

小升初语文考前冲刺模拟 有答案

小升初语文考前冲刺模拟 有答案


bó fākū wěi yǎ zhìyāng miáojiǎo bàn jiānáo sìmiào guàng jiē二、选词填空。


















小升初数学考前冲刺模拟卷(通用版,含答案) (3)

小升初数学考前冲刺模拟卷(通用版,含答案) (3)


A.3个B.4个C.6个D.无数个5.下列各式中是方程的是().A.3a+5.3b=12B.36÷6x>6C.25÷5=5二、填空题(共22分,每小题2分)6.______千米是30千米的13;50比40多______%7.某种产品,现在每件成本37.4元,比原来降低了15%,原来每件成本是元.8.五(1)班的人数在40和50之间,做操时站3行或4行都正好没有剩余,这个班的人数是________.9.学校篮球场的长是28米,宽是15米,把这个篮球场画在一张图纸上,长是5.6厘米,这张图纸的比例尺是( ),在这张图纸上这个篮球场的宽应画( )厘米。

10.甲数是乙数的23,甲数和乙数的比是( ),甲数比乙数少( ). 11.把10克盐和100克水混合,盐和水的比是( )。

12.甲数和乙数的比是2∶5,甲数比乙数少( )%。

13.()5158==( )4020÷=∶( )=( )16÷。


23、33、43、______、 ______、______。


15.的分数单位是 ,它至少再添上 个这样的单位就成了整数. 16.1339724852人=( )亿人≈( )亿人。



计算机二级考前冲刺模拟(14)学生姓名 [填空题] *1.程序流程图中带有箭头的线段表示的是()。

[单选题] *A.图元关系B.数据流C.控制流(正确答案)D.调用关系2.结构化程序设计的基本原则不包括()。

[单选题] *A.多态性(正确答案)B.自顶向下C.模块化D.逐步求精3.软件设计中模块划分应遵循的准则是()。

[单选题] *A.低内聚低耦合B.高内聚低耦合(正确答案)C.低内聚高耦合D.高内聚高耦合4.在软件开发中,需求分析阶段产生的主要文档是()。

[单选题] *A.可行性分析报告B.软件需求规格说明书(正确答案)C.概要设计说明书D.集成测试计划5.算法的有穷性是指()。

[单选题] *A.算法程序的运行时间是有限的(正确答案)B.算法程序所处理的数据量是有限的C.算法程序的长度是有限的D.算法只能被有限的用户使用6.对长度为n的线性表排序,在最坏情况下,比较次数不是n(n-1)/2的排序方法是()。

[单选题] *A.快速排序B.冒泡排序C.直接插入排序D.堆排序(正确答案)7.下列关于栈的叙述正确的是()。

[单选题] *A.栈按"先进先出"组织数据B.栈按"先进后出"组织数据(正确答案)C.只能在栈底插入数据D.不能删除数据8.在数据库设计中,将E-R图转换成关系数据模型的过程属于()。

[单选题] *需求分析阶段概念设计阶段逻辑设计阶段(正确答案)物理设计阶段9.有三个关系R、S和T如下:由关系R和S通过运算得到关系T,则所使用的运算为( )。

[单选题] *A.并B.自然连接C.笛卡尔积D.交(正确答案)10.设有表示学生选课的三张表,学生S(学号,姓名,性别,年龄,身份证号),课程C(课号,课名),选课SC(学号,课号,成绩),则表SC的关键字(键或码)为( )。

[单选题] *课号,成绩学号,成绩学号,课号(正确答案)学号,姓名,成绩11.数据库管理系统提供的数据控制功能包括()。



2023年主治医师之内科主治303考前冲刺模拟试卷A卷含答案单选题(共50题)1、卡马西平治疗癫癎时应当注意对患者进行下列哪项辅助检查A.肾功能B.血清钾、钠、氯C.血常规D.抗核抗体E.血清肌酶【答案】 C2、治疗帕金森病,首选的药物是A.阿司匹林B.维生素BC.左旋多巴D.肝素E.西比灵【答案】 C3、 40岁男性农民,江苏人,1个月前,因下稻田着凉,近日发热2周,畏寒,体温在38℃上下,自觉腹痛,有腹泻,稀便。


A.血清AsT显著升高B.血白蛋白一般正常C.血清ALT显著升高D.血球蛋白显著升高E.以上都不是【答案】 D4、女性,76岁。


A.心室性期外收缩B.室上性心动过速C.心绞痛D.阵发性心房颤动E.Ⅱ度房室传导阻滞【答案】 D5、流行性脑脊髓膜炎的病变性质为A.浆液性炎B.增生性炎C.化脓性炎D.纤维素性炎E.变质性炎【答案】 C6、男性.50岁。


A.异烟肼B.利福平C.链霉素D.吡嗪酰胺E.顺铂【答案】 C7、患者女,24岁,右眼睁眼困难8个月,视物成双3个月,晨起正常,午后明显加重,休息后减轻。


A.血浆置换B.补钾C.免疫抑制剂D.胆碱酯酶抑制剂E.激素F.免疫球蛋白【答案】 B8、男性,20岁,1型糖尿病,两天来出现恶心,面潮红,呼吸深快,渐发生神志模糊、以致昏迷,最可能的诊断是A.乳酸性酸中毒B.尿毒症酸中毒C.呼吸性酸中毒D.糖尿病酮症酸中毒E.糖尿病高渗昏迷【答案】 D9、女性,40岁,患类风湿关节炎数年,查血红蛋白80g/L,白细胞、血小板正常。



一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,字形、字音完全正确的一项是:A. 沉默不语(默→ 寞)B. 气喘吁吁(吁→ 吁)C. 惊涛骇浪(骇→ 惊)D. 风和日丽(和→ 豁)2. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是:A. 随着科技的飞速发展,人类已经进入了信息时代,我们的生活也因此发生了翻天覆地的变化。

B. 在我国,每年都有大量的青少年因溺水而失去生命,这给我们敲响了警钟。

C. 由于天气原因,航班延误了,导致很多旅客滞留机场。

D. 他不仅学习成绩优秀,还擅长体育,是班级里的全面发展的好学生。

3. 下列成语中,使用正确的一项是:A. 雪中送炭(炭→ 焰)B. 持之以恒(持→ 持)C. 精益求精(益→ 节)D. 水滴石穿(水→ 石)4. 下列各句中,加点词的词性相同的一项是:A. 他喜欢阅读各种类型的书籍。

(动词、名词)B. 这本书非常畅销。

(形容词、动词)C. 她是一个聪明、勤奋的学生。

(形容词、形容词)D. 这座城市历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚。

(形容词、名词)5. 下列各句中,修辞手法运用正确的一项是:A. 那片湖水,像一面镜子,映出了天空的蓝。

(比喻)B. 这本书的内容非常丰富,让人受益匪浅。

(拟人)C. 那座山高耸入云,仿佛一座巍峨的城堡。

(夸张)D. 小明喜欢画画,他的画技越来越精湛。

(借代)6. 下列各句中,句式变换正确的一项是:A. 原句:他一边吃饭,一边看电视。


)B. 原句:这个问题的答案很快就会揭晓。


)C. 原句:她穿着一件红色的衣服,手里拿着一本书。


)D. 原句:他不仅学习好,还擅长体育。


)7. 下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一项是:A. “你昨天去哪儿了?”“我去图书馆看书了。

”(问号)B. “你喜欢看电影吗?”“当然喜欢,尤其是科幻片。

”(逗号)C. “他昨天晚上熬夜了,所以今天早上起晚了。






1. 制定详细的备考计划在考前冲刺阶段,制定详细的备考计划至关重要。




2. 针对性复习在考前冲刺阶段,重要的是进行有针对性的复习。




3. 高效记忆方法在备考阶段,高效的记忆方法是提高学习效率的关键。




4. 合理安排休息时间在备考过程中,不要忽视休息的重要性。




5. 进行模拟考试模拟考试是考前冲刺阶段的重要环节。





6. 积极调整心理状态在备考阶段,良好的心理状态对考试成绩至关重要。



小升初数学考前冲刺模拟卷(通用版,含答案) (18)

小升初数学考前冲刺模拟卷(通用版,含答案) (18)



A.10∶12B.12∶10C.5∶6D.6∶5二、填空题6.64□698≈64万,□中最大能填( )。



如果年利率是2.10%,那么到期后,李磊的爸爸可以取出本金和利息共( )元。


用上面的木块搭出下面的图形,它的高是多少?________cm11.如图,圆的半径是1厘米,阴影部分的周长是( )厘米。

12.根据运算定律,在横线上填上合适的数.1.25×(0.7×0.8)=( )×( )×_____4.1×5.2+4.1×4.8=____×( ____+____)2.02×3.5=____×3.5+____×3.513.如果平行四边形的高一定,那么它的底和面积成_____比例.14.括号里填合适的数。

6.5公顷=( )平方米150分=( )时5m7cm=( )m 3.03L=( )L( )mL15.比40少20%的数是( );( )米的35是15米;比8千克多25千克是( )千克。



2023年河南省安阳市中考物理考前冲刺模拟试卷学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、单选题1.“神舟六号”载人飞船于2005年10月17日安全着陆,为防止飞船从太空返回地面的过程中因高温而损坏,飞船的表面层用耐高温材料制成.你认为飞船表面层温度升高的主要原因是()A.大气温度过高B.与大气摩擦做功C.吸收太阳的辐射热D.燃烧室内燃料燃烧放出热量2.绕着原子核高速运动的粒子是................................................................................... ()A.质子B.中子C.电子D.原子3.质量为270g,体积为270cm3的空心铝球,中间空心部分的体积是: ()A.170cm3; B.100cm3 ; C.260cm3; D.233cm3.4.酒精测试仪可检测驾驶员是否酒后驾车。


图中酒精气体传感器的电阻的倒数与酒精气体的浓度成正比,如果测试到的如果酒精气体浓度越大,那么 ..... ()A.传感器的电阻越大B.通过传感器的电流越小C.传感器两端的电压越大D.电压表的数越大5.如图所示,在探究串联电路中的电压关系时,小华同学用电压表测出ab、bc、ac两端的电压分别为U ab=2V,U bc=2V,U ac=4V,在表格中记录数据后,下一步应该做的是()A.整理器材,结束实验B.分析数据,得出结论C.换用不同规格的小灯泡,再测出几组电压值D.换用电压表的另一量程,再测出一组电压值6.下列用品中,通常情况下属于导体的是................................................................... ()A.橡胶手套B.玻璃杯C.塑料盆D.钢尺7.近年来,近视眼发病率在青少年中有上升趋势。



2023-2024学年河北高考考前冲刺数学模拟试题(一模)一、单选题1.设集合U =R ,集合{|24}A x x =-<<,集合{}2|7100B x x x =-+<,则U A B =I ð()A .{|22}x x -<<B .{|22}x x -<≤C .{|25}x x <<D .{|25}x x <≤【正确答案】B【分析】化简集合B ,根据集合的补集和交集的运算性质求U A B ð即可.【详解】不等式27100x x -+<的解集为{|25}x x <<,所以{|25}B x x =<<,故{|2U B x x =≤ð或5}x ³,又{|24}A x x =-<<,所以{|22}U A B x x =-<≤ ð,故选:B .2.已知复数z 满足12i 1z=-,则z 的共轭复数z 对应的点位于()A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限【正确答案】D【分析】根据复数运算即可求得复数z ,再得共轭复数z ,根据复数的几何意义即可得答案.【详解】111i 2i 2z -==- ,11i 2z ∴=+,11i 2z ∴=-,故z 在复平面内对应的点11,2⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭位于第四象限.故选:D .3.若函数()af x x x=+()R a ∈在点(2,(2))f 处的切线为直线1:2l y x b =+,若直线l 与圆222:(0)C x y r r +=>相切,则r 的值为()A B C D .3【正确答案】A【分析】结合导数的几何意义列方程求a ,由切点坐标与切线的关系求b ,根据直线与圆的位置关系列方程求r .【详解】函数()af x x x =+的导函数2()1a f x x'=-,因为函数()f x 在点(2,(2))f 处的切线为直线1:2l y x b =+,所以1(2)142a f '=-=,解得2a =,2()f x x x∴=+,故(2)3f =,切点(2,3)在直线l 上,1322b ∴=⨯+,解得2b =,直线1:22l y x =+与圆222:(0)C x y r r +=>相切,∴圆心(0,0)到直线lr =,故选:A .4.已知向量(2,6)a = ,(1,)b λ=- .若//a b r r,则λ=()A .3B .3-C .13D .13-【正确答案】B【分析】根据向量平行的坐标表示,列式即可求得答案.【详解】因为向量(2,6)a = ,(1,)b λ=- ,//a b r r,所以26λ=-,解得3λ=-,故选:B .5.已知数列{}n a 的首项11a =,0n a >,前n 项和n S 满足2211120n n n n n n S S S S S S ----+--=,则数列{}n a 的前n 项和n S 为()A .(1)2n n +B .12n -C .221n -D .21n -【正确答案】A【分析】由题可得22n n n S a a =+,进而可得2211n n n n a a a a ++-=+,然后可得11n n a a +-=,利用等差数列的定义及求和公式即得.【详解】由2211120n n n n n n S S S S S S ----+--=得2211122n n n n n n n S S S S S S S ---=-++-,即()()2112n n n n n S S S S S --=-+-,所以22n n n S a a =+,所以21112n n n S a a +++=+,两式作差,得()221112n n n n n a a a a a +++=+-+,即2211n n n n a a a a ++-=+,所以()()1110n n n n a a a a ++--+=,所以11n n a a +-=或10n n a a ++=,又0n a >,故11n n a a +-=,所以数列{}n a 是以1为首项,1为公差的等差数列,所以数列{}n a 的前n 项和(1)(1)22n n n n n S n -+=+=.故选:A.6.如图,在正四棱台1111ABCD A B C D -中,棱1AA ,1BB ,的夹角为3π,2AB =,则棱1AA ,1CC 的夹角为()A .3πB .4πC .23πD .2π【正确答案】D【分析】由棱台的定义可知,分别延长1AA ,1BB ,1CC ,1DD 交于点P ,连接AC ,从而可得2PA PC ==,从而可求出答案.【详解】由棱台的定义可知,分别延长1AA ,1BB ,1CC ,1DD 交于点P ,连接AC ,如图,在正四棱台1111ABCD A B C D -中,棱1AA ,1BB 的夹角为3π,2AB =,所以△PAB 是边长为2的等边三角形,所以2PA PC ==.又在正方形ABCD 中,2AB =,则AC =所以222AC PA PC =+,所以PA PC ⊥,所以棱1AA ,1CC 的夹角为2π,7.已知定点(3,0)B ,点A 在圆22(1)4x y ++=上运动,则线段AB 的中点M 的轨迹方程是()A .22(1)1x y ++=B .22(2)4x y -+=C .22(1)1x y -+=D .22(2)4x y ++=【正确答案】C【分析】设(,)M x y 再表达出A 的坐标代入圆方程22(1)4x y ++=化简即可.【详解】设(,)M x y ,则(),A A A x y 满足3,(,)22A A x y x y +⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭.故232A Ax x y y =-⎧⎨=⎩.故23(2),A x y -.又点A 在圆22(1)4x y ++=上.故2222(231)(2)4(1)1x y x y -++=⇒-+=.故选:C本题主要考查了轨迹方程的求法,属于基础题型.8.设甲乘汽车、动车前往某目的地的概率分别为0.40.6、,汽车和动车正点到达目的地的概率分别为0.70.9、,则甲正点到达目的地的概率为()A .0.78B .0.8C .0.82D .0.84【正确答案】C【分析】设事件A 表示甲正点到达目的地,事件B 表示甲乘火车到达目的地,事件C 表示甲乘汽车到达目的地,由全概率公式求解即可.【详解】设事件A 表示甲正点到达目的地,事件B 表示甲乘动车到达目的地,事件C 表示甲乘汽车到达目的地,由题意知()0.6,()0.4,(|)0.9,(|)0.7P B P C P A B P A C ====.由全概率公式得()()(|)()(|) A P B P A B P C P A C =+=⨯+⨯0.280.540.82=+=。

PMP考前冲刺模拟题第4套原题 答案及解析

PMP考前冲刺模拟题第4套原题 答案及解析
A 可以省很多钱 B sow 存在缺陷 C 潜在卖方误解了 SOW D 潜在卖方未能完全响应 sow 的要求
第 21 题:
4 / 36
《PMP 考前冲刺模拟题》- 第
在项目开始时的计划总成本被称为 A 已销产品成本 B 可折旧值 C 预算成本 D 以上都正确
第 22 题: 在审核你的项目小组的工作中,你发现项目已经比预期落后了一个星期。这个项目在组织当 中是被高度重视的,而且完全受时间控制。项目完成时间还有两个月,你认为下个月左右能 够把时间赶回来。下列哪个方式是对当前情况的最适合的汇报?
A 技术绩效测量 B 偏差和趋势分析 C 风险审计 D 风险再评估
第 44 题:
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《PMP 考前冲刺模拟题》- 第
在编制人力资源计划时,你发现来自职能部门的一名成员需要经过 3 天的培训,才能具备某 种特定的技能,来完成某个特定的工作包。由于专业的限制,项目团队中没有其他人可以替
代该成员。你应该()。 A 在进度计划中增加 3 天时间 B 要求他利用业余时间完成这 3 天的培训 C 把该培训作为项目工作之一,加入项目计划中,并进行风险分析 D 要求用一个不需培训的成员来替换该成员
第 19 题: 一名已经答应参加项目的员工被上级领导分派到另外一个项目中去,项目经理和管理团队积 极和上级领导进行沟通,并反复说明该员工对项目的重要性。请判断上述情况属于下列哪个 过程?
A 制定人力资源计划 B 组建项目团队 C 建设项目团队 D 管理项目团队
第 20 题: 你的公司打算从外面购买一批货物,通过筛选你们向几家合意的公司发出了邀请,结果却发 现这几家公司提出的报价都远低于你自行编制的独立估算结果。以下各项均有可能是其原因, 除了____。

小升初数学考前冲刺模拟卷(通用版,含答案) (20)

小升初数学考前冲刺模拟卷(通用版,含答案) (20)

小升初数学考前冲刺模拟卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、选择题1.如图所示,一扇窗户打开后用窗钩AB可将其固定住,这里用到的数学知识是()A.三角形的稳定性B.两点之间线段最短C.两点确定一条直线D.垂线段最短2.下列选项中,属于方程的是().A.2x+7B.5+4=4+5C.2x+5>8D.0.7x=42 3.一种药品,第一次降价10%,第二次降价20%,现在这种药品的价格是最初价格的()A.70%B.60%C.72%D.64%4.把一条5m长的绳子平均剪成8段,每段长()。

A.58m B.18m C.58D.185.正方形的面积一定,边长和边长()关系。

A.成正比例B.成反比例C.不成比例D.无法确定二、填空题6.某公司2014年盈利40066.449万元,横线上的数读作( );2015年盈利510067860元,把横线上的数改成用“亿”作单位的数,并保留一位小数约是( )亿.7.2吨50千克=( )吨;2.3时=( )时( )分。


9.在0.27,26%,0.267这三个数中,最小的是一个数是( ).10.24÷( )=0.6=12:( )=( )%.11.35和15的最小公倍数是( ).12.一个平行四边形的面积是24cm²,和它等底等高的三角形的面积是( )cm²。


14.一个圆柱的侧面积沿着高展开后是正方形,则圆柱的高与圆柱底面半径的比是( ).15.圆柱与圆锥等底等高,它们的体积差是36dm³,圆锥的体积是( )dm³.三、判断题16.甲数的75%等于乙数,甲数与乙数的比是4:7( )17.在一个比例里,两个外项的积除以两个内项的积,商是1。



计算机二级考前冲刺模拟(6)学生姓名[填空题] *1 一个栈的初始状态为空。

现将元素1、2、3、4、5、A、B、C、D、E依次入栈,然后再依次出栈,则元素出栈的顺序是( )。

[单选题] *A.12345ABCDEB.EDCBA54321(正确答案)C.ABCDE12345D.54321EDCBA2 下列叙述中正确的是( )。

[单选题] *循环队列有队头和队尾两个指针,因此,循环队列是非线性结构在循环队列中,只需要队头指针就能反映队列中元素的动态变化情况在循环队列中,只需要队尾指针就能反映队列中元素的动态变化情况循环队列中元素的个数是由队头指针和队尾指针共同决定(正确答案)3 在长度为n的有序线性表中进行二分查找,最坏情况下需要比较的次数是( )。

[单选题]ABC(正确答案)D4 下列叙述中正确的是( )。

[单选题] *顺序存储结构的存储一定是连续的,链式存储结构的存储空间不一定是连续的(正确答案)顺序存储结构只针对线性结构,链式存储结构只针对非线性结构顺序存储结构能存储有序表,链式存储结构不能存储有序表链式存储结构比顺序存储结构节省存储空间5 数据流图中带有箭头的线段表示的是( )。

[单选题] *控制流事件驱动模块调用数据流(正确答案)6 在软件开发中,需求分析阶段可以使用的工具是( )。

[单选题] *N-S图DFD图(正确答案)PAD图程序流程图7 在面向对象方法中,不属于"对象"基本特点的是( )。

[单选题] *一致性(正确答案)分类性多态性标识唯一性8 一间宿舍可住多个学生,则实体宿舍和学生之间的联系是( )。

[单选题] *一对一一对多(正确答案)多对一多对多9 在数据管理技术发展的三个阶段中,数据共享最好的是( )。

[单选题] *人工管理阶段文件系统阶段数据库系统阶段(正确答案)三个阶段相同10 有三个关系R、S和T如下:由关系R和S通过运算得到关系T,则所使用的运算为( )。



全国英语等级考试考前冲刺模拟卷一级听力全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hi there! My name is Emily and I'm going to tell you all about my last summer vacation. It was the best summer ever! Let me start from the very beginning.On the last day of school before summer break, my teacher Ms. Johnson gave us all big buckets of sidewalk chalk. She said we could draw pictures and write messages on the playground over the summer. I was so excited because I love art class and drawing is my favorite thing to do.The next morning after I woke up, I raced downstairs for breakfast. My mom made my favorite - chocolate chip pancakes! After I ate, I grabbed my chalk bucket and ran outside. The hot sun was shining brightly and I got right to work decorating the driveway with rainbows, flowers, and smiley faces.A little while later, my best friend Katie came over. Katie lives right next door, so we always play together. She saw my chalk drawings and thought they looked awesome. Katie had gotten a new sketching pad and colored pencils for her birthday, so wedecided to have an art day. We spent hours drawing pictures and making up stories about princesses, unicorns, and dragons battling evil wizards.The next few weeks were filled with fun activities like swimming at the town pool, having lemonade stands, and catching fireflies at night in the backyard. But I think my very favorite day was when my parents took me and my little brother to the county fair!We rode so many fun rides like the Tilt-a-Whirl, the Scrambler, and the biggest rollercoaster I've ever seen called The Cosmic Comet. I was a little scared at first, but my dad said he would go on all the big rides with me. After the first few coasters, I was hooked and couldn't get enough of the loops, corkscrews and feeling of flying through the air.At the fair, we also saw a magic show, a petting zoo with baby piglets and goats, and a circus with elephants, clowns and acrobats. For dinner, we had classic fair food - corn dogs, cotton candy, and funnel cakes. It was truly the best day ever!Eventually though, summer came to an end. The week before school started, my family went on our annual camping trip to Lake Wildwood. I loved canoeing across the lake, roastingmarshmallows around the campfire, and sleeping in our big tent under a canopy of bright stars.On the last night, we caught tons of fireflies and kept them glowing in a jar by our tent. We made shadow puppets and told ghost stories until it got too dark and scary to stay up any later. I had a weird dream that night about being chased by a giant mosquito!The next morning, we packed up camp and headed back home to get ready for the new school year. While I was sad summer was over, I couldn't wait to see all my friends again and show them the pictures I drew and tell them stories about my awesome summer adventures.Now I'm back in Ms. Johnson's 3rd grade class working hard on my reading, writing, and math skills. But I'm already counting down the days until next summer when I can enjoy warm sunshine, no homework, and making more incredible memories!篇2Hi everyone! My name is Emily and I'm 9 years old. I'm going to tell you all about my favorite day of the year - my birthday! Every year, my mom and dad make my birthday really special and fun.It usually starts the night before my birthday. After I go to bed, my parents decorate the living room with balloons, streamers, and a big 'Happy Birthday' banner. They also wrap all my presents and put them on the living room table. I always try to sneak out of my room to peek at the presents, but my parents are too smart for that!On my birthday morning, I wake up early because I'm so excited. My parents always let me open one small present before breakfast as a little treat. This year, I got a new backpack with unicorns on it! I love backpacks and I love unicorns, so it was the perfect little gift.After I open that first present, we have a big birthday breakfast. My favorite is when my mom makes chocolate chip pancakes in fun shapes like hearts or stars. She always puts a candle in one of the pancakes and I get to make a birthday wish before blowing it out. My dad sings "Happy Birthday" to me in a really silly voice which makes me laugh so hard!Once we're done with breakfast, it's finally time to open the rest of my presents! I try to open them slowly to make the fun last longer. My parents always get me fun toys, games, books, and clothes. This year, I got a huge art set with loads of colored pencils, paints, brushes, and sketch pads. I'm really into art rightnow so I was super excited about that gift. My grandparents sent me money, which I plan to save up to buy a new bike.In the afternoon, it's time for my birthday party with my friends! My parents decorate the backyard with balloons and banners. We play fun games like pin the tail on the donkey, musical chairs, and freeze dance. There's always lots of laughing and screaming when we all get together.My favorite part is when it's time for cake and ice cream! My mom always bakes the most delicious cake - usually chocolate but sometimes funfetti. This year, it was a huge chocolate cake shaped like a castle! It had so many candles that I needed help from my friends to blow them all out. After we stuff ourselves with cake, we open presents. My friends always give me cool new board games, dolls, art supplies, and other fun toys to play with.After all the fun and excitement, I'm always completely tuckered out by the end of the day. I head to bed feeling so happy, loved, and thankful for my wonderful family and friends. I can't wait to do it all over again next year! That's what my perfect birthday is like. Thanks for listening!篇3Hi there! My name is Emma, and I'm a 10-year-old student who loves learning English. Today, I'm going to share with you my experience of preparing for the National English Proficiency Test, Level 1. Get ready for some fun and excitement!First things first, let me tell you about my English class. We have the coolest teacher ever, Ms. Johnson! She's always full of energy and makes learning English so much fun. She often uses games, songs, and stories to help us learn new words and grammar rules. One of my favorite activities is when she plays a song, and we have to fill in the missing lyrics with the correct words. It's like a musical adventure every time!Speaking of adventures, last week, we went on a field trip to the local museum. Ms. Johnson told us to pay close attention to the tour guide's explanations because there would be questions about it later. The museum was amazing! We saw dinosaur skeletons, ancient artifacts, and even a replica of a space shuttle. My favorite part was the interactive science exhibit, where we got to do cool experiments like making a volcano erupt with baking soda and vinegar. So much fun!After the field trip, Ms. Johnson gave us a listening comprehension exercise based on the tour guide's explanations. At first, I found it a bit challenging to remember all the details,but then I realized that I should listen for keywords and take notes. It really helped me understand the main points better.Now, let me tell you about my study routine for the listening comprehension part of the English test. Every evening, I practice with my parents or older sister. They read passages from practice materials or play audio recordings, and I have to answer questions based on what I hear. Sometimes, it's tricky to understand accents or unfamiliar words, but I've learned some strategies to help me.One strategy is to focus on the context clues. For example, if I hear a word I don't know but it's mentioned along with other words related to food, I can guess that it might be a type of dish or ingredient. Another strategy is to listen for signal words like "first," "next," "finally," which can help me follow the sequence of events or instructions.Another thing that I find really helpful is to visualize the scenes or situations described in the listening passage. If it's a story about a girl going to the park, I imagine her walking through the gate, seeing the playground, and hearing the birds chirping. Creating these mental pictures makes it easier for me to remember the details.Speaking of journeys, last month, my family went on a trip to visit my grandparents in another city. During the long car ride, my parents played an audiobook for me to practice my listening skills. It was about a group of friends who discovered a secret treasure map and went on an exciting adventure to find the buried treasure. I was so captivated by the story that I didn't even realize how much time had passed!As you can see, preparing for the listening comprehension part of the English test can be a lot of fun when you approach it with the right mindset and strategies. It's all about being an active listener, using your imagination, and finding materials that engage you.Well, that's all from me for now. I hope my experiences have given you some useful tips and inspiration for your own English listening practice. Remember, the key is to make it enjoyable and engaging, just like one of those thrilling adventure stories. Good luck, and happy listening!篇4My Super Fun Summer VacationHi there! My name is Emma and I'm going to tell you all about my awesome summer vacation this year. It was the bestsummer ever! I had so much fun and went on all kinds of cool adventures.The summer started out with my birthday in June. I turned 9 years old! My parents threw me a big birthday party and invited all my friends from school. We had the party at a trampoline park and it was a blast. We got to jump around for hours, play dodgeball, and they even had a foam pit to jump into. After we were all tired out from jumping, we had pizza, cake, and ice cream. I got tons of great presents too - new books, arts and crafts supplies, and even a cute new stuffed animal. It was the perfect way to kick off summer!A few weeks later, my family went on a big road trip. We drove all the way from our house in Ohio to Florida to go to the beach for a week. The drive took forever, but my little brother and I kept ourselves busy by playing road trip games like I Spy and the license plate game. We also watched movies and played on our tablets. When we finally made it to Florida, we stayed in a big beach house right by the ocean. Every day we'd wake up and head straight to the beach to swim, build sandcastles, look for seashells, and play in the waves. My favorite was when we went boogie boarding - I caught some amazing waves! In the evenings, we'd walk along the beach and watch the beautifulsunsets. We also went mini golfing, to an amusement park, and did lots of other fun activities. I never wanted that trip to end!After we got home from Florida, it was time for summer camp! I went to day camp at our local park for two weeks. We did all kinds of cool outdoor activities like hiking, canoeing, archery, and survival skills. We even went on a camping trip for three days and two nights in the middle of the camp session. We all had to help set up the tents, cook our meals over a campfire, and sleep outdoors under the stars. I had never gone camping before so it was a really fun new experience for me. My favorite part was definitely the campfire at night where we sang silly songs, told ghost stories, and made s'mores!When I wasn't at camp, I spent lots of time just hanging out with my friends in the neighborhood. We'd have lemonade stands, have water balloon fights, ride our bikes around, and play games in the backyard. A group of us also started a fun club where we did arts and crafts projects together. We made friendship bracelets, painted rocks, and had talent shows. One of our club meetings was even a fun spa day where we did homemade facemasks and gave each other pedicures. So silly but so fun!As summer came to an end, my family took one final trip to Cedar Point, which is a huge amusement park a few hours away with the craziest roller coasters ever. I was a little nervous to go on the big coasters at first, but they ended up being so thrilling and exciting. My favorite was the Millennium Force - it goes so high and so fast! We spent two days at the park and I went on every single roller coaster. I also played games and won a couple of stuffed animal prizes. We had such a blast!Now it's back to school, but I have the best memories from my amazing summer vacation. Between my birthday party, our beach trip, summer camp, all the fun with friends, and Cedar Point, it was definitely a summer I'll never forget. I can't wait for more adventures next summer!篇5Hi there! My name is Emily and I'm 10 years old. I'm going to tell you all about my summer vacation and the fun adventures I had! Get ready because there's a lot to cover.The last day of school was the best feeling ever. No more homework, no more tests, just freedom for two whole months! My family and I didn't have any big trips planned though. Myparents both had to work during the days so we stayed home in our little town. But that didn't stop us from having a blast!The first week, my best friend Amanda came over almost every day. We spent tons of time riding our bikes around the neighborhood and exploring the woods behind my house. One day, we decided to have a lemonade stand in my front yard. We made a big sign and mixed up a huge pitcher of lemonade. Lots of neighbors stopped by on their evening walks to buy a cup for 25 cents! By the end of the day, we had made 7 which seemed like a fortune to us. We used the money to buy ice cream at Daisy's Dairy the next day.The second week, my aunt and uncle came to visit from across the country. They brought my cousins Jake and Emma with them. Having four extra people in our little house was crazy! But it was so much fun to have built-in friends to play with. Jake is 12 and Emma is 8 so we had to take turns picking what games we played. One day it was Jake's choice so we played his favourite video game for hours. I'm not very good at it but my cousins helped me and it was still really fun. The next day was my turn and I chose for us to have a big backyard camping adventure! We pitched a tent, built a fake campfire out of stones,and made s'mores. We even pretended there were bears and had to defend our camp! It was Emma's favourite day.During their visit, we also went to the town pool a couple times which was amazing on the really hot days. I practiced my swimming skills and even showed off my new diving tricks to my cousins. They thought I was a great swimmer! We also took them strawberry picking at the local farm one morning. We had strawberry shortcake for dessert that night - so delicious!After my cousins left, we had a few lazy weeks at home. I spent a lot of time reading books from this super cool summer reading program at the library. The librarian gave me a special folder to keep track of all the books I read. She said if I read 20 books, I would get a prize at the end of the summer! I ended up reading 23 books and won a stuffed animal and a gift card to the bookstore. Score! I also did some baking with my mom those weeks. We made chocolate chip cookies, banana bread, and my favorite - snickerdoodles! Yum.Towards the end of the summer, my parents surprised my brother and me with a three-day camping trip up north! We stayed at a lakeside campground and spent the days swimming, canoeing, and roasting marshmallows over the fire pit. My dad taught us how to fish off the dock and I even caught a tinysunfish! We saw wild rabbits and deer walking around the campground in the evening which was amazing. Sleeping in the tent at night was a little hard with the sounds of nature all around, but I felt like a brave explorer. We didn't have any showers though so we all smelled pretty ripe by the time we headed home!My last big summer adventure was going to Camp Sunny Days for a week at the end of August. It's a day camp not too far from my house where you get to do all sorts of fun activities like arts and crafts, sports, camping skills, and more. My favorite part was getting to select my activities each day like making friendship bracelets, playing soccer, or practicing archery. I made a ton of new friends and didn't want the week to end!And just like that, my wonderful summer was over. We had one last big barbecue with my grandparents and aunt and uncle to celebrate before I headed back to school. While I was sad for summer to be done, I was also excited to see my friends and start 5th grade. I have so many amazing memories from those sunny, carefree days. I can't wait for next summer's adventures!篇6Hi everyone! My name is Sarah and I'm 10 years old. I go to Oakwood Elementary School here in town. Today I want to tell you all about my favorite subject - science! We just finished up a really cool unit on animal habitats and ecosystems. I learned so much interesting stuff!First off, we learned what an ecosystem is. It's all the living things like plants and animals that live together in one place, along with the non-living things like water, air, and soil. The living and non-living things are all connected and need each other to survive. Pretty neat, right?Then we studied different habitats, which are the specific places where plants and animals live and find everything they need. Like a forest is a habitat for deer, squirrels, birds and so many other creatures. A pond is a habitat for fish, frogs, ducks and other water-loving animals and plants. Even your backyard could be a tiny habitat for bugs, worms and small critters!My favorite habitat we learned about was the rainforest. Can you believe that rainforests are home to over half of all the plant and animal species on Earth? That's millions and millions of different living things all packed into those tropical forest habitats. The rainforest is like a big apartment building, withcreatures living in the trees, on the ground, and even underground. It's truly an amazing interconnected ecosystem.We did lots of fun activities and experiments too. One time, we built our own mini-ecosystems inside plastic bottles with soil, plants, and a little water. We had to make sure all the elements an ecosystem needs were inside - like sunlight, air, nutrients, and decomposers to break down waste. It was awesome watching them grow and change over a few weeks.Another cool thing we did was examine samples of soil, water, and decaying matter under microscopes. We found tons of tiny organisms like bacteria, mold, and microbes that help decompose things and recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem. Who knew dirt could be so fascinating to look at up close?The most exciting part though was when we went on a field trip to Elkwood Nature Reserve just outside of town. We got to explore different forest and wetland habitats and see examples of producers, consumers, and decomposers all working together. We saw deer, rabbits, all kinds of birds, frogs, turtles, and insects - even found some snake skins! Our teacher taught us how to identify different plant and animal species and how they've adapted to survive in their particular habitats.On the way back to school, our bus drove by a construction site where a new shopping mall is being built. That made me sad because it means destroying the forest ecosystem that was there before. Our teacher told us that habitat loss is the biggest threat to ecosystems and endangered species nowadays. With more land being taken over for houses, roads, farms and buildings, lots of animals are losing their homes and food sources. It's a serious problem that people need to care more about.Still, learning all about these incredible habitats and ecosystems has been fascinating. My biggest takeaway is just how complex and interconnected everything in nature really is. From the smallest microbe in the soil to the largest predator roaming the rainforest, each species and habitat is precious and plays an important role. We need to appreciate and protect these amazing ecosystems while we still can. As kids, I think it's our job to take good care of the planet we're inheriting!Anyway, those are some of the highlights from our really fun and educational science unit. Let me know if you have any other questions! I better run for now though - my mom's calling me in for dinner. Thanks for listening, bye!。



























2.形成网络,提升思维——“蓦然回首” 当前,高三历史复习应该对知识重新整合,形成用课本标题,形成对课本的整体把握。读书 不宜翻开即读,不妨先回忆某一阶段相关章、节甚至 子目的标题,因为标题是“纲”,对这些“纲”的综合、 归纳便形成了“历史的阶段特征、基本线索”。在此基 础上,有选择地梳理一些重要的历史人物、历史事件 、典章制度和历史概念等。由于知识的内在逻辑关系 ,必然形成与其他知识点的“互动”,所谓“纲举目张” 就是这样。其次,要注重知识的横向与纵向联系。
3.形成一种整体世界观 从近两年的高考试题来看,考查学生归纳能力的比 较多。整体世界观要求从纵向看历史事件产生、发 展以及事件所起到的作用。这有助于学生更深层次 地理解历史事件,而不是割裂地看历史事件。 4.善思多问,提高效率 解题中不可避免会遇到困难,有一些题自己确实不 会做,这时就不要花很多时间苦思冥想,可以请教 老师和同学,以节省时间提高效率。
7.“三项意识” 一要破除大局已定的观念,现在应该是高考冲刺阶 段,成绩的提升仍有较大空间,千万不要自暴自弃!
二要注意反思和总结。把做过的考试卷拿出来,注 意做错的题目,分析做错的原因,然后在复习和训 练中针对性地改进,最终成绩会提高。另外,还要 注意近两年高考主观题的答题思路和答案陈述,并 有意识地模仿。
2.审题要慢,答题要快 有些考生只知道一味求快,往往审题不清便匆忙动笔, 结果掉进命题的“陷阱”之中,即所谓的“欲速则不达” ,看错一个词都可能会“失足成憾”,所以审题一定要 慢,有了这个“慢”,才能形成完整的符合逻辑的解题 思路,才有答题的“快”。 第一步:审中心词,即“答什么”。这一步同学们基本 上都能做到,但一定要做到“准”和“全”。非选择题别 忘了审答题方式。
第二步:审主体,即“答什么的什么”。这一步最容易 被同学们所忽视,但命题人经常在此设置“陷阱”。



计算机二级考前冲刺模拟(16)学生姓名 [填空题] *_________________________________1 下列叙述中正确的是( )。

[单选题] *程序执行的效率只取决于所处理的数据量程序执行的效率只取决于程序的控制结构程序执行的效率与数据的存储结构密切相关(正确答案)以上说法均错误2 下列与队列结构有关联的是( )。

[单选题] *函数的递归调用数组元素的引用多重循环的执行先到先服务的作业调度(正确答案)3 对下列二叉树进行前序遍历的结果为( )。


现将元素1,2,3,A,B,C依次入栈,然后再依次出栈,则元素出栈的顺序是( )。

[单选题]A.1,2,3,A,B,CB.C,B,A,1,2,3C.C,B,A,3,2,1(正确答案)D.1,2,3,C,B,A5 下面属于白盒测试方法的是( )。

[单选题] *逻辑覆盖(正确答案)等价类划分法边界值分析法错误推测法6 下面对对象概念描述正确的是()。

[单选题] *对象间的通信靠消息传递(正确答案)对象是名字和方法的封装体任何对象必须有继承性对象的多态性是指一个对象有多个操作7 软件设计中模块划分应遵循的准则是()。

[单选题] *低内聚低耦合高内聚低耦合(正确答案)高耦合高内聚以上说法均错误8 下面描述中不属于数据库系统特点的是( )。

[单选题] *数据共享数据完整性数据冗余度高(正确答案)数据独立性高9 数据库设计过程不包括()。

[单选题] *概念设计逻辑设计物理设计算法设计(正确答案)10 有三个关系R、S和T如下:则由关系R和S得到关系T的操作是()。

[单选题] *自然连接(正确答案)交投影并11 下列选项中不属于实体的是()。

[单选题] *图书课程姓名(正确答案)学生12 下列选项中,不属于MySQL合法常量的是()。

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在下列每题给出的A 、B 、C 、D 、E 五个选项中,只有一项是符合试题要求的。


)1. 受金融危机的影响,某商品的定价连续两次降价20%,后来市场复苏,连续两次提价20%,则最初能买576件商品的资金现在能买( )件商品。

A. 600B. 560C. 625D. 576E. 6502. 如图1,ABC ∆是直角三角形,321,,S S S 为正方形,已知32,S S 的边长分别是2,4,则1S 的边长为( ). A. 5 B. 7 C. 8 D. 6 E. 523. 如图2,一个储物罐的下半部分是底面直径与高均是20m的圆柱形,上半部分(顶部)是半球形。

为了防止储物罐生锈,要在其表面涂上一种保护漆,每平方米的涂漆费用是400元,该储物罐的涂漆费用是( )(14.3≈π).A. 56.52万元B.62.8万元C. 75.36万元D. 87.92万元E.100.48万元4. 在一次商品促销活动中,主持人出示一个10位数,让顾客猜测商品的价格,商品的价格是该10位数中从左到右相邻的3个数字组成的3位数。

若主持人出示的是5195375195,则顾客一次猜中价格的概率是( ). A. 71 B. 31 C. 51 D. 72 E. 615. 15个相同的奖品分给5个人,若每个人至少分得一个奖品,则不同的分法有( ).A. 3000种B. 3003种C. 4000种D. 1001种E. 1365种6. 甲、乙、丙三个地区的公务员参加一次测评,其人数和考分情况如下表:6070 a b 甲10 10 10 10 乙15 10 15 10 丙10 10 5 25 已知甲的平均分是75,丙的平均分是79,那么乙的平均分是( )A. 73B. 74C. 75D. 76E. 777. 经统计,某机场的一个安检口每天中午办理安检手续的乘客人数及相应的概率如下表:乘客人数 0~5 5~10 11~15 16~20 21~25 25以上概率0.1 0.2 0.2 0.25 0.2 0.05 该安检口3天中至少有...1.天中午办理安检手续的乘客人数超过................15..人.的概率是( ). A. 0.2 B. 0.25 C.0.375 D. 0.875 E. 0.758. 某人在银行卡中存了若干现金,第一次取出它的32,以后每天取出前一天所取的31,共取了7天,若保险柜中剩余的现金为1元,则最初银行卡中存放的现金为( )元.A. 6561B. 2187C.2186D. 729E. 7289. 在直角坐标系中,若平面区域D 由所有满足以下条件的点),(y x 组成:6≤+y x , 3≤−x y ,922≥+y x ,则D 的面积是( )A. )π1(49+B. )4π2(9−C. )4π3(9−D. )π2(49+E. )π6(49−10. 完成一项工作,甲、乙一起工作需要6天完成,乙、丙一起工作需要8天完成,甲、丙一起工作需要9天完成。

则甲单独做这项工作,需要( )天完成.(结果精确到个位数)A. 28B. 29C. 13D. 11E. 1211. 5本不同的书分给3个人,每个人至少分一本,则不同的分法有( ).A. 120种B. 150种C. 84种D. 160种E. 240种12. 若一元三次方程023=+++b ax x x 有两个实数根1,2,则多项式b ax x x +++23除以1+x 的余数为( ).A. 1B. 2−C. 18D. 4−E. 10−13. 某家庭有两个小孩(分别是甲、乙),若甲的年龄的4倍与乙的年龄的19倍之和为90,则3年前这个家庭中小孩的年龄之和为( ). (年龄为整数)A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 8E.914. 如图,三个半径为1的圆(每个圆都经过另外两个圆的圆心)覆盖的区域(实线所围)的面积为( )(结果精确到小数点后面1位,其中73.13,3.14π≈=)A. 6.4B. 6.2C. 6.6D. 5.8E.6.915. 在一次捐赠活动中,某市将捐赠的物品打包成件,其中帐篷和食品共400件,帐篷比食品多80件,则帐篷的件数是( ).A. 180B. 200C. 220D. 240E. 260二、充分性条件判断:(第16~25小题小题,每小题3分,共30分)解题说明:本大题要求判断所给出的条件(1)和(2)能否充分支持题干中陈述的结论。

A 、B 、C 、D 、E 五个选项为判断结果,请选出一项符合试题要求的判断,在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑。

A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和(2)联合起来充分D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分E.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和(2)联合起来也不充分16. 一元二次函数1)1(2−++=x b x y 与一次函数2−=x y 的图像有两个不同的交点。

(1)2−<b .(2)2>b .17. 数列{}n a 的前12项和为12612=S 。

(1)等差数列{}n a 的前4项和为184=S ;(2)等差数列{}n a 的前8项和为548=S ;18. 直线b ax y +=过第二象限.(1)1=+b a .(2)1=−a b .19. 任意抽取2次,每次抽1个,抽出后不再放回,则第2次抽出的是次品的概率为41。

(1)一批产品共有10个正品,2个次品;(2)一批产品共有9个正品,3个次品;20. 若c b a ,,都为正整数,则c b a +−为偶数.(1)c b a 753++为偶数(2)c b a 579++为偶数21. 01<<−x . (1) 11+>−x x (2) 22x x >+22. 在某次考试中,3道题答对2道题则及格,假设某人答对各题的概率相同,则此人及格的概率为1/2.(1)答对各题的概率均为1/2(2)三道题全部做错的概率为1/8.23. 三种水果单价的算术平均值为11元/千克.(1)买三种水果各2千克、2千克、1千克,共花费56元。


24. 1<+bd ac 。

(1)122=+b a 。

(2)122=+d c 。

25.抛物线a x y +=2恒在直线b x y +=的上方.(1)b x y +=与a x y +=2的图像没有公共点(2)关于x 的不等式a b x x −>−2对于一切的实数x 都成立。


在下列每题给出的A 、B 、C 、D 、E 五个选项中,只有一个选项符合试题要求。




以下哪项最可能是上述论证所必须假设的?(A )青春中学的数学老师都是男老师。

(B )青春中学的数学老师都不是男老师。

(C )青春中学的数学老师有些是男老师。

(D )青春中学有些男老师是教数学的。

(E )青春中学有些取得硕士学位的老师是数学老师。












































