



死亡诗社人物性格分析John Keting—O Cptin!My Cptin!The imge of Keting:Unconventionl , imgintive, pssionte, mible(和气可亲的,亲切的), knowledgeble, idelistic(理想主义的)Motivtion :.He wnted the boys to be free thinkers, which the school thought ws misguiding the students.nlysis :Mr.Keting is quite specil techer in Welton. He uses his own wy to tech, nd chllenges the trdition wy of teching in Welton.(eg:in the movie, he required the boys to rip out the entire introduction of their textbooks)He enlightens students’gift, driving students to listen the voice of deth so s to inspire them to seize the dy in the first clss.Telling them to find their own steps to trust their own beliefs re unique nd encourging them to stnd on the desk to constntly look t things in different wys.ll in ll, he does his best to encourge everyone to love life nd relise wht their herts re. He ws their inspirtion. He mde their lives extrordinry.However, the relity is cruel. He wnted to tech the boys to be freethinkers, this is his motivtion but the school thought he ws misguiding the students. Becuse of the conflicts of the different ides bout teching between Mr.Keting nd Welton, the school forced Mr.Keting to be the scpegot for Neil’s deth nd quit his teching in Welton.The idel ws beted by the relity, nd the cptin ws expeled. lthough Mr.Keting ws fired by the school in the end, wht he tught to the students hs been remembered by those young boys forever. Once in the English clss, Mr.Keting sid”In my clss you will lern to think for yourselves gin.”nd I think if he sked the boys whether they hve met his requirement, the nswer must be”Yes, my cptin!”Knox Overstreet—The Love Runnerdeep in the throes of first love, tries to get the girl of his dremsKnox might be the one who gets most benefits from the word ”seize the dy”The word ”seize the dy”gives him courge to pursue his love, beutiful girl nmed Chris.Pity is tht we do not know the ending of Knox nd Chris.Mybe point is not their ending, but the fct tht if Knox hd ever tried his best to pursue his love. So, just go hed! Brve love runner!Richrd Cmeron——the Disgusting RtThe imge of Richrd:Trditionl conformist(英国国教徒,同流者)selfish …fter Mr.Keting’s first clss,he only concerned bout if Mr.Keting will test them bout those stuff.When Neil orgnized the deth poet’s society, he ws the screst one.t lst, he betryed others to sve himself when questioned by the principle bout the ded poets society.In word, Cmeron is selfishness, fusty nd relistic person. But in the eyes of the school leders, he is likely to be “good”student.Mbe he is the imge of ordinry t tht time.。























John Keating—O Captain!My Captain!The image of Keating:Unconventional , imaginative, passionate, amiable(和蔼可亲的,亲切的), knowledgeable, idealistic(理想主义的)Motivation :.He wanted the boys to be free thinkers, which the school thought was misguiding the students.Analysis :Mr.Keating is a quite special teacher in Welton. He uses his own way to teach, and challenges the tradition way of teaching in Welton.(eg:in the movie, he required the boys to rip out the entire introduction of their textbooks)He enlightens students’ gift, driving students to listen the voice of death so as to inspire them to seize the day in the first class.Telling them to find their own steps to trust their own beliefs are unique and encouraging them to stand on the desk to constantly look at things in different ways.All in all, he does his best to encourage everyone to love life and realise what their hearts are. He was their inspiration. He made their lives extraordinary.However, the reality is cruel. He wanted to teach the boys to be freethinkers, this is his motivation but the school thought he was misguiding the students. Because of the conflicts of the different ideas about teaching between Mr.Keating and Welton, the school forced Mr.Keating to be the scapegoat for Neil’s death and quit his teaching in Welton.The ideal was beated by the reality, and the captain was expeled. Although Mr.Keating was fired by the school in the end, what he taught to the students has been remembered by those young boys forever. Once in the English class, Mr.Keating said”In my class you will learn to think for yourselves again.” and I think if he asked the boys whether they have met his requirement, the answer must be”Yes, my captain!”Knox Overstreet—The Love Runnerdeep in the throes of first love, tries to get the girl of his dreamsKnox might be the one who gets most benefits from the word ”seize the day”The word ”seize the day” gives him courage to pursue his love, a beautiful girl named Chris.Pity is that we do not know the ending of Knox and Chris.Maybe point is not their ending, but the fact that if Knox had ever tried his best to pursue his love. So, just go ahead! Brave love runner!Richard Cameron——the Disgusting RatThe image of Richard:Traditional conformist(英国国教徒,同流者)selfish …After Mr.Keating’s first class, he only concerned about if Mr.Keating will test them about those stuff.When Neil organized the death poet’s society, he was the scarest one.At last, he betrayed others to save himself when questioned by the principle about the dead poets society.In a word, Cameron is a selfishness, fusty and realistic person. But in the eyes of the school leaders, he is likely to be a “good” student. Mabe he is the image of ordinary at that time.。


《死亡诗社》分析 死亡诗社》
年代:1989年 年代:1989年 片长:126分钟 片长:126分钟 编剧:汤姆· 编剧:汤姆·舒尔曼 导演:彼得· 导演:彼得·威尔 主演:罗宾·威廉姆斯,罗伯特-希·雷奥纳德,伊森· 主演:罗宾·威廉姆斯,罗伯特-希·雷奥纳德,伊森·霍克 主要奖项:16届恺撒电影节最佳外语片,62届奥斯卡最佳原著剧本 主要奖项:16届恺撒电影节最佳外语片,62届奥斯卡最佳原著剧本 43届英国电影学院奖最佳原创歌曲、电影配乐、影片 43届英国电影学院奖最佳原创歌曲、电影配乐、影片
1、主题:个体的自由和生命的意义 电影在意识形态 尼政权,日本“满映” 尼政权,日本“满映”等。 本片的主题:呼吁个体自由和生命的意义 2、叙事: 传统的线性叙事:一条主线+三条辅线 主线(写意):基丁与学生的关系 辅线:诺尔斯的爱情,尼尔与父亲的关系,托德的转变。 3、精彩场景: 第一次山洞聚会;踏上课桌“换个角度看世界”;教托德如何“写 第一次山洞聚会;踏上课桌“换个角度看世界”;教托德如何“ 诗”;送 别等等。 4、结局: 打破大团圆结局的金科玉律,给观众留下一个悲喜交集的结局。
2、罗宾·威廉姆斯(1952- ) 、罗宾·威廉姆斯(1952- 出生于芝加哥。高中毕业后,进入南加州的克莱蒙特学院修习政治; 不久之后转学到马理学院,改修戏剧;最终进入朱丽亚学院学习了三年 戏剧。1982年进入影坛。第一部影片《大力水手》 戏剧。1982年进入影坛。第一部影片《大力水手》。此后十年间出演大 量喜剧片,以喜剧形象深入人心。其中最著名的是1987年的《 量喜剧片,以喜剧形象深入人心。其中最著名的是1987年的《早安,越 南》,《死亡诗社》是他脱离单纯喜剧路线的转型之作。 死亡诗社》 其他主要作品: 1991《虎克船长》 1992《玩具兵团》 1993《窈窕奶爸》 1991《虎克船长》,1992《玩具兵团》,1993《窈窕奶爸》,1995 《勇敢者的游戏》,1996《超级插班生》、《鸟笼》,1997《心灵捕 勇敢者的游戏》 1996《超级插班生》 鸟笼》 1997《 手》(奥斯卡最佳男配角),1999《两百岁人》,2001《人工智能》, (奥斯卡最佳男配角),1999《两百岁人》 2001《人工智能》 2002《失眠》 2002《失眠》、《一小时快照》、《白夜追凶》,2004《最终剪接》、 一小时快照》 白夜追凶》 2004《最终剪接》 《圣诞夜奇迹》,2005《机器人历险记》、《真相大白》,2006《午夜 圣诞夜奇迹》 2005《机器人历险记》 真相大白》 2006《 听众》 听众》、《欢乐的大脚》、《休旅任务》、《八月迷情》等等。 欢乐的大脚》 休旅任务》 八月迷情》


releasing the deep emotion of him.As for the braveness,at the last scene of his moive ,he was the first student to stand on the desk to show his respect to Mr.Keating.Which was impossible to happen if he was that former himself.
selfishness, fusty and realistic person.But in the eyes of the school leaders,he is likely to be a “good”student.Maybe he is the image of ordinary a Anderson
Key words:shy timid friendly brave
• At the beginning of this movie ,Todd entered the school as a new student and shared the domitory with Neil.He and Neil was a strong contrast with each other's respective characters.He almost refused to join the get-together with other students.Even in the PoetsSociaty he dared not to recite the verse before people.With the help of Mr.Keating who made him to think ,to imagine,to speak aloud,truly


Character Analysis
John Keating
—O Captain!My Captain!
The image of Keating:
Unconventional , imaginative, passionate, amiable, knowledgeable, idealistic
When Neil organized the death poet’s society, he was the scarest one.
At last, he betrayed others to save himself when questioned by the principle about the dead poets society.
in the eyes of the school leaders, I’m a “good” student.
The ideal was beated by the reality, and the captain was expeled.
Although Mr.Keating was fired by the school in the end, what he taught to the students has been remembered by those youCameron
——the Disgusting Rat
The image of Richard: Traditional conformist selfish …
After Mr.Keating’s first class,he only concerned about if Mr.Keating will test them about those stuff.






















第一节课下课,他的第一个反应是:这些内容要 考吗?他参加死亡诗社,不过是因为其他人都去 参加。在最为桀骜不逊的Charlie和学校闹恶作剧 时,他面如土色。所有的这些表现一点一滴地累 加,所以,在Neil死后,他是第一个向学校签字 证明Keating老师罪过的人,他从内心里也相信那 是Keating老师的罪过,毫不犹豫地出卖了他,以 保全自己。在最后一幕里,他也没站上桌子,为 Keating送行。
Who killed Neil?
错误的时间在一个错误的社会生出了一个错误 的人
尼尔的死不是因为他对生活的恐惧,而是,他 想真正地选择自己的命运,不再靠任何人安排, 这是对命运无奈的叹息
一个理想主义者在现实世界里的痛苦挣扎过后 无果的非必然结果!
Todd Anderson 他不是人群中的领导者,最有天份, 最引人注目,头上戴满花环。他常常 保持沉默,面色苍白,在现实世界中 胆怯地行走,唯唯诺诺,惟命是从。 然而,从他们偶尔投过的眼神里,你 仍然能看见一些光芒。只是,那样的 光芒太微弱,隐藏得太深了,需要有 良师益友在旁,把它们如抽丝剥线般, 一点一点地引发出来,最终引发熊熊大火。
望他使用很美。在现实和理想的挣扎中,理想总成为祭 品,庄严地放在了祭台上。他们非如此不可,在严酷的成 人世界里,在一切以现世利益为准则来判断是非对错的社 会中,理想主义者往往无力对抗现实,他们的尖锐、脆弱 与唯美都那么触目惊心,如烟花闪过,在夜空里刻下创痕。

第七讲 《死亡诗社》

第七讲 《死亡诗社》

第七讲《死亡诗社》《死亡诗社》简介美国1989年导演:彼得·威尔(Peter Weir)主演:罗宾·威廉姆斯(Robin Williams )获奥斯卡最佳原创剧本奖,法国恺撒奖最佳外语片奖。

彼得·威尔(PETER WEIR)澳大利亚导演《死亡诗社》(1989)《绿卡》(1990)《楚门的世界》(1998)罗宾·威廉斯一首激情的诗尼尔:理想与现实在NILL的身上既能看到一个寻梦者的浪漫和激越,也能看到背负着现实生活压力的被束缚者的无奈和呻吟。

托德胆小,懦弱,发奋学习,沉默少语在无能平凡的外表下是隐藏着的激情查理(new wonder)行走在秩序边缘的人从边缘逃到了外围,成了一个无拘无束的¡°纽旺达¡±卡麦隆永远不会冲出秩序的人基丁:燃烧自己,照亮别人为什么要有文学换个角度看世界坚持自己的步伐背负十字架盗火者给人们带来光明,而自己却只能永远背负着盗者的恶名,遭到屈辱和放逐影片也反映出导演和编剧对自己青少年时代老师的怀念和敬意火种在人间点燃尼尔自杀,基廷被革职,死亡诗社消解于秩序之中,但是其充满人性的自由思想已经发生作用。

WALT WHITMAN(1819——1892)真正的美国文学从惠特曼开始风格内容⏹我是肉体的诗人,也是灵魂的诗人。

⏹我歌颂带电的肉体⏹美国精神的渲染:民主、自由、开拓⏹自我的歌颂⏹白话诗、长句Leaves of Grass(1855)⏹《自我之歌》最好⏹恢复、呈现世界⏹“我相信一片草叶不亚于一个宇宙的运转”⏹自我⏹民主与自由哦.船长,我的船长!哦.船长,我的船长!我们险恶的航程已经告终,我们的船安渡过惊涛骇浪,我们寻求的奖赏已赢得手中。




探讨导演在电影中使用的各种技 巧,如镜头语言、剪辑和布景设 计。
讨论电影可能对观众产 生的长期影响,以及它 如何促进人们对生命和
分析电影在当代文化中 的地位,以及它如何继 续激发人们的思考和讨
分享电影给观众带来的 个人启示,以及如何将 这些启示应用到日常生
电影中的学生们通过诗歌表达对 生活的热爱和珍惜,启示我们要 活在当下,珍惜眼前的每一个时 刻。
学生们勇敢地追求自己的梦想, 启示我们要有追求,并勇敢地去 实现自己的梦想。
电影中的原声音乐也非常 出色,通过音乐表现出人 物内心的情感变化和情节 的转折。
电影中的台词非常精炼,通过简短的 对话表现出人物的性格和情感。
电影中的语言风格非常独特,既有口 语化表达也有书面化表达,表现出人 物的不同性格和情感。
电影中的对白非常自然,符合人物身 份和性格特点,同时也传达出深刻的 思想和主题。
电影《死亡诗社》以美国威斯康 星州的一所高中为背景,通过讲 述学生们在文学老师基丁的引导 下,重新认识生命、追求自由和
《死亡诗社》由彼得·威尔执导, 罗宾·威廉姆斯、伊桑·霍克等演
该电影获得了广泛的赞誉和多个 奖项,包括奥斯卡最佳原创剧本 奖提名,被誉为一部经典的教育



诗歌本身所企望的自由,却被各种格律、音韵 所牵制,如同关押于牢笼的囚鸟,支不开羽翼。 流浪诗人基廷终究做不了救世主,他唯能尽力 寻求改变。尼尔死去时,他沉默得让人害怕, 他长久地盯着自己的影子,恍若整个身躯要陷 落到影子里。他是船长,但终究也是海盗。 所幸的是,终有东西被传承下来,关于自由和 希望的信仰,关于诗歌的真谛
彼得·威尔 Tom C h u l man
罗伯特·肖恩·莱纳德 128 分钟 1989年6月2日 USA:PG英语彩色.
故事发生在50年代末美国佛蒙特州的威尔顿学院,这是一所 著名的男生大学预科学校,以校风严谨著称,崇尚 “Tradition传统、Honor荣誉、Discipline纪律、Excellence卓越” 的校训。开学典礼气氛肃穆,美丽的威尔顿学院又迎来了一 批新的学员为了能考上著名大学,孩子们开始了学院里古板
给林肯的那首诗《Oh Captain, My Captain》,然后他让孩子们称他为船
基廷,这个彻头彻尾的诗人,这位 不朽的船长,是你,潜移默化、 不遗余力地启发我们,唤醒我们 沉睡的心灵。你的教育里无时无 刻不在渗透着这样一种气质:生 命的激情、独立的思想、坚持梦 想及勇气。



• Mr. Nolan------Norman Lloyd (the headmaster) • McAllister------Leon Pownall
Robin Williams
• Robin McLaurin Williams (born July 21, 1951) is an American actor, voice actor, and stand-up comedian. Rising to fame with his role as the alien Mork in the TV series Mork & Mindy, Williams went on to establish a successful career in both stand-up comedy and feature film acting.
• Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor three times, Williams went on to receive the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in Good Will Hunting (1997). He has also received two Emmy Awards, four Golden Globes, two Screen Actors Guild Awards and five Grammy Awards.
Charity work
• Williams and his former wife, Marsha, founded the Windfall Foundation, a philanthropic organization慈善组织 to raise money for many different charities. Williams devotes much of his energy to charity work).

死亡诗社人物分析 ppt课件

死亡诗社人物分析 ppt课件
releasing the deep emotion of him.As for the braveness,at the last scene of his moive ,he was the first student to stand on the desk to show his respect to Mr.Keating.Which was impossible to happen if he was that former himself.
inspirations to him.He owned his real dream ,meanwhile ,he was yield to the reality and at last committing a suicide as his final fight and become a real free puck.
Johnn Keating
Key words: captian poet skillful
experienced open-minded kind
As a teacher who taught poet,he used his special way to teach the students,and told them if they wanted to make a progress ,they should to be a free thinker and strive to find their own voice.During his first class ,he let the students to rip out the paper.When they played the football,he asked everybody to read a verse to encourage themselves.He was not so much a teacher as a friend.He played football with his students ,and was willing to listen to Neil's deep heart thinking.He encouraged his students to challenge themselves.He was the leader of that boys and also a successful teacher.



学生们查阅学校的校友录,发现John Keating老师原来也 曾是这所中学学生,在校期间发起组建死亡诗社。受此影 响,几位学生也偷偷在校园湖边的山洞里成立了死亡诗社, 一起谈论探讨别人或自己的诗作。故事的高潮是学生Neil 之死。Neil在老师启导下对文学表演产生强烈兴趣,这令 一心期望他成为律师的父亲极其不满。可是Neil还是在老 师的鼓励下演出了莎士比亚名剧。演出虽然取得巨大成功, 但是闻讯赶来的父亲把Neil带回家中,禁止他从事任何表 演活动,Neil终于在苦闷不满中饮弹自尽。Neil的死使学 校高层极其震惊,在追查此事的过程中学生说出了死亡诗 社,在校方的利诱威胁下责任全部推给了John Keating老 师。最终,John Keating不得不辞去教师工作。影片在学 生们自发站在课桌上为 John Keating送行的场景中落幕。
而在中国,这样的教学方式很 难理解,我们的老师一般不会 采取。
基汀老师告诉大家“seize the day”,就是抓住今天,及时行乐 的意思。 而我们并不推崇这样一种价值观。
主要人物 文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。
基汀老师:引导学生去仰望星空的 领路者,他告诉学生要倾听自已内 心的声音,摒弃那些所谓的教条、 规则,通过思考去选择自己的人生 道路,勇敢追寻自己的梦想,并真正 地付之以行动
尼尔:尼尔是一群人中的首领, 为人直爽性格热情。
逝,必须在这三年里分秒必争,否则就会遗憾终生。在讲授美国 现代文学中的意识流(stream of consciousness )诗歌学派时, John Keating老师打破陈规,让学生在操场上自由发挥,随意走 动、跑步、静止,感受内心深处潜意识的活动,进而对意识流学 派有深刻直观印象。这些突破陈规的授课方式当然招惹了传统守 旧势力的反感和非议,他们不断给John Keating老师施加压力。 而与此同时,John Keating老师也赢得了学生的好感和热爱。



Neil’s character always remains static – meaning he does not undergo a change in his character at any time during the movie. Just because he died at the end does not mean that he changed.His life was an act –to his father, to Keating, even to himself, b ut when he wasn’t acting, he thought he had nothing to contribute – he was just as lost as Todd was when Todd first came to Welton. Neil couldn’t deal with the idea that to give up acting was to quit playing the roles that he lived everyday, and so he kill ed himself because he “realized that he had not lived” up to that point. He just took on a different role to fit the circumstance. He never was upfront and honest about his passions to anyone. Neil wanted to be someone else – a person who could express his passions when the time was appropriate. Symbolism:Neil seems to symbolize his kneeling down before everyone – such as his father (who takes away all control Neil tries to have – such as the editor of the newspaper) and the school. Perry seems to be sym bolic for “perish” and death, foreshadowing Neil’s suicide later in the movie. I think that’s why Todd and Neil got along so well. (On the first day of Keating’s class, Keating states that they are all going to die. Neil looks incredibly disturbed while considering this.) Neil could control Todd, and that was the only thing in his life he felt he had control over. Also, in a way, I think Neil saw himself in Todd, because Neil acted towards his father the way Todd acted towards everyone. By trying to help Todd, he thought maybe he could help himself. Neil claims, “the meek might inherit the earth, but they don’t make it into Harvard,” and he’s right –he’s meek, and he never makes it into Harvard.He is the first to ask what the Dead Poets Society was. He is also the one to organize the first meeting. Neil also tells Todd that he must participate in the club.Neil’s PoemsThese lines and his Madman Story not only explain Neil’s philosophy but foreshadow what is about to come – his destruction.“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. To put to rout all that was not life, and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived.” – from Walden“Come, my friends, ‘T is not too la te to seek a newer world.For my purpose holds To sail beyond the sunset, and tho’ We are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong i n will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.” – from Ulysses“It was a dark and rainy night. And this old lady who had a passion for jigsaw puzzlessat by herself in her house at her table to complete a new jigsaw puzzle. As she piecedthe puzzle together, she realized to her astonishment that the image that was formed washer very own room, and the figure in the center of the puzzle, as she completed it, washerself. And with trembling hands she placed the last four pieces and stared in horror atthe face of the demented madman at the window. The last thing that this old lady everheard was the sound of breaking glass.”In the end, Neil realized that it was his own life and he was in the center of it. Since his dad had control over him and he was too afraid to stand up to him.Midsummer Night’s DreamWhen Neil learns about the play, he is filled with his passions. He claims that this is the first time in his life that he knows what he wants to do, even if his father disapproves. When Todd mentions this, he asks, “Can’t I just enjoy the idea for a while?” This is the beginning of his loss of control to his passions.As the role of Puck, Neil is able to express what he could not when he wasn’t acting. The Puck epilogue is said directly to his father, in hopes that his father will forgive him. He cannot say anything later when his father tells him what he expects Neil to do because at that moment he is no longer acting.SuicideFinally, in his room, he realizes that the last four pieces of the puzzle of his life have been put into place, and that his only option in order to gain some control of his life is to take his own life. Neil was his father’s dream. When his father woke up, his dream was gone.Neil, His Father, and the SuicideNeil’s relati onship with his father is a case of misunderstanding and lack of communication. Mr. Perry wanted what was best for his son, which led to extremely high expectations. Neil wanted to find out who he was and what he wanted to do. Neil was unable to discuss his opinions and options with his father, and Mr. Perry was unwilling to look at Neil’s outlook on life. This cyclical pattern led Neil to conclude that suicide was the only way to gain control of his life and stand up to his father.There is no evidence that Neil thought about suicide up until that night. It appears to be a spontaneous decision made on the basis of the hopelessness he felt that night. Maybe it was an act to break free from his father’s control, but in trying to gain that control over his l ife, he sacrificed everything to escape.Mr. Perry was at traditionalist, which unfortunately meant he had a difficult time expressing affectionate emotions. He also had a large number of expectations because like any parent, he ultimately wanted the best for his son, a 16-17 year old with a bright future ahead of him. Unfortunately, Neil never really saw or understood that his father only wanted what was best for Neil. He only saw the tyrant-like authority figure who constantly demanded that Neil achieve greatness in academia and who obeyed him unquestioningly.Neil, however, did question that role – to himself, to others, even to Keating. Unfortunately, he never truly was able to convey that to his father. The only time he was able to stand up to his father was in the role of Puck during the play, when he asked for forgiveness with his last soliloquy, an act which deliberately disobeyed and thus enraged his father. He had many opportunities to do so before then, but he never seized the opportunity to reestablish a connection. The father and son were like strangers, each with a specific perception of the other, but neither really knew who the other was. This perpetuated the cycle of misunderstandings between the two and eventually played a major role in Ne il’s suicide.In Mr. Perry’s perspective, Neil was a model child who was focused on getting into a good college. He then learns from another parent that Neil was going to be in the play. This was the first he had heard of this, as Neil had lied to everyo ne about his father’s approval. Mr. Perry then told Neil that couldn’t be involved, an order Neil deliberately disobeyed by performing in the opening show the following night. When Mr. Perry saw Neil as Puck, he became furious and probably overreacted a bit by concluding thatit must be the school (or more specifically, Mr Keating – the new teacher) that was the cause of this and that Neil should transfer schools to regain his focus.Neil, on the other hand, wanted to know who he was. He was always obedien t to his father’s wishes, but he wanted to know more about himself. Acting was something he could do for himself – something that he enjoyed and allowed him to explore what he was able to accomplish. On the other hand, it was also a means of escaping his current reality by being someone else for a few hours. Keating suggested Neil talk to his father about this passion, but Neil second guessed his father’s actions by arguing that his father would never understand. He never gave his father the benefit of the doubt and tried to explain. Keating even went so far as to tell Neil that even if his father didn’t see things his way, he’d soon be out of school and could do what he wished then. Neil wouldn’t listen to this advice, and later when Keating asked if Neil had spoken to his father, Neil said he did consent.Yes, Mr. Perry was hard on Neil, but that was probably out of concern. He was paying a lot of money to attend a great school to prepare him for an ivy league school, and Neil, out of nowhere, decides he d oesn’t want to go to college. He wants to act. Mr. Perry believed that this was a fleeting dream, and that if Neil followed this path, he would be throwing away a wonderful opportunity for a pursuit that would last a couple of years. After all, most people don’t really have a grasp on their future until at least their junior or senior year of college. If his acting career failed, which in all likelihood, it would have, Neil would have no skills to fall back on.Also, Neil never really stood up to his father. There were times he tried, like when Mr. Perry told Neil he should drop some extracurricular activities, but he did so in the presence of others, which created a hostile environment between the two. It would have been interesting if Neil and his father would have actually sat down and chatted about what Neil wanted and what they could do to compromise. Even at the very end, when the two confronted each other right before Neil committed suicide, Neil still could not face his father. Mr. Perry specifically asked Neil what he wanted, and Neil couldn’t answer him. I think Mr. Perry really expected Neil to give him an answer, and I think if Neil would have, his father may have been more understanding.In a way, Neil resembles how Todd was in the beginning of the movie. Todd couldn’t speak to anyone of authority without sounding insecure. In one of the extra scenes, Todd tried to ask for rowing instead of soccer, but could barely speak. He was given soccer instead. Also, in class, whenever he was asked a quest ion, he couldn’t answer. He wanted to say something – especially to recite the poem he spent so much time writing, but he never could. He even ended up ripping up his poem.Who is Responsible for the Suicide?In the end, both the realists and the romantic s blame the other for Neil’s suicide. The romantics say it was Neil’s father. Even Todd says this when he first confronts his romanticism in the snow. The realists say it was Keating, and in the end, force Keating to leave. Neither side wants to believe that through the act of suicide, Neil is taking control of his own life decisions and therefore must assume the responsibility.Suicide is a personal choice, and only Neil could decide whether or not to commit the act. There is a point in everyone’s life wh ere they feel that no one understand them, and no matter what they say, itdoesn’t change the situation. However, by Neil killing himself, Mr. Perry never had the opportunity to understand his son’s desires and passions.。



场景四: 鼓励学生坚守自 己的信仰
基汀把学生带到室外, 让学生们在他面前排队 行走,从走路的姿势分 析学生的个性和心态, 指出“顺从是危险的”, 鼓励学生“坚守自己的 信仰”
学会从不同的角度思考问题, 要找寻自己的声音, 而非一味 地服从与遵照传统。 这是西方价值观中的“崇尚个 性的张扬、打破传统思维”的 精神体现。
反观之,中国人强调“为人师表”,要求老师要严于律己, 安守本分,若老师这么做,恐怕会被指责为其身不正、误 人子弟。
场景六: 尼尔和父亲争吵
尼尔的父亲也和一个普通中国家长一样,望子成龙,希望 他以后上哈佛医学院。但是尼尔l热爱表演。与父亲争吵之 后他妥协了。最终尼尔却选择了自杀。
场景七: 基汀老师被辞 退,学生站上桌子声援
反观中国, 恐怕没有哪个老 师敢在课堂上鼓励学生将 书本撕掉, 因此在一定程度 上导致学生一味地迷信书 本, 认为课本上的知识、老 师说的就是权威。
一次课上,基汀公然站 到了课桌上。“知道我 为什么站到台子上吗? 我是提醒自己,要用不 同的角度看待事物。读 诗的时候,不要只想到 作者的见解,还要有自 己的见解,要寻找自己 的声音,要突破! ” 随 后,学生们一个接着一 个站上讲台。
飞逝,必须在这三年里分秒必争,否则就会遗憾终生。在讲授美 国现代文学中的意识流(stream of consciousness )诗歌学派 时,John Keating老师打破陈规,让学生在操场上自由发挥,随 意走动、跑步、静止,感受内心深处潜意识的活动,进而对意识 流学派有深刻直观印象。这些突破陈规的授课方式当然招惹了传 统守旧势力的反感和非议,他们不断给John Keating老师施加压 力。而与此同时,John Keating老师也赢得了学生的好感和热爱。
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