水立方 Water cube 伟大工程巡礼




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伟大工程巡礼54:超级潜艇伟大工程巡礼55:冰雕旅馆伟大工程巡礼56:采矿利器伟大工程巡礼57:超级管道伟大工程巡礼58:巨大钻掘机伟大工程巡礼59:超级直升机伟大工程巡礼60:超级工厂-哈雷机车伟大工程巡礼61:超级工厂-强鹿收割机伟大工程巡礼62:超级工厂-彼得比尔特卡车伟大工程巡礼63:超级工厂-艾布兰坦克伟大工程巡礼64:大迁移-大教堂伟大工程巡礼65:大迁移-古迹伟大工程巡礼67:大迁移-整个城镇伟大工程巡礼68:磁悬浮列车伟大工程巡礼69:神奇世界岛伟大工程巡礼70:帆船酒店伟大工程巡礼71:莫斯塔尔古桥伟大工程巡礼72:超级破碎机伟大工程巡礼73:巴林世贸中心伟大工程巡礼74:夏威夷超级渡轮伟大工程巡礼75:玛丽皇后二号伟大工程巡礼76:南极研究站远古工程巡礼77:沙特尔大教堂远古工程巡礼78:古罗马圆形竞技场远古工程巡礼79:吉萨大金字塔伟大工程巡礼80:超级工厂-宝马伟大工程巡礼81:超级工厂-科维特跑车伟大工程巡礼82:北京水立方伟大工程巡礼83:地热钻探伟大工程巡礼84:中国终极港口伟大工程巡礼85:上海超级塔伟大工程巡礼86:终极摩天大楼伟大工程巡礼87:超级工厂-救火车伟大工程巡礼89:超级工厂-卡特彼勒工程机械伟大工程巡礼90:超级工厂-温尼贝戈房车伟大工程巡礼91:大型强子对撞机伟大工程巡礼92:世界最大赌场澳门"威尼斯人"伟大工程巡礼93:拆桥任务伟大工程巡礼94:沉没航空母舰/沉舰任务伟大工程巡礼95:冰岛超级大坝伟大工程巡礼96:北京国家体育场鸟巢伟大工程巡礼97:Eearthquake glasshouse伟大工程巡礼98:太阳引擎伟大工程巡礼99:中国长城伟大工程巡礼100:建设绿色北京伟大工程巡礼101:超级工厂-阿尔派装甲车伟大工程巡礼102:超级工厂-兰博基尼跑车伟大工程巡礼103:超级工厂-雪佛兰Camaro伟大工程巡礼104:超级工厂-F18战斗机伟大工程巡礼105:超级工厂-保时捷伟大工程巡礼106:超级工厂-劳斯莱斯伟大工程巡礼107:超级工厂-百威啤酒(Buderwiser)伟大工程巡礼108:超级工厂-宜家家居(IKEA)伟大工程巡礼109:阿拉斯加巨无霸伟大工程巡礼110:Earthmove(大型挖掘机、装载机、推土机)伟大工程巡礼111:大峡谷人造高索桥伟大工程巡礼112:超级工厂-纽约地铁快车伟大工程巡礼113:远古工程巡礼-马丘比丘伟大工程巡礼114:远古工程巡礼-佩特拉伟大工程巡礼115:远古工程巡礼-圣保罗大教堂伟大工程巡礼116:超级工厂-奥迪R8伟大工程巡礼117:布加迪超级跑车伟大工程巡礼118:Custom Hot Red 福特老爷车。



• 立面ETFE充气膜结构的系统 密封构造,采用三道连续完 整的密封,形成两个等压腔, 利用等压原理实现系统的密 封防水及排水。这三道密封 分别由夹具底座、中间的连 接膜片以及最外的压盖组成。 夹具底座作为整个密封系统 的最后一道防线也是最关键 的一道密封因此,其构造做 法是,在夹具底座三通与直 线段底座之间预留5mm的缝 隙,在接头处将不必要的部 分去除,在接缝处灌入硅酮 密封胶实现连续密封界上最大的膜结构工程,建筑外围采用世界 上最先进的环保节能ETFE(四氟乙烯)膜材料。 水立方”整体建筑由3000多个气枕组成,气枕大小不一、形 状各异,覆盖面积达到10万平方米,堪称世界之最。除了地面 之外,外表都采用了膜结构。 ETFE薄膜的使用在国内尚属首次,但过去20年内,由于这种 材料耐腐蚀性、保温性俱佳、自清洁能力强。欧洲有600至 800个建筑都用了这种材料,同时由于自身的绝水性,它可以 利用自然雨水完成自身清洁,是一种新兴的环保材料。 ETFE膜具有较好抗压性,甚至可以承受一辆汽车的重 量。气 枕根据摆放位置的不同,外层膜上分布着密度不均的镀点,这 镀点将有效的屏蔽直射入馆内的日光,起到遮光、降温的作用 。 水立方”占地7.8公顷,却没有使用一根钢筋,一块混凝土。 其墙身和顶棚都是用细钢管连接而成的,有1.2万个节点。只 有2.4毫米厚的膜结构气枕像皮肤一样包住了整个建筑,气枕 最大的一个约9平方米,最小的一个不足1平方米。跟玻璃相比 ,它可以透进更多的阳光和空气,从而让泳池保持恒温,能节 电30%。膜结构自身就具有排水和排污的功能以及去湿和防雾 功能,尤其是防结露功能对游泳运动尤其重要。
主讲人:张腾燕 制作人:覃俊智
• “鸟巢”位于北京奥林匹克公园 内、北京城市中轴线北端的东侧, 建筑面积25.8万平方米。除了承 担奥运会开、闭幕式任务外,还 将在这里进行田径、男子足球决 赛等奥运会的重要比赛。这个体 育场能容纳观众10万人,其中临 时坐席2万个。奥运会后,可承担 重大体育比赛、各类常规赛事以 及非竞赛项目,是北京奥运会的 一座标志性建筑,是北京奥运会 留下的宝贵遗产,同时也将成为 北京市民广泛参与体育活动及享 受体育娱乐的大型专业场所。



水立方英文介绍作文英文:Water Cube, also known as the National Aquatics Center, is a world-class sports venue located in Beijing, China. It was built for the 2008 Summer Olympics and Paralympics and has since become a popular tourist attraction.As soon as I walked into the Water Cube, I was struck by its unique design. The building is made up of thousands of bubbles, which give it a futuristic and almost otherworldly feel. The bubbles are made of a material called ETFE, which is not only lightweight but also allows natural light to enter the building, creating a bright and airy atmosphere.One of the main attractions at the Water Cube is the swimming pool. It's the largest in the world and has hosted numerous international competitions, including the 2008 Olympics. The pool is equipped with state-of-the-arttechnology, including a wave generator that can create waves up to 3 meters high.Another highlight of the Water Cube is the Water Cube Water Park. It's a great place for families and kids to cool off on a hot day. The water park features a variety of water slides, a lazy river, and a wave pool. My favorite ride was the Bullet Bowl, where you slide down a steepslide and then spin around in a giant bowl before being flushed out the bottom.Overall, I had a great time at the Water Cube. It's a must-visit attraction for anyone traveling to Beijing, whether you're a sports fan or just looking for some fun in the sun.中文:水立方,也称为国家游泳中心,是位于中国北京的世界级体育场馆。



Megastructures.Beijing.Olympic.StadiumYou can't host the Olympics without a world-class facility and, for 2008, China's gearing up to do the honors by building one of the world's largest enclosed facilities - the Beijing National Stadium. 42,000 tons of twisted steel and a stadium to seat 90,000 people - one of the biggest and most ambitious constructions projects ever attempted in modern China. Against the backdrop of China's rush to the Olympics, examine the unique features of the "bird's nest" stadium, following its design, engineering and construction up until the ultimate test, where Games organizers will find out if this ambitious project is ready in time for the Opening Ceremony of the XXIX Olympiad.【整理】伟大工程巡礼-1In the centre of Beijing lies a daring new design, 42,000 tons of steel beams woven together into the shape of a bird’s nest. It’s the stunning vision of an international team of architects and engineers, and it takes centre stage in one of the biggest events of the decade, the 2008 Olympic Games.Come inside, Beijing’s Olympic Stadium.It’s early morning in China’s capital, Beijing. Today, workers must raise a gigantic massive twisted steel to the top of this structure, 70 meters in the air. It’s the last piece of the puzzle to com plete the steel skeleton of this unusual arena. Its steel roof is 320 meters long and 297 meters wide, and covers a massive bowl that seats 91,000 spectators.It is the largest stadium ever built in China. And it is the center of the biggest sporting event in Chinese history, the 2008 Summer Olympics. But even more impressive than its sheer size is its unprecedented design. It’s an ambitious plan that calls for giant curving beams which crisscross in an intricate pattern of woven steel. They give the building its nickname -- the Bird’s Nest.No building like this one has ever been attempted before in the world. As the design evolved, it’s quite clear that it was going to be a major challenge to engineer it, and to fabricate it, and to assemble it. It is very, very complicated.This one, whether its twists and turns and complications is certainly one of the ones that’s way out on the edge, first of its kind in China, first of its kind in the world.The steel structure of Bird’s Nest is so huge…maybe it i s one of the biggest steel structure in the world. In the future, I will not see any other projects more difficult than this Bird’s Nest.【整理】伟大工程巡礼-2The Bird's Nest must have all the bells and whistles of any Olympic stadium. Giant screens, shops and great views of the field, but it also faces some unique challenges. It sits right in the middle of a seismic region, so the fragile-looking design must be strong enough to withstand dangerous earthquakes and it must be eco-friendly.In a city with massive air pollution, officials have mandated that this Olympics be the green Olympics. To fit this green mandate, the steel roof is skinned with hi-tech membranes, which let in sunlight to conserve energy, keep the noise in, and the rain and wind out. State-of-the-art systems conserve energy and water and regulate heat. The building's facade isn't enclosed, allowing natural ventilation. The radical design meant new building techniques would have to be invented. All well up against the immovable deadline of the 2008 Summer Olympics. It was a huge challenge."We have so many, so many pressure. All these pressure also were big challenge for me."The challenge began in July, 2001. Beijing is in the final running to be the Olympics' next host."The games of the 29th Olympiad s in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing."It's a badge of honor for every nation, but has even greater significance for an emerging modern power."The most important thing is that we know that we are accepted by the world."But as the citizens of Beijing celebrate, the city planners begin to worry. There are few venues up to par for the prestigious sportingevent. China must design and build new sports arenas, and fast. To make space, traditional alleyway s called Hutongs must be torn down, a piece of history lost forever. It's controversial, but some think the building boom will bring benefits to the city."They have improved so much of the infrastructure. This is actually about an Olympics acting as a catalyst for the regeneration of Beijing."Over the next seven years, twelve Olympic venues will need to be built, along with new high-rises, roads, public transport and even a new airport terminal to accommodate the thousands of Olympic guests.skinTo become covered with or as if with skin:使覆盖:变得覆有皮肤或好象覆有皮肤:In January the pond skins over with ice.一月份池塘覆盖了一层冰State-of-the-artusing the most modern and recently developed methods, materials, or knowledgestate-of-the-art technologywell up涌出, 涌现Olympiad(四年一次的)奥林匹克世界运动大会, 四年周期alleywayA narrow passage between buildings.小巷,小街:建筑物之间狭窄的过道catalyst催化剂【整理】伟大工程巡礼-3Construction projects that will radically transform Beijing’s skyline. For the Olympics' main stadium, the city wants a stunning design worthy of the event. In 2002 officials announce a global competition.Among the dozens of entrants, our Swiss architects: Jacques Herzog and Pierre De Meuron. They are drawn to the challenge of working in Beijing.This was the opportunity for us to do major building in Beijing which was really public, really a new place. China is about to get back to where it once was to become the most influential culture in the world. To be a part of that, energy is another amazing moment in our lives. The Pulitzer Prize winning architects are best known for converting London's Tate Modern Museum. They've also designed other sports venues such as the famous Allianz Arena in Munich. But this job is one of their most challenging yet. They have no idea how the Chinese will react.Da gibt es extreme Unterschiede zu unserer restlichen Art zum Denken,und da so Stück für Stück, das zu erfahren ist ein großartiges Erlebnis, und das ist ein persönliches Erlebnis, weil man selber an seine Grenze kommt.They decide to consult one of the China’s leading ar tists--Ai Weiwei who inspires them to push the limits.They are very different from all the architects I know, they would start from zero. There's nothing in their mind when they start.He was always encouraging us to go beyond this or that, but to really take this as a chance to do something that couldn't be done somewhere else.They come up with a concept inspired by old Chinese art with sweeping lines arranged around a circular vessel.We were clear that we want something else and it should be really an object for the people but something which has more a character of, like a big pot or a big vessel for people to go in.But though the inspiration is ancient, the team wants the building to be a contemporary icon and a public space for the people.Pulitzer Prize普利兹克奖(Pritzker Architecture Prize)是每年一次颁给建筑师个人的奖项,有建筑界的诺贝尔奖之称。



五年级下册第二单元英语作文(水立方)全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Water CubeHi, everyone! Today I want to tell you about my amazing visit to the Water Cube. It was so much fun! The Water Cube is a famous swimming center in Beijing, China. It was built for the 2008 Summer Olympics. Let me share my exciting experience with you.When I entered the Water Cube, I couldn't believe my eyes. The building was so beautiful and unique. It looked like a giant cube made of bubbles. The walls were made of special material that changed colors. It was like a magical place!Inside, there were many swimming pools. The pools were huge and had clear blue water. Some pools were shallow, perfect for beginners like me, while others were deeper for professional swimmers. I was excited to jump into the water and have some splashing fun.I put on my colorful swimming suit and goggles. As I walked towards the pool, I noticed the amazing architecture of the Water Cube. The roof was like a wave, and the walls had fantastic patterns. It made me feel like I was swimming in an underwater world.The water was just perfect – not too cold and not too warm. I took篇2The Magnificent Water CubeHave you ever seen a building that looks like it's made of bubbles? Well, that's exactly what the National Aquatics Center in Beijing, China, known as the Water Cube, reminds me of! It's one of the most unique and fascinating structures I've ever laid my eyes on, and I'm so excited to tell you all about it.When I first saw pictures of the Water Cube, I couldn't believe it was a real building. It looked like something straight out of a science fiction movie or a futuristic video game. The exterior is covered in thousands of brilliant blue bubbles that seem to glow and shimmer in the sunlight. It's like a giant, translucent cube made entirely of soap bubbles!But as incredible as the outside looks, the inside is even more amazing. The Water Cube was built to host the swimming and diving events for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. It has two massive pools, one for competition and one for warming up. The competition pool is huge – it can hold nearly 17 million liters of water! That's enough to fill about seven Olympic-sized swimming pools. Just thinking about that much water makes me feel a little dizzy.The coolest part about the Water Cube, though, is the way it was constructed. The bubbles on the outside aren't just for show – they're actually part of the building's structure. Each bubble is made of a special type of transparent material called ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene). ETFE is kind of like a super-strong, long-lasting plastic that can withstand extreme temperatures and weather conditions. The bubbles are filled with air, which helps insulate the building and keep it warm in the winter and cool in the summer.But that's not all – the bubbles are also designed to let in natural light during the day, so the Water Cube doesn't need as much artificial lighting. This makes it more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. Plus, the way the light filters throughthe bubbles creates a really cool, almost magical effect inside the building. It's like swimming in a giant, underwater dreamworld!After the 2008 Olympics were over, the Water Cube was transformed into an amazing water park called the Happy Magic Water Cube. It has all kinds of crazy water slides, wave pools, and other aquatic attractions. I can't even imagine how much fun it would be to slide down a water slide that goes through one of those giant bubbles!Even though the Water Cube was built for the Olympics, it has become a beloved icon of Beijing and a major tourist attraction. People come from all over the world to see this incredible, bubble-covered building and experience its stunning architecture and design.To me, the Water Cube is a perfect example of how creativity, innovation, and imagination can come together to create something truly extraordinary. It's a monument to human ingenuity and our ability to push the boundaries of what's possible. Whenever I look at pictures of the Water Cube, I'm reminded that with hard work and a little bit of dream, we can make even the most fantastical ideas come to life.Who knows, maybe one day I'll get to visit the Water Cube in person and see those shimmering bubbles up close. Until then,I'll just have to keep dreaming about sliding through a giant, watery wonderland made entirely of soap bubbles. Now, doesn't that sound like the best water park ever?篇3The Incredible Water CubeLast summer, my family took an amazing trip to Beijing, the capital city of China. We saw so many incredible sights, like the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and Tiananmen Square. But one of the most fascinating places we visited was the Water Cube, which was originally built for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.As we approached the Water Cube, I was in awe of its massive size and unique shape. It looks like a giant cube made entirely of bubbles! The official name is the National Aquatics Center, but everyone calls it the Water Cube because of its bubbly appearance. The blue square patterns covering the exterior are actually inflatable cushions that let in natural light during the day. At night, the whole building glows with colorful lights that make it look even more magical.When we went inside, I couldn't believe how big it was - it's hard to imagine that this gigantic space used to be an Olympicswimming venue! The main pool has been converted into a wonderful water park called the Happy Magic Water Cube. There are slides, tubes, fountains, waves, and all sorts of fun water attractions. I've never seen anything like it!My little brother and I had a blast running around and splashing in the different pools and play areas. One of the highlights was the Beach Zone, which had real sand just like at the beach! We made sandcastles and played in the lazy river that winds through the sand. There was also an Adventure Zone with a pirate ship surrounded by shallow water that was perfect for young kids.For the bigger kids and adults, there were some seriously extreme slides and rides. My dad went on the Tornado Slide, which is a massive twisting tube that you go down on a raft. He said it was a huge adrenaline rush! There was also a Free-Fall Slide where you drop vertically from a height of over 20 meters. No way was I brave enough to try that one!After all the swimming and splashing, we were pretty tired so we checked out the other areas of the Water Cube. There was a wave pool that simulated the ocean with huge waves every few minutes. You could boogie board or just play in the swells. Wealso saw an area with waterfalls, geysers, and manmade rain that was really cool.Mom and Dad said they were amazed that the Olympic venues have been repurposed into public spaces like this water park that everyone can enjoy. The Happy Magic Water Cube is a great example of sustainable architecture, where buildings are reused instead of torn down.Overall, visiting the Water Cube was one of the highlights of our trip to Beijing. It was an unforgettable experience swimming and playing in such an iconic landmark from the 2008 Olympics. I'll never forget the magical atmosphere and all the thrilling rides and attractions. If you ever make it to Beijing, you have to go to the Happy Magic Water Cube - it's an absolute must-see!篇4Water CubeHi everyone! Today, I want to tell you about a really cool place called the Water Cube. It's an amazing building that you can find in Beijing, China. I recently visited the Water Cube with my family, and it was so much fun!The Water Cube is a big water park that looks like a giant cube made of bubbles. It's actually called the National Aquatics Center, but people call it the Water Cube because of its unique design. The outside walls are made of a special material that looks like bubbles, and they change colors at night. It's like a colorful light show!Inside the Water Cube, there are lots of pools and water slides. There's even a wave pool where you can pretend you're at the beach. I loved splashing around in the water and playing with my friends. We had so much fun sliding down the water slides and racing each other.One of the coolest things about the Water Cube is the Olympic swimming pool. It's the same pool where the swimmers competed during the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Can you believe it? I felt like a real Olympic swim篇5The Water CubeHi everyone! Today, I want to tell you about an amazing place called the Water Cube. It's one of the coolest places you can visit in Beijing, China. I went there with my family last summer, and I had so much fun!The Water Cube is a really special building because it was built for the 2008 Olympic Games. It's made of a lot of blue bubbles, just like soap bubbles! They say it looks like a big cube full of water, and that's why they call it the Water Cube. Isn't that cool?When you go inside, you'll see a huge swimming pool. It's not just any swimming pool, though. It's the biggest swimming pool in the world! The pool is so big that it can hold more than 10,000 people. Can you imagine that? I felt like a tiny fish in a gigantic ocean!There are also many other things to see and do at the Water Cube. They have really tall slides that you can slide down. I went on one of them, and it was so fast! I screamed all the way down, but it was so much fun. There are also diving platforms where professional divers jump into the water. I watched them perform amazing tricks in the air before splashing into the pool. It was like watching superheroes!You know what else is really cool? The Water Cube has a special section for kids. It's called the Water Play Area. They have smaller slides and water guns for us to play with. There are also water fountains that shoot up from the ground, and we can run through them and get all wet. It's like a water party!One of my favorite parts of the Water Cube was the wave pool. They have big machines that make waves just like in the ocean. I felt like I was at the beach, but inside a building! I jumped over the waves and tried to ride them like a real surfer. It was so exciting!Before we left, my family and I went to the souvenir shop. I bought a small Water Cube keychain to remember my amazing day there. I also got a postcard to send to my best friend. I wanted to share my adventure with her!Visiting the Water Cube was an unforgettable experience. I learned that swimming is a really important sport, and I felt inspired to try it myself. Maybe one day, I'll become an Olympic swimmer and compete in the Water Cube!If you ever get the chance to visit Beijing, don't forget to go to the Water Cube. It's a place you'll always remember. Trust me, you'll have a splashing good time!That's the end of my story about the Water Cube. I hope you liked it. Thanks for listening!篇6水立方Hi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm in the fifth grade. Today, I want to tell you about an amazing place called the Water Cube. Have you ever heard of it? It's a really cool place in Beijing, China.The Water Cube is a huge building shaped like a cube, and it's all made of glass. It looks like a giant bubble! It's also known as the National Aquatics Center. The reason it's called the Water Cube is because it was built for the swimming events during the 2008 Olympic Games.When I visited the Water Cube, I was amazed by its beautiful blue color. It's like a magical underwater world! The glass walls are covered with bubbles, just like the bubbles you see when you blow soap bubbles. They make the Water Cube look so special and unique.Inside the Water Cube, there are many swimming pools. The main pool is enormous! It's like a giant bathtub. I felt so small standing next to it. The pool is used for competitions, but people can also swim in it for fun. How cool is that? I wish I could swim in an Olympic-sized pool someday!There's also a smaller pool called the diving pool. It's where divers jump off the diving boards and perform amazing flips andtricks in the air before splashing into the water. It's so exciting to watch them!One of my favorite things about the Water Cube is the wave pool. It's like being at the beach! The pool creates big waves, and you can swim and play in them. It's so much fun! I felt like I was in the ocean, even though I was indoors.The Water Cube is not just a place for swimming and having fun. It's also a place where people can learn about water conservation and the importance of keeping our oceans and rivers clean. There are interactive exhibits that teach us how to save water and protect marine life. It's really important to take care of our planet, and the Water Cube reminds us of that.I had an amazing time at the Water Cube. It's a place full of joy, excitement, and learning. If you ever have the chance to visit Beijing, make sure to go to the Water Cube. It's an experience you won't forget!That's all for now. I hope you enjoyed learning about the Water Cube. See you next time!Love,LilyWord count: 287。



鸟巢水立方游览作文英语Beijing, the capital of China, is a city rich in history and culture, and it is also home to some of the most iconic modern architectural marvels. Among these is the Bird's Nest, the National Stadium, and the Water Cube, the National Aquatics Center, both of which were prominent venues for the 2008 Summer Olympics.The Bird's Nest, with its intricate web of steel beams,is a sight to behold. It is a structure that seems to defy gravity, its design reminiscent of a bird's nest, hence the name. The stadium is not only a symbol of Beijing's modernization but also a testament to the ingenuity of its architects. Walking through its vast corridors, one can almost feel the echoes of the excitement and pride thatfilled the air during the Olympics.Adjacent to the Bird's Nest is the Water Cube, a building that is equally impressive in its design. With its translucent surface and bubble-like appearance, it trulylives up to its name. The exterior is a mesmerizing play of light and color, especially at night when it is illuminated, creating a magical atmosphere.Inside the Water Cube, the atmosphere is one oftranquility and precision, a stark contrast to the bustling energy of the Bird's Nest. The pools are crystal clear, and the echoes of splashes from swimmers and divers fill the air,a reminder of the athletic prowess that was on display during the Olympics.Visiting these two landmarks is more than just a tour;it's an experience. It's a journey through the past and into the future, a chance to witness the fusion of traditional Chinese aesthetics with modern technology. The Bird's Nest and the Water Cube are not just buildings; they are symbols of Beijing's dynamic spirit and its place on the world stage.As I walked around these two wonders, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for the architects and engineers who brought these visions to life. The Bird's Nest and the Water Cube are not only architectural feats but also cultural landmarks that continue to inspire and captivate visitors from around the globe.。



国家中心又称"水立方"(Water Cube),位于北京奥林匹克公园内,是北京为2008年夏季奥运会修建的主游泳馆,也是2008年北京奥运会标志性建筑物之一。


















The Enchanting Water Cube: A Symbol ofBeijing's aquatic SplendorNestled within the bustling heart of Beijing, the Water Cube stands as a testament to the city's forward-thinking architecture and dedication to the aquatic arts. This remarkable structure, with its undulating exterior and ethereal blue hue, is not just a building; it's a symbol of Beijing's dedication to aquatic excellence and a beacon for athletes and visitors alike.The Water Cube's design is a masterpiece of modern engineering and innovation. Its ethereal exterior, made up of thousands of bubble-like panels, not only catches the eye but also serves a vital purpose. This unique design allows the building to regulate its own temperature, minimizing the need for artificial heating and cooling. This innovative feature not only reduces energy consumption but also aligns with Beijing's commitment to sustainable development.Inside, the Water Cube reveals a different kind of magic. The vast swimming pool, with its clear blue waters and state-of-the-art facilities, is a dream come true forany swimmer or diver. The acoustics within the building are designed to perfection, ensuring that every splash, every dive, and every cheer is heard loud and clear. This attention to detail creates an electric atmosphere that is both exciting and inspiring.The Water Cube has hosted numerous aquatic events, including the swimming and diving competitions during the 2008 Summer Olympics. Its flexibility and adaptability have allowed it to host a range of events, from international competitions to public swimming sessions. This diversity not only showcases the building's versatility but also demonstrates Beijing's commitment to promoting aquatic sports and accessibility.But the Water Cube's charm extends beyond its functionality. Its ethereal beauty and serene atmosphere create a sense of wonder and amazement that is hard to ignore. Visitors often find themselves lost in its otherworldly beauty, captivated by the way light dances on its surface and reflects in its crystal-clear waters.In conclusion, the Water Cube is not just a building; it's a symbol of Beijing's aquatic splendor and a testamentto the city's dedication to innovation, sustainability, and excellence. Its beauty, functionality, and history make ita must-visit destination for anyone interested in architecture, aquatic sports, or the city of Beijing itself. **水立方的魅力:北京水上辉煌的象征**在北京的繁华心脏地带,水立方矗立在那里,见证了这座城市前瞻性的建筑理念和对水上艺术的热爱。



[国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E13.超级转运港][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E18.海上发射平台][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E22.鹿特丹港][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E23.C-5运输机][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E25-1.空客A380][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E26.弗吉尼亚号][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E30.柏林火车站][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E31.改造波士顿][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E32.超级钻探平台][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E34.米约大桥][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E35.超级轮船东方亚特兰大号] [国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E37.里永·安蒂里永大桥][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E39.胡佛水坝][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E43.超级油轮][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E44.战争机器-导弹][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E46.超级工厂-阿帕奇直升机] [国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E47.战争机器-枪][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E48.巴拿马大运河][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E51.超级工厂-法拉利跑车][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E54.超级潜艇德州号][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E55.冰雕旅馆][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E57.超级管道][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E58.巨大钻掘机][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E59.超级直升机][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E60.超级工厂-哈雷机车][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E61.超级工厂-强鹿收割机][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E63.超级工厂-M1艾布兰主战坦克] [国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E68.未来火车][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E69.迪拜神奇世界岛][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E70.迪拜帆船酒店][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E72.超级破碎机][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E73.巴林世贸中心][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E74.夏威夷超级渡轮][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E75.玛丽皇后2号][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E76.南极科考站][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E77.沙特尔大教堂][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E78.古罗马圆形竞技场][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E79.吉萨金字塔][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E80.超级工厂-宝马跑车][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E81.超级工厂-雪佛兰Corvette] [国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E82.北京水立方][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E83.马来西亚精明隧道][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E84.中国终极港口][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E87.超级工厂-消防车][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E88.超级工厂-UPS快递][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E89.超级工厂-卡特彼勒卡车] [国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E90.超级工厂-温尼巴哥露营车] [国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E91.大型强子对撞机][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E96.鸟巢][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E98.太阳引擎][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E99-1.超级工厂-中国长城][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E100.建设绿色北京][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E101.超级工厂-阿尔派装甲车] [国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E102.超级工厂-兰博基尼][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E104.超级工厂-F18][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E105.超级工厂-保时捷][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E109.阿拉斯加巨无霸][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E110.大型挖掘机/装载机/推土机] [国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E111.大峡谷人造高索桥][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E112.海洋电力开发][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E113.马丘比丘][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E114.佩特拉][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E115.圣保罗大教堂][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E116.阿尔罕布拉宫][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E117.90度旋转楼房][国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列E118.超级工厂-奥迪A8][国家地理.艾森豪威尔号航空母舰]。



关于鸟巢水立方的英语作文The Bird's Nest, also known as the National Stadium, is an iconic architectural masterpiece located in Beijing, China. It was designed for the 2008 Summer Olympics and Paralympics and has since become a symbol of modern China.The Water Cube, officially known as the National Aquatics Center, is another stunning architectural marvel located next to the Bird's Nest. Its unique design and innovative use of bubbles create a visually captivating experience for visitors.The Bird's Nest and Water Cube have become populartourist attractions, drawing millions of visitors each year. The unique design and cultural significance of these structures make them must-see destinations for anyonevisiting Beijing.The Bird's Nest and Water Cube have also hosted a wide range of events and performances, from sports competitionsto concerts and cultural celebrations. Their versatile design and state-of-the-art facilities make them ideal venues for a variety of activities.The Bird's Nest and Water Cube have left a lasting impact on the architectural world, inspiring new designs and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in construction and design. Their influence can be seen in many modern structures around the world.Visiting the Bird's Nest and Water Cube is a truly unforgettable experience. The combination of stunning architecture, rich cultural significance, and versatile functionality makes them a must-see for anyone with an appreciation for art, design, and innovation.。



• 家体育场即“鸟巢”位于北京奥林匹 克公园,建筑面积约26万平方米,可 容纳观众10万人,承担2008北京奥运 会田径、足球两大项目的比赛任务, 同时承担奥运会开幕式、闭幕式任务 。奥运会后成为北京市民广泛参与体 育活动及享受体育娱乐的大型专业场 所,并成为具有地标称为“水立方”(Water Cube) ,位于北京奥林匹克公园内,是北京为2008年夏季 奥运会修建的主游泳馆,也是2008年北京奥运会标 志性建筑物之一。它的设计方案,是经全球设计竞 赛产生的“水的立方”([H2O]3)方案。2003年12 月24日开工,在2008年1月28日竣工。其与国家体 育场(俗称鸟巢)分列于北京城市中轴线北端的两侧 ,共同形成相对完整的北京历史文化名城形象。国 家游泳中心规划建设用地62950平方米,总建筑面 积65000-80000平方米,其中地下部分的建筑面积 不少于15000平方米,长宽高分别为 177m × 177m × 30m。



水立方的英语作文The Water Cube is an amazing architectural feat. It's a stunning sight to behold, with its unique design and shimmering exterior. The building's exterior is made up of thousands of bubbles, giving it the appearance of a giant, sparkling cube. It's truly a sight to behold, especially at night when the lights illuminate the entire structure.Inside the Water Cube, you'll find a world of aquatic fun and relaxation. The interior is filled with pools, water slides, and other water-based attractions. It's a great place to cool off on a hot day or just have some fun with friends and family. The atmosphere inside is lively and energetic, with people of all ages enjoying themselves.One of the most impressive features of the Water Cubeis its sustainability. The building was designed with eco-friendly principles in mind, using innovative technology to reduce energy consumption and waste. It's a great example of how architecture can be both beautiful andenvironmentally conscious.The Water Cube has also played a significant role in history. It was the main swimming and diving venue for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, hosting numerous events andattracting athletes and spectators from all over the world. Its iconic design and significance in the Olympics have made it a symbol of China's modernization and global presence.Overall, the Water Cube is a must-see destination for anyone visiting Beijing. Whether you're interested in its architectural beauty, water-based attractions, sustainability, or historical significance, there's something for everyone to enjoy at this remarkable building. It's a true gem of the city and a testament to human creativity and innovation.。



文章标题:The Iconic Water Cube of Beijing The Water Cube, a landmark of Beijing, stands proudly as a testament to China's architectural prowess. Completed in 2008 for the Olympic Games, its unique bubble-like facade is constructed from over 3,000 ETFE panels. Boasting a capacity of over 17,000 spectators, it hosts numerous aquatic events and exhibitions. Its eco-friendly design features water recycling systems, reflecting China's commitment to sustainability. The Water Cube not only showcases China's technological advancements but also serves as a cultural hub, attracting millions of visitors worldwide.**北京水立方的辉煌**水立方,作为北京的标志性建筑,傲然屹立,彰显着中国建筑艺术的卓越成就。







北京水立方的魅力与数据The Water Cube, a remarkable Icon of Beijing, stands as a testament to the city's progress and innovation. Openedin 2008, the aquatic center has hosted numerousinternational events, including the swimming and diving competitions at the Summer Olympics. Its unique design, resembling a drop of water frozen in time, captivatesvisitors with its futuristic architecture.The Water Cube boasts an impressive array of statistics. With a total volume of 6.5 million cubic meters, it is oneof the largest buildings in the world, yet its exterior is covered with only 3,000 tons of ethylenetetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), a lightweight and durable material. This innovative use of materials not only reduces weight but also allows natural light to filter through, creating a vibrant and energy-efficient environment.Inside, the Water Cube features a state-of-the-art swimming pool, 50 meters long and 25 meters wide, with a capacity of 2.4 million liters of water. The pool is maintained at a constant temperature of 25-27 degrees Celsius, ensuring optimal conditions for athletes. Thefacility also boasts 10 other pools, including a diving pool and a warm-up pool, catering to the needs of different aquatic disciplines.The Water Cube's impact on the city is immeasurable. It has become a symbol of Beijing's modernization and technological prowess, attracting tourists from around the world. Its sustainable design and eco-friendly features have also set a precedent for future construction projects, emphasizing the importance of environmental conservation. In conclusion, the Water Cube is not just a building;it is a testament to Beijing's vision and commitment to excellence. Its unique design, impressive statistics, and significant impact on the city make it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in architecture, sports, or the progress of human civilization.**北京水立方的魅力与数据**北京水立方,这座引人注目的地标性建筑,见证了北京的进步和创新。



水立方英语作文50字Nestled in the heart of Beijing, the Water Cube stands as a testament to China's architectural prowess. With its unique, bubble-like exterior, the Water Cube captures the essence of water, flowing and dynamic, embodying the essence of the Olympic Games it once hosted. Its design, a masterpiece of engineering and creativity, not onlycaptures the imagination but also reflects the depth of Chinese culture and philosophy. Inside, the venue hosts various aquatic events, showcasing the best of human athleticism. The Water Cube is not just a building; it's a symbol of China's rising global influence and commitment to excellence.水立方,这座位于北京心脏地带的建筑,见证了中国建筑艺术的辉煌。







The transformation of the Beijing National Aquatics Center, affectionately known as The Water Cube, into the Ice Cube for the 2022 Winter Olympics was nothing short of a marvel of modern engineering and a testament to the adaptability of architectural design. As a high school student who has always been fascinated by the intersection of sports, technology, and architecture, I was thrilled to witness this incredible metamorphosis.I remember vividly the day I first laid eyes on the Water Cube during a school trip. Its translucent blue walls, reminiscent of water ripples, were a sight to behold. The structure, designed by the consortium PTW Architects, CCX Design International, and Arup, was a masterpiece of modern architecture. Little did I know that years later, it would undergo a transformation that would redefine its purpose and functionality.The decision to convert the Water Cube into an ice rink for the curling events of the Winter Olympics was a bold and innovative move. It was not just about changing the venues appearance it was about reimagining its very essence. The process involved installing a special icemaking system that could withstand the weight of the athletes and the ice itself. This system, developed by a German company, was capable of freezing water into a solid, smooth surface within a short period.What struck me the most was the environmental consciousness behind this transformation. The organizers were determined to make the Winter Olympics as sustainable as possible. The Ice Cube was a perfect example of this commitment. Instead of constructing a new venue, they chose toadapt an existing one, reducing the carbon footprint and the waste generated by construction.The conversion process was a spectacle in itself. Workers carefully removed the pool water, and then a layer of steel decking was installed over the pool floor. This decking provided a stable base for the icemaking system. The walls of the Water Cube were also fitted with a thermal insulation system to maintain the ices temperature and prevent melting.As the days passed, the transformation was complete. The onceaquatic venue was now a gleaming ice palace, ready to host the worlds best curlers. The sight of athletes gliding across the ice, their movements graceful and precise, was a stark contrast to the splashing and diving that once took place in the same space.The success of the Ice Cube conversion was not just limited to its technical achievements. It also served as a symbol of unity and cooperation. Athletes from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds came together in this venue, competing and celebrating their shared passion for the sport.The Water Cubes transformation into the Ice Cube was a lesson in adaptability and innovation. It showed us that with the right mindset and technology, we can overcome challenges and create something truly extraordinary. As a student, I was inspired by this story. It reinforced my belief in the power of human ingenuity and the importance of sustainability in our everchanging world.In conclusion, the Ice Cube stands as a shining example of what can be achieved when we push the boundaries of our imagination and embrace change. It is a reminder that our world is full of possibilities, and that with dedication and hard work, we can turn those possibilities into reality. As I look back on this remarkable transformation, I am filled with a sense of awe and admiration for the architects, engineers, and athletes who made it all possible.。



介绍水立方的英语作文{z}Title: The Water Cube - An Iconic Venue of Beijing OlympicsThe Beijing National Aquatics Center, commonly known as the Water Cube, is an iconic venue that has left an indelible mark on the history of the Olympic Games.Constructed for the 2008 Summer Olympics, this extraordinary structure has not only been a host to numerous swimming events but has also become a popular tourist destination in Beijing.The Water Cube, with its unique design, stands as a testament to modern architecture and engineering.Its external appearance resembles a gigantic cube made of water, hence the name.The innovative structure was developed using a combination of steel, glass, and plastic, providing both functionality and aesthetics.During the day, the transparent facade allows natural light to flood the venue, reducing the need for artificial lighting.At night, the building lights up, creating a stunning visual display.One of the key features of the Water Cube is its state-of-the-art facilities.The venue boasts 17 competition and practice pools, ensuring that athletes have access to top-quality training and competition environments.The pools are kept at a constant temperature of 26 degrees Celsius, providing the ideal conditions for swimmers to perform at their best.Additionally, the Water Cube"s advanced underwater sound system and synchronized scoring system have set new standards for aquatics events.The Water Cube has played host to a number of record-breaking events during the 2008 Olympics.Legendary swimmers like Michael Phelps and Zhang Zhiyuan have graced its pools, etching their names in history.The venue"s exceptional facilities and the passion of the athletes have resulted in numerous memorable moments, making the Water Cube an integral part of the Olympic legacy.After the Games, the Water Cube was transformed into a public aquatics center, welcoming visitors from all over the world.Today, it stands as a symbol of Beijing"s hosting of the 2008 Olympics and a testament to China"s commitment to excellence.In conclusion, the Water Cube is more than just a venue; it is a symbol of innovation, achievement, and inspiration.Its unique design, state-of-the-art facilities, and rich Olympic history have made it an iconic landmark that continues to captivate visitors year after year.。

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National.Geographic. Megastructures.Beijing. Water.Cube.
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China for thousands of years, it’s proclaimed its greatness and its power by erecting some greatest monument on the earth.
And as China robs back to the world states in 21 century, it’s once again proclaiming its power in steel concrete, glass and stone.
But even in today’s china it even doesn’t get more amazing than this.
In Beijing, china’s capital, workers are constructing one of the most astonishing building ever build.
When Beijing lights its Olympic torch, the eyes of the world would be on the incredible national aquatics center.
A gigantic green house that heats and colds itself,
With skeleton so strong it could stand all in it and struggle for earthquake
And veil for thin skin that puts out it owns fire.
Can you imaging the building put on out this?
Essentially will built the building under it, bubble, right? Y ou know.
Absolutely, I have to say it’s perfect.
What Olympic crowds won’t see, it’s the sweat, brains and guts that got this mega-structure built.
They struggle to believe that incredible.
I would be astounded really,
Is that human to want?
The lives put on hold.
My wife didn’t wanna speak to me for a while.

And hard hats high well rax thirty meters high.

It looks be crazy but it is safe.
The national aquatic center is a visionary pieces of Eco-architect
and brilliant monument to 21 century China.
And it’s also a tribute to a team that concrete fear indult,
and didn’t quit until that made the impossible, a reality
Beijing water cube.
Beijing, materials arrived at construction site,
hardly and usually in this construction crazing town.

But this building materials and this building are different
Really different.
长达90公里的钢材, 两万两千根钢梁
Ninety kilo meters steel, 22 thousand beams
Following no conventional straight line
Amaze a metal
That’s enough steel to circle more than 2 hundred Olympic running tracks.
And it’s covered with plastic. 100 thousand square meters of it.
Enough to cover 14 full size rugby pictures
Cut into cushions as big as 9 meters in diameter nearly eight times thinner than a penny.
But only 2 tenth of millimeter thick
Officially it’s called the national aquatic center
But in the world of meg-architect, it’s known as water cube
这是个令人叹为观止的蜂巢, 像组装玩具一样轻盈脆弱
It’s fantastic honeycomb , that looks as light as fragile job, as a tink toy.
But in reality it weights 6 and half thousand tons
That’s almost the heavy of all the metal in the Eiffel tower
And in the walls and ceiling, nothing but air.
There is nothing else like it.
Who came up with the amazing building.
Engineering team leader
Fire engineer
Structure engineer
Building modeler
Chinese designing project manager
Part of one hundred strong architect and engineer dream team
A team that vision this original, they are astonishing and they are apparently impossible.
And made it into a mega- structure.。
