
Chapter 7第七章Government and Administration英国政府机构The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, the head of state is a king or a queen. The United Kingdom is governed, in the name of the Sovereign by His or Her Majesty‘s Government. The System of parliamentary government is not based on a written constitution, the British constitution is not set out in any single document. It is made up of statute law, common law and conventions. The Judiciary determines common law and interprets statutes.联合王国是君主⽴宪制国家,国家的⾸脑是国王或⼥王。
I.The Monarchy君主制1.Elizabeth II, her title in the United Kingdom is “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Her Other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth,Defender of the Faith.伊莉莎⽩⼆世,她的全称是“上帝神佑,⼤布列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国以及她的其他领⼟和领地的⼥王,英联邦元⾸,国教保护者伊莉莎⽩⼆世。

2023年自考专业(英语)《英语国家概况》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】The functions of institutions of higher education in the U.S. are________.A.research and teachingB.teaching and degree awardingC.professional training, teaching and public serviceD.teaching, research and public service2.【单选题】In Britain, ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of ________.A.the Lord ChancellorB.the Prime MinisterC.the SpeakerD.the Parliamentary Commissioner3.【单选题】The origin of the American party system can be traced to ________.A.the struggle between the Royalists and revolutionaries in the War of IndependenceB.the constitutional debate between the Federalists and the anti--FederalistsC.the struggle between those who upheld slavery and those who opposed slaveryD.none of the above4.【单选题】The theme of Thanksgiving has always been ________.A.friendship and happinessB.peace and plentyC.cooperation and rich rewardD.love and happiness5.【单选题】Thanks to the militant feminist movement of the suffragettes before the First World War, votes were granted to women over the age of ________ in 1918.A.18B.20C.30D.356.【单选题】Why were the French troops in Canada defeated by the British during the Seven Years' War?A.Because they were not used to the weather in Cananda.B.Because they did not get support from the local people.C.Because they did not receive the supplies they needed so badly.D.Because the British had larger and better settlements in Canada.7.【单选题】Australian Aborigines believed in a creative period, usually referred to in English as ________.A.teh DreamlandB.the DreamingC.the Beginning of the WorldD.the Beginning of the Universe8.【单选题】Agricltural changes in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in England were so great that they were worthy of the term “ ________ ”.A.reformB.evolutionC.revolutionD.reformation9.【单选题】What is Ireland called in Irish?A.IreaB.AireC.EareD.Eire10.【单选题】Which of the following is not true about the political system of New Zealand?A.New Zealand has a written constitution.B.New Zealand has a parliamentary government and a constitutional monarchy.C.New Zealand follows the British parliamentary system with some variations.D.New Zealand Parliament has only one chamber.11.【单选题】Australia, which is one of the world's developed countries, has become rich through ________.A.manufacturing industriesB.farming and miningC.service industriesD.forestry and fishing12.【单选题】During the Second World War, Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill met at ________.A.Teheran, Yalta and PotsdamB.Teheran and YaltaC.Yalta, Potsdam and BerlinD.Teheran and Potsdam13.【单选题】The largest and smallest states of the United States are ________.A.Alaska and Rhode IslandB.Texas and MaineC.Texas and Rhode IslandD.Alaska and Maine14.【单选题】As far as Australian culture is concerned, the history of Australia can be divided into the following phases with the exception of ________.A.the period of the original culture of Aboriginal peopleB.the period of the dominant British cultureC.teh period of Asian cultureD.the period of a multicultural society15.【单选题】Which of the following is not true about Canada's manufacturing today?A.Manufacturing is the most important economic activity in Canada.B.Transportation equipment ranks as the nation's leading manufactured product.C.Food processing is still important but it is no longer Canada's chief man ufacturing industryD.The production of paper and paper related products is no longer important in Canada's manufacturing.16.【单选题】The three Puritan traditions are ________.A.religious tolerance, respect for achievement and respect for learningB.religious dissent aggressiveness and respect for learningC.religious intolerance, respect for achievement and respect for learningD.religious intolerance, aggressiveness, respect for achievement17.【单选题】The objective of the Chartist Movement was democratic rights for all men, and it took its name from “ ________ ”.A.The Bill of RightsB.The Agreement of the PeopleC.The People's CharterD.The Great Charter18.【单选题】In the 1960s pop music underwent a revolution when ________ became world famous and turned their home town of Liverpool into a place of pilgrimage.A.teh Beach BoysB.the Rolling StoneC.the AnimalsD.the Beatles19.【单选题】The New Frontier and War on Poverty were put forward respectively by ________.A.Eisenhower and KennedyB.Johnson and NixonC.Johnson and KennedyD.Kennedy and Johnson20.【单选题】The Tories were the forerunners of ________, which still bears this nickname todayA.the Labour PartyB.the Conservative PartyC.the Liberal PartyD.the Social Democratic Party第2卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】The average life expectancy of the Red Indians is ________.A.higher than the national averageB.lower than the national averageC.about the same with the national averageD.none of the above2.【单选题】In 1900, the United States ranked first in the world in the production of ________.A.coalB.electricityC.oilD.wheat3.【单选题】In Canada the federal governments have always been formed by________.A.the Liberal PartyB.the Progressive Conservative PartyC.either the Liberal Party or the Progressive Conservative PartyD.both the Liberal Party and the Progressive Conservation Party4.【单选题】Australia is located between ________ and the Indian Ocean.A.the South Pacific OceanB.the Atlantic OceanC.the North SeaD.the Arctic5.【单选题】A trend that occurs at the same time with the movement to the South and the Weast of the United States is ________.A.the flow of people to sunbelt areaB.the flow of peole from small cities to big citiesC.the growth of small townsD.the outflow of city residents from the core cities to the suburbs6.【单选题】Britain has, for centuries, been slowly tilting with ________.A.the North-West slowly rising and the South-East slowly sinkingB.the North-East slowly rising and the South-West slowly sinkingC.the South-East slowly rising and the South-West slowly sinkingD.the South-West slowly rising and the North-East slowly sinking7.【单选题】In “ Song of Myself ” , Whitman writes that ________.A.woman is not worth mentioningB.woman is not as great as manC.woman as the mother of human beings is the greatestD.none of the above8.【单选题】The Mississippi, which is sometimes called ________, has played a vital role in the history of the United States.A.“ Old Man River ”B. “ Moon River ”C.“ Old Father River ”D.“ Mother of the United States ”9.【单选题】During the 1990s many Australians called for their nation to become a republic with ________.A.a president replacing the British monarch as head of stateB.a prime minister replacing the governor--general as head of governmentC.a governor-general replacing the British monarch as head of stateD.a president replacing the governor- general as head of government10.【单选题】In the 1970s oil was discovered in ________, but the revenue from oil did not create an economic for Britain.A.the English ChannelB.the Irish SeaC.St. George's ChannelD.the North Sea11.【单选题】In the United Kingdom, the party which wins the ________ number of seats in the House of Commons becomes the official Opposition.rgestB.second largestC.third largestD.fourth largest12.【单选题】Since 1971 the Canadian government has adopted a policy of ________, recognizing that cultural pluralism within a bilingual framework is the essence of the Canadian identity.A.assimilationB.integrationC.multiculturalismD.gender equality13.【单选题】What are Ireland's chief exports?A.Foodstuffs(especially beef), electrical machinery, and chemicals.B.Wool, dairy products and fruit.C.Motor vehicles, electrical machinery and petroleum.D.Coal, mining equipment and textiles.14.【单选题】The Mabo Judgement passed by Australia's High Court in June 1992 overturned the concept of terra nullius, which means ________.A.“ land belonging to no one ”B.“ land unknown to everyone ”C. “ Wonderland ”D. “ Dreamtime ”15.【单选题】A fault line runs the length of New Zealand, which means that it often has________.A.floodsB.volcanic eruptionsC.earthquakesD.droughts16.【单选题】For electoral purposes Britain is divided into 659 constituencies, each of whichreturns ________to the House of Commons.A.one memberB.two membersC.three membersD.four members17.【单选题】Which often following statements is not true about British coal mining?A.Brition has used up almost all coal depositsB.The demand for British coal has declined.C.Petroleum, water power, and electric power replacing coal for many purposes.D.The old British mines are narrow and deep, making it difficult to use machines第1卷参考答案一.全考点综合测验1.正确答案:D2.正确答案:B3.正确答案:B4.正确答案:B5.正确答案:C6.正确答案:C7.正确答案:B8.正确答案:C9.正确答案:D10.正确答案:C11.正确答案:B12.正确答案:B13.正确答案:A14.正确答案:C15.正确答案:D16.正确答案:C17.正确答案:C18.正确答案:D19.正确答案:D20.正确答案:B第2卷参考答案一.全考点综合测验1.正确答案:B2.正确答案:A3.正确答案:C4.正确答案:A5.正确答案:D6.正确答案:A7.正确答案:C8.正确答案:A9.正确答案:A10.正确答案:D11.正确答案:B12.正确答案:C13.正确答案:A14.正确答案:A15.正确答案:C16.正确答案:A17.正确答案:A。

1、如蒙早日寄来样品或产品册,我方将不胜感激。 It would be appreciated if samples and/or a brochure could be forwarded to us soon. 我方将不胜感激: We shall be grateful/thankful We should appreciate it if …
selling offer
buying offer
fully competitive price
售货发盘 购货发盘 递盘 发盘人 受盘人 可资竞争的价格
Key Notions and Translation
询盘通常由买方发出,向卖方询问贸易条件。也可以由卖方发出,他可以通过向外商询盘,说明向买方销售某种商品的意图,并开始磋商。 Inquiry is usually made by the Buyer, inquiring the Seller about the terms of a sale. It can also be made by the Seller, who may initiate the negotiation by making an inquiry to a foreign Buyer, stating his intention of selling a certain kind of goods to the buyer.
值得注意的是:It is worth noting that 发起询盘:make an inquiry 有义务做:be obliged to do 置之不理:make no reply at all 值得注意的是不管是谁发起的询盘,都没有义务一定要购买或者销售,同时,另一方也可以置之不理。 It is worth noting that whoever makes an inquiry is not obliged to buy or sell, and the other party, at the same time, can make no reply at all.

英语国家概况经济篇%1.自然资源英国:Compare with many other countries,Britain has comsiderable reserves of coal.Today British coal mining is called a "sick" industry.Natural gas and oil was discovered in 1965 and oil in 1970 under the North Sea.Britain was the first nation to build a large iron and steel industry.Rich deposits of iron ore were found in central England.As with the coal industry,Britain's steel industry is declining.美国:Fertile soil is one of the most important natural resouces in the United States.America's forest resources are among the world's largest.Another natural resource that contributes to the welfare of the country is water.America is the leaders in production of Coal,iron ore,cpper,oil,sulfur,lead and zine.But short for tin,manganese,and nikel.爱尔兰Ireland is now the largest producer of lead and zinc concentrates in Europe.While Ireland lacks sizeable oil deposits,it has a valuable energy source in the peat,or turt,bogs that cover extensive areas of the country.力口拿大:Water is one of the most important natural resources in Canada.Almost half of the land area of Canada is covered by forests. Canada ranks third,in the production of lumber and other forest products in the world.The largest producer of newsprint in the world.Canada is a primary world producer of nickle,zine and asbestoes,and comes second in potash,third in gold and fourth in copper.Canada is a major world supplier of uranium.Experts believe that the cold fields of Canada may be among the largest in the world.A great deposit of petroleum was discovered south of Edmonton in Alberta. About two thurdsof Canada's petroleum and about four fifths of its natural gas come from Alberta.澳大利亚:Australia is one of the world's biggest producers of minerals and metals.It has major deposits of bauxite,mineral sands,diamonds,and black and brown coal,and large reserves of ores containing gold,lead,zinc,iron,copper,nikel,manganese and uranium. It is the world largest exporter of coal,and a major exporter of uranium.新西兰:There is an increasingly large share of energy comes from local resources:natural gas,crude oil,hydroelectricity and geothermal steam. Coal is of growing importance.Solar energy,vegetable oils and ethylalcohol from fermentation make small contributions.%1.农业英国:The Britain were pioneers in modern agriculture and were among the first to bring science and machinery to farming.The new farming has been called "agribusiness" .There are mainly six farming types in Britain.They are arable farning,dairy fariming, stock farming,mixed farming,hill farming and market gardening.Because of the cool climate,apples,pears and plums grwo very well in Britain.The North Sea has very good fishing grounds.美国:Yet the United States grows nearly one fourth of the world's grain and supplies a half of all the exports of grain in the world.It ranks first,second,or third in the production and export of corn, wheat, rice, soybeans, oranges, meat,milk, apples,oats,cotton,tobaoo, peanuts,and edible vegetable oil.(具体的在什么地方种什么东西可以参照书上P289-291)爱尔兰:Agriculture generates anestimated 11% of the Ireland GNRemploys 17% of the labour force and produces 25% of total exports.The most signigicant recent development in Irish agriculture has been membership in the European Community.加拿大:The land used for agriculture makes up only 7 % in Canada. Canada farms specialize in producing wheat,food crops for animals dairy products,and fruit.Fishing and mining are quiteimportant.The Canada Prairie is the centre of a rich wheat belt.Eastern Canada is noted for a variety of farm products.Dairying is in the lowlands of Quebec and Ontario.Fruits are grown in Western Nova Scotia.澳大利亚:Today,agriculture is the nation's largest and most diverse industry. Australia is one of the world's leading producers of food and natural fibres. Australia is the world's largest exporter of wool,the second largest exporter of meat,the third largest exporter of wheat and a major international supplier of sugar,dairy products,fruits,cotton and rice.Australia's agriculture importance has declined in recent years.新西兰:Vineyards produce international award-winning red and white wines.%1.制造业,工业英国:The textile is one of Britain's oldest.Textiles were on of the country's most vauluable exports.Britain became a world leader in shipbuilding during the middle of the 19th century.The two main centres for shipbuilding were on the River Tyne near Newcastle,England and on the Clyde near Glasgow in Scotland.The Britain motor industry now dominated by four firms(Ford,the RoverGroup,GM-Vauxhall,and Peugeot)There are three areas in Britain which have seen some high-tech industrial growth. Scotland has Europe's largest collection of foreign-owned chip factories.Over 90% of the companies are from the U.S. A.,Japan,the Netherlands and germany.美国:The untied States ranks first,second,third or fourth in the world in the production of crude steel,passenger cars,commercial vehicles,chemi cals,radio sets,television sets,and other manufacturing goods.Manufacturing accounts for about one quarter of theGDRabout one quarter of the national income,and over one fifth of the work force.The industrial regions are the Midwest(the nations's leading centre of heavy industry) round the Great Lakes,the Middle Atlantic states,the South,and the Pacific Coast.爱尔兰:Since the 1961 s,manufactuing has become the mainstay of the Irish economy.Of industrial employment,66% are employed in manufacting.力口拿大:Manufacturing is the mst important economic activity in Canada.Food processing is the leading industry. The manufacture of transportation equipment ranks second. The production of paper and paper related products ranks third, metal products are also important.澳大利亚:The mining industry in Australia has faced new problems in recent years.Australia's service sector is the fastest-growing sector of industry.lt has been growing in importance in recent years.新西兰:There are two steel comanies:New Zealand Steel which uses iron sands from the west coast of North Island,and Pacific Steel which reuses scrap iron.New Zealand is a world leader in the CNA(compressed natural gas) industry.Garments,fabrics and carpets are exported.The fishing industry has expanded greatly and is now the 4th largest export earner.%1.对外贸易英国:Britain is the fifth largest trading country in the world.Napoleon called it a "nation of shopkeepers".Britain's foreign trade is mainly with other developed countries.which accounts for 79% of exports and 85% of imports. About half with EC.Traditionally,Britain has had a deficit on visible trade and a surplus on invisible trade.美国:Currenty U.S. exports are about 15% of the world's total.The Unites States imports about 13% of all world imports.Canada is the largest single source og goods imported by the U.S.‘accounting for nearly 30% of the total. Outside of North America,Europe is the largest source of imports with about 30%,Asia provides about 18%,with smaller percentages from Latin America,Africa,and Australia.爱尔兰:Successive Irish governments have adopted a consistent and postive approoach toward attracting overseas investment.The new foreign firms now account for over 70% of manufactured exports.Ireland is new an industrial exporter.Manufactured goods account for about two-thirds of total wxports.力口拿大:A total about four fifths of all foreign investments in Canada are American.澳大利亚:Australia is a middle-level trading nation.The main feature of Australia's trade is that it has always involved the exchange of raw materials for finished products.Australia's trade relations with China have been developing rapidly in recent years. China accouts for about 3% of Australian total exports.新西兰:Trade is New Zealand's linelihood.Foreign investment is increasing and financial markets are active.Western Europe and particularly Britain have traditionally been New Zealand's major export market.The main imports are industrial raw materials,capital equipment and consumer goods.New Zealand is the world's largest exporter of lamb and mutton as well as dairy products.%1.当今面临的问题英国:Britain is the oldest industrial country in the world.The term "Britain disease" is noew often used to characterise Britain's economic decline.The Evolution of the Britain Economy since the War: 1.Steady development in the 50s and 60s.2.Economic recession in the 70s.3.Economic recovery in the 80s.这里有一部分是撒切尔的宏,微观措施比较重要(P91-92)Irel and FiannaFail,TheSenate,美国:The Untied States has a free-market economy with a dominant private sector. So the economy system of the United States is principally privately owned.But today,many of American people still live under the poverty line.Unemployment,inflation,finacial deficit,and trade deficit are the troubles that always face the United States.爱尔兰:The value of imports generally exceeds that of exports. That's why Ireland has a chronic negative balance of trade.Continuing dependence on imported oil is one of the reasons for the high import bill.力口拿大:In the past few years ho we ver,C anada' s unemployment rate has been high.But what is worth nothing is that the cost for manufacturing has increased while the productivity per worker has decreased as compared with the United States or with its ten trading partners.While Canada has one of the world's highest standards of living,not all regions of the country have enjoyed the same degree of prosperity.Some measures have been taken by the Federal government to help those slow grownth regions. 澳大利亚:Problems of Australia economy: 1 .Over-reliance on commodityexports.2.Failure to share in the expansion of international trade.3.The decline of manufaturing industries and the effects of tariffs.Country Party system HousesBritain The conservative Party, The House of Commons The Labour Party The House of Lorbs The U.S. The Democrats, The Senate,The Republic The House of RepresentativesFine Gael The House of RepresentativesAustralia The Labour Party, The Senate,the Liberal and National Party The House of RepresentativesNew Zealand The National Party,The Labour Party The House of RepresentativesCanada The Liberal Party, The Senate,the Progressive Conservative Party The House of Representatives考试前注意事项考前准备:一、欲善其事,必先利其器。

第三章The Shaping of the Nation (1066-1381)英国的形成(公元1066-1381)I. Norman Rule (1066-1381)诺曼统治(公元1066-1381)1. William's Rule (1066-1087)威廉一世的统治(公元1066-1087)England's feudalism under the rule of William the Conqueror在威廉统治下的英国封建制度①Under William, the feudal system in England was completely established.②According to this system, the King owned all the land personally. ③William gave his barons large estates in England in return for a promise of military service and a proportion of the land's produce. ④These estates were scattered far and wide over the country, so that those who held them could not easily combine to rebel the king. ⑤The barons, who had become William'stenants-in-chief, parceled out land to the lesser nobles, knights and freemen, also in return for goods and services. ⑥At the bottom of the feudal scale were the villeins or serfs. ⑦One peculiar feature of the feudal system of England was that all landowners must take the oath of allegiance,not only to their immediate lord, but also to the king.①在威廉统治下,英国的封建制度得到完全确立。
英语国家概况 第七单元ppt 超级详细!

The Legislature
The Executive
The Judiciary
College of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University
A guide to the Major English-
Speaking Countries
College of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University
A guide to the Major English-
Speaking Countries
Religion (P95)
Roman Catholic Protestant No Religious Beliefs
orange for Protestants
white for the desired peace between them
Hale Waihona Puke College of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University
A guide to the Major English-
more natural to the Irish.
College of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University
A guide to the Major English-
Speaking Countries
Celtic Knot
Celtic knots started appearing in history after about 450 AD.

《英语国家概况》自考真题及答案解析卷面总分:80分答题时间:70分钟试卷题量:40题一、单选题(共40题,共0分)1.Britain has, for centuries, been slowly tilting with ________.• A.the North-West slowly rising and the South-East slowly sinking• B.the North-East slowly rising and the South-West slowly sinking• C.the South-East slowly rising and the South-West slowly sinking• D.the South-West slowly rising and the North-East slowly sinking 正确答案:A2.Which often following statements is not true about British coal mining?• A.Brition has used up almost all coal deposits• B.The demand for British coal has declined.• C.Petroleum, water power, and electric power replacing coal for many purposes.• D.The old British mines are narrow and deep, making it difficult to use machines正确答案:A3.For electoral purposes Britain is divided into 659 constituencies, eachof whichreturns ________to the House of Commons.• A.one member• B.two members• C.three members• D.four members正确答案:A4.In the 1970s oil was discovered in ________, but the revenue from oil didnot create an economic for Britain.• A.the English Channel• B.the Irish Sea• C.St. George's Channel• D.the North Sea正确答案:D5.In Britain, ministers are appointed by the Queen on therecommendation of ________.• A.the Lord Chancellor• B.the Prime Minister• C.the Speaker• D.the Parliamentary Commissioner正确答案:B6.Thanks to the militant feminist movement of the suffragettes beforethe First World War, votes were granted to women over the age of________ in 1918.• A.18• B.20• C.30• D.35正确答案:C7.The objective of the Chartist Movement was democratic rights for allmen, and it took its name from “________ ”.• A.The Bill of Rights• B.The Agreement of the People• C.The People's Charter• D.The Great Charter正确答案:C8.In the 1960s pop music underwent a revolution when ________ becameworld famous and turned their home town of Liverpool into a place of pilgrimage.• A.teh Beach Boys• B.the Rolling Stone• C.the Animals• D.the Beatles正确答案:D9.The Tories were the forerunners of ________, which still bears thisnickname today• A.the Labour Party• B.the Conservative Party• C.the Liberal Party• D.the Social Democratic Party正确答案:B10.In the United Kingdom, the party which wins the ________ number ofseats in the House of Commons becomes the official Opposition.• rgest• B.second largest• C.third largest• D.fourth largest正确答案:B11.In the United Kingdom,police officers are not allowed to join ________or to go on strike.• A.a trade union• B.a choir• C.apolitical party• D.a club正确答案:A12.Agricltural changes in the late 18th and early 19th centuries inEngland were so great that they were worthy of the term “________ ”.• A.reform• B.evolution• C.revolution• D.reformation正确答案:C13.The Mississippi, which is sometimes called ________, has played a vitalrole in the history of the United States.• A.“Old Man River ”• B.“Moon River ”• C.“Old Father River ”• D.“Mother of the United States ”正确答案:A14.The largest and smallest states of the United States are ________.• A.Alaska and Rhode Island• B.Texas and Maine• C.Texas and Rhode Island• D.Alaska and Maine正确答案:A15.A trend that occurs at the same time with the movement to the Southand the Weast of the United States is ________.• A.the flow of people to sunbelt area• B.the flow of peole from small cities to big cities• C.the growth of small towns• D.the outflow of city residents from the core cities to the suburbs 正确答案:D16.The average life expectancy of the Red Indians is ________.• A.higher than the national average• B.lower than the national average• C.about the same with the national average• D.none of the above正确答案:B17.The three Puritan traditions are ________.• A.religious tolerance, respect for achievement and respect for learning • B.religious dissent aggressiveness and respect for learning• C.religious intolerance, respect for achievement and respect for learning • D.religious intolerance, aggressiveness, respect for achievement 正确答案:C18.In 1900, the United States ranked first in the world in the productionof ________.• A.coal• B.electricity• C.oil• D.wheat正确答案:A19.During the Second World War, Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill met at________.• A.Teheran, Yalta and Potsdam• B.Teheran and Yalta• C.Yalta, Potsdam and Berlin• D.Teheran and Potsdam正确答案:B20.The New Frontier and War on Poverty were put forward respectivelyby ________.• A.Eisenhower and Kennedy• B.Johnson and Nixon• C.Johnson and Kennedy• D.Kennedy and Johnson正确答案:D21.The origin of the American party system can be traced to ________.• A.the struggle between the Royalists and revolutionaries in the War of Independence• B.the constitutional debate between the Federalists and the anti--Federalists• C.the struggle between those who upheld slavery and those who opposed slavery• D.none of the above正确答案:B22.The functions of institutions of higher education in the U.S. are________.• A.research and teaching• B.teaching and degree awarding• C.professional training, teaching and public service• D.teaching, research and public service正确答案:D23.In “Song of Myself ”, Whitman writes that ________.• A.woman is not worth mentioning• B.woman is not as great as man• C.woman as the mother of human beings is the greatest• D.none of the above正确答案:C24.The theme of Thanksgiving has always been ________.• A.friendship and happiness• B.peace and plenty• C.cooperation and rich reward• D.love and happiness正确答案:B25.Australia is located between ________ and the Indian Ocean.• A.the South Pacific Ocean• B.the Atlantic Ocean• C.the North Sea• D.the Arctic正确答案:A26.Australia, which is one of the world's developed countries, hasbecome rich through ________.• A.manufacturing industries• B.farming and mining• C.service industries• D.forestry and fishing正确答案:B27.Australian Aborigines believed in a creative period, usually referred toin English as ________.• A.teh Dreamland• B.the Dreaming• C.the Beginning of the World• D.the Beginning of the Universe正确答案:B28.As far as Australian culture is concerned, the history of Australia canbe divided into the following phases with the exception of ________.• A.the period of the original culture of Aboriginal people• B.the period of the dominant British culture• C.teh period of Asian culture• D.the period of a multicultural society正确答案:C29.The Mabo Judgement passed by Australia's High Court in June 1992overturned the concept of terra nullius, which means ________.• A.“land belonging to no one ”• B.“land unknown to everyone ”• C.“Wonderland ”• D.“Dreamtime ”正确答案:A30.During the 1990s many Australians called for their nation to become arepublic with ________.• A.a president replacing the British monarch as head of state• B.a prime minister replacing the governor--general as head of government• C.a governor-general replacing the British monarch as head of state• D.a president replacing the governor- general as head of government 正确答案:A31.The longest river in Canada is ________.• A.the Mackenzie• B.the St. Lawrence• C.teh Severn• D.the Yukon正确答案:A32.Why were the French troops in Canada defeated by the British duringthe Seven Years' War?• A.Because they were not used to the weather in Cananda.• B.Because they did not get support from the local people.• C.Because they did not receive the supplies they needed so badly.• D.Because the British had larger and better settlements in Canada.正确答案:C33.Which of the following is not true about Canada's manufacturingtoday?• A.Manufacturing is the most important economic activity in Canada.• B.Transportation equipment ranks as the nation's leading manufactured product.• C.Food processing is still important but it is no longer Canada's chief man ufacturing industry• D.The production of paper and paper related products is no longer important in Canada's manufacturing.正确答案:D34.When was the referendum on Quebec's future status held in Canada?• A.1994• B.1995• C.1996• D.1997正确答案:B35.Since 1971 the Canadian government has adopted a policy of ________,recognizing that cultural pluralism within a bilingual framework is the essence of the Canadian identity.• A.assimilation• B.integration• C.multiculturalism• D.gender equality正确答案:C36.In Canada the federal governments have always been formed by________.• A.the Liberal Party• B.the Progressive Conservative Party• C.either the Liberal Party or the Progressive Conservative Party• D.both the Liberal Party and the Progressive Conservation Party 正确答案:C37.What is Ireland called in Irish?• A.Irea• B.Aire• C.Eare• D.Eire正确答案:D38.What are Ireland's chief exports?• A.Foodstuffs(especially beef), electrical machinery, and chemicals.• B.Wool, dairy products and fruit.• C.Motor vehicles, electrical machinery and petroleum.• D.Coal, mining equipment and textiles.正确答案:A39.A fault line runs the length of New Zealand, which means that it oftenhas________.• A.floods• B.volcanic eruptions• C.earthquakes• D.droughts正确答案:C40.Which of the following is not true about the political system of NewZealand?• A.New Zealand has a written constitution.• B.New Zealand has a parliamentary government and a constitutional monarchy.• C.New Zealand follows the British parliamentary system with some variations.• D.New Zealand Parliament has only one chamber.正确答案:C。

附:自学考试《英语国家概况》自学考试教材目录(课程代码:0522)Part one The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter1Land and PeopleChapter2The Origins of a Nation(5000BC-AD1066)Chapter3The Shaping of the Nation(1066——1381)Chapter4Transition tO the Modern Age(1455——1688)Chapter5The Rise and Fall of the British Empire(1688——1990)Chapter6The EconomyChapter7Government and AdministrationChapter8Justice and the LawChapter9Social AffairsChapter10Cultural AffairsPart Two The Republic of IrelandChapter11Geography and HistoryChapter12Ireland TodayPart Three The United States of AmericaChapter13GeographyChapter14Population.Race and Ethnic GroupsChapter15American History(I)(1600——1900)Chapter16American History(II)(1900-1945)Chapter17American History(III)America in Post Era(1945-1980s)Chapter18The EconomyChapter19Political InstitutionsChapter20EducationChapter21Literature.Architecture and MusicChapter22Holidays and FestivalsPart Four CanadaChapter23Geography and HistoryChapter24The EconomyChapter25Government and PoliticsChapter26Society and CulturePart Five AustraliaChapter27Land and PeopleChapter28Australian History(I)Australia to FederationChapter29Australian History(II)Australia Since FederationChapter30The EconomyChapter31Government and PoliticsChapter32Society and CulturePart Six New ZealandChapter33The Making of New ZealandChapter34New Zealand Today第一部分英国概况第一章国土和人民第二章英国民族起源(5000BC~AD1066)第三章民族的形成(1066~1381)第四章向现代过渡时期的英国(1455~1688)第五章大英帝国的兴衰(1688~1990)第六章经济第七章英国政府机构第八章法律与司法机构第九章英国社会第十章英国文化第二部分爱尔兰概况第十一章爱尔兰地理与历史第十二章今日爱尔兰第三部分美国概况第十三章美国地理第十四章人口、种族和种族集团第十五章美国历史(I)(1600~1900)第十六章美国历史(II)(1900~1945)第十七章美国历史(III)二次大战后的美国(1945-1980S)第十八章美国经济第十九章政治体制第二十章教育第二十一章文学、建筑和音乐第二十二章假日和节日第四部分加拿大概况第二十三章加拿大地理与历史第二十四章加拿大经济第二十五章加拿大政府与政治第二十六章加拿大的社会与文化第五部分澳大利亚概况第二十七章土地与人民第二十八章澳大利亚联邦成立之前的历史第二十九章澳大利亚联邦成立以来的历史第三十章澳大利亚经济第三十一章澳大利亚政府与政治制度第三十二章澳大利亚社会与文化第六部分新西兰概况第三十三章新西兰地理与历史第三十四章今日新西兰附件:《英语国家概况自学考试大纲》的考核目标Part One The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter1Land and PeopleI.Different Names for Britain and its PartsChapter2The Origins of a NationI.Early Settlers3.The CeltsII.Roman BritainIII.The Anglo-SaxonsⅣ.The Viking and Danish InvasionsV.The Norman ConquestChapter3The Shaping of the NationⅠ.Norman Rule1.William’s RuleⅡ.The Great Charter and the Beginning of Parliament1.The Great CharterⅢ.The Hundred Years’War with FranceⅣ.The Black Death and the Peasant UprisingChapter4Transition to the Modern AgeⅠ.Transition to the Modern AgeⅡ.The English ReformationⅢ.Elizabeth I1.Elizabeth and Parliament2.Elizabeth’s Religious Reform3.Elizabeth’s Foreign PolicyⅣ.The English RenaissanceVII.The Civil WarsVIII.The CommonwealthIX.The Restoration and the Glorious Revolution of1688Chapter5The Rise and Fall of the British EmpireⅠ.Whigs and ToriesⅡ.Agricultural Changes in the Late18th CenturyⅢ.The Industrial RevolutionⅣ.The Chartist MovementVII.Twentieth Century1.Britain and the First World War3.Britain and the Second World War4.Postwar BritainChapter7Government and AdministrationⅠ.The MonarchyⅡ.Parliament1.The House of Lords2.The House of CommonsⅢ.The Cabinet and MinistryⅣ.The Privy CouncilChapter8Justice and the LawIV.The JudiciaryV.PoliceChapter9Social AffairsⅠ.Health and Social Services1.The National Health ServiceⅢ.Religion1.Established churchesⅣ.Festivals and Public Holidays1.Christian festivals2.Other festivals3.Public holidaysChapter10Cultural AffairsⅠ.Education3.Higher educationⅡ.The Media1.NewspapersⅢ.SportsⅣ.The Arts3.DramaPart Two The Republic of Ireland Chapter11Geography and HistoryI.Geographical FeaturesII.Climate and WeatherIII.Population and ReligionIV.Historical backgroundPart Three The United States of America Chapter14Population,Race and Ethnic GroupsI.IntroductionIV.Racial and Ethnic Minorities1.BlacksChapter15American History(I)Ⅰ.Discovery of the New WorldⅡ.The Colonial PeriodⅢ.The War of IndependenceⅣ.A New Form of GovernmentⅥ.Territorial Expansion and Westward MovementⅦ.The Civil WarⅧ.Rapid Growth of Capitalism after the Civil WarChapter16American History(II)Ⅰ.Economic DevelopmentⅡ.ProgressivismⅢ.World War I and the United StatesⅣ.The United States in the1920sⅤ.The Great Depression and the New DealⅥ.World War II and the United StatesChapter17American History(III)Ⅰ.The Origins of the Cold WarⅡ.The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan V.McCarthyismVII.American Society During the Postwar Boom:1945-1960s VIII.The Cuban Missile CrisisIX.The Vietnam WarX.United States’Relations with ChinaXII.Watergate ScandalChapter18The Economy(Two paragraphs)Ⅰ.The Economic System of the United StatesV.Foreign TradeVI.Problems in the U.S.EconomyChapter19Political InstitutionsⅠ.The U.S.Constitution1.The Federal system2.Separation of powers:checks and balances3.Provisions for amendmentⅡ.The Executive Branch1.The Presidency2.Presidential PowersⅢ.The Legislative Branch2.Powers of the House and Senate3.Officers of the Congress4.Functions of the CongressⅤ.Political Parties(two-party system)Chapter20EducationⅠ.Characteristics of American EducationⅡ.Elementary and Secondary EducationⅢ.Higher EducationⅤ.Education ReformsChapter21Literature,Architecture and MusicⅠ.American Literature1.Washington Irving2.Emerson and Hawthorne3.Mark Twain4.Whitman and Dickinson5.Theodore Dreiser6.T.S.Eliot7.Ernest Hemingway8.Hughes and WrightChapter22Holidays and FestivalsⅠ.New Year’s DayIV.Valentine’s DayVI.Easter DayVIII.Independence DayIX.HalloweenXI.Thanksgiving DayⅩII.Christmas DayPart Four Canada Chapter23Geography and HistoryⅠ.Geographic Features4.Geographic regionsⅡ.The making of Canada1.The European discovery3.Self-government and Confederation4.The Canadian nationChapter26Society and CultureI.Canadian Society1.Population2.Immigration3.Bilingualism4.MulticulturalismPart Five Australia Chapter27Land and peopleⅠ.The Geographical Structure1.The Great Western Plateau2.The Eastern Highlands3.The Central Eastern LowlandsⅡ.Climate3.Causes and effects of the hot and dry climate Ⅳ.People1.Population2.Population density and distributionⅤ.Australia’s Built Environment1.Sprawling cities2.Rural areasⅥ.Political Divisions1.New South Wales2.Victoria3.Queensland4.South Australia5.West Australia6.TasmaniaChapter32Society and CultureIV.Australian Culture1.Aboriginal culture2.Modern Australian culturePart Six New Zealand Chapter33The Making of New ZealandⅠ.GeographyⅡ.ClimateⅢ.Plants and AnimalsⅣ.Historical Background2.The Treaty of Waitangi1840VI.Maoritanga5.Race relations《<英语国家概况>自考辅导》目录(配合《英语国家概况》余志远,外语教学与研究出版社2005版)Part One The United Kingdom of Great Britain and North IrelandChapter1Land and People(英国的国土与人民)Chapter2The origins of the Nation(国家的起源)Chapter3The Shaping of the Nation(英国的形式)Chapter4Transition to the Modern Age(向现代过度的英国)Chapter5The Rise and Fall of the British Empire(英帝国的兴衰)Chapter6The Economy(英国经济)Chapter7Government and Administration(英国政府机构)Chapter8Justice and the Law(法律和司法机构)Chapter9Social Affairs(社会事务)Chapter10Cultural Affairs(文化事务)Part Two The Republic of IrelandThe Republic of Ireland(爱尔兰共和国)Part Three United States of AmericaChapter1A Survey of American Natural Circumstances and Geography(美国的自然环境和地理概况)Chapter2People and Ethnic Groups(人口和名族)Chapter3American History(Ⅰ)(1600-1900)(美国历史)Chapter4American History(Ⅱ)(1900-1945)(美国历史)Chapter5American History(Ⅲ)(1945-1980s’)(美国历史)Chapter6American Literature(美国文学)Chapter7American Economy(美国经济)Chapter8American Politics(美国政治)Chapter9American Education(教育)Chapter10American Music,Architecture and Newspaper(音乐、建筑和报纸)Chapter11Holidays and Festivals(美国的节假日)Part Four CanadaChapter1The History of Chanada(加拿大的历史)Chapter2Canadian Geography(加拿大地理)Chapter3The Economy(经济)Chapter4Government and Politics(政府和政治)Chapter5Society and Culture(社会与文化)Part Five AustraliaChapter1Australia”s Land and People(澳大利亚的国土与人口)Chapter2Australian History(澳大利亚历史)Chapter3Australian Economy(澳大利亚经济)Chapter4Polotical System(澳大利亚政治体制)Chapter5Society and Culture(社会与文化)Part Six New ZealandChapter1The making of New of New Zealand(地理与历史)Chapter2New Zealand Today(今日新新西兰)。

(老郑)IV.The Hundred Years' War and its consequences.百年战争及其结果The Hundred Years’ War refers to the war between England and France that lasted intermittently from 1337 to 1453. The causes of the war were partly territorial and partly economic. The territorial causes were related with the possession by the English kings of the large duchy in France, while the French kings coveted this large slice. The economic causes were connected with cloth manufacturing towns in Flanders, which were the importer of English wool, but they were loyal to the French king politically. Besides, England's desire to stop France from giving aid to Scots and a growing sense of nationalism were the other causes.The English's being driven out of France is regarded as a blessing for both countries. If the English had remained in France, the superior size and wealth of France would have hindered the development of a separate English national identity, while France was hindered so long as a foreign power occupied so much French territory.百年战争指1337年到1453年英法之间一场断断续续的战争,战争的起因既有领土因素又有经济因素。

英语国家概况(An Overview ofEnglishSpeaking Countries)一、英国(United Kingdom)1. 地理位置:英国位于欧洲大陆的西北边缘,由大不列颠岛、北爱尔兰和若干小岛组成。
2. 首都:伦敦(London),是英国的政治、经济、文化和交通中心。
3. 官方语言:英语4. 人口:约6600万,其中英格兰占最大比例。
5. 国旗:英国国旗被称为“米字旗”,由蓝、白、红三种颜色组成。
6. 经济:英国是世界上发达国家之一,拥有强大的金融、工业和科技实力。
7. 教育体系:英国教育体系享誉世界,牛津、剑桥等世界知名学府坐落于此。
8. 文化特色:英国有着丰富的历史文化底蕴,如莎士比亚、牛顿、披头士乐队等均诞生于此。
二、美国(United States of America)1. 地理位置:美国位于北美洲,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,南接墨西哥湾和加勒比海,北邻加拿大。
2. 首都:华盛顿特区(Washington, D.C.),是美国政治中心。
3. 官方语言:英语4. 人口:约3.3亿,是世界上第三人口大国。
5. 国旗:美国国旗被称为“星条旗”,由红、白、蓝三种颜色组成。
6. 经济:美国是全球最大的经济体,拥有强大的科技创新能力和金融市场。
7. 教育体系:美国教育资源丰富,世界顶尖大学如哈佛、斯坦福等均位于此。
8. 文化特色:美国文化多元化,涵盖了欧洲、亚洲、非洲等多种文化元素。
三、加拿大(Canada)1. 地理位置:加拿大位于北美洲北部,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,北接北冰洋,南邻美国。
2. 首都:渥太华(Ottawa),是加拿大的政治中心。
3. 官方语言:英语和法语4. 人口:约3800万,是世界上面积第二大国家。
5. 国旗:加拿大国旗被称为“枫叶旗”,由红、白两色组成。
6. 经济:加拿大经济发达,资源丰富,特别是石油、天然气和矿产资源。

2. Main Geographical Regions
New England The Mid-Atlantic States
The South
The Midwest
The Southwest
The West
New England
including six states in the northeastern corner. long history—the Europeans’ first settlement featured with mountains, valleys and rivers, and cities and towns with historic sites top-ranking universities
Oregon & California
northwestern part of America Alaska--glaciers, waterfalls and lakes Native population
Eskimos--half of all Alaska Natives Indians Aleuts
Known as the “father of waters” to American Indians As Mark Twain was raised on the river, his most popular and important writings are concerned with this area.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn tells the story of how the boy Huckleberry Finn and his black friend Jim, a runaway slave, sailed down the Mississippi on a raft.

Part OneThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandChapter 1 Land and PeopleⅠ.Names1.Different names for Britain and its parts2.British Empire (100 years ago)About 100 years ago, as a result of its imperialist expansion, Britain ruled an empire that had 1/4 of the world’s people and 1/4 of the world’s land area. It had colonies in North America, Asia, Africa and Australia.monwealth (1931)The commonwealth (of Nations) is a free association of independent countries that were once colo nies of Britain.Member nations are joined together economically and have certain trading arrangements. The Commonwealth has no special powers. The decision to become a member of the Commonwealth is left to each nation.4.Reason for Britain Empire changed into a Commonwealth: the two world wars greatly weakened Britain.Ⅱ.Features1.LocationAdvantage: No part of Britain is very far from the coast and it provides a valuable resource. The British coast is long and has good, deep harbours. Sea routes extend far inland, providing cheap transportation.2.General featuresa.T ilting: ①Rising in North-West cause highlands there; ②Sinking in South-East cause lowlands.b.Ice Age: responsible for Britain’s spectacular mountain scenery.3.England (more than 130,000 square kilometres which takes up nearly 60% of the whole island)a.Pennines, principal mountain chain.b.Scafell (978 m), the highest peak of England.c.Capital: London.4.Scotland (78,760 square kilometres)a.Three zone:①Highlands in the north: plateau;②Central Lowlands: most important area in Scotland which contain most of the industry and population;③Southern Uplands: moorland.b.Ben Nevis (1,343 m), the highest mountain in Britain.c.Capital: Edinburgh.5.Wales (20,761 square kilometres which takes up less than 9% of the whole island)a.Most of Wales is Mountainous;b.12% of the land is arable;c.Massif 断层;d.Snowdonia (1,085 m), highest mountain in Wales;e.Capital: Cardiff.6.Northern Ireland (14,147 square kilometres which takes up 1/5 of Ireland)a.It has a rocky and wild northern coastline;b.Capital: Belfast.Ⅲ.Rivers and Lakes1.Riversa.Importance:①Great ports (through river) to sea;②Rivers to both European Continent and fishing grounds;③Rivers (carry raw materials) to inland.b.Rivers:①Severn River (338 km): longest river;②Thames River (336 km): second largest and most important (water transportation, Oxford site);③River Clyde: most important river in Scotland.kesa.Lough Neagh: largest lake in Britain (located in Northern Ireland).ke District:①One of the popular tourist attractions in Britain;②15 lakes, the largest ones are Windermere, Ullswater, Derwentwater and Coniston Water;③The home of the lake poets of 19th century: Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey.Ⅳ.Climate1.Maritimea.Favorable one, winters are mild not too cold and summers are cool not too hot;b.Steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year;c.Small range of temperature.2.Factorsa.The surrounding waters tend to balance the seasonal differences by heating up the land in winter and cooling it offin summer;b.The Westerlies blow over the country all the year round bringing warm and wet air in winter and keeping thetemperatures moderate;c.The North Atlantic Drift, which is a warm current, passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.3.Rainfalla.General: Britain has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. The average annual rainfall in Britain isover 1,000 mm;b.Character: ①Water surplus in north and west; ②Water deficit in south and east.c.Reservoirs have to be built in highland areas such as Central Wales, the Lake District and the Scottish Highlands.4.Natural calamitiesa.In 1952 the sulphur dioxide in the four-day London smog, an unhealthy atmosphere formed by mixing smoke anddirt with fog, left 4,000 people dead or dying. So most cities in Britain have introduce “Clean air zones” whereby factories and households are only allow to burn smokeless fuel.b.Many areas are subjected to severe gales, which cause flooding, shipwrecks and loss of life, especially in winter. Ⅴ.People (Britain has a population of 57,411,000 in 1990)1.General features:a.Densely populated with an average of 237 people per square kilometer;b.Unevenly distributed: 90% in urban, 10% in rural;c.Concentration: most in England (most in London and south-eastern England);position: English 81.5%, Scottish 9.6%, Welsh 1.9%, Irish 2.4%, Northern Irish 1.8%, Immigrants 2.8%.2.Englisha.Origin: Anglo-Saxons.nguage: ①Southern: BBC (except Cockney); ②Northern: broader.c.Cockney: A Cockney is a Londoner who is born within the sound of Bow Bells – the bells of the church of StMary-Le-Bow Bells in east London.d.It was from the union of Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons that the English people and theEnglish language were born.3.Welsha.Origin: Celts.nguage:①Welsh, an ancient Celtic language: 1% people only speak Welsh, it was given equality with English for allofficial use in Wales in 1965, names beginning with “Ll”;②English.c.Character: emotional, cheerful.d.Culture: Eisteddfodau (威尔斯诗人音乐家大会) / National Eisteddfod, with an purpose to keep the welshlanguage and culture alive.4.Scotsa.Origin: Celts.b.Scots are proud that the English never conquered them.nguage:①Gaelic, old Celtic language of the Scots: it is still heard in the Highlands and the Western Isles and theirnames beginning with M’, Mac, Mc, which means “son of” in Gaelic;②English;d.Character: ①said to be serious, cautious, thrifty; ②in fact they are hospitable, generous, friendly.5.Irisha.Origin: Scots and English Protestants.b.Problem: there has been bitter fighting between the Protestants who are dominant group, and the RomanCatholics, who are seeking more social, political and economic opportunities.nguage(爱尔兰共和国):①Irish or Erse, a form of Gaelic: official first language of the Republic of Ireland;②English: second.d.Character: charm, vivacity, beauty girls.6.Immigrantsa.Origin: West Indies, India and Pakistan.b.Discrimination: Usually the colored immigrants have to take the lowest paid jobs, and when there isunemployment they are usually the first to be sacked.Chapter 2 The Origins of a Nation(5000 BC -1066)Ⅰ.Settlers (5000 BC –55 BC)1.Iberians (the first known settlers)①At about 3000 BC, these short, dark and long-headed people came to Britain, probably from the Iberian Peninsula,now Spain.②Long barrows in Wiltshire and Dorset were their communal burial mounds.③Stonehenge in Wiltshire is more dramatic monuments, which may have religious and political means.2.Beaker Folk①At about 2000 BC they come from the areas now known as Holland and the Rhineland.②They took the name from their bell-shaped drinking vessels with which they were buried in crouching positions inindividual graves.③They built hill forts, with the finest examples of Maiden Castle.3.Celts①A taller and fairer race began to arrive about 700 BC.②They may originally come from eastern and central Europe, now France, Belgium and southern Germany.③They came in three main waves: a. Gaels at 600 BC (Gaelic); b. Brythons at 400 BC; c. Belgae at 150 BC(industrious and vigorous).④The Celtic bribes are ancestors of Highland Scots, the Irish and the Welsh, and their languages are the basis of bothWelsh and Gaelic.⑤The Celts’ religion was Druidism (human sacrifices). The Druids were the wise men, astrologers and soothsayers.Ⅱ.Roman Britain (55BC-410AD)1.Roman ConquestBritish recorded history begins with the Roman invasion. Julius Caesar, invaded Britain for the first time in 55BC. He returned the following year, but he didn’t succeed. The successful invasion was take place in AD43, headed by the Emperor Claudius.2.Reasons for untotal occupation: a. some parts of the country resist; b. Roman troops were often withdraw from Britainto fight in other parts of Roman Empire.3.Ways to keep Picts: They built two great walls to keep the Picts, so called because of their “painted faces”, out of thearea they had conquered. These were Hadrian’s Wall and Antonine Wall.4.Three problemsa.Picts still attacked them periodically;b.Saxon pirates attacked them in the southeast;c.Control was only effective in the south-eastern part of the country.5.Achievementwork of towns and roads.①Caster and Chester means camp.②Capital: London (Londinium).③T wo cities: Y ork had been created as a northern stronghold; Bath rapidly developed because of its waters.b.Make use of Britain’s natural resources, mining lead, iron and tin and manufacturing pottery.6.Religion: Christianity.7.Reasons for withdraw in AD 410: a. barbarians from Eastern Europe at the gates of Rome; b. repeated attacks fromPicts and Scots; c. needing to set up a new military front on the east coast to hold off the Germanic Saxon tribes invading from Europe.8.Why was the Roman influence on Britain so limited?The Romans always treated the Britons as a subject people of slave class. Never during the 4 centuries did the Romans and Britons intermarry. The Romans had no impact on the language or culture of ordinary Britons.Ⅲ.Anglo-Saxons (446-871)1.Anglo-Saxons and the found of HeptarchyThe Anglo-Saxons were three tribes of the Germanic people who originally lived in the northwest of modern Germany.In the mid-5th century a new wave of invaders, Jutes, Saxons, and Angles came to Britain. They were three T eutonic tribes. The leader of Jutes, Hengist, became the King of Kent in 449. Then the Saxons established their kingdoms in Essex, Sussex and Wessex from the end of 5th century to the beginning of the 6th century. The Angles settled in East Anglia, Mercia and Northumbria. These seven principal kingdoms of Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessex, East Anglia, Mercia and Northumbria have been given the name of Heptarchy.2.Wars among Heptarchya.Offa, King of Mercia, built the great earthwork known as Offa’s Dyke, control for a long time virtually all central,eastern and south-eastern England.b.In 829, Egbert, King of Wessex, became an overlord of all the English.3.Religiona.T eutonic religion (The names T uesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday derive from their gods)b.Christianity①Columba, 563, convert north commoner.②In 597, Pope GregoryⅠsent St. Augustine, the Prior of St. Andrew’s Monastery in Rome, to England toconvert the heathen English to Christianity. In 597, St. Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury.Augustine was remarkably successful in converting the king and the nobility, but the conversion of thecommon people was largely due to the missionary activities of the monks in the north.c.Disagreement: The Roman missionaries held that the Pope’s authority was supreme, and the Celtic missionariesheld that Christian belief did not require a final earthly arbiter. They held a conference at Whitby in 664. Finally,the Roman missionaries gained the upper hand.4.AchievementsThe Anglo-Saxons laid the foundations of the English state. They divided the country into shires. They devised the narrow-strip, three-field farming system. They also established the manorial system. And they created the Witan.5.QuestionsⅣ.V iking and Danish1.The Norwegian V ikings and the Danes from Denmark attacked various parts of England from the end of the 8th century.They became a serious problem in the 9th century, especially between 835 and 878. The V ikings and the Danes were posing a threat to the Saxon kingdom.2.Alfred, king of Wessex was strong enough to defeat the Danes and came to a relatively friendly agreement with themin 879.a.Danes gained control of north and east of England, i.e. “the Danelaw”.b.Alfred, king of Wessex, rule the rest.3.Alfred’s achievements.Alfred, king of Wessex, is known as “the father of the British navy” as he founded a str ong fleet which first beat the Danes at sea, then protected the coasts and encouraged trade. He also reorganized the fyrd (the Saxon army), making it more efficient. Alfred, who is said to have taught himself Latin at the age of 40, translated into English Bede’s Ecclesiastical history of the English People. A learned man himself, he encouraged learning in others, established schools and formulated a legal system. This, as well as his admirable work with the army and the navy, makes him worthy of his title “Alfred the Great”.4.Successors.a.King Ethelred the Unready tried paying the invaders, who renewed invasions because the successors reconqueredthe Danelaw, to stay away by imposing a tax, called the danegeld, on his people.b.Canute, the Danish leader, was chosen by Witan as king. He made England part of Scandinavian empire whichincluded Norway as well as Denmark.Ⅴ.The Norman Conquest (1066)1.Background: King is also said to have promised the English throne to William, Duke of Normandy. But, when Edwardwas on his deathbed, four men laid claim to the English throne. Finally, the Witan chose Harold as king. Four men: King of Norway / T ostig Ⅼ→Harold (king) →Duke of Normandy( join together ) ( fight ) ( fight )2.Process: ①1066.10.14, the battle on Senlac Field (near Hastings), where Harold was killed; ②1066 Christmas,William crowned King of England by the Archbishop of Y ork.3.Measure to face Saxon risings in the north: “harrying of the north”.4.Significance: The Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history. William theConqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers. He replaced the weak Saxon rule witha strong Norman government. So the feudal system was completely established in England. Relations with theContinent were opened, and civilization and commerce were extended. Norman-French culture, language, manners, and architecture were introduced. The Church was brought into closer connection with Rome, and the church courts were separated from the civil courts.Chapter 3 The Shaping of the Nation(1066-1381)Ⅰ.An outline of this period:1.Norman House: WilliamⅠ2.Plantagenet House: HenryⅡ①Parliament; ②100 years war; ③Uprising 1381; ④Roses (House of Lancaster – House of Y ork)3.T udor House (200): ①Civil war; ②HenryⅧ; ③ElizabethⅠ; ④Renaissance.4.Stuart House: ①JamesⅠ; ②CharlesⅠ; ③Civil war.mon wealth: Cromwell.6.Restoration: 1688 Glorious Revolution.7.Rise and fall of the Empire: Commonwealth.Ⅱ.Norman Rule (1066-1381)1.William’s Rule (1066-1087)①Feudal system in England was completely established. According to this system, the King owned all the landpersonally. William gave his barons large estates in England in return for military service and a produce. The barons parceled out land to the lesser nobles, knights and freemen, also in return for goods and ser vices. At the bottom were the villains or serfs, unfree peasants.②Feature: All landowners took the oath of allegiance for the land they held, not only to their immediate lord, butalso to the king.③William replaced the Witan with the Grand Council of his new tenants-in-chief.④Domesday Book (1086): It was the result of a general survey of England made in 1085, and stated the extent,value, the population, state of cultivation, and ownership of the land.a.1/2 the cultivated land in the country was in the hands of 170 tenants-in-chief;b.1/5 was held personally by the King;c.most of the rest by bishops and abbots and other heads of religious houses.⑤His policy towards the church was to keep it completely under his control, but at the same time to uphold itspower.⑥In the reign of the Norman kings the Norman culture flowered on the English soil.2.Success: three sons①Robert gain Normandy;②William Rufus (WilliamⅡ) gain England; (Killed)③Henry gains a large sum of money. After WilliamⅡ’s death, he gain England’s cr own. Henry has no son, so KingStephen took the crown with the compromise of receive Henry, son of Henry’s daughter, as joint ruler. After King Stephen’s death, Henry became king HenryⅡ.Ⅲ.House of Plantagenet1.HenryⅡ’s reformA.Measures to end the disorders: He forced the Flemish mercenaries to leave England; recalled grants of Royal lands;demolished castles; strengthened the powers of his sheriffs and relied for militia.B.Administrative: a. abolished the annual land tax based on hide, and emerged a new tax which assessed at thepercentage of a subject’s annual rents and chatells; b. revival and elaboration of HenryⅠ’s policies.C.Legal reform: HenryⅡgreatly strengthened the king’s Court and extended its judicial work. He divided thecountry into six circuits and appointed itinerant justices. The common law and jury system came out. He wishing to reform certain abuses in Church government, instead that all clerks charged with criminal offences should be tried in the king’s courts.mon law: It is the unwritten law common to the whole people and is “case-made”, i.e., based on precedentjudgments, and derived from acknowledged custom.2.Conflict between king and Becket.A.Reason: It was these exceptional privileges and benefit of clergy that brought King Henry into collision withThomas Becket.B.Process:a.In 1154, Thomas Becket was appointed Chancellor of England.b.In 1162, Henry made Becket Archbishop of Canterbury.c.The different view of a murder charge of a clerk man brought matters to a crisis.d.In 1164, the Great Council of HenryⅡdrew up the Constitutions of Clarendon to increase the jurisdiction ofthe civil courts at the expense of the church courts.e.Becket rejected them after a reluctantly signed, which angry HenryⅡ. So he spend 6 years on the Continent.f.In 1170, Becket returned to England. Fresh quarrels broke out.g.In 1170, four knights of the royal household took litera lly the King’s wish and murdered Becket.C.Result: a. grave became a place of pilgrimage; b. Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales (which describes a group ofpilgrims traveling to Canterbury to visit Thomas Becket’s tomb); c. T.S. Eliot, Murder in the Cathedral.Ⅳ.Great Charter1.Background: Three crusades and wars against France drain upon financial resources of England, and baronscomplained that the king had failed to protect the Norman lands from the advances of the French King and he had imposed high taxes.2.Demand contents: Magna Carta (1215); Magna Carta had altogether 63 clauses, of which the most important matterswere these: no tax should be made freely; no freeman should be arrested except by the law of the land; the Church should possess all its rights; London and other towns should retain their ancient rights and privileges.3.Result: A committee of 24 barons plus the Mayor of London was chosen to help the king carry out the Charter, withthe right of declaring war on him should he break its provisions.4.Significant: Magna Carta has long been popularly regarded as the foundation of English liberties, it was a statement ofthe relationship between the Crown and the barons. The spirit of Magna Carta was the limitation the powers of the king.Ⅴ.Parliament1.HenryⅢ: ①an expensive war with France which ended with the loss of the whole of Poitou; ②demands formoney to enable his son to be crowned King of Sicily which brought the matters with parliament to a head.2.Barons, under Simon de Montfort forced the king to swear to accept the Provisions of Oxford: ①Henry shouldappoint a new Grand Council of twenty-four members, half of whom were to be nominated by the barons themselves;②the King should have a permanent body of fifteen nobles and bishops to advise him, without whose authority theking could not act.3.Civil war between HenryⅢand barons come to the first Parliament in 1265.Henry refused to confirm to the Provisions of Oxford put forward by barons. A civil war broke out between the king’s supporters and the baronial army. In 1264, the king was defeated. Simon de Montfort summoned in 1265 the Great Council to meet at Westminster, together with two knights from each county and two burgesses from each town, a meeting which has been seen as that of the earliest parliament.The origin of Parliament is Witan, with the development of Grand Council. Grand Council later developed into the Lords (baron and bishop) and the Commons (knight and citizen, can present petitions), which known as a parliament.4.1284 the Statute of Wales.The Statute of Wales in 1284 placed the country under English law and EdwardⅠpresented his new-born son to the Welsh people as Prince of Wales, a title held by the heir to the throne ever since.Ⅵ.100 year’s war1.Reason: The causes were partly territorial and partly economic. The territorial causes were the large duchy ofAquitaine. The economic causes were connected with Flanders. England’s desire to stop France from giving aid to the Scots and a growing sense of national consciousness. The French refused to recognize EdwardⅢ’s claim of French Crown.2.Process: ①At first English (EdwardⅢ) were successful; ②After a long peaceful lull, French (HenryⅤ) wonvictory; ③After French King’s death, Joan of Arc drove the English out of France.3.Significance: The expulsion of the English from France is regarded as a blessing for both countries; had they remained,the superior size and wealth of France would certainly have hindered the development of a separate English national identity, while French national identity was hindered so long as a foreign power occupied so much French territory. Ⅶ.Black death 1348-13491.Definition: Black Death was the modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague, an epidemic disease spread by ratfleas. It spread through Europe in the 14th century, particularly in 1347-50.2.Result: It killed between 1/2 and 1/3 of the population of England. As a result, much land was left untended and therewas a terrible shortage of labor.Ⅷ.Uprising1.Reason: ①unfair treatment by government and land owner (Two Statute: In 1351 the government issued a Statute ofLabourers which made it a crime for peasants to ask for more wages; A later statute proposed that any labourer who left his place of work to seek higher wages should be branded with the letter F on his forehead as a sign of falsehood.);②imposition of a series of taxes known as poll taxes, which caused deep and widespread discontent; ③the Lollards(They refer to Poor priests and itinerant preachers who were John Wyclif’s followers. They went about preaching to the equality of men before God. They served as mental encouragement and stimulation and play an important role in the Peasant Uprising of 1381.).2.Processes: ①In 1381, army led by Wat Tyler and Jack Straw occupied London; ②They present the demands(abolition of villeinage, reduction of rent, free access to all fairs and markets, general pardon) which were granted by king; ③Finally, they were suppressed.3.Significance: The rebellion was a truly social one, directed against the rich clergy and the lawyers as well as againstthe landowners. The uprising dealt a telling blow to villeinage, and a whole new class of yeomen farmers emerged,paving the way for the development of capitalism.Chapter 4 T ransition to the Modern Age(1455-1688)Ⅰ.T ransition1.Wars of the Roses (1455-1485)①Reason: After the Hundred Y ears’ War, nob les had to seek a new outlet for their ambition by an attempt todominate the government at home.②Definition: It referring to these battles between the great House of Lancaster, symbolized by the red rose, and thatof Y ork, symbolized by the white.③Process: (three stages)④Significant: From these wars feudalism received its deathblow. The great medieval nobility was much weakenedand discredited. The king’s power now became supreme. But the interests of the majority of the common people were not deeply engaged.2.HenryⅦ①Domestic: a. refill treasury; b. control noble’s power.②Foreign: a. prevent foreign powers to disrupt the country; b. neutralize to all threats.③All above bring HenryⅦboth peace and prestige.Ⅱ.Reformation1.HenryⅧ(6 wives)①Measure:A. Domestic: a. control over border areas; b. gentry control local government (Justices of Peace).B. Foreign: a. aided by Archbishop and Lord Chancellor; b. 1517 peace conference in London; c. ally withsuperpower.②Reformation:a.Reasons: There were 3 main causes: a desire for change and reform in the Church had been growing for manyyears and now, encouraged by the success of Martin Luther, many people believed its time had come; the privilege and wealth of the clergy were also resented; and Henry needed money.b.Direct cause: HenryⅧwanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon because she could not produce a male heir forhim.c.Purpose: Henry’s reform was to get rid of the English Church’s connection with the Pope, and to make anindependent Church of England. (He made his break with Rome g radually. He dissolved all of England’smonasteries and nunneries.)d.T wo acts: a. 1534 Act of Succession; b. 1535 Act of Supremacy.e.Three important effects: they stressed the power of the monarch; Parliament had never done such important; hisattack on the Pope’s power encouraged many critics of the abuses of the Catholic Church, and he became Supreme Head of the Church of England in 1535.f.Note: Real religious change came in HenryⅧ’s son Edward’s time. People call his switch to Protestant theology“The Reformation”.2.Mary T udor①She attempt to forcibly reconvert England to Roman Catholicism.②She is called “Bloody Mary” for at least 300 Protestants were burnt as heretics.③The monarch who lost the French port of Calais during a renewed war with France.④Protestantism and nationalism were now forever synonymous.3.ElizabethⅠ: England has been Protestant ever since.Ⅲ.ElizabethⅠ1.Elizabeth and Parliament①Work with Parliament (the Puritans in the House of Commons demanded further religious reform, but they stillloyal to Queen).②Turbulent for Parliament’s ask: a. right of free speech; b. discussion at will; c. five personal questions (religion,marriage, foreign policy, the succession to the throne, and finance).2.Elizabeth and religion①Elizabeth’s religious reform was a compromise of views. She broke Mary’s ties with Rome and restored herfather’s independent Church of England. (keep to Catholic doctrines; free from the Papal contr ol)②Conflict: a. Elizabeth – Protestant; b. Mary – Catholic.3.Elizabeth’s foreign policy①France: friendly.②Spain:A.1588 PhilipⅡ: a. want to bring England back to Catholicism; b. stop England’s aid to the Netherlands whereProtestant rebels were in revolt against their Spanish masters.B.Destruction of Spanish Armada: a. showed England’s superiority as a naval power; b. stop the attempt ofCatholicism to recover the northern countries of Europe; c. enabled England to become a great trading andcolonizing nation.Ⅳ.JamesⅠ1.Controversy: a. Puritan ask for further Reformation; b. James declared “No Bishop, No King”.2.Catholic’s plots.①Cobham’s Plot: Sir Walter was sent to the T ower of London for 13 years. In 1615, JamesⅠrelease him for theneed of money. With 13 ships, he went to Guiana for gold mine, but failed and was executed finally.②Gunpowder Plot: On November 5, 1605, a few fanatical Catholics attempted to blow King James and his ministersup in the Houses of Parliament where Guy Fawkes had planted barrels of gunpowder in the cellars. The immediate result was the execution of Fawkes and severe anti-Catholic laws. (celebration)3.Puritan’s protest①Concession: King James’s Bible, Authorized V ersion 1611.②Flee:A.Many Puritans had left England for Holland.B.In 1620, 201 Pilgrim Fathers sailed from New Plymouth in the Mayflower, and founded New Plymouth inAmerica, Britain’s first settlement in the New World.4.James (a firm believer in the Divine Right of Kings) and Parliament: ①none for 7 years; ②1621 recall Parliament;。

A、A. Self-indulgence
B、 B. Rationalism
C、 C. Asceticism
D、 D. Individualism
题号:12 题型:单选题 本题分数:1.01
52. The relationship between the Dreaming and Protestantism in terms of human-nature relationship is ().
A、A. were forcibly removed from their own land
B、 B. were allowed to have their own land as private reserves
C、 C. were often employed by the Christian Church
A、A. Lachlan Macquarie
B、 B. Francis Greenaway
C、 C. James Ruse
D、 D. Edward Wakefield.
题号:19 题型:单选题 本题分数:1.01
59. Which of the following was responsible for some fine buildings in Sydney?
A、A. Western Australia
B、 B. New South Wales
C、 C. Tasmania
D、 D. Queensland
自考“英语国家概况”精讲笔记 小抄

官方正式名称:t h e U n i t e d K i n g d o m o f G r e a t B r i t a i n a n d N o r t h e r nI r e l a n d.3.T h e B r i t i s hI s l e s a r e m a d e u p o f t w o l a r g e i s l a n d s-G r e a tB r i t a i n(t h e l a r g e r o n e)a n d I r e l a n d,a n d h u n d r e d s o f s m a l l o n e s.4.T h r e ep o l i t i c a ld i v i s i o n s o n t he i s l a n d of G r e a t B r i t a i n三个政治区:E ng l a n d, S c o t l a n d a n d W a l e s.(1)E n g l a n d i si n t h e s o u t h e r n p a r t o f G r e a t B r i t a i n.I t i s t h e l a r g e s t, m o s t p o p u l o u s s e c t i o n.(2)S c o t l a n d i si n t h e n o r t h o f G r e a t B r i t a i n.I t h a s t h r e e n a t u r a l z o n e s (t h e H i g h l a n d si n t h e n o r t h苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。
它有三大自然区;t h eC e n t r a ll o w l a n d s;t h es o u t h U p l a n d s)C a p i t a l:E d i n b u r g h(3) W a l e s i s i nt h e w e s t o fG r e a t B r i t a i n.C a p i t a l首都:C a r d i f f(4)N o r t h e r nI r e l a n d i s t h ef o u r t h r eg i o no f t h e U K.C a p i t a l:B e l f a s t.5.T h eC o m m o n w e a l t h英联邦 (o f n a t i o n s)i s a f r e ea s s o c i a t i o n o fi n d e p e n d e n tc o u n t r i e s t h a tw e r e o n c ec o l o n i e s o fB r i t a i n.I t w a sf o u n d e d i n1931,a n d h a s50m e m b e rc o u n t r i e su n t i l1991.C h a p t e r2T h e O r i g i n s o fa N a t i o n(5000B C-1066)I.A r r i v a l a n ds e t t l e m e n t o ft h e C e l t sC e l t s w e r ep r a c t i c e df a m e r s.T h ed r a i ne d m u c h o fm a r s h l a n d s a n db u i l t h o u s e s o fw o o d.T h e y w r ei r o n w o r k e r s,t o o.T h e i rl a n g u a g e s,t h eC e l t sl a n g u a g e s,a r et h e b a s i s o ft h e l a n g u a g ew h i c h i s s t i l lu s e d b y s o m ep e o p l e i nS c o t l a n d a n dW a l e s.T h e i rr e l i g i o n w a sD r u i d i s m1、T h e C e l t sb e g a n t o a r r i v eB r i t a i n a b o u t700B C.2、T h e C e l t sc a m e t o B r i t a i ni n t h r e e m a i nw a v e s.T h e f i r s t w a v ew e r e t h eG a e l s-c a m ea b o u t600B C.T h e s e c o n d w a v ew e r e t h eB r y t h o n s-c a m ea b o u t400B C.T h e t h i r d w a v ew e r e t h eB e l g a e-c a m ea b o u t150B C.I I.T h eA n g l o-S a x o n s(446-871)1.B a s i s o fM o d e r n E n g l i s hr a c e:t h eA n g l o-S a x o n s.I n t h e m i d-5t hc e n t u r y a n e ww a v e o fi n v a d e r s,J u t e s,S a x o n s,a n d A n g l e s c a m et o B r i t a i n.T h e y w e r e t h r e eT e u t o n i ct r i b e s.①T h e J u t e s,w h o f i s h e d a n df a r m e d i nJ u t l a n d,c a m et o B r i t a i nf i r s t.A J u t i s h c h i e f b e c a m e t h e K i ng o f K e n t i n449.②Th e n t h e S a x o n s, u s e r s o f t h e s h o r t-s w o r df r o m n o r t h e r n G e r m a n y,e s t a b l i s h e dt h e i r k i n g d o m i n E s s e x, S u s s e x a n d W e s s e x f r o m t h e e n d o f t h e5t h c e n t u r y t o t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h e6t h c e n t u r y.③I n t h e s e c o n dh a l f o f t h e 6t h c e n t u r y,t h e A n g l e s,w h o a l s o c a m e f r o m n o r t h e r nG e r m a n y a n d w e r e t o g i v e t h e i r n a m e t o t h e E n g l i s h p e o p l e,s e t t l e d i n E a s t A n g l i a,M e r c i a a n dN o r t h u m b r i a.T h e s e s e v e n p r i n c i p a l k i n g d o m s o fK e n t,E s s e x,S u s s e x,W e s s e x,E a s t A n g l i a,M e r c i a a n dN o r t h u m b r i ah a v e b e e n g i v e nt h e n a m e o fH e p t a r c h y七王国.2.T h e e a r l yA n g l o-S a x o n sc o n v e r t ed t oC h r i s t i a n i t y.最早的盎格鲁—撒克逊人改信基督教。

全国2018年7月高等教育自学考试英语国家概况试题课程代码:00522Ⅰ.Multiple Choice Questions.(40 points, 1 point for each)Directions: Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question; and then write your answers on the Answer Sheet.1.The longest river in Britain is(),which is 338 kilometers long.A.the Thames River B.the Severn RiverC.the Clyde D.the Tweed2.(),the great Roman general, invaded Britain for the first time in 55 BC.A.Julius Caesar B.The Emperor Claudius C.Boadicea D.Agricola3.King Alfred made a treaty with Danes allowing them to keep the northern and eastern parts of England, which later became known as ().A.Wessex B.NormandyC.“the Danelaw”D.Sussex4.William, Duke of Normandy, is now known as ().A.William Rufus B.William the ConfessorC.William the Conqueror D.William the Great5.The spirit of ()was the limitation of the powers of the king.A.the Provision of Oxford B.the Book of DoomC.Domesday Book D.Magna Carta6.Although the Wars of he Roses were fought intermittently for ()years, ordinary people were little affected and went about their business as usual.A.20 B.30C.40 D.507.In Ireland and the Scottish Highlands ()led to mass emigration, particularly to the New World.A.the Black Death B.the Civil WarsC.the Great Famine D.land enclosure8.In the United Kingdom, free medical care for everyone and financial help for the old, the sick1and the unemployed, which have become available since 1948, are the foundation of ()A.the welfare state B.the National Health ServiceC.the civil service D.the National Insurance Fund9.Margaret Thatcher believed in the following EXCEPT ().A.self-reliance B.privatizationC.the strengthening of trade unions D.the use of monetarist policies to control inflation 10.The monarchy is the oldest institution of government, going back to at least ()century.A.the 8th B.the 9thC.the 10th D.the 11th11.All criminal trials are held in open court because the criminal law presumes the ()of the accused until he has been proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt.A.innocence B.honestyC.guilt D.impartiality12.Easter is traditionally associated with the following EXCEPT().A.the Resurrection of Christ B.the eating of Easter eggsC.the custom of giving presents D.the coming of spring13.()is the most popular sport in England and in Europe.A.Rugby B.TennisC.Snooker D.Football14.Edinburgh International Festival of Music and Drama takes place for a period of 3 to 4 weeks between ()when Edinburgh becomes a center of cultural activity.A.July and August B.August and SeptemberC.September and October D.October and November15.Up to the end of WWI, there were ()waves of large-scale immgration to the United States.A.two B.threeC.four D.five16.The idea of containment was first brought up by().A.Harry Truman B.Franklin D. RooseveltC.Marshall D.George Kennan17.In the last great population movement in America, a large number of people moved to ().A.the Northwest B.the sunbelt areas2C.the South D.the West18.Who were the first settlers of the New England Region?A.Hispanic groups. B.English Puritans.C.German farmers. D.Asian Americans19.The Bill of Rights is the term used for ()to the Constitution of the United States. A.the first ten amendments B.the last ten amendmentsC.the tenth amendment D.the most important amendment20.The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by()during the Civil War. A.George Washington B.Abraham LincolnC.Thomas Jefferson D.Franklin Roosevelt21.The Supreme Court played a role in approving the lawfulness of anti-Communist activities by ().A.upholding the constitutionality of the Smith ActB.convicting 11 highranking Communist leadersC.supporting the trial of Alger HissD.supporting President Truman’s executive order22.The writers of the Constitution worked out the checks and balances in order to (). A.prevent the government from misusing its powerB.prevent the government from being too strongC.prevent the government form being separatedD.prevent the government form losing its power23.In America, the first period of the party system refers to the appearance of (). A.the FederalistsB.the Anti-FederalistsC.the Federalists and the Anti-FederalistsD.the Democratic- Republicans and the Anti-Federalists24.Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of those who ()transcendentalism. A.supported B.was indifferent toC.attacked D.had nothing to do with25.The first uniquely American contribution to architecture was the Skyscraper perfected by the ()architect, Louis Sullivan.A.New York City B.ChicagoC.Washington D.Detroit26.Today there are altogether()departments of the U.S. government.3A.11 B.13C.15 D.1727.Which of the following is NOT associated with Halloween?()A.“Trick or treat”B.“eating eggs”C.bonfire D.pumpkin-lanterns28.The first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated by the Puritans in Plymouth, Massachusetts on (),1621.A.January 13 B.April 13C.October 13 D.December 1329.About two thirds of Canada’s petroleum and about four fifths of its natural gas come from ().A.Alberta B.MontrealC.Quebec D.Vancouver30.Under (),the Upper Canada and Lower Canada were united again and given internal self-government in 1848.A.the Act of UnionB.the British North America ActC.the Quebec ActD.the Statute of Westminister31.Indigenous people make up about 1.5% of the Canadian population .They are (). A.Indians and Africans B.Aborigines and IndiansC.the Eskimo and Aborigines D.American Indians and the Eskimo 32.Since 1971 the Canadian government has adopted a policy of (),recognizing that cultural pluralism within a bilingual framework is the essence of the Canadian identity. A.assimilation B.integrationC.multiculturalism D.gender equality33.The main feature of Australia’s trade is that().A.it is mainly with developing countries and Great BritainB.there is the decline of manufacturing industries and the high tariffsC.there is over-reliance on commodity exportsD.it has always involved the exchange of raw materials for finished products34.The history of Australia began with().A.the arrival of AboriginesB.the colonization of Australia by the BritishC.the founding of the Commonwealth of AustraliaD.the First World War435.Victoria is also known as ().A.the garden state B.the premier stateC.the sunshine state D.the state of excitement36.The Australian Constitution can only be changed by ().A.the Parliament B.the QueenC.the Executive D.referendum37.Ireland is one of the most ()countries of Europe.A.Christian B.CatholicC.Buddhist D.Protestant38.The population of Ireland is predominantly of ()origin.A.English B.CelticC.Norman D.French39.In 1893 New Zealand became the first country in the world().A.to adopt the 40-hour working weekB.to introduce old age pensionsC.to introduce the Accident Compensation ActD.to give women the vote40.Nearly three –quarters of the population (including more than 50% of the New Zealanders) live in ().A.South Island B.North IslandC.Stewart Island D.the Chatham IslandsⅡ.Answer the Following Questions Briefly.(30 points,3 points for each)Directions: Give a one –sentence answer to each of the following questions and then write your answers in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.41.What does the British parliament consist of ?42.What are the chief purposes of the penal system of Britain?43.How did Elizabeth I manage to maintain a friendly relationship with France?44.How many states are there in the United States? Which one is the largest and which one is the smallest in area?45.What is “winner-take-all”system?46.Why was Lincoln considered to be a man who lived out the American Dream?47.Why were the French Troops in Canada defeated by the British during the Seven Years’ War?48.What does the Red Centre refer to in Australia?49.When did the first European come to New Zealand and what was his name and nationality?50.What kind of climate does Ireland have?Ⅲ.Term Explanation.(20 points,5 points for each)5Directions: Explain each of the following terms in English and then write your answers in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet in around 40 words.51.Reuters52.the Gettysburg Address53.the Great Lakes54.the DreamingⅤ.Essay Questions.(10 points)Directions: Write between 100-120 words on EITHER of the following topics in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.55.What were the characteristics of the English Renaissance?56.What were the consequences of the Vietnam War?6。

The enclosure movement (圈地运动)
The development of textile industry Thomas More: Utopia “Sheep devour man” Kett’s Rebellion Development of class consciousness Gentry class Oxford and Cambridge
Great Britain
Chapter7 Roman Britain and the Anglo-Saxon Chapter8 England in the Middle Ages
Chapter9 England Under the Tudors
Chapter7 Roman Britain and the Anglo-Saxons
1. The woolen Textile Industry and
the Enclosure Movement 2.Foreign Trade and Geographical Expansion 3.The Renaissance 4.The Reformation 5.The Elizabethan Age
Continent People living in Britain: 3000BC
The Stonehenge(巨石阵):
1. Celtic Britain
The Celts: 8th-5th centuries BC invented plows (犁) coined money The Celtic language: The Celts and the Romans:
Literary figures in England:

Chapter 10第十章The education system in Britain1.primary education 初等教育,小学教育Primary education is compulsory(义务教育 in Britain. It begins at five in Great Britain and four in Northern Ireland. All children have to attend primary school and they finish their primary education at the age of 11. In addition to the many state primary schools(公立小学 which do not ask their pupils to pay fees, there are also some fee-paying independent primary schools (收费的私立小学. The most famous fee-paying primary schools are the preparatory schools which admit children from seven-plus to 11,12 or 13 years old.初等教育在英国是义务教育,大不列颠是从5岁开始,北爱尔兰是4岁。
预备学校学生的年龄通常为7岁以上到11 12 13岁。
2.secondary education 中等教育,中学教育Secondary education in Britain is also compulsory. All the children must receive secondary education after finishing their primary education at the age of eleven. The secondary school age-range(中学生的年龄段 is from 11-18. About 90 per cent of the state secondary school population in Great Britain attend comprehensiveschools.Secondary schools include comprehensive schools (综合中学, secondary modern schools (现代中学 and grammar schools(文法学校. They are state schools(公立学校。
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新版“英语国家概况”精讲笔记【7】Chapter 18 The U.S. Economy美国经济1)Factors that contribute to the fast growth of the economy: ①the geographical location of the United States povides very good conditions for the country to grow and become strong. ②the United States has been blessed by being a land rich in mineral resources and fertile farm soil, together with a moderate climate.③America has been fortunate in having enough people to provide the labour necessary for a constantly expanding economy. ④ the quality of available labour. The United States has a skilful and willing labour force.经济快速增长的几个因素:1.美国的地理位置为国家的发展壮大提供了良好的条件;2.美国有幸是一块矿产资源丰富、土壤肥沃的陆地,气候温和;3.拥有足够的劳动力以满足不断发展的经济增长;4.这些劳动力的质量。
2)Characteristics of the U.S. economy: character ised by a high degree of monopoly.经济特征:已高度垄断为特点。
3)the importance of foreign trade:the United States supplies a larger share of the imports of all other countries than does any other country in the world. But the U.S. share of the world trade has declined in recent years.①Currently US exports are about 15% of the world’s total;②the US imports about 13% of all world imports; ③ Canada is the largest single source of goods imported by the U.S., accounting for nearly 30% of the total. Asia provides about 18% of American imports. Thus the economy of these countries is often affected when the U.S. economy is in trouble.美国进口的商品比世界任何国家都多。
4)problems facing the US economy: unemployment, inflation, financial deficit, and trade deficit.经济存在的问题:失业,通货膨胀,财政赤字和贸易赤字。
Chapter 19.Political Institution政治体制1)A workable form of government under the Constitution: a federal system ofgovernment which has two layers of rule. 两极统治的联邦政府体制2)Separation of powers with checks and balances under the Constitution: The Constitution divides the government into three branches: the legislative, the executive and the judicial. Each branch has only part of the powers but not all the powers. The three branches are in balance and they may check each other. 三权分立和制衡制度:宪法将政府划分为3个部门,立法部门、执法部门和司法部门。
3) Safeguards for individual liberty under the Constitution: the Bill of Rights. It is the term used for the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Ti guarantees freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and petition, freedom from unreasonable searches, right to jury trial, right to due process of law and other legal rights.宪法下的个人自由的保护:人权。
4)Powers of the American president: ①The president is the head of the executive branch(行政部门首脑). ②He is also head of state(元首) elected by the whol nation. ③he has some legislative powers(立法权); ④he is responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations; ⑤ he signs Bills passed by Congress into law.⑥ he appoints fedeal officials;⑦he has some judicial powers;⑧commander-in-chief(总司令)⑨he can serve for no more than 2 term 任期不超过2届。
总统权利:总统是行政部门首脑;2.国家元首;3.立法权;4.负责美国与其他国家的关系;5.6.委任政府官员;7.司法权利;8.总司令;9. 任期不超过2届。
5)Powers of the House of Representatives: the House of Representatives can ①introduce legislation, ②revenue bills and ③bring charges against officials, including the President. 众议院权利:1.立法;2.征税法案3.指控官员,包括总统。
6)Powers of the Senate: the Senate has the power to ①introduced legislation on any subject except revenue bills (除了税收法案). It has the authority to ②confirm or reject predidential appointments(总统任命) of high officials as well as the U.S. foreign treaties. ③Its chairman is the Vice President.参议院权利:1立法除税收。
7)The judicial system has evolved into the present structure: According to the Constitution, the judicial power of the U.S shall be vested in one Supreme Court. The judicial system has evolved into the present structure: the Supreme Court,11 court of appeals, 91 district courts, and 3 courts of special jurisdiction.U.S.judges are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.根据宪法规定,美国的司法权属于最高法院,司法体系结构为:最高法院,11个上诉法院,91个地方法院,3个有特殊司法权的法院,美国的法官是由总统任命并由参议院批准的。
8)The two-party system and the character istics of the two major parties①the two-party system:the two party system means that the two major political parties – now the Democrats and the Republicans – compete with each other to dominate politics at the federal, state, and local levels.两党制意味着两个主要的政党—目前为民主党和共和党—支配着联邦、州及地方的政治舞台。