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example. c
• Excuse me. Is anyone sitting here?
• Possible answers: • No, you can sit here if you like. • Sorry, it’s taken.
example. d
• Terrible weather, isn’t it?
staircase So you work
Three ways to make intonation
Length Pitch
Volume: speak louder Try this: My name is Techie.
Length: streeeeeeeetch Try this:
Focus on--saying goodbye
How to say goodbye?
□Bye. □Bye for now. □See you soon. □See you later. □See you then. □Goodbye. □…(any other way?)
Can-do checklist
Speak up! Work in pairs
• Practice with your partner to respond using the expressions above. Then ask a question. • Example: A I’m from Dalian. B Really? What’s it like? A It’s a very beautiful costal city.
• □I can introduce myself in formal and √ informal situation. √ • □ I can ask and answer questions about basic personal information. √ • □ I can begin a social conversation and respond appropriately. √ • □ I can greet people and say goodbye in a variety of ways.
Intonation to show interest
• Notice how the second speaker moves her voice up and down to sound more interested.
What’s the up and down?
So you work with computers?
• When you meet someone you don’t know, do you prefer to talk or to listen?
Warming up
• Tick √ the adjectives that describe you. □shy □talkative □sociable □friendly □easy-going □polite □…(any other words?)
On the train At a party At work
At a bus stop
Speak up!
Imagine you are in the situation. Look at the picture and start a conversation. Speak your answers.
Listening —Introducing yourself
Listen to conversations a and b. write a or b next to the correct picture.
Which conversation is more formal?
People you don’t know well Official situation Important social occasions
E Speaking--Reacting to what you hear
Strategy NO. 2 Responding to information
How many ways do know to respond info.?
□Oh, yes. □Oh, really? □That’s interesting. □I don’t know that. □That’s good. □How amazing! □It’s great. □That’s cool. □I don’t care. □That’s awesome! □…(any other way?)
Thank you!
2012, June.13th
• 2. DO participate in the interactive group working. • 3. DO express yourself, it’s good to have a mind of your own. • 4. NO cheating!
Lesson One
Where are you from?
example. b
• I’m looking forward to the weekend.
• Possible answers: • Yes, I’m totally exhausted. • Right, I hope today is Friday, but it’s Monday. • Well, what’s your plan for the weekend?
• Possible answers: • Yeah, it’s too hot. • well., better than rainy.
listening— Making small talk
• Listen to Ang and Teresa have a conversation. Tick √ the topics they talk about.
I like it
veeeeeery much!
Pitch: change your tone Try this:
Dogs eat bones. They eat them.
Speaking--Taking the initiative
Strategy NO.1
• How to start a conversation?
Can-do Listening
Did you know
Getting ready
Sound smart
Focus on
Learning tips
Map of the book
• Title • Topic • How to…
Class Rules
• 1. DO speak up for anything you do not understand in class.
Listen and complete these questions.
A B C D E F from Where are you______? What do you_______? do married Are you___________? children Do you have any________? job Do you enjoy your____? Do you any plans for weekend the_______?
• Now listen to conversations c-g. • Tick √ formal or informal.
B Listening—Exchanging
personal information
• Listen to Daniela, Joshua and Shizuka talk about themselves. Complete the chart.
things b A:Hi there. How are _______? Fine B: _______, thanks.
c A: Good morning. ____ are you? How B: I’m very ___, thank you. And well you?
Sound smart
• Match work: a Terrible weather today, isn’t it?
b Excuse me. Is anyone sitting here? c I’m looking forward to the weekend. d Hi. Great music, isn’t it?
example. a
• Hi. Great music, isn’t it?
• • • • • Possible answers: Yes, I like it very much. Right, I agree with you. Well, not bad. It’s good, but to me, it’s a little bit noisy.
1. Find out more expressions to start and end a conversation. 2. Find out more expressions to respond with interest.
Two practices next class in the beginning.
What can I do after?
• I can introduce myself in formal and informal situations. • I can ask and answer questions about basic personal information. • I can begin a social conversation and respond appropriately. • I can greet people and say goodbye in a variety of ways.
Work in pairs!
• Work with your partner, answer the same questions then ask what about you? Or how about you?
• • • • For example: A:Where are you from? B:I’m from Dalian. What about you? A:I’m from Shenyang.
Focus on — saying hello
How many ways do you know to say hello?
How; well; things; bad; Fine; going
going a A: Hello. How’s it _______? B: Oh, not too ______, thanks. bad
□work □family Near my home in Shanghai; □hometown √ I’m from Brazil □sport You play golf?;Tiger Woods for √ sure □hobbies □holidays □weather It’s a bit cold today, isn’t it? √ □gardening