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__71___.Being angry doesn’t really solve much,butwhat people do when theyfeel angry is important. The goalisto calm down and try to solve what is bothering you.This is hardfor somekids andadults, too. Instea dof calmingdown, some kids might keep getting more and more upset until they explode like a volcano!ﻫ__72___ .Their anger might beso strong that they lose control oftheir temper. They mayact in ways unacceptable andhurtful.People maysay thatsomeone has trouble controllingtheirtemper.__73___
Somekids mightget so angrythattheyscreamat their parents,breaksomething, or evenworse , hittheirbrothers orsisters._74____ .However,it’s not OK for akid to doany of those things.Kids don’t want to act in this way ,but sometimes angryfeelings can be hard to manage. So what to do?ﻫWell,the good newsis that kids don’t justhave to keepmaking the same mistakes over and over again.__75___ .Imagine yourtemper as a puppyinside you that needs sometraining. The puppy is not bad ----it will probably turn out a greatdog.Itjust needsto learn somerules because,right now,that puppy is causing someproblems to you.ﻫA. You can train you temper.
B. You don’twantto cause trouble.ﻫC.Kids should beallowed toex press their feelings, even angry ones.
D. Everybody gets angrysometimes.
E.Infact,theyusually meanthat a kid behaves badlywhen feeling angry.
F. Instead of thinking of the personyou’re angrywith, think of something els e.ﻫG.Some kidsgetangry moreoften or more easily than some other kids.
71._______ 72._________73.__________74._________ 75. __________
_71_ One of thebest thingsyoucan possiblydois to start you own club. It’sgreat fun especiallyif you are the sortofperson who feels there’snever anythingtodo during theschool holidays.ﻫThe firstthing you needto come upwith is an idea for yourclub. _72_ Pets, clothes, pop music ordancing groups,sports,making things? The list is endless.
Nextyou need some friends tobe inyourclub withyou. _73_ All you
need is three or four otherpeople who are interested inthe same thing as you.
_74Youshouldall sit down somewhere togetherwith lotsof pieces of paper andwrite downeveryname you can think up.That’llkeepyoubusy for ages.
At your firstmeeting you should make up arulebook. And the first rule sh ould be no grown-ups or little/big brothers orsisters! The best clubs are alwayssecret!
Now you have just about everything you need, exceptmembershipcards. These are very importantand againyou can speed a lot oftime making them. 75Why not leave some space for a photo of yourself?That willmake the membership card really look like it.ﻫSo there you are, get clubbing! Once you get started you’ll think of loads of more interestingthingsto do!
A.That’s easy.ﻫ
B. Enjoy your own club!ﻫ
C. Invite adesigner tojoin you.
D. What are youinterestin?ﻫE. Some vacation isjust around the corner.ﻫF.Then youneedto pick aname for your club.ﻫG.Use abright thick pen tomakea special design.
71.________ 72.__________ 73.__________ 74.___________ 75. ____________
Areyou truly happy? Do you ever know what it means to be happy andw hat it takes toachieve happiness?__71___.The following are a few tipsthat Ifollow to create happiness inmy life.ﻫ※Make a plan for attaining goals thatyoubelieve will makeyouhappy. Your moodswill verylikelyincreaseif you are goingafter something youvalue.
※Surround yourself with happy people.Itiseasyto beginto think negativelywhenyou are surroundedbypeople who thinkthatway. ___72___.ﻫ※When something goes wrong,try to figureout a solution instead of beingabsorbed in self pity.Truly happy people don’tallow setbacks toaffect their mood because theyknowthat with a little thought they can turn
73_.These fewminuteswil the circumstancesbackto theirfavor.ﻫ
lgiveyouthe opportunity to focus onthe positive things in yourli fe andwill lead you to continuous happiness.ﻫ※74 .Whetheryou tre at yourself to lunch, take along, relaxing bath orsimply spend afewextraminutes on yourappearance, you willbe subconsciously(下意识地)putting yourself in a better mood.ﻫ※Finding the humor in situations canal so lead tohappiness. Find a way to makelight of asituation that would otherwise makeyouhappy.ﻫ※Keeping healthyis another wayto achieve hap piness.75 .
A.What makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy.ﻫB.On the contrary, if youare around peoplewho arehappy,theiremotional state will be infectious.ﻫC.Being overweight or not eating。