朱永涛《英语国家社会与文化入门》笔记和考研真题详解-上册-第7章 英国教育体系【圣才出品】

第7章英国教育体系7.1 复习笔记I. Purpose of education1. T o teach “the three R’s”2. T o socialize childrenII. The relationship between education and social class1. Inequality in British education2. Good education Guarantees a careerIII. The influence of the Church on schooling1. In the past2. At present3. ChangesIV. Major changes to British education system1. Involvement of government2. The 1994 Education Act3. Introduction of comprehensive schools4. “The Great Education Debate”5. National Curriculum in 1989V. The present education system1. Education in the UK is compulsory.2. State sector and private sector schools3. Schooling stages and examsVI. Higher education1. Fund2. Founding Time3. Open university4. Degree titlesI. Purpose of education(教育目的)1. T o teach “the three R’s”(教授基础科目)①“The three R’s”—“reading,‘riting and ‘rithmetic” (reading, writing and arithmetic) .②That is to say, the purpose of school is to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they need to become active members of society.①基础科目俗称“3R”,包括阅读、写作和算术。

⽬录:第⼀部分 英国、爱尔兰、澳⼤利亚第1章 英国简介(1)第2章 英国简介(2)第3章 英国政府第4章 政治、阶级和社会第5章 英国经济第6章 英国⽂学第7章 英国教育体系第8章 英国的外交关系第9章 英国媒体第10章 英国的体育运动、节假⽇第11章 爱尔兰地理、⼈⽂和历史第12章 爱尔兰政治和经济第13章 爱尔兰的⽂化:爱尔兰⼈的⽣活现状第14章 爱尔兰的⽂化:语⾔,⽂学和艺术第15章 澳⼤利亚的地理特征、怀有“梦创信仰”的民族第16章 澳⼤利亚的⽂化⽣活第17章 ⼯作和家庭⽣活第18章 澳⼤利亚是⼀个⾃由民主的社会第19章 澳⼤利亚的今天第20章 从种族主义到多元⽂化主义第⼆部分 新西兰、美国、加拿⼤第1章 国⼟、⼈民与历史第2章 政治制度、教育与经济第3章 美国的起始第4章 美国的政治制度第5章 美国经济第6章 美国的宗教第7章 美国⽂学第8章 美国的教育第9章 20世纪60年代的社会运动第10章 美国的社会问题第11章 美国⼈的⽣活⽅式:寻找⼀个可靠的概括第12章 美国的妇⼥解放运动第13章 美国的科技第14章 ⼆战后美国外交政策第15章 美国的体育运动与风景名胜第16章 美国的流⾏⽂化:电影和⾳乐第17章 国家与⼈民第18章 加拿⼤政府与政治第19章 加拿⼤——“⽂化镶嵌画”第20章 加拿⼤经济第21章 加拿⼤⽂学第22章 加拿⼤的国际关系第⼀部分 英国、爱尔兰、澳⼤利亚第1章 英国简介(1)Ⅰ. Multiple choice.1. Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?[北⼆外2008研]A. The Anglo-Saxons.B. The Vikings.C. The Normans.D. The Romans.【答案】A【解析】盎格鲁-撒克逊⼈是⽇⽿曼民族的分⽀,于五世纪中期由北欧⼊侵⼤不列颠,成为现今英格兰⼈的祖先。

朱永涛《英语国家社会与文化入门》笔记和考研真题详解-上册(英国)-第1~5章【圣才出品】上册(英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚)英国第1章英国简介(1)1.1 复习笔记I. Name and constituents1. Full name2. ConstituentsII. Effects of its imperial past1. Establishment of the Commonwealth of Nations2. Its role as a European nation3. Economic influence4. A multiracial nationIII. Differences in society1. Race difference2. Class difference3. Region differenceIV. Introduction to England1. Physical features2. History of invasionsV. Introduction to Scotland1. Physical features2. History3. Retaining strong Scottish identityVI. Introduction to Wales1. Physical features2. A history features campaigns for independence from UKI. Name and constituents(全称和组成)1. Full name(全称)The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国2. Constituents(组成部分)(1)The island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales(2)Northern Ireland(1)大不列颠岛:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士(2)北爱尔兰II. Effects of its imperial past(殖民时期的影响)1. Establishment of the Commonwealth of Nations(促成英联邦的成立)The Commonwealth of Nations is a loose and voluntary organization withmembers mainly being former colonies of the British Empire.英联邦是一个以自愿加入为基础的组织,成员国为前大英帝国殖民地2. Its role as a European nation(欧盟成员国)UK has been a member of European Union since 1973.自1973年以来英国一直是欧盟成员国。

朱永涛《英语国家社会与⽂化⼊门》笔记和考研真题详解(20世纪60年代的社会运动)【圣才出品】第9章20世纪60年代的社会运动9.1 复习笔记I. Introduction1. Greensboro “Sit-in”2. Three kinds of social movementsII. About the social movements1. The causes2. The members3. What is a social movement?III. The Civil Rights Movement1. The process2. Organizations3. Direct Action Tactics4. ChangesIV. The Youth Movement/ Anti-War Movement1. Free Speech Movement2. “C ounterculture”3. The Anti-War MovementV. Women’s Liberation Movement1. The beginning2. NOWI. The beginning(开端)1. Greensboro “Sit-in”(格林斯博罗静坐)(1)On February 1, 1960, the waitress did not provide coffee for 4 black students in a store in Greensboro, North Carolina, because of the segregation law. The students continued to sit at the lunch counter to protest.(2)Day after day, additional students came.(3)T his quiet “sit-in” by black students in Greensboro began the civil rights movement in the 1960s, the first of several social movements during that decade.(1)1960年2⽉1⽇,在北卡罗莱纳州格林斯博罗的⼀家商店,服务员拒绝为4名⿊⼈学⽣提供咖啡。
朱永涛《英语国家社会与文化入门》笔记和考研真题详解-上册-第12章 爱尔兰政治和经济【圣才出品】

第12章爱尔兰政治和经济12.1 复习笔记I. Political system1. A representative democracy2. A RepublicII. Structure of Irish government1. President2. The Government3. ParliamentIII. The electoral system1. Voting in elections and referenda2. Electorate3. Proportional representationIV. The civil service1. Neutrality2. Structure3. SelectionV. The Irish legal system1. The hierarchy of the Irish legal system2. Judges3. Check and balanceVI. Transformation of Irish economy1. In the past2. At present3. ReasonsVII. Ireland’s accession to the EU1. Economic benefits2. Social changesVIII. Ireland today1. Home-ownership2. Transportation3. Living standardsI. Political system(政治体系)1. A representative democracy(代议民主制)Ireland is a representative democracy, that is to say, most of its offices are filled through elections, either direct or indirect, by the Irish people.爱尔兰是代议民主制国家,也就是说,政府职位是通过人民直接或者间接选举产生的。

美国第3章美国的起始3.1 复习笔记I. What is an American?1. A new race2. Current situationII. Two immigration movements1. From Asia2. From Europe and AfricaIII. The Forces that led to the modern development of Europe (Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries)1. The growth of capitalism2. The Renaissance3. The Religious ReformationIV. The colonial Patterns1. The settlement in Virginia2. Puritanism3. Catholic Maryland4. Quaker PennsylvaniaV. The American Revolution (The War of Independence)1. The causes2. The eve3. The process4. The major leaders (The Founding Fathers)5. The significanceI. What is an American? (美国民族性)1. A new race(新的民族)(1)In 1782, the French farmer J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, who settled in Pennsylvania, first asked this question in Letters from An American Farmer. (2)He thought the American was a new man who had the mixed blood of Europeans or their descendants, and who left behind him his ancient prejudices and manners and received new ones. Individuals were melted into a new race who acted upon new principles, entertained new ideas and form new opinions. The idea that America is a melting pot originated from his words.(1)赫克托·圣约翰·德克雷夫克尔于1782年著成《美国农人简史》,首次提出了美国民族性这一问题。

朱永涛《英语国家社会与⽂化⼊门》笔记和考研真题详解-上册-第3章英国政府【圣才出品】第3章英国政府3.1 复习笔记I. Monarchy in history1. Origin2. Divine right of the King3. One short ousted period4. Magna CartaII. The history of Parliament1. Origin2. History3. Acquisition of powerIII. The birth of the Prime Minister and Cabinet1. Birth of Cabinet2. Birth of Prime MinisterIV. The British government and Constitution1. Government system2. The ConstitutionV. Parliament Today1. Functions2. Status3. InstitutionsI. Monarchy in history(历史上的皇室)1. Origin(起源)(1) It dates back to the Saxons who ruled from the 5th century AD until the NormanConquest in 1066.(2) King Albert united the England under his rule in 829.(1) 皇室起源于公元五世纪⾄1066年诺曼征服前统治英格兰的撒克逊⼈。
(2) 国王阿伯特在829年统⼀了英格兰岛。
2. Divine right of the King(君权神授)(1) It held that the sovereign derived his authority from God, not from his subjects.(2) This ancient doctrine was where the power of the Monarchy largely derivedfrom.(1) “君权神授”指国王的权利是上帝赐予的,⽽不是来源于国王的⽀持者。

第11章爱尔兰地理、人文和历史Ⅰ.Multiple choice.1.Which of the following peoples were the ancestors of the Irish?(首都师范大学2008研)A.The CeltsB.The RomansC.The DanesD.The Anglo-Saxons【答案】A【解析】爱尔兰人是凯尔特人的后代。
2.It is believed that Celtic invaders came to Ireland in the_____century BC.A.5thB.6thC.7thD.8th【答案】B【解析】凯尔特人在公元前六世纪进入爱尔兰岛。
3.Who brought a legal system—the Brehon law,to the island of Ireland?A.ChristiansB.VikingsC.CeltsD.Normans【答案】C【解析】凯尔特人为爱尔兰带来了法律系统——布里恩法律。
4.The Home Rule Bill was finally passed in_____.A.1891B.1900C.1914D.1916【答案】C【解析】“自治法案”最终于1914年通过。
5.The political party,Sinn Fein,was developed by_____.A.Isaac ButtB.Arthur GriffithC.Patrick PearseD.James Connolly【答案】B【解析】亚瑟·格里菲斯于1905至1908年间创办了新芬党。
6.Which of the following is the nickname of the Republic of Ireland?A.The Emerald Isle.B.The Diamond Isle.C.The Catholic Isle.D.The Treasure Isle.【答案】A【解析】爱尔兰地形南北高中问低,四周群山环绕,为茂密的森林覆盖,中央低陷部分绿地遍野,所以人们都习惯地称其为“绿宝石岛”(the Emerald Isle)。

第21章加拿大文学21.1 复习笔记I. The literature of survival1. Survival in nature2. Cultural survivalII. Native Canadian mythologyIII. Early colonial literature1. Background2. An era of reportingIV. The literature of nation-building1. Background2. The era of realism in literature3. Writers and worksV. Canada in the ascendant1. The “Montreal Group” of poets2. T ed Allan3. Literature in the French languageVI. Canadian literature in the modern world1. Main features2. Writers and worksI. The literature of survival(“生存”文学)In Canadian literature there is a common concern with the idea of “survival” and this idea, in its many different forms, is regarded as the central symbol of Canadian literature.加拿大文学中普遍存在“生存”这一主题,有多种形式,被认为是加拿大文学的中心主题。
1. Survival in nature(自然中的生存)The concern with “simple” survival in the face of hostile elements is a reflection of the dangerous natural world in which Canadians find themselves.对在恶劣自然条件下求生存的关注反映了加拿大人所生活的自然环境的危险性。

该笔记一共40个章节,但不是与课本设置的章节一一对应:—————————————————————————————————————课本:上册Chapter 1-20 (英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚)下册Chapter 1-20 (新西兰、美国、加拿大)笔记:Chapter 1-12(美国)Chapter 13-24(英国)Chapter 25-28 (澳大利亚)Chapter 29-30(新西兰)Chapter 31-36(加拿大)Chapter 37-40(爱尔兰)—————————————————————————————————————笔记的章节之所以这样设置是有道理的,把美国与英国放在前面是因为这两个国家是重考点出现最频繁的国家,俗话说“一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨”,不过这跟本文没有任何联系。
《英语国家社会与文化入门》(第3版)(朱永涛、王立礼主编)(考研真题与典型题详解 爱尔兰的文化:语言

14.2考研真题与典型题详解I.Multiple Choice1.Irish is a kind of the old______language.(北京交大2003研)A.Anglo-SaxonB.GaelictinD.Greek【答案】B【解析】爱尔兰语在语言分类上属于印欧语系的凯尔特语族;它是爱尔兰的官方语言,也是北爱尔兰官方承认的区域语言。
2.Among the following Irish writers,who was not the winner of the Nobel Prize for literature?A.W.B.YeatsB.George Bernard ShawC.Jonathan SwiftD.Samuel Beckett【答案】C【解析】Jonathan Swift并没有获诺贝尔奖。
3.Under the English colonial policy,many Irish people lost their original languageand never regained.But until the mid-19th century,Irish was still spoken widely by the______classes.A.peasantB.middleC.professionalD.upper【答案】A【解析】在英国殖民政策下,许多爱尔兰人,尤其是中产阶级和职场中的爱尔兰人,被迫放弃使用爱尔兰语,而且再也没有重新使用。
4.The Secret Rose,and The Wind Among the Reeds are among the early famous works of______.A.W.B.YeatsB.Seamus HeaneyC.Richard SheridanD.Samuel Beckett【答案】A【解析】诗集《玫瑰的秘密》《苇间风》是叶芝早期的著名作品。

朱永涛《英语国家社会与文化入门》笔记和考研真题详解-下册-第3章美国的起始【圣才出品】美国第3章美国的起始3.1 复习笔记I. What is an American?1. A new race2. Current situationII. Two Immigration Movements1. From Asia2. From Europe and AfricaIII. The Forces that led to the Modern Development of Europe1. The growth of capitalism2. The Renaissance3. The Religious ReformationIV. The Colonial Patterns1. The Settlement in Virginia2. Puritanism3. Catholic Maryland4. Quaker PennsylvaniaV. The American Revolution (The War of Independence)1. The Causes2. The Eve3. The Process4. The Major Leaders (The Founding Fathers)5. The SignificanceI. What is an American? (美国民族性)1. A new race(新的民族)(1) In 1782, the French farmer J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, who settled inPennsylvania, first asked this question in Letters from An American Farmer. (2) He thought the American was a new man who had the mixed blood ofEuropeans or their descendants, and who left behind him his ancient prejudices and manners and received new ones. Individuals were melted into a new race who acted upon new principles, entertained new ideas and form new opinions.The idea that America is a melting pot originated from his words.(1) 赫克托·圣约翰·德克雷夫克尔于1782年著成《美国农人简史》,首次提出了美国民族性这一问题。
《朱永涛 英语国家社会与文化入门 第2版 笔记和考研真题详解》读书笔记思维导图

第20章 从 种族主义到 多元文化主 义
第17章 从 流放地到 “自由移民”
第19章 官 僚的权力和 内部揭发者
第1章 国土、 人民与历史
第2章 政治制 度、教育与经 济
第3章 美 国的起始
第4章 美 国的政治制 度
第5章 美 国经济
第6章 美 国的宗教
第8章 美 国的教育
第7章 美 国文学
第9章 20 世纪60年 代的社会运 动
第10章 美 国的社会问 题
第11章 美 国的科技
第12章 二 战后美国外 交政策
第14章 美 国早期爵士 乐
第13章 美 国的体育运 动与风景名 胜
第15章 国 家与人民
第11章 爱尔兰地理、 人文和历史
第12章 爱尔兰政治 和经济
第13章 爱尔兰的文 化:爱尔兰人的生活 现...
第14章 爱尔兰的文 化:语言,文学和艺 术
第15章 澳 大利亚的地 理特征、怀 有“梦 创...
第16章 澳 大利亚现行 的宗教信仰
第18章 澳 大利亚是一 个自由民主 的社会
第16章 澳 大利亚现行 的宗教信仰
第18章 加 拿大经济
第20章 加 拿大的国际 关系
第17章 加 拿大—— “文化镶嵌 画”
第19章 加 拿大文学

朱永涛《英语国家社会与文化入门》笔记和考研真题详解(二战后美国外交政策)第14章二战后美国外交政策14.1 复习笔记I. The beginnings of the Cold War1. Basic situation2. The Cold WarII. Arms race and the containment policy1. Arms race2. The containment policyIII. Engagement and expansion1. Basic situation2. The background3. The policyIV. Unilateralism and faith in military strength1. Unilateralism2. Sept. 11 terrorist attack3. The strategy of preemption4. War on Iraq5. The Obama Administration’s foreign policyV. Two phasesI. The beginnings of the Cold War(冷战的开始)1. Basic situation(基本情况)(1)Up to WWII, American foreign policy had been swinging between isolationism and interventionism.(2)From 1945 to 1991, American foreign policy aimed to contain Soviet expansion and to bring about changes in Soviet political system.(1)到二战结束之前,美国的外交政策一直在孤立主义和干涉主义之间转换。
朱永涛《英语国家社会与文化入门》笔记和考研真题详解-上册-第2章 英国简介(2)【圣才出品】

第2章英国简介(2)2.1 复习笔记I. Features of Northern Ireland1. Population2. Geographical features3. Capital4. Often Called “Ulster”5. Social order6. EconomyII. Pursuits of Irish independence1. Background2. Home Rule Bill3. The Easter Rising of 19164. Important Figures5. ResultIII. Conflicts within Northern Ireland1. Reasons2. The troubles3. Attempts to dissolve conflictsI. Features of Northern Ireland(北爱尔兰)1. Population(人口)A population of 1.5 million, smallest of UK’s four nations, smaller than many Chinese cities北爱尔兰人口为150万,是英国四个地区中最少的,甚至少于中国许多城市的人口数量。
2. Geographical features(地理特征)(1) Smallest in size of the four nations(2) Low hills in the middle, rugged coastline(3) Beautiful lake district in the south-west(1) 在英国地区中面积最小(2) 地形中间低平,周围多山(3) 西南部地区拥有漂亮的湖区3. Capital: Belfast(首府:贝尔法斯特)(1) East coast(2) The biggest city in the province(3) A population of 350 thousand(1) 位于东部沿海(2) 同时是北爱尔兰最大的城市(3) 人口35万4. Often Called “Ulster”(别称:乌尔斯特)It is the name of an ancient Irish Kingdom which once existed where Northern Ireland lies now.乌尔斯特原为爱尔兰一个地区,大约在今北爱尔兰所在的地区,故北爱尔兰也被称为乌尔斯特。

朱永涛《英语国家社会与⽂化⼊门》笔记和考研真题详解-上册-第4章政治、阶级和社会【圣才出品】第4章政治、阶级和社会4.1 复习笔记I. General elections1. Why are they important?2. When do elections occur?3. Who can stand for election as an MP?4. What happens in an election?5. Formation of governmentII. The political Parties1. The Labour party2. The Conservative Party3. The Liberal DemocratsIII. Class1. Class-divisions2. Cultural differences3. A distinctive feature of British class-system IV. Race1. A multiracial nation2. Influences of immigration1. Why are they important?(重要性)(1) They provide opportunities for people to influence future government policies.(2) They are also seen as opportunities to replace incompetent political leaders.◆The right to vote has been struggled for over the past 200 years, and not until1928 did the adult population allowed to vote reach its current level of about 99%.(1) ⼤选为公民提供影响未来政府政策的⼀次良机。

朱永涛《英语国家社会与文化入门》笔记和考研真题详解-上册-第14章爱尔兰的文化:语言,文学和艺术【第14章爱尔兰的文化:语言,文学和艺术14.1 复习笔记I. Language1. Irish under political unrests2. Hiberno-EnglishII. Oral culture1. Features2. Origin3. Positive effectsIII. Literature1. The first Irish poem2. Nobel Prize winners for Literature3. Other important figuresIV. Music and Dance1. The Irish pipe2. Riverdance3. Irish harpV. Sports culture1. Soccer (football)2. Rugby football3. Cricket and tennis4. Hurling5. Golf6. Horse-racingVI. Science and Technology1. Distinguished figures2. Important societiesVII. The Irish identity in the world1. The Irish diaspora2. Attitudes towards other countriesI. Language(语言)1. Irish under political unrests(政治动荡下的爱尔兰语)(1) Irish or Erse is an ancient language spoken by the Irish people.(2) Under the English colonial policy, many people, especially the middle andprofessional classes, lost this language and never regained. But until the mid-19th century, Irish was still spoken widely by the peasant classes.(3) The death blow to the Irish language was the Great Famine of 1845-1848, sinceone half of Irish people emigrated or died in this event.(4) In the late 19th century, an attempt was made to revive the use of the Irishlanguage among the middle and professional classes.(5) After achieving national independence, official attempt was made to make Irishagain the national language.(6) Irish is now a compulsory subject in schools and the first official language in theRepublic.(1) 爱尔兰语,也称厄尔斯语,是爱尔兰人的古老语言。
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第14章爱尔兰的文化:语言,文学和艺术14.1 复习笔记I. Language1. Irish under political unrests2. Hiberno-EnglishII. Oral culture1. Features2. Origin3. Positive effectsIII. Literature1. The first Irish poem2. Nobel Prize winners for literature3. Other important figuresIV. Music and dance1. Sean nos2. The Irish pipe3. Irish dancing4. Irish harpV. Sports culture1. Soccer (football)2. Rugby football3. Cricket and tennis4. Hurling5. Golf6. Horse-racingVI. Science and technology1. Distinguished figures2. Important societiesVII. The Irish identity in the world1. The Irish diaspora2. Attitudes towards other countries or areasI. Language(语言)1. Irish under political unrests(政治动荡下的爱尔兰语)(1)Irish or Gaelic is an ancient language spoken by the Irish people.(2)Under the English colonial policy, many people, especially the middle and professional classes, lost this language and never regained. But until the mid-19th century, Irish was still spoken widely by the peasant classes.(3)The death blow to the Irish language was the Great Famine of 1845—1848, since two million Irish people emigrated or died in this event.(4)In the late 19th century, an attempt was made to revive the use of the Irishlanguage among the middle and professional classes.(5)After achieving national independence, official attempt was made to make Irish again the national language.(6)Irish is now a compulsory subject in schools and the first official language in the Republic.(1)爱尔兰语,也称盖尔语,是爱尔兰人的古老语言。
2. Hiberno-English(爱尔兰英语)(1)Despite official pressures to speak Irish,the language that is spoken universally in the Republic of Ireland is a version of standard English known as Hiberno-English.(2)It is distinguished from British English by a certain vocabulary and by certain semantic idiosyncrasies. Also, it has the variety and difficulty of the regional accents.(1)尽管有来自官方说爱尔兰语的压力,如今在爱尔兰广泛使用的语言却是标准英语的一个版本,称为“爱尔兰英语”。
II. Oral culture(口头文化)Ireland is a culture which operates most obviously on an oral level.爱尔兰是一个注重口头文化的国家。
1. Features(口头文化特征)(1)An Irish person will take an opportunity to talk even if pressed for time.(2)Great value is extended to the ability to talk spontaneously and with grace and force.(1)每个爱尔兰人都有强烈的说话欲望,即使时间紧迫也不放过说话的机会。
2. Origin(口头文化起源)The basis for this is in the original peasant culture, which makes the transfer from an oral to a written culture only slowly in the late 19th century.口头文化的传统最早起源于农民文化,直到19世纪末期,这种口头文化才逐渐缓慢地向书面文化过渡。
3. Positive effects(积极影响)(1)Oral culture adds great pleasure to day-to-day routine.(2)It is one key to Ireland’s very effective business and diplomatic efforts.(3)It is the very basis for Ireland’s reputation as a culture of great writers.(1)口头文化的流行为日常生活增添了乐趣。
III. Literature(文学)In Ireland, writers and poets are honored above all other artists. Writers may publish in either the Irish or the English language.在爱尔兰,作家和诗人是所有艺术家中最受尊重的人群。
1. The first Irish poem(第一首爱尔兰诗歌)The first poem identified as “Irish” is the saga of the Tain, which was transmitted orally for centuries before it was written down.“泰恩”传奇被认为是第一首爱尔兰语诗歌,这首诗歌在口头上流传了几个世纪后才用文字记载下来。
2. Nobel Prize winners for literature(诺贝尔文学奖得主)The Republic of Ireland has been the home of 4 winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature.爱尔兰历史上出现了四位获得诺贝尔文学奖的作家。
(1)W.B. Yeats (1865—1929)Yeats was awarded Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. The Secret Rose, and The Wind Among the Reeds are among his early famous works.(2)Seamus Heaney (1939—)Heaney was awarded in 1995, one of his famous works is Winterins Ou t, revealingthe religious conflict in Northern Ireland.(3)George Bernard Shaw (1856—1950)Bernard Shaw won the 1925 Nobel Prize for Literature. His famous play Pygmalion has been adapted into a film My Fair Lady.(4)Samuel Beckett (1906—1989)Samuel won the 1969 Nobel Prize for Literature. He is famous for his great absurdist play Waiting for Godot.(1)威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(1865—1929)叶芝于1923年获得诺贝尔文学奖,诗集《玫瑰的秘密》、《苇间风》是他早期的著名作品。