高考英语二轮复习训练4-2-1简单句写作b含解析 (1)

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[2015·河南洛阳统考一]In a food store I heard a woman say her foot was hurt and that she was going to call a cab. When walking back home I saw her outside the store, probably ___1___ for a cab.

I asked her where she was going. She told me a place which was actually on the ___2___ to the craft store I'd be ___3___ to. So I asked her to ___4___ the cab and I'd give her a ride. To my ___5___,she said okay without ___6___. I wonder if I'd have been so ___7___ if a stranger made me the same offer!

Where she was going was ___8___ on the way to where I was going. It was such a ___9___ coincidence. But there was more!

When I had ___10___ what I went for and was waiting at the checkout, the woman behind me said she had a coupon (优惠卷) for 50% off any ___11___ in the store. She gave it to me because she had a(n) ___12___ one! I thanked and gave her a ___13___ card.

They say what goes around comes around, but sometimes it is hard to see how that ___14___ as there is often a “manifestation (显现) delay”. Each action ___15___ a ripple (涟漪) that eventually ___16___ back to us, but sometimes it is much ___17___ so we forget their connection.

Today the causes and effects have appeared in a linkable manner where in ___18___ I'm also opening myself to receiving gifts, now or in the future. I can learn so much from others as to how ___19___ they are to receive in a way I might not have been if ___20___ the same gift.


1.A.caring B.waiting

C.applying D.ordering


2.A.left B.right

C.carriage D.way

答案:D她要去的地方实际上就在作者要去的工艺品店的那条路上。on the way to表示“在……的路上”。第8空后的“on the way to”也是提示。

3.A.driving B.leading

C.walking D.pulling


4.A.take B.postpone

C.cancel D.charge


5.A.sadness B.amazement

C.respect D.disappointment


6.A.hesitation B.aim

C.doubt D.delay

答案:A参见上题解析。without hesitation“毫不犹豫”。

7.A.enthusiastic B.inviting

C.trusting D.puzzled



8.A.very B.universally

C.surely D.right

答案:D她要去的地方就在作者要去的地方的那条路上。right 在此处为副词,表示“就在(某个位置或地方)”。

9.A.shameful B.beautiful

C.careful D.frightful


10.A.picked up B.put up

C.gave up D.went up

答案:A当作者拿起要买的东西准备付账时,作者后面的女士说她有优惠券。pick up “拿起”。

11.A.load B.demand

C.limit D.item


12.A.familiar B.devoted

C.extra D.important


13.A.post B.smile

C.note D.paper

