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Take it for granted that …想当然以为

Bring it to one’s attention that…引起某人注意的是 See to it that…务必…/留意… Make it a rule that…使……成为惯例 Owe it to sb. that…把……归功于 Depend on it that…指望、依靠


1. other than 除…以外 rather than 而不是

2. or else 否则的话 or rather 更确切的说

3. anything but 决不,根本不 nothing but 仅仅,只有

4. no more than 仅仅 no less than 至少


1. How’ that? 那是怎么回事? How come? 怎么会,为什么(表惊讶) What for? 为什么? How about….? 怎么样?如何?

2. not exactly 绝不,根本不、不完全是(纠正对方) not really 真的没有,真的不能(语气强烈) not in the least 一点也不

3. take it easy 别紧张、放松 take your time 慢慢来,不着急

4. Why not? 为什么不呢?好啊(表示赞同对方的提议) Why ever? 究竟为什么?(表惊讶)

5. So what? 那又怎么样?(反驳对方)What? 为什么?(没听清)/ 什么?真的?(表惊讶或愤怒)

6. With pleasure 很愿意,非常乐意 My pleasure 不用客气,不用谢

7. The same to you. 祝你也如此。Me too. 我也有同样的感受

8. Good luck! 祝你好运!

9. That’s very kind of you. 谢谢你。(= thank you ) Nothing of the kind. 决不是那么回事,一点也不。

“be + 过去分词+ 介词”的常考结构归纳 Be lost in 陷入 be caught / trapped /stuck in 被困于 Be buried in 埋头于、专心于 be devoted to 致力于、献身于 Be occupied in (doing)/ with (sth.)忙于 be engaged in 忙于、从事于 Be absorbed in 专心于 be involved in 涉及、参与Be exposed to 暴露于 be intended/ meant for 为…所打算或准备的 Be charged with/ be accused of 因…被指控 Be concerned about 关心、为…担心 be concerned with 和…有关

“动词+副词+介词“构成的动词短语归纳: add up to 加起来总计 break away from 脱离、打破、放弃(习惯) catch up with 赶上 come up with 提出、想出

come down with 患病 cut down on 削减

do away with 废除 drop in on/ at 顺便拜访某人、某地

drop out of 退学、放弃 end up with 以…结束

face up to 勇敢面对 get away with 逃避处罚

get down to 开始认真做 go in for 喜欢、从事

go ahead with 开始,继续 keep out of 使…不进入

hold on to 抓住不放,坚持 get along with 相处,进展

live up to 遵守、符合、不辜负 look up to 尊重、尊敬

look out for当心 watch out for 注意、留神

stay away from 离开、缺席 look back on 回顾

make up for 弥补 look down on 轻视

run out of 用完,耗尽 put up with 忍受
