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I、Write the Names of the Authors、

1、Poor Richard’s Almanac

2、Common Sense

3、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

4、A Streetcar Named Desire

5、The Waste Land

6、Sister Carrie

7、The House of the Seven Gables

8、The Great Gatsby

9、The Bluest Eye

10、 A Farewell to Arms

11、R ip Van Winkle


13、The Call of the Wild

14、The Marble Faun

15、Moby Dick

16、The Wing of the Dove

17、Of Mice and Men

18、The Bluest Eye

19、The Great Gatsby

20、The Bluest Eye

21、The Sound and the Fury

II、Multiple Choices(Choose the best answer from the four choices)、

1、From 1622 until his death, , one of the greatest of colonial American, was reelected thirty times as governor、

A、Anne Bradstreet

B、William Bradford

C、Edward Taylor



2、carries the voice not of an individual but of a whole people、It is more than writing of the Revolutionary period, it defined the meaning of the American Revolution、

A、Common Sense

B、The American Crisis

C、Declaration of Independence

D、Defense of the English People

3、usually was regarded as the first American writer、

A、William Bradford

B、Anne Bradstreet

C、Emily Dickinson

D、Captain John


4、Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet、Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the " "who appeared in America、

A、Ninth Muse

B、Tenth Muse

C、Best Muse

D、First Muse

5、_____ was the most leading spirit of the Transcendental Club、

A、Henry David Thoreau

B、Ralph Waldo Emerson

C、Nathanial Hawthorne

D、Walt Whitman

6、Melville’s _______ is an encyclopedia of everything, history, philosophy, religion, etc, in addi tion to a detailed account of the operations of the whaling industry、

A、The Old Man and the Sea

B、Moby Dick

C、White Jacket

D、 Billy Budd

7、O Captain! My Captain! was written in memory of _______、

A、Walt Whitman

B、Benjamin Franklin

C、Abraham Lincoln

D、Martin Luther King

8、The main theme of Emily Dickinson is the following EXCEPT_______、


B、love and marriage

C、life and death

D、war and peace

9、“The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough、” This is the shortest poem written by _________、


B、Robert Frost

C、Ezra Pound



10、Mark Twain, one of the greatest 19th century American writers, is well known for his _______、

A、international theme

B、waste-land imagery

C、local color


11、Which of the following is not written by Henry James?

A、The Portrait of A Lady and The Europeans

B、The Wings of the Dove and The Ambassadors

C、What Maisie Knows and The Bostonians

D、The Genius and The Gilded Age

12、The following writers were awarded Nobel Prize for literature except ______、

A、William Faulkner


C、John Steinbeck

D、Ernest Hemingway

13、Dreiser’s Trilogy of Desire includes three novels、They are The Financier, The Titan and __________________、

A、The Stoic

B、The Giant

C、The Tycoon

D、The Genius

14、In Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury, he used a technique called ________ in which the whole story was told through the thoughts of one character、

A、stream of consciousness




15、The Road Not Taken is a long poem written by ______、

A、Edwin Arlington Robinson

B、Robert Frost

C、Ezra Pound


16、____, one of America’s greatest playwrights, won the Nobel Prize in 1936, the first American playwright to receive the honor、Some of his most famous works include The Hairy Ape, Long Day’s Journey into Night、

A、Arthur Miller

B、Tennessee Williams

C、Bernard Malamud

D、Eugene O’Neill

17、The Catcher in the Rye is a story of a 16 year old boy written by _____、


B、Saul Bellow

C、Norman Mailer

D、Ralph Ellison
