数学部分难度相比最近几次北美地区的考试难度明显有所上升,不仅体现在对于阅读理解能力的要求,更体现在知识点的考察深度和密度上(复数运算,margin of error, boxplot等考点均有涉及)。
和3月5月的北美地区考试不同,本次考试在没有参加essay考试的考生当中没有出现section 5(即20分钟的加试)A. 阅读部分详细分析:本次SAT考试阅读部分难度中等,接近2018年10月北美和2019年3月北美。
小说依然选自年代较近的文学作品,文章本身理解难度不高,主旨与主题也容易把握,但目标和循证题的组合选项设置具有一定的干扰性;历史双篇对比出现在第四篇,涉及的话题是private property(私有财产)与avarice(贪婪)的关系,两篇文章持相反观点,非常容易辨识,句子层面对于基础一般考生来说不会造成太大障碍,值得注意的是题型方面考察了较少涉及双篇文章关系的题目(2-3题)选项设置有一定干扰性。
社会科学文章围绕一个发达国家普遍应用的理念(JIT--Just in Time)展开,题目难度整体不高,可能的难点在于一道需要整合段落进行推理的类比题;两篇科学文章应该说相对于2018年10月和12月北美考试来说相对友好,涉及到的话题(海蛇stripe形成的原因& 鸟类迁徙)都在历年官方真题和PSAT真题里出现过类似文章,图表题和推理+循证的组合难度相对有所降低,而且没有出现难度较高的假设题,相信对于认真按照我们要求踏实备考的同学来说,在这一部分会有良好的表现。
SAT阅读各种题型解题方法汇总(一)主旨题解题思路类型:1 通篇观点2 根据主旨进行推论3 主旨对比寻找:?后引用中总结性词汇后话题转换处anyway重复性信息比喻关系中首段转折后(二)词汇题1.利用上下文定语从句、同位语、并列、指代关系(寻找代词,向上找名/名短/名从)2.构词法(少)3.引申义;语源4.特殊含义(三)推理题1. 返回原文找出该句出现的地方2. 对原文进行判断,若有一个选项意思与原文一样,正确3. 注意推理题的最近答案原则(直推>间推)(四)句子理解题先返回A. 对原句进行精确语法和语意分析,注意局部含义是由整体决定的B. 向上寻找,若有深刻意义/概括性,正确(五)指代题1. 喜欢考察较长的观点和态度2. 不考具体名词指代,考现象和原因3. 可用逆推法代入原文(六)写作手法评价题1. 考引用人的身份和观点关系2.本体和喻体关系3.个别词句和原文关系:增强说服力4.论点与论据关系(七)错误答案特征1.无中生有2.正反混淆3.答非所问4.过分绝对(极端词汇)5.扩大范围6.因果倒置7. 常识判断(不符合不对,符合不一定对,太符合不对)8.推理过度9. 偏离中心10.变换词性(八)学习方法1. 100秒抓中心2. 抓各段大意,一个词/词组概括,意思相近自然段合为一体(分层)3. 以自然段为单位对文章深入剖析(对单词词组记忆,长难句背诵)4. 佳句摘录5. 换位思考(和文章作者,和命题人)以上就是冲击SAT阅读700分的解题方法介绍。
高三英语阅读理解观点态度题单选题30题1.The author's attitude towards the new technology can be described as_____.A.enthusiasticB.indifferentC.pessimisticD.skeptical答案:A。
2.The writer's opinion on the environmental issue is_____.A.supportiveB.opposedC.neutralD.uncertain答案:A。
3.The tone of the passage is_____.A.optimisticB.pessimisticC.criticalD.objective答案:A。
4.The author seems to be_____about the future of education.A.hopefulB.doubtfulC.worriedD.disappointed答案:A。
In this passage adapted from a novel, a Canadian woman recalls her childhood during the 1960s. Originally from China, the family traveled to Irvine, Ontario, Canada, where the parents opened a restaurant, the Dragon Cafe.As a young child I never really thought about my parents' lives in Irvine, how small their world must have seemed, never extending beyond the Dragon Cafe. Every day my parents did the same jobs in the restaurant.I watched the same customers come for meals, for morning coffee, for afternoon soft drinks and French fries. For my parents one day was like the next. They settled into an uneasy and distant relationship with each other. Their love, their tenderness, they gave to me.1. In the opening paragraph, the narrator emphasizes primarily which of the following about her parents 主旨题(A) Their work ethic(B) Their evolving relationship(C) Their routine lives(D) Their resourcefulness(E) Their dependability分析:根据第一段字面意思可选择出答案。
高考英语阅读理解态度题单选题30题1. The author's attitude towards the new law can be described as _____.A. supportiveB. indifferentC. criticalD. ambiguous答案:C。
2. What is the attitude of the writer towards the proposed solution?A. OptimisticB. PessimisticC. DoubtfulD. Confident答案:C。
3. The tone of the passage when referring to the recent development is _____.A. excitedB. cautiousC. enthusiasticD. worried答案:B。
高三英语阅读理解态度观点题单选题30题1. In the conversation, the man says, "I think it's a brilliant idea." What is his attitude towards the idea?A. PositiveB. NegativeC. NeutralD. Doubtful答案:A。
解析:“brilliant”表示出色的、杰出的,男人说“这是个出色的主意”,表明他对这个主意持积极肯定的态度,所以选 A 选项。
B 选项“Negative”表示消极的;C 选项“Neutral”表示中立的;D 选项“Doubtful”表示怀疑的,均不符合男人的表述。
2. The woman responds, "I'm not so sure about that." What is her attitude?A. ConfidentB. UncertainC. OptimisticD. Enthusiastic答案:B。
解析:“not so sure”意思是不太确定,表明女人的态度是不确定的,所以选B 选项。
A 选项“Confident”表示自信的;C 选项“Optimistic”表示乐观的;D 选项“Enthusiastic”表示热情的,都不符合女人的回应。
3. The boy says, "I completely disagree." What is his stance?A. AgreeableB. OpposedC. IndifferentD. Hesitant答案:B。
解析:“completely disagree”意思是完全不同意,这表明男孩的立场是反对的,所以选B 选项。
A 选项“Agreeable”表示同意的;C 选项“Indifferent”表示漠不关心的;D 选项“Hesitant”表示犹豫的,均不符合男孩的表述。
接下来从词汇、段落、篇章三个层面为大家解读新SAT阅读的18种题型如何各个击破?学会以下这几点,新SAT阅读不带怕的……一、对文本信息的考察Information and Ideas: The Author's Message新SAT阅读的考察包括了以下的题型:1文本细节的考查1)直接信息题(Explicit Meaning)该类题型往往能够直接从文本中找到信息,题目中通常出现如下字眼“According to the passage," "states," "indicates,"等。
如新SAT阅读真题中:The authors indicate that people value gift-giving because they feel it…?2)隐含信息题(Implicit Meaning)该类题型需要理解文本的隐含意思,题目中通常出现如下字眼“based on the passage,” "it can reasonably be inferred," "implies," 等。
如新SAT阅读真题中:Based on the passage, the author's statement "…" implies that…?3)类比题(Analogy)考察对文本内容特征的把握及应用,如“Which of the following situations is most analogous to the relationship mentioned in line 5 to 10?此类题型与我们平常做的阅读题型大致相同,考察的是考生做题时的细致与逻辑推理能力。
新sat阅读题型解题方法(1)词汇题:〔托福〕词汇题:字面意;SAT词汇题:文中意;解题方法:上下文类反关系;注意事项:正中负词性;先天与后天的差异;(2)态度题:解题方法:读文章,梳理情商;注意事项:态度词汇的积存;(3)细节推论题:解题方法:阅读范围是上句、本句、下句;基本做法是同义转化或改写;注意事项:细节推论题考内容;Assumption和Implication的区别;无行号细节题研究;同时注意,细节题和推论题,略有区别;细节题,更多看重字面理解(Literal Comprehension),推断题,通常是在细节题基础上,再做推断(加一个twist);(4)功能目的题:细节推论题考内容,功能目的题考逻辑;混者必错。
解题方法:全文、段间、段内逻辑的考量;词汇功能、句子功能、段落功能、符号功能四种考法;四大常见逻辑补遗(对比转折、因果关系、让步关系、指代关系);注意事项:功能目的题的识别(function / effect / serve to / in order to / primarily to ...);2新sat考试复习方法1、背单词:天天背诵单词60个。
1.标志:attitude2.作者的态度只分为三种:支持或赞同;中立或客观;怀疑、批评或反对3. 判定作者态度的方法A)寻找带有作者强烈感情色彩的名词、动词、形容词或者副词来判定作者态度。
如2009年大纲样题(1996年真题)“The growth of the limited liability company and municipal business had important consequences. Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class, an element in national life representing irresponsible (不负责任的,明显是一个贬义词,作者就是批判股东的)wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners; and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business.”“Fortunately, (幸运的,明显后面连接的是作者支持的,即行业公会起了一个好的作用)however, the increasing power and organisation of the trade unions, at least in all skilled trades, enabled the workmen to meet on equal terms the managers of the companies who employed them.”61. According of the passage, all of the following are true except that ________.[A] the shareholders were unaware of the needs of the workers[B] the old firm owners had a better understanding of their workers[C] the limited liability companies were too large to run smoothly[D] the trade unions seemed to play a positive role (行业公会扮演了一个积极的角色)62. The author is most critical of ________.[A] family firm owners[B] landowners[C] managers[D] shareholders (批判股东)B)段首句中含有“but, yet, however, in fact”类表示强转折关系的词时,这句话通常表征作者观点。
关于态度或基调(Attitude/Tone)类题的回答应从篇章的体裁着手,一般来说,在说明文中作者的态度是客观的(objective)或中立的(neutral);而在议论文中,作者的观点才会显得多种多样,常有的选项有:(1)positive(积极的)(2)negative(消极的)(3)neutral(中立的)(4)approval(赞成的)(5)disapproval(不赞成的)(6)indifferent(漠不关心的)(7)sarcastic(讽刺的)(8)critical(批评的)(9)optimistic(乐观的)(10)pessimistic(悲观的)问题的几种提问方式:(1)What's the writer's attitude to …?(2)What's the tone of the passage?(3)The author's view is _______(4)The writer's attitude of .this passage is apparently _________-(5)The author suggests that _________(6)According to author __________有文章中,作者观点明确,文章基调清楚,而有的文章中,作者仅仅暗示对某一问题的态度和观点,需要阅读时仔细琢磨。
阅读理解之观点态度题一.观点态度题常见的设题形式:1.What is the author’s attitude towards/to ...?2.Which word best describes the author’s attitude to ...?3.How does the author feel about ...?4.What is the author’s opinion on/about ...?5.What does the author think of ...?6.How does the author sound when telling the story?二.常见有关作者情感态度的词语:(1)表示支持或肯定:Positive 积极乐观的;Supportive 支持的;Optimistic 乐观的;Humorous 幽默的;Enthusiastic 热情的;Pleasant 愉快的(2)表示中立:Indifferent 不感兴趣的,莫不关心的;Uninterested 不感兴趣的;Objective 客观的;Neutral 中立的;Not mentioned 未提及的(3)表示反对或否定Disgusted 憎恶的,厌恶的;Critical 批评的;至关重要的,有判断力的;Negative/ pessimistic 否定的,消极的Suspicious/ skeptical/ doubtful 怀疑的Disappointed 失望的;Disapproving 不赞成的;Controversial 有争议的;Conservative 保守的;态度题练习If messages must happen outside of the set communication hours, such as for urgent ortime-sensitive issues, make employees phone or text only. This way people can comfortably close down all other communication channels like email, WeChat, WeCom, etc. The act of having to call or text someone is usually enough to give the sender a pause to think, "Do I really need this person now, or can the communication wait?" This allows everyone on your team to work whenever is appropriate for them, but not feel like they have to work all the time to accommodate everyone else's schedule. A word of "Thanks for being so responsive" to someone answering an email outside of the defined communication hours definitely brings empathy(同理心), which smooths the urgency while also cultivating the trust and culture.1.What is the author's attitude to the combination of "flex time" and "communication hours"?A.Neutral. B.Supportive. C.Opposed. D.Indifferent.I see people trapped in a pathological (病态的) relationship with time-sucking technology, where they serve technology more than technology serves them. I call this technology servitude. I am referring to a loss of personal freedom and independence because of uncontrolled consumption of many kinds of devices that eat up time and money.2. What’s the author’s attitude towards the overusing of high-tech devices?A. Neutral.B. Skeptical.C. Disapproving.D. Sympathetic.The shed craze makes that outcome more likely. A white-collar worker who has tried to work from the kitchen table for the past nine months might be keen (渴望的) to return to the office. A worker who has a beautiful garden shed with Wi-Fi will be less so. Joel Bird, who builds personalized sheds, is certain that his customers foresee a long-term change in their working habits. “They don’t consider it to be temporary,” he says. “They’re spending too much money.”3. What is Joel Bird’s attitude to the return of post-COVID office jobs?A. Enthusiastic.B. Uncaring.C. Optimistic.D. Pessimistic.Traditionally, improvements in energy efficiency have mostly focused on individual devices, which can be quite fruitful. But focusing on individual devices is like if Apple had spent effort inventing a better alarm clock, a better CD player, a better calendar, and a better camera. Now with an iPhone, we don’t need the standalone(独立运行的) devices at all, because it can function as all of them.4. What does the author think of traditional practices in energy improvements?A. Fruitless.B. Out-of-date.C. Adequate.D. Perfect.Not surprisingly, this great action has made Mary Hardison very famous and also earned hera place in the Guinness World Records where she broke a 2007 record set by a 100-year-old British woman. What an amazing lady!5.How does the author feel about Mary’s action?A. AmazedB. SupportiveC. DoubtfulD. WorriedIn high school, I was still embarrassed and wished we were not so poor, but I loved my mom and the other members of my family and knew we had things to be proud of ...... I am proud to be who I am and proud of where I’m from.6. What is the author’s attitude to his family background?A. Careless.B. Proud.C. Annoyed.D. Disappointed.We expected that field trips wouldn’t harm test scores. However, we never predicted the all-around improvements for students who joined in these field trips, “said Erickson, a researcher in the study.” One potential reason for this is that field rips widen students’ world concepts and introduce them to new ideas. Similarly, students might be more engaged in school thanks to field trips. Students find school more exciting and want to try harder in class.7. What is Erickson’s attitude towards the result of the study?A. Doubtful.B. Negative.C. Disappointed.D. Surprised.One spring afternoon, Mrs. Blackstone asked me to stay after class. “I’d like to speak with you, Amanda.” My mind raced. Had I made a bad grade? Had I hurt someone’s feelings?8. How did the author feel when she was asked to stay behind one afternoon?A. Bored.B. Excited.C. Surprised.D. Anxious.The study authors suggest that companies who benefit from the use of these images should set aside a small percentage of their profits for protection efforts and informational campaigns. “That would be not only something fair, but something that could bring a win-win situation for them,” Courchamp says. It could bring them positive public relation, for example. Besides, if a company’s mascot (吉祥物) goes extinct, that could hurt them from a marketing point, Courchamp says. But not enough companies are “truly concerned about the protection of the species that they work on,” he adds.9. What’s Courchamp’s attitude to the companies benefiting from animal images?A. Neutral.B. Supportive.C. Positive.D. Dissatisfied.Additionally, Baker says, because so much time is spent at work, it is a good idea to consider signing up for workplace wellness programs, if offered. “Many companies want to see their employees thrive, so they will offer incentives to help them improve their health, like the My Health Rewards program we are starting at UAB,” Baker said. “Whether it is to improve your energy level,improve mood, combat health conditions and disease, or to be there for your kids, future, there’s always a reason that a resolution was made,” Baker said.10. What’s Baker’s attitude towards the My Health Rewards program?A. Negative.B. Positive.C. Unconcerned.D. Doubtful.【1题详解】推理判断题。
一个人是“handsome”还是“skinny”往往反映了这个人的特质和经历;如果一个人的感觉是“annoyed but unable to blame”,他的整体状态一定是frustrated (无奈)。
8. The author's attitude toward the “portrait” (line 3) is best characterized as one of (A) resentment (B) appreciation (C) confusion (D) awe (E) derision
第一类.…BUT/AND… 如: Critical but admiring Correct but limited Correct and uncompleted Analytical and appreciative
第二类:由修饰词所限定的评价词: 如:
Partially correct Qualified approval Guarded crticism Tentative acceptance Reluctant criticism Condescendingly tolerant Somewhat encouraged Enthusiasm tempered by
SAT阅读理解题型A.写作目的题(Main Purpose Questions)问题经常以以下形式出现:The primary purpose of the passage is to……Both passages are primarily concerned with the……The passage as a whole serves primarily to……例1I had grown up in the United States virtually without relatives, which, in my intense desire to assimilate, was quite all right with me. But this attitude dissolved when I walked into that apartment in Beijing. I realized then that my extended family is not just a collection of accidental alliances but a living body, an entity that will welcome me for being simply who I am: the daughter of my mother, the niece of my aunts and uncles. We had never before seen each other but, in that moment, we shared a sense of connection and loyalty unlike anything I had previously experienced.Question: The primary purpose of the passage is to(A)describe the author’s travels to Beijing(B)reveal how lonely the author often felt(C)provide examples of the author’s fondness for her relatives(D)convey the author’s sudden awareness of the importance of family(E)illustrate the closeness that existed among the author’s mother, aunts, and uncles.例2 This passage is adapted from a 2003 novel about a character named Gogol Ganguli, the American-born son of Indian immigrants. Just before leaving home for college, Gogol changed his name to Nikhil.Question: Taken as a whole, the passage is best described as a portrayal of(A)two parents’ acceptance of their son’s leaving home(B)an immigrant family’s adjustment to new surroundings(C)the stimulating possibilities open to a college student(D)a young man’s struggle to define himself(E)a young man’s success at achieving independence例3 A century ago, opponents of women’s suffrage in the United States scoffed at the notion that extending the vote to women would make any difference. “Women will vote with their husband” was the commonly accepted wisdom. This was an argument made in the absence of evidence, as women did not yet have the vote. Ever since women won the vote, researchers have been keeping close track of female voting behavior. A “gender gap” in voting behavior has been found in the United States as in many other countries. In the United States, the 1994 and 1996 elections showed the largest gaps ever between candidates favored by women and those favored by men.Question: The primary purpose of the passage is to(A)describe the evolution of a gender gap in the United States(B)present a concise history of the women’s suffrage movement(C)show the inaccuracy of a prediction about women’s suffrage(D)discuss the resistance women faced in acquiring the vote(E)explain the differences in voting behavior between men and womenB.主旨理解题(Central Idea Questions)主旨理解题的问题经常以以下形式出现:What is the main idea of the passage?With which of the following statements would the author most likely agree?What is the best title for the passage?This passage is primarily concerned with……例4Passage 1 (extract)Because chimpanzees exhibit behavior so remarkably similar to some human behavior, scientists observing them in the wild often develop a degree of empathy with the individuals being studied. In itself this is not a bad thing. Subtle communication cues among chimpanzees are more readily detected and recorded once an observer has established this empathy.Passage 2 (extract)My first day observing a community of forest chimpanzees showed me a richer and more satisfying world than I had imagined. I suddenly recognized why I, a non-scientist, or anyone should care about what happens to them: not, ultimately, because they use tools and solve problems and are intellectual beings,but because they are emotional beings, as we are, and because their emotions are so obviously similar to ours.Question: Both passages support which generalization about wild chimpanzees?(A)Their family structures are somewhat similar to those of humans.(B)Their behavior often resembles that of humans.(C)Their actions are prompted by strong psychological urges.(D)Their facial expressions can be interpreted accurately by nonspecialists.(E)Their reactions differ from those of other apes.例5:(Excerpt) The argument of both the hedonist and the guru is that if we were put to open ourselves to the richness of the moment, to concentrate on the feast before us, we would be filled with bliss. I have lived in the present from time to time and can tell you that it is much overrated. Occasionally, as a holiday from stroking one’s memories or brooding about future worries, I grant you, it can be a nice change of pace. But to “be here now”, hour after hour, would never work…….Besides, the present has a way of intruding whether you like it or not.Question: With which of the following statements would the author most likely agree?(A) We should enjoy the present and value every moment of daily life.(B) Special attention should be paid to the most difficult aspects of life.(C) Taking holidays are necessary in one’s life to relieve daily pressure.(D) Sometimes, “the present” can be regarded as an unavoidable imposition.(F)Enjoying delicious dishes is a kind of luxury enjoyment.例6:(1) Sailing at night in luminescent seas is something splendid that is not given to everyone.(2) One source of such luminescence is an alga called Noctiluca.(3) Copepods don’t like prey that flashes. Grab it, it explodes into light in their scratchy little arms, and they drop it.(4) In some of the larger luminescent species, in which the patterns of light differ between sexes, it is a fair bet that luminescence serves as an identification signal, a means of bringing the sexes together in places that have so little that shapes and normal, reflected colors won’t do.(5) But by far the most widespread use is camouflage.Question:The passage as a whole is best characterized as(A)a case study of an unusual type of bioluminescence(B)a survey of popular misconceptions about the function of bioluminescence(C)a discussion of the evolutionary origins of bioluminescence(D)an overview of the various functions of bioluminescence in sea creatures(E)an examination of luminescent species that use camouflageC.理解推断题(Extended Reasoning Questions)理解推断题的问题经常以以下形式出现:The last paragraph of the passage suggests that……In line 33-34, the phrase “……” implies that the author……The lines 66-69, the author indicates……“Generous” as used to describe “funds” (line 12) is intended to seem……What can be inferred from the sentence……?例7:And the photographer-a young man who was more accustomed to fashion-plate beauties than to weatherworn archaeologists-did not know how to picture the crags and fissures of his face.Question: (“And……hands”) suggest primarily that the photographer(A)is flustered by an unfamiliar situation(B)does not know how to take good pictures(C)is excited by a new challenge(D)does not respond well to criticism(E)is averse to photographing older subjects例8:Some people like to act like things come easy to them. Take Cynthia Procter, for instance. If there’s a test tomorrow, she’ll say something like, “Oh, I guess I’ll watch television tonight.” When I pass her house, she is practicing the scales on the piano over and over. Then in music class she always lets herself get bumped around so she falls accidentally on purpose onto the piano stool and is so surprised to find herself sitting there that she decides just for fun to try out the ole keys. And what do you know-Chopin’s waltzes just spring out of her fingertips. A regular prodigy.Question: Which best describes the tone of sentences “And……prodigy”?(A)Sardonic(B)Anxious(C)Nonchalant(D)Reverent(E)Amazed例9:(Excerpt)“Don’t think”, Gabriel wrote, “that I have come to believe our land is a paradise. I know all too well that life is a struggle everywhere. But I cannot conceal from you the sorrow that your words have caused me, and a few paragraphs in your letter have struck me with the impact of cold water.”“In the first paragraph, Father, you wrote just as stirring the air with a fan will never split mountains, fits of lyrical passion will not solve arduous problems. Those words caused me to tear up an ‘Ode to the Patria’ which I had written. In the ode, I sang the glories of my land, basing it upon its natural opulence and upon the romanticism of a great cloud of loving sentiment. I tore it up, convinced that it was like the breeze of a fan, spending its force in the void of futility.”Question:(A)Juan voiced doubts about Gabriel’s economic decisions.(B)Juan encouraged Gabriel to consider practicing law in Spain.(C)Gabriel sought his father’s advice on affairs of the heart.(D)Gabriel displayed a clear reluctance to accept criticism.(E)Gabriel expressed some loftily idealistic thoughts.Practice: Section A-CDirections: Carefully read the passage below and answer the questions that follow the passage. Answer the questions based on the content of the passage: both what is stated and what is implied in the passage as well as any introductory material before the passage.This passage is adapted from a work about travel published in 1814.In the early period of human history, when voyages and travels were not undertaken from the view of amusement or instruction, or from political or commercial motives, the discovery of adjacent countries was chiefly affected by war, and of distant regions by commerce.The wars of the Egyptians with the Scythians, mentioned in the pristine pages of history, must have opened faint sources of information concerning the neighboring tribes. Under the Grecian empire of Alexander and his successors, the progress of discovery by war is first marked on the page of history; and science began to attend the banners of victory.The opulence of nature was now to be disclosed; and Greece was astonished at the miracles of India. The Romans not only inherited the Grecian knowledge, but, extending the arms to the North and West, accumulated discoveries upon regions dimly descried by the Greeks, through the obscurity in which the Phoenicians enveloped their commercial advantages.1. The primary purpose of this passage is toA. criticize a strategyB. justify an undertakingC. explain a phenomenonD. defend an approachE. provoke a response2. The main idea of this passage isA. the search for scientific information engendered the desire to travelB. the wealth of the western world was mostly derived from looting conquered regionsC. the systematic conquest of weaker tribes decimated the ancient worldD. the Greeks were the leaders in the fields of science in the classic worldE. an increase in knowledge was a corollary of warfare3. The author suggests that science and warfareA. are equally important motivations for nations to undertake explorationB. are mutually exclusiveC. are painful reminders of mankind’s desire to destroy that which is unfamiliarD. are related in that scientific knowledge is increased by contact predicated on conquestE. are obscure historical processes rather than commercial enterprisesD.阅读词汇理解题(Vocabulary in Context Questions)例10:The world has outgrown its quaint rural intimacies, and now it’s the modern age: an order is put in for fifty cakes of Coal Tar Soap, and a few days later, a cart arrives and the order is delivered.Question: According to the text, “ an order” most nearly means(A) a command from a military authority(B) an instruction to provide something(C) an established system of organizations(D) a customary procedure(E) a logical arrangement例11:Just before leaving home for college, Gogol changed his name to Nakhil.Later that evening, out to dinner with Jonathan, Ashima slips, asking, “Gogol, have you decided yet what your major will be?”Question: According to the text, “Slips” most nearly means(A)moves stealthily(B)slides involuntarily(C)forgets momentarily(D)addresses awkwardly(E)escapes easily例12:With its sizeable free-ranging population now confined to Namibia, the cheetah is being pitched as a uniquely Namibian cat and thus a source of national pride. More than an ideal genetic profile, the cheetah needs a bit of panting room and all the public relations its noble bearing can buy.Question: According to the text, “bearing” most nearly means(A)relationship or interconnection(B)the power of producing offspring(C)something that supports weight(D)demeanor or presence(E)awareness of a situationE.语气、态度和语言问题(Tone, Attitude, and Language Questions)有些考题会让你判断一句话,一段话甚至一篇文章的语气,有些考题会考查你关于作者对某个问题的看法或态度。
SAT阅读 态度题和词汇题
![SAT阅读 态度题和词汇题](
Indifferent Ambivalent
Unshakably confidential
• Every time another report appears, the media tout the new position, thus providing a misleading view. • 12. The author's attitude toward the "media" (line 14) might best be described as A. respectful B. indifferent C. ambivalent D. resentful E. critical
• Question: According to the text, “Slips” most nearly means (A) moves stealthily (B) slides involuntarily (C) forgets momentarily (D) addresses awkwardly (E) escapes easily
10. In line 53, "melts" most nearly means _________. A. liquefies B. thaws C. evaporates D. merges E. softens
Shadowy imaginings do not usually hold up in the light of real experience. (2006,10) 13. In context, "shadowy" primarily serves to suggest something _________. A. gloomy B. secret C. sinister D. concealed E. unsubstantiated
SAT阅读理解的答题技巧1. 主旨大意题问题含义:这篇文章的主旨大意是什么?或这篇文章主要说了什么?常见问法:The main point of the passage is toThe passage can primarily be described asThe passage as a whole primarily concerned with答题技巧:在看选项之前心里就要有一个答案,然后找最贴近的答案。
中考英语阅读理解作者态度判断题50题1. The author of the passage seems to _.A. be very angryB. be quite happyC. be a little worriedD. be very excited答案:C。
2. What can we know about the author's attitude in the text?A. Positive.B. Negative.C. Neutral.D. Unclear.答案:A。
3. The author's attitude towards this matter is _.A. approvingB. disapprovingC. indifferentD. confused答案:A。
4. How does the author feel about the topic?A. Interested.B. Bored.C. Surprised.D. Frustrated.答案:A。
5. The author's attitude in this passage can be described as _.A. hopefulB. pessimisticC. doubtfulD. confident答案:A。
6. In the passage, the author uses a lot of positive words to describe the event. What can we conclude about the author's attitude?A. Negative.B. Neutral.C. Positive.D. Doubtful.答案:C。
高中英语阅读理解之态度观点判题解题介绍英语的阅读题是英语拿分的关键点,英语的阅读题学生要怎么做呢? 下面店铺的小编将为大家带来高中英语关于阅读理解的态度观点判断题的做题介绍,希望能够帮助到大家。
高中英语阅读理解之态度观点判题典例剖析[2015·课标全国卷,B篇]The freezing Northeast hasn't been a terribly fun place to spend time this winter, so when the chance came for a weekend to Sarasota, Florida, my bags were packed before you could say “sunshine”. I left for the land of warmth and vitamin C (维生素C), thinking of beaches and orange trees. When we touched down to blue skies and warm air, I sent up a small prayer of gratefulness. Swimming pools, wine tasting, and pink sunsets (at normal evening hours, not 4 in the afternoon) filled the weekend, but the best part—particularly to my taste, dulled by months of coldweather root vegetables—was a 7 a.m. adventure to the Sarasota farmers' market that proved to be more than worth the early wakeup call....QWhat did the author think of her winter life in New York?A.Exciting.B.Boring.C.Relaxing.D.Annoying.[答案]B推理判断题。
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• 态度语气评价题原则之二
【OG TEST7-S2-P763】 The science fiction masterpiece 2001: A Space
Odyssey will probably be remembered best for the finely honed portrait of HAL, the Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer that could not only 5 reason but also experience human feelings and anxiety.
Partially correct Qualified approval Guarded crticism Tentative acceptance Reluctant criticism Condescendingly tolerant Somewhat encouraged Enthusiasm tempered by
minor reservation
• 正确选项:
• 错误选项:
Disdainful Satirical Ironic
无态度 极端态度
• 态度语气评价题原则之一
如果一篇文章旨在呼吁中国教育体制改革, 请问作者对中国教育的现状是一种什么态度? 再问作者描述中国教育现状,用什么样的语气?
【OG TEST7-S2-P763】
The science fiction masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey will probably be remembered best for the finely honed portrait of HAL, the Heuristically programmed Algorithmic computer that could not only 5 reason but also experience human feelings and anxiety.
【OG TEST10-S4】 Malformations have since been reported in more than 60 species of amphibians in 46 states. Surprising numbers of deformed amphibians have also been 1o found in Asia, Europe, and Australia. Investigators have blamed the deformities on amphibians' increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the chemical contamination of water, even a parasite epidemic. Every time another report appears, the media tout the new position,
8. The author's attitude toward the “portrait” (line 3) is best characterized as one of
(A) resentment (B) appreciation (C) confusion (D) awe (E) derision
8. The author's attitude toward the “portrait” (line 3) is best characterized as one of (A) resentment (B) appreciation (C) confusion (D) awe (E) derision
Unshakably confidential
第一类.…BUT/AND… 如:
Critical but admiring Correct but limited Correct and
uncompleted Analytical and
第二类:由修饰词所限定的评价词: 如:
15 thus providing a misleading view. Most likely, all of these factors have been working in tandem.
1rd the “media” (line 14) might best be described as (A) respectful (B) indifferent (C) ambivalent (D) resentful (E) critical
【OG TEST10-S4】 Malformations have since been reported in more than 60 species of amphibians in 46 states. Surprising numbers of deformed amphibians have also been 1o found in Asia, Europe, and Australia. Investigators have blamed the deformities on amphibians' increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the chemical contamination of water, even a parasite epidemic. Every time another report appears, the media tout the new position,
• 态度语气评价题
SAT 阅读题型
考查学生对感情色彩词、作者表达方式的感 受能力。
Resentful underhanded
Indifferent Ambivalent