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《英语》(新标准)(三起)第一册Module 3

Unit 1


Knowledge aim: New words: door, window, blackboard, bird.

New sentences: Stand up! / Sit down! / Point to ~!

Ability aim: 1. Help the students can understand the orders: “Stand up”/“Sit down.” / “Point to~!” and can do the corresponding responses and

actions of them clearly.

2. Help the students not only can say “window,door

bird blackboard” in English but also can read the words

of them.

Ideological aim: Improve the students’ self-confidence

Main points: New words: door window blackboard and bird.

Instruction phrases: Stand up! Sit down! Point to~ !

Difficult points: Let the students can be clear about these three instruction phrases “Stand up. Sit down. A nd Point to~!” and try to use them expertly in

the daily life.

Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder, pieces of paper, courseware Teaching process:

Step One: Warm up

*Before the class, I divide the class into 3 groups. And tell them if they have a good job. They will get a beautiful card. and they can stick it on their wall.


T: Shall we begin our English class?

S: Of course. Let’s begin.

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

S: Good morning, Tracy.

T: How are you today?

S: I’m fine. Thank you, and you?

T: I’m wonderful. Sit down please.

➢Free talk.

Around the class, I talk with the individual student using the sentences that we have learned such as “ Good morning! How are you today? Are you happy today? What’s your name?”


➢Sing a song

T: You are great, now let’s sing a song. Ok? And When you sing it, you can perform the actions. And I will find out the best one. Let’s look who is the music star! Are you ready?

One, Two, Go!

(I play the courseware.)

(The students sing and do the actions that they like. After that I’ll choose the best one.

And say)

T: you are the best. You can get a present ( ) and you

can stick it on your wall.

Step Two: Representation

T: Oh, this team has got a present! The other teams don’t be nervous! You have many chances. Now look here, I will fly some sentences and words quickly, and you’d better tell us which sentence or word you can see. Ready? The first one is coming. ( I fly Cards of “” quickly. If no one can see it clearly, I will fly it once more.)

Good morning!

S1: Good morning.

T: Le t’s look. Is he/she right? Great, you are right. You can get it, and you can stick it on your wall.

(Review the sentences “Hello! Hi! How are you? I’m fine. Thank you! Sam, Amy, Lingling, Daming in the same way.)

从形式上讲,通过这个”比眼力的游戏”,不但可以营造英语学习的气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,更重要的是它使学生的注意力从相对分散的歌曲表演中,迅速集中到课堂上来,在无意识下的情况下快速的进入学习状态. 从内容上讲这样的复习方式,可以带领学生从热身阶段的听说交流练习,递进到了对句子和单词的认读能力培养,避免了单纯的温故,而是在故有的基础上做到了拓展,以最有效的方式提高了课堂效率.

Step Three: New course

A. New sentences: “Stand up! Sit down!”

(I will fly the sentence” Stand up!” Maybe no one can read it. So I will be excited and say.)

T: Oh, This time I am the winner. I can read it. “Stand up!

(I read and do the actions; help the students know the exactly meaning of “stand” and “up”)

T: Read after me please. (The students read after me sometimes. Then I’ll choose some student read it individual)

T: I am the winner so I will write it on the blackboard. ( Here, I will accentuate “blackboard” ,because it’s our new words today.)

T:I show the cards of “ Stand up!” and say: do you want to get this one? I will give it to the best team. Now let us have a competition. The team which I point will stand up and read this sentence. Let’s look which team is the best. Ready one, two, go.

(At last I will choose the best one and allow them to stick it on the wall.)

I will be very sad. And say:

T: Now there is only one present in my hand, it’s the last chance, are you ready?

S: yes.

I fly the sentence “Sit down!”and if no one can read it. I will read it and tell the students that it is the opposite sentence of “stand up!”because I use this sentence in every class, so they have know the meaning of it.

T: I am the winner, so read after me please! “Sit down!”

S: Sit down!
