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人版新起点小学英语四年级(下册)课文Unit 1 My neighbourhood Excuse me. Where is the hospital?不好意思.医院在哪里?

Go straight. It's on your right.直走.在你右手边.

It's next to the restaurant.紧挨餐厅.

Excuse me. How can I get to the post office?不好意思.请问怎么去邮局?Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads.直走.在第一个十字路口左转.It's between the bookshop and the grocery.它在书店和杂货店之间.Lesson 1第一课

A Look, Listen and repeat.看.听并重复.

restaurant 餐馆

post office 邮局

bank 银行

grocery 食品杂货店

across from 对面

next to 紧邻

between 在……之间

Yaoyao is showing her around the neighbourhood.瑶瑶带着她参观街坊."Look, this is a post office. Our school is next to it."“看.这有一间邮局.我们学校在它旁边.”"Oh, I see. What's that?" "哦.我看到啦.那是什么?”

"That's a restaurant. We can eat Beijing duck th ere.“那是一家餐厅.我们可以在那吃北京烤鸭."We often have a grocery in the neibourhood.我们小区还有一间杂货店.

It's across from the park.就在公园对面.

Mum often buys fruit and vegetables there."妈妈总在那买水果和蔬菜.”"I want to buy some gifts. Is there a supermarket here?"“我想买一些礼物.这有超市吗?”"Yes, ofcourse. It is between the bank and the park."“当然.就在银行和公园中间.”B Look and say.看和说.

Where is the bank?银行在哪里

It's between the supermarket and Sunday Park.在超市和周日公园中间.Lesson 2第二课

A Look, listen and repeat.看.听并重复.

turn left xx

go straight 直行

turn right xx

Man: Excuse me. Is there a post office in the neighbourhood?不好意思.这附近有邮局吗?Lily: Yes, there is.是的.有.

Man: How can I get there?怎样能到那里呢?

Lily: Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads.直走在第一个十字路口左转.

It's between the bookshop and the grocery.在书店和杂货店之间.Man: Thank you.xx.

B Let's play.一起玩吧.

Excuse me. How can I get to the post office?不好一起.我怎么走能到邮局呢?Go straight and turn right at the first crossroads.直走在第一个十字路口右转.It's on your right.在你右手边.

Thank you.xx.

Lesson 3第三课

A Read and draw the route.读并画出路线.

Bill asks Lucky to send a book to his friend.比尔让卢奇给他的朋友送一本书."Lucky, get some money from the bank,“卢奇.从银行取些钱.

and then get to the post office before 4:30."然后在四点半前到邮局.Lucky leaves at 3: 30.卢奇三点半出门.

He goes straight and turns left at the second crossroads.他直走后在第二个十字路口左转.He sees the bank next to a restaurant.他看到餐厅旁的银行.He gets some money and then goes into the restaurant.他取了些钱然后走进餐厅.There he eats a hamburger.他吃了一个汉堡.

Then he sees a toy shop across from the restaurant.然后他看到餐厅对面有加玩具店.Lucky wants a toy, so he buys a ball.他想要一个玩具.所以他买了一个

球.Finally, Lucky gets to the post office, but it's 5:00.最后.卢奇到达邮局.但是已经五点了.

Oh no!哦不!

Let's Spell 一起拼读吧.

A Listen, point and repeat.听.指并重复.








