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1.在一个充斥着错误信息的世界, 让学生学会识别真的、美的、好的信息是一个巨大的挑战。

(a formidable challenge, identify)

In a world full of misinformation it is a formidable challenge for the students to learn to identify the true, the beautiful, and the good


Any form of mountaineering has its inherent danger .After all ,it is an advantage sport

3.那所大学将在一定程度上允许针对个人的授课,学生会得到符合自身需要的、适合自己学习方法和进度的课程设置。(tailored to)

The university will permit a degree of individual instruction and the students may receive a curriculum tailored to their needs, learning style and pace

4.据说对学习过程的基因基础的理解能告诉我们哪些年青学子可能更快取得进步,哪些注定要有“艰难的”求学历程。(the understanding of the genetic basis of learning, doomed to)

It is said that the understanding of the genetic basis of learning will tell us which youngsters are likely to advance quickly and which ones seem doomed to difficult school experience


It has been reported that in Canada literally thousands of lakes and rivers are no longer able to support fish or plants

6.在文化普及率相对高的国家中,书籍对丰富人们的生活起着重要作用。(literacy rate)

In countries with relatively high literacy rates, books play an important part in enriching people’s lives


The essence of government intervention has been to limit and distort competition rather than to encourage it

8. 中国人民所从事的伟大改革事业是史无前例的。(without precedent in history)

The great cause of reform being carried out by Chinese people is without precedent in history

9.模拟考试训练不得推迟到临近正式考试时进行。(simulated examination)

Practice in simulated examination conditions must not be delayed until close to the examination time

10.人们发现,在那个森林里狮子和狼常常协作搜寻活食。(hunt down)

People have found that the lions and wolves in the forest often hunt down live animals by cooperative efforts

VII Translation

The Internet's speed, vast resources, and its ability to directly communicate with others are its greatest benefits. Because the Internet uses the quickness of computers to transmit its data, information can travel at tremendous speeds. Speed is not the only benefit. The Internet uses hundreds of thousands of computers all connected to each other to store vast amount of information. And finally, because the Internet allows individuals to have specific electronic mail addresses, people can easily communicate with one another.

1 可能除了教会以外,很少有机构像主管下一代正规教育的学校/教育机构那样缺乏变化了

2 来自过去的参观者一眼就能辨认出现在的课程,但很难适应现今一个10岁孩子的校外世界

3 但变化在我们的世界中是如此迅速和明确,以至于学校不可能维持现状或仅仅做一些表面
