



《消费者行为学》课程教学大纲课程编码:课程名称:消费者行为学课程英文名称:Consumer Behavior总学时:32 讲课学时:32 实验学时:上机学时:课外辅导学时:学分:2.0开课单位:管理科学与工程系授课对象:电子商务专业本科生开课学期:2秋先修课程:管理学基础主要教材及参考书:教材:(美)德尔·I·霍金斯,罗格·J·贝斯特,肯尼思·A·科尼著,符国群等译,消费者行为学,机械工业出版社,2003参考书:(1)(美)J·保罗·彼德,杰里·C·奥尔森著,韩德昌主译,东北财经大学出版社,消费者行为与营销战略,2000(2)(美)迈克儿·R·所罗门著,张莹,傅强等译,经济科学出版社,消费者行为,1999一、课程教学目的通过学习本课程,目的是让学生加深对理论的理解与领会,掌握重要的消费者心理和行为分析的研究工具和规律,能对消费者心理和行为做出一定的预测,制定一些实用的营销策略。









《消费者行为学》课程教学大纲一、课程名称:消费者行为学(Consumer Behavior)二、课程编码:MM30013三、学时与学分:32/2四、课程教学目标本课程从四大部分系统全面地介绍了消费者行为学这一基础专业学科。

第一部分为导论,介绍消费者行为的性质、消费者行为在社会各个方面尤其是营销领域的运用, 从另一个角度阐明了了解、掌握消费者行为知识的意义与价值。





五、适用学科专业:工商管理硕士(MBA)六、基本教学内容与学时安排第1章消费者行为与市场营销1.1消费者行为知识的运用领域1.2市场营销战略与消费者行为1.3市场分析1.4市场细分1.5市场营销战略1.6消费者决策过程1.7营销活动的后果1.8消费者行为的性质第2章不同文化下的消费者行为2.1 文化的含义2.2 文化价值观的差异2.3 不同文化下非语言沟通的差异2.4 全球青少年文化2.5 全球人口环境2.6跨文化条件下的营销策略第3章群体对消费者行为的影响3.1群体类型3.2参照群体对消费过程的影响3.3建立在参照群体影响基础上的营销策略3.4 群体内沟通3.5 意见领袖3.6 创新扩散第4章知觉4.1 知觉的性质4.2 展露4.3 注意4.4 理解4.5 知觉与营销策略第5章学习、记忆与产品定位5.1 学习的本质5.2 高介入状态和低介入状态下的学习5.3 学习的一般特点5.4 记忆5.5 品牌形象与产品定位5.6 品牌资产第6章动机、个性和情绪6.1 动机的本质6.2 动机理论和营销策略6.3 个性6.4 个性在营销策略中的运用6.5 情绪6.6 情绪和市场营销第7章态度和态度的改变7.1 态度的构成7.2 改变态度的策略7.3 影响态度改变的个体与情境因素7.4 态度形成和改变的营销传播特点7.5 以态度为基础的市场细分和产品开发策略第8章自我概念与生活方式8.1 自我概念8.2 生活方式的性质8.3 生活方式的测量第9章情境的影响9.1 情境影响的性质9.2 情境特征和消费者行为9.3 礼仪情境9.4 情境影响与营销策略第10章消费者决策过程与问题认知10.1 消费者决策类型10.2 问题认知过程10.3 影响问题认知的不可控因素10.4 问题认知与营销策略第11章信息搜集11.1 信息搜集的性质11.2 被搜集信息的类型11.3 信息来源11.4 外部信息搜集量11.5 外部信息搜集的收益与成本11.6 基于信息搜集模式的营销战略第12章购买评价与选择12.1 消费者如何进行选择12.2 评价标准12.3 个体判断与评价标准12.4 决策规划第13章店铺选择与购买13.1 零售概述13.2 店铺选择与产品选择13.3 影响零售店铺选择的因素13.4 消费者特征与店铺选择13.5 影响品牌选择的店内影响因素13.6 购买第14章购后过程、顾客满意和顾客忠诚14.1 购后冲突14.2 产品使用与闲弃14.3 产品与包装的处置14.4 购买评价和消费者满意14.5 不满意反应14.6 顾客满意、重复购买和顾客忠诚七、主要教学参考书[1] 教材:(美)德尔·I·霍金斯,罗格·J·贝斯特,肯尼思·A·科尼著,符国群等译,消费者行为学,机械工业出版社,2003[2] (美)J·保罗·彼德,杰里·C·奥尔森著,韩德昌主译,东北财经大学出版社,消费者行为与营销战略,2000[3] (美)迈克儿·R·所罗门著,张莹,傅强等译,经济科学出版社,消费者行为,1999[4] 恭振,荣晓华,刘志超编著,东北财经大学出版社,消费者行为学,2002[5] J. Paul Peter, Jerry C. Olson, Consumer Behavior And Marketing Strategy, 4e, McGraw-Hill。















《消费者行为学》教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程中文名称:消费者行为学课程英文名称:Consumer Behavior课程编码:课程类型:(专业主干课)总学时:理论学时:44 实验学时:上机学时:课外学时:学分: 2.5适用专业:工商管理先修课程:市场营销学、市场调查与预测、组织行为学开课院系:管理学院二、课程的性质与任务《消费者行为学》是工商管理专业的核心基础课程。











《消费者行为学》课程教学大纲英文名称:Consumer Behavior课程编号:0003787课程类型:学科基础必修课、学科基础选修课学时:32 学分:2适用对象:市场营销专业、工商管理专业、工业工程(软件工程管理)先修课程:市场营销学使用教材及参考书:韦恩.D.霍伊尔,德波拉.J.麦科伊尼斯主编,《消费者行为学》,中国市场出版社,2008年一、课程性质、目的和任务本课程是市场营销、工商管理专业的核心专业课程。





将不同的营销传播手段进行有机整合,形成统一的品牌形象 和声音,提高营销效果。
通过案例分析、市场调研和团队讨论等方式,让学生掌握整 合营销传播策略的实践应用技巧,提高解决实际问题的能力 。
07 销售渠道选择与购物环境设计
消费者对产品品质的认 知、信任感及购买意愿
消费者对产品价格的心 理预期、敏感度及购买 能力
消费者对产品的情感诉 求、品牌认同及购买动 机
结合线上便捷性和线下体验感,打造全渠道零售模式;运用大数据、人工智能等技术提升精准营销和 个性化服务水平。
如某品牌通过线上线下融合,实现商品、会员、交易等数据共享,提供无缝衔接的消费体验;另一品 牌则运用AR/VR技术,打造沉浸式购物场景,提升消费者参与度。
该法规定了广告的真实性、合法性、公平竞争等原则,对于保护消费者免受虚假广告侵害 具有重要意义。
企业应制定完善的消费者权益保护制度,规范经营行为,确保产 品质量和服务质量。
企业应对员工进行消费者权益保护相关法规政策的培训,提高员工 的法律意识和合规意识。


















消费者行为教学大纲一、课程简介A. 课程名称:消费者行为B. 学时安排:总学时40小时,理论课20小时,实践课20小时C. 课程目标:通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握消费者行为的基本理论、方法和应用,能够运用消费者行为知识分析和预测消费者行为,并能够制定相应的营销策略。

二、教学方法A. 理论课:教师讲授、案例分析、小组讨论、学生报告B. 实践课:实地调研、问卷设计与分析、市场营销活动策划与执行三、教学内容A. 消费者行为基本概念1. 消费者行为定义及相关概念解释2. 消费者行为的影响因素3. 消费者决策过程及其模型B. 消费者需求与满足1. 消费者需求的分类与层次结构2. 消费者需求的动态变化和满足机制3. 消费者满意度与忠诚度的关系C. 消费者心理与认知1. 消费者心理过程与心理模型2. 感知、注意与记忆在消费者决策中的作用3. 消费者态度与行为意向的关系D. 消费者个体差异与社会文化影响1. 消费者个体差异的类型分析2. 文化、社会与子文化对消费者行为的影响3. 社会群体行为模式与消费者行为的关系E. 营销环境与消费者行为1. 市场、竞争与市场营销环境2. 广告、促销与消费者行为的关系3. 价格、品牌与产品决策对消费者行为的影响F. 营销策略与消费者行为研究方法1. 市场细分与目标市场选择2. 产品定位与差异化营销3. 消费者行为研究方法简介及案例分析四、考核与评价A. 平时成绩:作业、小组讨论、课堂表现B. 期末成绩:闭卷考试、实践项目报告五、教材及参考资料A. 主教材1. 刘明生,王姣,李娜编著,《消费者行为学》,中国人民大学出版社,2016年B. 参考资料1. Kotler, Philip, and Gary Armstrong. Principles of Marketing. Pearson, 2016.2. Solomon, Michael R., et al. Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being. Pearson, 2019.六、教学团队A. 主讲教师:XXXB. 助教:XXX七、备注以上教学大纲仅供参考,具体教学内容和形式将根据实际情况进行调整和完善,教学团队将根据学生的实际情况进行课堂教学的个体化指导和辅助。



《消费者行为学》课程大纲一、课程基本信息课程名称:消费者行为学(英文名称:Consumer Behavior Theory )课程编号:04194005学分数: 3 (讲授学分;3)学时:48 (讲授学时:48 )任课教师:缪军荣开课学院:旅游与社会管理学院适用专业:旅游管理、酒店管理先修课程:旅游学概论、旅游经济学课程类别:专业必修课程二、课程性质与课程目标(一)课程性质(需说明课程对人才培养方面的贡献)《消费者行为学》是旅游管理专业的专业基础课,是将心理学基本理论、基础知识运用于旅游消费服务业的一门应用型学科。








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《消费者行为(双语)》课程教学大纲Consumer Behaviour Module Syllabus课程号/Module Code:34200802制定(修订)单位/Institute:Surrey International Insitutute 制定(修订)人或执笔人/Writer:Shi Fangfang制定(修订)时间/Time:Feb 2012课程概述/Module SummaryThe module is designed to provide knowledge and understanding of consumer behaviour via theoretical discussion, case analysis and first-hand research experience. It covers general consumer behaivour theories and models, and relates to examples and cases in the tourism context. The module focuses on the many factors that affect consumer behaviour. Knowledge and understanding of this subject informs areas such as new product development, marketing, and public policy issues. Behavioural concepts, appropriate research techniques and recent research findings will be discussed, to enhance understanding of how tourists/consumers choose products in today’s world.课程的性质/Module Nature:Compulsory module for BSc Tourism Management课程教学目标/Module AimThe module aim is that on successful completion of the module, students will be able to:●Understand the core concepts and models of consumer behaivour●Understand and critically evaluate the factors affecting consumerbehaviour in tourism●Be aware of global tourism demand patterns and trends in touristbehaviour●Appreciate how knowledge of tourist behaviour feeds into marketing,strategy and policy development●Apply research methods to analyse an aspect of consumer behaviour andreport results in a clear and concise manner课程适用的专业与年级/Applicable Majors and GradesBSc Tourism Management, Level 3课程的总学时和总学分/Module Hours and Credits36 hours, 2 credits本课程与其他课程的联系与分工/Relation with Other Modules It is one of the core modules for undergraduate students majoring in tourism management. It benefits from the basic marketing knowledge introduced by the module Tourism Marketing, and lays a solid foundation formore advanced specialty modules such as Visitor Attraction Management, International Tourism Destinations, etc.课程使用的教材及教学参考资料/Textbooks and References Core textbooks●Swarbrooke, J. & Horner, S., 2007. Consumer Behaviour in Tourism, 2nd.edn. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.●Pearce, P.L., 2005. Tourist Behaviour: themes and conceptual schemes.Clevedon: Channel View Publications.Recommended reading●Evans, M., Jamal, A., and Foxall, G., 2006. Consumer Behaviour.Chichester: Wiley.●Sharpley, R., 2008. Tourism, Tourists and Society, 4th edn. Huntingdon:Elm Publications.●Solomon M, Bamossy, G. & Askegaard, S. Hogg M., 2010. ConsumerBehaviour – A European Perspective, 4th edn. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.Academic Journals:●Annals of Tourism Research●Tourism Management●Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing●Journal of Consumer ResearchWebsites: UNWTO, WTTC学时分配表/Teaching Hours Distribution ChartSession 1 IntroductionI. Module introduction1. Summary of the module2. Learning outcomes3. Teaching and learning methods4. Reading for the module5. Assessment: Group projectII. Consumer behaviour—basic concepts and models1. Definition of consumer behaviour and consumer2. Value of understanding consumer behaviour3. Consumer Behaviour as a Process4. Actors in the consumption play5. Role theory and consumer behaviour6. Models of consumer behaviour1) Models•Model of Generalised Purchase Behaviour•Travel buying behaviour•Theory of Reasoned Action•Consumer Decision-Making Framework2) Group discussion•Reflect on your most recent experience of buying a holiday or dinner. To what extent do these models explain your purchase experience?3) Some obstacles to predicting behaviourRequirement•识记/Memory:Definition of consumer behaviour and consumer; Model of consumer behaviour•领会/Understanding:Consumer Behaviour as a Process; Theory of Reasoned Action•应用/ Application:Use consumer behaivour models to explain consumer choices and decision making processSession 2: Motivators and determinantsI. Motivators1. A typology of motivators in tourism1) Physical motivators2) Personal development3) Emotional motivators4) Cultural motivators5) Status motivators6) Personal motivators2. The Leisure Motivation Scale3. Maslow’s hie rarchy of needs4. Motivators and the individual tourist5. The complexity of motivators1) Change of motivators2) Multiple motivations3) Expressed and real motivators4) National and cultural differences5) Motivators and the timing of purchase decisionsII. Determinants1. Types of determinants2. Group discussion: Work in groups of 4-5, reflect on your previousholiday experience, and discuss what have influenced your touristbehaviour.3. Factors that determine the type of trip1) Personal determinants of tourist behaviour•Circumstances•Knowledge•Attitudes and perceptions•Experience2) External determinants of tourist behaviour•Views of friends and relatives•The marketing activities of the tourism industry•The influence of the media•National, society-wide political, economic, social andtechnological factors•Global political, economic, social and technological factors Requirement•识记/Memory:The Leisure Motivation Scale; Maslow’s hierarchy of needs•领会/Understanding:The complexity of motivators; range of motivators;factors that determine the type of trip•应用/ Application:Apply motivation theory and trip determinants in tourism marketingSession 3: Consumer Decision-MakingI. Types of consumer decisionsII. Involvement and decision makingIII. Five types of perceived risk:1. Monetary risk2. Functional risk3. Physical risk4. Social risk5. Psychological riskIV. Heuristics1. Discussion: If you have very limited time to book a hotel, how wouldyou choose it? What are the implications for marketers?2. Heuristics: definition3. Search heuristics4. Evaluation heuristics5. Choice heuristicsRequirement•识记/Memory:Types of consumer decisions; heuristics’ definition•领会/Understanding:Five types of perceived risk; Involvement and decision making•应用/ Application:Influence consumer decision based on understanding of heuristics used by consumersSession 4: Culture and consumer behaviourI. Understanding culture1. What is culture?2. Three Levels of Subjective Culture3. Five Dimensions of National CultureII. Culture’s key elements1. Cognitive elements and beliefs2. Values1) Values v. beliefs2) Applications of Values to Consumer Behaviour3) Research Approaches Used to Measure Culture4) Values and Lifestyles System (VALS)3. Norms and customs4. Rituals5. Myths6. Sign, signals and symbolsIII. Culture and meaning1. Culture is the meaning system that members of any specific groupuse to inform their live2. M cCracken’s Meaning Transfer ModelIV. Culture and consumer behaviour1. Group discussion: how does culture influence consumer behaviour?Provide examples.2. A consumer’s culture determines the overall priorities s/he attachesto different activities and products. Products and services thatresonate with the priorities of a culture have a much better chance ofbeing accepted by consumers.3. On the other hand, successful new products and innovation inproduct design provide a window on the dominant cultural ideals ofthe present culture.Requirement•识记/Memory:Culture’ definition, levels, dimensions and key elements;•领会/Understanding:McCracken’s Meaning Transfer Model•应用/ Application:Inform product development and marketing based on the understanding of cultureSession 5: Case study and workshopI. Case analysis and discussion•Belief in ghost and tourist behaviourII. Researching tourist behaviours1. Interview2. Focus group3. Observation4. QuestionnairesRequirement•识记/Memory:consumer research methods and their features•领会/Understanding:pros and cons of different consumer research methods•应用/ Application:Choose appropriate methods for consumer research Session 6: Workshop: Researching consumer behaviourusing interviewsI. Types of interviews1. Unstructured2. Semi-structured3. StructuredII. Process of the interview1. Themazing2. Designing3. Interviewing4. Transcribing5. Analyzing6. Verifying7. ReportingIII. Practical mattersIV. How to conduct interviewsV. Analysis of InterviewsVI. Further tipsRequirement•识记/Memory:types of interviews and process of conducting interviews•领会/Understanding:pros and cons of different types of interviews •应用/ Application:be able to conduct interviews and analyse the dataSession 7: Reference Groups, Family and ChildrenI. Reference groups;1. Reference Group: definition2. Types of Reference Group3. Types of Reference Groups’ Influence4. The Power of Reference Groups5. Opinion leadersII. Family and children:1. Family1) family lifecycle2) buying roles in a family3) family decision making2. Group Discussion: Should children be the target of marketers?Why?3. Children1) Children as Decision Makers2) Parent vs. Pester PowerRequirement•识记/Memory:Reference groups’definition, types, and influence; family lifecycle•领会/Understanding:The Power of Reference Groups; buying roles ina family; family decision making•应用/ Application:Use opinion leaders and reference groups in marketing communciationSession 8: Income and social classI. Income1. Causes of income shifts2. Factors influencing consumer’s spending1) Discretionary income2) Consumer confidenceII. Social class1. Social stratification2. Determining factors3. Group discussion1) Are there different social classes in China?2) How can you distinguish one social class from another? In whataspects do they demonstrate differences? Give examples.III. Relative value of social class versus income in predicting consumer behaviourIV. Conspicuous consumptionRequirement•识记/Memory:Social stratification; Conspicuous consumption;•领会/Understanding:Factors influencing consumer’s spending;•应用/ Application:predicting consumer behaviour based on their social class and incomeSession 9: Workshop: Researching tourist behaviour usingquestionnairesI. Types of survey1. Self-administered2. Interviewer administeredII. Types of questions1. Open-ended2. Close-endedIII. Question wording – things to avoidIV. Design of questionnaireV. Maximising the response rateVI. Exercise: questionnaire designRequirement•识记/Memory:Different types of questionnaires and questions used in surveys.•领会/Understanding:Issues in questionnaire design such as wording, sequence, layout, colour, etc.•应用/ Application:questionnaire design; maximise response rateSession 10: Perception and situational factorsI. Perception1. Perception defined2. Impact of the different stimuli1) Vision2) Smell3) Taste4) Sound.5) Touch3. Perceptual principles for organising stimuli1) Gestalt psychology: people derive meaning from the totality of a setof stimuli rather than from any one individual stimuli.2) Principle of closure - consumers tend to perceive an incompletepicture as complete, filling in the blanks based on previousexperience.3) Principle of similarity - consumers tend to group together objectsthat share similar physical characteristics.4) Figure ground principle - where one part of the stimulus willdominate while others recede into the backgroundII. Situational factors that influence consumer buying behaviour1. Group discussion: what may draw consumers into a shop and whatmay drive them away?2. Social and physical surroundings1) Decor, smells and even temperature of surroundings.2) The presence or absence of other consumers.3) The type of consumer patronising a store.3. Point of Purchase Stimuli4. Sales interaction5. Temporal factorsRequirement•识记/Memory:Definition of perception; perceptual principles for organising stimuli•领会/Understanding:perceptual principles for organising stimuli•应用/ Application: be able to influence consumer buying behaviour using situational factorsSession 11: Branding and loyaltyI. Branding and brand1. Definitions of branding and brands2. Group discussion: What are the advantages and disadvantages ofbranding?3. The benefits of branding1) To the consumer2) To the manufacturer3) To the retailer4. Disadvantages of branding1) Cost2) Fixed image3) TimeII. Brand equity and brand personality1. Five Major Drivers Of Brand Equity1) Name Awareness: Share of mind2) Perceived Quality: Seen as better / best fit for me (functionality,trust, long lasting)3) Brand Loyalty: Enduring preference4) Positive Associations: Sponsorships, admired people using theproduct5) Other Assets: Trade marks, exclusive channels, merchandisingsystems2. Brand personality and personificationIII. Brand loyalty1. Brand Loyalty Defined2. Brand loyalty and brand commitment3. Types and patterns of Loyalty4. Types of Relationship with Brand5. Brand Communities and TribesIV. Case studyRequirement•识记/Memory:Branding, brands, brand equity, brand personality, brand Loyalty•领会/Understanding:advantages and disadvantages of branding;drivers of brand equity; c onsumers’ relationship with brand •应用/ Application: know how to encourage customer loyaltySession 12: Workshop: Quantitative data analysisI. Data entryII. Screening and cleaning the dataIII. Descriptive statisticsIV. Using graph to describe and explore the dataRequirement•应用/ Application: Conduct preliminary analysis of quantitative data.Session 13 & 14: Assessed presentationsSession 15: Perceiving and choosing the destinationI. Destination Image1. Definition2. Types of destination image1) Projected image2) Perceived image3. Factors that influence formation of destination image1) Positive factors2) Negative factors4. StereotypesI I. Communicating the Destination Characteristics1. Overt Induced I2. Overt Induced II3. Covert Induced I4. Covert Induced II5. Autonomous image formation agents6. Unsolicited organic image formation agents7. Solicited organic image material8. OrganicIII. Destination Choice1. Group discussion: how do you choose where to take holidays? Whatfactors may influence your decisions?2. A model of the destination choice process3. Factors that influence destination choice4. Major decision makers for different types of vacation decisions Requirement•识记/Memory:Destination Image; methods of communicating the destination characteristics•领会/Understanding:difference between projected image and perceived image; factors that influence image formation•应用/ Application: communicate destination characteristics using different method s; influence consumers’ destination choice usingSession 16: Social contact for the touristI. Tourists and Other Tourists1. The multiple perspectives tourists may have of other tourists1) Positive views2) Neutral perspective3) Negative views2. Tourist–tourist relationship1) Familiar strangers2) Social situation analysisII. Travellers’ relationships with Hosts1. The tourist gaze2. Tourists and service providers3. Negative encounters4. Culture Contact and Culture Shock1) Definitions2) Expanded components of culture shockIII. Case study: holiday hijackRequirement•识记/Memory:Familiar strangers; the tourist gaze; culture shock•领会/Understanding:Travellers’ relationships with other tourists and hosts•应用/Application: know ways to reduce culture shockSession 17: Tourists on-site experienceI. A Place Model for Tourist Sites1. A ctivities2. R esources3. C onceptionsII. Factors that shape tourist experience1. Skilled Tourist Behaviour2. Authenticity and Tourist Behaviour1) Definition2) Types of authenticity3) Authenticity and tourist experienceIII. Sustainable On-site Tourist Behaviour:1. Group discussion: what can tourists do to promotesustainability at the attractions?2. Tourist actions leading to sustainabilityIV. Mechanisms Shaping On-site Tourist Behaviour1. L egal2. p ermits and passes3. f ees4. s ocial norms5. I nfrastructure designRequirement•识记/Memory:A Place Model for Tourist Sites; authenticity•领会/Understanding:Factors that shape tourist experience•应用/Application: Tourist actions leading to sustainability; Mechanisms Shaping On-site Tourist BehaviourSession 18: Review of the module and feedbackI. Review of the moduleII. Group Project feedbackIII. Module evaluation。
