昂立新概念3讲义(第四版) Lesson 38 学生版

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Lesson 38 The first calendar

Part 1 Words and Expressions

(1) calendar n. 历法,日历

(2) historian n. 历史学家

(3) unique adj. 无与伦比的

(4) steadily adv. 不断地= _______________

—Do you make any progress in English recently?

—Slowly but steadily. ______________________________

词根:steady adj. 稳定的

翻译:steady table ____________的桌子

do sth. _______________________ 眼要准,手要稳

(5) solely adv. 唯一地

(6) video n. 录像

(7) CD-ROM n. (只读)光盘驱动器

(8) bewilder v. 令人眼花缭乱

(9) deduce v. 推断,推理(有充分的证据和准则而得出结论)


If you see a doctor leave a house, _____________________________________________ 派生词填空:Her ___________ that he was now dead was correct.

(10) scanty a. 不足的,缺乏的

a scanty lunch _______________

scanty knowledge _______________

a scanty crop ________________

scanty bikini __________________

对比:be scanty of sth. _________ V.S. be short of__________

He is scanty / short of words.

(11) clue n. 线索

结构:______________ 某事的线索


___________________________________________ was a pool of blood on the ground. —When does the train leave? —I haven’t a clue. _________________

(12) insignificant adj. 不重要的

(13) shed v. 使流出,泻= pour out


shed tears __________

shed one’s blood for country __________________


shed the moonlight on my bed _________________(诗句)

词组:shed / throw light on =________________________________


(14) advent n. 到来,出现= arrival

结构:the advent of sth. 某物的出现


_____________________________________ changed people's life greatly.


_____________________________________, radio was gradually replaced.


(15) agriculture n. 农业

(16) assumption n. 假定,预设(没有依据)




_______________________________________________________________________ 动词:assume


近义词:__________________ n 假设(有依据)

(17) dot n. 小圆点

(18) symbol n. 符号

(19) engrave v. 雕刻

engrave a picture on a shell________________________


词根:grave n. 坟墓from the cradle to the grave = from _______ to ________ 一生en- 动词前缀,表示使得……变……能都想到什么例子?______________________

(20) ivory n. 象牙制品

(21) mammoth n. (古)长毛象

(22) tusk n. 獠牙,长牙,象牙

(23) nomad n. 游牧民

(24) correlate v. 使相互联系

结构:A correlate with B _______________

The results of this experiment do not correlate with the results of earlier ones.


(25) phase n. 月相;阶段

the phases of the moon ________________

a critical phase of an illness __________________

the most exciting phase of one's career __________________

(26) primitive adj. 原始的

(27) depict v. 描画,描绘

Part 2 Text

(1) (Ph1) Future historians will be in a unique position when they come to record the history of our own times.
