



履带拖拉机机械液压双功率流差速转向机构研究与设计作者:莫毅松来源:《农业开发与装备》 2018年第5期摘要:通过对不同履带拖拉机机械液压双功率流差速转向系统的结构、速度特性、动力转向特性分析,提出新型机械液压双功率流差动转向系统结构-各档等半径转向机构,并以常州汉森机械有限公司生产的HM80履带拖拉机转向传动系方案为例,对它的传动设计原则和设计经验进行了总结,为履带式拖拉机的转向系统设计提供一种新的结构。

关键词:履带拖拉机;转向机构;等半径转向0 引言目前现有履带行走机构的转向机构大致分为三种结构。








图1 单功率流传动示意图图2 双功率流传动示意图1 新型机械液压双功率流差速转向机构研究内容对双功率流转向机构的理论及特性分析,导出特性关系式,分析行星排特性参数对传动性能的影响,为设计新型双功率流转向机构传动装置提供依据。


2 结构分析这种方案中泵的传动在变速箱后(见图3),泵的排量随档位变化,设从变速箱输出端到泵的传动比为ibq基于以上的分析:图3 结构示意图图4 液压系统图速度特性:平均速度:v5L=2πrnf/(imibiz(1+k))+kEnf/(ibiqibq)(1+k)v5R=(2πrnf/ibimiz(1+k)-kEnf/(ibiqibq)(1+k)两条履带的平均速度V4PV5P=(vL+vR)/2=2πrnf/imibiz(1+k)左右履带差ΔV5ΔV5=v5L-vR=4πrnfEk/ibiqimibq(1+k)R5=B(vL+vR)/2(vL-vR)设R5为转弯半径R5=Biqibq/2kEiz动力从马达行星排传递路线没有变,因而动力特性如果忽略到马达的传递效率也一样,但比效率不能忽略,因为发动机经变速箱后转速降低了,特别是最低档在怠速工作时,传递到泵的转速非常低,会对泵的效率产生影响,这个方案需要对泵的最高转速和最低转速进行校对。


















值得一提的是“勇士”的涉水行?M能力,在水中,它借助于履带划水推?M车辆前行,水中推?M 速度可以达到4~5千米/小时,可以在无准备的情况下出水登岸。



p r r n ep rmee fte f ev hce.1 tl e e e t e e sod ro h v e ilsi sfl w n : B ef ma c aa tro h v e ils  ̄mlsTh f ci n s re fte f ev hce s a ol ig o i l v i o VSI O: B 0 S> J 1 V2 6 Y8 3> B o c > B 0 . 伪尬 1 rn o V2 6 C 0 啪 . T e e e t e e so Y8 3 al tranta k d vh cei etrta h s h f ci n s J 1 l eri rc e e il sb t h nto e f v f — e
术 参数 指 标 ,运 用 T P I O SS法进 行 效 能评 估 并 排 序 。结 果 :五 种 典 型 全 地 形 履 带 车 辆 的 效 能 水 平 排 序 为 B S 0型: V 1
B 26 V 0 S型 >J 8 3型 >野 马 型 >B 2 6型 。 结论 : Y1 V0 目前 国 内 的 J 8 3型 “ 地 虎 ” Y1 全 全地 形履 带车 的 效 能 水 平 较 B SO V I
f rnoadB 2 6 b ti r h hs f S 0a dB 2 6 . ie eMe i up n un l 1 ,3 o Boc n V 0 , u tl os t ntoeo V 1 n V 0 S[hn s dc l q ime t o ra,0 2 3 lw e a B c aE J 2
型和 B 26 V 0 S型 全 地 形 履 带 车还 有 一 定 的 差 距 , 已超 过 “ 马 ” 和 B 2 6型 全 地 形履 带 车 , 但 野 型 V0 具有 较 好 的 效 能 水平



立相对车辆静止的动坐标 系,推导 出履带板上任意点 的运 动速度方 程。地 面对履 带板上接触 点的摩擦 力方 向与 该点的运动速度 方向相反 ,从而确定出产生转向阻力矩 的摩擦 力 的大小和方 向 ,对转向 中心 取矩得 到转向阻力
矩 。通 过求 解 运 动 学 方 程 组 ,得 出 转 向 阻 力矩 。研 究 表 明 ,履 带 与 地 面 问 摩 擦 力 沿 履 带 方 向 的 分 力 提 供 转 向驱
p i t itn e fo te t r i g c ne . I a t h te ig r ssa em o nti ac lt d t o g o vn e fk n — o n’ dsa c r m h u n n e tr nf c ,te se rn e itnc me sc lu ae hr u h s l ig a s to i rs ac n iae ,t ec mp n n f h it n l o c e w e h r c n e go n a a — t q ai s e o e e r h id c ts h o o e t e f ci a re b t e n t e t k a d t r u d t ti p r ot r o f a h h s l e o t c rvd ste d i n c u i te i g h l t t e o o e t h ti p r e dc l r ot e t k g n allt eta k p o i e h r i gf re d r g se rn ,w i eoh rc mp n n a e p n iu a h r c e — h r v o n eh t s t a ca e h te i g r s tn e h s meh d o ac l t g t e s e n e itn e mo n s mo e a c r t h n t dt n l rt st e se rn e i a c .T i s t o fc lu ai h t r g r ss c me t i n ei a r c u a e t a r i o a a i



2023.02 建设机械技术与管理371 研究背景铰接式自卸车是一种可适应恶劣路况的非公路工程车辆。



2 厂家方案2.1 沃尔沃铰接式自卸车优先转向系统沃尔沃是铰卡的发明者,在1966年第1台铰卡下线,到1980年铰卡下线突破10000台,并在当年对外宣布铰卡市场占有率超过50%。

之后,沃尔沃铰卡产品不断改进升级,产品型谱不断完善,在2016年推出了50周年纪念款A60H ,载重可达55吨。

铰接式自卸车优先转向系统方法研究Research on the Method of Priority Steering Systerm for Articulated Dump Truck高新功 姚锡江 路亚文(徐州徐工矿业机械有限公司,江苏 徐州 221000)摘要:优先转向系统的合理设计直接影响着铰接式自卸车的安全,并且能明显减小系统的功率损耗。


关键词:铰接式自卸车;优先转向;液压系统中图分类号:TD57 文献标识码: A图1 铰接式自卸车运输作业为保证铰接式自卸车的安全可靠性,市场上的车辆均配置了优先转向系统。






1.液压油箱2.液压泵3.转向阀4.方向盘5.过载阀组6.转向油缸图2 沃尔沃 A45G 优先转向原理图现以沃尔沃铰卡的热销车型A45G 的优先转向系统来进行分析研究,方案的本质是切断去往举升系统的油液,优先保证转向。



一种电动履带耕整机的研制及试验周春健,俞志轩,唐宁静,李一昕(上海市农业机械研究所,上海市 201106)摘要:针对目前设施内耕整作业环节人工劳动强度大,传统内燃机动力污染大,能源利用率低等问题,研制出一种电动履带耕整机。


通过田间试验对电动履带耕整机的作业性能进行测试,试验结果表明在耕整机前进速度1 m/s,旋耕电机最大消耗功率11.8 kW,旋耕深度均值15.4 cm,稳定性系数93.5%。


关键词:电动耕整机;研制;试验0 引言耕整作业是农业生产中重要的环节。



国内高校对于电动旋耕机的研究以理论为主,田硕对新型整体式电动旋耕机结构设计及轻量化进行了研 究[1];柴媛欣对电动微耕机动力系统的匹配进行了研 究[2];李亮等设计了一种新型环保电动微型旋耕机[3]。


1 整机结构与工作原理1.1 整机结构电动履带耕整机如图1所示,主要有罩壳、履带底盘、控制箱、动力电池、电动液压推杆、旋耕部件组成。


a耕整机主视图b 耕整机主视图1.罩壳2.履带底盘3.旋耕部件4.控制箱5.动力电池6.电动液压推杆图1 电动履带耕整机结构简图1.2 工作原理电动履带耕整机由电池提供底盘行走以及旋耕动力,通过远程计算机下达作业指令使耕整机自动寻找工作点位按照预先规划好的轨迹进行耕整作业或者采用手机遥控的方式控制耕整机进行自动耕整作业。



8 3
和 特殊 地 面都 将 会成 为 未来 的陆 战场 , 但 在 这些 复 杂地域 , 一般 的轮 式 、 履 带式 车辆 通 过 性 能 下 降严 重, 部 队 机动 能力 和后 勤保 障 能力 无 法 满 足作 战要 求 。为解 决部 队实 际需 要 , 借 助科 技进 步 , 瑞典 、 原 苏联 、 芬兰 、 美 国、 加 拿 大等 国家竞 相 开 展 了铰 接式 履 带全 地形 车 的研制 工作 。这个 时期 所发 展 的车 型 主要用 于寒 冷积 雪 地 区进 行人 员 输送 和 物 资运 输 , 故 又称 为 雪地 车 。 冷 战结 束后 , 特别 是进 入 2 l 世纪 , 战争 样 式 发 生 了重 大 改 变 , 全 面 大 战 的可 能 性 降 低 , 而 围绕 热 点地 区 的 冲 突却 不 断 增 加 , 具有非线式 、 非 对 称 性
全 地形 车是 指 主要 用 于在 雪地 、 沙漠 、 沼泽 、 岸
支援 与勤务 支援等 任务 。
滩、 丛林 、 山地 、 水 网及 湖泊 等 多种 复杂 地 形 和特殊 地 面条 件 下机 动 的一类 特种 车 辆 , 高通 过性 是 其显
著特征 。按 行 走方 式 分类 , 全 地形 车 可分 为轮 式 和 履带式 , 一 般 装 载 质量 较 小 的 车 型 采用 轮 式 , 装 载 质 量较 大 的车型则 采用履 带式 。履带式 全地形 车按
De c军研究
F o r e i g n A r my S t u d i e s
外军铰接式履 带全地形车发展综述及启 示
何建 清, 曲学春 , 石秉 良, 董 涛
( 总装备 部 汽车试验 场 ,南京 2 1 0 0 2 8 )




21世纪初,该公司又在BV206的基础上为英国皇家海军陆战队研制了BVS10 MK1“维京”全地形车,再一次引起了世界瞩目。






就BVS10 MK1全地形车来说,2005年才在英国皇家海军陆战队形成作战能力,英军原计划要使用该车到2023年。

然而在服役第2年的时候,英国国防部就突然迫不及待地宣布要购买新型全地形车,以取代BVS10 MK1。


BVS10 MK1“维京”全地形车英国在追随美国出兵阿富汗之后就陷入了泥潭。


尽管BVS10 MK1全地形车是新型车辆,在装甲防护能力上给予了较高重视,但由于研制时阿富汗战争还没有开打,所以其装甲防护能力与此前的装甲强化型BV206S相比并无本质性提高,仅能防御轻武器的射击和距离较远的榴弹破片。

而当BVS10 MK1研制成功、开始装备英军时,阿富汗战争已经打了4年,塔利班对路边炸弹的运用已经日臻纯熟,以BVS10 MK1当时所具有的装甲很难对抗。



履带结构设计与参数对车辆性能的影响摘要:根据履带车辆动力学, 分析了履带车辆的接地长宽比, 即履带接地长度与履带中心距的比值对行驶性能的影响。

分析表明,接地面积一定时,长而窄履带比短而宽的履带行驶阻力要小;当履带接地面积相同时,长而窄履带比短而宽的履带有更大的切向牵引力;长宽比设计得太大会增加转向难度, 但是太小会影响行驶稳定性, 设计结果应满足原地中心转向的要求, 同时保证有合理的临界再生转分析结果为整车结构参数设计提供了理论依据。

关键词:履带车辆; 行驶性能; 参数设计中图分类号: u491.2+55 文献标识码: a 文章编号:crawler structure design also parameters on the vehicle performance impactabstract: according to analysis of caterpillar vehicle dynamics, the caterpillar vehicles grounding aspect ratio, namely the crawler grounding length l and crawler center distance of driving the ratio of b properties. analysis shows that certain grounding area, long and narrow than shorter and wider track the crawler driving resistance to small; when the crawler diam-eter grounding area, long and narrow than shorter and wider track the crawler have greater tangential traction; the aspect ratio design too congress too difficult, but increased to affect the driving stability, the designresult should satisfy the requirements of in-situ center steering, while guaranteeing that have reasonable critical regeneration turn analysis results of vehicle structure provides theoretical basis for designing parameters. keywords: caterpillar vehicles; driving performance; parameter design1. 对车辆外部滚动阻力的影响履带接地长度l和履带中心距b是履带车辆非常重要的两个整车结构参数, 对履带车辆的行驶性能尤其是转向性能有很大关系 , 合理地设计履带车辆的接地长宽比对实现整车良好的行驶性能具有重要意义。



The Track Vehicle Changes Direction Research Present Condition and DevelopmentTrends of The Organization1 change direction the research present condition of the organizationDifferent classification in basis method, the track vehicle changes direction organization can according to vehicle is in change direction process the power flows of deliver the way is divided into the single power flows to change direction the organization to flow to change direction the organization with a power, and also can according to in change direction process two the sport of side trackses have no the contact but is divided into the independent type change direction the organization with bad soon the type changes direction the organization.1.1 single powers establish a certain changing direction the organization after flowing change direction the single power in organization flow to change direction the general structure in organization method is at became soon the organization, is the most simple method to constitute track vehicle change direction to spread to move.The single power flows to change direction the organization to change direction the organization most in brief, among them most in common usely change direction the clutch, single bad soon the machine, double is bad soon the machine, planet changes direction organization etc..Change direction the clutch[1,2] is all a friction that several types rub the clutch, depending the friction surface to deliver to turn the , being the separation some on changing direction the clutch laterally, can reduce or cut off that side drive a round delivers of turn the make vehicle changed direction.Change direction the size of the radius from drive a decrease for spreads to turn the measures namely the degree that clutch separate decides.Change direction the clutch is simple because of the construction, manufacturing convenience, got the extensive application on the small scaled track in inside in earlier period type tractor, bulldozer.But because its manipulatethe sex bad, produce the efficiency low, can consume bigger, enlarge continuously along with the track vehicle power, change direction the application of the clutch will suffer certainly of restrict.SingleBad soon the machine changes direction the organization[2,3] can make vehicle several why the speed of the center position still keeps in change direction process the original driving the car straightly is soon, being a When the complete system in side move, change direction the radius over small, but another side track speed over high, change direction the Cape speed over big, for this reason a power for needing changing direction power very bigly, would outrunning generally launching machine restrict, if the pilot keep on changing direction, have a little bit the immodesty and then will make launch the machine fire, as a result can depend to slip to whet, using than the greater half path changes direction, or pole is not fair and softly break to change direction continuously with the lesser half path.Therefore this kind of is single bad soon the machine change direction the organization to no longer adopt almost now.The speed that a speed for differing soon machine changing direction organization[3,4] can making track vehicle at changing direction slowly soon side track lowering is equal to the fast side track the increment, the for this reason vehicle changes direction of average speed and straightly the speed that drive same alike.But because a variety for badly soon machine can't completely system moving first side track, vehicle can't originally changing direction, and changing direction radius scope has no usage to change direction the clutch big, changing direction the going smoothly worse.While changing direction, the fast side track accelerates, therefore launching the affixture of the machine carry the ratio adoption change direction the clutch big.The double is bad soon the machine be constituted by wheel gear of change direction the organization, with change direction the clutch compare the spare parts number little, bear to whet the sex good, the life span is longer.The planet changes direction the organization[4,5] moves with the system from a planet a department the machine constitutes.The operation planet the system on the organization moves the machine can change two sides drives the round drives the dint size make vehicle changeddirection.It is that type of to change direction the organization opposite in change direction the clutch change direction the organization can deliver the bigger changing direction the dint , can realize an athletic and fixed stalk wheel gear organization fall through of two free a planet for of flat-out decomposition with synthesizing, planet organization a three dollar as have the bad relating to soon; change direction the organization to much order to deliver the motive, and the internal path in organization faces the dint mutually equilibrium.But is complicated because of its construction, only industry in big power tractor, bulldozer and other heavy type vehicle last application.Single weakness that power change direction is obvious, vehicle only contain several fix of change direction the radius, press to rule not of change direction When the radius change direction, want to is slipped by friction a piece to whet to realize, and is hard to get the stability change direction the radius accurately; the next in order in change direction process rub a dollar piece of violent slip to whet to will bring to have fever with wear away, make spread to move the efficiency lower, especially in the big power change direction work appearance next, would exsit the bigger power lose, with the result that often need to be declined to change direction soon; moreover, the violent friction also make easy damage in organization, cause the work dependable bad, the life span lower.1.2 pairs of powerses flow to change direction the organization after launching machine, will launch the machine power be divided in to become soon with change direction two roads be juxtaposed to deliver, ising a double of powers to flow to change direction the organization.A power flows to change direction the organization will used for keeping the pushes forward of become soon the organization is different from result in leftly, the right side track speed differs of change direction the organization to be juxtaposed in spread move department, change direction the organization when the vehicle keeps the did not result in twoth the speed of side trackses are bad, while changing direction, became to flow each file of offering soon to drive the speed straightly with change direction the organization results in of two the speed of side trackses differ to remit to flow, realizing the vehicle change direction.(1)the machine type a power flow to change direction the organization to flow the foundation top that change direction the organization to appear at the earliest stage in the single power of was a machine to kept the with changed direction two powers flowed all from machinery to realized type a power to flowed to change direction the organization[3].It is this kind to change direction the organization main from two become soon box( a lord become soon the box, a cent moves a box of), the planet wheel gear organization, clutch moves with the planet organization system the machine constitutes, the single power flows to change direction in changing direction function the organization has the very big increasing, but it still change direction the radius is to have the class.The file is more low, getting of change direction the radius more small; the file is more high, getting of change direction the radius more big.Can't still adapt to the vehicle road in all different curvatures on the tactful track that change direction to drive with the demand, also can't expel parts of coalescences rub a piece proceeds to slip to whet to change direction and from slip to whet an a series of problem for bringing.(2)the machine liquid press type a power flows to change direction the organization machineThe type of changes direction the organization changes direction the function easily under the influence of the pilot's driver's technique, physical strength term moving the machine to wear away with the clutch, system, and bring the pilot the fatigue easily.Give or get an electric shock along with the machine the liquid press and technical development in engineering in machine in person, the machine type change direction the organization to will be eliminated on the big power tractor, bulldozer...etc. engineering vehicle necessarily.Press in the l ast additional liquid in system in machine the liquid of —that pump the motor presses the machine — liquid drives to press to change direction the system will get the application gradually.The machine liquid press type a power flows to change direction the organization[5,6] from launch the machine and change the deal pump, control valve, fixed amount motor, many files become soon box and empress bridges change direction to differ to move the organization constitutes.Itwill spread to flow from the machine that launch the machine power in many files became soon the importation stalk of the box last cent flow, all the way flow through was pressed by liquid pump- liquid press motor constitute of change direction adjust soon system; another all the way flow through many files became soon box, finally experienced star row top confluence, then was lined up by planet of some a the parts( such as planet) spread to the vehicle to spread to move the stalk top eventually.Because the liquid presses to pump to press with the liquid the motor can have no the class controls, therefore using the this type of changing direction the organization since can acquire the carAn a lot of weakness for twoth lateral speeds differing realizing having no class controling, again overcoming machine type changing direction organization.If the liquid presses the motor do not work, only coming from central spread the dynamic power flow, the vehicle makes the straight line drives; if only have the liquid that come from the power press the motor flows, the vehicle can realize to change direction radius as the zero changing direction originally; if input at the same time two road powers flow, because the liquid presses the motor can realize to have no the class controls, for this reason vehicle two side tracks drive the rotation to have soon and will barely do much more endless, can get the much more endless changes direction the radius, can immediately realize to have no the class changes direction, pilot as long as manipulate to change direction the dish turns to move the liquid presses the device, can make vehicle driven along the certain arc stablely.This kind of changes direction the organization not only have the construction good, have no the friction a piece, life span is long, the efficiency is high and work dependable, arrange simple, maintain the adjustment little and lower to can consume to wait the characteristics the outside, but also it is not a motive to pass the part or cut off all a side track in working function to the system move a the side drives a the round realizes to change direction of, but two side tracks deliver the motive always, can realizes nicely like this the motive change direction, basic ascend a safety for slippery phenomenon, being applicable to proceeding being partial to carrying pushing soil with cutting off root homework; at sloping fields changing direction can't appearing" conversingdirection" phenomenon, increases vehicle that dissolves the track; because of changing direction do not cut off the motive, the average car of the for this reason vehicle does not lower soon; the track do not stop driving, breaking to the soil little, in loosenning soft soil of pass the sex good; change direction the size of the radius can control arbitrarily, increasing the flexibility of the track vehicle, change direction steady; change direction vehicle can develop with drive the high work in same function straightly; realizes easily a the root manipulates the pole to control in to back with change direction.2 change direction the pure liquid in trend(1)in development in organization press to have no the class changes direction the organization wants to realize the track vehicle changes direction the radius can control and continue to have no the class changes of change direction the function, the adoption capacity type liquid presses to pump to press with the liquid motor etc. has no the class become soon a piece is a more realistic viable method.The pure liquid presses to change direction the organization[7 9] of ~ss pass to pump of positive and negative two directions have no the class changes the deal regulates, realizing to launch the mobile dint was spread by double to move to change direction the road arrives to remit the popular star row has no the class changes of spreading and moving ratio, end realize the vehicle face or so two change direction laterally radius can continue to have no the class the variety keeps the , pass the liquid press to pump with the liquid press the motor shuts the lock( change the row that deal pump measureses for zero) to realize to change direction the zero to shut the lock axially, from but keeps to keep the stablely.Under the situation of becoming soon the organization hangs the blank on schedule to change direction, launch machine a power for sending out all to press from the liquid that change direction the road a piece deliver, can realize the vehicle change direction originally.The current liquid presses the industry level returns the hard getting the power enough and big and the good liquid in function presses a dollar an efficiency for, and the liquid presses the system low, this is the biggest obstacle that pure liquid press to have no the class change direction the technique develops.(2)the compound changes direction organization as to overcome the pure liquid presses the above blemish that change direction the organization, appearing now the small liquid in power in various adoptions press the liquid of a dollar piece presses the compound changes direction the project[7].A pump a motor project: this project is to solves the liquid press the direct and the most simple project in shortage in a power in a dollar, its function press with pure liquid to change direction same, but two sets of liquids press a piece merge to make the organization's physical volume weight bigger, the efficiency is still lower.The machine liquid presses to reunite the project: that project is adopting a double of flowing the liquid press to change direction of at the same time, reserve a set of machines change direction the organization.Make use of the power not very of the liquid presses a dollar the piece realizes the greater half path changes direction of have no the class variety continuously; make use of the organization that machine change direction lesser half path realizes the class changes direction.This kind of change direction the organization falls through whole radius scope has no the class variety.A radius liquid presses to change direction the project: that project adoption contain two kinds of exportations soon the liquid that compare presses the motor, when the good road ascends to change direction adoption the higher exportation turns soon, native out of fix the hour then change to output with the low speed to overcome bigger changing direction the resistance.The liquid presses the liquid dint compound changes direction the project: that project presses with the liquid of the limited power a piece proceeds to have no the class changes direction, the help matches the machine accidentally at change direction the liquid press the motor dint not enough hour on time provide the help .That project although reduce the liquid press a piece efficiencies would be much lower.In fine, adopt the liquid press a dollar a point for having no class becoming soon characteristic to realizing track vehicle having no class changing direction is good choice, solving liquid pressing a dollar a power shortage then is low with the efficiency that direction is investigative.(3)the machine liquid presses the consecution has no the class changesdirection the organization machine liquid presses the consecution has no the class changes direction the organization[10 21] of ~ss are in simple liquid pressing cent in machine spreading the foundation that move the principle, adopting the different machine organization parameter combine, and press with liquid a dollar the piece matches with of a kind of latest model changes direction the organization.It can guarantee at continue to have no the class output the next applied small liquid in premise that turn to press the total power in an exportation for significantly increasing vehicle in a dollar soon, and its spread to move the efficiency far far ahead pure the liquid presses to change direction the organization spreads to move the efficiency.It represents the development direction that track vehicle change direction organization.The research develops the good machine in function liquid presses the consecution has no the class changes direction the organization, excellent turn to match the that type of turning. Construction parameter that face organization is the point lesson of the current vehicle engineering realm.履带车辆转向机构的研究现状及发展趋势1、转向机构的研究现状依据不同的分类方法,履带车辆转向机构可根据车辆在转向过程中功率流的传递方式分为单功率流转向机构和双功率流转向机构,也可根据在转向过程中两侧履带的运动有无联系而分为独立式转向机构和差速式转向机构。



2020年4月 物 探 装 备 第30卷 第2期全地形车传动型式探讨王江涛*1 王永芳1 黄玉峰1 王 梦2(1.东方地球物理公司装备服务处装备研究中心,河北涿州 072750;2.中航通飞研究院有限公司)王江涛,王永芳,黄玉峰,王梦.全地形车传动型式探讨.物探装备,2020,30(2):89-91摘要 全地形车是针对恶劣环境和复杂地形而设计的特种车辆,具有超强的越野和克服障碍的能力。


关键词 全地形车 传动系统 特殊地形Wang Jiangtao ,Wang Yongfang ,Huang Yufeng and Wang Meng .Discussion on the transmission type of all-terrain veh-icle .EGP ,2020,30(2):89-91Abstract All-terrain vehicles are special vehicles designed for harsh environments and complex terrain , with superior off-road capability and the ability to overcome obstacles . This article investigates several domestic and foreign typical all-terrain vehicles , analyzes and describes the transmission patterns , and looks forward to the future development of all-terrain vehicles . Key words all-terrain vehicle ,transmission type ,special terrain0 引言全地形车理论上是指可以在任何地形上行驶的车辆,最大特点是具有较低的接地比压,通过性强,可以在普通车辆难以机动的地形上行走自如。








从图1-2中可以看到,当履带处于图中1所示的位置时,履带速度达最大值,并等于:式中:—驱动链轮的节圆半径;当履带处于图中2所示的位置时,履带速度最低,等于:式中:—驱动链轮的分度角,; —驱动链轮的有效啮合齿数。



0r βK Z 360=βK Z K ω设:—链轨节矩,m ;—驱动轮转速,r/min 。





















关键词:汽车工程;铰接式客车;直接横摆力矩;稳定性;车辆动力学AbstractAs an important bus model of BRT system, articulated bus has attracted a mass of attention for its advantages such as large capacity and low operating costs. The articulated bus consists of main bus, sub-bus and articulated devices. Due to the complex structure, the speed of articulated bus has been very limited. In order to solve the problem of stability of articulated bus when driving at high speed, the stability control strategy of the articulated bus has been studyed with the direct yaw moment control method being used in this paper.In this paper, the potential lock-up problem of articulated bus when turning in steady-state was analyzed initially. Optimization model was designed based on this, with the angle between main bus and sub-bus as the objective function. The constraint equations of the optimization model included the geometric parameters of the main and auxiliary vehicle body and based on national standard of the limits of the width of the articulated bus turning channel. After optimization, the angle between main bus and vice bus was significantly reduced,and the turning ability of articulated bus had been improved.To obtain the transient response characteristics of articulated bus during high-speed turning, a 15-DOF vehicle model of articulated bus including the main vehicle model, deputy vehicle model and dumpling device model was established in this paper, and then simulated the motion response of the main and sub vehicles under the different speed of the articulated bus when the three steering wheel angles are input.Simulation results show that when the steering wheel angle is small, articulated bus has good steering performance at different speeds, while the steering wheel angle is large and the speed is high, articulated bus has potential of instability.In order to improve the steering capacity of articulated passenger bus when driving at high speed, the direct yaw moment control was applied, and the direct yaw moment is generated by the brake differential of the main and sub bus. Through theoretical analysis, the control target of the direct yaw moment is determined as the yaw velocity of main bus, side slip angle of main bus and sub-bus, and the ideal model was deduced based on it. Meanwhile, the PID controller was designed, which targets the side slip angle of the sub vehicle was zero ,and PID controller and fuzzy controller are designed to make the yaw angular velocity and side slip angle of the main bus follow the ideal model .The control results show that when the sub-bus was controlled by PID control and the main bus was controlled by PID fuzzy joint control, the motion response quality of the articulated bus is the best.Keywords: Automotive Engineering; Articulated bus; Direct yaw moment; Stability; Vehicle dynamics目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第一章绪论 (1)1.1 课题背景及意义 (1)1.2 国内外研究现状 (2)1.2.1 铰接式客车的发展现状 (2)1.2.2 国内外关于汽车操纵稳定性相关研究历史及现状 (3)1.2.3 车辆操纵稳定性控制方法 (6)1.3 主要研究目的 (10)1.4 主要研究内容 (10)第二章铰接式客车车身参数的优化设计 (12)2.1 铰接式客车转弯特性分析 (12)2.2 优化设计及分析 (14)2.2.1 设计变量及优化设计目标函数的确定 (14)2.2.2 约束条件的确定 (16)2.3 优化设计程序实现 (18)2.3.1 优化设计结果 (18)2.3.2 讨论和分析 (20)2.4 本章小结 (21)第三章铰接式BRT客车动力学模型及仿真分析 (22)3.1 引言 (22)3.2 轮胎运动坐标系 (22)3.3 轮胎模型 (23)3.3.1 轮胎模型介绍 (23)3.3.2 魔术公式轮胎模型 (24)3.4 主车动力学模型 (29)3.4.1 主车运动方程的推导 (29)3.4.2 主车轮胎垂直载荷的计算 (34)3.4.3 主车轮胎滑移率及阿克曼转向角理论 (35)3.5 副车动力学模型 (37)3.6 铰接装置的力学模型 (39)3.7 模型仿真及分析 (40)3.8 本章小结 (44)第四章铰接式客车稳定性控制策略的研究 (45)4.1 横摆角速速与汽车行驶稳定性关系 (45)4.2 质心侧偏角与汽车稳定性的关系 (46)4.3 铰接式客车操纵稳定性控制原理及目标 (48)4.3.1 直接横摆力偶矩控制的理论与方法 (48)4.3.2 直接横摆力矩控制目标及其理想模型 (51)4.4 铰接式客车操纵稳定性控制方法的研究 (53)4.4.1 副车PID控制—主车PID控制 (54)4.4.2 副车PID控制—主车模糊逻辑控制 (58)4.4.3 副车PID控制—主车PID模糊逻辑联合控制 (65)4.5 本章总结 (66)总结与展望 (67)参考文献 (69)攻读硕士学位期间取得的研究成果 (74)致谢 (75)第一章绪论第一章绪论1.1 课题背景及意义当前,由于全球经济的快速发展及与之伴随的人口和机动车辆的高速增长[1],城市面临的交通压力日益严峻。



工 农业 发 展 中发挥 着重 要 的作用 履 带车辆 的特 性 主
Hale Waihona Puke 要是指车辆行驶 时车体的动态响应特性 , 它不仅影 响着 履 带 车辆 的乘 坐舒 适 性 , 还 关 系 到 履 带车 辆 的
Ab nr t  ̄ ' t :T h e c o u p l i n g e f e c t o f g r o u n d ,t r a c k a n d wh e e l s o f r t a c k v e h i c l e s wa s s t u d i e d .T h e e x t e na r l f a c t o r s
中图分类号 : T B 5 3 ; T H1 2 2 文献标 识t i  ̄ - : A DO I 编码 : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 1 0 0 6 . 1 3 3 5 . 2 0 1 3 . 0 4 . 0 2 5
An a l y s i s o f Dy n a mi c Ch a r a c t e r i s ic t s o f T r a c k Ve h i c l e s Us i n g AT V
摘 要: 针对履带车辆 的特 点, 研究地面一 履带一 负重轮系统的耦合作用关系 , 分析 了影 响履带车辆动态特性 的外 部因素 ; 借助 于A T V软件 , 依据某履带车辆 的具体结构尺寸 , 建立了履带车辆动力学分析仿真模型 : 研究了不 同的地面 地貌 、 车辆 行驶速度 及履带预 张紧力条件 下履带车 辆动态特 性的变化 情况 , 分析 了履带车辆 动态特性 变化 与地 面地 貌、 车辆行驶速度 及履带预张紧力的内在 关系规律 , 为履带车辆的设计和优化提供 了依据 。 关键词 : 振动与波 ; 履带车辆 ; 动态特性; 地 面地 貌; A T V



驰马试剑——管窥研究院试验能力建设作者:暂无来源:《坦克装甲车辆》 2019年第24期宗陆宇田焕荣房强试验是科学研究的重要方法,是装备研制中的重要环节,是方案验证和性能验证的有效手段。











(一)双履带式车辆转向运动学履带车辆不带负荷,在水平地段上绕转向轴线O 作稳定转向的简图,如图7-12所示。

从转向轴线O 到车辆纵向对称平面的距离R ,称为履带式车辆的转向半径。

以T O 代表轴线O 在车辆纵向对称平面上的投影,T O 的运动速度v '代表车辆转向时的平均速度。

则车辆的转向角速度Z ω为:图7-12 履带式车辆转向运动简图R v Z '=ω (7-37)转向时,机体上任一点都绕转向轴线O 作回转,其速度为该点到轴线O 的距离和角速度Z ω的乘积。

所以慢、快速侧履带的速度1v '和2v '分别为:Z Z Z Z B v B R v B v B R v ωωωω5.0)5.0(5.0)5.0(21+'=+='-'=-=' (7-38)式中:B —履带车辆的轨距。


由上可得:B R B R v v 5.05.021+-=''(二)双履带式车辆转向动力学 1、牵引平衡和力矩平衡图7-13给出了带有牵引负荷的履带式车辆,在水平地段上以转向半径R 作低速稳定转向时的受力情况(离心力可略去不计)。

转向行驶时的牵引平衡可作两点假设:(1) 在相同地面条件下,转向行驶阻力等于直线行驶阻 力,且两侧履带行驶阻力相等,即:ff f F F F 5.021='='(2)在相同的地面条件和负荷情况下,γcos x F 相当于直 线行驶的有效牵引力KP F ,即:图7-13 转向时作用在履带车辆上的外力γcos x KP F F =所以回转行驶的牵引平衡关系为:K KP f K Kx f f K KF F F F F F F F F F =+='+'+'+'='+'212121cos γ (7-39)设履带车辆回转行驶时,地面对车辆作用的阻力矩为μM ,在负荷xF 作用下总的转向阻力矩为:γμsin x T C F a M M += (7-40)式中:T a —牵引点到轴线21O O 的水平距离。


最大行程 330km
生产公司 福特(Ford)公司
型号 2658E V-6
类型 水冷柴油机
功率/转速 100kW(136马力)/5200r/min
传动装置生产公司 戴姆源自-奔驰(Daimler-Benz)
该车由两节车厢组成,车身之间用转向装置连接。每1节车厢由底盘和车身组成。底盘部分由中央梁、侧传动和行动装置总成组成。4个独立的行动装置总成可互相 替换。前车厢内可戴货600kg或容纳5名士兵和1名驾驶员;后车厢可载货1400kg或有可载11名全副武装士兵的足够空间。他们的座位在车厢两旁及前 面,背囊等物可放在车顶,最重可达200kg。该车满载时可拖1辆总重为2.5t的拖车在任何道路环境下行驶,后车厢可轻易地更换以作特殊用途。
AB Haegglund and Soener Vehicle Division,SE
该车系Bandvagn 206的简称,是一种多用途的全地形运输车,能在包括雪地、沼泽等所有地形上行驶,主要用于输送战斗人员和物资。
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