliary actuators• Electrical connection with #6-32 terminal screws or individual #18 AWG wire leads• Temperature range from -54 °C to 121 °C [-65 °F to 250 °F] with select catalog listings to 149 °C [300 °F]POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS• Commercial and military aircraft in high altitude and deep space equipment for engine valve open/closed position and door latch positions• Food processing equipment• Adverse gas or vapor environmentsDIFFERENTIATION• Capable of controlling electrical circuits from logic level/computer based circuits or electrical circuits up to 25 A • HS Series has the common 25,4 mm [1.00 in] mounting centersPORTFOLIOIn addition to the HS Series hermetically sealed switches,Honeywell offers a complete range of sealed switches for aircraft and military systems. The sealed switches include the EN Series , HM Series , HE Series , HR Series , SE Series , and XE Series .Sensing and Productivity Solutions003128Issue 12 HS SERIES SWITCHESThe HS Series hermetically sealed basic switches are designed for side mounting on 25,4 mm [1.00 in] centers. The mounting of the switch is outside the hermetically sealed switch chamber. The external material for the HS Series is stainless steel and thermoset plastic.Electrical terminations for the HS Series switches are individual wire leads or integral #6-32 terminal screws. CIRCUITRY1PDTELECTROMECHANICAL SWITCHES Array Definitions below explain the meaning ofoperating characteristics. Characteristicsshown in tables were chosen as mostsignificant. They are taken at normal roomtemperature and humidity. These may varyas temperature and humidity conditionsdiffer. Sketches show how characteristicsare measured for in-line plunger actuation.Linear dimensions for in-line actuation arefrom top of plunger to a reference line.Differential Travel (D.T.) – Plunger oractuator travel from point where contacts‘‘snap-over’’ to point where they ‘‘snapback.’’Free Position (F.P.) – Position of switchplunger or actuator when no external forceis applied (other than gravity).Full Overtravel Force – Force required toattain full overtravel of actuator.Operating Position (O.P.) – Position ofswitch plunger or actuator at which pointcontacts snap from normal to operatedposition. Note that in the case of flexible oradjustable actuators, the operating positionis measured from the end of the lever orits maximum length. Location of operatingposition measurement shown on mountingdimension drawings.Operating Force (O.F.) – Amount of forceapplied to switch plunger or actuator tocause contact ‘‘snap-over.’’ Note in thecase of adjustable actuators, the forceis measured from the maximum lengthposition of the lever.Overtravel (O.T.) – Plunger or actuatortravel available beyond operating position.Pretravel (P.T.) – Distance or angletraveled in moving plunger or actuator fromfree position to operating position.Release Force (R.F.) – Amount of forcestill applied to switch plunger or actuatorat moment contacts snap from operatedposition to unoperated position.Total Travel (T.T.) – Distance from actuatorfree position to overtravel limit position.Sensing and Productivity Solutions 34 PRODUCT DIMENSIONS Figure 1. 1HS1 mm [in]Figure 2. 1HS3 mm [in]1 Mounting holes will accept pins or screws of Ø 3,53 [0.139] max. diaNOTEØ 9,8 [0.19] x 4,8 [0.19] Wide1 Mounting holes will accept pins or screws of Ø 3,53 [0.139] max. diaNOTESensing and Productivity Solutions 5Figure 3. 1HS41 mm [in]Figure 4. 4HS4-118 mm [in]1 Mounting holes will accept pins or screws of Ø 3,53 [0.139] max diaNOTE1 Mounting holes will accept pins or screws of Ø 3,53 [0.139] max diaNOTEFigure 5. ADH3721R2 Lever mm [in]NOTES1 Screws, nuts, and lockwashers furnished unassembledWarranty/RemedyHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’sstandard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.003128-1-EN IL50 GLO July 2016© 2016 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.m WARNINGPERSONAL INJURYDO NOT USE these products as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.m WARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATION•The information presented in this product sheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide.•Complete installation, operation, and maintenanceinformation is provided in the instructions supplied with each product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.Find out moreHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifica-tions, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office. To learn more about Honeywell’s sensing and control products, call +1-815-235-6847 or 1-800-537-6945,visit , or e-mail inquiries to *********************ADDITIONAL MATERIALSThe following associated literature is available on the Honeywell web site at :• Product installation instructions • Aerospace range guideHoneywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions 9680 Old Bailes Road Fort Mill, SC 29707 。

运输和存放 ℃
-55 至 120
-55 至 120 0 至 100
1 LCD数显表头工作温度-20℃至+70℃。存放温度-30℃至80℃。 2 对于CTFE填充液,额定值为-15至110℃。 3 短时间等同70℃时2小时。 4 MAWP适用于温度范围-40至125℃。当温度范围在-26至-40℃时,静压限制降为21MPa。石墨O型环的使用会使变送器静压值降为25MPa。
STD800 SmartLine差压变送器
作为SmartLine®产品系列的成员,STD800是一种采用 先进传感器技术的高性能差压变送器。STD800通过将差压 与传感器芯片上的静压和温度补偿相结合,可在大范围内的 静压和温度下提供极高的测量精确度和稳定性。SmartLine 系列还经过了充分测试,符合Experion® PKS标准,可提供 最高水平的兼容性保证和集成能力。SmartLine产品可轻松 满足压力测量应用的最苛刻的要求。
电脑组态 霍尼韦尔的SCT3000组态工具套件提供了一种简易的方
式来组态数字增强(DE)协议变送器,可将个人计算机用作组 态接口。另外还提供了现场设备管理器 (FDM) 软件和FDM 简捷版来管理HART和Fieldbus设备组态。
● SmartLine通讯协议均符合最新发布的 HART/DE/Fieldbus 标准。
Foundation Fieldbus 150ms(依赖主机)
HART:可在 0 至 32 秒内调节,增量为 0.1 秒。默认值:0.50 秒 DE:离散值 0、0.16、0.32、0.48 、1、2、4、8、16、32 秒。默认值:0.48 秒
Enttec Storm 8 DMX Node 用户手册说明书

Box Contents•Storm 8 (PN: 73909)•Straight connect Ethernet lead (pn:79102)•This user manualFeatures•8 Universe Ethernet to DMX Node•8 DMX (RJ45) data output ports•Easy to update & configure through any web browser interface•Supports following DMX over Ethernet protocols: o Art-Net 1/2/3o Streaming ACN (sACN)o ESP• 1 RJ45 Ethercon connector (10/100 Mbps)•Static or Dynamic (DHCP) IP configuration (DHCP by default)•Supports DMX512/1990.•Refresh rate is configurable for each DMX output.•Each DMX output can be assigned up to one Ethernet Universe.•Each DMX output can be configured to enable or disable merging HTP/LTP.Safety•Do not expose the unit to rain or moisture, doing so will void the warranty•Do not remove the cover, there are no user serviceable parts inside•This unit is intended for indoor use onlyBasic SetupRight out of the box, the Storm 8 is factory configured to be a standard Art-Net node, listening to the first 8 Art-Net Uni-verses (0 to 7). It is also configured to DHCP node, so you can plug it into your existing router, and it's good to go straight out of the box.To make any changes to the configuration, you will need the IP address of the unit. ENTTEC provides a free hardware sniffer called NMU (Node Management Utility) available for both Windows and Mac, which will find the Storm 8 on your network alongside all other enttec devices and display their IP address.Using the IP address one can access the built-in web-inter-face inside the Storm 8 via any modern web-browser. The web-interface allows the settings of the unit to be changed. Once setup, any Art-Net/sACN/ESP enabled software/app or a lighting control desk can be used to drive the DMX outputs on the Storm 8. For a list of recommended 3rd party apps, please check the website /storm8 LED StatusThe Storm 8 comes with one RGB status LED and two green network LED indicators located on the right side of the front panel.RGB Status LED:•WHITE: idle, signifies that Storm 8 is operating normally.•GREEN: DMX Data is being output. The led will fade from white to green.•RED: (Blinking) Error State. Requires a firmware update or needs to be rebooted. A reset might berequired, if it stays in error-mode on reboot.•PURPLE: (Blinking) IP Address Conflict. Please change the IP address manually or enable DHCP.•CYAN (Blinking): Merge sources exceeded. Either merge is disabled or more than two sources arebeing received by Storm 8.Ethernet Link Speed: is ON when there is an active Ethernet **************************@10mbps.Ethernet Activity: This LED blinks when there is activity on the Ethernet network.NMUNMU (Node Management Utility) is a free Windows and Mac application that is used to manage compatible ENTTEC DMX over Ethernet nodes.NMU will help you find your unit's IP address and then open a browser window to access the web-interface.Please follow these steps:1. Download NMU from /nmu2. Ensure that Storm 8 is hooked up physically by anEthernet cable.3. And connected to the same physical network (orrouter) as the computer on which you will run NMU.4. Open NMU. If prompted with multiple networks, se-lect the correct network. (identified by the IP addressof your computer on that network)5. Press the Discovery button, and wait till NMU findsall supported ENTTEC devices on your network.6. Once found, select Storm 8 and use the IP ad-dress to access the web-interface via your webbrowser.Web ConfigurationThe Storm 8 can be configured and controlled through a web browser, running on a computer system, located on the same Local Area Network. Any modern web browser, such as Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari or Opera, running under any operating system, including Windows XP/7/8/10, Mac OS X or Linux can be used.Either click on the underlined URL displayed in NMU, or type the IP address (as detected by NMU) into your web browser to access the Web Interface. The left side menu allows all the Storm 8 web pages to be accessed. Home page provides the following information:System Information: Name, Firmware Version and Serial No. of the unit. The Serial No. is unique to this unit and can be used to identify this unit.Current Network Settings:Configured IP address and Link speed for the unit.DMX Outputs: A DMX output data snapshot can be seen by clicking the port number. Merge status is also shown under the port for convenience. Any merge errors will be shown here.To change any of the displayed settings, you must use the Settings page. SettingsNode name is used to identify the unit on the network. Any meaningful name can be used.DHCP is enabled by default. When enabled, the router on your network is expected to automatically provide the IP address to the unit. If no DHCP router/server is present on the net-work, the manual IP address will be used.If for some reason, your unit does not get an IP address via DHCP, please restart the unit with the Ethernet cable con-nected. It will listen for DHCP on start-up and wait for a few seconds, before terminating the process if unsuccessful.IP Address and Netmask are only used if DHCP is disabled or is unavailable on your network. Storm 8 web-page will warn you, if non-standard IP address or netmask is used.If ever you manage to use an IP Address that can't be con-nected to later, please perform the reset procedure (as de-scribed later). The reset will re-enable DHCP on Storm 8. DMX Protocol: allows you to pick the input DMX over Ethernet protocol that the Storm 8 will act on. Available options are Art-Net, sACN, and ESP.Art-Net Address: Net and Subnet can be selected here, and comply with the Art-Net 3 protocol. Universe can be se-lected from the DMX Port Settings.DMX OutputsThe ‘DMX Outputs’ table allows all settings to be modified individually for each DMX Port. The options available for each Port are as follows:EnabledSelect whether to enable or disable the DMX port. When enabled, the port will constantly output DMX at the se-lected refresh rate.UniverseAllows for selection of the Ethernet universe that will drive the DMX output. For Art-net universes, please changeNet/Subnet to increase the combined universe beyond 15. (Combined universe is shown under the selection). Refresh RateSelect appropriate refresh rate to control how often the output is refreshed.0 = Follows source (no repeats)Max = Send as fast as possibleMerge TypeMerge Type decides how to act when multiple sources are sending the same universe to the port. Maximum of 2 sources are permitted to be merged to create a new out-put. Select between the following options:None: Merging is disabled. Supports 1 source only HTTP: Highest Takes Precedence (2 sources)LTP: Latest Takes Precedence (2 sources)Update FirmwareFrom this page you can update Storm 8 to the latest firm-ware. Latest firmware file is always available on the ENTTEC website: /storm8Choose or browse the firmware file (as per your browser) and click on Update firmware to start the process. The up-date progress is shown in real-time, and will take a few sec-onds for the update to be completed. When the update is complete, the page will refresh and you will be taken to the home page –where you can verify the firmware version. If the update fails for any reason, please try the same process again.Storm 8 will reboot after a firmware update, please allow a few seconds for it to be refreshed in the browser. Please wait until the update process is complete.Reset buttonThe reset button restores the network configuration of the Storm 8 to factory defaults:•DHCP is set to enabled•Static IP address is mapped to the Serial number of the unit (used if DHCP is unavailable).•Netmask is set to successfully reset to factory defaults the Storm 8, the following procedure must be performed:•Power off the unit•Press and hold the Reset button.•While holding the Reset button, power up the unit, and keep holding the button for 3 seconds.•Release the Reset button once the status led starts blinking red.•Wait 3 seconds and cycle powerArt-Net Send TestNMU can also be used to troubleshoot the DMX output on the Storm 8. Art-Net Test can be accessed from the top menu: Art-net → Art-net TestWhen first opened, the Art-Net is set to Disabled, please set it to Enabled, and then you can use either the DMX fad-ers to test one or more DMX channels, or use the test-pat-terns from the options available.Please set the Storm 8 to use Art-Net and on the same uni-verse as being used to send Art-Net from NMU.Connector pin outDMX pinout (RJ-45):•Pin 1: Data +•Pin 2: Data -•Pin 7: Ground SpecificationsDue to continuous improvements and innovations of all ENTTEC products, specifications and features are subject to change without notice.Item ValuePSU Input Voltage85 – 264V ACPSU Input Frequency 47 - 63 HzWeight 1.65 lbs. / 0.75 KgShipped weight 3.19 lbs. / 1.45 KgLength7.53” / 191mmWidth 4.14” / 105mmHeight 1.75” / 44.5mmOutput Protocol DMX-512Input Protocol Art-Net, sACN or ESPOp Environment0°-50°CRelative Humidity5% - 95% in non-condensingenvironmentConnectors8x RJ45 DMX output1x IEC power connector1x RJ45 Ethercon connector Ordering InformationThe ENTTEC Storm 8 and compatible products can be ordered from our website or through your ENTTEC dealer.PN Description70055STORM 870053DMX XLR-5 (FEMALE) TO RJ45(MALE)1M CABLE70050 STORM 24RegistrationPlease register your ENTTEC product to get latest software updates and to validate your warranty. To register, please visit /register。
American DJ WiTECH 8 WIRELESS 用户手册说明书

Controlador inalámbrico de encendido/apagado de 8 canales con funcionesUC3Instrucciones de usuarioA.D.J. Supply EuropeB.V.Junostraat 26468 EW KerkradePaíses Bajoswww.americandj.euContenidosINTRODUCCIÓN (3)CONFIGURACIÓN Y SINCRONIZACIÓN DEL WiTECH8 (3)CONTROLES Y FUNCIONES (4)ESPECIFICACIONES (6)RoHS ‐ Una magnífica contribución para la conservación del medio ambiente (7)RAEE – Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos (7)Enhorabuena y gracias por haber adquirido el WiTECH8 de American DJ. El WiTECH8 se diseñó para DJs,grupos, bares/clubs y profesionales del espectáculo itinerantes que querían tener un control sencillo de encendido/apagado de hasta 8 dispositivos. El WiTECH8 tiene un jack de salida de 6,3mm para control UC3 y 8 tomas de alimentación. El WiTECH8 es compacto y ligero, y se puede montar en truss, soportes de iluminación, paredes o techos. El control del WiTECH8 tiene una distancia de transmisión de 325 pies o 100 metros. El mando a distancia inalámbrico le permite controlar Stand By (Blackout), Función y Modo para cada salida. Consulte el manual de usuario de las unidades para sus funciones y controles UC3.Asistencia al cliente: Si encuentra cualquier problema, sírvase contactar con su tienda American Audio de confianza.También le ofrecemos la posibilidad de contactarnos directamente: Puede hacerlo a través de nuestro sitio web www.americandj.eu o por correo electrónico: *********************¡Cuidado! No hay piezas reparables por el usuario dentro de esta unidad. No intente ninguna reparación por sí mismo; si lo hace así, invalidará la garantía del fabricante. En el caso improbable de que su unidad precise reparación, contacte con la asistencia al cliente American DJ.***ESTE SISTEMA SE HA SINCRONIZADO EN FÁBRICA Y ESTÁ LISTO PARA SU USO SEGÚN SALE DE LA CAJA***Si su sistema le llega sin sincronizar, puede seguir los siguientes pasos para volver a sincronizarlo. Cuando use el WiTECH8, consulte el manual de usuario de las unidades para las funciones y controles UC3correspondientes. Por favor, mire el otro lado para los controles y funciones del WiTECH8.1. Usando un cable de jack de 6,3mm, conecte uno de los extremos del cable al jack de 6,3mm en la parte posterior deldispositivo compatible con UC3 que desee y el otro extremo del cable al jack de 6,3mm ubicado en el Receptor WiTECH. Encienda el Receptor.2. Una vez tenga su(s) unidad(es) conectada(s) al Receptor WiTECH, pulse el botón SET UP (7) situado en la parte superior del Receptor; el LED de SEÑAL RF (8) empezará a parpadear.3. Una vez el LED de SEÑAL RF (8) esté encendido, pulse cualquier botón del Controlador WiTECH8. Una vez haya pulsado cualquier botón, el LED de SEÑAL RF (8) se apagará. Esto le confirma que el proceso de configuración está completo y que pude empezar a controlar la(s) unidad(es) conectada(s).4. También puede usar la unidad conectada como unidad maestro, y conectar hasta 7 unidades esclavo más. Vea el manual de usuario de sus unidades para una configuración maestro-esclavo. Utilice cualquier toma de alimentación libre del WiTECH8 para conectar y proporcionar alimentación a sus unidades esclavo.CONTROLADOR WiTECH8 RECEPTOR WiTECH8RECEPTOR WiTECH8:1. Conectores de alimentación (UK o Schuko) - 8 tomas de alimentación proporcionan alimentación a 8 unidades.2. Interruptor de alimentación - Este interruptor proporciona alimentación al Receptor WiTECH8.3. Antena - Recibe la señal del Controlador WiTECH8.4. Jack de 6,3mm - Conecte el dispositivo compatible deseado a este conector.5-6. Salidas LED - Estos LEDs se encenderán para indicar actividad. Por ejemplo, el LED de Stand By lucirá cuando la unidad esté en modo Stand By.7. Botón Set Up - Pulse este botón para configurar el receptor.8. LED de SEÑAL RF - Este LED se encenderá cuando se haya pulsado el botón Set Up.9. Cable de alimentación - Enchufe este cable de alimentación a una fuente de alimentación de tensión compatible con la alimentación del WiTECH8.10. Enganche de ajuste rápido - Este soporte se usa para colgar el WiTECH8 de un truss. Vea la ilustración de al lado.CONTROLADOR WiTECH811. LED de SEÑAL RF - Este LED parpadeará cuando se haya enviado un comando desde el controlador al receptor.12. Botón “All Off” - Mantenga pulsado este botón durante al menos 5 segundos para apagar todos los dispositivos que estén enchufados en los conectores de alimentación.13. Botón “All On” - Mantenga pulsado este botón durante al menos 5 segundos para encender todos los dispositivos que estén enchufados en los conectores de alimentación.14. Botón “Stand By” - Pone el dispositivo conectado al jack de 1/4'' en modo blackout.15. Botón “Function” - Este botón le permite seleccionar distintas funciones. Consulte el manual de usuario de los dispositivos conectados para ver los programas y funciones UC3.16. Botón “Mode” - Este botón le permite seleccionar distintas funciones. Consulte el manual de usuario de los dispositivos conectados para ver los programas y funciones UC3.17. Botón “Power Jacks On/Off” - Este botón activa y desactiva todas las tomas de alimentación. Mantenga pulsado este botón durante al menos 5 segundos para activar todas las tomas de alimentación.Tensión.............................................................................................................................................240V/50Hz Frecuencia......................................................................................................433,9Mhz RF (Radiofrecuencia) Distancia de transmisión inalámbrica...................................................................................................... 100m Carga Máx. ...............................................................................................5A por Canal, 15A en total a la vez Interruptor.....................................................................................................................................................16A Dimensiones WiTECH........................................................................................724 (L) x 105 (A) x 80mm (H) Peso WiTECH.........................................................................................................................................2,7KgEstimado cliente,La Unión Europea ha adoptado una directiva sobre la restricción / prohibición del uso de sustancias peligrosas. Esta directiva, conocida como RoHS, es un tema de debate frecuente en la industria electrónica.Restringe, entre otras cosas, seis materiales: Plomo (Pb), Mercurio (Hg), cromo hexavalente (CR VI), cadmio (Cd), bifenilo polibromado como retardante de llama (PBB), difenilo polibromado, también como retardante de llama (PBDE). Esta directiva se aplica a casi todos los dispositivos eléctricos y electrónicos cuyo modo de funcionamiento implique campos eléctricos o electromagnéticos - para abreviar: toda clase de aparatos electrónicos que nos rodean en casa y en el trabajo.Como fabricantes de los productos de las marcas AMERICAN AUDIO, AMERICAN DJ, ELATION Professional y ACCLAIM Lighting, estamos obligados a acatar la directiva RoHS. Así pues, tan tempranamente como dos años antes de que la directiva estuviera en vigor, comenzamos nuestra búsqueda de materiales y procesos de producción alternativos, respetuosos con el medio ambiente.Mucho antes de que la directiva RoHS tuviera efecto, todos nuestros productos ya se fabricaban cumpliendo las normas de la Unión Europea. Con auditorías regulares y pruebas de materiales, podemos seguir asegurando que los componentes que usamos cumplen con la RoHS y que el proceso de fabricación, hasta donde el avance de la tecnología nos permite, es respetuoso con el medio ambiente.La directiva RoHS es un paso importante para la protección de nuestro entorno. Nosotros, como fabricantes, nos sentimos obligados a hacer nuestra contribución al respecto.Cada año, miles de toneladas de componentes electrónicos, que son perjudiciales para el medio ambiente, terminan en los vertederos de basura de todo el mundo. Para asegurar la mejor eliminación o recuperación posible de componentes electrónicos, la Unión Europea ha adoptado la directiva RAEE.El sistema RAEE (Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos) se puede comparar con el sistema de "Punto limpio" que se ha venido usando durante varios años. Los fabricantes tienen que hacer su contribución para el tratamiento de residuos en el momento que lanzan el producto. Los recursos monetarios que se obtienen así se aplicarán al desarrollo de un sistema común de gestión de los residuos. De ese modo podemos asegurar un programa de limpieza y reciclaje respetuoso con la profesión y con el medio ambiente. Como fabricantes, formamos parte del sistema alemán de EAR, y a él aportamos nuestra contribución.(Registro en Alemania: DE41027552)Esto significa que todos los productos de AMERICAN DJ y AMERICAN AUDIO se pueden dejar en los puntos de recogida sin coste, y que se usarán en el programa de reciclaje. De los productos de ELATION Professional, que son usados solo por profesionales, dispondremos nosotros. Por favor, mándenos los productos Elation directamente a nosotros al final de su vida útil para que podamos eliminarlos profesionalmente.Como la RoHS de más arriba, la directiva RAEE supone una importante contribución para la protección del medio ambiente y nos alegra ayudar a limpiar nuestro entorno con este sistema de eliminación.Estamos encantados de responder cualquiera de sus preguntas y sus sugerencias son bienvenidas en: ******************A.D.J. Supply EuropeB.V.Junostraat 26468 EW KerkradePaíses Bajoswww.americandj.eu。
honeywell micro switch ls 通用限位开关 datasheet说明书

MICRO SWITCH™ LS General Purpose Limit Switches Datasheet2What makes our switches better?Small size and universal mounting footprint may allow for use inconstricted spaces IP67 and NEMA 1, 3, 4, 6 and 13 ratings available provide adependable solution in most demanding environmental conditions Rugged die-cast metal construction with a wide variety of headsand actuators provides long life across numerous applications MICRO SWITCH™ legacy and expertise - over 55 years ofengineering excellence and experience with industrial limit switchesMICRO SWITCH™ LSGeneral Purpose Limit SwitchesThe Honeywell MICRO SWITCH™ Compact LS Limit Switch Series offers products that have a long record of successfulperformance in a diverse range of industrial applications. Under severe conditions, its durable and dependable design provides longevity, precision, and consistent repeatability over millions of operations.The compact size and adjustable features propel the LS Series to flourish in a variety of settings under space constraint without sacrificing reliability. Its construction is oil-tight, water-tight and dust tight, and includes die-cast housing, heads and actuators. An assortment of heads and actuators provides a solution for a variety of applications.QUALITY, RELIABLE RUGGED, GLOBALRugged, metal housingpackaged for industrial indoor and outdoor applications3Features and BenefitsENHANCED PERFORMANCE COMPACT DESIGNAlong with industry standard mounting dimensions, the LS Series compact design allows installation in applications under space constraint while still providing reliable switching performanceTWO CIRCUIT DOUBLE BREAK CONTACTSWith an AC15, A300 or 10 A electrical rating, the LS Series provides dependable and consistent switching, giving the end users control of two circuits in one switchACTUATORS FOR YOUR APPLICATIONWith many actuators available such as side rotary, plunger, wobble stick and roller plunger, the LS Series is adaptable and has the ability to be applied in a variety of applicationsSEALED CONSTRUCTIONIn demanding environmental conditions, IP67 or NEMA 1, 3, 4, 6, and 13 sealing protects against oil, dust and water making the LS Series a dependable solution in a variety of conditions for both indoor and outdoor applicationsOne switch controls two circuits!MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENTPart presence, machine slide/table position, panel and door presenceMATERIAL HANDLINGSensing in overhead doors, door interlock, dock locks, conveyance, storage retrieval, carousels, conveyors, and assembly linesVALVE ACTUATIONPosition sensing of electric valves for waste water treatment plants, power plants, refineries, and pipelinesFOOD AND BEVERAGESensing during bottling, canning, and packagingSPECIAL MACHINERYAssembly, packaging and testing applicationsPotential ApplicationsLS SeriesMICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES PRODUCT NOMENCLATURENot all combinations are available. Please contact your Honeywell provider/representative for assistance. MICRO SWITCH™ General Purpose Limit SwitchesTable 2. Electrical Ratings5LS SeriesMICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR NORTH AMERICA)For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.1Contact closed n; Contact open o. *Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.Table 4. Side Rotary (Maintained), Standard Fork Roller Lever7 8LS SeriesTable 6. Side Rotary, Adjustable Rod Lever1MICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR NORTH AMERICA)For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.MICRO SWITCH™ General Purpose Limit Switches O.T. • Operating torqueO.F. • Operating forceR.P. • Release pointP.T. • PretravelO.T. • OvertravelD.T. • Differential travel910LS Series*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.1*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.1*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.MICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR NORTH AMERICA)For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.R.P. • Release point P.T. • PretravelO.T. • OvertravelD.T. • Differential travelMICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR NORTH AMERICA) For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.1Contact closed n; Contact open o. NOTE: Bar chart measurements are in millimeters.*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.11*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.2 Operating position in any direction except pull.R.P. • Release point P.T. • PretravelO.T. • OvertravelD.T. • Differential travelMICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR EMEA/EUROPE) For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.Terminal block is base receptacle.Terminal block is base receptacle.1Terminal block is base receptacle.MICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR EMEA/EUROPE)For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.Terminal block is base receptacle.Table 17. Top Pin PlungerTable 18. Top Roller Plunger1* Requires an 18PA1-4C Terminal Block (20 mm conduit threads) or 18PA1-4PG Terminal Block (PG13,5 conduit threads) ordered separately. Terminal block is base receptacle.1Contact closed n ; Contact open o . NOTE: Bar chart measurements are in millimeters.* Requires an 18PA1-4C Terminal Block (20 mm conduit threads) or 18PA1-4PG Terminal Block (PG13,5 conduit threads) ordered separately. Terminal block is base receptacle.Table 20. Wobble, Coil Spring1*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads. 2Operating position in any direction except pull.MICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR EMEA/EUROPE)For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.¹ Any auxiliary lever listed can be used² LSZ54M, 6PA63, 6PA71 or 6PA121 levers only recommended for these catalog listings * Furnished without actuator3 Fork lever actuators recommended for two position side rotary main-tained21Note: Operating head includes lever where appropriate and internal plunger.* Because of low operating force, 6PA43-4, 6PA71-4, or 6PA78-4 auxil-iary actuators only are recommended for these listings.23DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS14,27 [0.562 ] min. depth (4)Figure 2. 1LS3 DimensionsFigure 3. 1LS10 DimensionsFigure 4. 2LS1 Dimensions1,65Figure 5. 3LS1 Dimensions54,10 ±0,762Figure 6. 4LS1 Dimensions40,64 ±0,762[1.60 ±0.03]24Figure 6. 6LS1 DimensionsFigure 7. 7LS1 DimensionsFigure 9. 8LS3 Dimensions25Figure 11. 8LS152 DimensionsFigure 15. 202LS1 DimensionsFigure 16. 203LS1 Dimensions40,64 [1.60]54,10 ±0,762Figure 18. 205LS1 Dimensions1,65 [0.065]Figure 19. 206LS1 Dimensions27Switch will operate byFigure 21. 208LS3 DimensionsSwitch will operate byFigure 23. 208LS152 DimensionsSwitch will operate byFigure 25. 1LS3-4 DimensionsFigure 27. 2LS1-4 DimensionsFigure 28. 4LS1-4 Dimensions29Figure 31. 8LS1-4 DimensionsFigure 33. 206LS1-4 DimensionsFigure 34. 201LS3-4 DimensionsFigure 36. 202LS1-4 Dimensions26Figure 37. 204LS1-4 DimensionsFigure 38. 205LS1-4 DimensionsFigure 39. 208LS1-4 Dimensions26002403-1-EN IL50 GLO June 2015Copyright © 2015 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.Sensing and Control Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 55422 Find out moreHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office.To learn more about Honeywell’s sensing and control products, call +1-815-235-6847 or 1-800-537-6945,visit , or e-mail inquiries to *********************ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThe following associated literature is available on the Honeywell web site at :• Product installation instructions • Aerospace range guide • Transportation range guide• Limits and Machine Safety range guide • Product application-specific information– Application Note: Automated Storage and Retrieval System – Limit and Enclosed Switches Application Information – Limit and Enclosed Switches Operating Characteristics – Limit and Enclosed Switches Reference Standards – Limit and Enclosed Switches Typical ApplicationsWARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particu-lar purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for conse-quential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell website, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing.However, we assume no responsibility for its use.。

科技创新融合应用目录第1章服务器及终端IP配置 (2)1.1.1 以太网IP配置 (4)1.1.2 服务器配置 (4)1.1.3 终端系统设置 (4)第2章服务器DMB软件操作 (6)第3章发送卡部分设置 (12)第4章U盘更新播放节目 (15)第5章AV信号输入设置 (17)第6章声音输出设置 (18)第1章服务器及终端IP配置若终端(DMB网络播放盒)IP是192.168.73.113,在进行局域网配置的时候,将终端连在局域网上或与电脑网卡直连。
1.1.2服务器配置在配置页面中点击【服务器配置】进入到如下页面:SERVER IP设为服务器所在的IP地址(若DMB与电脑直连,设置为直连电脑的IP 地址;若是局域网的电脑为服务器即已安装DMB软件,设置为该电脑的IP地址;若是静态IP服务器,设置该服务器的IP地址如182.50.2.154),PORT和PCRT均是60001,不需要改动,BOXNO格式为BOX+五位数字,例如BOX00001。
ART T8 八通道变压器隔离器说明书

ART T8Universal Eight Channel Transformer IsolatorIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTION – READ FIRSTThis symbol, wherever it appears, alerts you to important operating and maintenanceinstructions in the accompanying literature. Please Read the manual.Read instructions:Retain these safety and operating instructions for future reference. Heed all warnings printed here and on the equipment. Follow the operating instructions printed in this user guide.Do not open:There are no user serviceable parts inside. Refer any service work to qualified technical personnel only.Moisture:To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock do not expose the unit to rain, moisture or use in damp or wet conditions. Do not place container of liquid on it, which may spill into any openings.Environment:Protect from excessive dirt, dust, heat, and vibration when operating and storing. Avoid tobacco ash, drink spillage and smoke, especially that associated with smoke machines.Handling:To prevent damage to the controls and cosmetics avoid rough handling and excessive vibration. Protect the controls from damage during transit. Use adequate padding if you need to ship the unit. To avoid injury to yourself or damage to the equipment take care when lifting, moving or carrying the unit. Servicing:Refer servicing to qualified technical personnel only.INTRODUCTIONThank you for purchasing the ART T8 Universal Eight Channel Transformer Isolator. This is a rock solid, road-worthly 8 channel transformer isolator. “Hum” in an audio system is often caused by loop effects which act like antennas. These loops can easily pick up a 60Hz ( or higher harmonic) hum created by electrical wiring. Typically, these loops are connected via grounds, more commonly called “ ground loops”. The safest way to eliminate unwanted noise is with the T8.The T8 is a quality totally passive audio interface that uses eight high performance low distortion transformers to totally separate input and output signal grounds, thereby isolating two systems and reducing hum and ground-loop noise. The T8’s audio transformers have an extremely flat and wide frequency response and can handle high signal levels while maintaining an isolated balanced output. This gives the T8 a very clean and neutral sound with a wide variety of signal sources. The transformers are wound for 1:1 unity gain and are designed for use with impedances from 600 Ohms to 100k Ohms.What further sets the T8 apart from other lesser isolation boxes is its connection versatility. We have provided XLR, ¼” phone, and RCA type phono connections on all inputs and outputs. This allows it to easily fit into virtually any audio system and be the clean patch point between all types of systems. All ¼” and RCA phono jacks are on the front and all XLR jacks are on the rear. You can use any combination and since the jacks are directly paralleled you can also use them as signal taps or as a signal splitter.The T8’s mounting ears are reversible so you can have either the ¼” and RCA phono jacks on the front or the XLRs on the front. This maximizes flexibility in cabling your system. Whether you need an interface between a computer based audio workstation and your monitor system, isolation on long cable runs in a fixed installation, isolation of multiple signal sources from your recording equipment, or in many cases, just a safer connection between two audio systems, the T8 can accommodate. The 19” 1U black all steel case and its all passive design allow the T8 to provide years of trouble free service in Live Sound, Permanent/Fixed Install, D.J., and virtually any PA application. It is equally valuable in a variety of studio and AV applications. Its full feature set, rugged construction, and high-end specifications make the T8 the obvious choice.APPLICATIONS:LIVE SOUND, D.J.Long unbalanced cables are more susceptible to picking up hum , Using the T8 to help balance these and eliminate any hum.When DJs set up for different jobs there is a potential to pick up hum due to the differences in house wiring, using a T8 Eliminates the potential for hum.MIXERS/FIXED INSTALLS/RECORDING/BROADCAST/VIDEOUse the T8 to eliminate ground loops when using multiple mixers.Taking mixer unbalanced sends and achieving true balanced monitor outputs.Using the T8 between video/broadcast rigs eliminates the potential for hum and loop noise.POWER AMPLIFIERSHum, ground loop noise can be created between multiple amplifiers. This can be eliminated using the T8 on each of the amplifiers input lines.COMPUTERSUsing a T8 can eliminate unwanted ground loops created between the computers and your audio input equipment.You can also use the T8 to balance the unbalanced inputs and outputs from your computers sound card.WARRANTY INFORMATIONLimited WarrantyApplied Research and Technology will provide warranty and service for this unit in accordance with the following warrants:Applied Research and Technology, (A R T) warrants to the original purchaser that this product and the components thereof will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of three years from the date of purchase. Applied Research and Technology will, without charge, repair or replace, at its option, defective product or component parts upon prepaid delivery to the factory service department or authorized service center, accompanied by proof of purchase date in the form of a valid sales receipt.Exclusions:This warranty does not apply in the event of misuse or abuse of the product or as a result of unauthorized alterations or repairs. This warranty is void if the serial number is altered, defaced, or removed.A R T reserves the right to make changes in design or make additions to or improvements upon this product without any obligation to install the same on products previously manufactured.A R T shall not be liable for any consequential damages, including without limitation damages resulting from loss of use. Some states do not allow limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights and you may have other rights, which vary, from state to state.For units purchased outside the United States, an authorized distributor of Applied Research and Technology will provide service.SERVICEThe following information is provided in the unlikely event that your unit requires service.1) Be sure that the unit is the cause of the problem. Check to make sure that all cables are connected correctly, and the cables themselves are in working condition.2) If you find the unit to be at fault, write down a complete description of the problem, including how and when the problem occurs.3) Contact our Customer Service Department at (716) 297-2920 for your Return Authorization number or questions regarding technical assistance or repairs. Customer Service hours are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.4) Pack the unit in its original carton or a reasonable substitute. The packing box is not recommended as a shipping carton. Put the packaged unit in another box for shipping. Print the RA number clearly on the outside of the shipping box. Print your return shipping address on the outside of the box.5) Include with your unit: a return shipping address (we cannot ship to a P.O. Box), a copy of your purchase receipt, a daytime phone number, and a description of the problem.6) Ship your unit (keep your manual!) to: Yorkville Sound 4625 Witmer Industrial Estate, Niagara Falls New York 14305Specifications:Frequency Response: 10Hz –50kHz, +/-0.5dB @ +4dBu1kHz,@+18dBu,<0.1% @ 100Hz, +24dBu Ref: 0dBu = 0.775VRMSTHD:0.01%TypicalChannel Separation 90dB typicaltypical60dBCMRR:Phase Error less than 5%, 20Hz – 20kHzInsertion Loss: 0.4dB @ 100k Ohm Load, 5.5dB @ 600 Ohm LoadInput Connections: XLR female balanced, ¼” TRS balanced, and RCA type phono jacksOutput Connection: XLR male balanced, ¼” TRS balanced, and RCA type phono jacksPassivePower Requirements: TotallyDimensions: 1.75”H x 19”W x 3.75”D (44.5mm x 482.6mm x 95mm)(1.7kg)lbs.3.75Weight:。
SkylinkHome 无线3路开关包 Model SK8 用户手册说明书

4.Turn the circuit breaker back on.5.The two blue LEDs will be on. If the blue LEDs remain o , please check and ensurethe light bulb is installed and in good position and that the wires are connectedcorrectly.6.After the Wall Switch is installed, press the Switch Button to turn the lights onand o .Congratulations on your purchase of the SkylinkHome Wireless 3 WayOn/O Kit, model SK8. Simply replace your existing wall switch with theSkylink Wall Switch receiver and mount the Wireless Wall Switch Transmitteranywhere you would like to control your lighting.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSWIRELESS 3 WAY ON/OFF KITModel: SK8ONE YEAR WARRANTYThis product is guaranteed to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for1 year from the date of purchase. If this product is defective, call 1-800-304-1187 forrepair or replacement parts. Guarantee does not include normal wear and tear orbatteries.If you have any questions, problems or missing parts,please call Skylink Customer Support:9:00am - 5:00pm EST, Monday-Friday.***********************************P/N : 101Y157 Rev:0©2014 SKYLINK GROUP.CUSTOMER SERVICE17 Sheard Avenue,Brampton, Ontario,Canada L6Y1J31-800-304-1187BC1.First clean the wall surface where you plan to install the Wireless Wall Switchtransmitter.2.Place the two foam tapes (E) on the back of the Wireless Wall Switch transmitterplate.3.Peel o the foam tape cover and stick it to the wall surface.DEBluePlacenchor)h oles& insert anchorsINSTALLING WITH DOUBLE SIDED TAPEINSTALLING WITH SCREWSInstalling to an Existing Wall SwitchInstalling on New Wall Surface1.Loosen the screws on the wall plate of the Wireless Wall Switch transmitter andtighten the two included screws (D) on the back plate to the existing wall box.2.Tighten the two screws on the wall plate to the back plate to secure it.3.The Wireless Wall Switch transmitter is now ready to be controlled.3.The Wireless Wall Switch transmitter is now ready to be controlled.2.Tighten the two screws on the wall plate to the back plate to secure it.1.Drill two small pilot holes based on the two mounting screw positions andinsert the anchors (D) before tightening the back plate with screws (D).Wall Switch Receiver1.To turn the light on press the Switch Button once and to turn it opress it once more.Wireless Wall Switch Transmitter1.To turn the light on and o , push the Wireless Wall Switch pad from oneposition to the other.PushPushInput Voltage120V AC, 60HzStandby Current0.2mAMinimum Load10WMaximum Ballast Load500WMaximum Tungsten Load600WMaximum Resistive Load1000WOperating Frequency318MHzOperational Temperature-4°F - 140°F (-20°C - 60°C)Humidity5% - 95%Range Up to 500 feet in open area2.Install the Wall Switch with the 3 wires, Live, Load and Ground. Use the providedwire nuts (C) to connect these wires respectively to the existing wires from the wall.Neutral wire is not required and cannot be connected to the Wall Switch Receiver.Refer to Section 10 for neutral wiring.1.Loosen the screws on the wall plate cover of the Wall Switch receiver andremove it before installing.3.After all the wires are connected, ensure that all of the wire connectors areattached securely and there should be no exposed copper wiring. Secure theWall Switch with screws.Turn o power to the circuit breaker before installing.If you are uncertain or uncomfortable performing this installation, please consulta quali ed electrician. This manual should also be kept for future reference.For indoor use only.DO NOT use this product to control loads over the speci ed maximum rating.The device is approved by the FCC and it complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Its operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference.2. This device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.☐☐☐☐1.Remove the wall plate from the Wireless Wall Switch transmitter by loosening the two screws.Wiring Diagram without Neutral WireWiring Diagram with Neutral Wire2.Remove the existing battery by sliding it out.3.Insert the new battery, positive side up, by sliding it in and pushing down on the battery to lock it in place.4.When the battery is installed, the red LED on the transmitter will be on1.Press the Switch Button on the Wall Switch receiver to turn the lights on.The two blue LEDs should go o .2.Transmit an “Erase” code from the transmitter until step 5. Refer to the user’s instructions of the transmitter on how to transmit an “Erase” code.3.Press and hold the learn button for about 3 seconds, until the upper blue LED ashes.1.Turn the light on with the programmed transmitter or Switch Button.2.Press and hold the learn button on the Wall Switch receiver for about 3 seconds until the upper blue LED ashes quickly.3.Release the learn button.4.The Wall Switch receiver is now in the On/O Mode.1.To program a transmitter to operate in Countdown Timer Mode, hold the learn button on your Wall Switch receiver for about 10 seconds, until the upper blue LED is on steadily, then release the learn button.3.Once the transmitter is programmed, both blue LEDs will ash quickly and stop ashing.4.The transmitter has been successfully programmed.4.Release the learn button.5.All devices have now been successfully erased.Snap-On Cover Snap a cover into your Skylink Wall Switch!Add up to eight Skylink Wireless Transmitters!Model: TM-002Snap-On Remote Model: TM-318Snap-On RemoteModel: TM-318Wireless Wall SwitchModel: TB-318Motion SensorModel: ID-318Keychain RemoteModel: LK-318LCD Deluxe RemoteModel: TD-318Wireless Remote Control TC-SeriesTC-Series Remotes are available in 1 to 14 buttons.Place the Snap-On Cover on the opening of the Wall Switch receiver for a more stylish look. Press the button on the Snap-On Cover, TM-002, to turn lights on/off. Or carry the Snap-On Remote, TM-318, with you for local control and when you aredone snap it back onto the Wall Switch.2.Press the learn button on your transmitter. The red LED will be on for 15 seconds.Learn ButtonFor more information visit For more information visit Once a transmitter is programmed for the timer mode, activating this programmed transmitter will turn the lights on for the speci ed timer duration. To stop timer countdown, press a programmed button for regular mode.1.The connected light must be turned o and the two blue LEDs should be on.2.Press and hold the learn button for three seconds until the lower blue LED ashes once. The number of ashes indicates the timer duration.3.Continue to hold the learn button until it reaches the desired setting.The status will change every 6 seconds; so holding the learn button for another 6 seconds the number of ashes will change from 1 to 2, 2 to 3 etc.Number of Flashes1 1 min.2 5 min.315 min.430 min.560 min.Timer Duration1.Press the Switch Button on the Wall Switch receiver to turn the lights on.The two blue LEDs should go o .2.Press and hold the learn button for about three seconds until the upper blue LED ashes quickly and then release the learn button.3.Press the learn button on your Wireless Wall Switch transmitter. The red LED will be on for 15 seconds.4.Press the pad (switch) on the Wall Switch Transmitter, the red LED will ash and then go o . The upper blue LED on the Wall Switch Receiver will also turn o .5.Both wall switches are now programmed.Red LED。
霍尼韦尔 DirectLine 电子模块的说明书

DirectLine™ Sensor ModuleFor Durafet® II pH and Meredian® pH/ORP ElectrodesSensing and Control REDEFINING THE INDUSTRIAL PROCESS SENSOR MARKETThe Honeywell DirectLine™ Series is a new type of analytical measure-ment system – there’s nothing else like it on the market today. This unique architecture combines the latest in microelectronics technology with the proven performance of Honeywell pH/ORP sensors to provide unequaled savings during installation, start-up, operation, and maintenance. INSTALLATION FLEXIBILITY PROVIDES COST SAVINGSThe DirectLine™ electronics module mountsintegrally on the pH/ORP electrodes andprovides a direct 4-20mAdc output pro-portional to pH or ORP. The electronicsmodule provides display, configura-tion, and calibration capabilities in aweatherproof and corrosion resistantenclosure. For electrode submersionor special mounting applications,the electronics module is alsoavailable in a remote-mountingconfiguration.SAVES INSTALLATIONTIME AND COSTSThe Honeywell DirectLine™ architectureincludes an electronics module integral tothe pH/ORP electrode, eliminating the addi-tional time and cost of installing an analyzer or transmitter, a separate preamp and special cable! The module quickly attaches to the sensor and is easily locked-in-place for assured safety and reliability during operation. The output cable is a standard shielded twisted pair allowing additional wiring to be added at minimal cost to the project. The DirectLine™ design provides self-diagnostics for the electronics and sensor minimizing the time and expense of troubleshooting during start-ups and maintenance.KEY FEATURES:•Model DL421 for Durafet® II and Meredian® II pH elec-trodes – one electronic module for a wide range of applications.•Model DL422 for Meredian®II ORP electrodes – ORP module for platinum and gold ORP electrodes.•Direct 4-20mA output –eliminates need for dedicated analyzers or transmitters, simplifying installation, start-up, operation, and maintenance tasks. Installation costs are also reduced because stan-dard cable can be used for additional cable distances.•Integral electronics with local HMI – simplifies installation and shortens calibration times.•Modular plug-in construction – simplifies electrode replacements.•Local display and keypad –facilitates quick set-up, calibration, and operational activities•Remote electronics option –allows for electrode submer-sion and special mounting requirements.•Electronics and sensor diagnostics – reducestroubleshooting times •Sample or auto buffer calibra-tion options – accommodates individual calibration techniques and reduces calibration time.Everything you need in thepalm of your hand.Sensing and Control Honeywell Inc.11 West Spring Street Freeport, IL 610321-800-343-0228Recycled Paper/sensingDIRECTLINE ™ CONFIGURATION FLATTENS THE LEARNING CURVE TIMEThe DirectLine ™ electronics consists of a 4-digit LCD display with three buttons for configuration and calibration functions. From the on-line display of the DL421pH Module,you can toggle to view the pH value in pH units and the temperature in either °F or °C. While on-line, you can check on the health of your pH electrode with calibration diagnostics. The configuration parameters ensure the accuracy needed for your pH measurement, including standard buffer solution groups for Auto Buffer Recognition,and solution temperature compensation. Noise suppression,0-100% output range, and 0-100% calibration range are available for configuration with both the pH and ORP DirectLine™ Modules. And you don’t need to worry if you forget how to configure something – a playing card sized configuration guide is supplied to step you through the configuration quickly.CALIBRATION WAS NEVER SO QUICK AND EASY Location, location, location! The Honeywell DirectLine ™design eliminates the extra time needed to travel back and forth between the analyzer/transmitter and sensor while performing a calibration. The DirectLine ™ sensor offers two pH calibration options: Sample or Auto Buffer Recog-nition. If applicable, take advantage of the Auto Buffer Recognition calibration option to further reduce the time and cost of your calibration. Forgot how to calibrate the DirectLine ™ pH/ORP electrode? The other side of the configuration guide quickly steps you through an electrode calibration.A DIRECT CONNECTION TO COST SAVINGSBecause the Honeywell DirectLine ™ module eliminates the need for costly, dedicated analyzers or transmitters, it also eliminates the added expense of additional panel space to accommodate those dedicated instruments. Instead, the DirectLine™ output connects directly to the input of any host monitor or control device that accepts a standard 4-20mA analog input and provides external loop power including;•Honeywell UDC3300 1/4DIN Controller •UMC800 Hybrid Controller •VRX Video Recorder •PLC’s with analog inputs •DCS Systems•A variety of competitor recorder/controller productsAVAILABILITYTo purchase this sensor or any related Honeywell product call 1-800-343-0228, or contact your Honeywell Representative. You can visit the website at:/sensing for complete details on all of Honeywell’s Process Instrumentation and Sensors.DURAFET ® and Meredian ® are registered trademarks of Honeywell DirectLine™ is a trademark of Honeywell。
Altronix HubWay8D 8通道 passive UTP 通信接收器联接器说明书

Altronix HubWay8D Passive UTP TransceiverHub w/Integral Camera Power transmits UTPvideo, RS422/RS485 data and power over asingle CAT-5 or higher structured cable. Unitprovides 8 camera channels in a space saving1U EIA 19” rack mount chassis which may be rack, wall orshelf mounted. Video transmission range is up to 750 ft. max. per channel. Units are compatible with AC and/or DC fixed or PTZ cameras when utilizing Altronix HubWayAv, HubWayDv or HubWayDvi Video Balun/Combiners.In addition, the unit features individually selectable 24V AC or 28V AC PTC protected outputs with surge suppression. An optional HubSat4D Passive UTP Transceiver Hub with Integral Camera Power can be used as an accessory module to transmit video from up to 4 cameras over a single CAT-5 or higher structured cable back to the HubWay8D. In addition, the HubSat4D provides power to these cameras locally to eliminate the possibility of voltage drop associated with long cable runs.Input:•115V AC 50/60Hz, 1.5 ampor 230V AC 50/60Hz, 1 amp.Video:•Eight (8) channels of video over twisted pairup to a distance of 750 ft. per channel.•Eight (8) 75 ohm video outputs.Data:•RS422/RS485 data inputs.Power:•Individually selectable 24V AC or 28V AC power outputs with OFF position.•Unit provides up to 1 amp max. per channel not to exceed a total of 5 amp (150V A) maximum current.•Class 2 Rated power limited outputs.•PTC protected outputs are rated @ 1 ampper channel.•Surge suppression.Visual Indicators:•AC input power indicator.•Eight (8) individual power LED indicators.Features:•Illuminated master power disconnect circuit breaker with manual reset.•IEC 320 - 3-wire grounded line cord (detachable).•Unit can be rack, wall or shelf mounted.•1U EIA 19” rack mount chassis.Accessories:•Optional HubSat4D allows transmission of up to four (4) video signals over a single CAT-5 or higher structured cable.•Video Balun/Combiners:-HubWayAv - for use with 24V AC cameras.-HubWayDv - for use with 12VDC cameras.-HubWayDvi - for use with 12VDCcameras without isolation.Shipping Weight (approximate):-HubWay8D: 12.3 lbs.-HubWay82D: 13.0 lbs.-HubWay83D: 13.5 lbs.HubWay8DEight (8) Channel Passive UTP Transceiver Hub with Integral Camera PowerHubWay82DEight (8) Channel Passive UTP Transceiver with eight (8) HubWayAv Video Balun/Combiners HubWay83DEight (8) Channel Passive UTP Transceiver with eight (8) HubWayDv Video Balun/CombinersHubWay®8D Passive UTP Transceiver Hubwith Integral Camera PowerRev. DSHubWay8D - E18IOverviewSpecificationsModelsUL Listed for Commercial CCTV Equipment (UL 2044).Agency ApprovalsAltronix Corp.-140 58th Street,Brooklyn,NY 11220 • 718-567-8181 • 888-258-7669 • HubWay 8D Rack Chassis Dimensions1.625”H x 19.125”W x 8.5”DTOP & BOTTOMFRONT1.625"8.5".75"19.125"17.625"(ON)876543211234CH 1-4CH 5-85678DATA 1-8REAR®HubWayAv•Compatible with HubWay ®,HubWay ®LD and HubSat ®UTP Transceiver Hubs for use with 24V AC cameras.HubWayDv•Compatible with HubWay ®,HubWay ®LD and HubSat ®UTP Transceiver Hubs for use with 12VDC cameras.HubWayDvi•Compatible with HubWay ®,HubWay ®LD and HubSat ®UTP Transceiver Hubs for use with 12VDC cameras without isolation.Vidoe Balun/Combiners。

T8FG FASST-2.4GHz中文使用手册目 录模型基本设置过程MODEL BASIC SETTING PROCEDURE (4)固定翼/滑翔机基本设置过程Airplane/glider basic setting procedure (4)1.模型的添加和调用Model addition and selection (4)2.模型类型选择Model type selection (4)3.飞机机身连接Fuselage linkage (4)4.油门熄火设置(固定翼)Throttle cut setting (Airplane) (4)5.低怠速设置(固定翼)Idle down setting (Airplane) (5)6.大小动作比率功能D/R function (5)7.空中刹车(固定翼)Airbrake (Airplane) (5)8.飞行模式的添加Addition of flight conditions (Glider) (5)系统菜单SYSTEM MENU (6)系统菜单功能表System Menu functions table (6)教练TRAINER (7)1.模式和转换开关的选择Mode and switch selection (8)2.操作模式选择Operating mode selection (8)3.调整学员的比率Adjus ting the student’s rate (8)4.改变学员的通道Changing the student’s channel (8)显示DISPLAY (9)1.液晶显示屏对比度调整LCD contrast adjustment (9)2.背光亮度调整Back-light brightness adjustment (9)3.背光关闭时间Back-light off-timer (9)用户名USER NAME (10)1.用户名注册User name registration (10)硬件设置H/W SETTING (11)1.操作方向反向设置方法Operation direction reversal method (11)2.改变摇杆模式Changing stick mode (11)信息INFO (12)1.信息Information (12)2.语言的选择Language selection (12)模型菜单(通用功能)MODEL MENU (COMMON FUNCTIONS) (13)模型菜单功能(通用)列表Model Menu functions (Common) list (13)飞行模式CONDITION (14)1.飞行模式转换开关的选择和删除Condition switch selection/deletion (14)2.飞行模式的拷贝Condition copy (14)3.改变优先级Priority change (14)4.飞行模式延迟设置Condition delay setting (14)大小动作比率DUAL RATE (16)1.大小动作比率设置过程Dual rate setting procedure (17)程序混控PROG. MIX (18)1.程序混控设置过程Prog. mix setting procedure (19)模型基本设置过程 MODEL BASIC SETTING PROCEDURE固定翼/滑翔机基本设置过程 Airplane/glider basic setting procedure1. 模型的添加和调用 Model addition andselection初始设置为T8FG 发射机分配第一个模型model-01。
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• 支持 GPRS 无线网络,采用 AES-128Bit 加密,通信更安全。 • 短消息报警提示,用户可及时获取警情报告,支持 2 个手机用户号码。 • 多种报警方式可选(短信和 GPRS)。 • 支持界面参数配置。 • 支持短信布/撤防。 • 支持双中心方案。
3. 安装与操作
只连接 1 个接警中心,详细配置参考主机用户手册中 2#MCM-23 SUPER 的相关配置。
上电后,从主机配置中获取所有网络通讯参数。 注意:若 MCM-23 SUPER II 安装于 SCT 系列主机,跳帽设置同上,还需在配置软件中将主机类型选择为 SCT 并 设置相关参数。 如图 1 所示,若 MCM-23 SUPER II 安装于 23 系列主机,跳帽设置如下:
Perform the following steps to install MCM-23 SUPER II: 1. See Figure 1 and Figure 2, insert the SIM card and antenna. 2. Wire the MCM-23 SUPER II and the control panel according to the following figure:
下图为 MCM-23 SUPER II 的正面图和背面图: 图 1 正面图
图 2 背面图
注意:若主机有 CLK 接口,则将其与 MCM-23 SUPER II 的 DCK 接线端子接线。
如图 1 所示,不接 P1 和 P2 跳帽,然后上电,若 CR1 指示灯闪烁,说明进入信号检测模式。根据指示灯状态查看 信号强度。CR2、CR3、CR4 三个指示灯的状态显示信号强度: • 若只有 1 个指示灯亮,信号为“弱”; • 若其中 2 个指示灯亮,信号为“中”; • 若其中 3 个指示灯亮,信号为“强”。 建议将主机安装于信号强的地点。 若 CR1、CR2、CR3、CR4 四个指示灯同时闪烁,表示该模块为非法模块,模块不工作。
如图 1 所示,正常工作时的指示灯说明如下:
指示灯 CR1 CR2 CR3
状态 常亮 熄灭 常亮 常亮
说明 与主机连接正常 与主机连接异常 与接警中心 1 连接 与接警中心 2 连接
闪烁 快速闪烁 常亮
正常运行 信号弱 电源指示灯
4. 报告短信与配置
当有需要通过短信发送的报告产生时,MCM-23 SUPER II 会将报告短信发送给指定手机号码用户。报告短信的事 件内容和说明如下:
Quantity 1
User Guide
Contact your local retailer as soon as possible if anything is missing in your package.
通过配置软件升级和配置 MCM-23 SUPER II。修改配置后请重启模块。
中国 RoHS
印刷电路板组件 线缆
产品中有毒有害物质或元素的名称及含量 有毒有害物质或元素
Jumper Settings
Follow this table to set the jumpers if the MCM-23 SUPER II is installed on SUPER series control panel (see Figure 1).
© 2015 Honeywell International Inc. Document 800-15900 Rev. C
1. Shipping List
Check if the packing contents match the packing list on receiving the products. The packing list is as below:
3. Installation and Operation
Front & Rear View
The following figure shows the front view and rear view of the MCM-23 SUPER II: Figure 1 Front View
Figure 2 Rear View
Honeywell Security
中国上海市遵义路 100 号虹桥上海城 A 座 35 楼 电话:+86 21-22196888 传真:+86 21-62370740
MCM-23 SUPER II User Guide
ON ON ON OFF 同时与接警中心 1 和接警中心 2 连接。
ON OFF ON OFF 只与接警中心 1 连接。
OFF ON ON OFF 只与接警中心 2 连接。
若 MCM-23 SUPER II 安装于 23 系列主机,设置跳帽后,还需在配置软件中选择对应 23 系列主机类型,并设置相 关参数。
MCM-23 SUPER II 用户手册
按照以下步骤安装 MCM-23 SUPER II: 1. 如图 1 和图 2 所示,分别插入 SIM 卡和天线。 2. 按照下图将 MCM-23 SUPER II 和主机相连:
© 2015 Honeywell International Inc. Document 800-15900 Rev. C
汞(Hg) 镉(Cd)
O:表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下。
X:表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求。
如图 1 所示,若 MCM-23 SUPER II 安装于 SUPER 系列主机,跳帽设置如下:
同时与接警中心 1 和 2 连接,详细配置参考主机的用户 ON ON OFF OFF
OFF OFF OFF 只连接 1 个接警中心,详细配置参考主机用户手册中
1#MCM-23 SUPER 的相关配置。
注意:MCM-23 SUPER II 安装在 23 系列主机时,在接警中心显示对应的设备名称为 MCM-23。
恢复出厂值(仅针对非 SUPER 系列主机):
上电前安装 P4 跳帽,上电后,取下 P4 跳帽。
• 主机类型:4 • 安装员码:012345 • 工作方式:000000(短信、GPRS 均关闭) • 所有电话号码全为零 • 键盘地址:06,07 • GPRS 心跳时间:30 秒
Note: If the control panel has CLK terminal, wire it with the DCK terminal of MCM-23 SUPER II.
Select the Installation Location
Do not put the jumpers on P1 and P2 (see Figure 1). Power up and the CR1 indicator flashes, indicating that the system is in signal test mode. Check the signal strength according to the status of the indicators. Indicators CR2, CR3 and CR4 show the strength of the signal: • The signal strength is “low” if only one of the indicators is on; • The signal strength is “middle” if two of the indicators are on; • The signal strength is “high” if all the three indicators are on. It is recommended that the signal strength of the installation location should be “high”. If indicators CR1, CR2, CR3 and CR4 flash simultaneously, it means the module is illegal and it cannot work.
• Support GPRS wireless network that is protected by the AES-128Bit encryption, providing more reliable communication.
• Instant alarm report by messages; support 2 mobile phone numbers per one MCM-23 SUPER II. • Multiple alarm reporting methods (SMS and GPRS). • Support configuration via the configuration software. • Support arm/disarm via text message. • Support dual CMS solution.