



1 - 记录下数字1的形状,就像一根笔划一样。

2 - 画一个倒数第二个拉的标记,看起来像一个“Z”,它有两个90度的角。

3 - 画一个“3”的形状,从左上角下去,再向右继续下去。

4 - 想象一辆火车,画两个火车车轮的形状。

5 - 我们英语中的字母“S”可以代表数字5的形状。


6 - 想象一个带有长尾巴的象形数字6,类似于一个球拍的形状。

7 - 写下数字7,并在上方加上一个横线,看起来像一个倒过来的拐棍。

8 - 想象两个8倒过来靠在一起,形成一个无限大的形状。

9 - 写下数字9,并在上方加上一个弯曲的尾巴,看起来像一个倒过来的“J”。

10 - 结合数字1的形状和数字0的圆形,将它们结合在一起,形成一个类似于10的形状。




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小学英语1——10数字教学精品PPT课件 图文

小学英语1——10数字教学精品PPT课件 图文
重病),we should (应该)call(打电话)________.
hat telephone number should we dial(拨) 2.If(如果) you are in danger(身处险境)... ...
What telephone number should we dial(拨) 3.If(如果) you breaking out of fire(发生火灾)
Let’s enjoy the song
THE NUMBERS (数 字 1~ 10)
Let’s have fun !!! (让我们一起快乐的学习吧)
12 3 4 5 One two three four five
1、老师报数,相应号码的同学就 举手。 2、按照老师的口令,从小到大或 者从大到小报数。 3、拍手游戏“我们组最快”
... ...
, let’s sing !
(大家很聪明,学的很快, 现在,让我们唱起来吧)
那夜子都想,自打他俩分手以来,他 看着若 总觉得 隔着、 不透亮 ,像在 雾里, 掩着纱 帘…… 是由于 他不适 应新角 色、心 理有问 题,还 是她的 确有事 儿瞒了 他…… 他画着 问号, 一时又 理不出 头绪… … 第二天上午,也就是周五上午,子都 给亦冰 打电话 问若的 情况, 亦冰说 昨晚他 走后若 就没再 醒过来 ,早晨 他离家 的时候 她还在 床上躺 着;说她 应该是 不去上 班了, 是他给 雨馨准 备的早 饭、送 的学校 ……子 都想一 定是若 的酒劲 还没缓 过来。 他不想 打扰她 休息, 想下午 与她联 系。 下午子都给若打电话,那时她正在去 单位的 路上, 子都说 都三点 了,问 她这么 晚还去 单位干 吗,她 说单位 有事儿; 他又约 她吃晚 饭、或 是找个 地方坐 会儿; 她说晚 上约了 人…… 子都心 里很是 不爽, 嘴上又 不便说 什么, 就说她 身体不 好,办 完事儿 早点回 家,到 家后告 诉他一 声;她应 承着 …… 那晚子都在家心不在焉地看着电视, 总觉着 要发生 点什么 事儿… …“她这 叫归家 吗?今 天这事 儿、明 天那事 儿,以 前也没 说这么 忙过;还 说身体 不好, 好人又 怎样? 谁经得 起天天 这般折 腾…… 唉!碍着 我啥事 儿了, 跟着瞎 起哄, 爱咋咋 吧…… ”他说 是不挂 念,心 里别扭 着。九 点过半 ,仍无 若的消 息,他 心神不 宁……“ 又喝了 ?不要 命了?昨 晚的事 情过眼 就忘… …可怜 的亦冰 ,这些 年真够 难为他 的…… ”他待 要给若 发信息 ,问她 是不是 还在外 面,她 给他发 来信息 ,说她 到家了 ,要他 放心… …他悬 着的心 算是告 一段落 地放下 来,也 该洗洗 睡了… … 子都刚躺下,有电话打进来,是杨巍 的,他 吃了一 惊,第 一反应 就是若 ……这 还是杨 巍初次 用手机 给他打 电话, 他的手 机号码 也是上 次找他 办事儿 时存下 的。“ 若是不 是还在 外面没 回家?出 什么事 儿了… …”他 刚待接 听,那 边挂了 ,等了 几分钟 ,对方 没再打 过来… …“诶? 怎么回 事儿?这 么晚了 ,误碰 ……不 对…… 不管怎 样,打 过去问 问。” 于是他 就把电 话打过 去,电 话通着 ,没人 接听, 他心犯 狐疑, 一连又 打了七 、八个 过去… …“莫 非他与 若在一 起…… 绝不是 误碰… …”他随 即给若 打电话 ,没人 接,再 打……“ 她俩一 定在一 起…… 发生了 什么? 不行, 得去找 她……” 他毫无 迟疑, 起身穿 上衣服 ……“ 今晚一 定要见 着她… …”一种 不安袭 击着他 。他想 给亦冰 打电话 ,问若 在不在 家,又 一想先 别大惊 小怪的 ,过去 看看若 的车是 否在家 再做道 理。他 匆匆离 家,走 的时候 连屋里 的灯也 没顾得 关…… 路上车少,子都心似弹飞,往日的路 程此刻 只用了 一半的 时间。 他留心 过往车 辆,生 怕路上 与她错 过。在 距若的 家不足 一分钟 里程时 ,他发 现前面 路边上 停着一 辆白色 的小车 ,尾灯 闪亮着 ……“车 上一定 有人… …”他 心里一 惊,因 为杨巍 家就在 这儿附 近。“ 莫非若 的车… …”车速 太快, 他急点 刹车, 错车的 一刹凝 眸望去 ,正是 若的车 ,前排 影影绰 绰的两 个人影 ,他脑 袋嗡地 一声, 竟至于 狠踩了 一脚油 门,那 车轰的 一声穿 窜出去 多远… …待他 回过神 来,赶 忙把车 停靠在 路边, 深呼吸 ……



小学英语数字1到10教案【篇一:英语数字1-10练习】震旦暑期小学英语snow white 数字练习抄一抄 book eraserpencildoll kiteruler pen ball数一数1、★★★★★★★2、●●●3、▲▲▲▲▲4、▓▓5、♀♀♀♀♀♀♀♀6、■■■■■■7、☆8、◎◎◎◎9、♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂10、▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽排顺序six ten four one nine two eight five three seven连连看six1ten3four 5one7nine 10two2eight 6five 8three 4seven 9【篇二:数字1—12在小学三年级新标准《英语》上册的教学中是一个】数字1—12在小学英语教学中是一个重要的内容。




试想一下,有哪个孩子不喜欢故事呢?在教数字1-12之前,我先给他们讲了一个小故事:oneday,alittlegirlwentforawalkintheforestwithtwodogs.shesawt hreebirdsinatreeandfourmon-keysgohighandlow.shewalkedonthensheheardhello!shesawfiv etigersandsixlions……在当中我不时地加上肢体语言,边讲故事边把要学的数字one、two、three、four、five、six……写在黑板上。








3.三位数及以上的整数:读出百位数、十位数和个位数,如123读作"one hundred twenty-three"。



3.小数部分:依次读出每个数字,如0.25读作"point two five"。


2.分母:在分子后加上"over"和分母,如3/4读作"three over four"或"three-quarters"。


2.百分数:读出百分号和百分数,如50%读作"fifty percent"。










单元一:Hello!•核心词汇: hello, goodbye, hi, bye, morning, afternoon, evening, night, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, name, my, I, am, what, your, is.•重点句型:o Hello! / Hi! (问候)o Goodbye! / Bye! (告别)o Good morning/afternoon/evening/night! (问候,根据时间段选择)o My name is … (自我介绍)o What’s your name? (询问姓名)o My name is … (回答姓名)o What is this/that? This/That is a/an… (询问和指认物品)o I am … (years old). (说明年龄)•语法点:名词 (name)、代词 (I, my, your)、动词 (am, is)、问句(What’s…, What is…) 的基本使用。


可以利用 flashcards 来记忆单词,并尝试用英语与他人进行简单的对话。

单元二:My Family•核心词汇: family, father, dad, mother, mum, brother, sister, friend, man, woman, boy, girl, this, that, these, those.•重点句型:o This is my … (介绍家人或朋友)o That is my … (介绍较远的人或物)o These are my … (介绍复数家人或朋友)o Those are my … (介绍较远的复数人或物)o He is my … (介绍男性家人)o She is my … (介绍女性家人)•语法点:名词的单复数 (family/families, brother/brothers),指示代词 (this, that, these, those) 的使用,人称代词 (he, she) 的引入。



英文1到10的写法《英文 1 到 10 的写法》在学习英语的过程中,掌握 1 到 10 这十个数字的写法是基础中的基础。


1 的英文是“one”,这个单词发音比较简单,就像是汉语里“万”的发音,但要注意口型和语调。

“one”在很多场景中都会用到,比如“one day”(一天)、“one person”(一个人)。

2 是“two”,发音类似“吐”。

它也是常见的数字,比如“two apples”(两个苹果)、“two books”(两本书)。


当我们说“three dogs”(三只狗)、“three cups”(三个杯子)的时候,就会用到它。

4 对应的英文是“four”,读音像“佛”。

比如“four seasons”(四季)、“four years”(四年)。

“five”是 5,发音类似于“发爱五”。

像“five fingers”(五个手指)、“five stars”(五颗星)这样的表达就会用到它。

6 用英文写是“six”,读音类似“思克斯”。

“six months”(六个月)、“six friends”(六个朋友)是常见的用法。

7 是“seven”,发音像“塞文”。

“seven days”(七天)、“seven colors”(七种颜色)是它在句子中的常见搭配。

8 对应的英文是“eight”,读音类似于“诶特”。

比如“eight hours”(八小时)、“eight pens”(八支笔)。

9 是“nine”,读音类似“耐恩”。

“nine girls”(九个女孩)、“nine cars”(九辆车)是它的常见用法。

最后,10 是“ten”,读音类似“腾”。

“ten minutes”(十分钟)、“ten students”(十个学生)这样的表达中就会出现“ten”。

掌握好这 1 到 10 的英文写法,对于我们进行数字相关的交流、计算、描述数量等都非常重要。

剑桥国际少儿英语1- 12单元重点完全解析含歌词

剑桥国际少儿英语1- 12单元重点完全解析含歌词

Unit 1 Hello! 你好●重点语言词汇:red(红色),yellow(黄色), pink(粉红色), green(绿色), orange(橙色), purple(紫色),blue(蓝色), monster(怪物), rainbow(彩虹),and(和), Sid snake,(Sid 的蛇)数字1-10句型:Hello, I’m…. Goodbye.What’s your name?How old are you?What colour’s…? It’s ….发音:/s/●学习内容情景对话:1.Listen and point.Hello, I’m Mrs Star.Hello, I’m Mr Star.Hello, I’m Stella Star. This is Marie.Hello, I’m Simon Star. This is Maskman.Hello, I’m Suzy Star. This is Monty.Goodbye.Hello, I’m Monty. What’s your name?2.Listen and point.Hello, Meera.Hello, Stella. Hello. What’s your name?Suzy.How old are you?I’m three.How old are you, Meera?I‘m eight, and you?I’m six.歌谣:Say the chant.One, two, three, four, five,Six, seven, eight, nine and ten.歌曲:Sing the song.Red and yellow and pink and green.Orange and purple and blue.I can sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow to you.语音:Say it with Monty.Sid snakeSid snakeStella, Suzy, Simon, starStella, Suzy, Simon, star故事:Listen to the story.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Hello, Marie.Hello, Maskman. Close the door, please. Sit down here.Listen to my chant, Marie. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10.Very good, Maskman.Yes, good.Listen! Look! What….? Aaaagghh! A blue monser!No, Maskman. It’s a …..Eeeek! A blue monster! Goodbye, Marie.Goodbye, Mskman. Close the door, please, Maskman. Thank you.Hello, Marie.Hello, Monty.Look, a blue pencil.Yes, a blue pencil.Unit 2 My school 我的学校●重点语言词汇:table, book, chair, eraser, pen, pencil, your, puppet, mouse, Michael monkey句型:Is this a …..? Yes./ No.Who’s that? Who’s he/she?How old are you? How old is he/she?He/she is …..How are you? I’m fine, thank you.发音:/m/复习:颜色,数字1-10,课堂用语,人物名字●学习内容情景对话:3.Listen and point.Suzy sister: Oooohh! Simon, is that your bag?Simon brother: Yes, it is.Suzy sister: It’s yellow.Simon brother: Yes, it is, and my pencil’s red.Suzy sister: Is your eraser red too?Simon brother: No, it isn’t. It’s green.Suzy sister: And what colour’s your pen?Simon brother: It’s blue, Suzy.Suzy sister: Oh, and….?Simon brother: Here, Suzy! Look at this. It’s my Maskman book!Suzy sister: Wow! Thank, Simon!4.Listen and point.Lenny: Hello, I’m Lenny. What’s your name?Stella: Stella. Who’s that?Lenny: That’s Alex. He’s my friend.Stella: How old is he?Lenny: He’s six. Who’s that? Is she your friend?Stella: Yes, she is. That’s Meera.Lenny: Is she six?Stella: No, she isn’t. She eight.Lenny: I’m seven. How old are you?Stella: I’m seven too.歌谣:Say the chant.A pencil, a book.An eraser, a pen.A table, a chair.Say it again.歌曲:Sing the song.Mr Star, Mr Star,How old are you?I’m fine, thank you.I’m fine, thank you.How are you?Mrs Star, Mrs Star, How are you?I’m fine, thank you, I’m fine, thank you.How are you?Stella Star, Stella Star.How are you?I’m fine, thank you. I’m fine, thank you.How are you?Simon Star, Simon Star, How are you?I’m fine, thank you. I’m fine, thank you.How are you?Suzy Star, Suzy Star,How are you?I’m fine, thank you. I’m fine, thank you.How are you?I’m fine, thank you. I’m fine, thank you.How are you?语音:Say it with Monty.Michael MonkeyMichael MonkeyMonty, Maskman. Marie, mouseMonty, Maskman, Marie, mouse故事:Listen to the story.Toy in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five,One, two, three, four, five.Ok. Sit down, please, everybody.Open your Activity Books, please, and pick up your pencils.Listen to the CD and draw the monster.Oops! Oh, my Activity Books!Here’s another book, Monty. Here’s an eraser. Er, no, Marie. Another Activity Books, please.Unit 3 Favourite toy●重点语言词汇:call, ball, doll, computer, bike, train, toys, black, brown, white, grey, two, T ommy tortoise, in, on, under, next to句型:What’s your favourite toy?My favourite …. Is…..Where’s your….?Is your …. Under your….?复习:教室物品,颜色,数字,人物和玩具的名字,课堂用语,What’s this? It’s a ….Is he/she …? No, he/she isn’t. Yes,he/she is. Monster●学习内容情景对话:1.Listen and point.Stella Star: My favourite toy’s my computer.What’s your favorite toy, Alex?Alex: My bike. What’s your favourite toy, Simon?Simon: My favourite toy’s Maskman and … the car.Meera: Is Maskman a doll?Simon: No. Marie’s a doll.Meera: Oh. My favorite toy’s my ball.Lenny: My favourite’s my train. What’s your favourite toy, Suzy?Suzy: Mo … Aaahhh! Where’s Monty?2. 2. Listen and point.Mr Star: Simon… Simon, is your ball in your bag?Simon: Er, no, it isn’t. Dad.Mr Star: Simon, is your ball on the toy box?Simon: E, no, it isn’t, Dad.歌谣:Say the chant.Black, brown, white, grey,Look, listen, point and say.Black, brown, white, grey,Look, listen, point and say.歌曲:Sing the song.Monty!Monty isn’t there,Monty isn’t there,He isn’t on the table.He isn’t under the chair.Oh, where? Where?Where is Monty?Is he in the toy box?Is he under the book?Is he next to the computer?Look! Look! Look! Oh, where? Where? Where?Where? Where? Where?Where? Where? Where?Where’s Monty?语音:Say it with Monty.Tommy tortoiseTommy tortoiseTrain, two, toys, tableTrain, two, toys, table故事:Listen to the story.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and walk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Maskman: Hello, Marie. What’s that?Marie: It’s my computer. It’s my favourite toy. Maskman:: Oh,….Marie: What’s your favourite toy, Maskman? Maskman: My car. It’s blue and black. It’s “the Maskman Car”.Marie: Oh, that’s nice. Where is it?Maskman: It’s there, next to the toy box. Monty: No, it isn’t next to the toy box, Maskman. Maskman: Oh, no! Where’s my car?Monty: Is it in the toy box?Maskman: No, it isn’t.Marie: Is it under the table?Maskman: No, it isn’t under the table. Ooohh.Where’s my car?Marie: I don’t know, Maskman. Is it on the chair? Maskman: Noooo, it isn’t.Monty: Look, Maskman. It’s OK. It’s here, in the bag.Maskman: Oh, thank you, Monty.Maskman: My Maskman Car.Unit 4 My family●重点语言词汇:family, mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, box, old, young, ugly, beautiful, happy, sad,Bertie bat句型:Who’s that? We’re….发音:/b/复习:玩具,颜色,数字,人物和玩具名字,课堂用语,in, on, under, next to, he/she, his/her, He/She isn’t…Is this a …..?学习内容情景对话1.Listen and point.Suzy Star: This is my family. That’s my father, Mr Star. He’s a pop star. Now, this is a nice picture of my mother. She’s on a white chair. Who’s that woman in the car? That’s my grandmother. My grandfather is next to my grandmother. He’s funny. There’s my brother, Simon. He’s on a black bike. And that’s my sister, Stella. She’s seven. Oh! And who’s that girl next to the table, Monty? That’s me. And, oh, where are you? There you are, on the table.2.Listen and point.Stella: Look at my family. That’s my mother. She’s beautiful. My sister’s young—she’s three. Oh, dear! Look at that bag. My father’s sad. Today my brother’s ugly. My grandfather’s old. He’s next to my sister. My grandmother’s happy.歌曲Say the chant.Suzy Star, Stella, Simon: Young or old, Happy or sad. Brother and sisters, Mum and dad.Suzy Star:We are family. My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister. And me.Stella: He’s my father. She’s my mother. She’s my sister. And he’s my brother.Suzy Star:We are family. My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister. And me.Simon: She’s my mum. He’s my dad. Beautiful, not ugly. Happy, not sad.Suzy Star:We are family. My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister. And me. We are family. My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister. And me. 语音Say it with Monty.Bertie batBertie batBall, bag, bike, bookBall, bag, bike, book故事Listen to the story.Toy in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and walk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Maskman: Look at this!Marie: What is it?Maskman: It’s a picture of my family.Monty: Who’s that?Maskman: She’s my sister, Maskgirl.Monty: And is this your young brother?Maskman: Yes, that’s Maskboy.Monty: Wow!Marie: And look, here’s my family.Monty: Wow! She’s beautiful. Is she your mother? Marie: Yes, she is. She’s my mum, Babs.Monty: And is this your father?Marie: Yes, that’s Ben, my dad.Monty: Are you my brother, Maskman?Maskman: No, I’m not.Monty: Are you my sister, Marie?Marie: No, I’m not.Monty: Where’s my family?Marie: Look, Monty. Here’s your family. It’s the mouse family.Monty: Oohh! Look, my mum and dad. Marvin Mouse and Maxi Mouse.Maskman: Are you happy now, Monty?Monty: Yes, I am.Unit5 Our pets重点语言词汇:cat, dog, fish, horse, mouse, bird, (red) and (blue), long, short, big, small, clean, dirty, Penny penguin句型:They’re…. 发音:复习:家庭,形容词,介词,玩具,教室物品,颜色,数字,人物和玩具的名字,课堂用语,What’s your favourite…? My favourite … is a …, Where’s …? Who …? What …?学习内容情景对话Listen and point.Grandpa: Hello, children. It’s a lovely day for the pet show. Are they your pets?Suzy Star, Meera, Simon Star, Stella Star, Lenny: Yes. Suzy Star: This is my pet. It’s a black and white dog. Meera: This is my favorite fish. It’s orange. What’s your favourite pet, Simon?Simon Star: My mouse. It’s grey.Meera: Oh! That’s, er, nice.Stella Star: Look at my cat. It’s white. What’s your pet, Lenny?Lenny: It’s a beautiful bird. It’s red, blue and green. Where’s your pet, Mrs Star?Mrs Star: It’s there, next to my car. That’s my black horse.Listen and point.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Marie: Oh, look at the table. It’s dirty. The chairs are dirty too.Maskman: Yes, they are. But the toy box is clean. Marie: And wahere are the pencils?Monty: Here they are. They’re on these pictures.Here’s a picture of a big dog.Marie: Aahh! The brown pencil’s short.Maskman: Yes, it is, but the grey pencil’s long. Monty: And this is a picture of a small mouse. It’s beautiful.歌谣Say the chant.My horse is beautiful.My dog is too.My fish is ugly.My bird is blue.My cat is young.And my mouse is grey.Here are our pets,On pet show day.歌曲Sing the song.Meera: My name’s Meera, Lenny: My name’s Lenny.And this is my fish. And this is my bird.It’s a long fish. It’s a happy bird.It’s a long fish. It’s a happy bird.Stella: My name’s Stella. Suzy: My name’s Suzy.And this is my car. And this is my dog.It’s a clean cat. It’s a big dog.It’s a clean cat. It’s a big dog. Mrs Star: My name’s Mrs Star. Simon: My name’s Simon.And this is my horse. And this is my mouse.It’s a beautiful horse. It’s a small mouse.It’s a beautiful horse. It’s a small mouse.Suzy: It’s an ugly mouse.Simon: No, it isn’t.Stella: It’s a dirty mouse.Meera: It’s a short mouse.Lenny: It’s a small mouse.Meera, Lenny, Stella, Suzy, Mrs Star: Yes, it’s a small mouse.Simon: Yes, it is.语音Say it with Monty.Penny penguinPenny penguinPick up a pink pencil and point to a purple petPick up a pink pencil and point to a purple pet故事Listen to the story.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five,One, two, three, four, five.Maskman: Look, Marie. The pet show.Marie: Oh, yes.Maskman: What’s your favourite pet, Marie?Marie: Cats are my favourite pets. They’re beautiful and clean.Maskman: Yes, but they aren’t big. Big dogs are my favourite pets.Marie: Hmm, but big dogs are ugly.Marie: Mice are good pets.Maskman: Yes, but they’re small and dirty.Monty: Pardon? Mice are small, but we aren’t dirty…and we’re happy.Maskman: Oops. Sorry, Monty.Maskman: Mice aren’t dirty and they’re good pets.But my favourite pets are big dogs. Monty: But they’re ugly and …Marie, Monty, Maskman: {Gasp}Marie: Look at the puppet!Monty:Oh, no!Maskman: Eek!Maskman: No, dogs aren’t my favourite pets. My favourite pets are fish.Unit6 My face重点语言词汇:face, ear, eye, mouth, nose, teeth/tooth, hair, head, shoulders, knees, toes, body, Henry horse句型:Have you got …? Yes, .. / No, …I’ve got …We’ve got …复习:宠物,家庭,形容词,介词,玩具,教室物品,颜色,数字,人物和玩具的名字,课堂用语,different, boy,friends,How are you?学习内容情景对话1. Listen and point.Simon: Ssshh, everybody. It’s The Troll Show. It’s my favourite programme.Stella: Yes, mmmm.Suzy: Oooohh. They’re big and ugly.Simon: No, they aren’t. They’re funny.Presenter: Hi, boys and girls. It’s The Troll Show. Trevor Troll: Hello, everybody. My name’s Trevor Troll.I’m big and green …Suzy: … and ugly.Simon: Ssshh!Trevor Troll: My head is big and I’ve got purple hair.Look at my face. It’s dirty. My eyes areorange and my mouth is big. I’ve gotyellow teeth and big green ears. My nose isshort.Simon: Lovely!2. Listen and point.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk, On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Hello, everybody. Welcome to The Ugly Monster Show. Look, Maskman. It’s my favorite show.It’s isn’t my favorite show. Those monsters are ugly. Shhh! Be quiet, please!Hello, boys and girls. My name’s Murk. I’ve got a purple head and short orange hair. I’ve got one big red eye and a long green nose. I’ve got four small ears. Have you got a small mouth?No, I haven’t. I’ve got a big mouth and I’ve got four clean white teeth.Thank you. Murk. You are ugly.Oh, thank you.And this is Moss. Hi, Moss.Hello, everybody. I’ve got a yellow face and long green hair. I’ve got three orange eyes and a small blue nose. I’ve got a big purple mouth and a lot of beautiful teeth. My teeth are grey.Have you got small ears?No, I haven’t. I’ve got two big ears.Thank you, Moss. You’re ugly too.Thank you.歌谣Say the chant.Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Hum, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Hum, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Hum, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.歌曲Sing the song.I’m a very ugly monster.I’m a very ugly monster.I’m a very ugly monster.I’ve got six dirty ears.Yes, I have.I’ve got pink hair,And my eyes are red.I’ve got a blue nose.And a purple head.I’ve got a green mouth,And my teeth are blue.My name’s Slime.Who are you?I’m a very ugly monster.I’m a very ugly monster.I’m a very ugly monster.I’ve got six dirty ears.I’ve got six dirty ears.Yes, I have.语音Say it with Monty.Henry horseHenry horseHere’s a happy horse with hair on his head. Here’s a happy horse with hair on his head. 故事Say it with Monty.Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Look Marie. There he is. He’s a monster.No, he isn’t. maskman. He’s a troll.A troll? What’s a troll?Look at his hair! It’s long and ….. it’s big and green. Yes, Maskman. Trolls are green.Look at his eyrs. Marie…. They’re orange. He’s a monster!I’m green. I’ve got purple hair and orange eyes, but I’m not a monster.Hello, Trevor! How are you?Hello, Monty. I’m fine, thank you.Trevor, this is Marie and this is Maskman. They’re my friends.Hello, Trevor. How are you? Are you happy?Yes, I am. Now I’ve got three friends.Yes, we’re your friends.Unit 7 Wild animals重点语音词汇:crocodile, elephant, hippo, giraffe, snake, tiger, animal, arm, leg, tail, foot/feet, hand, Cassandra cat句型:They’ve got ….They haven’t got …Have they got ….?How many … have they got?发音:、/k/复习:面部和身体,宠物,家庭,形容词,介词。



一年级数字1到10英语教案以下是一份关于一年级数字1 到10 的英语教案:**教学目标:**1. 学生能够认识并正确读出数字1 到10 的英文名称。

2. 学生能够用英语表达数字1 到10。

3. 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣。

**教学重点:**1. 数字1 到10 的英文名称。

2. 用英语表达数字1 到10。

**教学难点:**1. 数字3、5、9 的发音。

2. 数字的正确拼写。

**教学准备:**1. 数字卡片1 到10。

2. 教学课件。

3. 教学音频。

**教学过程:**1. 热身活动- 播放数字歌曲,让学生跟唱。

- 出示数字卡片,让学生说出对应的中文名称。

2. 呈现新知- 用教学课件依次展示数字1 到10 的图片,并播放对应英文发音,让学生跟读。

- 教师用英语说出数字,让学生出示相应的数字卡片。

- 玩数字游戏,教师说数字,学生用手指表示数字。

3. 巩固练习- 让学生在练习本上写下数字1 到10 的英文名称。

- 教师说数字,学生用英文说出数字名称。

4. 拓展应用- 让学生观察教室里的物品,如书本、桌子、椅子等,并用英语说出它们的数量。

- 教师出示一些数字谜语,让学生猜出对应的数字。

5. 总结- 教师带领学生一起回顾数字1 到10 的英文名称。

- 鼓励学生在日常生活中多使用英语数字。

**教学评价:**通过课堂观察和学生作业,评价学生对数字1 到10 的掌握情况。

以上是一个基本的一年级数字1 到10 的英语教案,您可以根据学生的实际情况和教学需要进行适当的调整和修改。



一到十英文巧记摘要:一、英文数字的巧记方法1.英文数字的组成2.巧记方法简介3.具体巧记方法a) 使用拼音联想b) 利用相似性记忆c) 创建故事场景d) 结合身体部位二、各种巧记方法的优缺点分析1.拼音联想法的优势与局限2.相似性记忆法的优点与不足3.故事场景法的适用性与局限性4.身体部位法的优势与局限三、巧记方法的实际应用与效果1.学生如何利用巧记方法学习英文数字2.实际应用案例分享3.巧记方法对学习效果的影响四、总结与展望1.英文数字巧记方法的重要性2.各种方法的优缺点总结3.对未来学习方法的展望正文:英文数字的巧记方法在英语学习过程中起着至关重要的作用。

英文数字由十个数字组成,分别是one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten。



例如,one 的发音与“哦呢”相似,two 的发音与“土哦”相似。



例如,one 可以想象成一根油条(yóu tiáo),two 可以想象成两个兔子(liǎng gè tù zǐ)。





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