《蜡笔小新》(日语:ク レヨンしんちゃん,英语: Crayon Shin-chan)是日本已 故漫画家臼井仪人的一部非常 有名的日式漫画和动画,2009 年9月11日,臼井仪人身故后, 本漫画成为未完成之遗作。其 主角野原新之助(小新)被称 为“最‘无耻’的小孩”,也 是最个性张扬的时代卡通人物 之一,深受小朋友和童心未泯 人士的欢迎。
第六届文化厅媒体艺术节动画部门大奖 第五十七届每日电影竞赛电影奖 东京国际动画节2003优秀作品·导演奖 第二十二届藤本奖激励奖 Nifti电影大奖2002年国产部门作品奖 日本第24届经典动漫大奖赛优秀动画片奖
春川国际动画节 韩国能率协会举行的儿童用品知名度调查中,获得最佳儿童用品奖 西班牙 2003卡通人物年度大奖 2003最佳娱乐版权奖 2003最佳授权代理奖:Luk Internacional S.A(蜡笔小新在西班牙 的代理公司)
臼井先生说之所以会创造出小新这个形象,是因 为他在观察自己的孩子的时候,发现小孩子的想法往 往非常独特,以至于作者被小孩的世界所吸引。所有 的小孩都有乖巧和调皮的两面性。这种两面性对作者 来讲是十分有趣的。反过来作者正是在自己的作品中 反映了这一两面性。他同时承认“小新”有一部分是 他自己的翻版。据他透露,蜡笔小新里有许多内容是 他现实生活的写照,例如:新爸造型与他本人有些相 似;小新和他爸爸两道浓眉毛乃是因作者自己嫌弃自 己的眉毛太稀疏……
“隔代亲”,东方民族的一个通病,特别是华人世 界更加有过之而无不及。 剧中小新的爸爸广志不止受到美牙的欺负,当看到 小新有不轨行为要教训他时,却在小新爷爷奶奶的 庇佑下,没有一次得逞。 隔代直系溺爱强烈影响未成年人教育的现象却无助 的心理,很多成年人都会有很深的体会,会产生一 种共鸣。
学历:双叶幼稚园向日葵小班 最喜欢的运动:睡觉 最喜欢的零食:小熊饼干 最喜欢的歌手:唱《动感超人》插曲的那位叔叔 最喜欢的动物:小白 嗜好:和漂亮的大姐姐在一起 缺点:有一点儿早熟? 最喜欢的电影作品:动感超人 最喜欢的歌曲:动感超人插曲! 好朋友:妮妮,阿呆,正男 风间 好色,经常掀女生裙子(妈妈也不例外),当众裸奔,暴露狂,喜欢当 众脱光光(在小弟弟上画一个大象唱“大象大象鼻子怎么那么长”的歌), 甜言蜜语,喜欢装傻演戏,演技还不错,这个另类的儿童叫我们怎能不爱他!
臼井仪人(usui yoshito)是他本名,1958年4.21出 生于日本静冈县,工业高校毕业后草草读了半年 技术学校后辍学,一边打工赚钱养家,一边坚持 画些漫画。1979年就职于广告公司直到以漫画家 身份出道,1985年在周刊《漫画ACTION》发表 《不良百货公司物语》。而最有名的当然就是 《蜡笔小新》。1985年,也就是到他27岁时候 才正式以《不良百货商场》出道,和其他漫画家 先当助手,再在年纪轻轻的时候就推出自己作品, 并开始走红不同。由于他画的是四格,这东西一 是不好拍成动画,二是吸引不了大范围的观众, 勉强到1990年,他推出了一个新连载,讲述一个 色色的小孩子日常生活的故事,连载在双叶社的 成人漫画杂志上,第二年被拍成动画,没想到一 炮而红,一时间到处都是小新热。
最讨厌的事情:做梦到了关键时刻都会被小新叫醒. 爸爸是标准的上班族,有着爱妻,爱子,爱女,爱犬,工作认 真,可是想当到课长都还没如愿是全家的支柱,嗜好是美女和 啤酒.对小新的几乎不管教(应该是没有办法),偶尔会体现一 下父爱. 最惨的是每次做梦到了关键时刻都会被小新叫醒.
小新的妈妈 理想: 少女时代曾经有过…… 超市特卖买到中意的商品或中到关岛旅游
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英语作文蜡笔小新Here is an English essay on the topic "Crayon Shin-chan" with a word count of over 1000 words:Crayon Shin-chan is a beloved Japanese anime character who has captivated audiences around the world with his mischievous antics and endearing personality. As the protagonist of the long-running series, Shin-chan has become a cultural icon, beloved by children and adults alike for his boundless energy, hilarious hijinks, and unique perspective on the world.At the heart of the Crayon Shin-chan story is the Nohara family, a quirky and endearing clan whose lives are constantly upended by Shin-chan's antics. Shin-chan is the youngest member of the family, a precocious and unfiltered young boy who delights in pushing the boundaries of social norms and challenging the authority of his parents, Hiroshi and Misae.One of the most charming aspects of Shin-chan's character is his unwavering honesty and lack of inhibition. He has no qualms about voicing his opinions, no matter how blunt or unconventional they may be, and he approaches life with a refreshing sense of curiosityand wonder. Whether he's hilariously misinterpreting the behavior of adults, engaging in playground hijinks with his friends, or exploring the intricacies of his own bodily functions, Shin-chan's antics never fail to entertain and delight.Despite his mischievous nature, Shin-chan is also surprisingly insightful and emotionally intelligent for his young age. He has a keen understanding of the dynamics within his family and is often able to provide surprising insights and solutions to the challenges they face. Whether he's offering a heartfelt apology to his mother or using his creativity to brighten his father's day, Shin-chan's emotional intelligence and empathy are a testament to his depth of character.One of the most endearing aspects of Crayon Shin-chan is the way it captures the unique perspective of childhood. Through Shin-chan's eyes, the world is a wondrous and often bewildering place, filled with strange customs, confusing social norms, and endless opportunities for adventure. As he navigates the complexities of growing up, Shin-chan's curiosity and enthusiasm are infectious, inspiring viewers to rediscover the joys and wonders of childhood.Beyond its entertaining storylines and lovable characters, Crayon Shin-chan also offers a unique window into Japanese culture and society. The anime reflects the nuances of Japanese family dynamics,social customs, and everyday life, providing viewers with a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Japanese culture. From the intricate details of traditional Japanese homes to the subtleties of interpersonal relationships, the Crayon Shin-chan series is a testament to the depth and complexity of Japanese culture.Despite its origins in Japan, the Crayon Shin-chan franchise has gained a global following, with fans from around the world embracing the character's universal appeal. The series has been translated into numerous languages, and its popularity has spawned a vast array of merchandise, from plush toys and figurines to clothing and household items.The enduring popularity of Crayon Shin-chan can be attributed to the timeless appeal of its central character. Shin-chan's boundless energy, unfiltered honesty, and endearing quirks have resonated with audiences of all ages, transcending cultural boundaries and inspiring viewers to embrace the joys and challenges of childhood.In many ways, Shin-chan's story is a testament to the power of imagination and the resilience of the human spirit. Through his adventures, viewers are invited to rediscover the wonder and possibility that lie at the heart of childhood, and to find solace and inspiration in the face of life's challenges.As the Crayon Shin-chan franchise continues to captivate audiences around the world, it is clear that the character's legacy will endure for generations to come. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer to the series, Shin-chan's infectious energy, boundless creativity, and endearing personality are sure to leave an indelible mark on your heart and inspire you to embrace the joys and wonder of life with unbridled enthusiasm.。
蜡笔小新英语作文Title: Crayon Shin-chanCrayon Shin-chan is a popular Japanese manga series created by Yoshito Usui. The story revolves around a mischievous and precocious five-year-old boy named Shin-chan Nohara. Shin-chan is known for his cheeky antics, love for adventure, and hilarious sense of humor.One of the defining features of Crayon Shin-chan is its unique art style, which includes exaggerated facial expressions and simplistic character designs. The characters in the series are distinct and memorable, from Shin-chan's long-suffering parents to his loyal pet dog, Shiro.The manga has been adapted into a successful anime series that has been running for over two decades. The anime has gained a huge following both in Japan and internationally, with fans of all ages enjoying the lighthearted humor and endearing characters.Crayon Shin-chan has also spawned a range of merchandise, including toys, clothing, and video games. The series has become a cultural phenomenon in Japan, with Shin-chan's catchphrases and antics ingrained in the vernacular.Despite its popularity, Crayon Shin-chan has also courted controversy due to its irreverent humor and adult themes. Some critics have accused the series of being inappropriate for children, while others argue that its appeal lies in its subversive and boundary-pushing humor.Overall, Crayon Shin-chan is a beloved series that has stood the test of time. Its lovable characters, charming humor, and unique art style have made it a favorite of fans around the world. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer to the series, Crayon Shin-chan is sure to bring a smile to your face.。
《蜡笔小新》(日语:クレヨンしんちゃん,英语: Crayon Shin-chan)是日本已故漫画家臼井仪人的一部
非常有名的日式漫画和动画,2009年9月11日,臼井仪 人身故后,本漫画成为未完成之遗作。其主角野原新之 助(小新)被称为‚最‘无耻’的小孩‛,也是最个性 张扬的时代卡通人物之一,深受小朋友和童心未泯人士 的欢迎。
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风起云涌! 黄金的间谍 大作战!
2011年4月16日 小新偶遇神秘少女柠檬, 在柠檬的指导训练下,小新成为正义 间谍,与柠檬并肩作战 … 但小新被选 为正义间谍的原因为何,指派的任务 又隐藏着什么危机? 今年暑假,野原新 之助面临史上最危险与最KUSO的任务 … 正义、背叛、友情、秘密 … ,一个 呆呆的五岁幼稚园小朋友和他的家人 ,被卷入一场关系人类未来的巨大阴 谋!
Page 21
上尾老师(上尾真澄) 年龄:23岁。
性格:胆子很小,但在某一次因小新的帮助下, 被流氓推到而眼镜也掉下,施展她的大胆,从此 拿下眼镜就变得很大胆,说出真心话。
爱情:暗恋酢乙女爱的保镖黑矶,两人处于比较 好的一面。
回忆:曾经和美伢组织过妈妈排球队,最终获得 比赛胜利。
身高:1.1m 体重:22.8kg (亲属)先祖:野原源之助 子
Page 5
姓名:野原美伢 原名:小山美伢 生日:10月10日 星座:天秤座 年龄:29岁
籍贯:日本九州熊本县 最想外遇的对象:木村拓哉 最喜欢的东西:打折单、跳楼大甩卖、 帅哥的写真集
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue massa. Fusce posuere.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue massa.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue massa. Fusce posuere.
0 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue massa. Fusce posuere, .
LLoorreemm iippssuumm ddoolloorr ssiitt aammeett,, ccoonnsseecctteettuueerr aaddiippiisscciinngg eelliitt.. MMaaeecceennaass ppoorrttttiittoorr ccoonngguuee mmaassssaa.. FFuussccee ppoossuueerree..LLoorreemm iippssuumm ddoolloorr ssiitt aammeett,, ccoonnsseecctteettuueerr aaddiippiisscciinngg eelliitt.. MMaaeecceennaass ppoorrttttiittoorr ccoonngguuee mmaassssaa..
Minamoto Shizuka Hobbies: bath, eat sweet potato, the violin, and play games with the doll Hate: shower male from arbitrary door, playing the piano
About food of doraemon
Main characters
Nobi Nobita
Kouta Takeshi
Honegawa Suneo
Minamoto Shizuka
Characters intro
Nobi Nobita
Bad habit: dig nose, daydreaming, late for class, bed-wetting, forget homework, often accidentally bumped into kamei bath, it is easier for a angry at random has overpromised and often away from home Hobbies: sleeping, watching cartoons, play, play baseball, mischief.
what do you know about Doraemon ?
Enter the wrold of Doraemon
• Doraemon(ドラえもん) is a Japanese manga and anime series. It was written by Fujiko F. Fujio. It was started in a children’s magazine in 1969. Doraemon is the name of a robot cat that came from the future to help a boy named Nobita Nobi. Doraemon is about the life of Nobita Nobi. In a typical story Doramon uses a tool to solve a problem for Nobita, but Nobita goes too far and ends up being punished and learning a lesson.
Name: Doremon ドラえもん Like food:Dorayaki Hate the things:Mouse
Place of birth: Japan
Job: Child care robot
Good hearted、helpful、work very hard but soft heart. Evrey time encounter difficulties, he will always help nobita. But sometimes use a stupid method to help nobita. When it doesn't eat dorayaki or people call him the civet cats, will be very irascible temper.
虽然有种种缺点,但是仍然非常 珍惜与大雄他们之间的友情,虽 然不讨人喜欢,但是他也在改变 自己。
Gouda takeshi(胖虎) Gouda like to bully others, but nature is not bad, he show love, courage and a sense of justice occasionally in the story.
Theቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱjourney never ends......
No matter how life is busy
As long as you have a childhood dream and hope
心肠好,乐于助人,做事很拼命但却心肠 软。每次大雄遇到困难,他总会帮大雄。 但有时会用愚蠢的方法来帮助大雄。当它 吃不到铜锣烧或人们叫他狸猫时,脾气会 非常暴躁。
Crayon Shin-chan: A Unique ComicCharacterIn the world of Japanese animation, there is a character who has captured the hearts of millions, both young and old. This charming, yet mischievous boy is known as Crayon Shin-chan, a cartoon personality that has become a household name in many parts of the globe. His unique blend of innocence, curiosity, and naivety has made him a favorite among viewers, who find themselves laughing out loud at his antics and adventures.Shin-chan, whose real name is野原新之助(Nohara Shinnosuke in Japanese), is a four-year-old boy who lives in a typical Japanese household with his parents and a pet dog named White. The series revolves around his daily life, filled with hilarious situations and misunderstandings that often lead to comic relief.One of the most striking features of Crayon Shin-chan is his unique appearance. With his round face, big eyes, and spiky hair, he looks like a typical preschooler. However, his personality is farfrom ordinary. He is full of energy and enthusiasm, always ready to explore the world around him. Whether it's playing with his friends, causing trouble at home, or getting into weird situations, Shin-chan always manages to keep the audience engaged.Another aspect that makes Crayon Shin-chan so popular is the relatable nature of his stories. Many of the situations and scenarios that he finds himself in are common occurrences in the lives of preschoolers. This allows viewers to identify with him and his experiences, making the series even more enjoyable.The voice actors behind the character are also noteworthy. Their excellent performances bring Shin-chan's personality to life, making him even more charming and endearing. The voice of Shin-chan, in particular, is full of innocence and curiosity, perfectly capturing the essence of the character.Despite his young age, Crayon Shin-chan has also taught viewers many valuable life lessons. He teaches them the importance of family, friendship, and the value of hard work. Through his antics and misadventures, he often finds himself insticky situations that require him to think outside the box and find solutions. These situations not only provide comic relief but also serve as valuable life lessons for the viewers.In conclusion, Crayon Shin-chan is a unique comic character that has captured the hearts of millions. His charming personality, relatable stories, and excellent voice acting have made him a household name in the world of Japanese animation. His popularity is not just limited to Japan but has also spread to other parts of the globe, making him a truly international star. With his unique blend of innocence, curiosity, and naivety, he continues to entertain and educate viewers of all ages.。
用英语介绍蜡笔小新的作文Crayon Shin-chan, also known as Shin Chan, is a popular Japanese manga and anime series created by Yoshito Usui. The series follows the misadventures of a young boy named Shinnosuke Nohara, also known as Shin-chan, and his family and friends.The story is set in Kasukabe, Saitama Prefecture, Japan, and revolves around the daily life of Shin-chan, who is known for his cheeky and mischievous behavior. Despite his young age, Shin-chan is often seen as a troublemaker, constantly getting into trouble with his parents, teachers, and neighbors.The character of Shin-chan is known for his unique and comical antics, which often include his signature "elephant dance," as well as his tendency to speak his mind and make humorous observations about the world around him. His lovefor action figures and chocolate snacks, as well as his dislike of studying and authority figures, also contribute to his endearing and relatable personality.One of the most appealing aspects of Crayon Shin-chan is its humor, which often includes slapstick comedy, satire, and social commentary. The series has been praised for itsability to entertain both children and adults with its witty and irreverent humor, as well as its heartwarming momentsthat depict the bonds of family and friendship.In addition to its humor, Crayon Shin-chan also explores themes of growing up, family dynamics, and the challenges of modern life. The series addresses issues such as generational conflicts, work-life balance, and the impact of technology on society, offering a lighthearted yet insightful perspective on these topics.Crayon Shin-chan has become a beloved and iconic franchise in Japan and around the world, with its manga,anime, and merchandise garnering a dedicated fanbase. The character of Shin-chan has become a cultural phenomenon, appearing in various media and even inspiring a number of films and spin-off series.Overall, Crayon Shin-chan is a charming and entertaining series that has captured the hearts of audiences of all ages with its lovable characters, playful humor, and endearing storytelling. Whether it's through the pages of the manga or the animated episodes, Shin-chan never fails to bring joy and laughter to fans around the world.。
Shizuka Minamoto(源しずか) She is the smart, kind, and pretty neighborhood girl. she is the object of Nobita's affections. Life ability is very strong, very much like to help do the housework at home, occasionally do their own cooking, sewing and playing the piano, dress and making other snacks.
心肠好,乐于助人,做事很拼命但却心肠 软。每次大雄遇到困难,他总会帮大雄。 但有时会用愚蠢的方法来帮助大雄。当它 吃不到铜锣烧或人们叫他狸猫时,脾气会 非常暴躁。
Doraemon the stomach has four pockets. The pocket directly to the four dimensional space, many things also put it down. he is very afraid of mouse. The usual task is to take care of nobit.
Good hearted、helpful、work very hard but soft heart. Evrey time encounter difficulties, he will always help nobita. But sometimes use a stupid method to help nobita. When it doesn't eat dorayaki or people call him the civet cats, will be very irascible temper.
蜡笔小新作文英语Crayon Shin-chan: A Mischievous Delight in EnglishCrayon Shin-chan, a beloved anime and manga series from Japan, has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide withits unique blend of humor and heartwarming moments. The show revolves around the adventures of a five-year-old boy named Shinnosuke Nohara, better known as Shin-chan. With his iconic crew cut and short pants, Shin-chan is a character that is both endearing and mischievous.Shin-chan's charm lies in his innocence and the way he navigates the world with a child's perspective. His antics often involve playing pranks on his parents, teasing his friends, and getting into all sorts of trouble. Despite his mischievous nature, Shin-chan has a strong sense of justice and is fiercely protective of his family and friends.The 英文版:One of the reasons why Crayon Shin-chan has become a global phenomenon is its universal appeal. The show's humor transcends cultural barriers, as the situations Shin-chan finds himself in are relatable to children and adults alike. Whether it's dealing with the challenges of school, the dynamics of family life, or the simple joys of childhood, the series offers a window into a world that is both familiar and delightfully chaotic.Moreover, the English adaptation of Crayon Shin-chan provides an opportunity for English-speaking viewers to explore Japanese culture through the lens of a children's show. The series is filled with cultural references and traditions that, while specific to Japan, are presented in a way that is accessible and entertaining for an international audience.In conclusion, Crayon Shin-chan is more than just a children's show; it's a cultural phenomenon that brings joy and laughter to people across the globe. The English version makes this delightful series accessible to a wider audience, allowing more people to experience the adventures of the mischievous Shin-chan and his colorful cast of friends and family.。
蜡笔小新作文模板英语Crayon Shin-chan: A Comprehensive Essay Template。
I. Introduction。
A. Introduction of Crayon Shin-chan (character, origins, popularity)。
B. Thesis statement: Explore the multifaceted nature of Crayon Shin-chan as a beloved animated character andcultural phenomenon in Japan.II. Popularity and Cultural Impact。
A. Widespread popularity and recognition in Japan and beyond。
B. Reasons for its enduring success:1. Humorous and relatable characters。
2. Exploration of family dynamics and social issues。
3. Unique brand of slapstick comedy and satire。
III. Character Analysis。
A. Shin-chan Nohara:1. Description of personality, quirks, and iconic catchphrases。
2. Role as a representation of childhood innocence and rebelliousness。
B. Hiroshi Nohara:1. Characterization as Shin-chan's father。
2. Struggles with fatherhood and maintaining a balance between work and family。
Don’t be afraid to become a “shameless” man! Because More “shamelessly” you live, more happy you keep! Only those who are happy, happy to pass.( 只有快乐的
Every time he meets beautiful girls, he will strike up a conversation with them. But his favorite is always nanazi (娜娜子姐姐)
Friend never leave!
family never disc family, he is a troublemaker, however, they can forgive each other and live without estrangement
Love never changes!
What does he look like
《蜡笔小新》是日本已 故漫画家臼井仪人的一 部非常有名的日式漫画 和动画,2009年9月11 日,臼井仪人身故后, 本漫画成为未完成之遗 作。其主角野原新之助 (小新)被称为“最 ‘无耻’的小孩”,也 是最个性张扬的时代卡 通人物之一,深受小朋 友和童心未泯人士的欢 迎。
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糖‛ 最怀念的事情:秋田乡下的那条小母狗, 不知道她过得好不好 最热爱的事情:散步
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姓名:小山芳治 年龄:63岁 居住地点:现居九州熊本县
姓名:小山高 年龄:58岁 性格特点:善良、平素老实 姓名:小山真冴 年龄:35岁。 性格特点:严肃、认真,爱捉弄人 职业:中学国语教师 居住地点:日本九州熊本县 姓名:小山梦冴 年龄:26岁 婚姻:未婚 相亲对象:菊地 优点:力气很大 缺点:散漫,爱蹭吃蹭喝
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松坂 梅
松阪老师(松坂 梅) 玫瑰班的老师 年龄:24岁 星座:天蝎座 家人:大姐松阪 松,二姐松阪 竹。
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上尾老师(上尾真澄) 年龄:23岁。 出现原因:因松坂老师骨折住院,就只好代课。 性格:胆子很小,但在某一次因小新的帮助下, 被流氓推到而眼镜也掉下,施展她的大胆,从此 拿下眼镜就变得很大胆,说出真心话。 爱情:暗恋酢乙女爱的保镖黑矶,两人处于比较 好的一面。 回忆:曾经和美伢组织过妈妈排球队,最终获得 比赛胜利。 喜欢的东西:稻草人,最喜欢的叫乔治 座右铭:眼镜是脸蛋的一部分
《蜡笔小新》(日语:クレヨンし んちゃん,英语:Crayon Shinchan)是日本已故漫画家臼井仪人 的一部非常有名的日式漫画和动画, 2009年9月11日,臼井仪人身故后, 本漫画成为未完成之遗作。其主角 野原新之助(小新)被称为‚最 ‘无耻’的小孩‛,也是最个性张 扬的时代卡通人物之一,深受小朋 友和童心未泯人士的欢迎。
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园长(本名 高仓文太) 星座:水瓶座 年龄:42岁 绰号:‚老大‛(小新叫的)、 黑道炒地皮的、组长(小新叫 的) 强项:写书法(曾经教过小新, 不过没什么效果)
星座:小象座(牡羊座) 身高:不详 体重:不详 由来:是被抛弃的弃狗,后来被小新捡回 家 曾经的“女友”:从垃圾 小白 堆捡来的一只旧玩具狗“小咪”、一位流浪的 母狗(最后在小白给她送饭时被车撞死)、店 里的宠物狗(后来可能被杀了,或者被人买走 了)目前女友小惠惠 最热爱的事情:散步(小新总是偷懒,只 好自己去) 劳动记录:在肉店耍杂技招揽客人(为了 得到骨头)、买东西(帮懒惰的小新去) 最喜欢的运动:和小新一起扮演“棉花 糖”、抓鸡鸡 最怀念的事情:秋田乡下的那条小母狗, 不知道她现在过得好不好
Байду номын сангаас
原名:小山美伢 星座:暴力双手座(巨蟹座) 年龄:29岁(快30啦,不过总是爱装年轻 ~~~有一次居然还把高中的校服拿出来穿!) 身份:家庭主妇(职业) 广志之妻,小新、 小葵之母,芳治、高之次女,真伢之妹,梦伢 之二姐 性格特点:好面子,不认输,善良。脾气 暴躁(对帅哥很温柔 野原美伢
),很容易生气,愤怒时暴发出恐怖的力量。 懒惰,做事没耐心容易放弃,做家务有时做得 一团糟。犯错有时死不承认。弱点是受不了别 人的甜言蜜语。 工作:整理床铺、打扫房间(多用吸尘 器)、洗衣服、整理壁橱(随便把东西塞进去, 打开后像落石一样掉下来)、晒衣服、买东西 (由于不好好计划,老是把钱花在没用的地 方)、做饭 籍贯:日本九州熊本县
《蜡笔小新》(日语:クレヨン しんちゃん,英语:Crayon Shin-chan)是日本已故漫画家 臼井仪人的一部非常有名的日式 漫画和动画,2009年9月11日, 臼井仪人身故后,本漫画成为未 完成之遗作。其主角野原新之助 (小新)被称为“最‘无耻’的 小孩”,也是最个性张扬的时代 卡通人物之一,深受小朋友和童 心未泯人士的欢迎。
姓名:野原新之助 住处:春日部郊区某住宅区一栋二层小平房(二层有 一个房间是给小新玩耍的,还有一个家用仓库也在二楼, 见第186集水灾记) 昵称:小新、新之助 配音员:日本:矢岛晶子 香港:黄玉娟、刘姵颖 台 湾:冯友薇 身份:美伢、广志之子,小葵之兄 野原新之助 家庭成员:野原广志(父)、野原美伢(母)、野原葵 (妹)、小白(宠物狗) 老师:吉永绿(向日葵班老师)、松坂梅(玫瑰班老 师)、上尾真澄(樱花班老师) 年龄:5岁 星座:小象座 (牧羊座) 身高:1.1m 体重:22.8kg(参见第72集《做体检》,小新和风间 一起在体重计上为43.5kg,小新下去后风间单独为20.7kg, 由此可知小新体重为22.8kg=45.6斤=50.3磅) 血型:B型 学历:双叶幼稚园,向日葵小班学生、春日部小学学 生(2001年SP)春日部奄高中拳击部(详细请看蜡笔小新 新番第458话)
蜡笔小新的简介用英语作文{z}Crayon Shin-chan is a Japanese anime series created by Yoshito Usui.It follows the adventures of a mischievous five-year-old boy named Shinnosuke Nohara, who is often referred to as Shin-chan.The series is known for its humor, which is often toilet humor and slapstick comedy, and its unique art style.Shin-chan lives in the fictional town of Kasukabe with his parents, Mitsuru and Yoshie, his older sister, Kotone, and their pet dog, Shiro.He attends the local kindergarten, where he interacts with his teachers and classmates, often getting into trouble due to his excessive curiosity and mischievous nature.One of the trademarks of the series is Shin-chan"s tendency to frequently break the fourth wall, addressing the audience and sometimes even the camera directly.This adds to the comedic effect of his actions and allows the audience to connect with him on a more personal level.Crayon Shin-chan has been adapted into various media, including animated films, video games, and even a live-action film.The series has gained a massive following worldwide, and its influence can be seen in various aspects of popular culture.Despite its humorous nature, Crayon Shin-chan also explores themes such as family, friendship, and the challenges of growing up.Its relatable characters and realistic portrayal of family life have made it a belovedseries among viewers of all ages.。
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So don’t be afraid to become a “shameless” man! Because More “shamelessly” you live, more happy you keep! Only those who are happy, happy to pass.( 只有快乐的人,才能传递快乐!)
love of me
Every time he meets beautiful girls, he will strike up a conversation with them. But his favorite is always nanazi (娜娜子姐姐)
my friend
I am Crayon Shin chan, a handsome man like the wind
my family
In his family, he is a troublemaker, however, they can forgive each other and live without
In the kinder garten, he is the most active child. Around him, there are four good friends. They get in trouble and work it out together.
Crayon Shin chan's class好了
Crayon Shin chan's classic lines
Crayon Shin chan:I lost the fight with xiaomao last time, this time I won. Meiya:Why did you fight two times Crayon Shin chan:Is it not where you teach me where to fall and where to stand 小新:美伢,上次我和小毛打架打输 了,这次我打赢了。 美伢:干吗连打两次架? 小新:你不是教我,在哪里跌倒,就 要在哪里站起来吗!