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比较教育研究 ."/0,+,123) 4567,12"* 8)32)9
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先提出对贫困线以 下 的 儿 童 进 行 教 育 的 问 题 。 1964 年约翰逊总统颁布 《经济机会法》 (The Eco- nomic Opportunity Act) 。1965 年秋, 美国联邦教育 总署根据 《经济机会法》 , 制订 “开端计划” , 要求对 经济处境不利家庭的子女进行 “补偿教育” 。1965 年美国政府开始实施面向 3 ̄4 岁处境不利儿童的 “开端计划” , 这被认为是 “向贫困宣战” 的有效举 措之一。 “开端” (head start) 是一个赛马用语, 表示 “并驾齐驱” ,就是希望处境不利的儿童能够和那 些中产阶级家庭的同伴在进入小学时站在同一起 跑线上。 (一) 早期教育成为国家安全与社会和谐发展 的重要保证 在美国,一项教育政策的出台往往是立法先 行。1965 年 《初等和中等教育法案》 (Elementary and Secondary Education Act, ESEA) 的出 台 为 “开 端计划” 的诞生奠定了法律基础。 《初等和中等教 育法案》 中第一条款 (Title I) 就规定 “为低收入家庭 儿童提供教育的地方教育机构提供财政援助” 。 1970 年, 《初等教育和中等教育法案》 “第一条款” 个别学生资助计划的预算每年超过 10 亿,占 125 亿联邦教育预算中的 10.5%。 1998 年, “第一条款” 个别学生资助计划 (曾经简称为 “第一章” , 后改名 占 760 亿预算中 为 “第一条款” ) 花费达到 78 亿, [2] 的 10%左右。 1965 年 “开端计划” 所服务的幼儿人 [3] 数只有 1997 年人数的 40!。 截至到 2003 年, “开 端计划”已经为超过 2, 100 万名儿童提供服务。 2002 年, 有超过 90 万名儿童入读 “开端计划” 所开 [4] 设的儿童服务机构。 1994 年, 克林顿政府设立了 “早期开端计划” (Early Head Start) , 为处境不利的 3 岁以下儿童以 及他们的家庭提供服务。美国小布什政府在推出 《不让一个儿童落后》 法案 (NCLB) 后, 2002 年又在 早期教育专门推行“良好的开端,聪明地成长” (Good Start, Grow Smart) 行动计划, 务求在早期教 育领域进一步强化 “开端计划” , 同时还与各州加 强合作, 提高早期教育质量, 为教师、 服务机构和 [5] 父母提供更多的信息来源。 至此,美国政府为 0 ̄5 岁前义务教育阶段处境不利的儿童提供了全 方位的 “开端计划” , 务求所有儿童在进入义务教 育阶段时能够有一个公平的起点。



英国:确保开端计划简介确保开端计划(Sure Start),由英国政府发起的、面向4岁以下婴幼儿,并主要针对低收家庭。





























二、推动工业革命的因素1. 科技创新:英国工业革命始于纺织工业的发展,其中最重要的发明是约翰·凯伊发明的织布机。



2. 政治和法律环境:英国采取了一系列鼓励工业发展的政策和法律措施。



3. 资本和市场:英国在工业革命前已经形成了较为完善的资本市场和金融体系。



三、工业革命的影响1. 经济变革:工业革命使得英国从传统的手工业经济转变为机械化和工厂化的经济体系。



2. 社会变革:工业革命导致了城市化的进程,大量农民涌向城市从事工业工作。



3. 政治影响:工业革命推动了民主和平等的思想传播。





三 、启 示
“ 确保 开 端 ”项 目从 提 出 到施 行 过 程都 给 我 国
Hale Waihona Puke 提供保育以及健康 和养育意见 。预计到 2 1 00年将
达到 3 0 5 0所 。 [ 4 3
学,2 0 ( ). 00 3 (6 3 ]刘新 民. 精神发 育迟滞 学生与正常学生家庭背景的 比较研 究 []. J 中国行 为医学科 学,19 ( ). 98 7 [9 3 ]郭瑞 萍. 弱智儿童的 父母心理状 况调查 []. J 健康心理 学
杂 志 ,20 ( ) . 00 5
目主要 有 以下三个 特点 :扩 展服 务对 象 ;向 “ 处境
不利 ”儿童 的家庭 和地 区倾 斜 ;社 区多种 服务 内容 的整 合 。 [ 这 种论 坛式 早 期儿 童 服务 机构 强调 平 ) 等的 、 自上而 下 的人 本 化服 务 ,强调更 多地 了解 教
育服务对象的实际需求 ,并根据需求提供优质的服
儿 童 。该项 目为家 庭 提供 的服 务 主要 包 括 :家访 咨
其 目的是 为 了确 保 每 个 婴 幼 儿 都 有 一 个 良好 的 开 询 ,帮 助家 长理 解 和支 持 幼儿 的游戏 .分享 儿童 保
国 儿 童保 健 杂 志 , 19 ( ) . 99 6
[0 4 ]张 宁生,荣卉. 疾儿童的 父母如何调 适心路 历程 []. 残 J
要 组成部 分 .被 有 些学 者誉 为英 国学 前 教 育发 展 的 质 量 。
“ 希望工 程 ” ,它 的一些 思 想 和做 法值 得 我们 学 习 和 借 鉴
“ 保 开 端 ”项 目是英 国实 现 “ 2 确 在 0年 之 内
彻底 根 除儿 童贫 穷 现象 ”承诺 的中心 环节 .不仅 强 调 在尊 重 家庭 文化 背 景 的基础 上 帮助 家庭 营 造 良好



国外儿童早期教育相关网站1.国际经济合作组织教育委员会网站:(有幼儿教育与看护主页,关于强势开端计划的材料,各个国家早教相关材料及网站)/document/3/0, 3343,en_2649_39263231_27000067_1_1_1_1,00.html;2.澳大利亚维多利亚玩具图书馆[/B]网.au/services.ht m;3.英国开端计划早教中心:/surestartservices/settings/sur estartchildrenscentres/4.加拿大安大略早期教育中心网:.on.ca/children/oeyc/en/index.htm l5.联合国教科文组织早期教育相关材料:/ulis/cgi-bin/ulis. pl?database=&mode=e&set=4A1FB29D_1_98&look=new&sc1=1&sc2=1&ref=http:/ //en/early-childhood/ecce-country-profiles/&lin=1&nl=1&gp=1&ll= 1&text=early%20childhood%20country%20profiles&text_p=inc&req=2&by=2&hist =0&scroll=16.英国婴儿抚养网:/?once=true&7.日本教育网(英文):/sub1.html8.新西兰普卢凯特(早期教育与看护)网:/plunket-you/ putting-children-first/littlies-lobby/9.儿童发展程序:/nchs/about/major/nhanes/growthcharts/charts. htm10.今日课程:/armstrong_curriculum/11.新西兰教育部早期教育科:/Playgroups/default.htm12.美国小奇迹托儿中心:/About%20Us.htm13.英国0-3岁儿童everydaystories网:/stories.ht m14.英国儿童早期基础阶段网(一种教育方案): /eyfs/15.儿童信息网(可以搜索,材料较多):/search.php?q=i taly16.英国教师网:/teachingandlearning/EYFS/17.英国/每个儿童都很重要网:/deliveringservi ces/multiagencyworking/。

















三、“儿童保育十年战略”(A Ten-year Strategy for Childcare, 2004) 目标: 1. 确保每个儿童的生活与发展都有尽可能好的开端 2. 在应对就业模式转变需求的过程中,确保家长就业并在其职业生 涯中取得持续进展 3. 确保家庭在其平衡工作与家庭生活过程中做出自由选择的合法性 意义: 明确并加强政府在发展学前教育与保育、促进家庭生活与工作间 平衡,以及则政投入中的贡任,以此促进英国学前教育发展,社 会安定与经济繁荣。
一、按工作时间分类: 1. 全日教师 2. 部分时间教师 二、按所持证书分类 1. NNEB(Nursery Nurse Examination Board),即0-8岁儿童健康和教育的两年 课程的毕业证书 2. PLA (Pre-School Learning Alliance),相当于DPP (Diploma in Pre-School Practice)即2-5岁儿童发展和教育的1年课程证书 3. CERT ED.(Certificate in Educ in Child Care and Education),相当于NVQ(National Vocational Qualifications )level 2(初级),即0-8岁儿童保育和教育的1年学院课 程证书 5. DCE (Diploma in Child Care and Education),相当于NVQ (National Vocational Qualifications )level 3(中级),即0-8岁儿童保育和教育的两年学院 课程毕业证书。
特点一: 类型多样化 (如表1、表二)
特点二: 根据幼儿在园时间长短,英国现有幼教机构可分为 寄宿制、全日制、半日制、计时制等多种类型。 此外,在地广人稀的乡村农场还有季节性、流动性 的幼教服务机构。英国政府还充分运用现代科技, 为不在幼教机构服务区的幼儿及其家长提供丰富、 灵活的网上保教服务。





一、背景及起因1. 农业革命:18世纪初,英国农业生产出现了一系列的改革和进步。



2. 商业和贸易的发展:英国提倡自由贸易政策,通过扩大与殖民地的贸易以及开放国际贸易,促进了国内市场的扩大。


3. 资本积累和投资:在工业革命前,商人和企业家开始积累大量的财富,并将这些财富投资于日益发展的工厂、设备和技术。


二、科学与技术的进步1. 蒸汽机的发明:蒸汽机的发明是工业革命中的里程碑事件。



2. 纺织业的技术改革:在工业革命初期,纺织行业是英国最重要的工业部门之一。


3. 铁制品生产技术的改进:在工业革命初期,铁是工业生产的基础材料。


三、出现的社会和经济变化1. 人口增长:随着农业生产的改进和医疗技术的进步,英国的人口迅速增长。


2. 城市化的进程:由于工业化,大量人口从农村迁移到城市,从事工厂生产工作。












• “确保开端”英国联邦政府在1998年开 始投资实施的一项依靠社区而向学前儿童和 父母的学前教育综合性计划,此计划采取提 供均等的学前教育、更完善儿童保育、家庭 支持和医疗卫生等方式为儿童提供一生发展 提供适当的条件,旨在确保每个儿童都有一 个良好的开端并为儿童及其他家庭创造更美 好的生活。
• 一、项目基本特征的共性
• 1)、对处境不利儿童的关注;
• 2)、重视对学前儿童认知、语言及社会方 面的发展;
• 3)、支持家长参与与家长培训;
• 4)、充分利用社区资源; • 5)、重视对计划实施质量的评估; • 6)、政府对实施学前教育计划项目的支持;
• 1、政府重视对学前教育计划项目的资金投 入; • 2、出台相关政策法规来促进计划项目的顺 利开展;
• 开端计划
对象是3—6岁处境不利的家庭儿童 • 确保开端计划 • 对象是4岁以下的婴幼儿,有专门针对 处境不利儿童的计划
• 开端计划 • 实施方式是包括家庭、托幼机构为主型 和混合型。 • 确保开端计划 • 全都是在家庭中实施。

• 开端计划 • 重视幼儿认知发展 • 确保开端计划 • 强调社会性和情感的发展
• “开端计划”(Head Start)与“确保开端” (前教育和健康服务的综合性 计划,在两国学前教育的发展与改革中有着重 要的地位。
• “开端计划”是美国联邦政府在1965年正 式开始实施的,其最初目的是为处境不利 儿童提供良好的开端以为他们一生的发展 打下坚实的基础。






一、背景和原因1. 农业革命的推动:18世纪中叶,英国经历了一场农业革命,农业生产效率显著提高。


2. 商业革命的催化:英国的贸易和商业迅速发展,创造了一批富有的商人和企业家。


3. 科技创新的突破:英国在科学和技术方面取得了重大突破。


二、工业革命的影响1. 经济变革:工业革命极大地改变了英国的经济结构。



2. 城市化和人口增长:工业革命导致了农民向城市迁移的浪潮,促进了城市的快速发展和人口的增长。


3. 社会结构的变革:随着工厂制度的出现,劳动力从农村转移到工厂,形成了工人阶级的兴起。


4. 科学技术的进步:工业革命催生了一系列科学技术的进步,极大地推动了人类文明的发展。


三、工业革命的成果1. 工业基础的建立:工业革命奠定了现代工业文明的基础。


2. 技术发展的推动:工业革命使科学技术得到巨大的推进,进一步加速了全球的现代化进程。

开端计划Sure Start

开端计划Sure Start

开端计划Sure Start英国政府的“开端方案”是在全国范围中为孩子、父母和社团而实行的一项行动。


在Portman Centre四周内,有3个Sure Start小组,共24人. Sure Star 有许多服务项目,只举几列。

1)特殊孩子的送教上门KIDS Home Learning这是一个建立于1970年的类似慈善机构的组织,它支持、关怀有残疾孩子的家庭或者不良行为习惯的孩子,如何进一步进展他或她的潜能,已达到确定的水平,他们的职责是通过和家长及其他人的共同合作,探究残疾孩子和有特殊需要的孩子如何进展他们的技能和力气,充分发挥它们潜在的力气和他们的强力愿望。







记录下孩子的全部信息、状况,内容特殊齐全;依据0—6岁的幼儿行为进展表格,制定这个孩子的相关的进展方案;再次家访,带上相关的玩具和家长一起陪着孩子玩,共同争辩怎么培育孩子某一方面的力气;填写活动表格,包括写上本次家访的目标是什么; 在家访中你做了什么;搞了什么活动;家长签字;下周家访时间等。




















英国工业革命开始现代化与经济进步的开端英国工业革命(Industrial Revolution)是人类历史上的一次重大变革,它标志着工业化与技术进步的爆发。














1. 纺织工业的革新英国工业革命以纺织工业的发展为主导。

最具代表性的发明是斯密特(James Hargreaves)的纺纱机和阿肯赛德(Edmund Cartwright)的力矩织机。


2. 煤炭与铁路的兴起煤炭作为主要能源,在英国工业革命中起到了至关重要的作用。








(Project Head Start),是美 国联 邦政府 资助 的重要 早 保 育和教 育服务 。虽然美英 两 国早 已成为 “富国俱
期儿 童教育项 目,主要 用 于 为低 收 入 家庭 3—5岁 乐部 ”的 当然 成 员 ,但 两 国 的贫 困问 题 依 然严 重 ,
的儿 童提供 有效 的教育 服务 。从 2O世 纪 60年代 如 ,1965年美 国有 3千 万贫 困人 口,其 中 50%以上
至今 ,虽然在 20世 纪 7O年 代 至 80年代 经 历 了一 是儿 童 ,12岁 以下儿童 占大 多数 ;引㈣’英 国在 1998
段较 为艰难 的低谷期 ,但它始终 是美 国早期 教育历 年有 420万贫 困儿 童 ,占儿童 总 数 的 33%。 由于
史上 “最大众 化 和最成 功 的联 邦 项 目之 一 ”。[1](P193) 无力 支付孩子 的学前保 育与教 育费用 ,在 进入小 学
摘 要 :美英 两 国“开 端 计 划”对 我 国 贫 困 家庭 儿 童 学 前 教 育 的 发 展 提 供 了有 益 的 思路 :应 重 视 贫 困儿
童的学前教育 ,设 立专项教 育基金 ,确保 贫困儿童拥有同等的受教育权 利;更加重视对婴儿的看护 ,采取
切 实有效措施提 高幼儿教 育质量 ;制定相应的法律政 策确保贫 困幼儿的平等受教 育权利 ,体现贫 困幼儿
的“稳 固开端计划”,其理论基础都是试图通过施加 向社 会 “大教育 ”的发 展趋势 。
适 当的教 育影 响 ,改变 贫 困的“代 际循 环 ”现象 。两 5、两个 “开 端计 划 ”均重 视 儿童 出生前 的教 育
国政府 均认为 贫 困具有 “代 际循 环 ”的特点 ,而对 贫 服务 。

英国工业革命现代工业化社 会的开端

英国工业革命现代工业化社 会的开端







首先,英国在 18 世纪时拥有相对稳定的政治环境。







在18 世纪中叶,一系列的技术创新成为了工业革命的核心驱动力。
















Putting the National Head Start Impact Study into a Proper PerspectiveEdward ZiglerYale UniversityThe release of the very brief (kindergarten and first grade) longitudinal follow-up to the National Head Start Impact Study has renewed questioning about the effectiveness of this 45-year-old program that has served over 25 million poor children and their families. Head Start’s friends and foes alike do not appear to fully recognize what this study is and what it is not. Contrary to popular belief, the results were never meant to provide a definitive answer to the long-standing question of whether Head Start works. And while the random assignment design has been heralded as better than all Head Start research that has gone before, it turns out that this design actually confounded understanding of the study’s results.Head Start’s many critics have interpreted this study as being a classic medical random assignment design in which the treatment group receives the medicine and the control group receives a placebo. This design characterized evaluations of older experimental programs such as the Perry Preschool that compared participating children’s progress to that of children who stayed home until they reached school age. These programs were compensatory interventions meant to offset the negative results of spending the critical early years in deprived circumstances. Today, relatively few poor children stay at home until they are old enough to enter kindergarten or first grade. The majority of states offer preschool classes to at least some at-risk children. Further, welfare assistance is not as easily available as it was decade or so ago. Poor mothers are in the workforce and their children are in substitute care. Head Start is no longer the only game in town.If the National Impact Study is not a classic evaluation of Head Start vs. no intervention or an assumed negative environment, what exactly is it? The authors make clear that the study is a comparison of Head Start with a wide variety of other formal programs as well as parent care. Unfortunately, comparing Head Start with “everything else” can tell us very little. It would be fair to predict that Head Start’s impact on school readiness is probably superior to home rearing, as many studies have shown, but not markedly better than state preschool programs. This is an empirical issue worthy of further study. However, the Impact Study sheds little light on the matter. The value of the study would have been greatly enhanced if the control group was not treated as a hodge-podge of “everything else” but was divided into subgroups including parent care, state preschool programs, and child care. Instead, the evaluators erroneously assert that the evaluation addresses the “overall average impact of the program” (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010, p. xv). This would only be true if every single program (or non-program) the control children received had absolutely no impact. This assumption is erroneous on its face.The Impact Study is obviously not an effectiveness study of Head Start but is rather a value-added comparison, as the author admits. In essence, the study is meant to assess whether Head Start has greater value than that of a variety of other treatments. Brooks-Gunn argues that this design of comparing one treatment to a collection of other treatments “is the likely explanation for the lack of sustained effects in the National Impact Study,” noting that this type of comparison “in general has not shown impacts” (2010). (See also Camilli, Vargas, Ryan, & Barnett, 2010, on this same point.) She assumes as I do that the 60% of the children in the control group who were in programs experienced adequate quality. The Abecedarian investigators reported that children in their control group who attended quality child careprograms showed better scores on preschool measures of intellectual development than those reared mostly at home (Burchinal, Lee, & Ramey, 1989). A model program that used a broader value-added design was the Chicago Child-Parent Centers, which makes its findings more impressive than those of the Perry Preschool, where the control group had no intervention at all.Complicating the matter further is that the groups in the Impact Study were badly contaminated. The intent-to-treat design included a relatively large number of children in the Head Start group who never attended the program (17% of the 3 year olds and 14% of the 4 year olds). The intended design for the control group was that children could experience any intervention but Head Start in the first year (although the 3-year-olds controls could enroll in Head Start in the second year, which many did). However, many of their parents voted with their feet and enrolled their children in another Head Start center that was not part of the study. Thus 18% of the 3 year olds and 14% of the 4 year olds in the supposed control group actually attended Head Start. Those implementing the study attempted to correct for both the crossovers in the control group and the no-shows in the Head Start group through statistical procedures, never a totally satisfactory course of action. For example, parents motivated enough to hike across town to enroll their child in another Head Start center might be much more committed to their child’s education.Another factor that may have contributed to group contamination has received no attention. The author served on the oversight committee for the National Impact Study, a position that gave him the opportunity to speak directly with the contractors. He learned that they were hampered by having fewer children on the waiting lists than had been anticipated. (Wait-listed children were assigned to the control group.) One obvious reason is that the Head Start recruiters were understandably reluctant to beat the bushes to recruit more families thanthey knew they could serve. The contractors also complained that some Head Start directors were finding ways to circumvent the random assignment. We must remember that Head Start providers do not serve as scientists but real people with real needs. For decades Head Start has been charged with enrolling the children and families with the highest risks. This mandate may have lead to a higher proportion of children at high risk being in the treatment group than was planned and a resulting “less needy” control group who were placed on the wait lists. Countering this is Russ Whitehurst’s view that only the better Head Start centers were used in the study, so the children who attended should have had more robust outcomes even if they were at higher risk (personal communication, April 8, 2010). He reasons that only Head Start centers with expected sizable waiting lists were used, and better centers have a greater likelihood of having long waiting lists.Differences within and between the Head Start and control groups are just one reason why the longitudinal follow-up of the Impact Study should not be treated as a test of the value of Head Start. The program’s value should only be assessed against the goals that have been set for it. Since its inception Head Start’s purpose has been to prepare poor children for school. Over the years scientists, policymakers, and the public have developed unreasonable expectations that Head Start should raise IQ scores, lift children and families out of poverty, and close the achievement gap between poor and more affluent children. Congress tried to quell this practice in 1998 by mandating the singular goal of improved school readiness. Measured against this outcome, Head Start is certainly a success. Although the initial findings of the Impact Study were not as robust as hoped, they clearly indicated that by the end of the Head Start experience children were more ready for school entry than those in the control group (Ludwig & Phillips, 2007; Yoshikawa, 2005).Of course, although there are positive post-Head Start effects, they are not nearly of the magnitude found for such programs as the Chicago Child-Parent Centers, the New Jersey Abbott Centers, and the Oklahoma state prekindergarten. It makes sense that the greater the immediate post-preschool effects, the greater the size of sustained effects. We should not ignore the repeated finding that the benefits of any preschool intervention are never completely maintained once a child has entered formal schooling. Barnett (2010) has reasoned this is not so much a “fade-out” phenomenon as it is a “catch-up” phenomenon in which the control group children catch up to the intervention group once they enter school and are exposed to academic training. Brooks-Gunn (2010) presents confirmatory evidence on this point. Given the widely found but modest impact immediately after the Head Start year, the standard diminution of this benefit as children progress through school generates the prediction that the kindergarten and first-grade results of the National Impact Study will be positive but small in size. This is exactly what was found.There is another obvious reason why the Head Start children in the Impact Study displayed few sustained effects during kindergarten and first grade. Even the strongest optimist would not expect the benefits of preschool to be permanent. Head Start can only prepare children for school. Once the schools take over it is their responsibility to keep the momentum going. There is considerable evidence that following Head Start poor children go on to poor quality schools (Lee, Loeb, & Lubeck, 1998). Kate Walsh, president of the National Council on Teacher Quality, called it “a scandal of monumental proportions that there were two distinct school systems in the U.S., one for the middle class and one for the poor” (quoted in Thomas & Wingert, 2010, p. 26). There is a body of evidence that the benefits that accrue to Head Start children are indeed more lasting when they attend high-quality elementary schools (Magnuson,Ruhm, & Waldfogel, 2007; Reynolds & Hayakawa, 2010). Examining the same issue, Holod, Gardner, and Brooks-Gunn (2010) found sustained effects through the third grade with the effects being more pronounced for poor children who attended more affluent schools. (A few Head Start children in the National Impact Study did go on to better schools, and their data should be examined.) Findings from the Chicago Child-Parent Centers also provide convincing evidence of enhanced preschool effects when treatment is followed by good quality schooling (Reynolds & Hayakawa, 2010). Evidence that poor schools attenuate the gains accrued from preschool intervention was provided by Zigler, Pfannenstiel, and Seitz (2008). In this study poor children whose parents had received 3 years of home visitation and who then attended a 2-year preschool program were found to be equivalent to middle-class children on a comprehensive school readiness measure. However, 3 years after school entry the poor children had fallen behind. It would be unfair to hold Head Start responsible when its graduates lose their advantage once they attend failing schools. It is also unreasonable to expect that a brief preschool experience will have more power over children’s academic fate than their experiences in elementary schools, which have them a lot longer than Head Start does.A related issue concerns the length of treatment. The Impact Study assessed outcomes after less than 9 months of Head Start enrollment (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). Reynolds and Hayakawa (2010) pointed out that no one should expect enduring effects from a program that is less than 9 to 12 months in length. After the initial year of the Impact Study, all the 3 year olds in the Impact Study were given access to Head Start. Thus in the 3-year-old cohort half of the control group attended Head Start when they turned 4 years old, and over 70% of the children in the Head Start group returned for a second year. Yet the investigators did not assess the value of having 2 years of Head Start. Instead they assessed thevalue of having access to the program at a younger age. This research question somewhat defies interpretation, but at least the data on 2 years of attendance exist and can be mined in the future.Beyond the Impact StudyThe National Impact Study was widely heralded as the best longitudinal study of the effects of Head Start to date. It is certainly better than much earlier work, but, as we have seen, it is far from a perfect assessment. And even if it was, it would be wrong to treat the results in isolation. Barnett wisely reasons that “New studies don’t simply obviate everything that has gone before” (2010). He correctly argues that the National Impact Study must be interpreted within the context of the entire 45 years of research that have now been conducted on preschool intervention.Countering the weak effects found in the longitudinal follow-up of the National Impact Study, much evidence exists of the benefits of Head Start. Indeed, some of this evidence is provided by the original findings of the Impact Study itself, when the children were tested immediately following Head Start. These results are harmonious with Currie’s (2001) description of the literature as clearly showing that the school readiness achieved by Head Start children is greater than that achieved by children attending more typical child care centers or family day care homes. At a congressional Science and Public Policy briefing, Steve Barnett (2002) also summarized the data and concluded that Head Start children have higher achievement test scores and that the program has favorable long-term effects on grade repetition, special education, and high school graduation. Consistent with Barnett’s conclusions, Garces, Thomas, and Currie (2002) found that Head Start graduates not only had less grade retention and greater educational achievements, but they exhibited less criminal behavior when they were young adults. Specifically, Head Start was associated with a reduction in the chance of beingarrested by approximately 12 percentage points. This results in huge dollar savings. A great deal of the cost benefits reported for model programs such as the Perry Preschool were due to less criminal justice and victim costs. There is enough evidence to date to indicate that Head Start too is a cost-effective program. On the basis of the findings of the National Impact Study immediately after Head Start, Ludwig and Phillips concluded that the small positive effects found at the end of Head Start would be “large enough to generate long-term money value benefits that outweigh program costs” (2007, p. 6).Further evidence that Head Start is a sound program when assessed by its dollar benefits vs. its dollar costs came in a report by the Harvard economist David Deming. He concluded that Head Start’s benefits were “about 80% as large as model programs such as the Perry Preschool (2009, p. 111). (In a personal communication, Barnett, April 6 2010, has questioned Deming’s conclusions.) The point is that Head Start produces benefits that more than cover its costs. It may not have huge returns like the Perry Preschool and the Chicago Child-Parent Centers, but it costs considerably less. A reasonable conclusion is that Head Start is not as good a program as the models, nor can it be at its current level of funding. However, it still produces a fair bang for the buck.This conclusion too has some support from the Impact Study. A broad consensus among scholars now exists that high-quality preschool interventions result in improved performance both in school and later in life (National Forum on Early Childhood Policy and Programs, 2010; Resnick & Zurawsky, 2005; Zigler, Gilliam, & Barnett, 2010). The National Impact Study makes clear that Head Start is simply not a high-quality program, but this same evidence also indicates that neither is it a low-quality program. The original findings of the study show that Head Start is superior to the alternatives available to poor children in America. For example, thegap in reading skills between Head Start attendees and the national norm was only half as great as that found for the control group. Barnett too notes that “While the Head Start program is not of the quality of the model programs” it is better than many other programs poor children attend (2010).One choice that is increasingly available to poor children is state prekindergarten programs. Barnett and the author agree that Head Start is superior to some state programs but inferior to others, e.g., Oklahoma and New Jersey. This calls into doubt the recommendation of Haskins and Sawhill (2010) who used the National Impact Study to argue that Head Start should be transferred to the states (an effort that was pursued by the George W. Bush administration). Another weakness in this proposal is that roughly some dozen states have never taken the initiative to mount preschool programs for at-risk children. This lack of commitment does not hold promise that they will suddenly roll out programs better than Head Start should devolution take place.The critics have also ignored the one area where the Impact Study follow-up discovered clear benefits of Head Start. Children in the program had markedly better dental health and less robust but important other health benefits. The nation has never fully appreciated the benefits accruing to children just from the health component of Head Start. For example, Nisbett (2010) reported that during the early school years graduates of the Head Start program die at dramatically lower rates than comparison children. This is consistent with the findings of Ludwig and Miller (2007), who discovered lower mortality rates for Head Start children ages five to nine from causes that could be ameliorated through the program’s health services. Love, Tarullo, Raikes, and Chazan-Cohen (2006) also emphasized the poor health of entering Head Start children and the program’s value in improving their health status. One aspect of health isnutrition, and Head Start’s nutrition component has clearly lead to less obesity in participating children (Frisvold, 2007). This finding led the noted authority on the current epidemic of obesity, Kelly Brownell, to comment, “It looks like being in Head Start might be a more powerful means of reducing obesity than any other program specifically designed for that purpose.” (personal communication, May 7, 2008). Obesity was not examined in the Impact Study.Also overlooked by critics is the fact that approximately 12% of the children enrolled in Head Start are children with disabilities who often have special health needs. The Harvard group’s evaluation of the National Impact Study notes that the subgroups of special needs children and children living in rural areas had more robust outcomes than the average for the total group (National Forum, 2010). Many other scholars have now documented the many accomplishments of Head Start in regard to physical health, dental health, and nutrition (Hale, Seitz, & Zigler, 1990; O’Brien, Connell, & Griffin, 2004; Zigler, Piotrkowski, & Collins, 1994). It is sad but somewhat traditional that the Impact Study’s findings of health benefits were overshadowed by the disappointingly smaller effects on cognitive skills.The Real Lessons of the National Impact StudyThe longitudinal findings of the Impact Study read against the total literature on early intervention provide real direction that decision makers must take if Head Start is to fulfill its potential. The critics of Head Start who have focused on the study’s findings of weak effects have chosen to ignore one of the major purposes of the project. Quoted in the follow-up report is the directive from the advisory committee that developed the blueprint for the study: “The research and findings should be used in combination with the rest of the Head Start researcheffort to improve the effectiveness of Head Start programs for children and families” (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010, p. xvi).The “rest of the Head Start research effort” shows that quality matters. If policymakers want larger and more sustained effects than those found in the Impact Study, they must improve quality so that children leave Head Start at the school readiness levels attained by graduates of the famous models. The Obama administration is already moving in this direction with a comprehensive roadmap containing a number of specific actions directed at improving school readiness and promoting long-term success of graduating Head Start children (Administration for Children and Families, 2010).It is now abundantly clear that the single most important factor in children’s classroom performance is the quality of the lead teacher and his/her daily teaching practices. Much attention is given to this in the current quality improvement roadmap. Unfortunately, the present stewards of Head Start are burdened by history. From the very beginning, Head Start’s education component was weak (Barnett, 2002; Omwake, 1997; Zigler & Styfco, 2010). Part of the reason is that as a War on Poverty program, Head Start was designed to offer opportunities to poor adults. Many were hired as teachers even though they did not have any level of professional education and had no experience. Policymakers got used to the cheap labor and never provided the funds to hire more well-equipped staff. This is not to imply that Head Start has no highly qualified teachers. It has many dedicated professionals who resist the lure of better paying jobs in the public schools because they truly want to help poor children and their families get ready for school.Congress is certainly aware of the need to improve the quality of teaching in Head Start. The 2007 reauthorization mandates that by 2013, 50% of lead teachers must have a BA degree.But why only 50%? Every lead teacher in Head Start should have a BA, and their sorry salaries must give way to salaries that match those of teachers in public schools. Only then will Head Start centers be able to compete in the current market for trained early childhood professionals.The value of such a policy is affirmed by data from the Oklahoma universal preschool (Gormley, Phillips, & Gayer, 2008). Head Start is part of this program, so all the lead teachers must have BA degrees just like those in the rest of the public school system. The performance of the Oklahoma Head Start children was markedly better than that found for Head Start nationwide. Another way to enhance the effectiveness of teachers concerns group size. When Head Start began in 1965, we were proud of the 5:1 ratio of students to teachers. This is now 10:1. We have much evidence that indicates that a Head Start classroom should consist of approximately 17 children with one BA-level teacher trained in early childhood education and one assistant teacher who holds either an associate’s degree or a CDA certificate.There is no free lunch here. Quality improvement costs money, and Congress must decide whether Head Start should be a truly model program and “the pride of the nation,” as it was once called, or a less than optimal program which it is now. In addition to quality issues, Head Start has many other problems that only Congress can resolve by legislative action. The most glaring is the fact that after 45 years of operation, Head Start serves only about half of eligible children. This situation will worsen now that Congress has mandated that entry into Head Start will be permitted up to 133% of the poverty level rather than at or below poverty level. This change was a long time coming, but it will increase the size of the eligible population. Unfortunately, the mandate to serve the near-poor, like the one calling for BA-level teachers, is empty because it is largely unfunded.Other changes are likewise long overdue. The evidence is clear that the more intense an intervention is, the stronger and more lasting the benefits. Head Start would certainly be more effective if it was a 2-year program, which it still is in a few sites, rather than a single academic-year program. Yet this would be a hard change to make because it is difficult to argue that we should give some poor children 2 years of Head Start while so many others are receiving none.The new realities of the American family suggest another structural change for Head Start. With the end of welfare Head Start parents must work. Head Start centers must move to full-day, full-year programs that provide parents the child care they need while at the same time providing their children with a longer period of preschool education. Head Start has been slowly evolving in this direction since the Clinton administration, and this movement should be accelerated.Head Start pioneered parent involvement, and this component must be beefed-up. The program has always invited parents to be part of their child’s education because they have the most influence over their child’s development. In this age of the working parent, Head Start must adjust its parent involvement activities to account for this new reality. The Chicago Child-Parent Centers also operate on the premise that parent involvement is important to promoting the child’s school readiness and has in place a modern parent involvement component that could easily be copied by Head Start. Another way to strengthen the parent component is to increase the number of home visits from the current two a year—a far cry from the weekly visits that helped produce the impressive outcomes of the Perry Preschool project.The Obama administration should be commended for viewing Head Start as one segment of a birth-to eight-system (a view the author has long espoused, e.g., Zigler & Styfco, 1998). We now know just how terribly ravaging growing up in poverty is to children’s development. Tooffset the huge negative effects we must get away from 1-year inoculation thinking. A range of interventions is needed to alter the life chances of poor children. We should begin with a birth-to-three intervention (like Early Head Start), dovetailed with a 2-year preschool intervention, which in turn is dovetailed with a program through the first three grades of elementary school. The Department of Health and Human Services must work closely with the Department of Education to make such a spectrum of interventions possible.The National Impact Study was originally conceptualized to be a catalyst for moving Head Start in directions that would be beneficial to the children and parents the program serves. The naysayers focus on the lack of robust outcomes in the array of findings. This array, however, holds many insights into what Head Start needs to do better to achieve the desired results. Since the study has already prompted a quality improvement roadmap, we can only conclude that the National Impact Study has achieved its purpose.ReferencesAdministration for Children & Families. (2010). Improving school readiness & promoting long-term success: The Head Start roadmap to excellence. Retrieved from/hslc/Head%20Start%20Program/Director/Head_Start_Road map_to_Excellence.pdfBarnett, W. S. (2002, September 13). The battle over Head Start: What the research shows.Presented at a Science and Public Policy briefing, Washington, DC. Retrieved from/resources/research/BattleHeadStart.pdfBarnett, W. S. (2010, January 15). Change we need: Responding responsibly to the results of the Head Start Impact Study. Preschool Matters Today. Retrieved from/2010/01/Brooks-Gunn, J. (2010). Early childhood education: The likelihood of sustained effects. In E Zigler, W. S. Gilliam, & W. S. Barnett (Eds.), Current debates and issues inprekindergarten education. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes. Manuscript inpreparation.Burchinal, M., Lee, M., & Ramey, C. (1989). Type of day-care and preschool intellectual development in disadvantaged children. Child Development, 60, 128-137.Camilli, G., Vargas, S., Ryan, S., & Barnett, W. S. (2010). Meta-analysis of the effects of early education interventions on cognitive and social development. Teachers College Record, 112(3).Currie, J. (2001). Early childhood education programs. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 15, 213-238.。



“参与计划”就是让残疾儿童像正常儿 童一样参与一切生活、游戏和学习。“参 与计划”的具体内容有:1、采用更先进的 残疾儿童鉴定技术,提高对残疾儿童鉴定 的准确性。2、“确保开端”项目的每一个 活动都要创造条件让残疾儿童参加。3、家 长交流协会。
男性公民是学前儿童社交技能提高的 重要源泉。项目鼓励更多的男性公民参与 其中,贴海报,做宣传,让男性们认识到 参与“确保开端”项目的必要性,让人们 知道男性参与学前教育对儿童发展的好处。
英国政府重视提高教育服务的质量, 成立了独立于教育部和劳动技能部之外的 “教育标准办公室”,负责制定全国统一 标准的服务质量规范,并注册和督导,检 查工作。还与各个社区积极合作建立了学 习联合会,定期开展活动。
为了解决处境不利儿童缺少图书的问题, 项目购买了大型汽车,把图书和玩具送到 偏远地区,这些大型的公共汽车被人们称 为流动的图书馆。
1、消除社会排斥,建构全纳社会的需要; 2、知识经济的发展要求强化学前教育; 3、受美国“提前开端计划的影响”。
政府投资建立整合各种服务内容的社区 服务中心和服务网络,通过网络或专门的人 员来协调现有的服务设施,如医院、小学, 托幼机构等,在现有的服务基础上加强彼此 之间的联系和整合,为儿童及其家庭提供更 整合的服务。具体地说这些服务可以分成四 个方面:学前教育、儿童保育、家庭支持、 医疗卫生。
பைடு நூலகம்
计划首先要对所有八个月大的学前儿 童进行一个语言发展测试,通过测试评估 学前儿童语言发展的情况,这些测试就是 在两分钟时间内向被测儿童提出几个问题, 然后通过他们的反应来判断他们的听力和 说话能力。


o r o D i l o m a c i n t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l D e v e l o e n t o y y f p y pm f , , : , E u r o e v o l . I I I N e w Y o r k H o w a r d F e r t i c1 9 6 7. p
中国社会科学 2 0 1 3 年第 9 期
在 世 界 各 国 的 眼 中, 英 国 只 不 过 是 一 个 毫 不 起 眼 的 民 族, 1 6 4 0年 威 尼 斯 大 使 称, “
① 。 因而无足轻重 ”
经过清教革命 和 内 战 的 洗 礼 , 英 国 突 然 再 度 崛 起 , 令 欧 洲 其 他 国 家 震 惊 不 已 。 ) , 英吉利共和国一统英伦三岛 , 并在第一 奥利弗 · 克伦威尔当政时期 ( 1 6 5 3—1 6 5 8 ) 中击 败 素 有 “ 海 上 马 车 夫” 之 称 的 荷 兰 共 和 国, 取 得 在 次英荷战争 ( 1 6 5 1—1 6 5 4 北海 、 英吉利海峡乃至整个大 西 洋 上 的 优 势 ; 随 后 英 国 又 派 舰 队 远 征 西 印 度 群 岛 , 夺取了加勒比海的牙买加和北 美 的 阿 卡 迪 亚 等 殖 民 地 ; 接 着 , 克 伦 威 尔 一 改 几 十 年 来英国置身大陆事务之外的态 势 , 积 极 参 与 法 西 之 间 的 战 争 , 最 终 从 西 班 牙 手 中 夺 ,取 得 前 往 欧 洲 大 陆 的 钥 匙。在 宗 教 事 务 方 面, 克 取敦刻尔克要塞 ( 1 6 5 8 年 6 月) 伦威尔力图充当全欧洲新教徒 的 保 护 者 , 他 凭 借 英 国 强 大 的 陆 海 军 , 对 欧 洲 大 陆 那 些试图迫害新教徒臣民的天主教 君 主 大 行 威 逼 恐 吓 之 事 。 克 伦 威 尔 极 力 提 高 英 国 的 我要人像从前尊敬罗马共和国那样尊敬英吉利共和 国际威望 , 如他自己 所 称 , “ 。 ② 他的确做到了这一点 , 在他当政时期 , 英国赢得了前所未有的尊重 , 以致克 国” ) 也不得不承 伦威尔的反对派 、 保皇党历史学家克拉伦敦 ( E d w a r d H d e C l a r e n d o n y
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