幼儿英语 教师用语 课堂规范用语及肢体语言

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• 8. Let’s go out. Make one line/ two lines. • 9. Look forward! At ease. Attention. • 10. Look at me, boys and girls. Please do
as I do. • 11. Let’s go back to the classroom! • 12. Let’s go upstairs/ downstairs. • 13. One by one, please, no pushing.
Learning Centers Activities
• 81. You may choose any center you like, such as Language Center/ Science Center/ Art Center/ Role Play Center/ Manipulative Center.
• 14. It’s time for breakfast/ lunch/ supper/ a snack. • 15. Who’s on duty today? • 16. Please set the spoons/ chopsticks/ bowls/
plates on the table. • 17. Please wash your hands with soap. • 18. Please dry your hands with your towel. • 19. Please peel the orange/ banana by yourself. • 20. Please rinse your mouth/ brush your teeth. • 21. Please wipe your mouth with the napkin.
• 36. Put down your hands/ Hands down. 放下手。
• 37. Now please work in groups/pairs小组/同桌两 人讨论。
• 38. Talk to your partner. 跟同桌讨论。39. Tell your desk mate 告诉同桌。
• 77. You are a wonderful boy/ girl. • 你是个很棒的男孩/女孩。 • 78. You are the winner! 你是获胜者! • 79. Claps 鼓掌! /A big kiss/hug.一个热情的吻/拥抱。 • 80. You are special! 你很特别啊! • 81. You are so clever.你太聪明了!
Classroom rules
• 37. Boys and girls, pay attention please. • 38. One, two, three, eyes on me. Four, five, six, hands
on knees. • 39. Be quiet, please. • 40. please listen to me carefully. • 41. Lower your voice. Don’t shout. • 42. Louder, please. • 43. Hands up/ down, please. • 44. Stand up./ Sit down. • 45. Next one. • 46. It’s your turn. Hurry up.
Encouragement\ Praising
• 61. Good!/ Very good! • Good! ( better best )好!(更好!最好!)
• 62. You are clever! • 63. Great!/ Wonderfull! 非常精彩!
• 64. Good idea. • 65. I like it very much. • 66. You can do it. • 67. Try it again./ One more time. • 68. Don’t worry./ Take it easy.
• 40. Let review the song/game.我们来复习歌曲/ 游戏。
• 41. Open your books, please. 请翻开书。
• 23. Can you hear me? 能听见吗? • 24. Can you see it / the blackboard? 能看
• 69. Right! 正确! • 70. Yes! 是的! • 71. Excellent! 很棒的!/Much better.好多了。 • 72. Great job! 做的不错!Exactly.完全正确。 • 73. Well done! 做的好! • 74. Cool! 太棒了!/Super! 超级棒!! • 75. You have done a great job.你做的非常棒。 • 76. He has done a good job.他做的很好!
教师用语(Leabharlann Baidu堂规范用语及肢 体语言)
Morning Greetings
• 1. Good morning. • 2. Hello, Mary! Nice to see you. • 3. How are you today? • 4. Please, come in. Say ”Good-bye” to
• 82. Please be kind to each other. • 83. Please wait for a while. • 84. Let’s play together. • 85. Do you want to be mummy? • 86. What are you doing? • 87. Great! Please go on. • 88. Please clean up your table now. • 89. Please pick up the toys on the floor. • 90. Please put the toys/ scissors back.
Activities & Games
• 1.Come here ,please.请过来。Come to the front, please. 请到前面来。
• 2.Go back to your seat, please.请回到你的座位上。 • 3. Let’s listen.咱们一起听。 • 4. Let’s make.一起做。 • 5. Let’s chant.一起说唱。 • 6. Let’s sing.一起唱。 • 7. Let’s learn.一起学。 • 8. Let’s count.一起数。 • 9. Let’s do actions.一起作动作。 • 10. Let’s watch cartoon.一起看动画。
• 47. What’s your name? • 48. How old are you? • 49. What’s this? What are these? • 50. Which colour is it? • 51. Which one do you like better/ best? • 52. Whose chair is it? • 53. Who wants to try? • 54. Where is my book? It’s over there. • 55. Do you remember it? • 56. Do you like it? • 57. Have you finished? • 58. Do you understand? • 59. Is it right? • 60. Really? Are you sure?
到它/黑板吗? • 25. Listen and do the action. 听并做动作。
26. Listen and point.听并指。 • 27. Listen and repeat. 听并重复。 • 28. Listen and answer the question. 听然
• 29. Listen read and spell the words. 听读 并拼出这些单词
your father/ mother/ grandma/ grandpa. • 5. Please take off your coat. • 6. Please change your shoes. • 7. Please read some books/ play with the
Morning Exercises
• 20.Pease look at the blackboard/your books..请看黑板/ 书。
• 21.Please speak loudly.请大声说。 • 22.Sit next to me.请坐在旁边。 • 23. Everybody together!/ All together!大家一起来。 • 24.I’m going to tell you a story.我要给你们讲个故事。 • 25.Shh,please listen carefully.嘘,请仔细听。 • 26.Behave yourself.表现好一点。 • 28. Do you have any questions? 你们有问题吗? • 29. Understand? 明白吗?/ Clear? 明白吗? • 30. Pardon? 再说一遍好吗?
Activities & Games
• 28. Are you ready? • 29. Let’s sing the song together. • 30. Let’s play a game, the name is… • 31. Please clap your hands with the music. • 32. I’ll tell you a story. • 33. Please draw a picture on the paper. • 34. Please color your picture. • 35. Please look at the picture, and read after me. • 36. All together please.
• 把它写在黑板上/你们的练习本上/活动用书/一张 纸上。
• 33. Have a try. 试一试Try again, please./Once more, please. 再试一次/再来一遍。
• 34. Pay more attention to this, please. 请注意这 一点。
• 35. Put up your hands/Raise your hand/Hands up. 举起手来
• Housekeeping,Dramatic Play Corner, Books/Language/Library, WaterPool/Sand Pit,Blocks,Art, Science,Computer.Wood working.
• 11. Let’s talk in English.一起来说英语。 • 12. Let’s play a game. 我们一起做游戏。 • 13. Let’s watch and play.一起看图说话。 • 14. Let’s do a Warm-up.我们一起做热身。 • 15. Are you ready ? 你们准备好了吗? • 16. Ready, go! 准备,开始! • 17.Quickly/slowly.快点、慢点。Hurry up! 赶快! • 18. By turns. /One by one.按顺序./一个一个的来。 • 19.Look at me ,please.请看着我。Look at me/her/him.
• 30. Listen and read twice for each word. 听并把 每个词读两遍。
• 31. Read and write. 读并写
• 32. Write it on the blackboard/in your exercise book/workbook/ a piece of paper .